Secrets of Russian history: Azov-Black Sea Russia and Varangian Russia. Part of 2

Secrets of Russian history: Azov-Black Sea Russia and Varangian Russia. Part of 2

There is important evidence from Greek (Byzantine) sources of the complete identity of the Scythians and the Russes of the early Middle Ages. One of the first Greek writers who mentioned Russo (Rosov) was Patriarch Photius, who literally radiates hatred of "the Scythian, and rude, and barbarous people" - this is after the siege of Constantinople by the Russian troops in 860 year. At the same time, the Christian hierarch also noted that the Rus were not only barbaric, but also nomadic people. This is actually a direct reference to Azov-Black Sea Russia, which was the direct heir of the Great Scythia (Sarmatia).

It should be noted that for Photius and other Greek (Romaic) authors, the image of the “people grew” is sharply negative and fully coincides with the unfriendly attitude towards the Scythians, which existed in Greece at the time of Herodotus. In fact, it was a confrontation between two civilizations, one was mercantile, usurious at its core, and the other, northern (Russian), was based on the concepts of honor, justice, and creative labor. This confrontation with varying success continues to the present day. For the West, Russian civilization is a “different”, northern “Mordor”, where people are ready to give their lives “for their friends”, the Homeland. In Russia, the concept of the primacy of the general over the individual, the superiority of the Spirit over Matter, is preserved.

The famous historian Leo Deacon, who left for us a valuable description of Svyatoslav Igorevich's campaigns to Bulgaria, and a description of the greatest Russian warrior, stubbornly calls the Russian soldiers “Tavro-Scythians,” that is, the Crimean Scythians. The historian even noted that the name “Russians” is commonplace, and “Scythians” is real, scientific. Thus, we have data from Greek, Eastern sources that mention Azov-Black Sea Russia. This data is also supported by Russian sources: Nikonovskaya, Nikanorovskaya, Ioakimovskaya Chronicles, The Legend of Sloven and Ruse and the city of Slovensk. Even the Tale of Bygone Years calls the Black Sea "Russian", and the tribal unions of the Great Skifia living on its coast.

Confirms the data of written sources and archeology. It is obvious that Russians lived in the 8 century in Crimea, many objects of Slavic-Russian origin were found here. Slavic found in Korsun and southeastern part of the peninsula weapon, cult objects with inscriptions in Russian, Slavic dishes and other household items. At the same time, it is believed that descendants of Tavroskifs and Sarmatians lived in the Crimea during this period. It is obvious that the Sarmatians could not “turn” into Slavs in such a short period of time, since there were no major migrations of the population to Crimea during this period. The Crimean peninsula was not part of the migration zone of the Slavic unions that came from the Balkan Peninsula. We have to admit that the Crimean Slavs 8-9 centuries. and there are Sarmatians - Tauroskifs - Ruses.

It is also necessary to say that many eastern authors call the Don, the “river of Slavs”, the “Russian river”. Al-Masoudi notes that there are “many settlements of Slavs” on the great river Tanais (Don). The very first mention of the Slavic population of the lower Don dates back to 737. This year, Arab troops under the authority of Caliph’s brother Mervan Ibn Mohammed invaded the North Caucasus during the war with Khazaria, defeated the Khazars and devastated the land on the Lower Don, taking captive to 20 thousand Slavic families. Slavs planned to settle in the possession of the Caliphate to protect the borders. The Slavs at that time were famous for being excellent warriors and sources report on their constant presence in the wars of the Arab Caliphate, the Byzantine Empire and the Khazars. Originally they were located in Kakheti. However, soon the Slavs rebelled, killed the governor and his soldiers and moved to their homeland. But they did not have to see the banks of their native river, the Arab army overtook them and almost all of them destroyed.

According to Arabian author 13 of the century Fakhr ad-Din Mubarakshah, in the Khazar Khanate (the Slavs in general made up a significant part of the population of Khazaria) borrowed writing from the Russians who lived close by. Obviously, this refers to the Black Sea Rus, “Tauroskifs”. This is another confirmation that the Ruses possessed writing long before it was “created” by the “Slovenian teachers” Cyril and Methodius. Actually in “Life of sv. Cyril "also tells about the ancient Russian literature. Konstantin Philosopher (Kirill), being in the settlements of the southern Crimea, got acquainted there with books that were written by “Russian writings”. It was these letters that were taken as the basis for creating the “Cyrillic alphabet”. Therefore, when on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture (Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius) they speak about the “creation” of the brothers of the Russian written language, this is obvious disinformation. Russian writing existed long before the Christianization of Russia. Moreover, the researchers even reported on several types of Slavic-Russian literature that existed in Pagan Rus.

