Problems of the Baltic Fleet or how to clean up the NATO lake

Problems of the Baltic Fleet or how to clean up the NATO lake

Continuation of the topic of possible consequences for Russia from the entry into NATO of Finland and (especially) Sweden. What will the Baltic Sea turn into and will not the fate of the DCBF be as sad as in the two world wars, that is, to be locked in a puddle around Kronstadt in anticipation of its natural end.

Almost the entire military-political writing staff has already spoken out on the topic of Finland and Sweden's accession to NATO, appreciating this unambiguous success of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

But in the end, many who are not indifferent were seriously concerned about the question of whether, in connection with this, the Baltic Sea in general and the Gulf of Finland in particular will not become, as has already happened in our stories, a sump for ships blocked in harbors?

Of course, if you look at the map, everything looks sad. Considering that the Baltics have been in NATO for a long time, the addition of Sweden and Finland locks Russian ships in the Gulf of Finland, and the issue of blockade of Kaliningrad is not on the table, but is in the air like the very runes “mene, tekel, farel”.

The situation is complicated, if you do not go into details, and this is exactly what we will do now.

Listen to yourself: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. And one more thing: the Armed Forces of Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. And the last: the naval forces of Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. What do you hear inside your brain?

I think there are those who were simply indignant, and the majority smiled. Indeed, what fleets and the armies are we talking about if the armed forces of Estonia have a strength of 7 people, and the fleet consists of a command ship, three minesweepers and two boats? Latvia is tougher: the armed forces number 200 people, and the fleet consists of a minelayer, four minesweepers and eight boats. In general, the force is evil and dark.

But yes, the Balts have a coastline where you can place any kind of anti-ship weapon and the territory of the country, where you can let any troops of any countries.

That is, the Balts themselves do not show military force, but with the territory, yes, they can harm us. In theory. Because in practice, all that the newly-minted NATO members are capable of is jumping through the swamps in regular exercises depicting the defense of the “Suwalki corridor”. And they train everyone from among the NATO allies in this. Just some kind of conveyor is spinning.

Let's try to look at what will come out of the confrontation between NATO and Russia in the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea.

The coastline of Russia is about 7% of the total, moreover, it is torn into two parts, the Russian one itself and the Kaliningrad enclave. Two positional areas isolated from each other, which will have strongholds of Kronstadt and Baltiysk. And both areas will fight in all sorts of ways, based on the forces at their disposal.

In general, in the realities of modern wars, the exit of ships from the cover zone of coastal air defense systems does not look like the best idea. This applies to our ships. The fact that in the escalation mode the Balts will be brought "everything and more, and it is possible without bread" is understandable.

The Latvians are already trembling with excitement, they were promised the Norwegian Naval Strike Missile anti-ship cruise missiles, and then the Latvian shooters will show these Russians ... The question is what will happen if they don’t, because in Latvia Kaliningrad is seriously considered a threat to the country's security. Axiomatic. Kaliningrad threatens all of Latvia precisely because it exists.

Poland is also arming. But she is arming in general, everything is in use there: South Korean Tanks and self-propelled guns, Japanese destroyers, American Hymars MLRS and South African armored vehicles. In general, the gentlemen take everything, up to potatoes. Why is not entirely clear, it seems that the Poles themselves have not yet decided who they will fight in the future.

But specifically on our topic - fifty launchers of coastal-based anti-ship missiles, all the same NSM. And against whom all this magnificence will be directed, it is difficult to say. There are speculations (not without reason, it must be admitted) that the Poles are going to be friends against the Germans, but a more realistic option is when the ships of the DKBF will not be able to leave the raid at all, because 50 NSM launchers are more than a weighty argument.

What we have in the asset?

In the asset - in the sense of what our Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet is capable of? Let's look at him without rose-colored glasses. It's better for the faint of heart to leave.

There are no underwater forces. The only submarine B-806 "Dmitrov", launched back in 1986, is somewhat similar to the "Zaporozhye", according to official data, the last time I went camping in 2020. Really breathes its last, but there is no reason for indignant cries.

To put it mildly, our part of the Baltic is not suitable for submarine operations. This has been known since the First World War, and what went to the share of the Baltic submariners in the Great Patriotic War, everyone can read on their own.

The flagship of the Baltic Fleet, the destroyer "Persistent" (project 956 "Sarych"), a little younger than the diesel-electric submarine "Dmitrov" (1991), was last on the high seas in 2015, during a sudden inspection of the fleet.

Another repair was carried out in 2019-2022, what this will give the ship is hard to say, the main thing is not to draw parallels with the warm sea fleet.

Patrol ships of the 2nd rank of the project 11540 "Hawk", "Yaroslav the Wise" and "Fearless" are in a not entirely clear state. Fearless was modernized from 2014 to 2023, and it is still difficult to say how the repair ended.

"Yaroslav the Wise" was built from 1988 to 2009, then it was well driven on combat missions, the last repair was in 2021.

Corvettes of the 2nd rank of the project 20380 of the "Guarding" type.

Sound in my opinion "mini-frigates", with very strong weapons, more typical for frigates, but with very vague air defense. Especially in the “Guardian”, in the “Savvy”, “Courageous” and “Resistant” air defense looks better, but in the face of a large number of enemy aviation in the air (and there will be a lot of it, NATO only fights like this) these boats will have a very short life.

It doesn’t look strange, but the main threat to NATO ships in a hypothetical conflict will be small ships, with which the fleet was equipped not entirely clear for what reasons, but more or less in quantity.

Here, of course, everything is in a heap: both the old RTOs of projects 1234 "Gadfly", living out their lives, but partially equipped with "Onyx", and RTOs of project 21631 "Buyan-M", the ships are not without flaws (imprisoned under shallow water and do not have a normal seaworthiness), but with decent modern weapons, and very good RTOs of project 22800 Karakurt.

Well, it’s completely incomprehensible in what role the project 1241 Molniya missile boats, frankly weak and old, whose armament consists of P-270 Moskit anti-ship missiles at best, play a role. At worst, the P-15 "Termite" comes from the 50s of the last century.

It is difficult to say what kind of force two dozen of these ships will represent in reality, but this is the main strike force of the Baltic Fleet, no matter how sad it may sound. 4 corvettes and about 20 missile ships. All.

With anti-submarine and anti-mine forces, everything is also sad. One minesweeper of project 12700 "Alexandrite" and six small anti-submarine ships of project 1331M, living out their lives - that's all too.

Yes, the new-generation corvettes of the Guardian project can also arrange a difficult life for submarines, but relying on four ships to solve all problems is overly presumptuous. Waiting for something from veterans...

Possible developments

In fact, the point is not only that the ships are old. The Baltic is generally a very complex region, this has been known for more than 100 years. Elongated water area, shallow, with limited fairways, through and through by means of control and tracking. It is not easy to act in the Baltic, here it is worth recalling the historical example of the Moonsund battle, when five German battleships and a hundred support ships rather unsuccessfully stomped around two Russian battleships (Slava / Borodino and Grazhdanin / Tsesarevich) with a dozen destroyers.

Since then, nothing has changed, except that the mines have become smarter and more dangerous. And we also do not have any sane concept for the use of the fleet. The very vague "safety of shipping" is, you know, not for an envelope with a red stripe.

So, two basing centers.


Our missile ships, project 20380 corvettes are based there, if the flagship of the Baltic Fleet, the destroyer Persistent, gets out of repair, its place will also be there.

These ships can immediately be crossed off the list 10 minutes after the start of the Hour. They will be hit from two sides at once, the simplest task is from a distance of 30 km, from Polish territory, you can work with everything in general: rockets, MLRS shells, conventional artillery.

And beforehand, all acceptable fairways can be bombarded with mines (which will definitely be done so that the ships do not go anywhere from Baltiysk), which there is practically nothing to remove. One minesweeper for the entire Baltic is not serious.

So the scenario of the Great Patriotic War "Ships stand at the walls and receive from aviation" is likely to be implemented with the same degree of probability. Why come up with something new if the old one will work just fine? Considering that ballistic and cruise missiles, long-range MLRS and artillery are now being added to aviation, you don’t have to worry much.

Given that the ship is a rather expensive product of the military-industrial complex of any country that builds them on its own, it is very doubtful that in the future we will be able to see sea battles in the spirit of the Moonsund battle in the Baltic in the future. Everything will be decided by strikes from the safest possible distances.

Who will start is clear. There is a trio of dudas players (dudas is a Baltic bagpipe, if anyone does not know), who will play and sing a sad melody according to the given notes that ... they will play what they write. And it's not suicide. Here, the main thing is to start, and as practice shows, then the lads will catch up. “Respond to the aggression”, committed, of course, by Russia, against one of the small, but very proud (preferably all Latvia, because it is closer to the enclave) republics.

And now the provocation has happened, and what's next? What follows is a terrible mess. Denmark will open the straits for its own, pandemonium will begin in the Gulf of Gdansk, and all over the Baltic is just a madhouse. Who will sort out the inevitable mess like "who threw the boots on the remote control"? Submarines, missile ships will be handed out to both our own and others, and the civilian side will get it.

And this is not my invention, I read many real experts who once wore black shoulder straps, they all say that the conflict in the Baltic will be fleeting and very intense, with the complex use of surface, underwater, air and ground forces.

Here it should be noted that NATO does not need an unequivocal and confident victory. For a minute before this very victory, as many on the other side believe, a nuclear strike will follow. Therefore, no one wants to bring the confrontation to such an unequivocal ending. But to make navigation towards Kaliningrad impossible is easy.

Because minelayers, pouring hundreds of mines into the Baltic waves, Drones-kamikaze of all stripes, torpedoes, missiles, shells, combat divers of all stripes - all this will definitely turn the Baltic into a non-navigable lake, on which even a minesweeper will be more expensive to walk.

