Chinese Foreign Minister during a visit to Europe: Beijing will not look at the fire of the Ukrainian conflict from the other side

Chinese Foreign Minister during a visit to Europe: Beijing will not look at the fire of the Ukrainian conflict from the other side

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang arrived in Europe on an official visit. He has already held a joint press conference with the head of the German diplomatic department, Annalena Berbock.

One of the main topics raised by the Chinese diplomat was the situation in Ukraine. As Qin Gang noted, the Ukrainian issue is very complex. China was not the cause of the conflict, the Chinese Foreign Minister stressed, and is not one of the parties involved in it. Beijing is in favor of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, Qin Gang said.

Beijing will not look at the fire of the Ukrainian conflict from the other side and will not add fuel to the fire

Chinese Foreign Minister said.

Qin Gang noted that China will continue to seek a cessation of hostilities. This is not the first time that high-ranking Chinese leaders have declared their commitment to a strategy for a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian conflict.

In addition to Ukraine, Qin Gang touched on another important topic - the future of Europe. He noted that China stands for European strategic autonomy. This is yet another hint, or advice, from Beijing to European leaders that they should still act more independently, without looking back at the United States, which has recently subdued the European Union to its interests and is using Europe's political, military and economic resources to solve its problems. Problems.

For China, cooperation with the European Union is important, but the confrontation with the United States is forcing Beijing to pay more attention to increasing the independence of European countries in making strategic decisions.
21 comment
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  1. +3
    10 May 2023 09: 48
    Chinese Foreign Minister during a visit to Europe: Beijing will not look at the fire of the Ukrainian conflict from the other side
    . I see, just jump to the side, now, not comme il faut ...
    1. +1
      10 May 2023 09: 51
      Tryndet (everyone understood) do not roll bags! folk wisdom good
      1. -1
        10 May 2023 10: 48
        You can't forbid wanting ... if they want and hover in their illusion who is their doctor.
    2. +5
      10 May 2023 09: 57
      Quote: rocket757
      Chinese Foreign Minister during a visit to Europe: Beijing will not look at the fire of the Ukrainian conflict from the other side
      . I see, just jump to the side, now, not comme il faut ...

      China does not benefit from the collapse of the EU - as a buyer and restrictions on transit through the Russian Federation.
      Therefore, they are trying to participate in the organization of peace negotiations - the only way they can only be on its to the side.
      1. +3
        10 May 2023 10: 02
        In general, you shouldn’t expect anything else from China. It’s good that it doesn’t put sticks in the wheels.
        1. 0
          10 May 2023 10: 19
          China in its role. On everything makes money and benefits. I'm sitting on the sidelines.
        2. +2
          10 May 2023 10: 23
          A strange position, do they really think that our collective partnership with them will remove the claims of the states to world domination, will nullify the problem of Taiwan? Forgotten the experience of the opium wars? I think the West has no problem repeating them, albeit in a different form.
        3. +1
          10 May 2023 12: 27
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          In general, you shouldn’t expect anything else from China. It’s good that it doesn’t put sticks in the wheels.

          I'm embarrassed to ask, but what did you expect from China? Probably, in your opinion, it should have announced that it was switching to supporting the Kiev regime and would supply weapons? That Beijing insists on continuing military actions? Or what? Or should China have said that it is completely satisfied with the colonial dependence of the European Union on the USA?
          Here is the subject - "Beijing will not look at the fire of the Ukrainian conflict and will not add fuel to the fire", which means - "Go to hell Europeans, we will not tolerate pressure and will not change our position", as well as - "Beijing will pay more attention to increasing the independence of European countries in making strategic decisions", which again in translation means that Europe's status as the American Six is ​​not in Beijing's interests . What is wrong? request
      2. +1
        10 May 2023 10: 51
        You can try to slip between the trickles ... but not many people managed to do it, if they succeeded, to someone, in general.
        To play your game, you need to have not only a joker up your sleeve, but a lot of other things.
  2. +4
    10 May 2023 09: 50
    Chinese Foreign Minister during a visit to Europe: Beijing will not look at the fire of the Ukrainian conflict from the other side

    Of course, only from the tree winked
    1. +3
      10 May 2023 10: 04
      Quote: ximkim
      Chinese Foreign Minister during a visit to Europe: Beijing will not look at the fire of the Ukrainian conflict from the other side

      Of course, only from the tree winked

      laughing good
      Or even prefer to close your eyes. The conversation with Europe about independence testifies to this.
  3. +1
    10 May 2023 09: 55
    An extremely unpleasant statement by Qin Gang for the EU, at a joint press conference. Do you remember anything? bully
    1. +4
      10 May 2023 10: 05
      The thing is that a "balanced, effective security system" with Ukraine on the map will not work. From the word - NO
  4. -1
    10 May 2023 09: 59
    It's simple, the US is clearly rebounding from the Ukraine project - now you can develop activity, it is already safe and promises profits - because the United States is rebounding with the clear goal of freeing up resources and directing them to fight China, and allies are needed here.
    Well, who else expected them? They respect their own interests, and this must be clearly understood.
    1. +5
      10 May 2023 10: 07
      Quote from Bingo
      It's simple, the US is clearly bouncing off the Ukraine project

      Why do you think so? Yes, and obviously. Wishful thinking?
      1. -1
        10 May 2023 10: 14
        From the fact that, for example, all American companies sold their shares in securing a grain deal. They don’t leave a stable and promising project
        1. +2
          10 May 2023 10: 32
          The United States in this conflict is very competently raking in the heat with proxy. Such a chance to break up, or at worst weaken Russia, does not even fall every 100 years, and they will not simply refuse this chance. And the grain deal is just baby talk. Muddy history. That's why they come out.
  5. +1
    10 May 2023 10: 47
    China stands for European strategic autonomy
    It's too late. Europe is not independent, Brussels is looking at Washington's mouth and is ready to take the appropriate stance at the snap of a finger, even if it is straddling the line between losses in its economy and a break in relations with Russia. There can no longer be strategic autonomy in European countries. Hungary is trying to follow its own course, but they are actively putting spokes in its wheels.
  6. +1
    10 May 2023 11: 02
    increasing the independence of European countries

    Independence of spiders in one EU bank? It's not even funny. Europe has historically always united before the crusades to the East. And now China will no longer be able to sit behind the Great Wall of China on a palm tree like a monkey. The first and second world wars clearly showed the Chinese the sad consequences of a policy of non-intervention. So we are waiting for more decisive action to cool the hot heads in Europe and the US.
  7. 0
    12 May 2023 22: 53
    I am categorically against European Union autonomy and independence. Nothing good for Russia comes out of this. The European Union was independent and autonomous under Napoleon and under Hitler. There is nothing good in this. I am for European traditional feudal fragmentation. That's when it'll be fine.
  8. -2
    12 May 2023 23: 01
    That is precisely why the Anglo-Saxons rule the world, and the Chinese are beaten, ruined and humiliated all their lives, and the blacks are generally in slavery. Because the Anglo-Saxons know how to unite in packs. And a pack can hunt a mammoth. And all other nations have long forgotten about this primitive natural state of man. A pack! A collective! They are genetically incapable of uniting and creating alliances and unions. That is their nature. Disunited. That is why they will always be beaten, ruined and humiliated by the Anglo-Saxons. And that is fair. After all, one twig is always easier to break than a whole broom.