Air ram - the nightmare of the German aces

Air ram - the nightmare of the German aces

As a rule, in life, the most difficult to answer the simplest questions. It was this “simple” question that prompted us to turn to the topic of air rams committed by Soviet pilots during the Great Patriotic War, and was asked by the authors when preparing this article for publication. I would like to give an answer with one capacious and chased phrase, but, alas, we will have to spend a little more space on the answer.

First, the authors believe that any stroke in stories World War II simply can not be superfluous. The less there will be in the description of the events of those years of ambiguity and lack of agreement, the easier it is for us, the descendants, to estimate the scale of our Victory. Secondly, accurate knowledge of the fact is especially important when covering heroic deeds, to which, no doubt, are the highest manifestations of the pilot's courage and will - air ramming. Finally, thirdly, it’s just our duty to those who fought for our Motherland in a fiery military sky.

We do not pretend to absolutely complete coverage of the topic. At the same time, our conscience is reassured by the fact that even General A.D. Zaitsev, who had significantly greater opportunities, in his study (AD Zaitsev, Weapon strong in spirit. Monino, 1984) was unable to find comprehensive information on a variety of combat episodes. There is no doubt that in some cases we may also have factual errors. Readers have the right, both to agree with us, and to reasonably refute our arguments. On the German side, we brought in daily loss reports from the German Bundesarchive. These documents are a very valuable source material for the historian. However, the reports were fully preserved only until the end of 1943. In addition, like any documents drawn up “in hot pursuit,” they are not free from various errors. An additional difficulty is created by the fact that quite often in the reports there is not only the cause of death, but even an approximate place.

And one more significant remark. It is almost impossible to fully identify episodes of air warfare in conditions of massive use aviation in separate sections of the front. In this regard, we did not in some cases take the liberty of attributing the enemy’s losses to the account of this or that Soviet pilot who rammed the enemy in the air. Although often the probability of the death of an enemy machine from a ramming strike is significantly higher than from other causes.

The first mention of the "Russian" method of air combat is contained in the documents of the Luftwaffe from 1 July 1941. On this day, in the area of ​​Mogilev, as a result of a ram, Non-111Н-5 (serial number w / n 4057, board code А1 + СN) from 5./KG53 was lost. All aboard, including the war correspondent were missing. In the work of A.D. Zaitsev no information about the ram on this day. However, in the book of R.S. Irinarkhova (Western Special ... Minsk, 2002), there is a mention that on July 1 in the Mogilev region, Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Vasilievich Terekhin from 161-i depressed an enemy bomber. At A.D. Zaitsev, this episode takes place under 10 July. However, a careful study of both messages leads to the idea that in this case, the distinguished author is mistaken. In general, this ram "lucky". No less well-known D.B. Khazanov in his recently published book The Unknown Battle in the Skies of Moscow. Defensive period "states that this" Heinkel "on July 2 was rammed by an 11 pilot iap lieutenant S.S. Goshko. * [Unfortunately, the fact that the plane from KG53 Goshko not rammed is absolutely true. But we haven’t yet managed to find “his German”] Documents from the Bundesarchive do not allow us to join this version.

German bomber "Heinkel" He-111

9 July 1941, a SB bomber from 208, sbap, piloted by Lieutenant Alexander Vasilyevich Kurochkin, was attacked by German fighters near the city of Sebezh and caught fire. Then Lieutenant Kurochkin sent his burning car to the enemy fighter. Together with the commander the navigator Konstantin Dmitrievich Stepanov and the air gunner Sergey Konstantinovich Salangin were killed. Air ramming by bombers is rare. Nevertheless, the documents of the enemy recorded a Martin-Bomber ram, as the Germans called our Security Council, destroying together with two pilots Bf-110E-1 (w / n 4084, 3U + DM) from 4./ZG26.

18 July 1941, the commander of the 71 link and the Red Banner Baltic Fleet Air Force, Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Alexandrovich Mikhalev, patrolling the I-153 near the bridge over the Narva River, attacked a nearby reconnaissance officer Hs-126. Having made several attacks and having shot all ammunition, rammed it. "Henschel" crashed into the ground, and Mikhalev was able to land a damaged "gull" at his airfield. According to German documents, Hs-126 (w / n 4026) from 2 was rammed. (H) / 21. True, the crew of the “crutch” was lucky, the pilot and Letnab remained alive and unharmed.

Soviet SB bomber

23 July 1941, Junior Lieutenant Ivan Ivanovich Novikov, rammed over the city of Smela, the plane, which he took for Heinkel-111. In fact, this attack suffered (damage 55%, according to the German classification) Ju-88A-5 (w / n 8256, B3 + AN) from 1./KG54. His pilot, Lieutenant Yarov, managed to bring his plane to the field airfield. He successfully survived the war, and, despite his age, is still in good health. Fortunately, Mr. Yarov does not know the Russian language and cannot read what was written in the national press about the July 23 ram.

July 25 Two Ju-1941A-88 did not return from reconnaissance flights to the Soviet capital area in July. One of them (w / n 5, F0285 + AK) belonged to 6. (F) / 2, the second (w / n 122, F0453 + AO) - Erganzungstaffel / 6. Both cars were destroyed by the 122 air defense missiles. One of them was rammed by Lieutenant Boris Andreyevich Vasilyev from 6-iap. The German plane crashed and crashed, and our pilot landed safely on his own airfield. * [We are inclined to think that Vasiliev has a second Ju-11]

German Junkers bomber Ju-88

On the night of 28 on 29 in July 1941 of the year in the skies of Moscow, the Germans lost Not-111Н (w / n 4115, 1H + GS) from III./KG26. In this case, the data of both parties coincide. Taranil enemy bomber senior lieutenant Peter Vasilyevich Eremeev from 27-th iap 6-th James Air Defense.

On the night of 9 on 10 of August 1941, Senior Lieutenant Viktor Alexandrovich Kiselev of 34 and 6, air defense, destroyed an enemy bomber at the approaches to the capital. According to German data 9 August, Non-111Н-5 (w / n 4250, А1 + НН) did not return to its airfield from the 1 squadron of the 53 bomber squadron that was shot down over Moscow by anti-aircraft fire. In our opinion, some discrepancies in this episode are not so serious as to exclude the version of a successful ram.

11 August 1941 of the year on the MiG-3 plane was made by a high-altitude ram deputy squadron commander of the already mentioned 27-iap, Lieutenant Alexey Nikolaevich Katrich. German sources confirm on this day the loss for an unknown reason of the scout Do-215 (w / n 0075, L5 + LC) from 1./ObdL, which carried out a reconnaissance flight along the Oryol – Tula route. His crew, led by Lieutenant R. Roder, is reported missing.

On August 15, according to German documents, an enemy fighter, in the vicinity of Nikolaev, shot down a Ju-88-4 bomber (w / n 1236) from the 3 squadron of the 51 bomber squadron. This episode clarifies the history of the 51 squadron published after the war. In fact, the "Junkers" was rammed "off the western coast of the Crimea" by a Soviet fighter. But, despite the damage, the crew of Lieutenant Unrau managed to “hang out” his car to Romania, over which he, in full force, including the wounded side gunner of the noncommissioned officer Polok, safely left the plane on parachutes. It is possible that this episode is associated with the feat of Junior Lieutenant Vladimir Fedorovich Grek from the 9 of the BBC Black Sea Fleet. Covering a floating dock towed from Nikolaev at sea, he rammed an enemy plane. The pilot himself died at the same time *. [In the book of A.D. Zaitsev is somewhat uncertain about the date of the feat] The ramming is not mentioned in the Soviet chronicle of events on the Black Sea. According to her, on that day pilots of the Black Sea Fleet air forces conducted several air battles off the western coast of Crimea. At the same time, two Junkers were shot down and one Yak-1 was lost.

