Russian state flag

Russian state flag

Ancient state flag

White-blue-red The flag is the ancient state flag of the Russian state. The flag with a recognizable color scheme has been known as the state flag since the middle of the 1560th century. So the Banner of the Sovereign of All Rus' Ivan IV (consider - the state flag) of XNUMX - white-blue-red. The middle of the banner - lazareva (blue), slope - sugar (white), border around the cloth - lingonberry (red), and around the slope - poppy (red) colors.

White-blue-red the flag was used in the future. In 1667, the white-blue-red flag was hoisted as the state flag on a ship built at the direction of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich "Eagle". The flag under which Peter I sailed in August 1693 on the 12-gun yacht "Saint Peter" on the White Sea is still kept by the Central Naval Museum in St. Petersburg (stock number 10556).

Carl Allard "The Book of Flags" about the flags of the Russian sovereign Peter (early 18th century):
"(the first flag) is divided into three, the upper strip white, average blue, lower red. On the blue stripe gold with a royal crown crowned with a double-headed eagle"

"(the second flag) is divided into three, at the top there is a strip white, in the middle blue, at the bottom red, the flag is pierced with the blue cross of Saint Andrew"

Not a trade flag

Legends say that the white-blue-red flag was originally merchant ship flag. As shown - this is not true. On the contrary, initially white-blue-red flag was used to represent exactly Military ships (actually, and "Eagle" - combat vessel).

Warship "Goto Predestination" under white-blue-red tricolor.

Only then, to distinguish military courts, they began to raise St. Andrew's flags with a blue cross on a white background.
Russian shopping (commercial) ships were designated white a flag with a coat of arms (eagle) in the middle. But, since one of the main tasks State flag - designation of the ship's belonging to the state, then from 1709 Russian merchant ships began to be designated state white-blue-red tricolor.

From the "Statements of Naval Flags" of 1709, edited by Peter the Great, about white-blue-red flag:
"Usually trading and any Russian ships flag"

Both the state flag of the USSR was used to indicate the affiliation of civil (including merchant ships), and the state flags of other states are still used to indicate the affiliation of civil (including merchant) ships to the state. It's commonplace.

But white-blue-red the flag remained on the ships taking part in the hostilities.

From the entry of the Danish envoy in St. Petersburg Just Yul May 1, 1710:
“All other ordinary ships: flutes, galliots, boats and the so-called karbas, assigned to depart for Vyborg with provisions, guns, ammunition, carry three-lane white-blue-red flags and red vanes"

Attended white-blue-red flag as a state symbol and on land armies.

Officer's scarf of a soldier of the era of Peter I

White-blue-red colors were present on the pennants of ships and galleys naval fleet throughout the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries.

Pennant of warships of the Baltic Fleet until 1865

St. George pennant (award for hero ships)

Russian ships under Russian white-blue-red flag participated in:
  • Russian-Swedish
  • Russian-Turkish
  • and other wars

Under the Russian white-blue-red famous Russian naval commanders led their fleets with the tricolor:
  • Ushakov
  • Spiridov
  • Apraksin
  • Lazarev
  • Nakhimov
  • Kornilov
  • Istomin
  • and others.

Under this flag, Russian sailors made many geographical discoveries and discovered a whole continent.

Aivazovsky "Ice Mountains" 1870 (discovery of Antarctica by the Russian expedition of Bellingshausen and Lazarev)

applied white-blue-red flag in the Russian navy and in the XNUMXth century.

Flags of ships and watercrafts of sea fortresses

If these ships were manned by servicemen under the command of an officer, then the Andreevsky flag was placed in the canton, but if the crew was civilian and controlled by a non-officer, then the tricolor was located in the canton.

Coat of arms of the Russian Empire

Let's talk a little about the black-yellow-white flag. This flag is now known as "Flag of the Russian Empire" - but in fact, as such, the black-yellow-white flag has never been a state flag. This so-called "Stamped Flag" in the colors of the emblem of the Russian Empire (or the imperial standard): a black eagle on a golden field with a white cockade. This is directly written in Decree No. 33289 of Emperor Alexander II on June 11, 1858 from the Complete Code of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire:
"The highest approved drawing coat of arms of the Empire on banners, flags and other items used for decoration on solemn occasions"

The flag was never adopted - the society preferred the white-blue-red tricolor. As shown, this flag is present as the state flag in Aivazovsky's 1870 painting. White-blue-red the monument to Pushkin in Moscow on June 6, 1880 was surrounded by banners. They also came to the monument to the grenadiers - the heroes of Plevna in 1877.

Therefore, by the Decree of the Russian Emperor Alexander III on April 28, 1883 on the state flag, the white-blue-red flag was recognized as the only state one:
“The police see to it that on those solemn occasions when it is recognized as possible to allow the decoration of buildings with flags, it should be used exclusively Russian flag, consisting of three stripes: top-white, medium-blue and bottom-red colors"

This was confirmed by the Decree of Emperor Nicholas II on April 29, 1896 on the national flag (the law on the state flag of the Russian Empire):
"12858. - April 29. The highest command announced by the Temporary Manager of the Naval Ministry (Sobr. Uzak. April 1898, 28, art. 685) - on recognition in all cases the white-blue-red national flag.

The Sovereign Emperor, according to the most loyal report of His Imperial Highness, the Chief Commander of the Fleet and the Naval Department, on the 29th day of April 1896, His Highest deigned to recognize in all cases the white-blue-red flag as national "

The flags of the Admiralty and Baltic shipyards, Izhora and Obukhov steel plants adopted in 1908

So white-blue-red was also the flag of workers and workers.

During the First World War under Russian soldiers defended Russia from the Germans with a white-blue-red flag, for example, the future chiefs of staff of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War (future marshals and Heroes of the Soviet Union): Zhukov and Vasilevsky.

Tricolor and "Vlasov"

This paragraph would not have appeared if some "communists" articles about the national flag did not advertise Vlasov (a member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1930) and the collaborationist Eastern Legion headed by him.

Andrey Vlasov participated in the civil war of Russians against Russians (and all against all). In 1930 he joined the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. But during the Great Patriotic War, he did not want to fight against the Germans - he went over to the side of Nazi Germany and continued to fight against the Russians for the Germans. Unlike Shaposhnikov, Vasilevsky and Zhukov, who during the First World War defended their state from the Germans under a white-blue-red flag. And after the change of political leadership, they continued to defend Russia already under the red flag.

But under every mention of the white-blue-red flag is some pseudo-communist - who considers it his "international" duty to recall the existence of Vlasov and the Germans' attempts to introduce Russian state symbols among collaborators (including the white-blue-red flag). True, such people do not think: why did the Germans decide to try to use the white-blue-red flag when recruiting defectors? Because this will give an interesting answer: the Germans who fought against the USSR (and Russia in its composition) chose the white-blue-red flag as the symbolism of collaborators like the communist Vlasov and the collaborators from the Eastern Legion led by him - precisely because the white-blue-red the flag was an ancient symbol of the Russian state and intuitively evoked a response from the population of Russia. That is, it corresponded to the tasks of recruiting the Russian population - it could be successfully used by German propaganda against the Russian population.

The Nazis generally took for their collaborationist units the national flags of those countries from which the fighters were. This does not make the tricolor or St. Andrew's flag a symbol of the enemy.

During the war, the Germans tried to introduce the white-blue-red flag as a symbol of collaborators for the same reason that German saboteurs dressed in the uniform of Soviet military personnel, and German propaganda conducted Russophobic agitation in Russian.

At the same time, it makes no sense for Russians to play along with German Russophobes and abandon their ancient symbol - only because the German Nazis, through the communist defector Vlasov and other collaborators, tried to discredit him with their activities directed against Russia.

Need to say, the leadership of the USSR did not consider the white-blue-red flag to be enemy (recognizing it historical a symbol) neither before the Second World War nor after.

Why white-blue-red

Some claim that the white-blue-red flag was a "gift" from the Dutch. It is not known where such individuals get their knowledge from (probably they compose themselves, or maybe there is a training manual?), But data and any sources that the tricolor "was a gift from the Dutch" No. But we have a demanding statement of the Dutchman D. Butler, who actually built the "Eagle":
“And with flowers (flag) like a great sovereign (Russian) will indicate; but only on ships whom state ship, of state and banner. "

That is, in the opinion of the foreigners themselves, the white-blue-red flag on the Orel was the state flag of Russia installed at the direction of the Russian sovereign (foreigners are just executors of the Russian order).

By the way, the stripe on the Dutch flag orange or ore yellow (red with a noticeable admixture of yellow), and in Russian - lingonberry or scribbled (that is, red in the absence of an admixture of yellowness).

Why white-blue-red?

There are several versions - why white-blue-red became the flag of the Russian state.

According to one of them, the Russian state white and blue flag received colors in honor of the banner of the sovereign of all Rus' (and then Moscow as his residence): a white rider with a blue cloak (or other elements of clothing) on ​​a red background.

George the Victorious was extremely revered in Rus'. And there is an explanation for this. Saint George is the warrior-patron of farmers (the literal translation of the name into Russian is "farmer"). In ancient times, a significant part of the population of the Russian state was made up of peasants - it is not surprising that George became a state symbol already in the 1497th century under the Russian prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich. George is also depicted on the seals of the Russian prince Yuri Vladimirovich (Yaroslav's great-grandson) and his grandson Yuri Vsevolodovich. George is also depicted on the seal of Ivan Vasilyevich in XNUMX.

According to another version, the white-blue-red colors on the flag are the colors of the Mother of God revered in Rus' as the patroness of the state.

