Against a dying Russia

Against a dying Russia

В previous article We talked with you about the fact that today Russia is in a very difficult phase of its development. In the 32 years after the collapse of the USSR, almost 16 people died "in excess" in Russia and 000 children were not born, in total, Russia lost 000 people in 26 years. Today, Russia is lagging behind in scientific and technological progress, many sectors of the economy are in decline, sanctions have placed a heavy burden on the shoulders of the economy. Enemies are doing their best to destroy our Motherland. The future is hazy and unsettling.

The solution of these and many other problems will take more than one decade. Therefore, the future citizens of Russia, our children, must be ready to meet and overcome these challenges. In order to survive, cope with all the tasks with honor and ensure the further development of Russia, our children must be courageous, honest, purposeful, educated, hardworking, responsible, fair, optimistic and humane, be true patriots who love their Motherland.

In the last article, we found out that anyone can grow up from any child - you can grow a fascist, or you can grow a communist, you can grow a cannibal, or you can grow an intellectual, you can grow a crook or a bandit, or you can grow a law enforcement officer. You can raise anyone, directing the child in the right direction in the process of personality formation. But you can only do this once. There is only one attempt to form a child's personality, only one attempt to form his worldview, instill moral norms and choose ideals.

Let's continue.

Who chooses the ideology?

While free burn
While hearts for honor are alive,
My friend, we will dedicate to the Fatherland
Souls are wonderful impulses!

A. S. Pushkin "To Chaadaev"

So, we found out that the formation of a child's personality, the formation of his worldview and the choice of ideals occur in accordance with the ideology that prevails in his reference society (in a class or a sports team).

It's time to exhale with relief and say - yes, yes, we remember that since the time of Ancient Greece, the main task of teachers is to educate a good person!

Remark. Even the ancient Greeks realized that in the process of education the main thing is not to teach a child some craft, the main thing is to educate a good person and citizen. The child, first of all, must take place as a person, as a rational being, become fair, courageous, wise and pious (acquire cardinal virtues - from the Latin cardinālis “main, main”) and learn to show these qualities in their deeds and speeches. In this case, he can be considered fully educated.

And then the child will be able to choose any profession and specialize (by the way, it is by the same method that children are brought up in Britain and the USA in private schools for the elite).

Therefore, we, parents, expect that it is the teacher, teacher, class teacher who will properly educate our children and instill in them the right ideology. And children will see confirmation of the correctness of the proposed ideology and ideals (purposefulness, desire to be educated, hardworking, responsible, proactive, strong, courageous, courageous, enduring, optimistic and humane, a true patriot who loves his Motherland) in the qualities of characters, actions and judgments of others their adults, the characters of their favorite books, the most popular films, hundreds of fascinating and instructive stories on the Internet. They will discover the honor and respect surrounding the heroes of the legends, whom they are offered to look up to.

But no!

First, the Russian government under the threat of criminal liability forbade teachers to raise children.

Remark. A well-known saying very accurately describes the principles of education - “Reward and punishment are two sides of the same coin, whose name is “education”.
Here the right to punish Russian teachers was taken away as part of the 2007 education reform - in Russia it is forbidden to punish for behavior and poor progress both in kindergartens and in schools. And from July 27, 2009, parents and teachers in Russia can receive a term of up to three years for causing "... moral suffering to a child" (Article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

But, according to Burres F. Skinner (the most influential psychologist of the XNUMXth century, USA), the meaning of punishment is to make the student suffer for unacceptable behavior, to encourage a person not to behave in this way. Burres F. Skinner believes that punishment is the most powerful method of controlling behavior.

Secondly, in the existing staff list of educational institutions of the Russian Federation there are no rates for teachers who should be engaged not in educational, but in educational activities.

Help. In the United States, the educational role in the formation of personality, worldview, and moral standards is assigned to numerous scout movements, which are funded from the state budget and private donations. Almost all teenagers in the United States are involved in the scouting movement. Here is the worldview and moral standards that are instilled in little Americans today:

Be faithful to God, devoted to the Motherland.
Be honest and truthful.
Help your neighbor.
Be a friend to everyone and a brother to another scout.
Always comply with the requirements of the parents and the leader.
Protect nature.
Be polite.
Be pure in thought, word and deed.
Be thrifty and respect other people's property.
Be hardworking and persistent.
Be cheerful and never lose heart.
Be humble.

As role models, numerous scouting organizations offer their former Scouts of America, who in adulthood became presidents of the country, leaders of large organizations, scientists, inventors, military men, actors, etc.

Help. In the USSR, the educational role in the formation of personality, worldview, moral standards was assigned to the October, Pioneer and Komsomol organizations. Here is the worldview and moral standards that were instilled in young Soviet citizens:

October Rules (approved by the Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League on March 17.03.1967, XNUMX):

Octobrists are future pioneers.
The Octobrists are diligent guys, they love school, they respect their elders.
Only those who love work are called Octobrists.
The October people are truthful and courageous, dexterous and skillful.
The October people are friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, they live happily.

Pioneer Rules:

Be devoted to the motherland, the party, communism.
Look up to the heroes of struggle and labor.
Respect the memory of the fallen fighters and get ready to become the defender of the Motherland.
Study well, be hardworking, play sports.
Be an honest and faithful comrade, always boldly stand for the truth.
Be a friend to other pioneers and to the children of the working people of all countries.

Komsomol rules:

Be industrious.
Take care of public, socialist property.
Be honest and truthful, sensitive and attentive.
Always put the public interest ahead of the private.
Be a selfless patriot of the Soviet Motherland.
Be a friend and brother to all citizens of the USSR.
Be proactive.
Quickly and accurately carry out orders, bring any work begun to the end.
Develop criticism and self-criticism.
Fight against arrogance and arrogance.
Go in for sports regularly, be ready for work and defense of the USSR.

As role models, the youth organizations of the USSR offered former pioneers and Komsomol members who, in adulthood, became Heroes of the Soviet Union, heads of large enterprises, scientists, inventors, military men, actors, etc.

Thirdly, in the information field of children (Internet, movies, clips, lyrics) there are no heroes (of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries) that teachers at school are sluggishly trying to offer. In modern films, clips and the Internet, the heroes swear, drink, reflect, do not work, have fun, lie, rob, kill, squander money left and right, deceive, often hate Russia and despise the state.

Fourth, in Russia ideology is prohibited by the Constitution - Article 13 prohibits ideology.

Remark. Although, you see, it sounds strange, because if ideology is a set of ideas, and ideas are thoughts, then the Constitution offers us a meaningless existence? But that doesn't happen. Here, try not to think about anything for at least 5 minutes. Or 3 minutes, or one. Does not work? Well, of course not, because - "I think, therefore I am" (Rene Descartes).

It turns out that Article 13 directly prohibits the creation of an ideology for citizens exclusively by the state (and after all, common values, a common worldview and ideals should unite citizens). But no article can forbid people to think and create hundreds and thousands of their own mini-ideologies: punks, emos, goths, fishermen, liberals, national liberals, rockers, hunters, communists, etc.

Now is the time to ask: “Who then creates or approves the ideology?” The answer is obvious - the ideology is approved (or created) by the leader of the collective (leader, ringleader, party leader, etc.). Now it remains to understand who takes the role of leader in the teenage group.

