The representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry warned of the right to a "hard response" to a strike on Taganrog

The representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry warned of the right to a "hard response" to a strike on Taganrog

The Russian Federation has the right to respond harshly to Ukraine's attempt to inflict missile strike on the city of Taganrog in the Rostov region and an attack by an unmanned aerial vehicle on Moscow. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova.

The diplomat issued a strong condemnation of the rocket attack organized by the Kyiv regime. Zakharova stressed that the missile strike was clearly directed against civilian infrastructure and the civilian population, since there was no military sense in its application.

The Russian side reserves the right to take tough retaliatory measures

- said the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Maria Zakharova also called on international organizations to condemn the use of such methods by the Ukrainian authorities.

Recall that today Ukraine twice tried to attack the Rostov region with missiles. The first rocket was shot down over Taganrog, its fragments fell in the city center. As a result, 17 people were injured, nine of them were hospitalized. The walls in the cafe were also destroyed, glass flew out in nearby houses.

The second Ukrainian missile was shot down over the Azov district of the Rostov region. Its fragments fell in a deserted place, so none of the citizens were injured. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the missile attacks were carried out using S-200 missiles specially converted by Ukrainian specialists into attack missiles.
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  1. +84
    28 July 2023 19: 30
    Maybe enough of these empty statements. The whole world is laughing at us. Do it, then talk.
    1. +6
      28 July 2023 19: 45
      Actually, 404 flew over the Crimean bridge notably. As always, everything was shot down .... but the wreckage still hit all the intended objects and the emnip was the most massive attack since its beginning ...
      1. +24
        28 July 2023 20: 13
        Actually, it seems that they are not for the bridge, but for the grain deal. But as for "the bridge" - that was not the impression...
        Ps Purely IMHO. I don't insist... request
        1. +4
          28 July 2023 21: 57
          The first rocket was shot down over Taganrog

          Apparently, the Armed Forces of Ukraine decided to hit the ports of Tagan-Rog and Azov in the Rostov region.
          It is worth noting that there is still a lot of work for the Aerospace Forces and the Black Sea Fleet in the ports of Odessa, Nikolaev and on the Dniester.
          1. -4
            28 July 2023 22: 53
            рthe missile attack on Taganrog was clearly directed against civilian infrastructure and the civilian population, since there was no military sense in applying it.
            Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry warned about the right to a "HARD ANSWER" to strike at Taganrog

            Washington hastened to distance itself from the WAR CRIME of Zelensky's Kyiv regime - namely, that the US allegedly had absolutely nothing to do with the shelling of Taganrog.

            A few hours after the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Taganrog with an air defense missile converted into an attack missile, at the BUILDING of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Dnipro (formerly Dnepropetrovsk) aeroballistic missiles of the Iskander OTRK were tested.
            As a result of the explosion, the multi-storey building of the SBU in Dnipro was completely destroyed.
            1. +1
              28 July 2023 23: 29
              Jewish Nazi Zelensky in telegram channel burst out with the next threat against Russia in response to a retaliatory strike by the RF Armed Forces on the building of the SBU in the Dnieper beyond Taganrog.
              Dnieper. Friday evening. Hit in a high-rise building and the building of the SBU. Russian missile terror again.
              Promptly held conversations with the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Emergency Service, the head of the Regional Police Department.
              All necessary services are in place. We respond quickly and help people. We keep the situation under control.
              We will do everything to bring Russia to full punishment for aggression and terror against our people. This bastard will answer. We will do everything for justice.

              See details -

              What kind of "justice" is this idiot Zelensky, who is useful to the USA, talking about?! The Ukrainian Euro-fascist Zelensky forgot about the genocide they committed against Russians in Ukraine, about the ATO since 2014 under the leadership of the Jews Yatsenyuk and Turchynov, and then Poroshenko - because of which, in fact, Russia started its SVO!

              1. -13
                29 July 2023 00: 04
                Quote: Tatiana
                Jewish Nazi Zelensky in telegram channel burst out with the next threat against Russia in response to a retaliatory strike by the RF Armed Forces on the building of the SBU in the Dnieper beyond Taganrog.

                Madame, it would be very appropriate for you to serve in the 29th SS division. It was definitely formed from your like-minded people.
                1. +8
                  29 July 2023 00: 11
                  Actually, you also have enough recruits for the SS division "Galicia".
                2. +12
                  29 July 2023 00: 14
                  Quote: Aron Zaavi
                  Madame, it would be very appropriate for you to serve in the 29th SS division. It was definitely formed from your like-minded people.

                  Aron, do you think that if a Nazi Jew burst into something, then the commentators are to blame?
                  1. +4
                    29 July 2023 00: 17
                    The Jews are ungrateful bastards, we saved them, gave them a state, and they, bitches, hate everything Russian ...
                    1. 0
                      29 July 2023 00: 18
                      Don't judge them so harshly, there is some kind of agreement...)
                    2. -7
                      29 July 2023 03: 29
                      Quote: 76SSSR
                      The Jews are ungrateful bastards, we saved them, gave them a state, and they, bitches, hate everything Russian ...

                      Do you also judge people by the color of their skin?
                      The Israelis respected Stalin, and then Khrushchev came and screwed everything up.
                      For 40 years, the USSR incited and armed the enemies of Israel in their aspirations to destroy it, and this crossed out all past merits in the bud. In the trash. Flushed down the toilet and flushed.
                      Secondly, you didn’t give a damn to anyone. Jews built Israel from the 19th century and by the 47th it de facto existed. One vote in the UN does not give you any right to appropriate other people's merits. Even if Stalin voted against it, and even if the UN resolution failed, the country would still be declared, it would simply exist as Taiwan, partially recognized.
                      Thirdly, in order to find fault with someone, you need to think about him at all, and modern Israelis are simply not up to you, they hardly remember you. And the Israeli media even pay little attention to your war with Ukraine. You are not interested in them.
                    3. -3
                      29 July 2023 07: 28
                      Quote: 76SSSR
                      The Jews are ungrateful bastards, we saved them, gave them a state, and they, bitches, hate everything Russian ...

                      You? You personally have never saved anyone and have never given anything to anyone.
                      1. +1
                        29 July 2023 15: 04
                        Quote: Aron Zaavi
                        You? Personally, you did not save anyone and did not give anything to anyone.

                        Aron! Have a conscience as a Jew and a citizen of Israel - to throw such words!
                        But his grandfathers and relatives fought during the Second World War / WWII, together with the entire Soviet people, and saved their lives, including Jews, from the German and European-fascist genocide, from the complete extermination of Jews!

                        And this statement of yours essentially only says that you personally stand on the positions of the aggressive United States and NATO countries in your desire to rewrite the history of the Second World War / WWII in favor of a new world war of the West against Russia - moreover, with a complete GENOCIDE of the historically Russian state of the Russians forming Russia as the FINAL solution by the West of the Russian question!!!

                        In essence, with your statement, you are trying to atomize - to dismember the Russian people to an atomic state - to make ethnic Russians one by one mankurts without a clan and their historical national memory, as happened in Ukraine with the majority of ethnic Russians under the patronage of the United States and the countries of the "Washington Regional Committee" under the Jewish power from above!

                        By this you expose yourself as a Jew and a citizen of Israel in exactly the same way as the Jew-Nazi-Russophobe Zelensky!

                        And this is not an offense I told you, but for the sake of JUSTICE and TRUTH!

                        Do not scatter such words! This is absolutely WRONG on your part!
                        There are no fools here - and you will be understood here as competently as it should be logically understood!
                      2. +4
                        29 July 2023 15: 50
                        In this case, you personally have nothing to do with the tragedy of your ancestors, and there is nothing to make a gesheft on it. But I came across a video where Jews pour concrete into a source in an Arab village. Well, what can I say. Of course, they have not yet reached the burning of villages, like Khatyn, but the trend can be traced. Congratulations, the ancestors would appreciate.
                  2. -9
                    29 July 2023 03: 23
                    Quote: 76SSSR
                    Aron, do you think that if a Nazi Jew burst into something, then the commentators are to blame?

                    It's not about one Jew, she writes down as Jews everyone who she considers a villain, including those who did not fly next to the Jews, and this is clearly Nazi thinking. She is inadequate.
                3. -1
                  29 July 2023 00: 16
                  Or here is another worthy son of his people. Apple tree from apple tree.
                4. -8
                  29 July 2023 03: 20
                  Quote: Aron Zaavi

                  This "madame" is the most natural Banderovka, and I think not quite healthy. Her obsession with Jews clearly smacks of a clinic.
                  1. +6
                    29 July 2023 05: 13
                    Quote: And Us Rat
                    Quote: Aron Zaavi

                    This "madame" is the most natural Banderovka, and I think not quite healthy. Her obsession with Jews clearly smacks of a clinic.

                    Those. Do you think it is NORMAL that in Ukraine, in which there were 40% of the population of ethnic Russians and 80% of Russian speakers and which is headed precisely by ethnic Russophobe Jews: Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Turchynov, Poroshenko, Zelensky, Shmyhal, Reznikov etc. - they banned the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE and EVERYTHING RUSSIAN and ORTHODOX?!

                    Those. it's your way in relation to the Russian people by the Russophobic Jews - the rulers who HAVE SEIZED power in Ukraine - is neither NAZISM nor GENOCIDE of Russians?!
                    Who do you take Putin for then?!

                    Return then, high-ranking Jews-Russophobes, the state power on the Russian land in Ukraine to the Russians - and then no one will say a word about the Jews!

                    So it’s not me who’s not on friendly terms with my head, and it’s not me who is a “natural Banderovka”, but it’s you personally who are, if not worse!
                    1. -2
                      29 July 2023 16: 23
                      Quote: Tatiana
                      Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Turchynov, Poroshenko, Zelensky, Shmyhal, Reznikov

                      Yeah, Ivanov, Sidorov are also Jewish surnames. wassat
                      Zelya vykrest, the rest are not Jews at all, and even have a Jewish great-grandfather (maybe one from the list maximum) - they themselves definitely do not consider themselves Jews. That is, they have no more relationship with the Jews than with the Japanese or Indians.
                      Therefore, your arguments are frankly far-fetched, and smack of Nazism mixed with insanity.
                      According to your logic, if you personally are diligently scratched (like 90% of "Russian" Russians), then you can also safely be recorded as a Jew, 100% of your ancestors were Khazars, as were the Mongols and Tatars.
                      1. +2
                        29 July 2023 16: 43
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Yeah, Ivanov, Sidorov are also Jewish surnames.

                        Do you define Jews only by their surnames, and not by their mother's pedigree? Oh well...
                        In Israel, Jewishness is determined by the pedigree of the mother.
                        Push your "knowledge" about the Jews and further! Everything is clear with you!
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Zelya cross,

                        Zelensky is not even a "convert" - he is an ordinary Jew-Zionist-Nazi in Bandera's shoes with all the ensuing Russophobic pro-American frills!
                      2. -3
                        29 July 2023 19: 06
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Do you define Jews only by their surnames, and not by their mother's pedigree? Oh well...

                        A Jew is a bearer of Jewish culture, if it doesn't matter. And according to halachic laws - secular people, Jews cannot be by definition. In addition, there is a huge difference in the mentality of Jews in different parts of the world. American Jews, for example, are fundamentally different from Soviet Jews, and Israeli Jews from the first two, it can be said - different cultures. Small-town Jews have 80% of their mentality from the people in which they live for generations.
                        You don’t even know such primitive sociological facts, you live in your own fictional paranoid world, so all your reasoning about Jews is schizophrenic nonsense. Seek help before it's too late.