White-blue-red colors are generally common in the Orthodox Christian environment - this is probably why these colors ended up on the flag of the Russian state.

Or perhaps white, blue and red are some of the most common and persistent natural dyes (constituting a balanced color spectrum).
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  1. -17
    22 August 2023 04: 10
    - "Proudly flies over us the flag of the Motherland" ...

    1. +25
      22 August 2023 07: 26
      "Proudly flies over us the flag of the Motherland" ...

      The flag is the symbol of the State.
      Symbol of Power.
      Today's Power is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and officials.
      The authorities came up with such a flag for themselves and justified its appearance.

      The Red Flag of today's Power is not liked, because it symbolizes a different system and a different Power. Although known
      ... Miniatures from the annals and the text of the Word about Igor's Campaign give us valuable information about the fact that in the X-XII centuries. in Rus' there were mainly triangular banners, mostly red. "Russian color" - let's remember the "scarlet" banners of Russian warriors from the Word about Igor's regiment and the "scarlet" noses of military Slavic boats. And among Nizami and Navoi, the Rus prefer red. Nizami, for example, wrote:
      "The red-faced Russ sparkled. They
      So they sparkled, as the lights of magicians sparkle ... "
      1. +15
        22 August 2023 08: 01
        Today's Power is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and officials.
        So this dictatorship came to power in August 1991 .. But for some reason, it is hushed up laughing
        1. +5
          22 August 2023 08: 10
          I agree.
          But you need to read a new history textbook to find out how the events at the "birth" of new Russia are interpreted there.
          1. +10
            22 August 2023 08: 31
            how the events at the "birth" of the new Russia are interpreted there.
            How, on the positive side, people who destroyed their party cards and left the party threw off the "dictatorship" of those who did not want to burn and leave the party, the latter, alas, turned out to be many times smaller. Look at the participants in the last congress of the CPSU, there are real communists, they ended up in a minority, and a meager one at that.
            1. +5
              22 August 2023 20: 46
              Quote: kor1vet1974
              people who destroyed their party cards and left the party threw off the "dictatorship" of those who did not want to burn and leave the party, the latter, alas, turned out to be many times smaller.
              And how did you want? Access to positions and special distributors only through the party, and only ideological fighters join it? No, it doesn't.
        2. +19
          22 August 2023 08: 52
          . But under every mention of the white-blue-red flag is some pseudo-communist[b] [/ b] - who considers it his "international" duty to recall the existence of Vlasov

          Does a real communist think otherwise?

          The undoubted fact is that the tricolor fought against Red in the last two bloodiest wars. In Civil and in the Great Patriotic War. What does it say? This suggests that an irreconcilable contradiction has arisen. A historical choice has arisen, which is hidden under the color of the chosen one of these two flags. Well, the choice is everyone's business, what to consider as native and what not. Our great ancestors (grandfathers) made their choice.
          1. -3
            22 August 2023 09: 12
            Our great ancestors (grandfathers) made their choice.
            Did worthy descendants agree with their choice in 1991?
            1. +12
              22 August 2023 09: 25
              Quote: kor1vet1974
              Did worthy descendants agree with their choice in 1991?

              And nobody asked. They said that now instead of the USSR there will be the CIS. They say it's the same even better! The new capitalists have been deceived. And no one said that we are moving into capitalism. All (ordinary people) learned about it later, when they were already in it. All the people were left in the cold.
            2. +12
              22 August 2023 09: 47
              Do you remember what the "leaders of perestroika" promised us? Type - renewed socialism and the reassembly of the Union on new terms. Yes - we did epically fucked up, but here's the disgrace that we have nonecha - then we didn’t choose a damn thing.
            3. +7
              22 August 2023 10: 01
              Quote: kor1vet1974
              Did worthy descendants agree with their choice in 1991?

              Nobody promised us capitalism. Yeltsin spoke against the backdrop of chaos, and not at all for capitalism, but against bureaucracy and party privileges. Marama.
          2. +25
            22 August 2023 09: 15
            Plus - it was under the tricolor that they destroyed my great Motherland - the Soviet Union. So where will the warm feelings for him come from?

          3. +2
            22 August 2023 13: 36
            Quote: Stas157
            This suggests that an irreconcilable contradiction has arisen. A historical choice has arisen, which is hidden under the color......

            State symbols ideally reflect the soul, the essence of the state, if it is based on historical continuity and historical traditions.
            It is believed that originally the white-blue-red flag was the first Russian naval flag, and was raised on the first Russian warship "Eagle", built in the village of Dedinovo near Moscow in 1667-1669. It is unlikely that Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich himself can be considered the author of the first naval flag of Russia, as some researchers who are inclined to idealize the white-blue-red color combination proved. Rather, it was Captain Butler, a Polish officer of Anglo-Irish origin in the Russian service, under whose leadership the Orel was built.
            Replacing the first Russian cross flag, white-hay-red appeared around 1690 on the ships of the Amusing Flotilla of Peter 1. This flotilla was built by Peter and the Dutch master Brand with a short break from 1688 to 1692. Captivated by the Dutch art of shipbuilding, Peter I transferred to the Russian fleet and the Dutch linear arrangement of the flag stripes. The foreignness of the white-blue-red tricolor of the Russian heraldic tradition was well felt by Peter I himself. In his letter to F.M. Apraksin on May 2, 1703, he writes:
            "... glory, glory, glory to God, for the correction of our standard in the image of St. Andrew."
            After briefly flying at the end of the 1705th century on Russian warships, in January 2021 the white-blue-red flag was granted by the Nominal Decree (No. XNUMX) from the Order of Military Maritime Affairs of Peter the Great only to commercial, merchant ships.
            Having honestly sailed along the rivers, seas and oceans for more than a century and a half, the white-blue-red flag in 1858 unexpectedly came into conflict with the flag of the state colors of Russia - black-gold-white. The following happened. In Paris, in the days of the celebration of the difficult for Russia Treaty of Paris, which marked the legal end of the so-called Crimean War, our commercial maritime flags were flown as Russian national flags, to the considerable embarrassment and indignation of Russian government and military officials. Both the Sovereign himself and the Russian public perceived this as an unfriendly gesture to Russia, since white, blue and red were the national colors of the victorious France.
            Perhaps that is why Alexander II clearly explained in his decree of June 11, 1858, which colors should be considered as Russian national ones.
            On January 1, 1865, the emperor issued a nominal decree in which the colors black, orange (gold) and white were directly called the “state colors of Russia”.
            But a quarter of a century passed, and suddenly on April 28, 1883, in the rules on the celebration of the Holy Coronation Day, approved by the Sovereign Emperor Alexander III, it was indicated to decorate government buildings and houses with flags, the colors of which are: white, blue and red. Perhaps this was due to the fact that during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, the white-blue-red flag - the well-known Samara banner - was handed over to the Bulgarian militias. After the victory in the war, the feeling of Slavic community and gratitude to Russia, these colors entered the Serbian and Montenegrin flags. Alexander III, who went through that war, could well have been imbued with front-line sympathy for the Samara banner.
            BUT, three years later, to the considerable embarrassment of all the "progressive" intelligentsia, article 1142 of the Naval Charter, edition of 1886, the white-blue-red flag is again Highly approved by Emperor Alexander III only "for commercial vessels".
            As a result, Russia had two flags at once: black-gold-white and white-blue-red.
            On April 29 / May 12, 1896, a meeting under the auspices of the Maritime Department, with the chairman of Admiral K. N. Posyet, predetermined the solution of the issue in favor of the white-blue-red flag.
            On May 10, 1910, a new Special Meeting was established under the Ministry of Justice, chaired by Comrade Minister of Justice A.N. Verevkin to clarify the issue of Russian state national colors.
            In contrast to the Special Meeting chaired by Admiral Posyet, this Meeting involved the largest specialists in heraldry and carried out fairly thorough research. In the course of the work of the Conference, information was collected about the coats of arms, flags and cockades of all foreign states, about ancient Russian seals, letters and banners.
            Based mainly on the heraldic principle of matching the colors of the state flag to the coat of arms, the majority of the Conference participants spoke in favor of recognizing black (finift), yellow (gold) and white (silver) as Russian state colors.
            During the presidency of Yeltsin, who solemnly promised to anyone that "Russia will never be an empire," the choice of the national flag was obvious in advance.
            1. +8
              22 August 2023 17: 03
              State symbols ideally reflect the soul, the essence of the state, if it is based on historical continuity and historical traditions.

              The phrase is interesting. If there is no selection in quotation marks, then it is yours.

              You have found a lot of convincing arguments to prove the validity of the appearance of the current flag: white-blue-red.
              Only now, under this flag, all the social benefits that the Soviet people had were canceled. Under this flag, there was a huge stratification of society. 110 Russian billionaires appeared under this flag.
              Under this flag, 15,3 million Russian citizens live in Russia with incomes below the poverty line in 2022.

              And so yes. I completely agree with you: you have managed to prove that there is continuity.
              The flag of the feudal-serfdom system in Russia has been taken up by the modern bourgeois-nomenklatura dictatorship.
          4. -6
            23 August 2023 19: 54
            The undoubted fact is that the tricolor fought against Red in the last two bloodiest wars. In Civil and in the Great Patriotic War. What does it say? This suggests that there is an irreconcilable contradiction

            What irreconcilable contradiction? The nobles simply shared power. Under red / white-blue-red - unprincipled.

            A historical choice has arisen, which is hidden under the color of the chosen one of these two flags. Well, the choice is everyone's business, what to consider as native and what not. Our great ancestors (grandfathers) made their choice.

