Putin and Stalin. Comparative analysis


History Russia in its sense is quite unique. There are no people in the world whose representatives would rise to the heights of such self-denial and self-sacrifice in the name of their Fatherland, and there is no people from whose ranks so many traitors would have left, ready to do any meanness in order to cause the greatest harm to the land that raised them, who gave the name and education. A succession of an infinite number of Kurbs, Mazep, Vlasov, Vovalev, Kasparov and Novodvorski is able to go around the globe more than a dozen times and probably stretch from the Moscow Kremlin to the Moon itself.

The most unpleasant is that such traitors exist in Russian society to this day. In the world of the Internet, they got the apt nickname of the “defeatists”. First of all, because they constantly wish Russia defeat in all undertakings. They sincerely (or for material reward) believe that Russia will perish, fall apart, die, that all its leaders are traitors, that the people are stupid lazy people and drunkards, that everything is lost and that it’s time for the Russians to go to the cemetery and die quietly, so as not to interfere with the development of all other civilizations. "Defeatists" are always "against!". They are against any undertakings, initiatives and plans of the Russian state, they are always absolutely sure that the ruling "regime" in Russia must be thrown into a whirlwind of revolutionary violence. They were against the tsarist "tyranny", then they were against the "communist prison", now they are against the evil "occupation regime." Meaning, the essence of government action never interests them. They are only interested in how successfully this government can be overthrown. In the well known to each and every “Internazionale” they know only one and a half lines:

"We will destroy the whole world of violence,
to the base of a ... "

Further text for the defeatists does not make sense, because they do not actively understand anything except destruction.
Why did I devote so much attention to these miserable creatures?

First of all, because during the twentieth century, the "defeatists" twice managed to come to power in Russia and realize their dreams in practice. This happened in 1917 and 1990. Both times the result of their short rule was absolutely the same: Russia's loss of significant territories, bloody internal conflicts, the collapse of the army and the economy. And both times, Russia had to lift out of the ruins to Individuals with a capital letter, the abilities of which, successes and failures I would like to compare in this article.
To do this analysis led me to work, the first paragraphs of which I want to bring in full, so as not to mess up something. So:

“The crisis of the Russian economy in the period 1914-1921's.
Valery Ivanovich Zorkaltsev - Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Institute of Energy Systems, doctor of technical sciences, professor.
Solonina Zoya Valerievna - a student of Irkutsk State University. She prepared a thesis project on the development of the Russian economy in 20-s.

In this and subsequent articles on the economic history of Russia of the 20th century, in addition to the indicated literary sources, Boris Pavlovich Orlov’s lectures on the history of the economy of the USSR, which he read for students of the economic faculty of Novosibirsk University for many years, will be used. The research is carried out with the assistance of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, project No. 00-02-00069 ”.

Personally, I was most interested in a small plate with dry figures that compared the results of the two most terrible crises of the twentieth century, which resulted in the fall of the Russian economy:

Putin and Stalin. Comparative analysis

It is easy to see that the results of the Yeltsin / Gorbachev reforms in their results turned out to be almost equal to the results of the economic decline as a result of the First World War and the bloody civil war on the territory of the USSR combined.
How did the rulers who displaced the "defeatists" junta solve problems with a similar legacy? We will try to look at their actions during their stay on the powerful Olympus.

Putin and Stalin. The beginning of the rule of these politicians is very similar. These are the figures of the "second plan", little-known to the general public, not having in their hands real power levers, connections, popularity. Such figures are brought up to then use them as marionettes, controlling the situation from the shadows. However, both of our research heroes unexpectedly showed their character for their puppeteers and were able to turn from performers into real figures. It is unlikely that Zinoviev and Kamenev, appointing Stalin as General Secretary, expected that their protege would soon sentence both to death. It is unlikely that Berezovsky, leading the election campaign of Putin, guessed that soon, and he would have to hide from the new president in the global gangster settler.

In the 1926 year, in the fourth year of his reign, Stalin withdrew Kamenev, Trotsky, Zinoviev from the Central Committee, getting rid of the main enemies. In 2004, for the fourth year, Putin fired Kasyanov, getting rid of the main representative of the "family". As can be seen, in terms of taking over the levers of power, both rulers were also surprisingly similar. Let's see how successful they were in other areas of their activities.


Stalin was elected to the newly established post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) in 1922 on the initiative of Lenin and Kamenev. A cautious pragmatist, a talented power technologist, he seemed to be an excellent performer. Stalin had to put things in order in the placement of party cadres. In 1923 he introduced a system of "nomenklatura", organized the party apparatus, whose officials were obliged to Stalin for their promotion. Growth, the influence of the apparatus in the 1920s. provided Stalin with success in the internal party struggle. (K&M)

It should be said that initially the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee was rather technical in nature, but by the end of the twenties, Stalin concentrated in his hands so much personal power that the post became associated with the highest post in the party leadership, although the Charter of the CPSU (b) did not provide for it of existence.

By the time Stalin assumed the post that had become life for him, the NEP (New Economic Policy) had already begun to develop in the USSR (from 1921).

In just 5 years, from 1921 to 1926, the industrial production index increased more than 3 times; agricultural production increased 2 times and exceeded 18% by 1913%. But even after the completion of the recovery period, economic growth continued at a rapid pace: in 1927 and 1928. The increase in industrial production was 13 and 19%, respectively. In general, over the period 1921 — 1928. The average annual growth rate of national income was 18%.

In industry and other industries, monetary wages were restored, tariffs, wages were introduced, excluding leveling, and restrictions were removed to increase earnings while output was rising. Labor armies were abolished, compulsory labor service and the main restrictions on job change were abolished. The organization of labor was based on the principles of material incentives, which replaced the non-economic coercion of “war communism”. The absolute number of unemployed registered with labor exchanges increased during the NEP period (from 1,2 million people at the beginning of 1924 to 1,7 million people at the beginning of 1929), but the expansion of the labor market was even more significant (the number of workers and employees in all branches of households increased from 5,8 million in 1924 to 12,4 million in 1929), so in fact the unemployment rate fell.

A private sector emerged in industry and commerce: some state-owned enterprises were denationalized, others leased; it was allowed to create their own industrial enterprises to individuals with no more than 20 employees (this “ceiling” was later raised). Among the factories that were leased by private traders were those that numbered 200 — 300 people, and in general, the private sector in the NEP period accounted for about one fifth of industrial output, 40 — 80% of retail trade and a small part of wholesale trade. (Quote from wikipedia)
Poorly educated people or people who wish to belittle other people's achievements like to say that Russia's successes arise by themselves, as a result of the natural development of progress, and it is impossible to praise the government for new plants, for the welfare and satiety of people. In fact, this, of course, is not the case and there are no examples. No “natural progress” makes it possible to equal the standard of living and the production index of North and South Korea, Argentina and France, Brazil and Russia, Switzerland and Georgia. Honesty and willingness to follow the interests of the state are always decisive. For the USSR, the NEP times the catalyst was the competent financial policy of the government.

Instead of depreciated and actually already rejected by the turnover of the Sovznak in 1922, the release of a new monetary unit began - chervonets with gold content and exchange rate in gold (1 chervonets = 10 with pre-revolutionary gold rubles = 7.74 of pure gold). In 1924, Sovznak, which was quickly driven out by chervonets, ceased to print at all and was withdrawn from circulation; in the same year, the budget was balanced and the use of the issue of money to cover state expenses was prohibited; New Treasury notes were issued - rubles (10 rubles = 1 gold coins). In the foreign exchange market both domestically and abroad, chervonets freely exchanged for gold and major foreign currencies at the pre-war rate of the tsarist ruble (1 US dollar = 1.94 ruble).

Revived credit system. In 1921, the State Bank of the USSR was recreated, which began lending to industry and commerce on a commercial basis. In 1922 — 1925 a number of specialized banks were created: joint-stock banks, in which the shareholders were the State Bank, syndicates, cooperatives, private and even foreign ones, for lending to individual sectors of the economy and regions of the country; cooperative - for crediting consumer cooperatives; organized on shares of the agricultural credit society, locked in on the republican and central agricultural banks; mutual credit societies - for lending to private industry and trade; savings banks - to mobilize cash savings of the population. On 1 in October, 1923 in the country operated 17 independent banks, and the share of the State Bank in the total credit investments of the entire banking system was 2 / 3. By October 1 1926, the number of banks increased to 61, while the share of the State Bank in lending to the national economy fell to 48%. (Wikipedia)

The reform was conducted under the leadership of the People's Commissar of Finance G. Ya. Sokolnikov. Yet it was also the victory of Stalin, who had already become one of the leaders of the country, who had chosen such a leader for the post of people's commissar and supported his actions. Stalin gradually takes power levers, eliminates opponents: in 1926, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Stalin’s authoritative enemies, the old Bolsheviks, the revolutionaries who opposed the leader’s policies and authorities, were removed from the Politburo.

However, in economic policy, not everything was so smooth. The achieved standard of living of tsarist Russia was clearly insufficient to ensure social stability - the slightest decrease in it threatened with new social upheavals. In 1923 and 1925 strikes of workers directed against the “worker” state even swept across the country.

In order to restore industry to power, “scissors” prices were cruelly used when deliberately inflated prices for manufactured goods and food prices were too low. Thus, the Bolsheviks shifted the burden of economic reconstruction of the country on the shoulders of the peasants. The result was not slow to wait:

To 1927, after two fruitful years, the peasants had accumulated grain and money. The industrial goods he needed were almost impossible to buy. Money depreciated again by inflation; in such an uncertain situation, the grain turned out to be the most reliable currency. Peasants, who had large stocks of grain, there was no point in sending them to the market. Moreover, they themselves "regulated" the production, reducing its volume in accordance with more than modest opportunities to buy something from the city. In 1926-1927 bread production fell by 300 million poods. In 1927-1928 The state managed to prepare 630 million pounds of bread, which was two times less than it was harvested by the tsarist government. There was not enough bread not only for the construction of new enterprises, but also for the supply of cities. In the winter of 1927-1928. in the cities for the first time with 1921 appeared the queues for bread.

In January 1928, Stalin authorized the use of "extraordinary methods of grain procurement", that is, the administrative seizure of grain from the peasants, accompanied by the arbitrariness of the authorities and repression. The article of the Criminal Code on "speculation" in bread began to be actively used, under which attempts to sell bread in a market way were also brought. Extraordinary measures provided grain in 1928, but discouraged the peasants from producing their surplus. In August 1929, the rationing system was introduced in the USSR. (K&M)

The current situation prompted Stalin to curtail the NEP economy and try to give a strong impetus to the economy by a determined decision. This stage of development of the USSR received the name "industrialization".

In the countryside, Stalin's intensification resulted in compulsory integration of farms. After all, as is known, in most cases - the larger the farm, the higher the labor productivity, the more opportunities for its mechanization, the lower the cost. The enlargement was carried out at the expense of the information of the property of small owners in collective farms.

Collectivization was carried out in the classical traditions of the medieval “enclosures” and had almost the same consequences for the villagers: the lack of land, the exodus from native villages, the repression against the disgruntled. In the course of the forced collectivization of agriculture, which was carried out in the USSR in 1928-1932, one of the directions of state policy was the suppression of the anti-Soviet actions of the peasants and the related “liquidation of the kulaks as a class” - using wage labor, all means of production, land and civil rights, and eviction to remote areas of the country. As part of the fight against the “fists” of 1930-1931 years, as indicated in the certificate of the Department of Special Guarantors of the Gulag of the OGPU, 381 026 families with a total number of 1 people were sent to the special settlement.

The main results of collectivization turned out to be four.
1. The collective farms did indeed show a significantly higher labor productivity.
2. At the disposal of Stalin turned out to be a significant number of workers: the very peasants who came to be in town turned out to be superfluous in the countryside.
3. Collectivization led to massive famine in the USSR in 1932-1933, the victims of which were, according to various estimates, from 2 to 8 million people. (Wikipedia, Hunger in the USSR (1932 — 1933)).
The reasons for the famine lay on the surface: the well-to-do peasants did not want to be simple, about giving their livestock and property to the authorities, they preferred to eat a dairy cow or a bull, but not to give to the collective farm. Then it turned out that there was nothing on the collective farm and there was nothing to plow on, there was no milk, there was no seed grain, that without a repressed "fist" the poor could not organize the sowing, etc.
4. There was a sharp drop in the standard of living of the peasants.

The average standard of living of the population in rural areas for the entire subsequent history of the USSR never returned to the 1929 indicators.

Collectivization was a catastrophe for agriculture: according to official data, the gross grain harvest decreased from 733,3 million c in 1928 to 696,7 million c in 1931-32. The grain yield in 1932 was 5,7 c / ha against 8,2 c / ha in 1913. Gross agricultural output in 1928 was 124% compared to 1913 in the year, in 1929 - 121%, in 1930 - 117%, in 1931 - 114%, in 1932 - 107%, in 1933 - 101% Animal production in 1933 - 65%, in 1913 - XNUMX% Animal production in XNUMX - XNUMX%; XNUMX% XNUMX level of the year. (Wikipedia, Stalin)

The financial resources received from the ruin of peasant farms, the sale of raw materials abroad and even works of art, the workers freed in the countryside were sent by Stalin to the development of heavy industry in the USSR.

Accelerated industrialization was carried out during the first five-year plans. The first five-year plan (1928-1932) was developed from the mid-1920s. in the structures of the State Planning Committee and the Supreme Economic Council. The V Congress of Soviets of the USSR (May 20-28, 1929) adopted this plan as a law. If over the previous decade capital investments amounted to 26,5 billion rubles, now 64,6 billion were planned, while investments in industry increased much faster - from 4,4 billion to 16,4 billion rubles. 78% of investments in industry were directed to the production of means of production, not consumer products. This meant the withdrawal of huge funds from the economy, which could give a return in a few years. Industrial production was to grow by 180% over the five-year period, and the production of means of production by 230%. 16-18% of the peasantry had to be collectivized. Labor productivity was to rise by 110%, wages by 71%, and peasant incomes by 67%. (K&M)

In 1930, construction was launched around 1500 objects, of which 50 absorbed almost half of all investments. A number of giant industrial buildings were erected: DneproGES, metallurgical plants in Magnitogorsk, Lipetsk and Chelyabinsk, Novokuznetsk, Norilsk, as well as Uralmash, tractor plants in Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Kharkov, Uralvagonzavod, GAZ, ZIS. However, about 40% of investment in 1930 had to be frozen in construction in progress due to inefficiency of planning and put into operation throughout all 1930-s. The main focus (financing, supplies, etc.) turned 50-60 to shock construction projects. For them, massive import of cars from abroad was carried out. Engineers were invited from abroad, many well-known companies, such as Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG and General Electric, were involved in the work and supplied modern equipment.

Industrialization required enormous expenditures on both the import of machinery and the maintenance of a minimum standard of living for workers employed both on the construction sites themselves and on the extraction of raw materials for them. Problems of financial deficit were partially solved with the help of home loans, increased sales of vodka, emissions (in 1929-1932 money supply increased by 4 times (which led to an increase in prices and shortages of consumer goods.)), Taxes, timber exports, oil, furs as well as bread, huge volumes of which were required in the country.

The rapid construction of industry giants led to the ruin of the rest of the economy. In the conditions of new devastation, Stalin decided to announce the end of a breakthrough to a bright future. Speaking at the plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission 7 on January 1933, he declared that the five-year plan was fulfilled ahead of schedule in four years and four months.

The actual results of the five-year plan were much more modest than Stalin's plans. The optimal plan of 1929 was fulfilled for the production of oil and gas, peat, steam locomotives, and agricultural machinery. Even the initial plan of 1929 was not fulfilled for the production of electricity, pig iron, steel, rolled products, coal mining, and iron ore. The production of tractors had just reached it. It was not even possible to come close to the plans of 1930. Oil production even according to published data reached 22,2 million tons against the planned in 1930 40-42 million tons, steel - 5,9 million tons against the planned 12 million tons, tractors - 50 thousand units. with 1929 thousand units planned in November 201, electricity generation is 13,1 billion kW. h. with the planned in 1930 33-35 billion (K & M. Industrialization)

The achievements of Stalin in the first five-year plan were, by the basic parameters, as follows:
Rolled ferrous metals - growth, 129%
Electricity production - growth, 270%
Oil production - growth, 184%
Cement production - growth, 194%
Sugar production - drop to 65% of the year’s 1928 level
Footwear leather - growth, 150%
Due to the development of domestic tractor construction, in 1932, the USSR refused to import tractors from abroad.
In 1930, universal primary education was introduced in the USSR, and in the cities - a compulsory seven-year education.

However, not everything in the life of the Soviet people was so rosy.

On the contrary, according to critics of industrialization, it was poorly thought out, which manifested itself in a series of announced “fractures” (April – May 1929, January – February 1930, June 1931). A grandiose and thoroughly politicized system emerged, the characteristic features of which were economic “gigantomania”, chronic commodity hunger, organizational problems, wastefulness, and loss-making enterprises. The goal (ie, the plan) began to determine the means for its implementation. The neglect of material support and the development of infrastructure over time began to cause significant economic damage.

Industrialization demanded increasing labor costs, attracting millions of villagers to the cities and was accompanied by a sharp drop in real earnings. The desire to fulfill the plan led to a situation of overstretching forces and a permanent search for reasons to justify the non-fulfillment of excessive tasks. Because of this, industrialization could not feed solely on enthusiasm and demanded a series of compulsory measures. Starting with 1930, the free movement of labor was prohibited, criminal penalties were imposed for violations of labor discipline and negligence. Since 1931, workers have become responsible for damage to equipment. In 1932, the forced transfer of labor between enterprises was possible, the death penalty was introduced for the theft of state property. 27 December 1932 was restored an internal passport, which Lenin at one time condemned as "czarist backwardness and despotism." Despite efforts to increase labor productivity, in practice, average labor productivity in 1932 was down by 1928% compared to 8.

Soviet propaganda also claimed that economic growth was unprecedented. Studies show that growth rates and GDP in the USSR (the 4,6% mentioned above) were comparable with those in Germany in the 1930-38 years. (4,4%) and yielded growth in Japan (6,3%). (Wikipedia. Industrialization of the USSR)

In addition, accelerated industrialization was accompanied by repression, when “pests and saboteurs” were accused of economic failures, cases like “Shakhtynskiy”, “Industrial Party”, “Labor Peasant Party”, and “Union Bureau” were organized.

One of the most important indicators of the outcome of the Stalinist breakthrough was the growth in the level of per capita consumption. It has increased ... by 22% over 10 years from 1928 to 1938. That is, the welfare of the people grew by 2,2% per year. Western historians in this place like to add that the improvement in welfare has affected mainly the party nomenklatura and the chosen “drummers” from among the workers, and has gone unnoticed by the rest of the population.

Perhaps it is time to stop the study of Stalin's achievements at this place. 1932 year, the end of the first five years - this is not the eight-year, but the ten-year frontier of Stalin's rule. Summarize. Joining the post of Secretary General in 1922, Joseph Vissarionovich got into his own hands the country in which, thanks to the NEP, a year, as the growth began, industry and agriculture. Thanks to the correct policy of the government, already in 1927, the Russian economy overtook the pre-crisis level, the consumption level reached the level of consumption in the pre-war tsarist times. The subsequent spurt provided industrial growth, at the level of 4,6% per year, however, led to a decline in agricultural production and was accompanied by repression against citizens who were dissatisfied with government policies. In general, for the initial industrialization of the USSR, the Russian people had to pay thousands of human lives and freeze the standard of living at the pre-revolutionary level for very long years.

In addition, the first stage of the country's development “according to Stalin” was accompanied by a number of economic crises, which ultimately led the country - despite the peacetime! - to the rationing system and almost medieval invasion of the working class and peasantry.

However, pure figures are cunning and do not reflect the whole picture of what was happening in the country.

First of all, 4,6% per year is not just an increase in industrial production. It was the heavy industry that developed by non-economic methods: metallurgy, mechanical engineering, tractor construction. That is, the USSR received a basis that allowed in the future to create both a powerful defense industry and to gain independence in the further development of its own production. Even among pro-Western historians there is no certainty that such an industry could have arisen on the basis of the NEP. Stalin’s actions, for all their cruelty, were aimed at preserving the country in the future, at its future security.

The population of the USSR, although it did not see an improvement in its financial situation, nevertheless received from the state the right to free medical care and free education. Stunning for the time benefits, the envy of the people in all surrounding countries. While tens of thousands of people cursed Stalin and wished him and all the Bolsheviks killed, many millions could learn to read, become engineers, officers, pilots, tank crews, skilled workers. Most of them understood that under the previous government such a career was impossible for village teenagers. People saw the prospect before them, they believed in the possibility of a bright future that was just beginning to be built in front of their eyes, they were full of enthusiasm, they felt happy. Such confidence in the future can also be attributed to the merits of Joseph Vissarionovich.

Putin de facto became the ruler of the new Russia 1 January 2000 of the year.

Inheritance he got much more severe than Stalin. If the disruption in the national economy after the civil war and Yeltsin's reforms was about the same in scale, then Joseph Vissarionovich received a peaceful country that had already begun to revive after a riot of defeatists. President No. 2 was in the very center of the collapse organized by the defeatists. A crisis of defaults raged across the country; rolling blackouts of electricity and heat were the norm; in some regions, arrears of pensions and wages reached 2 years, and delays in the army in a period of many months. In addition, there was a real regional war in the Caucasus, at the end of which the majority of the population had strong doubts. Russia was forbidden to win the first war, and people were confident that they would not be allowed to win again - and the defeatists shouted about such a future openly and enthusiastically.

However, the GDP said: “to water” - and this was done. During the Second Chechen war, the military did not have a noose around their neck, with the help of which they were forced to invade the last time. I have not yet forgotten - vindictive after all - as M. Leontyev from the television screen begged that the troops would reach Terek at least and protect the native Russian lands. Nobody even believed that! From all sides they actively demanded that Russia not cross the borders of Chechnya, that it should not cross the Terek, that it should not climb into the mountains - that at least it should enter into negotiations !!! I don’t know what it took to sustain GDP — but it allowed the military to go to the end.

The war ended - however, a very long hard work was required to restore the economy. Non-payments, delays of pensions and wages, unemployment, blackouts ... The Hoppers, Avvs and other MMAs were scourged around the country: Berezovsky, Gusinsky and others like them. They were fattening, sucking up everything from everywhere, to the last penny and the last drop of blood, grinding the economy, trying to replace the Russian industry with foreign concessions - and in some places they even succeeded! According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in 2000-2002, in Russia, 4% of the population suffered from hunger (5,2 million).

It was necessary to stop the degradation of the country, to reverse the development for the better.

To assess the economic situation, I used the work of the professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences A. I. Orlov. Worthy specialist: born 1949, professor (1995 - in the department of mathematical economics), doctor of technical sciences (1992 - in the application of mathematical methods), candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (1976 - in probability theory and mathematical statistics), 18 books and textbooks.

So, a quote from an article from the 1999 year:
This article aims to forecast the socio-economic development of Russia and the dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicator - gross domestic product (GDP) by 7 years (2000-2007). During this time various political events will occur, in particular, at least one more cycle of parliamentary and presidential elections (provided the current political structure is preserved), the results of which cannot be unambiguously predicted. Therefore, the forecast can be made only separately for each scenario from a certain range, covering possible ways of the socio-economic dynamics of Russia.

Consider the following scenarios:
the “Continuing Reforms” scenario (as directed by the likely adversary);
the “Stagnation” scenario (the dynamic balance of the forces of reformers and patriots, as a result, the inhibition of “reforms”);
the scenario “A change of course in the direction of Russia's national interests” (implies the transfer of state power into the hands of patriots);
Smoot’s scenario (the outcome of the struggle is the disintegration of Russia into separate state entities).

As shown above, the transformations (“reforms”) carried out with 1987 do not objectively lead to the development of a market economy, i.e. building capitalism, and the destruction of Russia as an independent state. The next steps of this destruction - the beginning reforms of the army, education, science, housing and communal services, the privatization of the remaining state property, the transition to the free sale of land, etc. Since the real (executive) power in Russia belongs mainly to supporters of the “reforms”, the scenario of further development of the reform course is quite possible.

The scenario for the further development of the reform course is based on the hypothesis of unimpeded implementation of the plans of the likely adversary, since the transformations (“reforms”) carried out with 1987, objectively contribute to this.

Let us turn to the forecast of GDP dynamics. Let us assume that the average rate of decline in GDP over 1992-1996. (1997 G., from this point of view, is atypical, it rather corresponds to the stagnation scenario) was chosen by the probable adversary optimally - from the point of view of its goals. We take the official data: over the 5 years (1992-1996) the decline in GDP was 38,6%, i.e. average 9,3% per year. If these rates of decline are maintained, 2007's GDP will be 34,2% of 1996's GDP, or 19,9% of 1990's. Taking into account the decrease in inflation rates by official bodies 2 times - 10% of 1990's (This is slightly more than decline in production in the USSR in 1923 - after the end of the civil war - compared to 1913). In terms of living standards, this will correspond to the post-war period (1948 or 1923), but with partly preserved housing, clothing and television sets ...

Perform an alternative calculation, taking 1992-1997's. for the six-year shock-stabilization cycle and using official data (1997's results are controversial - from 100,4% according to government data to 98,4% according to data of GV Kostin, chairman of the Duma Committee on Conversion). Over the 6 years (1992-1997), the fall in GDP was 38,4%, i.e. average 7,75% per year. While maintaining such rates of decline in GDP, 2007 will amount to 44,6% of GDP 1997, or 26,1% of the level of 1990. Considering the decrease in the inflation rate by official bodies 2 times - 13% of the level of 1990.

So, according to official data, the forecast is: GDP 2007 will be 19,9-26,1% of the level of 1990, or 34,1-44,6% of the level of 1997, which corresponds approximately to 37,5-50.6% of the level of 1999.

If we assume that the financing of the Armed Forces of Russia in 2007 will be the same percentage of GDP as in 1997, then it will be reduced in 2,24 - 2,93 times, and compared to 1990 - in 3,83 - 5,03 times. For the reasons described above, real funding will be about half that. The existing structure of the Armed Forces of Russia will be destroyed, their combat effectiveness and combat readiness will be significantly reduced. Obviously, this is the goal of the likely opponent.

The inclusion of 1998 and 1999 in the calculations. It is inexpedient, since the well-known “August crisis” of 1998 was an analogue of the “shock therapy” of 1992. It is curious that all segments of Russian society accepted a drop in the standard of living 2 times as a result of the August crisis of 1998. Although the magnitude of this fall was only slightly less than the fall in previous years. Over 1991-1997 the standard of living has fallen about 2,5 times. “Shock therapy” was actively discussed, there were numerous protests, humanitarian aid was coming from abroad. In 1998, everything was calm. Probably, the true scale of the disaster was not realized, in particular, because by the end of 1998 inflation was “only” 80% compared to 2600% in 1992. Perhaps, the population was accustomed to a constant drop in living standards. The result is beneficial to the likely opponent. It shows that it is possible “without noise” to continue to significantly reduce the living standards of Russians. The “ideal” is already close, when a plate of charitable soup of chowder per day is the highest good. Recall that the total for 1991-1999's. - drop in real incomes of the population at least 5 times.

Scenario "Change of course in the direction of the national interests of Russia." As explained in detail above, the continuation of the course of "reforms" leads to the death of Russia. The transition to the protection of independence and national interests of Russia, to the restoration of the economy and national cultural and moral values ​​is long overdue. A complex of economic and political measures was repeatedly formulated, revealing the meaning of this much-needed transition in Russia. It can be compared with measures to restore the national economy after the civil and World War II.

We give an estimate of the growth, and the GDP in the case of the coming to power of patriots as a result of the victory in the presidential election of 2000 (i.e., consider the case when Vladimir Putin chose the patriotic path). Note that 2000, in accordance with the Chizhevsky cycles, is the year of the greatest solar activity and activity of popular movements. True, this theory, apparently, is not confirmed by the practice of the current year.

During the first cycle “shock stabilization”, i.e. over 7 years (1992-1997), the fall in GDP was 41,7%, i.e. on average, about 7% per year. Assume that it will be the same in 1998 and 1999. (official statistics are unreliable, which has been repeatedly demonstrated, for example, in the speeches of deputies of the State Duma). Then by the end of 1999, we’ll reach 54,2% of the 1991 level.

In 2000, a significant drop in GDP should be expected: in the first half, due to the concentration of all reserves in the electoral propaganda by the presidential team and the government, in the second half due to the external blockade and internal sabotage after the patriots won. Let us assume that the fall in GDP will be the same as in 1992, the year of “shock therapy” (price liberalization), i.e. 14,5%. Then we meet the XXI century at the level of 46,4% from 1991.

By the beginning of 2001, the recovery of the national economy would unfold. When assessing the pace of this recovery, it is necessary to take into account that, on the one hand, industrial technologies are now significantly more complex than after the Great Patriotic War, which makes it difficult to quickly build capacity; but, on the other hand, many enterprises simply “run”, since the frames and fixed assets (buildings, machines, ...) were preserved in the main. Assume that the average growth, GDP will be the same as the growth of the gross social product in 1951-1965. Then, over the 15 years, the gross social product grew by 253,66% (in 3,53 times), i.e. on average, growth was 8,79% per year. Therefore, it can be expected that over 7 years (2001-2007) GDP will increase by 1,8 times (by 80,3%) with the same average growth, e 8,79% per year.

So, by the end of 2007, GDP will reach 154,2% of 1999, or 71,5% of 1991, while maintaining the indicated growth rates, and GDP will reach the level of 1990, at the end of 2011. At the same time, only starting since the last months of 2002, the GDP will exceed the level of 1999g.

As an alternative calculation base, we take 1946-1950, when over the years 5 the gross social product grew by 1,94 times, i.e. on 93,98%, i.e. on average 14,17% per year. Then it can be expected that over 7 years (2001-2007) GDP will increase by 2,53 times (by 152,8%) with the same average growth, e 14,17% per year and 117,4% of 1991 g. to 1991 level at the end of 2006.

Since it is impossible to accurately predict the moment of the transfer of power into the hands of a patriotic leadership, the above numerical values ​​are very conditional. So, if the patriots win not in 2000, but in 2004, and “reforms” continue until that time, then similar calculations give, by the end of 2003, GDP in the amount of 40,5% of the level of 1991, (assuming that over the course of 4 years (2000-2003), the decline in GDP will be 7% per year). As before, let us assume that in the year of rotation (2004) the fall in GDP will be the same as in 1992, the year of “shock therapy” (price liberalization), i.e. 14,5%. Then by the end of 2004, Russia's GDP will be 34,7% of the level of 1991 (i.e. one third). Even with growth, e in 14,17% per year for 2005-2007. GDP can be raised only by 48,8%, i.e. to 51,6% of the 1991 level.

However, all such calculations are merely indicative. They show, however, that in the coming 5 years there is no reason to expect a significant improvement in the economic situation of Russia, on the contrary, we are most likely waiting for a further decline in macroeconomic characteristics and living standards of the majority of the population. In the best case - stagnation, unstable stabilization.

However, the transfer of power into the hands of a patriotic leadership, defending the interests of Russia, despite the onslaught of the likely adversary, is our country's only hope.

(The full article is available at http://orlovs.pp.ru/diff/antorlov/scen.htm)

As it is easy to see, the distinguished professor expects economic growth under the leadership of a patriotic and professional government such that the level of 1990 will be achieved only by 2011. As an unattainable ideal (no opposition, patriotically-minded professionals in key positions), a very real example of development from the experience of the Stalinist economy was considered. Even under ideal conditions (under the leadership of Stalin) the level of the 1991 crisis year could only be achieved at the end of the 2006 year.

