Against a dying Russia

Against a dying Russia

Necessary preface. This topic has already been raised on our pages more than once, but this time, as it seems to us, we got a small series of articles on one topic. Theme "tomorrow" for Russia.

It seems to us that this time, with the appearance of a projectile (it’s definitely not a cartridge) in the main clip of a projectile from Tomsk Andrey Grezin, it turned out not only to give a new impetus, but to reach a new level of dialogue. The statistics offered by Andrey, it does not just throw out a bunch of numbers, it gives an understanding of the problem we have run into. And what is the way out of the situation in which Russia found itself - this is a separate topic for conversation.

So please be patient and read on.

We complain here that it somehow happened that some generations that weren’t like that grew up. Instead of Marinka, they were ready to storm Upper Lars and stay with him forever. Not respecting either the country or the state. We criticize and condemn, but in fact, we are already dealing with the finished result. And why this happens, many, if they ask a question, do not really want to know the answer to it for many reasons, many of which lie in us.

Meanwhile, the point is not in insufficient state funding of patriotic projects, but in the absence of a state ideology and the liquidation of a class of teachers whose purpose was not educational, but educational activities.

The disorganization of the processes of raising children in Russia is the true reason for the degradation of the strong-willed, moral and ethical qualities of the youth of Russia and the growing protest movement among the youth. They are waging war against Russia not only in the "hot phase", but also in the field of educating future generations (children). And Russia is losing this battle, and not just losing it, this battle is already very close to its end. That is, to the complete defeat of Russia.

The state simply will not have at the disposal of citizens who are ready to fight for it. Here it is worth recalling the decline and fall of the Roman Empire and drawing analogies. Very similar in some places.

There will be no country without citizens. Without children there will be no citizens. Everything seems to be simple, right? But in the 32 years after the collapse of the USSR, almost 16 people died "in excess of the norm" in Russia. “Above the norm” it is not the elderly who die, but people of able-bodied age who do not “fit into the economy”, young people from drug addiction, alcoholism and moral decay. And the wars are here.

For 32 years after the collapse of the USSR, 26 children were not born in Russia. In total, in 000 years Russia has lost 000 people.

And this is not counting the children that these “unborn” 26 million citizens were supposed to give birth to. And in 32 years, this is about another 10-12 million people.

The countdown goes not from 1991, but from 1988, because in 1986 the systemic dismantling of the USSR began with a decrease in living standards. In 1986, as part of the economic reform, it was liquidated, including the middle management of retail trade - thus the reformers decided that they would launch free trade in the USSR.

Who will be very interested in the question in detail, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the scientific work of E.V. Shabashova (candidate historical Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of General Humanitarian Disciplines of the Russian Academy) “Deformation of the Soviet Management System during the “Perestroika” Period on the Example of State Retail Trade”. The work perfectly illustrates the understanding of the processes that took place precisely in the 80s of the last century.

In short:
- a violation of the management system was organized;
- the information storage system is completely destroyed. In the system of state trade, these were the Departments of Trade, which had comprehensive information about the situation, for example, in trade facilities.
- Destroyed for the sake of the emerging market, the management system of trade and departmental trade, which led to a critical situation with the supply of workers in industrial enterprises and organizations.
- in the central government bodies of the USSR and the republics in various departments, 593 thousand employees were reduced, only in Moscow - 81 thousand. The number of structural divisions of the central administration was reduced by 40%. Thus, coordination and the vertical of control were destroyed.
- the lack of a vertical of control quickly led to the disruption of interdepartmental relations, exacerbated the shortage of goods.
- a rapid decline in production began, which covered almost all sectors of the national economy. This led to a crisis in the consumer market, the situation with food supply was especially difficult, and the living conditions of the population worsened.

As a result, the lack of a regulatory framework and clear control by the state provoked a shortage of goods and social tension in society.

To reduce social tension, for the fourth time in the period of Soviet history, a distribution system was introduced to provide the population with necessary goods using coupons.

A sharp rise in prices, the disappearance of goods from the retail network, the introduction of rationing for basic products, the emergence of "uncertainty about the future" naturally turned into a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in mortality.

Today, these terrible losses are not yet felt - the country has a working population from 1960 to 2005 (about 80 million people). But another 25 years will pass and there will be no more citizens born in the USSR among the able-bodied population, even taking into account the pension reform. By 2050, without any war, the population of Russia will be reduced from 146 million to 110 million people, and the working-age population will be reduced from 82 million to 50 million. This table shows the calculation data of various organizations and specialists.

