Russian Americanism. Why do we always live with an eye on the West


On TV Channel One, a new project was launched under the eloquent title Voice. But I will not speak about the advantages of this project or its shortcomings. I can only say that it is strikingly different from similar competitive singing programs in that they really sing and sing well here. Without phonograms, so-called. dancers and others borrowed from Western pops, "special effects". The first issues of “The Voice” were a real pleasure. And - no less strong disappointments: the project, as it turned out, was again from the “Made in USA” series, and the overwhelming majority of the contestants performed American works in English.

Sing in English?

The question did not give rest: is there really no longer any domestic music, no songs in Russian, or in any other language from the 130 nations and populations of Russia? In the end, it was possible to make a translation. But blaming young artists for this is simply not raising a hand.

Even to the jury, who actively demonstrated a good knowledge of the originals, singing and singing along, there are no special complaints: where did the fish come from? That's right - from the head.

And recently, the publication of RBC Daily pleased its readers with a publication on the construction of Moscow Manhattan alongside the Moscow Ring Road. And one more “joy”: it turns out, “a new highway was put into operation in Moscow, which allows you to get from Zvenigorodskoye highway to the international business center“ Moscow-City ”. In this connection, it is impossible not to inspire optimism in Muscovites, as well as guests of the capital, the message about the international exhibition at the All-Russian Exhibition Center “CityBuild. Urban technology.

These Moscow stories binds one thing: the pursuit of the golden calf, and the second, if not the third, concern about Russian culture. There are a lot of similar examples, and, unfortunately, not only in Moscow. In the depths of them, too, more than enough.

What about politics? Initially, Russia (Soviet Union) had its own president, as in America (not anywhere!). At one time there was even a vice-president: know, they say, ours! Then - his White House, again in the American way. Although the "white" house in Moscow is a completely different sign. And in this supposedly White House, the Prime Minister is sitting with Deputy Prime Ministers, although, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is mandatory for all citizens, they are also called differently. There is in Russia and the legislative power - the State Duma and the Federation Council. They are headed by people occupying constitutional posts of chairmen, and they are called, again in the American manner, speakers. One speaker speaks in the Duma, the other in the Federation Council with his senses from where they came from. What is not another illustration of the fact that the requirements of the Constitution act selectively?

Analyzing today the course of the “reforms” of 1990's, we clearly see that the current oligarchs could hardly have managed so well to “throw” the whole of Russia if they hadn’t launched their crafty “vouchers”, they hadn’t renamed their familiar and customary Russian ears the words “marketing” and “consulting”, if the evils disguised by Americanisms - “killer” and “racketeer” - did not hide the true appearance of the murderers and extortionists. And now, officials prefer the strange Russian “meeting” to a strange “summit”. Americanization to this day knows no barriers.

The films are American, the shows are American, the presentations are American, the love is American, the dream is American (to make money). Beautiful, subtle, with the words almost unremitting feeling of love was replaced by rude, degrading human dignity - “to make love”. There is a kind of spiritual and linguistic occupation of our consciousness.

With Anglo-American words, the realities, patterns of behavior, way of life, morality, etc., they imply, are imposed. alien and alien to us cultural values. With the help of borrowings of the last two decades, manipulations of individual and social consciousness are carried out. The irrepressible invasion of Anglo-Americanisms on a threatening scale infests the minds of people, makes them difficult to communicate with each other, and, even worse, instills an alien world view, destroys our language ecology, devaluing the national word, its spiritual essence. Thus, foreign words play the role of a factor of external influence on society. It is not by chance that when the State Duma attempted to adopt a law on the protection of the Russian language, the liberal “howl” rose.

The strong pressure of American culture and the English language in its American version on other cultures and languages ​​in many countries of the world caused serious concern about the preservation of the native language, national culture, thinking (mentality). Thus, in France, in 1994, the “Law on the Use of the French Language” (the so-called “Toubon Law”) was adopted. It prohibits the unreasonable use of Americanisms in a public and official speech under the threat of a large monetary fine. In music programs of foreign music should not be more than 40%. Special censors monitor the use of borrowing in newspapers, magazines, on television and radio. The adoption of the law on the protection of French served as a signal and incentive to discuss similar bills in other countries, as far as I know, in Germany, Poland (the law was adopted in 1999), Romania.

It would not hurt us to heed the advice of the famous American playwright Arthur Miller: “I really hope that there will not be another America in Russia. You do not need an imitative culture. For Russians, love of the word is much more common and more passionate than in most other countries. ”

Americanized speech in modern Russia, therefore, is not only an indicator of the state of the Russian language. At the same time, this is an indicator of the state of the Russian national psychology, which in the past has always served as the core of the Eurasian union of peoples and the Eurasian type of culture. From this it is clear: Russia cannot do without understanding its own history, inseparable from the history of other nations that belong to and within it, and its worthy place in the future of humanity. A certain amount of hope that everything is not lost is instilled, say, by the fact that recently, by decision of the Russian authorities, the activity of the USAID office has been terminated.

Recall that, in accordance with the US budget, funds allocated under the USAID item should be spent solely on promoting the US national security strategy in the territory of foreign countries. And they were successfully spent through NPOs, which were 1987 in Russia before 40, and now they bred to 300 000.

USAID in the Russian Federation focused on public administration - 316 works; health - 205 works; urban planning and development - 135 works; democracy and governance - 124 work, etc. (data at the beginning of October 2006 g.). According to well-known demographers I. Medvedev and T. Shishkov, USAID family planning and sexuality education programs stimulate young people’s early acquaintance with sex life, the increase in sexually transmitted diseases, the number of abortions, and ultimately, the extinction of the Russian population.

It turns out that this organization participated in the drafting of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the first part of the Civil Code, the Tax Code and the Land Code.

Practically all USAID initiatives in the field of reform of the judicial system of the Russian Federation were adopted, moreover, 5000 Russian judicial officials studied in the USA “democratic” justice. The restructuring and reform of RAO UES, the development of a competitive power industry market have not been without USAID.

And a lot of “very good” things were done by the representatives of this international agency for the development of “democracy” in Russia. Over the 20 years (1992-2012) the USA, through USAID, penetrated practically all government structures and caused Russia such damage, which can only be compared with the consequences of large-scale military operations on our territory. And these consequences will have to be eliminated for many years. And how many more organizations like USAID continue their subversive activities in Russia?

The ban on USAID activities in Russia is only the first step in countering the phenomenon that has swept over our country, which can be called "Russian Americanism", or rather, internal Americanism. Other steps in this direction will be given no less difficult, since Russian Americanism, among other things, has deep historical roots.

Freedom country?

The idea that Russian Americanism appeared in Russia together with “perestroika”, was generated by it and was used as a tool in reforming the country took root in everyday consciousness. Far from it. The idea of ​​the United States, as a model of government, the desire to "equip" Russian life on the American model emerged at the end of the XVIII century. Since its inception, our Americanism has passed a long way of development, leaving a noticeable mark in Russian history, in the Russian and Russian consciousness, in the personal destinies of a large number of people, and has become an integral part of the Russian mentality.

Today, probably, it would be possible to celebrate the 146 anniversary from the beginning of the official Americanization of Russia. More precisely, since 1866, when a delegation of the American Congress visited the Russian Empire. Americans were enthusiastically greeted across the country. It was an apotheosis in Russian-American relations. The writer Mark Twain, who visited the south of Russia a year later, said: "... here we felt that it was enough to be an American, we didn’t need any other visas ... Wherever we did not go ... we were welcomed with kindness and attention."

In search of a recipe for correcting Russian realities, a radical thought rushed abroad, first to Europe, then to the ocean, to the New World. America was perceived as an alternative to Russian life. So it is perceived now.

The negative attitude to domestic reality and the perception of the United States as a standard is the basis of Russian Americanism.

Such an assessment of the United States and Russia was peculiar, for example, to Alexander Radishchev, who considered the United States a country of freedom, and Russia - a sufferer. The United States saw him "slobbery", that is, famous, jubilant country, where they live "happy nations", which "gave liberty to chance".

In Russia, the works of Russian writers devoted to the USA were popular, for example, the book by P.P. Svinin, “The Experience of a Pictorial Journey through North America,” the works of K.S. Stanyukovich, in which it concerns the United States. Especially - his story "The Adventures of a Sailor." This story can be called a hymn to America: "... the free side, ... one fragrance!" - this is how the heroes of Stanyukovich speak of the United States. A theatrical figure Prince SI Volkonsky wrote in those days: “The amazing country is America, how it can make work, how it develops working capacity and workiness ... what a proud feeling you have when you come to America with your work: to enter this land not as a tourist, but as an employee “This is one of the most pleasant excuses for its existence.”

Acquaintance with the United States caused a desire to transfer the American experience on Russian soil. As it happened in 1893 with the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, the idea of ​​which was to stop focusing on Europe and take the USA as a model.