                        Quote: Tatiana

                        This is the same nonsense as a vegetarian cannibal, or a pacifist militarist.
                        Zelya is not a bearer of Jewish culture, he identifies himself with the Ukrainian nation and Orthodoxy, and all his Nazism is also 100% Ukrainian.
                        He cannot be a Zionist either, the essence of Zionism is the prosperity of Israel in the land of Israel, other countries are not interested in Zionism in principle, the contribution of any efforts to other countries and peoples and their lives is contrary to the principles of Zionism. Zionists are those who live (or strive) in Israel and build their country, develop and improve. This is the essence of Zionism.
                        Real Zionism, and not the one that you have composed for yourself in your inflamed imagination.
                      3. -1
                        29 July 2023 22: 58
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Zionists are those who live (or strive) in Israel and build their country, develop and improve. This is the essence of Zionism.
                        Do not sculpt me here hunchbacked!
                        Zionism has long turned into a POLITICAL current for the so-called. "chosen ones".

                        Get acquainted with the projects of the Jewish "Heavenly Jerusalem" (Israel-2) in Ukraine from the Ukrainian Jew-Zionist Igor Berkut (Gecko)! And then explain something to me with your bias! You have no faith!

                        Heavenly Jerusalem (also New_Jerusalem, Israel_2.0, New_Israel) — a project whose goal is the formation of a Jewish state within Ukraine on the territories of its five southern regions: Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaev. including Crimea. The project is long-term, its terms are determined by the Board of Benefactors, the time is described until 2049 and even after 2060.

                        You are in your Israel right as soon as you were born into the world! Completely out of touch with life!
                        About the launch in Ukraine of the cherished project of the Jews: "Heavenly Jerusalem"
                        “The landmark event of the beginning of 2017, which the world media did not even mention in passing, was the landing in the port of Odessa of the first group of immigrants from Israel, headed by Igor Berkut. This group of 183 Jewish pioneers arrived in Ukraine from Haifa in order to lay the first stone in the foundation of the Heavenly Jerusalem on the fertile land of Southern Ukraine, ”so on the first day of the coming year of the Red Rooster (28.01.17) Igor Berkut’s Dawn portal told the world .

                        Do not write to me anymore, otherwise we will just quarrel! For you are not ready for a dialogue with me from the word "absolutely completely."

                        Heavenly Jerusalem 2017. Interview given by Igor Berkut

                        "New Israel in Ukraine?" (Solid step from 10.02.2017/7/XNUMX) -
                      4. -3
                        30 July 2023 00: 13
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Zionism has long turned into a POLITICAL current for the so-called. "chosen ones".

                        Can you give at least one significant proof of this nonsense?

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Get to know the projects of the Jewish "Heavenly Jerusalem"

                        The same fake as the "protocols of the Elders of Zion." Insanity of the Ren-TV level, which does not have the slightest base under it and does not stand up to any criticism. This so-called "project" is tritely absurd in every way, from economic to social. I would rather believe in the "New Palestine" project for the Arabs, they would just like that. Even if some schizophrenic would try to build this "New Jerusalem" of yours, he simply would not find inhabitants for it. None of the Israelis in their right mind will go to such a dark place, for some unknown reason. What can they catch there? Name at least one reasonable argument. Why would people from a civilized social environment go to such an anus of the world? Those who want to leave Israel go to developed countries, not to Papuan.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        cherished project of the Jews: "Heavenly Jerusalem"

                        What Jews???? fool
                        For fun, I asked the Israelis if they would go to such a place, if it were real. Everyone twists his finger at his temple, the only one who agreed is one homeless person (local holy fool), whose cuckoo is flowing from blue.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Ukraine from the Ukrainian Jew-Zionist Igor Berkut (Gecko)!

                        Are we going to seriously discuss the nonsense of various schizos here?
                        The meaning of Zionism is in Israel itself, and the desire to take the Jews out of Israel is chicanery, the exact opposite of Zionism. Calls to leave Israel are ANTISIONISM.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        board of benefactors

                        Or maybe reptilians right away? Or a Martian?
                        Any project must have meaning, economic feasibility, and most importantly - human resources.
                        And your project is absurd in all respects, it simply does not make any sense.
                      5. -1
                        30 July 2023 00: 58
                        You tell Igor Berkut! He was not going to transport all of Israel to Ukraine. And there are plenty of Jews in the USA and in other countries for such a thing.
                        And you still think I'm crazy! And these are all your people with a turn of "God's chosen people" in their brains.
                        You should take an interest in psychiatry and the science of personality psychology! And then you make medical diagnoses! Otherwise, you are too cool for the job!
                      6. -1
                        30 July 2023 14: 52
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        You tell Igor Berkut!

                        This is a troll and a clown, this whole circus is one big banter. Well, you need to turn on the pot at least a little bit, or do you believe everything that is written on the fence? Do you also believe in werewolves with vampires and the living dead? Maybe Harry Potter?

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        And there are plenty of Jews in the USA and in other countries for such a thing.

                        And what for them?? 95% of them are well-fed Western inhabitants, satisfied with life and prospects. A fair amount has long been assimilated. There is not a single sound reason for them to throw their lives in the trash and move to an unsettled backyard. This is insanity.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        And these are all your people with a turn of "God's chosen people" in their brains.

                        So this is the nuance, this is a turn in YOUR brains. For some reason, you believed that you know the thoughts of other people, better than these people themselves. If this is not schizophrenia, then I am the Chinese emperor. Open the Torah, study the meaning of this very "chosenness" from the original source, and not from comics. You are an ignoramus in this topic, dense and profane.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        And then make medical diagnoses!

                        You don't have to be a professor to understand when they are carrying a blizzard that is contrary to ELEMENTARY COMMON SENSE. I've seen enough crazy people with obsessive delusions to be able to recognize them.
                      7. -1
                        30 July 2023 21: 40
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        You don't have to be a professor to understand when they are carrying a blizzard that is contrary to ELEMENTARY COMMON SENSE.
                        The criterion of truth is practice!
                        And the historical political practice in the world shows that it’s not me who is “sick”, but it is you personally who are lagging behind life, from understanding the essence of modern political events, from the aspirations of young people, as such, that you are simply amazed!
                        Or are you just doing Jewish demagonism in front of me in your favor against the Russians!

                        The world has become completely DIFFERENT and your Zionism, in search of the Jews of their promised land, has turned in practice all over the world into a Nazi political movement on the hump of other peoples and nationalities for Jewish domination of the whole world, ideologically based on Judaism with its radical Chabadism, will lead the world to TMV!

                        Here's what the hell Do you personally shield the Jewish Nazis Zelennsky and Co., who are at the head of the Ukroreich, stubbornly?!
                        And wherein point-blank you don’t notice in Ukraine the GGENOCIDE of Russians by the Kyiv regime in the face of its Jewish representatives in power at the very top!

                        This is enough for you to drive a blizzard here!

                      8. +2
                        30 July 2023 23: 29
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        The criterion of truth is practice!

                        And the practice is based on facts, not on stubborn fantasies.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        You are lagging behind life, from understanding the essence of modern political events

                        Studio examples! Only provable by tangible facts, and not fictitious in a conspiracy fever. And then I see, again, demagogy and verbiage poured out when there was nothing to cover. In senseless verbiage, you are a master.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        in their favor against the Russians!

                        Do you judge by yourself? I generally consider nationality an atavism. People for me are divided into smart and stupid. But the stupid already divide themselves according to the color of the skin and the shape of the skull.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        turned into practice

                        Once again, practice must be provable. And you, apart from delusional speculation and supposedly "evidence" of some kind of muddy characters, cannot provide. Your position is akin to the fanaticism of a sectarian. Zero logic and facts - but a carriage of unshakable faith.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        on the back of other peoples and nationalities for Jewish dominance throughout the world

                        Tatvoyuzhnalevo. THIS IS YOUR BELIEFS. Dot. No body, no business.
                        Speculation, argued by other speculation and demagogic verbal diarrhea - this is an unfounded blizzard by definition. This is how the laws of logic and deduction work, this is how the universe works. 2+2 won't become 7 just because you want to believe it.

                        Quote: Tatiana

                        Hand face! I can fit everyone into this idiotic picture, from Putin and Shoigu to your parents, and compose "alternative" surnames for everyone, Jewish, Mexican, Martian. Will this make it all true?
                        You really have already lost all connection with reality, if the inscriptions on the fence are revelations from above for you. sad

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        This is enough for you

                        Get help, seriously. It's like I'm talking to a jammed chatbot. sad
                      9. -1
                        30 July 2023 23: 58
                        Well, who do you think is not a Jew in the picture?

                        By the way, all these people do not hide the fact that they are Jews. Except for Yarosh (Arosh).
                      10. +2
                        31 July 2023 12: 50
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Well, who do you think is not a Jew in the picture?

                        Where is the confirmation of their Jewishness? Do you have their birth certificates on hand? And what is their Jewishness? Do they even know that they are "Jews"? wassat

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        By the way, all these people do not hide the fact that they are Jews.

                        Persuaded - lay out your evidence. I want to see a personal confession of each of them. fellow
                        By the way, you are also Jewish, until proven otherwise.
                      11. 0
                        31 July 2023 00: 24
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        And you, apart from delusional speculation and supposedly "evidence" of some kind of muddy characters, cannot provide. Your position is akin to the fanaticism of a sectarian. Zero logic and facts - but a carriage of unshakable faith.

                        By the way, you still didn't answer my question.
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Why the hell do you personally shield the Jewish Nazis Zelennsky and Co., who are at the head of the Ukroreich, stubbornly?!
                        And at the same time, you point-blank do not notice the GENOCIDE of Russians in Ukraine by the Kyiv regime in the person of its Jewish representatives in power at the very top!

                        If you don’t want to answer me, try to honestly answer at least to yourself who you really are!
                      12. +2
                        31 July 2023 12: 54
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        You still haven't answered my question

                        Was there a question? You formulate clearly and to the point, then I will answer.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        who you really are!

                        Anarchist technocrat, a bit of a misanthrope, logician and rationalist, agnostic apatheist.
                        Polimat, former military man, private entrepreneur.
                      13. +1
                        31 July 2023 13: 33
                        The question was written specifically. Namely
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        By the way, you still didn't answer my question.
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Why the hell do you personally shield the Jewish Nazis Zelennsky and Co., who are at the head of the Ukroreich, stubbornly?!
                        And at the same time, you point-blank do not notice the GENOCIDE of Russians in Ukraine by the Kyiv regime in the person of its Jewish representatives in power at the very top!

                        You simply preferred not to answer it, but simply to REJECT the answer!
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Anarchist technocrat, a bit of a misanthrope, logician and rationalist, agnostic apatheist.
                        Polimat, former military man, private entrepreneur.
                        Well, well ... Have fun laughing
                        Everything is clear with you! I thought so about you, but such an excuse laughing still didn't expect it.

                        Do not text me anymore. All the same, there will be no NORMAL answer from you, except for demagoguery. Everything is clear with you!
                      14. +2
                        1 August 2023 03: 19
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        You simply preferred not to answer it, but simply to REJECT the answer!

