“The brigades are turning into piles of scrap metal”: the Greek press writes about the failed attempt of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

“The brigades are turning into piles of scrap metal”: the Greek press writes about the failed attempt of the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, long expected by the West, is developing according to a failed scenario due to the lack of significant successes with huge losses of the Ukrainian army.

Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are turning into piles of scrap metal. There is relevant video evidence of this

- says the Greek edition of DefenseNet.

As explained in the press, in the Artyomovsk and Soledar directions, "reports are not at all suitable for the Ukrainian counterattack." Only near Soledar, the losses amounted to about 16 tanks, 26 armored vehicles and 14 vehicles. In total, more than 2 people lost their lives to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After a number of minor successes achieved during the offensive, the Ukrainian units were driven out of the captured positions and rolled back, for example, from the village of Novodonetskoye on the Vremievsky sector of the front. Fighting continues near Berkhovka on the outskirts of Artyomovsk: the village is only half captured by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and Russian units have built new defense lines.

However, according to the Russian military correspondents who were at the scene, there are no Ukrainian troops in Berkhovka at all.

In the coming days, the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army may turn into a kind of Ardennes

- indicates the author.

Against this unfavorable background for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the publication believes that the Kiev regime is responsible for undermining the Kakhovka dam:

Perhaps the dam was blown up because, in the end, things on the fronts are not going well for the Ukrainians at all. The Russians do not benefit from this, since the destruction of the dam for many years could leave Crimea without a powerful source of water. But for Ukrainians, this undermining over time can facilitate the advancement of troops.

As the author explains, tactically only the Ukrainians benefit from the explosion of the dam, who in this way are trying to destroy all the defensive positions of the RF Armed Forces on the left bank of the Dnieper.

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  1. +9
    6 June 2023 13: 22
    I am satisfied with the ruins ...
    1. +3
      6 June 2023 13: 28
      Fine! But too little ... Miser, practically! That's when we put 2 lyama banderni, then it will be possible to be satisfied with the chutarik!
      1. +2
        6 June 2023 13: 41
        This is just the beginning. How much scrap metal and minced meat will be when they launch the promised general offensive
      2. 0
        7 June 2023 14: 35
        Why "we will put", you do not participate in this, why do you attach yourself.
        1. +1
          8 June 2023 12: 22
          All who support us participate. Not at the forefront, but participate all the same. We lose - everyone will remember. Every post on all sites and social networks will be found, no doubt. Whoever works conscientiously, increases, so to speak, surplus value - everyone works for our victory. Without a rear, an army and
          won't last a week, don't you know?
          Glory to Russian soldiers! But you can be proud of yourself if you worked at your level and did not betray. ABC of war. Didn't they know? Or don't you want to know?
    2. +9
      6 June 2023 13: 45
      With piles of scrap metal, when it still looked like military equipment and shells, Greece also helped Ukraine, so it’s not even clear who this Greek newspaper is worried about - for Russia or for Ukraine.
      Oh, the Greeks, the Greeks, and you won’t even think that during WWII they beat the Nazis and fascists and still kept the day on the calendar when they celebrate it. And now they are helping the same Nazis. How low the Greeks have sunk in our eyes. fool
      1. -1
        6 June 2023 13: 49
        The newspaper may not support both Ukraine and its own government. This happens in Europe.
      2. 0
        6 June 2023 13: 55
        Quote: credo
        With piles of scrap metal, when it still looked like military equipment and shells, Greece also helped Ukraine, so it’s not even clear who this Greek newspaper is worried about - for Russia or for Ukraine.
        Oh, the Greeks, the Greeks, and you won’t even think that during WWII they beat the Nazis and fascists and still kept the day on the calendar when they celebrate it. And now they are helping the same Nazis. How low the Greeks have sunk in our eyes. fool

        And they once rose in our eyes? I do not remember.
        A fascist to a fascist willy-nilly brother.
        1. +1
          7 June 2023 09: 31
          Russia has no allies... Further, you yourself know.
          1. 0
            7 June 2023 14: 38
            If a person does not have friends on whom he can rely, will he brag about it? And why rejoice in the absence of allies from Russia? Maybe you should think about and change something so that these allies appear?
            1. 0
              8 June 2023 09: 36
              For example, bang impudent Saxons, so many friends will immediately appear with the words of thanks.
      3. 0
        7 June 2023 14: 36
        There were Greeks who beat the Nazis, there were Greeks who collaborated with them. Then they were different, and now there are also different
        1. 0
          7 June 2023 17: 00
          On December 5, 1944, by order of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the British armed forces entered the battle against ELAS. Interestingly, in Sir Churchill's order to General Scobie, it was literally said: "Do not hesitate to act as if you were in a conquered city where a local rebellion broke out."
          To pacify the Athenian rebellion, Great Britain sent 90 soldiers to Greece. Is it a lot or a little!?... For comparison, during the opening of the Second Front, the sandy beaches of Normandy were stormed by a LESS number of British! But these 90 thousand punishers could be useful in the fight against German Nazism.
          On May 11, 1945, British troops landed on the island of Crete in the picturesque town of Rethymnon - the 28th Infantry Brigade.
          The British immediately began to fight ... no, not with the German garrison, but with the Greek partisans from ELAS. The Cretan rebels beat the British so hard that they trembled ... and asked for help ... no, not from their command, but from the Germans. They took out neatly folded weapons from the shooting pyramids and arsenals, started their equipment and with great pleasure began to smash the damned communists.
          The 212th German tank battalion called “Crete” came to the rescue of the British and unblocked the “allies”. It got to the incredible - the personal car of the commander of the British troops, General Preston, was taken under guard by two German tanks ...
          For more than a month, the battle of the Greek patriots with the English army continued. Many people died: from the side of ELAS - about 3 thousand; British allied "government forces" lost 3,5 thousand killed; and the losses of the British themselves are estimated at 265 people killed and missing. The number of those captured on both sides went to tens of thousands of people.
  2. +10
    6 June 2023 13: 26
    Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are turning into piles of scrap metal. There is relevant video evidence of this
    So the European press (so far Greek, but to catch up, etc.) drew attention to the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not doing as well as they prophesied in the West. And on undermining the Kakhovka dam, they have their own opinion different from the head of the European Council.
    1. -3
      7 June 2023 02: 41
      Dear rotmistr60! The Greek press also cried "out loud" about the impending collapse of biological life and the EU economy, without Russian gas. So what? The EU is alive and even looks good... To scribble paper without consequences for what you wrote is not great courage and honor. All this "riffraff" from the Euro - the media - are not worth a broken penny. In due time, the uncles from across the ocean will "bark" at them - they will "shout out" something completely different... Russia has no "others catching up", especially in Europe, it (Russia) has only two allies and friends - its Army and Navy and, probably, Belarus, under the leadership of the respected Alexander Grigorievich ....
      1. +1
        7 June 2023 10: 05
        and, probably, Belarus, under the leadership of the respected Alexander Grygorievich ...

