A hero who has not become a hero. Tank KV at the beginning of the Great Patriotic


During the period of the so-called “perestroika” in the Soviet Union, a whole series of initiative groups and movements emerged, which began to engage in the return from oblivion of names and events that, it would seem, have been deleted forever stories. Of course, many of them could not circumvent such a topic as the Great Patriotic War.

So in the city on the Neva, then Leningrad, a campaign was launched in the local press to revive the “Defense of Leningrad” museum destroyed in 1949. As a result, a new museum called the Defense of Leningrad appeared in the city. Although the museum’s exposition occupied only one room and could not be compared with the one after the war, it seemed that things were getting off the ground. But it only seemed. The brutal political struggle for power, the collapse of the USSR, the beginning of the development of wild, merciless capitalism in Russia buried many good undertakings.

Until now, the museum "Defense of Leningrad" leads a miserable existence. The administration of the city with a different name does not painfully favor him with his attention. Many exhibits designed for him, are gone or still go to the side. Thus, the double-towered tank T-26 of model 1931 of the year raised from the bottom of the Neva, which was supposed to occupy an honorable place in the Museum of the Defense of Leningrad, suddenly appeared in Moscow, in the Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill. But this is only a small fraction of those samples of military equipment, which are forever lost not only for the “Defense of Leningrad” museum, but also for the whole of Russia.

However, even in this state, the museum in the Salt City cannot complain about the absence of visitors - the interest in the Great Patriotic War among the current residents of the city and its guests is not weakening. On the stands of even such a meager exhibition of the museum you can see many interesting exhibits and documents. On one of them there is a photograph of five tankmen, located on the armor of a heavy tank KB-1. This is a tank crew commanded by senior lieutenant Zinovy ​​Grigorievich Kolobanov. On August 19, 1941, his KB destroyed 22 enemy tanks in one battle. It would seem that here he is a hero! But Kolobanov for a number of reasons did not happen to become a Hero of the Soviet Union. They did not believe him, they considered him a dreamer. Few people knew about his feat in Leningrad itself, and even in present-day St. Petersburg, Kolobanov is not even remembered. Although even in foreign sources relating to tank battles on the Eastern Front in 1941-45. surname Kolobanova is mentioned quite often. Well, let’s try and we will tell about the famous battle that took place that day near the Troops, as well as tell readers about the fate of Zinoviy Kolobanov and the crew of his tank.

A hero who has not become a hero. Tank KV at the beginning of the Great Patriotic

The crew of the KV-1, Senior Lieutenant Z. Kolobanov (in the center) at his combat vehicle. August 1941 of the year

Tanks KV-1 1-th Panzer Division are changing positions. Leningrad Front, August 1941 of the year

The events near Leningrad in August 1941 developed according to a very dramatic scenario. On the night of 7 on 8 August, the German Army Group North began an offensive on Leningrad. The 41 th motorized corps from the 4 th tank group and the 38 th army corps attacked the Ivanovo and Bolshoi Sabsk settlements in the direction of Kingisepp and Volosovo. Three days later, the enemy approached the Kingisepp-Leningrad highway. On August 13, German troops captured the Moloskovitsa station and cut the railway and the Kingisepp-Leningrad highway. They also managed to force the Luga River on the right flank of the front, and the city was between two fires. On August 14, all divisions of the 41 th motorized and 38 th army corps, having reached the operating room, rushed to Leningrad. 16 August were occupied by Narva and Kingisepp.

10 August 56 th motorized corps attacked the Soviet troops in the area of ​​Luga. On the same day, heavy battles began in the Novgorod-Chudov direction. The next day, the Germans broke through to the Oredezh River. There is a threat over the left flank of the troops defending the Luga sector. August 13 The 34 and part of the forces of the 11 Army of the North-Western Front in the region of Staraya Russa and Lake Ilmen attacked the rear of parts of the 10 Army Corps. The German command hastily began to transfer the 56 th motorized corps, the SS Division “Dead head” and the 39 th motorized corps just transferred to Army Group North from Smolensk to this direction.

On August 16, parts of the 1 Army Corps took possession of the western part of Novgorod. There was a real threat of a breakthrough of the German troops to Leningrad.
On August 18, the commander of the 3 Tank Company of the 1 Tank Battalion of the 1 Red Banner Tank Division, Senior Lieutenant Zinoviy Kolobanov, was summoned to the division commander, General V.I. Baranov. The division headquarters was located in the basement of the cathedral, which is a landmark of Gatchina, which was then called Krasnogvardeisky. The task Kolobanov received personally from Baranov. Showing on the map three roads leading to Krasnogvardeisk from the direction of Luga, Volosovo and Kingisepp (through Tallinn highway - author's note), the division commander ordered:

- Shut them down and stand to the death!

The situation around Leningrad was such that the order of the division commander was literally taken by the tank company commander.

In the company Kolobanova was five tanks KV-1. Two tankloads of armor-piercing shells were loaded into each tank. High-explosive shells this time the crews took the minimum amount. The main thing was not to miss the German tanks.

On the same day, Kolobanov pushed his company towards the advancing enemy. The senior lieutenant directed two tanks — Lieutenant Sergeyev and Junior Lieutenant Evdokimenko — on the Luga road (the Kiev highway — author's note). Two more KBs under the command of Lieutenant Lastochkin and Junior Lieutenant Degtyar went to defend the road leading to Volosovo. The tank of the company commander himself was to be ambushed along the road connecting the Tallinn highway with the road to Marienburg - the northern outskirts of Krasnogvardeisk.

Kolobanov conducted a reconnaissance with the commanders of all the crews, indicated the positions of the firing positions and ordered to open two shelters for each vehicle - main and reserve, and then carefully disguise them. Communication with the company commander was to be maintained by the crews by radio.