The death of Russian citizens of working age was confirmed by Rosstat data published in March 2023. In accordance with these data, as of January 1, 2023, the number of pensioners in the Russian Federation amounted to 41,78 million people.

Let's look at the statistics for the period 1986 - 2022

Let's compare the demographic composition of the population of the Russian Federation in 1986 and 2022:

From the above data it can be seen that while maintaining approximately the same number of the entire population of the country (due to migration inflow), there is a decrease in the number of children and citizens of working age. And this is without taking into account the national and personnel composition of migrants.

It would be more correct to take into account the demographic decline without taking into account migrants - after all, migrants, for the most part, are carriers of a different national code, often of other nationalities and, mainly, representatives of working professions. And emigrants from Russia are just educated specialists with a national code. Therefore, it is a mistake to replace the mechanical replacement of 1000 programmers who emigrated from Russia with 1000 citizens of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan of working specialties who decided to take a second citizenship in the Russian Federation.

Reference. In total, in 1989-1999, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 1 people left Russia for a permanent place of residence.

According to the experts of the portal "Such things", from 2000 to 2020, up to 5 million citizens of the Russian Federation left Russia. Portrait of emigrants from Russia for the period from 2000 to 2021: 55% aged 30-40, 12% under 30; 92% of them have higher education, 14% have an academic degree. 45% had a specialist or bachelor's degree, 36% had a master's or PhD degree.

Reference. According to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, about six million Russians can have second citizenship, while 30% of Russians with dual citizenship are citizens of the CIS countries (who came to work).

If we take into account all these data, then the number of citizens of the Russian Federation in working age should be reduced by another 6 million people, and then the picture will become even more sad.


To serve the territory of any country, there must be a minimum allowable number of people (as in an apartment - the larger the house, the more time and effort is needed to clean it, keep it clean and tidy). It's the same with the country. The area of ​​Russia is 1/6 of the land. It is unacceptable to reduce the number of border troops below the minimum. It is clear that for security reasons. The same applies to the army.

It is unacceptable to reduce below the minimum the number of specialists who maintain railways and roads, power plants, nuclear power plants, power lines and much more.

Russia has the most difficult living conditions of all countries on the planet. To maintain life, we need a huge amount of thermal energy (for heating houses, factories, plants, etc.). For this reason, the cost of any product (in terms of energy costs for production) will always be higher than in other countries. Due to the length of routes, we have higher costs for the delivery of raw materials and finished products. To ensure communications between Moscow and the Far East, aviation, airports, maintenance personnel. Since 1/3 of the country is tundra and taiga, Russia needs small aircraft, a developed fleet of helicopters, a repair base, service personnel, etc. And it's all people, people, people.

The upcoming struggle for the Arctic requires the creation of new, Arctic, border troops, the Arctic fleet, and an additional staff of response troops. And it's people again.

Again, the political situation in the world requires keeping nuclear deterrents in full combat readiness and promptly updating the fleet of missiles and warheads. Given the development of hypersonic weapons and unmanned aircraft, new developments and the creation of the latest deterrence forces are needed. We need a strong scientific base. And smart citizens. Smart citizens in particular. Before our eyes is the example of China, where the citizens are definitely not stupid, but as they are - a country-copywriter in terms of military equipment.

And here is the most important question: without which there will be no nuclear shield, no science, no Russia?

Without future citizens of Russia, without our children. After all, we are talking about the survival of Russia, the preservation of statehood, the further development of the country and the state.

We need many children and we expect a lot from our children. We need honest, purposeful, educated, wise, hardworking, responsible, courageous, fair, optimistic and humane, true patriots who love their Motherland. Those who can protect the country, provide us with a decent old age, and the further development of Russia.

After all, selfish, insecure, stupid, uneducated, lazy, irresponsible, lethargic, weak, cowardly, depressed and hating their homeland will not be able to defend themselves, or us, or Russia.

How to make sure that children grow up with the necessary qualities, with strong characters, educated and smart? On whom or what does the child acquire the necessary skills, the formation of the necessary character traits, ethical standards, worldview and the right ideals? Let's try to figure it out.

How does a person become a person?

At one time in Britain, research was carried out on the phenomenon of Mowgli children. In India (at that time a direct colony of Britain) there were many children who, having lost their way, were taken into a flock and raised by animals. And studies have shown that if a child has lived with animals (wolves, foxes, dogs, etc.) until the age of five, he will never evolve into a person.

