“The party is the “church”, and the leader is the earthly deity”: the theory of political religions of the historian Emilio Gentile

“The party is the “church”, and the leader is the earthly deity”: the theory of political religions of the historian Emilio Gentile

"The religious spirit played a major political role in the existence of peoples"

- wrote at one time the French sociologist Gustave Lebon. It was he who first considered in sufficient detail the issue of the sacralization of politics and spoke about the existence of such a phenomenon as political religion.

“Humanity until now could not live without beliefs. As soon as the old religion begins to disappear, a new one takes its place. Religious feeling, that is, the need to obey this or that faith of a divine, political or social nature, is one of our most imperative instincts [2]”,

wrote the French thinker in The Psychology of Socialism.

Political religions belong to the more general phenomenon of secular religion (or secular religion). This term defines a more or less developed system of beliefs, myths, rituals and symbols, which gives a sacred character to some essence of this world, making it an object of worship, worship and pious devotion [1]. Of course, in the eyes of a Christian, secular religions are considered religions only in the sense of a surrogate or caricature of religion.

The most detailed theory of political and civil religions was created by the Italian historian, professor at the University of Rome La Sapienza Emilio Gentile. His book Political Religions. Between Democracy and Totalitarianism”, published in 2001, was published in Russian in 2019 by the Vladimir Dal publishing house. The essence of Gentile's theory lies in the consideration of political phenomena as expressions of the so-called "worldly religiosity”, occupying the place of traditional religions in the modern era.

As the historian of philosophy Dmitry Moiseev notes, the primary merit of Emilio Gentile is that he collected in one work all the experience of understanding the phenomenon of religions in the political sphere, focusing not only on the totalitarian regimes of the XNUMXth century, but also on the so-called civil cults, ascending to the Age of Enlightenment and found a new life in the post-war period. Gentile's theories of political religions will be considered in this material.

Totalitarianism and political religions

In the interwar years, a whole group of authors, to whom Emilio Gentile refers in his work, considered totalitarian political systems as political religions. The term "civil religion" goes back to the French Enlightenment and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In particular, the French sociologist Raymond Aron (1905–1983) argued that

“The formation of a secular religion takes its source from the existential need of modern man, disoriented, lost and isolated in the world of bureaucratic and anonymous modernity, at the mercy of unstoppable forces that have destroyed the traditional pillars of faith and authority. Within the framework of this concept, a totalitarian religion received its rational justification as a surrogate or substitute for faith and authority, as a pseudo-religion that occupied a place in people's minds left by the empty old beliefs of traditional religions.

According to Emilio Gentile, in the conditions of modern society in special historical Under the circumstances, various forms of political religions appeared, which the historian divides into two main categories - civil religions and political religions, depending on their position and mode of action in relation to traditional religions and how they solve the issue of the relationship between the individual and the state.

Gentile defines political religion as follows:

“This is the sacralization of a political system based on an immutable monopoly of power, on ideological monism, on the obligatory and unconditional subordination of the individual and society to their code of commandments; consequently, political religion is based on the imposition of its principles and fundamentalistic, it strives to permeate all aspects of individual and collective life [1].”

In turn, the civil religions considered by Gentile are a manifestation of the veneration of the collective whole (as a rule, it is a secular liberal-democratic state), common to all its representatives, in the form of a certain secular set of moral, ethical and civil norms - for example, "civil pride”, “respect for the Constitution and the law”, “patriotism”, “reverence for the heroes who fell for the Motherland”, and the like.

If civil religions are not formally obligatory and leave a space of personal freedom for a person, without obliging him to a party, religious and civic position expressed in a certain way, then political religions are truly totalitarian. They seek to control not only the political behavior of citizens, but also the way they think, not allowing the expression of any position other than the “only true one” [1].

According to Gentile, the sacralization of politics reached its peak in the period between the two world wars in connection with the emergence of new totalitarian regimes. It was with the advent of totalitarianism that all aspects of political religions - both ideological and institutional - received their greatest development, which likened totalitarian regimes to new churches devoting themselves to propagating faith in the absolute and undeniable truth of their ideology, persecuting infidels and cult of people with a sacred halo. And it was with the advent of totalitarianism that the phenomenon of political religion began to be perceived as a real threat to traditional religions [1].

At the same time, the definition of totalitarianism is the subject of controversy. For example, the founder of the theory of totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt, calls only two regimes totalitarian - Hitler's and Stalin's, and does not consider Mussolini's regime as such. And this despite the fact that the term "totalitarianism" was introduced into intellectual use by the theorist of Italian fascism, the philosopher Giovanni Gentile, who endowed it with a positive meaning, noting that it denotes the organic unity of all processes occurring in the state - economic, political, cultural, social [ 3].

Emilio Gentile himself defines totalitarianism as follows:

“The term 'totalitarianism' refers to the experience of political domination exercised by a revolutionary movement organized into a party with military discipline, with a fundamentalist political concept that seeks a monopoly of power. Having seized it by legal or illegal methods, totalitarianism destroys or transforms the previous regime with the creation of a new state based on a one-party regime with the goal of subjugating society, that is, subordinating, uniting and homogenizing those governed on the basis of the principle of a comprehensive political nature of existence, both individual and collective. , interpreted according to the categories, myths and values ​​of an ideology institutionalized in the form of a political religion, with the intention of shaping the individual and the masses through an anthropological revolution, in order to create a new man, committed body and soul to the implementation of the revolutionary and imperialist projects of the totalitarian party in order to create a new civilization of a supranational character [ 1]."

Following Gentile, National Socialism, Fascism and Communism were totalitarian regimes that were characterized by the sacralization of politics. Thus they are, according to the historian, political religions.

"The New People of God": American Democracy as a Political Religion

However, not only totalitarian regimes have features of a secular religion. As Emilio Gentile points out, the American civil religion is the first historical example of a religion in the political realm in the modern era.

The American civil religion began to take shape during the Revolutionary War and continued to develop in the 1th century, primarily after the Civil War, coexisting with traditional religious denominations. In its values ​​and principles, it basically identified itself with the Christian tradition [XNUMX].

The first to recognize the fundamental role of religion in American democracy was the French conservative thinker Alexis de Tocqueville. In his book Democracy in America, he noted that the United States managed to combine two principles that have often been rivals in history - adherence to religion and the spirit of freedom.

The consequence of this combination was the corresponding position of religion in the United States, which was in a special connection with the political sphere. In Tocqueville's opinion, religion, which in the United States never directly interferes in the government of society, should be considered the first political institution of this country. A. de Tocqueville did not exaggerate: the founders of the United States considered religion as an important pillar of the republican form of government, requiring high morality from citizens, the ability to sacrifice personal interests in the name of a common cause [4].

As Emilio Gentile notes, brought up in the religious and civil tradition of Puritanism, as well as in the spirit of the philosophy of the Enlightenment, the creators of the American Revolution experienced the events of the Revolutionary War in a religious key, interpreting them with the help of the eschatological myths of Protestant millenarianism. The Revolutionary War and the founding of the United States were likened to a new exodus, the attainment of the promised land, and the founding of a new Jerusalem, a "city on a hill" designed to be a beacon for all mankind. The founding fathers after their death were glorified as earthly deities and placed in the national Pantheon. Monuments and temples were dedicated to them. Washington was exalted as the new Moses, who freed the new Israel from slavery, bringing it to the promised land of freedom and independence. His birthday (February 19) became a federal holiday [1].

Americans considered the birth of the United States "an event equal in meaning to the birth of Christ”, the beginning of a new historical era in which the American people were entrusted with“the mission of the revival of mankind».

In the 1th century the civil religion developed in the direction of extolling the mission of the American people, chosen by God to bring good to all mankind. Belief in the mission entrusted to the United States by God is affirmed and spread in presidential speeches, in sermons, in historical narrative, in literature, in school education, becoming a fundamental and permanent myth of the American civil religion [XNUMX].

With the rise of industrialization and the growth of world rivalry, faith in democracy is increasingly identified with faith in the "obvious destiny" of the American nation, now interpreted as a duty to the expansion of the Anglo-Saxon race [1].

As the American novelist Herman Melville (1819–1891) wrote:

“We Americans are a special, chosen people, the Israel of our time. We bring the ark of freedom to the world. God has ordained our people for great things, and humanity is waiting for them from us. Great things live in our souls. The rest of the nations will soon be behind us. We are the trailblazers of humanity, the vanguard sent out to traverse the desert and carve our way into the New World.”