Scheme of the German offensive on Krasnogvardeysk 17-19 August 1941 year

For his KB, Kolobanov defined the position in such a way that the longest, well-open section of the road was in the sector of fire. A little before reaching Uchkhoz's chicken farm, she turned almost 90 degrees and then went to Marienburg. It was crossed by another dirt road, on which, apparently, the locals after haymaking hay from the fields. Not cleaned stacks were visible all around, they were nearby and from the position chosen by Kolobanov. Extensive swamps stretched along both sides of the road leading to Marienburg. There was even a small lake with ducks swimming lightly on it.

Digging up a caponier for a tank like KB is very difficult. In addition, the ground got strong. Only in the evening we managed to hide the tank in the caponier, which was open to the very tower. A spare position was also equipped. After that, they carefully masked not only the tank itself, but even traces of its tracks.

The gunner-radio operator, senior sergeant Pavel Kiselkov, offered to go to an abandoned poultry farm and get a goose, since the people who worked on it, fearing the invasion of the invaders, left it, and the crew, exhausted by hard work, needed to reinforce their strength. Komroty agreed, ordering the radio operator to shoot the bird so that no one heard: in any case it was impossible to unmask its position. Kiselkov fulfilled the order exactly, goose plucked and cooked in a tank bucket. After dinner, Kolobanov ordered everyone to rest.

Closer to the night came the military guard. A young lieutenant reported to Kolobanov. He ordered the infantrymen to be placed behind the tank, to the side, so that if something happened they would not fall under gun fire. The positions of the military guard also had to be well disguised ...

Scheme of the KV battle of senior lieutenant Z.Kolobanov with the German tank column 19 of August 1941

Zinoviy Grigorievich Kolobanov was born in 1913, in the village of Arefene, Vachevsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province. After completing eight classes of secondary school, he studied at a technical school. In 1932, he was drafted into the Red Army in Komsomol recruitment. In 1936, he graduated with honors from the Oryol Armored School named after M.V. Frunze.

The war for 28-year-old senior lieutenant Kolobanova was not unusual. As part of the 20 heavy tank brigade as a company commander, he had the opportunity to participate in the 1939-1940 Soviet-Finnish war. The brigade in which he served first went to the Mannerheim Line, and his company was on the point of impact. It was then that Kolobanov first burned in the tank. In a battle at Lake Vuoksa, he again broke free with his company, and again had to flee the burning vehicle. The third time he was burning during a raid on Vyborg. On the night of 12 on 13 in March of 1940, a peace treaty was signed between the USSR and Finland. Upon learning of this, the soldiers of the two previously opposing armies rushed to meet each other for fraternization.

Unfortunately, this very “fraternization” cost the captain Kolobanov very dearly: he was lowered in rank and, having been deprived of all awards, was discharged into the reserve *. Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Kolobanov was called up from the reserve to the 1-th tank division, created on the basis of the 20-th heavy tank brigade in which he fought during the war with the Finns. Since he already had combat experience, Kolobanov was given the rank of lieutenant and was appointed commander of a company of heavy tanks KV. True, they had to forget about previous awards, they had to start all over again, from scratch.

* - Kolobanov was not only deprived of his rank, awards and dismissed from the army, but also allegedly convicted. It is quite possible that this was the case, however, in what this conviction was expressed to the author is unknown.

Fighting vehicles tankers received at the Kirov plant. Here, at the factory, in a separate training tank battalion, tank crews were also formed. Each of them took part together with the workers in the assembly of his car. The run-in distance was from the Kirov factory to the Middle Slingshot, after which the cars went to the front.

* - These were shielded KV-1 tanks with installation of additional sheets of armor on the sides of the hull and turret. Moreover, the latter were not installed close to the main armor of the tower, but were bolted to metal bars, and those, in turn, were already welded directly to the armor of the tank. It has now become known that heavy tanks KV-1 with similar booking were produced only in July, 1941, and fought only on the North-West and Leningrad fronts. It is not hard to guess that the tank crews of the 1-th tank division got this particular modification of the KB.

In recent publications relating to the history of the creation of heavy tanks KB, it is stated that the Kirov and Izhora plants did not deal with their screening. There is no direct evidence that the Leningrad Metal Works was involved in this. However, according to some indirect documents, at this enterprise not only the assembly of buildings and towers, but also the screening of KV tanks could be carried out. It is quite possible that some of the towers and buildings that were shielded in this way came to the Kirov Plant from the Metal Works, since with the beginning of World War II it was also hooked up to an increase in the production of heavy KV tanks.

In the battle under Ivanovsky, Kolobanov managed to distinguish himself - his crew destroyed the enemy’s tank and weapons. That is why, knowing about the solid combat experience of Senior Lieutenant Kolobanov, General V.I. Baranov entrusted him with such a responsible task - with his company to block the path of German tanks to Krasnogvardeysk.

The 41-th motorized corps of Army Group North, which was advancing on Leningrad, bypassed Krasnogvardeisk. Only one of his divisions - the 8-I tank, was supposed to support the advance of the 50-second army corps and the SS-5 SS division from the Volosovo and Luga side to the Red Guard. The 6-I tank division in the previous battles suffered heavy losses and by the middle of August 1941 existed in fact only on paper, so it could not take part in the battles for Krasnogvardeysk. The 1 Panzer Division was advancing on Leningrad from the side of Torosovo, on Syaskelevo, and then on the northern edge of Krasnogvardeisk - Marienburg. In the event of a breakthrough to Marienburg, parts of this division could hit the rear of the Soviet troops, who defended the borders of the Krasnogvardeisky fortified area, and then, going through the old Gatchina parks to the Kiev highway, almost unhindered advance to Leningrad.

