Weapons from the pass. Lemon pit principle


Weapon from the pass

The subject of the article is a super-fast kinetic weapon. This topic emerged from an analysis of the tragic events on the Dyatlov Pass in February 1959. The death of nine tourists on the amount of available facts, even in the official investigation qualifies as violent with the use of an unknown weapon. This was discussed in the articles directly devoted to these events: "Unclassified materials - the truth is somewhere near" and "The dead do not lie."

Since the damage on the bodies of the dead corresponded to the power of the rifle bullet, and the nature of the damage indicated the very small size of such a bullet, the conclusion was that this bullet, in order to maintain its destructive power, should have microscopic dimensions and speed of the order of 1000km / sec.

In the previous article “Weapons from the Pass” the possibility of bullet bullet through the atmosphere without its destruction due to air friction was grounded, this article will attempt to reconstruct the weapon itself.

Once again about the version of events on the Dyatlov Pass. I believe that back in February 1959, our state (then the USSR) conducted an operation to seize an unknown high-tech object. At least 9 people died, most likely, this unknown object “didn’t seem to be enough”, otherwise the government wouldn’t make so much effort to hide its participation in these events.

This is only a version, I can be wrong. The sum of the facts is insufficient for an unambiguous interpretation of those old events, and it is not important in the context of the current topic.

It is important that the issue of the reality of the existence of an ultra-high-speed kinetic weapon is raised.

It is important that the bullets of such weapons can effectively move in gas (air) environments.

It is important that such a weapon is actually created on the basis of the technologies at our disposal.

But let's talk about this in more detail, we can certainly say that if the “micropoor” is a product of unknown technologies, then the weapon itself is also based on physical principles unknown to us. Maybe so, but the technologies known to us are capable of providing acceleration of bullets up to speeds of the order of 1000km / sec. I'm not talking about exotic, such as Gaussian weapons, railguns, there is no very ordinary powder technology, only in new, modern packaging.

Let's start with the existing technology of high-speed kinetic weapons, and only then proceed to fiction.

Artillery limit

For traditional artillery systems, a theoretical projectile speed ceiling has been reached to date - around 2-3km / s. The speed of the combustion products of gunpowder is precisely at this level, namely, they create pressure on the bottom of the projectile, which accelerates it in the gun barrel.

To achieve such a result, one had to use a sabot projectile (lose a significant part of the energy), a caseless technology (a sleeve at high pressures in the breech wedges), shots with normalized rates of combustion of gunpowder and a multipoint blasting system (to create uniform pressure throughout the projectile's motion along the barrel) .

The limit has been reached, a further increase in the velocity of the projectile in this technology rests on the limiting pressures maintained by the barrel, which are already on the verge of the possible. As a result, we have such a projectile, a snapshot of the real shot, at the time of the reset of the calibrating tabs:

Pay attention to the arc near the flying shell inserts, this is the shock waves, which was written in the previous article. In a shock wave, gas molecules move faster than the speed of sound. Get under such a wave will not find it. But the sharpened core of the projectile such a wave can not create, the speed is not enough ....

But at the disposal of modern civilization there is another technology for creating high-speed kinetic weapons, literally cosmic in scale.

Arrows of god

Burning thousands of tons of fuel of maximum energy intensity, mankind has learned to launch objects weighing tens of tons into space and at speeds of the order of 10 km / sec. It is a sin not to use these space "projectiles" with huge kinetic energy as a weapon. The idea is not original, since 2000 the USA has been working on this project, its original name is "the arrows of God". It was assumed that objects on the ground would be hit by tungsten arrows about six meters long and weighing about one hundred kilograms. The kinetic energy of such an arrow, at such speeds, is approximately 0,1-0,3 Kilotons of TNT equivalent. This is how this project was presented then, more than 10 years ago:

The project in recent years has gone into the shadows, either they have forgotten about it, or vice versa, it has entered a stage of serious design work and, accordingly, acquired the “Top Secret” vulture.

The second is more likely, painfully tempting prospect, only from the satellite, as it was originally supposed to not use this weapon effectively, the laws of ballistics are inexorable. Targeting an object will lead to a sharp decrease in the speed of such a tungsten boom, and therefore it will not carry all the energy to the point of impact, at best the speed of the arrow at the point of impact will be 5-6 km / sec.

There is only one way out, the initial targeting to produce a correction of the orbits of the satellite itself, and for this purpose they use not the usual satellites, but the maneuvering orbital systems, which we have had Spiral in the Bose and its Strela carrier. Americans have not died theme, on the contrary, right now, the next Shuttle X-37B is in space. Here is what it looks like:

Weapons from the pass. Lemon pit principle

One of the obvious uses of this unmanned vehicle is a space bomber armed with the arrows of God described earlier.

So orbital kinetic weapons are the future of local conflicts, ideal, by the way. But this is not our topic, let us return to "our sheep", the traditional powder technology.