In the middle of the XIX century. The expansion of American capital, technology and technology to Russia begins. In 1860's in the Russian Far East of all foreign merchants, regardless of their nationality, the settlers called the Americans. Americans took part in railway construction in Russia, the Russian navy was replenished with ships built in the USA or with the help of American materials and equipment. Russian army armed with American rifle weapons - with rifles of Berdan, with the revolvers of the Smith and Wesson system, and from 1896 the famous Maxim machine guns began to be received by the Russian troops. Agriculture used American machines, propaganda was carried out American agrotechnical achievements.

Since the birth of Russian Americanism, the United States has presented itself in the Russian consciousness as a promised land. It was from this point of view that the United States interested the Decembrists, members of the Cyril and Methodius Society. In the appeal of N.G. Chernyshevsky to “Barsky Peasants” said, for example, that the Swiss and Americans, who do not hold kings and choose “people's head” for a term, are particularly sensible. The country of freedom, where honest and open political struggle is possible, was considered by the United States to be Russian terrorists from the People’s Will organization, who in 1881 condemned the assassination of 20 US President James Garfield as a terrorist by C. Gito.

The People of the People who assassinated Tsar Alexander II in the same year believed that political terror in the United States was a crime, and in Russia terror was an acceptable tool in the fight against power.

Similar political standards are also used by the modern Russian opposition.

However, Russian Americanism most fully declared itself in Siberia, where in the first half of the nineteenth century. the idea of ​​separatism arose. The researcher of the Siberian history B. G. Kubalov noted that the separatists dreamed "not so much about the autonomy of Siberia, as about the possible separation of Russia from Russia, following the example of the United States of America, Canada or Australia." And the Siberian researcher G.F. Kungurov stated that "comparing the future of Siberia with America was particularly fashionable, it was considered the peak of what was desired." In 60's XIX century. the separatists were preparing an uprising, which was to lead to the proclamation of the independent state of "Svoboslavia" in Siberia. The most important function of the new state was to be a war with imperial Russia.

During this period, the tradition of the union of Russian revolutionary-minded radicals and American citizens in the struggle against Russian power was born. Russian immigrants and US citizens created joint organizations. They were actively working under the auspices of the Japanese authorities on the political treatment of Russian prisoners of war in Japan during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905.

By the beginning of the XX century. In Russian society, the idea began to take shape that the use of American qualities - businesslike, assertiveness, enterprise, the desire to maximize profits - this is the path to success, both for the whole country and for an individual. In A. Tolstoy's story “The Rastegin's Adventures” (1913), a young landowner in the Volga region of the outback defined his credo in this way: “... I found an American fold in myself ... this is my principle: I must earn at least one penny every minute fourteen rubles forty kopeks a day. ” It did not take into account at all that the USA and Russia are countries with a completely different history, different mentality, society, traditions and institutions. Nevertheless, the idea of ​​using someone else's experience continued to exist. And, as we are convinced, still exists.

The attitude of the Soviet government to the United States in the 1920-1930-ies. was ambiguous. Of course, the United States was treated as an imperialist state, but at the same time JV Stalin declared: “We would like people of science and technology in America to be our teachers in technology, and we are their students ...”

This position was dictated by the needs of the socialist reconstruction of the country. In 1920-1930-ies. The slogan "Catch Up America" ​​is widespread. A stable positive image of the United States was formed in the public consciousness, including, paradoxically, through the state ideology. The interests of the USA and the USSR did not overlap then, and both countries did not pose a danger to each other.

World War II, Lend-Lease, the second front, the joint struggle against Nazi aggression added new touches to the image of "rich and benign America."

With the onset of Khrushchev's “thaw”, a new round in the development of Russian Americanism begins. What, as before, contributed a lot to the official Soviet propaganda, which adopted the old slogan "Catch Up and Overtake the USA". At the same time, the "sixties". It was based, like a hundred years ago, on a negative attitude towards domestic reality. Poet Joseph Brodsky wrote about his childhood: “Once upon a time there was a boy. He lived in the most unjust country in the world. It was ruled by creatures that, by all human standards, should have been called geeks. ” And just like a hundred years ago, a network of informers collected and sent information about the actions of the Soviet government to the West, intending, thus, to form public opinion against Russia there.

The dissidents of the second half of the 20th century, like their predecessors (and today's followers), also turned to the West for help. But now this cooperation went on at the state level. The United States supported dissidents, coordinated their activities, financed their struggle against the Soviet government. It was American intelligence that exported A. Solzhenitsyn’s archive from the USSR after he was expelled from the country in 1974. The thirty-year period after Stalin’s death was a truly new discovery of America for the Russian consciousness, which experienced the pressure of official propaganda. Americanism survived and developed largely due to the fact that the forbidden fruit was very, very sweet.

The next stage consisted in the realization of Americanism of the “new Russians” at the state level. Various political forces relied on the USA. M. Gorbachev and B. Yeltsin coordinated their policies with America.

The victory in the putsch in August of 1991 by Mr B. Yeltsin was helped by American intelligence.

The Americans were directly involved in the restoration of capitalism in Russia. An adviser to the Russian government, a professor at Harvard University, D. Sachs liked to represent himself as “the architect of Russian reforms.”

From 1989, the American Krayble Institute operated on the territory of the USSR, which organized, coordinated and financed the election campaign of the Democrats, and after the elections, the US Congress financed the Interregional Deputy Group of the USSR Supreme Soviet. Similar activities continued in the future. In general, the policy of the “reformers” was based on hopes of receiving Western aid in the amount of 250 billion dollars. By the fall of 1994, the first results of the Americanization of Russia came to light. The decline in production exceeded 50%. There is a destruction of the social sphere, a decline in morality, an increase in crime.

President B. Yeltsin stated then that Russia no longer harbors illusions about assistance from the West. Nevertheless, even today, these illusions did not disappear completely, so firmly entered Americanism in Russian public consciousness.

To adapt America for Russia?

Today, after several years of "resetting," aimed at improving our relations, the United States declares that, in terms of a nuclear threat to America, Russia is in second place after China, and first as an enemy in a potential cyberwar. And with those who consider you their first enemy, no friendship with us will not work. Cooperation on an equal footing - yes, it is in this way in the foreseeable future that we must tune.

The newspaper Kommersant (18.10.2012) is far from accidental about the results of one of the September polls (and cannot be refused in Americanism) published under the heading “Russians have fallen out of love with America.”

It turned out, in particular, that, compared with the fall of 2011 of the year, the number of citizens of the Russian Federation, who generally speak positively about the United States, decreased from 67% to 46%. Accordingly, from 27% to 38%, the proportion of those who are negative towards the USA has increased.

It is significant that 67% of respondents agreed with the statement: the United States "hypocritically trying to force other countries to comply with the laws of international law, although they themselves do not always follow them." According to the majority - 68%, the United States is more often trying to exert pressure on the Russian Federation, rather than acting with respect - 17%.

And although the general trend cannot but inspire hopes for the subsequent purification of people's consciousness from the defilement of Americanism, the current figures, however, are also alarming: what a great number of Russians still live with an eye to the West to this day!

Under the conditions of American domination, our choice, at first glance, is not large: either we can enter into a tough confrontation with America - which we have already passed and lost, or to surrender to the “winner” (capitulatory soil in the form of 46% willing to America) , - and, therefore, to lose statehood, becoming a colony of the United States, at best, a vassal state. But there is a third scenario, dictated by the entire previous history of Russian-American relations. Today, apparently, the Cold War is not over, it is simply being waged by other methods and methods and it does not take a long time to continue. At least, as long as the United States will exist in their current state and the dollar will remain as the main world currency (a hundred years more). Thus, it is necessary to work with regard to precisely such a long-term perspective, which presupposes, above all, a stake on young people.

Without a strong spiritual core uniting the entire Russian nation, even today, with reliance on the spiritual legacy still preserved from the USSR, it is difficult to withstand, and in the future, even with practically inexhaustible natural resources, it’s hardly possible to maintain a balance in globalized contradictions. will be possible. The Russian authorities, it seems, have begun to act with regard to precisely such prospects. Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on improving state policy in the field of patriotic education. According to the same decree, a department on public projects was established in the structure of the presidential administration. The functions of the new administration also include the preparation of proposals for the implementation of programs in the field of patriotic education of young people, the collection and compilation of information on the position of central and regional media in relation to state policy in the field of patriotic education.

In the meantime, we can say that a sharp expansion of the sphere of influence is characteristic of Russian Americanism.

In the course of its development, from a narrow circle of intellectuals, Russian Americanism spread to the widest strata of society, from social thought it turned into an instrument of political and economic life.

Moreover, now he resolutely claims the same role that Christianity, Western thought and Marxism played in Russian history - from an instrument seeks to become the basis of a world view.