These children never start talking or reading. They are sometimes taught to wear clothes and eat from a plate, but at the first opportunity they run away to their tribe, and among people such people do not live long - they die for no apparent reason. Those. it turns out that you, dear reader, and I have become people only because you and I were brought up by people.

Unfortunately, this conclusion is also true in the following statement. How to raise a child - so he will become. There are no born fascists or born pacifists. These are all acquired qualities. If during the period of personality formation (from 1 to 18 years) a person is instilled with certain values, then the person will follow these values ​​all his life.

In the Ottoman Empire from 1380 to 1826, the Janissaries were the basis of the infantry units. It was they who steadily and fanatically carried out the will of the Sultan to seize new and hold the conquered lands, and in peacetime they performed the functions of policemen, security guards, firefighters and even executioners.

Janissaries were created in the following way: children from 8 to 14, and according to some sources, up to 18 years old, captured, were given up for education in Turkish families of inner Anatolia. Most often these were the children of Christians. In the new family, they adopted the new religion of Islam and studied the Turkish language and traditions, which is why they were called “shifters” (in Turkish, the shifter is Janissaries).

This is how warriors were made from Christian children, who later slaughtered their fellow tribesmen. This is for you and me, ordinary citizens, all this is a wonder, and professional psychologists have long figured this out. Here is what Professor Eric H. Erickson, USA, writes about this (12th place among the most cited psychologists of the XNUMXth century):

“In its content, the development of a personality is determined by what society expects from a person, what values ​​and ideals it offers him, what tasks he sets before him at different age stages. But the sequence of stages in the development of a child depends on the biological principle. The child, maturing, necessarily goes through a series of successive stages. At each stage, he acquires a certain quality (personal neoplasm), which is fixed in the structure of the personality and persists in subsequent periods of life.

That is, anyone can be raised from any child. You can grow a fascist, or you can grow a communist, you can grow a cannibal, or you can grow an intellectual, you can grow a crook or a bandit, or you can grow a law enforcement officer.

You just need to teach, directing the child in the right direction in the process of personality formation. But you can only do this once. There is only one attempt to form the personality of the child, his worldview, you can once instill moral norms and choose ideals.

Remarque. In psychology, there is the concept of "sensitive periods of development" - periods of greatest sensitivity to certain kinds of influences. So, for example, the sensitive period of speech development is from a year to 3 years, and if this stage is missed, it is almost impossible to compensate for losses in the future, as we saw with the example of Mowgli children.

The concept of "sensitive periods of a child's development" was introduced by an outstanding domestic psychologist, psycholinguist, defectologist, world-famous scientist L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934).

L.S. Vygotsky came to the conclusion that a child's education should precede, run ahead of, pull up and lead development. This statement has become an axiom in child psychology and pedagogy.

The next important discovery of a brilliant scientist in child psychology was the age determination of periods in a child's life that are most favorable for the development of certain functions of an individual. This knowledge is necessary for teachers and parents in order not to miss the most favorable period for the child's education, so that those "developing kidneys", which are maturing processes in the "zone of proximal development", can fully develop and enrich the physical, intellectual, emotional , social and cultural opportunities in the future life of the child.

These are the periods:
1,5-3 years. The period of bright speech perception, vocabulary replenishment. At this age, the child is very receptive to learning foreign languages. It is also favorable for the development of motor skills, manipulations with objects, perception of order;
3-4 years. This period is most favorable for getting acquainted with the symbolic designation of numbers and letters, preparing for writing. Conscious speech and understanding of one's own thoughts are developing, there is an intensive development of the sense organs;
4-5 years. This period is marked by the development of interest in music and mathematics. The activity of the child in the perception of writing, color, shape, size of objects increases, intensive social development takes place;
5-6 years old. The most favorable period for the transition from writing to reading. This period is very important for instilling in the child social skills and ethical behavior;
7-12 years old. During this period, the child develops an understanding of the structure of human society. The categories of "good" are formed - that for which everyone loves and encourages, and the category of "evil" - that which is not accepted and punished for. During this period, the child develops an understanding of what needs to be learned in order to take a worthy place in the world of adults (I want to be an astronaut, a doctor, etc.).
13-18 years old. The period of the deepest crisis. During this period, the final formation of personality takes place. A holistic identity of the individual, understanding the structure of human society, knowledge of the place that a teenager can claim, self-confidence, competence allow a teenager to be confident in choosing a life path.

