The military unit 10003 - psychics on guard of the world

The military unit 10003 - psychics on guard of the worldThe Soviet secret services became interested in the supernatural and, in particular, extrasensory capabilities of a person almost immediately after the end of the civil war. But only at the end of the 1980-s managed to somehow structure the research in this area.

Thus, in recent years, the so-called perestroika in the Soviet military department turned into a group of psychics, who very convincingly promised to assist in solving many problems, in particular, preventing emergencies, searching for missing people, airplanes and ships, and treating wounded and seriously ill soldiers. Their proposal has been carefully analyzed. As a result, on the initiative of the Chief of the General Staff, General of the Army Mikhail Moiseyev, a new unit was formed - the military unit 10003. The commander of the unit would be Colonel Savin Aleksey Yurievich. The entire staff of the unit consisted of 10 people who were distinguished by their extraordinary and large-scale thinking and had outstanding abilities for military affairs. At the same time, the comic part name appeared - “a thousand and three nights”, by which it was meant that there they were doing something frivolous and fabulous. However, pseudoscientific and almost mystical parapsychology, with which, strictly speaking, began story parts, occupied by no means the main role in the activity of the 10003 military unit.

An important role in the creation of the unit was also played by the fact that in the United States of America in those years a group of scientists actively collaborated with the Pentagon and the CIA, which dealt with the problems of using human abilities in the interests of the American army and intelligence in the framework of the Stargate program. Its leader was a nuclear scientist Edwin May. In the research center, American scientists began the study of so-called vision, which is very similar to the Russian concept of clairvoyance. In particular, the possibility of using these abilities to implement an extrasensory connection with their submarines was studied. In addition, attempts were made, using the same abilities, to determine the coordinates of Soviet nuclear missile carriers, located in the ocean. Specialists of the group also attracted to search for missing people and criminals. Sometimes clairvoyants managed to achieve amazing results, one of which is that one of the psychics who worked in the group - Joseph McMonigle - felt that an unusual submarine was being built in the Soviet Union (in fact, he "saw" one of the submarine missile carriers "Shark", which were built in the framework of the highly classified project “Typhoon”). But these assumptions turned out to be so incredible that they didn’t believe the military parapsychologists. The American government did not even admit that there could be something in the USSR about which nothing was known. However, the Star Gates scientists did not retreat, and in the end, naval forces intelligence officer Jake Stewart listened to them, at the initiative of which the orbit of one of the satellites was changed so that he was above the indicated extrasensory position. In the Union, they were sure that there were no foreign satellites over their territory, therefore they brought one of the submarines into a specially built channel. The Americans managed to get unique pictures that served as the basis for the beginning of the stormy activity of the American intelligence services. As a result, soon about “Typhoon” was known almost everything.

In addition, American psychics were able to find the wreckage of a secret Soviet reconnaissance aircraft in the African jungle. The equipment of this aircraft was of great value for Americans, because the Soviet equipment at that time was the most modern in the world.

Thus, between the Soviet and American experts in 1989, a real battle broke out for obtaining priorities in the subconscious, an area that opened up tremendous prospects for the creation of new types of weapons. This confrontation in the United States received the name "psi-war."

I must say that at the beginning of 1990, Edwin May visited the Soviet Union for the first time. During the meeting with Alexey Savin, the possibilities of organizing joint activities aimed at combating international terrorists were discussed. Initially, everything was fine, however, when representatives of the two states managed to agree, and even the concept of a joint program was prepared, neither the US, the Soviet government did not want to accept it. The reasons to this day remain incomprehensible. Later, in the 1995 year, the American project “Stargate” ceased to exist, since, in the opinion of the Pentagon, the need for it due to the absence of the main enemy in the USSR, disappeared.