However, there is no need to talk about eradicating Americanism from our consciousness: the process is long, complicated and obviously ungrateful. Let us be realistic and ask ourselves a very simple question: is it necessary to do this? Isn't it easier and more profitable to adapt this very America to Russia?
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  1. patriot2
    1 December 2012 11: 24
    A holy place is never empty! With the decline in the cultural development of any country, a vacant niche is occupied by alien cultures. We can see and hear it every single day on TV and radio, well, personally of course. At present, legendary creative personalities of the Soviet era are dying, and where are the new ones ?! Something is not observed! I would love to!
    1. Mitzhel
      1 December 2012 12: 13
      But what about Bianca with a song about Anasha at a rally of patriotic statesmen from United Russia, the Popular Front and the Young Guard? You can still rappers with whom Putin was hanging out to remember ...
      1. +6
        1 December 2012 22: 49
        ... Americanized speech in modern Russia, therefore, is not only an indicator of the state of the Russian language. This, at the same time, is an indicator of the state of Russian national psychology, .....

        My micro-considerations about this are as follows.
        In universities, we are now mainly taught English as a foreign language. Therefore, young people who begin to understand a second language (except for their native language) sometimes seek to screw a foreign word into speech simply to show off their knowledge a little. And there is no admiration for the West here: whoever teaches Chinese is screwing Chinese words.
        The second way of penetrating a foreign language is professional slang. Computer scientists and programmers are the most striking example of this. Slang words of English origin are used because often there are no Russian analogues, and if there are, then English words are shorter and are used all over the world. There is nothing you can do about it: since we are in the second rank in this science, we do not invent the terms. Alas! Bad, of course, but I don't see anything malicious here. In the end, most of the automotive terms entered our language from French ("chassis", "chauffeur", etc. "injectors" and "shock absorbers") and nothing ... have already become ours.

        And I see the bad only in throwing into our speech foreign words by our own media. It seems that nothing forces, but most of the writing fraternity simply implant foreign words in our language, on its own initiative. It is not right. Maybe they think that so they show everyone their education ... And in my opinion, this just shows WHERE they studied. And if they did not study in their native language, then they hardly find the necessary words in Russian (Ukrainian).

        But education is such a thing that the student absorbs not only the subtleties of the profession, but also the worldview. And since the Western worldview is saturated with Russophobia at the DNA level, there is nothing to be surprised that the liberal press with clever journalists after all Sorbonne and Oxford pours one dirt on the country, which gave them life and the opportunity to learn, and about aspirated Westerners ...

        So they are the main fighters of the ideological front, "degenerates": Russians with passports, but with Western rot inside.

        Our ancestors were much wiser.
        Who remembers the fate of the sage Anaharsis? A brother, the Scythian king Savliy personally killed him when he saw that after wandering around Hellas, Anaharsis began to worship a stranger to the gods. And the hand did not flinch ...

        Therefore, the Scythians ruled half the world, and no one could do anything with them.
        1. buga1979
          1 December 2012 23: 25
          Guys, well, don’t, but the fact that foreigners are swearing in Russian are they also plunging into our environment?
        2. S_mirnov
          2 December 2012 12: 16
          The basis of a person’s worldview is a certain matrix of values ​​vaccinated from childhood. Now this matrix is ​​divided into parts and into the Soviet matrix, removing pieces from it, trying to cram pieces of American values, but the result is not a single whole, but a bunch of fragments. Therefore, in our country, people and rushing from one extreme to another, the integrity of the perception of the world is broken and the ability to think in an interconnected way is lost
          So we first "vote with our hearts", then we curse the EBN, then we happily snot at the sight of its direct receiver VVP and unite under the slogan "Soak in the toilet", now it comes to us again that thieves are at the helm of the country.
          So we will rush about until we gain the integrity of consciousness.
          Now for the article:

          "Why do we always live with an eye to the West" - because the country is run by people who worship Western values, simply speaking - money!
          "It turns out that this organization participated in the development of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the first part of the Civil Code, the Tax Code and the Land Code." -then it would be logical to pay attention to exactly what amendments she made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and remove them!
          "Almost all USAID initiatives in the field of reforming the Russian judicial system were accepted, moreover, 5000 Russian judicial officials studied" democratic "justice in the United States. The restructuring and reform of RAO UES, and the development of a competitive electricity market also did not go without USAID. So isn't it time to judge the officials who allowed such interference in the domestic policy of the Russian Federation? It is high time to call our pro-American government to account for their actions, otherwise we blame the State Department, the State Department, by the way, does its job for 5 seconds +! And here is our guide ...
          "... the representative of the US State Department, Nuland recalled that within the framework of the program aimed at eliminating the surplus of Russian nuclear weapons, over 20 years it was possible to" destroy more than 7,6 thousand nuclear warheads, ensure the safety of fissile materials, reduce the level of biological threat and reorient military facilities to work in peaceful directions. "" This program benefits the Russian and American peoples, as well as the whole world. And we hope that it will be continued, "- said the representative of the State Department."
        3. +1
          2 December 2012 12: 19
          Quote: Skating rink
          mainly English as a foreign language

          ... and they teach him because he is the most common of the Western ones (although I agree it's time to switch to Chinese :)))

          Quote: Skating rink
          The French Language Act

          Here we desperately need this, + more about literature and history !!! But alas, money is needed to comply with the laws, but we don’t have them :(
        4. +1
          2 December 2012 16: 38
          In Russia, the language has always been studied, at the moment, the strongest states, see potential opponents. Under Peas, everyone spoke French, during Bath they studied German everywhere, after the war they began to study American. The language is not here, and Russia, as always, is catching up with superpowers. Now the Anglo-Saxons dominate the world.
          1. +3
            2 December 2012 20: 29
            In Russia, the language has always been studied, at the moment, the strongest states, see potential opponents ....

            The strongest? Well, in some ways, probably yes.
            But here comes the joke ....

            At the beginning of the 19th century, French was taught in Russian schools. Result? They lulled Bonaparte and took Paris.
            At the beginning of the 20th, we learned German. Result - they tapped Hitler's turnips and took Berlin.
            At the beginning of the 21st century - we learn English ... Well, what can I say? Our country has never had such a rich choice!

            So the strongest are the strongest. Unless, of course, believe their self-promotion.
            In general, as a matter of fact, I must say that the West also does everything with an eye on Russia. Both earlier and now ... Even without looking at the fact that China is economically stronger now, the West pays much more attention to exactly what and how Russia is doing. They know where that five-legged dog Pizdets sleeps about which Pelevin wrote about in Generation Pi. They know who can release those dogs of Hecate, about which Krusanov wrote in "Angel's Bite" ...
            Russia is a heartland. From here came modern civilization, and the center of power is still located here.
      2. enkor
        2 December 2012 03: 38
        But what about the death of Y. Arafat, poisoned by shit-caked Jews and dances, in asshole 9.9 ....? Etc. it.l. All the attempts of the Jews were perishable. But they leave in the memory of the peoples robbed by Christ sellers a long, or rather eternal memory of the source of the root troubles of all peoples on Earth. And everything else is secondary.
    2. bart74
      1 December 2012 13: 49
      New enough. You just need to be interested in it. Here at least listen to Igor Rasteryaev, or read Vera Polozkova. Novelty is enough. We always have this: during life, to blame, and how the GREAT POET died so immediately. Everything is normal with our culture. Who claims the opposite - that provocateur. Just for ZOMBY BOX we scoop foam.
      1. Crocus
        1 December 2012 16: 02
        Culture, Russian culture, is now considered to be non-format and is not allowed to air. Hence the dissolution of the ViaGra group was perceived as a fire in the Bolshoi Theater with the death of the whole troupe! Without political will, we have nowhere ...
        1. +5
          1 December 2012 20: 47
          Unfortunately, the author is in many respects right and the absence of national policy from the very early childhood corrupts young minds.
          By the example of my daughter and her friends I can clearly see how modern education and TV propaganda, despite attempts at home to instill a love of native culture and language, make them thoughtless imitators of propaganda. Children are greatly infected by Anglo-Saxon lack of culture.
      2. -2
        2 December 2012 21: 36
        Rasteryaev mentally sings! Not in the format of "our" TV. But everything is in the subject and frankly!
    3. +6
      1 December 2012 15: 50
      It would be the desire of the President and the Duma (in principle, one wish of the President is enough, how the Duma will take everything, after all, the Duma has become a department of the Presidential Administration) and Russia would take measures to improve the level of teaching Russian culture, literature and the Russian language. And now the opposite is happening. In schools, the number of hours for studying the Russian language and literature is decreasing, which are replaced by physical education lessons, incomprehensible subjects "My choice" (my granddaughters have such a subject, taught by a history teacher, and in which the teacher and students do whatever they want, because the subject introduced, and what to do on it there is no methodical literature, no curricula have been developed). And the most important thing is that neither in schools, nor in colleges, nor in universities in children they do not bring up and do not instill love for their native land, Russia, they do not speak correctly, I mean they speak Russian correctly. If in schools they somehow put the emphasis correctly, make up phrases, try not to replace Russian words with Englishisms, then only Englishisms have gone further, and yet - the authorities have no national idea. We live by ourselves. hence nationalists, antifa, skinheads (again angicism), and other informal youth movements appeared. In theory, they have nothing to do. Not every young person has the ability and rich parents to take up art, sports, or anything else that does not contradict the law. If in the USSR there was an ideology that provided for the friendship of peoples, social equality, from each according to his capabilities - to each according to his work, now this is nothing.
      1. +2
        2 December 2012 12: 38
        Quote: starshina78
        In schools, the number of hours in the study of the Russian language and literature is reduced