When it is not possible to realize oneself and one's place in human society, there is a diffuseness of identity. It is associated with an infantile desire not to enter adulthood for as long as possible, with a stable state of anxiety, a feeling of isolation and emptiness. Diffusion of identity can manifest itself in a hostile rejection of social roles that are desirable for the family and the immediate environment of a teenager (gender, national, professional, class, etc.), in contempt for everything domestic and overestimation of foreign things, in the desire to "become nothing" (if the only remaining way of self-assertion).

A. V. Petrovsky (Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Corresponding Member, Full Member and Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, President of the Russian Academy of Education 1991-1996, died in 2006) revealed from whom our children adopt moral norms, worldview , values ​​and forms of behavior.

The formation of personality is determined by the characteristics of the child's relationship with members of the reference group. The reference group is the most significant for the child in comparison with the rest, he accepts precisely its values, moral norms and forms of behavior. At each age stage, he is included in a new social group, which becomes a reference for him. First it is a family, then a kindergarten group, a school class and informal teenage associations. Any such group is characterized by its own activity (or set of activities) and a special style of communication. It is precisely the "activity-mediated" relationship of the child with the group that influences the formation of his personality.

That is, it turns out that in order to raise a child with the necessary character traits, the necessary values, the necessary moral standards, the necessary worldview, it is necessary to place the child in a social group where all of the listed qualities are the norm and ideal, are welcomed and defended by all members of the group ( society).

A reference group is a group of people with a similar social status, income level, style and other characteristics with which a person compares himself.

In this case, it turns out that for the student his family cannot serve as a reference group. Indeed, in a family, a child has no one to compare himself with - in the family everyone is older than him, except for brothers and sisters (if any), and have a different social status and a different circle of interests. And if brothers or sisters are significantly older or younger than him (and for children “significantly older” is a difference in age of 2 years or more), then they also have a different range of interests and a different social status.

Therefore, the reference society for a student, of course, is his class (more precisely, classmates) or members of his sports team, peers at school on the stream and peers on the Internet.

The links in the reference group are so strong that friends sometimes carry out the ritual of "fraternization", thus carrying out a kind of rejection of their biological family.

Friendship is a personal stable relationship between people based on sympathy, respect, common interests, spiritual closeness, mutual affection and understanding. (Big psychological dictionary)

And the totality of values ​​accepted in society, worldview, moral norms and forms of behavior - this, whatever one may say, is called Ideology.

Ideology (Greek ἰδεολογία; from ἰδέα “prototype, idea” + λόγος “word, mind, teaching”) is a system of conceptually formulated ideas that expresses interests, worldview and ideals

Conclusion: in order to raise a child with the right traits of character, the right values, the right moral standards, the right worldview, it is necessary to place the child in a social group in a timely manner, where all of the listed qualities are the norm and ideal, are welcomed and upheld by all members of the group (society).

And you need to remember that there is only one attempt, limited in time, more precisely, by the age of the child.

On this we are forced to stop in our story, since this is the end of the introductory part and in the next one we will be able not only to ask topical questions, but also to give answers and recommendations to them.

Perhaps everything turns out to be rather cumbersome and verbose, however, the question raised on the topic is very voluminous.

Here we have determined what is needed for the education and preparation of a citizen of the future Russia. In the second part, we will explain why this cannot happen in the next ten years or more.
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  1. +46
    April 19 2023 06: 10
    Thanks to the authors. The topic is really topical. And again we are talking about ideology and education. I am happy to read the second part.
    1. -22
      April 19 2023 06: 37
      Quote: Egoza
      I am happy to read the second part.

      Do you need it?
      1. +32
        April 19 2023 07: 56
        Quote: Mordvin 3
        Do you need it?

        Necessary! I'm a teacher, so I need all this.
        1. -7
          April 19 2023 08: 24
          Quote: Egoza
          I'am a teacher,

          Well... My niece is a teacher... In Kaluga...
        2. +11
          April 19 2023 09: 41
          I sympathize with you, a teacher in a modern school, to be with today's children, who are already complete scumbags already at this age, this is necessary, as they say, "make nails out of these people." hi
          1. -11
            April 19 2023 10: 12
            There are different schools. Mine study at the Waldorf school. As long as I don't complain.
            1. +12
              April 19 2023 15: 55
              Quote: Alebedev
              Mine study at the Waldorf school.