And what about our schedule?

For starters, the so-called Polish fleet: three submarines and two frigates. Not god knows what, but close.

Sweden: 5 submarines, 7 corvettes and 7 minesweepers.
Finland: 6 minelayers and 13 minesweepers.
Germany: 6 submarines, 12 frigates, 6 corvettes and 19 minesweepers.

It is clear that all this power will not work, but even the part that is capable of launching torpedoes from under the water and throwing mines into the water is more than enough to paralyze all traffic along the Ust-Luga-Svetlogorsk line.

Can the DCBF represent at least something in terms of counteraction? Nominally yes. In theory, the "mosquito fleet" may well play against the usual one with anti-ship missiles. In practice, the question is whether small missile ships can withstand modern frigates.

"Uranus" is a very good, albeit old, rocket, but in order to "scare" a German frigate of the Baden-Württemberg type with it, they need at least 3-4, since the rocket is designed for ships with a displacement of up to 5000 tons. But whether the German frigate will allow itself to be poked with Uraniums is a question, since it is armed with RAM missiles, which are also quite good in terms of destroying anti-ship missiles.

The “mosquitoes” will definitely not protect the enclave. Unfortunately, thoughts about the effectiveness of the DCBF in its modern form are gloomy, because in fact the fleet is a flotilla of small ships, reinforced by four modern corvettes.

If you look at the composition of the Caspian flotilla, you will be surprised to be able to state the fact that there are no less modern ships there, and the possibilities in terms of a one-time missile salvo, if worse, then not much. For two corvettes.

What is the conclusion and what to do?

There is an opinion that new ships from the Baltic in general could be relocated to the Black Sea. There is an unambiguous shortage of ships there today, and there are more than enough targets in the future. Old ships can be left, their fate in any case will be unenviable, start a full-fledged conflict there.

The question “how to protect our shores” does not require much thought. What all ships fear. Aviation and coastal complexes. Operational-tactical complexes with ballistic and cruise missiles. "Bal" or "Bastion", disguised on the shore, is much more difficult for a ship to detect than the same RTO that went to sea. Calculate the trajectory and hit something at the launch site? Can. But - 2 minutes for everything, then the same "Bastion" turns off and leaves the place of its launch at a speed of 60 km / h.

Saturating our coastline with mobile missile systems is a very difficult but important task. It is not easy to place, it is necessary to create a bunch of positions, main, reserve, false, making it as difficult as possible for the enemy to make a preemptive strike.

Yes, RTOs carry 8 Uranovs, and Bastion carries 2 Yakhonts. Further, pure arithmetic, in which the coastal complex wins.

We do not have a normal fleet capable of protecting Kaliningrad. This means that it is not worth rushing to build it, there is neither time, nor money, nor production capacities. And additional missile battalions, coupled with launch missiles, capable of not only preventing the adversary from reaching their shores, but also hinting to him directly in the capital that it is not good to offend us is an option.

Helsinki is 250 km in a straight line from the Leningrad region or even less. To Stockholm 500, but for "Caliber" this is not a distance.

Plus, the long-range and strategic aviation bases in the north, from where the Tu-22M, Tu-95 and Tu-160 can arrive, is no less important component of success than Balls and Bastions.

And in general, the sea is half the battle, it is very important what will happen on land.

There is another unexpected element here. This is… NATO!

There are people who are very skeptical about what is written above. That is, to a quick and unconditional victory for NATO in the Baltic. And these are people ... Swedes! Perhaps that is why Sweden is not yet in the bloc, unlike its weak neighbors.

In this country, there is such an institution as the Defense Research Institute (FOI), an institution that operates on the money of the Swedish Ministry of Defense and regularly pleases the military with serious analytics, which are then published without secret components for everyone.

There was such a publication, “Containment with reinforcements. The Strengths and Weaknesses of NATO's Defense Strategy. The translation may not be entirely accurate, but: one gets the impression that they wrote just for the Balts, Finns and Poles.

So, the main enemy of the NATO countries in the war with Russia, the Swedes consider not rockets or bombs, but time. The time it will take to transfer and deploy the bloc's forces.

You know, it seems that here it is, a division there, a brigade here... They all need to perform very complex manipulations in order to start fighting, protecting these small ones. That is, everything looks exactly like ours:
- loading into the PPD;
- transfer to the theater;
- deployment in a given area;
- the beginning of hostilities.

And here, too, there are a couple of devils who sit in the details. For all the time that the Baltic soldiers were in NATO, not a single brigade-level exercise took place on their territory. We are simply silent about divisional ones, all maneuvers in the Baltic states with the military formations of these countries were at the level of battalion groups.

But even the so-called NATO Response Force (NRF) that arrived, which will spend a week on this, if something is left there in a week, this something will have to merge into the NRF and replenish battalion groups to brigades.

If there is something to replenish in a week.

Besides, in a week it will still be a hodgepodge of NRF and local units, disjointed and inconsistent. Here we can recall the disgrace of the 2017 model, when the US and German defense ministries ventured to arrange exercises for two armored brigades. This resulted in such a disgrace, about which everyone involved in the topic wrote for half a year. Here even our organizers of the army mess thoughtfully scratched their caps with the words “No, we can’t do that. You have to learn…”

This is when the 1st US tank brigade cockroached at home for 40 days, gathered with sin in half, plunged and 21 days later gathered in Antwerp. Well, after another 15 days, she arrived at the exercises in Poland. That is, approximately 76 days, that is, more than two months.

Of course, if you plan everything in advance and start going to war with Russia six months in advance...

The German light armored brigade was just from the NRF, it took exactly 17 days to Poland. Through, I emphasize, the territory of Germany, not through Greece drove.

And all this is within the framework of the 4 x 30 operational strategy, which provides for the deployment of 30 motorized rifle battalions, 30 aviation squadrons and 30 warships in one of the NATO countries in 30 days in order to protect it.
Even without our intervention, it will be a brightly colorful show with rake dances.

So really, it makes sense not to look in the direction of the Baltic Fleet, in the state in which it is, it will not be able to do something real. So, it is necessary to switch attention to the land. Poland, which today is buying up weapons all over the world and is preparing for who knows what - this is serious. And with the overruns of the gentlemen - and even more so.

Of course, watching how our Black Sea Fleet participates in the NWO and what results it has in this, it’s scary for the Baltic, to be honest.

However, when I say that DCBF ships can be destroyed at the piers, I do not mean that it will be necessary to escort them to the bottom with tears in our eyes, but simply to take measures to ensure that what can destroy these ships, was destroyed earlier.

Pretty simple recipe for victory.
  • Roman Skomorokhov
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  1. +42
    19 May 2023 04: 05
    We do not have a normal fleet capable of protecting Kaliningrad. This means that it is not worth rushing to build it, there is neither time, nor money, nor production capacities. A additional missile battalions, coupled with launch missiles, capable of not only keeping the adversary away from their shores, but also hinting to him directly in the capital that it is not good to offend us is an option.

    exactly what I always say, and always the "screamers" minus from the bottom of their hearts, without giving any reasonable arguments in response.
    1. +25
      19 May 2023 05: 02
      Quote: Aerodrome
      "Uryakalki" minus from the heart, without giving any reasonable arguments in response.
      hi So for this you need to think, but there is nothing to think about!
      1. +6
        19 May 2023 07: 29
        too lazy to think

        And sometimes it even hurts!
        Volodya hi
        1. 0
          19 May 2023 12: 13
          Quote: novel xnumx
          And sometimes it even hurts!

          The balls creak, the rollers are rusty!
          Roma hi
    2. +22
      19 May 2023 05: 28
      Respond to aggression "...preferably all Latvia, because it is closer to the enclave of republics.

      —- With all due respect to the author, the closest to the Kaliningrad region is Lithuania. I hope you don't have to prove it with a map.

      —- Kaliningrad region, this is an exclave (or rather, a semi-exclave of Russia. Not an enclave at all ... Where B is Russia, and C is the Kaliningrad region.

      —- In general - a chaotic article, everything is sketched and mixed. A
      just make sure that what could destroy these ships is destroyed a little earlier. Pretty simple recipe for victory.
      - as the experience of NWO, which began according to this particular formula, shows, this recipe requires knowledge of WHAT AND WHERE it can destroy, and WHAT it needs to be destroyed .... as it turned out, the knowledge of this WHAT AND WHERE turned out to be the Achilles' heel of the Russian Armed Forces, in any case - at the beginning of the NWO.
      1. +5
        19 May 2023 06: 40
        Quote: Mikhail Drabkin
        Kaliningrad region, it's an exclave

        And an enclave for NATO. If we consider Poland and Lithuania as full-fledged NATO countries.
        1. +6
          19 May 2023 08: 14
          Why consider scenarios of war with the use of conventional weapons if any war with any NATO country will turn into a nuclear war? Warsaw and Riga and Kaliningrad will also burn down.
          But something needs to be done about BF. All RTOs Buyan in the Baltic Fleet are just target ships without anti-aircraft defense and air defense, and as the author noted, aviation is the main attacking force, so all RTOs from the Baltic must be removed to the Black Sea Fleet, where they can hide in our Sea of ​​Azov or the Caspian Sea for the time being completely and strike at they will be able to target stationary targets from there as well.
          The destroyer Sarych, if the state allows, must be sent for modernization and then either to the Pacific Fleet or to the Northern Fleet, where it will be needed.
          Of course, corvettes 20380 are needed there, but due to the huge shortage of PLO ships in the strategic Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet, it would be wiser to transfer these corvettes to the Northern Fleet and improve the cover for the deployment of our SSBNs.
          And on the Baltic Fleet, you can leave the RTOs Karakurt and TFR, as well as transfer patrol ships being built for the Black Sea Fleet here.
          1. +3
            19 May 2023 18: 55
            Quote: ramzay21
            Why consider conventional war scenarios if any war with any NATO country will turn into a nuclear war

            Is not a fact. See for yourself: if the conflict lasts less than a week and is localized exclusively by Kaliningrad, then the probability of using nuclear weapons is minimal - maximum tactical nuclear weapons are at the border.
            And so, yes - the main defense of Kaliningrad is not the fleet, but the army and the good old Ground Forces. The task of the fleet is to survive, retain personnel and not repeat the fate of the Black Sea Fleet during the years of the Crimean War.
            1. +4
              19 May 2023 22: 09
              Is not a fact. See for yourself: if the conflict lasts less than a week and is localized exclusively by Kaliningrad, then the probability of using nuclear weapons is minimal - maximum tactical nuclear weapons are at the border.

