Do not chop off the roots of Russian culture

Do not chop off the roots of Russian cultureReprint of the author's article from the magazine “Young Guard”, No. b, 1991, without editorial cuts. The article with the original title “How many millennia of Russian culture?” Was written for the holiday of the Millennium of the Baptism of Russia. In abbreviated form reprinted in the collection "Mythology of the ancient Slavs" and the journal "Russian thought", №1, 1991g.

The echoes of the last chords were voiced by the ceremonial overture that crowned the Millennium Festival, the performance of which with unprecedented artistic power and brilliant skill immortalized their talent Yevgeny Svetlanov. Passed colorful jubilee celebrations, more recently unthinkable. Having begun powerfully with the theme of Russia, Christian consonances continue to roll through the pages of the press: “Christians and Communism”, “Christianity and Culture”, “Mercy and Compassion”, “Millennium of Baptism”, and in the media Orthodox figures have taken such a prominent place which are second only to imported video clips.

In addition, the flow of publications on the role of Christianization in cultural stories and state formation, fueled not only by readers' interest, captures all new publications.

One disturbing tendency seen in this stream not only does not allow to treat this process with satisfaction, but also causes the need to share with the readers concern. The fact is that, despite the diversity of shades, orchestrations, accents and intonations of sound, these articles and monographs repeat and propagate very close points of view, one spectrum of ideas - the spectrum based on the system of views of academician D. S. Likhachev. And such unity, as we have recently begun to think, can lead to unwelcome consequences.

What is wrong with unity, the usual opponents will object to me, if this point of view is correct? What is the use of discord and an abundance of opinions, if the truth is always the same and concrete? Its something you need to find, study and promote. But the fact of the matter is that the harmful point of view on the baptism of Russia, which is generally accepted through the efforts of the press, not only has significant conceptual flaws, but also contradicts many historical facts. This concept is most compact and convex expressed in D. S. Likhachev's article in the New World magazine (No. XXUMX, 6), but it can also be found in other publications that, including the Bulgarian ones, repeat, replicate the same same position and evaluation. Provisions and estimates unflattering for the most ancient Russian culture.

At all times, intensified propaganda of a unilateral view — without the opportunity to express other points of view in the process of formation — was an inevitable form of ideological violence. Despite the seeming diversity of opinions, the destructive violence of the whole look at our cultural past is clearly traced by the efforts of hired lovers of “revealing truth”. Therefore, it is important not only to give a different interpretation of the problem, but also to point out specific analytical flaws and historical inaccuracies in the system of distributed views on the situation of the Christianization of the Russian state and historical milestones of Russian culture.

Let's start with the main thing. From the unacceptability for Russian history, for the Slavic cultural antiquity of the provisions of D. S. Likhachev and the company about the 988 year as the initial date for all Russian and Slavic culture:

“Culture itself has no starting date. But if we talk about the conditional date of the beginning of Russian culture, then I, in my understanding, would consider the most reasonable 988 year. Do we need to delay anniversary dates in the depths of time? Do we need the date of the two millennia or the millennia and a half millennia? With our world achievements in the field of all types of arts, such a date is unlikely to raise Russian culture with anything. The main thing that world slavs have done for world culture has been done in the last millennium. The rest is only supposed values ​​”(D. S. Likhachev,“ NM ”, No. 6, p. 257).

In order to reinforce such a crucial character of the date of the act of Christianization, a picture of the awesome pre-Christian Slavic wretchedness is further drawn:

“Meanwhile, the desire to escape from the oppressive effects of loneliness among the sparsely populated forests, swamps and steppes, the fear of abandonment, the fear of terrible natural phenomena forced people to look for associations. Around were "Germans", i.e. people who did not speak an accessible understanding of the language, enemies who came to Russia "from the unknown", and the steppe bordering Russia was "an unknown country ..."? (p. 249).

The combination of these two complementary provisions - "world achievements in the field of all types of art" - after the 988 act of the year - and the terrifying wildness and barbarism of pre-Christian misery - is further emphasized in the following text by continuously opposing the "barbarism" of the Rus with the "chaotic heap" of "all kinds of cults and idols ”and“ highly organized religion with a high culture ”. This should convince the reader that “the anniversary date” at once “introduced Russia into the family of European nations on completely equal grounds” (p. 252), “separated Russia from Mohammedan and pagan Asia” (p. 257), “allowed Russia not to start literature and continue it ”,“ we have high painting and high applied art ”,“ statehood ”, etc.

A very familiar conglomeration of ideas. Are there not similar theses of the thugs M. V. Lomonosov, struggling with ideas about the “introduction” of statehood from the outside and the barbarity of the Slavic:

“This is so wonderful that if Mr. Miller could depict a living calm, he would have made Russia only a poor people, which even the most despicable people are not represented by any writer” (“IPP”, p. 461). And further: "That the Slovenian people were in the present Russian limits before the birth of Christ, it can be indisputably proved."

As far as this does not correspond to the views expressed above by D. S. Likhachev, one can judge by his phrase:

"... in the I century, the Eastern Slavs did not exist yet - they had not yet formed a single nation."

This is a cheating lie. Without even touching the Proto-Slavonic community of the III — II millennia BC. e., referring to the same territorial area from the Oder to the Don and the Baltic zone, without considering the formation of the Slavs in the I millennium BC. э. on the same lands, it can be said with certainty that in the 1st century there was a single Slavic people, not yet divided into Western, Eastern and Southern, but a single ethnicity of the Venetians - Slavs, so named after the cult of Venus-Lada and left throughout Europe toponymic traces from Lada to Swiss “ladins”: Vienna, Hungary, Venev, Venice, Ventspils, Vänern, Vincennes, Venlo, Veneto, Ladenburg (they need to add the same root, read differently in other stories: Geneva, Ian, Genoa), but remained in Russian, the original roots were preserved: crown, vein , Wedding, ritual of "dowry" beater, wife, woman. This ancient Slavic root entered the European languages ​​together with the words: “genius”, “genius”, “genome”, “genetics”, “generation”, “venous”, “ventilation”, and the ancient sacred books of the Persians are called “Vendidad”. It was under this name - “Wends”, just in the I century, when they were allegedly absent, the Roman historian Pliny of the Slavs mentions, not dividing, for the time being, the Western - “Wends” and Eastern Slavs of antiquity - “Ants”. Moreover, Venus in Ancient Rome was revered as the progenitor of the Roman people, and Rome was founded by the Trojan Aeneas, who escaped after the defeat of Troy. The syllable Aen in the Latin spelling of Aeneas - Aenea should be read as Ven (Ven) according to the laws of Aryan linguistics, and we get Venus’s reading for Aeneas Son of Venus, Venes for Aeneadaes, and Veneda for Virgil’s Aeneid. ". Similarly, the “temple” will sound like - “vedes” (aedes), “air” will be “fan” (aeg), and the famous Latin “ether” (aether) will turn out to be “wind”, “evaluate” - “vestiably”, etc. etc. And now we will no longer be surprised why according to the “ancient Roman ax there will be a“ ax ”from the Slavic verb“ sich ”, and the shepherd will be“ pastor ”from the Slavic verb“ mouth ”, the Latin“ oculist ”from the word“ eye ”, and“ justice ”- from the words“ mouth, charter ”. This is the oldest (Trojan) layer of interethnic complex Latin language for interlingual communication. After realizing the fact that the roots of the language imply that the history of Rome is a difficult part of our history, it becomes clear why the Latin verbs can be heard in absolutely Russian: “twirl”, “will”, “see”, “Orati” (plow ), "Dwell." And re only words. When we compare the "archaic carpet pattern" of the Eneolithic of the Proto-Slavs (V millennium BC. O.) from the excellent and delicate works of Academician B. N.

So how then to regard the "living in the forest", attributed to all Slavs? Will we really find out if we believe that there is nothing for us to look for before 988 of the year, “to delay anniversary dates into the depths of time”? And this is now, when everyone, even the most unknown people, is looking for its roots somewhere in the conquered Roman Empire or is trying to produce its own language from Latin or Sanskrit, puffing up the cheeks from every matched Sanskrit word? And at this time to talk about his people, who gave the root basis, apparently, to these two languages ​​of ancient culture (Latin, Sanskrit, yes, perhaps, Greek) - “we don’t need dates of two thousand years or one and a half thousand years”, cutting off the path to the knowledge of antiquity, the origins of their culture, depriving us of the Ryazan faces of Aphrodite of Cnidus (Venus) of the Praxitele, depriving the language of the Vedas and Avesta (in which the French "Nyabyastsi" are translated as "clouds"), depriving our "Indo-European gray hair", in which it is Slavic culture apparently played a role binder fundamental ancient rod? Such a position looks at least reactionary. And why? For what? Who needs it? What can a self-denying, oppressive self-consciousness of the people give a national culture?

Lomonosov thought differently: “... It would not be reprehensible to the glory of the Russian people if it’s too late to put its origin and name and to discard the old, what other kings of honor and glory are looking for,” and read it important to prove by disputing the smallest Millerov historical inaccuracy , reducing the glory and dignity of Russians, proving the Russian origin of the names of the Dnieper rapids in ancient Greek sources, conducting complex linguistic studies from the mouth of the Nemeny-Rusa to the Black Sea Rossolan, showing the Russian character speech Varangian Rus.