Alexey Y. Savin - was born in 1946, in Moscow, in the family of a soldier. From 1964 to December 2004, he served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Passed the way from the cadet of the Black Sea Higher Naval School to them. PS Nakhimov to Lieutenant-General - Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Honored military specialist, doctor of technical and philosophical sciences.
The commander of the legendary military unit 10003, the head of the program "Brain Wars" (in American terminology).
Member of the fighting. Awarded many orders and medals, including the Order of Courage.
Honorary Doctor of the European University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, European Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Sciences, Italian Academy of Economic and Social Sciences.
Since 1989, a program manager for the development of new special weapons and military equipment, methods and means of non-traditional types of combat training and education, and the management of human psychophysical resources.
Possesses phenomenal abilities that allow him to test and correct the psychophysical capabilities of people. The author of the method of disclosing extraordinary abilities of people of different ages and professional activities. Developer of training programs for the elite of the Armed Forces and structures of departmental and state administration systems.
The creator of the new complex science - noocosmology, synthesizing the achievements of many social and natural disciplines.

As for the 10003 military unit, it continued its activities. The department received the highest level of secrecy. Its structure was organized in such a way that Savin was directly subordinate to the Chief of General Staff. The defense ministers, meanwhile, knew practically nothing about the activities and results of the research.

The department was financed according to a specially developed secret program, authored by the Minister of Finance of the Soviet Union, Valentin Pavlov. He was the most active patron of the group. Each year, about four million dollars were allocated for research. Moreover, this scheme was so successful that it worked without failures up to the 2003 year. As for the problems that were solved by the subdivision, it was very broad, and in addition to the scientific problems, many applied tasks were solved.

So, at the beginning of the 90-s, it was possible to get extrasensory information about the possibility of an explosion of an atomic object in Glasgow, while it was not entirely clear where exactly the danger exists - either at some power plant, or at a nuclear warhead. Information brought to the knowledge of the British. Those, oddly enough, they believed and began to check. As a result, literally in the last minutes, it was possible to avoid a serious and very dangerous technological and environmental catastrophe not only for Great Britain, but also for the whole of Western Europe. In addition, military psychics predicted an earthquake that struck Kamchatka in the 1991 year.

Savin also succeeded in developing and introducing into the troops a special methodology for the mass preparation of psychics. There was no such thing anywhere in the world, since it was believed that not everyone possesses such abilities. Savin, on the other hand, was able to theoretically prove that supernormal abilities can be developed in any normal person. In a number of military educational institutions special courses were created, in which hundreds of future officers with parapsychological abilities were trained. The main objective of the courses was to provide the cadets with the opportunity to memorize large amounts of information, to operate in the mind with large information flows and large numbers. In addition, it was necessary to develop high performance and unique capabilities of the human body, which would give the ability to withstand mechanical stress and extreme conditions. But these courses did not exist for long, and the officers were unclaimed, but only until the military conflict in Chechnya began. Specialists from the 10003 military unit immediately said that the conflict could be resolved in the bud, and even offered their own plan to overcome the Caucasian crisis. However, Yeltsin ignored their recommendations.

In 1995, Savin arrived in Chechnya with his group. Military psychics were engaged in assessing the current situation, carried out reconnaissance, determined the location of the secret command posts of the militants, indicated the direction of possible terrorist attacks, predicted the future development of events, took part in the interrogations of the militants. This went on for two years. The 10003 military unit in Chechnya worked quite well, so in 1997, its status was upgraded from the General Staff to special management. Savin received the rank of lieutenant general, and the range of tasks that military psychics dealt with was greatly expanded. And the results of their research are simply shocking for the mind of the common man.

However, the situation has radically changed with the advent of the new century. A new head of state has appeared in Russia, and the military department is headed by a new minister. Despite the fact that hundreds of diversified research and academic institutions were involved in the work, at the end of 2003, the Savin unit was eliminated by a special order, and the commander himself resigned in 2004. The military unit 10003 existed a little more than 15 years. About the same there was an American project. The results obtained by these two groups were similar in many respects, but at the same time they were very different. But what unites the leaders of these groups is the conviction that the time of wars is in the past, and peace must be built by the force of unity, and not by force weapons.