The American civil religion has its own "holy scriptures" - the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, kept and revered like the tablets of the covenant; she has her own prophets, in particular the Pilgrim Fathers; it honors its holy heroes, like George Washington, the "American Moses" who freed the "New Nation of Israel" from English slavery, that is, the Americans living in the colonies, and led them to the promised land of freedom, independence and democracy. She honors her martyrs like Abraham Lincoln, the sacred victim killed on Good Friday, 1865, when the American nation was exposed to the resurgent fires of a brutal civil war, to atone for its guilt and re-sanctify its unity and mission. The figure of Lincoln was then joined in the civil religion martyrology by John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King [1].

Although the civil religion of the United States was borrowed from Protestantism, bearing its distinct imprint and references to Puritanism and the biblical tradition for more than a century, over time it moved away from it as a direct and unambiguous model, becoming a purely civil creed, coexisting with both Christian and Biblical traditions. and with non-Christian denominations [1].

"Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Führer": National Socialism as a Political Religion

As Gentile notes, the 1th century was the most fruitful era for the sacralization of politics. The wars and political revolutions that created the world in which we live, with the emergence of new nations and states, took place everywhere in the name of collective beliefs and myths that consecrated political entities [XNUMX].

During this period, the state, race and class became the object of sacralization and acquired features that were previously characteristic of traditional religions - their dogmas, their "church", their rites, their "inquisition" and their "heretics".

National Socialism made its special contribution to the sacralization of politics through beliefs, rituals and symbols of blood and race, which soon became one of the main and most visible aspects of the new German regime. The political religion of National Socialism brought to the altar the Aryan race, the cult of blood and the personality of the Fuhrer, the savior of Germany and the messiah of the Third Reich, entangling all public life with a dense network of rituals and symbols that evoke the archaic myths of the German religion, mixing them with the myths of modern paganism as opposed to Christian denominations [1].

The sacralization of politics in National Socialism acquired a dominant and all-encompassing role, affecting all aspects of German life in its dogmas, myths, rituals and symbols. In the political religion of National Socialism, thanks to skillful propagandistic direction, mass liturgical representation found its clearest expression, culminating in the worship of the Fuhrer [1].

In 1941, Raymond Aron, who lived in Germany at the end of the Weimar period, recalled the mesmerizing effect of Nazi ceremonies and rituals performed by Hitler with the participation of huge crowds of people [1]. The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung believed that "of the two types of dictators - leaders and shamans - Hitler belonged to the latter". According to Jung, he was able to "hear the voice" which "represents the collective unconscious of his race" [five].

One can be skeptical of Jung's theories, but Hitler's almost magical effect on German audiences is well documented. Foreign observers, including those hostile to Nazism, could witness the experience of the sacred, as the French ambassador to Berlin André François Poncet reports, describing the May Day ceremony.

“After sunset, numerous columns of people moved through the streets of Berlin in perfect order; banners were carried in front, followed by brass bands, musical groups, and all these masses were heading towards the meeting place ... At eight o'clock, a sudden excitement arises among the masses. Standing in his car, Hitler appears with his arm outstretched, his face motionless, somewhat tense. He is greeted by a powerful and prolonged welcome call from thousands of lips. Meanwhile, darkness fell. Searchlights are turned on, located at a noticeable distance from each other, so that among the spots of their bluish light there are zones of twilight. After a brief opening speech by Goebbels, Hitler rises to the podium. The searchlights go out, except for those that surround the Fuhrer with a radiant halo of light, so that it seems as if he is sailing aboard a fairy-tale ship through the waves formed by the crowd. A dignified silence falls, as if in a temple. Hitler starts talking [1]."

National Socialism, like Fascism, did not openly declare war on the Christian churches; moreover, in his program he asserted freedom of religion for all religious denominations. Although Hitler deeply despised Christianity, he did not encourage those currents within his party that sought to open religious war against Christianity and Catholicism in the name of a purely Aryan and Germanic national religion [1].

Even the main slogan of the Nazi state - Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer (one people, one Reich, one leader), as noted by some researchers, has theological roots, for a similar saying is in the book of the New Testament Epistle to the Ephesians - one Lord, one faith, one baptism. And some German Christians proclaimed Adolf Hitler "God-sent ruler who fights for the soul of the German people [9]».

And yet, as Gentile notes, in its very political conception and practice, National Socialism extolled its own new religion, combining in it its political ideology with the beliefs, symbols, myths and rites of the ancient Germanic religion. Despite the fact that the Nazi government did not openly support the supporters of neo-paganism, its essential consonance with Nazi ideology was obvious to everyone.

“Whoever is not with us is our enemy”: communism as a political religion

The Bolshevik Revolution, according to Gentile, also took place in the context of the sacralization of politics, which was promoted by the Great War. Despite the fact that communism declared atheism, materialism and theomachism, this did not prevent the communists from adopting the technological elements of their own cult from traditional religions, primarily from Christianity.

As many researchers note, Marxism has many features that make it related to religion. The fact is that Marxism actually reproduces the Christian logic of the Apocalypse, with the only difference that the place of God is occupied by people and history – just as the second coming of Christ is the end of history, so communist society is the final, “highest” stage of historical development.

Bolshevism did not define itself as a religion, although some prominent Bolsheviks, such as Lunacharsky, were long-term adherents of the “god-builders” movement, which interpreted Marxism as a new religion, but in Bolshevik Russia, after the revolution, the process of sacralization of politics began. Subsequently, it was further developed in the form of establishing a system of beliefs, rituals, symbols and ceremonies that gave a sacred character to the events and protagonists of the Bolshevik revolution [1].

A new calendar, new national holidays, new rites and new symbols were established to combat the rites of the Orthodox Church and eradicate the religious beliefs of the past, replacing them with a new atheistic faith in the socialist homeland, an outpost of the triumph of reason, progress and the liberation of mankind. But, as happens with all political religions, the influence of religious tradition made itself felt in the mass politics of Bolshevism [1].

Despite the fact that the Communist Party professed an atheistic and materialistic ideology and fought against any religion as "opium for the people", Bolshevism transformed the ideology into a dogmatic dogma, the party into a church, and its head into an earthly deity [1].

Lenin, shortly after his death in 1924, was declared eternally alive due to the immortality of his thought, and his embalmed body became the subject of a cult like the saints of the Orthodox Church [1]. The mythological and symbolic iconography of Soviet propaganda copied the canons of the iconographic tradition of Orthodoxy, and the new eschatological mythology of world communism also absorbed elements of the traditional trends of millenarianism. As E. Gentile notes, Marxist atheism has become a new religion of Russian Bolshevism.

From the point of view of the Austrian writer René Fülöp-Miller, Russian Bolshevism was the result of the resurrection of Russian ideas of chiliasm and millenarianism, combined with the revolutionary messianism of Marxism. Although he claimed to be scientific, according to Fülöp-Miller,

“Bolshevik materialism is nothing more than a surrogate for religion, striving to give humanity a new religion in place of the lost faith [6].”

Some contemporaries, who saw the construction of the Soviet state live, even likened communism to Islam. For example, the philosopher Bertrand Russell, who in 1920, after a trip to Russia, wrote that Bolshevism is not only a political doctrine, but also a religion with its own dogmas and sacred texts.

“Bolshevism as a social phenomenon should be considered as a religion, and not as an ordinary political movement ... By religion, I mean the totality of dogmatic opinions that guide the life and behavior of people who believe in them, go beyond the facts or contradict them, and they are inculcated people by influencing emotions or authoritarian methods. According to this definition, Bolshevism is a religion. Among different religions, it should be compared with Islam rather than with Christianity or Buddhism. Christianity and Buddhism are basically personal religions, with their own mystical teachings and contemplation. Islam and Bolshevism are religions that are practical, public, non-spiritual and aimed at gaining dominance [1].”

As Gentile notes, the sacralization of the party paved the way for the sacralization of Stalin, who became its undisputed leader. After 1929, political religion in Russia focused mainly on the deification of Stalin, who until his death in 1953 played a dominant role in the party and throughout the Soviet system, “like a ruthless god».

“The deification of Stalin deprived the party of the ability to control his actions and justified in advance everything that came from him ... Having deified Stalin, people looked at him with different eyes, trying to justify what was impossible to justify with any reasonable arguments. Just as faith in an almighty and all-good God does not disappear among believers when they see suffering and misfortune around them, for everything good is attributed to God, and everything bad is attributed to the devil, so under the cult of Stalin, everything was attributed to him. good things that happened in the country, and everything bad was associated with some evil forces, against which Stalin was the main fighter [7].”