There is no doubt that for the Arab and Greek authors the "Pontic" Rus Tauroskifs are Slavs. Byzantine sources in fact do not distinguish between the Black Sea and Dnieper Rus, considering them as parts of a single whole, a single culture. In their eyes, the "Scythians", "Tauroskifs" are identical with the Russians, the Russians. The Russian chronicles, reporting about the “Great Scythian”, which shook Constantinople-Constantinople with its campaigns, use the term “Russians” in its present meaning, without separating the 9 centuries from their contemporaries at all. As the researcher N. I. Vasilyeva rightly notes: “... placing“ Rus ”7-9 centuries. Only in Dnieper, in the Kiev region, and giving the entire steppe zone of the East European Plain to some “non-Russian” peoples, historians do not just make a mistake, but allow unforgivable juggling ”(Vasilyeva N. I., Yu. D. Petukhov. Russian Scythia) . Since ancient times this region has been inhabited by one community - the Superethnos Rus.

An interesting fact is that traces of the ancient Slavic heritage are found in the North Caucasus. Shore Nogmov in the work "The legends of the Adyghes are not useless for stories Of Russia, published in 1850 in the journal Moskovitianin, told about the Adyghean legends about the Ants bogatyrs and how these ants-Slavs fought with the Goths, Huns, Avars and Romans-Byzantines. I must say that Nogmov collected for the great Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Adyghean legends, legends and songs. The Epic of the Adygei tells in detail about the three Ants' heroes: Buce (Baksan), Laurite (Lauristane), and Mezanmire Idariche (Maremijo, son of Idar). We meet the name of Buss in the Gothic historian Jordan in his book on the origin and deeds ready. Agreeing to his story, Prince Vinitar captured and ferociously executed 70 antsky princes, led by Bus. The Russian “Word about Igor's Regiment” informs: “And now the red Gothic maidens sang on the coast of the blue sea, calling Russian gold: they sing the time of Busovo ...”.

Nogmov translated the cry of the meanly slain by the enemies of his sister's Antsky prince: “The heroism of Buss illuminates the Antsky people with their virtues. O Bous's birthplace, although he is no longer among the living, but when Gut (Goth) will get you, do not submit! All the people revered him for the good spirit: when the battle began and the blows shone like lightning, his presence settled confidence in the Ants people. Gut (gothic) torture does not stop, all the people came to despair, because eight pairs of bulls brought his body to their homeland. "

Another Slavic hero, Lavrit, the Adyghe traditions call Lauristan. He, according to the song, included captives from the Byzantine province of Mysia and Dacia into the bride price. This tells us about the wars of the Slavs-Ants with Byzantium. The Adygei songs say that the ambassadors of the Avar Kagan “Baikan” (Bayan) demanded tribute from Lavrita. The Antes responded with “proud and unpleasant words,” in response, the Avars also began to dare, as a result, which led to their death. Having received a pretext for war, the Avar ruler moved his troops into the lands of the Antes, and Lavrita died defending his homeland.

At the hands of the Avars, another Slavic prince, Mezanmir Idarich, was taken to death, whom Avar legends call Maremiho, son of Idar. This leader died during the embassy to the Avars - an antagonist of the Antes whispered to Kagan that by killing Prince Mesanmir, it would be much easier to cope with the Antes.

Another trace of the neighborhood with the Slavs remained in the Chechen folklore. In the legends of the Chechens, a certain Pirjo or Pyrone padchah (padishah) is mentioned. In the first tale, literally the divine power of the Creator is attributed to him: "... Piryon-padishah created heaven and earth." In the second tradition, Pyrrhon is already opposed to the “god” - not to Allah, not to the Christian Lord, or to one of the tribal deities of the Vainakhs. Up to the 19 century, Islam in Chechnya got along with paganism and Christianity, the time of the complete victory of Islam - this coincided with the period of activization of the tsarist policy in the Caucasus. “Pirjo argued with God. On the edge of the universe, he built a bronze canopy like a sky. Pir'o rode the barrels along with it, pouring water out of them. ” Another legend says that Pieron made the copper vaults of heaven. He forced women to climb the self-made vaults of heaven and pour water from there. There are also legends in which Piryon from the underworld got the first mill for people. He also tells that the formidable Vladyka Pirion highly respected the elderly, loved children and immensely revered bread, for disrespecting which he punished very harshly. The last commandment is very surprising for the mountain people, whose economy was based on cattle breeding, hunting, and raids on its neighbors.