Kinematics acceleration projectile

According to the principle of its operation, the gun installation remains unchanged from the moment of its invention; it is a cylinder (barrel), a piston (projectile) and a charge (powder) placed between them. In such a scheme, the velocity of the projectile in the limit is determined by the velocity of dispersal of the combustion products of the charge, this value is maximum 3-4 km / s and depends on the pressure in the combustion volume (between the projectile and the bottom of the piston).

Modern artillery systems have reached the theoretical speed limit of the projectile in this kinematic scheme and a further increase in speed is almost impossible.

So the scheme needs to be changed, but is there any possibility at all to accelerate the projectile to a speed greater than the products of powder burning can provide? At first glance, it is impossible, it is impossible to push the projectile faster than the velocity of the gases carrying out this velocity head.

But sailors have long learned to accelerate their sailing ships to speeds greater than wind speed, in our case it is a direct analogy, the moving gaseous medium transfers its energy to a physical object, this is their latest achievement:


This "miracle" at wind speed in 40km / h due to the "oblique" sail is able to move at a speed of 120 km / h, that is, three times faster than the air driving this sailboat. This, at first glance, paradoxical result can be achieved due to the fact that speed is a vector quantity and movement at an angle to the direction of the wind with the help of an “oblique” sail is probably faster than the wind itself.  

So the gunners have someone to borrow new principles for accelerating shells, a suitable principle is in tailors, or rather, in their main tool - scissors.

The effect of interlocking blades

There is such a concept, a “thought experiment,” all that concerns further implies the presence of imagination, at least at the household level .. an eleven-year-old child.

Imagine a pair of scissors, they are divorced, their tips are supposed to be divorced by a centimeter, and the blades have a closing point at a distance of 10 centimeters from the tips.

We begin to close them "all the way."

So, for the time until the tips will be held one centimeter, the point of closure will move ten centimeters.

In such a system, the speed of movement of physical objects will be maximum at the tips of scissors. But, most importantly, the point of application of forces (the closing point of the blades) will move at a speed of 10 times greater than the speed of physical objects in such a system. Since during the closing time (while the tips of the scissors are one centimeter), the closing point will move to 10 centimeters.

Now imagine, at the intersection of the blades, (at the point of closure) a small physical object is placed (for example a ball), so it will move at a speed of displacement of the point of closure, i.e. ten times faster than scissors tips.

This simple analogy allows us to understand how, at a given speed of a physical process, it is possible to obtain a point of application of forces moving much faster than the physical object itself.

And moreover, how this point of application of forces can accelerate physical objects to speeds much higher than the speeds of movement of the physical objects involved in the acceleration (blades in our example).

For simplicity, we will call this mechanism of acceleration of physical objects. "The effect of interlocking scissors".

I think it is easy to understand a person who does not know the fundamentals of physics, at least my 11 year-old daughter immediately, after I explained it to her, gave me an obvious association, saying: ".. yes, it’s just like a lemon bone with a finger ...".

Indeed, children of genius in their simplicity have long used this effect for their pranks, pinching a slippery seed with their thumb and index finger and “shooting” from such an improvised accelerating installation. So this method has already been used by many of us in practice as a child ...

Acceleration of bullets by the methods of "interlocking scissors" and "vector addition of speeds"

It may seem to someone that the author is the discoverer of new technologies, to the contrary, it may seem to someone that he is a visionary. No need for emotions, until I came up with anything new. These technologies are already used in real-life artillery systems based on the principles of a cumulative explosion. Only the words used there are too tricky, but as you know: "as you call a ship, so it will ... fly."

The cumulative effect was accidentally discovered in 30 years of the last century and immediately found use in artillery. The cumulative charge for acceleration of the gas jet uses the two effects mentioned above at once, the effect of vectorial addition of speeds and the effect of interlocking scissors. In more advanced implementations, a metal core is placed in a cumulative jet, which by this jet accelerates to the speed of the jet itself, the so-called “shock core”.

But this technology has a physical limit, the detonation speed is 10km / s (limit) and the angle of the cumulative cone is 1: 10 (physical tensile strength). As a result, we obtain the flow rate of gases at the level of 100-200 km / s. In theory.

This is a very inefficient process, most of the energy is wasted. In addition, there is a problem with targeting, which depends on the uniformity of the undermining of the shaped charge and its homogeneity.

Nevertheless, the technology has already left the laboratories and has been used in standard weapons since the mid-eighties of the last century, this is the well-known anti-tank "mine" TM-83 with a hit area of ​​more than 50 meters. And here is the last, and moreover, the domestic example:

This is the anti-helicopter "mine", the range of "spitting" of the shaped charge to 180 meters, the striking element looks like this:

This is a photo of the impact nucleus in flight, immediately after its departure from the gas cumulative jet (black cloud to the right), a trace of a shock wave (Mach cone) is visible on the surface.

Let's call everything by its proper name, the shock core, is High speed bullet, only dispersed not in the barrel, but in a stream of gases. And the shaped charge itself is Rifleless gunnery, this is what we need for the reconstruction of weapons from the pass.

The speed of such a bullet is 3 km / s, it is very far from the theoretical technology limit of 200 km / s. Let me explain why - the theoretical speed limit is reached in the course of scientific experiments in laboratory conditions, there it is enough to get at least one record result during the experiments. And in real weapons, the equipment should work with a hundred percent guarantee.