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  1. MilaPhone
    18 December 2012 08: 39
    Interesting video. Although such films are usually used to seeing on RenTV.
    And then suddenly on the central channel. What is it for ?
    Probably distracting attention from something important. For example, from the failure of the funded pension system.
    1. ZAVET
      18 December 2012 10: 18
      Ah well done, and the picture was flooded with such decency good
  2. Brother Sarych
    18 December 2012 08: 39
    In my opinion, all this is stupid, like torsion fields and charged water ....
    Money can be cut, and when asked the result, start screaming about a misunderstanding of the complexity and importance of the task ...
    1. itr
      18 December 2012 10: 45
      When confusion begins in the country, then these specialists are just like mushrooms after rain.
      1. Kir
        18 December 2012 18: 29
        I don’t want to pass for the Nazis, but it is very alarming that for the most part the same ethnos is jammed all over the world, by the way there is a very interesting parallel both suggesting and suggesting, there are people of a hysterical warehouse (see works by Bekhterev et al.). By the way, my dear grandmother was at the session of V. Messing, so this venerable expert could not hypnotize her !!!
        With regard to predictions, it is quite interesting to read Cicero's "On the nature of God. On divination. On fate", the collection was published in a series of PFM-monuments of philosophical thought.
        In general, for the purpose of acquaintance, I advise you to read the book collection of V. I. Safonov "INCREDIBLE" Moscow "Physical Culture and Sport" 1993.
        1. YuDDP
          18 December 2012 22: 35
          it is not an ethnic group. they again deceived everyone. they are adherents of a certain religion, nothing more. you cannot enter an ethnic group by passing an exam.
    2. YuDDP
      18 December 2012 22: 33
      not stupid. I am so familiar. phenomenal person.
  3. Alpha-omega
    18 December 2012 08: 49
    It seems the natives of this unit created DEIR.

    "... In my opinion, all this is nonsense ...." - not nonsense, you just did not come across it.)
    1. Kaa
      18 December 2012 10: 48
      Quote: Alpha-Omega
      It seems the natives of this part created DEIR

      Yeah, and MMM come from the financial department of Moscow Region.
      "There is such a sect - DEIR (school of distant energy-informational development). The guys very competently created their own little world, the main rule of which is to renounce everything else, not our (DEIR-ovsky), not correct (that is, the REAL world). books, his faith, his bible, and even his god (Dmitry Vereshchagin). Verischagin Dmitry Sergeevich is an artificially created mythical character, the nominal founder and head of the school. According to legend, the main developer of a special top-secret project of the Central Committee of the CPSU on research in the field of control over the human psyche, after leaving the project, he was exposed to “psychotronic weapons.” Out of fear for his life and because of some esoteric considerations, he “moved away from communicating with people” and hides from everyone except his “student and successor” Titov K.V. , periodically publishing new books on the DEIR system (the author of all fundamental books of the DEIR school). They "cook" there unfortunate people, and shoot 250 $ 2500 for each course of study. Moreover, in order to achieve something, it takes (as it were) a lot of time ... money ... and strength ... (about ten courses = $ XNUMX) What is shown to people at the beginning is based on pure suggestion / self-hypnosis, and the pressure of the opinions of many people with the fanatics / long-term roof completely moved. Further, people BELIEVE that they succeed in something. Others are afraid to admit that nifiga does not work, because EVERYONE is discussing WHAT they can do and how great it is! Http: //
      By the way, recognized as a totalitarian sect. Mavrodi, an hour, not a general?
      1. Alpha-omega
        18 December 2012 16: 44
        Oh, I don’t know about 250 tanks, but one of my friends attended their courses. She is not rich, she has two children, I doubt that she would have agreed to such rates, but the results were really interesting.)

        "..By the way, it is recognized as a totalitarian sect ..." - by whom is it recognized?
        1. Kaa
          18 December 2012 22: 51
          Quote: Alpha-Omega
          .By the way, it is recognized as a totalitarian sect ... "

          1. Alpha-omega
            19 December 2012 01: 34
            Ahhh, the lists that the clergy made up? It seems to me that they have a very biased opinion on this subject, because they also have Old Believers are also a sect and the Roerichists ... fighters against dissent.)) You would pick up the original instead of criticism and flip through it, maybe that would clarify for you .)
            1. Kaa
              19 December 2012 02: 51
              Quote: Alpha-Omega
              You would pick up the original instead of criticism and flip through it

              Believe me, I had to ... for professional duties that have nothing to do with religion. smile
              1. Alpha-omega
                19 December 2012 09: 06
                Strange conclusions have arisen in such and such a case, but oh well, let everyone remain in their own opinion.)
        2. Kaa
          18 December 2012 23: 09
          Quote: Alpha-Omega
          the results were really interesting