The second. The main feature of the Slavic pantheon as a whole is the complete identity of Indo-European, Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman. [Most of the states and empires of antiquity were pagan: Great Rome, Ancient Egypt, Persia, etc., while the adoption of Christianity by the strong Moravian power of the Slavs led to its disintegration. The Judaization of the Khazars led to the same result. In Russia, statehood was formed on the basis of agriculture and the monopolization of trade, and even before Christianization. Ancient Rome, with its synthetic - from many tribes - religion, is a vivid example of the fact that "unification", which supposedly "could not be realized by paganism", is a mistaken and illusory idea. (Note auth.)] Obvious for the researcher successive identification lines Perun - Zeus-Jupiter - Torr (Tour) and Venus - Lada - Aphrodite - Praia-Frey. The image of the bull - the thunderer of Jupiter, Indra, Tyr (Thuringia, Turkey) clearly echoes the Russian term for the fighting bull - Tur and other ancient echoes (Buy-Tour Vsevolod, commander, etc.). However, there is a note. D. S. Likhachev classifies Perun among the Finno-Finnish deities. This is a clear and gross error. Apparently, “and in our annals are not without fictions between truth,” as M. V. Lomonosov wrote. The ethnic group of Finno-Finns (Hungarians, Finns, Estonians) is complex, mixed in character after invasions. However, linguistic features that distinguish them from the Slavic-Balts family also arose as a result of Hun, Hungarian, Dzungarian (i.e., West Mongol) raids. Therefore, the distinctive features of the Aryan mythology and pantheon should these Mongolian peoples coincide. And indeed, in the epic we find Karelians and Estonians instead of one Thunderer Perun, two other deities: Pikne - lightning and Eike - thunder. Such a distinction is characteristic of the Mongolian notions, especially since the second name for Pikne - KYUE is consonant with the Mongol Huhe-dei. And the Lithuanians, who managed to partially preserve the ancient Slavic vocabulary, Perkunas (Perun) was a thunderer and the supreme god, as well as the Varyagruses. The supremacy of Perun was imposed on us by the princes by force, and why? After all, in Rome and Greece, Jupiter and Zeus headed the pantheon of gods? Why did the rule of Perun have to be enforced by force, if he was already in the pantheon of the Rus in the form of a third-rate thugs? After all, if it were a question of the “chaotic aggregate,” the accession of Perun to the throne would go as smoothly as in the Great Rome and Ancient Greece of Jupiter and Zeus. This is an important turning point for understanding the peculiarities of the Slavic pantheon. And here we must agree with academician B. N. Rybakov, who, analyzing the change of the Aryan (Iranian) name of the introduced god Semargl among the Rus to the Slavic name of Pereplut (he is also the ancient Greek Plutos - the god of wealth and agricultural abundance, son of Demeter), wrote:

“The new designation was not a neologism, since this word, in all likelihood, dates back to a very long-standing Eneological community of Indo-European tribes (not yet divided into later branches).”

In other words, the Slavs could have survived an earlier Indo-European pantheon with primary cosmological connections, not burdened with deification of events and their own heroes, where the throne was not yet captured by thunderbirds, as in Rome and Greece. And indeed, such traces we find:

“According to the testimony of the chronicles of Procopius of Caesarea ... Hemoldt, the biographer of Otto ... the most ancient Slavs believed in the One God, calling him the Supreme, Heavenly God, god of gods. It is also clear from Nestor that the Slavs of the Russians had an idea of ​​a higher being, presumably presumed to be a god, the god of the ALL-HOLDER, and distinguished him from the god Perun and other minor deities. The Slavs honored in him the Father of Nature and the Lord of the World, who is ruled by his will by destinies, who is kept by everyone, he was worshiped by the Lord of the sky, the source of divine power and called the GREAT God, OLD God or PRAGUE. Other gods were believed by the Slavs as originating beings from the supreme god. His works, the powers that depend on him between him and the world, are strong by his power, and that not all are equally holy. From the entire revision of the fabulous Slavic beings, it appears that the Slavs recognized the single god "Almighty", the Creator and Father of Creation, who with his own wisdom, all-creating love (fair) created the original existence. "

Further in the source it is said that this being contained in itself the opposite of the male and female nature: “the first was expressed by light (the Spirit), the second by matter ...”. “The creature closest to God is LIGHT. The creature "Svetlo" appeared on Earth and embodied in the human race "(" Essay on Old Slavonic Fable or Mythology ", Lviv, 1860). Further in the source there is a reference to the Ipatiev Chronicle, which makes it possible to outline some of the links of the Russian pantheon: "WELD - Father of Light", his son "BAREBODY - hedgehogs called the Sun", "revered in Russia under the name Dazhbog, Khors or the Sun", "Svarozhich" .

According to the Vedas, “Svar”, “Suar” is the Sun (this term goes back to the most sacred, mystical and secret name of the Sun as a god - “Ball” (V = h)), which was the only supreme deity in pre-Greek Greece, we have a secret term hackneyed to denote a geometric figure), that is, these Indo-Iranian utterances (“Svar”, “Svarog”) date back to the 9th — 6th centuries BC. e., and the "ball" in general to the XXI-XVII BC. er Just those very 1500-2500 years, which our culture, it turns out, do not need to look at all. And why? So that a complex cosmological system, not inferior to Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, to pass off as "a chaotic conglomeration of cults and idols"? Pantheon of monotheism, in which other gods are manifestations of the supreme, who honor you honor the Supreme, to present as superstitions of forest Papuans, who were clogged with fear, "fear of terrible natural phenomena" in the forests? Moreover, in comparison with other systems, in the Russian pantheon the Spirit of Light is resurrected as God's hypostasis, found only in the primary undistorted Vedas and in the Aryan Iran, and later in Orthodoxy, reviving the Trinity: God the Father - the Creator of the Universe, Son and Holy Spirit.

From here follow two conclusions.

first. The Millennium Festival of Christianity should be viewed as a higher cultural Rubicon, as a festival of the return of monotheism, natural to Slavs, partially lost in battles, tragedies and wanderings. As a celebration of the revival of the trinity in a new, returned form. As the acquisition of the Solar faith again, “We, the Slavs, are each grandsons of God,” that is, the grandsons of the Sun. In the ancient icons of Christ we see: "I am the light." Myth and religion is not only a form of perception of the universe, but also the self-expression of the people. And there are no ideas that are more in tune with the spirit of the Slavs than the perception of the world as a struggle between two principles - Good and Evil, and the Universe - as a harmonious unity with man.

Second. The Russian pagan pantheon contains the same gods as the other Indo-European systems: Greece, Rome, Iran, and Egypt. In it we find and Poseidon, and Demeter, and Ra, and Mars, and Varun. He is not inferior in terms of versatility and organization to the most perfect systems of pagan empires, reflecting the best aspects of Iranian - dual knowledge of the World through the struggle between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Evil, the multiplicity of manifestations of the divine essence in the Vedic system and the dialectical nature of Old Indian: spirit and body, sky and earth, light and darkness, etc. Of course, one cannot deny that knowledge of our system is still far from knowledge and clarity. The agony of her resurrection can be traced back to B. Rybakov's “Paganism of the Ancient Slavs” with a multiplicity of versions, readings and comparisons. Perhaps we are dealing with the features of the premedical system, especially if one has in mind monotheistic features that unite deities as manifestations of the highest, a split of entities and complexity of connections, and also the representation of Lada not only as the wife of the Solar God, but also as the Supreme's love for the human race. Therefore, the opposition of Christianity and Russian antiquity is artificial and erroneous. And the use of the term “Judeo-Christianity” is not only erroneous, but also malicious, because Christianity manifested itself as an opposition to the dominance of Judaism in the Mediterranean and Greece, as a protest against its self-interest, and destroyed this system. “Once it has arisen, religion always retains a certain stock of ideas inherited from former times, since tradition is a great conservative force in all areas of ideology in general,” wrote Engels. Therefore, when we read that in order to create Zora-Astrism, the revival of the cults of the Gods of Good and Light: Mithras, Ormuzd (Ahura Mazda), the Solar religion among the “Aryans” who inhabited Iran at that time, it was necessary to restore religious ideas against the dominant thunderbolts, the question arises The primary source of the religion of the Almighty, the Trinity and the Struggle of Light and Darkness, whose bearers will be the Essenes a century later in the Jerusalem caves, preaching separation with impiety and communicating with the Jews around them only through commerce. And then the Christians, armed with these ideas and the prophecies of the teachers, will begin the struggle for world consciousness. It is clear that the Essenic apocrypha, which are not yet revered for canonical texts, in particular “The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness”, are also part of the same fragments of the primary system of beliefs, and when we read: “When the sons of Krivda are fenced, impiety will move away from righteousness, as darkness recedes before the light; and how smoke is scattered - and there is no more of it, so the Sun, which is the established order of the World ... ", we recognize in this paragraph from the Book of Secrets that bridge that connects the ancient monotheistic Slavic views, their Sunny pantheon with the system of Christian ideas. In the ancient world, Christianity was a true revolution, restoring not just monotheism, but a completely different God - the God of Goodness, Light and Equality.

Some features of the Slavic pantheon make it possible to take a fresh look at the history of mankind. It is known that among the Slavs the god of war was Perun, and not Mars (that is, More, Morok), like the Romans. The semantic equivalent of Mars is the Babylonian Marduch, the ancient Indian goddess of evil Mara, the Slavic Mor, Moroc and Moroz, the Georgian common name of the god is h-Mertz (presumably), Estonian Maradus, which left significant traces in the toponymy of Europe and Asia: Marseille, Mariupol, Marovic, Marburg , Merv, Morshansk, Margiana, Morocco and Mary. In Russian, this is the theme of death and darkness: pestilence, darkness, death, smerd, haze, dirtying, confusion, wrinkle, face, fooling, filth, scum, dead. In ancient Greece, the terrible Mora, with splitting of functions and after mixing with other pantheons, remained only a dream: Mor-theos or Morpheus - one of the hundred sons of the god Hypnos, and his role as the master of destinies, shares ("meros", i.e. measure) lot, fate - passed to the whole team "Moir" ("Moyros"), Estonian Maradus closer to this function of measure and fate was different for each person. In the Russian language, this concept of quota and measure remained from antiquity: measure, measure, integument, “measured by fate”, merezhka, etc. From this spectrum it becomes clear that Mars was rather a symbol of death and destruction, while as for the smash-thunderbolder, the victory cult is more characteristic weaponhitting the enemy. Weapons of celestial victories, the reflection of which shines above the human abuse. This is Indra’s magic club and its rainbow-bow (Pa-arc, arc of the sun of Ra and the oldest name of the Volga - Ra, according to A.N. Afanasyev). This is the weapon of the solar god Horus, who strikes the god of dark and destructive forces of Set (Typhon), and the weapon of Apollo, who strikes the serpent Python, and smashes arrows of Zeus, Jupiter, and Perun (noted in Czech glosses in 1202) .). Their cults are characterized by an oath on a weapon: “And Olga ... according to Russian law, swear by her weapon and Perun”.

It is interesting to compare the solar victor of the darkness of Horus (Goros, Oriya) with the Slavic (Iranian) Horse and George the Victorious defeating the Serpent - the personification of the forces of Darkness and Evil. It becomes clear why the Jupiter and Zeus Golovniks, occupying the supreme solar throne, transferred their “weapon” functions to Mars and Ares, but this did not happen to the Slavs, because Perun did not have time to establish himself on the supreme throne, the solar cultures lived for a long time, especially Yarilo (Varuna , Uran, Svar) with the annual holiday Yar - Morok (summer - winter, life - death), (English Year - year, German Jahr [yar] - year). And Morok did not become our god of war, like Mars in Rome.