            In the USSR, the white-blue-red flag was not considered enemy

            1. -3
              23 August 2023 22: 38
              After the war in the USSR, the white-blue-red flag was not considered enemy.
      2. -3
        23 August 2023 19: 36
        The miniatures of Russian chronicles depict blue banners, and even striped pink-red ones. Red flags are depicted both by the Russians - and by their opponents. Do you know why? Because in the annals of the image stylized. It is impossible to determine the colors of the national Russian flag from the miniatures. But the white-blue-red flag of the Russian sovereign Ivan IV of 1560 is reliably known. The red flag is the Russian combat one. Its status is defined - it is the Banner of Victory. White-blue-red is the ancient state flag.

        Russian army on a miniature from "The Tale of Boris and Gleb from the Sylvester Collection"

        The Russian army and the Horde army that came to conquer Rus' under red banners during the confrontation on the Ugra in 1480 in a miniature from the Front Chronicle
      3. 0
        8 November 2023 12: 57
        But even before the green flag of Islam, it was also red! So don't make things up....
    2. Msi
      22 August 2023 08: 17
      The flag of the Motherland proudly flies over us "...
      You are right proudly flying. But of course continuity is important. We must not forget and remember the flag of the Union.
      I am 38 years old. I was born in 1985. When I see the flag of the USSR - it takes my breath away, some kind of awe ... the voice of blood ... ???? the most powerful energy from the flag. Today's flag evokes much less emotion. Like this.
      1. +10
        22 August 2023 11: 50
        I am 38 years old. I was born in 1985. When I see the flag of the USSR, it takes my breath away

        I'm 45, born in 1978
        You know, the same thing, goosebumps. It seems nothing like that, they lived like everyone else, studied. But a powerful feeling, yes.
        BSC is somehow not the same, although I actually watched "Swan Lake" at the age of 13 wink
        1. -1
          8 November 2023 13: 05
          And I’m already in my eighties! And St. Andrew’s flag makes me awe! It bears the blood and victories of the Russian fleet. But I also respect the flag of the USSR Navy. This is the flag of Victory in the Second World War!
          There are flags that contain the History of Russia, and there is the History of a short period. They must be respected, but the entire History of Russia must be honored!
    3. +2
      22 August 2023 13: 24
      I can add one more version of the white-blue-red flag: in ancient times in Rus' there were princely banners, usually one-colored. Most of all - red banners, but there were also a lot of blue ones. So did the white ones. My guess is the emergence of a white-blue-red banner as a symbol of the unification of different principalities into a single state.
  2. +14
    22 August 2023 04: 19
    The flag of Russia will be successful and respected only with a strong state capable of demonstrating its achievements to the whole world.
    This is what our officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and inside Russia should be working on ... so far, it is not working out very well.
    I was born and raised under the flag of the USSR, and in my soul there is still respect for it, because behind it there was a whole history of generations of our people who built it with their work and blood ... we must not lose the traditions of our ancestors with the transition to a new flag.
    1. man
      22 August 2023 06: 36
      Our officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and inside Russia should work on this far not very good.
      Oh really? And what do we do well under capitalism, can you list? Do not name malls
      1. +5
        22 August 2023 08: 03
        What do we do well under capitalism?
        Almost sunk, for example smile
        1. Msi
          22 August 2023 08: 23
          Almost landed on the moon, for example smile
          When I read this news, there was no surprise. A mess in everything, where we have no problems, in what industry? I remembered the accident (I won’t name the exact date) of the rocket after launch, when the angular velocity sensor was installed incorrectly. Where do they climb (with a pig's snout into a kalashny row) what kind of moon, Lord, deal with Ukraine.
          1. +14
            22 August 2023 08: 34
            When I read this news, there was no surprise.
            And I felt sad and remembered the meme: "Forgive us Yura, we're all..."..
            1. +2
              22 August 2023 09: 56
              This is the most ... "lost competence." hi "" "" "
              1. 0
                22 August 2023 11: 03
                Quote from AdAstra
                This is the most ... "lost competence." hi "" "" "

                Here it is sooner continued the glorious traditions of the ancestors. sad
                The Soviet lunar lunar landing program (the sixth program in a row) - 11 (eleven!) Unsuccessful launches in a row, starting from the first.
                The Soviet lunar program for the delivery of lunar soil (the eighth in a row) - 5 unsuccessful launches in a row, then success-failure leapfrog.
                Of the eight lunar programs, the first launch was successful only in two.

                Moreover, failures regularly occurred even at seemingly previously worked out stages: in the eighth program, the last of the lost AMSs was lost due to a launch vehicle accident. The next launch was successful - and the last. The leadership of the USSR was tired of playing Russian roulette with a 2/3 full reel with the space budget. Flights to the moon stopped for 47 years.

                General statistics of the Soviet lunar AMS program: out of 45 launched real stations, 24 stations reached the Moon, but only 14 stations completed the program in full. Less than a third.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                2. +1
                  22 August 2023 23: 24
                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  Here they rather continued the glorious traditions of their ancestors.

                  oh, don't! You cite as an example the time when everything was new and there was no computer modeling, or it was in its infancy.
                  I will give another example: the Energia launch vehicle. A completely new and powerful system (unlike the completely ordinary and unpretentious Luna-25). 2 launches and both successful! In the second landing of Buran in automatic mode! But because they modeled everything well on those SOVIET, albeit not advanced, computers. So, what is next? What now? Computers now at least eat booty, but: "Phobos-to-soil", "Moon-to-coffin", "Science" miraculously did not ruin the ISS, it was just lucky for her and the ISS.
          2. +3
            22 August 2023 10: 34
            Msi, I don’t believe in this excuse that the angular velocity sensor was installed incorrectly. I used to work in this area. Where did the control masters look then? Or is this sensor installed just before launch? There was also an excuse that the storekeeper went on vacation and soldered with the wrong solder.
      2. -2
        22 August 2023 09: 31
        Quote: mann
        Do not name malls

        Yes, now thorny centers are going bankrupt or eking out an existence. People have nothing to buy goods. Except for promotions and discounted prices.
      3. +6
        22 August 2023 09: 54
        Paid parking lots and human shelters in places where there used to be factory buildings. hi
      4. -3
        28 August 2023 12: 31
        what we do well under capitalism, can you list? Do not name malls

        In modern Russia, for example, they built
        - new spaceport
        - hefty bridge
        - a series of the most powerful icebreakers in the world
        1. +1
          31 August 2023 16: 51
          About the cosmodrome, the investigative committee has already been tormented by counting how much has been stolen, and somehow it’s still not very successful in organizing launches. About the bridge..... And about the series of icebreakers - look at the judicial practice. Especially when, after our everything raises the flag, and the contractor eliminates the comments for more than a year, because it is impossible to move away from the wall without risk. I am silent about money, because... These are tears and price increases several times.
          In those days, those who worked like that, at best, would have gone to cut the taiga with a jigsaw. And now they received awards.
          About, etc. what's this? Ruined factories, severe unemployment, poverty of workers, snickering bourgeoisie, profaned gold and foreign exchange reserves, overburdened population.
          Continue, etc.? "This music will last forever."
          As Brezhnev’s granddaughter said, “you can’t properly paint something that was built under my grandfather.”
          Understand that pride in something does not happen out of the blue, but because what they say does not contradict what the citizen sees. And now the TV has already lost to the refrigerator. Because the refrigerator is reality, while TV (which those who can access the Internet have not watched for a long time) broadcasts propaganda and does not reflect reality.
  3. -7
    22 August 2023 04: 25
    Frankly, I like the black-yellow-white flag more - in my opinion, it somehow organizes and disciplines ...
    1. +13
      22 August 2023 07: 58
      Quote: Luminman
      Frankly, I like the black-yellow-white flag more - in my opinion, it somehow organizes and disciplines ...

      I don’t know what to tell you, I didn’t have to live in those days, this is all the world of the past. For me, what I remember from childhood is closer,
      Morning paints with gentle light
      The walls of the ancient Kremlin,
      Wakes up at dawn
      All Soviet land.

      And now I don’t have this and won’t have it, because I’m already getting it, I don’t live on my own land.
      1. 0
        31 August 2023 09: 14
        The Soviet flag also evokes such feelings.
        And everything connected with the tsarist time clearly evokes an association with another poem:
        Yesterday, an hour in the sixth,
        I went to the Haymarket;
        There they beat a woman with a whip,
        Peasant young.
        Not a sound from her chest
        Only the whistle whistled, playing ...
        And I said to the Muse: “Look!
        Your dear sister!
  4. +22
    22 August 2023 04: 46
    And what are they silent about the red banners of the Kulikovo battle?
    1. +12
      22 August 2023 05: 59
      silent about the red banners of the Battle of Kulikovo?
      And this is different laughing
    2. -7
      22 August 2023 06: 33

      And what are they silent about the red banners of the Kulikovo battle?

      because either an icon was depicted on them, or a cross ... but neither the communists nor the democrats will like it ...
      1. +6
        22 August 2023 06: 51
        Why can't communists be democrats?
        And what, the Democrats are those who shot the All-Russian Congress of People's Deputies in October 1993?
        In my opinion, you have very strange ideas about both.
        1. -6
          22 August 2023 07: 02
          And what, the Democrats are those who shot the All-Russian Congress of People's Deputies in October 1993?

          Ivan, with all due respect, calm down already with this congress of people's deputies, are there holy people gathered there, saviors of the Fatherland? "the game was equal, .... "
          1. +16
            22 August 2023 07: 15
            "the game was equal,
            How would yes. But the GKChPists did not shoot at people. And Boriska in 1993 washed Moscow with blood.
          2. +5
            22 August 2023 07: 35
            Quote: Vladimir80
            calm down already with this congress of people's deputies, are there holy people gathered there, saviors of the Fatherland?