          "from the books of Vereshchagin - think about it:" And it doesn't matter if several tens of thousands of people do not understand our good intentions and commit suicide from fear or become regulars in psychiatric hospitals - we do not care about them ... And this external environment will be the brain of the chosen you sacrifice ... And now we will clarify your actions regarding the malfunctioning brain of your suicide donors ... I do not promise you eternal life, but you can and should hold out at the expense of someone else's energy, significantly increasing your life in this world ... All this will undoubtedly entail consequences, in many respects still difficult to foresee ... We tell you - you are healthy, only, you are being tested. "
          "They are the ones who develop the condition that according to ICD-10 is designated as a dependent personality disorder (F60.7)" Psychiatric aspects of the activities of totalitarian sects " 13.10.2010/XNUMX/XNUMX
      2. 0
        26 December 2012 18: 14
        Join our disordered ROWs! drinks
  4. Lech e-mine
    18 December 2012 08: 53
    We live in the material world, and the idea of ​​a person as non-materially material is to reveal the secret of this phenomenon is a very interesting task.
  5. +3
    18 December 2012 09: 05
    I just remembered the film "Crazy Special Forces". The gifted also served there.
  6. zambo
    18 December 2012 09: 53
    Or maybe this unit was covered up in the Moscow Region, but somewhere in the FSB it continues its activities ..?
  7. +2
    18 December 2012 10: 49
    American Stargate Program? So that's where the legs grow from!
    The film is stupidity, and the series is a masterpiece! It is worth thinking about how to dilute the Russian vulgar-serialism of "bandyuments of broken lanterns" with delicious "1003 nights".

    I don’t find another perspective for such an undertaking.
    1. 0
      18 December 2012 23: 21
      Usually, cover films are made to cover real projects, to make fun of possible rumors. The real stargate project for insider leaks is called the Mirror project.
  8. +3
    18 December 2012 11: 26
    Everything new is well forgotten old. There is a lot of evidence of antiquity, for example, about Cossacks typical. Cossacks with appropriate inclinations were selected from generation to generation from childhood, and through long-term training they achieved unprecedented abilities. The church saw them as competitors, declaring it a devilry (hence the current mistrust of many), and therefore these traditions went underground.
    The time has come not only to return our ancient history, but also the traditions of our ancestors, especially I Live and Cossack Spas.
    1. Volkhov
      18 December 2012 17: 21
      The general is a real psychic, although not very strong, in the SS they did medical training like this. They closed the program because of the ugliness of the truth, this is a team of owners of the Russian Federation and the USA.
  9. +3
    18 December 2012 11: 50
    There are people with unusual abilities that have already appeared. And if psychics can look for missing people, restore the picture of the incident, anticipate future events and suggest how to avoid or reduce the negative consequences - let them work for the benefit of people! The main thing is to distinguish real psychics from charlatans.
    There are unusual abilities in each of you. It's just that they most often manifest themselves in an extreme situation. They are sometimes called intuition. Hasn't it happened that the "inner voice" says - "don't go, postpone the trip", etc.? it happened, only then it was inconvenient to admit it. And if a bull is chasing a man and he jumps over a 3-meter fence? And then he himself cannot explain HOW he did it? And the commander of the "lucky torpedo boat"? Which in the most unexpected way changed the course of the ship, and there was not a single one killed on its ship for the whole time of the Second World War !!!! There were wounded, no killed !!!
    WE ARE JUST NOT TRAINED TO USE OUR ABILITIES. Wait, the time will come, everyone will use them and wonder, "How did you get along without it"?
  10. +1
    18 December 2012 14: 23
    Yeah charlatans !!!! Smetanova with this money is better to buy earrings for herself !!!!! the main thing is that it doesn’t work out again, as always. Across the ocean, our experience will be taken and brought to its logical end and will receive a breakthrough industry. And we will scratch our turnips and think how it all happened so !!! Probably Boriska is to blame for everything !! oh no, he already left, Volodya cannot be guilty by definition, he is KING, they do not judge kings))) well, they will find someone. extreme in our m.o they know how to look no matter where, but in the world)))
  11. +1
    18 December 2012 17: 14
    What people can’t come up with, just to not do exercises on the horizontal bar smile
    I remember how in 1992 a GRU General visited us in Kharkov to organize an ENIlogy department.