But now the solar throne has returned to the sunny Christ, bypassing the capture of it by the thunderers who remained secondary to us.

I do not consider myself to be a supporter of the pseudo-Marxist tendency to seek a reflection of life in mythology. [I do not share, for example, the point of view of O. M, Freudenberg, who considered, say, a parable about the entry of Christ (Myth and Literature of Antiquity, p. 503 — 511) to Jerusalem on a donkey by expressing the local rite of copulating a woman with a donkey on a sacred stone. (Two notes by O. M. Freudenberg: a) “The ancient Semites donkey was a sky deity, but at the same time a totem, that is, a tribe deity. In addition to Judah and Issihar, the donkey-tribes were Sehem, Hamar and others. ”, B)“ Plutarch reports that the ancient Egyptians worshiped the deity Typhon or Seth: the darkest and most destructive forces of nature were personified in him. This Typhon had its iconic conformity in the Donkey. And this Typhon appeared to be the destroyer and the evil enemy of his brother Osiris, the god of light and benevolence ”(p. 459). In all religions, the functions of myth were deeper, more complex, more ideological than the reflection or fixation of the characteristics of material life. (Note auth.)] However, I believe that the study of the mysterious collapses of pantheons, changes in ritualism, revolutions and wars in the celestial sphere will help to understand many historical cataclysms and ethnological phenomena.

Here, for example, what V. Soloukhin saw in the Christian icon of St. George the Victorious: “Retribution is one of the most understandable and exciting feelings of a person’s spirit. The monster is omnipotent, hundred-headed, predatory and hated. Every day it eats up the beautiful girl, destroys the pure human soul. And there seems to be no governing, no deliverance, but a young man appears in a fluttering red cloak on a dazzling white horse and raises a spear that is irresistible. Retribution! What could be fairer than this feeling! ”

It is appropriate to note that the British honored George, both before and after the adoption of Christianity. This avenger to the god of evil, Seth, carries his red cape through Egypt, the Copts, and through pre-Christian Bulgaria, and this image is a reflection of both heavenly and earthly coups.

From the above it follows that the state of the Slavic pantheon before the adoption of Christianity did not allow for the idea of ​​a primitive “randomness of cults”, such as worshiping “mysterious forces of nature”, or totemicity like “mother walrus” or “crocodile children”, and represented the form of a pan-European system with an emphasis on supremacy solar gods, similar to the ancient Indo-Iranian cosmogony and, judging by some signs, perhaps even more primary.

The third. We now turn to the historical situation preceding the 988 year, turning in the cultural history of Russia. Above, we have already quoted the gloomy picture of pre-Christian Russian savagery, drawn by paid detractors - the leitmotiv of the concept of “civilizing role”, “familiarizing with Europe”, etc. In this picture, almost every position is untrue, therefore it will have to be disproved, based on specific facts, and not “asserting themselves only on some guesses,” as Mikhail Vasilyevich wrote, “which are very careless and reprehensible.”

Let's start with the historical environment and neighbors. I quote: “The Germans were all around, that is, people who did not speak an accessible understanding of the language, enemies who came to Russia“ from the dark ”, and the steppe bordering on Russia is“ an unknowable country ... ”” ( 249). This is written about the era when the Slavic sea poured up to the borders of present-day France. The sea of ​​a single ethnos, who spoke almost the same language, has not yet been spoiled either by German, or Avar, or Mongol invasions. A little later, these invasions made Europe for many centuries a country of savagery, the plague and the cult of the power of weapons. “Slaven language does not originate from Greek, nor from Latin, nor from any other; consequently, it itself already consists of the most ancient times, and numerous of these Slavic peoples spoke in the Slavonic language before the birth of Christ ”(M. V. Lomonosov. Selected philosophical works. HIPL, 1950, p. 468).

Leipzig was then called Lipsky (Lipetsk) and was the center of Slavic Lusatians, whose descendants still live there. Dresden was Drozdyanami, Meissen - Mishnah, Marzeburg - Mezhibor, and inhabited all these lands - nishane, milchane, sadlichane, decane and Hutichi, and in the north the famous Brandenburg was Branibor, the center of the extensive Slavic principalities that were conquered and slaughtered by the Germans only in the middle XII century. This is all within the borders of present-day Germany, not to mention Poland. Further south, up to Chervona (Red) Rus, which became part of the state of Russia in 981, stretched the Great Moravian Slavic state united by the Prague Principality. Even further south were the lands of the Ugrian Slavs, which are still called Ukrainians Ugorshina, and then Vysehrad and Novgorod, the Furnaces, which later became Pest, stood on the banks of the Danube. This area of ​​Hungary until the 1400 — 1600's was called Novograd. The Hungarians (the Dzungars, the Uigurs) conquered and began to enslave this country only in the 10th century. And further south was Wallachia, Serbia and the Bulgarian kingdom. Even Austria (Ostria) had not yet undergone to this time a deep Germanization, there were more Slavic princes, the city of Svetla (Tsvetl) Rakousy, etc.

But, perhaps, the Russ then did not know, “in fear of abandonment” hiding behind the trees as a result of the “oppressive effects of loneliness”, that there are Slavic brothers around, and not “Germans”? Or "... the fear of terrible natural phenomena" prevented them from leaving the "lightly populated forests, swamps and steppes"? Not! The history testifies that the picture was quite different from what these frightening tales draw to us:

“In the summer of 6477 (969 g). To Svetoslav, to his mother and to his boyars: (Attention! Before the baptism of Russia there are 20 years. What is 20 years is easiest to understand: 1917 and 37 or 37 and 57). Not like there is a life in Kiev, I want to live in Pereyaslavtsi on the Danube, that is, that is, in the middle of my land, that all good things come together: from Grek gold, wine, wine and vegetable varieties, from Chech, from Ugre srebro and komoni ... ”. It is written in The Tale of Bygone Years, the source available. So, they knew in the Russian state about the Great Moravian state and about Ugorschina. Traded and communicated. Tale of the "Germans" does not pass. Even four centuries later, after deepening the stratification of the Slavic languages, the Zaporozhians, under Polish-Lithuanian occupation, sent troops to the Czech Republic to help the Hussites in fighting with the armor of European knighthood.

Now about the "unknown" "omission". At that time, in this “steppe zone bordering Russia”, the nomads conducted two major powers: Byzantium and Khazaria. It was Khazaria who sent the hordes of the Pechenegs here, set them against the Hungarians who had migrated to the area and forced them into Europe.

The Arabs called the Hungar - “badjgard”, that is, the Bashkirs, hence the legend about the Ural and Volga origin of the Finno-Ugric tribes roamed for a long time in literature. This Khazaria informed the Arab caliphate that it was protecting the Muslim world from the Rus, and repeatedly sent nomadic hordes to Russian cities. Joseph reported that the Kaganate controls the river routes - delays the Russians, “arriving by ships” along the Volga.

Apparently, having dealt with this “ignorance”, having passed through “Hell,” in 965, Svyatoslav delivered a death blow to the kaganate: “In the summer of 6473. Ida Svyatoslav on the Kozars: having heard Kozars, Ididos with their prince Kagan and got bored, and having fought, defeated Svyatoslav Kozar and the city of them and Bela Vezha taking. ”

And two more facts. The first campaign of the Russians on ships to the Caspian Sea was recorded by sources one hundred years before the victory of Svyatoslav, and two hundred years before it the mighty Sassanid Empire of the Persians could not take Constantinople: they did not have fleet! And in 913, according to Masudi, on 500 ships across the Kerch Strait, the Don and the Volga, the Russes, passing through the entire Caspian Sea, attacked the Arabs who then occupied Azerbaijan and Iran, blood poisoning the Sun religion there and forcefully spread Islam. This campaign, at first very successful, ended unsuccessfully, since on the way back the Muslim mercenary guard of the Khazar Kagan treacherously attacked the Rus, and in a three-day bloody battle, the Rus were defeated. But the very fact of the campaign is so contrasted with stories about pre-Christian savagery and limited geographical horizons that one can only marvel at how all this can be performed in a friendly choir by our scientific and public press.

In an effort to focus on the main issues of the formation of Russian culture and statehood in the time of frontier, we deliberately removed from the circle of issues under consideration such topics as “the beauty of worship” [Ostensibly seduced Slavs when choosing a religion. (Note auth.)], And in fact, without understanding this, it is impossible to understand neither schismatics, nor Dukhobors, nor the typically Slavic slogans of the Hussites: “God in the soul” and “Reason is stronger than dogma.” We do not touch either the connection between the Cyrillic alphabet and the Proto-Slavic syllable letter, nor Lomonosov's works on the advantages of the Greek alphabet over Latin, although all this also needs to be discussed. And all this has been done so that, having considered the background of the Russian people and state before the adoption of Christianity, weigh the political and cultural implications of this step. Yes, it was the state, because there was already established statehood by this time, and this act itself was also a state one. After all, it is from these positions that the significance of the Christianization of Russia as a spiritual holiday increases: the return of faith corresponding to the spiritual outlook of the Russian people, the curse of self-interest and greed, the announcement of these defective souls as a form of spiritual crime punishable by heaven, a hymn of fraternal community, as opposed to spiritual disunity and helplessness implanted by the forces of evil.

Yes, the Millennium salutes died down, reviving interest in the true history of the people and their spiritual life. There will be a period of reflection and discussion of historical, cultural, moral aspects, as well as “delusions stuck in the general courses of the history of the USSR and other semi-official publications,” as academician D. S. Likhachev correctly writes. Only here the main misconception that is stuck there is his own position about pre-Christian savagery and “barbarism”, repeated by the many-voiced literary choir. This is the myth, which contrasts Europe’s “enlightened” already with the barbaric Asiatic Slavs, it’s a fairy tale that culture was introduced in a ready-made, established form, and not vice versa, that Slavic culture laid the foundation of all European civilization, as it really was. And we must understand that such provisions humiliate not only our people, but also the Christian Church, as one of the forms of its world view. I hope this article will help readers navigate the search for a point of reliance on their past that our people now need. The past, which every Russian, every Slav, is rightly proud of.
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101 comment
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  1. +6
    27 December 2012 08: 27
    and in the media, the figures of the Orthodox Church have taken such a prominent place that they are second only to imported video clips.