A.N. Katrich near his MiG-3. July 1941

August 20 1941 did not return to its aerodrome from a flight to investigate weather in the Oryol – Vyazma – Kalinin Ne-111H-3 area (w / n 3183, 5М + A) from the 26 th meteorological survey team. It is very likely that it was he who was destroyed by a rammer by lieutenant of the 24 th iap air defense Pavel Vasilyevich Demenchuk. He went to the ram, already being seriously wounded by the arrows of the Heinkel. Both aircraft crashed north-west of Medyn. Our pilot was killed, the Germans are missing.

9 September 1941 pilot 124 th iap junior lieutenant Nikolai Leontievich Grunin on the approaches to Tula rammed an enemy bomber. According to German intelligence from the Vyazma – Tula – Orel route, the Ju-88А-5 (w / n 0587, 6М + DM) 4. (F) / 14 long-distance reconnaissance mission did not return. Our pilot landed by parachute. Only the pilot escaped from the crew of the German scout and was captured.

September 14 distinguished themselves again fighter 124 th iap. To intercept the next air reconnaissance, junior lieutenants Vladimir Ivanovich Dovgiy and Boris Grigorievich Pirozhkov were raised. To destroy the enemy machine they had to make a double ram. Both pilots landed safely at the airport. The reconnaissance aircraft Ju-88A-4 (w / n 1267) from 1. (F) / 33. Turned out to be almost "unbreakable." He did not return from the flight to the Vyazma-Tula region.

Soviet fighter I-16

28 September 1941, senior lieutenant of the 32 th iap of the air force of the Black Sea Fleet, Semyon Yevstigneevich Karasev rammed an enemy intelligence officer over Sevastopol. We venture to suggest that it was Do-215 (w / n 0045, T5 + EL) from 3. (F) / ObdL, missing in an unspecified area. Since earlier this detachment was already losing its aircraft over Sevastopol, we are not very sinful against common sense, if we assume that on September 28 the German intelligence officer was working in the same area.

On the same day, Junior Lieutenant Georgy Nikandrovich Startsev from 171-iap near the station Skuratovo of the Tula region rammed an enemy bomber. Startsev had to leave his damaged fighter in the air, and he landed safely with a parachute. The post-war history of the 100 th bomber group (later the squadron) Viking colorfully describes how one of the Heinkels of the 1 squad (Non-111Н-6, w / n 4441) departed to the Orel – Gorbachevo region on this day was rammed by Soviet i-Xnumx. However, the bomber did not fall immediately, but was able to cross the front line. When forced landing, the pilot lost control and crashed into a rural house. Three crew members were injured, including two - heavy. According to German data, this 16% loss.

German bomber "Dornier" Do-215

October 18 1941 went missing in an unidentified Do-215 area (w / n 0063, P5 + LL) from 3. (F) / ObdL. On the same day, Lieutenant Nikolai Ivanovich Sawa from 32, and the BBC of the Black Sea Fleet, piloting the MiG-3, rammed an enemy intelligence officer, identified by him as "Dornier-215", over Balaclava. In this case, there are even more coincidences than with the ram of his fellow soldier S.Е. Karaseva 28 September 1941 of the year.

On the night from 4 to 5 in November, a German bomber Junior Lieutenant Alexei Tikhonovich Sevastyanov from 26-iap was ramming a German bomber. He himself landed on a parachute, and the enemy's plane, rammed by him, crashed into the Tauride Garden. On this night, the 1 squadron of the 4 th bomber squadron “General Wever” was missing the Non-111H-5 (w / n 3816, 5J + DM) together with five crew members.

4 December 1941 of the city of Medvezhiegorsk head-on ram on the I-16 fighter destroyed the enemy's aircraft, Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Fedorovich Repnikov from 152-iap. The pilot himself died at the same time. On this day, the loss of the Morane-Saulnier MS.406 fighter (MS-329 tail number) and its pilot Sergeant T. Tomminen from the squadron LeLv28 of the Finnish Air Force was recorded.

On the first day of 1942, the first enemy aircraft in the Stalingrad area was destroyed. Not far from the stanitsa of Ilovlinskaya, sergeant of the 788, iap 102 and air defense, Yury Vitalyevich Lyamin with a screw, chopped off the tail of the Junkers-88. Two German pilots jumped with a parachute and were captured. It was probably the missing Ju-88 (w / n 1458, E6 + NM) from 4. (F) / 122.

24 January 1942, Lieutenant Vasily Averkievich Knizhnik, deputy commander of the 65 squadron, on the heading course, was attacked by his I-153 Finnish Brewster attacking his follower *. [A.D. Zaitsev, probably mistakenly indicated the date of the 24.02.1942 ram year] However, he was able to land on his car. Finnish sources report that a Brewster B-239 fighter (crew number BW-358) from squadron LeLv24 together with the pilot was killed in aerial combat.

On February 7, 1942 in the area of ​​Cherepovets was rammed by senior political officer Alexey Nikolaevich Godovikov, commissar of the squadron of 740, iap Unfortunately, the pilot was killed along with his MiG-3 fighter. The Germans lost Ju-88D-1 (w / n 1687, F6 + EN) owned by 5 on this day. (F) / 122 from the Vologda-Cherepovets region that did not return from reconnaissance.

HE-111 downed A.T. Sevastyanov. Leningrad, November 1941 g

29 March 1942, six Curtiss O-52 airplanes, received under Lend-Lease, were driven from Ivanovo to Leningrad for the 12-th separate correction squadron. When approaching the airfield, Plekhanovo low-speed spotters were suddenly attacked by Messerschmitts. Saving comrades, the flight commander, junior lieutenant Peter Kazimirovich Zhilinsky destroyed one of the attacking fighters with a head-on ram. Both aircraft fell from a low altitude to the ground. Zhilinsky died, and his observer pilot Samuil Izrailevich Novorozhkin was thrown out of the cockpit and managed to open his parachute. The Germans recognize the loss for an unknown reason Bf-109F-4 (w / n 7487) from 8./JG54. His pilot, Corporal J. Hofer, is reported missing (according to Soviet data, he was also able to use a parachute and was captured). Some foreign sources additionally reported that the Messerschmitt was killed in a collision with a downed Soviet plane *. [In particular on the Gryunherts history website]

20 May 1942, in the Yelets area, Junior Lieutenant Viktor Antonovich Barkovsky from the 591-th air defense unit was destroyed by an enemy bomber with a ram attack. The pilot himself died. According to the enemy, reconnaissance aircraft J-88D (w / n 2832, TL + BL) from 3. (F) / 10 did not return from intelligence on the route Kastornoye – Lipetsk – Livny.

31 May 1942 was distinguished, the future twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Amet-Khan Sultan. On the approaches to Yaroslavl, he rammed an enemy aircraft in a ram, and landed his fighter safely on the airfield. German archives confirm the death of Ju-88D-1 (w / n 1604, 5T + DL) from 3. (F) / ObdL, which did not return from the intelligence of the Vologda – Rybinsk region.