Now, knowing what the world turned out to be in reality, we can remind you that Russia, under Putin’s rule, managed to step over the economic level level of 1990 of the year at the beginning of 2007 of the year. That is, the president was able to significantly surpass the wildest forecasts of the most patriotic economists and overtook the “late” Stalin in the pace of economic development in direct comparison.

At the same time, Putin did not allow any recessions and crises both in the economy and in political life - not to mention bringing the country to the card system. He did not resort to direct violence to achieve economic goals. Putin did not build a new economy on the bones of the people. On the contrary - over the 8 years of his power, incomes of the population in dollar terms grew 4 times. Or, adjusted for inflation, in real terms - 2,5 times. The overall growth of retail sales is 15%, with the number of new cars bought annually growing (and growing) by 30%, computers and household appliances - by 50%. Thus, the real standard of living in the country has increased very, very noticeably, which ensures the mass support of the population for the president’s policy.

Using almost the same means for the development of the economy as Stalin: the sale of raw materials to the line and the active use of Western technologies, Putin was able to manage the resources obtained much more efficiently than the first. He did not directly vbuhivivat money into the industry, giving government funds to steal officials. He spent them on creating a favorable climate for industrial development in the country, skillfully directing the interests of producers in the direction necessary for the state. Restored plants, or built new ones instead of destroyed ones who wanted and knew how to do it. As a result: the recovery of the Russian economy occurred at a speed that I’ve not even dreamed of of the most courageous optimists. At the same time, the standard of living of the population grew at a faster pace, and development itself took place without disruption, repression, crises and disasters. There is nothing to tell historians about. Simple, about fast smooth growth, countries from poverty to prosperity.

Let's compare the Stalin “five-year plan” and Putin's:

As with Stalin, we are seeing a significant increase in production, with a noticeable decline in agriculture. Although Putin didn’t bring Russia to hunger, as everyone remembers. But the growth in the production of household appliances and mechanical engineering is impressive. For many positions - a half to two times. Almost every week, it is reported about the construction of new plants in Russia and the launch of new plants, the government is actively stimulating scientific research.
One involuntarily recalls the famous slogan of "doubling the GDP." In 1999, Russia's GDP was 300 billion dollars, and in order to catch up with Portugal, Putin called for it to be doubled. Today - Russia is in the top ten of the strongest economies in the world (10 ranks on GDP in dollars or 7 ranks on GDP based on purchasing power parity). And this change happened right before our eyes: in just 8 years.

People are narrow-minded and poorly educated, unable to understand the meaning of the activities of the country's leader, usually trying to find some other reasons that made Russia “lucky”. Say, these Russian 8 years did not depend on anything, everything happened by itself. And the luck will end - and the economy will collapse back into disaster. Especially for them I will give a few numbers:

Rating of countries in terms of hydrocarbon production in tons of oil equivalent per capita:
1. Qatar - 1 081
2. United Arab Emirates - 991
3. Norway - 872
4. Kuwait - 815
5. Saudi Arabia - 293
6. Oman - 246
7. Libya - 240
8. Bahrain 232
9. Netherlands - 119
10. Venezuela - 82
11. Canada - 79
12. Kazakhstan - 61
13. Algeria - 54
14. Iraq - 53
15. Russia - 47
16. Iran 37
17. UK - 28
18. Mexico - 17

It is easy to see that tying the level of the economy or the standard of living to oil prices should level the standard of living in countries with the same production. Russia would have to live noticeably worse than Algeria, Venezuela or Kazakhstan and one and a half times better than the British. And if we consider that the cut-off price, which limits the inflow of petrodollars into the Russian economy, is $ 27 per barrel - we have to live much worse than the Mexicans. Canada, on the other hand, is obliged to fight for a long time in a panic because of hopeless dependence on commodity exports. After all, it pumps energy more than Kazakhstan and almost as much as Venezuela!

However, for some reason we see nothing of the kind.

In fact, the Russian economy is no more dependent on energy exports than the UK economy. Hydrocarbon production gives growth, GDP is about $ 400 per capita per year. With a total GDP, according to various estimates, from $ 10 000 to $ 13 000 for every Russian soul. The value is noticeable - but by no means catastrophic.

Comparing the results of the reign of both politicians, we see that in absolute figures Stalin's decisions have a slight advantage: he managed to reach the pre-crisis level of the economy in the sixth year of power, and not in the eighth. However, Stalin began his rule in a more relaxed atmosphere, and this gave him some advantage. Thus, the success of economic recovery for both rulers can be considered approximately the same.
For all that, Putin was able to do without violence in the economy, could do without crises, without mass repressions, he managed not only to restore the economic power of the country, but also significantly increase the incomes of citizens. It should be recognized that in terms of the success of the general development of the country, taking into account not only the production sphere, but also the welfare of the people, Putin is very noticeably ahead of Stalin.

Foreign policy

The foreign policy of Stalin in the first 8 and even 10 years of his reign can be safely called "no." During the civil war, the Red Army managed to knock out the invaders from the Russian land, and the “democrats” once again crawled into their holes to lick their wounds. Reluctantly, they were forced to recognize the USSR’s right to exist — and nothing more. De facto, the USSR was the winner in the war and for some time could not fear external aggression. However, he has not yet had any influence on the events in the world and has not led an active policy.

The situation in which Putin found himself, becoming president, was the exact opposite. Russia was in the position of a defeated country, defeated, obliged to cringe before the winners and to fulfill all their whims.

The US demanded that Russia's classic tribute by “blood”, the transfer of its strategic arms to external control, the dismemberment of Gazprom, the transfer of control over mineral resources to American firms.

It’s hard to believe now, but only four years ago the whole world was sure that, by order of Bush, Putin would send Russian soldiers to Iraq to die for the interests of the American monopolies. In the same way as Poland, the Baltic States, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia and many other countries, lined with tribute in blood, do. Let's refresh a little memory:

Source: Pskov Information Agency.
Publication date: 25-08-2003

We strongly protest against sending our paratroopers to Iraq

Recently, many Pskovs are extremely worried about the reports about the possibility of sending Russian troops to Iraq regularly appearing in print media.

It is clear that the Americans, under far-fetched and, as it turned out, false pretexts, attacked Iraq and occupied it, received a nationwide guerrilla war, in which they constantly suffer tangible losses. And the prospect is such that this partisan war between Iraqis and aggressors and aggressors will expand, so the Americans have berries in front. Moreover, the Iraqis have about seven million Kalashnikov assault rifles and other weapons in their hands, and there is enough ammunition. Bush clearly shines a new and very decent Vietnam. So Bush sees the main way out of this “Vietnamese” situation in the internationalization of his military presence in Iraq, in attracting his “vassals” there, including Putin’s Russia, as “cannon fodder”. And the reason is appropriately invented: “the oil and other interests of Russia in Iraq will be taken into account if the Russian troops are sent there”. But it’s clear that this is not the interests of the Russian, and first of all the Russian people, but the oil oligarchs of Abramovich, Khodorkovsky, Friedman, Aven, etc.

members of the public committee to perpetuate the memory of the 6 company of the Pskov paratroopers, military service veterans, labor veterans.

"SOVIET RUSSIA" N 93 (12436), Saturday, 23 August 2003

The United States is committed to taking control of our tactical nuclear weapons. weapon

American Senator Sam Nunn, who visited Russia, was concerned not only with human rights, specifically with one oil oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, but also with the state of Russian nuclear weapons, especially tactical ones. The peace-loving envoy of American democracy offered to establish control over it. In this area, Russia and the United States still have no mutual obligations, which, in the opinion of an overseas people's representative, is abnormal and dangerous.

At least three times Russia has rejected US proposals to control tactical nuclear weapons. The Americans have now changed their approaches, putting the terrorist threat in the first place. Therefore, Senator Nunn is so concerned about the safety of Russian arsenals. Sensational articles about the thefts of “nuclear suitcases”, “backpacks” and other “bags” from Russian secret warehouses appear periodically in the Western press. The purpose of these accusations is to force Russia to reveal its latest nuclear secrets. Not yet possible.

Let us hope that the country's leadership will have enough political will to continue not to succumb to intrusive proposals for control. We have almost eliminated Russia's strategic nuclear power, at least in the field of tactical nuclear weapons, the position should be maintained.

Victor Myasnikov

Nikolay Poroskov: Opposition to President Putin has repeatedly stated in our country that the United States has plans, under the pretext of ensuring security, to take control of Russia's nuclear facilities, including the launchers of the Strategic Missile Forces. Do such plans really exist?

United States Deputy Secretary of Energy, Chief of the Nuclear Security Administration, Ambassador Linton F. BROOKS: This is simply not true. For example, we do not carry out any work on board Russian nuclear submarines, in mines of launchers, from where intercontinental ballistic missiles are launched. We carry out work where nuclear materials or weapons are stored and where they can be stolen. That the Russian authorities could use the Russian equipment for the best protection of such arsenals.
24 May 2003

Here they are, events and opinions four years ago. Just four years ago, defeatists with stunning aplomb and full self-confidence declared that Putin’s “treacherous regime” would give Russian weapons to America, give up Russian soldiers for slaughter, give up deposits and remnants of independence. Could anyone believe then that already in 2007 the Russian distant aviation will begin to patrol the oceans and borders of NATO countries that Putin will casually break off the CFE Treaty, simply calling it unprofitable, that Russia will openly supply arms to Syria and Iran in case the US decides to attack them, that Russia will block the necessary US in the Security Council and Europe’s resolution that it will begin to maneuver its fleet in the North Atlantic, that it will force the West to ask its opinion on almost all international issues?

This is a victory for Putin and only him alone. It is difficult to even imagine what cruel diplomatic wars he had to endure, but it was easy to guess about something. Apparently, he had to face even the threat of the use of force against rebellious, suddenly disobedient Russia. In any case, it came to the point that Putin openly promised to use nuclear weapons against Western countries:

"Russia has a significant stock of these missiles, which have not been on combat duty for a single day and were stored in arsenals in a" dry "state." This was stated by Vladimir Putin on October 2003 of the year at a meeting with the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. These missiles were not on combat duty in the fueled state and therefore, according to the statement of the President of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, can be operated as part of the Strategic Missile Forces. “Although these missiles were not made yesterday and not today, but in a sense, these are new products, the period of their possible use is very significant,” the President of Russia noted, “and the combat capabilities, including in overcoming any missile defense, are out of competition.”

As a result, the Western world had to give up, accept the independence of Russia and step by step to give up their positions in front of Russian pressure.

The difference between a country paying tribute to the suzerain and blood, and a country patrolling the borders of the former suzerain with its armed forces is so great, for such a transformation, the right to independence usually has to be long and cruel to fight, to pay thousands of lives. Putin won the right to independence for Russia, virtually alone, without a single shot and without losing a single soldier. Therefore, for outstanding achievements in foreign policy, he definitely: + 5

Military construction

There was practically nothing to say about the construction of the army by Stalin in his first 8-10 years of government. After the Civil War, the Red Army was fully operational, could defeat any external enemy. As for its modernization, there was not much progress towards the beginning of the 30s.
Much more can be said about Putin’s military construction.

By the time he came to power, the army practically did not exist. The exercises were not conducted, the planes did not fly, the ships were rusting against the wall, the new weapons were not received by the troops, and the materiel was not properly serviced. To destroy conventional gangs in Chechnya, they had to force and combat equipment from all over the country! Moreover, the supply of parts and the level of their equipment were very far from ideal.
Russia actually had no efficient army capable of protecting it from external invasion. Only a nuclear missile shield, which continued to rapidly lose its combat capability, remained a restraining factor for NATO countries.

Resuscitation of the armed forces was carried out quickly, competently and surprisingly thought out. In order not to spray small funds at first, the restoration began with the so-called “units of constant readiness”. They began to be allocated money for combat training, for the maintenance of the material part. The number of these units turned out to be noticeably smaller than the SA - but on the other hand, they were ready for combat operations. Over time, the number of constant-readiness units increased, the sky-ready compounds were either included in the number of PBGs, or disbanded.
As a result, by the beginning of the second term, the army finally woke up from hibernation, began conducting exercises and maneuvers, and was engaged in its direct tasks: combat training.

At this time, defeatists of all stripes heard a lot of reproaches to Putin for refusing to buy new weapons in return for entering the troops almost to Gorbachev. However, the president showed character here and did not give in to pressure. He needed not just a "shaft" for the report, not a meaningless "cut" of money, but an army armed with the latest technology, having the best weapons in the world. Therefore, the money did not go to the factories. They were heading for R & D. As a result, in 2007, the most advanced weapons began to be supplied to the Russian army. "Mi-28" and "SU-34", "Iskander" and "Barmitsa", "Pantsiri" and "С400", frigates of the project 22350. Submarine forces will receive three types of submarines - Xorem Borey SSBN, YNSS 955 Yasen Project, 885A Antey Submarine Project and Shchuka-B 949 Project, Lada XDUMX diesel submarines with an air-independent power plant. In the ground and airborne troops under the new armament program, no less than 971 units of the battalion unit will be re-equipped with new and modernized equipment. The work on new types of strategic missiles, combat aircraft and other weapons, which will soon also go into production, is being completed.

The order of the Ministry of Defense of Russia only for helicopters is 300 units, for new aircraft - 700 units. But in addition to this, new form, new rations, new bulletproof vests and helmets come into service. New, new, new ... In terms of retooling the army, Russia is now in first place in the world, and thanks to the leap in the coming years, it will become the second in the world in strike power.

At first glance, and here Putin’s rule wins in all respects - but a superficial glance is deceptive. The general secretary, not worse than the president, understood that the army needed modern weapons. For the production of this required heavy industry, engineering and scientific schools. And that, and another, and the third were laid in the country by Stalin. He was the first to develop mass higher education in Russia, widely prepare engineers, scientists, opened specialized research institutes, massively built power plants, open-hearth furnaces and rolling mills. Like Putin, he looked into the future, and Joseph Vissarionovich still retains much of the power of the modern Russian army. Therefore, in this area both rulers will have to be recognized as equally successful.

Information field

In order to direct the activities of society and each individual person to the benefit of the country and society, from time immemorial there exists such a thing as upbringing. Man's upbringing lasts from the cradle to gray hair and gives him inner support for actions and motivation in making decisions. The information field surrounding a person is extremely important, since it determines all his behavior, culture, readiness for self-sacrifice.

For example, we can give the Orthodox culture known to everyone in Russia. Grown in the "information field" of Orthodox culture, the man knew that he served not only his homeland, but also the highest power, which always watches him and assesses his actions, which will reward him for possible sacrifices or deprivation. He knew that he was the bearer of the true faith and was obliged to carry this truth to other nations, pushing the borders of Russia and bringing new nations to the bosom of the church, giving them protection and happiness. This culture cemented the country and directed its energy outside, developing and strengthening the state.

To achieve the unity of the country and the motivation of the actions of the Soviet citizens, Stalin used the communist ideology ideally within the framework of the state religion. The Soviet man was absolutely sure that he was building a paradise on earth: a bright communist future. And that the sacrifices made now will not be lost in vain, they will be rewarded with a happy cloudless fate if not to himself, then at least to his children. The Soviet man knew that by pushing the borders of the USSR, he would bring happiness to other nations, giving them freedom and saving them from the oppressors. Communist ideology gave people an inner core and made it easy to resist other religions. Such as Christianity, democracy, Islam and all kinds of sects. It was sent outward, was attractive to other nations and allowed the USSR to gain supporters all over the world.

But most importantly: despite the low standard of living, it gave the Soviet people a sense of being chosen and happy.

Putin's Russia completely ignored this area of ​​life. The President No. XXUMX never bothered to give a sacred meaning to his activities, to designate "higher goals." He completely ignored the need to educate people and create a favorable information field for them.

This slip is not as harmless as it seems. The unattended sphere of human needs immediately began to occupy foreign cultures and religions, trying to establish its primacy on Russian soil. And it would be okay if Orthodoxy was familiar to the peoples, but in our country the religion of democracy is trying to establish itself as the “Highest Truth,” and worse - tolerance.

The cult of tolerance is the most destructive and aggressive of the totalitarian sects that now exist. Many researchers compare it with spiritual AIDS, but in fact it is the most natural medieval obscurantism. If scientists in the wild, antediluvian Europe burned at the stake because they asserted the postulates about the round earth and the movement of the planets around the sun, today with the same rage “tolerasti” fall on those people whose intellect allows us to distinguish man from woman or to distinguish people of different races This is not an exaggeration. Many scientists have already been obstructed or banned on occupations for pointing out the anatomical features of different peoples or genders. Tolerance as a religious movement, like the satanic or Buddhist cults, fosters in its followers the need for spiritual suicide by renouncing life, imposes a ban on an active life position. Tolerance teaches us not to resist sexual perversions, to humiliate loved ones and the whole people in general, not to care about the future of children and the whole country, to forget about self-esteem, not to protect the heritage of ancestors both in the material and in the spiritual sphere. Just relax and go with the flow, until the life path comes to an end ...

Spiritual death, physical death, the death of a nation is the sacred goal of the Torah sect. And the attractiveness of this religion makes the justification of inaction. No need to catch pedophiles - because they have the “right”. No need to treat homosexuals - this is their “personal life”. You do not need to defend your faith, because it offends believers of other concessions. No need to perform feats, fasting, spiritually evolve. No need to do anything! And it's very nice to do anything. Watching TV, drinking beer, smoking marijuana is much easier than “fighting and searching, finding and not giving up.”

There are ascetic religions, there are religions of the godless, there are racist religions. And tolerance is a religion of idlers, ready to devour anyone who requires them to strain their brains or take up arms. Religion degradation.

The fact that this obscurantism is now seeping into Russia is the direct fault of the President, who did not bother to create a cementing country and directing its development of the information field.

Therefore, for the cultural and spiritual component of our life, we put Putin a firm "unsuccessful", and Stalin, with whose name on those lips, even those whom he himself allowed to "meat", often put on solid + 5.

Social sphere

Changes in the social sphere of the country under both rulers were significant, if not revolutionary.

Under Stalin, citizens of the USSR received free access to education and medical care. Putin’s efforts to improve the quality of medical care, purchase new equipment for hospitals, build new knowledge, multiply the salary increase for doctors were merely maintaining the existing health care network, as well as the government’s efforts to computerize schools and increase teachers ’salaries education.

However, Putin could not do anything else. Building a new system of medical care or education, when there is already quite a decent network, is no less nonsense than building new DneproGESy or Magnitka, not paying attention to the fact that they already exist and continue to work.

However, under Stalin, the incomes of broad sections of the population practically did not grow after the “Nepman” upturn. Under Putin's growth, incomes turned out to be even and constant, with the growth in living standards becoming multiple and decisive for wide strata of their attitude toward power.

Under Stalin, powerful ideological propaganda inspired confidence in people in the future, the broad masses had a goal they were striving for, in people there was a sense of self-esteem, an inner moral core, a feeling of happiness. Putin's government has withdrawn from the spiritual side of life, causing in many people inner turmoil, a lack of understanding of the future of the country and of its own.

The repressions carried out by Stalin during the first period of his reign touched a little over one percent of the population — but still they were hundreds of thousands of people, guilty only of having worked well in the past and did not want to part with the fruits of their labor. It is unlikely that this can be recorded as a plus to the general secretary. But noisy political processes associated with repression against his opponents, Stalin conducted openly, with a large gathering of people, with the broadcast of these processes on the radio and reprint the minutes of meetings in national newspapers. Such a “public terrorism”, with an “open visor”, caused among the broad masses confidence in the correctness of the actions of the leader and the fairness of the sentences.

Repressions under Putin’s authority were minor. Here you can include sentences of Russian officers and soldiers who performed their military duty in Chechnya, sentences under the “Russian” article. The latter, however, rarely did not lead to real deadlines, but the first defenders of the Motherland were outrageous, first of all, because they were held secretly, were not covered in the media, their motives were incomprehensible to the population and caused a quiet, but resentment in the masses.

However, in any case, the repressions of Stalin and Putin turned out to be completely incomparable in scale even with only the first decade of Stalin’s rule.

To the repressive can be attributed to the labor legislation of Stalin. Imprisonment for being late for work, absenteeism, deprivation of millions of Soviet citizens of the right to free movement, return of the peasantry during times of serfdom by denying them passports does not find any reflections in the realities of today. This is a definite and major flaw in the Stalin regime.

Putin's regime is notable for the emergence of the national question. The main reason for this scourge was the rapid revival of the domestic industry and, as a result, the shortage of workers. But if Stalin made up for this shortage due to the exodus of the Russian population from the villages, then Putin - due to the absorption of many millions of foreigners from neighboring countries. In the cities and towns of Russia suddenly appeared a huge number of people brought up in the traditions of tribal, clan culture, unfamiliar with the traditions of Russian culture and do not accept those. This nuisance, given the elimination of the state from the spiritual and cultural life of the people, gave the fate of people on the ground to the power of small local leaders. As a result, in places where high corruption allowed criminal national groups to seize power from the people, where power was carried away by the obscurantism of tolerance, people's life turned into hell, led to riots against the dominance of crime and indulgence of visitors, against the oppression of Russians. Where the power has appeared fair and reasonable - the national question is absent as such. An example would be the situation in the famous Kondopoga and Olonets. Located very close to the city differ as heaven and earth. In Kondopoga, the local authorities brought the national question to a complete failure, which ended in the massacre of the Russian people and the response pogroms. In Olonets, the banal demands of the local police chief for the meticulous observance of the Russian legislation by the visitors allows us to keep national relations peaceful and friendly.

In any case, the blame for the growth of ethnic friction completely falls on the inept, passive actions of Putin’s government.

In general, the rejection of mass repressions (dozens of victims against thousands of Stalinist victims), measures to improve the living standards of broad sections of the population make it possible to evaluate Putin's decisions in the social sphere as somewhat more successful than the actions of Stalin.


Recall that in the 1922 year, Lenin insisted not on the federation's entry into the Russian Federation, but on the “equal to the union” (detained by Stalin, Dzrezhinsky and Odzhonikidze, he was an evil thinker; attitudes "). Of course, the master of the provocations, Ilyich ruled not to respect the national feelings of the people. "Divide and conquer" - this policy ppimenyalas Bolsheviks in all areas: in Quaternary Gpazhdanskoy Latvians used petro English, kpestyan - petro Cossacks pabochih - petro kpestyan, bashkip - the petro-print and other, autonomists - and petro gosudapstvennikov naobopot. If the regions are overpowered in the struggle for power, it will be even easier to take them (so in the end it turned out: first, these areas were fenced off from the Bolsheviks by national borders, and then - one after the other - fell under their blows).

In addition, the allied system deprived the nationalists of their trump cards - in most of the republics, the anti-Soviet struggle was waged under national slogans.
In addition, the Bolsheviks in Russia was simple, about spit. After all, according to Lenin, the revolution was supposed to be a global one, and Russia was just an armful of brushwood, and to inflame it.

(“Once again about the great-power chauvinism” Timup Latypov)

The rejection of the administrative-territorial division of Russia and the planting of national districts of different levels, adopted under Stalin and preserved by him, became a time bomb that led to the disintegration of the country along national borders in 1990-1991.

The second legacy of Stalin was the development of a full-fledged heavy industry with all its components: energy, metallurgy, mechanical engineering.
The third legacy is a developed social sphere (medicine, education, housing).

The fourth is the memory of hundreds of thousands of repressed, more than six hundred thousand of whom were sentenced to death. And tens of thousands are innocent. The Stalinist repressions turned into a bugbear, which is constantly used by Russophobic propaganda in the fight against Russia, with its pride, its memory, its history and its current revival.

Putin’s legacy was the revived industry, the revived army, the revived sovereignty of Russia.

And at the same time - and the national question. Leaving the national-religious problem of Russia to take its course will inevitably lead to the imminent destruction of the state as a result of the destruction of the cultural community. We see the scenario of destroying a country every day by the example of Western countries, where crowds of newcomers from other countries by violence, pogroms and blackmail require exclusive rights for themselves, elevating them above the local, indigenous population, shame the foundations that ensured the prosperity of Western civilization, destroy the faith and customs of Europeans , impose the rules of world order customary for their former places of residence. The rules in which there is simply no place for Europeans.

If Russia wants to survive, the priority of Orthodox culture must be unequivocally confirmed at the state level. Orthodox culture, the culture of the Russian people provides a worthy place within its borders for Islam, Buddhism, and other beliefs, provides rights and dignity for all peoples, and has been the basis of Russian statehood for many centuries. Therefore, the authorities are obliged to clearly and clearly declare that the doors to Russia are open only for those guests who are ready to accept Russian culture and enter the Russian community. But those who intend to break the Russian people under themselves and their morals - the way to the borders of the country should be strictly closed once and for all.

It means:
1. The attributes of the Orthodox Church cannot be recognized as insulting anyone's feelings under any circumstances! Russia is a country of Orthodox culture, even if someone remains an atheist or a Muslim in this environment. At the same time, however, symbols of other confessions may seem offensive to Orthodox or other believers and their rights should be protected in court.
2. No customs and practices of religion can be an excuse for public actions that violate the generally accepted morality in Russian society. For example: sacrifices, self-mutilation, auto-da-fe, violence and so on.
3. Compliance with the laws of Russia and generally accepted Orthodox morality is obligatory for all, and the violation of their visitors should be considered as an aggravating circumstance.
Bringing these principles as state policy to local executive bodies will quickly extinguish all national contradictions once and for all. Otherwise - the death of Russia after Western Europe is inevitable.
Putin is leaving, leaving the national question open. But this is practically the only serious problem inherited by the state after it. Hence, Russia after it remains in a state of no worse than after Stalin.

Summing up our research, we have to admit that, by and large, in terms of the sum of evaluations, Putin’s rule is much more successful than Stalin’s rule.

At first glance, this may seem strange. After all, Stalin is the one who, according to the apt remark of the English Trotskyist Isaac Deutscher: "He took Russia with a plow, and left it with an atomic bomb."

It's right. But let's not forget that the nuclear industry and space programs are the result not of eight, and not even ten years of Stalin’s rule, but full thirty years. In the first ten years, changes in the image of Russia have not yet become noticeable. Yes, the country was built, studied, transformed; in it, as under Putin, laid the foundation for future breakthroughs. But the main achievements still remained far ahead.
Putin has changed the face of Russia much stronger and faster.

It was:
The desire to double GDP and catch up on this indicator Portugal.
Russia's economy is recognized as the seventh in the world in its volume.

It was:
The total wage arrears as of 1 February 1999 amounted to 76 billion rubles. and decreased in January by 1,3%, including a decrease in 98 mln rubles in manufacturing industries. (0,2%) and in the social sector - by 881 million rubles. (4,1%). According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in 2000-2002, in Russia, 4% of the population suffered from hunger (5,2 million).
The consumption level in the country is 15% per year. Growth, sales of new cars is 30% per year and exceeded 2 million cars per year, growth, sales of household appliances exceeds 50%.

It was:
We strongly protest against sending our paratroopers to Iraq
Recently, many Pskovs are extremely worried about the reports about the possibility of sending Russian troops to Iraq regularly appearing in print media.
Russia unilaterally refused to comply with the terms of the CFE Treaty as worsening its defense capability.

It was:
The United States is striving hard to take control of our tactical nuclear weapons.
At least three times Russia has rejected US proposals to control tactical nuclear weapons.
The February flyover of the Russian strategic bomber 9 over the Nimitz aircraft carrier in the Pacific did not pursue provocative targets. The conviction was expressed by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Gary Roughhead.

It was:
Opposition to President Putin has repeatedly stated in our country that the US has plans to take control of Russia's nuclear facilities under the pretext of ensuring security.
The Bush administration does not consider, the White House representative stressed that Russia’s supply of nuclear fuel to Iran can be seen as a sign of a decrease in international support for UN sanctions aimed at stopping Iran’s enrichment of fissile materials. Prime TASS 09: 12 18.12.2007

Such dramatic changes in the country, which took place in just eight years, make it possible to say with complete confidence that President V. V. Putin is the best, most productive, clever and lucky of the rulers of Russia for at least the last century and a half.
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  1. itr
    17 December 2012 13: 15
    Well, I don’t know what to say it’s hard to compare
    I want to add on my own that Stalin had a mustache and Putin does not
    1. +5
      17 December 2012 13: 32
      Quote: itr
      Stalin had a mustache and Putin does not

      Yes, and more hair on Stalin’s head. And Stalin also had a pipe.
      1. Brother Sarych
        17 December 2012 14: 03
        And after him there were only paid things ...
        1. +10
          17 December 2012 14: 10
          Quote: Brother Sarich
          And after him there were only paid things ...

          hi but these are golden words! good + + + + + + + + + + + + drinks
          1. psv_company
            17 December 2012 20: 24
            And after him there were only paid things ...

            And the most powerful country with nuclear weapons !!))
            1. -9
              17 December 2012 23: 30
              What about people? People in this country were, or so, all the chips mostly ???
              1. +8
                18 December 2012 00: 26
                Quote: Pilgrim
                What about people? People in this country were, or so, all the chips mostly ???
                - DEAR, between the cogs in the complex mechanism and the chips from the felling, the difference is very significant. Slivers are suitable only for kindling a samovar, and without screws no mechanism will work.
                But the cogs under Stalin. Now - ELECTORATE, in how. And again, you didn’t guess, what have the chips to do with it?
                PY. CHE. Do not even doubt that since the evolution "from rabble cooks" through "cogs" to the "electorate" has gone through, then it will certainly reach PEOPLE, and in the foreseeable future. You can be upset by this, you can not believe it, or you can grind your teeth, and then to the dentist - your business. It does not depend on you and your will, and even more so your vision and opinion, because of the objectivity of this process. Have a nice visit to the dentist.
                1. +1
                  18 December 2012 08: 29
                  Wonderful words! good
                2. +3
                  11 January 2017 19: 03
                  The author is a big minus !!! After all, the most important thing is that almost 90% of the population was illiterate! And what then says about the engineers, teachers and doctors! And hundreds of thousands of kilometers of electric networks, schools and hospitals, libraries and factories, factories. After all, all this was built and restored after the warriors. And most importantly, commodity prices only went down, and under Putin only up. So Stalin did 1000% more than Putin ....
        2. Ilyich
          17 December 2012 16: 16
          Quote: Brother Sarich
          And after him there were only paid things ...

          So now? Kill Pu, just to see what remains of him? Why this post is unclear. No.
          1. +1
            17 December 2012 17: 27
            Quote: Ilyich
            Why this post is unclear.

            And you will not understand. laughing
            1. Ilyich
              17 December 2012 20: 41
              Quote: nycsson
              And you will not understand. laughing

              So you explain, since so far surpass me in intelligence ...
              1. +3
                18 December 2012 01: 15
                Quote: Ilyich
                So you explain, since so far surpass me in intelligence ...