Early in the morning of August 19 1941, the crew of Kolobanov was awakened by a disgusting, intermittent roar of German diving bombers marching at high altitude towards Leningrad. After they had passed, silence and tranquility re-established under the Troops. The day began clear. The sun was rising higher.

At about ten, shots rang out to the left, from the side of the road going to Volosovo *. The senior lieutenant recognized the near "voice" of the KV tank weapon. A message arrived on the radio that one of the crews had fought with German tanks. And they were still all calm. Kolobanov summoned the commander of the military guard and ordered him that his infantrymen opened fire on the enemy only when the KV gun was spoken. Kolobanov and Usov set two guidelines for themselves: No. 1 - two birch trees at the end of the intersection and No. 2 - the intersection itself. Landmarks were chosen so as to destroy the enemy's head tanks right at the intersection, do not let the rest of the vehicles turn off the road leading to Marienburg.

* - Earlier it was erroneously stated that the battle began on the Luga road.

Tanks KV-1 on the firing line. Leningrad Front, August 1941 of the year

Only in the second hour of the day did enemy vehicles appear on the road.

- Get ready for battle! - quietly commanded Kolobanov.

Slamming the hatches, the tankers instantly froze in their places. Immediately the gun commander, senior sergeant Andrei Usov, reported that he saw three motorcycles with wheelchairs in the sight. The order of the commander immediately followed:

- Do not open fire! Skip scouting!

German motorcyclists turned left and rushed towards Marienburg, not noticing the disguised HF in ambush. Fulfilling the order Kolobanova, did not begin to open fire on reconnaissance and the infantrymen from the military guard.

Now all the attention of the crew was riveted on the tanks going on the road. Kolobanov ordered the radio operator to report to the battalion commander, Captain IB Shpiller about the approach of the German tank column, and again turned his attention towards the road, which the tanks painted in dark gray crawled onto one by one. They walked at reduced distances, substituting their left sides almost strictly at right angles to the KB gun, thus representing ideal targets. The hatches were open, part of the Germans sat on the armor. The crew even distinguished their faces, since the distance between the KB and the enemy column was small - only about one hundred and fifty meters.

At this time, the commander Shpiller came in contact with the company commander on the radio. He sternly asked:

- Kolobanov, why are the Germans missing ?!

Spiller already knew about the morning battle on the Lugovsky and Volosovsky directions and about advancing German tanks towards Kolobanov's position, and he could not but be disturbed by the fairly prolonged silence of the KB commander of a tank company.

There was no time for the battalion commander to answer: the lead tank slowly entered the intersection and came close to two birch trees - reference point No. 1, planned by the tank crews before the battle. Kolobanov was immediately informed about the number of tanks in the convoy. They were 22. And when the seconds of the movement remained until the benchmark, the commander realized that he could no longer delay, and ordered Usov to open fire ...

Senior Sergeant Usov by the beginning of World War II was already an experienced soldier. Called to the Red Army in 1938, he participated in the “liberation” campaign in Western Belarus as assistant platoon commander of one of the artillery regiments, during the Soviet-Finnish war he fought on the Karelian Isthmus. After graduating from a special school of commanders of heavy tank guns, he became a tanker * ...

* - In separate editions devoted to the Great Patriotic War and the defense of Leningrad, at the mention of this fight, sometimes only the name of the tank commander, Senior Sergeant Usov, is mentioned, and the commander of the tank Kolobanov is not mentioned at all.

The lead tank caught fire from the first shot. It was destroyed, not even having time to completely pass the intersection. The second shot, right at the intersection, was defeated by the second tank. Cork formed. The column shrank like a spring, and now the intervals between the remaining tanks have become minimal. Kolobanov ordered to transfer the fire to the tail of the column in order to finally lock it on the road.

But this time, Usov failed to hit the closing tank from the first shot - the projectile did not reach the target. The senior sergeant corrected the scope and fired four more shots, destroying the last two in the tank column. The enemy was trapped.

At first, the Germans could not determine where the shooting was going on and opened fire with their guns at haybuns, which immediately caught fire. But soon they came to their senses and were able to detect an ambush. A single-tank tank duel against eighteen German tanks began. A whole hail of armor-piercing shells hit Kolobanov’s car. One by one they plowed through the 25-mm armor of additional screens mounted on the HF turret. There is no trace left of disguise. Tankers were suffocating from the powder gases and stalled from the numerous blows of blanks on the tank's armor. Charging, he is also a junior driver mechanic, Red Army soldier Nikolai Rodenkov worked at a furious pace, driving a shell after a shell into the breech of a cannon. Usov, not looking up from the sight, continued to fire at the enemy convoy.
Meanwhile, the commanders of other vehicles holding the defense on three more roads, reported on the radio on the situation in their defense sectors. From these reports Kolobanov understood that fierce battles were taking place in other directions.

The Germans, realizing that they had fallen into a trap, tried to maneuver, but the KB shells hit the tanks one by one. But the numerous direct hits of enemy shells did not cause much harm to the Soviet machine. The apparent superiority of KB over German tanks in terms of fire strength and thickness of armor had an effect.

* - Reservations for frontal and side plates of the hull and turret of a Soviet heavy tank KV-1 reached 75 mm, and for shielded machines 100 mm. By booking the KV-1 hull of the 1941 model of the year, it was inferior only to the English Churchill I, therefore the Kolobanov tank's armor could not penetrate the short-barreled 75-mm and 50-mm guns of German tanks (not to mention the 20-mm and 37-mm guns) . It should be recalled that the 50-mm gun KwK 38 medium tank Pz. Ill punched 100 mm with an armor-piercing projectile 45 mm of armor from a distance of 72 and 75 mm with a subcaliber. German medium artillery support tank Pz. IV, armed with an 37-mm KwK 100 cannon, with 31 meters, an armor-piercing projectile punched through even thinner armor — only 76 mm. X-NUMX-mm F-32 cannon of the KV-1 tank, punched 500 mm from the 60 meters distance, mm X-NUMX meters - 1000-mm armor, confidently hitting tanks pz.ivh Pz.lll not to mention light Pz. II and 52 (t). In this case, the battle was fought at a distance of about 38 meters ...