              Under the current government, such a development of events is possible and this is a catastrophic development of the situation, but then the Japanese will also want to take the Kuriles from us.
              Therefore, the only way to prevent such a development of the situation is to withdraw from START-3, which threaten our interests and are treacherous, to build up as quickly as possible the maximum number of nuclear warheads and their carriers, and to adopt a plan of action in the event that NATO forces attack us with prepared orders and specific targets. , which would guarantee a nuclear strike in any eventuality.
              Therefore, it is important to maximally secure the deployment of SSBNs and their performance of combat missions, and for this it is necessary to reinforce the SF corvettes by transferring them from the BF and the sooner the better. Their crews still need to study the BS areas and work out interaction with the crews of frigates 22350, MPK, MAPL and Northern Fleet aviation.
              1. +1
                22 May 2023 11: 19
                Quote: ramzay21
                Therefore, the only way to prevent such a development of the situation is to withdraw from START-3, which threaten our interests and are treacherous, to build up as quickly as possible the maximum number of nuclear warheads and their carriers, and to adopt a plan of action in the event that NATO forces attack us with prepared orders and specific targets. , which would guarantee a nuclear strike in any eventuality.

                Quite right. Moreover, even now, bringing the number of nuclear warheads on ICBMs and SLBMs to their regular strength can increase their total value to almost 2500 nuclear warheads. It is also necessary to supplement the strategic nuclear forces with medium-range missiles (including ballistic missiles) both in the European and Far Eastern theater of operations (this will require some time, spending and effort, but worth it).
                Quote: ramzay21
                Therefore, it is important to maximally secure the deployment of SSBNs and their performance of combat missions, and for this it is necessary to reinforce the SF corvettes by transferring them from the BF and the sooner the better.

                the proposal looks logical, but this will leave us without anti-submarine forces in the Baltic, because we have only 4 corvettes there. Yes, someone needs to cover and lead RTOs.
                According to RTOs (especially Buyans), these are just floating launch platforms for Caliber, that's exactly how they were conceived. Most likely, this is how they will be used under the cover of base aviation, coastal air defense and ... those same corvettes.
                Quote: ramzay21
                but then the Japanese will also want to take the Kuriles from us.

                For the Japanese, one or two Poseidons (from their Pacific coast) will be sufficient, and they will never want anything. Moreover, the carriers of the Poseidons will be based in Kamchatka, for them a whole division has been formed there and the basic infrastructure has been created.
                Quote: ramzay21
                Why consider scenarios of war with the use of conventional weapons if any war with any NATO country will turn into a nuclear war?

                And what conclusion follows from this?
                Correctly . Yes Initially consider and plan exclusively a nuclear conflict from the first minute of a crisis or a confirmed threat. And act accordingly.
                Quote: ramzay21
                all RTOs from the Baltic must be removed to the Black Sea Fleet, where they can hide in the so far completely our Sea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbAzov or in the Caspian Sea and they will be able to strike at stationary targets from there.

                And why do we need them there?
                They were brought to the Baltic as floating launchers "Caliber" (until land launchers were made for Iskander missile brigades. Their task will be to shoot back with "Caliber" at NATO targets in the Baltic, repel an air strike and KR (shelter from it), reload and again hit. There was and is no other task for them. If warheads are special for them, then very soon there will be no threat to our KBF, Kaliningrad and Russia as a whole, in the European theater of operations ... And it will be possible to safely mine the Danish Straits .. . just in case .
                Quote: ramzay21
                The destroyer Sarych, if the state allows, must be sent for modernization and then either to the Pacific Fleet or to the Northern Fleet, where it will be needed.

                It was conceived and built as ... an escort and artillery support ship for landings. It could, of course, be rebuilt into a full-fledged destroyer ... but it's so expensive, not easy, and ... anyway, without a normal PLO ... that ... it hardly makes sense. Let it remain what it is - the flagship and landing support ship. But landing operations will still have to be carried out.
                Quote: ramzay21
                as well as to transfer here patrol ships being built for the Black Sea Fleet.

                Why are these there? Convert them into minelayers? So for this, any fishing trawler is better suited.
                It must be understood that in the event of a real threat to our Kaliningrad region, the main unblocking force will not be the fleet, but the very Ground Forces, which will, as soon as possible, return to the Native Harbor the population of the Russian Baltic, languishing under the yoke of perverts. All and at once. Without equivocations, curtsies and unnecessary gestures. Simple and unpretentious. At the same time from three sides - from the East, West (Kaliningrad region) and South (from fraternal Belarus).
                Thus, the issue of the stability of the KBF in the Baltic will be immediately resolved, the issue of logistics for Kaliningrad will be resolved and the threat from NATO to St. Petersburg (Leningrad \ Petrograd) will be eliminated.
                Necessary forces and means?
                They need to be developed and increased, which is currently happening. Russia will be saved by Healthy Militarism, a multiple increase in the power of its Armed Forces (which is already happening) and a tough, inexorable Will in protecting its Vital Interests.
                Finland ....
                Interest Ask ...
                In ancient times, when Russia and the Soviet Union gave and guaranteed its independence, it was taken OBLIGATIONS of peaceful coexistence, non-participation in military blocs and alliances hostile to the USSR / Russia, obligations of GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD and mutually beneficial trade ... what
                Now all these obligations are rejected by the careless leadership of Finland.
                Naturally, the guarantees of independence, security and simply the STATUS of Finland as a state are under a big ... I would even say profound question ... The fact is that Finland was ... PURCHASED by the Russian Empire from Sweden. Bought as territory!! As a territory without any statehood, because the Finns never had any statehood before Lenin.
                Lenin, of course, signed a lot of things, but the PROPERTY and LEGAL issues were not settled in any way.
                Firstly, Finland did not return the MONEY spent on its purchase, and, accordingly, DOES NOT HAVE any Redemption Letter.
                Secondly, the INVESTMENTS of RI in their northwestern province were not compensated.
                And most importantly, Lenin SIMPLY signed a certain "decree" on the independence of Finland, the legal value of which is more than doubtful.
                Conclusion ?
                He can and must be, and not alone. And the Finns should know and remember this.
                There are also questions to Sweden and Norway, but this is a separate issue. However, these questions will certainly come up and be resolved in the event of a crisis around the Kaliningrad region.
    3. +11
      19 May 2023 11: 53
      minus from the heart, without giving any reasonable arguments in response.
      Pay no attention, it's not worth it. By the way, Happy Pioneer Day, comrades! Thanks to the Soviet Union for our happy childhood!
    4. +2
      19 May 2023 13: 09
      It must be understood that in the event of a conflict with NATO, the Baltic Fleet will be instantly destroyed. This is reality. The rest is lyrics.
      1. -5
        19 May 2023 15: 13
        NATO Baltic Fleet will be instantly destroyed.

        agree - Baltic NATO fleet - will be instantly destroyed
        it will be a nuclear war - with nuclear missiles, anti-ship missiles, PLUR
        as well as nuclear depth charges
    5. -2
      19 May 2023 18: 59
      Quote: Aerodrome
      minus from the heart, without giving any reasonable arguments in response.

      34 to 5 is loudly said "minus" :) In general, they are minus when "all-weepers" and "sofa whiners" whine unreasonably or misrepresent the facts. In principle, that opponents of criticism, that radical critics are the same eggs, only in profile. The benefits of the first and the second are exactly zero.

      And the fact that our Navy is spread in a thin layer over a vast territory and only the Northern Fleet can fight on equal terms with the fleets of NATO countries is a well-known fact.
      1. +4
        20 May 2023 03: 40
        Oh, those insidious all-weapons again. The trouble is, the 2021 all-weavers seem to be super-optimists in 2023.
        1. -4
          20 May 2023 11: 09
          Quote: Yaroslav Tekkel
          The trouble is, the 2021 all-weavers seem to be super-optimists in 2023.

          No. Just idiots and alarmists. Good perceive the world stupidly through black and white.
    6. +1
      19 May 2023 20: 08
      Quote: Aerodrome
      And additional missile battalions, coupled with launch missiles, capable of not only preventing the adversary from reaching their shores, but also hinting to him directly in the capital that it is not good to offend us is an option.
      But missile systems will not be able to do anything with mines: neither put their own, nor remove enemy ones. And it is necessary, for Kaliningrad it is necessary. Do some reconnaissance too. Find and drive out enemy submarines. Etc. It won't work without ships.
    7. -4
      20 May 2023 13: 00
      Here I agree with Klimov only in part of the fact that investments in the construction of the surface Navy are practically useless, taking into account the OTRK with traps converted into anti-ship missiles like the Dagger.

      We've all seen the Patriot PAC-3 fire 32 missiles for $270 million and get 3 hits. In fact, this is the pinnacle of missile defense technologies now, because. PAC-3 is made as THAAD for direct collisions with OTRK.