    To urge not to cut the roots of Russian History, and to do it right there.
    You, dear author, will decide at least for yourself, personally, "To cut, or not to cut?"
    1. +5
      27 December 2012 09: 19
      In his research, the aforementioned DS Likhachev, considering the "Bulgarian phenomenon" (in terms of the fact that the Bulgarians did not dissolve in the Turkish ethnic group for 800 years of the Turkish yoke, although there was a mixing of bloods) these are three factors
      - Vera;
      - Tongue;
      - Culture;
      It is in this sequence in terms of degree of influence.
      1. +6
        27 December 2012 09: 36
        Quote: radio operator
        It is in this sequence in terms of degree of influence.

        But it’s true that the Bulgarians and Greeks and Serbs and Macedonians all survived under the Turks
    2. +2
      27 December 2012 10: 09
      Bulls. Today, 08: 27
      To urge not to cut the roots of Russian History, and to do it right there.
      It seems to me that you inattentively read the article.
      I draw your attention to:
      The first. The festival of the Millennium of Christianity should be regarded as a higher cultural Rubicon, as a holiday of the return of monotheism, natural to the Slavs ... As a holiday of the rebirth of the trinity in a new, returned form. As the acquisition of the Solar faith again, “We, the Slavs, are each grandsons of God,” that is, the grandsons of the Sun. In the ancient icons of Christ we see: "I am the light."
      This is NOT CLEAR without chopping off, but reviving the deepest roots of Russian history.
      And some of the current hierarchs of the church should really feed the flock not only with a word from the pulpit, but first of all with a personal example of living in the modern world.
      In order not to introduce the laity into the arts, including in relation to the Russian Orthodox Church itself.
      1. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 10: 59
        from aphids and here on the forum dolboslavs! , go sacrifice your children to the Lithuanian perkunas! when it comes to Marxism that it is dangerous to shit in your history, for existence? The existence of the Russian people? Look at the schiry, with their betrayal of the Orthodox Faith, betrayal of the Russian language! Treason of the History of Russia! with 140 year old babies? with their Nazis farions, tyagniboks, Yatsenyuk, all purely ethnic "ukrointsy" ???? want to repeat their fate?
        bring down from Russia
        1. +16
          23 November 2020 15: 04
          Such religious radicals and extremists like you are definitely not needed in Russia ...
    3. Igor Belov
      27 December 2012 11: 07
      Quote: Bulls.
      You, dear author, have already decided

      Today history is not just a science; it has become almost the main tool in pacifying the Russian "not submissive" character. Well, the Russian person does not "fit" into the framework that the intolerant Europeans (and not only) have been trying to create for him for many centuries. Various ghouls tried (and repeatedly and unsuccessfully) to subdue us by force of arms - from the knight-dogs to the Hitlerite clique. Having achieved nothing in this way, the civilizers climbed out of the back door, accustoming our children from their infancy to the idea that the Russians are not quite formed monkeys who lived in holes and hunted for gathering. They tried to solder and fumigate us with tobacco smoke (remember Peter's decrees) ...
      Christianity was an important milestone in the development of our civilization, but is it a fundamental vector that gave a starting impetus to the development of the Slavic (Russian) ethnos? Definitely not. We have a rich history. One hundredth part of this history was enough for Europe to be proud of the Roman civilization, but this is OUR past, stolen from us by the "Millers" and the like. It would be my will, I would have torn this Likhachev, like "Tuzik hot-water bottle" ... Bastards! ...
      Before breaking spears on this issue, ask yourself: For the sake of what (or to whom) our history is killed, many facts are hushed up, artifacts already found are buried, historical documents are copied (or simply destroyed)? For the sake of WHOM we are ruining our tongue to the joyous applause of Svanidze and Ganushkina? Where are we going???
      If we do not change course, we will fall into oblivion and cease to exist as a people and, I assure you, even the ashes of memories will not be left from us by those who have been stubbornly struggling with the problem of conquering the Slavs (Russians) for more than a century.
      1. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 11: 42
        n-dya, insanity on the march, did not have time to grow, but insanity here he is
        1. Igor Belov
          27 December 2012 11: 59
          Quote: hrenvamsredkoy
          , insanity on the march,

          Look at yourself, "BREAK-OVERROWN"! And pick up the drool ...
          1. hrenvamsredkoy
            27 December 2012 13: 09
            nd, don't like it? when the uterus is cut about you without deceit? about you enemies of the Russian People?
        2. +17
          23 November 2020 15: 05
          Everything is correct in Igor Belov's commentary. Do you want us to be subordinate to the west?
      2. +6
        27 December 2012 21: 08
        Igor Belov,
        In Russia, peasants in ancient times corresponded with each other - they were literate. In the west, dirty and smelly kings put an end to the signature. Russia is much older and has a glorious history. There is something to be proud of.
        1. +15
          23 November 2020 15: 05
          And we are justly proud of the history of our state!
      3. +3
        28 December 2012 00: 51
        Igor Belov,

        Likhachev famous masson. He himself spoke about his student youth when he was recruited.
        1. +19
          23 November 2020 15: 05
          Likhachev was a great academician and he was not any Mason.
      4. +12
        23 November 2020 15: 04
        "Europeans" have always sought to enslave and destroy the Slavic peoples and culture. Partially they succeeded ...
  2. +13
    27 December 2012 08: 32
    very competently ... I read it while enjoying ... The dispute between the Slavophiles and Westerners is really long-standing and there are no winners ... No, simply because after a certain moment there are simply no real historical sources ... Speculation and conclusions ...
    Westerners, of course, want to somehow belittle one of the oldest empires, one of the oldest states on Earth ... It seems to me that casting away Slavic history is not just stupidly criminal ... And not even Slavic, it’s more accurate to tell the history of the peoples of Russia in the complex ... The very same Lomonosov was not from the Slovenian people, something white-eyed, but Russian ...
    1. +6
      27 December 2012 09: 12
      Quote: domokl
      The very same Lomonosov was not from the Slovenian people, something white-eyed, but Russian ...

      I disagree, kindly but disagree

      But peoples do not start from names, but names are given to peoples (M.V. Lomonosov).
      Lomonosov mistook the "white-eyed chud" for the Scythians who came from the Black (Russian) Sea, a numerous, warlike people; and it is true that the Chud participated in the campaigns of the Russian princes and in clashes with the Varangians-Rus who came to collect tribute.

      1. 0
        27 December 2012 09: 25
        And I read that the White-eyed Chud was just the northern people in those places .. True, to be honest, I heard it ... I was not specifically interested
        1. +4
          27 December 2012 09: 41
          Quote: older
          And I read that the White-eyed Chud was just the northern people in those places ..

          There are legends about this people in the Urals
        2. hrenvamsredkoy
          27 December 2012 11: 50
          finougorsk tribe
        3. +2
          28 December 2012 00: 57

          And I read that the White-eyed Chud was exactly the northern people in those places.

          Absolutely right. In the north of the Arkhangelsk region there is their farm. Old-timers say that after the resettlement from Arctida there were two streams, one to Siberia (Scythians), and the other to the North of Europe, from Novgorod to the Urals. The second is a white-eyed miracle, so-called because it’s a wonderful people, creating miracles. So the Russian people are.
      2. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 11: 50
        Yeah. and do you think that Mikhailo Vasilievich was right? not having modern research methods? not having a dataset and comparing language groups? in the end without knowing genetics?
        1. +4
          27 December 2012 12: 03
          Quote: hrenvamsredkoy
          and do you think that Mikhailo Vasilievich was right? not having modern research methods?

          Everything new is well forgotten old, and how do we know what methods the genius Lomonosov used, maybe his own that did not reach us?
          1. hrenvamsredkoy
            27 December 2012 12: 25
            Yeah. and therefore, let's return such a sweet custom, like a total sin on Ivan Kupala?
            1. +8
              23 November 2020 15: 08
              Lying. There has never been such a thing in Russia.
        2. +18
          23 November 2020 15: 08
          Yes, Lomonosov was right. Time has proved him right.
    2. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 11: 48
      hi-hi-hi, interestingly, but why did Slavophiles be recorded as neopagans?
      the fact that the theory of miller was not popular already at the end of the 20th century and received a second life after 1917, do you know?
      The history of the State of Russia began precisely with the Baptism of Russia, tribal unions, although they are a proto-state, but only their predecessors. and it was the adoption of Christianity that was the starting point that allowed us to begin to form the Russian nation, from East Slavic, West Slavic Baltic and Finugor tribes, on the basis of East Slavic unity, it was Vera who forged our people, during the years of Glory and Trials, the neo-pagans attempt to cling to historical the process! you were not, you are the same phantom creatures as ukrointsy!
      Yes, the history of the Proto-Russian tribes is certainly older, like the history of any emerging ethnic group, but this does not mean that we should take off our pants to run after the Bebiks, disputing who built the pyramids am
      1. +3
        27 December 2012 12: 42
        hrenvamsredkoy Today, 11: 48
        hee hee hee, ..
        Well hello, Yoshkin Cat
        Without you it was sometimes boring here
        1. hrenvamsredkoy
          27 December 2012 12: 51
          and I recognize dear by step
      2. +15
        23 November 2020 15: 09
        The history of the Russian state began with the unification of Novgorod and Kiev.
    3. Kaa
      27 December 2012 15: 30
      Quote: domokl
      Westerners, of course, want to somehow belittle one of the oldest empires,

      Genetic fear, patamushta, skazvaytststsa ...
      1. Kaa
        27 December 2012 15: 50
        Quote: Kaa
        Genetic fear

        And fear, because we already walked along these paths, European, more than once, we know the road, in which case ...
    4. +5
      27 December 2012 21: 12
      Manuscripts were purposely destroyed in monasteries throughout Russia. Peter the first issued a decree on this topic. Great Tartaria, which has Western kings in its vassals, cannot be forgiven by all mankind.
  3. +7
    27 December 2012 09: 18
    Without our history, we will not have a future.
    It is necessary, without emotions and preferences, to dot all of it.
    It’s long overdue.
    1. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 11: 51
      Yeah, flog storytellers from history and put in a corner laughing
      1. +7
        23 November 2020 15: 06
        Quote: hrenvamsredkoy
        whip storytellers from history

        The main storyteller from history is you.
    2. +17
      23 November 2020 15: 09
      Only now we have taken it into fashion to rewrite the history of our people and state. And not only the ancient history, but also the recent history of the Soviet state.
  4. +2
    27 December 2012 09: 41
    Another pun and an attempt under the right words to bring confusion into our ranks! The author simply stuffed the article with terminology, built, in his opinion, a logical chain, referred to dubious studies and voila! Christianity, which has become the cementing foundation for all of us Russians, is turning us apart! How much can you post these provocative articles!
    1. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 11: 52
      so why be surprised, they were still grown in the Union, fearing the return of the People to Vera
      1. Oidsoldier
        27 December 2012 13: 46
        Northerner, hrenvamsredkoy - thanks for your comments. Nice to read the opinion of adequate people.
    2. +2
      28 December 2012 01: 08

      Christianity, which has become the cementing foundation for all of us Russians, is turning us apart!