        Quote: starshina78
        do not educate and do not instill love for the native land, Russia

        I support! And even more importantly - do not learn to think! The children were in the school of the Battle of the Ice, it was necessary to make an additional report. Printed from the study site on the topic. The children were taught in the textbook how? Ours defeated the Germans, they fell through the ice. And when they read that there were a lot of Russian + Baltic states and the Germans were just a little bit deep, and knee-deep, they came to the conclusion that it means that we are being deceived, everything is untrue, and on the contrary the Germans are good. That's what such an education leads to! What do you take from a child? He sees and understands! I had almost a day to bring up patriotism in children :) telling about the mysteries of history, comparing weapons, etc. So far I have convinced that our victory is Victory. But for how long? Before the next story about the war with Japan, or how did the Americans destroy the Chinese with divisions in Korea? Everything is correct, because there is no patriotic education as we have in the USSR, no matter how much the union is blamed ... :(

        "the Russian navy was replenished with ships built in the USA"
        The article is of course one-sided. Everything must be considered in comparison. What kind of say are we buying ships in the States? And which in France and Germany? :)) They were friends with France more, even the French language was the language of high society, and not English at all :)
        But nevertheless, the article has a rational kernel - which is not everything, but you can learn and learn from America. For example, in education, or rather, in the approach. It is customary to think of Americans as stupid. It is true that the amount of knowledge they inject is less than that of us. But what’s the point - to teach them to THINK. None of their students will say that the Yankees are good and the Southerners are bad. At first they will think, esteem, then they will give out their opinion. We always have good red ones and white or German radishes. And when the children learn fragmentary facts that not everything is so, they begin to disbelieve and become disappointed. Because they did not learn to THINK. And from here all sorts of skinheads went and poking: ((
    4. ughhh
      1 December 2012 16: 08
      legendary creative personalities of the Soviet era from life, but where are the new ones ?!

      Yes, it’s full of them, listen to Arkhipovsky, a man has become a legend in life already. The question is why tickets for Stas Mikhailov cost from 5 thousand, and for Arkhipovsky to 1.5? The answer to this is a very serious and long conversation, not within the framework of the commentary.

      1. 0
        1 December 2012 17: 56
        The answer is very simple. Now popular pop and American noodles on the ears. And pop and spreads this noodle, capturing almost the entire information space. Hope for the consciousness of those who run the show business is not necessary, everything is permeated with Americanism. That is the whole reason.
      2. +3
        1 December 2012 18: 26
        Quote: ughhh
        Yes, it’s full of them, listen to Arkhipovsky, a man has become a legend in life already. The question is why tickets for Stas Mikhailov cost from 5 thousand, and for Arkhipovsky to 1.5? The answer to this is a very serious and long conversation, not within the framework of the commentary.
        - please do not confuse. Stas Mikhailov is not engaged in art, he presses on another. Namely - to unrealized sexual urges of women of middle and older age. In short, it just presses on a sleepy instinct, even shorter - just a sex symbol, nothing more. A sex symbol that extracts from itself more or less pleasant sounds for the female ear.
        And here is art. No basic instincts. Where is the sincerity here? Kinky average look and average grooming of a peasant, but PLAYING - yes, appreciated, just super!
        Now explain, Ughehe, do you really intend to continue to compare the warm and the sweet, or will you even begin to separate these things and not mix them? Here is your first exam, if you understand something from my post:

        For men, after all, the same thing - there is Via Gra, and there is Pelageya. I am happy to "consume" both of them - I just watch one more, and listen to the other. Here is the answer, if you understand something - that I watch more? And that I listen more than I watch? What causes more pleasure in me, more of a low order, and what more aesthetic pleasure? Well, to a heap - which of them is sweet and which is warm, and can they be compared at all? And in general, to the heap - which of this is "Commercial Project", and what - the art of singing? As you can see, even the goals are different here, how can you even compare?
        1. ughhh
          1 December 2012 19: 03
          It hurts a lot of our people, who find it easier to put pressure on basic instincts than on intelligence, that’s where I see the problem. And don’t stand on me like that, in a snap, I’m saying - the conversation is very long, and your pair of chopped sarcastic phrases cannot open the topic.
          From the same opera: why does a singer or some football player earn hundreds of times more than a nuclear physicist? Oh yes, warm and soft, sorry ...
          1. 0
            2 December 2012 02: 43
            Quote: ughhh
            It hurts a lot of our people, who find it easier to put pressure on basic instincts than on intelligence, that’s where I see the problem.
            - Again the people are to blame -))))). It is necessary to change the people -)))).
            Quote: ughhh
            From the same opera: why does a singer or some football player earn hundreds of times more than a nuclear physicist? Oh yes, warm and soft, sorry ...
            - market economy. Companions and friends of the famous football commentator Ozerov (recently a documentary was going on) are still resentful at the already deceased state, that Ozerov received "some unfortunate 200 rubles" for a commented match, this salary is only worthy of a junior researcher in Dubna, but not Ozerov, but Ozerov's foreign colleagues received (there are terrible numbers, there are a lot of zeros). -)))).
            As you can see, it is difficult for me to an outside observer who is right and who is wrong -))))). Listen to you - like you're right -)))). Listen to Ozerov’s colleagues - they seem to be right too. And how to be tapericha? Where to find the truth and justice?
            No, I'm on your side, to hell with football, they still won nothing. Or not to hell? Well, tell me yourself, otherwise it was lost -)))
            1. ughhh
              2 December 2012 06: 40
              - Again the people are to blame -))))). It is necessary to change the people -)))).

              Now these Lakes are a dime a dozen, in any entertainment field. Wherever you look, it’s all fun. There’s nobody to work, they don’t pay the money ...
              What can I say about football? Nice, technical game. Previously, he played well. If you watch, then for me, the dynamics are not enough, hockey or basketball is much more fun. I understand the difficult situation of professional football players who are leaving their young nails to play football and are not able to do anything else by the age of 30-35. Neither repair the socket, nor process the part with a file. Integral? Wow...
              1. +1
                2 December 2012 21: 03
                What minusanul? It seems I didn’t touch in any way request
                Quote: ughhh
                I’m saying that the conversation is very long, and your pair of chopped sarcastic phrases will not open the topic.
                - so they discussed it, I sort of just collect all the opinions on all branches, in my mind I sort of summarize, or not, I don't summarize, but somehow I consolidate, I reveal a general tendency and that's enough for me. Therefore, is it necessary to collect a separate topic for this conversation on this issue? Well, as if a little "informal", we have here all the same military-technical and military-political topics, cultural issues are touched upon in so far as. Well ate boiling - post an article, we will discuss. This site is good.
                Quote: ughhh
                Now these lake ponds are dimes,
                - I do not agree, there are none. In vain are you talking about Ozerov. Somehow you can compare Kote Makharadze, all the rest sucks. IMHO.
                In general, unfair payment is a problem not only in Russia. There is such a problem all over the world. There is even a US film, I don't remember the name, Michael Douglas is in the lead role, where he plays a defense engineer with two university degrees, who was laid off. His roof went down with anger, he began to destroy everyone there like Breivik. And there was an episode there - he stands near a huge palace and asks - "who lives here?" He is a "renowned surgeon in the field of plastic surgery". Well, then the hero freaks out even more ... -)))))
                According to SAJU, the cultural influence of the West is an old sore in Russia. Moreover, the Russian elite really suffered from this, so why be surprised if in the revolution of 17 the peasant was happy to soak his lords. He still perceived them as foreigners and invaders, why be offended by something?
                "However, there is no need to talk about eradicating Americanism from our consciousness: the process is long, complicated and obviously ungrateful. Let us be realistic and ask ourselves a very simple question: is it necessary to do this? Isn't it easier and more profitable to adapt this very America to Russia?"- how? If, as one famous German woman, they adapted in the form of Catherine the Great, this is one thing. And if they adapt the Amera as in the dashing 90s, when this Amera was fabulously enriched, this is another.
              2. -1
                2 December 2012 21: 48
                Ha ha ha are you worried about the "poor" football players ???
                Yes, at 30 they have so much money that you can then not work all your life, live on interest! Have you seen their salaries? Even the first league? Alright, I’m not talking about the highest.
        2. -1
          2 December 2012 21: 43
          +100 I completely agree with you. True ... I disagree on something! Via gru and don’t look, scary because, but Stas, I don’t refuse to listen, sings sincerely. No pops for sure! feel
    5. lotus04
      1 December 2012 17: 50
      Russian Americanism. Why do we always live with an eye on the West

      And why WE !!! Why generalize! Maybe someone in 20 years has forgotten how to live without looking behind the "cordon", but you don't have to cut everyone with the same brush!
      1. +5
        2 December 2012 00: 08
        Quote: lotus04
        And why WE !!! Why generalize! Maybe someone in 20 years has forgotten how to live without looking behind the "cordon", but you don't have to cut everyone with the same brush!