                        This is the champion of topic translation and verbiage speaking.
                        But I will answer:
                        I'm not shielding Zela and his shobla, I don't care about them at all. It is you who are trying to attach them to my country and my people. Cave bloody libels and Goebbels rhetoric. You are a carrier of the Nazi plague.
                        But here's a surprise:
                        Zelya was brought up in a Russian-speaking culture, and married in an Orthodox church, he knows neither Hebrew nor Jewish traditions. He is YOUR bastard, flesh of YOUR flesh and blood of YOUR blood.
                        If he had been brought up by a Jew, he would not have climbed into someone else's barn as the first pig.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Everything is clear with you! I thought so about you, but such an excuse

                        And what is the excuse, well, justify it. You asked what kind of person I am and I answered honestly. Or were you expecting some kind of conspiracy revelations? Well, I'm sorry, I don't have them, I'm an ordinary person.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        A NORMAL answer from you, except for demagoguery

                        Said the demagogy champion. laughing
                        So I'll wait for the evidence of the Jewishness of organisms in your Gestapo poster? Or will you again shamefully evade the answer?
                      15. 0
                        1 August 2023 11: 10
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        I'm not shielding Zela and his shobla, I don't care about them at all. It is you who are trying to attach them to my country and my people.
                        But Zelensky and his shobla should not be attached to the Jews when Zelensky's dad lives in Israel and justifies the actions of his cheese in everything, saying that he hopes that the Russian victims of the Zelensky regime will eventually "understand" him and "reconcile with his Russophobic actions "- I emphasize the actions of the Bandera Fuhrer in Ukroreikh in the Esrei shell and an associate and protégé of the Jew Kolomoisky, who also, it seems, has Israeli citizenship?
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Zelya was brought up in a Russian-speaking culture, and married in an Orthodox church, he knows neither Hebrew nor Jewish traditions. He is YOUR bastard, flesh of YOUR flesh and blood of YOUR blood.
                        If he had been brought up by a Jew, he would not have climbed into someone else's barn as the first pig.
                        I agree with you that this problem is of a HISTORICAL nature both in the Russian Empire/USSR/former Soviet Union; the implementation of the colonial project of the USA and the countries of the "Washington Regional Committee" "Ukraine - anti-Russia", and the world policy of the West itself, starting with Elizabeth I, the formation of the US Federal Reserve in 1, the coup d'etat in the Russian Empire in 1913, the liquidation of the USSR in 1917, etc., etc.
                      16. 0
                        1 August 2023 12: 28
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        And what is the excuse, well, justify it. You asked what kind of person I am and I answered honestly.
                        I was expecting an answer from you now!
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        I'm not shielding Zela and his shobla, I don't care about them at all. It is you who are trying to attach them to my country and my people.

                        The truth was not expected in a rude way!
                        Cave bloody libels and Goebbels rhetoric. You are a carrier of the Nazi plague.

                        Firstly. Keep yourself all the same in your hands, as befits a man! And do not engage in labeling if you yourself do not have enough arguments to prove your own truth in the dispute!
                        And secondly. Why don't you consider Jews abroad to be Jews?
                        The world has changed in the last century and Zionism has ceased to be for the Jews solely the desire to return to their historical promised land - to "Israel-1".
                        I got the impression that you personally do not know much about Judaism. Not deep. What did you actually confess in part
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Anarchist technocrat, a little misanthrope, logician and rationalist, agnostic apatheist.
                        Apatheism is an indifferent ("apathetic") attitude to the questions of the existence or non-existence of deities.
                        But this "technocrat ANARCHIC sense" is characteristic of modern POLITICAL Zionism as a derivative of classical Judaism in the form of Chabadism. Namely.

                        You personally hold your Jewish state of Israel very dear, but you personally, in your words, are supposedly indifferent to the anarchic destruction of other national states and the physical destruction of other peoples, but it would be better to say - very FAVORABLY!

                        Well, who are you after that in relation to the RUSSIAN GENOCIDE - and in general to the FINAL solution of the Russian question in the world - in particular on the part of the Jews, as such, who seized power in the same Ukroreich - represented by world Jewry - the bankers of the US Federal Reserve? And what of the fact that at the same time you do not classify Zelensky himself as a Jew? But the whole world sees him as a Jew!

                        Not all is well with your knowledge of history, the foundations of religion, philosophy and political science! And you obviously do not have enough information horizon for an adequate idea of ​​the completeness of the picture of the world.
                        However, at the same time, to compensate you for these gaps in your knowledge - this is clearly "Sisis work" for me. You see, I am also an atheist, a materialist, a rationalist, but unlike you, it is a STATE MAN, and not an ANARCHIST. In this sense, speaking the language of scientific communism, I am a Stalinist, and you are at best a Trotskyist.
                      17. 0
                        1 August 2023 13: 28
                        I apologize!
                        I didn't notice an important typo. But in principle, readers already understood that this is exactly a MIRROR.
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        liquidation of the USSR in 1931 году

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        liquidation of the USSR in 1991 year
                      18. 0
                        2 August 2023 06: 00
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        The truth was not expected in a rude way!

                        I'm allergic to bigots and narrow-minded people.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Zionism has ceased to be for the Jews solely the desire to return to their historical promised land

                        Objectively speaking, Zionism is dead, it died with the birth of Israel. And you defame the memory of a dead man, Calling his name completely different phenomena that have nothing to do with Israel.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Judaism you personally don't know well

                        I know perfectly well that in Israeli schools the Tanakh is taught until graduation. And I studied Kabbalah in my study of the history of various religions. I perfectly know what I'm talking about.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        but you personally treat the anarchic destruction of other national states and the physical destruction of other peoples, in your words, allegedly indifferent

                        Should I tear my hair out for this? The birth and decline of states is a natural process. How many countries remain today from those that were 2000 years ago?
                        We don't have imperial ambitions like some do.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        but it is better to say - very FAVORABLE!

                        Well, you are favourably disposed towards the disappearance of Ukraine, the USA, Britain. But unlike you, I am really indifferent.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Well, who are you after that in relation to the RUSSIAN GENOCIDE - and in general to the FINAL solution of the Russian question in the world

                        I consider this nonsense. With the number of nuclear weapons in the Russian Federation, this is unrealistic.
                        Were you very embarrassed by the help of the USSR to the Arabs in their attempts to bring the final solution of the Jewish question to an end? So why should I care about you? Who are you to me? Yes, and there are no "Russians" in ethnic form, genetically it is a hodgepodge of Slavs, Tatars, Mongols, Scandinavians, etc. (And Jews, by the way, too). There are almost no monoethnic groups left in the world. All nations are a mixture of earlier nations, and in the original - generally one single species of primates. For me, people are more likely to be divided by nationality.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        face of world Jewry

                        There is no "world Jewry" in your understanding. This is a bogey that you have invented for yourself.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        US Fed bankers

                        These are exactly the last on the planet who are interested in nationalities, for them we are all a resource, they do not care about skin color and religion. Black, Muslim, Japanese, Buddhist - works and produces the same.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Not all is well with your knowledge of history, the foundations of religion, philosophy and political science!

                        And with what fright did you decide that your beliefs are the truth? Did God personally promise you this?
                        Maybe you just put together a worldview on false sources and delusions? Have you tried to evaluate them critically? At least once?

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        from you it is the STATE MAN, and not the ANARCHIST.

                        You distort. I'm just a technocrat. My anarchism is reflected only in limiting state intervention in people's lives. I am for the necessary minimum and for the power of specialists. AI is better in general, he does not take bribes, does not steal and does not abuse power for the sake of his ego.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        you are a Trotskyist at best

                        Troitsky was a narcissistic utopian, I do not approve of his ideas, they are infantile and destructive.
                      19. 0
                        2 August 2023 05: 32
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Zelensky's father lives in Israel

                        But of course you don’t have an address or a photo, which means these are rumors. And they also say that he is in Spain, Britain, Canada, or even Argentina. How are these rumors worse than your hearing?

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        in Esrei shell

                        There is no "Jewish shell", he is your Fuhrer, from your purely Slavic culture. You alone have more in common with him than all the Israelis put together. You even have the same mentality.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Kolomoisky, who also seems to have Israeli citizenship

                        And to whom the Israeli authorities clearly hinted that he was not welcome in Israel, and that he should not come at all.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        the problem is HISTORICAL in nature as in the RI/USSR/former SSR itself; implementation of the colonial project of the USA and the countries of the "Washington Regional Committee"

                        Israel was not even in the project then, so why the hell did you dig into the Israelis? Your Jews are your problem, you raised them, you made them who they are. Everything normal has long taken root in Israel, and you are left with IVANs who do not remember kinship. They are the fruits of YOUR culture and bearers of YOUR mentality.
                      20. -1
                        2 August 2023 13: 50
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Israel was not even in the project then, so why the hell did you dig into the Israelis? Your Jews are your problem, you raised them, you made them who they are. Everything normal has long taken root in Israel, and you are left with IVANs who do not remember kinship. They are the fruits of YOUR culture and bearers of YOUR mentality.

                        There was no Israel, but there was already Judaism and Zionism too! No need to pour bullshit on my ears here! And neither Judaism nor Zionism disappeared anywhere, but only changed historically in their content! And this is recognized by Russian Jewish authors with academic degrees.

                        And you personally just stew in your atmosphere of modern Israel and its state-propaganda Israeli apologists with rose-colored glasses.

                        Philosopher Alexander Dugin tells what Zionism is as the state ideology of Israel. Why do Jews believe that they are a chosen people. What is the point of scattering Jews as a Jewish tradition. Why is Zionism, on the one hand, the continuation of Judaism, on the other - its refutation.

                        Alexander Dugin. What is Zionism. Published on June 13, 2018.
                      21. -1
                        3 August 2023 04: 25
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        And this is recognized by Russian Jewish authors with academic degrees.

                        Names and quotes to the studio!

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        stew in your atmosphere of modern Israel

                        And you climb to us, what for do you need it? Do not touch famously while sleeping quietly - folk wisdom. Then you will cry like the Romans.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        state-propaganda Israeli apologists with rose-colored glasses

                        And how do they differ from state-propaganda Russian apologists with rose-colored glasses? Or American with Chinese?
                        Why are they worse?
                        80% of the world's population, in principle, do not think with their own heads. Priests have been manipulating the masses since the Stone Age. You are no better.
                        Or maybe you think your nation is special? Exceptional? Ubersmalles?

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Alexander Dugin

                        Trotskyist and fascist. Narcissist and unprincipled opportunist.
                        Professional political prostitutes did not change their shoes as many times as he managed to jump.
                        Do you have normal authorities? Or just outright scum of an extremist persuasion?
                        Why don't you just refer to Hitler? He has an even more "laconic" position on the Jews than Dugin's. What's stopping you? You agree with Hitler, admit it to yourself.
                      22. -1
                        3 August 2023 09: 42
                        Of you personally, Jewish Nazism is so rushing!
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Names and quotes to the studio!
                        Well, for example, Andrey Burovsky. I have his books in my preschool library.
                        1. The whole truth about Russians: two peoples.
                        2. Truth and fiction about Soviet Jews.
                        3. The truth about "Jewish racism".
                        4. Jews - advanced people on Earth?
                        5. Jewish massacres. Sorrow by double standards.
                        6. "Let's renounce the old world!" Suicide of Europe and Russia.
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Why don't you just refer to Hitler? He has an even more "laconic" position on the Jews than Dugin's.

                        What bad things did Dugin say about the Jews? Dugin said everything as historically it really is. It's not Dugin's fault that you don't like this truth.
                        For example, Orthodox believers also do not like materialism - so what? No one canceled the scientific nature of materialism, except for blind believers!

                        As for Hitler, everything is not so simple - and the traces lead precisely to the USA. Namely.
                        The United States, represented by its intelligence officer Ernst Ganfteingl, led Hitler to power in Germany since 1923! It was he who became Hitler's American curator - financed, ideologically and politically directed Hitler to his Nazi regime! Led Hitler to power! Even "Mein Kampf" was written entirely by Hitler at the suggestion of his American friend Ernst Hanfteingl and his tacit editing! Basically, the author.
                        Why don't you personally blame the USA?! And the privately owned Jewish bankers of the US Federal Reserve, who privatized the US state itself in 1913?!
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        And you climb to us, what for do you need it? Do not touch famously while sleeping quietly - folk wisdom. Then you will cry like the Romans.
                        Yes, because you, with your Jewish “chosenness” and world globalism - not even the Jewish Empire, but the WORLD DOMINATION of Jews on Earth - indulge Russophobia, the destruction of Russia as a historical state and the genocide of Russians on their historically Russian land!
                        After all, this also applies to the support of Ukraine as Ukroreich by Israel and world Jewry under the wing of the United States - or rather, the bankers of the US Federal Reserve!
                      23. 0
                        4 August 2023 15: 33
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Well, for example, Andrey Burovsky.