      I am sorry to upset you, but 500 years of bloody civil war and double faith is a good cement. Just look at the research on this topic, do not rush to conclusions. For example here:

      For a better understanding, imagine now Putin will accept Islam (with all due respect to Muslims, this is just an analogy example) and will decide to transfer the whole country to a new, alien faith for the people. And all the mullahs from Saudi Arabia. And the fact that Putin is not the president, but the prince, the king. How do you like this cement? And here is not a question of religion. In years through 500, probably everything will already be cemented and they will forget the native faith of their ancestors.
      1. 0
        28 December 2012 02: 05
        Quote: Ross
        500 years later, perhaps everything will already be cemented and forget the native faith of their ancestors

        1000 years ago, it all happened. I know that now anyone who is not lazy can fly into me, but in Russia there has never been Christianity in its direct sense, in its original form. Who are the early Christians? They didn’t serve in the army, they didn’t go into power, they studied the Holy Scripture tirelessly, they lived as it was written, pious and pious. They did not use idols-objects, neither crosses nor icons. They were hated by all for the proclamation of the good news. And preached ... preached ... preached ...

        These are not allegations, but scientifically proven facts ...

        The backbone of Early Christianity was from the Jews (for which they thanks and thanks). All the apostles were from Jews, Jesus during his earthly life was a Jewish mother. The first two years after his death, almost only Jews converted to Christianity, in order to remain the People of God, they had to become Christians, that is, Israel not according to the flesh, but Spiritual Israel. That is, that former Israel was given the highest honor, despite their guilt, their Collective Guilt ...

        Please forgive me if it is written in tongue-tied, but I hope I conveyed the meaning of the comment correctly ...
        1. +18
          23 November 2020 15: 10
          Christianity in its original form was nowhere to be found. Everywhere, as soon as Christianity became a state religion, confusion began. So it was during the Roman Empire and during the times of ancient Russia, and in other countries.
  5. +7
    27 December 2012 09: 50
    The article is interesting, draws on a doctoral dissertation, somewhat in tune with the speech of M. Zadornov. I did not notice any anti-Orthodox load, a capacious scientific article. Our rulers simply have no time to read it, they work like bees, like slaves in galleys. If they read, then they would look differently at the current state of society. How not enough historical thinking. I wonder who can read and understand the Old Slavonic texts in the alphabet of the time, maybe priests of the old formation or linguists.
    1. -7
      27 December 2012 09: 58

      valokordin The second one. The main feature of the Slavic pantheon as a whole is the complete identity of the Indo-European, Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman. [Most of the states and empires of antiquity were pagan: Great Rome, Ancient Egypt, Persia, etc. while the adoption of Christianity by the strong Moravian power of the Slavs led to its collapse.
      1. +6
        27 December 2012 10: 58
        Quote: Northerner
        Most of the states and empires of antiquity were pagan: Great Rome, Ancient Egypt, Persia, etc., while the adoption of Christianity by the strong Moravian power of the Slavs led to its collapse.

        Do not understand. Where is Egypt now? Where is Persia?
        Moravian Power? I know one Power - Great Russia, which, thanks to our Orthodox ancestors reached the Pacific Ocean. And thanks to our Orthodox the ancestors remains the richest and largest in the world, even though our atheistic ancestors lost half of the lands, ruining the USSR. Which took the country from Poland with Finland to Afghanistan itself in the South and Kamchatka in the East.
      2. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 11: 54
        Well, this is how Christianity spread throughout the world, why "philosophizing" could not spread the same way? it's only good that meets with resistance, and shit spreads quickly
        1. +15
          23 November 2020 15: 10
          Quote: hrenvamsredkoy
          well, so Christianity spread throughout the world

          It was spread by sword and fire in the literal sense.
      3. +1
        28 December 2012 01: 12

        while the adoption of Christianity by the strong Moravian power of the Slavs led to its collapse.

        So what? This fact is historical. Will we anathema betray the facts of history, because it offends your feelings? Here and to the Inquisition is not far.
    2. +3
      27 December 2012 10: 15
      This year, with a child, we walked in museums in Moscow, she kept asking me all the time what was written in the book (those that were open). We tried to read with her ... it didn’t work out very badly winked true, more intuitively ...
      1. +5
        27 December 2012 12: 50
        Quote: Aventurinka
        They tried to read with her ... it turned out not very badly true, more intuitively ...

        Hello, Julia. swore to participate in such topics. just tell me if you want, accept if you want no, it’s your business. There is no intent knowing you.

        Church Slavonic alphabet is for sale. Font and texts in Old Slavic, plus there are analogs in Russian but are readable in ancient Slavic. This will help. my lads have already mastered freely, sometimes they correct someone.
        1. +3
          27 December 2012 13: 01
          Quote: vorobey
          Church Slavonic alphabet is for sale. Font and texts in Old Slavic, plus there are analogs in Russian but are readable in ancient Slavic. This will help. my lads have already mastered freely, sometimes they correct someone.

          Good afternoon.
          Ага. Yes I know. But all the same, hands will not reach. For a long time I want already ... Apparently there was no urgent need. In general, the words themselves are readable, but its meaning is not always clear ...
          Thank you, it’s just reminded that you need to try on NG vacations - while time will be relatively free.
          1. gribnik777
            27 December 2012 14: 41
            Quote: Aventurinka
            In general, the words themselves are readable, but its meaning is not always clear ...

            In modern Russian, some words have acquired a different, and sometimes directly opposite meaning. I’ll have to dig, puff, but it’s very interesting and, most importantly, useful. Success and perseverance.
            1. +2
              28 December 2012 01: 15

              In modern Russian, some words have acquired a different, and sometimes directly opposite meaning.

              That's for sure. For example, the old word Koshchun meant a storyteller, a narrator. Now you know.
        2. +4
          27 December 2012 14: 10
          Quote: vorobey
          sometimes they correct someone.

          I even guess who exactly
      2. Igor Belov
        27 December 2012 13: 06
        Quote: Aventurinka
        This year, with a child, we walked in museums in Moscow,

        Yes, there is something to see in our museums! I also often took my own, especially to the Historical! love
    3. +2
      27 December 2012 10: 17
      Quote: valokordin
      Our rulers simply have no time to read it,

      Notice how beautifully written

      anthem of fraternal community, as opposed to spiritual disunity what rulers are there if their historical anthem ----- divide and conquer
      1. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 11: 54
        n-dya, and it says a man of a neopagan direction?
        1. +9
          27 December 2012 12: 08
          Quote: hrenvamsredkoy
          n-dya, and it says a man of a neopagan direction?

          Before you put your minuses, ask me what religion I am, and so I’m Orthodox, but I won’t send Russian pagans to my bonfire, my father was such an atheist that I never dreamed about anyone, and even with a party card, but how to die day predicted death (Christmas) and the priest called, to be baptized, so there is no need to get excited about everything your time and scatter and collect
          1. hrenvamsredkoy
            27 December 2012 12: 27
            n-dya, and who is going to send them to the fire? what am I? and Vera, she is, but you are most likely just nostalgic
    4. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 11: 52
      apart from frank Russophobic content?
      1. +5
        27 December 2012 12: 36

        Vadim hello, probably a new man. who has not yet figured out what is being cut. be patient.


        good luck.
        1. hrenvamsredkoy
          27 December 2012 12: 52
          hello Sparrow, I just have not looked in for a long time
          1. +4
            27 December 2012 12: 58

            But I got tired. sore boils. but swore.
            1. hrenvamsredkoy
              27 December 2012 13: 12
              so, if these types of people living in alternative reality do not remind them that they are radishes, or rather ... I will not say anything, or else I will get the first ban, they unbeliever and start to think that they are Russian People
        2. +5
          27 December 2012 14: 13
          Quote: vorobey
          Vadim hello, probably a new man.

          Yeah, Yoshkin his last name
    5. gribnik777
      27 December 2012 13: 48
      Quote: valokordin
      The article is interesting, draws on a doctoral dissertation, somewhat in tune with the speech of M. Zadornov. I did not notice any anti-Orthodox load, a capacious scientific article.