      And yet, fail. This is not even a hypersonic glider yet, just an OTRK with a little maneuvering and collecting very old traps from grandfather's transistors. How easy it was to understand, and in Moscow we will not be able to reflect not only the analogue of the Dagger there, but even ordinary Harpoons will break through the air defense / missile defense of any of our ships with a pack.

      Most likely, the question of the death of the concept of the surface fleet in general will soon arise, and it is not a fact that the mosquito fleet will win here. With modern reconnaissance equipment, you can easily find a boat and also fill it up with a rocket, if not a planning bomb, even with a correction. He has nothing to beat her.

      Therefore, everything that does not know how to hide on mine now is just models of warships, they will be melted to hell with us and the United States and China. Build a surface fleet - shoot money. His time is gone.

      The submarine fleet can be secretive. Therefore, the time of submarines. Also, a fleet disguised as civilian ships can be secretive. We also have a Club-K complex, where in an ordinary shipping container there is a launcher for 4 Caliber or Dagger / Iskander class missiles. Go find it.

      Two such containers are actually an analogue of our small missile ships for 1 billion (!) Rubles.

      Oh yes. There is also a possible violation of the INF Treaty, which rested in Bose. I'm afraid, although our dreamers are dirty with frigates or a mosquito fleet, in reality they will rather fight what kind of rusty bulk carriers for 5 kopecks.

  2. -19
    19 May 2023 04: 34
    watching how our Black Sea Fleet participates in the NWO and what results it has in this, it’s scary for the Baltic

    And how can we know about the results of the participation of the Black Sea Fleet in the NWO, if the competent authorities on both sides do not report to the general public about them? Or does the author have access to classified information?
    It is known that the Black Sea Fleet over and over again strikes objects on the territory of Ukraine with "Caliber".
    The reports of the Ukrainian side that the Armed Forces of Ukraine regularly shoot down 100-200-300 percent of the launched Calibers have not been taken seriously for a long time.
    The fleet of Ukraine ordered to live long. Some of the ships, including the flagship, were sunk by the Ukrainians themselves, some were abandoned.
    So what's the problem ?
    There is no faith in the words of dill propaganda, therefore the death of "Moscow" without a photoevidence of Ukrainian missile hits not suggest.
    1. +13
      19 May 2023 06: 49
      Quote: Comrade
      It is known that the Black Sea Fleet over and over again strikes objects on the territory of Ukraine with "Caliber".

      You don't need a fleet for this. It was possible to install a container with calibers in the Crimea at Cape Tarkhankut and shoot from a place.
      Quote: Comrade
      Some of the ships, including the flagship, were sunk by the Ukrainians themselves, some were abandoned.
      So what's the problem ?
      There is no faith in the words of dill propaganda, therefore, the death of "Moscow" without photographic evidence of hits by Ukrainian missiles is not offered

      According to your version, the Kyiv partners drowned their flagship Hetman Sahaydachny, and in turn, ours also drowned their flagship - a missile cruiser. Thus, the fleets were unable to conduct a general naval battle in the Black Sea and a grain deal had to be concluded.
      1. +3
        19 May 2023 10: 11
        It seems right to you that you can shoot rockets from the shore, but the fleet region will not agree! The fleet still needs a region, for example, admirals, they don’t bypass it! You, as a land commander, are not arguing like a fleet, you do not understand the strategic difference between firing missiles from the coast and from the coast.
      2. -3
        20 May 2023 02: 06
        Quote: ZhEK-Vodogrey
        You don't need a fleet for this. It was possible to install a container with calibers in the Crimea at Cape Tarkhankut and shoot from a place.

        Tell this to the Americans who, during the Persian Gulf War, released through the territory of Iraq 297 Tomahawk cruise missiles, of which 288 from warships (12 from submarines, 276 from surface ships).

        Quote: ZhEK-Vodogrey
        According to your version

        It was possible to launch them from the territory of the US allies neighboring Iraq in the anti-Iraq coalition.
    2. -1
      20 May 2023 12: 08
      Do you think that the loss of the flagship of the fleet in a situation close to combat, as a result of negligence - the sailor smoked in the wrong place - characterizes the fleet more positively than the loss as a result of enemy influence?
  3. +19
    19 May 2023 04: 59
    five German battleships and a hundred support ships hovered rather unsuccessfully around two Russian battleships ("Glory" / "Borodino” and “Citizen” / “Tsesarevich”) with a dozen destroyers.

    "Grazhdanin" is really the former "Tsesarevich", but with "Slava" a bobble came out, since "Slava" was not renamed.
    The battleship "Borodino" died in the Battle of Tsushima, it is strange that the author does not know this.
  4. +28
    19 May 2023 05: 06
    What exactly is the dispute about? Even the Germans and the Finns during the Second World War were able to tightly block the KBF in Kronstadt and Leningrad, sinking a significant part of mines and aircraft. Nothing can change the situation if a war starts with NATO.
    ps The Baltic Fleet was more or less able to take part in the Second World War (precisely as a fleet, and not as sailors or aviation as part of the ground forces) only after the ground army practically reached the borders of Germany. Therefore, the role of the KBF in the present PEACE time is purely representative.
    1. -5
      19 May 2023 13: 20
      What exactly is the dispute about? Even the Germans and the Finns during the Second World War were able to tightly block the KBF in Kronstadt and Leningrad, sinking a significant part of mines and aircraft. Nothing can change the situation if a war starts with NATO.

      However, the situation has changed since 1941. In the event of the onset of the "H" time, all the Baltic fleets can be laid on the bottom in their places of deployment with all their "technical miracles".
      Perhaps we do not have enough technical means for this now. Apparently it is necessary to work in this direction.
    2. +2
      19 May 2023 20: 52
      Well, in fact, the Baltic submariners fought throughout the war, heroically breaking through from the Gulf of Finland into the Baltic Sea.
    3. +1
      21 May 2023 14: 08
      Blocked, yes. But before that, the army retreated to Leningrad.
      Have you heard about the actions of our submarines in the Baltic, the evacuation of Hanko, the fighting in Moonsund, the liberation of the islands?
      1. 0
        24 May 2023 10: 44
        Quote: denplot
        Have you heard about the actions of our submarines in the Baltic, the evacuation of Hanko, the fighting in Moonsund, the liberation of the islands?

        Quote from Jack Sklo
        Well, in fact, the Baltic submariners fought throughout the war, heroically breaking through from the Gulf of Finland into the Baltic Sea.

        I not only heard about the actions of submariners in the Baltic. Studied. We had 2 teachers who broke through from the Gulf of Finland during the war - Hero of the Soviet Union Captain 1st Rank Lisin and Captain 1st Rank Soldiers. The first was captured, the second also had to "swim", the boat died. Submariners in the Baltic were then guaranteed suicide bombers. The fact of the matter is that as an independent type of force, our fleet last showed itself on the Black Sea in battles with the Turks, when the fleet was still sailing. Everything else is defeat, defense, or some kind of auxiliary action, such as an amphibious landing. There were single victories of individual ships, pl, but no more. More often, probably, submariners. Here, geography put a pig on us, as in the Baltic, and miscalculations of big bosses, etc. And it did not depend on who was in power. And, unfortunately, there will be no naval victories for a long time, while the fleet is in such a state.
        About Hanko and Moonsund. What ship crew took part in the evacuation from Hanko? Minesweepers, boats and civilian "steamboats". A destroyer went out a couple of times. For memory, one of them was called "Leningrad". All. And there were dozens of detachments. Without intelligence, at random. A lot of people died there. And this is considered a successful operation. For example, pilots from Hanko flew over on their planes, but the support group did not wait, their transport was sunk. The landing on the islands in 1944 was provided by a detachment of torpedo boats. That's all the participation of the ships of the fleet in these battles. And it didn't work out the first time. What is it connected with? I think that with the lack of proper intelligence and communications, errors in planning, in principle, which is now observed in the NWO. Large ships were mainly used as coastal batteries, some were simply in a semi-submerged state after the bombing. Naval aviation and marines took an active part in the battles. Something like this ... Most importantly, to realize this is not at all pleasant, so many years have been given to the Navy.
  5. +11
    19 May 2023 05: 20
    Well Roman! Congratulations on the anniversary of the Baltic Fleet !!!)))
  6. +23
    19 May 2023 05: 21
    Everything is so, only the problems of the fleet begin in the same place as the problems of the rest of the army ...
    Here is S. Korea, they have an "antediluvian" fleet, but no one thinks to attack them, fire at them, or carry out sabotage. I wonder why?
    1. +21
      19 May 2023 05: 54
      Quote: Vladimir80
      I wonder why?

      But because Ying, without hesitation, will slap everyone that he has, as long as he gets it!
      And will not express concern and dissatisfaction!
    2. +2
      19 May 2023 11: 36
      And who to shoot and attack? South Korea or USA? Do they need it?
      As for me, the point here is not so much that Kim will answer, but that you can fuck with this. Bombing just because we can is a pretty stupid idea.
      Well, I will pay tribute to Kim - he certainly can protect the honor of the country
  7. +11
    19 May 2023 06: 40
    The basis of the KBF should be mine-anti-mine forces, aviation and coastal defense. The ship composition in the Baltic is vulnerable, so the emphasis is on the creation of unmanned carriers (underwater, surface, air).
  8. +15
    19 May 2023 07: 02
    After the author confused Latvia with Lithuania, and Baltiysk with Svetlogorsk, it is impossible to take the author seriously ...
    1. +13
      19 May 2023 10: 15
      After the author confused Latvia with Lithuania, and Baltiysk with Svetlogorsk, it is impossible to take the author seriously ..