                Thanks of course, but I don’t think so! What is there to explain, one of the impoverished and semi-literate countries made a superpower, and the other, on the contrary, took over everything, made a raw materials appendage of the West from the country, having technologies, inexhaustible resources, etc. One died with two costumes, while the other builds palaces and buys yachts, etc.
                1. Ilyich
                  18 December 2012 02: 00
                  Quote: nycsson
                  What can I explain, one of the poor and semi-literate countries made a superpower,

                  It's true...
                  Quote: nycsson
                  and the other, on the contrary, took everything, made a raw materials appendage of the West from the country

                  It is not true. A raw materials appendage from the country was made with labeled and alcoholic. Who signed the production sharing agreement? Putin? Or is it EBN? But Shell kicked out of the country and who exxon mobil? Pushkin, chtoli?
                  Quote: nycsson
                  the other builds palaces during his lifetime and buys yachts, etc.

                  vidyushek belolentochny on YouTube seen enough? And on whose money they were shotYou didn’t ask yourself? What are the goals? Who benefits from cheating the President?
                  Think, compare different sources.
                  And I'm trying to judge not by words, but by deeds. What I wish you.
                  И even Putin bought a yacht at state expense and built a mansion, I’m ready to forgive him even for the fact that he found money for the construction of 8 submarines, 30 Su-35S, 600 helicopters and the rearmament of the Strategic Missile Forces.
                  Not to mention everything else.
                  So that. hi
                  1. sleepy
                    18 December 2012 05: 38

                    Here's more about B. Yeltsin.

                    Decree No. 2000 "On guarantees to the President of the Russian Federation, who has terminated the exercise of his powers, and to members of his family," signed on the eve of the new year 1763 by then acting head of state Vladimir Putin, was an essential part of Putin's agreements with Yeltsin.
                    Clause "e" of this Decree, which established the regime of legal immunity: "The President of the Russian Federation, who has terminated the exercise of his powers, has immunity. The President of the Russian Federation, who has terminated the exercise of his powers, cannot be brought to criminal or administrative responsibility, detained, arrested, subjected to search, interrogation or personal search. The immunity of the President of the Russian Federation, who has ceased to exercise his powers, applies to the residential and office premises he occupies, the vehicles used by him, means of communication, documents and luggage belonging to him, to his correspondence. "

                    Putin gave Yeltsin a truly royal gift. He endowed him with full legal immunity, excluding any legal opportunity to hold him accountable.
                    1. Ilyich
                      18 December 2012 13: 16
                      Quote: sleepy
                      Putin gave Yeltsin a truly royal gift.

                      Maybe this was justified. Borka knew whose cat ate fat, well, and was safe. Yes, in general, Maxim died, well ... with him. What a demand from the dead. +
                      1. sleepy
                        19 December 2012 04: 22
                        Quote: Ilyich
                        "Maybe it was justified. Borka knew whose cat ate the fat, and he made himself safe."

                        Now about Yeltsin is only good, since he died?
                        Investigation of his activities is not required?
                        And then the Vedas Hitler is also dead ... Can we forget about his genocide?
                    2. nickname 1 and 2
                      19 December 2012 14: 00
                      Quote: sleepy
                      Putin gave Yeltsin a truly royal gift.

                      Ho = Ho! There was still not enough to torment and knock out state secrets from the former! miss such a little without attention.
                    3. 0
                      11 January 2017 19: 17
                      Quote: sleepy
                      Putin gave Yeltsin a truly royal gift.
                      If you were offered the presidency in exchange for such guarantees, would you make such a "gift" to the proposer? And you would have turned to call your rogue gift "royal" ?! Well, you miser ... laughing Yeltsin probably found the only honest one who would fulfill the guarantee obligation in a visible environment. Any other would have hung all the dogs on EBN and continued to steal further.
                  2. +3
                    18 December 2012 14: 50
                    Quote: Ilyich
                    But Shell kicked out of the country and who exxon mobil? Pushkin, chtoli?

                    Yes, it’s true, only in whose interests did he do it ?! Obviously not in the interests of the people!
                    Quote: Ilyich
                    And I'm trying to judge not by words, but by deeds. What I wish you.

                    And I do the same!
                    Quote: Ilyich
                    I’m ready to forgive him at least for that

                    But I'm not ready!
                    Quote: Ilyich
                    found money for the construction of 8 submarines, 30 Su-35S, 600 helicopters and the rearmament of the Strategic Missile Forces.
                    Not to mention everything else.

                    Found the money! That's just funny! You might think that Russia is a poor country, which has nothing for its soul! That's when these boats are built, then we'll talk! And for Russia, 30 aircraft and 600 helicopters - this is far from the ultimate dream! By the way, a recent article was that the newest Russian submarine did not pass state tests!
                    1. Ilyich
                      18 December 2012 22: 42
                      Quote: nycsson
                      Found the money! That's just funny! You might think that Russia is a poor country, which has nothing for its soul!

                      So there was nothing for the soul. Just literally 12-14 years ago. Do you remember the default?
                      And in general, I don’t understand: Russia is a rich country for which there are 8 nuclear boats and airplanes with helicopters (+ at the same time strategic missile forces, nuclear power plants, and many other things) simultaneously - this is ugh! (they say, "and have not seen this")? Or is Russia still a raw material appendage of the West?
                      You decide first ... winked
                      Quote: nycsson
                      Yes, it’s true, only in whose interests did he do it ?! Obviously not in the interests of the people!

                      And he eats children at night ... smile
                      Quote: nycsson
                      And I do the same!

                      Something imperceptibly ...
                  3. Novel
                    21 December 2012 11: 49
                    This article is a classic cast of many informational tricks, such as the ridiculous comparison of 1917 and 1991, and the even more ridiculous comparison of Putin and Stalin.
                    The numbers are sucked from a finger either from Wikipedia, or voiced by deputies of the State Duma. In short, this is misinformation, and at the same time it's cheap. The author only learns along the way.
                    And at the expense of, let's say, financing of hospitals, especially hospitals, and not the healthcare system. Because hospitals are, by and large, an edge. And real action is needed to prevent people from reaching this edge. This is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, sports grounds in the yards. , sections for children, sports cult, etc. And on the other hand, under the ongoing chatter for 20 years on the fight against alcohol, access to it for all categories of citizens is maximally facilitated. Moreover, 90% of all types of alcohol are singed. You need money to eat, and you can drink 50 rubles. There are separate cigarettes conversation.Many children smoke from 10 years old. Plus points selling technical alcohol, and drug dealers, with whom the 3-million-strong army of police with high salaries can not figure it out. I have been to some hospitals and I know the contingent of patients. Most of my health is broken -for the above reasons.
                    The army should certainly be well financed, but someone is not worth praising or heroizing. There are colossal sums on the accounts of the caste of oligarchs and officials, and investing in the army is, first of all, to protect yourself. And if you take into account the commercial foundation of everything and everyone, then it is not known where in a few years, these boats and airplanes may be required. After all, foreign capital in modern Russia, as well as in Ingushetia before the "accursed" year 17, has a huge influence. And this could result in a new year 1914, when the tsarist government became a vassal to English and French creditors .And by the way, it was 1914 that can be considered the end of tsarist Russia, not 1917.
                    PS And another question for the author - is it possible to consider the Russian World War I soldiers as defeatists, who eventually refused to fight for the faith, the tsar and his friends - the commerce or the Bolsheviks, who said Down with the autocracy?
                2. -2
                  18 December 2012 11: 36
                  Quote: nycsson
                  Thanks of course, but I don’t think so! What is there to explain, one of the impoverished and semi-literate countries made a superpower, and the other, on the contrary, took over everything, made a raw materials appendage of the West from the country, having technologies, inexhaustible resources, etc. One died with two costumes, while the other builds palaces and buys yachts, etc.

                  You know absolutely nothing about the recent history of Russia. Would have been better interested before writing.
                  1. +2
                    18 December 2012 14: 53
                    Quote: kos
                    You know absolutely nothing about the recent history of Russia. Would have been better interested before writing.

                    Good that you all know! I have been interested in this for a long time! For you, maybe .... nya, but for others not!
        3. -25
          17 December 2012 17: 56
          as a result, JV Stalin's daughter was forced to "bum" at our "good friend" the USA, where she died safely. The fact that you daddy will not leave any inheritance to your child speaks only of one thing, daddy is a loser and fuck it like this to leave ragamuffins and beggarly offspring behind.
          1. Lech e-mine
            17 December 2012 18: 12
            Or maybe the daughter is a round Fool.
          2. -6
            17 December 2012 18: 42
            After Svetlana Aliluyeva was in the West, she had about 10 million dollars.
            1. +4
              17 December 2012 19: 02
              Quote: Tambov Wolf

              After Svetlana Aliluyeva was in the West, she had about 10 000 000 dollars
              That nuuuuuuuuuuuuu. That is why she almost died in a shelter, and then she was picked up by Russian emigration. The facts where she has the money and where it sharply disappeared.
          3. +1
            17 December 2012 22: 53
            Thanks to our president, his children and other relatives are well organized, not like the rest is in no way equipped
            1. sleepy
              18 December 2012 05: 40
              V. Matvienko is also in order.
          4. +10
            18 December 2012 07: 45
            you dad leave no inheritance for your child
            You should point out that there are rulers who remain in the memory of the people as great. These are Grozny, Peter the Great, Stolypin, Stalin. They all had problems with their children (By the way, Stalin's son died for his homeland, and not only in the USA, the children were hanging around ). And there are rulers who do not care about the country and people, but they are very kind to their loved ones. Only bad things remain in their memory, and they only make their subjects bad. Let me remind you that too much passion for domestic problems for Nikolai II ended sadly Ganina Yama still has a memory of this. EBN also took good care of her family. The result for the country was the same as with Nikolay. Not bad Sobchak packed his daughter, simultaneously tearing all of Peter. Serdyukov was noted in history as a son-in-law, destroying the country's army. So well-being of children, sons-in-law, relatives - always burps people
          5. Soldier
            18 December 2012 07: 55
            Somehow, the avatar does not correspond to the way of thinking. You are not right, brother, it is not our way
        4. +9
          17 December 2012 20: 58
          Quote: Brother Sarich
          And after him there were only paid things ...

          After him remained the great mighty Soviet Union ... good
          1. +4
            18 December 2012 00: 53
            Quote: Nick
            After him remained the great mighty Soviet Union.

            -Do not forget - after 33 years of rule. Putin has 21 years left. If he doesn’t really correct the situation in the ideological, ideological and national sphere (it was already written and discussed here, and many copies were broken, I broke my two feathers, the last left))))). And if geopolitical opponents haven’t attacked yet with the help of someone else’s hands.
            Py. SUS. According to sabzh - plus article, I liked it.
            Attributes of the Orthodox Church can not be recognized as insulting anyone's feelings under any circumstances! Russia is a country of Orthodox culture, even if someone remains in this environment as an atheist or Muslim. At the same time, however, the symbols of other faiths may seem offensive to Orthodox or other believers and their rights should be protected in court. - Especially bold emphasized in a multiconfessional and multinational state will not lead to good. Again lovers of simple solutions rule laughing Why should a Chechen in Grozny or a Tatar in Kazan now be afraid that suddenly a sacrifice in Kurban Bayram in the form of cutting a lamb or some other feature would seem offensive to someone passing by an Orthodox? Why should they now feel like second-class people in Russia? Under Stalin, Russia found, but somehow technologies of peaceful coexistence of people of different cultures and peoples were not clearly voiced, and this is an invaluable legacy that needs to be further developed.
            What is called an incomprehensible word in Europe is when they live in microdistricts (the so-called places of compact residence) and do not touch each other especially, but at the same time at the everyday level they relate to each other, to put it mildly, very cool, and at any "match", with a temperature above a certain limit, everything flares up with a bright flame - this is not for Russia. When two ethnic groups in Belgium - the Welsh and whoever else are there - have never fought in the post-war years, but not a single inter-ethnic marriage has been concluded between representatives of these ethnic groups over the past 50 years - this is also not for Russia. They do not know how to hate in Russia so quietly, peacefully and "civilized" laughing And I hope they don’t learn laughing
            The secret of the Russian ability to unite nations is actually simple to the point of offense. But I got a great post, about it like a thread next time.
            1. sleepy
              18 December 2012 05: 44
              Here in St. Petersburg and unite in a simple way with visitors.
              Forgetting the hatred of visitors in their countries to the locals.
            2. +1
              18 December 2012 09: 38
              Quote: aksakal
              Putin has 21 years left.

              God forbid! ... belay
        5. -11
          17 December 2012 23: 32
          Poor little thing, he probably still didn’t eat up at his country feasts! All associates have eaten! laughing
        6. EropMyxoMop
          18 December 2012 09: 56
          A false article. A classic agitation, although it will undoubtedly convince many. An increase in the production of steel, aluminum, etc. is shown. but if under Stalin, for this growth, it was necessary to educate their engineers, specialists of workers in the profession from scratch to build industrial enterprises. Putin got it all ready from the USSR. At the same time, they tell us you see the growth in production is almost the same. Stalin got the country after the civilian where one half of the country another at the same time they write that Putin inherited a much more difficult inheritance, that our brother killed his brother, we had no more than a mess. As for the Chechens, let me remind you that Stalin dealt with them in a month.
      2. +6
        17 December 2012 14: 08
        Quote: Manager
        Yes, and more hair on Stalin’s head. And Stalin also had a pipe.

        Stalin didn’t have Churov, Putin has it ...
        and more ... the cry "For the Motherland, for Stalin!" was able to rouse people to bayonet ... the cry "For the Motherland, for Putin!" able to split society ... request
        1. -1
          17 December 2012 14: 14
          Yes, no one, when, did not shout For Stalin !, veterans themselves spoke about this more than once.
          1. +10
            17 December 2012 14: 17
            Quote: Shabur
            Yes, no one, when, did not shout For Stalin !, veterans themselves spoke about this more than once.

            there were many veterans ... and very different ... including those who had never been at the forefront ... request
            1. +2
              17 December 2012 14: 20
              That's exactly what those who were at the forefront said. I can’t remember now, but there was a series of films dedicated to the victory there and they told.
              1. +4
                17 December 2012 14: 37
                Quote: Shabur
                That's exactly what those who were at the forefront said. I can’t remember now, but there was a series of films dedicated to the victory there and they told.

                the fact of the matter is that, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Victory of these veterans, who had plenty of sniffed at gunpowder, it seems, it remains ... to count on the fingers ... request however, at the same time, the storytellers-"eyewitnesses", ready to share their memories, practically did not diminish ... what
                1. -5
                  17 December 2012 14: 45
                  Once again, for those who are in the tank. The combat veterans answered that in the attack they never shouted For Stalin !, nor did they ever hear anyone shouting.
                  1. +9
                    17 December 2012 16: 58
                    Lying! And they screamed and went on the attack with the name of Stalin! This is witnessed by both my father, and my uncle, and the fathers of my friends, from a soldier to a general
                    1. nickname 1 and 2
                      23 December 2012 21: 43
                      It was both! How many thousand. km Front line? How many million people participated in the Second World War? And people are all different! Someone (a little knowledgeable, and there were most of them) believed in Stalin and in the construction of communism! And not who did not believe in anyone or anything! They really didn’t want to die and really didn’t want to work, build, wait, or endure, etc. These definitely did not shout (and often got up after all and ran slowly and fell at the slightest opportunity.
                      Everything was.
                      Do not argue!
                  2. +3
                    17 December 2012 17: 30
                    Quote: Shabur
                    Once again, for those who are in the tank. The combat veterans answered that in the attack they never shouted For Stalin !, nor did they ever hear anyone shouting.

                    for those in the dugout ... once again ... the veterans were different ... some for the whole war "hurray!" not heard, except at the parade ... request
                    further debate on this particular issue is futile ... drinks
                    1. +11
                      18 December 2012 02: 05
                      As for the causes of starvation in the early 30s, everything is not as simple as in the article. I already posted this, but here, just in the subject will repeat:
                      "After the expulsion of Comrade Trotsky from the USSR, the West strikes a blow: an embargo (ban on import) is imposed on the supply of Soviet goods to the West. In fact, the export of timber and oil products is prohibited, that is, everything that pays for the supply of Western machines for the destroyed Soviet economy. - the first five-year plan begins in 1929; - 1930 - 1931 restrictions were imposed by the United States; - A similar decree was issued in France in 1930. On April 17, 1933, the British government announced an embargo. It covers up to 80% of our exports. At first, the West refused to accept as payment from the USSR gold, then everything else ... except grain! The Stalinist leadership is faced with a choice: either refusal to restore industry, that is, capitulation to the West, or continued industrialization, leading to a terrible internal crisis. The Bolsheviks will take grain from the peasants - a very high probability hunger, which, in turn, can lead to an internal explosion and displacement of power. and Stalin chose - in any case, the West wins. Iosif Vissarionovich and his entourage decide to go ahead. Collectivization of agriculture began in the summer of 1929. The state collects grain and sends it to the West, but not at all in order to starve a part of the country's population with hunger, but because there is no other option for paying for equipment supplies. All Stalin's hope is for a new harvest.

                      It turns out to be small - there was a drought in the country. The USSR cannot buy food either for gold (the gold blockade) or for currency (because of the embargo it is not). Attempts are being made to urgently get grain from Persia, where they agree to accept gold. The authorities do not have time - a catastrophe happens. The very one in Ukraine is now called the Holodomor ... In 1932-1933, a lot of people die, and only after that (!), The West is again ready to accept oil, timber and precious metals from the Bolsheviks. In October 2008, the European Parliament recognized the Holodomor in Ukraine as a crime against humanity. The culprit is named - this is the leadership of the Stalinist USSR.
                      But if not all Ukrainians died in 1932-1933, why didn't the authorities continue to clean up all their food in 1934? There was nothing to be afraid of - people were weakened, there were no uprisings, there was no information leak. Where is the logic? But she is not. As there is no truth. And it is that in 1934 the export of grain from the USSR stopped altogether. By order of the leadership of the USSR ... The famine of 1932-1933, carefully organized by the West, did not give the desired result: the Bolsheviks retained power. They continued to industrialize. Economic measures did not work - Stalin restored the country at any cost. Military measures remained. And an amazing thing: it was in 1933 that Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. "(C)
                      1. +7
                        18 December 2012 02: 45
                        Quote: ikrut
                        The one in Ukraine is now called the Holodomor

                        - in general, a plus for the post, but please remember not only Ukraine when you mention the word "Holodomor". In Kazakhstan, even more people died from this disaster in percentage terms.
                        Simply, Kazakhstan does not shout about it on every corner and does not poke it into everyone’s nose. But this does not mean that this was not and you can forget about it. You are in fact jarred that the Jews shout so much about the Holocaust - after all, the Nazis killed many Slavs in concentration camps many times more. Do not be like.
                        And with too much yelling and too strong a reminder, and even more so provoking guilty feelings all over the world (not only Germans, no less - the whole world should have guilty feelings!) Jews can achieve the opposite result. Purely psychology, nothing personal.
                      2. +1
                        18 December 2012 13: 38
                        Well done!
                        If only it was possible to give +100 and raise the post, then I would have done it without "deep comprehension", i.e. EVERYDAY! good hi
                      3. Antistaks
                        19 December 2012 01: 38
                        In the midst of the WORLD ECONOMIC CRISIS, did the USA refuse to sell goods for gold? Yes, my friend, a storyteller.
                      4. sleepy
                        19 December 2012 04: 30
                        Therefore, the crisis happened in America when they abandoned gold.
                        But the State Department made conclusions.
                      5. sleepy
                        19 December 2012 04: 32
                        "I already posted this, but here, just in the topic will repeat."

                        It is necessary to post this topic more often, not everyone can read it.
                  3. +1
                    17 December 2012 19: 19
                    Have you interviewed all the veterans or all the soldiers who participated in the war? All 15 million?
                  4. +2
                    17 December 2012 22: 57
                    In Chechnya, they shouted "For the Motherland, for Putin"
                    1. 0
                      18 December 2012 09: 29
                      Quote: valokordin
                      In Chechnya, they shouted "For the Motherland, for Putin"

                      rather strange "interlinear" translation of the familiar "Allah, akbar!" ... recourse
                    2. 0
                      18 December 2012 13: 41
                      Strangely free interpretation of "not literary Russian obscene language" belay
                  5. Georges14
                    18 December 2012 00: 01
                    Of course! They never shouted this - it is well known. They generally went on the attack in defiance of, and not for. True, they won anyway. To spite the tyrant.
                    1. sleepy
                      19 December 2012 04: 49
                      Quote: Georges14
                      "We went up in spite of, not for ..."

                      This is described in the film "4 Days in May", and also in "The Citadel".

                      But Zhukov generally sent people to shelling and bombing, in minefields
                      and the Germans did not respect with the 1st World War, did not meet them with bread and salt.
                      And Stalin condemned Hitler in Nuremberg.
              2. +9
                17 December 2012 15: 15
                Quote: Shabur
                I can’t remember now, but there was a series of films dedicated to the victory there and they told.

                The whole question is when, who and why was shooting? How to teach the event? There are only a few real war veterans, the last military call in 1927, they are now 85. Are there many of them in the country.
                1. +4
                  17 December 2012 15: 21
                  Quote: baltika-18
                  There are only a few real war veterans, the last military draft of 1927, they are now 85. Are there many of them in the country?

                  But we already lived when there were a lot of them, so in the first person I know what and how.
                2. Grenz
                  17 December 2012 20: 38
                  My father has been a front-line soldier since 1927, and he is alive and, thank God, healthy. Lives in Volgograd.
                  As he himself says - the appeal "For the Motherland, for Stalin!" means even more to him today.
                  There is no point in arguing. There was, was not. In combat tested units - was. Where there were real commanders.
                  The marching battalion - thrown into battle with an inept commander, of course, could not even really shout out Ur.
                  And the veterans were, both from combat units, and from frontal sludge.
              3. +7
                18 December 2012 02: 00
                The deceased father said that at critical moments in Stalingrad the commissars roused the soldiers to attack with the following appeal: "If you have forgotten that you are Soviet - remember that you are Russian."
                Although, “For the Motherland, For Stalin” was also, of course, shouted. On a par with "Hurray!" It was like a unifying battle cry. Hardly any of the soldiers at that moment tried to get to the bottom of his "ideological essence."
          2. Mikado
            17 December 2012 16: 07
            "No one ever", as I understand it, you personally asked every veteran (a participant in the war) whether he was shouting or not, including the dead, in order to assert this?
            1. 0
              17 December 2012 17: 46
              Quote: Mikado
              no one ever ", as I understand it, you personally asked every veteran (a participant in the war) whether he was shouting or not, including the dead, to assert this?

              You’ve even talked to one person, or you’ll take landmarks from films. I’m talking to those I speak to. I would sit and say nothing about the dead, it’s better than writing nonsense.
          3. +17
            17 December 2012 16: 56
            And did you meet with them in person? I would like to see these veterans. They were clearly not patriots of the country and clearly not friends of Stalin. My father began the war on the fourth day near Daugavpils, and finished in 1944, Father-in-law for Gomel was seriously wounded. These were real veterans who fought from the first days of the war. Honor and glory to them. And the cry "For the Motherland, for Stalin" was not just words, but a symbol of the Motherland .. This inspired them and the surrounding soldiers, called them forward. There was a country behind them, their relatives and friends. And nobody is allowed to spit on their memory, including you.
            1. +1
              17 December 2012 17: 44
              Quote: AleksUkr
              I would like to look at these veterans. These were clearly not patriots of the country and obviously not friends of Stalin.

              Hear you "patriot", if a person has fulfilled his duty to the last and did not shout for Stalin, then he is not a patriot in your eyes. How much my grandfather was able to fight, I wrote.
              1. +5
                18 December 2012 17: 25
                Alexander Romanov! If you are a MODERATOR, then you do not need to switch to rudeness and there is nothing to poke. I do not pass calves with you. I expressed my opinion. And it is mine. You may or may not agree with him. But this is my opinion.
                You clearly want to become an authoritarian moderator.

                "Authoritarian moderator". - The desire to control and regulate the discussion to the maximum extent, to maintain strict discipline, is dominant in the actions of such a moderator.
                His stiffness is often combined with rudeness, or, more precisely, with
                statements and intonations that can be perceived
                respondents like rudeness. The consequence is the collapse of the group
                discussions and reduction of group interviews to a series of individual responses.
                All discussion in this case is closed on a moderator; spontaneous exchange of opinions is substantially or completely suppressed. The psychological climate in the group becomes uncomfortable. Such circumstances may prompt some members of the group to engage in a fight with the moderator for leadership, while others may simply leave the group.

                I hope that I did not offend your national dignity. RESPECT - AleksUkr
                1. sleepy
                  19 December 2012 05: 04
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  "Have you talked to at least one of them, or so on films you take lectures.
                  I spoke with whom, from those I speak.
                  I would sit and be silent about the dead, everything is better than writing nonsense. "

                  I met with veterans, talked. Shouted miscellaneous.
                  One of my grandfather fought a tankman. The attack went on command.
                  It’s interesting how the sailors shouted; there you don’t shout very much when firing.
                2. -1
                  19 December 2012 06: 07
                  Quote: AleksUkr
                  If you are a MODERATOR, then you do not need to switch to rudeness and there is nothing to poke

                  a piece of g ..... threw in my grandfather and moderation here does not matter. If the conversation was in person, it would end for you differently.
                  Quote: AleksUkr
                  I do not pass calves with you

                  Are you the head of the flocks?
                  1. +2
                    19 December 2012 17: 03
                    A lion at the head of a flock of sheep has more weight than a ram at the head of a flock of lions!
                    But in general - It hurts you menacingly, as I look! I have always despised and continue to despise lovers - let's go out and talk. By the way, for information - the head of the flock is not the boss! It is called differently. But this is another conversation. With respect to those who do not respect me - AleksUkr
                    1. +1
                      19 December 2012 17: 17
                      Quote: AleksUkr
                      With respect to those who do not respect me - AleksUkr

                      It is a pity that your respect extends solely in words. Your comment ......
                      Quote: AleksUkr
                      I would like to look at these veterans. These were clearly not patriots of the country and obviously not friends of Stalin.

                      You wrote about my grandfather !!! He participated in the battle for Moscow, and in other places, too, but he is not a patriot for you.
                      Here is your outlier respect.
                      Quote: AleksUkr
                      It is called differently.

                      I didn’t want to call you a shepherd
            2. -8
              17 December 2012 23: 38
              Well, not everyone was duped and intimidated by the authorities, someone else lived under the tsar, and there was something to compare him with, someone ... well, you yourself know.
              And about hurray to Stalin, then I think the main howls were the commissars! It was their responsibility!
            3. buga1979
              18 December 2012 22: 12
              here my grandfather lieutenant reconnaissance 3 orders of the red star and other awards he told that Stalin was a symbol and shouted and went on the attack
          4. g1kk
            17 December 2012 17: 59
            Will you give a link? I have the opposite data
          5. buruntuz
            17 December 2012 18: 03
            and didn’t write on tanks? ;-)

            there is a complete set of all the inscriptions, including "For Stalin!"
        2. Misantrop
          17 December 2012 14: 15
          To split? Hardly. To make fun is easy. The further, the less he associates with the Motherland, excuse me ...
          1. +5
            17 December 2012 14: 25
            Quote: Misantrop
            To split? Hardly. To make fun is easy.

            "split" - in the context of peacetime ... which is observed today ... what
            Quote: Misantrop
            The further, the less he associates with the Motherland, excuse me ...

            wait a bit ... now supporters will run in and "excuse" ... wink drinks
            1. +4
              18 December 2012 01: 35
              Quote: military
              "split" - in the context of peacetime ... which is observed today ...
              - Well split - this is at the level of knocking on the keys. When it comes to half-business, that is to say, that is to say, such a split is not observed. And when it comes to CASE (pah-pah-pah! God forbid, under the deed I have a serious danger for the Fatherland, for example, an intervening event from someone else, for example), so you will not see your split there under the magnifying glass. 08.08.08/XNUMX/XNUMX only some scumbags like Novodvorskaya screaming about the Russian attack on Georgia, all the rest, including the so-called moderate oppositionists, have forgotten for a while about their opposition. This is normal, it should be so. And I hope that it will be so.
              There is no need now about Stalin so that under him the country was monolithic in peacetime, but under Putin it was "split." Read some history. There were also critics of hoo hoo! And what is the threat of collectivization, and when will the Holodomor end, and why are we not preparing for a military attack by Germany, and why have we not yet started a world revolution? You would read it, it is not visible now, you have moved far away, only large things are seen at a distance, but then Stalin also got nuts. Another thing is what Stalin paid for these nuts? And since Putin does not pay with the same coin, is he already a lower rank and a thinner pipe? And you will not howl, if it is taken seriously in the Stalinist way? I do not presume to assert that there is a Mother-story, and she should judge. And she will judge. I also advise you to refrain from evaluations, you, with all your prudence, alas, are not Mother History. As I wink
              1. sleepy
                18 December 2012 05: 53
                It’s immediately clear from the article that Putin is the best.
                Monument in life and pray for it is necessary, and not poke earned.

                And on the side of V. Putin’s church.

                "Attention! On January 19.01.2012, XNUMX, the Icon of Vladimir Putin was renewed and pacified in the temple,
                as well as his Sanctified Portrait.
                The Lord gives us such signs of His gracious presence. ”
                “According to the Bible, the apostle Paul was at first a military leader and an evil persecutor of Christians, and then he began to preach the gospel. V. Putin, during his service in the KGB, was also engaged in not entirely righteous affairs.
                And when he became president, the Holy Spirit descended upon him, and he, like the Apostle, began wisely to lead his Pasture. It’s hard for him now, but he is performing an apostolic feat. ”

                According to IA Regnum, mother Photinia is sure that in one of her past lives, Putin
                was Prince Vladimir, baptized Russia, and now he "has to re-baptize our pagan country."
                “This is not the first time that portraits of V. Putin have done almost miracles.
                So, in August 2011 in Vladivostok, the wall of a residential building collapsed.
                Onlookers began to photograph the dilapidated building and saw a fantastic picture:
                on the top floor of the house, portraits of the leaders of the state - President Dmitry Medvedev and V.Putin - hung lonely on the surviving wall, in connection with which the Primorsky bloggers confidently concluded that it was the vertical of power that saved the house from complete destruction. "

                Putin visited the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, at Calvary and the Wailing Wall.

                A participant in the United Russia primaries called for the creation of a "Church of one God - Putin."
                1. 0
                  18 December 2012 11: 44
                  Are you really deby ... l or are you pretending to be so skillful?
                2. buga1979
                  18 December 2012 22: 18
                  I won’t say that I am for Putin, I don’t agree with much of what he does, I acted more severely in his place, but maybe there are reasons for this and we don’t know much of what we have in the political field, I think Putin is the best option
                  1. sleepy
                    19 December 2012 05: 14
                    Quote: buga1979
                    "... I will not say what kind of Putin I am, I do not agree with many things that he does,
                    I acted more severely in his place, but maybe there are reasons for this and we don’t know much from
                    what we have on the political field. I think Putin is the best option "

                    Here I am talking about the same thing - there is no one better than V. Putin in Russia.
                    There are reasons for this, but we do not know anything.
                    We’ll wait, maybe one of the visitors will declare himself after receiving citizenship.

                    "V. Putin signed a concept for migrants: they will be settled, trained and cured."
                    1. Karish
                      19 December 2012 07: 56
                      Quote: sleepy
                      Here I am talking about the same thing - there is no one better than V. Putin in Russia.

                      Yes laughing

                      Quote: sleepy
                      There are reasons for this, but we don’t know anything.