The method of acceleration of an object by a cumulative jet at small closing angles of an explosive cone (25-45 degrees) does not provide accurate aiming and often the impact core simply slips out of the focus of the gas stream, leaving what is called “milk”.

For combat use, cumulative notch is made with a clamping angle greater than 100 degrees, with such angles of cumulative notch the speed over 5km / sec cannot be achieved even in theory, but the technology works reliably and is applicable in combat conditions.

You can speed up the process of “closing scissors”, but in this case, you should abandon the detonation method to form the point of application of forces in the explosive channel. For this, it is necessary that the explosion pass along the acceleration route of a bullet at a higher speed than can provide a detonation mechanism.

In this case, the blasting scheme should provide simultaneous blasting of explosives along the entire length of the explosive channel, and the scissors effect should be obtained by conical arrangement of the walls of the explosive channel, as shown in the figure:

Creating a scheme for the simultaneous detonation of an explosive in a bullet acceleration channel is quite a feasible task for a modern technological level.

And besides, the issue of physical strength will be immediately resolved, the tube of detonating substance will not have time to collapse during the passage of the bullet, since the mechanical load will be transferred more slowly than the explosive process goes.

 For a bullet, the point of application of force is important, the only problem is controlling the speed of movement of the point of application of force, so that the bullet is always at this point, but more on that later, this is a technique and not a theory.

It remains to understand the scaling of the process of acceleration of such a bullet, namely, in what mass-dimensional parameters to implement this theoretical mechanism in practice.

Scaling law RTT

We live in persistent delusions, an example of such a delusion is the associative combination of concepts: “more - it means more powerful”. Artillery science is very conservative and is fully subject to this principle so far, but nothing lasts forever under the moon.

Until recently, this associative paradigm was largely correct, and less costly from the point of view of practical implementation. But now it is no longer the case; technology breakthroughs are carried out where principles change to just the opposite.

I will give an example from my profession, computers for 20-30 have decreased in volume by a factor of 1000, while their computing power has also risen by a thousand times.

I would generalize this example to a global scale, formulating it as a law, for example: “An increase in the efficiency of the physical process is inversely proportional to the volume used to implement this process. ”.

I will call it the law R_T_T, by the right of the discoverer, what if the name takes root?

Become famous!

A joke, of course, but in every joke there is some truth, so we will try to prove to the gunners that their engineering science obeys this law too.

Considering "our sheep", knowing the pressure of gases of combustion products of explosives, the mass of "micro bullets", its effective surface you can calculate the acceleration distance, in other words, the length of the barrel in which the "micro bullet" accelerates to a given speed.

It turned out that such a “microbulb” to 1000km / s can be accelerated at a distance of just 15 centimeters.

Our "scissors" close with a doubled velocity of the gases of explosion products - 20 km / s, which means that to obtain a closing speed of 1000 km / s and an input gauge with a diameter of 1 mm for an explosive channel 150 mm long, the output gauge should be 1,3 mm ..

It remains to understand how much explosives are needed for such acceleration, but everything is simple, physics is universal and its laws are unchanged, to disperse a bullet is a million times easier and a thousand times faster than our standard, - a rifle bullet will need exactly as much energy as acceleration conventional rifle bullets.

Consequently, the energy of the explosive should remain unchanged, but the nature of the explosive should be different, the gunpowder does not fit, burns too slowly, a detonating explosive is needed. In other words, you need to make a tube 5 mm long from 150 grams of explosive, such as RDX. and an inlet diameter of 1mm. and the output is 1,3 mm.

For the strength and concentration of the explosion inside the channel of the passage of “micro-bullets” it is necessary to place this construction in a strong metal cylinder. And to manage on the entire distance of the passage of the "micro-bullets" to produce a simultaneous and uniform detonation of explosives.

To summarize, the physical principles for dispersing a bullet to speeds in 1000km / sec are even based on powder technologies, moreover, these principles are used in real weapons systems.

Just do not immediately rush into the laboratory and try to implement such an explosive accelerating system, there is one significant problem, the initial speed of the microboots in such an explosive channel must be greater than the speed of closing the explosive fronts, otherwise the effect of the closing scissors will not work.

In other words, in order to inject a “microbelt” into the explosive channel, it must first be accelerated to a speed of approximately 10km / s, and this is far from simple.

Therefore, the technical details of the implementation of such a hypothetical rifle system will be left for the next part of this article, so the continuation follows .... 

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  1. 46bob46
    25 December 2012 09: 00
    And in guillotine shears, the closing speed is at least 2 times faster.
    Thus, judging by the opinion of the author, exceeding the speed of light is not a problem.
  2. AK-47
    25 December 2012 09: 49
    Creating a scheme for the simultaneous detonation of an explosive in a bullet acceleration channel is quite a feasible task for a modern technological level.