O-52 ml. L.P. Zhilinsky from 12-th OKRAAE. March 1942

The following episode confirms that archival documents cannot always be believed. According to German 3 reports, June 1942, in the Poltava region, the reconnaissance crew Ju-88 (w / n 721) from 3. (F) / 10. However, the pilot of this aircraft D. Pütter did not die. Once captured, he survived the war and a few years ago published his memories of the events of that day. In fact, a German car to the south of Lipetsk was rammed by Lieutenant Mikhail Alekseevich Proskurin, a pilot of the 487-th air defense missile. By the way, our hero also successfully finished the victory.

June 3 Day is marked by another ram. Under Maloyaroslavets, junior lieutenant Mikhail Aleksandrovich Rodionov from 562-IAP defense at the cost of his own life at low altitude destroyed an enemy bomber. The enemy has not returned from the reconnaissance flight en route Kirov-Kaluga Ju-88D-5 (w / n 1764, 6M + LM), which belonged to the long-range reconnaissance team 4. (F) / 11.

16 July 1942 boarded a Ju-88-4 bomber (w / n 3711) from the 2 squadron of the 3-th bomber squadron at the Shatalovo airfield. Its damage was so great (80%) that the aircraft could not be recovered and was written off. According to the Soviet data, the senior lieutenant of the 18 Guards Iap Mikhail Vasilyevich Kulikov committed his ram that day.

Soviet fighter Yak-1

27 July 1942 of the year on the outskirts of Gorky near the town of Pavlova-on-Oka was rammed by Junkers-88, senior lieutenant of the 722-th air defense unit Pyotr Ivanovich Shavurin. The very same after the ram landed safely on a parachute. According to archival data, his opponent was Ju-88D-5 (w / n 430022) from 1. (F) / ObdL. Exactly five months later, the same day, Pyotr Ivanovich again caused damage to the air reconnaissance group of the Luftwaffe command. This time he rammed a scout in the area of ​​Povorino station, landing Ju-88D (w / n 1730, Т5 + AK) from 2. (F) / ObdL. Soon, 14 February, 1943, P.I. Shavurin received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On August 2, on the Karelian front, Sergeant of the 760, iap Boris Andreevich Myasnikov, with the wing of his Hurricane, rammed an enemy fighter, but was killed in the process. Finnish researcher Hannu Valtonen believes that Bf-109E-7 (w / n 5559) from 4./JG5, which pilot, non-commissioned officer B. Tretter, was killed in this attack, was destroyed in this attack *. [X. Valtonen works closely with the historian from Murmansk Yu.V. Rybin. The competence of this duet in matters of air war in the polar region does not cause the slightest doubt, therefore all the episodes related to the events on this section of the Eastern Front are given on their materials]

4 August 1942, in the region of Chertolino (Kalininsky Front), senior lieutenant of 5 Guards Iap Ibrahim Shagiakhmedovich Bikmuhammedov on a LaGG-3 aircraft rammed an enemy fighter. Himself on a damaged car managed to get on his airfield. If we assume that a small error has crept into the German bulletins, then our pilot Bf-109F-4 (w / n 9541) from 11./JG51, counted as damaged (40%) as a result of the August 3 ramming, was in the account.

German fighter "Messerschmitt" Bf-109E

4 August 1942, in the region of Chertolino (Kalininsky Front), senior lieutenant of 5 Guards Iap Ibrahim Shagiakhmedovich Bikmuhammedov on a LaGG-3 aircraft rammed an enemy fighter. Himself on a damaged car managed to get on his airfield. If we assume that a small error has crept into the German bulletins, then our pilot Bf-109F-4 (w / n 9541) from 11./JG51, counted as damaged (40%) as a result of the August 3 ramming, was in the account.

10 August 1942 of the year on the approaches to Novorossiysk on the burning fighter LaGG-3 went to his last attack, Junior Lieutenant Mikhail Alekseevich Borisov, commander of the 62 unit and the Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet. At the cost of his own life, he destroyed the Non-111H-6 (w / n 7063), which belonged to the headquarters of the 55 st bomber squadron.

28 August 1942 Junior Lieutenant Kostikov from the 729 th iap air defense on a Hurricane plane rammed an enemy bomber on the outskirts of Arkhangelsk. To my shame, we do not even know the name of the hero. The enemy has Ju-88A-4 (w / n 2148, 4D + AN) from the 6 squad of the 30 bomber squadron as dead.

On September 8, 1942, German documents mark a loss over Kamyshin, as a result of a ram, the bomber Non-111H-6 (w / n 4675, 6N + НН) from 1./KG100. According to Soviet data, at the cost of his own life, the enemy plane was destroyed by Senior Lieutenant Arkady Stepanovich Kostritsyn, the commander of the squadron of 431-iap.

The next day, on the other side of a huge front, the ram was driven by a pilot of the 145 th iap lieutenant Efim Avtonomovich Krivosheev. In the air battle over Murmansk, his “Air Cobra” smashed to pieces the Bf-109F-4 (w / n 8245) of ober-corporal G. Hoffman from 6./JG5.

11 September 1942, Senior Sergeant Dmitry Vasilyevich Gudkov, pilot of the 976-iap, flew to intercept a German intelligence officer who was found near the station Pollasovka, north of Stalingrad. As a result of the search, the enemy was found and destroyed by the ram. A German plane fell near the village of Kaisatskoye, two pilots were captured. Gudkov himself left the damaged aircraft and landed on a parachute. According to the Bundesarchive that day, the plane Ju-88D – 1 (w / n 430333, Т1 + DL) from the long-range reconnaissance 3. (F) / 10 did not return from the reconnaissance of the Kamyshin area - Stalingrad. Four crew members are missing.

"Aircobra I" guard l-ta EA Krivosheev from 19-gv. IAP, September 1942

14 September 1942 of the year near Stalingrad 237 th pilot Iap Sergeant Ilya Mikhailovich Chumbarev chopped off the plumage of the enemy Focke-Wulf-189 spotter with the blades of his fighter. "Rama" crumbled in the air, and her crew was captured. Chumbarev himself, in spite of the injury sustained by the ram, safely landed at his airfield *. [By the way, this ram was also unlucky in terms of dating. In the article by V. Kotelnikov and D. Khazanov “The legendary“ frame ”in the magazine“ World of Aviation ”he was even referred to 17 December 1942 of the year] According to German data, this day in the Stalingrad region was lost with the entire crew of FW189 (w / n 2331, 2T + CH), which belonged to the 1 short-range intelligence unit. (H) / 10.

15 September 1942, junior lieutenant from 721, iap Stepan Fedorovich Kyrchanov rammed a Junkers-88 bomber over Stalingrad. German documents confirm that, in the area of ​​the Tsaritsa River mouth, a Ju-88-4 (w / n 5749, F1 + BT) commander of the 9 squadron of the 76 squadron was destroyed by a ram. The commander himself and one of the crew members, although injured at the same time, were able to land with parachutes on German territory. Two more Germans were on the other side of the front line and are considered missing.