The Bolsheviks were convinced of their truth and their inevitable triumph, and all who resisted their truth were considered agents of evil who must be destroyed. And therefore, they acted according to the principle voiced by the poet Nikolai Minsky in the “Hymn of the Workers”:

"Whoever is not with us is our enemy, he must fall."

Italian fascism as a political religion

According to E. Gentile, the key to explaining the phenomenon of fascism is the concept of political religion, that is, a type of religion that translates an ideology, movement or political regime into the sacred sphere by deifying the secular essence, transformed into a myth [3]. In his opinion, fascism was, in fact, the first political religion of the twentieth century, with all the attributes of an institutionalized cult.

However, it should be noted that Italian fascism did not fight traditional religion, since the policy of the concordat included Christianity in the tradition of a confessional authoritarian state. In its attitude towards the Church, fascism was guided not by ideological fanaticism, but by political realism, practicing what could be called a strategy of syncretic coexistence, that is, striving to include the Catholic Church in its totalitarian project. Mussolini, according to the just remark of Armando Carlini, saw in the Church "only its human and historical sidebecause he himself wassecular person, completely worldly' and besides, he always remained 'follower of Nietzsche [8]».

Mussolini was well aware (and this understanding was probably strengthened by reading the works of Le Bon and Pareto) what value and power religion has in collective life and how strong faith and mythological-symbolic tradition are deeply rooted in the minds of the masses. Therefore, he was convinced that fascism, insisting on the primacy of politics and state fascist ethics, nevertheless, should not be at war with religion [8].

Nevertheless, Gentile points out that fascism was like a secular religion from the beginning, in that it experienced political reality through myths, rituals, and symbols. Once in power, it institutionalized as a political religion, competing with the Catholic Church in the struggle for spiritual control over society and the corresponding formation of consciousness and conscience.

If for Nazism and Communism the state was not a goal, but a means of achieving a higher goal (in one case, the domination of a race and a nation, in the second, the creation of a classless society), then the fascists, on the contrary, quite consciously affirmed the priority of the state as the highest and optimal goal in themselves. , and not as a means in the revolutionary struggle [8]. The fascist state assumed an instructive, educational, apostolic and charitable mission [1].

According to Gentile, fascism was the first totalitarian movement of the 1th century that openly proclaimed itself a political religion, affirming the primacy of faith in individual and mass activism, unequivocally appealing to the irrational as the energy of political mobilization, and elevated mythological thinking to the pinnacle of power. Fascism argued that such thinking is the only type of collective political culture adequate to the masses, who by their nature are incapable of self-government [XNUMX].

Fascism gave a sacred character to the figure of the charismatic leader as the interpreter of the national consciousness and the main bond of the totalitarian state and prescribed a code of ethical precepts, mandatory for the citizen, established a collective political liturgy to glorify the deified state [1]. It was the state that became the main subject of the cult of fascism. According to the Nazis, there is no individual outside the state, nothing human or spiritual exists and has no value outside the state.

Those who were not guided by the myths and rituals of the fascist religion and did not obey its commandments were banned in the national community [1].

"Disenchanted" modernity (as a conclusion)

The First World War contributed both to the politicization of historical religions, which rose to the service of the nation in almost all countries, and to the sacralization of the homeland. Fascism, Nazism and Bolshevism (the success of which was made possible precisely thanks to the war) became the product of this very war, borrowing from it the religious component of their policy. It was the First World War that produced new material for the creation of political religions, which was widely used by totalitarian movements [1].

The XNUMXth century was not only a century of bloody world wars, but also a century of ideologies that actively used political myths and elements of secular religion, a century of great leaders of the leader type. After the collapse of all ideologies and the triumph of liberal democracy, political religions seem to have disappeared from the historical stage. The modern "disenchanted" world, it seems, is generally devoid of a pronounced spiritual content.

However, as E. Gentile notes,

“modernity is accompanied by the emergence of new religions and new idols to which modern man has set up altars to worship himself and satisfy the need for faith, spiritual orientation and unity in the midst of an increasingly disunited, divided and unstable world, subjugated and thrown into turmoil by raging impersonal forces that enthrall behind them people who seemed to be able to subdue and control them. The freedom won by man was nothing more than a willingness to turn into a slave again, sacrificing his personality for the power of huge anonymous organizations [1].”

It should be recognized that for the most part modern political religions have turned into simulacra, which are used to sacralize or desacralize political leaders, manipulate ratings and other forms of imitation of social mobilization. However, any political power, including democracy, needs political mythology and produces it, because any form of political government operates in the context of a symbolic series that legitimizes it.

As the historian D. Moiseev notes, in our time, the discourse of the so-called social justice warriors has been actively developed, aggressively imposing their dogma, which is extremely close to the definition of a civil religion. The “collective whole” of SJW is not the state or the party, but a certain impersonal mass of the “oppressed”, which includes various groups of various minorities. "oppressed" XXI century. turns out to be a collective construct, close in its symbolic meaning to the “nation” of the 1th century. and the "class" of the twentieth century. He becomes a model of reverence and is proclaimed the goal of a socially responsible state policy. Already today we see how in Western societies people who do not follow this discourse or ignore it are subjected to all sorts of harassment and persecution by the “progressive public” [XNUMX].

Thus, the study of Emilio Gentile, despite the controversy of some of his theses, is of interest today.

Использованная литература:
[1]. Emilio Gentile Political Religions. Between democracy and totalitarianism, St. Petersburg, Vladimir Dal, 2019.
[2]. Gustave Lebon. Psychology of socialism / G. Lebon per. from fr. – 3rd edition – M.: Sotsium, 2020.
[3]. Moiseev D.S. Political philosophy of Italian fascism. Formation and development of the doctrine. – M.; Yekaterinburg: Armchair scientist, 2019.
[4]. Kosmach, P.G. French thinker A. de Tocqueville on the role of religion in the socio-political life of the USA / P.G. Kosmach // Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education. Historical and psychological and pedagogical sciences: Sat. scientific articles. - 2018. - Issue 18. - Part 1. - P. 224 - 229.
[5]. The Psychology of Dictatorship by Dr. C. G. Jung The Living Age, December 1, 1936.
[6]. R. Fiilop-Miller, Il volto del bolscevismo (1926), Milano, 1930, p. 47
[7]. Cit. in: R. A. Medvedev, Lo stalinisto (1971), Milano, 1982, p. 442.
[8]. Emilio Gentile. Fascism: history and interpretation. - St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal, 2022.
[9]. Yazovskaya, O. V. Ideological concepts of the national essence of Japan and Germany in the 30s. XX century: similarities and differences // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University. Series. Philosophy. Sociology. Culturology. 2014. No. 17 (346). Issue. 33. P. 40-43.
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  1. -5
    April 18 2023 04: 44
    According to Gentile, fascism was the first totalitarian movement of the XNUMXth century to openly proclaim itself a political religion.

    Here this same Gentile is very much mistaken. Bolshevism was probably the first totalitarian movement of the XNUMXth century to fit Gentile's description...
    P.S. Curious book, I wanted to download, however, none of the links work...
    1. +1
      April 19 2023 08: 16

      It's fixable
    2. 0
      18 May 2023 05: 16
      Quote: Luminman
      .. The first totalitarian movement of the XNUMXth century, falling under the description of Gentile, was probably Bolshevism...

      Any modern state can be called totalitarian.

      As for Bolshevism, as they say, "a pig will find dirt." Although the Bolsheviks in the party had all positions elected, and the highest power in the USSR was elected.

      Stalin from 1923 to 1941 held no positions in the government at all. He was a member of the Upper Council and a secretary of the Central Committee.
      If now Medvedev in United Russia can be re-elected every 5 years, then Stalin could be re-elected by any plenum.

      Now in Russia congresses of the legislature are prohibited. The last congress in 1993 was shot from tanks. Just the triumph of democracy, right?

      Conclusion: a society with the traditions of the 17th century will be a Monarchy under any legislation, oddly enough. "Custom is a despot among people," as Pushkin said.

      For example, savages in Paradise will also "fight for survival", and not only in the richest country in the World among the wonders of technology of the 21st century ..... They simply cannot live otherwise.
  2. +7
    April 18 2023 05: 07
    The main weakness of Gentile's work is that he turned everything upside down. Newly made "political religions" he declared a surrogate for "traditional" religions. But he did not bother to consider the issue of the origin of these very traditional religions. And they have the same origin. So it makes sense not to separate them.