        The inconsistency of the Russian soul was determined by the complexity of Russian historical fate, the clash and confrontation in it of the eastern and western elements. The soul of the Russian people was formed by the Orthodox Church, it received a purely religious formation. And this religious formation has survived to our time, to the Russian nihilists and communists. But in the soul of the Russian people there remained a strong natural element associated with the vastness of the Russian land, with the boundlessness of the Russian plain.
        An endlessly difficult task faced the Russian man - the task of designing and organizing his vast land. The immensity of the Russian land, the absence of borders and limits were expressed in the structure of the Russian soul. The landscape of the Russian soul corresponds to the landscape of the Russian land, the same infinity, formlessness, striving for infinity, breadth. In the West it’s crowded, everything is limited, everything is framed and categorized, everything favors the formation and development of civilization — both the structure of the earth and the structure of the soul. One could say that the Russian people fell victim to the vastness of their land, their natural spontaneity
        The religious formation of the Russian soul has developed some stable properties: dogmatism, asceticism, the ability to bear suffering and sacrifice in the name of one’s faith, whatever it may be, a striving for the transcendent, which refers either to eternity, to another world, to the future, to this world . The religious energy of the Russian soul has the ability to switch and head towards goals that are no longer religious, such as social goals. By virtue of the religious and dogmatic disposition of their souls, Russians are always Orthodox or heretics, schismatics, they are apocalyptic or nihilists.

        The XNUMXth century Western education in the upper layers of Russian society was alien to the Russian people. The Russian nobility of the XVIII century was superficially carried away by Voltaireanism in one part, mystical freemasonry in another. The people continued to live on old religious beliefs and looked at the master, as an alien race.The influence of the West initially hit the people and strengthened the privileged gentry.
        The struggle of the East and West took place in the soul of the Russian people, and this struggle continues in the Russian revolution. Russian communism is eastern communism. The influence of the West for two centuries did not take over the Russian people. We will see that the Russian intelligentsia was not at all Western in type, no matter how much it was sworn by Western theories. The empire created by Peter outwardly expanded, became the greatest in the world, there was an external forced unity, but there was no internal unity, there was an internal fragmentation. The power and the people, the people and the intelligentsia were torn, the peoples united in the Russian empire were torn. Empire with its western type of state absolutism least of all implemented the idea of ​​the Third Rome.

        Nikolai Berdyaev. Education of the Russian intelligentsia and its character. Slavophilism and Westernism
        I do not get tired of repeating, Read Berdyaev, men, and much will become clear.
        The western way of life is alien to the huge strata of our people, but it is inherent in the best way possible for our newly-minted "lordship" So they feed from morning to evening on zombies with all sorts of crap based not on spirituality but low instincts and consumption of everything and everyone.
        1. 0
          2 December 2012 02: 44
          Quote: Ascetic
          I never get tired of repeating
          - I do not get tired to ply -))))
    6. scrack
      2 December 2012 09: 57
      I generally prefer classical works, I don’t need especially modern music. She comes and goes, and the classics remain forever
      1. 755962
        2 December 2012 20: 42
        The US "is hypocritically trying to force other countries to comply with international law, although they themselves do not always follow it."

        Perhaps this says it all ... And there is nothing to add
  2. snek
    1 December 2012 11: 32
    The first issues of The Voice were a real pleasure. And - no less strong disappointments: the project, as it turned out, was again from the “Made in USA” series, and the vast majority of the contestants performed American works, and in English.

    There are two small points.
    Perove: if I'm not mistaken, the site is called "military review"
    Second: this is * the core of the song, you can listen to them in any language (the semantic load in them, as a rule, tends to zero), the main thing is that it is nice - I like songs, for example, in Norwegian and German.
    Well and the third: in the same English there are a lot of wonderful songs.

    1. +4
      1 December 2012 11: 45
      Quote: snek

      The article is not about music at all, or did you just start watching?
      1. snek
        1 December 2012 11: 53
        No, I read the whole thing, just if I took apart all the points, then the comment would have turned out to be many times more than the article. Briefly my opinion on the topic of the article - do not shy away from foreign cultures and languages. From the fact that only the best from foreign cultures is absorbed, its own culture is only getting better. If you remember In war and peace, huge pieces in French.
      2. +9
        1 December 2012 12: 46
        Quote: baltika-18
        The article is not about music,

        The bottom line is that we can’t come up with our own. Field of miracles, guess the melody, but almost everything except KVN is a remake of the American program. If you come up with it, it’s basically vulgar. They are interested in rating, not culture. In what money they save money for that country and are arinted hi
        1. snek
          1 December 2012 13: 14
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          The bottom line is that we can’t come up with our own. Field of miracles, guess the tune, but almost everything except KVN is a remake of the American program. If you come up with it, then it's mostly vulgar.

          Well, as for me, TV and culture in general lie on different planes.
          1. +3
            1 December 2012 13: 34
            Quote: snek
            Well, as for me, TV and culture in general lie on different planes

            Well, the telly doesn’t have any relation to culture, it's fun and nothing more.
            1. Crocus
              1 December 2012 16: 05
              Alexander Romanov,
              But it was nice to connect! What is stopping you?
  3. +10
    1 December 2012 11: 43
    from 27% to 38%, the proportion of those who are negative towards the USA has increased.

    And all my conscious life, I’m just very negative, and that’s a lot.
    1. Kaa
      1 December 2012 15: 45
      Quote: Kolyan 2
      from 27% to 38%, the proportion of those who are negative towards the USA has increased.

      Because, on closer inspection, they realized that "Project America" ​​is a simple city ... but in a spectacular wrapper ...
      1. WW3
        2 December 2012 01: 55
        Quote: Kaa
        upon closer inspection, they realized that "Project America" ​​is a simple city ... but in a spectacular wrapper ...

        1. Kaa
          2 December 2012 02: 28
          Quote: WW3

          Why did you strip the "Statue of Liberty" in front of everyone ?! belay This is propaganda of pornography in a perverted form, you will be sent to the bathhouse stop Although very similar, albeit disgusting negative ... but they don’t argue about tastes ... especially about American lol +! drinks
          1. WW3
            2 December 2012 13: 01
            Kaa, you don’t find it symbolically ... a thick Amer girl who is lying on a pile of fast food ... I would call this picture =
            1) The collapse of the American dream ...
            2) The collapse of the American way of life ...
            3) Sunset Americanization .... drinks
            Repin's painting "Swam" ... smile
            1. Kaa
              2 December 2012 16: 07
              Quote: WW3
              Repin's painting "Swam".

              Sailed - it's somewhere like this ... in the news releases ...
            2. donchepano
              3 December 2012 09: 35
              Quote: WW3

              Kaa, don't you find it symbolic ... a fat American girl lying on a pile of fast food ... I would call this picture = 1) The collapse of the American dream ... 2) The collapse of the American way of life ... 3) The decline of Americanization ... Repin's painting "Swam" ...

              american pig (if soft) in beautifully packaged shit
    2. merkel1961
      1 December 2012 16: 00
      The figures given are from the evil one, on a not very long ago broadcast (it seems "Honest Monday), to the question of friend-enemy, interactive voting gave out somewhere 70% of those who consider the USA as an enemy. And over the past couple of years, the trend should go up, especially with the manifestation undisguised ideology of fascism in the States and among their European hangers-on!
    3. Crocus
      1 December 2012 16: 06
      Quote: Kolyan 2

      from 27% to 38% the proportion of those who are negatively inclined towards the USA has increased

      Shit bastards! Invite! This figure is at least twice as high!
  4. sergey261180
    1 December 2012 11: 44
    Russian Americanism. Why do we always live with an eye on the West

    1. Because the owners of the elite live in the west.
    2. Elite grandmothers are kept in Western banks.
    1. 0
      1 December 2012 18: 30
      Quote: sergey261180
      Answer: 1. Because the owners of the elite live in the west. 2. Elite grandmothers are kept in Western banks.
      - greatly simplified
  5. IPMEN
    1 December 2012 11: 44
    snek, .... I agree and support ..... Songs-songs, and military review goes without saying ....... Citizens, it’s not advisable to write any irrepressible nonsense on such a useful site ...... Damn, topics have ended ???????
    1. +5
      1 December 2012 12: 52
      Actually, the site is military-patriotic! And in my opinion the article is just specific.
      And everything seems to me that our admiration for America comes from our own Decembrists.
      And if Russia had rid itself of serfdom a century earlier, there would have been nothing like that in thoughts! Or rather, there would have been no soil for the secret societies themselves.
      1. Crocus
        1 December 2012 16: 10
        Quote: sergo0000
        And everything seems to me this admiration of America comes from our own Decembrists