THEM. Chumbarev near the "frame" rammed by him. 14 September 1942

September 18 The 1942 of the year once again distinguished itself as a naval pilot from the 62-iap Air Force Black Sea Fleet. Over Gelendzhik, captain Semyon Stepanovich Mukhin, on his Yak-1 rammed the German "frame". Having jumped out with a parachute, our pilot managed not only to save himself, but also (here you cannot throw out the words from the song) to shoot two German pilots from the plane he shot down. According to German data, the crew of the FW-189 (w / n 2278, M4 + CR) from the 7. (H) ./ 32 squadron, which had flown to the Kabardian area, was unlucky on this day. All German pilots are missing.

The next day, two air rams were committed in the Stalingrad area. Major Lev Isaakovich Binov, military commissar of 512-iap, destroyed the Messerschmitt-110 with a rammer. Captain Vladimir Nikiforovich Chensky, squadron commander of 563-iap - "Messerschmitt-109". Archives of the enemy also reported two rams. In one of them, Bf-110E (w / n 4541, S9 + AH) from 1./ZG1 died. In the second case, Do-17 (w / n 3486), belonging to the 2 squadron. (F) / 11, received damage (according to the German classification - 40%), but managed to land at the Tatsinskaya airfield.

October 4 1942 of the year to intercept an enemy scout flew Sergeant 802 th iap Nikolai F. Shutov. Not far from Syzran, he rammed a German car, but he himself died. Two of the crew of the scout were taken prisoner. It can be assumed that this episode deals with the missing in the unknown area Ju-88D-1 (w / n 1635, T5 + EL) from the already mentioned 3. (F) / ObdL.

Fw189 out of 7. (H) / 132. Taran on 18.09.42/62/XNUMX, captain S.M. Mukhin from the XNUMXnd IAP of the Black Sea Air Force fleet

October 10 1942, the first lieutenant Ivan Filippovich Kazakov, the commander of the 572 th iap link, not having any ammunition, rammed an enemy reconnaissance plane on his LaGG-3. The German car crashed to the ground in 60 km northwest of Astrakhan, and Ivan Filippovich safely sat down at his airfield. According to the German archives, this day did not return from the reconnaissance route Astrakhan – Elan Ju-88D-1 (w / n 1613, Т1 + КL) from 3. (F) / 10.

December 14 1942 of the village Soldatskaya Krasnodar Territory junior lieutenant Viktor Nikolayevich Makutin, pilot 84 th iap, rammed an enemy fighter. According to the enemy, as a result of a ram Bf-109G-2 (w / n 13881) from 7./JG52 was shot down. Both pilots died.

28 March 1943, the senior lieutenant Boris Petrovich Nikolaev from 768-iap 122-th air defense defense, protecting the sky of Murmansk, was destroyed by an enemy fighter with a ram attack of Kittyhauk. It is assumed that as a result of this attack, the Germans lost Bf-109F-4 (w / n 7544) from 7./JG5. Our pilot escaped by parachute.

21 May 1943 of the year in the area of ​​the island of Lavensari in a frontal attack came together and X-NUMX from the 153 th fighter of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet air force and the Finnish Messerschmitt. The waves of the Gulf of Finland accepted what was left of Sergeant Anatoly Vasilyevich Sitnikov's “gull” and his own life destroyed by him at the cost of his own life Bf-71G-109 (tail number MT-2) with pilot Lieutenant T. Saalasti from LeLv228 squadron of Air Force Suomi.

On the night of 7 on 8 on June 1943, Senior Lieutenant Boris Sergeevich Tabarchuk from 722-th air defense missile rammed an enemy bomber over Gorky. His damaged fighter Tabarchuk landed on the airfield. However, the German plane did not die either. Non-111 from 5./KG4 (5J + KN) was able to fly to Eagle and safely land on the airfield. This episode was not found in the archival documents, but is given in the post-war history of the 4-th bomber squadron “General Wever”.

German fighter "Messerschmitt" Bf-109F

24 July 1943 of the year in German documents recorded the death of a ram along with three crew members of the FN-189-3 (w / n 2228) from the 15-th near-reconnaissance group of the Luftwaffe XF. According to Soviet data, an enemy plane was rammed by the squadron commander of the 6 Guards and Guards Lieutenant Peter Petrovich Ratnikov on the same day near the village of Lomovets in the Oryol region. The Soviet pilot also died.

August 7 Day 1943 is marked by two rams in the sky over the Taman Peninsula. In the Anapa region, a frontal ram on the Yak-1, Lieutenant Vasily Alexandrovich Kalinin, a pilot of the 9-th iap of the BBC of the Black Sea Fleet, destroyed the Messerschmitt-109. Lieutenant Kalinin himself died. Documents of the enemy confirm the death of Bf-109G-6 (w / n 15844) from 4./JG52. True, the Germans believed that the collision of the aircraft was unintentional. Another enemy vehicle was rammed over the Blue Line by Junior Lieutenant Vladimir Ivanovich Lobachev from 812-iap. Having rammed, he safely descended by parachute and even helped to capture three German pilots shot down by him. According to German data, his victim was the spotter FW189A-2 (w / n 2256) from the near-intelligence group NAGr 9. Three members of the crew of the "frame" are missing.

23 August 1943 did not return from the Ju-88D – 5 intelligence (w / n 430231, 7А + WM) from 4. (F) / 121. The estimated area of ​​his death coincides with the location of the ramming by the pilot 383 th iap 36 th air defense junior lieutenant Nikolai Nikolaevich Korolev. Korolev shot down the enemy vehicle southeast of Ephraim.

German reconnaissance aircraft "Focke-Wulf" FW-189

10 November 1943 of the air battle in the area of ​​Koivisto, the pilot of the 13 th fighter of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet air force, Lieutenant Vasily Ivanovich Borodin aboard a Yak-7 rammed an enemy fighter. Borodin died in the ram. According to Finnish data, the Brewster B-239 (on-board number BW-366) from the LeLv24 squadron of the Finnish Air Force became a victim of a ram. The Brewster pilot escaped and was captured.

In conclusion, we note that we have so far managed to identify (with varying degrees of accuracy) about fifty cases of air rams committed by Soviet pilots during the Great Patriotic War. This work is not finished, and we hope for new finds. The fact that they will be surely convinces us that there are more than two dozen episodes in German documents with confirmed facts of a ram that have not yet been identified from domestic publications. We hope that the topic of air ramming will be interesting not only to the authors, but other historians will join our research.

B-239 from LeLv24 Finnish Air Force. Taranen 10.11.43 lt. VI Borodin from 13-iap Air Force CBF