It is obvious that Pirjo is the Slavic thunderer Perun. He "was responsible" for thunder and lightning, sent rains to the earth with the help of "cloud maidens" who were called pitchforks or beregin (women who Pyrion-Perun forced to pour water from the copper skies). Communication between the fork and the rain was inseparable - even on the headgear of Russian 12 women's centuries, chain-shaped trees depicting rain hanging on the sides of their faces ended with pendants that depicted pitchforks (birds with female faces). Perun, according to beliefs recorded in White Russia, flies on the sky astride a millstone. And in the Slovak legend it is reported that he severely punishes those who are disrespectful with bread. The connection of the thunderer with the “production of bread” is obvious.

The brazen sky, the “kingdom” is constantly mentioned in Russian legends, fairy tales, conspiracies: I will rise ... blessing, and go cross to an open field, wash with dew and dawn with light, rub myself with the red sun, gird you with a bright month, obtychsya small frequent stars, cover me with a copper sky ". The Christian “celestial commander”, Michael the Archangel (in whose image we also see the features of Perun), was asked by the Orthodox soldier to fence him with an “iron and copper sky”.

Even the barrels that were rolled over the copper sky by the women of “Pyrona” have a connection with the Slavic legends. In honor of the God of Thunder with his ritual weapon - the club (the first weapon of ancient people), the daring young men in the villages of Khorutan tried to get and break the old barrel from the saddle, which was hung in the main square of the village to the oldest and most revered tree. Villagers at that time sang ritual songs. And in Novgorod, in 1358, "established themselves with each other by kissing the cross, so that they wouldn’t be loved by the devils and don’t beat the barrels" (the pagan gods of ancestors became Russian demons by this time). Alexander Afanasyev in the Poetic Views of the Slavs on Nature compared these two news and came to the conclusion that this is a ritual in honor of Perun, where the barrel symbolizes his thunderstorm clouds full of intoxicating wet rains.

Varangian Rus

Another core of Russian statehood was "Varangian Rus" (Venediya). It consisted of vast areas of Central Europe. Often, researchers are mistaken when they are trying to adapt the messages of Arab authors, which are obviously related to the Varangian Rus, to the territory of the future Kievan Rus. Thus, the Persian author of 1 of the 10th century X Ibn Ruste writes about the “Land of the Ruses”, which is located on an island surrounded by a lake (sea). Tsar Rusov called "Khakan". The main occupation Rusov war and trade. They have many cities, the Ruses live richly, they all wear golden bracelets. Guests are respectful and in every way they protect. A newborn boy is presented with a sword with the wish that these weapons acquire wealth. Taken legal fights (court of God). Healers Russov "even command the king." The Russ accepted human sacrifices. The custom of the burial of one of the wives with the deceased husband was also adopted (in India, this custom - Sati was common until the 19 century, when it was banned by the British). “They are brave and courageous, and if they attack another people, they do not lag behind until they completely destroy them. The defeated are slaughtered or destroyed. But on horseback, they don’t show courage, and they make all their raids and trips on ships. ”

Obviously, these Rus are not Slavs of the Danube Valley or Dnieper. Nor can it be the Rus of Azov-Black Sea Russia. The heirs of the Great Scythia were excellent warrior-riders, and inherited the traditions of the "Scythians-plowmen". Human sacrifices, cruelty to the vanquished, are not characteristic of the Slavs and Rus of the Russian Plain. But all the signs indicate that the country is Rus, ”this is the land of the Venetian, Vendian, and Venetian. The island surrounded by a lake (sea) is the island of Ruyan (modern Rugen) in the Baltic Sea. This is the largest island within modern Germany - the total area of ​​926 km². Here was located the residence of one of the most authoritative rulers of the Wends, who bore the title of "Hagan of the North" ("Hakan Nortanorum"). Influential priests, whose power is higher than the prince - is the priesthood of the sacred Arkona, the city and religious center of the Ruyan. There was located one of the most important shrines of the Varangian Rus - the temple of Svyatovit.

