Climate of the third millennium: sun, air, mosquitoes

Climate of the third millennium: sun, air, mosquitoes

From Edward Lorenz to Ray Bradbury

The term "butterfly effect" itself refers to the property of some systems, with a slight influence on them, to lead to unpredictable consequences even in a completely different place. The concept of the butterfly effect was first introduced by the American mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz in 1961.

He believed that a butterfly flapping its wings in Iowa could cause an avalanche of effects that could culminate in Indonesia. Most likely, Lorenz used the phrase "butterfly effect", recalling Ray Bradbury's short story "Thunder Came" (1952), in which the death of a butterfly in the distant past changes the world of the future.

The effect is well illustrated by the English rhyme “The Nail and the Horseshoe”, which we know in the translation of Samuil Marshak: “There was no nail - the horseshoe was gone. There was no horseshoe - the horse was lame. As a result, the commander was killed and the army was defeated. In short, "the enemy enters the city, not sparing the prisoners, because there was no nail in the forge."

But are scientists always afraid that their experiment will lead to a “butterfly effect”? To begin with, let's consider such a global idea as an attempt to close the Earth from the supposedly sizzling rays of the Sun.

Operation Stolen Sun

There are many ideas on how to fight global warming. The matter is not limited to limiting greenhouse gas emissions and paying for such emissions (we talked about this in the previous article - HYPER). In this case, there is today such a direction of scientific developments as solar geoengineering.

Its essence is to spray some small particles in the atmosphere, which will envelop the planet in a continuous veil and reflect sunlight. The idea was not born in a vacuum. In the Philippines in 1991, the Pinatubo volcano woke up, and climatologists recorded a cooling around the world by an average of half a degree Celsius.

This is what led scientists to think about how to cool the Earth. And so, two professors at Harvard University, Frank Koicha and David Keith, proposed spraying particles in the stratosphere that would reflect a lot of sunlight and prevent it from reaching the Earth's surface. As a result, the sun will heat the Earth less.

This is how we beat global warming! Bill Gates began to sponsor the project "stratospheric aerosol injection" - in English SCoPEx (Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment). Interestingly, the experiment was originally supposed to take place in the New Mexico desert in the southwestern United States in early 2019.

Then they decided to conduct the experiment in June 2021 in Sweden. But already in February, Swedish environmental organizations and the Council of the Indigenous Sami sent an open letter to the government, urging them to postpone the experiments. Then the Harvard Committee - the group of nine experts who decided whether the test would be carried out in Sweden - announced that the backlash had put the project on hold pending "further discussion with the Swedish public."

But in the meantime, Make Sunsets, a fledgling company founded in October 2022, has field-tested a similar technology in Mexico without prior notice or consent from the country's government. The Secretariat for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico announced a ban on solar geoengineering experiments "to protect society and the environment."

Currently, there are no international agreements regulating or controlling the conduct of such risky projects. But is this a guarantee that no one will dare to spray something over the Earth, covering the Sun with clouds of dust?

Make Sunsets has already said it would be "particularly excited to work with island nations threatened by climate change."

It should be noted that the Stolen Sun project became popular precisely because it was supported by Bill Gates. As Newsweek pointed out, the financial participation of the founder of Microsoft in the project has been confirmed since November 2018. Nature magazine reported in 2018 that Professor Keith had received $12 million at the time "mostly from philanthropic sources like Gates."

What are the opponents of the project concerned about?

Why is it wrong to steal the Sun from people?

A number of scientists are concerned about the so-called "shock wave boundary" (termination shock). Indeed, to maintain low temperatures on Earth, it is necessary to endlessly update and supplement reflective particles. If you suddenly stop doing this, it can lead to very sharp warming. Raymond Pierumbert, a physicist at the University of Oxford, argues that solar geoengineering is too risky even for research outside of computer simulations.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), has prepared a report on this issue. It states that "uniform or tropical spraying of stratospheric sulfate weakens the African and Asian summer monsoons and leads to the drying up of the Amazon."

Climatologists explained that, in general, at the global level, a decrease in temperature will lead to a slowdown in the water cycle in nature and a decrease in average rainfall. But this is in general, and if you look at each region separately, then the consequences there can be very different. Somewhere there will be less rain, and droughts and crop failures will begin, and for example, in the middle latitudes, soil moisture will, on the contrary, increase.