      Well, in my opinion, the photo is still Baltiysk, although the article could have already been corrected.
      But why be surprised? Well, a person was in a hurry to issue an article - who doesn’t happen to? Here is another obvious flaw:
      and old RTOs of projects 1234 "Gadfly", living out their lives, but partially equipped with "Onyxes"

      The only MRK pr. 1234, equipped with the Onyx anti-ship missiles, had the name Nakat, was assigned to the Northern Fleet and was more of a testing laboratory. We didn’t have more RTOs, pr. 1234, armed with Onyx, either in the Baltic, or in the Black Sea, or in the Pacific fleets ...

      In addition, several punctuation errors also indicate that the article was born in a hurry, but I will leave their search to those "linguists" who like to "choke" on the topic of spelling purity. Fortunately, I am not one of them, and I am more than loyal to such blunders.

      You can also look at the photographs used as illustrations. So in the photo of Baltiysk, two destroyers of project 956 are captured, while in the article we are talking about only one "Persistent". It just needs to be clarified here that earlier there were 2 units in the BF of the Sarych destroyers, but the Restless was dismantled for spare parts, and the ship's hull itself was turned into a museum in Kronstadt.

      Hence my wish to Roman: take your time, it is often better to check all the facts in advance than a number of inaccuracies to arouse suspicion of the entire material as a whole. hi
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      19 May 2023 19: 01
      After the author confused Latvia with Lithuania, and Baltiysk with Svetlogorsk, it is impossible to take the author seriously ...

      Unfortunately, in 9 cases out of 10 this happens to him. But this article is essentially a statement of the well-known fact that the task of our fleet in a war with a superpower or a coalition of several countries is to survive and retain personnel.
  9. +17
    19 May 2023 07: 13
    You know, I just read in the news: "English is a dead language, - Volodin." Can you imagine what ignoramuses seized power?! These ignoramuses at all levels of government. There is no more business in the country how to "fight" with the English language. And the author proposes to solve the problems of the Baltic Sea. Correct, of course, he proposes. But while Putin is in power, who "protects" these ignoramuses, the problems will not be solved now, but will grow "like a snowball"!
    1. +8
      19 May 2023 09: 31
      English is a dead language - Volodin

      With these words of Volodin, I completely fell out, this is not even an ignoramus, and it is impossible to express obscenities here. English is used in civil aviation, dispatchers all speak English, documentation and so on.
      1. +1
        19 May 2023 18: 48
        Volodin, of course, as they say, reported before. At the international level, English is definitely indispensable. But, in Russia, the study of English comes to insanity. Even, in elementary school, they began to teach him. For what? Whoever needs it will learn it anyway, and whoever doesn’t really, will safely forget their school course. Once upon a time, back in the Soviet army, one lieutenant colonel was looking for candidates for admission to the University. Patrice Lumumba, it is clear for what purpose. So, according to the reviews, the candidates at the preparatory courses quite decently mastered English for passing at least three and entered, although few people really knew "this" English.
        1. +3
          20 May 2023 03: 52
          In the royal gymnasium they taught 4 (!) Languages: French, German, and just two dead ones - Latin and ancient Greek. Moreover, knowledge was given in a complex way: what is the article, what is the case, in such and such languages, they are like that, but in such and such they are not at all. And a young man who finished with an A could really read Virgil in the original, and not mumble like the current ones: "My name from Petrov. Ai liv in Moskru, capital of Russia."
    2. +4
      19 May 2023 10: 41
      You read, and I saw it on TV yesterday!!!
      I yelled !!!
      Now try to get children to learn English!
      Well, it was necessary to blurt out such idiocy at such a high, international level?!?!?!?!?
      In short, Volodin and Medvedev are two lies.
      1. +4
        19 May 2023 11: 20
        Moreover, these are high officials who also represent us in the international arena, these are not individual deputies, but the chairman of the State Duma, and another jack-of-all-trades deputy in many areas. And then they wonder why the West is looking at us so askance.
        1. +6
          19 May 2023 17: 36
          Neither Medvedev nor Volodin will ever again represent Russia in the international arena. Since all their "pearls" will constantly be remembered and in any controversy they will be erased into powder, they have said so much stupidity and game from their "tribunes"
          So they will continue to broadcast exclusively ... for the internal user. All in the same format of a stupid loser and a gopnik from the St. Petersburg gateway
          1. +6
            19 May 2023 19: 01
            A couple of weeks ago, there was a deputy initiative in the State Duma to reduce hours to enemy English and give more hours to teach students how to throw a grenade and how to disassemble Kalash for schoolchildren. Insanity is going through the roof with these braces. All IT is on it. Back to the stone age soon
          2. +1
            19 May 2023 19: 22
            Quote: prorab_ak
            Since all their "pearls" will constantly be remembered and in any controversy they will be erased into powder, they have said so much stupidity and game from their "tribunes"

            In secret - since Reagan, US presidents have periodically wetted their crusts. George W. Bush, Obama, Biden ...
            And yes, Biden has a chance to get a second term...
            And nothing, the whole world neighed with "Iraq, Iran - what's the difference ???" and all....
            At least for an external, at least for an internal user ...
            What's the use of the fact that Wagenknecht is smart? She will not be allowed to power anyway ...
    3. +5
      19 May 2023 19: 54
      The author differs from Volodin only in the level in the social pyramid. In fact, both of them proceed from their own ideas about the world order. Divisional Commander V. Chapaev directly said "I lack education!" Today, this is not heard, and journalist Rogozin boldly undertakes to lead the missile industry, and a graduate of the Omsk Infantry - VKS.
    4. -2
      20 May 2023 10: 52
      In your opinion, is it worth finding smart people somewhere (if there are any) and teaching everyone English?
  10. +8
    19 May 2023 07: 37
    It doesn’t look strange, but the main threat to NATO ships in a hypothetical conflict will be ..

    Author, get off the illusion tree. Our fleet poses no threat at all to any of the NATO countries. God forbid, a war with NATO, it will no longer be some yesterday's villages, but a powerful military machine. In the first hour of the war, there will be nothing left of our fleet at all.
  11. +2
    19 May 2023 07: 40
    I'll throw in a couple of cents:
    1. Obviously, the fleet is blocked and destroyed, but this does not mean that it is not needed. The most obvious solution seems to be the solution of border corvettes, plus mosquito missile carriers. And if there is no place for large nuclear-powered submarines, then small-sized diesel-electric ones may turn out to be quite relevant. And, the key thing is that all this should not be concentrated in one place: part along the coast of the Leningrad region, part along the Kaliningrad region, part on duty / exercises. Yes, up to the withdrawal deep into our territory along the Neva of small tonnages.
    2. The beginning is realistic, only it will not be quite so. It is more likely that the Ukrainians from the Tribalts or, more effectively, the Tribalts from the Norwegians. Tsimes is precisely that it is impossible not to answer, and the answer without a proper investigation (or at least full-fledged continuous and high-quality satellite control along the borders) will go conditionally to the uninvolved, which will serve as an official trigger for NATO. And with a serious attack, there will be no time for investigation.
  12. 0
    19 May 2023 07: 53
    Strange analysis.
    An analysis of the war with NATO in the Baltic should begin with an analysis of the hostilities not at sea, but on land - in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Then the Baltic Fleet becomes needed primarily for the blockade of the Danish Straits and the Kiel Canal.
    1. -6
      19 May 2023 08: 30
      There is a depression in the Baltic Sea with a depth of over 470m in the event of a nuclear explosion at the bottom, there could be serious consequences for the coasts
  13. +6
    19 May 2023 08: 19
    Quote: SVD68
    Then the Baltic Fleet becomes needed primarily for the blockade of the Danish Straits and the Kiel Canal

    I'm afraid that such a blockade by our fleet will end even faster than the epic with the cruiser Moscow. In general, I doubt that anything will remain of our fleet already in the first hour after the declaration of war.
    1. +5
      19 May 2023 08: 26
      I think you are not far from the truth, only there will be no "declaration of war", this is an outdated concept.
    2. +1
      19 May 2023 12: 04
      This means that new means or new methods are needed that can ensure the fulfillment of this task. This is a strategic task in the Baltic. Without it, everything else is meaningless.
  14. +4
    19 May 2023 08: 41
    In general, I see the vector of development of the Russian fleet of the Baltic Fleet in a completely different way: the protection of borders and the protection of Russia's business interests (streams, fishing, merchant fleet, etc.).

    Creating a mosquito fleet like Iran in the Baltic is an absolutely useless exercise. The Gulf of Finland and the Baltic are entirely, as if in a vise, clamped by an unfriendly NATO. Our fleet will simply be shot down by coastal installations, without any chance. When there was the USSR, with our Baltic states and non-bloc Finland-Sweden, the Soviet Baltic Fleet really represented a force and a threat. But now, in the new realities, our fleet in the Baltic does not play any role. And he doesn't stand a chance.
  15. +2
    19 May 2023 09: 24
    The squadron battleship (battleship according to the classification of that time) Slava belongs to the Borodino type, while the Citizen is the renamed Tsesarevich.
  16. -6
    19 May 2023 09: 42
    It is necessary to prepare the evacuation from Baltiysk and Kaliningrad - ships, materiel, archives, equipment, families of military personnel and sailors, the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet and regroup to Kronstadt and St. Petersburg. Transfer the corvettes to the Northern Fleet for the protection of the SSBNs. So far, our Western partners have not swayed. The accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO is a clear and precise signal of the inevitability of war in the Baltic.
    1. +4
      19 May 2023 12: 08
      No, something else is needed - to prepare for the capture of the Baltic states by ground forces.
    2. +3
      19 May 2023 13: 45
      The accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO is a clear and precise signal of the inevitability of war in the Baltic.

      Interesting logic.
      And the entry of Bulgaria and Romania into NATO in 2004 was a signal of what?
      Probably about the inevitability of the outbreak of war in the Black Sea?
      1. +1
        19 May 2023 17: 43
        Comrade Vodogorey, apparently, missed that signal. He warmed the water, probably))
  17. 0
    19 May 2023 09: 52
    Quote: ZhEK-Vodogrey
    Quote: Comrade
    It is known that the Black Sea Fleet over and over again strikes objects on the territory of Ukraine with "Caliber".