Leader in the youth community

You see, I imagined how little children play
in the evening in a huge field, in rye. Thousands of babies, and not a soul around,
no adults but me. And I'm standing on the very edge of the cliff,
over the abyss, you know? And my job is to catch kids so that
they did not fall into the abyss. You see, they play and do not see where
they run, and then I run up and catch them so that they do not break. That's
all my work. Guard the guys over the abyss in the rye. I know it's stupid
but that's the only thing I really want.
I must be a fool.

Jerome D. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye"

Man is a social being. Moreover, each of us lives simultaneously in several societies - the people, the family, the labor collective, the association of interests (fishermen friends, for example). Staying in each social niche, in order not to be expelled and feel confident and safe, each individual must follow the rules adopted in this social environment. In addition to specific norms, a hierarchy of relationships is built in any social group.

The hierarchical construction of human groups is inevitable... Whenever we want to create order in a group, starting with two people (for example, pilots or astronauts), we appoint one senior, i.e., we always take as a basis the principle of subordination (V. R Dolnik, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

In human groups with a low level of intelligence, a primitive hierarchy is established, similar to some extent to the hierarchy of the animal community. Intra-group roles in such a team are distributed in a known, once and for all given manner. In a group with a primitive hierarchy there is an "alpha" subject - the Leader (the most aggressive, not necessarily the strongest); it is followed by the subject "beta" - the Advisor (the smartest); all others are ranked into “gamma” subjects - followers and “omega” subjects - downtrodden (Omegas become victims of general group aggression: kicking them is the right and even the duty of everyone; downtrodden do not dare to hit back at anyone: this is tantamount to suicide, since in reprisal against such the whole group will take part with enthusiasm). (Candidate of Medical Sciences A. V. Dobrovich, Moscow Institute of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology).

Children are primitive beings (their intellect is not yet developed), therefore a primitive hierarchy is established in children's groups.

In a social group with a primitive hierarchy, the measure of social position is the power with which you can take values ​​for yourself or force members of the group to act. Aggression, violence, cruelty are the main tools in a social group with a primitive hierarchy. The leader of a group with a primitive hierarchy always and immediately punishes members of the group for violating the rules established in the group.

Scientists were very interested in what kind of individuals form the top of the pyramid in groups with a primitive hierarchy. It turned out that, in addition to aggressiveness, the ability to easily withstand other people's pressure and quickly recover from defeat, all other qualities can be any dominant.
V. R. Dolnik, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences

In 1994, Didier Desor (France, University of Nancy) published a paper in which he experimentally proved that the removal of an alpha individual from society only leads to the fact that the vacant place is immediately occupied by the most aggressive of the remaining ones.

It is very easy for an adult to take the place of a leader in a teenage group.

Firstly, it is in the spirit of tradition - there were parents (adults), and the child listened to them, another adult came to replace them.

Secondly, adults are more erudite, more well-read, etc., they know the answers to questions that arise in children in the process of personality formation and exploration of the world.

Thirdly, adults, unlike children, have more life experience, better predict events, so an adult will see a growing conflict or problem earlier, prevent it from developing, and clarify who is right and who is wrong.

An adult can easily punish anyone for wrongdoing, because he is physically stronger. Therefore, children are instinctively ready to accept an adult as the leader of their group. In order for an adult to become the leader of a teenage team, the teacher needs:

• spend all active time of teenagers with them (in the USSR earlier, but now in all schools for the elite in Britain, the USA and other countries, 1-5 adults are assigned to one group of teenagers, who in shifts control the life of teenagers for 10-12 hours a day). day or around the clock in boarding schools);

• you need to start forming a worldview yourself, without waiting for questions (according to L. S. Vygotsky) (describing who is who, what is what); explain what and why you need to learn in order to take a worthy place in society, etc. In other words, lead;

• reward for achievements and punish for violations, demonstrate justice to the whole group, etc.

If a teacher in a children's team refuses to apply punishment to delinquent children, this will be tantamount to giving up the role of an alpha individual. Children will consider such a teacher “weak”, unfair (after all, for breaking the rules in a primitive society, inevitable punishment should follow) and unworthy. If the teacher publicly loses a martial art with the most aggressive child in the class, classmates will visibly see the incapacity of the proposed concept of the teacher, they will no longer obey him. If the teacher does not take on the function of an alpha individual, this does not mean that there will be no alpha individual in this social group. The most aggressive child will simply become an alpha individual.

An eighth-grader rudely put a teacher out the door in the middle of a lesson for asking him to take off his hood,

Remark. For an event to occur, necessary and sufficient conditions must be met.

Example: "Vasya receives a scholarship at this university." Necessary condition P: "Vasya is a student of this university." Sufficient condition Q: "Vasya studies at this university without triples."

So, in order for Russian teenagers to fall under the influence of teenage leaders, the necessary and sufficient conditions must be met. In our case, they will be:

• Necessary condition - in a teenage team, an adult must transfer the leader's place to the most aggressive of the children.

• A sufficient condition is that for a teenage leader to be able to influence other teens, these teens must spend a significant amount of time daily in the company of this teenage leader.

It turns out that in order to fall under the influence of a teenage leader, schoolchildren should be unoccupied after school and left without adult control. With the lack of control of adults in Russia, everything is in order - the parents are at work, and the teachers-educators have been eliminated as a class. Let's now figure out how many Russian teenagers are doing something after school. After the lessons, children can go in for sports, music, visit various clubs and hobby groups. The most important thing is that these classes should be systematic, that is, they should take the time of teenagers for 3-5 hours daily.

Sports reference number 1. In Russia, sports are very bad. Of the 28,123 million children under the age of 16, 2016 million attended sports clubs in 2,81, and 2015 million in 2,82. ( That is, only about 9,9%. There is currently no mass children's sport in Russia, and even more so there is no mass enthusiasm for any team sport.

Sports reference number 2. The Accounts Chamber checked how mass sports are developing (publication dated February 21, 2021): perhaps the main and most global conclusion is that physical culture, health and sports services are inaccessible for the majority of the population due to the high cost, insufficient development of the network of sports organizations and their distance from places of residence (

Help on circles and music. Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Yarilova said that in 2022, 1 children studied in art schools in Russia ( -vyroslo-na-360-v-rossii/).

Information about patriotic clubs. Apparently, approximately 4 teenagers are attracted to patriotic clubs (

Help for China, Great Britain, Germany. In these countries (and many others), schools are organized on a full-day basis. This means that students are within the walls of the school (and under the supervision of teachers) from 7–8 in the morning until 18–20 in the evening 6 days a week. Schools provide multiple meals. In China, schoolchildren have an obligatory afternoon nap (not in Germany and Britain). Teenagers at school do their homework, spend a lot of time in the library, go in for compulsory sports (this is not physical education, but real training) - 1,5 hours daily (rugby, football, etc.). Many schools have organized compulsory music or theater education. In China, children start working on farms, etc. from the 1st grade. In Germany and Britain, teenagers studying in vocational schools work after school in factories, farms, offices, etc.

Therefore, schoolchildren in China, Britain, Germany and other countries do not need to move around the city to attend sections and music - all this happens on school grounds. And for all students, all services in public schools are absolutely free.

Thus, it turns out that approximately 32% of Russian adolescents (9 adolescents out of 360) are employed on a regular basis outside school hours. The place of professional teachers-mentors for these adolescents is occupied by a coach, a music teacher, organizers of "teenage clubs", etc. Adult mentors, although they do not have a professional educational life guidelines and pave the "vector of the life path" for teenagers as they see it - sports coaches, music teachers, etc. There is no question of any single vision in this case - everyone instructs as he sees fit.