PS I didn’t want to write this postscript, but for persons with alternative brain development, who everywhere see the propaganda of fascism, communism, etc., is explained separately!
- Red stars and the swastika in the pictures are not propaganda of the authors’s political views, the dock, but were identifying signs of the belligerents and are considered in news only in historical context!
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  1. +14
    26 January 2013 10: 47
    Air ram is a weapon of brave people not afraid of death. Our pilots who made rams were real heroes because only HEROES are capable of this! Glory to the victorious warriors and eternal memory and glory to those who lay down their heads in the name of VICTORY!
    1. +12
      26 January 2013 12: 52
      The one who does not understand anything in the environment or is simply a fool is not afraid of death. A ram is a delicate calculation between inflicting maximum damage on the enemy and at the same time the ability to stay alive. I doubt everyone who has used this type of air combat has not thought about it. They are normal people who are not alien to the thirst for life. Another thing is that besides the use of ramming, there were no other methods of destroying the enemy, so this is a pure sense of duty, courage, heroism ... Although attempts are not ruled out to "attribute" to rams cases of aircraft collisions as a result of piloting errors and, as a consequence , death of pilots. But it was necessary to keep a high morale in the troops - this is understandable. And the true heroes who died and survived while performing such a deadly type of air combat ETERNAL GLORY !!!
  2. +7
    26 January 2013 10: 54
    People with steel hearts!
    We remember and are proud of you! The memory of the pilot heroes must be preserved by descendants!
  3. +2
    26 January 2013 12: 04
    That is why they were called the Stalinist falcons! Real Russian heroes! And how little they know about them now! And you should know and remember EVERYTHING!
  4. +4
    26 January 2013 12: 47
    I agree with the authors about any shrikh in the history of the Great War is important. And the fact that some of the facts of rams are not confirmed by the German archives is not a fact that this event did not take place. Although there are people who prove with foam at the mouth that the Germans have everything on the shelves, everything is documented, and therefore they have "... everything is honest, without deception." That is why they consider the accounts of the German barons Munchausen an unshakable truth. That there is a discrepancy with our archives, this is not true for us, we have errors, postscripts One of the simple examples, our aviation raid on the Kotly airfield in March 1943. According to the reports of the pilots, 6 aircraft were destroyed on the ground, 4 German fighters were shot down in an air battle by shooters and cover fighters. In the German archives, 3 were lost and 2 were damaged. But in the movement data, the Luftwaffe's materiel was written off these days in the bomber group I / KG.1, it was hit by 10 aircraft. A few days later the group was withdrawn to East Prussia.
    Of course, the air ram itself, as the last argument, causes a double feeling in me. I could have definitely not said it while being in the cockpit at that time. But, regarding the rams, I am more inclined to the point of view twice of the HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION, of the Marshal aviation, honored military pilot who started the war as an ordinary pilot-attack aircraft A.N. EFIMOV.
    . ".. I cannot agree with the famous Soviet ace who wrote" Ramming strikes during the Second World War frightened the enemy. "In my opinion, an air ram is not a weapon of a master, but a gesture of despair. Mastering an airplane and weapons, there was no the need to ram. A real master uses weapons effectively, and does not think about ramming ... "
    AN Efimov "Attack aircraft are on target" p196.
    Although there were situations when a ram was the only way out. And again, the assertion that foreign pilots did not go to the ram was also not true. There are cases of fire rams and aerial rams in the same 1940 that the British pilots made.
    By the way, according to our data, on June 22.06.41, 04, at 15:215 min mln, Lt. Kokorev Dmitry Vasilievich made a ram in the Zambrow city (Belarus) of the Do-100 sect. For this, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. 12.10 b / c died on October 1941, 16. At the moment, it is known about 22.06.41 air rams completed on June XNUMX, XNUMX.
    1. dima_talib
      28 January 2013 03: 04
      My Grandfather, was a witness of one of the first rams of the Second World War. In the area of ​​Beltsy (Moldova) on June 22, 1941.
      A single I16 rammed an enemy bomber.
      I consider the reasoning about ramming as a gesture of despair, not skill, not correct ...
      If you look like that, then the war itself is not started from a great mind. Is it easier to agree? So maybe ...
      These are conversations from the same series that Alexander Matrosov had to crawl closer and throw a grenade better and more.
      Intentional Ram, this is an act that is unambiguously regarded as a HERO! And the point.
  5. +2
    26 January 2013 13: 03
    The photo does not depict the Bf-109E, but the Bf-109K with the Galand flashlight ... and that's all normal))
  6. -1
    26 January 2013 13: 04
    And yet, there are times where the Germans fix the ram, but our pilots assert a RANDOM, that is, UNCERTAINTY COLLISION. The case with twice Hero of the Soviet Union Lavrinenko is confirmation of this.
  7. +5
    26 January 2013 13: 07
    I would like to mention (I think you just can't help but mention) another Hero. Hero of the Soviet Union fighter pilot senior lieutenant Alexei Stepanovich Khlobystov (23.02.1918 - 13.12.1943). At the front, from June 1941, on April 8, 1942, in one of the sorties on the Karelian front, A.S. Khlobystov made a double battering ram on the P-40 fighter, destroying the German fighters Bf.110 and Bf.109. Alexei Khlobystov not only completed two rams in one battle, but also returned to the airfield with the heavily damaged wing of his P-40. On May 14, 1942, on a plane damaged during an air battle, Khlobystov made his third air ram, destroying the German fighter Bf.109. On December 13, 1943, the commander of the squadron of the 20th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Guard, Captain A.S. Khlobystov died while performing reconnaissance flight over the territory occupied by the enemy. According to one version, A. Khlobystov collided during a flight with the plane of his wingman. By the time of his death, he made 335 sorties, in which he shot down 7 aircraft in person and 24 in the group.
  8. +1
    26 January 2013 13: 24
    Quote: Voodoo

    The photo does not depict the Bf-109E, but the Bf-109K with the Galand flashlight ... and that's all normal))

    The Finns were armed with Bf-109G-2, Bf-109G-6, BF-109G-8. Modification K went into series in September 1944, according to other sources, at the beginning of 1945 the Finns didn’t have any at all. At this point, they were no longer friends with the Germans.
    1. +1
      26 January 2013 14: 12
      I agree, did not pay attention to the sign of nationality. Then we have the Bf-109G-6 Late, i.e. later modifications of 1944 with the same lamp of Galand ... I see no other options.
  9. 0
    26 January 2013 13: 52
    Quote: MERL13

    I would like to mention (I think you just can't help but mention) another Hero. Hero of the Soviet Union fighter pilot senior lieutenant Alexei Stepanovich Khlobystov (23.02.1918 - 13.12.1943). At the front, from June 1941, on April 8, 1942, in one of the sorties on the Karelian front, A.S. Khlobystov made a double battering ram on the P-40 fighter, destroying the German fighters Bf.110 and Bf.109. Alexei Khlobystov not only completed two rams in one battle, but also returned to the airfield with the heavily damaged wing of his P-40. On May 14, 1942, on a plane damaged during an air battle, Khlobystov made his third air ram, destroying the German fighter Bf.109. On December 13, 1943, the commander of the squadron of the 20th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Guard, Captain A.S. Khlobystov died while performing reconnaissance flight over the territory occupied by the enemy. According to one version, A. Khlobystov collided during a flight with the plane of his wingman. By the time of his death, he made 335 sorties, in which he shot down 7 aircraft in person and 24 in the group.