                        He is famous for developing pseudo-scientific ideas about the "Aryans" ("Aryans"), who created the foundations of world civilization.
                        Do you have objective authorities? Unbiased and appropriate.
                        All your "sources" are extremists preaching ideas of racial superiority. People call them Nazis.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        What bad things did Dugin say about the Jews?

                        And what about the Jews in general?

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        It's not Dugin's fault that you don't like this truth.

                        Truth and fiction differ in evidence base.
                        Ideas do not become true just because they are voiced by a famous person. Iron proof is needed, passing the test of critical thinking.

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        As for Hitler, everything is not so simple - and the traces lead precisely to the USA.

                        And that justifies it in your eyes? Do you consider him a martyr?

                        Quote: Tatiana
                        what are you with your Jewish "God's chosen people" and world globalism

                        You invented it for yourself, and believed in it yourself, and now you are fanatically trying to impose this nonsense on others.
                        You are no different from the ISIS schizoids who are ready to cut the heads of children in the name of their delusions.
                        You operate with beliefs that DO NOT HAVE EVIDENCE BASE.
                        If you start a competent investigation on each item of your "theory", it will crumble like a house of cards.
                        So at one time many conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic slanders were refuted, they corny crumbled from the lack of facts and elementary logic.
                        Just a week ago, I explained point by point to one "believer" why the idea of ​​​​the project of this "new Khazaria" of yours is absurd in its essence, and I didn’t have to dig deep, everything is on the surface.

                        You are a fanatic, you adjust everything to your beliefs, if only your "air castle" does not burst like a soap bubble. But that doesn't matter, because in the real world, a castle in the air weighs nothing.
                        Fortunately, your misanthropic beliefs won't outlive you.
                      24. 0
                        5 August 2023 23: 09
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Fortunately, your misanthropic beliefs won't outlive you.

                        This was told to me by the "God-chosen" Jew-Zionist and Russophobe in his intolerance of criticism of Jewry, as such, from other peoples, according to the testament of the rabbis, that "On Jews in the world one can only speak well, or nothing!"

                        As long as there are Zionist-Nazis like you, the world will return to the ban on political Zionism and return again and again! And no Judas - Mishka Gorbachev - traitors to the Motherland and useful idiots for the United States (or rather, for the Jewish Zionist bankers of the US Federal Reserve) will definitely not help you anymore!

                        I'm just laughing at you personally!
                        Why are other Jews much smarter than you personally in such interethnic issues?! You can talk to them, but you can't.
                        You are zombified by your "God's chosenness" as a religious dogmatist. Of you, the Zionist-Nazi in relation to other peoples - in particular in relation to the Russians - is just rushing!

                        Drink some water and calm down! And stay with your opinion as long as you like!
                      25. 0
                        6 August 2023 14: 26
                        Quote: And Us Rat
                        Quote: Tatiana
                        Well, for example, Andrey Burovsky.
                        He is famous for developing pseudo-scientific ideas about the "Aryans" ("Aryans"), who created the foundations of world civilization.

                        stop You yourself called the Internet "garbage". And you yourself are guided by the principle: "I haven't read it, but I agree!" - as long as it is convenient for you! Apparently, you didn’t even visit the sites about Dugin in the list of these sites, but simply read about him in the “annotation” to the site in the list of these sites on the Internet.
                        Well, where is your "factorial adherence to principles" to your logical method for your conclusions with your claim to truth? You didn't have it, and you don't.

                        Your this negative argument to the personality of Dugin in the theory of controversy is called just an "argument to the personality" when proving your alleged rightness in a dispute with your opponents, which is not a SCIENTIFIC argument in principle - and as a CREDIBILITY of your alleged truthfulness for the truth in no way scientific community, as well as in court, is not taken into account.
                5. -1
                  29 July 2023 05: 19
                  It would suit you very well to serve in the 29th SS division. It was definitely formed from your like-minded people.
                  - and others?
                6. -1
                  30 July 2023 10: 41
                  But what about the Jews in the ranks of the Wehrmacht? Just do not build a blonde and claim that the service of the Jews of Germany and Austria in the Wehrmacht is a lie.
                  1. -1
                    30 July 2023 12: 54
                    Did Jews also serve in Vlasov's ROA? And in the Cossack troops of the Wehrmacht, whose commander, General-Ataman Krasnov, there is a monument on the Don - are they also Jews?
                    Nazi ideology can affect people of any nationality, Russians are by no means an exception. And reading many commentators who propose to throw nuclear warheads at the same Kyiv, I understand that Nazism is now blooming in Russia in a terry color.
                  2. 0
                    30 July 2023 14: 57
                    Quote: saigon
                    But what about the Jews in the ranks of the Wehrmacht?

                    No way. They were finally fired from the ranks of the German army by 1938, in the course of several planned personnel cleanups. 95% of them perished in the camps. 5% fled the country. This is the data of the post-war census of the archives of the Reich. Proven fact, confirmations by all countries winners. The rest is conspiracy nonsense and propaganda.
                    1. 0
                      1 August 2023 16: 57
                      Yes, that's how I believe serious literature than your statements.
            2. -2
              29 July 2023 00: 01
              Quote: Tatiana
              As a result of the explosion, the multi-storey building of the SBU in Dnipro was completely destroyed.

              It's not what a lot of people think. There was a cell under Janz's storage, an old cowboy, met him on the exchange of experience between my "Sailboats" and the "six" seals that still existed. "Kotov" was then relish lowered in the Baltic.
      2. 0
        28 July 2023 23: 01
        It just didn’t fly in, it’s necessary to fly to where decisions are made. (This is not Ukraine if that).
      3. +9
        28 July 2023 23: 56
        Quote from Enceladus
        Actually, 404 flew over the Crimean bridge notably

        warned about the right to a “hard response” to a strike on Taganrog

        Got all these "answers". You need to work proactively and do it systematically. Who prevented the building of the SBU in Dnepropetrovsk from being destroyed a month ago, or the SBU in Kyiv six months ago?
        "Red lines, hard answers" - how the boys behave!
      4. 0
        29 July 2023 20: 30
        They don't care. What they are ordered to do, they do. It is necessary to beat on Washington and London. Blame it on various extremist organizations.
    2. -3
      28 July 2023 19: 47
      Quote: Vladimir M
      Maybe enough of these empty statements. The whole world is laughing at us. Do it, then talk.

      Nobody laughs at you. You are at war with a large state, which is armed with missiles. Nobody laughs at you when you release hundreds of CDs and BRMDs across Ukraine. Not funny.
      1. 0
        28 July 2023 19: 59
        These sausages are long overdue, as anti-missiles cannot work - so they are disposed of from the rubbish that can even take off like ground-to-ground missiles ala fau 1/2 in London - maybe it will hit. No one has been making these rockets for a long time
        1. +2
          28 July 2023 20: 25
          Quote from Enceladus
          These sausages are long overdue, as anti-missiles cannot work - so they are disposed of from the rubbish that can even take off like ground-to-ground missiles ala fau 1/2 in London - maybe it will hit. No one has been making these rockets for a long time

          This "delay" ruins many of our MTR and cripples many people.
          Accordingly, I consider your neglect to be hatred and disregard for danger.
          Criminal neglect.
          For which there should be execution in the conditions of war!
          1. +7
            28 July 2023 20: 39
            Quote: SovAr238A
            For which there should be execution in the conditions of war!

            You, comrade, hold your horses and watch when the bullets are pouring. Mines 82 also flew to me, and mines 5, and I have been suffering from the SRGM that flew into the knee from the RGD-22 for 200 years. I was just stating a fact, nothing more. Need for inventions much. The use of sXNUMX as a ZZ suggests that in fact there is little left for the Himers, but the pants forbade their use and something about Stormshads is not heard. Here from powerlessness also start. But I didn’t say that when you relax, you should walk around the city and drink beer during air raid alert.
            1. +4
              28 July 2023 21: 37
              Quote from Enceladus
              Quote: SovAr238A
              For which there should be execution in the conditions of war!

              You, comrade, hold your horses and watch when the bullets are pouring. Mines 82 also flew to me, and mines 5, and I have been suffering from the SRGM that flew into the knee from the RGD-22 for 200 years. I was just stating a fact, nothing more. Need for inventions much. The use of sXNUMX as a ZZ suggests that in fact there is little left for the Himers, but the pants forbade their use and something about Stormshads is not heard. Here from powerlessness also start. But I didn’t say that when you relax, you should walk around the city and drink beer during air raid alert.

              Friend, I remember my captain in 89, who then told us:
              You are responsible for your injuries.
              But know that if you were wounded, then someone lost their scent or someone lost their fear.
              And my subsequent life confirmed his words.
              But in fact, you just forgot that in the war, there is nothing old and everyone wants to kill you.
              Apparently forgotten in 20 years.

              And I write about the fact that nothing can be forgotten. Even when you're 55 or 60...
              1. +3
                28 July 2023 22: 05
                A bullet is a fool, just like a mortar mine. And sometimes heroism in battle is a consequence of someone's stupidity. I had such situations too. Sometimes lack of training.... one of our assigned conscripts somehow got caught on a green fishing line... stepped aside. Result.... he was killed, 3 7th seriously and 10 wounded... half of the squad. So I know the witch... they dug out about 72 cylinders from it, it's good that it wasn't TM-ka. Although literally a couple of hours before that the path was demined by the engineering company. Or when you save the crew from your horse (XNUMXb) and expose yourself to bullets - concussion and shrapnel from the beam... they didn't have time to pull the furs out... the boy burned... it penetrated the turret ring, the charges in the fur. ammunition stowage ignited, the machine gun had already been fired... there were already pure crowbars there, otherwise it would have exploded... my classmate. Anything can happen in battle. GRF posthumously, to Captain Konya - Courage and to the gunner - Bravery. Both were wounded. I wrote in one topic on Monday, I think, details of the battle.
                Quote: SovAr238A
                But in fact, you just forgot that in the war, there is nothing old and everyone wants to kill you

                Nothing is forgotten and no one is forgotten (c). Bright skies above your head.
                Z.Y. We fought in a slightly different war then 23 years ago ... and as you know, the generals were preparing for the previous one ... so in Ossetia it was in petednevka at 08. The same problems with coordination were the old stations without encryption, which jammed ... in the end they themselves shot down their own Rooks ... emnip 5 pilots died. And there was friendly fire. I was demobilized in 2006 as an instructor for the last 2 years. According to my friend, he was in the military camp of the MS as part of the GRU attached to the 135th regiment
              2. +2
                28 July 2023 22: 16
                Quote: SovAr238A
                Friend, I remember my captain in 89, who then told us:
                You are responsible for your injuries.
                But know that if you were wounded, then someone lost their scent or someone lost their fear.