    In 1878, the French engineer Perrault (fr. Louis-Guillaume Perreaux) invented the principle of multicamory. He created a project of the so-called “theoretical cannon”, which optimally uses the energy of a propelling explosive.
    The Perrault gun had one ordinary powder charge located in the chamber of the breech of the gun, and several additional charges of propelling explosives placed in separate chambers located along (along the length) of the barrel.
    Additional projectile propellant charges ignited as the projectile passed through the barrel, maintaining constant pressure in it (within the strength of the artillery barrel).
    One of the incarnations of the Perrault principle of the multi-chamber gun was the Conders gun - one of the attempts to create a “weapon of retaliation”, known as the V-3, the “Millipede” and the “High Pressure Pump”.
    This principle can also be used in handguns, but only theoretically.
    1. 0
      26 December 2012 15: 27
      There are also restrictions on the pressure and speed of expansion of gases, that is, a speed of the order of 3 km / s is almost maximum.
  3. +9
    25 December 2012 10: 00
    I can’t understand why the author decided that they were killed by such weapons? Judging by the materials of the case, thoughts do not even arise about this.
    1. +6
      25 December 2012 11: 51
      Quote: Slevinst
      I can’t understand why the author decided that they were killed by such weapons? Judging by the materials of the case, thoughts do not even arise about this.

      Well, it’s necessary to somehow voice a brilliant idea, let there be a connection with the Dyatlov Pass laughing
  4. +2
    25 December 2012 10: 07
    Please describe the events indicated in the article on the Dyatlov Pass as part of your vision - what happened there?
    1. 0
      25 December 2012 23: 07
      There it was quite possible that something was tested or the effect of the sound of wind of the order of 4 decibels - there are stone fingers everywhere and everywhere - so the rumble of the wind could provoke panic on the principle of the hum of the ocean, as a result of which the Flying Dutchmen walked across the oceans.
      1. 0
        26 December 2012 03: 23
        Alexey Garbuz, You probably wanted to say hertz, not decibel. Still, things are different, i.e. did you mean "the voice of the sea"?
        1. 0
          26 December 2012 07: 21
          Tobish exposure to infrasound.
        2. 0
          26 December 2012 22: 00
          Yes, exactly, you are right.
  5. +7
    25 December 2012 10: 07
    Consciously or not, the author deliberately simplifies everything. They say all ingenious is simple, they say "Look at the root" (K. Prutkov). And the snag itself is in the high-speed and uniform detonation of the charge. And this is a problem. For example, I don’t know such an explosive with such characteristics, and the mention of RDX made it smile at all. Immediately I remember the first fuse for an atomic bomb, the most complicated calculations, constant problems with synchronization, and even the dimensions. This is then weapons-grade plutonium and another detonation scheme (no less complicated, but at least the dimensions have decreased significantly). Therefore, it is not in vain that the notorious relaystrons are being developed, it is easier, and the energy and uniformity of the pulse are controlled. The snag in energy sources, yes. Although, theoretically, it is quite possible on ships with a nuclear power plant, although it is still costly, especially when you consider what kind of electronic magnetic impulse will be, this is a big deal for all fine electronics, and people will not find it enough (I can be wrong). There is a rumor about a "railgun" based on the effect of superconductivity, which is not known. Since everything is on the verge of rumors and speculation. Wait and see. And the author is a fine fellow, he thinks, whoever is looking will always find something :-).
  6. Skavron
    25 December 2012 10: 26
    Well, I don’t know about micropools, I can’t say anything here. But with the tragedy of the Dyatlov group, I would not associate the article. IMHO of course ...
  7. borisst64
    25 December 2012 10: 46
    The author’s daughters are respected, and he would advise him not to clog the child’s head with such topics. Although I suppose that this is a literary device, and quite effective, and about the bone is very accessible and original.
  8. 0
    25 December 2012 10: 54

    This article, the first part of the second did not rummage around, So I have a question, the Author alone on these two articles or the author on a military review simply copied it, if the second is very embarrassing, a comrade write such a name on his behalf
    1. 0
      25 December 2012 18: 10
      That link you gave with VO copied ... The author sends his articles to the post office, he writes himself.
  9. USNik
    25 December 2012 11: 18
    "Law" RTT
    "The increase in the efficiency of the physical process is inversely proportional to the volume used to implement this process."

    But what about the stars? After all, their effectiveness is determined precisely by the size? The more, the longer and more the amount of energy released ...
  10. +3
    25 December 2012 11: 34
    amusing, but this has nothing to do with Dyatlov’s group. I will put an article plus for a rich imagination.
    1. AK-47
      25 December 2012 12: 11
      Quote: Middle Brother
      but this has nothing to do with Dyatlov’s group