The infantry units following the column came to the aid of the German tank crews. Under the cover of fire from tank guns, for more effective shooting at KB, the Germans rolled anti-tank guns onto the road.

Kolobanov noticed the preparations of the enemy and ordered Usov to hit high-explosive fragmentation projectile on anti-tank guns. With the German infantry, the combat guard stationed behind the KB was engaged.

Usov managed to destroy one VET together with the calculation, but the second managed to make several shots. One of them broke the panoramic periscope, from which Kolobanov watched the battlefield, and the other, striking the tower, jammed it. Usov was able to break this gun, but KB lost the ability to maneuver the fire. Large dovoroty guns to the right and left could now be done only by turning the entire hull of the tank. Essentially, KB has become a self-propelled artillery installation.

Nikolai Kiselkov climbed onto the armor and installed a spare periscope instead of the damaged one.

* - Probably, the German disc, knocking down an armored cap, broke the upper part of the periscope. Usually, observation devices are changed by the crew from inside the tank, but the situation did not allow Kolobanov to replace it with his own forces alone. Therefore, the less-busy radioman gunner responded in time and replaced the damaged element of the periscope. In addition, the hatch of the driver, who was on the roof of the KB case, helped him to do this risky operation quickly enough.

Kolobanov ordered the foreman mechanic, Senior Nikolai Nikiforov, to withdraw the tank from the caponier and take a spare firing position. In the eyes of the Germans, the tank backed out of his hiding place, drove off to the side, stood in the bushes and re-opened fire on the column. Now I had to work hard to the driver. Fulfilling Usov's orders, he turned the KB in the right direction.

Finally, the last 22 tank was destroyed.

During the battle, and it lasted more than an hour, senior sergeant A. Usov fired 98 shells on the tanks and anti-tank weapons of the enemy, all of which were armored through. (Note - The KV-1 tank ammunition of the first half of the 1941 model was 114 shells.) Further observation showed that several German tanks were able to break through to the “Voyskovitsy” state farm from the south.

In contact with the crew out combat. In a loud voice, Shpiller asked:

- Kolobanov, how are you? Are they burning?

- Well burn, Comrade Kombat!

The senior lieutenant reported that the crew crushed an enemy tank column of 22 combat vehicles. His crew is not in a position to keep his position further, as ammunition runs out, there are no armor-piercing shells at all, and the tank itself was seriously damaged.

The crew of the screened KV-1 gets a combat mission. Leningrad Front, August-September 1941 of the year

Spiller thanked the crew for successfully completing the combat mission and said that tanks of Lieutenant Lastochkin and Junior Lieutenant Degtyarya were already on the way to the “Voyskovitsy” state farm. Kolobanov ordered Nikiforov to join them. Having planted the infantrymen who remained from the military escort (many of them were wounded), the KB with a landing force on the armor rushed for a breakthrough. The Germans did not get involved in a battle with the Russian tank, and the KB freely reached the outskirts of the state farm. Here Kolobanov met with the commanders of the approached tanks.

From them, he learned that in the battle on the Luga road, the crew of Lieutenant Fyodor Sergeyev destroyed eight German tanks, the crew of Junior Lieutenant Maxim Evdokimenko - five. The junior lieutenant was killed in this battle, three members of his crew were injured. Survived only mechanic driver Sidikov. The fifth German tank, destroyed by the crew in this battle, was precisely the driver’s account: Sidikov rammed him. The KB itself was thus disabled. The tanks of Junior Lieutenant Degtyar and Lieutenant Lastochkina that day burned four enemy tanks each.

Total 19 August 1941 year tank company was destroyed 43 enemy tank.

For this battle, the commander of the 3 tank company, Senior Lieutenant Z.G. Kolobanov was awarded the Order of the Fighting Red Banner, and the commander of his tank gun was Sergeant AM Usov - the Order of Lenin ...

Half an hour later, the State Farm "Troops" was cleared from the enemy. Having again reported Shpiller the situation, Kolobanov received an order to move the whole company to the rear to replenish ammunition and repair. When, after the battle, the crew began to inspect their car, X-NUMX counted 156 marks from armor-piercing shells on the armor.

* - In various sources, the number of dents on the armor of a Kolobanov tank is different: either 135, or 147, or 156

As soon as the position under the Troops stabilized, Spiller brought the crew of Kolobanov with the German tanks of the front-line cameraman to the battlefield, who, raising his camera, captured the panorama of the burning column.

Thus, the skillful actions of tankers of the 1 th Red Banner Tank Division at the boundaries of the Red Guard fortified area subsequently helped stabilize the front at Pulkovo Heights and keep the enemy out of Leningrad.

Repair of the tank dragged on for almost a month. On the night of September 21 in the cemetery of the town of Pushkin, where the tanks were fueled with fuel and ammunition, a German shell exploded next to KB Kolobanov. At this time, the comrades had just got out of the tank, and they threw it to the ground with monstrous force. Senior Lieutenant was sent to the hospital in an unconscious state. In the case history of Zinovy ​​Kolobanov, stored in the Military Medical Archives, it appears: “Fragmentation of the head and spine. Contusion of the brain and spinal cord.

In 1942, in serious condition, he was transported across Lake Ladoga to the mainland. Then there were months of immobilized lying in hospitals, prolonged unconsciousness, and only then an extremely slow return to life.

By the way, in the hospital, when the wounded showed one of the editions of the “Front newsreel,” Kolobanov saw his work - the enemy's broken tank column.