                This is a war... They just wounded... Like this, maybe vilely and unexpectedly, maybe treacherously and arrogantly, but they wounded... Or they killed... This is not a PC program, this is the damn reality of human existence. I have personally verified...
                1. +1
                  28 July 2023 23: 11
                  6 fragmentation serious, I mean cases, 1 bullet (+1 cost, only 2 ribs and 3 - cracks, hit the junction of the armor ... .338LM flew in from 2 km) and 3 concussions (vog, 82 mines and grd-5).
                  P.S. Of all - yes, my friend made a mistake... apologized for a long time... I'm talking about the 338th. I was on the counter-sniper spot then and Mishka Ladanulya, there was not a pair working there, but a 3-ka. When after the shot I took off and started to crawl away... a blow... you can't breathe... just bloody foam comes out... I barely crawled away
                  I felt that right now I’ll be cut off and a painful shock, and this is tryndets - you can throw back your hooves ... injected 200 mg of morph ... for ... a lethal dose, in the hope that they will pump it out .... they pulled it out. I thought that the bullet pierced ... it happens .... I couldn’t do the reset myself, and the count went on for seconds.
                  1. 0
                    28 July 2023 23: 46
                    Quote from Enceladus
                    I'm talking about 338

                    Artilleryman, right? Forget about a friend and about 200 grams of "riser". How many of you were like that, how many of you were pulled out of the "bald spots". Others worked there, if you are talking about "Magistral", we cleaned up all the shit on behalf of the Office ...
                    1. 0
                      29 July 2023 00: 18
                      I was talking about the bullet. If you are familiar, then you understand that I do not observe the area. My spotter says the azimuth of the target, signs, corrections (wind, range, humidity, temperature and height of the target on its hump) and all you need is a shot knowing where it is ... wake up and shoot and that's it. I used slot hoods on optics only when I was a company commander or when I was free, and then rarely.
                      What about the riser and pricked him - the only option for pain shock. There, the heart can stop stupidly ... at least we were taught that way ... not about ... l, etc. Yes, the wildest waste was ... it is only "treated" by a decrease in amplitude, so to speak. What to tell - you already know. and if you are talking about later ... then no ... I did not need to be pulled out, if I correctly understood the hint about the consequences. But I won't comment on the ending.
                      1. +1
                        29 July 2023 00: 26
                        Quote from Enceladus
                        But I won't comment on the ending.

                        Yes, and fuck it all, brother ... Forgive me if something is wrong ... My wife says to me, they say, he became a grump and a complete idiot ...
                      2. -1
                        29 July 2023 00: 35
                        After Afghanistan, I went to Africa as a military adviser, then as an instructor at "Sail", later I strangled and sucked out the eyes of an American cat from a "kopeck piece" from Norfolk, and that's why I was retired ... Now I'm writing my memoirs for a dash, the publisher is in a hurry ...
                      3. +1
                        29 July 2023 01: 32
                        I am 42, I found only the 2nd, my father was in Afghanistan, and in 1 Chechnya on 2 business trips ... yes, it was clear from the scars ... but he didn’t tell almost anything. I myself found out specifically when f1 in 99 received
                        Quote: 76SSSR
                        Yes, and fuck it all, brother ... Forgive me if something is wrong ... My wife says to me, they say, he became a grump and a complete idiot ...

                        Yes, no offense Brother! The former doesn't exist anyway. soldier We've all been dying in one way or another.
                        I Even after 2 decades, consider me a moron... because I constantly monitor everything out of habit... I sleep in fits and starts... I doze with ears pricked up... for me, right now, 3 cats are worse than Chechens! laughing It's scary for the first time ... but not death, but the fact that in my first battle they hung responsibility. Further is easier.
                        Back in 2004, after a tryndets injury and a hospital, they somehow gave me an instructor contract, and then I left before graduation. Being a signalman, initially in IT it worked out well, now in Moscow. But it didn’t work out with the leadership in civilian life. Painfully, I am quick-tempered and press my decisions. The maximum - when they went to the breakthrough to the squad, which they clamped ... stuffed the jaw of the commanders and went to them to break through with the forces of the floor with 4 squads, and the conscripts were on the hook, who decided to drag mostly zinc, boxes with grenades, rays and pencils for RPGs (of the conscripts, the 2nd still distinguished themselves, 2 wounded) - maybe he did something stupid, but the boys were pulled out ... yes, the horse's fur died .... but he did such things - to the last. Thanks to that crew, we didn't lose anyone. And the reward overtook the Hero with a capital letter. History is silent on how many they laid down .... Andrey is the tank commander, they laid down the floor of a high-rise building there only with land mines ... how many Chechens there are, it’s even hard to say ... Nobody counted ... We even have conscripts, who sometimes don’t even didn’t participate in 1 battle - 2 boys turned on the berserk mode and also entered the battle (although initially they only dragged and re-equipped magazines and tapes to us and led grenades to battle. They were given a sergeant and squad commanders. Yes, then, in general, ordinary squads even commanded, who went through a meat grinder and navigated competently in battle.
                      4. 0
                        29 July 2023 01: 42
                        I'm glad to see that serious "boys" are still sitting here, and not sofas arguing with you about things that they have not even seen. And on the cabbage soup serious. In the cart of such darkness darkness. When it comes to analysis in a personal ... I myself consider myself having 18, I don’t remember much of what already, only some moments that have settled in my memory. But I can ask for technical details about weapons, for example - that's all. They apologized often, up to voice chats. It's just that my friend died in January in Soledar ... that's some kind of anger took, he began to say a lot of things. And people - just need to take a shit and no more. Nobody cares where you were, what you participated in ... they mock you, like why aren't you in the trenches right now, etc. And you know that it is useless to answer even those who are Russian and support the same NWO. The nuggets themselves are sitting now eating not from Magdak and now drinking Baltic products
                      5. 0
                        29 July 2023 01: 20
                        I used slot hoods on optics only when I was a company commander or when I was free, and then rarely.

                        Slotted Diaphragms
                      6. 0
                        29 July 2023 01: 52
                        A lens hood is just a kind of diaphragm. Slotted reduce aperture, but retain resolving power. In civilian life, diaphragms are not slotted, but, as a rule, "field" ones are used.
                        Slotted aperture, I think it is clear from the name, simply leaves a slit on the sight along the full diameter to avoid glare from the sight, but allows you to observe without using other optics. In counter-sniper, they are not used at all. The cost of a shot and visibility at distances from 1,5 thousand meters increases several times. Observation falls exclusively on the second number (in other words, the spotter). Only he does not adjust the fire, but identifies targets and gives you the input. I used it only on "free hunts", when there is at least a squad that is ready to support you in isolation from the main forces on your order
                      7. 0
                        29 July 2023 07: 40
                        Or maybe some picture of a slit hood, even a drawing on a piece of paper. On Tuesday I'll be at the artillery range, I'll ask the opticians.
                      8. 0
                        29 July 2023 10: 35
                        There are 2 main types of them, actually slotted and mesh (well, or cellular, whichever is more convenient for you). what they look like - go to any store - you'll see. target closer to the lens, mesh at the end. the size along the length of the lens hood is basically + - equal to the diameter of the lens (the mesh ones can be short. The slit in terms of glare gives a greater effect than the mesh one - and the latter reduces the aperture ratio less.
                      9. 0
                        29 July 2023 10: 47
                        There are 2 main types of them, actually slotted and mesh (well, or cellular, whichever is more convenient for you). what they look like - go to any store - you'll see. target closer to the lens, mesh at the end. the size along the length of the lens hood is basically + - equal to the diameter of the lens (the mesh ones can be short. The slit in terms of glare gives a greater effect than the mesh one - and the latter reduces the aperture ratio less.

                        I use simple aperture diaphragms more often, the sharpness increases greatly, just drill a hole of 8-10 mm in the cover of the scope lens and it’s fine.
                        I have not seen slotted and honeycomb hoods in stores. I can't even find it on the internet. I would like a picture or a link. And why worry about aperture, because it glares on a bright sunny day, and aperture is needed at dusk, like a yellow light filter.
                      10. +1
                        29 July 2023 14: 36
                        Yes, here's the first picture. Alas, I did not observe slotted ones either ... in general, we made them ourselves. THE fact that this exists as a fact ... look at some videos on youtube on sniping.

                        Anti-glare hood for optical sights VME0041 D = 62 mm L = 25 mm thread M59 x 0,75
                        I will not give links, otherwise I will receive a warning for advertising
                      11. +1
                        29 July 2023 14: 42
                        In general, I knew what a slot-hole was since childhood, my grandfather was a hunter, he went as a sniper in the Patriotic War. There were no modern ones like right now in the 80s. They did it themselves when they went to the wolves in winter. And now this assortment heaps. I saw one of the Chechen mercenaries that he took off. Therefore, my spotter didn’t notice her from 2 shots ... but she also had a custom rifle on her own ... we then drove her for decent money.
                  2. 0
                    29 July 2023 01: 16
                    Quote from Enceladus
                    6 fragmentation serious, I mean cases, 1 bullet (+1 cost, only 2 ribs and 3 - cracks, hit the junction of the armor ... .338LM flew in from 2 km) and 3 concussions (vog, 82 mines and grd-5).
                    P.S. Of all - yes, my friend made a mistake... apologized for a long time... I'm talking about the 338th. I was on the counter-sniper spot then and Mishka Ladanulya, there was not a pair working there, but a 3-ka. When after the shot I took off and started to crawl away... a blow... you can't breathe... just bloody foam comes out... I barely crawled away
                    I felt that right now I’ll be cut off and a painful shock, and this is tryndets - you can throw back your hooves ... injected 200 mg of morph ... for ... a lethal dose, in the hope that they will pump it out .... they pulled it out. I thought that the bullet pierced ... it happens .... I couldn’t do the reset myself, and the count went on for seconds.

                    What a beautiful description...
                    I wouldn’t be able to.
                    Write ischo! wassat
                    1. -1
                      29 July 2023 02: 00
                      I can't write anything else. I can write what happened and nothing more. If you want to listen to stories, you should go to Kol Irving, who looked at the demolition tactical ranch and writes stories for youngsters, what a cool sniper he is, that he already has 2 dozen "confirmed" ones.
                      If you still know in the subject - pain leads almost guaranteed to cardiac arrest and it is necessary to block the central nervous system. Well, they don’t teach this in ordinary training courses ... just like don’t touch the foliage, because there is a 0,5mm fishing line to the electric fuse ... at best, there is rgd5, it’s worse if it’s rgo, but it’s really bad if a witch or tol or 1-2 tm62m. Or even the last together
                      Already posted above. 1 such an urgent smart guy died himself and sent half the department to the hospital. Chechens in 90% of cases set up electric detonators, there is no delay there ... touched - you won’t even have time to do anything. The speed of the shock wave is 7-9 km per second, depending on the explosive used ... the speed of propagation of nerve impulses is an order of magnitude less. If close, the brain is in a mess, further - fragments scatter from the same witch at a speed of + -1 km / s
            2. -1
              28 July 2023 23: 18
              Taganrog is out of reach of the Haymars missiles used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Yes, and the Americans do not want their systems to be actively used in the internationally recognized territory of the Russian Federation.
              1. 0
                28 July 2023 23: 26
                So wrote above. The comment was considered controversial. And I actually wrote that they are hitting with old s200s out of hopelessness ... like we are not only counter-retreating, but also hitting the Russian Federation ... look what kind of hot boys we are. Give us abrams, f-16s, then aircraft carriers, imperial walkers and a death star
            3. +2
              29 July 2023 01: 07
              Quote from Enceladus
              Quote: SovAr238A
              For which there should be execution in the conditions of war!

              You, comrade, hold your horses and watch when the bullets are pouring. Mines 82 also flew to me, and mines 5, and I have been suffering from the SRGM that flew into the knee from the RGD-22 for 200 years. I was just stating a fact, nothing more. Need for inventions much. The use of sXNUMX as a ZZ suggests that in fact there is little left for the Himers, but the pants forbade their use and something about Stormshads is not heard. Here from powerlessness also start. But I didn’t say that when you relax, you should walk around the city and drink beer during air raid alert.

              I do not believe!
              I know my classmates. No one will boast of their wounds and injuries.
              Yes, registration is up to date.
              From May to July, more than 400 comments.
              Productively! laughing
              1. +1
                29 July 2023 02: 15
                I have a friend of mine with whom I have known for 25 years and was married to his sister, who died in the saltar in January. So it struck ... and it just infuriates that, that they ridicule you. Well, one less - the other more. Me in parallel. 99% of those who read me - the sofas ended up being. Once stuck - it means the former, but the former does not exist, and you yourself know better than me bro
              2. +1
                29 July 2023 02: 20
                Classmates, I think this is a joke. Yes... I'm even with a couple of my boyfriends (not in the sense that you or anyone else could think, the LGBT topic is so relevant for an hour... pah... pah again) They were against the fact that I started some- then write the details, what one channel on YouTube voiced .... they only conducted an audio recording. But I understand that hidden cameras naturally were ... they are such journalists ... to slander - it is clear that he provided photos and videos and moreover, so that they could not take pictures even if they were.
                I just want to speak... finally... that's all
                Yes, registration is up to date.