Venda according to an eastern source had many cities. And this confirms the manuscript of the “Bavarian Geographer” (or the Eastern Franks tribal table) of the 9th century. It says that the willows (lutus) had 95 grads, northern obedrites - 53 cities, eastern obedrites - more than 100 cities, sorbs (Puddle Serbs) - 50 cities, earthenware (were part of the Obodrit union) - 7 cities, etc. The Vendas were also famous for their advanced crafts and trade. No wonder that their cities after Germanization and Christianization became the basis for the famous Hansa.

It should also be noted that the Western Rus (“Varangians”), being the “border” branch of the Superethnos Rus, which was the first to take the blow of Christian Rome and its “dog knights”, were distinguished by fury that bordered on cruelty. This has allowed them for several centuries to withstand the terrible blows of the Western "crusaders" who, with fire and sword, burned out the ancient legacy of Russian civilization in Europe. It was impossible to say about the Eastern Slavs and Rusas that they "destroy or defeat the vanquished or enslave." Western Rus lived according to the principle "to live with wolves - to howl like a wolf." No wonder one of the main unions of the tribes was called wiliah wolves, lyutychimi-lyutymi. The Varyags were afraid throughout Western Europe, their warships reached the Iberian Peninsula, and entered the Mediterranean Sea, devastating the shores of Italy. There was a bloody and brutal war between Christian Rome and its vassals, who rejected the ancestral faith of kings and Slavic state formations. It was a war of annihilation. The result was sad for the Superethnos Rus (Russian-Slavic civilization). Varangian Rus was destroyed, its population was mostly German. Another part of the Slavic world - the Polian-Lyakhs, Czechs, Moravians, Croats, and others. Christianized, subordinated to the Roman throne, largely depriving them of the Slavic code (program). They were made an instrument, a weapon in the struggle against the more stable eastern core of the Superethnos Rus.

Cruelty (in the eyes of the Eastern Rus, the Slavs) was also manifested in the custom of human sacrifice. This custom was alien to southern and eastern Slavs, Rusam-Scythians. They kept the purer tradition of the Russian Faith. So, it is known that when the Rus-Varangians (their significant element came to the Russian land with Rurik and his brothers) tried to introduce the custom of human sacrifice in Kiev, this caused public outrage.

At the same time, it cannot be said that Eastern and Western Russia were completely different cultures. There was much more common in character, faith, customs and way of life than differences. Those and others were faithful to the ancient religious tradition, which had been going on since the time of the Aryan-Indo-Europeans, and the state-communal (people's aristocratic) system, were courageous in battle, preferring death to captivity and slavery.

So, by the early Middle Ages, two main ethnocultural and language cores of the Superethnos Rus in Northern Eurasia were formed. The first core is Varyazhskaya Rus in Northern, Central and parts of Eastern Europe (the future lands of Novgorod). Apparently, originally Varyazhskaya Rus was secondary to Azov-Black Sea Russia, which was the direct heir of Great Scythia-Sarmatia. No wonder she was called "Borus, Borussia" (the ancient prefix "bo-" originally meant, the other, additional). Later this territory was called “Prussia”, i.e. Porus. Veneds-Venda was a foreign Shard of Great Scythia. However, as the crisis developed in the main territory of Scythia, the geopolitical center of gravity shifted to Variazhskaya Rus, which ultimately gave the ruling dynasty of the eastern part of the Russian world - Rurikovich.

The second core is in Southeastern Europe, Azov-Black Sea Russia, which was the direct heir of Great Scythia. However, this center was in crisis, it was subjected to the strongest pressure from the South (Byzantium, Khazaria, Turks and even Arabs). The Rus-Tavro-Scythians of the Eastern European steppes practically lost contact with the "Scythian-Siberian world" and as a result were defeated in the struggle for influence on the Slavs of the intermediate zone - the Danube, Dniester, Dnieper basins, the Rusam-Vikings. Later, part of Azov-Black Sea Russia was subordinated to Khazaria, the other part was included in the sphere of influence of Novgorod-Kiev Russia.