            Some write that no one stood up to defend the USSR. So. This is wrong. As you write, the game was equal, two rams played. But I take my hat off to Sazhi Umalatova. She had eggs, unlike the rest of the ram.
          3. +5
            22 August 2023 08: 10
            there that the holy people gathered, the saviors of the Fatherland?
            Considering that the one who shot was actively supported by the West, then the game is almost equal when the judiciary was completely on the other side? What is this equal game?
            1. +1
              22 August 2023 10: 05
              Quote: kor1vet1974
              when the judiciary was completely on the other side?

              The judiciary was completely on the side of the USSR. And he called the collapse of the USSR illegal.
              1. +1
                22 August 2023 11: 08
                Different people gathered there, of course not saints, but the decision, by a majority of votes, was adopted by the Congress to prevent the restoration of capitalism and predatory privatization. The preservation of Soviet power. There is a categorical no to speculation and usury. This did not suit the other side, and they staged a massacre. Tank guns in the center of Moscow, like in some banana republic, are beyond.
      2. +1
        22 August 2023 09: 57
        And why should the democrats not like the cross and the icon? laughing
    3. -15
      22 August 2023 07: 27
      Quote: Guran33 Sergey
      what are they silent about the red banners of the Kulikovo battle?

      Because the Battle of Kulikovo is an episode of the civil war. On both sides were Russian regiments and Tatars.
      1. +13
        22 August 2023 08: 42
        The fact that there were Russian regiments among the Mongol-Tatar troops does not turn the war into a civil one. Germany also had military formations from the peoples of the USSR, but no one would turn their tongues to call the Great Patriotic War - civil.
        1. -4
          22 August 2023 11: 59
          Quote: Arkadich
          Germany also had military formations from the peoples of the USSR, but no one would turn their tongues to call the Great Patriotic War - civil.

          You are talking nonsense. According to the German plan, the population of the USSR was to be destroyed in concentration camps from starvation. This plan for the colonization and Germanization of the eastern territories was developed on the basis of racial doctrine and the concept of "living space" under the auspices of the Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler, who, as Reichskommissar for the consolidation of the German people, from the autumn of 1939, was also in charge of eviction, settlement and resettlement in the East. The plan was designed for 30 years.
          1. +2
            22 August 2023 14: 47
            ROA, national units, from the peoples of the USSR as part of the Wehrmacht army is nonsense? You, my friend, seem to match your nickname.
  5. +17
    22 August 2023 05: 04
    Initially, the military banner of Rus' was red. Red was the distinctive color of Russian warriors: red shields, boots, caftans, etc. It can be assumed that the name Rus itself comes from the Latin designation for red - russus, as we were called in Europe, on a distinctive military basis.
    1. +6
      22 August 2023 09: 02
      You are wrong. The word Rus has several versions of its origin. But the version that the people took the name from someone else's hands has long been criticized. What difference does it make what they call you, somewhere hundreds of kilometers away people are alien. The name of the people was born by the people themselves.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  6. +17
    22 August 2023 05: 22
    Much of the information given by the Author is controversial and not known for certain.
    For example, the
    In 1667, the white-blue-red flag was hoisted as the state flag on the Oryol ship built at the direction of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

    We only know that for the needs of the flag, in the likeness of foreign states, they singled out the matter of three colors: azure, white and scarlet.
    Surprisingly, the author missed a whole layer of history of the standards of the archery regiments.
    However, a number of statements by a respected author have no justification, although they are beautiful:
    For example, the
    .Under the Russian white-blue-red tricolor, the famous Russian naval commanders led their fleets:
    and others.

    Exceptionally, everyone fought under the St. Andrew's flag (an oblique blue cross on a white background).
    About the black-white-gold flag, the Author, alas, has only slogans and Wishlist, and his fate is no less interesting. However, as well as about scarlet (red, pure), which has a much older history in our country.
    Although it must be admitted, a number of illustrations are curious.
    Despite the criticism, thanks anyway.
    1. -3
      23 August 2023 20: 20
      We only know that for the needs of the flag, in the likeness of foreign states, they singled out the matter of three colors: azure, white and scarlet.

      We know the white-blue-red banner of the Russian sovereign of 1560.

      We also know the opinion of the foreigner Butler, who built the Orel, from his demanding statement to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich:
      “And with flowers (flag) like a great sovereign (Russian) will indicate; but only on ships whom state ship, of state and banner. "

      That is, in the opinion of the foreigners themselves, the white-blue-red flag on the Orel was the state flag of Russia installed at the direction of the Russian sovereign (foreigners are just executors of the Russian order).

      Exceptionally, everyone fought under the St. Andrew's flag (oblique blue cross on a white background)

      Pennants of the Russian Navy of the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries are white-blue-red.

      So the Russian naval commanders of the XVIII-XIX centuries
      and others
      led their fleets under the white-blue-red flag. Trust me, it's well thought out.

      Despite the criticism, thanks anyway

      Thanks for your feedback.
  7. +21
    22 August 2023 05: 24
    Interesting post and insightful...
    And why did the author not touch upon the topic of the continuity of the coat of arms and the anthem, as accompanying attributes of statehood?
    How quickly the shifting communists indicated their hatred for the symbols of the socialist state, where there were no less victories and achievements than in Russia of Ivan the Terrible or Peter I ...
    It is important today to write and teach history to children in such a way that later no one would ask questions about where its seventy-year period was cut, what milestones marked the next thirty-year period, and how long life will last under such a coveted and obligatory flag, which, at the request of various international communities of American prostitutes can be changed to neutral (why not please for the good of the Fatherland) ...
    I don’t remember a case when they carried the tricolor on their chest or raised it above some fascist commandant’s office ...
    * * *
    One thing is most curious - what should this following historical milestones lead to ... So far, I see a trend towards the extinction of the titular nation, and it is not a fact that when it is reduced to a national minority, the majority will be satisfied with the tricolor, which appeared by decree of a traitor to Russian statehood, for which belonging to the period of existence of the USSR was a step to the pinnacle of power.
    1. +22
      22 August 2023 06: 12
      And I would not want the "communist" Vlasov to be put on a par with the communist D.M. Karbyshev, the communist Govorov L.A. and other scum that poured into the party in orderly rows and columns. And he tells the whole world alone how he was a social democrat all his life (he got into the party due to a misunderstanding), and the second, on behalf of his country, already under the tricolor flag, in a foreign parliament says God bless America! Anti-communists, you will figure out which of you is who laughing
  8. +7
    22 August 2023 05: 27
    the fact that the Vlasovites used the tricolor, so they used the words "Russian army". And now, because of this, now the Russian army should be called something else? The Vlasovites simply, but brazenly, stole and appropriated what did not belong to them.
    As for the sadness over the red flag of the USSR, this sadness only intensifies and progresses from the fact that Zyuganovites are now walking under it and luring people under this flag. Of the Zyuganovites, the communists, so you yourself know with whom or with what to compare ... Of course, a natural one arises the question is, did the Zyuganovites stole and appropriated the red flag and the word "communists" just as the Vlasovites stole and appropriated the tricolor and the words "Russian army" ...
    1. -4
      22 August 2023 05: 54
      they and the words "Russian army"

      They did not use the words "Russian army". They were called the "Russian Liberation Army" (ROA), which is not at all the same thing.
    2. +11
      22 August 2023 07: 12
      So the swastika was also considered a good symbol until Hitler ruined it. Personally, for me, who was born in the USSR, the tricolor is still associated with ROA.
    3. 0
      22 August 2023 11: 01
      Quote: north 2
      Vlasovites are simple, but brazenly, stolen and appropriated

      What can you not hear in justification! They stole it, embezzled it, an absurd coincidence, an accident ... What if not! Why do you think so? Neither in the Civil War, nor in the Second World War, no one accused the other side, saying that she stole the tricolor! All these conjectures and explanations have arisen only now among the current capitalists. To explain inconvenient things.
      1. -1
        23 August 2023 20: 23
        Stas157. The fact that Andrey Vlasov, who headed the collaborators from the "ROA", is a communist, discredits the communist idea?
    4. -2
      29 August 2023 12: 04
      The Germans and the Soviet gun ZIS-3 used. And this does not discredit one of the best WWII field guns. As well as the attempt of the Germans to use the white-blue-red flag as the symbols of the "Eastern Legion" in no way discredits the ancient Russian symbol. Actually in the post-war USSR they thought so - the white-blue-red flag was not enemy

  9. 0
    22 August 2023 05: 29
    a whole history of generations of our people who built it with their work and blood ... we must not lose the traditions of our ancestors with the transition to a new flag.

    That's wonderfully said, otherwise we at the top love the "wrapper", not thinking about the content ...
    1. -3
      22 August 2023 10: 54
      Quote: Vladimir80
      we love the "wrapper" upstairs, without thinking about content...

      Or maybe they just thought.
  10. +13
    22 August 2023 05: 52
    Gunship "Goto Predestination" under white-blue-red tricolor.

    There is no such Russian word "tricolor". As there is no two-color, seven-color or stop one hundred colors. This is "newspeak" from some kind of surzhik. And you can’t call the Russian flag like that.
    By the way. Even just the word "color" in the Russian language is not. There is a word "koler", which means "color".
    1. +7
      22 August 2023 09: 20
      Yes, this is Newspeak, a word came from the French language tricolore. The Russian language is alive and develops by accepting new words, this word has taken root, thanks to consonance. What's bad about it?
      1. -3
        22 August 2023 12: 59
        the word took root, thanks to consonance. What's bad about it?