    and in the descriptions of this battle by eyewitnesses, he rammed one of them because there was no time for maneuver. That is, the situation forced me. Now I just don’t remember where I have the info about this feat.
  10. 0
    26 January 2013 16: 35
    My relative who served in the aerodrome maintenance team said that in the 42nd regiment there was a ramming in their regiment .... so the comrade commissioners talked with each pilot about the ramming as a type of battle is undesirable and they almost spoke plainly ... .mumresh with a battering ram, we will give the hero .... if we survive, we will write off, at best, from an airplane, at worst a fine ....
    1. dmb
      26 January 2013 20: 52
      I think that your relative breaks like a gray gelding. The list of rams is given in the article. Which rammer was charged off the plane? And in the combat leaflets and newspapers of that time they wrote about pilots who committed ramming as heroes so that they would die during the ramming? Is it interesting that your relative considered you an idiot, or do you think all of us sinners are such?
      1. +3
        26 January 2013 22: 00
        In fact, in our family it’s not accepted to joke about the Great Patriotic War, and my relative has twenty sorties as a gunner on the Il-2 and I believe him, by the way, I heard this information from him .... she also slipped into some memoirs now seem like no reason why because at one time there were so many shovels that they would be confused for a short time ..... by the way, at the expense of the gray gelding you certainly went too far, you just read my advice at your leisure memoirs .... even during the Soviet era censorship there is a lot of interesting things to learn.
        1. dmb
          26 January 2013 22: 17
          I also read memoirs at my leisure, and believe me, the difference between the aerodrome maintenance team and the shooter on the IL-2 is clear to me. So where and in what capacity did your relative fight? (I personally do not beg his merit).
          1. +1
            26 January 2013 23: 02
            There is a difference ... shooters used to be shot and after being wounded they were often copied.
  11. +7
    26 January 2013 16: 38
    And if for the materiel, then in the photo is not SB-2, but Ar-2. A dive made by the Arkhangelsky brigade from the SB.
    On fire rams. 22.06.41. Senior Lieutenant Pyotr Stepanovich Chirkin, commander of flight 62SAP, together with junior pilot V. Slyunkin, flew out to reconnoitre towards the border. When an enemy column was detected, he was hit by anti-aircraft guns. He sent his Chaika to a German tank column.
    On June 24.06.41, 31, Airapetov Sarkis Mikhailovich, senior political officer of the comet for political part 33 of the SBAP in the area of ​​Taurage, sent the damaged plane to a German convoy. On the same day, Hrapay Grigory Arkhipovich, senior commander of the XNUMXth SBAP link in the city of Brody was hit. The crew sent the plane to the crossing. The crew: Filatov Vasily Vasilievich-navigator, lieutenant. Tikhomirov George Kuzmich-gunner-radio operator, senior sergeant.
    25.06.41/43/XNUMX Avdeev Alexander Nikolaevich-captain, castle mask XNUMX SBAP near Oshmyany sent a crashed plane to the enemy column. Crew: Strelenko Peter Filippovich-navigator, l.
    June 26. Lieutenant Anisimov (surname and patronymic unknown, whoever has the information, discard it, I will be grateful), the 51DBAP pilot rammed the tank column with a burning airplane. Gastello Nikolai Frantsevich, captain, 207 DBAP reconnaissance aircraft sent the plane to the accumulation of enemy equipment. Crew: Burdenyuk Anatoly Akimovich navigator, l. Skorogogatogo Grigory Nikolaevich, junior observer pilot, l. Kalinin Aleksey Aleksandrovich-shooter-radio operator, senior fellow
    Koshelev Sergey Nikolayevich-senior pilot, 128 BAP, lieutenant. On the Minsk-Borisov road, consisting of 3 crews, carried out a bombing of a tank wave. The aircraft was hit over the target. It sent the car to an accumulation of enemy equipment.
    And they hoped to defeat us? After all, this was done CONSCIOUSLY, and not by fanatics-communists, as some shit-gun people now write. Moreover, no one shared what nation you were. 128 sent a burning car to a column of Germans? There was one country for which these people did not spare their lives.
    To the authors of the article, I look forward to further continuation. The rams were at 44 and at 45.
  12. CCA
    26 January 2013 20: 26
    According to the version of modern liberal "historians", the exploits in the attacks were accomplished out of despair at gunpoint of the detachment ... And here, what will they say ... freaks?!? Who created the hopelessness here?!? Glory, honor, respect to heroes ... soldier
    1. redwolf_13
      27 January 2013 05: 33
      And these freaks will say that "under pain of punishment, the families of the pilots were forced to commit this rash act" or even better that obstacle detachments flew after them wink
      But morons appeared that ringing that the feat of Matrosawa and other heroes who undermined the tanks or covered themselves bunkers were made drunk and from the stupidity of the mind.
  13. +1
    26 January 2013 20: 48
    In 52, I heard, instantly-15 rammed the RB-50 over the Caspian.
  14. +5
    26 January 2013 21: 39
    As we were taught at the aviation school, the first three air rams were Stalin's Falcons Kharitonov, Zdorovtsev and ... .. ??? committed on the very first day of World War II and became the first Heroes of the Soviet Union in World War II. And this title, especially in 1941, was not given in vain.
    In the Combat Charter of Soviet Fighter Aviation in the 50s the ram was no longer recorded as heroism, but as a duty of a pilot.
    But when the air defense pilot Captain Eliseev in the 70s rammed the Iranian Phantom, which invaded the airspace of the USSR, the order about it and the Decree on awarding him (posthumously) with the title "Hero of the Soviet Union" was ... secret.
    By the idiocy of that power, the hero of Eliseev remained unknown.
    But all sorts of scandalous trumpets trumpet all sorts of bandiukas and pop props. Therefore, morality is now such.
    1. harl6161
      27 January 2013 20: 53
      I, too, now do not remember the third. But in the big book "Your Heroes. Leningrad"
      they are mentioned. There is about every Hero of the Soviet Union and, in my opinion. Knight of the Order of Glory story

      In. found. This is Zhukov Mikhail Stepanovich. Link

      Found. Zhukov his last name
  15. +2
    26 January 2013 23: 51
    On July 8.07.1941, XNUMX, a decree was issued on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on three pilots who made air rams.
    On June 27.06.41, 158, Kharitonov Pyotr Timofeevich, Jr. pilot ​​IAP. In the region of Ostrov, he rammed Yu-14. On June XNUMX, XNUMX, as part of the Northern Front, he repeated the feat of the Order of Lenin. He ended the war in the air defense forces of XNUMX shot down.
    On June 28.06.41, 158, Zdorovtsev, Stepan Ivanovich, mln.l, t, link 16 IAP. Covering his airfield on his I-88, rammed Yu-9.07.41.
    29.06.41/158/88, Zhukov Mikhail Petrovich-ml.l-pilots 1942 IAP. Covering his airfield rammed the Yu-259. By the end of December 47 he completed 4 b / w, spent 12.01.43 b / w in which he shot down XNUMX more aircraft. in w / b XNUMXg. in the district of Dubrovka. Leningrad region.
    They were the first, though the first Heroes of the Soviet Union. It's just that at one time one lousy prepared speaker on TV blurted out that they were the first to ram. From there this not much distorted infa went. There are no confirming their feat. The planes are in our location, the Tuzik airfield is tired of tagging them, and the Germans have no confirmation of these planes that they lost them. One Goat's husband, relying on the data of this archive, "proved" that B. Safonov shot down only 5 With 4 planes in a group ... They would rely on our archives, which are fully preserved, would confirm all the victories of their songwriters.
    I don’t remember the details about Mr. Eleseyev, I have to rummage through the papers. Of course, I don’t remember the computer, but I remember what. When intercepting, the capture failed for the first time, there wasn’t enough time for the second call, offender (Turkish S-130, according to some sources ) was near the border. From the top, they gave the command to go to the ram. The pilot complied with the order. Our plane fell on our side, and the Turk on his own, of course high in the Western media. Ours, as always, put our tongue into the hole for the digested food to exit .. . I can of course with details on Eliseev and not quite be exact. If that correct.
  16. +7
    27 January 2013 00: 52
    Jewish pilots who made an air ram.I apologize for the emphasis, but on this forum more than once, extremely abusive statements have been made to my people. So this post is some form of protection for the good name of Jewish front-line soldiers.