                Just couldn't resist for a while
              3. +1
                29 July 2023 02: 27
                And as for the fact that I write a lot. I mostly write comments with laughter, not serious ones. About life quite rarely. Well, yes, now it's Friday and I'm kind of drunk, made up... I can show you the telegrams where I described the main thing. 1 to 1. And any psychologist will tell you that "lying" 1 to 1 for a year is kind of impossible, and I, for example, worked at the State Center for Social Security and passed the SB on a detector. Although with my profession it's not difficult to deceive him in fact. That guy in SB is a former Chechen himself, he understood everything anyway and removed the sensors, we had a heart-to-heart talk.
      2. 0
        28 July 2023 20: 02
        Quote: Aaron Zawi
        Quote: Vladimir M
        Maybe enough of these empty statements. The whole world is laughing at us. Do it, then talk.

        Nobody laughs at you. You are at war with a large state, which is armed with missiles. Nobody laughs at you when you release hundreds of CDs and BRMDs across Ukraine. Not funny.

        Aaron, of course you don't want to admit this,
        the missile strike was clearly directed against civilian infrastructure and the civilian population, since there was no military sense in its application.
        1. +4
          28 July 2023 20: 31
          So he knows better from Israel what and where flew. What a screech would rise if they really start bombing. Kharkiv is nearby and fabs can fly in, and not only. But these are the methods of terrorists. By the way, how does Israel react to the arrivals of self-made missiles? Bombs and rolls up tanks, well, yes, it's different. Until you fly over you will not understand that all this is the death of innocent people. Then tell God about your double standards.
          Speaking of Taganrog, Izvestia publishes the moment a Ukrainian missile hit the Chekhov Garden cafe in Taganrog, Rostov Region.
          In the video, the arrival time is at 19.03.
          When will the bank arrive?

        2. +2
          28 July 2023 20: 41
          Hello Clear!

          Yes, it’s clear that they just launched it to the side somewhere there, but because military objects need accuracy to hit - it’s clear what got into the cafe. It’s not like in Krematorsk, where they folded one cafe with a bunch of sundressers and Western instructors with a blow
      3. 0
        28 July 2023 22: 35
        Quote: Aron Zaavi
        Nobody laughs at you. You are at war with a large state, which is armed with missiles. Nobody laughs at you when you release hundreds of CDs and BRMDs across Ukraine. Not funny.

        Thin and Jewish. Many didn’t even smell it - they showered it with pluses. I will also put a plus as a representative by proxy from Palestine.
        1. +2
          28 July 2023 23: 27
          Forever Aron admitted that Israel is a small state laughing
      4. The comment was deleted.
    3. +6
      28 July 2023 21: 56
      Already done and no one laughs.
      SBU building in Dnepropetrovsk
      1. -1
        28 July 2023 22: 11
        Quote: Orkraider
        Already done and no one laughs.
        SBU building in Dnepropetrovsk

        Ukrainians write that this is a residential building. Tomorrow Reuters will post the photos. We'll see.
        1. +1
          29 July 2023 00: 22
          Quote: Aron Zaavi
          Ukrainians write that this is a residential building. Tomorrow Reuters will post the photos. We'll see.

          Specifically, this is the building of the SBU. There was a collapse of the wing of the building and the flight of stairs, but the fire is already in the underground garage (or in something under it). The feeling that this particular object was the target of the strike.

        2. +3
          29 July 2023 00: 40
          Well, an air conditioner or a gas slam. Or Bavovnyatko is playing pranks. What do the Russians have to do with it? What evidence do you have? And Reuters can be spit on and rubbed in. And Photoshop does even worse. At the beginning of the SVO, the 95th quarter made a video of Russian planes bombing Paris. So what?
    4. +6
      28 July 2023 22: 46
      Quote: Vladimir M
      Maybe enough of these empty statements.

      I once wrote about empty statements... I remember the year 95 - the public speech of Boutros Ghali, the then Secretary General of the UN, damn him.) I then did a public translation for the European media from Arabica into English, and so at some point he switched to the “dead” Egyptian language of the Afroasian language family, what should I do:? Close the conference? The old man went out of his mind, which was later proven, but at that moment no one even knew about it. I did not know this language, although I am familiar with many dialects of parallel groups of basic languages. And I began to speak on my own behalf, I went so far as to officially recognize the Armenian genocide on behalf of the UN General Assembly, condemn the Bosnian provocation in the Sarajevo region and impose a moratorium on the catch of Atlantic mackerel. And you say, they say, empty statements ...
    5. -1
      28 July 2023 23: 28
      Do it, then talk.

      First, she is a diplomat.
      Second, they answered. And not weak
    6. -1
      29 July 2023 13: 38
      If they would shut up, it would be more useless... And so we respond to every move of the enemy with indistinctness, which leads to deaths on our part. I don't even know whose power is worse...
    7. 0
      30 July 2023 13: 38
      3,14.. don't roll bags! And it's not funny anymore.
  2. +23
    28 July 2023 19: 31
    Masha has nothing to do, she has already begun to harness herself for the Ministry of Defense.
    The military, in such cases, without warning, must be answered.
    And don't get flustered.
    1. +14
      28 July 2023 20: 07
      The Russian side reserves the right
      Maybe it's time to put it in front of you?
    2. +8
      28 July 2023 20: 24
      Quote: alystan
      Masha has nothing to do

      Masha's job is the same (like Psaki's) - to make a statement and convey the opinion of the Foreign Ministry on what is happening in the country and the world for foreign journalists. Here you want - you can’t dance smarter.
      The RF Armed Forces must answer. And we should recall the recent disputes: "it is possible / impossible to use the converted S-200 missile defense system for ground strikes." Everything is possible, it was (the possibility was originally laid down), is and will be - with a new navigation system and until such missiles run out. And they will not run out for a long time, there are many of them.
      Until we start fighting NORMALLY, this bloody circus will continue. In the War, as in boxing - "Hit in the head, the rest will fall off by itself." But our MO is very polite and caring, it doesn’t hit the head. But on the other hand, he rides along other people's parades, bombs highways and digs up and saves Moscow from "rebels". And as for the losses of our military and civilians ... "women are still giving birth." And this is not hyperbole, but the direct speech of some high henchmen of the untouchable knight.
      Therefore, drone strikes on Moscow, missiles on the Rostov, Belgorod, Oryol and Kursk regions are already the norm ... "Women give birth to new ones", but the indispensable "Heil Zelensky", for - untouchable ... with all the servants.
      1. 0
        29 July 2023 13: 44
        May FRIEND, ZUR S-200, the seya managed to show when shooting down an Israeli aircraft over the Crimea! Then they wrote it off as stupidity, and this stupidity is now hitting Taganrog!
        If I had made the decisions, now what the hell would be left of Kyiv!
  3. +33
    28 July 2023 19: 32
    Stop disgracing yourself in front of the entire planet! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to keep quiet, and the army, and first of all the aviation, should act and act very cruelly! Otherwise, they are shelling Belgorod, Bryansk, Kursk land, Moscow region, my Rostov region, and in response there are pathetic groans from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs employees and complaints to the UN! The entire Western region should be smashed to pieces, so that only ruins remain in place of Lvov, that should be the minimum response.
    1. +19
      28 July 2023 19: 37
      Someone at our top is still waiting and hoping for another "agreement".
      1. +8
        28 July 2023 21: 00
        Quote: Vladimir M
        Someone at our top is still waiting and hoping for another "agreement".

        Absolutely. That is why the Zelensky regime is not declared terrorist. A loophole is left for negotiations.
    2. -1
      28 July 2023 23: 48
      on the site of Lviv so that only ruins remain,

      To declare publicly: "the city of such and such must be evacuated within 24 hours, because after the aforementioned time this city will be destroyed!" A couple of such (relatively large) cities and that's all ... The next city will be evacuated faster than their own squeal
    3. -1
      29 July 2023 00: 34
      Quote: Thrifty
      To take out the whole zapadenschina into caresses, in the place of Lviv, so that only the ruins remain, this should be the answer at least.

      Well, they've already taken it out. Rocket "Iskander-M" carried out the building of the regional administration of the SBU in Dnepropetrovsk. A lot of ambulances, they say that in addition to the SBU employees, many foreign guests were covered there.
      Of course, not "all Lviv is in ruins", but quickly, accurately and efficiently.
      Masha's concern was heard by the command of the NWO.
  4. Alf
    28 July 2023 19: 32
    The Russian Federation has the right to respond harshly to Ukraine's attempt to launch a missile attack on the city of Taganrog in the Rostov region and to attack an unmanned aerial vehicle on Moscow. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova.

    The songs are the same...
    "Maria Zakharova also called on international organizations to condemn the use of such methods by the Ukrainian authorities."
    Well, if you don’t respond, we will write to Sportloto.
    1. +10
      28 July 2023 19: 36
      No, he can still dance ... Yeah. It’s better to be silent, do it, and then dance and sing. On the ruins. Like our ancestors on the ruins of defeated Berlin
      1. +10
        28 July 2023 19: 58
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        No, he can still dance ... Yeah. It’s better to be silent, do it, and then dance and sing. On the ruins. Like our ancestors on the ruins of defeated Berlin

    2. +11
      28 July 2023 19: 57
      It's not even funny anymore, it's sad. Firstly, why was the Foreign Ministry obliged to respond? Although this seems monstrously stupid from the outside, M. Zakharova said correctly what she can say due to the functional position of the Foreign Ministry. She called on the world community to pay attention to the outrage. What else could she have said? She works in the Foreign Ministry, which is supposed to establish contacts, and not in the Ministry of Defense. Secondly, the seemingly banal statement that Russia will not respond, but reserves the right to respond, that is, whether it will respond or not. It seems that at the very top there is a group that hopes that everything will settle down. It will not settle down. In the same basket falls the fact that in a year of war we could not move the front away from Avdiivka. They will not respond that Ukraine has concreted everything there. And what if we do not have concrete-piercing equipment? We are all bragging. But you do not win from defense of war.
  5. +14
    28 July 2023 19: 33
    What kind of tough response is this!??? How many red lines, how many response warnings, and the result ... is not particularly visible. Boltologiya as always on top.
    1. +12
      28 July 2023 19: 37
      A year and a half has been going on for a year and a half, and we still have to wait for the next terrorist attack or strike on the territory of the country only in order to be worthy of something more or less harsh, and at the same time making excuses, you see, they were the first to start, we only answer. Already I want to spit from such a policy .You either fight at full strength without restrictions without justifying yourself to anyone, or I don’t know why then start something at all if you don’t let yourself act.
  6. +9
    28 July 2023 19: 33
    Now they are condemned. You are surprised at the naivete of our diplomats.
    And what is right here?
    It is an OBLIGATION to respond.
    And there is nothing to warn, you need to beat hard and painfully.
    1. +2
      28 July 2023 20: 19
      what is right here?

      The right to respond arises when something is violated.
  7. +12
    28 July 2023 19: 37
    The Russian side reserves the right to take tough retaliatory measures

    And what are you boiling here for mine? It is said - leaves. Probably in the cellar until better times.
  8. +8
    28 July 2023 19: 38
    hard answer))
    For the Crimean bridge, a tough answer, for Moscow, Belgorod, Shchebekino again the answer.
    What are the answers, what does he say in general? Ukry said they will bomb and bomb what they can get.
    In Kyiv, in Kyiv, in the very center. Here is the answer.
    1. -6
      28 July 2023 20: 00
      Quote: Old Sergeant
      In Kyiv, in Kyiv, in the very center. Here is the answer.