Scientists also have a strong suspicion that solar geoengineers will spray for a while and quit. And this can lead to much more dramatic warming and increased rainfall than is currently observed. Moreover, artificial darkening of the Sun does not solve the problem at the root: the accumulation of carbon dioxide will not end there, we will just sit in a dark greenhouse.

In the most hyped "green" blockbuster, "Snowpiercer", the spraying of a chemical into the atmosphere led to global cooling. The entire planet plunged into the Ice Age with temperatures down to -120 ºС. The remnants of humanity live on a constantly moving train capable of maintaining a normal temperature inside.

So, you think, all's well that ends well. These experiments are over. But it was not there.

The US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) recently published a new report calling for the US government to spend at least $100 million to study solar geoengineering as one of the areas of science that is still too little explored.

So the “butterfly effect” from the Stolen Sun project may still happen.

But Bill Gates already has a lot of projects. In addition to the Stolen Sun, there is also a mosquito extermination project - something like Chinese sparrow shooting. The project is so interesting that, in my opinion, it is quite worthy of a separate publication - from the series “Weapon XNUMXst century".

Say the amount in words

And here we just have to find out how much money is spent on various kinds of “climate projects?

Do not hesitate - a little less than the war. According to the Report of the UNFCCC Finance Committee (2018), the flow of climate finance in 2015 amounted to $29,9 billion, and in 2016 increased to $33,6 billion.

Multilateral development bank funds amounted to $17,4 billion and $19,7 billion, and private funds mobilized through these banks were $10,9 billion and $15,7 billion, in 2015 and 2016, respectively. Including other channels, including multilateral climate funds, climate finance in 2015 and 2016 amounted to $70,3 billion and $74,5 billion, and by 2020 almost reached $100 billion.

The UN indicates that the estimated annual financial needs will be 160-340 billion US dollars by 2030. Not a bad amount. It will be divided into funding for various projects. It will probably include GMO mosquitoes and Stolen Sun.

So Mr. Gates will definitely return and even increase his previously spent millions and billions ...
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  1. +6
    April 26 2023 06: 11
    Despite the high level of science, man never learned to manage the gifts of nature. In just five years, the astronauts saw that the color of the cultivated soil began to change. At the same time, the microorganisms contained in this soil disappeared. And when money came to the fore, then there is no need to talk about some kind of prudent community with nature. It would never occur to a billionaire to provide equipment for the steppe regions where fires occur every year. Instead, he invests money where he will have momentary profit. Now in China, in India, incredible heat. People are dying. What awaits all of us, if AI and neural networks think instead of us, even the Almighty does not know. We give everything to the artificial, shunning the natural.
    1. +9
      April 26 2023 06: 34
      About the steppe expanses and fires. Locals often kill nature themselves.
      1. +1
        April 26 2023 08: 03
        In some areas of the Earth, fires are even necessary, otherwise some plants cannot reproduce. But otherwise, of course, they must be fought.
        There is a big problem with deforestation, so they need to be stopped. And vice versa, it is necessary to increase the planting of trees wherever possible. Now they will tell me that this requires water, because without it not a single plant will survive.
        Firstly, it may be necessary and possible to plant drought-resistant varieties, but this is where there are really problems with water. In other areas, all wastelands can be planted, forest belts can be created, in short, wherever there is an empty place.
        And the statement that then there will not be enough food for people is false. There are still plenty of food products, they just need to be properly distributed. And then, in industrial countries they are thrown out and overeaten, and somewhere they are starving.
        I think no one will dispute that the nature of the Earth must be protected. And we need to do this together, but that's the problem.
        When there is no agreement in a comrade ..... .
        Everyone knows this fable.
        1. +2
          April 26 2023 09: 59
          in industrialized countries they are thrown out and overeaten, and somewhere they are starving.
          In England, enough food is wasted a year to provide three meals a year for 19 million people.
    2. 0
      April 26 2023 09: 40
      In general, various projects were supposed in the West - to create a Dyson sphere, to do what they wanted in Paul Anderson's story "Sister Earth", to create intelligent GMOs, or simply to implement fully Tsiolkovsky's dreams, which we have now, are not remembered! Terraform, or earthen, Venus and Mars... What if someone already lives there???
      Of course, the most anti-human and anti-natural project is green energy.
      1. +1
        April 28 2023 09: 08
        Quote: Reptiloid
        the most anti-human and anti-natural project is green energy.