Despite the serious injury and contusion, Kolobanov again asked to be commissioned. The stick, on which he leaned while walking, had to be thrown out. And at the end of 1944, Kolobanov is again at the front, commanding the SU-76 division. For battles on the Magnushevsky bridgehead, he received the Order of the Red Star, and for the Berlin operation - the second order of the Battle Red Banner.

After the war, serving in one of the armies in Germany, he took a battalion of heavy tanks EC-2. In a very short time, his battalion becomes the best in the army. The commander awarded Zinoviy Kolobanov with a personalized hunting rifle.

He managed to find his wife and young son. Kolobanov knew nothing about the whole war, he broke up with his pregnant wife on the first day of the war. But Zinovy ​​Grigorievich and Alexandra Grigorievna found each other: one of the radio programs helped to find relatives and friends who were lost during the war.

But it seemed to fate that she had not fully experienced this man. A soldier deserted from the battalion, he subsequently showed up in the British occupation zone. Above the battalion threatened military tribunal. Commander Kolobanova Spas: announcing incomplete official compliance, he transferred him to the Belarusian Military District. Everything that happened did not pass for the officer without a trace: the consequences of a concussion are exacerbated. By disability, he is dismissed.

On this troubles tanker is not over. For a long time Kolobanov was reluctant to believe when he talked about the famous battle and the number of tanks destroyed by his crew. There were cases when from the audience, hearing about the number of shot down tanks, came an ironic laugh: “They say, lie veteran, but know the measure!”

Once Kolobanov asked for the floor at the military-historical conference held in the House of Officers in Minsk. He spoke about the role of tank divisions in a defensive battle, referred to his own example and spoke about the battle under the Army-troops. One of the speakers, slyly grinning, said that this was not and could not be! Then, barely restraining his excitement, Zinovy ​​Grigorievich handed over to the presidium a yellowed front-page newspaper. The general in charge of the conference quickly looked through the text, called the speaker to him and ordered:

- Read aloud so that the whole hall can hear!

In the 1995 year, Zinovy ​​G. Kolobanov, never becoming a Hero of the Soviet Union, died.

Happier was the fate of the gun commander Andrei Mikhailovich Usov. He went through the entire Great Patriotic War, from Leningrad to Berlin, ending it in the rank of lieutenant. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, World War II degree, the Red Star and medals. After the war, he returned to his hometown Tolochin, which is located in the Vitebsk region of Belarus, where he worked until he retired. However, Alexander Mikhailovich will not be able to tell about that amazing fight again - he, like Zinoviy Grigorievich Kolobanov, is no longer alive.

Soon after the commander was wounded, a gunner-radio operator, senior sergeant Pavel Ivanovich Kiselkov, was killed in a battle on the Nevsky “patch”. The junior mechanic-driver of the Red Army Nikolai Feoktisovich Rodenkov did not return from the war either.

The former senior tank driver Nikolai Ivanovich Nikiforov, like Usov, went through the whole war to the end, and then stayed to serve in the tank forces of the Soviet Army. After the transfer to the reserve he lived in the city of Lomonosov. In 1974, he passed away from severe lung disease.
The frames of the “Frontline Newsreel” were also lost, where the German tanks destroyed by Kolobanov were captured.

The battlefield of 61 a year later: it looked like that in July of 2002

Tank-monument JS-2 on the battlefield of the crew of Z.Kolobanov

On the site of the battle of Kolobanov’s crew with a German tank column, a monument was erected. On the gray, similar to a huge brick pedestal, there is a heavy tank EC-2, the last post-war modernization. Apparently, the authors of the monument did not manage to find the KV-1 *. However, even then, and even more so now, it was almost impossible to find tanks of this type. Therefore, put on the pedestal "IS". After all, he is also Kirovsky (albeit from Chelyabinsk), and the appearance, at least by the chassis, is similar to HF. Memorial plaques attached to the pedestal remind of what happened here in August 1941 of the year.

* - In St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, KB tanks can be seen in two places: the KV-1, but already the release of the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant can be seen in the suburb of St. Petersburg - the village of Ropsha. The tank has a battle view, numerous markings of German pigs remain on its armor. Another KB tank, but only of a later modification, the KV-85, is located in St. Petersburg on Stachek Avenue, in Avtovo.

“Heroic panel”, depicting the battle of KV Z.Kolobanov

View of the road to Marienburg. On the left you can see the farm Uchkhoz

View of the road and the intersection where Kolobanov destroyed German tanks. The picture was taken from the intended location of the position of the tank KV

View of the stretch of road on which the German tanks attacked

Memorial plaques on a monument pedestal

Despite the fact that the front part of the "brick" is raised, the view of the tank is not the most formidable. It's all about his 122-mm gun, which is at the minimum angle of inclination.

Next to the memorial tank there is a coarsely painted “heroic panel”, which depicts a tank, vaguely reminiscent of a KB, with the 864 No. and a red star on the tower, striking enemy tanks from its gun. Who served in the army should remember this kind of drawings, painted with oil paint on rusty sheets of iron, flaunted on the territory of literally every military unit. A star of the Hero of the Soviet Union is drawn next to the picture of the battle, although none of Kolobanov’s crew received this high award.

Part of the road, on which the German tanks were advancing, did not wait for asphalt: it was filled with rubble. Asphalt is laid only on its small segment - on the way from the monument to the crossroads. That second, inconspicuous, road that crossed the main road became a solid asphalt road. Despite the fact that part of the swamps surrounding the road is drained, there are still enough ditches and reservoirs covered with mud and reeds.

The farm of Uchkhoz has also been preserved, but the two birch trees that served as a guide for tankers have not survived. Apparently, the construction of a new road and a power line did not spare them.