      I completely agree, this is a completely different story worthy of a separate discussion.
      Igor Dyatlov
  11. 0
    25 December 2012 13: 30
    Here came an approximate diagram of such a weapon:
    Plain smooth trunk.
    The bullet in size is half the diameter of the barrel.
    The bullet is wrapped in explosive with a slowed explosion speed - that is, it explodes for several milliseconds after it is heated to the temperature of the explosion.
    Behind the bullet is another explosive - with increased explosive power - it explodes instantly.
    Then, when the first substance is undermined, the second (inert) will be vaporized and thrown forward along the barrel by the shock wave.
    Since in terms of density it is less than the density of the bullet, in the process of ejection it will overtake the bullet (which will slowly accelerate due to its mass and inertia) and settle down along the barrel in the form of a cone.
    This is where the second explosion of the substance suspended in the barrel will occur, which will be predominantly located near the barrel walls.
    Well and further - as in a picture with scissors.
    1. 0
      26 December 2012 16: 40
      Oh came up with a more interesting scheme.
      The bullet has a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the barrel and is not wrapped in explosives, but in a reducing agent (such as kerosene or its solid counterpart).
      Then the explosion of matter behind the bullet vaporizes the reducing agent and pushes it forward along the barrel, where it mixes with atmospheric air.
      Further, the bullet moving along the barrel compresses the resulting mixture (between the body of the bullet and the barrel walls), which detonates at the moment the bullet passes.
      Further, everything is as in a ramjet engine but only turned inside out.
  12. evil hamster
    25 December 2012 13: 51
    And before this phrase there were controversial moments, but this one says that the author does not fully understand the physics of the process.
    "Pay attention to the arcs near the flying shells of the projectile, these are the shock waves, which were written about in the previous article. In the shock wave, gas molecules move faster than the speed of sound. It will not seem a little to get under such a wave. But the sharpened core of the projectile to create such a wave cannot, the speed is not enough .... "

    This is a general definition: a shock wave propagating at a supersonic speed thin transition region, in a swarm there is a sharp increase in density, pressure and in-va speed. W. in. arise during explosions, detonation, with supersonic movements of bodies, with powerful electric. discharges, etc.

    In this case, we are dealing with shock waves from a moving projectile in a stationary gas, and it is this jump that propagates with supersonic speed, but no matter how the substance in it

    I should also note that compaction jumps form on the core of the projectile, we don’t see them, but they are simply much weaker, since the core has a much more streamlined shape and creates less disturbances than the host device.

    Then I looked diagonally, but I will nevertheless note this: "In more advanced implementations, a metal core is placed in the cumulative jet, which is accelerated by this jet to the speed of the jet itself, the so-called" impact core "" - No dear author, no one places any cores anywhere - The "core" is formed from the lining of the cumulative funnel and, which is typical, never accelerates to jet speeds of 7-10 km / s, but up to about 2 km / s. It is also worth noting that the "core" is formed when the opening angle of the funnel is obtuse (as we see in the photo of the anti-helicopter mine), if the angle is sharp, a jet is formed.
  13. PiP
    25 December 2012 14: 01
    As a tutorial article is not bad. hi
  14. Kir
    25 December 2012 14: 44
    Looks like the author is very stuck, I want to ask if he is a relative of S. Kashnitsky.
    And with regards to comparing the first computers with the current ones, it’s not a correct comparison at all, especially since the author, as he points out in the topic!, It’s exactly the same way you can compare an analog photo with a number.
    And in general it is doubtful, even assuming the existence of a reasonable force with superior technology, such a primitive, so you agree to the fact that lightning is like a hand, etc., etc.
  15. +1
    25 December 2012 14: 57
    Interesting, entertaining ...
    Closing speed of scissors .... Of course, and above light can be.
    If anyone has the power to imagine scissors with blades of 300 length of thousands of kilometers and with an opening at the end in 1 see
    Let’s estimate now what energy will need to be applied .. POWER, (and energy to spend) - to move .. Three hundred and fifty-kilometer blades.
    The transfer point, the point of movement - it is .. the point.
    The electron, of course, is as inexhaustible as the atom.
    But what about the DOT ... something is gnawing at me doubts.
    Soon quite ... gnawed.
    .. The evil hamster is right one hundred percent - ".. In this case we are dealing with shock waves from a moving projectile in a stationary gas and this is exactly leap spread at supersonic speed, but not like the substance in it. "
    So ... or we .. RACE ..... or we are BODY.
    And when the body jumps ... then this ... from the ballet.
    1. 46bob46
      25 December 2012 16: 24
      Igarr, to the pipe, respect! And I'm above absolutely the same (
  16. +2
    25 December 2012 18: 26
    In principle, I agree with the author of the article that it is possible (theoretically) to disperse several grams or milligrams of matter there to a speed of about 1000 km / sec. By the way, everyone knows the memorable collider accelerates a certain amount of matter even to almost light speeds. But, the main question is WHY? What will it give? Well, let us disperse 1 gram of tungsten to 1000 km / s, even if it (this gram) flies out of the barrel, what will become of it after 10 or 100 meters of flight? So I will say, even without calculations, it will simply evaporate when rubbed against the air and we will get a grandiose PSHIK from this "micro-bullet" ... Well, of course, all this venture will have the same result ... And so the author's reasoning on the implementation details I liked ...
    At the last moment I thought that this weapon could only be useful in space and therefore I take my words about the "whole idea" back, but I will not wipe them out of the commentary (the word is not a sparrow).
  17. +2
    25 December 2012 20: 50
    Different versions, some quite interesting

  18. postman
    25 December 2012 21: 50
    Quote: Author
    The topic of the article is ultra-fast kinetic weapons.