        This infection was brought in by Peter. It hit him. First there was Holland, then Germany, France, England, now America! But behind America, that is Chukotka, that is Russia. In short, the circle has been made - it's time to go home.
        1. +2
          1 December 2012 18: 07
          Yes, in general it was by Americanism that I had in mind!
          And so even before Peter we had kings and princes that already starting the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth looked further west. Calling their peasants unwashed. In general, foreigners have always been loved in Russia. At the same time, trampling his culture in the mud in every possible way. Yes, all the foreign teachers and we very well contributed to this.
          1. Marine One
            1 December 2012 19: 05
            Quote: sergo0000
            At the same time trampling his culture in the mud

            What kind of culture was trampled into the mud? Pushkin, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Stanislavsky, Eisenstein, the Silver Age? Diaghilev, for whose seasons in Europe there were queues for several days at the box office? Tairov, about whom the French and the Germans wrote literally "We must blow the trumpets. The Moscow Chamber Theater is the only theater in Europe ..." and "The Russians won." And that was 1923. And foreigners are also different. Do not put the janitor Magu in the same row and Leonard Euler, for example.
            1. 0
              1 December 2012 21: 47
              Marine one,
              Well, where does Euler and the Magician's janitor have to do with it ?!
              What are you talking about? Read the comments carefully.
              And for that matter, then take an interest in the works and scientific articles of M. B. Lomonosov. And also the list of names of teachers of the first Moscow University.
              Euler exception to the rule! Which once again confirms the rule!
  6. +7
    1 December 2012 11: 50

    So, about the tiviliser. I challenge the great cat Matroskin!
    For example, I did not look at this zombie box, do not look and do not intend to watch (with rare exceptions, except for news or something informative). I mainly use it as a monitor for films.
    In Soviet times, there was nothing to watch (Swan Lake, party congresses, Rural Hour, etc.) Oh, yes, some cartoons were nothing.
    And now it's a nightmare! The more channels there are, the worse the choice. Many programs are generally made with the expectation that a person has a void instead of a brain in his skull.
    Well, about the music. Of course, I am a man of my country, but I’m sorry, I don’t like the Soviet stage, let alone the modern Russian (all sorts of "musi-pusi").
    My opinion is purely.
    1. +2
      1 December 2012 18: 39
      Quote: LiSSyara
      Well, about the music. Of course, I am a man of my country, but I’m sorry, I don’t like the Soviet stage, let alone the modern Russian (all sorts of "musi-pusi") .The opinion is purely mine.
      - read my answer to Ughehe and draw conclusions. There is enough real art in Russia. If you do not have enough quality in "commercial projects", then explain what exactly? - not long enough legs? Not pretty enough panties? Insufficiently well-set plastic of sexual movements? What exactly?
      If you are talking about the ability to sing - there is no such goal and has never been set. Reread my post. If you need the ability to sing, Russia has it. If you play musical instruments, Russian musicians still win all sorts of competitions there, but they are shown mainly on the "Art" channel. If you are talking about poetry translated into a musical form - you to B.G., Vysotsky, Tsoi and others, they are called rock musicians, but they are not musicians, they are more poets, put everything in your heart in poetry and clothe in some kind of musical form, the quality of the melody itself is not so important here - this is about them
      Your speech is not about music. I don’t know what you mean.
      1. Sardanapalus
        1 December 2012 20: 36
        Quote: aksakal
        I don’t know what you mean.

        This is the eternal Russian spleen: everything is neither that, all that nor that, and in general, it all goes on! ..
  7. Mitzhel
    1 December 2012 12: 04
    Why, why ...

    Yes, because the West and the USA have something to offer the world in all areas. Novelties of technology, standards of living, cinema and pop. But the Russian Federation is on the sidelines, they will eat through the Soviet legacy, and apart from oil and gas, the world will have nothing to offer. I saw the motorcade of our patriarch - armored Mercians and Cadillacs with security. What car does Putin drive? What kind of cars do senior officials drive to, where do they study their children ?? And while this is all so, the proposal to remake the West under the Russian Federation is simply ridiculous. Without the nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation, this is a second-rate country such as Turkey or Argentina ...
    1. Crocus
      1 December 2012 16: 16
      Quote: Mitzhel
      What car does Putin drive?

      For Putin, they have already built something on Zile, though the doors have not yet been closed, but they say we’ll finish it ... So this point will probably fall off soon. bully
    2. +2
      2 December 2012 12: 46
      in 1999 in Phoenix USA there was a m / n conference on ... I really didn’t understand :), I was there by chance. Among others were the Minister of Finance of Mexico and the Minister of some development of Turkey. I don’t know about the last, but for the first I! drove by car! to the hotel! !! I haven’t gotten involved yet - Minister! (though Mexico) alone, without protection, without limousines!
  8. ironman
    1 December 2012 12: 12
    If you want to learn something, then you need to look at those who get it better. But it turns out better for someone who has words not at odds with deeds. The less empty chatter, the better the result. (Adjusted for talent).
    We look to the West. The best results from the Dutch, Finns and Danes. But they are small nations, so we look more at America and Germany.
    We look to the East. Singapore and Taiwan. But they are small nations, so we look more at Japan.
    We look at the Kremlin. Skrynnik, Serdyukov. But they are small people, so we look more at their superiors - Mr. Pu, Mr. Me. That's why we live
    1. 0
      1 December 2012 12: 42
      Nenad learns nothing ..... you just need to here ... in the end, put things in order in the end, because our laws are not worse ... people are not lazy ... dumb, it's like with a machine .. if it’s clear then stump rusts and so on. etc., and if it moves, then naturally it is rustless and the income wakes up more ..., and sigh and gasp with envy, looking at the old charms, it certainly does not ask for tension!
    2. +5
      1 December 2012 12: 48
      Quote: ironman
      We look to the West. The best results from the Dutch, Finns and Danes. But they are small nations, so we look more at America and Germany.

      You need to look at yourself, not the west. In Russia, a thousand-year-old culture, only millionaires do not need it.
  9. Galina
    1 December 2012 12: 45
    Amazing deal! So much for the comments! The comrades don’t like the article - they swung it at Americanisms, favorite music! This is all that the comrades have learned. So this is about you! So in vain the author of beads mosques.
    At first I wanted to comment on the statements IPMEN и snek, argue, and then decided that the article was transparently enough set forth and there was nothing to add.
    I agree with the author. It's not about songs, it's about trends. "Love me, love my dog ​​too" - so the British. Americanization is especially dangerous in the field of language, since it is directly related to the formation of mental and moral stereotypes, here it starts with children. Someone is friends, for example, while others are already friends.
    Using the language, you can make friends and masters from enemies, and, conversely, make enemies from friends. Example: "You can sing for free in Ukraine only in" mov ", and all foreign songs, including Russian ones, must be taxed. This idea was put forward by a member of the nationalist party" Svoboda "Irina Farion, who was elected deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 7th convocation. And she hastened to reinforce her anti-Russian attitude with the European experience. They say that in France and Switzerland a tax on other people's songs was introduced long ago. The nationalist proposes to use the money raised to enrich Ukrainian culture.
    - Do you want to perform songs in Russian - no problem, there is a country where they sing in this language, but where can Ukrainians go with their songs? If you want him (Russian - Ed.) To be present - pay money, and my culture will develop from this money, - said Farion and hastened to praise the radio stations in Lviv, some of them do not play Russian music at all. "

  10. +5
    1 December 2012 12: 51
    Watch then we look, but we see only x..voe. Juvenile justice, for example. Minority sex rights, gender equality (the word is "gender" and the catch is that if you ask to translate, it will not become clearer. It turns out that this is not related, as it would seem, with gender. No, with social sexual functionality. Well, they themselves would not have come up with it).
    And about looking at the advanced ones - no need to look at them. They are not advanced. They are different. What is good for the Russian is death for the German. You need to look at yourself more carefully. To your problems. I don’t give a damn what is in the eyes of others - chips or logs (there is the Army and Navy for this). The main thing is that it is clean in our eyes.
    I don’t know about you, but it seems to me (I’ve been looking at the world for more than 50 years) that it’s getting cleaner.
    1. +1
      1 December 2012 13: 43
      I don’t know how the whole world is, but our country is definitely becoming cleaner.
  11. +5
    1 December 2012 12: 54
    Why do we live on the back of America, that’s how it should be called from the article, because some politicians got education there, and some went through training there to break up Russia
  12. +5
    1 December 2012 13: 12
    It is possible that the adversaries have good music. It is alarming that our people listen to Western music, and not just Western, but English. And they forget their Russian music. Even if our music, its style, manner is a clone of the American. During the war, our grandfathers German songs were not sung. And our Russians, Ukrainian sang, etc. The site is of course military, it would seem that there is some connection. The moral spirit of the army is an important factor in victory. It is not by chance that military ensembles of songs and dances were created in the USSR. the moral image of Soviet people in their minds. I imagine that the German felt when he heard this song. I heard that the Führer did not speak very flattering about Alexandrov.
  13. Spooky
    1 December 2012 13: 14
    Actually, it's better to look wider - worship before the West! Tsar Peter studied in ............ west, in Holland! I was hanging out in ...................... German (well, that is, in German) settlement! Great Queen Catherine is generally German! Russians have always worshiped and envied the West, its manners, laws, etc. At the very top they always say - Russia is a European country, Eurocentrism is in your blood! One deputy even agreed that the inhabitants of the rulers of the east are also .............. Europeans! And since "vile America" ​​is at the head of the West, you are correspondingly equal to it!
    1. Crocus
      1 December 2012 16: 23
      Quote: Spooky
      One deputy even agreed that the inhabitants of the eastern lands are also .............. Europeans

      If this leader said otherwise, he would not be allowed to go home to the Alps! wassat
  14. +4
    1 December 2012 13: 24
    Personally, I listen to and bastard from our songs. Now Utyosov is playing for me "An order was given to him to the West."