But the remaining 68% of Russian teenagers are generally left to their own devices. And there is an explanation for this - the parents of these teenagers do not have money to pay for very expensive sports, music, etc.

Let's look at the data published on the Internet statistics on the income and expenses of Russian families.

The median salary was 37 rubles... According to information provided by expert channels, inflation in Russia amounted to 429% in September 13,7. Russia ranked 2022th in the world in terms of annual inflation (https://ru.wikipedia .org/ Income of the population of Russia).

The average level of debt load (the ratio of loan payments to borrower income) of Russians decreased from 2022 percent to 55,6 percent in 54 (RIA News from 13.03.2023).

The average Russian family that lives in an apartment building pays 5 rubles per month for utilities (

In the city, an average of 7 rubles per person is spent on food - this is 799% of all monthly expenses. In the village - 31,2 rubles per person, 6% of expenses (

Let's summarize the income and expenses of the average Russian family (mother, father and 1,47 children) in the table:

Remaining free funds: 14 940 rubles.

From this balance, parents need to set aside money for vacations, clothes, sports and entertainment, the purchase of household appliances, repairs, etc., including for the needs of the child. M-yes, Russian families do not live richly. Here is what the analytical center under the Government of the Russian Federation reports about the income of Russian families:

One-sixth of all workers in Russia cannot provide for themselves and their families, according to a bulletin from the government think tank, The Working Poor in Russia and Abroad.
According to Rosstat... the number of working poor... is about 12,1 million people in 2016, or 16,8% of the working-age population, says Vladimir Trubin, an expert at the social policy department of the think tank.
The main share of the poor in Russia are working people with children… says Lilia Ovcharova, director of the Institute for Social Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. About 60% of all the poor are people of working age, of which 90% work

Output. In modern Russia, teachers are deprived of the opportunity to educate adolescents, due to the fact that in the current education system there are no full-time positions that would control the activities of adolescents after school hours and would carry out not educational, but educational work throughout the day from 6 to 19 years. In addition, in the Russian Federation it is legally prohibited for teachers to educate teenagers.

For this reason, in modern Russia, in approximately 32% of teenage groups, the role of leaders is occupied by sports coaches, music teachers and teachers of hobby groups. Without a special education, to the best of their talents, these devotees educate about 32% of Russian teenagers within the framework of the beliefs inherent in each individual coach or music teacher, etc., instill in teenagers their worldview, moral standards, life values ​​and guidelines. These 32% of Russian teenagers receive the vector of the "life path" set by their adult mentors. Of course, you need to understand that not all sports coaches or music teachers, or teachers of various circles are patriots and instill the “necessary” values.

But in the remaining 68% of teenage teams, the role of leaders is occupied by the most aggressive teenagers in the class. And it is these teenage leaders who choose the ideology in which 68% of our children are brought up.

Remark. For me personally, this discovery was a complete shock. We all know that any profession needs to be learned. There are professions that are more difficult to master, and there are easier ones. But no one in their right mind will sit at the helm of an airplane or behind the wheel of a car without training.

It is not difficult to conceive and give birth to a child, but not everyone can mold a good person and citizen with cardinal virtues from this “piece of clay”. Even the ancient Greeks learned this, and the “cult of the teacher” flourished among them - the Greeks tried to give their child to a proven teacher (for money). For example, Alexander the Great was brought up by Aristotle. In modern China, there is also a “cult of the teacher”, and parents make great efforts and spend a lot of money to transfer their children to proven teachers for the education.

In Russia, as well as in other countries, parents delegate the right to raise their child to a school (i.e., the state) so that the state raises a real citizen. And the Russian state, "without declaring war", it turns out, transfers the upbringing of its future citizens (our children) to some arrogant and aggressive teenagers!

I have something to compare. I wasn’t brought up by my parents either – my parents, like all other parents, were at work all day. I, like all the children of the USSR, almost all the time was under the supervision of adult mentors - a coach, counselors and teachers, etc.: morning training (coach), homework (by myself), school (teachers), evening training (coach) ; periodically collecting waste paper, acorns and scrap metal (class teacher). We had a car business at school from the 8th grade. And after school, twice a week, we worked at a car repair plant. Driving was also after school. In the summer, one or two months in the summer labor and recreation camp "Karlygash" ("Swallow"), weeding tobacco or picking strawberries, cherry plums, etc. We went there, by the way, on our own "training" GAZ-53. Since then, we all have category B and C licenses.

In the USSR, the system of control over difficult-to-educate adolescents was also well thought out outside the school - through the head of the class and through the institution of mentors, who were assigned to those who were lagging behind. By the way, this is how the process of controlling teenagers outside the school is organized in British boarding colleges for the upper caste - Hurtwood House, King's School Canterbury, Abbey College Cambridge, Abbey College Manchester, etc.

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61 comment
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  1. +10
    6 May 2023 05: 33
    I have already talked about teachers.
    The school should be a source of knowledge and is not obliged to educate those who come there to "smoke the primer" or do not want to follow the established rules.
    It is the pedagogical council that should be empowered to expel a student who does not want to comply with the established rules. Let him finish his studies at a private school or in a special school ... This is very sobering ...
    Revenge yards and streets, recycle garbage at the factory, work as a loader - no special knowledge is required ...
    * * *
    Russia is not dying. Russia is seriously ill.
    There is only one cure for the disease - renewed socialism with its principle: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work."
    All talk about some special effectiveness of private property IN ALL SPHERES OF LIFE is chatter in favor of the poor ... Spiritually poor ...
    Parasitism kills the living because the PARASITE lives at the expense of others...
    And stop shaking your grandmother!
    1. +9
      6 May 2023 12: 14
      Grandmothers are now forced to plow even in retirement, so it’s impossible to “shag” them, and so our state is well settled, no participation and assistance, but eventually give them a conscious, patriotic citizen, moreover, you plow like an ox and you almost don’t see a child. ..
    2. -3
      6 May 2023 19: 54
      In article 3, the topics are demography, school, and upbringing, you don’t need to mix these topics into a vinaigrette, it’s confusing.
      Demography in all developed countries is falling, but they solve this problem with the promotion of large families, the importation of migrants, social support with free schools and food.
      In Poland, they issue a Pole's card and actively import young people for study, from neighboring countries. The states give green cards to talents and lure the smart ones and bring in hundreds of thousands of migrants. etc. The Russian Federation does not issue green cards and the general policy of importing talents and whites is quite passive, this is true, although students from the CIS go to study in Russia and mostly stay there.
      There are few villages in the Russian Federation, but there is a high birth rate, it is necessary to support the countryside by helping with the sale of milk and meat in the city markets by expelling intermediaries who do not allow the village to develop. Oddly enough, but the villagers are very poorly versed in the agricultural sector, there are videos of Western farmers in comparison with which you will not look at our villagers without tears. That is why it is necessary to set up an experimental household and a greenhouse at rural schools where they would teach modern methods of growing vegetables in a greenhouse, chickens and turkeys.