      What are you clinging to Kyiv? The mother of Russian cities is occupied by the Galicians. Lemberg needs to be hammered.
    2. +1
      28 July 2023 20: 23
      What are the answers, what does he say in general? Ukry said they will bomb and bomb what they can get.

      They are like rich mom's favorite tomboys. Mom scolds and everything.
  9. +11
    28 July 2023 19: 39
    They take us for idiots.
    "Recall that today Ukraine twice tried to attack the Rostov region with rockets. The first rocket was shot down over Taganrog, its fragments fell in the city center. As a result, 17 people were injured, nine of them were hospitalized. The walls in the cafe were also destroyed, glass flew out in nearby houses.
    A rocket was flying at some target, shot down over the city, on the city and fell.
    What Masha says:
    "Zakharova emphasized that the missile strike was clearly directed against civilian infrastructure and the civilian population, since there was no military sense in its application."
    Who would argue ... Nobody attacked the city.
    After that, the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich about reduced social responsibility are recalled.
  10. -1
    28 July 2023 19: 39
    - What's the point of shooting down missiles and drones over the city center...? Maybe it's better to "let" them go beyond the city limits?...
    1. +5
      28 July 2023 19: 46
      Yegor-rocket over the city can be blown up remotely, for this you only need to change and reprogram a couple of electronic blocks. So it is necessary to shoot down a rocket, only as far as possible from settlements.
    2. +2
      28 July 2023 19: 47
      Most likely they were shot down at the last moment because it clearly flies to the city limits or further. It does not fly along a ballistic trajectory, but in dense layers
      Yes, and they were most likely fired with a short-range complex ... s300, especially 400 in each city you can’t put
      1. +1
        28 July 2023 20: 10
        Quote from Enceladus
        It does not fly along a ballistic trajectory, but in dense layers

        If the "alteration" of the S-200, then most likely it is in terms of ballistics.
    3. +8
      28 July 2023 19: 50
      Quote: egorMTG
      - What's the point of shooting down missiles and drones over the city center...? Maybe it's better to "let" them go beyond the city limits?...

      This is something new in missile defense. In Israel, everyone knows that you can't go outside for at least 10 minutes after the alarm ends, because you can get hurt by missile and anti-missile debris.
      1. 0
        28 July 2023 20: 06
        Well, you have it, we have a Russian maybe. It seems to me that my friend lives in Haifa in 2005... she wrote about how they were shelling... and all the nuances... I don't remember exactly what right now... I need to raise ICQ.
    4. -1
      28 July 2023 22: 40
      It was hit in front of the city .. According to the law of meanness, fragments can fall 20-30 km from the event ..
  11. osp
    28 July 2023 19: 44
    So what are the responses?
    After all, they have already tried everything except nuclear weapons.
    There is no sense and will not be - too large a territory.

    Even on the last terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge, it was decided to strike at energy facilities.
    In autumn, winter, spring they beat me - and everything is zero.
    There is light, locomotives run, military production and cargo transshipment work.
    For the reserves in the energy sector have been large since Soviet times, the West helped at first with the supply of electricity, generators and then with the repair of damaged energy facilities.

    Now they are hitting the ports.
    But what does it give?
    Never mind! The lion's share of the grain and all that is needed has long been taken out and waved their hand.
    And more so far, these ports are not interesting to Ukraine. They have fulfilled the function.

    The most important thing is that Ukraine has almost 1500 km of borders with NATO countries, from where rivers of weapons, ammunition, equipment, mercenaries and other means of warfare flow around the clock.
    And while these deliveries will be, the situation will not change in our favor in any way.
    For it is impossible to compete with the economy and industry of more than fifty countries of the world. most developed countries.
    1. +6
      28 July 2023 20: 25
      Quote from osp
      After all, they have already tried everything except nuclear weapons.

      How about using brains? Not? Didn't try?
      Quote from osp
      More on the last terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge

      What was a terrorist attack? Or just a diversion?
      Peace with Ukraine. friendship, chewing gum or fighting? Maybe we should not be hypocritical, but call a spade a spade?

      Quote from osp
      For the reserves in the energy sector have been large since Soviet times, the West helped at first with the supply of electricity, generators and then with the repair of damaged energy facilities.

      Here's a surprise!
      But the General Staff did not know .... Again, the vile deceived ...
      Quote from osp
      The most important thing is that Ukraine has almost 1500 km of borders with NATO countries, from where rivers of weapons, ammunition, equipment, mercenaries and other means of warfare flow around the clock.
      And while these deliveries will be, the situation will not change in our favor in any way.

      And what, these deliveries began on February 24, 2022?
      Or a little later?
      After all those gestures of goodwill and buying a big box of felt-tip pens?
      1. osp
        29 July 2023 00: 25
        Deliveries have been going on for a long time, for many years.
        But especially ATGMs and MANPADS began to go to Ukraine in 2021 and early 2022.
        Airplanes were brought to Boryspil.
        And further on increasing.
    2. 0
      29 July 2023 20: 51
      Quote from osp
      After all, they have already tried everything except nuclear weapons.
      There is no sense and will not be - too large a territory.

      On what objects do you propose to inflict a nuclear strike? Again, specific objects. And what effect do you expect after?
      Quote from osp
      And more so far, these ports are not interesting to Ukraine. They have fulfilled the function.

      That is great. So, we will continue to spread them and tear you away from the Black Sea.
      Quote from osp
      The most important thing is that Ukraine has almost 1500 km of borders with NATO countries, from where rivers of weapons, ammunition, equipment, mercenaries and other means of warfare flow around the clock.

      Yes. The meat grinder is...
      By the way, with such rivers of mercenaries and weapons, how come you still haven’t reached the Urals wassat
      Quote from osp
      For it is impossible to compete with the economy and industry of more than fifty countries of the world. most developed countries.

      Yes Yes.
      2% of global GDP (economy 2022 down, $200 each, empty fridge beats TV) and NATO budget (who suddenly ran out of ammunition).
      And the result, as they say, is on the scoreboard.
      1. +1
        29 July 2023 21: 13
        Quote: Olga
        And the result, as they say, on the scoreboard

        ...where "scoreboard" is a synonym for "face".

        Yes, that's exactly it. good Yes laughing
  12. +1
    28 July 2023 19: 47
    What are they smoking there!!? The text of your comment is too short
  13. +1
    28 July 2023 19: 51
    Whom to warn, about what, why ... the time for warnings has long passed, the time for an answer, a strike, has long come!
  14. +4
    28 July 2023 19: 52
    I can’t understand what is the meaning of these so-called responses. tough measures, because after them the Armed Forces of Ukraine still hit our territory ...
    1. -3
      28 July 2023 20: 09
      They will hit with everything they can, including expired missiles from the S200 ... no matter what they fly in response. A fool cannot prove that he is.
  15. +8
    28 July 2023 19: 54
    Zakharova is not stupid. And Lavrov too. So why are they talking nonsense. Not only does half the world laugh at them, but inside the country, irritation grows from such "statements".
    I wanted to make a thunderstorm
    got a goat...

    It would be better if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would take care of its own, Foreign Ministry affairs. For example, the return of Russian diplomatic real estate and other property "squeezed out" in the United States. Or "Scythian gold", which was clamped in Holland.
    1. +7
      28 July 2023 20: 03
      The problem for our state is that someone at the top still hopes to come to an agreement with the West. And this someone does not understand that he has only two ways - either to radically resolve the issue with Ukraine, or to The Hague.
    2. Alf
      28 July 2023 20: 06
      Quote: Amateur
      For example, the return of Russian diplomatic real estate and other property "squeezed out" in the United States. Or "Scythian gold", which was clamped in Holland.

      And it's pretty quiet there...
    3. -2
      29 July 2023 00: 07
      Quote: Amateur
      For example, the return of Russian diplomatic real estate and other property "squeezed out" in the United States. Or "Scythian gold", which was clamped in Holland.

      It was you who generously swung it - in this matter ("return of property and gold"), the USSR Foreign Ministry overstrained itself, but did not achieve anything ....
  16. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          29 July 2023 00: 12
          Quote: SovAr238A
          They have no SVO in their heads, they have a total war of annihilation in their heads.

          But here's what's interesting - and they don't declare war on us. Graveyards are announced, they call the country an aggressor, but war is not, no way ....
      2. The comment was deleted.
  17. +4
    28 July 2023 20: 01
    Donbass, which, by the way, our Russian has been shelling for 9 years, and here it’s not necessary to frighten with responses, not only the decision-making centers in Kueva, but the entire infrastructure and military facilities in this non-state, should be razed to the ground.
  18. +3
    28 July 2023 20: 03
    Quote: egorMTG
    - What's the point of shooting down missiles and drones over the city center...? Maybe it's better to "let" them go beyond the city limits?...

    The missile was shot down not over the city center, but on approach to it. We heard a loud bang on the outskirts. A few seconds later, the remnants of the rocket hit the center.
  19. +3
    28 July 2023 20: 04
    Maybe enough statements? This is just annoying. First opposition to action, then statements.
    1. 0
      28 July 2023 22: 51
      The reaction of Pavlov's dog will only lead to the death of the dog. We need action, not reflection on the actions of dill. This is complete insanity
  20. +3
    28 July 2023 20: 06
    where is her button?
    well it's really idiotic
  21. +6
    28 July 2023 20: 07
    what an answer! the supreme held a forum with the Papuans, now everyone is waiting for the parade of the navy ..... no time for answers now
  22. +4
    28 July 2023 20: 07
    So make a decision, answer, stop talking with your tongue. The electorate no longer believes.
  23. -2
    28 July 2023 20: 10
    Quote: Amateur
    Zakharova is not stupid. And Lavrov too. So why are they talking nonsense. Not only does half the world laugh at them, but inside the country, irritation grows from such "statements".

    A cunning plan. Everything is relative. They organize a background against which many statements and speeches of famous people (like June 24) look like nothing at all...
  24. 0
    28 July 2023 20: 11
    Quite a predictable reaction of the Ukronazis.
    Well, leave it to your health. Why yell at the whole world, miserable ones?
  25. +4
    28 July 2023 20: 15
    It is necessary to drive the Foreign Ministry in full force, one blah blah blah, which of those sitting here on the site is not able to repeat these words every time? What are they for, with a huge staff. Everyone is already laughing at the reaction of the Foreign Ministry and the country's leadership, this is especially evident in the telegram, all their statements are put smiley clowns.
  26. +6
    28 July 2023 20: 25
    I remember a year ago, point-y flew in Belgorod, was there any answer? I remember a video of how a cluster hurricane hit a border village, was there an answer? In general, it is worth responding in advance, and not reacting. And then something I don’t remember, so that at least one of the forelocks of the General Staff suffered
  27. +3
    28 July 2023 20: 25
    Quote: Shamil88
    It is necessary to drive the Foreign Ministry in full force, one blah blah blah, which of those sitting here on the site is not able to repeat these words every time? What are they for, with a huge staff. Everyone is already laughing at the reaction of the Foreign Ministry and the country's leadership, this is especially evident in the telegram, all their statements are put smiley clowns.

    And how else should the Foreign Ministry react, besides voicing statements? After that, other departments should act.
  28. +4
    28 July 2023 20: 29
    How much has already accumulated and for everything tough or for each case for a tough answer. Might have to wait for a tougher answer.
    It’s not dumb to carry such a blizzard ourselves.
  29. +1
    28 July 2023 20: 30
    Again Zakharova hatched after another emergency. She has a good job
  30. +1
    28 July 2023 20: 33
    Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry...