    Any religion is based on the fact that man is a social being. Society needs consolidation. The simplest way of consolidation is vertical consolidation (hierarchization, selection of dominant individuals). Dominants demand submission, subordinate individuals begin to "grovel", follow the policy of "appeasement" of dominants. All kinds of poses of humility, offering of gifts, etc., from which religious rites later take place. And in order not to experience psychological discomfort from their position, a protective mechanism is developed in the form of positive emotional reinforcement from such actions (awe, reverence).

    But real people inevitably have flaws. However, their idealization leads to hushing up the shortcomings and replacing [in the mass consciousness] the real dominant with its idealized image, devoid of shortcomings. So religions have their gods - fictional super-dominants. In monotheistic religions, in addition, they are absolutely ideal, devoid of any shortcomings. And the real dominants declare themselves to be their representatives, thereby sacralizing their power.

    The emergence since the beginning of the XNUMXth century of new trends with these characteristics is a consequence of the fundamental transformations of society. The old "traditional" religions no longer met the new requirements. I had to create new ones. From scratch. The general acceleration of the pace of life now leads to the fact that this process now takes place several times in the life of one generation. The same "greens" - the same new "civil / political religion".

    And about totalitarianism. Any religion is totalitarian simply by definition. Both "old" and "new". Both "traditional" and "civilian".
    1. +1
      April 18 2023 09: 33
      And about totalitarianism. Any religion is totalitarian simply by definition. Both "old" and "new". Both "traditional" and "civilian".

      Protestantism is not totalitarian.

      One of the founders of modern sociology, Max Weber, even believed that it was thanks to Protestantism that the Western world dominated the planet.

      Like there was a totalitarian monarchy and a totalitarian papal church, and then democratic Protestantism appeared, and with it democratic capitalism. winked
      1. +8
        April 18 2023 10: 05
        Protestantism is not totalitarian.
        Well, yes. Witch trials, puritanism, "American exceptionalism" and all that is beside the point. Totalitarianism is precisely the imposition of a given way of thinking in order not only to get the required behavior from people, but also to force people themselves (and at their own expense) to fulfill the duties of overseers of this behavior. And here Protestantism is in no way inferior to other branches of Christianity. And in general - all monotheistic religions (especially Abrahamic).

        It's just that Protestantism is one of the earliest successful attempts to create a new "political religion". Based on Catholicism. It turned out well for its time - the need was ripe, society needed to be managed somehow in a new way in order to promote industrialism and capitalism, and now, due to the early start, it turned out to snatch good positions.

        And democracy was not always characteristic of Protestant societies. "Democratic" is just another political religion.
        1. 0
          April 18 2023 10: 58
          Well, yes. Witch trials, puritanism, "American exceptionalism" and all that is beside the point. Totalitarianism is precisely the imposition of a given way of thinking in order not only to get the required behavior from people, but also to force people themselves (and at their own expense) to fulfill the duties of overseers of this behavior. And here Protestantism is in no way inferior to other branches of Christianity. And in general - all monotheistic religions (especially Abrahamic).

          It's just that Protestantism is one of the earliest successful attempts to create a new "political religion". Based on Catholicism. It turned out well for its time - the need was ripe, society needed to be managed somehow in a new way in order to promote industrialism and capitalism, and now, due to the early start, it turned out to snatch good positions.

          And democracy was not always characteristic of Protestant societies. "Democratic" is just another political religion.

          Yes, there are hardline churches in Protestantism. But the very idea of ​​CHOICE between different churches is already revolutionary. In our history, the mere thought of being baptized with 3 fingers caused a civil war.

          The deepest idea of ​​Protestantism is a return to the democracy of Christ. No super-temples hung with gold, the modesty of the pastors, all the money raised goes to the development of the Church. You can pray even at home, the main thing is to believe.
          From this point of view, most people are Protestants. In our country as well. wink
          1. +1
            April 18 2023 11: 02
            Quote: Arzt
            The deepest idea of ​​Protestantism is a return to the democracy of Christ. No super-temples hung with gold, modesty of shepherds

            This is how any Church should be...
            1. +3
              April 18 2023 11: 11
              This is how any church should be.

              Certainly. That is why the protrusion of wealth among some of our shepherds is striking.
              Well, if you really want to, you can order a watch in Switzerland with a super mechanism, but let it look like the Chistopol "Vostok".
              It seems they are not fools, the seminaries have finished, do they really not understand, the time will come - the people will again, like in 1918, begin to roll them down the hills in barrels with nails.

              PS By the way, this applies not only to spiritual shepherds. bully
              1. +2
                April 18 2023 11: 14
                Quote: Arzt
                Therefore, the protrusion of wealth among some of our shepherds is striking.

                That's why I don't go to church anymore...
                1. 0
                  April 18 2023 11: 18
                  That's why I don't go to church anymore...

                  You are slowly protesting. laughing
                  We have democrats in religion cooler than their Protestants.
                  Doukhobors. Rostov region, village of Tselina.
                  The roots, though also from the English Quakers ...
                  1. +1
                    April 18 2023 11: 33
                    Quote: Arzt
                    cool them Protestants

                    What could be cooler than Puritans or Independents? wink
                    1. +2
                      April 18 2023 12: 03
                      What could be cooler than Puritans or Independents? wink

                      Tougher in a democratic sense. The Dukhobors do not even have prayer meetings; in acute cases, gatherings of elders who determine strategic paths.

                      And the Puritans are just not Democrats, everything is strict there. soldier
          2. +3
            April 18 2023 11: 36
            But the very idea of ​​CHOICE between different churches is already revolutionary.
            So now there are many options to choose from. And always has been. When Protestantism first appeared, there were already Catholicism, and Orthodoxy, and Judaism, and Islam, and Buddhism, and much more to choose from. And everywhere apostasy was reprehensible. And Protestantism is no exception. Although he himself arose as a result of a schism, at first he also did not want to allow his followers to spread. However, he produced the largest number of offshoots among Christian denominations. This is a consequence of the fact that he political religionthan they are. And politics is a turbulent thing.

            A more or less free choice of religion emerged only recently, when the same thing happened in most other faiths.

            Besides, the choice here does not solve anything. Rituals are selected. And the requirement to believe in a super-dominant and its influence on current (including political) processes does not distinguish Protestantism from other religions.
            1. +4
              April 18 2023 12: 23
              So now there are many options to choose from. And always has been. When Protestantism first appeared, there were already Catholicism, and Orthodoxy, and Judaism, and Islam, and Buddhism, and much more to choose from. And everywhere apostasy was reprehensible.

              How do you imagine the transition of the German peasant to Orthodoxy and even more so to Islam at that time? Not to mention Buddhism, he didn't even know the word. A Jew in general must be born. laughing
              Protestantism is a protest against the snickering elite of the Catholic Church, and then democratic processes began in the very understanding of Christianity, so the transition was soft and so massive.

              And everywhere apostasy was reprehensible. And Protestantism is no exception. Although he himself arose as a result of a schism, at first he also did not want to allow his followers to spread. However, he produced the largest number of offshoots among Christian denominations. This is a consequence of the fact that he is more of a political religion than they are. And politics is a turbulent thing.

              Protestantism is relatively tolerant. Religious wars during the Reformation, this is a showdown between Catholics and the united camp of Protestants for the most part. Further, the Protestants were already relatively peacefully divided among themselves with the possibility of an easy transition between confessions. Of course, not without the participation of politics. good

              A more or less free choice of religion emerged only recently, when the same thing happened in most other faiths.

              Many Christian women you know converted to Islam, even non-orthodox, such as Tatar? And when they move to the West, they go into Protestantism, again - if they wish. For - democracy, and again, I already wrote, in our country the majority of the population is essentially Protestants. laughing
              1. +4
                April 18 2023 12: 57
                Quote: Arzt
                Protestantism - a protest against the snickering top of the Catholic Church

                But, after all, one of the first Protestant trends - Lutheranism, represented by their tops, snickered even more Catholic, that's the whole result of the religious wars of the Luther era.
                Quote: Arzt
                And when they move to the West, they go into Protestantism, again - if they wish. For - democracy, and again, I already wrote, in our country the majority of the population is essentially Protestants.

                Yes, this is true, and the reason is that you correctly noted - democracy. You can fast (I don’t know if Protestants have it) and “roll up” a glass or two, have a bite to eat with a chicken and hell does not exist, because according to Protestant teachings - God loves everyone, he is in everyone's heart somewhere, forgive, you can not strain.
                1. +2
                  April 18 2023 13: 12
                  Yes, this is true, and the reason is that you correctly noted - democracy. You can fast (I don’t know if Protestants have it) and “roll up” a glass or two, have a bite to eat with a chicken and hell does not exist, because according to Protestant teachings - God loves everyone, he is in everyone's heart somewhere, forgive, you can not strain.