At the moment, the monument tank has a very shabby look. The tank itself needs new painting, the additional fuel tanks have rusted so much that big holes are visible in them. The grids of the engine compartment are torn out almost with “meat”. At the pedestal - a miserable likeness of a wreath. Behind the monument one can see the squalid block houses of the village of New Uchkhoz.

Local residents, who cherish the memory of the Great Patriotic War, complain that there is always a lot of garbage around the monument, as someone literally broke and crushed all the flowers laid the day before at the foot of the podium on the day after 9 in May. This brings to mind another tank monument, the thirty-four, exploded on the Nevsky Piglet by some scumbags on the night of 21 on 22 of June 2002 of the year. This is how some of the current "grateful" descendants honor the memory of the defenders of Leningrad.
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  1. +1
    30 December 2012 08: 36
    Steel Wall EPT!
    1. Sirozha
      3 January 2013 11: 23
      With your supposedly humorous commentary, you, of course, reveal yourself as a lover of the game "World of Tanks" and one could assume that this is a really good commentary emphasizing the feat of tankers, but this is your "EPT" reveals in you a narrow-minded schoolboy -gamer (I understand that you may have gone far from this age), but they do not say that about great and truly heroic deeds. Better to remain silent than to blurt out like cowards on the fence!
      Good Luck!
  2. bask
    30 December 2012 09: 12
    NOT WHO IS NOT FORGOTTEN, NOT THAT IS NOT FORGOTTEN. GLORY TO HEROES OF THE VOV. And now about technology. How many comparisons were there, what’s the best tank of World War II? Not only one English and American tank., Didn’t have such results. It’s even awesome. !! It’s a pity that Soviet tank building didn’t follow the path of HV and IS heavy tanks. It is necessary to return to the subject of heavy assault MBTs. Maximum adapted to battle in urban conditions. With large ammunition. Maximum anti-cumulative and anti-mine protection.
    1. +1
      4 January 2013 18: 00
      Yes, the tank was good. As far as I understand, after the war he was armed with the Taman Division.
  3. +23
    30 December 2012 09: 38
    Despite some design flaws, the KV tank was one of the best tanks of the initial period of the war ...
  4. +20
    30 December 2012 11: 04
    Yes, it was a super tank at the time. And despite some flaws and improper tactical use of it at the beginning of the war by the red army, he did the most important thing - he settled fear in the heads of German soldiers.
  5. +27
    30 December 2012 12: 02
    The Germans at the beginning of the war called the KV-1 Spirits-Panzer by the name of its Chief Designer. The translation is a ghost tank because receiving shells, he remained unaffected. Eternal Glory and Memory to Soviet Tankers. Shame on those who do not remember their ancestors and do not respect the Memory of them and their Feat.
  6. Set
    30 December 2012 12: 13
    Only a nemchura could shoot down planes in hundreds and burn tanks in dozens. Eternal Glory to the Heroes!
    1. +11
      30 December 2012 17: 47
      Here you are wrong, the whole thing is in the calculation, the German pilots considered the plane shot down even with little smoke / damage / went off peak / and so on, while the plane could fly to the airfield to sit down and be repaired, for ours as for the British the plane was considered to be shot down only upon the fall, if the pilot did not see the fall, he could not attribute himself to the downed plane.
  7. +18
    30 December 2012 12: 49
    Was recently in the native village of Z. Kolobanova. Alas, there is not even a bust of the hero.
    1. +21
      30 December 2012 19: 01
      Maybe we’ll throw off bucks for 100 - I think 30 people can be found on this forum, but put it?
      1. +10
        31 December 2012 13: 56
        Let's throw off. You need to find an organizer and a person who can complete the product. It would be nice to make such a gift to the great man by the Day of Armored Forces.
  8. DmitriRazumov
    30 December 2012 12: 51
    Eternal Glory to Soviet tankmen. Great article in which. on the example of a real battle, an exemplary defensive battle connecting the enemy’s forces is well shown. It should be noted that at the beginning of the Second World War, the Red Army had several hundred air forces and about 800 T-34s. Not a single German tank of that time (the main one - PzKfW 3) could compete with these vehicles either in armor, or in cannon weapons, or in maneuverability, or in maintainability. According to Heinz Guderian, he was forced to use several well-trained tank crews to deal with similar equipment. Here the Germans, of course, could only hope for the professionalism of personnel. PanzerWaffe has been preparing for more than one year at training grounds and military internships. The division commander entrusted the command to an experienced officer with considerable experience in military operations and this immediately gave a tremendous effect.
    1. +4
      2 January 2013 15: 28