    Smiled. It would be April 1, generally in the subject.
    The author will not calm down.
    October was a pity, but there are chances to get:

    Ig Nobel Prize

    I paraphrase (slightly, otherwise it won’t fit) Chaliapin A.L.

    APPEAL TO ALL PHANTASERS FROM PHYSICS(gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics)


    Before building up more and more fantasies in physics (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics), from which all media are already breaking and which huge mountains of worthless rubbish replenish more and more, it is highly recommended to master for a start fundamentals of fundamental physics (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics) within the framework of which all the main tasks of modern physics can be perfectly solved(gas dynamics, forensics) .

    Dreamers of all sorts of stripes who do not know either classical physics (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics) , in a magnificent, terry color, blossomed on the difficulties of physics, on the difficulties of experimental methods. Moreover, each illiterate dreamer tries to impersonate the plaintiff in the last resort, blocking more and more abstractions, as a rule, very far from reality.

    And the illiterate people are in complete confusion, not knowing who to believe in - the new plaintiffs or authorities of the past.
    It often happens that such a dreamer sucks out another fantasy at home, lying on the sofa and looking at the ceiling, and then makes a noise around the world about his "achievements". And it’s impossible to stop him - he stands his ground to the last, because if he abandon his crazy idea, nothing will remain there - only “zero” knowledge in physics (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics) .


    Dreamers, as a rule, begin their performances with the fact that they promise a lot of "miracles" until the revolution in physics(gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics) and energy, the ocean of free energy and even the "golden mountains" (and even sublight micropuli generators even in 1957) .

    However, some time passes, and all the results are not and no. And, of course, visionaries in time quietly go into the shadows. After all, they have already achieved popularity among a large number of gullible people.
  19. postman
    25 December 2012 21: 51
    Quote: Author
    The topic of the article is ultra-fast kinetic weapons.

    Smiled. It would be April 1, generally in the subject.
    The author will not calm down.
    October was a pity, but there are chances to get:

    Ig Nobel Prize

    I paraphrase (slightly, otherwise it won’t fit) Chaliapin A.L.

    APPEAL TO ALL PHANTASERS FROM PHYSICS(gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics)


    Before building up more and more fantasies in physics (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics), from which all media are already breaking and which huge mountains of worthless rubbish replenish more and more, it is highly recommended to master for a start fundamentals of fundamental physics (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics) within the framework of which all the main tasks of modern physics can be perfectly solved(gas dynamics, forensics) .

    Dreamers of all sorts of stripes who do not know either classical physics (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics) , in a magnificent, terry color, blossomed on the difficulties of physics, on the difficulties of experimental methods. Moreover, each illiterate dreamer tries to impersonate the plaintiff in the last resort, blocking more and more abstractions, as a rule, very far from reality.

    And the illiterate people are in complete confusion, not knowing who to believe in - the new plaintiffs or authorities of the past.
    It often happens that such a dreamer sucks out another fantasy at home, lying on the sofa and looking at the ceiling, and then makes a noise around the world about his "achievements". And it’s impossible to stop him - he stands his ground to the last, because if he abandon his crazy idea, nothing will remain there - only “zero” knowledge in physics (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics).
    1. postman
      25 December 2012 21: 51

      Dreamers, as a rule, begin their performances with the fact that they promise a lot of "miracles" until the revolution in physics(gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, crime
      and energy, the ocean of free energy and even the "golden mountains" (and even sublight micropuli generators even in 1957) .

      However, some time passes, and all the results are not and no. And, of course, visionaries in time quietly go into the shadows. After all, they have already achieved popularity among a large number of gullible people.

      When getting acquainted with the "physical pictures of the world" of very many dreamers, it is not very difficult to see they have much in common.
      As a rule, all of them are very bad friends with Classical Physics.
      (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, crime
      , where one could easily identify their common misconceptions.
      In their hazy fantasies simple philistines it is usually very difficult to understand, so many sincerely believe them and even admire their fantasies and various “abstruse” constructions.

      And about Classical Physics (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, forensics) here they simply forgot, promoting instead "dispersal of bullets by means of" closing scissors "".

      Very ingenious constructions of visionaries from abstract mathematical - various virtual objects, scissors added little to worldview compared to classical physics (gas dynamics, thermodynamics, chemistry, crime
      . And all these fantasies can go on ad infinitum (according to Einstein), because they have no limits in any direction.

      Abstractions generated by visionaries are not able to compose a single picture of an event (phenomenon), because they are not able to answer many basic questions.

      How can you trust the creators of various "newfangled" theories if they are not able to correctly apply reference systems and kinematics?