                  Certainly. In our Orthodoxy, they also do this, it remains to make changes to the doctrine. laughing
                  1. +1
                    April 18 2023 13: 20
                    Quote: Arzt
                    Certainly. Our Orthodoxy also do this,

                    I agree, it's stupid to deny it.
                    The Holy Fathers, as they teach, must work hard to receive a reward.
  3. 0
    April 18 2023 05: 14
    I sympathize with the author. He invested so much effort to write the usual political cliché. All the past without the present is not very correct. Here, the authors who help the article are very doubtful. If we talk about sacredness, then it was necessary to start with Ancient Egypt. Political preferences helped the author avoid talking about China. In general, it turned out a little strange, and sometimes funny. Several centuries have passed since the discovery of America before the Americans called themselves God's chosen ones. The main priority of the nationalist state is the usual national swagger. We will wait for the next historical philosophical stories.
    1. +3
      April 18 2023 10: 14
      The main priority of the nationalist state is the usual national swagger.

      "National swagger" actually has deep roots. It begins in the primitive communal system, when belonging to one's own tribe was the basis for survival. As populations grew, social groups expanded from tribes to states. And then family clans began to steer, which turned into an aristocracy.
  4. +4
    April 18 2023 05: 17
    Thanks to the author for the article and acquaintance with political science theories.
    But, I would like to note the inferiority and one-sidedness of political science theories, such as E. Gentili.
    Theories that, for external signs, do not see the essence of the phenomenon, or refuse to see it.
    Hence the delusional analogy between the fascist movements and the Soviet system. Although they are based on a fundamental contradiction, the former had to defend capitalism when the USSR was its gravedigger.
    Nazism and fascism is a management system with the dominance of private property and capitalism in lagging behind and countries with a catch-up type of development, socialism in the USSR is a nationwide ownership of the means of production and subsoil, in a country with a catch-up type of development in a zone of risky agriculture and areas that are weakly adapted for life.
    And if we talk about pseudo-scientific construction as “totalitarianism”, then this is a forced measure under the USSR, in a hostile environment, while totalitarianism in the fascist countries of Europe and Latin America is a targeted measure to suppress the communist movement in the name of capital.
    "Democratic regimes" - were only in the most developed capitalist countries of the world: the USA, England and France. The "rich" could afford it! But France remained an extremely weak link, balancing in the 30s. on the verge, and England was constantly shaken by crises, hence the extremely conservative parties of the fascist persuasion.
    Therefore, if we talk about "totalitarianism", then this is a generic property of the capitalist world order, periodically accompanied by fascist manifestations in governance.
    1. +4
      April 18 2023 08: 04
      hi Eduard, no one has yet canceled classes, if they did not exist, the whole world would live under communism. smile And no totalitarianism.
      1. +1
        April 18 2023 08: 28
        the whole world would live under communism
        Better than communism is only Anarchism. Yes hi
    2. +6
      April 18 2023 08: 59
      You are a bright representative of a person "politically believing" in the bright ideals of communism. Therefore, it hardly makes sense to start discussions and give any arguments. Nevertheless, I would like to note that, firstly, totalitarianism was the essence of communism precisely because its goal was to educate a “new man” (just like in the fascist and Nazi state), a “communist man”. And those who did not want to become such, or did not agree with the policy of the ruling party, automatically became an "enemy of the people" or a dissident.

      Secondly, a simplified explanation (that the fascist and Nazi regimes are a “dictatorship of capital”) just does not explain the essence of the phenomenon, does not explain why the fascists in Italy and the Nazis in Germany were supported by a significant part of the population, and mainly by the middle class and the peasantry. However, consideration of this issue was not the purpose of this article, perhaps someday I will write about it.
      1. +2
        April 18 2023 11: 58
        You are a bright representative of a person "politically believing" in the bright ideals of communism. Therefore, it hardly makes sense to start discussions and give any arguments. Nevertheless, I would like to note that, firstly, totalitarianism was the essence of communism precisely because its goal was to educate a “new man” (just like in the fascist and Nazi state), a “communist man”. And those who did not want to become such, or did not agree with the policy of the ruling party, automatically became an "enemy of the people" or a dissident.

        Totalitarianism was not the essence of communism, at the initial stage it was a forced measure of struggle between revolutionary parties, which were almost all radical, and in the future it was the result of an incorrect choice of a strategic course of development. A "missionary path" was chosen, in which the export of an idea is carried out at the expense of Russia's human and natural resources.
        If they actually began to build "socialism in a single country," the West itself would fall into our hands. Yes

        Now the same cant. We must first do everything clearly at home, then everyone will join.
        1. +1
          April 18 2023 14: 30
          A "missionary path" was chosen, in which the export of an idea is carried out at the expense of Russia's human and natural resources.

          Yes, just a correction, such a project was chosen from 1991 to the present day ...
      2. +4
        April 18 2023 12: 56
        You are a bright representative of a person "politically believing" in the bright ideals of communism. Therefore, it hardly makes sense to start discussions and give any arguments.

        Dear Victor,
        didn't realize it was about me laughing
        To begin with, your argument needs proof, but for now this is such an assertion of you as a "political believer."
        Only if, in your opinion, I believe in the bright ideals of Communism, then all opposing THIS believe in the black ideals of capitalism.
        Let's leave traditional religions aside.
        If we're talking about "political faith" then or or: either in the light of communism or in the black of capitalism, nothing else is given. You can't sit between two chairs. Whose side are you on?
        And as part of upholding the terminology "totalitarianism", "democracy" and "authoritarianism", what do we have in Russia then?
        Secondly, a simplified explanation (that the fascist and Nazi regimes are the "dictatorship of capital")

        What's simplified?
        A simple explanation, understandable, but not simplified: do not confuse. A simple explanation of complex things - the essence and logic. Plato or Aristotle tried hard to explain this to us 2500 years ago, and not complicate the essence with complex conclusions or, as they wrote in Rus', with wisdom.
        That is, if the power of capital - then capitalism, if conditional land use with attached serfs on terms of service, then feudalism. What's simplified here?
        But I repeat again, thanks for the article, popularization is an important thing!
        Even if these theories have lost relevance. good
      3. +3
        April 18 2023 13: 40
        Quote: Viktor Biryukov

        Secondly, a simplified explanation (that the fascist and Nazi regimes are a “dictatorship of capital”) just does not explain the essence of the phenomenon, does not explain why the fascists in Italy and the Nazis in Germany were supported by a significant part of the population, and mainly by the middle class and the peasantry. However, consideration of this issue was not the purpose of this article, perhaps someday I will write about it.

        Worth writing. The question is quite interesting and not fully disclosed.
        1. +2
          April 18 2023 14: 38
          Secondly, a simplified explanation (that the fascist and Nazi regimes are a “dictatorship of capital”) just does not explain the essence of the phenomenon, does not explain why the fascists in Italy and the Nazis in Germany were supported by a significant part of the population, and mainly by the middle class and the peasantry. However, consideration of this issue was not the purpose of this article, perhaps someday I will write about it.
          Worth writing. The question is quite interesting and not fully disclosed.

          Of course, you can read, but it is written about it rewritten.
          a significant part of the population, and mainly the middle class and the peasantry
          - what in Marxism is called the petty-bourgeois environment. "Middle class" - of course, beyond the scope of scientific historical definitions, this is from political science.
          And so, the petty bourgeoisie: peasants of medium prosperity, those who, if they made ends meet, and not fluff from hunger like paupers (the majority in Germany and Italy, and even in Nepman's Russia) + petty bourgeoisie (shopkeepers, etc. ) everyone supported Nazism, fascism.
          Win the whites in Russia, and we would have established a bourgeois fascist regime, with the same mass support.
          The same thing happened in Napoleon's France, and then the creation of the Empire and the militarization of society: everyone offends us, and so on: an onslaught on the East or Africa or ... somewhere.
          Everything is very transparent and understandable.
  5. +5
    April 18 2023 07: 00
    "Totalitarianism" in relation to States is their common property. Like universal medical care, education, pensions, conscription service... .. .

    This miserable term turns on its head the essence of the concept of "state law" - which does not "pressure", but rather protects the citizen from totalitarian savagery, hostile contradictions and totalitarian arbitrariness of lawlessness.