      But the remaining 68% of Russian teenagers are generally left to their own devices. And there is an explanation for this - the parents of these teenagers do not have money,

      There is a friend, so he hires an English nanny for a 2-year-old daughter, they also take their daughter to the pool to an individual trainer, apparently they want to raise an Olympic champion or an academician, but sorry, the state will not be able to help here. Not everyone will be academics, someone needs to turn the screws.

      for the majority of the population, physical culture and health and sports services are not available due to the high cost, insufficient development of the network of sports organizations and their remoteness from their places of residence

      In our district, sports grounds were built in the yards with high mesh fences, so the children play football from lunch to dusk and there is no need for any sections of coaches, etc. the author directly yearns for a strong hand that will fix everything.
      For mass sports, you just need to make sports grounds in the yards and do not need any high-cost services.

      In general, there is no need to bury the Russian Federation directly "everything is gone they remove the plaster" our schools are more or less normal. Secondly, there are problems in all, including rich countries. There are no problems only in paradise, where lions eat grass and everyone is friends, there are always problems on the sinful Earth, you should not make a tragedy and wring your hands out of hopelessness.

      1. +1
        6 May 2023 23: 31
        Yes, finally, all the rules, I have traveled around the familiar floor of Europe. Full, drunk and nose in tobacco) Sports grounds - fire! Everything else is their own fault. You are just super! The article is about systemic problems, or rather about the result of their consequences, i.e. already sailed about, and not about Yerema.
  2. +11
    6 May 2023 05: 33
    It will not be possible to protect a child, a future citizen, from everyday life. A person is largely shaped by what surrounds him. And if from an early age he sees hypocrisy, hypocrisy, sycophancy in an adult environment, then in the future he will either be an aggressive truth-seeker, or he will know who to break his hat to and whom to simply despise.
    1. +9
      6 May 2023 08: 51
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      or he will know before whom to break his hat, and whom simply to despise.

      You must remember such a hero:
      My father bequeathed to me:
      First, to please all people without exception -
      the owner, where you happen to live,
      the boss with whom I will serve,
      his servant who cleans clothes,
      doorman, janitor, to avoid evil,
      janitor's dog, so that it was affectionate.

      I want to correct you: in a society devoid of a heroic history, ideology, with an instilled love for the “golden calf” and a lack of bias towards the nature of the origin of the state of aggressive truth-seekers, it is very difficult to find ... As statesmen for the post of president of the country.
      Undisguised arrogance, hypocrisy, idolatry, caste hierarchy in a society where every tenth person is a beggar, and 14 people out of a thousand “light on thousand-ruble bills”; in a society riddled with lies, where there are more parasites than creators, where speculation is the main method of accumulation, waiting for the appearance of Stalin or anyone else is a waste of time.
      * * *
      Some bastard lives on the site, who cannot write two sentences connected by one thought, and makes four mistakes in the word “more”.
      No one responds to proposals to disclose information about “plusers” and “minusators”. Under these conditions, it remains only to assume that these “anonymous” people are trying to bring something good and useful into communication ... They have bred like stinky bugs, and people with their point of view simply disappear from the site ... And very intelligent people ...
      * * *
      By the way, in the army, after a year, penalties from a serviceman are automatically removed if he has not received new ones this year ... And yet, if the site is related to military service, they don’t punish twice for one offense ...
      1. 0
        6 May 2023 18: 05
        Quote: ROSS 42
        people with their point of view simply disappear from the site ... And very intelligent people ...

        And the whole bitter irony is that you and people like you had a hand in this. On the one hand, as you said, "some kind of bastard", although rather they are just imbeciles who are minus, because this is the limit of their cognitive functions.
        And on the other hand, YOUR brethren - aggressive infantile extremists who bawl slogans, "stigmatize", "expose", look for the guilty (there are aces in general, inquisitors are children next to you), but are not able to give birth to a single CONSTRUCTIVE and VIABLE idea, one Manilovism , populism and bawling.
        There is no one to talk to, no one wants to hear anyone or anything, everyone is blind and deaf in the holy faith in the "infallibility" of their personal opinion, imagining themselves to be the ultimate truth and ready to bark at all those who disagree with foam at the mouth.
        Rocking the boat, looking for someone to blame and throwing at the fan - the ceiling of the initiative.

        And you personally are the captain of the evidence - you are shaking the air from the armored car "THIS IS NECESSARY, IT IS NECESSARY"! Just like a party worker at a Komsomol congress (or a priest at a sermon, no difference). And I have never seen from you an adequate and REALIZABLE plan for the implementation of even a grain of your calls. Everything should be done by a hypothetical someone, for you and for you.
        You are like a drowning man who shakes his fist at the sky instead of rowing.

        Quote: ROSS 42
        Undisguised swagger, hypocrisy, idolatry, caste hierarchy in a society where every tenth person is a beggar, and 14 people out of a thousand “light on thousand-ruble bills”; in a society riddled with lies, where there are more parasites than creators, where speculation is the main way of accumulation

        This very society - this is you, it is not "somewhere out there", it is in you, in everyone and in everyone. You may not see it, but I from the outside - yes. And everything that happened to him is your "merit", not the "Zionists", not the Yankees, not the reptilians, but yours and only yours, because you connived and allowed it. Because when you really had to do something with your hands and feet, you "denounced and branded", thinking that you would inspire someone to do everything for you, and these "someone" thought the same about you, in the end you all sat together and they were waiting for it to "dissolve itself", waiting. Didn't dissolve.

        Quote: ROSS 42
        Russia is not dying. Russia is seriously ill.

        I would say leukemia.
        Its root is in the disintegration of the culture and morality of society. It happened when corruption, theft and nepotism became the norm, when the majority of society accepted them.
        And to be honest, I no longer see realistic scenarios for getting out of this situation. sad

        Py.Sy. I understand perfectly well that I am throwing beads, and I won’t get through to anyone, but it boiled over.
        1. 0
          7 May 2023 20: 29
          Here I agree with you. Take a quick look here - smart people are sitting on the site. In the comments, they can put forward interesting proposals and thoughts, sometimes even speculate on a large scale. But in general, when talking about the future of the country, in most cases it all comes down to a rollback to the Soviet Union. And when asked why it fell apart, if it was a paradise on earth, traitors who were bribed, CIA agents who penetrated to the very top (but not to the middle and lower link, no!) ... immediately pop up in the discussion. the petty, actually, factors. And I have never seen a discussion of the defects of the system itself, in the restoration of which some see a solution to the problems of today's Russia. And even to the question "Why didn't you go to defend your paradise yourself?" The older generation answers me in such a way that it comes out not guilty of anything: “They deceived me,” “I didn’t know,” “It all happened in Moscow while we were in the field.” And I'm not even judging. I myself am like that - a lover of sitting on the sidelines, watching and not shining until they call me personally. It's better not to climb, otherwise your head will be torn off. But gentlemen, if you are cowards, have the courage to at least admit it!
          Quote: And Us Rat
          Its root is in the disintegration of the culture and morality of society. It happened when corruption, theft and nepotism became the norm, when the majority of society accepted them.

          That's what it has become the norm for the ENTIRE society that's for sure. Everyone swears when top officials violate instructions, when they are "oiled", when laws are violated. But at the same time, there are cases of demands for the extradition of criminals for the people's court, everyone is dissatisfied with grassroots bureaucrats resting on instructions and protocols. And now the illegal, in fact, illegal armed group "Wagner" is also popular throughout the country (with recognition of all the merits of the "musicians"). And in the general public, no one, nowhere, has ever raised the issue of legalizing Wagner, which is typical (or I just missed it). This is to the question of the real attitude to the rule of law in our country. Why, Kadyrov openly says that he explained something to Prigozhin "according to concepts."
          And more something about ourselves. I regularly see calls to intensify propaganda work. Throughout the last century, people fought against being poured, excuse me, shit into their heads. And then suddenly they realized that they were not getting enough shit ... how is that at all?