    But seriously, then (paraphrasing the famous saying): "Esotericism is too serious a matter to be trusted by the military." wassat
  12. hot
    18 December 2012 21: 07
    Here is a link to one of their books. Http: // There are also links to their sites. Read, maybe you’ll find something useful for yourself.
  13. buga1979
    18 December 2012 21: 07
    Well, how can I say that it is definitely faced with foresight, it’s just not like that, everything is simple charlatans are not charlatans, and if you saw future changes you won’t be able to verify it for yourself, you can’t disbelieve well
  14. hot
    18 December 2012 21: 09
    General Rogozin from the FSO once said on TV that their people were engaged in protecting senior leaders from mental impact. And it was a couple of years ago. Why should generals engage in quackery? These are not the people who would be PR.
  15. YuDDP
    18 December 2012 22: 43
    Here is also a curious interview of General Sham -
    This man was at the forefront of the technological revolution.
    in our country. And continues to believe in her victory
    1. +1
      19 December 2012 02: 02
      As the Vedas say: “In the city, the elephant will get lost”
      I’ll add from myself: “And in the astral World it is even easier to get lost (and in general the abyss) than in the city”
      That knowledge would remain somewhere in Tibet, away from people,
      and even more so in military uniform.
  16. Dr.M.
    19 December 2012 08: 12
    Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

    All clear. like Grabovoi. Academician of the same academy and dozens of others of the same. Maybe by the way they planted him in vain. They did not give the resurrection of the children of Beslan. By the way, Kadyrov is an academician of the same academy. And RAMS at the same time. The mention of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences is a sufficient sign for me to conclude that all the activities of military unit 10003 are crap.
    1. hot
      19 December 2012 08: 41
      The most interesting thing is that people who absolutely do not believe in all sorts of supernatural events willingly talk about the evil eye and spoilage in difficult moments of life. After all, it is so convenient to blame someone else for your failures, but not for your actions that caused these failures.
  17. Dr.M.
    19 December 2012 10: 14

    But before these events, in June 1991, a group of senior officers of the General Staff of the Armed Forces from
    the country's leadership receives an order to fly to Uzbekistan with unusual
    task, which in translation into simple Russian language sounds no more no less,
    how to "accept aliens."
    It turned out that one of the UFO researchers, referring to his
    psychic colleagues working in different cities, wrote a letter to the General
    Gorbachev, Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, requesting a meeting of representatives
    extraterrestrial civilization. To this letter he attached the data received
    psychics in Leningrad, Moscow and other cities. This information was
    redirected to the Ministry of Defense with a short resolution “D. I will call "which
    at that time he held the post of Minister of Defense of the USSR. The document has been relayed.
    To the Chief of the General Staff Moiseev, who decisively rejected: “Tretiak
    (Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces - Ed.), Savin
    (Head of the Analytical Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces - approx.ed.) - accept! ”

    From the book of this character (photo in the article), thank hot for the link.
    More abruptly Suvorov will be :-)
  18. 0
    19 December 2012 10: 35
    Many here doubt the effectiveness of this unit and the possibility of its work for the benefit of the homeland. However, in vain guys !!! Very vain !!! I think maybe from the fact that did not come across? Or is it that many young people here are skeptical of such things? But I will say from experience that one such specialist can fight more than a whole division. This is no joke. The main weapon is not tanks, fighters and cruisers, but information. As for the war on this front, it always went on and is going on now too. Permanent, invisible war, War for the possession of information and technology.
    1. Dr.M.
      19 December 2012 10: 44
      Quote: Forward
      one such specialist can fight more than an entire division

      Oh yeah. and the division will not waste in vain as many resources as one such warrior.
      1. 0
        19 December 2012 11: 56
        I do not want to say that divisions, tanks, missiles, nuclear weapons and so on are not needed. Are needed! It is a fact . Because humanity is still very far from a peaceful existence. BUT and extrasensory abilities and their benefits cannot be denied. And this is also an indisputable fact.