    You don't need a fleet for this. It was possible to install a container with calibers in the Crimea at Cape Tarkhankut and shoot from a place.
    Quote: Comrade
    Some of the ships, including the flagship, were sunk by the Ukrainians themselves, some were abandoned.
    So what's the problem ?
    There is no faith in the words of dill propaganda, therefore, the death of "Moscow" without photographic evidence of hits by Ukrainian missiles is not offered

    According to your version, the Kyiv partners drowned their flagship Hetman Sahaydachny, and in turn, ours also drowned their flagship - a missile cruiser. Thus, the fleets were unable to conduct a general naval battle in the Black Sea and a grain deal had to be concluded.

    Tochnyak! There is evidence from the fighting psychics of the KGB that the death of the RK Moscow was due to the attack of reptilians.
    1. +2
      19 May 2023 11: 26
      You don’t kindle here, the reptilians can be offended.
  18. 0
    19 May 2023 10: 18
    However, when I say that DCBF ships can be destroyed at the piers, I do not mean that it will be necessary to escort them to the bottom with tears in our eyes, but simply to take measures to ensure that what can destroy these ships, was destroyed earlier.

    Pretty simple recipe for victory.

    Thanks neighing. Again. Because in the waters of this type, any fleet has no chance of survival, well, unless you return to the days of muzzle-loading guns and cast-iron cannonballs.

    But will the author share how easy it is to destroy coastal anti-ship missiles if Russia does not have reconnaissance equipment that allows it to control enemy territory in RT? What to do with aviation about which they tactfully kept silent?)) To drown the entire fleet at the berths, any of these means will be enough.
  19. +8
    19 May 2023 10: 34
    The author writes
    a historical example of the Moonsund battle, when five German battleships and a hundred
    support ships rather unsuccessfully trampled around two Russian battleships (Slava / Borodino and Grazhdanin / Tsesarevich) with a dozen destroyers.

    I forgot that at first the main bad was between minesweepers, cruisers, destroyers and fairly strong coastal batteries. And when the Germans got their hands on the "Glory", the battleship "Köning" in 25 minutes achieved 7-8 hits on the "Glory", which was blown up by the crew an hour later.
    It is not necessary for the "head" of the Armaments section to learn history ...
  20. +1
    19 May 2023 11: 06
    There will be no nuclear war in the Baltic, it will be the same as now in Ukraine, that is, exhaustion with a gradual build-up of confrontation. The Baltic Fleet will definitely be blocked in the bases by mines, don’t go to the fortuneteller, then explosions of the cellars on ships in Baltiysk will begin, by analogy with the Moscow and the large landing craft in the port of the Sea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbAzov, the Poles will sluggishly attack Kaliningrad.
    The task, as now, is exhaustion by military operations, the economic blockade of transport communications (ports), the political isolation of the aggressor.
    Therefore, it is wise to remove the ships from Baltiysk, place coastal complexes there so that they do not climb with the landing force, and move through Lithuania to connect with the region, simultaneously discouraging the Poles from fighting. If, as a result of the confrontation, it is possible to knock out NATO from the Baltic states, the ships will again be needed so that there is something to drive boats in the Baltic, so it is better to save them.
  21. +1
    19 May 2023 11: 24
    To begin with, it is still desirable to live before the war, as healthy as possible. We expect an increase in the arrogance of the hutspans, with attempts to inspect and seize our merchant ships. There is a need for escort ships. Submarines are needed now, so it is possible without "mother-of-pearl buttons." Marine drones of all types! Firefighters, scouts, minesweepers, minelayers, multi-purpose mini p/l. Classical submarines should be built taking into account the theater of operations, commensurate with common sense with the degree of reduction in displacement.
    1. 0
      19 May 2023 17: 55
      We expect an increase in the arrogance of the hutspans, with attempts to inspect and seize our merchant ships.

      They are not so stupid, and why should they, what is the profit in the inspection and arrest of the ship? Loosen more later.
      A huge number of ships of domestic companies sail under the flags of other countries, because it is more profitable, hehe)) ... you can arrest them in your ports, and find a legitimate reason, well, it's like two fingers. By the way, it is worth noting that this has practically not happened since the beginning of the NWO.
      And secondly, Russian freighters are not now insured by large international insurers, and without insurance they don’t go on a flight, they don’t give orders, they don’t pay money, they don’t go to the treasury taxes ... what the hell do they need to steal ships, it’s so effective
  22. +2
    19 May 2023 11: 29
    The topic raised by Roman Skomorokhovov is painful for all countries of the Baltic region, in the light of the development of weapons, a small area of ​​​​the sea, shallow water and the dominance of land around the sea, plus the narrow Danish Straits (do not enter or exit in the case of maintaining a database).
    But, the unedited text of this work is very striking. Is this delitancy, negligence or disrespect for readers?
    What, for the line Ust Luga-Svetlogorsk? In Svetlogorsk - no, there was not, and it is planned to build a port. There is a line, Ust Luga - Baltiysk.
    On RTOs Buyan (their seaworthiness, taking into account the design, is suitable for the Baltic Sea. They made a successful transition around Europe from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea) and Karakurt are armed with Caliber missiles, not Uranus (X-35).
    The X-35 missiles are in service with the 20380 corvettes. The 20380 Guardian corvette is under modernization. It is planned to install the KR Caliber M and the Poliment Redoubt air defense system on it.
    The flagship of the Baltic Fleet destroyer Persistent has been repaired and is in service. He is just armed with the KR Mosquito, like the Soviet RTOs and RK. But, even these missiles are enough to disable any ship of the NATO countries in the Baltic, up to the German frigate Baden-Württemberg. Harpoon armed with missiles, an analogue of our Kh-35 (Uranus).
    SKR 11354 Fearless and Yaroslav the Wise in the ranks. The only thing that was not installed in vain during the repair on board the Fearless KR X-35. But, they are more suitable for carrying BS in the eastern Mediterranean.
    The Bastion complex is armed with the KR Onyx, and Yakhont is the name for exported missiles or the Indian Brahmos.
    Now, elementary geography. The closest distance in a straight line from Poland to Baltiysk is 71 km.
    Kaliningrad enclave and a headache and an advanced foothold.
    No wonder they created a defensive line according to NATO A2AD classification from it.
    1. +1
      19 May 2023 12: 27
      Quote: Sergey39
      Corvette 20380 Steregushchiy is under modernization. It is planned to install the KR Caliber M and the Poliment Redoubt air defense system on it.

      Poliment will not fit on it.
      Quote: Sergey39
      The flagship of the Baltic Fleet destroyer Persistent has been repaired and is in service. He is just armed with the KR Mosquito, like the Soviet RTOs and RK.

      "Persistent" is in Baltiysk, docked in Kronstadt to maintain buoyancy, so as not to sink at the pier. Sandblasting, patches, painting. They dismantled the screws and anchors with anchor chains, sandblasted and painted.
      It is not running, there are no spare parts and never will be. Moreover, the average repair was not carried out on it, the materiel was killed and worn out.

      1. -1
        19 May 2023 16: 13
        I agree on the corvette 20380 Guarding, they put the Redoubt air defense system. According to Persistent, you need to find out in Baltiysk, running, not running?
        1. -1
          19 May 2023 20: 10
          Allow me to disagree with you, in 2022 the destroyer Nastoshichiy underwent an average repair and is in service, being the flagship of the Baltic Fleet deployed in the Baltiysk naval base.
    2. 0
      20 May 2023 15: 02
      I'll blow the whistle. Your 1st sentence: spelling mistake. Land cannot "dominate around". Missing a space before the opening bracket and putting an extra one after it.
      3 offer. Dilettantism is spelled wrong. Space before question mark. 4 offer. Extra comma. Etc.
      Is it delitancy, negligence or disrespect for readers?

      Or the damned exam?
  23. +2
    19 May 2023 11: 57
    The Baltic Fleet is really complex. But in order to make it useful, it is necessary to simply review the goal setting and priorities. In the Baltic, there is an air threat from the coast from rocket artillery (from the coast) and also missile PKKs (anti-ship systems) and from the sea from sea mining.
    Therefore, the fleet itself should consist of oversized but numerous (most likely the level of a good Frigate, but not higher) ships in 2 versions - anti-aircraft minesweeper and air defense. The former will oppose the submarine fleet of Germany, Denmark, Poland, Finland and more (fleets from other NATO countries can always be sent to help) and their minefields (and, if necessary, they will put up minefields themselves). And the latter will create a dense air defense zone that will shoot down most of the missiles from the enemy, thereby forcing them to quickly lose their stocks of missiles, and hence the means of deterring our fleet. At the same time, each ship will also have to have a small set of means for attack in the form of at least 10 cells for cruise and anti-ship missiles. A small number of missiles on a ship will be offset by the number of ships themselves, their dispersal and constant rotation.
    Although, ideally, of course, it would be possible to create a single system of integrated air defense of the fleet, so that potential enemy missiles, if detected by one ship, are immediately visible to all ships. It is especially good if the program is taught to refine targets by analyzing parameters if a potential target is observed from 2 or more of our ships (the more ships track one target, the more accurately it is identified and tracked).
  24. 0
    19 May 2023 12: 01
    The composition of the forces and means of our fleets is not determined by the possibility of participating in real combat operations.