      The article is over twenty years old. If I had read it in the year it was published, maybe I would have agreed. But today I can say - the author is a complete zero in Orthodoxy (at that time it is not surprising, I don’t know how much he understood other beliefs and religions). Without knowing the depths, legends and traditions of any religion, belief, community, etc., one cannot build fantasies on the basis of some events, giving them a completely different meaning that does not even come close to them. Hence the whole impression of the article. There are also dubious attempts at exercises in etymology. In my opinion, the author is an official from historical sciences, who jumped on the crest of a wave in the era of "glasnost", in order not to convey some information, but to pepper the powers that be (at least Likhachev).
      It would be nice to know the sources to dig around. The most interesting thing is to figure it out.
      1. wax
        27 December 2012 18: 03
        In fact, the author writes not about Orthodoxy (the 1000th anniversary is just an excuse), but about the origins of our culture, which (culture) has an impressive pre-Christian component.
    6. +2
      27 December 2012 14: 46
      valokordin (1) Today, 09: 50
      Article Interesting
      This article was also published in the book by LN Ryzhkov "On the Antiquities of the Russian Language". Very informative too.
      I recommend to anyone interested in Russian language and history.
      Starting to read it is more exciting with the chapter 2.
      By the way, she is on the Internet.
  6. +4
    27 December 2012 10: 24
    The author of "one hundred thousand million" advantages for having so vividly shown the shameless deceit of official science with respect to Slavic in general and Russian in particular culture and history.
    The shameless lie of Academician Likhachev, who voiced the official position of the academic historical “science” towards the Russian people, is striking.
    And all this has been driven into our heads for centuries, and the slightest attempts to understand the true course of events are immediately branded as amateurish and anti-scientific, ridiculed and blackened.
    What kind of science is this?
    Most likely this is a centuries-old propaganda brainwashing machine for humanity in the right direction for the financiers of this machine.
    1. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 11: 55
      in the sample of complete illiteracy, and the Bolshevik habit of chopping a sword I'm afraid to ask you what school you studied? in sports?
      1. +3
        27 December 2012 12: 47
        hrenvamsredkoy Today, 11: 55
        in the sample of complete illiteracy, and the Bolshevik habit of chopping a sword I'm afraid to ask you what school you studied? in sports?
        Yoshkin Kot, above, I said hello.
        I did not know what to congratulate: with recovery or discharge.
        Now I see clearly that only with an extract.
        1. hrenvamsredkoy
          27 December 2012 12: 53
          But I look, I have not tried to get rid of Russophobia?
    2. Che
      28 December 2012 08: 39
      The glorious past of Russia is hated by our opponents. To survive, we need to create a glorious future. This is not a slogan - it is a necessity.
      1. +19
        23 November 2020 15: 11
        Without the past, the present past, and not what is being imposed on us now, it is impossible to build a glorious bright future.
  7. -1
    27 December 2012 10: 36
    Again, the Vedas, Peruns, Dazhdbogi?
    1. +5
      27 December 2012 11: 38
      Middle Brother Today, 10: 36 ↓ new
      Again, the Vedas, Peruns, Dazhdbogi?
      And why not?
      The Greeks are proud of their odyssey, zeus and apollo. And no one reproaches them for this.
      I was in Cyprus and Rhodes - there they are remembered and proud of them.
      All of Europe is proud of the Roman heritage, and our history is cut off completely to 988.
      Why? What did not our ancestors lived before? Or frolicked in trees with untapped tails?
      Why am I worse than a Chinese, a Hindu or a Jew? They have the right to a seven-year history, but they refuse me ahead of time. Let me figure it out.
      Why are you reproaching me for trying to find out the story of my kind?
      1. Igor Belov
        27 December 2012 11: 51
        Quote: kosopuz
        Why are you reproaching me for trying to find out the story of my kind?

        Because, having recognized it, you will become unattainable for that stream of impurities that were poured on us by the once insignificant people who have risen thanks to lies and the appropriation of facts from someone else's history. They, in order to be "great", "European", "civilized", must necessarily slander and humiliate someone. In this case, they set about the greatest (I'm not afraid of this word) people on the planet - the Slavs, stealing history from us and, along the way, destroying historical documents.
        1. Siberian
          27 December 2012 13: 05
          Quote: Igor Belov
          Why do you reproach me with the desire to know the history of my kind

          It’s necessary for every nation to write about a history of many thousands of years ... People don’t fall from the sky, so everyone has a history of many thousands of years = I ... You just need to drag it to Ancient Egypt and Sumeria with Babylon and to Greece and Rome at the same time ...
      2. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 12: 02
        and we are proud of Svyatoslav, but carry nonsense that is capable, like the vile Judeo-socialist teachings, to re-ignite the flames of civil war, to draw us into the fact that the Judeo-liberal forces, which have already practically destroyed European, or Christian civilization, are already drawn in by returning pagan manners and customs. in the form of pederasty, bestiality, pedophilia, and all that scum that 100 years ago, there would have been impossible, as by the way in Russia until 17
      3. +5
        27 December 2012 12: 22
        Quote: kosopuz
        All of Europe is proud of the Roman heritage,

        ??? Than gladiatorial battles? Crucifixion on the cross? You do not compare the Slavs with these ghouls,
      4. -1
        27 December 2012 13: 08
        Yes, perun with you, when did I reproach? laughing
        Understand, be proud.
        Many play in the reconstruction of historical events and battles, others in the hobbits and elves. As the saying goes, whatever the child would have fun ...
    2. +18
      23 November 2020 15: 12
      What's wrong? Both Perun and Dazhdbog were worshiped by our ancestors. This must be known and honored.
  8. +7
    27 December 2012 10: 42
    If we are writing a patriotic article, then I think it is necessary to refrain from naming the Russians as Russians!

    This term was introduced by Mr. Yeltsin, apparently obviously he himself did not invent.
    Here you can call him as you like ...

    No new terms needed.
    Russia. Russia. Russians.
    1. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 11: 08
      What patriots are they? Ever wandering into the country?
      you will hear a lot from them about "kremlyadei" and "rasiyants" and yelling about pzhiv!
      their "patriotism" and thirst "to help the common man" is no different from the Judeo-Socialists of a hundred years ago, which resulted in the deaths of millions of Russians from starvation and executions, in the expulsion and destruction of the Russian educated class, replacing it with shtetl Jews, whose descendants are still broadcasting from now on truly blue screens, all these posners, gaidars, German daring and others feeding from the hands of Berezovsky, Gusinsky and their fellow tribesmen driving in the USA
      whose great-grandchildren, following the example of their ancestors of the commissars, plundered the country for the second time in the 20th century, that they still cannot calm down when it comes to the greatest anti-communist of the world, Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvilli, who literally put these cannibals to the wall and wiped into camp dust Civil War Heroes!
  9. +1
    27 December 2012 11: 12
    Watch the film by M. Zadornov "Rurik. A Forgotten Reality." Everything will fall into place, especially if you remember the words of Cyril that before the baptism of Russia was dirty and not washed. What kind of "our" religion after these words can there be! A religion that assures us from birth that we are "slaves" of God, and what happens at the top is from the command of God and he sends us tests.
    Guys, don't be gullible ignorant women.
    Religion belongs to one of the most effective methods of conducting information warfare. Our religion was replaced, because with that religion, we treated the planet as Mother Earth, and it was from there that this expression went. And with that religion, we would not be allowed to rob our country through bribes and betrayals of our former politicians, and even some current officials (a few and other creatures).
    So don't comfort yourself. I understand what to hear about "" my "" (I even put it in double quotation marks, because Jesus Christ was a Jew, and I will not explain why there are almost only Jews in the government for this reason, and at Moscow State University, out of 33 professors, only 3 Russians are addition) such a religion you want to drive in the face, but this is also what if you find out that your wife is walking. You won't believe until you are convinced yourself, and then you ask yourself the question: "After all, they told the fool that they were walking, and I guessed why I did not believe it, I lost so much time and you cannot turn back your life." I understand that I touched on a sore subject for some, but I myself went through it both in relation to religion and in relation to my wife, so do not think that I am joking.

    Something with the keyboard, I hurried to press it without checking, excuse me for the "clumsy" comment.
    1. Igor Belov
      27 December 2012 11: 25
      Quote: Oleg147741
      Watch the film by M. Zadornov "Rurik. A Forgotten Reality."

      A magnificent film and a very serious study of probably the most non-standard comedian, who (by the way the only one) said: Enough to suppress your people! In my opinion a very correct person and a very correct film !!!
      1. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 12: 05
        Yeah, "factories for workers! land for peasants"! not tired of carrying nonsense?
        no luck with the people? who spread rot does not want? and gives birth to children? do not fit into your plans?
        1. +9
          23 November 2020 15: 12
          Ahinea is you. And the slogan of the revolution brought prosperity to our people, which the neovlasovites like you took away from us.
    2. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 12: 04
      hee hee hee hee let's teach Native History, satirical Jews?
      1. Igor Belov
        27 December 2012 12: 30
        Quote: hrenvamsredkoy
        hee hee hee hee

        Yes you are sick!
        Quote: hrenvamsredkoy
        for satirical Jews?

        1. Do not like Jews?
        2. He is just Russian!
        1. hrenvamsredkoy
          27 December 2012 12: 55
          Yeah, very Russian, go to Riga to ask, they will lay out such a "Russian" pedigree there, you will die laughing
          1. Igor Belov
            27 December 2012 13: 11
            Quote: hrenvamsredkoy
            die with laughter

            Judging by the level of your "hee-hee-hicks", you have to live twice to fart. Can't you see the light at the end of the tunnel yet?
            1. hrenvamsredkoy
              27 December 2012 13: 22
              are you playing elf? here and play on
        2. +3
          27 December 2012 14: 20
          Igor Belov Today, 12: 30
          Yes you are sick!
          Do not pay attention to him. This is some clever Zionist mows under the anti-Semite moron. Previously, he was grazing under Yoshkin the Cat, was protruded, now appeared under a new nickname.
          His appearance is a sure sign of the greatest importance of the topic under discussion.
          Notice how he threw the discussion in with a mass of his inserts so that people got tired of reading and he went anywhere, but just to get from here.
          1. +2
            28 December 2012 01: 24

            Notice how he threw the discussion in with a mass of his inserts so that people got tired of reading and he went anywhere, but just to get from here.

            Correctly noticed ... That's exactly what he always did.
    3. +2
      27 December 2012 12: 24
      Quote: Oleg147741
      Watch the film by M. Zadornov "Rurik. A Forgotten Reality."