    Asin Vladimir Naumovich, senior lieutenant, and Beletsky Abram Isaakovich, a major guard, were seriously injured during rams, and each of them lost both legs. After the hospital, they returned to duty and fought until Victory.
    Binov Lev Isaakovich, Major of the 512 Fighter Aviation Regiment. 19 September 1942 on the outskirts of Stalingrad rammed a German fighter. On his damaged plane, wounded, he landed. After the cure, he continued to fly and died in an air battle in January 1943.
    Butman Ion Vladimirovich in January 1942 on a Karelian front shot down a German plane by ramming.
    Getman Naum Froimovich, senior lieutenant, commander of the ship 752 long-range bombardment regiment, 5 November 1941 on the outskirts of Moscow rammed a German fighter.
    Grul Simha Grigoryevich - junior lieutenant. 9 October 1941 g, in the Moscow region sky with a ram blow hit the enemy’s plane,
    Krivoshein Sergey Mikhailovich, junior lieutenant, flight commander
    126 Fighter Aviation Regiment, born in 1921, 6 August
    1941, a German bomber rammed on the Central Front. He landed on a parachute. September 2 1942 did not return from the combat mission. Sergey is the nephew of Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General Krivoshein Semyon Moiseevich.
    Levin Abram Georgievich, seozhant. 11 pilot of a fighter aviation regiment, born in 1920 in Roshal, Moscow Region. 4 December 1941 on the outskirts of Moscow rammed a German bomber and died.
    Novorozhkin Samuil Izrailevich junior lieutenant, observer pilot in 1942. participated in the battle as part of the crew of the corrective plane P.I. Zhilinsky, ramming one of the 5 attacking him by German fighter aircraft. Thrown out of the plane, the wounded landed on a parachute.
    Radicher Lev Sergeevich, pilot of the 728 fighter aviation regiment, was born in the 1923 year in the village. Obukhovo Mosk. 23 August 1943 on the approaches to the city of Chuguev rammed a German fighter and died.
    Tabatadze Moses Efimovich, junior lieutenant. 160 pilot of the fighter aviation regiment, born 1921 in Borjomi (Georgia). 9 July 1941 in the Smolensk sky rammed an enemy plane and died.
    Ushatsky Lev Vulfovich; junior lieutenant, deputy squadron commander of the 926 fighter aviation regiment, was born in 1916 in Petrograd. 17 September 1943 g. At the station Bogoe Kalinin region rammed a German bomber.
    Chagall Anatoly Ionovich; a senior sergeant, pilot of the 34 fighter aviation regiment, was born in 1921 in the Macedonovo region of Kalinin region, and 4 on August 1943 was rammed by a German bomber at distant approaches to Moscow.
    Shimanchik Lev Leonidovich, foreman, pilot of the 164 fighter aviation regiment, was born in 1922 in Minsk. In April 1943, a German reconnaissance aircraft rammed the Western Front. A wounded pilot landed on a damaged plane.
    1. 0
      28 January 2013 05: 29
      We remember and are proud of you!
  17. 0
    27 January 2013 01: 33
    Glory and eternal gratitude to the HEROES !!!
  18. +2
    27 January 2013 08: 51
    Those who folded their heads defending their country had one nation-DEFENDER OF THE FATHERLAND !!! And the fact that on some forums various Natsiks are yapping, so let them remember about one corporal Nazi who with his codla got out.
  19. Charon
    27 January 2013 15: 11
    Curiously, is there evidence of rams committed by the Germans and their allies? Kamikaze does not count.
    1. 0
      29 January 2013 20: 36
      Quote: Charon

      Curiously, is there evidence of rams committed by the Germans and their allies? Kamikaze does not count.


      Oddly enough, but I have never heard of such cases ... what
      1. Alex 241
        29 January 2013 21: 18
        There were Germans pilots who committed several rams. For example, in the skies of Germany, when repelling American raids, Hauptmann Werner Gert rammed enemy planes three times. In addition, the pilot of the assault squadron of the Udet squadron, Willy Maksimovich, became widely known, destroying American four-engine bombers with ram attacks 7 (!). Vili died over Pillau in an air battle against Soviet 20 fighters on April 1945.
        But the cases listed above are only a small part of the air rams committed by the Germans. In the conditions of the complete technical and quantitative superiority of the allied aviation over the German Germans at the end of the war, the Germans were forced to create units of their "kamikaze" (and even before the Japanese!). Already at the beginning of 1944, the formation of special fighter-assault squadrons to destroy the American bombers that bombarded Germany began in the Luftwaffe. The entire personnel of these units, including volunteers and ... fines, made a written commitment to destroy at least one bomber in each departure - if necessary, by ramming! It was in such a squadron that the above-mentioned Vili Maksimovich entered, and the units already familiar to us were Major Walter Dahl. The Germans were forced to resort to the tactics of mass rams precisely at a time when their former air superiority was brought to naught by the hordes of heavy Allied flying "fortresses", in a continuous stream advancing from the west, and armadas of Soviet aircraft, which were attacking from the east
        1. Alex 241
          29 January 2013 21: 30
          On July 31, 1943, near the village of Manda, Roger Young carried out his feat, which led to his posthumous rewarding with the highest military award of the United States, the Order of Honor. Young was in intelligence, with a detachment of 20 in the territory held by Japanese troops. At 16.00 the patrol began to move back when it was ambushed. Bound by intense machine gun fire, two soldiers were killed immediately. When the patrol attempted a flank attack, two more were killed. After that, the commander ordered the soldiers to lie down. Young was hit by a fragment of a grenade. In order for the detachment to be able to retreat, Roger began to crawl to the Japanese position, ignoring all orders of the lieutenant to stop. Another grenade explosion wounded him a second time, but despite his wounds, Young continued to move, attracting enemy fire at himself with shotguns. When he was close enough to the Japanese trench, Roger started throwing hand grenades and was killed. Having neutralized the machine gun nest of the enemy, Young thereby allowed his platoon to leave without further losses.

          In 1949, the remains of Roger Young were returned to the United States and buried at the MacPherson Cemetery in Clyde, Ohio.
  20. Gans2
    28 January 2013 00: 03
    I don’t know why the author missed the well-known moments of June 22: around 5 o’clock in the morning, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Ivanov, who served in the 46th Fighter Aviation Regiment, rammed the Heinkel 111 in Mlynov’s region (Ukraine). The pilot died during the ram. On June 22, at about 5 a.m., Junior Lieutenant Dmitry Kokorev, who served in the 124th Fighter Aviation Regiment, rammed the Messerschmitt in the Zambrow area. Kokorev after the ram remained alive, for the feat he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
    On June 22 at 5 hours of 15 minutes, Junior Lieutenant Leonid Buterin, who served in the 12th Fighter Aviation Regiment, rammed the Junkers-88 in the area of ​​Stanislav (Western Ukraine). When the ram died. On June 22 at about 6 in the morning, an unknown pilot on a U-2 plane (they were affectionately called "ears") rammed the Messerschmitt in the area of ​​Vygoda (near Bialystok). When the ram died.
  21. +2
    28 January 2013 01: 13
    It's just that the authors cover the battering rams from both sides. The Germans had the first confirmation of such a "barbaric method" of conducting air combat on 1.07. 41.
    And for 22.06.41. according to reports of our units there were totally 16 air rams.
  22. revkain
    28 January 2013 07: 00
    Strange, but the article for the fall of 1941 did not say anything about the two rams of pilots 171 IAP: the first night ram in the sky of the Moscow region made by Victor Talalikhin and then Alexander Pechenevsky. Why did you forget about these Heroes?
    1. revkain
      28 January 2013 07: 02
      I was mistaken, not 171 IAP, but 177 IAP.
  23. revkain
    28 January 2013 07: 04
  24. 0
    28 January 2013 07: 58
    Quote: Charon
    Curiously, is there evidence of rams committed by the Germans and their allies? Kamikaze does not count.