    And if the enemies are from overseas
    They will start to scare us with an atom
    Fifteen republics will answer in Russian
    It won’t work out ... your ...
  15. bart74
    1 December 2012 13: 42
    I do not agree that we are really looking back at the United States. More or less enlightened about the states, everything has long been clear. There is no freedom of election there, there is censorship in the press, there is a restriction of personal freedoms, each state is a separate state where laws are diametrical.
    But there is nothing wrong with borrowing useful experience and achievements. I do not see anything shameful in the fact that at the beginning of the twentieth century we bought machine guns and tractors from the Amers. And now we are sending their astronauts into Space. They also borrow from us. The world is now globalized, information spreads instantly. The article is weak, although I put a plus, as a sign of respect for the author for his "creativity", but we have to admit, another pouring from empty to empty and searching for what is not. It's just that the United States is hegemonic today and it is stupid not to look back at them or follow their experience. Well, all cultures are sick with Americanism today. We will grind nothing, we already had something similar when to know all over the world in French spreader, so what is lost GREAT and MIGHTY? that's it!
  16. ironman
    1 December 2012 13: 50
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    You need to look at yourself, not the west. In Russia, a thousand-year-old culture, only millionaires do not need it.

    You need to look on all sides.
    Everyone needs culture, including the rich. everyone wants to understand the beautiful and in their hearts are noble, even the last scoundrels.
    Only culture rests on order. There is no order — no accumulation of knowledge — chaos is born. In general, Russia is in a state of chaos. No one can count on the execution of the law not in the police station or in court. Neither rich nor poor. From chaos and flee. How they fled during the Bolshevik coup.
    In the west, there is less chaos, and the rich run there. Many poor people would run away too, but no money.
    1. +2
      1 December 2012 14: 00
      Quote: ironman
      In the west, there is less chaos., And there the rich flee. The poor too would run away but no money.

      The rich flee there from irreplaceable retaliation for the new things, which concerns the poor, I’m not rich, but I don’t go there with money, there is no culture, there is sodom and Gomorrah in the modern sense. Those who wreak havoc. If I correctly understood your post , then the west is for you a poster of life, well, it's your choice hi
  17. +5
    1 December 2012 14: 04
    This office even has a name that says: "USAID". Immediately associated with the disease of drug addicts and homosexuals: AIDS - US AIDs-American AIDS. It really is like a disease with which it is very difficult to fight. But it is necessary. Otherwise, all the complications caused by this infection will destroy the body. After all, as you know, people die not from AIDS as such, but from the fact that the body affected by it can no longer fight diseases that a healthy body can cope with without any problems.
    1. Crocus
      1 December 2012 16: 26
      Quote: lewerlin53rus
      This office even has a name that says "USAID"

      Still worse! Read in Russian: US AID !!! American HELL! am
  18. ironman
    1 December 2012 14: 07
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    The rich flee there from irreplaceable retribution for the new

    Remind you why Chichvarkin escaped there?
    1. Crocus
      1 December 2012 16: 28
      Quote: ironman
      Remind you why Chichvarkin escaped there?

      To publish "Bell", or "Iskra" !!! They also found me - a light in the window! wassat
      1. Marine One
        1 December 2012 18: 10
        Quote: Crocus
        They also found me - the light in the window!

        But I will support., Vladimir. And I'm more worried that along with businessman Chichvarkin, in the light of the 20-year-old mess, Novoselov, Oganov, Kharzeev, Game, Safonov, Yakovlev, Moshkalev, Anosov, Antonkin, Antipov - physicists, biochemists, neuroscientists, cybernetics left. But there is Skolkovo. That is yes.
        1. Sardanapalus
          1 December 2012 20: 42
          Marine one,
          Along! .. but not together! And what did you want the whole country to score on science, and with excitement began to trade in socks and vodka! .. Scientists went to do science, but what will the ingenious businessman Chichvarkin do there? .. hell knows.
          1. Marine One
            1 December 2012 23: 18
            It’s clear that it’s not together. That's just the conditions for their return, no one is particularly going to create. The same Oganov - a brilliant chemist, future Nobel - keeps in touch with Moscow State University solely on his own initiative. How many enthusiasts are there? And Chichvarkin in this connection does not bother me much - he is a talented businessman. According to the latest data, in London a distillery opened. So it will not be lost.
  19. Nymp
    1 December 2012 14: 12
    Not so long ago I watched the program, I don't remember on which of the Ostankino canals, the presenter Dima Dibrov (personally, I got the impression that this comrade has a bullet in his head, despite the fact that he is a fellow countryman). Leonid Agutin was his guest. So this Agusha shit specifically on everything Russian in the musical sphere (but here you shouldn't be offended, given that the habitat of this comrade is snuffed pop) and with such enthusiasm brought Western musical culture to the rank of a shrine (Dibrov blissfully rolled his eyes under his forehead ) that the impression was created that in Russia the cavemen were lagging behind civilization, and the rest of the European-American civilized world was tired of suffering with us. So while this TV box fosters similar views in the younger generation with impunity, we will not soon get rid of "Russian Americanism".
    1. donchepano
      3 December 2012 09: 44
      Quote: Nymp
      Leonid Agutin was his guest. So this Agusha shit specifically on everything Russian in the musical sphere (but here you shouldn't be offended, given that the habitat of this comrade is snuffed pop) and with such enthusiasm brought Western musical culture to the rank of a shrine (Dibrov blissfully rolled his eyes under his forehead ) that the impression was created that in Russia the cavemen were lagging behind civilization, and the rest of the European-American civilized world was tired of suffering with us. So while this TV-box will instill such views in the younger generation with impunity, we will not soon get rid of "Russian Americanism".

      Well, that is, accordingly, to this Agutin with his varumyanshey should be the same attitude from normal people. In general, a solid fool "HOUSE" ...
  20. Spooky
    1 December 2012 14: 18
    Even this site is called, and not or !!!!!!!! Cyrillic sites are completely dead - an obvious fact!
    1. Nymp
      1 December 2012 14: 20
      Quote: Spooky
      Cyrillic sites are completely dead - an obvious fact!
      Maybe the whole point is that initially acquaintance with the Internet begins in Latin?
      1. Spooky
        1 December 2012 14: 57
        When they invented the Internet, originally imprisoned in Latin, we fled from each other in 1991 as scalded. Some even managed to cut their throats to each other!
        1. Nymp
          1 December 2012 15: 14
          Quote: Spooky
          we fled from each other in 1991 as scalded. Some even managed to cut their throats to each other!
          Sad but true. You're right. And still some still shy away from the same Cyrillic alphabet as Satan from incense, although this is their native alphabet.
    2. +6
      1 December 2012 15: 10
      There are websites on hieroglyphs ... Under socialism, in our defense industry, programming and control of some computer complexes was in Russian. Initially, the bulk of the Internet was in Latin. And this has already reached a kind of tradition, therefore, I think, you can leave it as before.
      The rest of the article is essentially, these questions have occupied me before. Everything is correctly said, only one question: and WHO, specifically from the leaders, will promote and develop Russian, who will suspend the expansion of Americanism around? Well, we are with you - but we are still not the whole country! There must be a leader ...
  21. djon3volta
    1 December 2012 15: 03
    on this site there are quite a few praisers of America and the West, and pouring mud on Russia. I poked a couple of fingers here a couple of days ago, so they bumped me specifically. am
    1. Nymp
      1 December 2012 15: 18
      djon3volta, It happens do not worry. I had on this site so that I supported the opinion of the interlocutors, did not understand and zamusnovali not pay attention to shoulder straps and insignia! For example, your opinion is much more important to me than the consent or disagreement of members of the forum. wink
  22. Rubik
    1 December 2012 15: 29
    America is a great country that has managed in a relatively short time from a weak English colony to become the number one power. America is one of the few countries in the world that over the 100 years of its existence has increased its population from 5 million to 100. This was facilitated not only by a good birth rate, but also by a very large emigration, but emigrants were primarily attracted by economic and political freedom. The US economy at the beginning of its existence was smaller than the economy of the Netherlands, and 100 years later, by 1900, America came out on top in the world ahead of Russia, France, Germany and the British Empire.