    Personal opinion...
    The official representative must be dressed in official attire. Regardless of age, marital status, gender, position, religion and other personal.
  31. +2
    28 July 2023 20: 38
    I immediately believed, and the linnies are red
  32. +1
    28 July 2023 20: 52
    Honestly? - The government's comments are worse than the Enemy's propaganda.
    The thoughts of the LDPR boar - Sluchkiy are still missing
  33. +1
    28 July 2023 20: 53
    So let's strike with deep concern at the ̶b̶e̶z̶d̶o̶r̶o̶zh̶y̶ ̶i̶ ̶r̶a̶z̶g̶il̶l̶d̶y̶s̶t̶v̶u̶ ̶ the damned Banderovites! Or - let's not strike? And who knows, we have reserved the RIGHT, but will we have enough SPIRIT...
  34. 0
    28 July 2023 20: 54
    It is necessary to hammer them RSPKL - reaction other systems for launching red lines
  35. +5
    28 July 2023 21: 02
    The video shows that not fragments, but a whole rocket hit. Stop lying already
  36. +2
    28 July 2023 21: 03
    Again ..... everyone was scared, so much so that they can’t even eat
  37. +6
    28 July 2023 21: 09
    It's funny to listen to. "Just one more step, just one more, and you'll be sorry." Stupid, cowardly government of a great country. That's how we live…
  38. +2
    28 July 2023 21: 11
    Something somehow reminded me of this statement ... -
  39. -2
    28 July 2023 21: 19
    Stop talking; do it, we have Satan.
    1. -2
      28 July 2023 22: 04
      Do we have it, the so-called means of deterrence??? My personal opinion is that it does not exist. The Kremlin, as usual, puffs out its cheeks and does nothing to make the West really think. I would not be surprised that what the USSR did was long ago sawed up and sold by effective managers.
  40. 0
    28 July 2023 21: 22
    Yes Yes!!! Another red felt-tip pens from impotent
  41. The comment was deleted.
  42. +4
    28 July 2023 21: 36
    another blah blah blah

    The text of your comment is too short and in the opinion of the site administration does not carry useful information.
  43. +1
    28 July 2023 21: 49
    Quote: Eleazar ben Shaul
    The video shows that not fragments, but a whole rocket hit. Stop lying already

    Where did you see her whole? There's a couple dozen pixels on the rocket image. Impossible to see in detail.
    So you're probably lying.
    Again. The missile was hit on approach to the city. We heard a strong explosion on the outskirts, anti-theft alarms went off on literally all the cars.
    In the center, at first they heard the sound of a missile hitting, and then at the moment of impact. The wife was a few hundred meters from the impact. At the same time, the first bang, despite the fact that the downing was several kilometers from the center, was felt louder than the one that occurred at the moment of impact.
  44. -7
    28 July 2023 21: 52
    Everything turned out too "Christmas tree". As if by special order... Here you have Africans arriving and Ukraine shelling a peaceful Russian city with missiles, and if only a cluster munition had been spotted somewhere on civilians. Beautifully drawn, nothing to say.. Now God himself has ordered the Foreign Ministry to puff out its cheeks. And how about... THE VICTIMS.
    1. +6
      28 July 2023 22: 48
      Your forelocks, yes, they all played great. Of course, the Russian Federation is shelling itself. And in Dnepropetrovsk, the chubats themselves smashed the mansions of the SBU. Everything is fair
  45. 0
    28 July 2023 21: 55
    The building of the regional department of the SBU in Dnepropetrovsk was destroyed by a missile attack.

    A high-rise building was also damaged, possibly from an air defense missile strike from Ukraine.

  46. 0
    28 July 2023 22: 06
    Yes, you no longer need to warn, but to beat, and instantly respond with blows
  47. +3
    28 July 2023 22: 08
    I also think that the Russian Federation has the right, or maybe it doesn’t...
    We don't care.
    Yesterday at around 14.30:XNUMX pm there was a loud explosion near the factory - the glass almost flew out of the windows.
    At 15.00 there were exercises to visit the bomb shelter. But this is for ITR.
    Our brother - at 10.00 deliberately visited this institution. Where gentlemen soldiers of the Russian army politely hinted about the need to hand them a cigarette - from each nose.
    As if the fighters had appealed to me before. And as if I personally did not refuse them. Out of great humanism.
    Of course, with such requests, the yoni were unanimously sent by the team to you-know-where. Especially considering that this is actually a factory bomb shelter.
    Nevertheless, I came across a question. Don't they give out cigarettes to the military these days?
  48. -2
    28 July 2023 22: 28
    Is this an answer or a coincidence?

    New explosions have now sounded in Dnepropetrovsk. The blow fell on the regional department of the SBU, which is located next to the Dnipro-arena stadium and an elite residential complex.
    Video and photos of the consequences of the strike appeared on the network, despite the requirement of the Gauleiter of the Lisak region to observe “information silence”.
    Ambulances are drawn to the SBU building in Dnipro.
  49. +2
    28 July 2023 22: 35
    in translation "we will think ... maybe we will answer or maybe not"
  50. +3
    28 July 2023 23: 15
    it's not funny anymore !! ok then what is the answer?
    1. -1
      30 July 2023 17: 58
      Why be specific. You will have to answer to the people for what you have said. And so she let in the fog, received a salary and lives, does not itch.
  51. +5
    28 July 2023 23: 32
    Maria Zakharova also called on international organizations to condemn the use of such methods by the Ukrainian authorities.

    Back in June 1941, she would have turned to Germany with an appeal to condemn the attack on the USSR.
    1. -1
      30 July 2023 17: 59
      Or in 1945 she made a gesture of goodwill with Hitler and withdrew troops from Berlin.
  52. +5
    29 July 2023 00: 05
    And who gave M. Zakharova the right to talk about tough responses, is she a "talking head" of the Russian Ministry of Defense? Let her do her direct work, tell us about tough responses for the confiscated building of the consulate in the USA in 2016, or how she harshly decided the issue of issuing visas to Lavrov for a trip to the USA for a UN meeting. Or about how it happened that the grain deal concluded with the participation of the UN, therefore with the participation of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was concluded in such a way that Russia did not receive anything of what was promised. And the tales about how the UN employees tried, tried so hard that they did nothing, let Putin V.V. tell them, if he is satisfied with such activities of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  53. +5
    29 July 2023 00: 09
    Ehh, Mashka doesn’t have balls either))) they should take an example from Medvedev, he’s trying to catch up with horror in words...
    But seriously, it’s already disgusting to listen to these oinks... it’s a shame for the state...
  54. +5
    29 July 2023 00: 22
    One gets the impression that some of our senior officials who have been sitting too long in their ministries are simply mentally ill. Western countries are openly, with the help of supplies of weapons, ammunition, equipment, financing, training, intelligence and other things, waging a war against Russia through the hands of Ukraine, and this insane woman, who once had a wedding in the USA, is talking nonsense to the World about some kind of right to a tough response . What the hell right? Who honors him? In front of whom? In front of the enemy? He doesn't care about your right. And how long can you trend and make empty calls? The SBU building in Dnepr was just built today and is it operational? Was there a school with children there before? Why wasn't it destroyed earlier? Why do you have to hit the enemy only in response to something?! Idiocy grew stronger.
  55. +4
    29 July 2023 00: 22
    And you gradually get used to this mess. It's sad. Disappointment and bitterness. Where is "invincible and legendary", where is "the armor is strong", etc. Everything that couldn't be transferred to offshore accounts was dragged away to the generals' palaces in the Moscow region? And the decency and integrity of the Most High in relation to beggars no longer seems to be an unambiguous virtue.
  56. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      29 July 2023 07: 21
      Thank you. In the video, a completely intact missile flies, but they say that it was shot down. Confidence in these applicants is growing.
    2. 0
      29 July 2023 11: 38
      Quote: Konnick
      Shot down???

      It would be nice for some non-military people to know, even in their old age, that a missile was “shot down” - this is when it “did not reach where it wanted.” "Destroyed" is a little different, and is an optional option.

      If you think that the Ukrainians planned to hit the provincial museum with this missile, you are even stupider than you seemed to me before. Horseman Yes
  57. +5
    29 July 2023 02: 09
    The hard answer is searching for a deal? As our Supreme Commander stated. Russia is looking for ways to peacefully resolve the issue. What can I say? Two pages of obscenities.
    1. +3
      29 July 2023 02: 48
      Well, yes, how could it be otherwise...Putin is famous for his huckstering, and then, when the West deceives him again, being a sucker, he will say that he was deceived again.
      PS Forward!!!!!! turbopatriots and guardians!!!!!))
  58. -3
    29 July 2023 06: 14
    Quote: Konnick
    The first rocket was shot down over Taganrog, its fragments fell in the city center. As a result, 17 people were injured, nine of them were hospitalized. The walls in the cafe were also destroyed, glass flew out in nearby houses.

    Hit??? Nowadays almost every car has a dashcam, so it's hard to lie. Another lie from the Ministry of Defense.

    Well, you tryndet not in the first. And what does this video prove? According to the nature of the damage on the ground, the rocket hit far from full force. Otherwise, half the block would have been destroyed. This is the historical center of the city, where most of the buildings are over a hundred years old.
    Most likely the remaining fuel detonated.
    It's disgusting to watch characters trying to hype on moments like this and throw shit around.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  59. +5
    29 July 2023 06: 56
    The wreckage, you say, fell? The entire 200 racket fell. I’m lying and they don’t care. Like they knocked them down. The shoulder straps for such a knockdown should be put in one place.
  60. +2
    29 July 2023 07: 31
    Well, again, very “strict” warnings. Ukrainians they hid in fear
  61. 0
    29 July 2023 11: 20
    Quote: Al Manah
    Video proves that she was flying a whole rocket, not fragments of a downed one. You just need to take off your rose-colored glasses and turn on your brains, but not every pink pony will succeed - the zombie box paralyzes everything.

    So it’s hard to wean a donkey from stubbornness and imagining itself as an unrivaled expert in everything. It would behoove you to figure out what a whole missile is in your understanding after the anti-missile missile has been fired at it. And she worked, which was very well heard throughout the whole city, not to mention the outskirts towards Mariupol. Apparently you are deeply convinced that the rocket was bound to fall apart.
    You don’t realize that if the warhead had fully worked, the destruction would have been many times higher. It doesn’t even occur to you to look at the consequences of charges of comparable power. Glass would have been blown out in the entire area for at least 150-200 meters. There is nothing like that there. Will you prove to me otherwise, despite the fact that an hour after the impact I was 100 meters from the impact site? But no, someone opens their eyes and says something about the zombie box. Is there anything besides the silhouette of a rocket in one case with 20 pixel detail, and in the other about 100? Will you prove that from this we can understand that the rocket is safe and sound? Seriously?
  62. +1
    29 July 2023 13: 56
    The most important thing in this text is, we have the right, we already have so many rights... but we won’t use these rights, and until we use them, they will continue to spit on us, but we will rub it in and move on .
  63. 0
    29 July 2023 14: 10
    The Russian side reserves the right to take tough retaliatory measures

    With this method of conducting “denazification and demilitarization,” this SVO will be eternal and it may turn out that Russia itself will become nazified.
  64. +1
    29 July 2023 17: 19
    Well, actually Shoigu should have made such serious statements. If only to somehow justify the fact that the air defense simply missed the missile. Or is our air defense now subordinate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Or does Mashka now work in the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry?
  65. -1
    29 July 2023 19: 40
    Beautiful woman. But it’s not her place to be the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in our times.
  66. The comment was deleted.
  67. The comment was deleted.
  68. +1
    30 July 2023 07: 09
    Another horror story from the Kremlin, the paint has apparently run out, so at least scare the scoundrels with words and once again attack the infrastructure so that they know.
  69. -1
    30 July 2023 07: 37
    oh Mashunya Mashunya your legs give me awe
  70. -1
    30 July 2023 17: 57
    And besides empty chatter, can this tongue of a tongue do anything??
  71. -1
    30 July 2023 18: 05
    Give her a broom, take revenge on the streets, everything will be more beneficial, and you can also save on ministerial salaries (from our taxes paid by you and me)