          As for the proposals... well, let's not fall into radicalism. So I guess we should just... wait. We now have a monarchy, then immediately the dictatorship of the party, and only 30 years ago they said that - wow! - It's time to build a state of law with a civil society. So I only hope that over time we will vote not for those who are necessary, but for those for whom we decided after at least half an hour of reflection on the fact of reading at least the election programs. And certainly not to ignore the elections, so that later in any situation you can cry "I did not choose them." To be honest, I thought that the formation of such a system - like the American one, which has already proved its efficiency - will take place at the end of Putin's terms, in order to ensure that some Naval Alekseev does not accidentally come to power. But with all this I don’t even know ... Perhaps we missed the civil society train, and we need to immediately move on to creating a distributed consciousness by connecting the minds of all citizens into a network using chipping? So we will overtake America on this path.
          1. -2
            7 May 2023 21: 36
            I would abandon the Presidential model in favor of the Parliamentary Republic: The leader must be responsible for his team, the Retinue makes the King. And then all the time, the Tsar is good, the boyars are bad ...

            Parliamentarism can be easily launched not by laws (the effect is long), but by parliamentary investigations.
            1. The comment was deleted.
  3. +18
    6 May 2023 05: 59
    In my opinion, the author correctly described what is happening in the country. And let those who disagree say that it all starts with the family. Yes, but the role of the state is to help her raise a child with dignity.
    About the "mass character" of sports from life:
    Neighbor down the street has 3 sons..
    The eldest developed a love for hockey. Competitions, trips, ice, ammunition... While we were skating in tournaments, we noticed a guy and invited him to the sports school of one of the top clubs. He lived, studied and trained there. A year has passed ... They call their father and say: yes, your son shows promise, but this cannot continue for free. The cost is about 1 million per year.
    Let me remind you that two more younger ones are growing up ..
    It was sad to look at the boy... He understands everything, but....
    He's a boy.
    Many small-town sections, by the way, exist only thanks to the enthusiasm of those who are not indifferent. Not thanks, but in spite of, rather. There are examples here too.
    But you get a whole opus, if you describe.
    I mean, all sorts of Siriuses are certainly good, but this is very small.
    In my childhood, in That Country, in addition to the Palaces of Sports and the Palaces of Pioneers, each school had a lot of circles and sections, absolutely free! Everyone went to sports, or even 2-3 sections, and they also made models, who were planes, who were ships and TDs. There was a mass...
    Today, without money - nowhere
    Just some kind of curse
    1. +4
      6 May 2023 12: 19
      This curse is called capitalism without brakes....
      1. +2
        6 May 2023 13: 04
        Capitalism is also in the West, but nevertheless, children are given attention, and a lot of attention and for free for children.
      2. +3
        6 May 2023 18: 09
        Quote: Warrior with machine gun
        This curse is called capitalism without brakes....

        Beys interfere with a bad dancer.
        There is no capitalism in the Russian Federation, and in fact there never has been, what you are seeing is kleptocracy.
    2. 0
      9 May 2023 18: 42
      About the "mass character" of sports from life:
      Neighbor down the street has 3 sons..
      The eldest developed a love for hockey. Competitions, trips, ice, ammunition... While we were skating in tournaments, we noticed a guy and invited him to the sports school of one of the top clubs. He lived, studied and trained there. A year has passed ... They call their father and say: yes, your son shows promise, but this cannot continue for free. The cost is about 1 million per year.

      "Mass character" and "gives hope" are two different things. It's about the NHL and the millions. wink

      And for health it is more useful to play just not in a big club. laughing
    3. 0
      10 May 2023 18: 55
      This is not only a curse, it is also a punishment for those, if you want to live like a human being, then you need to steal, rob and kill. This is how the country is built and they give an example - America. Although they don’t say what America got into an advanced country on.
  4. +14
    6 May 2023 06: 05
    . in Russia, ideology is prohibited by the Constitution - Article 13 prohibits ideology.

    The ideology and the national idea is an attempt to answer the question: who are we, why are we, what do we want, where are we going, and why the hell should we be patriots?
    But our wise helmsman did it easier. He did not answer the previous questions, but immediately, without philosophizing slyly, suggested that patriotism be considered a complete national idea. Say, love the state regardless of anything. It is what it is. And where are we going ... but who knows!
    1. +12
      6 May 2023 07: 59
      And where are we going ... but who knows!

      "Where are we going with Piglet -
      Big-big secret!
      And we will not tell about it
      Oh no and no and...
      - Yes?..
      - No with)
      Piglet and Winnie are walking through the forest:
      - Winnie, Winnie, where are we going?
      - Cut the pig!
      What if she doesn't agree?
      - Yes, who will ask you!
    2. +1
      6 May 2023 18: 07
      Quote: Stas157
      . in Russia, ideology is prohibited by the Constitution - Article 13 prohibits ideology.

      The ideology and the national idea is an attempt to answer the question: who are we, why are we, what do we want, where are we going, and why the hell should we be patriots?
      But our wise helmsman did it easier. He did not answer the previous questions, but immediately, without philosophizing slyly, suggested that patriotism be considered a complete national idea. Say, love the state regardless of anything. It is what it is. And where are we going ... but who knows!
      Remember: "The state is me!"? winked
  5. +19
    6 May 2023 06: 37
    Today, Russia is lagging behind in scientific and technological progress, many sectors of the economy are in decline, sanctions have placed a heavy burden on the shoulders of the economy. Enemies are doing their best to destroy our Motherland. The future is hazy and unsettling.
    The decline of Russia occurred thanks to the enemies? And what? Internal? Or Outer? It turns out 32 years, the country is under occupation?
    1. -3
      6 May 2023 09: 26
      All power to the Soviets!

      Quote: parusnik
      It turns out 32 years, the country is under occupation?

      And whose flag is over the country? Think ours? No - this is the flag of the invaders.

      "State symbols and state sovereignty":

      The victory parade is coming soon... Whose parade is this, who is the winner, if this parade is led by the banner of those who killed our grandfathers under it...
    2. +5
      6 May 2023 10: 43
      It turns out... Yes... """""
    3. +12
      6 May 2023 10: 58
      Quote: parusnik
      The decline of Russia occurred thanks to the enemies? And what? Internal? Or Outer? It turns out 32 years, the country is under occupation?

      Undoubtedly, it is Biden who makes them take bribes, ruin industry, carry out reforms in science, education, medicine such that as a result a scorched field remains, take trillions abroad and squeeze all the juice out of the people. That's how we defeat the damned Biden, and we'll panic.
      1. +9
        6 May 2023 11: 28
        Undoubtedly, it is Biden who makes them take bribes, ruin the industry
        This is what Bill Clinton did, friend, EBN, with the rest of Western politicians, and their successors continued this vile business. laughing
      2. +3
        6 May 2023 18: 14
        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
        Undoubtedly, it is Biden who makes them take bribes, ruin industry, carry out reforms in science, education, medicine such that as a result a scorched field remains, take trillions abroad and squeeze all the juice out of the people.