                      A masterpiece good

                      No one says Putin is bad, but from your words to deification, there was only one small step left. laughing
                      1. nickname 1 and 2
                        23 December 2012 22: 25
                        Do you know a true tale of deification? Have you heard Odes about Stalin? And if a person respectfully makes a reservation about HIS president, so what?
                        wrong? Need something different? Well, like ....
                        Afraid of CULT?
                        Well, in fresh memory in Korea! CULT! And what is similar with us?
                3. nickname 1 and 2
                  23 December 2012 22: 10
                  Stalin distributed the merits as he deserved! They are somehow silent about this. There was a Stalin Prize1 and much more - mind you!
                  Have you = done a lot? that you want a reward.
                  Oh, you want a decent life?
                  Well, this is in Sy Shy A - they put a fool (for free from the whole world on credit)
                  you have to pay for everything! Something will have to! What? We will see.
                  And the man of labor knows what and where it comes from.
              2. +1
                18 December 2012 10: 17
                Quote: aksakal
                When it comes to half-business, that is to say, that is to say, such a split is not observed.

                hi elections, aksakal, is an arch-dirty topic and, as a serious argument, is hardly worthy of mention ... wink
                Quote: aksakal
                There is no need now about Stalin so that under him in peacetime the country was monolithic, but under Putin it was "split"

                if you notice a keyword in the original post "capable"...
                Quote: aksakal
                But do not howl, if taken seriously in Stalin's way?

                this is available only to an extraordinary person ... request
                Quote: aksakal
                you, for all reasonableness, alas, are not Mother History. As I

                so we do not pretend to be absolute ... drinks il still pretend? ... wink
                1. +1
                  18 December 2012 21: 44
                  Quote: military
                  so we do not pretend to be absolute ... or do we pretend? ...
                  - I - do not pretend and in this case I agree with you! drinks

                  Quote: military
                  this is available only to an extraordinary person ...

                  - and here - alas ..., I can’t agree with you. This means that I am a super-super-ordinary person on the ground that I am ready to hang corrupt officials and liberalists on lampposts, which of course is not the truth. It’s generally tough to respond to criticism - it implies a certain cruelty of character, since there is nothing extraordinary in it, this is characteristic of every third (well, or fourth, it doesn’t matter) peasant and there is nothing extraordinary in this. It’s constructive to take criticism, take the best weapons out of this criticism and do not particularly touch the critics, although their hands are very itchy and there is strength, and there is such patience for the interests of the country, perhaps there is something wink
                  1. sleepy
                    19 December 2012 05: 20
                    Why immediately hang out corrupt officials, it is necessary to make laws and the law enforcement system
                    for the impossibility of their prosperity.

                    And further.
                    All financial structures should be returned to the state,
                    limit the uncontrolled circulation of the dollar,
                    return the defense industry enterprises and natural monopolies to the state,
                    introduce a rent for the use of mineral resources and natural resources,
                    abolish pro-Western educational reform,
                    officials forbid to have accounts abroad and send children there.
                    And much more ....
                    1. SASCHAmIXEEW
                      22 December 2012 14: 51
                      Well, they will go for it! They will strangle us soon if possible!
                  2. +1
                    21 December 2012 17: 07
                    Quote: aksakal
                    to take criticism constructively, to take the best weapons out of this criticism, and at the same time not particularly touch the critics, although their hands are very itchy and there is strength, and there is such patience for the interests of the country, is there really something, isn’t that

                    it is an ideal ... good but, like any ideal, it is practically unattainable ... some of the "components" listed by you will always be lacking ... request
                    Quote: aksakal
                    I am a super-super-ordinary person on the basis that I am ready to hang corruptionists and liberals on lampposts

                    and the whole "highlight" is, aksakal, that you, like me, are absolutely not ready for this internally ... it is very difficult to leave behind lamp posts ... drinks
        3. +3
          17 December 2012 15: 20
          Quote: military
          and more ... the cry "For the Motherland, for Stalin!"

          My grandfather fought, but they did not shout it, in the cinema one thing, but in life before death, it’s completely different !!!
          1. Mikado
            17 December 2012 16: 09
            That is, your grandfather is responsible for all of you?
            1. +3
              17 December 2012 17: 39
              Quote: Mikado

              That is, your grandfather is responsible for all of you?

              He started the warrior on June 23, 1941, finished on December 7, 1941 in an offensive near Moscow, was wounded in the elbow and remained disabled. those with whom my grandfather fought, for those and was responsible !!!
              1. g1kk
                17 December 2012 18: 03
                My great-grandfather went through the whole war and did not say anything bad about Stalin, what is it about?
                1. 0
                  17 December 2012 19: 19
                  It's just an ordinary provocateur.
              2. +2
                17 December 2012 21: 14
                The information is not from the film: my uncle, an invalid who lost his leg at the front at the age of nineteen, said that they were shouting "For the Motherland, for Stalin!" and how they shouted! You know, I believe him, because he is his own, dear, and not some German who writes memoirs. If someone believes the Germans more, then please ...
              3. Mikado
                18 December 2012 08: 26
                That is, the grandfather is not responsible for everyone, but only for those with whom he fought for six months? Why then in the top posts do you write about everyone, based on the words of his grandfather? Are you trying to bluff?
                1. -1
                  19 December 2012 06: 14
                  Quote: Mikado
                  ? Are you trying to bluff?

                  And what are you base your comments on? He saw a warrior and participated in it, and you?
                  1. Mikado
                    19 December 2012 12: 16
                    As I understand it, if you don’t answer the question, then it is so - you are cunning, trying to give out the memories of one person as an axiom for everyone else.

                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    And what are you base your comments on?

                    In this article, all my comments are questions to people like you, commentators who like to answer for everyone - "if I haven't seen it, then I haven't."

                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    He saw a warrior and participated in it, and you?

                    Well done, I decided to hide for my grandfather, are you hiding for Mom’s skirt too? For yourself, then answer, tvrsch marshal, you do not know how? Well, I, for my two great-grandfathers, will not hide, your grandfather, who saw the war, I have nothing to oppose.
            2. +2
              17 December 2012 22: 10
              Quote: Mikado
              That is, your grandfather is responsible for all of you?

              And they are grandfathers. Mine in general could not talk about the war, although he went through it all. He graduated in Königsberg, started near Moscow. Throughout the War for the "wheel", I drove bread around Ladoga. Only when I got him to tell me, I turned away and left ... Then I realized - CRYING. The maximum that I heard was that at the entrance to the ice there were posts and sappers on their lorries tore off the driver's doors and into the fire ... Apparently they had no time for shouts then.
              1. sleepy
                19 December 2012 05: 24
                Doors removed - yes.
                But they hardly threw it into the fire, because after all it is not firewood.
                And on Ladoga and now there is where to chop wood, and then there were no problems with the forest at all on Ladoga.
          2. +5
            18 December 2012 02: 19
            And I remember well the stories of my father, his two brothers (the third died heroically in the Crimea) and their fellow soldiers. Everyone on the front lines fought. Fortunately, they sometimes met when I was a kid. And I remember the stories of many other veterans. The soldiers shouted "For Stalin!" When they went on the attack. And "For the Motherland!" shouted too.
            After the 21st Congress, many veterans began to treat Stalin without pathos (ideological pressure affected), but they all respected him. And I have not heard any derogatory and offensive statements about him from veterans. Although I heard something about the war that is not written here at all. A serious part of the "truth about the war" went away with its veterans. And we will never know her. I only remember scraps of some memories. It was not possible to question the participants in time. Now there is no one to read or learn more. They don't write about a lot in books.
            1. nickname 1 and 2
              23 December 2012 23: 09

              Everything was! Enough for all tastes. To each according to the truth that he wants!
              The war was huge and complicated.
              And books ... there were enough books for my life! Where did they go! where to? read carefully. Everything is written there. And eyewitnesses and real fighters of the Second World War said little about the holiday. Mostly scary! As you do not take into account - mountains of corpses! What kind of parade? They shouted when the victory was "in the hands" When they beat the bastards! Why not shout? And when = raised and to death -100%, except for mate and A-A-A-AAAAAAAAAAAAA!
              Take into account. And answer: would you act differently in their place?
              Quote: ikrut
              And I remember well the stories of my father, his two brothers

              And what truth did they say? You know: everyone was "taught" to speak! NO OFFENSE! And I asked! But not everyone confessed! Although I was able to read a lot in the books of memories!
              After all, the real truth will only be accurate when you interview %%% 50 -70 participants! But this is not possible! This is the scale of the Second World War and event scenarios!
              And such is the POWER of the event! And the scope of the heroism of our fighters! Kingdom of heaven to all the fallen!
        4. Starksa
          17 December 2012 15: 21
          It was mainly for the homeland, for the native land
        5. Ilyich
          17 December 2012 16: 19
          I read somewhere the memoirs of a German. He also said that the Russians did not shout "hurray" or "for Stalin." They just swore.
        6. +2
          17 December 2012 21: 01
          Quote: military
          Stalin didn’t have Churov, Putin has it ...

          But Stalin had Poskrebyshev ..
          1. sleepy
            18 December 2012 05: 57
            A lot has been written about the activities of Stalin on the website http://greatstalin.ru/
        7. +2
          18 December 2012 01: 13
          Quote: military
          Stalin did not have Churov, Putin has it ... and more ... the cry "For the Motherland, for Stalin!" was able to rouse people to bayonet ... the cry "For the Motherland, for Putin!" able to split society ...
          - welcome. Times have changed a bit, don’t you? My grandfather was screaming
          Quote: military
          "For motherland for Stalin!"
          - but he had only two classes of education, and he could only write and read. This does not mean that he is worse than me or somehow, on the contrary, I recall him as a very wise person in terms of life ....
          Now his grandson, I mean, I have two higher educations, and only this circumstance will not allow me to yell "
          Quote: military
          "For the Motherland, for Putin!"
          and even more so "For the Motherland, for Nazarabayev!" By virtue of the knowledge gained, I somehow prefer to act without unnecessary pathos and even more pretentious shouting, but at the same time I will try to find more effective measures to influence the enemy than to influence his eardrums. It's about the people, not the leaders - the people have somehow imperceptibly changed, I don't know anymore, I think it's for the better. - and you - as you think yourself - are the side, not the leaders .. Therefore, your comparison, to put it mildly ....
          So you say:
          Quote: military
          "For motherland for Stalin!"
          - there were many in the posts below. I also say - now in Kazakhstan there are such shouting, as if, "let's rename Astana to Nazarbayevstan!" a lot too. In 50 years, some uncle under the nickname "soldier" will also have dozens of pluses for arguing that Kazakhstan has risen thanks to such shouting "let's rename Astana Nazarbayevstan!", Because in the opinion of that "soldier", only they were true patriots of Kazakhstan. And only an ancient gray-bearded old man, crumbling into dust, will know that those screaming were only sycophants and sycophants, and Kazakhstan rose not thanks to them, but to those who laughing at those screaming and even feeling awkward for those screaming, thanks to their two higher educations honestly did his job without an unnecessary shout.
          1. sleepy
            18 December 2012 06: 03
            Quote: military
            "... Stalin did not have Churov"

            On the other hand, V.Putin remained with the Replaceable A.Chubais, because of which the West is afraid of V.Putin.
            Because A. Chubais is developing nanotechnologies that pose a threat to the West.
            All officials, deputies and civil servants will be implanted with chips, thanks to which it will be possible to track
            all their activities, including bank accounts abroad.
          2. +1
            18 December 2012 11: 41
            hi I welcome you. aksakal!
            Quote: aksakal
            It's about people, not about leaders - the people have somehow changed imperceptibly, I don’t know anymore, I think it’s for the best. - And you, as you think, are a party, not a leader.

            the people have changed - this is absolutely true ... but now, which way ... this is still a question of questions ... what
            rapists, pedophiles, drug addicts, the village of Kushchevskaya, Chechen fighters, corrupt officials ... - this is, whatever one may say, people too ... request
            the Samara "orangutan" who killed a man in a convenience store and teenagers who stabbed a guy at a bus stop a month ago in Ryazan in the evening ... just like silent passers-by, witnesses of all this, these are also our people ... request
            I don't want to touch on the topic of "leader" ... a leader is a person who meets all the needs of society - political, economic, cultural, spiritual and, primarilymoral ... Do you see this? Me not! request drinks
            1. buga1979
              18 December 2012 22: 25
              Yes, people are changing and not for the better in the city before the pedophiles, maniacs have not been understood in the last year 3 cases where we are rolling
              1. sleepy
                19 December 2012 05: 33
                And still there are flayers, who for some reason are called dog hunters in the press.
      3. -2
        17 December 2012 23: 29
        Damn, so many bukaf !!! Not mastered ... feel
    2. +6
      17 December 2012 13: 36
      Stalin had a pipe, but Putin did not. And Stalin also had the USSR, and Putin has only the 15th part of it. In Stalin's time there was an ideology, but now it is not. So the comparison is equal to comparing the hole with the bottle. The main thing is the result began to appear with a plus sign. I think Russia imperceptibly for other players will take the lead. Indeed, in terms of growth of the Gross Domestic Product, it is already in the lead.
      1. +27
        17 December 2012 13: 54
        I put a minus to the article. The comparison of Stalin and Putin is not correct initially, because it is impossible to compare two completely different economic systems, such as the USSR of the time of Stalin and the oligarchic capitalism of modern Putin's Russia. steel, etc. If in the Stalinist USSR everything that was produced went to the needs of the country, the whole people, now only 30-40% of the total cost depends on the specific position from the produced, mined, sold for the needs of the country and people. The lion's share disappears in offshore, withdrawn abroad, etc. What kind of comparison can be discussed. The author should be ashamed of rubbing the brains of people, although you can’t do anything for the money.
        1. Ilyich
          17 December 2012 16: 25
          And I put a plus. You, of course, are right that part of the money is stolen (although not 60-70%, but still a lot).
          Not economic systems are compared, but management effectiveness. The effectiveness of these two people as leaders. And the comparison is quite correct, in my opinion. What kind of brain rubbing are you talking about? the author cites data. Do not agree? disprove yours. But also in numbers, and not just the words "he is lying. Everyone knows that everything is bad with us." sad
          1. +4
            17 December 2012 17: 17
            Quote: Ilyich
            the author gives figures. Do not agree?

            No, I do not agree. Everything is learned in comparison. What is the use of this mass of extracted and produced. For example, for every 100 dollars of oil proceeds to the country (people) goes 34. For comparison, the same indicator in Libya before "democratization" was 96, now 26. Do the reasons for the overthrow of Gaddafi need an explanation? The reasons for the incorrect comparison of even the personalities of Stalin and Putin, and not the systems need an explanation?
            1. Ilyich
              17 December 2012 21: 27
              Quote: baltika-18
              The reasons for not comparing even the personalities of Stalin and Putin, and not the systems, need to be explained?

              Of course
              1. sleepy
                18 December 2012 06: 08
                The goal that Stalin outlined is clear. Creation of a powerful energy infrastructure,
                construction of enterprises producing equipment and machinery. As a priority.
                So that tractors go to agriculture, so that machines go to industrial enterprises.
                There was little time, so there was no time to think about the latest developments, it was necessary to give
                at least some tractors. To have something to plow.

                Is compulsory labor a disaster? And late penalties exist in many countries.
                Only different tools. In Japan, the punishments of companies in general lead people to suicide.
                The goal and strategy of the Japanese in economic recovery is clear.
                They emphasized the production of quality products and elevated quality management to the rank of the main component of the technological process. And with this they entered the world market.

                The goal and strategy of South Korea are clear. They relied on 4 areas of the economy.
                Electronics, automotive, shipbuilding, agriculture. The state sent all the support forces there. The remaining industries were considered as auxiliary. And they succeeded.

                The goal and strategy of China are clear. They understood that it was not so easy to take a billion people into labor.
                And they started to release everything. Let poor quality, but that’s it. Gradually pulling up high-tech production. Mastering other people's technologies, they learn themselves. They threw great powers into education, sports, and science.
                The first place at the Olympics is the result of sports.
                High places of schoolchildren at the Olympics are the result of education.
                Spaceships are one of the results of science.
                And they calculate the strategy for hundreds of years. They are not going to make the yuan a reserve currency for the sake of prestige.
                Invest in foreign economies. As they develop, half the world will be their property.
                And when the US and Europe feel. that only project development and world governance is not enough,
                to feed the country, it may be too late.

                What strategy does the Russian government have is not just incomprehensible, but not clear at all.
                In addition to the distribution of state property to court oligarchs,
                who conscientiously squeeze juices out of it, and take the profits abroad, nothing is visible.
                Skolkovo take into account?

                State intervention in the economy is a universal process.
                Tales that the market will regulate everything, we have already passed.
                They write a lot about the end of the world, but not a word about the possibility of a new financial crisis.
                1. Ilyich
                  18 December 2012 13: 31
                  Quote: sleepy
                  What strategy does the Russian government have is not just incomprehensible, but not clear at all.
                  In addition to the distribution of state property to court oligarchs,
                  who conscientiously squeeze juices out of it, and take the profits abroad, nothing is visible.
                  Skolkovo take into account?

                  With all due respect to Putin, there is nothing to object here. There are still big problems with information support. This is if the strategy is present, but we simply do not know about it. But it may be that it simply does not exist, but instead everything is done "according to the situation."
                  Although ... Look at what Glazyev painted on the eve of Putin's appeal to the Federation Council.
                  His "Breakthrough Strategy ..." seemed outdated to me, but it's not for me to judge ...
                  1. sleepy
                    19 December 2012 05: 38
                    Quote: Ilyich
                    "... Look at what Glazyev painted on the eve of Putin's appeal to the Federation Council.

                    Unfortunately, I could not see on such a computer.
            2. -2
              18 December 2012 11: 48
              Quote: baltika-18
              No, I don’t agree. Everything is compared. What is the use of this mass of produced and produced country. For example, for every 100 dollars of proceeds from the sale of oil to the country (people), 34

              This is the second time you give these false numbers. You ignored my previous request to provide calculations, maybe now please deign to answer?
              Only the export duty on oil is more than $ 400 per ton, which is almost 50%. And there is a mineral extraction tax.
              1. -1
                18 December 2012 12: 03
                [center] [/ center] At the price of 115 oil per barrel, 54 of these go only to the export duty.
                1. 0
                  20 December 2012 16: 22
                  Here are the minuses, explain, I wrote essentially 2 + 2 = 4, do you disagree with what?
                  Calculations are verified in 5 minutes.
            3. buga1979
              18 December 2012 22: 28
              No, I don’t agree. Everything is compared. What is the use of this mass of extracted and produced country? Well, people work, they get paid, companies pay taxes, what are you dissatisfied with? 21st century global economy
          2. +4
            17 December 2012 17: 56
            Quote: Ilyich
            Not economic systems are compared, but management effectiveness.

            What kind of effectiveness of Putin’s administration can be discussed if he cannot deal with ministers, with theft, with bribes everywhere and everywhere, not to mention the oligarchs with their offshore.
            1. +5
              17 December 2012 18: 12
              Quote: baltika-18
              cannot deal with ministers, with theft, with bribes everywhere and everywhere, not to mention the oligarchs with their offshore.

              Maybe it's not that easy ??? After all, they will fight to the death for their capital "acquired by backbreaking work" and the fate of the country is worth nothing to them .... It seems to me that not everything is so simple, especially in our time ...
              1. +2
                18 December 2012 12: 29
                Quote: sniper
                Maybe it's not that easy ??? After all, they will fight to the death for their capital "acquired by backbreaking work" and the fate of the country is worth nothing to them .... It seems to me that not everything is so simple, especially in our time ...

                and precisely because of this, do you propose to endure Putin for another fifteen to twenty years? ... not just the case ... all of a sudden the guy will burn out in this matter ... recourse
                1. +1
                  18 December 2012 14: 57
                  Quote: military
                  and offer to tolerate Putin another fifteen to twenty years? ...

                  Do you have an alternative candidate? Maybe it's enough to be guided by the words of the "international": "... the whole world .... we will destroy ..." maybe first let's decide on "... and then ...", and then we will think about destruction? Well, who is so great and wonderful here that can build a kingdom of justice in a couple of years? In addition, people go into politics, it seems to me, well, very peculiar, or something ... God grant that I would be wrong ...
                  1. +1
                    19 December 2012 10: 53
                    Quote: sniper
                    Maybe it's enough to be guided by the words of the "international": "... the whole world .... we will destroy ..." maybe first, let's decide on "... and then ..."

                    Oh well... winked decide ...
                    Quote: sniper
                    who is so great and wonderful that we can build a kingdom of justice in a couple of years?

                    and why do we need "someone"? ... we already have one "great and wonderful" ... for all time ... and a kingdom of some kind, in principle, has already been built ... that's just ... justice it has not been observed for all 12 years ... and, it seems, is not expected ... for the entire time of the reign ... request
                    1. sleepy
                      20 December 2012 03: 54
                      Quote: sniper
                      "Maybe it will be enough to be guided by the words of the" international ":" ... the whole world .... we will destroy ... ",
                      maybe first let's decide on "... and then ...", and then we'll think about destruction? "

                      I read somewhere that the current globalists did not come from scratch, but their ideas of world domination
                      were among the internationalists at the beginning of the 20th century.

                      Those. the words
                      "We will destroy the whole world of violence
                      To the ground and then ... "
                      can be considered the motto of today's globalists.
                      An example is Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, where NATO forces, for the sake of globalists, first destroyed everything,
                      supposedly to protect civilians from local tyrants, and then ...
                      There are other acts of globalists at the financial level, where globalization is not so obvious
                      because their activities are hidden behind the international financial institutions.
                      Thus, the "Internationale" can be considered the anthem of today's globalists.
                2. Ilyich
                  18 December 2012 23: 05
                  Quote: military
                  and precisely because of this, do you propose to endure Putin for another fifteen to twenty years ?.

                  Well then, put the president of Navalny and quietly wow ... from your choice.
                  1. sleepy
                    19 December 2012 05: 44
                    Quote: Ilyich
                    "Well then, put Navalny as president and quietly ..."

                    There was a proposal to appoint Arnold Schwarzenegger when he resigned as governor of California.
                    Offer him such a salary that he could not refuse.
                    1. Ilyich
                      19 December 2012 14: 04
                      Quote: sleepy
                      There was a proposal to appoint Arnold Schwarzenegger when he resigned as governor of California.

                      Yeah. And give him a red eye, a hard drive and a motorcycle at public expense.
                      Pure to increase efficiency laughing
                      1. sleepy
                        20 December 2012 04: 02
                        Quote: Ilyich
                        "And give him a red eye, a Winchester and a motorcycle at public expense."

                        And more paratrons wink
            2. Ilyich
              17 December 2012 21: 31
              Quote: baltika-18
              What kind of effectiveness of Putin’s administration can be discussed if he cannot deal with ministers, with theft, with bribes everywhere and everywhere, not to mention the oligarchs with their offshore.

              So maybe not all at once? He is not old Hottabych after all.
              You try to knock off all this p .... health guards from there, if they are all tied together. You pull one, and the whole Caudle hangs behind it. Or "shoot everyone"? so this also requires a reliable environment, otherwise they will shoot the very "gunman"
              1. +3
                18 December 2012 11: 52
                Quote: Ilyich
                So maybe not all at once? He is not old Hottabych after all.

                hi so now wait forever for his beard to grow back, or what?
                twelve years, however, waiting ...
                and he has been bubbling all over 12 years to "p ... zdgvardiyu" ... he does not let anyone fall into the sediment ...
                wait for a miracle how much more? ... request
                1. Ilyich
                  18 December 2012 23: 00
                  Quote: military
                  so now wait forever for his beard to grow back, or what?

                  You know, I would have understood if nothing had been done. But it’s done! And what is the alternative ????
                  Well, put Nemtsov in the kingdom. He certainly will not refuse. Or Prokhor. Or zu. Only then do not complain that it became even worse than it was in the 90s.
                  1. Misantrop
                    18 December 2012 23: 13
                    Ilyich, let it steer on, the point is, in fact, not in it. IMHO people infuriate IMPUNITY frankly mediocre hangers-on. The scandal with clandestine gaming halls in the Moscow Region, covered by security forces, was already hushed up. Now they are starting to slow down the art of Serdyukov. The case of fraud with heating systems in St. Petersburg generally flashed like a comet without leaving a trace. But this is all dozens of BILLIONS of stolen funds ... Here, at least sell all the oil of the planet at a bad price, you will not feed these leeches ...
          3. sashka
            17 December 2012 18: 02
            All this is certainly good .. But they produced and did not live off oil and gas ..
            http://voprosik.net/ceny-na-neft-i-rossijskaya-ekonomika/ Здесь есть что посмотреть..Графики от РосСтата..
            1. Ilyich
              17 December 2012 21: 37
              Quote: Sasha
              All this is certainly good .. But they produced and did not live off oil and gas ..

              Guys, so the country has been dribbling for 25 years! Just think about it: quarter of century! And now they continue. And you want everything to feel good right away.
              It does not happen! "All at once" can become only bad! And "good" can become only gradually! When will it already reach those who shout "down with" the most ???? am
              1. +2
                18 December 2012 10: 02
                Quote: Ilyich
                When will it already reach those who shout "down with" the most ????

                Never. There won't be enough brains. Better to blurt out than think. They live by the principle "Our business is not to give birth - put it in, take it out and run." So in everything. Usually whiners and critics are impotent, others simply have no time to whine and cry that no one wants to improve their own lives for them. Maybe also chew candy for them?
              2. buga1979
                18 December 2012 22: 36
                Ilyich put a plus, and then here are some xs where they probably live in a virtual world, everything is just the king said the boyars did so not happen if the boyars are not fixed what the hell do
              3. +1
                19 December 2012 11: 52
                Quote: Ilyich
                Guys, the country has been ravaged for 25 years! Just think: a quarter of a century! And now they are still continuing. If you want everything to be good at once, it doesn't happen! "All at once" can only get bad! And "good" can only become gradually!

                and, which is typical ... out of 25 years, the last 12 "razed" under him ... and now they continue, in this you are absolutely right ... and they intend to raid further ... hiding behind the thesis that "good" can only become gradually "... wink a very convenient thesis ... gentlemen, the Jesuits are resting! ... winked
            2. +1
              18 December 2012 02: 25
              Sasha, Well, at least read the article.
              It is clearly written: "The extraction of hydrocarbons gives an increase, the GDP is about $ 400 per capita per year. With a total GDP, according to various estimates, from $ 10 to $ 000 per Russian capita. The value is noticeable - but by no means catastrophic."
              Well, what all the time to cling to oil?
          4. g1kk
            17 December 2012 18: 05
            Only the Author, as it were, does not mention that this is all done at the facilities built in the USSR. The author is also silent that in the 20 years these plants simply weren’t there, but about Putin’s time they ALREADY STOPPED and were simply UNLOADED, as soon as the order came they went to their production facilities from here and these wild% of production growth
            1. +7
              17 December 2012 18: 17
              Quote: g1kk
              they ALREADY STANDED and were simply UNLOADED

              They have already been destroyed. The fact that the buildings are standing does not mean that it is a factory ...
              Believe me, I know what I'm talking about, I worked for many years at a defense plant, and now it works, it's just impossible to restore the production of old products at it ... There is no equipment, no personnel ...
              1. g1kk
                17 December 2012 20: 09
                I myself worked as a mechanic and foreman and foreman in Mechel, in the workshop there were 2 pickling units in the USSR, they gave 18, now 000, I can’t go out to 3 now (one of them was canned in the 000s and probably will not be canned, and the requirements the quality became harder than steel) but what happened in the USSR, it remains, there is NOTHING NEW in the workshop, only stocks from the USSR
                1. +3
                  18 December 2012 02: 35
                  Equipment is only a small part of the potential. Yes, and not the most critical. It is not difficult to buy (if there is money). Stalin showed it.
                  But the main thing is that, along with the shutdown of factories in the 90s, scientific, design, technological and general production potential was lost. Production and technological chains have been destroyed. They cannot be "re-preserved". Now we have to build new enterprises. Re-train people. It turns out that it is easier and cheaper than restoring or re-equipping the old one. So, I think we are now on the verge of a new industrialization. Russia simply has no other way.
        2. Atlon
          17 December 2012 18: 07
          How do you know about the plan? I have always supported Putin, but the article made me think ... The point is that I (and many) do not always understand this or that presidential "movement". Sometimes it takes several years to finally understand: "So that's why it was necessary!" Putin has shown himself to be a very cunning and wise chess player, building far-reaching multi-moves that are not at all obvious to those around him. I think (after reading the article and your post) that Putin "got" the alligarchic "elite". "Interested" officials, and purposefully allowed them to steal. How else to make it work without having that powerful repressive apparatus like Stalin's? But, the time has come, the anti-corruption campaign has begun. And for now, we're at the very beginning, we'll talk in a few years. I have already got used to TRUST the decisions and actions of the president, even if at first glance, these actions are illogical and harmful. I am always amazed at the endurance of Vladimir Vladimirovich. With such pressure from public and world opinion, playing your game is the highest degree of professionalism! Good luck to him and to all of us in the revival of our Russia!
          1. +2
            17 December 2012 19: 05
            Quote: Atlon
            that Putin "got" the alligarchic "elite". "Interested" officials, and purposefully allowed them to steal. How else to make it work without having that powerful repressive apparatus like Stalin's? But, the time has come, the anti-corruption campaign has begun.

            You are too gullible. It is treatable.
            Quote: Atlon
            Putin showed himself to be a very cunning and wise chess player, who builds far-reaching multi-ways that are not at all obvious to those around him.

            Apparently, we will see the results of the current "multi-travel" in 12 or 20 years, if we live. fool
            1. sleepy
              19 December 2012 05: 59
              Quote: Atlon

              "I am already accustomed to TRUST the decisions and actions of the president, even if at first glance, these actions are illogical and harmful."

              Yes, everyone is already used too.
          2. +2
            17 December 2012 21: 32
            I absolutely agree with you! hi
          3. -1
            17 December 2012 23: 07
            Judging by your comments Athlone, if not Botvinnik and Tal, then exactly the Great Thinker of chess games, Grandmaster GELFAND, how wisely the chess game is built, sacrifices of pawns completely, then rooks, knights cannot be touched, they move with the letter "L", there is only one of the queens boronservice, and then perpetual check. Congenally!
        3. His
          17 December 2012 19: 56
          Would you like to live under Stalin? To go to work in the morning, he would ask: "Who else was taken away?"
          1. g1kk
            17 December 2012 20: 10
            Do you believe in fairy tales? )
            1. sleepy
              18 December 2012 06: 18
              About hundreds of thousands of millions destroyed, Stalin had already been innocently killed by a bloody tyrant.

              Soon after Stalin's death, the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee demanded from law enforcement agencies data on the number of persons convicted of "counter-revolutionary crimes."
              In a memorandum submitted in February 1954 by the Prosecutor General of the USSR Rudenko,
              Minister of the Interior Kruglov and Minister of Justice Gorshenin, indicated:
              from 1921 to February 1, 1954, 3 people were convicted on charges of counter-revolutionary crimes,
              including capital punishment - 642 980,
              to detention in camps and prisons - 2 369 220,
              to the link and expulsion - 765 180 people.
              Of this number, approximately 2,9 million people were convicted by extrajudicial bodies (the OGPU collegium, "troikas"),
              about 900 thousand people - by the courts, military tribunals, the Special Collegium and the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court.
              Figures close to this (3 repressed, including 778 executed) were first published in the early 234s by senior KGB officials.

              It should be noted that in these data there is, albeit to a small extent, a repeat count.
              From 1921 to February 1, 1954
      2. +3
        17 December 2012 15: 17
        Quote: alexneg
        Indeed, in terms of growth of the Gross Domestic Product, it is already in the lead.