        And the bad thing about this is that there are enough words in the Russian language to call the symbol of Russian statehood a Russian word.
        Otherwise, we will slide down to the classics
        Preved krevedko
        1. +2
          22 August 2023 16: 12
          Quote: Amateur
          Otherwise, we will slide down to the classics
          Preved krevedko

          Know and love the classics! ©
          Because they are two different expressions:Ya krivetko!" And "Preved, bear". smile

          In general, all this was already a couple of centuries ago:
          A good place goes through the abyss from a disgrace to the lists
      2. -2
        23 August 2023 20: 25
        There is no such Russian word "tricolor". As there is no two-color, seven-color or stop one hundred colors. This is "newspeak" from some kind of surzhik. And you can’t call the Russian flag like that.
        By the way. Even just the word "color" in the Russian language is not. There is a word "koler", which means "color"

        Arkadich. A person needs to write something - but they didn’t bring new manuals. Here he writes a gag.

        You are absolutely correct
        "The Russian language is alive and develops by accepting new words, this word has taken root thanks to consonance. What's wrong with that?"
  11. +21
    22 August 2023 05: 54
    The author, Vlasov, was a perjurer like Boris Nikolaevich, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dmitry Anatolyevich and many others later, why don’t you call them communists? They fought with him all their lives? Yes? As soon as they accepted in October? laughing
    1. -3
      22 August 2023 06: 34
      Quote: parusnik
      , Vlasov, was an perjurer, like then Boris Nikolaevich, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dmitry Anatolyevich

      And what oath did Dimitri Anatolyevich break?
      1. +15
        22 August 2023 06: 43
        And as many as three, when they accepted into the pioneers, when they joined the Komsomol, into the party. Immediately after the putsch in August, he left the party .. Why did you climb there finally? For goodies?
        1. +3
          22 August 2023 07: 47
          Quote: parusnik
          when they were accepted as pioneers, when they joined the Komsomol, into the party. Immediately after the coup in August, he left the party .. Why did you finally climb there? For goodies?

        2. -1
          22 August 2023 11: 18
          Quote: parusnik
          And as many as three, when they were accepted into the pioneers, when they joined the Komsomol, into the party.

          Well then, all of us who were born before 1978 are traitors.
          1. +1
            22 August 2023 11: 52
            Quote: Alexey RA
            Well then we have allthose who were born before 1978 are traitors.

            What is straight all for capitalism, our "darling" drown?
            Yes, even if you look at the forum here, it’s not so far all.
            1. 0
              22 August 2023 16: 03
              Quote: Stas157
              What is it that everyone is drowning our "dear" capitalism?

              And what does it have to do with "drowning for capitalism"?
              Remember the text of the solemn promise of the pioneers? What did the pioneer swore? Right:
              to love passionately their homeland;
              live, learn and fight, as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches;
              Sacredly observe the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union!

              And where was all this when the pioneer's homeland - the USSR - was torn apart? wink
              1. 0
                23 August 2023 10: 26
                Quote: Alexey RA
                And where was all this when the pioneer's homeland - the USSR - was torn apart?

                What should have been done? No one announced the "dereban". It could only be guessed at. I remember myself at this time. Everyone was waiting for change (good). No one even imagined that as a result of these "changes" we would find ourselves in frenzied capitalism.
  12. +6
    22 August 2023 05: 56
    Quote: Luminman
    Frankly, I like the black-yellow-white flag more - in my opinion, it somehow organizes and disciplines ...

    The Germans emanates from him. smile
    1. man
      22 August 2023 06: 26
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Quote: Luminman
      Frankly, I like the black-yellow-white flag more - in my opinion, it somehow organizes and disciplines ...

      The Germans emanates from him. smile

      It just doesn't blow, it stinks
  13. +10
    22 August 2023 06: 01
    If you watch sporting events, then our flag looks different

    Causes pride?
    How can ordinary citizens be proud of the Russian flag if selfish athletes, all sorts of bureaucrats and even "members" of the Ministry of Defense wipe their feet on it with impunity and on state support?
    1. +3
      22 August 2023 06: 23
      If you watch sporting events, then our flag looks different

      it’s better not to watch: firstly, the war, and secondly, well, it’s not the most intellectual and useful thing to watch the competition of pharmaceutical companies in the form of “body movements with dubious benefits”
    2. +4
      22 August 2023 06: 44
      Quote: Setavr
      How can ordinary citizens be proud of the Russian flag if selfish athletes, all sorts of bureaucrats and even "members" of the Ministry of Defense wipe their feet on it with impunity and on state support

      The white flag...the flag of surrender...sports officials have renamed it gender-neutral, so to speak...they have lowered themselves below the plinth.
    3. +4
      22 August 2023 07: 49
      The first sentence is fundamentally wrong. There have been no international and sporting events anywhere in the world for a long time - there is a structure completely controlled and financed by American globalists falsely pretending to be sports (any kind of doping and fraud for American athletes is acceptable, including the participation of transgender people), so all these Olympiads are American.
  14. +4
    22 August 2023 06: 01
    Quote: parusnik
    Vlasov, was a perjurer, like Boris Nikolaevich, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dmitry Anatolyevich and many others later, why don’t you call them communists

    This is a taboo ... all perestroikas, liberals, and reformers of the 90s come from the Communist Party of the USSR ... a paradox ... the country was ruined by the Communist Party itself ... heh heh, anyone is to blame, but not the communists themselves who allowed the appearance of renegades in their ranks.
    1. +2
      22 August 2023 08: 51
      The enemies of the communists are real - only when it is not profitable for them to lie and be hypocritical, like all of them, who got into the CPSU, Soviet power, immediately appeared when one of them, Gorbachev, seized power in the USSR. And all 35 years after the capture of the USSR, they all continue to lie and be hypocritical, pretending to be democrats, liberals, monarchists, "great philanthropists" in slandering the communists.
    2. AB
      22 August 2023 09: 23
      Read about such a moment as opportunism. Stalin knowingly said that over time the class struggle should only grow.
    3. +1
      22 August 2023 10: 48
      hehe, anyone is to blame, but not the communists themselves, who allowed the appearance of renegades in their ranks.
      But what about the nobles, allowed into their ranks the renegades who fought against tsarism? Printed newspapers, dropped bombs? That's okay. But how did it happen that on the eve of World War I, all European social democratic parties that defended the interests of the working class, with a minimal minority, voted for military budgets in their ranks? That the working class wanted to fight hard? Was the war in his interest? Surprisingly, the factions of the Serbian and Bulgarian Social Democrats in their parliaments voted against the military budgets. Were you in the pioneers? Did you take an oath? Did you break it? laughing
  15. +16
    22 August 2023 06: 29
    Something the author mixed up in a bunch of people, horses ... communist Vlasov, not communist pseudo-communists, for me personally there is the only flag of my Motherland, this is a red Soviet flag with a hammer and sickle, but in view of the counter-revolution that won in 1991, I have to endure, I walked until 2014 for service with the Soviet cockade has not yet broken
    1. man
      22 August 2023 07: 18
      for me personally, there is the only flag of my homeland, it is a red Soviet flag with a hammer and sickle[B] [/ b]
      There are already two of us. I don’t like to repeat myself, but I’ll risk it.
      This is because it is not the flag that paints the state, but the Power paints the Flag!
      1. -5
        22 August 2023 10: 09
        Quote: mann
        The State paints the Flag!

        Question is it possible? How did the state decorate the white-blue-red flag?
      2. +1
        22 August 2023 13: 29
        mann, for those who are closer to the red banner with a hammer and sickle, much more. I also do not accept the tricolor. This banner is not mine. Pay attention to the fact that people with a red flag came to the Russian soldiers. Remember your grandmother, in Ukraine.
    2. -5
      22 August 2023 07: 39
      In the memoirs of Leiba Bronstein, who took the pseudonym Trotsky in memory of the head of the Odessa prison, Nikolai Trotsky, who, following the old Russian officer tradition, kicked this Jew every day in the snout, it is unequivocally stated: Stalinism is counter-revolution and Bonapartism, the revenge of the imperial monarchy, imperial Great Russian chauvinistic restoration. Stalin himself saw himself as the new Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
    3. AB
      22 August 2023 09: 21
      Quote: HaByxoDaBHocep
      until 2014 he went to the service with the Soviet cockade until it broke

      Severe respect to you and the strongest handshake, comrade!
  16. +12
    22 August 2023 06: 30
    The author somehow pulled an owl on a globe ...
    1. +6
      22 August 2023 06: 47
      Yes, not somehow. professionally. So you still need to know how to pull
      1. 0
        22 August 2023 11: 19
        Quote: Valery_Erikson
        Yes, not somehow. professionally. So you still need to know how to pull