        By love!!! fellow It cannot be otherwise! wassat

        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
        That's how we defeat the damned Biden, and we'll panic.

        Yep, running twice. lol
        The cursed one is immortal, although he may change his name. Yes
        After all, he was carrying an external enemy, he would have to take responsibility for himself.
        1. Alf
          6 May 2023 20: 22
          Quote: And Us Rat
          After all, he was carrying an external enemy, he would have to take responsibility for himself.

  6. +11
    6 May 2023 06: 44
    Do you think, considering the people as serfs, you can grow patriotic serfs? Only when the level of education returns to the 19th century and earlier ... Otherwise, cognitive dissonance arises ...
  7. +12
    6 May 2023 07: 05 Russia is in a very difficult phase of its development. In the 32 years after the collapse of the USSR, almost 16 people died "in excess" in Russia and 000 children were not born, in total, Russia lost 000 people in 26 years. Today, Russia is lagging behind in scientific and technological progress, many sectors of the economy are in decline, sanctions have placed a heavy burden on the shoulders of the economy. Enemies are doing their best to destroy our Motherland. The future is hazy and unsettling.

    No need to worry so much, the problems are already being solved: "...compared to 2011, the speed of issuing Russian passports to Tajiks alone has increased by almost 30 times. If in 2011 6152 Tajiks received citizenship of the Russian Federation, then in 2022 - 173 634"
    In connection with the above, most of the problems of the article are simply irrelevant.
    1. +16
      6 May 2023 09: 15
      Quote: Wildcat
      If in 2011 6152 Tajiks received citizenship of the Russian Federation, then in 2022 - 173 634

      "Russian World" in all its surreal beauty... After all, migrants do not want to integrate into Russian society. On the contrary, they create diasporas that promote their interests. At the same time, they are beginning to take root in politics and law enforcement agencies. With demographics, they also have everything in openwork - just have time to pay benefits. And, since the appetite comes with eating, then everything will be "more and more fun." But not for native Russians.
  8. +8
    6 May 2023 08: 25
    First, the war must be won, and judging by the unfolding events, this is a very such question of questions. And God forbid it doesn’t burn out, then the 90s will still seem like a normal time.
    1. +4
      6 May 2023 12: 25
      There is one thing, but those who brewed this porridge are somehow in no hurry to cook it to the desired condition, and soon it may burn out ....
  9. -9
    6 May 2023 08: 49
    All power to the Soviets!

    Quote: A. Grezin
    In the 32 years after the collapse of the USSR, almost 16 people died "in excess" in Russia and 000 children were not born, in total, Russia lost 000 people in 26 years.

    Number manipulation.
    This is exactly the same as in 1917 the Trotskyists staged the genocide of the peoples of Russia, the Bolsheviks are to blame, who only after 1924 began to seize control and stop mockery of the country. However, the Bolshevik Stalin is to blame for everything. And today you want to blame Putin for the lawlessness of the 90s? Shift all the responsibility to him?

    A note to Khrushchev, in which data is taken from the year 21 (not even from 1924), when the Bolsheviks did not rule - all decisions in the party are made by majority vote. The Trotskyists had the majority in a ratio of ~ 1: 8 in favor of the Trotskyists ...

    It must be borne in mind that this list includes Binderites, Vlasovites, flattering brothers, policemen, traitors and just criminals.

    About ideology.
    Ideology, culture, education, etc. are secondary to the concept.

    First we decide how we will live, what we want to build, what we will leave to the children - we create a concept.

    Then under the concept we create ideologies, the carriers of which are the parties, in order to attract as many supporters of the concept as possible (to whom Marxism, to whom liberalism, etc.) because, as the classics of Marxism-Leninism said: "Until the idea has taken possession of the masses, it is dead."

    If today the concept is not announced to us, this does not mean that it does not exist. The goals of the dominant concept can be judged by the most influential party - United Russia, whose goal is the exploitation of man-man ...

    If we want to change the vector of Russia's movement from capitalism to socialism, we need to change the concept. Everything else will follow. Other conversations are harmful and lead the people around the circle of hopelessness...

    About school.
    Knowledge is given to the people as needed to solve the tasks set by the ruler.
    Tsarist Russia is an agrarian country, 3 classes of a parish church are enough.
    In the USSR, industrialization required an increase in the knowledge of workers - 10 years for everyone.
    Russia in the 90s. Country gas station - enough ege.
    Today's Russia has challenged the West (like the USSR under Stalin), there is a second wave of industrialization. We need educated staff.
    1. +2
      6 May 2023 14: 14
      Tsarist Russia is an agrarian country, 3 classes of a parish church are enough.
      In the USSR, industrialization required an increase in the knowledge of workers - 10 years for everyone.
      Russia in the 90s. Country gas station - enough ege.

      And how many years do they study at a gas station?
      1. -4
        6 May 2023 15: 05
        All power to the Soviets!

        Quote: Arzt
        And how many years do they study at a gas station?

        In the "gas station" they study as long as finances allow.
    2. +1
      6 May 2023 16: 44
      Boris 55 - everything is so. That's right. Only a small addition - Lenin is much meaner and cooler than Trotsky and his supporters. His demand alone to turn the imperialist war into a civil war is worth something! And I.V. Stalin, starting with Khrushch - who just didn’t kick! But the man really was a genius - he created a system that made the country a superpower, under him a nuclear umbrella was created that protects us to this day, and it was under him that the foundations of our success in space were laid ... And our guarantor was appointed drunk EBN, who ruined, finished off the country. And the guarantor honors the drunk, building centers of his memory.
  10. +8
    6 May 2023 09: 20
    Average level of debt load (the ratio of payments on loans to the income of the borrower) of Russians in 2022 decreased from 55,6 percent to 54 (RIA Novosti from 13.03.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX).

    What can be said here if:
    Law Guaranteeing the Recovery and Preservation of Savings, placed before June 20, 1991 on deposits with Sberbank and before January 1, 1992 - on deposits in state insurance organizations and government securities of the USSR and the RSFSR, was adopted in 1995. He assumes that the guaranteed savings are considered to be Russia's domestic public debt and will be compensated by transferring them to the country's earmarked debt obligations using the debt ruble.

    The State Duma deputies postponed the decision on this issue to 2024 (not all investors have died out yet), and a certain Gref, who promised Sberbank shareholders to give half a trillion rubles as a gift, is alive and well ... A fucking billionaire.
    The average Russian family that lives in an apartment building pays 5 rubles per month for utilities (

    Let it be known to everyone that payment for housing and communal services can be reduced by 20% only and only by the adoption of a law on the abolition of VAT on housing and communal services ...
  11. +2
    6 May 2023 11: 39
    No guys, I won’t give you a machine gun (C).........
  12. +9
    6 May 2023 11: 39
    Life in our country is becoming less and less calm due to the invasion of migrants who stray into their national communities. These Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz come from the most Russophobic sub-states in which the genocide of Russian-speaking people flourished and flourishes. They killed, robbed, and our government did not demand an apology for the evil done. Now these pastoralists are washing out the indigenous population of Russia - after all, they breed like rabbits. Crime is growing and it is not heard that one of them was deprived of citizenship, deported to their village. It is necessary to lift the moratorium on the death penalty and punishment for migrants should be tougher than for the local population. Our government is mistaken, believing that migrants are useful to our "businessmen" and spoil only ordinary citizens of Russia - over time, the criminal clans of cattle breeders who have settled in our country will become a problem for the country.
    1. -1
      6 May 2023 18: 53
      Now these pastoralists are washing out the indigenous population of Russia

      Cattle breeders do not sit on sites, unlike you, why are cattle breeders and not you to blame for the fact that your family will soon die out?
  13. +3
    6 May 2023 12: 57
    And what can a teacher or a school as a whole really do with such a gopnik who puts a teacher out the door? But nothing! Well, invite your parents to threaten him with a finger. There is no real punishment that would affect his at least the near future and make him think with his head about his behavior does not exist.
  14. +1
    6 May 2023 13: 06
    It's time to stop oiling popular images of a country that no longer exists.