Vasilyeva N. I., Petukhov Yu. D. Russian Scythia. M., 2006.
Vernadsky G.V. Ancient Rus. M., 1999.
Gedeonov S. Varyags and Russia. SPb., 2012.
Larionov V. Scythian Rus. M., 2011.
Lyubavsky M. Russian history from Scythia to Muscovy. M., 2012.
Mavrodin. V.V. Ancient Rus: The Origin of the Russian People and the Formation of the Kiev State. M., 1946.
Materials on the history of the USSR. M., 1985.
Petukhov, Yu. D. Rus of Eurasia. M., 2007.
Petukhov Yu. D. The Mystery of the Ancient Rus. M., 2007.
Prozorov L. The Varangian Rus. Slavic Atlantis. M., 2010.
Prozorov L. The Caucasian Frontier of Rus. M., 2011.
Russian Khazaria. M., 2001.
Tsvetkov S. Beginning of Russian history. From ancient times to the reign of Oleg. M., 2012.
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  1. Miha_Skif
    3 December 2012 09: 46
    Great, Alexander!
    No fiction, only a generalization of known facts good

    And the list of literature is impressive ...
  2. donchepano
    3 December 2012 12: 22
  3. +4
    3 December 2012 13: 41
    If anyone is interested in the ancient history of the Slavs, I recommend reading the book "Encyclopedia of Pagan Gods. Myths of the Ancient Slavs." Author A.A. Bychkov.
    You will not regret.
  4. Shuhrat turani
    3 December 2012 13: 52
    At the same time, the Christian hierarch also noted that the Russians are not only barbaric, but also nomadic. This is actually a direct reference to the Azov-Black Sea Rus, which was the direct heiress of Great Scythia (Sarmatia)

    This direct reference to the sea-river nomads-Varangians (from the Varangian clan of the Rus, who headed many multilingual tribes of eastern Europe under their rule. And all who were subjects of the Rus were called Russians, i.e. belong to the Rus)

    Other Greek sources can be used as an addition, especially the works of Hippocrates (V — IV centuries BC), Xenophon (V — IV centuries BC), Polybius (II century BC) ), Strabo (I c. BC), Ptolemy (II c. AD), etc. Here the ethnonym Scythian (Sykad) is used in two meanings: narrow and wide. In the narrow - the Scythian - is its own ethnonym for one of the tribes that managed to dominate, in the broad - it expressed all the tribes of this association. P.F.Sum wrote this way: the Scythians managed to take precedence over others, and then their ethnonym gradually became a common ethnonym for the tribes subordinate to them. For example, the ethnonym Russian has these two meanings, narrow and broad: the Russian peoples call the whole Russian abroad; when it comes specifically to the peoples or languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, then the ethnonym Russian is used in a narrow sense: Ukrainians, Tatars and other non-Russians are no longer included in this concept. So the ethnonym Scythian was used by Greek historians in both narrow and broad meanings. Later, the ethnonym Scythian began to be used more often only in a broad sense and implied the presence in this association of many independent peoples with their own ethnonyms. The Scythians of the king, Scythians-plowmen, Scythians-farmers, Scythians-nomads differed. According to the first legend given by Herodotus on the origin of the Scythians, it is believed that Targitai was their ancestor, he had three sons: Lipoksai, Arpoksai and the youngest - Kolaksai. All tribes descended from these brothers are called cleaved, i.e. royal. The Greeks call them Scythians [Herodotus, 1972, paragraph 6]. Herodotus further reports that “the Persians call all Scythians Sakas ... Saks wore tall pointed turbans on their heads, dense, so they stood straight” [ibid., Pr. 7, paragraph 64]. According to other Greek sources, in the III century. BC. and up
    IV c. AD the place of the Scythians is occupied by the Sarmatians, which apparently come from the Sauromats, who were still in the VIII century. BC. neighbors of the Scythians. According to Herodotus, then "the Savromats spoke Scythian, but from the beginning it was wrong" [ibid., Pr. 4, paragraph 117].
    1. Shuhrat turani
      3 December 2012 13: 56
      In the 6th century. Menander the Byzantine writes that "the Turks, who in ancient times were called Sakas, sent an embassy to Justin with peace proposals" [Byzantine historians. SPb., 1861, 375], and by the Scythian language he means the "Turkic barbarian language" [ibid., 376]. Elsewhere Menander the Byzantine writes: "... So all the Scythians from the tribe of the so-called Turks gathered up to one hundred and six people" [ibid., 417].