      In practice, it is characteristic of all visionaries that they maliciously do not want to study physics, even if only in the framework of courses in technical universities. Instead, they continue to ramp up endless fantasies far beyond physical reality.
      Of all this, teachers of various school educational institutions should draw appropriate conclusions.
      WHO INVENTED THE WHEEL ?: EVOLUTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! / Sam bought in 2011 at the April Fast and the Furious 2011 /

      In Russia, even a party was formed:
      1. 0
        27 December 2012 08: 00
        Quote: Postman
        In Russia, even formed a party

        still would be very lacking
    2. 0
      25 December 2012 22: 57
      There is a lot of bukaf, but nothing on the topic of the article ... Such a clever commentator that he forgot to bring at least one thought in criticism of what was described in the article ... Wordless stories about "gas dynamics and thermodynamics" somehow do not convince, but on the contrary are alarming .. It seems that the critic has nothing to say in essence ...
  20. postman
    25 December 2012 23: 41
    Quote: I think so
    Very "many bukaf"

    "bukaf" is not mine, I pointed out.
    Quote: I think so
    but on the topic of the article, nothing ...

    already brought everything, why repeat it?
    Can you please with what? Justification "the principle of tailors, or rather - scissors", well, at the level of at least 10th grade, or the addition of velocity vectors?
    I would really appreciate
    Quote: I think so
    It is visible to the critic and there is essentially nothing to say ...

    CREATE a SPECIFIC - I will say. Only formulate it legibly!
    1. 0
      26 December 2012 01: 50
      I think the main meaning here is not so much in the phenomenon of "scissors", but in the phenomenon of "sail" - when yachtsmen accelerate to speeds faster than the wind.
      This can be explained as follows - if the reflecting surface of the sail is inclined to the wind at an angle close to 90.
      Then, when moving across the wind with speed V, the inclined plane of the sail in the direction of the wind will shift with speed V * tg (a) - i.e. with a speed less than the wind speed and the wind will still put pressure on the sail, despite the fact that V is more than the wind speed.
      In this case, the wind will transmit a small force to the sail.
      Acceleration will stop only when the vessel reaches the speed V = W / tg (a) - where W is the wind speed.
      Hence the conclusion: a bullet dispersed by a side explosion should be in the form of a drop.
      The shape of the scissors will not help much, except that it will allow the drop to be shorter ... but the maximum achievable projectile speed will be less.
      1. postman
        26 December 2012 23: 00
        Quote: Andrey_K
        scissors phenomenon

        This is a mathematical abstraction: neither a material point (in the sense of such a word) nor a body - does not accelerate and does not move. This is from the stories: "The swift-footed Achilles will never catch up with a leisurely turtle, if at the beginning of the movement the turtle is in front of Achilles."
        Quote: Andrey_K
        and in the phenomenon of "sail" - when yachtsmen accelerate to speeds faster than the wind

        They made a fool of everyone here ....
        Forget the oblique pair and look at it as a wing (creating lift): there are two wings. The first wing is a sail of a sufficiently high aerodynamic quality with good lift.
        The second wing in the water is the fin. Usually a symmetrical profile, also with good hydrodynamic quality.

        Further, when heading to gulfwind, we accelerate the "object" to the speed at which it goes to planing, and on the sail due to the speed, a lift appears perpendicular to the direction of the apparent wind. The fin begins to work in a similar way.

        The sums of the lifting force vectors add up, allowing you to choose virtually any (relative to the wind) direction of movement of the vessel. Except for the actual wind and against the wind.
        Here is a diagram, also consider the sail tilt from the vertical)

        The force X, parallel to the air flow, is called the drag force; it is created, in addition to the sail, also by the hull, rigging, mast and crew of the yacht.

        The force Y, directed perpendicular to the air flow, is called aerodynamics lifting force. She sharp courses creates traction in the direction of movement of the yacht.
        1. 0
          27 December 2012 00: 14
          Lifting power is only an additional effect (due to the fact that behind the sail there will also be a vacuum adding traction).
          But the main thing here is the vector addition of the true wind with the speed of the ship.
          Each time you can find such a rotation angle that the ship will accelerate.
          Those. geometry is not a "mathematical abstraction" at all, but a very real force capable of accelerating a body to speeds faster than the accelerating medium.

          The wind blows in one direction, the keel of the ship is directed in the other - here you have the "scissors".
          1. postman
            28 December 2012 00: 28
            Quote: Andrey_K
            Lifting power is just an added effect.

            Only due to the lifting force of the sail and you can move faster than wind speed.
            + oblique (to the vertical) the sail creates a lifting force oppositely directed to the force of gravity, the boat "climbs" out of the water and goes to planing (the resistance to movement decreases)
            The law of conservation: through work / energy, or h / c power
            F (wind) - F (resistance: sails, boat on water) = F (resulting)
            If there is a lifting force + Fps
            Everything is the same as here:

            Gravity = Wind Force
            Friction force = Strength of the medium.
            The ball (bar) will always move faster in free fall than sliding (rolling) along an inclined plane, unless another force is applied (Lifting force, for an oblique sail)
            cos A and sin A are always LESS or equal to 1
            No "scissors"

            Quote: Andrey_K
            The wind blows in one direction, the keel of the ship is directed in the other - here you have the "scissors".