        Totally agree!
        But there are also sound publications -
        Briefly - around Greenland there were corals dying at below +15. That is, there is no "warming" but there is an approach to the Earth's climatic optimum.
    3. 0
      April 26 2023 18: 49
      about some kind of prudent commonwealth with nature, and there is no need to talk
      Nature is not going to cooperate with us, the movement of the continents, the polarity of the earth, ocean currents, geological activity, Milankovitch cycles ... it doesn’t matter at all for a person, life has repeatedly been on the verge of complete extinction, called mass extinctions. The climate on earth is constantly changing, and in our time it is not the warmest and not the most saturated with CO2 that has already happened, for example, Antarctica, until the end of the Paleogene was a green continent completely covered with forest and there were no glaciers in general.
  2. +5
    April 26 2023 06: 23
    Well, what pleases me is that a rare author, when writing articles on the topic of various kinds of "greenery" and environmental protection, goes beyond slogans, here the author did an excellent job. But it is clear that there is still no specialized education on the topic.
    Let me explain it like this, basics. The main problem is in various kinds of climate programs - they simply do not know how to be regional, they are physically incapable. They are always global. Here is one of them. You can not "obscure" Holland, for example, and hope that it will stop going under water. If you shade in such a way that the level of the World Ocean will actually decrease, everyone will feel it, from one pole to the other. And technically, one woodpecker with money - he’s quite capable of doing this now - and this is not regulated in any way, the world community, so to speak, is further ... Uh-uh ... Chatter on the topic "we will reduce the carbon footprint, yes !!! We are Malats - Yes!!!" not gone.
    Do you want me to explain to you in general on my fingers that the greenhouse effect is caused by the actions of the green de Bills more than thermal power plants on coal? Easily.
    70% of the Earth's surface is water. Carbon dioxide in the air is a constant value, because it is soluble in water, less - it is added from the ocean, more - it dissolves, and this depot of gas with the given development of mankind is inexhaustible. The volume of ALL Tse-O-Two emissions from a person is approximately 1% of the Ocean's emission.
    Now green. How do they offer energy instead of thermal power plants? Solar panels (the wind is also tied to the Sun, but it takes a long time). The Earth observes some kind of energy balance, so much energy comes from the sun, so much is reflected. The solar panel BINDS the energy of the Sun and leaves it on the Earth, in the end it turns to a large extent into heat. The energy came in, but did not go anywhere, unlike the situation WITHOUT these panels. That is, you actually put a heating element into a closed system. Greenhouses, who do not know, sometimes they heat it, it's just expensive, but sometimes it happens.
    Voila - that's the greenhouse effect of solar panels. And just the World Ocean cannot remove it in any way.
    Why doesn't anyone care about this? Nobody knows - among the "green" STUPIDLY THERE ARE NO ENVIRONMENTALISTS
    1. Des
      April 26 2023 08: 34
      Quote from Bingo
      Well, what pleases me is that a rare author, when writing articles on the topic of various kinds of "greenery" and environmental protection, goes beyond slogans, here the author did an excellent job. But it is clear that there is still no specialized education on the topic.

      The author is a man.
  3. +6
    April 26 2023 07: 21
    Lord - they are not able to predict the weather for more than three days, and there they take the planetary climate to rule .. belay

    Even throughout the recorded history of mankind, he jumped back and forth like a flea on a dog.. Avon - the fall of the Old Kingdom of Egypt, 200 years of drought!! And note - without any type of carbon pollution ..
    1. 0
      April 26 2023 15: 29
      To give a more or less accurate weather forecast for at least three days in any part of the Earth, you need to get meteorological information from half of the globe. Yandex gives the weather in Tashkent with an accuracy of 95%.
  4. +5
    April 26 2023 09: 02
    It looks like it's time to isolate Bill Gates from society by placing him in a sealed capsule, without feedback.
  5. -3
    April 26 2023 10: 24
    IMHO. Earlier, our media denied the problem and blamed everything on Bill Geitz, the State Department and Greenpeace.
    Now they have recognized the problem, but they still blame Bill Geyts and the State Department. Stopped at Greenpeace.