    Often, for many, it is associated simply with the fact that then there was youth and the grass was greener.

    You have to think with your own head and proceed not from the fact that "well, everything has been invented for us for a long time."

    Otherwise, we will continue to exploit the eternally Soviet legacy and hope for the will of the old people, who know everything better at the top, constantly lamenting that all the polymers were not where they should be.

    You can see how much more visible. Someone sees the second year, someone thirty-second.
  15. +3
    6 May 2023 14: 24
    You can remember 2 things:
    1) Many people who came to the organized criminal group of the 90s and now, they wrote, are from the environment of power sports schools. Boxing, wrestling, barbell.
    That is, the upbringing there is - strong, aggressive, lucky, with money for victories - you're right.
    2) The incorruptibility of Medvedev's speeches (that he wildly hates Omerika, as his son was kicked out of there) - There will be no money, a teacher is a vocation, you have to earn money for a living in other places (literally, the essence of the words)
  16. +1
    6 May 2023 14: 24
    Help for China, Great Britain, Germany. In these countries (and many others), schools are organized on a full-day basis. This means that students are within the walls of the school (and under the supervision of teachers) from 7–8 in the morning until 18–20 in the evening 6 days a week. Schools provide multiple meals. In China, schoolchildren have an obligatory afternoon nap (not in Germany and Britain). Teenagers at school do their homework, spend a lot of time in the library, go in for compulsory sports (this is not physical education, but real training) - 1,5 hours daily (rugby, football, etc.). Many schools have organized compulsory music or theater education. In China, children start working on farms, etc. from the 1st grade. In Germany and Britain, teenagers studying in vocational schools work after school in factories, farms, offices, etc.

    Therefore, schoolchildren in China, Britain, Germany and other countries do not need to move around the city to attend sections and music - all this happens on school grounds. And for all students, all services in public schools are absolutely free.

    The most important of the entire article.

    Before the age of 18, personality is formed. Therefore, all the main lines of development should be at school. Specifically, in the school building.
    General education, sports, music, art - all in one place. To do this, the school must be large - for about 5000 students. Then it will be cost-effective to keep at school, for example, coaches in 15 sports. Pupils must be transported to this large school by school buses. And live in it from 9.00 to 18.00. While the parents are at work.

    In fact - a factory for creating personalities. This is how it is organized in the USA. Yes

    PS And no fucking homework! At home, you have to play cards with mom and drink beer with dad! laughing
  17. +3
    6 May 2023 17: 28
    Quote: Arzt
    The most important of the entire article.

    Before the age of 18, personality is formed. Therefore, all the main lines of development should be at school. Specifically, in the school building.
    General education, sports, music, art - all in one place. To do this, the school must be large - for about 5000 students. Then it will be cost-effective to keep at school, for example, coaches in 15 sports. Pupils must be transported to this large school by school buses. And live in it from 9.00 to 18.00. While the parents are at work.

    In fact - a factory for creating personalities. That's how it's done in the US

    Or maybe immediately - a pig farm? Or a poultry farm? It's exactly like that there.
    And - all in one big Moscow. And you don’t have to go to serve - they will smear everyone together.
    Army - from the remains of villages and small towns.
    1. +1
      9 May 2023 18: 51
      Or maybe immediately - a pig farm? Or a poultry farm? It's exactly like that there.
      And - all in one big Moscow. And you don’t have to go to serve - they will smear everyone together.
      Army - from the remains of villages and small towns.

      In a figurative sense. The army is also a factory for the formation of personalities.
      In steep private schools in the West, by the way, the boarding system. You see mom and dad only on weekends, and sometimes only on vacation.

      Have you watched Harry Potter? The interiors were filmed at Christ Church College, Oxford. This is how the children of the British elite learn. And then the grandmothers will relax, and then the heir will swell the family fortune ... laughing
  18. +8
    6 May 2023 17: 37
    The author may even write the right things, but there is exactly zero sense from them in the current Putin system. Everything was the same at the beginning of the XNUMXs at the peak of LiveJournal's popularity - many bloggers already wrote in it how to equip Russia, how to make it better, etc., etc. That's just the benefit of this writing, it's like plowing the sea. It's all at the level of get-togethers with dreamy utopias.

    In the system that our dear and beloved Vladimir Vladimirovich built, the tsar-father alone decides everything with his absolute power. As he decides, so be it. He knows for everyone what our people need. The CPSU, with its one-party system, was still managed by a huge team in which there were discussions between different profiles of the committees. And now everything is decided by one single person in the country. Well, waiting for some useful initiatives from the State Duma is like asking for sewer drains to turn into jelly. In general, I vaguely understand - why is the State Duma needed, and even in four parties?

    In my opinion, Russia will be saved and changed by the Bolshevik-level factions that came to power in 1917. These brilliant people, led by Lenin, knew in advance what they wanted and how they would build a new world. Just compare the intelligence of any of them with some Volodin from the State Duma. Do you really think that our oldest tsar-father, obviously living in his otherworldly universe, with the State Duma of imbeciles, will be able to change Russia and generally build a new future?
    1. +6
      6 May 2023 19: 08
      our oldest tsar-father, obviously living in his otherworldly universe,

      You do not understand the structure of power at all.

      He does this not because of his wishes, but as a representative and spokesman for the interests of the oligarchy of resource sellers
      More specifically, the policy of the country of the winning comprador:
      - minimization of losses i.e. salaries of workers and social systems, minimal funding for medicine and education.
      -compensation for falling profits at the expense of the population.
      - export of profits abroad.
      In our country, they dig profits from the earth, therefore, the population is, as it were, superfluous, therefore they save, in the west, the population working in industry and services produces material products and profits are therefore taken care of.
  19. +1
    6 May 2023 23: 21
    Well, laws are adopted and salaries are clearly not paid by teachers and not working poor families. So there's nothing to be done. Maybe we'll see how it all ends.
  20. 0
    7 May 2023 11: 12
    It is very fashionable to scold today's Russia and remember with tears what we have lost. Emotions are everything!
    But, if you try to operate with facts, it becomes clear that this did not start today. The demographic growth of the USSR was provided mainly by the Asian republics and the Transcaucasus, the RSFSR never beat records with a birth rate.

    Taken from
    1. -3
      7 May 2023 16: 57
      Exactly! Therefore, the conclusion is that everything started earlier. Russians began to be crushed after the revolution. How? Where? Everything is cunning, you can get to the bottom, but not the point, the end in itself is not in digging. There is a decrease in growth, this is the result. If there is a result, then there were actions. - "In general, it is a well-known case that we have ahead with you ..."
      1. -2
        7 May 2023 23: 01
        Quote: awdrgy
        Russians began to be crushed after the revolution. How? Where? Everything is cunning, you can get to the bottom, but not the point, the end in itself is not in digging. There is a decrease in growth, this is the result. Once the result...