      Cut down the dough and home to Jurmala. (generally a hut in Riga, and a villa in Jurmala)
  10. +7
    27 December 2012 11: 13
    Attacks on Orthodoxy will continue from all sides, under different sauces and with varying degrees of impact. Somewhere directly and in "Puskovo-Femensky", and somewhere hiding 1% of lies among 90% of the truth.
    I continue to remind RESULT:
    1. Russia, through the efforts of our Orthodox ancestors, was twice as large as today's Russia. I lost half after the rule of atheists. Although I myself love the USSR, but fact is a fact.
    2. All the Great Russians, including Lomonosov, were deeply Orthodox believers: "The Creator gave the human race two books. In one he showed His greatness; in the other, His will. The first is this visible world ... The second book is Holy Scripture. It shows the Creator's blessing to our salvation "(M. Lomonosov)
    Such names as Nevsky, Donskoy, Suvorov, Ushakov, I hope, still remain authorities?
    3. Thanks to Orthodoxy, Russia survived and won the Troubles of 1612. Patriarch Germogen called on the people to overthrow the Seven Boyars with the Poles. For which he was tortured by hunger. The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was on Borodino. According to the testimony of Zhukov’s daughter, Marshal Zhukov was a believer and carried a list of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God with him. Let me remind you of the monks Oslyabyu and Peresvet - the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo, to which they were blessed by Sergius of Radonezh, and which inspired the Holy Prince Dmitry Donskoy.
    Almost all the great achievements of Russia - only thanks to the Orthodox faith.
    Not recognizing the greatest role of our Church is the same as calling white black.
    Once again - we give specific facts and results. Opponents of Orthodoxy except delusional philosophy and cleverness can not give anything in return. All people have different thoughts and anything can be proved in theory. But here is the result - it is either there or it is not.
    1. +4
      27 December 2012 11: 25
      + + + + + + + + + + good
      1. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 12: 06
        ++++++++++++++++++++++ good
    2. Igor Belov
      27 December 2012 11: 31
      Quote: Magadan
      The attacks on Orthodoxy will continue from all sides,

      And this is what it is connected with ...
      1. 0
        28 December 2012 01: 34
        Igor Belov,
    3. +2
      27 December 2012 12: 30
      Orthodoxy is the rule I glorify the world of the Light Gods and Our Many-Wise Ancestors.
      Christianity is not Orthodoxy. Not so long ago, it was Orthodox. in America, the church of Christians, after the arrival of the Bolsheviks, is called the orthoxical orthodox
      1. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 12: 56
        hi-hi-hi-hi what other set of phrases do you justify your point of view if your vocabulary runs out, stop by the baby
    4. +4
      27 December 2012 13: 10
      Magadan (1) Today, 11: 13
      Attacks on Orthodoxy will continue from all sides, under different sauces and with varying degrees of impact. Somewhere directly and in "Puskovo-Femensky", and somewhere hiding 1% of lies among 90% of the truth.
      Magadan, I once wrote that the history of the Russian people has 3 of the largest period: Vedic, Christian and Soviet.
      And in all periods there were achievements that you need to know, be proud of and use them. There were also tragic mistakes that need to be carefully studied in order not to repeat in the future.
      Attacks for any period are hostile actions against the Russian people. But there are attacks and there is constructive criticism. They must be distinguished.
      Attacks are actions aimed at denigrating, humiliating, destroying and destroying the object of an attack.
      Constructive criticism is aimed, on the contrary, at eliminating the shortcomings of the object being criticized with a view to its preservation, strengthening and successful development.
      Therefore, regarding the 3 periods of our history, they are all ours and it is a real crime against our ancestors who lived in all these periods to abandon them, demean them or denigrate them.
      “God is not in power, but in Truth,” the words of the Russian commander and St. Alexander Nevsky. And the current patriarch told a lie. And in order to restore not only his personal authority, but first and foremost the authority of the Church in the eyes of the people, he must recover.
      Otherwise, the thought of a misguided Cossack is created, which, like a hump, can lead blindly following him completely in the wrong place, as the Church promises.
      In general, we cannot avoid controversy, since everyone is closer to one of the 3's periods, but we must conduct it with respect to each other, learn more about them and find out ONE GENERAL CONTINUOUS history.
      1. +1
        28 December 2012 17: 28
        I agree with you. Neither our Orthodoxy nor Christianity nor the godlessness of the Soviet period should be rejected. This is our story and only ours. On ghouls ignore. laughing
        1. +16
          23 November 2020 15: 13
          Quote: Sandov
          Ignore the ghouls.

          It is not always possible to ignore them ...
    5. 11Goor11
      27 December 2012 21: 08
      Through the efforts of our Orthodox ancestors, Russia was twice as large as today's Russia.

      And from me ++++++++++++++
      I will only add that they are very fond of reproaching Christians with alleged "unfit humility," declaring it "weakness." So, all my ancestors, the Kuban Cossacks, were also humble Christians, but when it was necessary, they could get it with a saber, and then ask God for forgiveness for the ruined "Basurman soul" and, moreover, without any hypocrisy.
    6. 0
      1 January 2013 20: 11
      Quote: Magadan
      survived and won the Troubles of 1612

      Do you know that after the turmoil of 1612, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church was Patriarch Filaret? This is his own son - Mikhail Romanov and became king ...

      Isn't it a coincidence?
      1. +14
        23 November 2020 15: 15
        This is not a coincidence. It was the Romanovs who brought the split and enslavement of the peasants to the country, which led to the first civil war, better known as the Peasant War, led by Stepan Razin.
  11. +8
    27 December 2012 11: 13

    it is to the defense of culture and nat. interests.
    1. +5
      27 December 2012 11: 37
      !!!! Oleg, I myself just wanted to throw this link. Well done Cossacks !!! KEEP IT UP!
      Eh, people stir, guys, it pleases!
      And most importantly, just as I dream - it’s not clear who is fighting with anyone, not another revolution, but against specific freaks and specific lawlessness
  12. +7
    27 December 2012 11: 39
    I understand that there are constant provocations against the Orthodox religion, and that a statement like Metropolitan Kirill can be perceived as a slap in the face. I just pay attention to the fact that the faith that we were planted led Byzantium to collapse and tear.
    The current faith is a symbiosis from the one that they wanted to introduce in order to do with Russia what they did with Byzantium and that "pagan" one that was in Russia initially. And that this symbiosis was made by our ancestors, the Magi. You can treat my words with irony, as they say to each his own and unambiguously we read different books, but the fact that water, the surrounding nature has its own energy, with which it is necessary to live in peace and harmony, this is THIS and was at the heart of our religion for Russia, but it was simply taken and renamed into "pagan". And the Greek pagan, where everyone ... slept with everyone, let's say, they left it for clarity, and looking at this we, according to their plan, had to be ashamed of our religion. Which is what they actually achieved.
    But this is valid as long as the principle of ignorance works. As soon as a person ceases to know life, it is more difficult to cover him. And in the light of immunity, as some wrote yesterday (and to which there is a big plus for the fact that you can’t call them ignoramuses), it’s completely impossible.
    1. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 12: 10
      I just pay attention to the fact that the faith that we were planted led Byzantium to collapse and tear.

      yeah, only the Orthodox Roman Empire existed twice as long, the pagan predecessor, and fell, during the assault by the Turks, looted by the ancestors of the "civilized" Europeans
      1. Siberian
        27 December 2012 13: 12
        The Orthodox Roman Empire (Byzantium) appeared 1200 years later than Rome (in 395) and existed for 1453, i.e. 1058 years. Rome fell in 476 (if I'm not mistaken), i.e. the cycle of Rome (kingdom, republic, empire) is about 1300 years, i.e. Pagan Rome is more durable than the Orthodox.
        1. hrenvamsredkoy
          27 December 2012 13: 24
          um, are we talking about the founding of Rome or about the Roman Empire? so it will be shorter
          ps Moreover, Rome became Christian before its fall.
    2. sq
      27 December 2012 12: 13
      The phenomenon of the Russian Orthodox Church is that it not only replaced the ancient Slavic faith, but adapted to it, partially even merged, unlike the Roman Catholic one. I don’t remember where already, but I read a detailed and interesting article about it, though for a long time.
      1. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 12: 31
        from aphids, but what have the Serbs adapted to? Bulgarians? Greeks in Greece, in the holy land, in Syria, in Egypt?
        do not repeat nonsense
    3. +2
      28 December 2012 01: 42

      Oleg, your comment deserves the highest rating, at least for one phrase

      But this is valid as long as the principle of ignorance works. As soon as a person ceases to know life, it is more difficult to cover him.

      Each nation has its own roots. No wonder kings always painted a family tree. If the Russian people were cut off pre-Christian roots, then the whole tree will inevitably fall, which we observe.
      Kosopuz: that the history of the Russian people has 3 of the largest periods: Vedic, Christian and Soviet.

      The time has come to restore our integrity as a Great people, uniting the whole long history of the Russian family as a whole and gaining the full strength of our Russian Family.
  13. +4
    27 December 2012 11: 49
    how it seems to me that the Vatican in the Middle Ages fought not with witches, but with the VEDA, the remnants of the Slavic state in Western Europe, but it presented it to us as a struggle with the Eritics, magicians, etc. The fact that the Gentiles rewrote our history to us in their own way is probably no doubt. Now it is up to the patriots, who are not afraid to expose, to sort through. It was not for nothing that the priests came across Zadornov after the film about Rurik, for the next question would be: what was faith in ancient Russia ?? and faith was Orthodox, and Christianity was brought to us by prince (kogan) Vladimir, son of a rabbi (rabbi), From and think what kind of baptism of Russia it is, from whom it came and who stands behind it.
    1. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 12: 32
      um, do you know? that out of 100 burned "witches" and by no means in the Middle Ages (learn history) but in the Renaissance 99 were burned by Protestants?
      but about the Vedas, dear, there were still several centuries before they were written
    2. +1
      28 December 2012 01: 46

      They wrote very sensibly, here's an interesting and informative article on this topic: Sergey PLEKHANOV
  14. Lech e-mine
    27 December 2012 11: 55
    what is there to chop
    they are trying to humiliate us in their eyes by showing that we do not have our HISTORY
    you just need to give change to any suvorovym and their similar
    1. +17
      23 November 2020 15: 16
      How? We do not have an article in the Criminal Code on falsifying history. And the authorities will not agree to this ... So they themselves rewrite and falsify history.
  15. Fox
    27 December 2012 12: 02
    a cool article ... no, it doesn’t draw on a dissertation, of course. To begin with, fans of Orthodoxy should deal with this term. The Russian Orthodox Church became Orthodox in 1943, before that it was an Orthodox Judechrestian Russian church. As for Nevsky and Radonezhsky, think for yourself what ORTHODOX they are were or Jews.
    1. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 12: 37
      n-dya, I understand at once that the Judeo-Socialists do not need to know the history of the country! and the history of the Russian Church is the same!
      dear child, the name you quoted was a tribute to the socialist state that registered it (name), And the Churches were always named after the title of Primate, the first of which was the Archbishop of Moscow and all Russia and all the northern countries of the Patriarch.
    2. Igor Belov
      27 December 2012 12: 48
      Quote: Fox
      .no, the thesis does not pull, of course.