    Therefore, everything will remain as it is - meaningless and merciless. laughing
  25. +2
    19 May 2023 12: 28
    A lot can be done and done right. Another question is that at the top it is not necessary at all from the word "vaasche".
    That is why it is sad to look into the near future.
  26. +4
    19 May 2023 13: 47
    Well, the author follows the general line voiced by GDP.
    the president said that Russia does not have any security concerns about NATO expansion. The President assured that the approach of the NATO military infrastructure to the Russian borders is being carefully studied by our specialists
    It was in 2004, when the Baltic States joined NATO. Yes .... there's nothing to say no concerns, but not, and there is no demand. But on the other hand, the president suddenly saw the danger for the Russian Federation in 2015, not on the border with the LPR, the DPR and Ukraine, but far away in the SAR .....?! Commendable farsightedness. And how beautifully furnished!
    But the point is not in Russia's ambitions, dear colleagues, but in the fact that it is no longer possible to tolerate the situation that is taking shape in the world. In reality, we propose to be guided not by ambitions, but by common values ​​and common interests on the basis of international law, to unite efforts to solve the new problems facing us and to create a truly broad international anti-terrorist coalition. Like the anti-Hitler coalition, it could rally in its ranks the most diverse forces, ready to resolutely oppose those who, like the Nazis, sow evil and misanthropy.
    But "dear colleagues" somehow reacted with coolness to such a brilliant speech. What kind of Nazis are we talking about in the Arab world? Unclear. Indeed, why look in the SAR if they are nearby, close at hand, on the territory controlled by Kyiv. Well, further NVO, and the Finns, having forgotten all four wars with the USSR, and the sad consequences for themselves, after them, together with Sweden, which forgot its neutrality, fled to NATO. And here the GDP remained true to itself ..
    <...> Russia has no problems with these states [with Sweden and Finland], and therefore, in this sense, the expansion of [NATO] at the expense of these countries does not pose an immediate threat <...> But the expansion of military infrastructure in the territory of this region is unconditional trigger our response."
    Well, no problem, even crack?! They probably have, but they forgot to say about it. Happens. The window to Europe, cut through with such difficulty, is tightly sealed. Kranty and DCBF including. In the USSR, the PribVO had approximately 170 thousand military personnel; 1,3 thousand tanks; 1,5 thousand armored fighting vehicles; 800 guns, mortars and MLRS; 170 combat and transport helicopters, the 15th Air Army, also formations of the 50th Rocket Army of the Strategic Missile Forces, plus the DKBF, and the Baltic Sea with the coast, were completely covered, from Baltiysk to Leningrad, thereby guarding the entire North-West of the Union. Well, you can understand the Soviet generals, 1941 remained in my memory, they burned themselves in milk, blew on the water, so the PribVO was one of the most powerful. Before they poke their noses, any Varangian will think a hundred times. What the president thinks is not known. As it was sung in the song .. - A big giraffe - he knows better!
    1. -1
      22 May 2023 15: 31
      And the main idea of ​​that song was formulated just the same in the last lines:
      Let the giraffe be wrong
      but it's not the giraffe's fault
      and the one who shouted from the branches:
      "The giraffe is big - he knows better ..."
  27. -2
    19 May 2023 13: 53
    I still remember very well the decoding of the abbreviations: SF, Pacific Fleet, BF, Black Sea Fleet ...
    BF = Former Fleet.
    1. 0
      19 May 2023 19: 43
      In terms of the composition of forces and the ability to solve problems, the BF is essentially a flotilla of heterogeneous forces, and not a fleet. The fleet (under the USSR. Maybe something has changed in the definitions at the present time) is an operational-strategic association. Well, BF, with all due respect to history and traditions, will not be able to solve any strategic tasks (and they don’t set such tasks for him, in my humble opinion).
  28. +2
    19 May 2023 13: 58
    1. The author forgot to mention the main thing, the Navy is an expensive thing, and only an economically powerful state can afford it.
    2. Russia is primarily a continental state with no ambitions for overseas territories, therefore there is no need to cover up its trade routes.
    3. In the event of a direct conflict with NATO, the ground army will be involved first of all, which will have to break the road to the Baltic and the Kaliningrad region by destroying the resistance of the "Baltic Tigers", preferably to zero, so that in the future we will not have the problems that we we have with them today.
    4. If we recall the history, then the allied troops in Europe were able to land only in 1944, when they were able to accumulate enough forces and means in the British Isles.
    5. The United States is well aware of the finale of such a collision - a nuclear war, and those who are used to receiving only pleasure in this life do not want to die prematurely. hi
  29. +1
    19 May 2023 14: 46
    During the Great Patriotic War, the Baltic fleet showed very poor efficiency. And at present, in the Baltic, the fleet that is there is not needed at all. In the limited conditions of this sea and surrounded by enemies, our fleet will be easy prey. Here, the maritime armed forces should include only drones - underwater, surface and air. Of the ships - minesweepers and transport ships. Coastal complexes - such as "Ball", "Bastion" and aviation. And the current ship's composition should be sent to strengthen the Black Sea Fleet.
    1. 0
      19 May 2023 15: 20
      The simplest and most realistic thing that can be done is to restore, seriously reconstruct at least part of the forts of St. Petersburg, and the forts of Kaliningrad, (there are 28 of them in total), this is much faster and cheaper than building ships, and then a properly equipped and armed fort it is a stable combat unit all year round at sea.
      1. +1
        19 May 2023 16: 15
        Have you ever seen the forts in Kaliningrad?
  30. 0
    19 May 2023 15: 12
    This is the Baltic Sea, and in fact the lake needs to be directed in its favor. Yes small, yes narrow. Yes, these small peoples are trying to play against Russia.
    One of the concepts of our actions is to saturate the Baltic Fleet with corvettes and frigates. Now the Baltic theater of operations resembles a war or a future war with modern weapons, a war in the entrance of a multi-storey building. All weapons actually shoot at point-blank range.
    What should we do? To stop the threat by the presence of squadrons in the amount of three or four pieces of at least corvettes. The task is combat patrolling of the Danish straits and each Baltic country. One squadron takes turns replacing another. It's like a clinch in boxing. Each corvette or frigate controls its own country. The presence of nuclear weapons is mandatory. What is the question? Not 20-30 minutes to strike missiles from Siberia against NATO, but 2-3 minutes at close range, so that they don’t have time to deploy and figure something out at all.
    Do not hide in ports, but go ahead and dictate your will. As did Peter the Great.
    Kaliningrad and Leningrad (and not homosexual St. Petersburg) should mobilize and put up at least one or better two squadrons of corvettes or frigates.
    There should be the same number of divisions, or I don’t remember what they are called correctly, groups of diesel submarines, with torpedoes and cruise missiles, also with combat patrols.
    None of our fleets will be able to come to the aid of the Baltic Fleet, unfortunately due to geography. soldier
    1. 0
      21 May 2023 15: 20
      finally, at least someone suggests acting and using ships for pressure, and not escaping from the Baltic. of course, the enemies will mine everything in a row if our forces are idle in the ports. aviation is also added to this scheme, but then the brk will not have to cry that the Baltic fleet will be demolished with impunity
  31. 0
    19 May 2023 16: 37
    NWO shows that in the seas a fleet without IDEAL air defense / missile defense is quite realistic to keep with a bunch of anti-ship missiles-UAV-Aviation. In the presence of more or less functioning intelligence and target designation.
    In fact, the Tirpitz problem, which has been identified since the days of BB2, has only worsened with the development of high-precision and even more so "smart" weapons. A major target means major damage to the enemy and his major risk. So you should not expect an active war at sea from both NATO and us - we have been burned for a long time, apparently, with "Moscow", they have not yet seen the potential of our anti-ship missiles, but they have heard a lot.

    According to the places of basing, yes, they will play up "out of everything." And probably successful. Because the same SVO showed (including on the example of Poland with that incident with the S-300 missile) that puffing up the cheeks of modern air defense and missile defense systems somewhat crossed the boundaries of their real capabilities in conditions of real large-scale conflicts.

    Whether we like it or not, our interests in this region "de facto" will be provided by anything other than the fleet. Tactical nuclear weapons, INF, aviation, ground forces.
    History shows that the Baltic is a complex and nasty theater of operations, prone to some kind of stalemate and positioning rather than a really active space for action. Our available resources and the most realistic strategy of action in the event of "Day X" also indirectly hint that we are unlikely to be interested in throwing all the pieces on the board in this direction - a land breakthrough with the capture of the Baltic states looks much more realistic than a chain of large landing operations in hostile shores with attempts to dominate the Baltic by naval forces.

    In order to understand what the Baltic Fleet should be like, one must first of all ask the question - what tasks in a real confrontation (pre-nuclear) will the enemy fleets face, and within what boundaries will we NOT be able to stop them with the forces of the WTO and aviation. So, for these tasks, we need to think over the fleet.
  32. +5
    19 May 2023 19: 19
    Mlyn, how difficult it is. When I served as a gunner on the first turret of the main caliber of the destroyer Speshny, everything was much simpler. We knew that the main forces (surface) were in Baltiysk, new
    By the way, the TFRs were all there. Submarines were based in Liepaja (a whole division), in Tallinn - a minesweeper brigade, in Liepaja there were also a bunch of minesweepers (with a wooden hull), in the military harbor of Liepaja there was the 76th brigade of destroyers and TFRs. In the same Liepaja in 1980, in the trade channel that runs along the Winter Harbor, there were 6 KFORs in conservation (I personally saw them when I went to the Voentorg store)
    Nobody believes in this anymore (I wrote about it earlier), at the Baltika 78 exercises, our destroyer, together with the destroyer "pr. 56-A" Persistent, guarded the KFOR group in motion (and there were 30 aircraft in that order). the goal was those exercises when a bunch of landing ships went into the breakthrough, you can imagine, but what now? By the way, there is a film about these exercises on YouTube, but all this is partially shown there. And the destroyer "Persistent", here it is in the harbor of Baltiysk only 40 years back and project 56-A, came there
    from Liepaja. It's all sad...
    1. +1
      19 May 2023 19: 46
      Quote: Sergey39
      Have you ever seen the forts in Kaliningrad?