        and, probably, Belarus, while under the leadership of the respected Alexander Grygorievich ...
      2. 0
        7 June 2023 14: 42
        How does the domestic press differ from the European one? The same thing, either an admin resource or a financial resource, today they will write one thing, tomorrow they will calmly write the opposite. The same Solovyov changed his shoes many times during his career, and lives happily ever after.
  3. +2
    6 June 2023 13: 28
    Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are turning into piles of scrap metal. There is relevant video evidence of this
    The Greeks already wrote a lot. request
  4. 0
    6 June 2023 13: 30
    How nice it is to read such news after “difficult decisions” and “regroupings”. I really want to believe that this time we have prepared, and Balakleya will not happen again.
  5. +2
    6 June 2023 13: 32
    Attacking and defending are two different things.
    This way you can quickly lose all the tanks you have deployed, which is what I was talking about.
    In this light, the destruction of the Kakhovka dam is a remarkable justification for the failure of the counteroffensive.
    All the same, the PR department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (or AP) works very well.
  6. -2
    6 June 2023 13: 33
    Brigades, Nazi bastards... Tfu, the place is there, chtol, cursed?
  7. 0
    6 June 2023 13: 36
    I doubt that the defensive positions in the lowlands were no one does.
    1. 0
      6 June 2023 14: 18
      Of course, digging trenches in the lowlands is pointless. But washing away the minefields (I hope they were made), flooding the trenches and dugouts, and simply washing away the first defensive line and facilitating the access of the Armed Forces to the second with the help of high-speed boats and attempts to capture bridgeheads, we can say that it was a success. The second line will be forced to react to the approach of the landing force, will light up its positions, all this will be filmed and detected by "birds", of which they have enough. The coordinates will be transmitted to large-caliber, MLRS, etc., which are hidden in closed positions along the right bank ... The miners on our side are not so happy to set up new minefields under artillery fire, part of the troops will inevitably be pushed back from the second line of defense (let's not forget that the left bank under us is "low"). The flood will eventually pass, the riverbed will narrow ... It seems that in the supplies from the Americans and Germans there were pontoon crossings and "waterfowl" lightly armored vehicles. God forbid I'm wrong, "I didn't graduate from the academy, like the representatives of our glorious General Staff. But the next few hours and days will definitely show who is right, who is not, who is ready, and who "went out for a walk". The dam is broken, there is no way back...
  8. -5
    6 June 2023 13: 36
    How many vehicles did they lose as a percentage of the amount they had and delivered to them - 1,2 percent?
    1. +1
      6 June 2023 13: 41
      16 out of 730 (if this is real) then 2,19% ... as if reconnaissance in force ...
      1. 0
        6 June 2023 13: 45
        Not bad so - 2% of the accumulated hard to go only for reconnaissance))) Nicherta and not reconnaissance)))
        1. 0
          7 June 2023 14: 44
          Does the Armed Forces of Ukraine provide you with reports of what has been explored and what has not? Is it much better to blow everything without reconnaissance?
      2. +2
        6 June 2023 14: 32
        Add another hundred armored personnel carriers, then the percentage will be different. And to compare 16 destroyed tanks with the figure of 730 of all armor is a distortion of the percentage. Correct plz. if i'm wrong.
      3. +2
        6 June 2023 14: 53
        16 were only in one direction in one day. In total, with Artyomovsk and Avdeevka, it is already approaching 50. And this is already 7%. And this is only for the last couple of days and without result
    2. The comment was deleted.
  9. +1
    6 June 2023 14: 06
    Quote: Thrifty
    How many vehicles did they lose as a percentage of the amount they had and delivered to them - 1,2 percent?

    You are Thrifty with us, which means you know well how to lose 2000, all the more - a soldier
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  10. +2
    6 June 2023 22: 12
    The first serious action of Ukraine ended in disaster, but it’s convenient not to sleep on successes, but to prepare for the next actions of the enemy.
    1. +2
      7 June 2023 08: 31
      The first one ended with a huge success. And this offensive is not over yet.
  11. 0
    7 June 2023 14: 26
    The dam and this counterattack are all part of life. Ukrainians - nothing constructive! Only losses and then they will go begging again. They have been imagining all their lives that the whole world owes them something...
  12. 0
    7 June 2023 21: 32
    Crews turn into piles of scrap metal

    Very apt! We must learn to express ourselves from the Greeks!