    This is the main reason for the emergence of the State according to Engels. Heh .. Heh .. author, try to do without the "totalitarian" police in the city with its "totalitarian" databases ....

    The lawlessness of savagery climbs into all holes, manifests itself in every little detail of human relations. And the law puts him barriers. But savagery can also overcome laws, especially if the civil servant is a SAVAGE .....
  6. +1
    April 18 2023 07: 40
    What did the author mean by using the term "deifications"?
    1. +6
      April 18 2023 07: 46
      Deification (from lat. deifico) - the deification of something quite ordinary.
      1. -1
        April 19 2023 04: 31
        You are great at Wikipedia!
        But the question was to the author, not to you
  7. 0
    April 18 2023 07: 57
    Thus, the study of Emilio Gentile, despite the controversy of some of his theses, is of interest.
    and no more...
  8. +6
    April 18 2023 08: 32
    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
    Nazism and fascism is a system of governance under the domination of private property and capitalism in lagging behind, and countries with a catch-up type of development,

    Controversial assertion. Germany, even after the defeat in the First World War, was not lagging behind and did not have a catch-up type of development. A very technologically advanced country with good economic growth rates (until 1929).
    Yes, and Italy was quite developed, since it built battleships and aircraft carriers.
    Nazism is just an exposure, a discard of fig leaves that mask the real mechanisms of governance of the bourgeois elite and a bet on the most rude (and cheap, resource-saving) methods of subjugating and manipulating society. The transition to Nazism/fascism occurs when the usual "liberal-democratic" methods lose their effectiveness and the system begins to experience a deep and comprehensive crisis, like the Weimar Republic after the start of the Great Depression. The transition to Nazism and its rigidity can be determined by such a parameter as the degree of threat from the "left flank", the political forces of the communist orientation. In Germany, the forces of the left were more significant than in Italy, because German Nazism was more radical than Italian fascism.
    1. +2
      April 18 2023 09: 12
      Controversial assertion. Germany, even after the defeat in the First World War, was not lagging behind and did not have a catch-up type of development. A very technologically advanced country with good economic growth rates (until 1929).
      Yes, and Italy was quite developed, since it built battleships and aircraft carriers.

      Based on what?
      From the inferences about battleships, perhaps based on scientific research, no. for example from the newest, Tusk.
      The lag behind the United States is catastrophic, and from England, and even from France.
      And Italy was so "developed" that crowds of Italians left wherever their eyes looked to America. In Genoa, in the Maritime Museum, a whole hall is dedicated to how "developed" Italians in bestial conditions went to the USA or Argentina. And the thirst for colonies, in Italy, and even more so in Germany, at the expense of my homeland, led Nazism and fascism to militarization, as a property of capitalism during the period of imperialism. From here and BATTLESHIPS instead of pizza or guns instead of butter. You can’t spread the military-industrial complex on bread, these are costs for an adequate country, such as the USSR was, which was forced to develop the military-industrial complex, consciously realizing that it was spending precious resources that would help grow the welfare of the Soviet people, but was forced to do so.
      It was this economic backwardness that caused the advent in Germany and Italy, and then almost everywhere in Europe, of fascist and semi-fascist regimes, with their "spirit of class cooperation." The purpose of which was to stop the protest growth of the oppressed masses and redirect their energy to capture, in one way or another, colonies and resources, as a way to solve the growth of prosperity.
      1. +1
        April 18 2023 15: 11
        And the thirst for colonies, in Italy ... at the expense of my homeland

        Vashchenko - Are you from Africa? Where? From Egypt, British Somalia or Sudan? Or are you from the Balkans?
        And then there are rumors on the site that you are a candidate of historical sciences.
        1. +4
          April 18 2023 16: 09
          And the thirst for colonies, in Italy, and even more so in Germany, at the expense of my homeland, led Nazism and fascism to militarization

          Vashchenko - Are you from Africa?

          I wrote
          from Germany at the expense of my homeland
          , USSR and Russia. Well, and other fascist capitalist dictatorships, allies of Nazi Germany, decided to fight in the Soviet Union. And the Italians are no exception, as Konstantin Simonov says:
          A young native of Naples!
          What left you in Russia on the field?
          Why couldn't you be happy
          Over native famous bay?
          I who killed you under Mozdok
          So dreamed of a distant volcano!
          How I dreamed about the Volga
          Take a ride in the gondola just once!
          But I didn’t come with a gun
          Take away the Italian summer
          But my bullets didn’t whistle
          Above the holy land of Raphael!

          Yes, these are not rumors, in my articles on VO you can see the signature: candidate of historical sciences.
          Best regards, hi
          1. +4
            April 18 2023 17: 54
            Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
            how is it with Konstantin Simonov:
            A young native of Naples!
            What left you in Russia on the field?

            Must clarify.

            Mikhail Svetlov

            Black cross on the chest of an Italian,
            No carving, no pattern, no gloss, -
            A poor family stored
            And worn by the only son ...
            A young native of Naples!
            What did you leave on the field in Russia?
            Why couldn't you be happy
            Over native famous bay?
            I who killed you under Mozdok
            So dreamed of a distant volcano!
            How I dreamed on the Volga freedom
            Take a ride in a gondola!
            But I didn't come with a gun
            Take away the Italian summer
            But my bullets did not whistle
            Above the holy land of Raphael!
            Here I shot! Here where I was born
            Where he was proud of himself and his friends,
            Where are the epics about our peoples
            They never appear in translations.
            Is Middle Don Bend
            Studied by foreign scientists?
            Our land - Russia, Russia -
            Did you plow and sow?
            No! You were brought in a train
            To capture distant colonies,
            To cross from the casket from the family
            It grew to the size of a grave ...
            I will not let my homeland be taken out
            For the expanse of foreign seas!
            I shoot and there is no justice
            More fair than my bullet!
            You have never lived here and never been! ..
            But scattered in snowy fields
            Italian blue sky
            Glazed in dead eyes...
            1943 BC
            1. +3
              April 18 2023 18: 40
              Must clarify.
              Mikhail Svetlov

  9. +4
    April 18 2023 08: 47
    It's funny, in some monarchies - the monarch is actually a deity, and the church is the church, without any quotes. And she promoted the maximum strengthening of the power of the monarch.
    1. +3
      April 18 2023 09: 15
      A form of government other than a theocratic monarchy is a relatively recent phenomenon. In fact, all religions originally appeared for this very purpose: to sacralize the power of specific individuals / families / clans, etc. Justify the given power from above. According to Gentile's definition, all religions are political. Traditional religions differ only in that they arose earlier. And managed to become a tradition. But they were created for one type of society (agrarian-slave-owning) and were no longer very suitable for more advanced types (industrial, information, a society of universal literacy, a society dominated by rational thinking ...). New political religions had to be created. Over the long centuries, the subtleties of this process have been forgotten a little, so in modern times we had to learn how to do it again. But history is accelerating. New versions have fallen in such a way that during the life of one generation one can observe their evolution in real time. Today, the “democratic” religion is in fashion (the performance of the voting ritual legitimizes power, and in advance accuses the “believers” of having deserved it themselves), “green” religion (power is legitimate if it follows the sacred goal of protecting nature [naturally, from people ] - in fact, a variation of pantheism, in which "believers" are again accused in advance of harming nature), etc. They are all united by the fact that they impose a guilt complex in order to manipulate their followers.
      1. Fat
        April 23 2023 05: 40
        Quote: Pushkowed
        A form of government other than theocratic monarchy is a relatively recent phenomenon.

        hi Jan. I wonder how recent this phenomenon is? At the end of the 18th century in France, at the end of the Jacobin dictatorship, Robespierre tried to impose a "cult of a higher being" on the revolutionary masses, and Buddhist atheism arose in protest against the sacred power of Hindu Brahmins and Kshatriyas ... And the Yellow Emperor is considered the founder of Taoism
    2. +2
      April 18 2023 09: 15
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      And she promoted the maximum strengthening of the power of the monarch.

      This happens when the Church is state, for example in Russia in the period 1700-1917, it was the one that was ruled by the Holy Synod and at the head of the Church itself was an official-bureaucrat, chief prosecutor. In this case, yes, the Church will promote strengthening authorities.
      1. +3
        April 18 2023 09: 50
        Quote: bober1982
        This happens when the Church is state, for example in Russia in the period 1700-1917, it was the one that was ruled by the Holy Synod and at the head of the Church itself was an official-bureaucrat, chief prosecutor. In this case, yes, the Church will promote strengthening authorities.