  17. +8
    22 August 2023 06: 45
    Shaw for nonsense? white-blue-red flag during the time of Ivan the Fourth?! Did you shine from the oak tree? Or from drinking?
  18. +5
    22 August 2023 06: 55
    The ship Eagle did not go anywhere. It was burned by the evil little people Stenka Razin. Allegedly, I saw the tricolor in the museum. It remains only to imagine that he has faded so much. The colors are more similar to German ones, black with yellow. By the way, pride in the double-headed eagle. A double-headed black eagle on a yellow background is the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire.
    Now in hindsight, you can think of anything. But perhaps before Nikolka the second, there were no state flags. There were regimental colors. Pre-Petrine regiments are especially interesting, there are more modern divisions.
  19. -1
    22 August 2023 07: 16
    This flag was used by the Vlasovites. and that's enough about it. it has never been a state.
    1. +3
      22 August 2023 07: 42
      The tricolor was the national flag, though for a short time. The Vlasovites used the St. Andrew's flag more, with the tricolor they lit up at the parade in Pskov.
      1. -1
        22 August 2023 10: 17
        For that matter, I bought a white-blue-red badge in the year 90, along with a poster of Lenin showing a fig. Then I was surprised to learn that this is a deputy badge.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  20. -1
    22 August 2023 07: 32
    The main thing about the black-yellow-white flag is not said: this flag encodes the slogan "Moscow - the Third Rome", just like the double-headed eagle. The flag of the Roman Empire was a black double-headed eagle on a yellow background. The eagle is in the foreground and therefore black at the top, then yellow or gold and white is the Russian symbol of the victorious serpent fighter on the shield.
  21. +4
    22 August 2023 07: 59
    Oh, yes .. "today, the girls' holiday" ... laughing Therefore, they remembered the state flag .. From that day on, the collapse of the USSR began. On this day in 1991, the "Light Forces" defeated the "dark" ones and the sun of freedom rose! laughing Russia, awakened from sleep and on the wreckage, wrote the names of those who threw themselves under the tanks and climbed onto the "armored car", the last one was even beaten off the whole center. Today, the day of the triumph of democracy over totalitarianism. laughing
  22. -2
    22 August 2023 07: 59
    All power to the Soviets!

    Lies, on lies and lies drive!
    Only under Yeltsin did the tricolor become the state symbol of Russia!!!

    "It is a mistake to believe that the world system of state flags has developed by itself.
    How many people who took part in the development and approval of this or that state flag in the world would be sincerely surprised to learn that those thoughts and ideas that they considered their own and on the basis of which they hoisted a specific state flag over the country, turned out to be embedded in their consciousness leader control scheme.
    In this book you will find information about how the world hierarchy of states was formed, what it is and how it is expressed in state flags and other state symbols.

    Book in PDF format:
    1. Msi
      22 August 2023 08: 33
      It is a mistake to believe that the world system of state flags has developed by itself.
      Christmas trees - sticks, and you are Ukrainian? belay
      1. +3
        22 August 2023 08: 40
        Christmas trees - sticks, and you are Ukrainian?
        Nope, the fact is that it was used with a dot in the pre-revolutionary alphabet and gave some words a different meaning. For example, the words world and peace. In the first case, it means society, in the second, the planet in the broadest sense.
        1. Msi
          22 August 2023 10: 11
          Nope, the point is that it was used with a dot in the pre-revolutionary alphabet and gave some words a different meaning.
          Yeah okay then. It's clear.
    2. +1
      22 August 2023 10: 26
      Quote: Boris55
      In this book you will find

      Boris, what is your book to me? I remember how our athletes performed to the whistles of Glinka, then Putin approved the music of the USSR anthem, but with different words.
  23. -2
    22 August 2023 08: 15
    Proud of the flag! I hate the "athletes of Russia" who agree to perform without the flag of their country, without an anthem, without a homeland ... All such people go to the front, re-educate ...
    1. -4
      22 August 2023 09: 27
      Quote: Andrey Andreev_2
      Proud of the flag!

      Under this flag, which has become a symbol of all traitors, the scoundrels who swore allegiance to the Fuhrer killed my grandfather near Stalingrad ...

      Video topic:

  24. -1
    22 August 2023 08: 40
    Quote: kor1vet1974
    .From that day the collapse of the USSR began. On this day in 1991

    Rather, it ended, the active collapse began with a hunchback ...
    1. -1
      22 August 2023 09: 06
      It's more like it's over
      Well, the "girls" still have a holiday of the soul laughing
  25. -4
    22 August 2023 08: 52
    Quote: mann
    what we do well under capitalism, can you list?

    Did you build the Crimean bridge?... Built it. smile
    Did they hold the Sochi Olympics?... They did.
    Of course, I won’t deny a lot of negativity from capitalism ... but there are also advantages to denying them is stupid. hi
  26. +3
    22 August 2023 08: 57
    Is there anything YOURSELF? The flag and coat of arms were taken from the Romanovs, the music of the anthem and the author of the text of the anthem were taken from the communists.
    And the "explanation" why Vlasov and the Vlasovites took the tricolor as their flag is completely stupid.
    1. +3
      22 August 2023 09: 07
      Is there anything YOURSELF?
      Now, even "Moskvich" is Chinese laughing
  27. AB
    22 August 2023 09: 11
    16th century. Ancient flag, yes.
    But in fact: Personally, the red banner still inspires awe to me: there was power behind this flag. And the tricolor... Couldn't there have been other "ancient" flags? Those with whom the enemies of the fatherland did not kill the Slavic brothers and did not try to drive them back into slavery? The context of the 20th century in which the tricolor was raised is important. Without this context, no one would care.
    1. +2
      22 August 2023 09: 44
      The Russian princes had RED banners
  28. 0
    22 August 2023 09: 29
    So here in Belarus, white / red / white, was far from the Second World War, but recognized as hostile. But this is history and it is impossible to remake it.
  29. 0
    22 August 2023 09: 31
    Quote: kor1vet1974
    When I read this news, there was no surprise.
    And I felt sad and remembered the meme: "Forgive us Yura, we're all..."..

    but in vain it was sad))) so who needs bobosiki raised sure the moon 26 and 27 is just around the corner, like happiness in Perm
    1. 0
      22 August 2023 10: 11
      who needs to raise the babosiki
      It is sad that those who raised babosiks teach us patriotism and love for the Motherland.
  30. +7
    22 August 2023 09: 44
    the Germans chose the white-blue-red flag as a symbol of collaborators like the communist Vlasov
    The author, maybe you should think before calling the scoundrel Vlasov a communist? Real communists stood for the Fatherland, and pseudo-communists, such as Yeltsin and his pack, for their personal power and their stolen wealth
    1. +1
      22 August 2023 10: 16
      maybe you should think before calling the scoundrel Vlasov a communist
      And why should the author think? He still does not understand that Vlasov, Hitler, Churchill, Franco, Mussolini, Roosevelt, Pilsudsky, Bandera, Petlyura and many others are anti-communists. But now an anti-communist, in his opinion, it sounds proud and the author with his high rank of anti-communist, apparently be proud and he is not alone. A country of paradoxes: anti-communists erected a monument to the communist F. Castro. smile Probably to spite the American anti-communists. laughing
  31. +5
    22 August 2023 09: 47
    A paradoxical situation emerges. The author quickly mentions between the teeth that the tricolor was the flag of the traitors to the Motherland and sees nothing wrong with that. But if you think about it, the enemies of the Russian state have always fought under the tricolor. The White movement with all these Denikins, Yudenichs, Kolchaks, Wrangels and others who were on the payroll of foreign capital and were ready to divide and sell the country just to snatch at least a modicum of power. Symbolism is important in politics, and if we take the bare facts, then the tricolor is the degradation of the state. Even though you shoot yourself, even hang yourself, even accuse your opponent of cannibalism and necrophilia, but Russia has reached the heights of power under the red flag. And the current is the collapse and devastation. The impoverishment of millions for the luxury of a few.
    1. +6
      22 August 2023 11: 06
      A paradoxical situation emerges. The author quickly mentions between the teeth that the tricolor was the flag of the traitors to the Motherland and sees nothing wrong with that. But if you think about it, the enemies of the Russian state have always fought under the tricolor. The White movement with all these Denikins, Yudenichs, Kolchaks, Wrangels and others who were on the payroll of foreign capital and were ready to divide and sell the country just to snatch at least a modicum of power. Symbolism is important in politics, and if we take the bare facts, then the tricolor is the degradation of the state. Even though you shoot yourself, even hang yourself, even accuse your opponent of cannibalism and necrophilia, but Russia has reached the heights of power under the red flag. And the current is the collapse and devastation. The impoverishment of millions for the luxury of a few.

      Let's just say that only the nobility, landowners and others lived well under the tricolor, the common people were oppressed. Actually, this "tradition" continues.
    2. -8
      22 August 2023 11: 55
      Russia reached the heights of power under the red flag

      Well, yes ... And what was the flag under Alexander 3 and Catherine the Great? ... And what flag was when Gorbachev signed the surrender (unification of Germany)?
      1. -1
        22 August 2023 16: 19
        And what was the flag when Gorbachev signed the surrender (unification of Germany)?

        There is nothing strange in this.
        Gorbachev was a protege of those people who really wanted to live under the white-blue-red flag. Therefore, he betrayed the SOVIET PEOPLE.
        1. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      23 August 2023 23: 34
      But if you think about it, the enemies of the Russian state have always fought under the tricolor

      That is, those who fought for Russia under the white-blue-red flag
      and millions of Russian soldiers and sailors - "enemies of the Russian state" In your?

      In the USSR, the white-blue-red flag was not considered enemy

      But how do you know about the post-war USSR?