        Even Adolf Aloizych wrote more than 100 years ago that if a people is not able to create a normal state that will not destroy it, then this people is not full-fledged. And something needs to be done about it.

        Our patriots, who have been arguing for decades that "Russians are being crushed" - - have not yet thought of this simple thought. So who was right? .
        1. -3
          7 May 2023 23: 34
          Quote: ivan2022
          Adolf Aloizych wrote that if a people is not able to create a normal state, then this people is not full-fledged

          Vanya, I already know that for you the mentioned Persian is the first authority. But you, Vanya, do not forget that he is far from being an authority for everyone. And for some - it’s even quite the opposite ... Vanya Yes

          (aside): that's how much I communicate with the young - normal, in general, people. But it looks like the family has its black sheep...
        2. -1
          7 May 2023 23: 55
          - "Aloizych, not full-fledged and yet" .. hmm. Well, that's conspiracy theories.
  21. +1
    7 May 2023 19: 58
    Quote: awdrgy
    Russians began to be crushed after the revolution. How? Where? Everything is cunning

    I do not agree.
    It's not about some kind of pressure, not about genocide and not about cunning intrigues.
    It's just that at some point the priorities changed. Instead of promoting family values, we began to study more, work more, pay more attention (and time, of course) to public concerns and problems, moving away from personal ones. All this sooner or later had to affect the demographics.
    In general, demography is a double-edged sword. It's a long-known fact (I hope I won't offend anyone): the higher the educational qualification of a society, the lower the quality of families. And, accordingly, the birth rate is lower.
    1. +1
      8 May 2023 00: 11
      So we look at what stage the priorities changed, who and how gave impetus, etc. (statements, political agenda, advertising, work with health care, including strange deaths of officials with certain views, etc.) From here we will see what preparatory work was carried out. Everything is standard - a pile of old newspapers and a lot of time. It is more difficult with financial flows. Moreover, you will have to consider a long period (several decades). Such work is not carried out quickly. But this is already digging. You can dig, but not the point. We can consider all this conspiracy theory, the result that we have will not change at a given moment in time.
  22. +1
    8 May 2023 02: 29
    In Britain, teenagers studying in vocational schools work after school in factories, farms, offices, etc.

    o schoolchildren are within the walls of the school (and under the supervision of teachers) from 7-8 in the morning until 18-20 in the evening 6 days a week.

    The author is not in the subject from the word at all - the above were rummaging around under my windows (when I lived in another apartment not far from school and college) already at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. devouring cheap McDuck burgers and throwing garbage around. It's in England, by the way.
  23. -2
    9 May 2023 16: 53
    The problem of Russia's extinction is matriarchy. Rabid matriarchy. The rights of women, duties to men led to the collapse of the institution of family and marriage. We should learn a lot in this from the same Afghanistan.
    1. -1
      10 May 2023 02: 52
      In ... In .... The Russian people are hindered by their own women and they need to "learn" from the "same" - from the most backward ... Not a weak result of a thousand-year development.

      I still thought that this is our official "patriotic" propaganda, talking about the way Adolf Aloizych 100 years ago. But no!..... eklmn... I read the comments, it turns out that the commentators themselves argue this way and even absolutely did not understand this !!
      HE. heh .. Congratulations .. the finish is complete.
  24. 0
    10 May 2023 11: 05
    about the fact that you need to raise children - any seedy psychologist will tell you that raising a child begins to read from YOURSELF. it is useless to talk about the benefits of music/sports/reading/study if among all your hobbies there is beer and cinema on the laptop. the same applies to smoking/drunk. it is difficult to explain to a child why it is impossible to smoke while inhaling Marlboro. the argument "you are a child - follow the command" is generally well ...
    About the fact that there are not enough sports grounds, this is of course not true. they are. I have a school near my house with good horizontal bars and bars, there is a football field, albeit not very flat. And how many do you think there is a person doing all this usually? about 0, sometimes 1. mostly they go for a walk with dogs.
  25. 0
    10 May 2023 15: 40
    The modern government believes that we need to give people more money, and they will breed) Modern bloggers and "experts" believe that we need to deceive people better by telling them beautiful fairy tales, and children will be)
    In fact, there is nothing complicated in the question. There are two reasons why modern "developed" countries are dying out. All over the planet. The process seems to be unstoppable. So.
    1. Young people all over the planet are not able to provide and maintain a children's family. In principle, they do not have the means and opportunities either to buy a home, or to build it on their own, or to provide a woman giving birth and raising several children with the opportunity to take care of their livelihood and upbringing. The question here is not even so much in money, but in opportunities as such. The man himself is not capable of anything like that. It may turn out to extort something from different funds and programs, but most likely not. It's not up to you, boy, it's up to you.
    2. No one now, being of sound mind and solid memory, does not believe in the ability of their authorities to fulfill their obligations. All governments of all countries lie to their citizens like they breathe. None of them ever tell the truth, and never, ever, ever keep their promises. Our authorities, in their eternal desire to set a record in this area, for example, put dummies of police cars along the roads. So that a citizen cannot forget day or night - the government is deceiving you! Don't trust IM! Trust in nothing!
    As a result of this situation, the instinct of procreation is suppressed by consciousness. Since the man himself, in principle, is not able to provide for and save the family, and the woman understands this very well, they draw a simple conclusion. Throwing children into the world who cannot be protected is a sophisticated form of sadism. Unacceptable, echoes this conclusion is what is called the "subconscious." The situation of complete defenselessness in the hands of hostile forces is catastrophic. Governments of every kind have made themselves a model of hostility towards each and every one of their citizens.
    And the "subconscious" marks the situation as a catastrophe. At the time of the disaster, one should not have children, one should focus on one's own survival, which the child will make impossible. Plus, of course, the capitalist vision of the world, when everyone must live in order to give himself a maximum of pleasant sensations, and a minimum of unpleasant ones.
    There will be no demographic growth. Don't even wait.
  26. 0
    11 May 2023 10: 05
    I am an elderly man, I lived half my life in the USSR, and although in the USSR there was a joke the people and the party were united, only the shops were separated, but the party officials and the authorities in general ate their reinforced rations "under the covers", shopping in CLOSED distributors, closed not only from the people, but and from the eyes of the people. Nevertheless, inequality was not evident, on which the Soviet ideology was based. And now? Golden youth organizes gelendvagen races in Moscow, billionaires have yachts the size of a cruiser, palaces in London. In the United States in the 50s, the income tax on a million dollars was 91%, on two million and more - 89%, corporate tax - 50%, and we have a tax of 13%, on billionaires. While a simple hard worker, from what the employer pays him, the state withdraws 40% in the form of taxes. And you want to revive the Soviet ideology in such a state? Patriotism? Still, to such an extent lackey, the Soviet ideology was not. The youth of us old farts despises and does the right thing. The authorities tried to create a superpower, the USSR 2.0, you see the result - North Korea turned out. Now we will have to develop the Juche ideology - self-reliant development. And you want to captivate the youth with this?
  27. 0
    11 May 2023 15: 57
    The top needs, And in the right limited quantity. And all these fairy tales about children, patriotism, this is a game for the public. True, there is no money, but ..... I don’t like it, go into a ball, galoshes, lines, pinching a chicken on a grain. And they said it, not just anyone.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"