    Really curious! Maybe someone has such an info?
  25. +2
    28 January 2013 09: 24
    From the book of Yu.I. Mukhina "Aces and Propaganda":
    In the Air Forces of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War, I repeat, desperate to get the Germans with airborne weapons or by shooting ammunition, 561 fighter pilots made a ram, 33 of them did it twice, Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant A.S. Khlobystov - three times, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant B.I. Kovzan - four times. Taran was also carried out by 19 crews of attack aircraft and 18 - bombers. Among these brave men were people who held positions from an ordinary pilot to the deputy commander of the Air Army and who had military ranks from sergeant to colonel (see table), 233 of them safely landed their damaged cars, 176 were saved by parachuting, 216 were killed and 11 were lost without a trace. The Germans lost 272 bombers, 312 fighters, 48 ​​scouts and 3 transport aircraft. Another fighter, already Japanese, was destroyed by lieutenant A.E. Goltvenko in August 1945 during a short war with Japan. (One must think that this ram had a symbolic meaning: “We don’t need kamikaze - we are kamikaze ourselves.”)

    I must say that in the second half of the war, rams were no longer welcomed, and on this occasion the Air Force commander signed a corresponding order on September 23, 1944, and the Military Council gave the following instructions: “To explain to all the air force’s flight personnel that our fighters have excellent powerful modern weapons and surpass all existing types of German fighters in flight tactical data ... The use of a battering ram in an air battle with enemy aircraft having lower flight qualities is impractical, therefore a battering ram should be used only in exceptional cases, as a last resort. ”
  26. +2
    29 January 2013 18: 12
    Heroes! They deliberately went closer to the enemy’s aircraft and made rams. An accidental collision can only be with your nearby flying plane. There can be no accidental collision with an enemy aircraft! Everlasting memory!
  27. Alex 241
    29 January 2013 18: 23
    On September 18, 1942, the pilot of the Fw-62 reconnaissance aircraft was destroyed by a pilot of the 189nd Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Black Sea Fleet, captain Semyon Stepanovich Mukhin.

    Not to say that air ramming was an unusual occurrence in the Soviet aviation of the Great Patriotic War - during the period of the German domination in the air, ramming was a commonly used way to continue the battle after it approached the ammunition reserve. In other cases, the pilot, being wounded and realizing that he couldn’t land the plane or reach Soviet territory on his own, preferred death to captivity. However, on September 18, 1942, an unusual battering ram was completed. The fact is that after the failure of the aircraft, the pilots continued the duel, parachuting

    That day, at dawn, Captain Mukhin, together with Lieutenant Maslov, flew from the Gelendzhik airfield to destroy the enemy spotter. The German reconnaissance aircraft Fw-189 adjusted long-range artillery fire at the positions of the Soviet coastal battery. Our pilots attacked the enemy plane, but he defended fiercely. Mukhin came to an end ammunition, in addition, he was wounded in his left hand. The attack of his partner Maslov also ended in failure. The corrector, who apparently completed his task, began to leave for his own. At this moment, an order was received from the ground at all costs to prevent the Fokke-Wulf from leaving. Then Mukhin hit the tail of the enemy spotter with the blades of the propeller of his LaGG-3. After that, having tipped the fighter to the wing, the Soviet pilot unfastened seatbelts and fell out of the cockpit of a damaged aircraft at an altitude of 3500 meters. LaGG-3 fell into the bushes along the Novorossiysk-Gelendzhik highway, and the wounded pilot by parachute began to descend into the sea.

    Not far from him, two Germans were parachuting. Angry at Mukhin, the Nazis, who at best were waiting for Soviet captivity, and at worst - death in the waters of the Black Sea, took out pistols and opened fire on the Soviet pilot. Mukhin, who was several tens of meters taller than the Germans, pulled up slings to speed up the descent, got closer to the Germans and shot them in cold air. Forty minutes later, a Soviet patrol boat picked up the hero and the corpses of the Germans.

    For air ramming, Captain Mukhin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

    German documents confirm that Fw-189 of the 7th detachment of the 32nd group of close scouts did not return from a mission in the Kabardinka-Gelendzhik area that day. His crew, consisting of pilot of sergeant major Hermann Waldmann, navigator Lieutenant Karl Kolschmidt and gunner of non-commissioned officer Richard Witt, is still considered missing and is wanted by the German Red Cross service.
    1. Alex 241
      29 January 2013 18: 25
      Downed German reconnaissance aircraft Fw-189 ("Frame")
      1. Alex 241
        29 January 2013 18: 29
        70 years ago, Marshal Goering forbade his aces to get closer to our planes closer than 100 meters

        On November 5, 1941, a Reichsmarschall Goering circular entered the combat units of the German Air Force, which demanded: "... do not get closer to Soviet aircraft closer than 100 meters to avoid ramming." This decision was made at the direction of Hitler after a long "catch" of the commanders of the aviation units, who considered the groovy "tactics" to be humiliating for the celebrated aces of the Reich. Indeed, just recently, the Führer himself told them: "The Slavs will never understand anything in an air war - these are the weapons of powerful people, the German form of battle." “No one will ever be able to gain an advantage in the air over the German aces!” - Goering, the commander of the fascist air forces, echoed. But the air rams of the first days of the war forced to forget these boastful speeches. And this was the first shame on the "German battlefield" and the first moral victory of Soviet pilots.

        Until June 22, 1941, fascist pilots did not have to meet in Europe with such a tactical technique as an air ram. But on the very first day of the attack on the USSR, the Luftwaffe immediately lost 16 aircraft as a result of ram attacks by Soviet pilots.
  28. 0
    29 January 2013 18: 53
    ARTICLE HUGE PLUS ...! ! !
  29. 0
    30 January 2013 08: 37
    Thanks to the authors! Heroes Glory and eternal memory!
  30. Kazik
    24 February 2013 20: 39
    Hello. I have a question for the authors of the article, Alexander Zablotsky and Roman Larintsev, as well as anyone who can help! I live in g. Dribin, Mogilev region (Belarus). I am preparing an article for publication in the newspaper about the pilots who died in the first days of the war, buried in the region. There is indirect information: the recollections of the townspeople that on June 29 in the sky over Mogilev (a few days before the Terekhin ram) a pilot on an I-16 rammed a Junkers bomber. Rumor has it that this is A.P. Kobets, who died on June 1 and was buried with us. Where can you see the data on the losses of the Germans (I take as a basis the case with "Junkers" Terekhin). Any information on the topic of ramming will be accepted with gratitude !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the decree of the USSR Armed Forces of July 22, Kobets was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin. That is, he fought for eight days, but managed to distinguish himself. Could he get an order for a ram? I heard that in the first year of the war they were awarded promptly for this.
    1. 0
      24 February 2013 20: 48
      Try searching here:

      You can find something useful for yourself.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"