        Do you mean GDP or GDP?
      3. predator.3
        17 December 2012 16: 50
        To paraphrase Churchill's words about Stalin, one might say that it was a nuclear country, but it became a country with a plow, how many million hectares of arable land were overgrown with weeds in Russia under Putin? And where is the former agricultural minister Skrynnik now? Correctly ! on the Cote d'Azur "masters the" stolen "billions! who allowed her to go there - the GDP! And comrade Stalin, instead of the Cote d'Azur, would offer her a sunny Magadan, this is at best, and at worst, an ice ax! laughing
      4. +13
        17 December 2012 20: 44

        Modern Russia has no other choice, just as Stalin had no choice. These are his words
        1931 year:
        “We are 50-100 years behind advanced countries. We have to run this distance in 10 years. Either we do it, or they crush us. ”

        Russia again lagged behind. If not for 100 years, then at least 50. And again, there is a crisis in the world, and again, an imbalance of forces, and again, an impending redistribution ... The situation of the pre-war years, when it was necessary to create an industry, came together 40s, when it was necessary to create atomic weapons and strategic missiles, i.e., to master space technology. And the state of the political system - as on the eve of the First World War.
        And do not go anywhere. Either repeat in the new situation both what was done in the 30s and what was done in the 40s-50s, or they really do. And not because of the notorious Russophobia, but because of economic interest: if you don’t have the strength to keep what you still have, then they will be taken away during redistribution. Because redistribution of the world is carried out not by law or justice, but by force.
        That is, Putin and Stalin can only be compared by the same type of historical tasks facing the country. Stalin solved his task and emerged victorious from the fray and won the respect of the love of the people no matter what. And even for 20 years of liberal de-Stalinization, his memory is alive in his affairs.
        Putin and his "elite" of property owners have the same task today. either in 10 years to create a “second USSR”, or they will crush it together with the country in which it rules today.
        True, in order to do what Stalin did in the 30s, one must become Stalin himself in relation to the thieving elite to begin with. Will Putin be able to solve his historical task? While there are more questions than answers, Putin is betting on gradual evolution, trying to localize destructive processes as they grow. Stalin, on the other hand, relied on a mobilization breakthrough in a short period of time. and he was right. Will history give Putin time to gradually revive the power of Russia. This is also a question, since this unstable system of clan management based on the liberal system of the economy at any moment can crack under the influence of external or internal anti-Russian forces. The system needs to be changed otherwise, Putin will not be Stalin and no statistics and crafty comparisons here will help.
        1. +1
          17 December 2012 20: 56
          Quote: Ascetic
          The system needs to be changed otherwise Putin will not be Stalin and no statistics and crafty comparisons here will help.

          Stanislav you always have very sensible comments, great. good
      5. -4
        17 December 2012 23: 43
        I see this Stalinist ideology is heavily embedded in you. We must pay tribute, at that time they knew how to convince! laughing
        And it’s bad that you remained in that time and with that ideology.
        blow in sowing. Korea, there is just your ideology !. you will smear it on bread, put it on yourself, well, you will not be entitled to the Internet and other benefits. Well, the most pleasant thing is to scream URA, but to whom, they will tell you there - you won't get used to it! love
        1. sleepy
          18 December 2012 06: 22
          I do not consider myself a Stalinist, just a comparison is not in favor of democracy.

          All financial structures should be returned to the state,
          limit the uncontrolled circulation of the dollar,
          return the defense industry enterprises and natural monopolies to the state,
          introduce a rent for the use of mineral resources and natural resources,
          abolish pro-Western educational reform,
          officials forbid to have accounts abroad ...
          and much more.

          It turns out I am a Stalinist?
    3. bask
      17 December 2012 13: 41
      Quote: itr
      add that Stalin had a mustache and Putin does not

      From myself. Stalin had a might, but you don’t ... By topic. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was one of the world leaders who determined the political future of the whole world !!!! GETTING THE COUNTRY IN DEVELOPMENT, RESTORED, TOGETHER WITH THE SOVIET PEOPLE, AND BROUGHT OUT TO THE WORLD LEADERS !!! FROM SOKH, TO THE NUCLEAR BOMB AND THE SATELLITE .... HE HAS NOT ATTENDED FOR PERSONALY ENRICHED HIMSELF. IN HUNDRED BOOTS !!! AND NOT WHICH VILLAS AND ACCOUNTS ARE NOT AT YOURSELF NOT AT YOUR SUBMITTED .... AND IF YOU DETECTED ... THE COURT AND SHOT SHOT. IN PLACE .. And now ........ and some kind of clearance. Oligarchs and bureaucrats are getting richer. Labor people are left without work and become poor ... and even total theft .... TOV I.V. STALIN WOULD HAVE NOW THE ORDER FOR THE DAY ..
      1. +3
        17 December 2012 16: 45

        Machine guns overheat :(
        1. +4
          17 December 2012 17: 57
          Quote: carbofo
          Machine guns overheat

          Nothing, you can change the trunks.
          1. 0
            18 December 2012 03: 09
            there are no trunks, here you need yuh to put to the west
            and squeeze a human rights defender to them
        2. -4
          17 December 2012 19: 20
          More likely to explode.
      2. His
        17 December 2012 20: 01
        I would go in a robe, and would wear a sweatshirt for my birthday. The keys to the doors where people lived then were not needed, but do you know why? Not because they forgot how to steal, because there was nothing to take. People were ideological zombies. We don’t need bread - come on. So he would have lived as a slave without a passport and the right to move. Here is the great Stalin
        1. +1
          17 December 2012 23: 10
          Major- you are not your own; you are a stranger among your own and your own among strangers
          1. sleepy
            18 December 2012 06: 26
            They did not steal, because there were problems with the sale of the stolen.
            This was done for the share of the huckster.
            But the police did not roof, but really planted.
            Now stolen goods are sold in every stall.
            And there was no problem with drug addiction before.
            1. 0
              18 December 2012 15: 06
              Well, the lesson had no problems with marketing, but not everyone dared to do it, and the police pressed everyone not childishly, right up to the execution.
              And now bacchanalia figuratively speaking.
              And the addicts were then only unlike today’s they quickly fastened their skis for logging!,
              1. sleepy
                19 December 2012 06: 08
                The problem with the sale of stolen goods was that not everyone dared to do so.
                And the OBKHSS with the police did not allow crime to unfold.
                In Soviet times, drug dealers were very quickly and permanently sent to lead mines.
                With pedophiles did not stand on ceremony.
    4. S_mirnov
      17 December 2012 13: 49
      Stalin revived the country and carried out industrialization, Putin ruined the country and carried out the de-industrialization and privatization of state property. Stalin increased and strengthened the army, Putin reduced and weakened. In short, GDP is the exact opposite of Stalin. However, the author had to sweat seriously in order to fit the numbers of pseudo-statistics so that everything looked the other way around.
      1. +23
        17 December 2012 14: 59
        The article missed one a very important link - public education and science!
        Everything depends on the level of development of science and its foundation - education, and industrialization, and technological progress, and, as a result, the country's place on the world stage.
        It is unlikely that anyone will argue that in terms of public education and the development of domestic fundamental and applied science, the Stalinist period of history is clearly different for the better.

        But what about under Putin?
        - a pernicious "reform" of the education system, which, in the words of the minister-"reformer" Fursenko, turns a person-creator into a person-consumer.
        - transition to debilitating Western standards of education;
        - Adoption of a detrimental for higher education Bologna system of training;
        - depriving the school (of all levels) of the educational function and reducing it to the level of "teaching service".

        What do we see in the end? A drop in the skill level of all and all specialists. The fall in the general educational level of the population. The complete loss by the state of the function of patriotic, moral, and ethical education.
        As a result of all this - the country's catastrophic lag in the scientific and technical sphere!

        So, dear ones, Putin on this "subject" is a well-deserved "bad"!
        1. +6
          17 December 2012 15: 31
          I agree with you. We are losing the younger generation. Not all, but very many, going into adulthood are not ready for work, for life, or for service. Universities largely train the unemployed. With the army, too, not all gut. The article was written before the Serdyukov reforms, as I understand it. We hope only for strategic nuclear forces. Dagov stopped calling, shame! Today he brought a policeman, said a drunk man got into the squad, beat five military men, two badly. The country did not get rid of the dependence on raw materials prices. So the praises of Putin to sing early.
        2. Ilyich
          17 December 2012 16: 29
          Quote: vadimN
          So, dear ones, Putin on this "subject" is a well-deserved "bad"!

          I agree here. At one time, Americans, coming to work in the Far East in concessions (it was in the 20s !!!) remained to continue their education. It's in the Far East then !!
        3. 0
          17 December 2012 22: 14
          Quote: vadimN
          The article missed one very important link - public education and science!
          Everything depends on the level of development of science and its foundation - education, and industrialization, and technological progress, and, as a result, the country's place on the world stage.

          Well, what can I say if now the level of homelessness is higher than after the revolution, civil and World War II.
        4. +1
          18 December 2012 03: 14
          just about, one of the amers, the admiral and the creator of their nuclear submarine fleet, to the question "What is the most dangerous thing for us in the USSR?" said education
          not rockets or a hydrogen bomb, but education!
          alas, now they will not say so
      2. mda
        17 December 2012 15: 01
        Quote: S_mirnov
        Stalin revived the country and carried out industrialization, Putin ruined the country and carried out the de-industrialization and privatization of state property. Stalin increased and strengthened the army, Putin reduced and weakened. In short, GDP is the exact opposite of Stalin. However, the author had to sweat seriously in order to fit the numbers of pseudo-statistics so that everything looked the other way around.

        Howl-howl and howl ... but how did you howl in the 2000th?
        1. Ilyich
          17 December 2012 16: 32
          Quote: mda-a
          Howl-howl and howl ... but how did you howl in the 2000th?

          Never mind. S_mirnov is Putin’s consistent ideological opponent. He simply physically cannot recognize anything good behind him. laughing
          1. mda
            17 December 2012 18: 13
            Quote: Ilyich
            Never mind. S_mirnov is Putin’s consistent ideological opponent. He simply physically cannot recognize anything good behind him.

            I noticed.
      3. 0
        17 December 2012 21: 22
        And before Putin, no one was ruining it, they did not notice the EBN ... dull, humpbacked, and other scum?
    5. mda
      17 December 2012 14: 57
      Quote: itr

      Well, I don’t know what to say it’s hard to compare
      I want to add on my own that Stalin had a mustache and Putin does not

      Damn it! I wrote the exact same article, but ... they didn’t miss it!
    6. gojesi
      17 December 2012 15: 03
      Quote: itr
      Well, I don’t know what to say

      ... then you need to be silent! You can ride for a clever one, in the rank, again, friends will increase!
      So many small letters to read and really not a single thought, except for "mustaches"?
      Hitler in 43 wrote that both Churchill and Roosevelt were only pathetic equivalents of Stalin's puppets. That "... after our victory over Russia, it is necessary to create such conditions in it so that individuals of a scale like Stalin would not be born in it !!! ..."
      And here came another burden for Russia, and here is Putin, here and there! Ancestors help us unreasonable! IMHO of course :)))
      Article set + plus! Hotei does not completely agree with everything.
    7. humanist
      17 December 2012 15: 54
      Quote: itr
      Well, I don’t know what to say it’s hard to compare

      I do not like to post pictures and especially demotivators, but here you can’t say more precisely hi

      And the most basic:

      - NOW THEY ARE!!!!!!!!!!! am
      1. MilaPhone
        17 December 2012 16: 20
        Stalin smoked and punished. And Putin has many faces:

        Putin is a judoka

        Putin is a racer.

        Putin is an artist.

        Putin smoothie

        Putin is a biker

        And also an aviator, sailor, ornithologist, etc.
        1. +5
          17 December 2012 17: 17
          Quote: Milafon
          Stalin smoked and punished. And Putin has many faces:

          "multifaceted" ... like a ball ... feel
        2. His
          17 December 2012 20: 07
          He also puts out forests
        3. g1kk
          17 December 2012 20: 13
          Yes, Stalin did not have time for these show-offs — he was thinking how to raise the country, but what should be noted, he examined all the equipment that went to the front and asked uncomfortable questions. What he needed, he knew, and window dressing is needed only by current politicians
      2. bask
        17 December 2012 16: 26
        Quote: humanist

        There weren’t many things that were NOT pedophiles, child pornography-prestitution. There weren’t millions of street children in peacetime. Stalin made the decisions himself and demanded a non-negotiable execution .. What to compare ..... DIDN'T TURN THREE SKINS FOR HOUSING RATES. AND DO NOT KEEP PEOPLE ON THE STREET TO THE BOMS FOR THEIR NON-PAYMENT ....
        1. His
          17 December 2012 20: 08
          Watch movies the cold summer of 1953, lost in Siberia
        2. +1
          18 December 2012 10: 48
          bask (4) Yesterday, 16:26
          Quote: humanist

          There weren’t many things that were NOT pedophiles, child pornography-prestitution. There weren’t millions of street children in peacetime. Stalin made the decisions himself and demanded a non-negotiable execution .. What to compare ..... DIDN'T TURN THREE SKINS FOR HOUSING RATES. AND DO NOT KEEP PEOPLE ON THE STREET TO THE BOMS FOR THEIR NON-PAYMENT ....
          Under Stalin, in general, pornography could only be found among captured Nazis. And the majority of construction projects were carried out on a voluntary basis, with benefits and extradition of youth apartments, unemployment so did not exist, as well as pornography. Now such a project would not hurt, but in whose light head does he come ?! They only know what to howl about the innocently killed political prisoners and the destroyed synagogues. Soon they will begin to say that even BAM and Magnitogorsk are built on the bones of prisoners, if only to get a little more money from the Masters. Figures with six zeroes will begin to draw, talking about the number of deaths at a construction site. As without it. By the way, BAM is only the eastern part of the Great Northern Railway Track - a Soviet project dating back to 1928. Solving the problem of unemployment through the well-known Stalinist projects is not such a highly intellectual task.
      3. Ilyich
        17 December 2012 17: 10
        Quote: humanist
        I do not like to post pictures and especially demotivators, but here you can’t say more precisely

        Bullshit 4 times! Well, when will people start thinking not with the TV, but with their brain !? Well it had to come up with something like that! I would put a minus, but accidentally poked a plus. The habit worked ...
        1. humanist
          17 December 2012 17: 34
          Quote: Ilyich
          Bullshit 4 times! Well, when people start to think not with the TV, but with their brain!

          Judging by the flag you live in Ukraine. These points are visible to me with the "naked" eye ... hi
          Quote: Ilyich
          I would put a minus, but accidentally poked a plus. The habit worked ...

          I typed this comment on purpose so that you have the opportunity to "level" the "+" hi
          1. Ilyich
            17 December 2012 22: 11
            Quote: humanist
            Judging by the flag you live in Ukraine. These points are visible to me with the "naked" eye ...

            Man, I have half of my relatives in Russia. Including parents and siblings. So do not tell me fairy tales about the white bull. I know very well how they live in Russia and how they live in Ukraine. So, unlike you, I have the opportunity compare reality.
            Come, live for half a year, and then we will talk about where life is good and where it is bad.
            But the reality is that in Russia, salaries are 3-4 times higher than ours, and prices are the same or lower. So think about where it all came from, and whose merit it is.
            This is if we say "for zhist vaapsche". More specifically, point by point:
            - aircraft construction. Russia is the second country after the states that has managed to create a fifth generation fighter. Of course, you can argue that the aircraft industry is not alone in fighters. But with helicopters, it seems, too, everything is slowly becoming in order. With "passengers" and transport workers, it also got off the ground, although the situation is far from ideal. But to say that no aircraft - a big bust.

            - automotive industry. Well, here it remains only to throw up his hands. What's not there? "Zhiguli" no? So it seems like AvtoVAZ works fine. And besides AvtoVAZ, there are also a couple of factories. And what is the difference for you, nafik, what these cars are called: "Hyundai", or "Muscovites", if the plant works in the country, local workers, taxes and salary remain in the country, and the profit that goes away is a value in the automotive industry. low that it can be neglected for the sake of obtaining technology and material base? Well, nominally foreigners own these factories, so what? Maybe it's worth remembering how the same "concessionaires" were thrown out of the country at the dawn of Soviet power, simply by announcing that "now everything is nationalized"? Think.

            what's next? Tractor building?
            Why is it here - it is not clear. Tractor engineering is just a medium-sized industry, as is automobile construction. They, in theory, should have been together. Anyway. Here we can basically agree. Although ChTZ gradually rises from the ashes. However, like all secondary engineering. Here, for example, this is not observed in our country.

            - energy.
            But nothing that Russia holds the whole world on a uranium needle? Even the states buy uranium in Russia. Because of this, by the way, they have serious problems with the industry. Moreover, their enrichment industry is dying. They have not been able to start that poor centrifuge enrichment plant for 5 years already. And it is not known when they will launch. Because the technology of the production of centrifuges has only Russia. But how many nuclear power plants are being built now, you know? 8 pieces! Few? Then add another 7 pieces abroad. This is not counting other types of power plants. So, is there no energy? or is there anyway?

            Quote: humanist
            I typed this comment on purpose so that you have the opportunity to "level" the "+"

            Thank you, but this is completely unprincipled. This is just an emotional attitude.
            1. humanist
              17 December 2012 22: 40
              Quote: Ilyich
              I know very well how they live in Russia and how they live in Ukraine.

              You know, I did not expect polemics in such a plane and I’m confused ... I think that if you compare Ukraine with some kind of ephemeral Coast of the Seal Penis, you will also feel like an oligarch, but I’m more used to compare it purely by Russian standards ... hi
              Quote: Ilyich
              But to say that there is no aircraft industry is a bust.

              Again, I recall that in addition to the military aircraft industry, there used to be a large% of Soviet (legal successor) aircraft in passenger-and-freight transportation. Now full of seams. We fly on foreign cars very second-hand
              Quote: Ilyich
              automotive industry

              Already wrote
              VAZ- Nissan, Moskvich-RENAULT, ZIL- sold in pieces, GAZ-Deripaska gave ....
              Quote: Ilyich
              Tractor engineering? Why is it here - it is not clear.

              There’s nothing to even say ... That import combines began to be imported, how is it? No tractors? Yes ... strong logic ....
              Quote: Ilyich
              - energy.

              Chubais (under the roof of EBN and Putin) made it so that what was built in Soviet times brings income to the oligarchs, and the population suffers under the yoke of the housing and communal services
              1. Ilyich
                18 December 2012 00: 04
                Quote: humanist
                I think that if we compare Ukraine with some kind of ephemeral Coast of the Seal Penis,

                I agree, everything is relative ..
                Quote: humanist
                but it’s more common for me to compare purely by Russian standards ...

                I don’t understand ... how is it? In my understanding, you can compare some standards with others. but how to compare something inside the system?
                Quote: humanist
                in addition to the military aircraft industry, there used to be a large% of Soviet (legal successor) aircraft in passenger-and-freight transportation. Now full of seams. We fly on foreign cars very second-hand

                There is such a thing. I agree 100%. But is there any progress? There is. Yes, and the murder of domestic civil aviation did not happen under Putin, right? They began to massively buy old foreign cars in the mid-90s, after the resource was exhausted by the old domestic ILs and TUs, And the new ones were blocked, right? So why blame Putin for this?

                Quote: humanist
                VAZ- Nissan, Moskvich-RENO, ZIL- sold in pieces, GAZ-Deripaska was given

                Wait, wait. Is the industry working? works. More car factories? became. Are there any cars? There is. So why "no car building"? What belongs to whom is the second question. Moreover, not the main one, as I wrote in the comments above.
                Quote: humanist
                The fact that they began to import combines, how is it? No tractors? Yes ... strong logic ....

                The logic is that the tractor was in vain taken out as a separate item.
                For the harvesters I agree completely. John Deere pushes his prodigy almost with his ass. (however, the rest of the equipment too). But you must admit that this equipment, although expensive, is better. And an order of magnitude better. Alas.
                Although, I repeat, there are improvements for the better. I don’t remember specific facts now, but I can say that ChTZ products have gone. And for export too. The solution is to learn how to make the technique no worse than the same John Deere or the Japanese. Protectionism is not always the right move.
                Quote: humanist
                Chubais (under the roof of EBN and Putin) made it so that what was built in Soviet times brings income to the oligarchs, and the population suffers under the yoke of the housing and communal services

                You pulled it from another opera. This is not from the opera "the energy fell apart". And from the opera "energy sold, bastards" smile
              2. 0
                18 December 2012 02: 30
                Humanist, with all due respect, you are unconvincing. Gas - Deripaska was given, in the sense - Deripaska is an alien? Or is it still a citizen of Russia? Moreover, they gave it to Deripaska - this is just a large stake in him, that's all. In addition to Deripaska in GAZ co-owners the sea, including the factory workers themselves ....
                Quote: humanist
                There’s nothing to even say ... That import combines began to be imported, how is it? No tractors? Yes ... strong logic ...

                - if you stand up for harvesters like that, then I'll tell you so. I was personally acquainted with the world's first woman-combiner-record holder, Hero of Socialist Labor Kamshat Donenbaeva. After being awarded a gold medal, she was allowed to go abroad for the first time and look at exhibitions ... Well, out of professional curiosity, she climbed into John Deere. This is after the Niva !!!! As she is in the kitchen stuff !!!! To the Rostov designers! The capture of the header is half that of the Niva. Harvest speed - twice as fast as John Deere! Hopper and silo capacity - John Deere has twice the capacity! Diesel fuel consumption - with all this, Niva has one and a half times more! And the motor resource is one and a half times less! And for sweetness - the cabin in the Niva is just an iron frame in glass. It's hot in the sun - horror! And no condenser or even visors to somehow hide from the sun! I will not talk about John Deere's cabin. You guessed it. Humanist, if you are for this "kconstruction industry", then live with it somehow yourself. For me, it is better to buy these cases and John Deere than to produce such" combines. "I won't say that about weapons - Soviet weapons were never inferior to foreign ones, and if they were inferior, then completely And with the comabines, as you can see, it was not at all like that. And they deserved it. Those constructors from Rostselmash are in the markets and they swear at Putin, do I understand? It's not behind the drawing boards, ah-ah-ah! So I'll say - for Actually, they should have sent the taiga to the Kolyma with these combines, and not just fired.
                Alas, here Ilyich looks more convincing than you.
              3. +1
                18 December 2012 11: 21
                Quote: humanist
                There’s nothing to even say ... That import combines began to be imported, how is it? No tractors? Yes ... strong logic ....
                You are fundamentally wrong. Rostelmash now works for export, owns factories abroad and, according to 15 estimates, occupies% of the world market.
                Quote: humanist
                I already wrote VAZ- Nissan, Moskvich-Renault, ZIL- sold in pieces, GAZ-Deripaska was given ...
                GAZ under the direction of FORD built everything. VAZ for FIAT and PORSHE /
                But now we don’t remember?
        2. +2
          17 December 2012 21: 44
          I put a minus for you. A typical Troll, what can you do! It's a shame that people are led on these pictures!
          1. humanist
            17 December 2012 21: 56
            Quote: sergo0000
            Ilyich, I put a minus for you

            Thanks! I am glad for your understanding with Ilyich, I give the opportunity to repay "-" and for myself hi
            Quote: sergo0000
            Typical Troll, what can you do!

            Well, how can you communicate with you after that? Have you tried before "branding" in the comments to see what you called "troll" previously wrote? I give advice in the future can help not to make "opponents" wink And then so rashly blurted out, and then appeals to the admins "help, I am offended" many times on this site saw this. This is by no means a threat, I myself am "white and fluffy" and all these ratings are like a stop signal to a hare. Happened in 2 weeks before the marshal grew up, but somehow all these virtual "show-offs" eventually fade into the background, but in fact:

            In my phrase in capital letters there are objections? And it is DUBBED !!! In the days of Stalin, it only gave birth in torment !!!
      4. +8
        17 December 2012 17: 36
        Quote: humanist
        - NOW THEY ARE !!!!!!!!!!

        The truth is not Putin invented them .... I did not like the article, it seems that they wrote it in 2007 and even did not edit it. It is incorrect to compare Putin and Stalin ... the situation in the country is painfully similar and the same rate is at stake , namely the existence of the country as such. But Putin .... You can break a lot of copies around his name, but does he have full power? Or more precisely, did he possess? All the same, if not cool, but he managed to stop the rapid collapse of the country that Gorbachev and Yeltsyn arranged ... Maybe we prematurely hang all the dogs on him? I'd like to hope for the best ...
        1. g1kk
          17 December 2012 20: 15
          I really want people who have stolen billions to be in prison, like people who stole 100 rubles, and not to kursavel, as now
        2. +6
          17 December 2012 21: 54
          You're right! The article is really old. I read it a long time ago.
          It's just that people have a short memory, but for the young, the 90s it never happened at all!
          Maybe it’s like a Second World War for us. Only the feats of the fathers were not allowed to be forgotten in the Soviet era, and Putin’s achievements are hushed up or misrepresented by such cheap demotivators and humanists working in the information space as provocateurs for a fraction of the State Department!
          How many Clintonsha did she promise to allocate for the Internet attacks of the US adversaries? winked
          1. humanist
            17 December 2012 22: 28
            Quote: sergo0000
            The article is really old. I read it a long time ago.

            Bugaga !!! The fact that the article is old does not mean that it has lost relevance ... laughing And a large number of comments confirm this ... wink
            Quote: sergo0000
            It’s just that people’s memory is short, but for the young people of the 90s it never happened at all! Maybe like for us the Second World War

            I didn’t take part in the Great Patriotic War, but I talked a lot with my grandfather, the tankman, who went through it a lot and keep the order and medals to the children, and lived (survived) in the 90s, so you walked by the cash register in a puddle * pip * zeros hi
            Quote: sergo0000
            , and Putin’s merits are hushed up or misrepresented

            Where do you see merit? The country is rich in natural resources, and the majority "survive", the cities are filled with nepotimik, however, I probably shouldn’t help you, because the Great and Uncritical is not worthy of discussion ... "He is a monument ..." (c)
            Quote: sergo0000
            humanists working in the information space as provocateurs for a fraction of the State Department! How many Clintons promised to allocate US opponents to the Internet attacks?

            I do not put "-" in principle, and therefore "streamline"
            Four times zero (probably in terms of usefulness), use your tongue to lick * pip * your idols, maybe they will notice and "squeeze" the position, but it is better to calm down your dirty mouth (playful fingers) and do not blame it without knowing it for "feeding". I have enough money, which I earn with my mind and labor, and I do not need sponsorship from the State Department and the Kremlin. So ugh on you, and you are not even worthy of an argument, suck with Ilyich "in the gums" and look for spies on the site, good luck, idiots soldier
          2. +3
            17 December 2012 23: 13
            Quote: sergo0000
            Putin's merits are hushed up or misrepresented

            Here I am talking about the same thing .... No doubt, everything is not going smoothly in the country, far from everything, but it’s not easy to turn off all this slander that grew up on the wreckage of the USSR ... Even in the savage tribe, where everyone has a club and that’s all, it’s impossible to change the order without relying on real power ... And in a country where mafia clans are in power, billions moving ??? Nevertheless, much is being done and not so slowly. I don’t know, maybe I'm wrong, but I don’t see an alternative to Putin and I think that he works for the good of Russia.
        3. +5
          17 December 2012 22: 50
          Quote: sniper
          Many copies can be broken around his name, but does he have the fullness of power? Or more precisely, did he possess? All the same, if not cool, but he managed to stop the rapid collapse of the country that Gorbachev and Yeltsyn arranged ... Maybe we prematurely hang all the dogs on him? I'd like to hope for the best ..

          The fact of the matter is that over time, Stalin did not immediately become the master of the country, separating all the playful party nomenclature from property, and Putin now as a kind of moderator of the oligarchs who, as a result of predatory privatization, seized all property. Yes, he tamed (equidistant) them from running the country, forced them to reckon with the authorities in comparison with what was going on in the era of seven-bankers, of course, like heaven and earth. But in a country where people believe, and not without reason, that ALL LARGE OWNERS and STATE ELITE have achieved welfare and power UNAQUA and UNFair the path cannot be by definition of the potential for development and moving forward. Stability is only a reflection of a social agreement with the authorities on the principle of if only it weren’t worse as in the 90s. Therefore, Putin’s expectations that he will finally begin to put things in order with the STALIN methods and will begin to restore JUSTICE and form the elite and leading cadres not on the basis of personal pedagogy, but again on the basis of demand criteria for state tasks. And again, here you can’t get anywhere from Stalinsky. PERSONNEL DECIDE EVERYTHING. Well, Russia cannot compete with economically developed countries without a state-oriented economy.
          We have a huge territory of 70 percent. which is in adverse climatic conditions, huge distances, huge differences in the level of development of regions without state regulation and support in the conditions of free liberal market competition, they will simply crush us or a corrupt bureaucracy free from any responsibility and fear will simply simply take away everything that they created speculative and the thieves' economic system. Just think about it today in the News they showed a village in the Kaliningrad region where people do not have enough money to build a bridge across the river and the village periodically remains cut off from the outside world. So the annual budget of the administration of this village is only 2 million rubles and during a search at the same Vasilyeva only pocket money was found 3 million rubles
          Therefore, the people want to see Putin as the second Stalin, we need JUSTICE and landings ... then there will be money for social programs, healthcare and education, and decent salaries for state employees
          1. +3
            17 December 2012 23: 44
            Quote: Ascetic
            Therefore, the people want to see the second Stalin in Putin, JUSTICE and landings are needed ..
            Need ... But is there any strength ???? Maybe that’s why Shoigu and his mini-army, maybe that’s why the purges in the Defense Ministry, maybe it’s already beginning ???? Let's wait ...
      5. Atlon
        17 December 2012 18: 14
        Quote: humanist
        I do not like to post pictures and especially demotivators, but here you can’t say more precisely

        Are you from the "defeatists"? Something has run over a lot. We have mined everything.
        Actually about the picture:
        Bullshit (her right side). And the left is not unique.
        And yet ... Why did so many Stalin lovers come into being? Nothing that 10 years ago, with the same rapture they threw excrement at Stalin? Now the hosanna is sung! Exactly - "defeatists"
        1. humanist
          17 December 2012 19: 11
          Quote: Atlon
          Are you a defeatist?

          This site is diverse by participants who like to hang "labels" ... If you were actively involved in the life of the site, you would immediately understand who I am. I do not know under what conditions I was allowed to participate on the site, can I mention by what nicknames and titles I have fasted here before, but all the "old" members "decoded" me literally on the first day of "reincarnation". I'll tell you straight, I've already been on the site:
          - a traitor
          - spy
          - secret weapon of the site administration
          So "sculpt labels" while there is room laughing
          About the nonsense of the right side, I can only say: look at the market of Soviet airliners in terms of% in Soviet times, Stalin's calls "Komsomolets, to the plane", records of that time and "Supernatural misunderstanding" now ... hi
          Tractor building was "killed", in AvtoVAZ (now Nissan drives there) they "pump" loot and feed on it, "Moskvich" was killed there. in the center of Moscow), KAMAZ is still afloat ...

        2. humanist
          17 December 2012 19: 46
          Quote: Atlon
          Zaminusili everything.

          I come back to your comment. just at the first reading did not notice this "jump". Now let me say that my "-" is not a single one in this topic, however, as there is not a single "+" !!!
          So a smiling computer technician:
          Athlon (Atlon in Russian) is the trade name for the high-performance x23-compatible processor with K1999 microarchitecture introduced on June 86, 7 by AMD.

          watch your tongue (fingers) and breathe with * pip * uka softly, got ur * pip * odd here for being close to licking "bravely" wassat to fight laughing
          Stalin was afraid of such, the GDP puts the like "onlookers" in the region ... It looks like the laurels of the Chelyabinsk resident haunt Athlone's "burp" negative
        3. g1kk
          17 December 2012 20: 17
          What are the defeatists here? People simply are not stupid and see, or at least feel what everything is inclined to, just like praises to Stalin no one began to sing, but what has been done during the years of the rule of Stalin and Putin ... I don’t even know what to say to Putin here, like walking to the moon
    8. Fox
      17 December 2012 18: 19
      Quote: itr
      Well, I don’t know what to say

    9. +2
      17 December 2012 19: 17
      Who thought of comparing Stalin and Putin? Quote
      Putin’s rule is much more successful than Stalin’s.