      The Germans, even in the most difficult time for themselves, spent several months preparing the tank CREW (as for submarines) + the experience of wars on the fields of Europe. They categorically refused to engage in combat with our tanks and hid behind the anti-tank guns of their gunners. This explains our big losses in the early days of the war.
  9. +29
    30 December 2012 14: 33
    It is necessary to make a good feature film about this heroic fight, and not mystical garbage like "White Tiger".
    A low bow and eternal memory to the people who have defended our Motherland with their breasts!
    1. xan
      30 December 2012 16: 18
      such a film can be made, but you can’t go to Europe with it, their templates will not stand it, and our filmmakers are just all such Europeans
      I read somewhere that in the infantry cover of Kolobanov there were convicts armed with captured weapons and their escorts.
      KV tank at the beginning of the war is a mobile pillbox, like the Tiger at the end of the war.
      proper use - minimum movement, maximum battle. He buried such tanks at intersections, disguised everything, the Germans had a lot of problems. The main thing is not to abandon serviceable equipment in any conditions, but use it for its intended purpose. In some circumstances, this is a feat.
      1. +8
        31 December 2012 00: 40
        Correctly! Everyone looks back at Europe, it is Europe that needs to glance at Russia and startle, suddenly Russia will not like something and the Russian tanks will come again.
      2. +2
        1 January 2013 16: 38
        Not convicts, border guards.
    2. +1
      2 January 2013 10: 08
      Do you think our filmmakers will subscribe to shoot real films about real heroes? Society is painful, historians debunk heroic deeds, all scum steals military awards from veterans, young people watch "Dom -" and Hollywood films. For the majority of the population of the Russian Federation, in my opinion, such films are simply NOT UNDERSTANDABLE! Sometimes I am ashamed of my compatriots, busy chasing quick money and not seeing anything else around - veterans dying in poverty, condescending to the next construction of monuments ... But I know one thing for sure - while at least one real RUSSIAN is alive, the memory of the great War and its Heroes will live! ETERNAL MEMORY AND ETERNAL GLORY !!!
      PS By the way, the book based on which the film "White Tiger" (I. Boyashov "Tankman") was shot is much more interesting, although ambiguous.
    3. +3
      2 January 2013 15: 10
      Indeed, there are a lot of stories for PRESENT films. And another tank feat at the beginning of the Second World War (June 23 near the Lithuanian city of Raseiniai). The crew of the KV-1 tank (4 people) destroyed themselves at the cost of their lives for 12 trucks, 4 anti-tank guns, 1 anti-aircraft gun several tanks, and almost a company of Germans killed and died of wounds. And yet, the most amazing thing in this battle is the behavior of four tankers, whose names we do not know and will never know. They were buried by the Germans with all military honors. The crew created more problems for the Germans than the entire 2nd Panzer Division, to which the KV belonged. If the division delayed the German offensive for one day, then the only tank for two! Delaying the advance of an entire tank division in the early days of the war for 2 days is already a feat. And ...
      This story has been repeatedly published here and abroad. The Belofinians tried to tow the SMK breakthrough tank, but our artillery put a dense artillery barrier around the damaged machine and prevented the enemy from working. However, the Finnish scouts nevertheless made their way to the tank and managed to remove the hatch cover from it. And the essence of the matter was that the factory, which supplied the armor for assembly, did not send in time the cover of one of the hatches of the car. There was no time to wait, and initiative craftsmen at the Kirov Plant themselves made the missing cover, using mild steel, which was at hand, for this. Putting an improvised cover on the hatch of the tank, they hoped to replace it as soon as they received a real, armored one. The funniest thing in this matter was that the temporary cover removed by the white finns from the SMK tank was investigated by German tank designers, and without thinking twice, they decided that the hull of the Soviet tank was entirely made of raw armor ... a joke or not, but Nazi anti-tank artillery was not developed after the occupation of France until the war with the USSR.
      1. +2
        9 November 2013 20: 44
        Respected knn54, this story is nothing more than a legend. According to the materials of the plant’s specialists, who examined the tank after its delivery, all the details were in place. There was no information about the missing cover.
  10. +8
    30 December 2012 15: 09
    Good article. Thank.
    This is not the first time I read about this feat of tankers here. And every time - like the first. Heroic people of a great time.
    156 hits in the tank! And the tank is not only alive, but also destroys the enemy.
    That would be today our technology was able to also surpass the enemy.
  11. +8
    30 December 2012 16: 32
    Panzerfiles love to look for inconsistencies, and put forward rebuttals based on the guidelines regulating distances in tank columns. And they require a photo of the desired division and its tank column (this is recalling past battles in the comments)