        But the totalitarian state is Soviet Russia. )))
        1. -3
          April 18 2023 17: 37
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          But the totalitarian state is Soviet Russia. )))

          Only because a lie repeated a million times becomes, as it were, the truth.

          For example, Stalin from 1923 to 1941 did not hold any positions in the government at all. He was secretary of the Central Committee and deputy of the Upper Council. Positions are elected and accountable.

          In fact, he was the Emperor. Why?

          Because Russia, at least Soviet, even anti-Soviet, lives like a Monarchy under any laws !! That's the problem....

          Because the Russian people have the feudal psychology of the 17th century. And even in the 21st century, he elects the President for life. How he elected Tsar Romanov in 1613.

          Well, now you can ask the crown question: "and what - the people are bad?"
          And I, in order not to waste time, I will immediately answer: "the people are good, but stuck in the 17th century" .... And everything else is fine ......
          1. 0
            April 18 2023 18: 21
            Quote: ivan2022
            Well, now you can ask the crown question: "and what - the people are bad?"
            And I, in order not to waste time, I will immediately answer: "the people are good, but stuck in the 17th century" .... And everything else is fine ......

            Something similar was said about the Egyptians by Gamal Abdel Nasser. Like the fact that an Egyptian lives in the 20th century, and looks at him through the eyes of the 16th century.
          2. 0
            April 19 2023 04: 21
            Russia, even Soviet, even anti-Soviet, lives like a Monarchy under any laws !!
            In fact, the traditional form of government in Russia from time immemorial was a kind of aristocratic republic. When the supreme ruler is elected by a narrow circle of the elite and rules either for life, or until he more or less suits everyone. This contrasts sharply with a traditional monarchy, where the right to the throne is determined only by lineage.

            It began from the moment of the birth of a full-fledged unified Russian kingdom, i.e. since the time of Ivan III. His son Ivan the Terrible and grandson Fyodor received power by right of inheritance. And then - hello, confusion! Boris Godunov - elected. Vasily Shuisky - elected. Mikhail Romanov - elected. Both False Dmitrys also represented the interests of elite groups, but lost the "elections".

            After that, things got a little sloppy. Alexei the Quietest and his son Fedor III - received the throne by right of inheritance (the latter - not for long). And then - hello! Two kings at the same time! The elites insisted on the candidacy of Peter I, and Ivan V had to agree to having a co-ruler. Here is such a "monarchy". And yes, Peter became the actual ruler. No one paid attention to the death of Ivan V. And he's even lucky. But further...

            Peter legalized the election of the heir. And hello to the era of palace coups! From now on and until the Decembrist uprising, the ruler was only elected. With the help of the guard, which was an instrument of elite groups. By right of inheritance, only Ivan VI, Peter III and Paul I received the throne. All ruled (if they ruled at all) for a very short time. And they all ended very badly. Formally, Russia was an absolute monarchy. But in reality it is limited. Only not the constitution (there was none). The proverb said that the form of government in Russia is "absolute monarchy, limited by regicide".

            Only with Nicholas I was established a normal autocracy and a strict transfer of power by inheritance. The result is a social explosion and the end of the whole thing. In the days of the USSR, the supreme rulers were also chosen in a narrow circle. And in post-Soviet Russia, nothing has actually changed ...

            The Russian people have the feudal psychology of the 17th century. And even in the 21st century, he elects the President for life. How he elected Tsar Romanov in 1613.
            Tsar Romanov elected not people.

            The problem is not with the people, but with the so-called. "elites".
    3. +2
      April 18 2023 09: 17
      And she promoted the maximum strengthening of the power of the monarch.
      Here you are mistaken.
      The Roman Catholic Church calls the Pope of Rome the successor of the Apostle Peter and the vicar of Jesus Christ, who, at the same time, is considered by all Christians to be the Son of God. One of the official titles of the Pope is the title of Vicarius Christi, that is, "Vicar of Christ."

      The monarchs were just appointed (crowned) by the church to the kingdom with all the ensuing duties, including to the church, which received its tithe.hi
      1. +2
        April 18 2023 09: 52
        Quote: Gomunkul
        The monarchs were just appointed (crowned) by the church to the kingdom with all the ensuing duties, including to the church, which received its tithe.

        I don’t really understand history, but at least once did the Russian Orthodox Church depose the king? Or at least not anointed for the kingdom?
        1. +2
          April 18 2023 10: 10
          I don’t really understand history, but at least once did the Russian Orthodox Church depose the king? Or at least not anointed for the kingdom?
          After the Nikonian split, the Russian Orthodox Church and the autocracy merged into a single entity.
          1. 0
            April 18 2023 21: 20
            "merged into a single whole" not immediately. Why did Peter 1 abolish the institution of the patriarch?
            He wanted the church to be theoretically unable to challenge his decisions.
            Patriarch Adrian was not of great intelligence and weak-willed, but the higher boyars used him as a dummy doll
  10. +2
    April 18 2023 11: 41
    Lenin, shortly after his death in 1924, was declared eternally alive due to the immortality of his thought, and his embalmed body became the subject of a cult like the saints of the Orthodox Church [1]

    The idea of ​​embalming Lenin's body had no religious overtones. Initially, it was about the possibility of farewell for residents of remote regions and abroad.
    Many members of the Politburo were against it, they also foresaw the possibility of religious overtones in the future.

    For example, Kamenev passionately objected to the proposed embalming; in his opinion, this idea is nothing more than the real “clergy”, Lenin himself would have condemned it and rejected it.

    “They want to glorify the physical ashes… They say, for example, about the transfer of the ashes of Marx from England to us in Moscow. I even heard that this ashes, buried near the Kremlin wall, would, as it were, add “holiness”, meaning to this whole place, to all those buried in the fraternal cemetery. What the hell is that!”

    Further, under the influence of the publicdecided on long-term embalming.
  11. +2
    April 18 2023 13: 12
    Thanks for the article. Two + from my modest possibilities. We met and somehow discussed another modern false ism-gentilism.
    What is the error or deception of the historian Emilio Gentile. As noted above (E. Vashchenko), this historian compares some external forms of social and political movements of the 20th century with religions and draws a conclusion about some "political religions". At the same time, it does not at all consider the essence of these socio-political movements and their significant differences from religions.
    The goal of Gentile, as a bourgeois-liberoid philosopher, is to accuse hostile ideologies of religiosity and, from this side, subject them to condemnation and ostracism.
  12. +1
    April 18 2023 13: 59
    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
    Based on what?
    From the inferences about battleships, perhaps based on scientific research, no. for example from the newest, Tusk.
    The lag behind the United States is catastrophic, and from England, and even from France.
    And Italy was so "developed" that crowds of Italians left wherever their eyes looked to America. In Genoa, in the Maritime Museum, a whole hall is dedicated to how "developed" Italians in bestial conditions went to the USA or Argentina. And the thirst for colonies, in Italy, and even more so in Germany, at the expense of my homeland, led Nazism and fascism to militarization, as a property of capitalism during the period of imperialism. From here and BATTLESHIPS instead of pizza or guns instead of butter. You can’t spread the military-industrial complex on bread, these are costs for an adequate country, such as the USSR was, which was forced to develop the military-industrial complex, consciously realizing that it was spending precious resources that would help grow the welfare of the Soviet people, but was forced to do so.
    It was this economic backwardness that caused the advent in Germany and Italy, and then almost everywhere in Europe, of fascist and semi-fascist regimes, with their "spirit of class cooperation"

    And what was the backlog of Weimar Germany from the USA, England, France? Because of its "backwardness" did the same American businessmen very willingly invest in German industry, give loans for its development?
    Maybe the proof of the "lag" was the fact that Germany had a developed aviation industry, had success in the development of civil aviation and was a leader in airship building? What built warships and submarines for foreign customers? What did it build and world-class civilian ships?
    If a country has developed industries, such as aircraft, shipbuilding and automotive, it certainly cannot be called backward. It should be noted that the then Germany was among the most advanced in terms of the development of scientific disciplines (including high-energy physics).

    There were economic problems, of course. Caused in part by huge reparations, the exclusion of territories under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, and, most importantly, the Great Depression, which for some reason did not begin in Germany or Italy at all, but in the seemingly quite successful United States.

    As for Italy, the fascist regime established itself very early there, immediately after the WWII, in which Italy found itself in the camp of winners. Not the most problematic period in the history of this country. And not only Italians went to the USA, people went there from all over Europe, so this has nothing to do with fascism directly.

    The thirst for colonies is characteristic not only for fascist regimes, but also for completely democratic ones. Holland and Belgium chopped off quite a few colonies for themselves, but for some reason no one writes them down as Nazis. And Hitler directly called the British his teachers in Mein Kampf.