      How can you compare like this? What indicators? Stalin inherited a country that was destroyed even more than after the collapse of the USSR. And he made her a great power again. We were not dependent on anyone. And now, if the oil and gas pipelines are cut off, the whole economy will collapse (40% of the income, if I am not mistaken, rests on the export of gas and oil). Under Stalin, all areas of the state developed, criminals were punished, and now endless corruption and stagnation in science, for example. On this subject, you can write more than one hundred pages, but not the scale, not the time.
      1. Pablo
        18 December 2012 00: 47
        AND YOU DON'T RISE FROM HUNGER AS IN 1932-1933 BECAUSE THE PEOPLE SPONT CARE TO SEND THE HELP TO THE MINERS OF ENGLAND, OR Germany, to the fighters for independence, IN 2010 WE REFUSED TO PUT OUT THE GRAIN OPERATOR !, The Communists were outraged that they would suffer the Arab brothers, the democrats, that we are obliged to fulfill the treaties,
        Stalin came to power 10 years after the revolution, so much was done without him. NEP, PRIVATE AGRICULTURE MANUFACTURERS, PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT ABROAD, etc.
    10. -2
      17 December 2012 22: 51
      I go to bed late, I don’t quite understand something in the article, I’ll read it tomorrow and don’t dare to compare the dictator and the murderer, the heavy smoker and the drunkard with our democratic president, judo fighter, corruption and an excellent speaker.
    11. lotus04
      18 December 2012 06: 36
      Just don't compare Mr. Poo with Stalin! Traders have no place in power. Their place is in the bazaar. There you can tweak your tongue and trade. All of them would be swept out of the government with a fucking broom. Well, we will not see the good and prosperity with such managers. Expose at every corner: - STEALING !!! But in a strange way, no one is punished. True to their words, as Mr. Pu said: "The system does not eat its own."
    12. 0
      18 December 2012 10: 22
      No mustache is happiness. For a long time there was no article so argued. GDP Just forced to become, albeit pale copies, but even so I hope Putin will do something that will make him remember both friends and enemies
    13. +1
      18 December 2012 10: 39
  2. +5
    17 December 2012 13: 17
    President Vladimir Putin, although he did a lot for the country, is incorrect in my opinion to be compared with I.V. Stalin. These are two disparate personalities.
    1. Captain Vrungel
      17 December 2012 13: 30
      A question comes to mind. If everything is so good, then why is everything so bad?
      1. +7
        17 December 2012 13: 35
        Quote: Captain Vrungel
        If everything is so good, then why is everything so bad?

        but because there is no silver lining.
      2. S_mirnov
        17 December 2012 14: 06
        Because everything is good only on paper wink In terms of window dressing, it is generally difficult to compare someone with GDP.
        Check out another pearl from Putin
    2. +11
      17 December 2012 13: 35
      Apollon "They are two incomparable personalities." -I agree.
      The author forgot to mention that we build two diesel locomotives per year. And two planes a year. Under Stalin, they built more. Before the collapse, we had 28 aircraft plants that seemed to build up to 1500 aircraft a year! Since you are comparing, everything can be pulled by the ears. We have lost hundreds of technologies during this time, what are you talking about? What is there to equal and to whom? Putin ... yeah, but he says really good! Unlike Stalin! I like to listen to him about doubling the GDP, about nano, how much, 200 superjets soar above me, and do you remember GOERLO-2?
      1. Baboon
        17 December 2012 13: 41
        I would like to add about the civilian fleet, like the USSR had, now can Russia build ships at all?
        1. +2
          17 December 2012 13: 45
          Quote: Babon

          I would like to add about the civilian fleet, like the USSR had, now can Russia build ships at all?
          Well, the civilian is small, small is built just, unlike the military.
        2. S_mirnov
          17 December 2012 14: 09
          Basically remodels Soviet ones,
          Well, we’ll master the gatekeepers and corvettes, it’s already a problem with the cruisers - we forgot how to make bricks.
          1. Pablo
            18 December 2012 00: 59
            Icebreakers, submarines research vessels.
        3. +3
          17 December 2012 18: 20
          Quote: Babon
          I would like to add about the civilian fleet, as it was in the USSR

          Well, in fairness, I think it should be noted that despite the existence of a civilian fleet in the USSR, it was built for the most part outside of it. Mostly they bought ships built at the shipyards of Romania, Poland, East Germany and Finland. This primarily concerns the river fleet.
          1. S_mirnov
            17 December 2012 18: 56
            Obviously their shipyards were loaded with military orders, and the ships can be entrusted and riveted with a foreign one.
          2. Captain Vrungel
            17 December 2012 19: 44
            Here you are wrong. We bought them abroad and built them in large batches. The merchant marine numbered more than 2500 vessels of all types. Fishing up to 3000. More than half were built at domestic shipyards. (We do not take into account the river. It was not of great strategic importance). The entire fleet, in case of hostilities, became military transports (the prescription packet was in the captain's safe). RO-RO vessels from 6 to 40 are ready-made landing ships. RO-FLO, lighter carriers, ships docks. A lighter will be delivered with a load, which can easily turn into floating berths. Some of the RO-RO could easily be converted into helicopter carriers or vertical take-off sites. (The Mistrals are resting.) And the speeds were 2 times higher than the Mistrals. Type "Captain Smirnov" up to 30 knots. "Lenin Komsomols" 24 knots. "Panfilov's heroes". "Captains" -18 knots. All serials of a large series of domestic production. Long to list. But alas. Everything has been sold by the rulers of the new capitalist states. Under the USSR, they thought about the military purpose of the merchant fleet. Imported ships. Basically, they were built over the hill for us according to the documents of our shipbuilders. The shipbuilding was at a high level. Czechs, Romanians built ships for rivermen according to our projects, for reference. Who delivered equipment, weapons, supplies to all hot spots, starting with Cuba, Vietnam, Africa, Arabia - ships of the merchant marine. Many sailors became participants in hostilities for this.
      2. mda
        17 December 2012 15: 04
        Quote: Nagaibak
        We have before the collapse

        After the collapse, there was Yeltsin, who destroyed the country in more than 1 world and civil war, ruined the army, the separatists appeared and in addition left behind a bunch of oligarchs and surrendered everything to the west. WAS THIS COUNTRY REACHED STALIN?
        1. +4
          17 December 2012 18: 25
          “DO STALIN HAVE SUCH A COUNTRY?” “How can you say.
          1. mda
            17 December 2012 19: 20
            Quote: Nagaibak
            “DO STALIN HAVE SUCH A COUNTRY?” “How can you say.

            read what would be up to this phrase and compare with what went to Stalin
      3. +4
        17 December 2012 17: 05
        And the doubling of GDP is not twice in two consecutive terms as president?
      4. Pablo
        18 December 2012 00: 53
        1. Misantrop
          18 December 2012 00: 58
          Incidentally, the prisoners at the construction of the Belomor Canal even had their own flying club. It is the prisoners, not the guards. There is information on the network, google, if interested. So it doesn’t look like the construction of the Egyptian pyramids or BAM wink
  3. +16
    17 December 2012 13: 21
    It was,
    high moral requirements and personal aspirations to work for the good of the country and society.
    It has become.
    Nichrome did not become neither requirements nor aspirations.

    that’s all the results and comparisons.
    1. +8
      17 December 2012 13: 29
      Quote: vorobey
      Nichrome did not become neither requirements nor aspirations.
      That's for sure. drinks And I also noticed that the roll-outs and cameras began to produce less in comparison with the 99 year, but there are more beds and wardrobes. Is it our strategic goods, or are they exporting wild? laughing
      Yes, and you can compare the GDP with the great one only after he leaves, but he does not leave, the highlanders die only if they cut off their heads (figuratively). Yes and more. For the benefit of whom did the factories work under Stalin, and for whose pocket now? when you answer this question all the other comparisons are just complete demagogy.
      1. sashka
        17 December 2012 18: 14
        Quote: Mechanic
        that matarolera and cameras began to produce less

        Less is how? Long time no see. And if you know where to buy, please share it. Support the domestic manufacturer.
        1. Atlon
          17 December 2012 18: 22
          Quote: Sasha
          And if you know where to buy, please share it. Support the domestic manufacturer.

          Offhand, whose products I use: http://www.velomotors.ru/
          There are others, google. ;)
        2. +2
          17 December 2012 19: 06
          Quote: Sasha
          Less is how? Long time no see. And if you know where to buy, please share it. Support the domestic manufacturer.

          This is according to statistics in the article. And so in our country, only in Kaliningrad do the tyrchi collect from the Chinese komplektuhi, there is only the BaltMotors emblem.
      2. Atlon
        17 December 2012 18: 20
        Quote: Mechanic
        Yes and more. For the benefit of whom did the factories work under Stalin, and for whose pocket now? when you answer this question all the other comparisons are just complete demagogy.

        Stalin built factories by force. Putin by means of cunning (including "allowing" to steal). Let's talk about 5 years from now, when the anti-corruption campaign ends. wink
        1. +2
          17 December 2012 19: 08
          Quote: Atlon
          Let's talk about 5 years, when the anti-corruption company ends.
          Maybe better in 2020, how does the great GDP promise us? lol For a long time I do not believe in fairy tales and empty verbiage. And an even greater trick is to allow you to steal a plant for a penny, without investing, milk it at the expense of the workers, and float the loot, while the state sits with a sly look and rubs its hands like "well, now he will start investing in the plant, and we will invest it." Well, it’s cunning, only it seems to me that it’s mega-stupid or not without benefit for yourself.
          1. +2
            17 December 2012 19: 38
            Oh cool minus slapped, but there is nothing to argue? laughing
        2. +1
          17 December 2012 21: 06
          Quote: Atlon
          Stalin built factories by force. Putin through cunning (including "allowing" to steal

          No comment. fool
        3. btsypulin
          17 December 2012 23: 32
          Atlon, it’s not funny to you that they wrote about 5 years and about the trick? It is necessary to write this! I do not want to offend, there will be no comments.
    2. +9
      17 December 2012 13: 40
      Short. And in my opinion it’s true.
      Still, probably, morality and unwritten laws (customs, culture) are indeed primordial ...
      Indeed: brevity is the sister of talent. Plus to you.
      1. +2
        17 December 2012 14: 31
        the main difference is that at that time there was a national idea that moved people, but now it doesn’t exist ......... everyone feels it, because a Russian person cannot be content with only the idea of ​​personal enrichment and hedonism .... ....... his vision is beyond the horizon, worldly, because the Russians have changed the world more than once in their history .............. and they will also change, I'm sure of that ...... .a Stalin, unlike Putin, with all its advantages, was P a l a h o m of the Russian people, in his reign, Russia was bathed in its own home, almost drowned ......... but Putin cannot give people a great unifying idea, yes, there is such a thing
        1. +8
          17 December 2012 15: 25
          and Stalin, unlike Putin, for all his pluses, was in the hands of the Russian people,
          Stalin was not the executioner of the Russian people, on the contrary, he brought us into an era of stability and a peaceful, well-fed life, built the greatest army of the 50th century, he almost returned the borders of our state and created many satellites. The golden era of the 60-15s in the USSR is a direct consequence of his rule. It's just that sycophants like Khrushchev, after the death of their leader, urgently needed to blame all the sins of the civil on one person in order to whitewash the communist ideology, they say, "that evil guy did everything, and we are innocent", and to strengthen the power with his "sensational denunciations." And in the West, this nonsense about a "bloody tyrant" was gladly supported in order to continue to consider us terrible Asian barbarians who obey "Genghis Khan". Putin cannot reach a man like Stalin, nor can he jump. Yes, and with the number of victims of the Second World War, somehow not everything is clear - they will say first 15 million - all yes, yes, yes, how awful, 20 million. Then they say 25-30 million - won how much, it was so much, yes, yes- Yes. Some Jew will blurt out that XNUMX million - and they also agree with this. Does anyone do objective calculations at all, or whoever says it will be so ?!
        2. +5
          17 December 2012 17: 07
          And just in case, count the number of prisoners in prisons under Stalin and with GDP! Obviously not in favor of the latter.
          1. Alexander 1958
            17 December 2012 20: 17
            Good afternoon!
            For AleksUkr
            If you wanted to credit Putin with a smaller number of prisoners than under Stalin, then I would like to understand - do you think that everything is fine with us (both in Russia and Ukraine) and the laws are being implemented or just the opposite ..?
            Remembering the words of F.E Dzerzhinsky addressed to a potential prisoner- ... that you are not sitting is our flaw, not your merit ... we can say that a small number of prisoners is more of a flaw in Putin than evidence of his success ..
            Alexander 1958
            1. Misantrop
              18 December 2012 01: 09
              And the trick is that now the number of prisoners is greater. And much
            2. 0
              18 December 2012 17: 36
              You do not quite understand correctly. Read carefully my last sentence.
        3. Atlon
          17 December 2012 18: 26
          Quote: strannik595
          the main difference is that at that time there was a national idea that moved people, but now it doesn’t exist ......... everyone feels it, because a Russian person cannot be content with only the idea of ​​personal enrichment

          Yes, this is the main flaw and the main disadvantage. Always and everywhere at such sites, he spoke about the need to have his own homebrew "Dr. Goebbels". There is NO state propaganda. Absolutely! This is a minus, big and bold. The idea is needed! National level. I don't see it yet ...: (((
        4. +3
          17 December 2012 19: 21
          Oh, just don’t need again about the millions shot personally by Stalin.
        5. Misantrop
          18 December 2012 01: 07
          But only, oddly enough, the percentage of acquittals in this executioner was many times higher than under the current democrats. And this despite the fact that the largest thieves now are either not jurisdictional at all, or just make up almost all the meager justifying percentage that is now available. This is not what I came up with, this is what practicing lawyers say.
    3. +7
      17 December 2012 15: 06
      Quote: vorobey
      It has become.
      Nichrome did not become neither requirements nor aspirations.

      You are mistaken, dear! Aspiration has appeared, and very strong and steady - called "cult of cash"in spite" of the personality cult ...
    4. Atlon
      17 December 2012 18: 18
      Quote: vorobey
      It was high moral requirements and personal aspirations to work for the good of the country and society.

      The merit of Stalin or the repressive apparatus?

      Quote: vorobey
      Nichrome did not become neither requirements nor aspirations.

      Putin's merit, or lack of repressive apparatus?
    5. 0
      17 December 2012 22: 37
      Quote: vorobey
      It was high moral requirements and personal aspirations to work for the good of the country and society.

      The communists in the slogans were strong. Everything was.
      The Belomorsko-Baltic canal (abbreviated as Belomorkanal, LBC, until 1961 - the White Sea-Baltic Canal named after Stalin) is a canal connecting the White Sea with Lake Onega and having access to the Baltic Sea and the Volga-Baltic Waterway.

      Built between 1931 and 1933 in record time. Opened August 2, 1933. Built by the prisoners of the Gulag. It was one of the significant construction projects of the first five-year plan and the first fully camp construction in the USSR

      There was also the fact that people took away property that they acquired with hard work all their lives, and they themselves were sent to Siberia with hats.
      Stalin's time is like a moon with a light and dark side.
      But to be honest, it’s dumb to get caught at that time.
    6. Misantrop
      18 December 2012 01: 01
      Quote: vorobey
      Nichrome did not become neither requirements nor aspirations.
      It’s just the demands and aspirations that have become, as they say, "to hell and crap." One thing is bad, these demands and aspirations do not coincide with the interests of strengthening the country in ANY way ...
  4. +13
    17 December 2012 13: 26
    The article is far from objectivity particularly affected ...

    There was practically nothing to say about the construction of the army by Stalin in his first 8-10 years of government. After the Civil War, the Red Army was fully operational, could defeat any external enemy. As for its modernization, there was not much progress towards the beginning of the 30s.
    Much more can be said about Putin’s military construction.

    Read the facts from history .... mister author.
    I can say the following to myself ... During the reign of Putin, RAO UES was liquidated. Putin waved to Chubais ... What is the case with energy today ... everyone imagines. Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station is still warm in memory. Due to mediocre dispersal, tens of thousands of highly qualified energy specialists were left without work. And these are not sales managers for you ... I also left due to a drop in salaries due to corruption in the division of the pie. In the second company where I worked, foreigners dominated ... They threw out sensible Russians capable of competing with the help of our sales assistants and managers ... They do not need competitors. Excavation plant and others including military enterprises fell into the hands of private traders and were closed for bankruptcy .. So what Stalin opened ... Putin covered up ... But we are honored by foreigners !!!
    1. +6
      17 December 2012 15: 08
      "Much more can be said about Putin's military development"

      No need to tell anything. It is enough to look at the Minister of Defense Serdyukov and his "reforms" to understand how Putin and company "builds" the armed forces!
    2. +2
      17 December 2012 19: 40
      Due to mediocre dispersal, tens of thousands of highly qualified specialists

      In RAO "UES" there were only accountants recruited in the early 90s by a red-haired su-oh. And the fact that Putin has dispersed this kodlo of idlers from the economy, he only has a PLUS, and you, only a minus. You need a link - yes, I am a link in myself, I graduated from MPEI in 90, and only a few of my classmates became power engineers ... of workshops. But from Plekhanovsky, LPI, MESI the crowds became "prominent power engineers" under the auspices of Tolyan, "the best friend of all power engineers". And the fact that the SSHHES was covered with a copper basin due to the fact that RAO UES was dispersed, buy herring at the market and tell her. Or local bullies, they have an extra stone in Putin - a balm for their wounds
      1. Atlon
        17 December 2012 22: 34
        Quote: rexby63
        buy herring in the bazaar and tell her. Or to local liars, they have an extra stone in Putin - a balm for their wounds

        Bravo! good
      2. 0
        18 December 2012 08: 49
        I see you have great knowledge in the energy sector. I myself am an energy engineer ... and not at all an accountant ... Masters and shop managers are now working as security guards or just sellers ... The head of the TVET recently died unable to withstand such disgrace. The accountants remained with Chubais and Putin ... selling electricity . Do not know ... what to chat ...

        I see you have great knowledge in the energy sector. I myself am an energy engineer ... and not at all an accountant ... Masters and shop managers are now working as security guards or just sellers ... The head of the TVET recently died unable to withstand such disgrace. The accountants remained with Chubais and Putin ... selling electricity . Do not know ... what to chat ...
        1. 0
          18 December 2012 18: 56
          Those. Do you claim that both Dyakov and Brevnov are power engineers ?. About Chubais I generally bashfully silent. Another question - what is the difference between an electrical engineer and a power engineer?
  5. +7
    17 December 2012 13: 30
    It is pointless to compare Putin and Stalin, but one shows that he put the USSR on its knees and subsequently made it a superpower, while the other only noted political stability and the growth of corruption, the mafia structure is developing quite well, it has simply become hidden and that’s all. Well, a lot of minuses of the KGB genius. But Stalin's main disadvantage was that he destroyed quite a few citizens of the USSR in order to revive Russia.
  6. +13
    17 December 2012 13: 53
    Of course, you can prove everything with numbers, BUT this one killed:
    "In 1921 the State Bank of the USSR was recreated ..."
    There is no USSR yet, but the State Bank already exists! Nude ...
    Further reading does not make sense. Something that student messed up ...
    1. +3
      17 December 2012 15: 12
      Quote: Executer
      "In 1921 the State Bank of the USSR was recreated ..."
      There is no USSR yet, but the State Bank already exists! Nude ...
      Further reading does not make sense. Something that student messed up ...

      I agree - the student freeloaded a little ... However, the essence of the issue is correctly captured - Stalin created the State Bank, and Yeltsin made a private shop from the Bank of Russia.
      And here Yeltsin, we are talking about Putin! Right! But Putin, having accepted the reins of government, did nothing for the country's main bank to work for the country, and not for the US federal reserve system.
      1. gojesi
        17 December 2012 15: 22
        Quote: vadimN
        Putin, having accepted the reins of government, did nothing for the country's main bank to work for the country, and not for the US federal reserve system.

        ... just astounding ... either lack of information, or an understatement ... but do you know about the Fed? So do you really not know about what a frantic war is being waged by Putin for the withdrawal of Russia from the US Signora? Including for gaining financial independence from the Fed. And also ... Putin is not free to appoint and appoint to all posts ... For example, he cannot remove the director of the central bank, Chubais cannot, probably something was tortured by the min-defense ... We don’t know much, unlike the TV, controlled mainly by the State Department by the way ...
        1. +1
          18 December 2012 10: 25
          Quote: gojesi
          We don’t know much, unlike a TV controlled mainly by the State Department by the way ...

          Let's operate with facts, not rumors ... It’s very useful to understand and understand who owns and controls the media:

          So, who owns the main TV channels, so scolded by us now for the collapse of traditional Russian culture, the imposition of moron and base passions, lodges and ideological brainwashing ...:
          Channel One, Channel Russia federal authorities directly are state television channels.
          TVC channel belongs to Moscow government.
          TV channels that owned by the state not directly, indirectly, through companies with a significant share of state participation, thereby they are also controlled by the statem. These are the most odious comrades - TV channel NTV owned by Gazprom (Gazprommedia), channel RenTV owned by RAO UES. In both cases, the owners are state-owned companies.

          In more detail about it - here: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/sokol_14/post93393616

          So, colleagues, do not flatter yourself that the government does not control the media. This is another illusion, skillfully imposed on us. One way or another, the current government is the owner (and therefore the ideologist) of the main media that shape public opinion. The authorities, through a completely legal mechanism for managing companies with their own participation, have all the possibilities to appoint the heads of the media and set the ideology and format of each publication or television channel.

          All moronism and debauchery, a decline in morals and a substitution of cultural concepts are the CASE OF HANDS OF OUR CURRENT POWER, and only partly the US State Department!
      2. remez
        17 December 2012 15: 26
        the beginning of the reign of VVP read the headlines of the newspapers of the time 2000 with the topic nationalization of the Central Bank failed miserably, they simply did not allow him to do it.
        1. 0
          18 December 2012 17: 47
          Did he really want to?
          “At one time, Putin was recalled from Germany. It was rumored that he was allegedly seen in unwanted connections. The leadership was afraid that Putin was working as a double agent, and therefore recalled him here. The agent came to Leningrad with his Volga and dreamed of it But on the line of the KGB he still got a job at the University ...

          Link to the source! http://vsya-russia.ru/ygolovnoe-delo-putina.html
    2. Atlon
      17 December 2012 18: 39
      Quote: Executer
      Of course, you can prove everything with numbers, BUT something like this killed: "In 1921 the State Bank of the USSR was recreated ..." There is still no USSR, but the State Bank already exists! Nu-nu ... There is no point in reading further. Something that student messed up ...

      Doo-ra-ku it is clear that this is just a typo. It meant Russia, not the USSR. And how could the State Bank of the USSR be recreated if it did not exist before? And only for this reason, to conclude that: "There is no point in reading further" does not at all characterize you as a witty and erudite person. Rather like an upstart. Sorry to be straightforward.
  7. +7
    17 December 2012 14: 01
    how can you compare Stalin with Putin)

    IT IS A SIN! Xnumx
    1. mda
      17 December 2012 15: 06
      Quote: GEOKING95
      how can you compare Stalin with Putin)

      IT IS A SIN! Xnumx

      HAPPENED! look of Georgia damn it.
    2. Atlon
      17 December 2012 18: 41
      Quote: GEOKING95
      how can you compare Stalin with Putin) THIS SIN! 1

      How can you compare georgia with georgia?
      IT IS A SIN! Xnumx
      1. mda
        17 December 2012 19: 22
        Quote: Atlon
        How can you compare georgia with georgia?
        IT IS A SIN! Xnumx

        How can one constantly write in the nominative case?
        IT IS A SIN! Xnumx
  8. Brother Sarych
    17 December 2012 14: 02
    I didn’t even try to read it to the end ...
    The comparison itself in the title looks like an insult to Joseph Vissarionovich ...
    1. Atlon
      17 December 2012 18: 44
      Quote: Brother Sarich
      I didn’t even try to read it to the end ... The comparison itself in the title looks like an insult to Joseph Vissarionovich ...

      In the days of Joseph Vissarionovich, many, like you, said: I didn’t read it myself (I didn’t see, I don’t know, I didn’t hear it), but like all Soviet people and our leader, Comrade Stalin, I strongly condemn this book (article, film, performance).
      1. 0
        18 December 2012 12: 35
        What, did they say so? And by and large, it’s better to listen to a smart person than you
  9. +7
    17 December 2012 14: 16
    The problem of negatively minded people is life in the present day, without seeing the past (even the nearest) and not thinking about the future. How can you say that everything is crappy and worse than yesterday without analyzing "today" from the 90s, when life really became unbearable from year to year and by 2000 Russia was literally hanging on the edge of the abyss. What we see "today" is growth in all areas of the economy, real integration in the post-Soviet space, intensive rearmament, submarine cruises in the oceans, and stable strategic aviation on duty. Comrades, we turn on the logic and work with optimism for the good of the homeland, plans by the country's leadership are indicated.
    A Great Future in a Great Country awaits us.
    1. mda
      17 December 2012 15: 07
      Quote: NAV-STAR
      The problem of negatively minded people is life in the present day, without seeing the past (even the nearest) and not thinking about the future. How can you say that everything is crappy and worse than yesterday without analyzing "today" from the 90s, when life really became unbearable from year to year and by 2000 Russia was literally hanging on the edge of the abyss. What we see "today" is growth in all areas of the economy, real integration in the post-Soviet space, intensive rearmament, nuclear submarine campaigns in the oceans, stable strategic aviation on duty. Comrades, we are turning on logic and optimistically working for the good of our homeland, the plans have been outlined by the country's leadership.
      A Great Future in a Great Country awaits us.

      here is at least one normal comment. The rest have forgotten the 90s will squeal now ....
      1. 0
        17 December 2012 16: 09
        The rest remember what happened before the 90s, and therefore they are outraged, even reaching the level of 85-89, and Mr. Comrade GDP did not work.
        1. +1
          17 December 2012 16: 47
          Respected Astartes 85-89 years, the economies of all republics worked in a single mechanism and deep cooperation, do not compare the Cyrillic alphabet and oil, turn on logic, not troll. Not to notice the restoration of cooperation, economic ties in the post-Soviet space, for the breakthrough of RUSSIAN CIVILIZATION - a sign of blindness.
      2. +3
        17 December 2012 21: 36
        I support. In the 90s there was no money for soap, and now almost every family has two cars, and gasoline is expensive-a-a-a-t. Things are completely bad!
  10. remez
    17 December 2012 14: 17
    so as not to waste time "I WILL BE KRATOK" the comparison of the two politicians is quite appropriate, there are many similarities in their actions and with their problems, this is the war against devastation (the current Stalin had a much larger border of the civil war) and the internal political struggle, etc. , I fully support when people try to analyze them and not throw mud at one of them, or even both.
    but I would like to contact the author of this article on at least one question, although there are a lot of them here "" "
    over 5 years, from 1921 to 1926, the industrial production index increased by more than 3 times; agricultural production doubled and exceeded the level of 2 by 18%

    How could this happen? if still in Tambov the rebellion of June 1921 was not suppressed? It’s a black earth region, and in April 1922 there were 17 peasant uprisings without taking into account the county-wide scale) what agricultural growth during this period is appropriate to talk about, and even more so compared to 1913 when South American farmers were busted due to our exports ? and Stalin came to power not 21 but in the period 27-30 just before the beginning of the first five-year plan.
  11. +5
    17 December 2012 14: 24
    To carry out reforms in a country that has all the resources necessary to build a new economy, in a closed information field and capital boundaries - this is the story of times.
    It is much more difficult, the most reforms, to carry out in a country that is not informationally and ideologically protected, the country's economy already for the most part it is built into the global, world, and the resources are also for the most part given to the "confidants" of the previous President-drunk.
    What to do ??? To declare nationalization? Borders to close? Is Internet quenching?
    With what ease we all "know" here ...
    Let it take 100 years, we'll see.
    1. remez
      17 December 2012 14: 47
      subscribe to every word.
    2. donchepano
      17 December 2012 20: 01
      Quote: BigRiver

      Let it take 100 years, we'll see.

      Yes. during this time as at Nasr-ed-din; "One of the three of us will die. Or Khan, or donkey, or me."
      Therefore, it is interesting to know what you will see there in 100 years ...
  12. Rezun
    17 December 2012 14: 25
    Putin is Putin, Stalin is Stalin!
    Times are different, but the task is one! "Uncle Joe" did it, but like "Uncle Vova", in ten years I have my children specifically they say. It’s hard for us to draw the right conclusions.
  13. SSR
    17 December 2012 14: 25
    During the Second Chechen the military did not have a noose around its neckwith the help of which they were made to win the last time.

    But there were those who betrayed our paratroopers... who organized a corridor for money .... traitors who did not allow the children to come to the rescue .... traitors who worship the golden calf and who still live ... on bloody money.
    Under Stalin .. they would have long received their ice axes .. or they would have worked off the loot in the mines.
    Under Putin, 13-room "cells" for the robbers of the people.
    1. donchepano
      17 December 2012 20: 03
      Quote from S.S.R.
      13-room "cells" for people robbers.
    2. SSR
      18 December 2012 14: 41
      yeah .. the people have a cognitive dissonance however)))
      that the phrase about 13 "chamber" apartments hurts everyone's eyes? ))
      or that under Stalin it was different)))
      oh you sad GMO))) I myself voted for Pu .. but since I voted .. this does not mean that I should close my eyes ...
      if I'm lying, then at least correct me, or not a comparison article? ))) you are bashful mine hi
  14. +12
    17 December 2012 14: 27
    Putin is not Stalin, I copied everything below, I don’t remember where.