            where does the scissors just do not understand?
            Scissors is a matter of reference system.
            I will immediately prove that you can exceed the speed of light:
            1.Two photons flew simultaneously from one star, in DIEMETRICALLY opposite directions. The speed of each = the speed of light (relative to the star).
            The speed of one of them relative to the other (when choosing such a coordinate system) is 2 times the speed of light.
            2. The same at an angle to each other.
            A = path traversed by photon # 1, B = -path traversed by photon # 2, with distance m / y by photon # 1 and # 2. As soon as C> A (or B). The speed of one photon relative to another is greater than the speed of light.
            Explain how a tortoise (theoretically) can move (independently) faster than the speed of sound?
            1. 0
              28 December 2012 15: 34
              "Scissors" is the effect of the apparent movement of virtual objects at speeds greater than all physical objects move.
              Therefore, when the boat moves (due to the keel) at one angle, and the wind blows at a completely different angle, then their meeting place is also the result of the addition of two reference systems.

              It turns out that virtual speeds can be the same source of acceleration as physical ones.
              1. postman
                30 December 2012 15: 11
                Quote: Andrey_K
                Therefore, when the boat moves (due to the keel)

                The boat moves due to the difference in forces (sum of vectors).

                Quote: Andrey_K
                It turns out that virtual speeds can be the same source of acceleration as physical ones.

                Can not.
                The source of acceleration is force (difference of forces).
                No "virtual" forces have been found yet ....
        2. +1
          27 December 2012 21: 34
          I always admired the sailing ability of people. Especially in the Army in the 75th pentathlon competition we were put under guardianship of two wolves who taught us how to ride an 8-oar yale on oars and under sail. So they (wolves) around the buoy turning passed unfolding on the nose of the yale. True, we, like monkeys, hung on sails and drove instead of ballast from stern to bow. It was very cool !!!
          1. postman
            28 December 2012 00: 46
            Quote: Alexey Garbuz
            I always admired the ability of people to sail.

            Yeah. I am the same, especially when in the Caribbean I tried to swim a little more than Jung’s type on a dinghy on my own and rudder farther from the shore (the feather broke)
            Oh, he shouted, waved to be noticed. The Bermuda Triangle immediately remembered ...

            Here's a little about sailboats (and entertaining):
            1. 0
              28 December 2012 22: 04
              About Bermuda, you say ... Maybe there the situation itself requires a single romantic presence on a skiff with one oar;))) Thank you for the link. I remember when I was a child I read about the Cutty Sark tea clipper in the Technics of Mododezhi magazine, so goose bumps, bitches, scurried down my spine! Recently in the internet I also read about him - and what would you think? Woke up, bastards !!!
  21. +2
    26 December 2012 14: 51
    someone urgently needs to download a new version of the psychiatrist
  22. yuniy technik
    26 December 2012 16: 18
    For a quasi-isobaric instrument and a diagonal sail, see lm-kuppermann.livejournal.com / ...
  23. 0
    26 December 2012 21: 08
    Lord! Article plus, respect to the author! Amused, thanks, but do not forget that where there is no dream and fantasy, there is no progress ...
  24. 0
    27 December 2012 07: 55
    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.

    But didn’t they fly off?
    only "Soyuz" fly to the ISS
    1. postman
      28 December 2012 00: 52
      Quote: Denis
      But didn’t they fly off?

      The first orbital flight on April 22, 2010,
      This is the second launch 11.12.2012/XNUMX/XNUMX
      [img] http://www.flightglobal.com/Assets/GetAsset.aspx?ItemID=48961 [/ img]

      Estimated time in orbit 270 days
      it does not carry anything to the ISS and will not carry it; it does not have a docking station.
      Wait x-37c
      being built and waiting for readiness readiness Atlas V EELV
  25. i.xxx-1971
    9 January 2013 16: 55
    There is nothing mysterious about the death of these people. An avalanche covered them. Hence numerous fractures of bones, the avalanche has crazy power, the bodies were dragged along a wooded area with many trees and stumps. The approach of a snow avalanche can be felt or heard. They jumped out of the tent in what they were, but could not return back. The survivors froze to death. Some of the corpses that were not under the snow were exposed by wild animals. Given that they were found two months after the death, the version has the right to exist. Want to listen to conspiracy theorists, see Prokopenko bullshit
  26. +1
    9 January 2013 23: 49
    civilization develops in a double way, there are "gods" and there are slaves, and everyone has their own way ... who are you ?!
    scientists of physicists, mathematicians, chemists, and others. Now living with thoughts live for 100-200 years in the future and what they are creating now in secret laboratories and research institutes - (THIS INFORMATION has been verified), according to one unknown physicist who is so fantastic projects and works, (... which our sages did not even dream about ...) for us ordinary people simply are not subject to our understanding and attitude, that they invent and create.
  27. Shekastui
    28 May 2013 16: 32
    But isn’t that such a thing at the air show Su 27? Remember the video where he fell on the audience, there is something thin and black with frantic speed flashes through the plane in slow motion? Of course, I understand that this is a paradoxical and far-fetched theory, I myself do not particularly believe it, but the author seems to have worked in detail in this area and, with the same Dyatlovites, provided fairly good evidence of the possibility of using such weapons there too.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"