      The white movement with all these Denikins, Yudenichs, Kolchaks, Wrangels and others that were on the salary of foreign capital

      From the memorandum of the head of the Bureau of the Soviet Representative in New York, L.K. Martens to the US State Department on March 19, 1919:
      “In the event of the resumption of trade with the United States, the Russian Government is ready to immediately place gold in the amount of two hundred million dollars ($200) in banks in Europe and America to cover the cost of the first purchases” // Documents of Foreign Policy of the USSR. T. 000. M., 000. S. 2

      V.I.Lenin. PSS, vol. 50, p. 74-75
      “Dear Mr. Robins, I am enclosing a preliminary plan for our economic relations with America. This preliminary plan was worked out in detail by the commission on foreign trade in our Supreme Council of the National Economy.
      I hope you find this preliminary plan helpful in your discussions with the US Department of Foreign Affairs and US export experts.
      Please accept my deep gratitude,
      sincerely yours Lenin"

      Explanation by V.I. Lenin. PSS, vol. 50, p. 427
      “In the plan for the development of trade and economic relations with the United States of America, developed on the initiative of V. I. Lenin, the Soviet government expressed its readiness to pay for goods purchased in the United States with agricultural and mining products, and also to provide the United States, along with other countries, concessions. »

      V.I.Lenin. PSS, vol. 51, p. 153
      “It is necessary to take especially urgent measures to speed up the analysis of valuables. If we are late, then they will not be given anything in Europe and America.”

      Explanation by V.I. Lenin. PSS, vol. 51, p. 412-413
      “I mean nationalized antiques, luxury items, works of art. In February 1919, A. M. Gorky created an Expert Commission in Petrograd to select and evaluate these items. Until October 1, 1920, the Expert Commission, working in the composition of 80 people, selected, as Gorky wrote, “120 different items, such as: artistic antique furniture, paintings of various eras, countries and schools, Russian, Sevres, Saxon porcelain, etc. etc., bronze, art glass, ceramics, ancient weapons, objects of oriental art, etc.
      According to the 15th year, the value of these things exceeds a billion. In addition, the warehouses of the commission contain carpets worth several hundred million (also according to an estimate of 1915) selected from abandoned apartments ”(V. I. Lenin and A. M. Gorky. “Letters, Memoirs, Documents”, 1961, p. 164). However, this work was carried out extremely slowly. In Gorky's letter, Lenin noted: "only 8 warehouses out of 33 have been dismantled."

      You would study the history of the party.

      and were ready to divide and sell the country just to snatch at least a small fraction of power.

      Yes. But they were divided by colleagues from the Communist Party. Whites and reds are not much different
  32. -2
    22 August 2023 10: 16
    Under this flag, the boys fought in the Chechen. Destroyed Georgia. Help Syria. They are now fighting in the most terrible war since the Second World War. And a lot of people here are throwing mud at him. Maybe enough to shame him and remember the traitors. Go and tell them at the front that you are fighting under the wrong flag?
    1. +5
      22 August 2023 11: 02
      Under this flag, the boys fought in the Chechen. Destroyed Georgia. Help Syria. They are now fighting in the most terrible war since the Second World War. And a lot of people here are throwing mud at him. Maybe enough to shame him and remember the traitors. Go and tell them at the front that you are fighting under the wrong flag?

      With this flag, the 490th helicopter regiment passed both Chechen ones.

      But this regiment will not fight anywhere else; it was disbanded in 2009.
  33. +1
    22 August 2023 10: 51
    It was necessary to try very hard to take the flag, which is indistinguishable from the flags of other 10 states, and which even at official events is still hung "upside down" every now and then. And 90% of "dear Russians" cannot correctly answer the question which lane should be on top.
    1. -1
      22 August 2023 11: 03
      Quote: vet
      And 90% of "dear Russians" cannot correctly answer the question which lane should be on top

      Do not extrapolate your own knowledge to others, you risk making a mistake. The word "besik" is widely known in narrow circles, knowing it, it is very difficult to confuse the order of the strips.
  34. +7
    22 August 2023 11: 06
    The editors of topwar are not the first time that you, at your own discretion, seriously change the original text of the article with a noticeable distortion of the content. You omitted from the article the original 1701 engraving by Adrian Schhonebeck of the "Goto Predestination" under the white-blue-red tricolor. And examples of the fact that the leadership of the USSR did not consider the white-blue-red flag to be enemy. They also threw out and replaced a significant part of the images given in the original.

    Here is the original:

    [h1]Ancient state flag[/h1]

    White-blue-red The flag is the ancient state flag of the Russian state. The flag with a recognizable color scheme has been known as the state flag since the middle of the 1560th century. So the Banner of the Sovereign of All Rus' Ivan IV (consider - the state flag) of XNUMX - white-blue-red. The middle of the banner - lazareva (blue), slope - sugar (white), border around the cloth - lingonberry (red), and around the slope - poppy (red) colors.

    White-blue-red the flag was used in the future. In 1667, the white-blue-red flag was hoisted as the state flag on a ship built at the direction of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich "Eagle". The flag under which Peter I sailed in August 1693 on the 12-gun yacht "Saint Peter" on the White Sea is still kept by the Central Naval Museum in St. Petersburg (stock number 10556).

    Carl Allard "The Book of Flags" about the flags of the Russian sovereign Peter (early 18th century):
    "(the first flag) is divided into three, the upper strip white, average blue, lower red. On the blue stripe gold with a royal crown crowned with a double-headed eagle"

    "(the second flag) is divided into three, at the top there is a strip white, in the middle blue, at the bottom red, the flag is pierced with the blue cross of Saint Andrew"

    [h1]Not a trading flag[/h1]

    Legends say that the white-blue-red flag was originally merchant ship flag. As shown - this is not true. On the contrary, initially white-blue-red flag was used to represent specifically warships (actually, and "Eagle" - combat vessel).

    Warship "Goto Predestination" under white-blue-red tricolor on an engraving by Adrian Schhonebeck 1701

    Only then, to distinguish military courts, they began to raise St. Andrew's flags with a blue cross on a white background.
    Russian shopping (commercial) ships were designated white a flag with a coat of arms (eagle) in the middle. But, since one of the main tasks State flag - designation of the ship's belonging to the state, then from 1709 Russian merchant ships began to be designated state white-blue-red tricolor.

    From the "Statements of Naval Flags" of 1709, edited by Peter the Great, about white-blue-red flag:
    "Usually trading and any Russian ships flag"

    Both the state flag of the USSR was used to indicate the affiliation of civil (including merchant ships), and the state flags of other states are still used to indicate the affiliation of civil (including merchant) ships to the state. It's commonplace.

    But white-blue-red the flag remained on the ships taking part in the hostilities.

    From the entry of the Danish envoy in St. Petersburg Just Yul May 1, 1710:
    “All other ordinary ships: flutes, galliots, boats and the so-called karbas, assigned to depart for Vyborg with provisions, guns, ammunition, carry three-lane white-blue-red flags and red vanes"

    Attended white-blue-red flag as a state symbol and in the land army.

    Officer's scarf of a soldier of the era of Peter I

    White-blue-red colors were present on the pennants of ships and galleys navy throughout the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries.

    Pennant of warships

    Pennant of warships of the Baltic Fleet until 1865

    St. George pennant (award for hero ships)

    Russian ships under Russian white-blue-red flag participated in:
    [*] Russian-Turkish
    [*]and other wars
    [/ List]

    Under the Russian white-blue-red famous Russian naval commanders led their fleets with the tricolor:
    [*] Spiridov
    [*] Apraksin
    [*] Lazarev
    [*] Kornilov
    [*]and others.
    [/ List]

    Under this flag, Russian sailors made many geographical discoveries and discovered a whole continent.

    Aivazovsky "Ice Mountains" 1870 (discovery of Antarctica by the Russian expedition of Bellingshausen and Lazarev)

    applied white-blue-red flag in the Russian navy and in the XNUMXth century.

    Flags of ships and watercrafts of sea fortresses

    If these ships were manned by servicemen under the command of an officer, then the Andreevsky flag was placed in the canton, but if the crew was civilian and controlled by a non-officer, then the tricolor was located in the canton.
    1. +3
      22 August 2023 11: 07
      [h1]The coat of arms of the Russian Empire[/h1]

      Let's talk a little about the black-yellow-white flag. This flag is now known as "Flag of the Russian Empire" - but in fact, as such, the black-yellow-white flag has never been a state flag. This so-called "Stamped Flag" in the colors of the emblem of the Russian Empire (or the imperial standard): a black eagle on a golden field with a white cockade. This is directly written in Decree No. 33289 of Emperor Alexander II on June 11, 1858 from the Complete Code of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire:
      "The highest approved drawing coat of arms of the Empire on banners, flags and other items used for decoration on solemn occasions"

      The flag was never adopted - the society preferred the white-blue-red tricolor. As shown, this flag is present as the state flag in Aivazovsky's 1870 painting. White-blue-red the monument to Pushkin in Moscow on June 6, 1880 was surrounded by banners. They also came to the monument to the grenadiers - the heroes of Plevna in 1877.

      Therefore, by the Decree of the Russian Emperor Alexander III on April 28, 1883 on the state flag, the white-blue-red flag was recognized as the only state one:
      “The police see to it that on those solemn occasions when it is recognized as possible to allow the decoration of buildings with flags, it should be used exclusively Russian flag, consisting of three stripes: top-white, medium-blue and bottom-red colors"

      This was confirmed by the Decree of Emperor Nicholas II on April 29, 1896 on the national flag (the law on the state flag of the Russian Empire):
      "12858. - April 29. The highest command announced by the Temporary Manager of the Naval Ministry (Sobr. Uzak. April 1898, 28, art. 685) - on recognition in all cases the white-blue-red national flag.

      The Sovereign Emperor, according to the most loyal report of His Imperial Highness, the Chief Commander of the Fleet and the Naval Department, on the 29th day of April 1896, His Highest deigned to recognize in all cases the white-blue-red flag as national "

      Flag of the St. Petersburg City Shipyard from the Album of Standards, Flags and Pennants of the Russian Empire, European and Non-European States, published by the Hydrographic Department of the Naval Ministry in 1869 - St. Petersburg: 1869. Fig. printed in September 1870.