    Today, something is trying to suggest to us that Putin is the second Stalin. In response to this comparison, one can only sarcastically grin. It is impossible to confuse Stalin and Putin even with a big hangover. After all, a person is judged by deeds, not by words. The affairs of the GDP are such that it is obvious: its regime, sucking billions from the country, pumps them into private pockets and to the West. The Rosneft affair with TNK-BP (Tyumen Oil Company - British Petroleum) is one of the most flashy illustrations to this conclusion.
    So, before us is not Stalin, but just a colonial administrator, unsuccessfully "mowing" under the sovereign autocrat. And he does not develop the country, but regularly turns it into an escheated raw materials appendage of the West. Therefore, Putin’s regime is, by definition, finite.
    COMRADE STALIN IN THE HEAD OF A SHAFT OF STURSES Imagine a picture from an alternative reality. So, comrade Stalin, by hook or by crook, is extracting foreign exchange earnings. Peasants tear on collective farms and give the state grain so that Stalin can sell it abroad and get marks / pounds / francs. For the sake of this, three million ZEKs cut down forests in Siberia and Karelia, and they mine gold in Kolyma, in incredibly difficult conditions. For this, furs, black caviar, manganese of Georgia and Ukraine, oil from Azerbaijan and Chechnya, anthracite of Donbass, ore of the Kursk magnetic anomaly, flax of the Pskov region, etc. go abroad. In general, as in the usual 1930s. That's just the funds received from this, literally covered with sweat and the blood of the people, Joseph Vissarionovich does not spend at all on the purchase of equipment and technologies, not on the construction of factories and universities, not on blast furnaces and not on new roads, not on the training of millions of new specialists in a wide variety of industries. No, he sends all these billions ... to the West. That is, it puts the money received from the West back into its banks, buys bonds of Western states for national income, actually lending Russian money to the West. So that he, getting them on credit, could build his factories, ships, roads, universities.
    At the same time, part of the wealth obtained, Comrade Stalin pumps hundreds of close ones into his pockets. And another part - he invests in the extraction of raw materials in order to sell it to the west more and more. And the proceeds of the currency - again shakes the West and in private pockets. The enterprises of the USSR cannot take loans from domestic banks, because there are prohibitively high interest rates, and therefore they are forced to take loans from Western bankers. Which give them to the Soviet factories of the same money that Comrade Stalin sent to the West and put them in the local credit institutions.
    Moreover, from 1927 to 1939, Comrade Stalin made a thousand and one speeches on the need for a breakthrough in the development of the country and its industrialization. But nothing is being built. Neither Dneproges, nor GAZ and ZIS, nor Magnitka, nor Rostselmash, nor Uralmash rise. There are only their picture projects. There is no electrification, Kharkov, Stalingrad and Chelyabinsk tractor plants did not appear. There are no dozens of aircraft-building plants - and aircraft make only seven pieces a year. Civilian airplanes are bought in America, and the USSR Air Force continues to fly on even the tsarist "farms" and "newspores" of the First World War. And if anything is being built in the Union, only oil harbors and port elevators for the export of raw materials abroad. Money is not invested in hundreds of research institutes; neither Fiztekh, nor MEPhI appears.

    And also http://li.ru/go?rusrand.ru/doklad/Istoria_Rossii_Uchebnik/30.2000-e.pdf
    1. +1
      17 December 2012 20: 01
      And so it’s nothing that Magnitka and Uralmash were evacuated from the front-line zone, but not built from scratch.
      1. +2
        17 December 2012 20: 27
        About the "expert" appeared laughing , if only I used the Internet, read:
        Magnitogorsk The first blast furnace of the plant was launched on January 31, 1932, in the summer of the same year the second blast furnace gave pig iron, another year later - blast furnaces No. 3 and 4, four open-hearth furnaces. The construction of the metallurgical plant as a whole was carried out in record time (the initial completion of construction was scheduled for January 1, 1934). At the same time, the work was carried out largely by hand, in extremely difficult conditions. The plant was named after the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) I. V. Stalin. [4] [1] In August 1934, the first high-quality rolling mill “500” was commissioned.
        The Ural Heavy Engineering Plant (UZTM) began work on July 15, 1933. The plant specialized in the production of excavators, crushers, blast-furnace and steel-smelting equipment, blooms, rolling mills, hydraulic presses, etc. The enterprise also produced defense products, in particular, during the Great Patriotic War, more than 19 armored corps were manufactured at Uralmash, 000 thousand field and tank guns, about 30 tanks and self-propelled guns.
    2. Pablo
      18 December 2012 01: 18
      Zyuganovsky Crying Yaroslavny.
  15. Nechai
    17 December 2012 14: 27
    Quote: baltika-18
    What kind of comparison can be talked about. The author should be ashamed of rubbing the brains of people, although you can’t do it for the money.

    Yes, the casket opens simply - in society more and more demands to stop the ongoing bacchanalia. And the people see the only opportunity for this in the leader "Stalin 2." So probing ideas are launched - they say so this is who you are all looking for. Suddenly it will ride, yeah ... Plebs, after all, hang up his headphones, he will believe that ...
    Quote: vorobey
    It became nihrena no requirements or aspirations.

    No, Sasha. The requirement is carefully cultivated - if you want to get high - rip it out as you want and you can, dough immeasurably and dump it on the "paradise islands" to be delayed all your life.
  16. anchonsha
    17 December 2012 14: 30
    Evaluating the simple reader here is very difficult. Based on general data and history, we can say that Stalin would have acted differently, had not carried out forced industrialization, just like Peter 1 with his economic and political reforms, the USSR would not have existed, but fascist Germany would have become a world empire like the current USA. Do not be Putin, but if Nemtsovs, Kasyanovs, Khodorkovskys, Berezovskys stayed in their place (how many of these bastards are given, not yet listed) Russia would not have existed, but there would have remained some flaws. Here, in Russia, the Germans did not live with the Kasyanovs, but now they live, scum. And over the past 20 years, it’s also hard to establish political life and put an end to corruption without using Stalin’s methods. But Putin is given a plus only in the burgeoning corruption, not even paying attention to the fact that he kept Russia from collapse, made it possible to live, not to exist.
  17. +5
    17 December 2012 14: 35
    Yes, Vladimir Putin is good for Russia, but Chubais and Boerboels still live without problems with him. Under I.V. Stalin, such physical labor would strengthen the power of Russia, increasing the morale of its inhabitants.
  18. 0
    17 December 2012 14: 39
    Under I.V. Stalin, such physical labor would strengthen the power of Russia, increasing the morale of its inhabitants.

    What if Stalin was in charge of an "open" country? Would their fate be the same?
  19. +5
    17 December 2012 14: 46
    Bullshit this whole article.
    But I would like to ask the author a question: "Who needs this (comparison) and why?"
  20. +9
    17 December 2012 14: 46
    Interesting you people ... gathered here ...
    Stalin is not on you ..
    with Berry and Yezhov at hand ..
    In Kolyma ... the computers would have worked faster, and they would not have needed cooling - to write this.
    Everyone has the same opinion - juggling.
    The correct opinion, by the way.
    All "true historians" are shouting - why did they let the mathematician study HISTORY? I'm talking about Fomenko.
    And why ... a professor of mathematics to play in numbers - in politics?
    Numbers - they are numbers and figures that you can perform various formal operations with them, multiply, add ... And better, of course - Divide and subtract. Perform functions - assignment ... values ​​to the operand.
    Nobody argues - Putin is working. Frankly speaking, it works better than DAM.
    Everything else does not roll.
    "... Let's start with 1991 ..." And why?
    Has the country become destroyed? Who said that? What - factories fell apart? Power lines and hydroelectric power stations collapsed. Rusted all bridges and diesel locomotives with ships? Have the wings fallen off the planes?
    NO. and NO.
    The inertia of the USSR mechanism is so huge that even after 10 years it allowed to start pulling the country out of the abyss.
    So, a comparison of two Leaders is incorrect.
    Thank Putin for the fact that the country at least has not plunged into the abyss.
    And the seventh we are from below ... or from above - to us, specifically, what’s wrong with that?
    1. +3
      18 December 2012 09: 54
      Quote: Igarr
      So, a comparison of two Leaders is incorrect.
      Thank Putin for the fact that the country at least has not plunged into the abyss.

      Quote: Igarr
      Nobody argues - Putin is working. Frankly speaking, it works better than DAM.
      Everything else does not roll.

      Igor plus, absolutely agree.
  21. Owl
    17 December 2012 14: 53
    I do not respect VVP and its government, but, unfortunately, there were no other real candidates in the presidential elections, the only competitor for VVP, General Ivashov was removed from the elections at the beginning of the campaign. GDP - "best of the worst".
    1. -1
      17 December 2012 15: 10
      gee lol
      And why is the eternal adjutant so great?
  22. +1
    17 December 2012 14: 55
    gee tough.
    But we can argue that now we can again build the same 1500 industrial objects, etc., etc.
    The most important answer for yourself
    Are you ready to give up the good? And from the majority? Do you compare the accessibility to the benefits of an average resident of Russia and the USSR in proportion to a resident of Germany? Are you ready to work like that?
  23. vav
    17 December 2012 15: 12
    Article ordered!
    A program was launched a couple of years ago on Putin's Stalinization in the eyes of the people .....
    1. Ilyich
      17 December 2012 16: 37
      But nothing that it was written 5-6 years ago? wink
  24. reading
    17 December 2012 15: 15
    I read the article - in my opinion, it was written in 2007-08, since all the links in 2007 and the mention at the end of "Such dramatic changes in the country that have happened in just eight years make it possible to name President B with full confidence. V. Putin is the best, most effective, intelligent and successful ruler of Russia at least over the past century and a half. " Why reanimate her now? Nonsense. And it is not entirely correct to compare specific historical characters, the time is different, and the numbers do not prove or refute anything.
  25. LOKY
    17 December 2012 15: 23
    Very strange sources were used to assess the initial period of the Soviet Union - modern ones: Wikipedia, KM, etc. In fact, it was worth reading normal books, studying statistics, not summary tables. Then it would turn out that "the best, most effective, intelligent and successful of the rulers of Russia at least over the past century and a half" would be, oddly enough, Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich. ;)
    Although this does not negate Putin's merits. They are and there are many of them.
  26. UltimaVV
    17 December 2012 15: 27
    Like, everything in the article was intelligibly compared by time periods, and the sense of zero
  27. toguns
    17 December 2012 15: 29
    recourse incorrect comparison Putin and Stalin lived in different eras and solved different tasks, and as for me Stalin had a more effective tool for managing people, Putin unfortunately does not have such a tool :(
    tool this fear of being shot.
    1. +1
      18 December 2012 12: 53
      Yes, not fear of dawn, but the idea of ​​IDEA - dominated by people, the idea of ​​building a just society, if you want - a "bright future", a person cannot without a dream, take it away and you get a beast: to devour and have sex, to which the present ones lead us, live, they say, in a high, have fun to the fullest, etc.
  28. makarich26
    17 December 2012 15: 32
    Quote: itr
    People are narrow-minded and poorly educated, unable to understand the meaning of the activities of the country's leader

    I read to this place I did not read further. With the author - everything is clear.
    But comparing Stalin and Putin is the same as comparing x..y with a finger.
  29. 0
    17 December 2012 15: 38
    Comparing Stalin and Putin is a daunting task - too different eras. Under Stalin, the USSR had an ideology completely different from what was in the rest of the world and built its state system without looking back at anyone. Now Putin has to maneuver in the era of globalism, Russia is now part of the rest of the world, and this has to be reckoned with. And their similarity is manifested in the fact that each of them, being a product of their time, became those leaders without whom the very existence of our state would simply be impossible. They may or may not be liked by the infallible on earth, especially among the "defeatists", no. I personally do not idolize Putin, and under Stalin it was not possible to live - my grandfathers lived with him. But try to imagine someone else instead of Stalin, or answer the question: who could now become the head of Russia instead of Putin? The answer is obvious: there was no alternative to the two leaders, and there is no one, you need to face the truth. Russia has an amazing ability at critical periods of its development to give birth to leaders whose strength, intelligence and will keep the country from collapse.
  30. +8
    17 December 2012 15: 39
    Well, it happened ... From rare and timid attempts to introduce Putin as the new Stalin, to:
    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.
    Not much time has passed.
    Moreover, this does not mean personal condition, but significance for the country. (minor disadvantages in the sections "Information field" and "Social sphere" do not change the overall picture)
    The article is so voluminous and so deceitful. that to quote from it as evidence of obvious lies and attempts to deceive there is no desire. Detailed analysis and criticism may exceed the volume of the article itself. Enough of this:
    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.
    Trotsky is equal to KasyanovU?
    1. +2
      17 December 2012 16: 01
      Is normal Trotsky equal to KasyanovU? - I cried!
      1. +5
        17 December 2012 18: 05
        Quote: Nagaibak
        I cried!

        So do I. Moreover, during the reading of the article more than once. After all, if the author considers the comparison acceptable Trotsky and Kasyanov, either he considers his readers moronic, or young children who do not know who Trotsky is. Since I do not consider myself weak-minded, I cried like a child
        After this passage, the article could not be read further, but I read it, it was interesting; will the author surpass himself. No surpassed. He piled a whole stockade of absurdities, inconsistencies and obvious fraud, seasoned all this with a crafty digital figure, but could not achieve that degree of shamelessness as in this comparison.
        And for me, the scale of Stalin’s personality is so much larger than the scale of Putin’s personality, just as Trotsky surpasses Misha
  31. +1
    17 December 2012 15: 44
    What can I say. The author of the article is big and bold PLUS. Maybe not everything is as accurate as we would like, but the tendency of the article is quite clear and understandable, even, as I think, at the level of incomplete secondary education, maybe this article will not be understood with education at the level of the parish school, but that's about it. ..........
    Of course YOU began to live worse, and here are some facts:
    The Russian gold and foreign exchange fund is now in second place in the world, oh how bad it is that it is not stored in your home.
    Life was simply unbearable, it was not enough to drive into the yard, it was impossible to enter, everything was forced by cars bought by corrupt officials, speculators and thieves.
    And what is beer for 17 rubles?
    Take a stop with your feet? If possible, they will not fall off state bills.
    The lion of visitors to the site has such a set of gadgets: a stationary computer, laptop, tablet, and a couple more mobile phones, so what would save on communications, and what would it be like a BE kit in the minimum configuration, bought with money saved on food.
    Turkey and Egypt, and even more so the Krasnodar Territory, is not a resort, it’s already an ala house in the village, and the Krasnodar Territory is like a hacienda in the 90s, you just don’t need to work.
    How do you all live poorly, how do you all feel bad and sad, with this attitude towards life, at least lie down in a coffin and die, well, I forgot the coffins are not cheap now, I need it on an individual order, with wi-fi and other nonsense, maybe come in handy.
    Daaaaaaa I completely forgot, and our gaytsy are still residents of one wonderful Latin American republic. Continuous bribe-takers and lawless people. "Man, now I'll show them my cool tachila, now we'll squeeze it. LJJJJJJJJH Oh, uncle, I did not exceed the speed, I did not intentionally, I didn’t accidentally, please let me go. A fine of 1000 rubles? What are you uncle, I live on benefits from my parents, I earn little, let me give you 500 rubles, let me go, I'm in a hurry to the hospital, to my eight-cousin's aunt, she has an aggravation, a muck "And after that we have Hispanic guys?
    I’m lying around with you people.
    1. Atlon
      17 December 2012 18: 53
      Well done! All is correct. So many times it has been written by me (and others) in various forums, but all one thing ... Poking a finger at the computer keyboard, people write about an unbearable life ... But in the 90s, it was not real to eat every day ... ;) However, who remembers this? Plus to you!
  32. Gorchakov
    17 December 2012 15: 56
    Incorrect comparison ... Other times, other people, and compared personalities are completely different .... I know for sure that Putin will never get such a leader as Stalin, but Stalin will never be in Putin's place ... To each his own time and place ....
  33. grizzlir
    17 December 2012 16: 15
    Even if the personality of GDP is strongly pulled by the ears, as is done in the article, then in comparison with Stalin it will be the same as a pug with an elephant.
    1. +5
      17 December 2012 17: 30
      Quote: grizzlir
      Even if the personality of GDP is strongly pulled by the ears, as is done in the article, then in comparison with Stalin it will be the same as a pug with an elephant.

      I completely agree! Heaven and earth! And the article is just bullshit! One lie, and more! negative
  34. +4
    17 December 2012 16: 16
    The country as such, first of all not by TVs and gadgets, is estimated with the number of cars and cell phones - it is estimated by the moral and moral climate. by charity and kindness to people, towards a neighbor and the smiles of people, by happiness in the family and joy at work!
    By confidence. that "servants of the people" work and think for the good of the people, and not grab into their own pockets and call us contemptuously cattle!
  35. +4
    17 December 2012 16: 20
    The author of the article is big + good Already licked so licked ... laughing
  36. 22rus
    17 December 2012 16: 33
    Stalin and Putin. Comparative analysis.

    I do not understand the varieties of Mr. (c)
    1. +2
      19 December 2012 07: 12
      Quote: 22rus
      I do not understand the varieties of Mr. (c)

      Do not be shy.
  37. Alx1miK
    17 December 2012 16: 33
    Again these dances on the bones. “Stalin is good, but bloody” Putin is good, but for a long time. ”You litter our history, and then you think“ why do we have no national idea. ”Under Stalin, it was bad in the sense that the state built reforms looking at the future Therefore, the current generation did not live better. And under Putin, it sucks that garbage is in power, this garbage steals and bully in front of those who have chosen this garbage. And this garbage is with each other in relatives - the Soprano Plya clan.
  38. Art111
    17 December 2012 16: 44
    Absolutely incompatible article. Two different eras and different conditions. Putin to Stalin still do and do. Although no one doubts his success. We all remember the nineties and understand how we live now. But, probably, none of us would like to live in the first period.
  39. Ilyich
    17 December 2012 16: 47
    The article put a plus. I have long wanted to read something like this, but I would definitely not have been enough for such a study. With the majority of the above, I agree with some reservations. Here are just a few:
    The subsequent spurt ensured industrial growth, at 4,6% per year, but led to a decline in agricultural production and was accompanied by reprisals against citizens dissatisfied with government policies. In general, for the initial industrialization of the USSR, the Russian people had to pay with thousands of human lives and freeze the standard of living at the pre-revolutionary level for very long years.

    In addition, the first stage of the country's development “according to Stalin” was accompanied by a number of economic crises, which ultimately led the country - despite the peacetime! - to the rationing system and almost medieval invasion of the working class and peasantry.

    Where did the power of the USSR come from then? Aliens brought, or what? And in such a cunning way, Stalin was the first in Europe to cancel the cards after the war. And then also lower prices every year? if, in the author’s opinion, everything except the heavy industry didn’t work ... Something here he overdid
  40. Raven
    17 December 2012 16: 52
    Compare does not make sense. But compare the Russians, how you lived in the 90s, and how now. There is a difference .
    Our father will object to the BSSR wink
  41. WW3
    17 December 2012 17: 02
    Stalin had charisma, real authority and unshakable authority like the USSR in the world was respected and feared by enemies ... Stalin did not squander territories and did not play democracy .. he smoked a lot and did not live in luxury, rather even ascetic ... under his leadership World War 2 won and the country restored from ruins ...
    But Putin is still better than Medvedev, I’ll be silent about Yeltsin’s alcoholic ...
    1. Raven
      17 December 2012 22: 39
      You would have our president for 5 years, you won’t recognize the country :)
      1. 0
        18 December 2012 08: 53
        Lukashenko, President of the United Russia and Belarus !!!
  42. 26vova06
    17 December 2012 17: 06
    I agree that comparing Stalin and Putin is very difficult and even in many ways incorrect.
    Well, firstly, different eras, different views, society itself has changed. there is no clear motivation in people. if under Stalin everyone worked for the country, now
    work only for their own benefit.
    Saying that Putin is bad it’s worth thinking about who if not him? Yes, the growth rate is not the same as in the 1930s, but it is still a slow (although if compared with Europe, even fast) growth. Salaries, pensions are growing ...
    Indeed, the demographic situation has stabilized. and much more.
    those who say that now our stagnation is wrong! they just don't leave home. For example, I live in the Krasnodar Territory and see how roads and interchanges are being built. Krasnodar does not recognize. brand new sixteen-story buildings ... and so you can list for a long time ...

    then someone said that in the 40s aircraft were produced by thousands, so you compare the production technology! right now the world in general does not produce as many planes

    Well, the article + even though she is already 5 years old
  43. +3
    17 December 2012 17: 29
    But it seems to me that the comparison is not correct! request
  44. +9
    17 December 2012 17: 33
    “A decisive role in assessing Stalin is played by direct evidence of contemporaries who directly confront him, both on our side and on the other side of the barricade. These latter are not uninteresting. Take Churchill, who in 1919 was proud of his personal contribution to the organization of military intervention by 14 foreign states against the young Soviet Republic, and exactly forty years later he was forced to use these words to characterize Stalin - one of his formidable political opponents: “He was an outstanding personality, appealing to our cruel times of the period in which his life was passing. Stalin was a man of extraordinary energy, erudition and unbending willpower, sharp, tough, merciless both in action and in conversation, to which even I, brought up in the English parliament, could not oppose anything ... In his works there sounded a gigantic force. This force is so great in Stalin that he seemed unique among the leaders of all times and peoples ... His influence on people it is reflective. When he entered the hall of the Yalta conference, we all, as if on command, got up. And a strange thing - they kept their hands at the seams. Stalin possessed a deep, non-panic, logical and meaningful wisdom. He was an unsurpassed master of finding a way out of the most hopeless situation in difficult times ... He was a man who destroyed his enemy by the hands of his enemies, forced us, whom he openly called imperialists, to fight against the imperialists ... He accepted Russia with a plow and left it equipped with a nuclear weapons. " Pretense or political conjuncture cannot explain such an assessment-recognition on the part of the faithful guard of the British Empire. "
  45. +2
    17 December 2012 17: 55
    Lukashenko, when compared to Stalin, replied: "I can get to Stalin, like walking to China." And Putin cares about Lukashenka? At least also defend the interests of the people and their country? Oh!
    In my opinion, the toad crushed someone when they selected the hero of Russia. For the first time, I.V. Stalin - the voting was canceled, the second time they were elected .... anyway, I.V. Stalin in second place.
    It would be better if they were engaged in ideology and patriotism, but the real fight against corrupt officials. Then it would be possible to compare someone else by results.
  46. +1
    17 December 2012 17: 58
    When the son of Stalin captured by the Nazis was offered to be exchanged for Paulus, he replied - I DO NOT CHANGE ORDER TO GENERAL !!!!! And Putin covers up this kodlu of Serdyukov’s bears and others like them. The people see and understand this, but suffer because there is a pup. And if there are no beetles, the vovkins will fly like weeds in the wind !!!
    1. Atlon
      17 December 2012 19: 20
      Quote: shoroh
      And if there are no beetles, the vovkins will fly like weeds in the wind !!!

      Why wouldn't she be? As they say in Odessa: "Don't wait!" laughing
      And Putin is doing everything right! I would try one of the critics here ... For a long time I would erase the powder! Without executions, you won’t do anything quickly ... And then they’re sitting here, writing ... the vast majority, in their WORKING TIME! Under STALIN, your friends would have sent you from warm offices for a long time to frosty taiga! Then the development of the country would have gone faster than an example! bully
      1. 0
        17 December 2012 21: 21
        Quote: Atlon
        And then they are sitting here, writing ... the vast majority, in their WORKING TIME!

        I IP. I want to write, I want to dance. tongue
  47. +2
    17 December 2012 18: 39
    [hide] [/ hide] The communists of Russia do not believe in the end of the world: on December 21 they will celebrate Stalin's birthday

    publication time: 14: 57
    last update: 14: 57

    Russian media report that the Russian Communists intend to celebrate Joseph Stalin's birthday this Friday, December 21, announced by the press the end of the world.

    "This day marks the 133rd anniversary of the birth of Joseph Stalin, and the leadership of our party, as every year, will mark this date by laying flowers at his grave at the Kremlin wall," the news agency quotes State Duma deputy, first secretary of the Moscow Communist Party Committee, Valery Rashkin. Interfax ".

    Rashkin also said that the ceremony will be attended by the leader of the Russian Communists Gennady Zyuganov, his party deputies Ivan Melnikov, Vladimir Kashin, as well as the secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the Communist deputies of the State Duma and the Moscow City Duma.

    The deputy argued that the communists are not embarrassed by rumors about the end of the world: "We are materialists, and we do not believe in these eccentricities and ridiculous rumors."
  48. +3
    17 December 2012 18: 59
    the author should make a note about the article-ON THE RIGHTS OF ADVERTISING. I read the reviews that many people have immunity to dusting their brains. not to be confused).
  49. Atlon
    17 December 2012 19: 17
    Where are our normal people? Or the article is evaluated (like the comments, judging by the minuses) by some "defeatists"? Did you recognize yourself? laughing Swamp-anal rot and rushing!

    Put the cons, I do not care!
    1. +3
      17 December 2012 19: 41
      Quote: Atlon
      Did you recognize yourself?
      Someone's on all your comments one cotton wool for all answers. Probably you are very happy with the current state of affairs in the country. And what objective facts in defense of "beloved VVP" can you cite?
      1. Atlon
        17 December 2012 22: 51
        Quote: Mechanic
        Someone's on all your comments one cotton wool for all answers. Probably you are very happy with the current state of affairs in the country. And what objective facts in defense of "beloved VVP" can you cite?

        Not satisfied with everything, of course. But I understand that it will not work out faster, and I see real changes. I was "born in the USSR", so all this took place before my eyes. From Gorbachov to the present day. I will not take Brezhnev, only good memories! Pioneering, Komsomol ... So, I can compare.
        As for the facts, it’s better than what is written in the article that I can’t even think of or remember ... Read, I’m ready to subscribe to every word there!
    2. humanist
      17 December 2012 20: 06
      Quote: Atlon
      Where are our normal people?

      Our (Russian) normal people work for the good of the country. For example, I consider priority the welfare of my family and friends, decent salaries to people who work for me, and then transfers to the budget ...
      Quote: Atlon
      Or the article is evaluated (like the comments, judging by the minuses) by some "defeatists"?

      So who would blame? You nickname Athlone from patriotic motives took? You only by nickname a white worshiper stinks. wassat
      Quote: Atlon
      Did you recognize yourself?

      The louse will come out and take winked
      Quote: Atlon
      Swamp-anal rot and rushing!

      Another lover of unconventional sex, it is expected that, following the example of Antipetisyan, the dispute on suction will "stir up" laughing
      Quote: Atlon
      Put the cons, I do not care!

      Oh, I would put it, but principles, principles ... crying
      1. +3
        17 December 2012 21: 03
        Quote: humanist
        Oh, I would put it, but principles, principles ...

        But I do not care, and without any "principles" I slapped minus from my heart! wassat
      2. Atlon
        17 December 2012 22: 56
        Quote: humanist
        Our (Russian) normal people work for the good of the country. For example, I consider priority the welfare of my family and friends, decent salaries to people who work for me, and then transfers to the budget ...

        And under Stalin, priorities were different. From the end of your list ...;)

        Quote: humanist
        So who would blame? You nickname Athlone from patriotic motives took? You only on nickname stolen fan worship stinks

        I will answer this too. This nickname, a little more than 10 years old! And at all sites, I have one. Moreover, you can find all my data on it, down to registration and phone number. I am an open person.

        I’ll probably leave the rest without comment, because you cannot offend me, for this you need to have an intelligence slightly higher than mine. But thanks for trying. :)
        1. humanist
          17 December 2012 23: 02
          Quote: Atlon
          because you cannot offend me, for this you need to have an intelligence slightly higher than mine.

          You would still have modesty at least a little, even though a bit did not hurt to have wink And then it’s not very correct to evaluate your own intelligence ...
          Quote: Atlon
          But thanks for trying. :)

          Eat, do not crap, a homebrew intellectual, with data open to the whole world ... Known at all sites under the "chase" Athlone ... Cool people, what to say wassat
      3. +3
        18 December 2012 09: 04
        Quote: humanist
        on the suction "stir up

        Something bugs you on this.
        Amateur? Pro? smile
    3. +3
      17 December 2012 21: 22
      Quote: Atlon
      Where are our normal people? Or the article is evaluated (like the comments, judging by the minuses) by some "defeatists"? What, did you recognize yourself? laughing The swamp-anal rot is so fast!

      Put the cons, I do not care!

      And from you stupidity and rushing! Minus I slapped you from the heart !!! fool
    4. makarich26
      18 December 2012 02: 24
      Quote: Atlon
      Put the cons, I do not care!

      So go nafig !!!
  50. Nymp
    17 December 2012 19: 19
    The article is empty! There is not much about anything, it reminds of troubles with "tricky" formulas designed to prove that 2 x 2 = 5. Perhaps if the article had conducted a "comparative analysis" of Barack Obama and the monkey, there would be no more sense, but at least the external similarity would give the author is a small plus. And as a minus, then there is nothing to bet!
  51. Atlon
    17 December 2012 19: 23
    Quote: shoroh
    When Stalin's son, captured by the Nazis, was offered to be exchanged for Paulus, he replied - I AM NOT EXCHANGING A PRIVATE FOR A GENERAL!!!!!

    Well, well... Putin is bad... And you all have wings... When your son is arrested for some sin, will you calmly take him to prison? Or will you run around the authorities and the blog-sphere trying to give a bribe, make excuses and raise the “public”? Just be honest! wassat
  52. +2
    17 December 2012 19: 30
    Whatever the local hamsters write, I like both. Each in his own way and for his own
  53. djon3volta
    17 December 2012 19: 41
    I like this. But it’s true, this is how it really is. It’s true that the picture is a little outdated, but you can’t erase the truth..
    1. +2
      17 December 2012 22: 34
      Quote: djon3volta
      The picture is outdated, but you can’t erase the truth..

      That's for sure, ghouls on both sides.
  54. +5
    17 December 2012 19: 44
    Statistics - lady... . With its help you can prove mutually exclusive things. For me, not even a quarter of the enterprises that worked in the Union operate in the city. But there are plenty of managers. So, believe the given figures... . Not an article - propaganda.
  55. +6
    17 December 2012 20: 06
    Minus article for the “Stalinization” of Putin. It is impossible to compare Stalin with Putin for one reason:
    Stalin restored, or rather recreated, the Empire on new principles, without abandoning such a fundamental principle of the Great Power as self-sufficiency. The Stalin Empire had a powerful ideology of development and creation.
    Putin is turning the remnants of the Empire into a country with blurred sovereignty, into a country “in demand by its neighbors,” into a third world country. Putin's Russia has no other ideology than the ideology of sale and consumption.
    1. +4
      17 December 2012 21: 18
      An open letter from the head of the portal Superjob.ru, Alexei Zakharov, to the President of the Russian Federation

      Dear Mr. President!

      You set the task of creating 25 millions of “good and well-paid" jobs by 2020 year. This is a great challenge, and we, as employers, are both in favor of it.

      But the real human resources policy is that by the year 2020 there will be additional 25 million jobs created for low-skilled migrants. This is in addition to the 10 — 15 millions of jobs that are already created for them.
      As a result of state policy in the coming decades, the number of low-skilled migrants attracted from abroad will be more than half of the economically active population of the country.

      Of course, we understand that a course has been taken on the innovative development of Russia. What is innovation? This is an increase in competitiveness through the application of advanced production management methods, cost reduction, etc. etc. In this sense, attracting a large number of low-paid and low-skilled labor force, which also works mostly outside the legal field on slave terms, is an unconditional innovation that allows organizations to reduce costs and become more competitive.

      This is a great solution! But it makes tens of millions of our fellow citizens completely uncompetitive. They already can not compete in the market of low-skilled labor. A Russian citizen cannot and should not compete for a job and a beggarly salary with visitors from Central Asia. Russian citizens are not ready and should not live in bestial conditions for 20 people in a room, getting meager wages for their work. And our citizens do not want.

      But, I emphasize, this does not mean that they do not want to work. They do not want to work for a salary that does not allow to give birth and raise children, eat normally and be treated. Moreover, according to our research, today 18% of our citizens feel real competition with visitors from Central Asia. But this is in general, and among low-skilled Russian youth and low-skilled older people, almost 25% already claim competition! These are terrible numbers, Mr. President!

      What advantages do we have from attracting tens of millions of low-skilled migrants? I see none. We blur the Russian culture (I emphasize, not Russian, but Russian). Uncontrolled migration creates problems not only in Moscow and other “Russian” megalopolises - in our “Muslim” regions the influx of cheap labor from abroad creates the same difficulties.

      Could someone ten years ago imagine that there would be classes in Moscow schools where children do not speak Russian fluently or do not speak the state language at all? Today it is a reality. If the flow is not stopped, then in a short time there will be schools and areas where it will be difficult to hear the Russian language. Five years ago the word “Moskvabad” did not exist in Russian. And today, this is no longer perceived as a joke.