    The problem is that it’s more important for everyone to trade in oil, to soak more yesterday’s Ukrainians, today’s Jewish Nazis in the toilet, sell resources to China and write a post in the Telega how they hate everyone (they supposedly expelled their son from Omeriki) ....

    And the warming ... so it’s not a problem for oligarchs and VIPs to buy yachts / boats. Abramovich alone, they wrote, more than 5. Move to offshore companies and Dubai, withdraw money, lawyers, artists and live on ...

    But in real life ... How many test rocket launches were there? load each with something reflective (with small crystals, for example), and bring it out between the earth and the sun .... Neither Rogozin nor Musk tried ...
  6. +1
    April 26 2023 10: 33
    Climate of the third millennium: sun, air, mosquitoes
    . The question is ... but will "green extremism" lead to grave consequences for all mankind ??? . So any extremism carries a threat!!! You need to be more careful, guys, measure a hundred times and it’s not a fact that hitting once will be the right decision!
  7. +4
    April 26 2023 11: 32
    All this squealing of "eco-luhs" about climate warming as a result of man-made factors is nothing more than a "business project".
    It's okay that we have a "little ice age" (a period of global relative cooling that took place on Earth during the XIV-XIX centuries.), you can say "just ended" - and now there is a "rollback"?

    Greenland - "Green Land", got its name at the opening for a reason.
    And the fact that the area of ​​glaciers on it is now shrinking is a return to a normal climate.
    And in all sorts of "Paleozoic - Mesozoic" there, the temperature was much higher.

    And who now remembers the "ozone holes"? And, after all, there was a "squeal".
    But it was worth changing freons to refrigerants produced by a certain company - "and silence."
  8. +1
    April 26 2023 14: 58
    The Russian language has a wonderful word that fully corresponds to these wonderful experimenters. That word is "bastard". There was such a punishment for especially cruel bandits (such as most of the figures of punitive ecology at the moment) - to make a scoundrel. That is, take it out to frost and water it. Until he becomes a total bastard.
    With regards to the butterfly effect, everyone can be convinced right now. In a matter of weeks, an invasion of all green spaces by innumerable hordes of slugs will begin. There are thousands of times more slugs than there were twenty years ago. And the process is on the rise. I think that in 3-4 years the ecological catastrophe due to these creatures will become irreversible.
    The reason is simple. Mass use of benzo and electric mowers. More than 90% of the areas that are now frantically mowed by gas mowing fans do not need any mowing at all. And when the fishing line passes through the grass, the fishing line cuts the slugs en masse. In place of one slug, several are quickly born. From scraps, literally from splashes.
    As is the case with most real dangers that don't kill you right now, this one is also ignored.
  9. +1
    April 26 2023 21: 17
    Quote from Bingo
    the author did a great job. But it is clear that there is still no specialized education on the topic.

    That's right.
    The term "butterfly effect" itself refers to the property of some systems, with a slight influence on them, to lead to unpredictable consequences even in a completely different place.

    The very term "butterfly effect" in chaos theory is the dependence of a deterministic nonlinear system on initial conditions, under which a minimal change in one state can lead to changes in a later state.
    In 1963, Lorentz published a theoretical study of this effect in a widely cited seminal paper titled "Deterministic Non-Periodic Flux" in which he wrote, in part: "One meteorologist remarked that if the theory were correct, one gull's wing-beat would suffice, to change the course of the weather forever. The dispute is still unsettled, but the latest evidence seems to be in favor of the gulls."
    And only in 1972, instead of a seagull, a butterfly appeared.
  10. 0
    April 27 2023 08: 49
    The term "butterfly effect" itself refers to the property of some systems, with a slight influence on them, to lead to unpredictable consequences even in a completely different place.

    "Butterfly effect" - an invention of writers. Solid assumptions that Bradbury has, that in rhymes ...
    In fact, large systems have what is called homeostasis and dynamic equilibrium. With the strengthening of any tendencies that bring the system out of balance, tendencies that have the opposite direction, compensating for the action of the first, also intensify.
    In chemistry, this basic law is manifested in the "Le Chatelier principle".
    So there is nothing to push.
    In general, I find it funny to read about the threat of "global warming" while watching fresh snowdrifts outside the window.
    Although it may just be Bill Gates who tried to give us a long blizzard with his project.
    Oh those bourgeois... laughing