    Here you are, by the way, you can use it as an illustration in the article.
    1. +1
      4 January 2013 18: 13
      Yes, this illustration is very good!
  12. 755962
    30 December 2012 16: 35
    forgive me for my childhood and naivety, but even in worldoftanks.ru there is this remarkable achievement. Medal Kolobanova
    Assigned to a player who single-handedly defeated 5 or more enemy tanks and tank destroyers.
    1. +5
      31 December 2012 16: 45
      Most importantly, I got it on HF.
      1. coast
        1 January 2013 18: 24
        same story, but thanks for the article
    2. +2
      9 November 2013 20: 52
      Kolobanov Medal
      But this is super! In my dasha’s school, sixth graders play this game, so let them know whose deeds you must imitate!
  13. +8
    30 December 2012 17: 53
    ETERNAL MEMORY TO YOU Guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Roman62
    30 December 2012 18: 33
    There were HEROES in due time! Eternal memory to them and the earth rest in peace !!!!
  15. +7
    30 December 2012 21: 01
    We can never repay these debts.
    1. 755962
      31 December 2012 01: 50
      Only memory ..... soldier
  16. +1
    30 December 2012 21: 22
    It should be borne in mind that the KV tank had such a serious minus as a very low rate of fire, in my opinion, 1-2 rounds per minute, and this was disastrous for tank duels.
    In this sense, Kolobanov was lucky to meet with light and medium tanks of the beginning of the war, and not those that appeared by 1943.
    However, I am pleased to recognize that Z.G. Kolobanov is buried in my Minsk.
    1. +13
      30 December 2012 21: 50
      The KV-2 had such a rate of fire (which is not surprising — you can’t quickly reload the howitzer -152mm howitzer), but the usual KV-1 had a rate of fire of about 10-15 rounds per minute .... there was a worse problem, for example, not very good observation devices both in design and and the quality of manufacturing (almost all Soviet tanks produced in the first half of the war suffered from this defect later became more advanced) and the transmission that worked in overstressed mode and often failed (although here these problems are even more exacerbated due to quality - but the factories could not do anything and worked to the limit, and considering that mainly old children and women worked for them, thank God that these factories actually produced tanks!) Then the problems with the transmission were eliminated but it was already on kv-1s and this is another story .....
  17. +2
    30 December 2012 22: 52
    once again proof that tanks without infantry are nothing, there would be no infantry would let down sappers and would not suffer
  18. +10
    30 December 2012 23: 38
    I heard about this battle from my father, he saw it with my own eyes and admired and distressed at the same time, saying that there were very few such cars in the 41st. I’m sure that my father was talking about this particular battle, because I remember how my father said that when the tank was damaged he left the shelter and stood open and shot at the Germans and burned them like matchboxes, these are his words. And he also told how before this battle, somewhere in July of the 41st, he saw how the Germans, who were ripe from impunity, drove on wedges on the rye field in the same place on the western front, our fighters, who had no bullets and no grenades and one of the soldier turned and ran onto the wedge heel, the Fritzes stopped and he began to beat the wedge with his three-ruler butt, they began to laugh at him and when he, having joined his bayonet, tried to get on the wedge, the Germans killed him.
    1. DmitriRazumov
      31 December 2012 13: 40
      "I heard about this fight from my father, he saw it with his own eyes and admired and was upset at the same time, saying that there were very few such machines in the 41st." You can be envied, because You have really touched the "History". If your Father is alive he will be healthy, if not - eternal memory. in fact, there were enough such machines in the Red Army. Only most of them were thrown without fuel and shells by the retreating troops. The blame for this lies entirely with the High Command. could not organize a retreat, but demanded frontal counterattacks from the defending and bleeding troops. In addition, the army was transferred to the highest degree of combat readiness only for several. hours before the start of the war, so the fuel, ammunition remained in the warehouses, and the redeployment of troops to repel the aggression was not carried out. However, our fathers and grandfathers fought with exceptional courage and bravery, displaying true heroism and tenacity. and allowed to break the back of the offensive impulse of the Germans.
  19. +9
    31 December 2012 00: 48
    A wonderful article, very useful for patriotic education of youth.
    And now the POTS-Rheots are spreading tales that our grandfathers “skied from the Western border to Moscow” without stopping.
    In fact, our grandfathers with their lives delayed the advancement of the most powerful enemy in Europe. No army in Europe has shown such resistance to the Wehrmacht! Everyone stopped resisting for days and weeks.
    And, of course, it would have been impossible to contain such an onslaught without the measures of preparation for war that were carried out in 1937-1941, including the destruction of the "fifth column".
  20. Rod island
    31 December 2012 02: 06
    informative and interesting!
    1. Alex 241
      31 December 2012 02: 13
      The commander of a tank company of an incomplete composition Kolobanov Zinovy ​​Grigoryevich on August 19, 1941 at the near approaches to Leningrad conducted a battle that had no analogues in military history, destroying 43 companies in it and his crew 22 fascist tanks!
      1. Alex 241
        31 December 2012 02: 23
        Eternal memory to the heroes of the tank!
  21. UndeaD_21
    31 December 2012 12: 33
    What doc of the film is the section on the battle of Kolobanov from?
    1. +1
      31 December 2012 13: 03
      I forgot the name, I remember Dmitry Dyuzhev just led this program ... there were several episodes in each of which spoke about some kind of troops that fought during the great Patriotic war, this series was called, in my opinion, tankers .... and there were about 10-15 seems to be
    2. +3
      31 December 2012 14: 01
      The film is called "The Great War", only 20 episodes in two seasons! Good film, with reservations about "repression of the 37th"
  22. +4
    31 December 2012 14: 05
    Great article. Excellent competent crew. The actions of the crew and combat guards are well tactically lined up. Great people. Always envied the guys from 11 TD. I recall landfills and cantonment sites. Since then, for me, Dresden is for me a Russian city.
  23. Cadet787
    31 December 2012 19: 06
    Eternal Glory to the Soviet tankmen who defended the freedom and independence of our Motherland!
  24. Sadikoff
    31 December 2012 20: 45
    I give 2000 rubles, to whom?
  25. Sadikoff
    31 December 2012 21: 28
    At prices, steles in the Lower http://www.ritualnn.org.ru/krun/price.html
    The price for a set with a flower garden is from 7680 rubles., My 2+ is still needed 6tr. Who is from the Lower?
  26. Sadikoff
    31 December 2012 22: 23
    In my opinion, this is his homeland http://www.arefino.info/. And on a bust I found http://master-kasli.ru/bust-na-zakaz initial cost of 30 000 r.
  27. vikleg
    1 January 2013 10: 19
    I myself from Odessa, we also had fierce battles, so I, too, if in proportion
  28. Sadikoff
    2 January 2013 00: 03
    Comment off topic-2. I am on business, and this is not the topic, sorry comrade warriors.
  29. blinov65
    8 January 2013 17: 19
    Who undertakes to organize a fundraiser? Are there people among us who live near the birthplace of the Hero?
  30. Sadikoff
    8 January 2013 20: 06
    I wrote to my homeland http://www.arefino.info/. I am waiting for an answer, it would be logical for them to work together with us. Answer no, no holidays
  31. +1
    19 December 2016 14: 25
    in Leningrad itself, and even in present-day St. Petersburg, Kolobanov is not even remembered.

    Thanks to the Belarusians, the list of those who know about Kolobanov’s feat has grown significantly.
  32. 0
    21 December 2016 11: 32
    Pride takes for grandfathers, well, resentment for those who are not appreciated.
    Forgot to remember the KV-1 on the Diorama in the city of Kirovsk LO, under the Ladoga bridge. In addition to the KV, there are still a lot of tank equipment, not counting the T-34-85, T-26 for example.
  33. 0
    April 6 2017 13: 36
    Glory to the Hero!
  34. 0
    28 June 2017 18: 52
    Deeply post-war photo of Kolobanov.
  35. 0
    25 September 2017 20: 23
    It’s not the descendants who spoil the monuments, but also the Russians and brothers who have nothing to do with these descendants, their ancestors served in the SS, Nakhtigal Galichina ... and in the Georgian SS battalion Tamara.
  36. 0
    25 May 2018 01: 53
    And why not make a movie about Kolobanov? And his platoon.

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