      I didn’t see it live, but as a civil engineer I consider it possible to dismantle the internal brick walls and ceilings of the fort, leaving only the facades facing the sea untouched (to preserve the external historical appearance), to concrete the entire vacant volume inside (from minus marks to the level of the top of the outer walls) , leaving a minimum volume free for tunnels, missile silos and ancillary facilities, the result will be, as it were, a monolithic rock made of reinforced concrete that is difficult for a crane to destroy. Yes, for one fort, several thousand cubic meters of concrete (possibly special) will be required, but the capacities of the factories in St. Petersburg or Kaliningrad are enough to produce it.
  33. +2
    19 May 2023 19: 26
    That the Black Sea, that the Baltic, is a huge puddle, shot through by everyone and everything.
    Does it make sense to keep ships there at all?
    We do not risk inspecting transports - it is necessary to have eggs and logic, to drown contraband - all the more so, and in case of war, nothing will be there very quickly.

    The entire Baltic Fleet should really be put either in the Black Sea Fleet, where there is an extremely acute shortage of forces, or in the Northern Fleet, where they will at least get down to business.
    1. 0
      19 May 2023 20: 01
      There is another option to reformat into a flotilla. Like the Black Sea. In fact, we have two fleets - the Northern Fleet and the Pacific Fleet. But this is unlikely to happen, because see SDC. Well this lope amirapov will remain without work?
  34. +2
    19 May 2023 19: 29
    Quote: Author
    Problems of the Baltic Fleet or how to clean up the NATO lake

    Remove the fleet (still possible)
    the problems of the KBF and how to clean up the Baltic puddle is only aviation.
    But it looks like it's too late.
    And the Swedes understand this very well.
    JAS 39A=104
    JAS 39B=14
    JAS 39C=69
    JAS 39D 14 (do not count these)
    ASC 890=2
    FSR TP=2
    AgustaWestland AW109M =20+ HKP 16= 2
    1 Air Force and Air Defense Command
  35. 0
    19 May 2023 23: 14
    This supreme will not destroy anything before ... The gut is thin ...
  36. -1
    20 May 2023 04: 47
    Indeed, what kind of fleets and armies are we talking about if the Estonian armed forces number 7 people, and the fleet consists of a command ship, three minesweepers and two boats? Latvia is tougher: the armed forces number 200 people, and the fleet consists of a minelayer, four minesweepers and eight boats. In general, the force is evil and dark.

    At present, the ground forces of Estonia are 4000 people, Lithuania 9000, Latvia 6500, a total of 19500 people. It is precisely the ground forces that are ready for battle, the insignificant Baltic fleet and aviation do not count, as well as the administrative apparatus of the Ministry of Defense. Approximately the same number has a Landwehr, which can be raised "by whistle", that is, the number of troops can be almost instantly doubled. If time permits, reservists will also be mobilized, but their training and armament is already in question. The organization of the troops is commendably realistic: each of the Baltic armies consists of one motorized infantry division (brigades in Latvia, but the difference is more in the name). There are no tanks, but infantry fighting vehicles / armored personnel carriers, artillery and mortars, MANPADS and ATGMs are mostly modern and are available in a good amount for such personnel. The famous HIMARs, Javelins, Caesars and Panzer-howitzers are available. So, in the Baltics, the Russian army will be opposed by 40 well-equipped and trained motorized infantry, plus several thousand NATO soldiers. Is it a lot? Against the background of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, whose number they want to bring to one and a half million, this is nothing. Against the background of the fact that in February 000, out of a million, only 2022 were sent to Ukraine - quite a lot. Will Russia be able, if necessary, to immediately allocate at least 200 (a number only approximately equal to the Baltic-NATO forces) with adequate weapons to seize the Baltic states? Doubtful.
    1. -1
      22 May 2023 15: 19
      Quote: Yaroslav Tekkel
      Will Russia, if necessary, right now be able to allocate at least 50 for the capture of the Baltic ...

      The correct question is: "Will the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation be able to provide secret advance to its borders and secret concentration at least one tank or motorized rifle division, or at least an airborne division?"
  37. +2
    20 May 2023 11: 05
    The article hurt with its obviousness. This should be how the author opened the topic, discovered something new, which is not understandable to anyone. He proposed new, revolutionary countermeasures. So even with WWI, it became clear that there was nothing for large ships to do in the Baltic puddle. In the 21st century, it is generally possible to shell the capital of another state from the pier. And this is due to a greater extent with the development of coastal fortification and minefields. No one is in the mood to lose an expensive ship. Yes, and our fleet was rarely modern and even more numerous. With the exception of submarine nuclear cruisers. All the same, the ground army is always a priority for us.
  38. +1
    20 May 2023 19: 23
    And what, it’s okay, Putin has been directing since 1999 (!)! If, in the event of a war directly with NATO, he is not going to use nuclear weapons, Russia is the end ... The thieves' regime can finally ruin the country.
  39. +2
    20 May 2023 22: 14
    The article and comments to it are undoubtedly interesting and informative. However, with the determination of our Supreme, all these are empty words. I do not want to offend anyone, I just look at what is happening and how. :(
  40. 0
    21 May 2023 06: 10
    Nothing needs to be output. The destroyer and TFRs will leave naturally. On the contrary, it is necessary to strengthen the DCBF, and not show its cowardice in front of NATO. It is necessary to create a brigade of 6 corvettes in Kronstadt and a brigade of 6 corvettes in Kaliningrad. They will be under the cover of the coastal air defense system. In the future, it is necessary to replenish the fleet only with small ships - Buyans, Karakurt, and minesweepers. They need to be dispersed in several places. In Vyborg, Vysotsk, Primorsk, Lomonosov, Ust-Luga, Kronstadt and St. Petersburg. In the Kaliningrad region, it is also necessary to disperse a small fleet in Baltiysk, Svetly, Pioneer and Kaliningrad. NATO will not have time to defeat all the bases at once. There will be a serious response to the attackers.
  41. 0
    21 May 2023 19: 58
    Buffoon, know-it-all Buffoon. I recognize his notes by their headlines
  42. 0
    22 May 2023 15: 11
    Quote: ramzay21
    Therefore, the only way to prevent such a development of the situation is to withdraw from START-3, which threaten our interests and are treacherous, to build up as quickly as possible the maximum number of nuclear warheads and their carriers, and to adopt a plan of action in the event that NATO forces attack us with prepared orders and specific targets. , which would guarantee a nuclear strike in any eventuality.

    We will not be able to quickly increase the number of nuclear warheads. Since: 1) the bastard Yeltsin sold all the stocks of enriched uranium accumulated in the USSR (more than 500 tons) to the Americans (there was such a deal "Gore-Chernomyrdin" was called); 2) all the correct uranium deposits of the former USSR are located in Kazakhstan and belong (partially) to the same Americans; 3) I don’t know exactly how things are at all our plants that produced weapons-grade uranium and plutonium, but the fate of one of them is known for sure - now nothing like this will be produced there for a long time ...
    So your option is not feasible, although the idea is probably a good one.
  43. 0
    23 May 2023 19: 58
    Let's start with geopolitics.. Ex.@..ali The Baltic Sea, like Ukraine, Kazakhstan and, further, according to the list. "Holes" in the work of the diplomatic (and not only) departments of Russia, apparently, will have to be "plugged" by soldiers of the Russian army (once again) - not the best way out. It was possible to understand Tsar Peter - he "cut through a window to Europe", and today's Russia, with its toothless policy of the last decades and indifference to relations with neutral countries (and where they will go), diligently "nailed up" this window with a bar of Great Russian arrogance, indifference and unprofessionalism. And now we are trying, diligently, to calculate our naval and NATO capabilities. And what? Everything is small and bad for them, but everything is "zero gut" with us? And we will, in the depths of Gen. Headquarters of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, to develop another SVO in order to cut through a "window to Europe" 2.0? It seems that the Stalinist people's commissars were cooler than the current ones, especially in matters of international "polites" once they were able to delay the Second World War, "take Japan out of the game" with its plans for Russia. Or maybe it's just time to "turn on the heads" of those who are supposed to .....
  44. 0
    24 May 2023 09: 21
    Build protected target ships to provoke expensive NATO weapons.
  45. 0
    25 May 2023 13: 36
    Pretty simple recipe for victory.

    decided to intimidate the calves of the wolf
  46. -1
    28 May 2023 18: 15
    Many thanks to those who adopted the treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter range missiles, thanks to them a full-scale war in Europe became possible, and thanks to START-3 World War III began.
  47. -1
    18 October 2023 12: 43

    which will have strongholds in Kronstadt and Baltiysk.
    So, two basing centers.


    The author, quite rightly, in the end did not say a word about the second basing center, because in Kronstadt, except for the quay walls, there was nothing left for basing. Even the steam station at the marine plant was destroyed.
    There are now a lot of parks and tourist areas there. But this is not about the combat effectiveness of the Navy.
  48. 0
    25 October 2023 10: 03
    However, when I say that DCBF ships can be destroyed at the piers, I do not mean that it will be necessary to escort them to the bottom with tears in our eyes, but simply to take measures to ensure that what can destroy these ships, was destroyed earlier.
    Pretty simple recipe for victory.
    And I also heard that there is a sure way to kill mice: you need to catch them and pour salt on their tails!
  49. -1
    14 November 2023 19: 09
    But our naval parades in St. Petersburg are excellent. Just how much fuel and engine resources are burned for show, and the result of the Navy in the Northern Military District at sea is crappy. As they say, we are ahead of the rest in the field of ballet.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"