      Procopius of Caesarea (6th century) identifies one of the Scythian tribes, the Amazons, with the Huns and Sabirs [Procopius of Caesarea, 1950, 381]. Under the Cimmerians, he means the Turks-Huns, Utigurs, Kutrigurs. "This" swamp "itself flows into the Euxine Pontus. The peoples who live there were called Cimmerians in ancient times, but now they are called Utigurs" [Procopius of Caesarea, 1950, 384-385].

      Agathius (6th century) also calls the Huns at the Sea of ​​Azov Scythians [Agathius, 1953, 148].

      Theophylact Simokatta (7th century) also notes that the Eastern Scythians are usually called Türks: “Expelled from his kingdom, he (Khosrov) left Ctesiphon and, having crossed the Tigris River, hesitated, not knowing what to do, because alone advised him to go to the Eastern Scythians, whom we used to call the Turks, while others - to go to the Caucasian or Atropean mountains and save his life there "[Simokatta F., 1957, 106].

      Theophanes the Confessor (8th century) under the name Khazars also means the Scythians: "This year Leo Vasilev married the son of Constantine to the daughter of Khagan, the ruler of the Scythians, converting her to Christianity and calling her Irina" (before baptism her name was Chichak) [Chichurov I. S., 1980, 68].

      Also noteworthy is the message "The Tale of Bygone Years" (12th century) that the Scythians, Khazars and Bulgarians are one and the same people: "When the Slavs, as we have already said, lived on the Danube, they came from the Scythians, that is . Khazars, the so-called Bulgarians, and sat down the Danube "[The Tale of the Temporary
  5. Shuhrat turani
    3 December 2012 14: 12
    Russian historian of the 10th century V.N. Tatishchev considers the word Scythian as a collective name. He writes: “... in the name of the Scythians, many different peoples, like Slavs, Sarmatians and Turks, Mongols, or even the entire east-north region of Asia and Europe, including German, Persia and China, were concluded, and this name is seen around The tenth century according to Christ faded away, when they began to notify more clearly about the peoples, but those nations did not disappear, but somewhere else remained ... under the name of the Europeans, in the third to ten centuries according to Christ the name of the Tatars was glorified, and both of them instead of Scythian they began to use ”[Tatishchev VN, 1962, 232-233].

    Theophanes the Byzantine (5th century) considers the Huns to be Scythians. He writes: "Meanwhile, the Scythian Attila, the son of Omnudius, a brave and proud man who removed his elder brother Vdela, assumed power over the Scythians, who are also called Unns, and attacked Thrace" [Theophanes the Byzantine, 1884, 81]. On the other hand, he refers the Türks to the Massagets: "In the east of Tanaid live the Turks, who in ancient times were called Massagets. The Persians in their own language call them Kermichions" [Byzantine historians. SPb., 1861, 492]. In this record of Theophanes, it is worth noting that he knew well both the Massagets (one of the Scythian tribes) and the Persians. If the Scythians-Massagets spoke Persian, he would certainly have noted this circumstance. But Theophan identifies the Massagets with the Turks ...
  6. Volkhov
    3 December 2012 15: 28
    “The heroism of Bus is illuminating the Antian people with his valor. O homeland of Bus, although he is no longer among the living, but when Gut (Goth) will get you - do not obey! All the people revered him for his good spirit: when the battle began and the blows shone like lightning, his presence instilled confidence in the people of Ants. Gut (Gothic) torture does not stop, the whole people became desperate, because eight pairs of bulls brought his body to their homeland. "

    It seems that he was a giant weighing about ten tons, even guns carried fewer bulls.
    1. 0
      4 December 2012 00: 43
      It was just that during pagan times, along with the killed prince, they laid down his weapons, armor, utensils, various utensils, etc., which could be useful to him in the afterlife, so the cart could be huge, for which so many bulls were needed.
  7. +5
    3 December 2012 15: 48
    Greetings Dear ... "Considering that the Eastern origin was indicated, some scholars, until the 20th century, assumed that the Scythians descended from the Turks (" Mongol people "). Scythian communities inhabited western Mongolia in the 5-6th centuries, but they were not Mongols.The mummy of a Scythian warrior, believed to have lived for about 2500 years, revealed a 30-40 year old man with blond hair (found in Altai, Mongolia) .First of all, mitochondrial DNA isolated from the remains of excavated Scythian burial mounds, gave many results and conclusions.Analysis of the HV1 sequence obtained from men of the Scythian-Siberian world is presented on the sites (Kyzyl, Altai Republic) .This is N1a of the maternal line. Haplogroup mtDNA N1a was found with a relatively high frequency on the southern edge of the Eurasian steppes (Iran - 8,3 , XNUMX%) Based on the data, these populations are believed to have come from Europe.