      The flags of the Admiralty and Baltic shipyards, Izhora and Obukhov steel plants adopted in 1908

      So white-blue-red was also the flag of workers and workers.

      During the First World War under Russian soldiers defended Russia from the Germans with a white-blue-red flag, for example, the future chiefs of staff of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War (future marshals and Heroes of the Soviet Union): Zhukov and Vasilevsky.

      [h1]Tricolor and "Vlasov"[/h1]

      This paragraph would not have appeared if some "communists" articles about the state flag did not advertise the communist Vlasov (a member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks since 1930) and the collaborationist Eastern Legion headed by him.

      Andrey Vlasov participated in the civil war of Russians against Russians (and all against all). In 1930 he joined the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. But during the Great Patriotic War, he did not want to fight against the Germans - he went over to the side of Nazi Germany and continued to fight against the Russians for the Germans. Unlike Shaposhnikov, Vasilevsky and Zhukov, who during the First World War defended their state from the Germans under a white-blue-red flag. And after the change of political leadership, they continued to defend Russia already under the red flag.

      But under every mention of the white-blue-red flag is some pseudo-communist - who considers it his "international" duty to recall the existence of Vlasov and the Germans' attempts to introduce Russian state symbols among collaborators (including the white-blue-red flag). True, such people do not think: why did the Germans decide to try to use the white-blue-red flag when recruiting defectors? Because this will give an interesting answer: the Germans who fought against the USSR (and Russia in its composition) chose the white-blue-red flag as symbols of collaborators like the communist Vlasov and the collaborators from the Eastern Legion led by him - precisely because the white-blue-red the flag was an ancient symbol of the Russian state and intuitively evoked a response from the population of Russia. That is, it corresponded to the tasks of recruiting the Russian population - it could be successfully used by German propaganda against the Russian population.

      The Nazis generally took for their collaborationist units the national flags of those countries from which the fighters were. This does not make the tricolor or St. Andrew's flag a symbol of the enemy.

      During the war, the Germans tried to introduce the white-blue-red flag as a symbol of collaborators for the same reason that German saboteurs dressed in the uniform of Soviet military personnel, and German propaganda conducted Russophobic agitation in Russian.

      At the same time, it makes no sense for Russians to play along with German Russophobes and abandon their ancient symbol - just because the German Nazis, through the communist defector Vlasov and other collaborators, tried to discredit him with their activities directed against Russia.

      Need to say, the leadership of the USSR did not consider the white-blue-red flag to be enemy (recognizing it as a historical symbol) not before the Second World War

      Peter the First Lenfilm 1937

      not after
      1. +2
        22 August 2023 11: 08
        [h1]Why white-blue-red[/h1]

        Some claim that the white-blue-red flag was a "gift" from the Dutch. It is not known where such individuals get their knowledge from (probably they compose themselves, or maybe there is a training manual?), But data and any sources that the tricolor "was a gift from the Dutch" No. But we have a demanding statement of the Dutchman D. Butler, who actually built the "Eagle":
        “And with flowers (flag) like a great sovereign (Russian) will indicate; but only on ships whom state ship, of state and banner. "

        That is, in the opinion of the foreigners themselves, the white-blue-red flag on the Orel was the state flag of Russia installed at the direction of the Russian sovereign (foreigners are just executors of the Russian order).

        By the way, the stripe on the Dutch flag orange or ore yellow (red with a noticeable admixture of yellow), and in Russian - lingonberry or scribbled (that is, red in the absence of an admixture of yellowness).

        Why white-blue-red?

        There are several versions - why white-blue-red became the flag of the Russian state.

        According to one of them, the Russian state white and blue flag received colors in honor of the banner of the sovereign of all Rus' (and then Moscow as his residence): a white rider with a blue cloak (or other elements of clothing) on ​​a red background.

        George the Victorious was extremely revered in Rus'. And there is an explanation for this. Saint George is the warrior-patron of farmers (the literal translation of the name into Russian is "farmer"). In ancient times, a significant part of the population of the Russian state was made up of peasants - it is not surprising that George became a state symbol already in the 1497th century under the Russian prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich. George is also depicted on the seals of the Russian prince Yuri Vladimirovich (Yaroslav's great-grandson) and his grandson Yuri Vsevolodovich. George is also depicted on the seal of Ivan Vasilyevich in XNUMX.

        According to another version, the white-blue-red colors on the flag are the colors of the Mother of God revered in Rus' as the patroness of the state.

        White-blue-red colors are generally common in the Orthodox Christian environment - this is probably why these colors ended up on the flag of the Russian state.

        Or perhaps white, blue and red are some of the most common and persistent natural dyes (constituting a balanced color spectrum).
        1. -3
          22 August 2023 23: 01
          Just blue and red are not balanced. They do not fit directly into each other at all. Therefore, clothing designers, for example, prefer not to use this pair, in order to avoid bad taste. Here is the theory about dyes takes place.
      2. +1
        22 August 2023 13: 43
        To end the disputes, you can simply transfer the "State Flag Day" from this shameful date for Russia 21.08.1991/17.03.2014/XNUMX to another date. For example, on XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX ... When the Russian Tricolor washed away both the shame of Yeltsin's betrayal and Vlasov's betrayal. In addition, "our liberal opposition" as its flag, from that date, chose a different flag for itself - white-blue-white.
        But for some reason ... By the date of "Yeltsin's betrayal" (21.08), we also try to attach "Officer's Day".
    2. The comment was deleted.
  35. +8
    22 August 2023 11: 39
    And what? And before the tricolor there were other flags, including red and white and all sorts of others, and even earlier they tied a ponytail to a stick, and even earlier it happened that they dragged the enemy’s head on a spear instead of a flag. What is this article for? Is it all about the color of the flag? Well, they changed the red flag to the tricolor, and what, everything flooded for everyone? Well, some, of course, flooded, you can’t say anything here, but this is for some.
  36. -2
    22 August 2023 11: 53
    The flag of the occupiers of the Romanovs, copied either from the Dutch or from the British.
  37. 0
    22 August 2023 12: 18
    In Holland, the tricolor was considered a commercial flag.
  38. +1
    22 August 2023 13: 29
    Quote: AA17
    I agree.
    But you need to read a new history textbook to find out how the events at the "birth" of new Russia are interpreted there.

    Do you think there are options?
  39. +3
    22 August 2023 16: 37
    In Orthodoxy, the colors of the Russian Flag have the following meaning: White - Faith; Blue - Hope; Red - Love.
  40. +5
    22 August 2023 17: 18
    For me, there is only sickle-hammered. The flag in front of which I gave a pioneer, and then a military oath. My homeland is the USSR.
  41. +5
    22 August 2023 18: 44
    The author sprinkled a whole opus to glorify the monarchy and spit in the direction of the communists. It seems to be about the history of the flag, but some strange "aftertaste" after reading it.
  42. The comment was deleted.
  43. +5
    22 August 2023 21: 36
    The flag of the USSR with a hammer and sickle, the red flag is the Banner of Victory !!! Just imagine, if tomorrow our fighters suddenly have a red flag in their hands, then soon there will be unconditional surrender in Ukraine. Deeply convinced of this...
  44. +7
    22 August 2023 22: 39
    Although I eventually got used to the tricolor, but this is not a suitable flag for a great power. He's kind of local. These tricolors, similar to one another, at least, excuse me, eat booty. Whether business our Soviet red! It was visible everywhere for a kilometer and it is difficult to confuse it with someone else. In short, I vote for the flag of the USSR!
    1. Fat
      23 August 2023 16: 48
      The PRC flag is also red, the difference in the sickle and hammer is local symbolism. Since 1928, the flag of the Republic of China has appeared - a red canvas with a white sun on a blue canton in the upper corner. However, in 1949, the Republic of China lost the Civil War to the People's Republic of China - the Communists. The red flag is a symbol of communist ideology. One way or another, the leading and guiding role of the Communist Party in the leadership of the Federation is not relevant now
  45. The comment was deleted.
  46. The comment was deleted.
  47. Fat
    23 August 2023 16: 38
    A very superficial review. It's a pity. The frigate Eagle carried the black-gold-silver flag. This is reflected in the ship models proposed by Soviet historians of the Russian fleet. It would be decent to display the transition to the Russian tricolor in the sequence proposed by the president. Apparently his consultants are much more intelligent.
  48. -1
    24 August 2023 18: 50
    I don’t know about the “pseudo-communists”, but the bakers are already sitting in their livers.
  49. -1
    25 August 2023 05: 35
    The author spreads caviar - all meticulous people know that the white-blue-red tricolor is the essence of the symbol of the Judeo-Masonic power and the struggle against the God-established power was seen on the example of imperial Russia.
  50. 0
    26 August 2023 11: 19
    There were victories of the Empire under the blue-red-white flag, today this flag embodies the victory of the policy of unscrupulousness - liberalism, art. 2 of the Constitution of Russia, over the guarantee of the life of citizens - the policy of depopulation, over social justice in favor of the criminal appointment of the president "for feeding", Chubais, Serdyukov, the Federal Assembly. This flag is associated with Yeltsin's "God Save America" ​​and Putin's continuation of his policies. Today, the issue of compromising this flag by the rulers of the contemporaries should be resolved.
  51. 0
    29 August 2023 11: 51
    The banner is scarlet, the shavings are silver. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  52. The comment was deleted.
  53. -1
    13 November 2023 23: 07
    The article is complete crap. Administration, aren’t you ashamed to post such nonsense?