    The problem of Russia is that Russia does not take and cannot now take all the best that needs to be taken from the Americans, they take the very thing that in America itself has long been considered bad and is mercilessly criticized. It is precisely such things that are introduced in Russia and are passed off as "Americanisms", and they give it perverted forms. Stupidity is simple.
    1. Nymp
      1 December 2012 15: 55
      Quote: Rubik
      America is a great country that managed in a relatively short time from a weak English colony to become the number one power
      America is a country of thief sharpie aggressor. And all her achievements are the result of a great scam after the Second World War. America inherited all the gold of Europe (and where else could the countries that were hiding their gold reserve currency? Only in the country whose territory was not attacked) replaced the gold standard with the dollar standard. Giving back stinky dollars instead of gold. And in countries that do not agree with US policy, foci of revolution and war immediately flare up. And they count on people like you, they need such people on the swamp and on all kinds of Maidan there!
      1. Sardanapalus
        1 December 2012 20: 46
        Quote: Nymp
        America is a country of thief sharpie aggressor.

        Today it doesn’t matter how; important - how much !!! Tippa doesn't smell like money, business is business, and money in someone else’s pockets is indecent!
  23. +1
    1 December 2012 15: 59
    It’s not we who live with an eye on the West, those who live with an eye on who the money stolen from us is stored in banks !!!
  24. Rubik
    1 December 2012 16: 00
    Nimp, America became a great country before the Second World War, and even before the First World War. The USSR learned a lot from them, from industry to agriculture. Automobile plants were built by the notorious Ford. No need to speak only propaganda cliches. America has both negative and positive points. Like any country in the world. But I see a lot more pluses. This country has made itself and has taken a leading position in a world where only the strongest climbs to the top. The rule of natural selection has not been canceled.
    1. Nymp
      1 December 2012 16: 13
      Quote: Rubik
      No need to speak only propaganda cliches.
      I am not a propagandist, expressed my beliefs, I have the right! If to you (you) any opinion not parallel to yours (yours) seems propaganda - your problems. The results of so-called democracy in America are visible to the naked eye around the world. And the current escalation of anti-Russian sentiment in the former republics is the work of the USA.
      1. The cat
        1 December 2012 19: 15
        Well, of course, who if not Mordor USA. Russia is all such a sweetheart and a little cookie, but enemies around. It is with its policy that Russia creates such moods, Newton’s 3rd law.
    2. stranik72
      1 December 2012 21: 06
      It’s just that you don’t have to lie to yourself, you don’t need people to become a great power after Russia, so who and whom to learn from. The approach to the formation of the country was immediately gangster, 4 months after the creation of the state, they declared war on their neighbors, after 6 they broke off the agreement with Russia on special relations and other nasty things in the form of the destruction of the indigenous population and the slave trade. It’s weak to write about it.
  25. sevl
    1 December 2012 16: 40
    Russia has never lived with an eye to the west. The myth imposed by the media. There are periods when a Western way of life is imposed on Russia - this is a different conversation, and we have been living in this period for more than 20 years ...
  26. Rubik
    1 December 2012 16: 51
    sevl, the western image began to be imposed by Peter I.
    1. WW3
      2 December 2012 01: 49
      Quote: Rubik
      the western image began to be imposed by Peter I.

      The iron curtain closed the cut window to Europe, and it is not for nothing that many "values" are simply alien to Russian culture ...
  27. +1
    1 December 2012 21: 38
    For Russians, love of the word is much more common and more passionately expressed than in most other countries. ”

    One Russian mat is worth. Juicy, colorful, with meaning. And what an abundance of expressions, what fantasy, breathtaking. And America has only one thing for all occasions - fa. So, they should learn and study from Russia.
  28. s1н7т
    1 December 2012 21: 38
    As I read that Stanyukovich is a singer of American democracy, it became funny and not interesting. The article is a fat minus. Harmful article - takes away from reality.
  29. +1
    1 December 2012 21: 48
    Well, not everything is so simple, far from all. There is a huge layer in Western culture worthy of all respect. Especially classics, especially music and literature. Another thing is that Russian culture is not done with a finger. But since it is Russian culture that is native to us, she must play the first violin in the life of Russian society.
  30. georg737577
    1 December 2012 22: 32
    First of all, the country should have a NATIONAL-oriented elite (please do not confuse the true meaning of this word with that "elite" whose names are slobbering over to us on TV channels ...), then the issues of filling the consciousness of the masses with "multicultural values" alien and hostile to us (the main purpose of whom - to contribute to the spiritual and intellectual degradation of the former peoples of the USSR) will be raised accordingly; there is still time to reverse the trend. You just don't have to be ashamed of such things as patriotism, love for your own language (which is much richer than English!), For your own history and traditions. But the first to understand this is Putin himself.
  31. +1
    2 December 2012 00: 23
    The opinion presented by the media that Russia is looking at the West, and attempts to pass off wishful thinking are not the people's opinion on this issue. 100 of us are soon trying to etch that we are Russians. We have our own thousand year old culture. A language that is unique and expressive has no analogues on Earth. At all times, Russia has been a bone in the throat of an aggressor trying to swallow this world. Therefore, waves of aggression are constantly rolling in attempts to destroy Russia. But we are - ALIVE. Sincerely.
  32. -1
    2 December 2012 00: 27
    Today we live with caution, because it is directly dependent on the Fed. We lose our identity completely. Not long left - either Islam or the Chinese language.
  33. +3
    2 December 2012 01: 18
    Guys, don’t dramatize everything so much.
    My opinion is that there is a material world and there is a spiritual world. In the material world, you can perceive anything from other cultures. Even to borrow words, trying, however, not to lose their own. The main thing is that we do not accept the image of their life into our spiritual world. I mean - if your heart is hard, go to the Temple, to the Mosque, finally go to vodka booze with your best friend. But DO NOT go to a psychoanalyst. And in raising children, use the good old belt, and not "xperds" in child psychology. And do not be fooled into tolerating gomosyatin. Call pydora pydrom.
    We have a huge, powerful genetic memory. And so quickly with all sorts of American films there, she cannot be killed.
    1. +1
      2 December 2012 01: 25
      About genetic memory, "ways and methods" I agree. But there is such a science as mathematics and statistics. If at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, in terms of population, we were at the start on a par with China, having 8-12 children in a family and the population of countries in the range of 200-300 million. Today the result of demographic policy is evident.
  34. Atlon
    2 December 2012 04: 56
    As far as I know, the "Maxim" machine gun is not from America, but from France ... Well, about the dominance of the dollar "for at least another hundred years," the author got excited. Otherwise, everything is correct! I got sick.
    But I think, soon, Americanisms will go out of fashion. As soon as America collapses (ten years no more left to wait).
    1. +2
      2 December 2012 11: 33
      Well, Hiram Maxim, this is not a Frenchman, so Athlone was mistaken, and that Russia is turning into a US colony, though with a creak, it’s obvious. A free country cannot but continue its independent course. As soon as it begins to be liberated, it will immediately be turned into an evil empire, stolen and stolen with the permission of the authorities, which became obvious, they hit the hill. And those who don’t surrender their own do not even know what they’ll do, but they’ll obviously not shoot themselves.
  35. ironman
    2 December 2012 10: 40
    Quote: Ascetic
    I do not get tired of repeating, Read Berdyaev, men, and much will become clear.

    If you do not have an objective view of things (the absence of a denial of facts), then you can’t get much by reading Berdyaev.
    Berdyaev has a philosophy of an enthusiastic philosopher. Passion always interferes with objectivity. He has no reliance on facts. Beautiful reasoning but not relevant to reality.
  36. +1
    2 December 2012 12: 17
    This is a consequence of the reforms of Peter 1. Then the Germans, the Dutch and others began to promote in Russia. They began to humiliate and destroy everything Russian. Despite this, Russian patriots, who are now called "nationalists", defended their rights and the rights of the Russian people. These are AV Suvorov, MI Kutuzov, Chancellor Gorchak. Decembrists and thousands of ordinary Russian people. And as a result of the coup d'etat of 1991, with the support of American special services, "rats" came to power, hating RUSSIA and everything Russian! so-called Boerbulus Chubais Berezovsky Nemtsov khokomydy ... So what should they praise ??? The answer is clear - only all amerovskoe!
  37. ironman
    2 December 2012 12: 24
    Quote: vezunchik
    Then in Russia began to promote the Germans, Dutch and others. All Russian began to humiliate and destroy

    You can give an explanation.
    Specifically, what began to destroy the Russian?
    1. 0
      2 December 2012 16: 02
      starting with the story. There were cities in Russia at a time when the Gauls were sitting naked in the forests in Fratsgia! They spoke only French, many rich nobles could not speak Russian! Learn the story!
  38. Raven
    2 December 2012 15: 42
    Our Soviet Union will punish
    The whole world from Europe to the Neva on the East
    Above the ground they will sing everywhere:
    The capital, vodka, our Soviet bear!

    All the nations here are worth it
    What we all brought to light
    Grateful low bow
    From sa-my-mo-gu-generous in the world!

    Our Soviet Union will punish
    The whole world from Europe to the Neva on the East
    Above the ground they will sing everywhere:
    The capital, vodka, our Soviet bear!
    Here is a song of fear of the West before us!