    Mitochondrial DNA was extracted from two Scythian-Siberian skeletons found in the Altai Republic (dating back 2500 years ago). Both remains are identified as men of "mixed European-Mongoloid origin". ("Caucasians" in this context means Western Eurasia). One was the F2a of the maternal line, and the other was the D line, which is typical for the eastern populations of Eurasia.

    Burials indicate a noticeable mixture of the ancient population. HV1 mitochondrial sequences are characteristic of both ancient Eastern Europe and Asia.

    The haplotypes of the haplogroup isolated from the 26 of ancient human remains from the Krasnoyarsk region are dated between the middle of the second millennium BC and the 4 century of our era (Scythian and Sarmatian periods). Almost all of the items belong to the haplogroup R1a1-M17, which is believed to mark the eastward migration of the early Indo-Europeans. The results also confirm that over the Bronze and Iron Ages, in South Siberia the overwhelming majority of Caucasoid communities prevailed. These are traces of the migration of people to the east throughout the Kurgan Russian-Kazakh steppe. The authors of the study on the basis of data suggest that between the Bronze and Iron Ages, people of the entire constellation of known populations (Scythians, Andronovians, etc.) were with blue (or green) eyes, fair skin, and fair-haired. PTherefore, to quote the historians of antiquity is a good thing, as well as Scythologists, but, I repeat, this will not solve the problem. "Full version
  8. 0
    3 December 2012 16: 13
    "The above (and below translated) table summarizes far from all natural data. But it is indicative to a certain extent. In particular, on the lands of Great Scythia from Siberia and Tarim to Germany, the haplogroup R1a (with R1a1 and subsequent) is clearly more noticeable. for example, - in the ancient Basques, only two were identified in the sample of 1 remains, “pure” R1b (R3b23d). 19 gravitate towards R1 (xR1a1). And in Klyosov and a number of other authors, the early Basques are almost entirely R1b. And on this arbitrary base there are many fantasies that stimulate the heightened nationalism of the Barcelona people.

    Neolithic Linearbandkeramik from Derenburg [2 F * (XG, H, I, J, K), 1 G2a3]
    Neolithic of Spain [5 G2a, 1 E-V13]
    Neolithic; tzi from the Alps [G2a4]
    Prehistoric Alaska [Q3]
    Prehistoric South Siberia from Krasnoyarsk [10 R1a1, 1 С (xc3)]
    Neolithic of southwestern France from Treilles [20 G2a, 2 I2a]
    Bronze Age from the Western Liao River of Northern China [N-M231, O3-M122]
    Bronze Age from Tarim Basin in Xiaohe [7 R1a1a]
    Prehistoric Paleo-Eskimo from Greenland [1 Q1A]
    Ancient Chinese from the Yangtze River [14 O1, 3 O2 ;, 7 O3 *, 5 O3D, 1 O3e, 18 undefined]
    Ancient Nomads from Pengyang China [4 Q]
    Eneolithic German Cord Ceramics [3 related R1a]
    Liechtenstein Bronze Age Caves in Germany [estimated presence I1b2 *, R1a1, R1b1c]
    Ancient Mongolian [Tat-C presence in Yakutia and Xiongnu]
    Ancient Mongols Egyin Goal [Y-STR in table 2 Second study, N3, Q, C]
    Ancient Mongolian Xiongnu [1 R1a1]
    Natives of the Canary Islands [E-M78, M81 E-, J-M267, E-33, I-M170, K-M9, M45 P-, R-M269]
    Late Antique Basques [4 I, 2 R1b3d, 19 R1 (xR1a1), 2 R-M173]
    Medieval Hungarians [Two Tat-C out of four]
    Medieval Germans from Ergolding, Bavaria, Germany [4 R1b (two siblings), 2 G2a]
    Medieval Germans (?) From Usedom, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany [E1b1b, R1a1a7]
    Medieval Swedes from Stockholm [2 I1 probably related]
    “Frozen” Yakut burials [8 N1c, 5 without N1c]

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  9. 0
    27 February 2013 11: 21
    They didn’t give, do not give and will not give us rest, and so I want to live peacefully! But if we want to, we must be prepared for war, otherwise they will be relocated to Tiksi.