      But it makes you think. And if one out of ten people who read this article thinks about the questions: Who am I? Where do my roots come from? Where should I go? -, then the task of this and her articles, I think, has been completed. And the more often we start thinking about such issues, the less opportunity our enemies will have to turn us into a flaming herd of consumers.
      And there are enough provocateurs in our life, such as running along the branch, "hee-hee-hee-kicking" shibzdik.
      1. hrenvamsredkoy
        27 December 2012 13: 16
        I like your self-criticism Igor Belov
      2. 11Goor11
        27 December 2012 21: 19
        Here you read the thoughts of such "Panyushkins", and honestly, I really want to personally happen to them this is what they wish all the people.
        "a rabid dog that was left to live for only three days"

        Well then! Are liberals so sure of their integrity that they are not afraid to say that?
  16. +6
    27 December 2012 12: 03
    I read posts, look at the Cossack army in 50-60tys. people and I think that Russia is waking up and faster than in the west I could have guessed (I can only guess that they are already digging further than they see, some at least, excuse me not literary).
    So men, with eltsinoid or humpbacks, could afford such a thing !? Once again, I do not campaign for Putin, there are no ideal ones, that’s understandable!
    1. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 12: 40
      so this is why we are moving towards our Faith! for only it can stop the rollback of liberal paganism, with its pederasty and other abomination, not for nothing, the heyday of sexual licentiousness in the USSR coincided with the maximum persecution of the Church, it was not for nothing that the ITT was to revive one of the articles of the Imperial Criminal Code on punishment for sodomy
    2. 11Goor11
      27 December 2012 21: 21
      I once again not campaigning for Putin, the ideal does not exist, it’s understandable!

      good Is that what you mean? (if you cross out the word "not") laughing
  17. hrenvamsredkoy
    27 December 2012 12: 11
    Russia did what they did to Byzantium and that "pagan" one that was in Russia initially

    made the country out of several tribal unions, pulled out of a civilizational impasse leading to no where,
    1. +8
      23 November 2020 15: 17
      Quote: hrenvamsredkoy
      made the country out of several tribal unions, pulled out of a civilizational impasse leading to no where,

      And she drove the country into serfdom, which lasted until the second half of the 19th century ...
  18. djon3volta
    27 December 2012 12: 36
    I know what questions I like to ask? For example, why in poor Iraq or Afghanistan do their women give birth to 3-5 children, sometimes living in dugouts, and Russians living in apartments with all amenities either do not want to give birth, or 1 child, rarely 2-3 ..or if there were no crisis in 2008, how much would the dollar cost right now, considering that at the time of the crisis it had fallen to 23 rubles ..
    1. +2
      27 December 2012 12: 51
      Quote: djon3volta
      for example, why in poor Iraq or Afghanistan their women give birth to 3-5 children, sometimes living in dugouts, and Russians living in apartments with all the amenities either do not want to give birth, or 1 child, rarely 2-3.

      Well, there is a specific answer
      In a traditional agrarian society, children were seen primarily as additional working hands in the household. Therefore, the birth of children made economic sense, since people worked from early childhood. Under the conditions of subsistence farming, it was possible to increase the total family income, as a rule, only in one way - by creating new workers by giving birth to children. It was the material benefit of having a large number of children that was the main reason for the high birth rate in traditional society. Plus, a large family, as an economic unit, was more stable during periods of famine and other disasters (not uncommon in traditional society). In addition, a large number of children is a guarantee of procreation in conditions of relatively high infant mortality. Urbanization and industrial labor destroy this type of behavior and lead to a decrease in the birth rate, and the more generations have lived in the city after migration from the village, the lower the birth rate.

      In a developed industrial society, children must study for a long time in order to obtain a qualification that meets modern requirements. This leads to their exclusion from economic life. Children from assistants turn into a burden for adults. Parents are forced to spend their time and money to reach children with a high educational level. They prefer to raise only one or two "high-quality" children, because a large number of children in the family, as a rule, negatively affect their educational level and further career. In addition, a long training period helps to increase the average age of a woman giving birth to her first child (from 16 to 25 years and older). In an agrarian society, children, working together with their parents, acquired the necessary labor skills in a natural way.

      Almost all countries with a high educational level have low birth rates. And vice versa, fertility leaders have an illiterate population (in Arab countries 38% of the population over 15 is illiterate, in the countries of “black” Africa - 35%).
      The pension system also contributes to lower fertility, as people cease to be interested in having a large number of offspring that help in old age.

      An important (but not decisive) role was played by the distribution of available contraceptives.

      By the way, there is still such a moment
      In world practice, there was not a single example of successful public policy that would lead to a long-term increase in the birth rate. High fertility is closely linked to the traditional way of life (the elements of which are the low level of education and the lack of rights of women).

    2. hrenvamsredkoy
      27 December 2012 13: 00
      it’s very simple, the Judeo-Communists didn’t cast out on them over Vera, not yet so long ago, while the same USSR, while people remained Christians (90% in 37 according to surveys in the RSFSR) and then by the 60s they had stopped, they had grown fully communized generations
    3. Cold
      27 December 2012 13: 11
      There faith is strong and the fear of the Almighty to have abortions or use conceraps is not proper to reject what God gives (all this is supported by spiritual leaders) and it does not matter who he believes in (young people are inherently stupid by nature to a certain age). in the Soviet Union, remember how you looked at drunken bribe takers, etc. In my opinion, Russia has a very high birth rate in the Caucasus and there are no kindergartens. There is a lot to learn especially in geyevrope.
  19. +5
    27 December 2012 13: 54
    with a comment: Cut down the money and return to Jurmala. (generally a hut in Riga, and a villa in Jurmala) You have already noted somewhere in the previous discussions.
    It’s hard with imagination. We are discussing not only villas or yachts, but who is doing what!
    What film did you make or what did you do to strengthen Russia and the people's faith in their roots? And then scratching your tongue, it does not roll bags!
    1. +1
      27 December 2012 14: 20
      Quote: Oleg147741
      We are not discussing who has villas or yachts, but who does what!

      Oleg, well, is it really not clear that grinding his tongue is his bread and he didn’t spit on Russia since he lives in the Baltic states ,,
      Quote: Oleg147741
      Which movie did you make

      Lord forbid I do not rank myself as disgraceful (disgraceful Russian name for actors)

      Quote: Oleg147741
      what have you done to strengthen Russia

      I served the motherland honestly, didn’t steal, didn’t take bribes, didn’t lick my ass to the authorities, for which, as I think, I flew out of the nth unit with the rank of captain
  20. Oidsoldier
    27 December 2012 14: 17
    I read the article and remembered: "Oh, these fairy tales, oh, these storytellers!" Ancient Russian civilization only ANCIENT UKRA.
  21. +6
    27 December 2012 14: 51
    Just read the same koment before.
    I respect the servants and you too.
    About Zadornov. As an alternative, he could not write anything, I think he has enough money, or he could continue to speak out against stupid Americans, and also row money. But something and he "clicked". And even if, in spite of the fact that he lives in the Baltic States, one of the youth, and not only of the youth, thinks about his family, but someone may even stand up for someone against the representatives of the Northern Caucasus in a trolleybus-bus who behave in an inappropriate way, then we can already say that the result is normal and someone has seen.
    On the subject of films. When it happens that I completely become a pissimist (I confess, sometimes it happens) I watch "Only old men go to battle" or "White sun of the desert". There is one phrase that is "I don't take a bribe ... it's a shame for the state." Believe it or not, it helps, so movies are a serious weapon! And this film, maybe not "Only old men go to battle," but a weapon. Although, again, depending on for whom which film may be more important.
    So from this point I meant that it doesn’t matter where he has a house in the village.
  22. +3
    27 December 2012 16: 42
    No wonder Likhachev has the same idol among the general people as Sakharov. He was an outstanding scientist who worked for the good of the country and the people, and then betrayed all this by lovingly talking to the rootless cosmopolitans.
  23. wax
    27 December 2012 18: 31
    It is interesting that Westerners and anti-Russians were reckoned in rewriting history to the obvious absurdity: in the west (from the Volga and the Don) - an ancient civilization, in the south - also in the east - also in the north-west too. And in the middle of where the Russians lived, there was a black hole. And, interestingly. Of all these civilizations, the colonialists of the space of this black hole, who were interested in leaflets on birches, perled. And what? Received on the teeth, civilized, armed with the latest achievements of non-barbaric science and technology. From whom? From the wild backward people? Do not tell my sneakers! This is in .... Odessa, and if in Russian, but I will not strain my ears to refined .. derasam.
  24. +1
    27 December 2012 22: 16
    The second one. The Russian pagan pantheon contains the same gods as the rest of the Indo-European systems: Greece, Rome, Iran and Egypt. In it we find Poseidon, and Demeter, and Ra, and Mars, and Varuna.
    It is their religion that contains the same gods, not ours!
    1. +1
      28 December 2012 01: 53
      Right Oleg
      The second one. The Russian pagan pantheon contains the same gods as the rest of the Indo-European systems: Greece, Rome, Iran and Egypt. In it we find Poseidon, and Demeter, and Ra, and Mars, and Varuna.
      It is their religion that contains the same gods, not ours!

      In addition, the magicians called the gods energies. God grant - the sun. Midday sun (that is, the highest energy potential) - Mitra. Earth - Lada (the same energy among Christians - Virgin)
  25. Oleg1986
    28 December 2012 11: 02
    But they warned that after the expected collapse of the "liberals" the country would begin to be sharpened from the inside by such "soil-nationalists". Not at my own expense, of course. Moreover, it is much more successful than snickering hamsters. They dug up some ancient article. Go ahead - into the forest! To a highly developed community with a temple. It is strange that Hyperborea, or whatever it is, was not dragged along.
  26. Obama Barakov
    26 August 2014 00: 49
    I would not want to add a fly in the ointment, but for the sake of justice it will be necessary.
    I understand that to wave a saber and then repent is the top of the buzz, but ... When was the last time you did this? The story is complicated, there was False Dmitriy, there was Napoleon and Lithuanian-Polish problems, both Swedish and Mongolian, different. And Russia was the size of the Moscow region thanks to the collusion of the monarchy with its eternal friendly international Entente, to which this monarchy sold Russian grain, while the peasants ate bread with black quan in coal.
    I do not like Orthodoxy, arrogance and pathos. But even more, I do not like lying and creating a bright image by hushing up the truth.

    How do you feel about such pages of Orthodoxy, not delving into liberation from tributes by monols, but an exchange for prayers for khans and other joys?
    Truth. Who loves her? Orthodoxy? With these coils that were worn in Russia? So that in 980, people were fond of reading and writing, and at the beginning of the 20th century they were taught in schools except choral singing? What is the historical perspective? A military empire expanding borders, silent about poverty, hunger, powerlessness, deceit and hypocrisy? I’m scared that in my country people see poor Russians and talk about greatness.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"