    As for the concept of "class cooperation", similar concepts ("Prosperity Society", "social-oriented state", etc.) were partly implemented in the countries of the European Union and the USA during the Cold War. After its completion, these models began to undergo a gradual dismantling, which continues to this day under the banner of neoliberal doctrines.

    So, by and large, there is nothing fundamentally different in Nazism and fascism. It's just that this is the most overt form of imperialism, as the highest (overripe) form of capitalism.
    Fascism is post-capitalism. That is what the development of the West as a whole is striving for in modern conditions.

    Totalitarianism is not something special that is qualitatively different. Power in a class society is always inherently totalitarian. The authorities (the elites) strive to the limit of their permissiveness and lack of control, to the limit of their ability to penetrate into all spheres of social life. Everything, ultimately, rests on technological limitations, practical possibilities for such a thing.
    1. +4
      April 18 2023 14: 57
      Maybe the proof of the "lag" was the fact that Germany had a developed aviation industry, had success in the development of civil aviation and was a leader in airship building? What built warships and submarines for foreign customers? What did it build and world-class civilian ships?

      Read the work of Adam Ace, everything is laid out on the shelves.
      In Germany, there was simply nothing to eat, on the verge. And even when compared with the United States, there is no need to speak. 50% income per day from USA, Italy - 24% from USA. And this despite the fact that in the United States in the 30s they did not overeat - the Great Depression.
      Or do you think that wars start from a floundering bay, so why did Hitler start a war - about this is his little book - there are no resources, not only life, much less development.
      You can’t spread an airship on bread, especially since the owner of the airship factory spread caviar, and a German worker spread engine oil laughing
      The thirst for colonies is characteristic not only for fascist regimes, but also for completely democratic ones. Holland and Belgium chopped off a lot of colonies for themselves

      This is the difference, and the reason for both 1 and 2 wars: the struggle of old and new caps. countries for resources!!! What continues to this day.
      Precisely because Belgium, the Netherlands, France, England and partly the United States at one time, before 1914, were able to get colonies, but Germany, Italy, Japan did not, and began, first World War 1, and then 2.
      So, by and large, there is nothing fundamentally different in Nazism and fascism.
      - that's for sure!
      As for the concept of "class cooperation", similar concepts ("Prosperity Society", "social-oriented state", etc.) were partly implemented in the countries of the European Union and the USA during the Cold War.
      - without the existence of the USSR and its "challenges", nothing like this would have happened in Western Europe: the USSR, destroyed after the war, with a historical lag behind Western Europe by 4-5 centuries, was able to partially overcome these problems thanks to socialism. And being an example of development during this period, it remained so for most developing countries until the collapse in 1991. But that's another story.
      1. +2
        April 18 2023 16: 12
        Eduard, don't try to prove something. The author is looking for. Looking for an ideology. zoo. And totalitarianism will not go anywhere, neither under the dictatorship of capital, nor under the dictatorship of the proletariat.smile Remember, the USSR, at some stage it was announced that there was no dictatorship of the proletariat in the country, a nationwide democracy had set in, what did this nationwide democracy with shades of totalitarianism degenerate into? can not be.
        1. +1
          April 18 2023 19: 07
          Lesh, good evening. "nationwide democracy" was proclaimed by N. S. Khrushchev. He climbed out of his skin, so as not to surpass, but at least catch up with the authority of Stalin
          1. 0
            April 18 2023 20: 56
            Vlad, and the minuses from Khrushchev, or did someone on the site not understand you?
        2. +2
          April 18 2023 20: 37
          Eduard, don't try to prove something. The author is looking for. Looking for an ideology. But so that the capitalist would be friends with the worker and not profit from his work.

          Aleksey good evening. I'm not trying to prove, but stating laughing
          In search of ideology or lost among the three pines.
          hi hi hi
          1. +2
            April 18 2023 21: 05
            Edward, you correctly noticed: "lost among three pines"
            Try to write your vision of this topic?
            You should do well.
          2. +2
            April 18 2023 22: 46
            In search of ideology or lost among the three pines.
            So am I about the same. They forget such a period of history, the same Western Europe. When the Communists were present in many governments, then the United States proposed the Marshall Plan, but with the condition that there would be no Communists in governments and parliaments and the countries of Europe received assistance, and the communists were expelled from the governments. Only, in the Soviet zone of influence in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, the USSR, he did not allow this to be done. But when, in Western Europe, the communists were removed, it was not totalitarianism, but in the Soviet zone, totalitarianism. laughing hi hi hi
  13. -1
    April 18 2023 19: 02
    "the leader's charisma" means a lot.
    Of domestic politicians, Zhirenovsky had charisma, and I don’t know anyone else! Zyu?! Don't make fun of my footcloths. He can only puff out his cheeks, but this does not mean that he is an authority
  14. 0
    April 18 2023 20: 51
    Colleagues, good evening.
    I haven't read Dzhanteli, and if I haven't read it, I can't judge. Therefore, I did not go to the site all day, and in the evening I could not restrain myself and popped in.
    I am outraged by the devotion to the Civil Religion of America.
    1. +1
      April 18 2023 22: 54
      devotion to America's Civil Religion.
      This is sacred laughing In the most "non-totalitarian" country, the United States, the communist ideology, and more or less close to it, was burned out with a red-hot iron. laughing But this is different. There is freedom. laughing
  15. 0
    April 18 2023 21: 26
    Colleagues, although I did not read Dzhanteli, I caught something.
    Alas, the phone is completely discharged. I can not discuss
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. +2
    April 19 2023 08: 43
    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
    In Germany, there was simply nothing to eat, on the verge. And even when compared with the United States, there is no need to speak. 50% income per day from USA, Italy - 24% from USA. And this despite the fact that in the United States in the 30s they did not overeat - the Great Depression.

    You need to read more carefully: it was about the period before 1929.

    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
    Or do you think that wars start from a floundering bay, so why did Hitler start a war - about this is his little book - there are no resources, not only life, much less development.
    You can’t spread an airship on bread, especially since the owner of the airship factory spread caviar, and a German worker spread engine oil

    Do you blindly believe everything that Hitler wrote? Like he was forced to unleash a war in order to save ordinary Hans from starvation?
    Imperialist wars are not at all unleashed from a shortage of resources. As a rule, they are not unleashed by the weak, backward and hungry, but by the strong and developed. The United States was the leader in the 20th century, and not at all because Pennsylvania and Texas were starving.

    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
    Precisely because Belgium, the Netherlands, France, England and partly the United States at one time, before 1914, were able to get colonies, but Germany, Italy, Japan did not, and began, first World War 1, and then 2.

    Superficial. The main beneficiary of both WWI and WWII was the United States. They really stood behind these large-scale events, using the strategy of indirect action. Germany in both wars was only a tool in the hands of the American elite, which was used to weaken the European powers, the main obstacles for the United States on the way to global hegemony. This also applies to Japan and (alas, alas) Russia (USSR). We pretty much helped the Yankees become world leaders. Both during the war and in the post-war period: destroying the system of traditional colonialism (and the Yankees instantly consolidated their economic dominance in the former colonies).

    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
    without the existence of the USSR and its "challenges" nothing like this would have happened in Western Europe: the USSR, destroyed after the war, with a historical lag behind Western Europe by 4-5 centuries, was able, thanks to socialism, to partially overcome these problems.

    Only partly true. The fact is that such concepts arose even before 1917.
    Do you know what "Prussian socialism" is? Have you ever read about Henry Ford's initiatives to build a "society without class struggle"? Why did he dramatically increase the salaries of his workers and began to provide them with affordable housing and loans?
    Not only communists read the works of Marx and Engels, you know. Bourgeois too, and they have long been preoccupied with the problem of confrontation between classes and the search for its solution.
    Although, of course, the victory of the Communists in Russia greatly spurred their efforts. And the collapse of the Soviet system, on the contrary, convinced them that there is no alternative to capitalism, although the most stubborn Western liberals do not deny its inevitable contradictions.
    1. 0
      April 19 2023 15: 25
      I think you are wasting your time discussing with Vashchenko. The author of the article described him exhaustively: a believer with the tricks of a district committee agitator.
      You can just as well dispute the fact of the virginity of the guris in a conversation with a devout Muslim.
    2. 0
      April 20 2023 09: 34
      In my opinion, Marx and Lenin were read precisely and only by the bourgeoisie. And the proletarians limited themselves to slogans and, in extreme cases, abstracts.