      What modern economy and its development can we talk about when using slave labor? What kind of breakthroughs are we talking about if the average person living in Russia will hardly read and speak Russian in twenty years?

      We plan, through the Ministry of Labor, to spend hundreds of billions of rubles in the coming years to attract and adapt migrants. If the same money is additionally sent to the education of our citizens, there is still a chance that in 20 years we will still not forget how to fly into space.

      But just not enough money! It is necessary today (tomorrow it will be too late) to completely close the Russian labor market for unskilled migration from abroad. Completely! No quotas.
  56. +3
    17 December 2012 20: 25
    Our government should be compared with thieves in law and not with great people
    1. +5
      17 December 2012 21: 19
      I urge you, Mr. President, to take tough political decisions aimed at the complete prohibition of the importation of cheap labor into the territory of the Russian Federation.

      The world will not collapse. And prices will not rise. Salaries of a significant part of Russian citizens will grow. First, low-skilled, then those with higher qualifications: everything is interconnected. And this money will remain in the country - they will be spent on the development of the Russian economy. They will create new jobs for citizens of the Russian Federation.


      Why did I decide to write this letter? I have been talking about this for several years now: newspapers, radio, television, the Internet ... And if only I’d be alone. I am discussing this topic with high-ranking federal officials with whom you, Mr. President, are also personally acquainted. All hair stand on end on what is happening. But ... I ask my friends: well, you are the power, why are you silent? And in response, I hear: we are not there TAM (meaningfully looking up).

      Hear us, Mr. President!

      Head of Superjob.ru portal
      Alexey Zakharov
      1. +4
        18 December 2012 00: 58

        Alexey, thousands of citizens have asked Serdyukov to be removed thousands of times.
        Years passed... Nothing happened and only recently a miracle happened!
        In general, it’s time to get used to the style of our rulers hearing the “voice of the people.”
        You have a lot of patience!
        1. +3
          18 December 2012 01: 26
          Quote: Samsebenum
          In general, it’s time to get used to the style of our rulers hearing the “voice of the people.”

          Their style of government is liberal: they shrug off all responsibility and that’s it, but at least the grass won’t grow there!
          Quote: Samsebenum
          You have a lot of patience!

          Yes, our people have a lot of patience! And that's bad! Valery, mutually!
  57. -2
    17 December 2012 20: 35
    1937 The son comes up to his father after school and says:
    - Dad, today I called Stalin a piss in front of the whole class!
    - Get away from me, stranger boy

    They say and write a lot about Putin, but “there are no landings in sight.” Appreciate it.
    1. 0
      18 December 2012 08: 32
      Quote: chehywed
      They say and write a lot about Putin, but “there are no landings in sight.”

      laughing What about “Our Lady Take Putin”? laughing
      And you say “there are no landings in sight”... feel
      1. 0
        18 December 2012 18: 05
        Well, yes, I pinched it. Apparently, VVP joked about the fact that “We’re not in ’37” belay
  58. 0
    17 December 2012 21: 10
    For example, we can give the Orthodox culture known to everyone in Russia. Grown in the "information field" of Orthodox culture, the man knew that he served not only his homeland, but also the highest power, which always watches him and assesses his actions, which will reward him for possible sacrifices or deprivation. He knew that he was the bearer of the true faith and was obliged to carry this truth to other nations, pushing the borders of Russia and bringing new nations to the bosom of the church, giving them protection and happiness. This culture cemented the country and directed its energy outside, developing and strengthening the state.

    To achieve the unity of the country and the motivation of the actions of the Soviet citizens, Stalin used the communist ideology ideally within the framework of the state religion. The Soviet man was absolutely sure that he was building a paradise on earth: a bright communist future. And that the sacrifices made now will not be lost in vain, they will be rewarded with a happy cloudless fate if not to himself, then at least to his children. The Soviet man knew that by pushing the borders of the USSR, he would bring happiness to other nations, giving them freedom and saving them from the oppressors. Communist ideology gave people an inner core and made it easy to resist other religions. Such as Christianity, democracy, Islam and all kinds of sects. It was sent outward, was attractive to other nations and allowed the USSR to gain supporters all over the world.

    Orthodox culture and Christianity are different things for the author, well, well.
    The techie did not read further this work on economics.
  59. Mr.Fox
    17 December 2012 21: 18
    Catholics are also Christians, but they just have no relation to Orthodox culture. In general, the article is meaningless. If Putin is not Stalin, then should he become Stalin? But will Putin be Putin then? Like that joke about a grandmother who will become a grandfather... Why compare them? These are different people from different eras.
  60. zemlyak
    17 December 2012 21: 32
    Comrade Stalin, as we know, was a Georgian, a representative of a national minority, let’s put it this way. Is modern Russia ready to accept a new leader, say an internationalist nationalist?
    1. 0
      18 December 2012 00: 51
      I hope no. Stalin had enough. And it’s not a matter of chauvinism. It’s a matter of psyche. Back in the 90s there was an article about the fact that Russia should be ruled by a Russian, because Russians have an imperial identity. Any nationalist who stands at the helm of the Empire will be blown away by an exaggerated sense of self-importance. Whatever you say, Stalin was restrained by his party comrades, otherwise he would not have done such a thing.
  61. 0
    17 December 2012 21: 34
    Pointless debate. In fact, rejoice, while there is something to do... I remember Boris Nikolaevich. But after him it could have been MUCH worse.
    1. +1
      17 December 2012 22: 09
      Quote: ytsuken
      .rejoice, in fact, while there is something to do..

      And so it is. Fuck all these stupid thoughts about the Great Nation and the Great Power, while there is something to eat. This is what the party and government teach us.
  62. satellite
    17 December 2012 22: 36
    It seems to me that Stalin took over the country in a more deplorable state, well, at least Stalin’s orders were carried out (which is primarily due to the Leader himself) and Putin’s... who knows how
  63. +1
    17 December 2012 23: 00
    Atlon, alas, I’m not Stalin, and I don’t have the desire to rule the country in any way, but if, as they say, I called myself a guzzler, get into the back. Putin has identified himself, and therefore he will still have to sacrifice the thieves he knows who climbed into power with his tacit consent. And migrants will have to be kicked out, and the spread of the Caucasus will also have to be stopped, and the army will have to be raised - simply create an army of a new model in terms of equipment and personnel. But Stalin was able to do all this. So I don’t envy Putin.
  64. +8
    17 December 2012 23: 11
    I have an ambivalent attitude towards GDP.
    On the one hand, I remember 1990 well. And I remember 2000 very well too. Whatever one may say, the country was in deep trouble. If you want to argue, if you don’t want to, admit the obvious. And Putin had the courage to pull the country out of this... I think it was, to put it mildly, terribly difficult. Almost impossible. But VVP was able to do it - and for that, respect and respect to him. From me personally, I am not agitating anyone.
    On the other hand, the entire set of liberalist rabble remained afloat. And they shit, shit, shit... their mother. And they continue to steal, trying to destroy the country. I don’t understand very well what’s stopping Putin from squashing them like nits. But I think that everything is very difficult. I think that may not be possible. I suppose that in order to crush the nits, the country must find internal balance and self-sufficiency, because we can be isolated again, like the USSR. Most likely it will. Therefore, before the start of drastic actions, we need to sew our country into the global “blanket” so as not to end up with nothing. So we are seeing a decisive advance of our energy giants into the world market, our nuclear power plants and much more. Even this rotten WTO, I think, is one of the mechanisms for “growing into” world markets.
    So the world is not black and white, it is very colorful, and not all of these colors can calm us down. Some are annoying, some hurt the eyes. Those who want to open their eyes, those who don’t want to close them. A matter of taste.

    The same goes for Putin. It cannot be measured in one plane, in one dimension. He has great achievements, but also great miscalculations. If he were simple and primitive, he would now be sitting, at best, in the office of Sobchak’s deputy or in retirement. If he were like Stalin, many of the critics would be sitting now... And not at all at the computer...

    In short, history will judge. And, I think, the closest one.
    1. +4
      17 December 2012 23: 48
      Quote: Botanologist
      The same goes for Putin. It cannot be measured in one plane, in one dimension. He has great achievements, but also great miscalculations. If he were simple and primitive, he would now be sitting, at best, in the office of Sobchak’s deputy or in retirement. If he were like Stalin, many of the critics would be sitting now... And not at all at the computer...

      Thank you, you couldn't have said it better!!!!
  65. +4
    17 December 2012 23: 18
    Putin, of course, is far and away from Stalin, but... After studying for a year, I couldn’t find a job in my city (NONE). I had to leave for Moscow. I came on vacation a month ago. THREE local factories recently opened new workshops (this is despite the fact that the city has 35000 inhabitants), there are NOT ENOUGH people. The rest are also catching up. In general, I work here now :) (The salary, of course, is not Moscow, alas, but minus housing and travel it doesn’t work out that way).
  66. +2
    17 December 2012 23: 40
    The article is interesting (author +), there is something to think about, compare... But I think the conditions for both rulers are different, both politically and economically. Although this is the first article on the historical comparison of the heads of our state. We urgently need to promote this article to schools, at least one paragraph, so that our schoolchildren and students begin to use their brains... Everything is learned by comparison!!!
    Yes, and the forum is lively, they argue, they do weird things... we live, but we don’t exist!!! With such small articles, enlightenment begins in the confusion of many...
  67. +3
    17 December 2012 23: 42
    I can’t compare the incomparable, and I won’t. I just recently thought about it, remembered it and will try to give facts and personal feelings.
    -1945. The most fierce and cruel war in the History of Mankind has ended. Our country is half in ruins, tens of millions of dead and missing, industry and agriculture are practically also “killed” (up to the Urals, for sure).
    Let’s take a period of 15 years (I’ve already appeared here and remember something). Cities and factories have been restored. The atomic bomb was created as a counterweight, in 57 the FIRST SPUTNIK, in 61 the FIRST COSMONAUT. THE MOST COMBATABLE ARMY. People live poorly, but amicably (we go to one neighbor’s house to watch TV, in our yard we play lotto, guys play dominoes and chess, we celebrate every holiday together in the yard) I can still write a lot. How I remember everything now.
    Now, let's take a period of 26 years. From Gorbachev to Putin. And what do we have???
    1. +1
      17 December 2012 23: 50
      From Gorbachev to...
      Now Gorbachev is a destroyer... Yeltsin is a phlegm, in general he screwed up no less...
      1. 0
        12 December 2020 02: 46
        Both Gorbachev and Yeltsin, birds of a feather, American fields...
  68. +2
    18 December 2012 00: 24
    Putin and Stalin. Comparative analysis

    What did STALIN leave behind, and what will Putin leave behind? Stalin did not have accounts in the West, the children there (in the West) also did not study and died for their Motherland (I doubt that Putin’s children and grandchildren will do the same), Stalin did not have Rosneft and Megafon either...
  69. +5
    18 December 2012 00: 29
    I knew that a comparison would begin with distortion of facts.
    Stalin is a figure of a different level and GDP, as they say, floats shallowly.
    Stalin accepted a country that was illiterate, peasant, poor and hungry, chock full of dissatisfied people.
    The result of Stalin's rule - the USSR became a superpower!!!
    GDP had in its hands huge resources from the industry of the USSR, which we still rely on. It is a fact!
    Human potential too. Not a single war-damaged city, factory, or power plant.
    Everything was in its place and everything could be corrected. But Yeltsin’s course was strictly followed by him. What prevented him from stopping this diabolical mechanism? Only years later did unintelligible body movements begin. We can't count how much we've lost.
    How many smart people, especially young ones, went abroad during his reign! The people were dying out.
    This is an irreparable loss.
    Has anything large-scale been done in industry? No!
    There are no such projects as BAM, AvtoVAZ, KamAZ, and the development of virgin lands is not and is not expected...
    Stop raising your chosen one to heaven. Everything he has done is petty and there is nothing heroic in it. You can’t sit idly by, so something is being done. However, all the reforms turned out to be failures, and a lot of the disappeared money can no longer be returned...
    Well, in conclusion - an important indicator.
    Why don't our former republics want to join Putin's Russia? Even Belarus is keeping its distance.
  70. wax
    18 December 2012 00: 34
    The slyness of the selection of arguments led the author to a completely absurd conclusion. And in general, these two figures cannot be compared, because one built socialism, and the other built the completely opposite - capitalism. It’s better to compare Putin with Witte or other figures of the tsarist period. And as for the rampant corruption, then heaven and earth compared to anything taken at random by the previous leaders of Russia and the USSR. A trifle compared to achievements? But this is such a small thing that could bury Russia.
    1. Misantrop
      18 December 2012 00: 49
      Oh, what does it have to do with it? official name of the system? Hitler was also a National SOCIALIST. Is what he created very similar to socialism at least from the times of the USSR?
      Both Stalin and Putin did not receive the country at the most favorable time; both made efforts to strengthen it. But Stalin, for the sake of speedily strengthening the country, did not spare either himself or those around him; his circle, in addition to almost unlimited power, also had the same unlimited responsibility. Literally, they were responsible for mistakes and miscalculations with their own neck. And the unlimited power of Putin’s entourage has the same unlimited IMPUNITY. No matter what the heck, you won’t have to answer. Hence the difference in results...
  71. His
    18 December 2012 00: 40
    Watch the NTV film “Cool Noughties” on YouTube, everything will fall into place. Where is Stalin and where is the great Putin
  72. +2
    18 December 2012 00: 56
    the development of virgin lands is not and is not expected...
    But about the development of virgin lands, dear, it’s better to keep quiet. I would send all these Khrushchevsky masters to Siberia to master the jigsaw. We ruined the richest steppes due to feeblemindedness, we are still proud... am

    Why don't our former republics want to join Putin's Russia?
    Yes, because the local population does not want to join another region. Why should Novgorod or Tula become a province if they are today a subject of the Russian Federation? And they have subventions, and the authorities are nearby, and they are taken into account, whatever one may say. It’s the same in the republics - why does the local bigot need any Moscow bosses?

    Projects such as BAM, AvtoVAZ, KamAZ,
    Well, BAM was completed just under Putin. Now they are building new factories (rocket factories). I don’t argue that they screwed up a lot, but screwing everything up simply because you don’t like it is not good. It's one-sided.
    1. +2
      18 December 2012 01: 18

      Quote: Botanologist
      to despise everything simply because you don’t like it is not good. It's one-sided.

      Clearly, you are a dedicated supporter. Let me explain my reasons.
      I see no reason to jump for joy with puppyish delight at what is happening. Somewhere, something is being done, no doubt, but... this is the topic, because we are comparing two personalities...

      Quote: Botanologist
      We ruined the richest steppes due to feeblemindedness, we are still proud...

      Come visit us in the Smolensk region, dear. Ruined is not the right word...
      Everything has become extremely overgrown with weeds.
      And if they tried to develop virgin lands, but there was more harm, then here everything is simply abandoned and neglected.

      Quote: Botanologist
      Well, BAM was completed just under Putin. Now they are building new factories (rocket factories).

      That's it - they completed the construction. We have not built factories for a long time, and those that were demolished, and shopping complexes are growing in their place.
      Life has become fun. There is nowhere to work - but you are always welcome to spend money.
      Rockets are good, but what about consumer goods?
      Something is all wrong. From a great mind, probably.
      1. Atlon
        18 December 2012 10: 25
        Quote: Samsebenum
        There is nowhere to work - but you are always welcome to spend money.

        Your interpretation is interesting... There is nowhere to work, but there is somewhere to spend money! Something I haven’t seen in more than one region (and I travel a lot) are crowds of hungry and hungry unemployed people near numerous super-hyper markets. Around the clock, your hungry people come in expensive foreign cars to spend their money (which there is nowhere to earn). Well, okay, hypermarkets, as a rule, are now shopping and entertainment complexes. So in the “department” of entertainment, it’s also not deserted... Why would that be? Are they really all foreigners? And you won’t find a place in the parking lots... Everyone spends money, which, as you know, we have “nowhere to earn.” laughing
        1. +2
          18 December 2012 22: 50
          Quote: Atlon
          Everyone spends money, which, as you know, we have “nowhere to earn.”

          We'll have to repeat ourselves with explanations.

          Conduct a survey, just for fun, to find out who buys fancy foreign cars.
          These are security officials, officials and people with their own businesses.
          There are many of them, too many, too many, which is why there is no space to be found in the parking lots. The illusion is created that everything is fine.
          Nothing like this!
          But if you are a teacher, doctor, cook, worker, mechanic, loader, rural worker, then how can you buy a car for a million with your 15 thousand salary?
          How? When people of simple but necessary professions can buy a car while working on one salary, then I will take off my hat to the GDP and publicly repent of unfair statements.
          Until then I'll hold off...
      2. 0
        18 December 2012 16: 12
        What about consumer goods?
        Something is all wrong.

        I don’t see any shortage of consumer goods. Maybe you have some kind of deficit in Smolensk?
        And if you mean the decline of light industry, this is happening all over the world. Now China produces everything, and it is almost impossible to compete with it in this segment. I have been to both the USA and Europe - consumer goods from China are everywhere. And it will be like this for a long time.
        Let's be happy that we are bringing assembly lines of refrigerators, boilers, equipment for housing and communal services and much, much more to Russia. But today it is simply unrealistic to raise a plant, for example, of vacuum cleaners in Russia from scratch - calculate the costs and payback, you will understand why.
        I am glad that special competencies in mechanical engineering are developing - aircraft, engines, shipbuilding, etc. It is impossible now to produce everything in one country, and even to compete successfully. China even bought BMW from the Germans.
    2. +3
      18 December 2012 05: 28
      Well, BAM was completed just under Putin.

      A few words about BAM. I traveled there two months ago.
      Only in the last two or three years has the resettlement of construction workers and BAM residents begun from temporary and dilapidated housing, which was built in the form of barracks back in the late 70s.
      Construction is carried out according to the federal program.
      Tynda, the capital of BAM.
  73. +2
    18 December 2012 01: 04
    Guys! Tankers! smile Probably because of a shitty life, Russia comes out on top in the European car market in terms of the number of NEW cars sold. Waiting time 4-6 months! Foreign manufacturers are increasing their sales quotas, but they can’t keep up! There is nothing like this anywhere else in the world! And we cry that life is shit
    1. djon3volta
      18 December 2012 10: 42
      these are poor Russians with a salary of 5-7 thousand who are buying up all the cars))) someone will say THIS IS ON CREDIT.. well, yes, the loan is probably free, I took it on credit and there is no need to pay)))
  74. +6
    18 December 2012 01: 40

    That means...
    I live in a military town and confirm that after the increase in pay, the military can afford it. But civilians cannot.
    You won’t be able to accelerate on a salary of 8 to 15 thousand. They take out loans. Then life gets on your nerves...
    Those who have children help their children with their cars. Young people need prestige, show-off...
    Officials who have settled well also write out decent bonuses for themselves.
    Well, again, ordinary people travel by public transport.
    You can count the horseless people in the morning when they go to work.
    Why am I writing, you know it yourself...
    So who can live well in Rus'? And we really still have a lot of poor people.
  75. +6
    18 December 2012 02: 06
    You cannot compare narrow-minded humanoids in the style of Stalin and Putin according to the formula; this, to put it mildly, is not correct...

    It is necessary to compare the scheme - Ivan IV - Joseph (Joseph - Soso) Stalin - Vladimir Putin...

    Ivan accepted poor Moscow, sorry Muscovy, and increased its territory 30 times, increased the standard of living 5000 times, and so on, Soso took the country with a plow, and left with nuclear weapons and the place of a superpower, etc... Vladimir accepted a plundered country on its knees.. .and returned to her some semblance of pride and human dignity, etc...

    Who are you to judge these three individuals?...

    And here's another person...
    1. 0
      18 December 2012 13: 05
      by 5000%*****, not 5000 times. Sorry for the typo...
      1. 0
        19 December 2012 02: 33
        although much more...
  76. bart74
    18 December 2012 03: 07
    It seems to me that the main difference is that Stalin existed, but Putin still exists. GDP still has potential, and only stupid, short-sighted people can diminish it. Vladimir Vladimirovich still has everything ahead, just as I am sure of this for Russia!
  77. +3
    18 December 2012 03: 22
    Everything would be fine, how I.V. Stalin treated the Judases (ice pick, poison, pistol, etc.) is known, but another Judas, the head with a patch, was not so long ago awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, the highest award
    Are you out of ice axes?
    1. +3
      18 December 2012 04: 11
      Not with the Judases, but with the Zionists... Jews are dear to us in any context, loving us... Who is the Son of our God...? Who are all our apostles? No one will offend a Jew in front of me, I’ll punch him in the face and call the police... But if he’s a Zionist, then let him collect the ashes on his head...
      1. 0
        19 December 2012 02: 23
        With great happiness, I will inbring my children or grandchildren with Jews, if she is a worthy girl who has worthy parents...

        Being German... (wie auch immer, aber so wie so...)))

        I will repeat once again, God forbid anti-Semites (and even more dangerous Zionists)... to have an enemy like me is beyond their means...

        I understand everything, you can always have your own point of view, but you need to have a ground...
        1. 0
          19 December 2012 02: 38
          I mean, I meant the reason or basis... Sorry, the whole day here is not quite flowing in Russian...
        2. 0
          19 December 2012 02: 56
          Sorry, I don’t understand, are there also stupid anti-Semites entrenched here?... Why are you downvoting? You unsubscribe, I may tell you even more reasons for anti-Semitism, but this is wrong, it is unnatural...
  78. fenix57
    18 December 2012 04: 37
    Can anyone imagine that under Stalin, VIP-level bureaucrats would steal on such a scale?
  79. +1
    18 December 2012 09: 49
    Well, yes, yes! Putin did this, Putin did this, we, apparently, can sit quietly and smoke on the sidelines, he will manage without us. Of course, he has merits, it makes no sense to deny, but in many ways Russia is rising not thanks to, but in spite of.
    In general, comparison with temporary detention facilities is incorrect. Everyone knows how the reign of the great helmsman ended, but how Putin’s reign ends is another question and the answer to it will be known many years later. Besides, there is always something to kick a current politician for.
    And there is one more historical observation: a community’s inclination towards tolerance precedes its death at the hands of aggressive and not at all tolerant neighbors. Looking at the photo of the Taliban (for example), you understand that it is useless to tell them about human rights to pederasty and other tolerant heresy, you won’t have time, and it’s somehow inconvenient to talk with a cut off head.
  80. 0
    18 December 2012 14: 40
    No matter what anyone says, but to the author for the article +++++++++++++++++++5
    As for the bureaucrats, are you against repression or not? Because repression cannot be achieved with bureaucrats alone. Read the article.
  81. +1
    18 December 2012 15: 50
    Everyone can express whatever they want and everyone has their own point of view. In all the comments I mainly see criticism of Putin’s activities. I don’t like verbiage - “EVERYONE CONSIDERS HIMSELF AS A STRATEGIST, SEEING THE BATTLE FROM THE SIDE.” I can’t add anything more - the only thing WE are losing in national politics. But this is from the “evil one” - thanks to V.I. Lenin!
    1. 0
      19 December 2012 00: 15

      “I’ll hang it up so everyone can enjoy it” I like this phrase better)
      1. 0
        19 December 2012 02: 31
        Thanks, I puked... crying
  82. Antistaks
    19 December 2012 01: 57
    I won’t compare, I’ll just inform you.
    Having a NON-PRIVATIZED apartment, I have to pay COMMON HOUSE expenses since August. That is, I am forced to maintain someone else's property.
  83. 0
    19 December 2012 05: 01
    And Americans are generally upset when they find out that the vast majority of us got housing for free. I understand that this is a merit of the USSR, but maybe it will still be possible to finally live as one History?
    I’ll say one thing about Putin - I remember the 90s, and I remember how Putin himself criticized Putin, putting him on a par with EBN and other liberals. So, in Russia, in its people, I now see that I was mistaken. Under Putin, we have really made a huge leap forward and we are no longer that downtrodden, impoverished, torn apart country.
    And “thanks to” or “despite” - it doesn’t matter. I judge by a specific result. And I don’t give a damn if Putin is “stupidly lucky” with oil prices.
    If a person is LUCKY, then it is HIS MERIT. Just like if he’s unlucky, it’s his own fault. We still have a lot of sewage to clean up, and Putin will have to do Stalinist purges among the bureaucratic people if he doesn’t want the people to do it for him. But Putin’s results are truly impressive. Who would have thought 10 years ago that I can now prove with facts that the standard of living of a Russian (based on average salary) is no longer lower than the standard of living of the average American!
  84. +1
    19 December 2012 09: 04
    Strange affair. Our salaries in Russia are small, people live poorly, there is nothing to eat.
    I will give the salaries and incomes of my loved ones:
    Former mother-in-law (janitor): 14.000 rubles
    Kuma (dishwasher in kindergarten): salary 6000 + bonus 6000 = 12.000 rubles
    Mother (cook in kindergarten): salary 9000 + bonus 9000 rubles
    Brother (installer): salary 12.000 + bonus 15.000 rubles
    Friend from previous job (operator at a chemical plant): 27.000 rubles
    Friend (dump truck driver): 30.000 rubles
    Friend (garbage truck driver): salary 25.000 rubles
    Friend (salesperson in a communication store): 15.000 rubles
    Aunt (nurse in trauma): salary 18.000 rubles
    Of course, I understand that there is never too much money, but in principle it is not bad money.
    I don't live in Moscow.
    1. 0
      19 December 2012 18: 21
      As I understand it, they get more than many people in Germany? Maybe we can call the Germans again like Aunt Katya? And we will live up to expectations, believe me...
  85. 0
    19 December 2012 21: 30
    Is it really possible to compare an era that has ended with the one that has just begun, especially since if it ever ends, only almost everything will be known, and if this happens, it will not happen very soon.
    Now we can state one thing - the fall into the abyss has been stopped and Putin stopped it
  86. sleepy
    20 December 2012 04: 30
    The article is similar to a public opinion study, since it compares the economic component of activity
    I. Stalin and V. Putin can come to opposite conclusions.
    It would be better to study patriotic education among today's youth.
    Recently I had to listen to a song several times with this chorus:

    "I'm tired of la la la
    Home school la la la
    Goodbye forever teachers
    Got enough la la la
    Home school la la la
    Swim, I'm getting off the ship..."

    The motive is so intrusive that it just stuck in my ears.
    And the words, depending on the situation, were transformed into
    "I'm tired of la la la my work la la la..."
    "I'm tired of la la la family la la la..."
    So you can get to
    "I'm tired of la la la home country la la la..."

    Not to mention the song with the words:
    "Let's die merrily tonight..."
    This is the kind of upbringing, people dance and have fun to these songs.

  87. RUSLV
    21 December 2012 10: 52
    “There is not the slightest doubt that the revival of Russia will be the real end of the world for a huge part of modern Russian society (primarily for the “ruling party” and its servants, but by no means only for them), and it was Putin who made such a development of events inevitable.
    His lesson, which we must fully embrace, is simple and merciless to the point of primitiveness:
    Russia cannot be ruled by a weak person.
    Russia cannot be governed by a person who lives for self-interest and personal consumption (including symbolic consumption).
    Russia cannot be governed by a person who, more than anything else, wants to die in his bed.”
    The informal social order, which generated a demand for a positive image of Stalin, the revival of nostalgic Stalinism “from below”, contrary to anti-Stalinist propaganda “from above”, is a reaction to the current government - “THIS POWER”.
    When “a mongrel sits in the position of wolfhound,” then anti-Stalinist propaganda leads to the opposite result: since Stalin is criticized by “THESE,” it means he is good. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The revival of the informal cult of Stalin is, like any nostalgia, not only memories of the real Koba Dzhugashvili, but first of all an expression of ideas about the SHOULD - what REAL power should be - RULE IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE" (c)
  88. 416sd
    21 December 2012 14: 35
    The author is depressing... I wish I could compare Rimbaud with Morihei...
  89. zstalkerzz
    22 December 2012 08: 14
    Stalin, of course, is undoubtedly a great man, he built such a country, put together a great army, and improved industry. All countries were afraid of him; in history I have never seen a single person on whom foreigners poured so much dirt. I want to emphasize that I have never seen in history such a person as Stalin, who was so feared! Watching his reign from history books or some historical references, we admire, but judge for yourself, who would want to live in this time? I personally wouldn’t really want to end up in the Lubyanka because of a snitch neighbor.
    1. +1
      12 December 2020 02: 36
      The neighbors were and are informers, they haven’t gone away...
  90. werr17
    27 December 2012 17: 15
    If Comrade Putin revives Russia and leads it into a superpower, I will pray for him!
  91. VladS
    19 March 2013 22: 46
    The main difference is that Putin is on telomerase, and Stalin was healthy from birth.
  92. +1
    12 January 2017 13: 02
    Hmm, is this patriotism or openly paid nonsense - the question is not important. An important question is that Putin has increasingly begun to be drawn closer to the figure of Stalin. It is even concluded that Putin did not give the United States control over tactical nuclear weapons, etc. At the same time, it is forgotten that in Stalin’s time no one would have even had such thoughts! And so you can go through each point. Especially on the national issue. It is said that in general this is a matter for local authorities, but the policy of “Russification” of Art. 282. The Criminal Code is exclusively the position of the central authorities, not local ones. Yes, and the constant antics of national minorities in Moscow - under Stalin, again, this would not have even occurred in thoughts; they immediately stood against the wall next to the head of the capital’s police, who allowed this to happen, and a couple of other responsible officials. And no connections worked, no cronyism helped. And now? Should I give examples or should I not repeat for the hundredth time the news about Shmara Baghdasaryan and other people who like to drive Ferraris at the age of 18? By the way, note, again, the number of Russians and non-Russians in such cases. It’s also pointless to talk about corruption; the yachts of any Shuvalov-Sechin-Miller mistresses cannot be surpassed even theoretically.
    The result is a politically ordered article, the goal is again the tsar is good, and the boyars are bad. But we constantly forget - who appoints these boyars and therefore bears responsibility for their actions?
    1. 0
      29 June 2017 15: 57
      The article says oil will fall and everything will fail, and that’s what happened. And it’s unclear where the author got the growth of industry from when a huge number of enterprises collapsed in 17 years.
  93. 0
    5 July 2017 09: 41
    Empty comparison. Putin can't hold a candle to Stalin. Shallow, provincial, poorly educated, does not know how to manage. Master of local war games, and nothing more
    1. +1
      12 December 2020 02: 26
      Stalin was a brilliant Person who managed to create a developed state. And now...
  94. 0
    24 July 2017 00: 46
    Only a “scientific genius” can compare I.V. Stalin with GDP. Absurd nonsense, and with what claims!
  95. 0
    9 June 2019 18: 47
    No guys, you are confusing things a lot. Under Stalin, there were no foreign guys in leadership positions, factories were not sold to potential enemies, and the people’s property in the form of energy resources was not managed by the Germans. And Vova sold and sells these factories, and Joseph built them for the people. Here's a small comparison. From the author’s mood I see that he has good feelings towards him at all. And the article was written a long time ago. It is possible that today the author has changed his mind......
    1. +1
      12 December 2020 02: 23
      Under Stalin there was responsibility and demand from officials.
  96. +1
    12 December 2020 02: 22
    Putin and Stalin. Comparative analysis

    An incorrect comparison for only one reason: Stalin is the best head of state of all times and peoples, who cared about the people not in words, but in deeds.
    1. -1
      12 December 2020 03: 15
      Quote: solzh
      Stalin is the best head of state of all times and peoples

      Strongly good So, “of all times” and “of all peoples”? In the entire history of mankind? And if you try to connect your brain, will the same thing happen? wink

      No banter, just interesting request

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"