              Can you elaborate more on her? Where is it located, what is the contingent, how much do you pay, and most importantly: WHAT DO YOU TEACH?
              Otherwise, my grandchildren of your "children" (sorry, monsieur!) will have to look through the scope frame, somewhere near Smolensk ... I know for sure: persons with dual citizenship are "two-faced" by definition. Of these, patriots, as a rule, do not work. Don't believe? - Then look at the graduates of Harvard - our young democrats, "sweating" in the field of the collapse of the USSR!
              The Cubans I met in Angola were brought up with mother's milk: Patria o muerte, (Cuban Spanish.) - "Motherland or death"!
              Probably "in your" school they instill love for our RUSSIA just as strongly ??? How did they do it in Cuba?
              PS The question is rhetorical, and it is unlikely that you will honestly answer it ...
          2. +21
            April 19 2023 10: 51
            Why are these children of scumbags? There are different ones! The job of a teacher is precisely to become a mentor to earn authority among students! And do not mumble the program like a bot.
            1. +10
              April 19 2023 11: 05
              And why should a teacher deserve authority among "human larvae" who have only recently learned to "wipe their ass on their own"? Wouldn't they be fat? Did you deserve yours like a belt or authority? An example of closed private schools for the rich will help you, where the discipline of students is first of all and it is achieved there by no means "deserving authority." The work of a teacher is still to give knowledge in the first place and to teach this knowledge to be able to use at least a little, so that in the future the child will not only eat in the head. First of all, parents educate and instruct, and teachers only develop this direction, and in the course in which the state sets it, if it sets anything at all. And if the parents of a petty scoundrel at one time "did not reach" the book "What is good and what is bad", then the teacher is powerless here. There are certainly exceptions to the rule, but they are exceptions. And the school must have the tools to protect, including other children, from those who in the future will spend their whole life in prison. What is happening now with children at school, I personally didn’t have this at school in the dashing 90s.
              1. +7
                April 19 2023 13: 53
                People like you shouldn't be allowed near the school! With your "larvae" "All life is a prison" And so on. As for me, I have a daughter. I never beat them. And yes, the teacher should! Its' his job! He doesn't want to, he can't get out of school! And if the teacher had raised his hand to my daughter, I personally would have broken his hands, regardless of the consequences.
                1. +3
                  April 19 2023 14: 18
                  So your daughters, I think, are not the ones I wrote about, thanks, again, I think, to your upbringing with undistorted "good and bad." And God forbid, even though in a small amount, but the very "cream" of the cubs at my previous job was enough laughing Firework hi
                  1. +6
                    April 19 2023 14: 44
                    Just don't treat children like medicine. If you show them your superiority by being a teacher. And what they SHOULD they beat on you! You need to show by example. Interest! This requires a very serious education reform.
                    1. -2
                      April 19 2023 16: 28
                      If you show them your superiority by being a teacher. And what they SHOULD they beat on you
                      And let them kill. They will grow up dumb. in the end, who needs KNOWLEDGE - a teacher?
                      1. +3
                        April 20 2023 12: 27
                        They will grow up stupid with that I do not argue. But after all, the state is interested in that they grow up as just educated people. And if everyone scores on everyone. What will be in the future?
                    2. +8
                      April 19 2023 16: 34
                      The larvae are not correct, yes, “human embryos” would be more correct. And if the teacher “must”, then he should be treated politely and not boorishly.hi
                    3. +2
                      April 20 2023 18: 02
                      bondrostov (Andrey)
                      Just don't treat children like medicine.

                      An example must also be shown in the knowledge of the native language ... Otherwise, the same "larvae will be laughed at for" lechki "...
                2. +2
                  April 19 2023 14: 48
                  Quote: bondrostov
                  And yes, the teacher should! Its' his job! He doesn't want to, he can't get out of school!

                  I partly agree with you. But in no case should you oppose the family to the school and vice versa. As well as shifting responsibility from a sick head to a healthy one. The school and parents must work hand in hand, in perfect harmony. At the same time, it would be useful for the school to provide advisory services to parents, who sometimes have no idea about the system of raising their children. And the state, by its authority and power, must force each part of this system to fulfill its functions.
                  1. +8
                    April 19 2023 19: 22
                    It is not a fact that parents and teachers have the same tasks in education - parents need their children to be successful, competitive, and teachers essentially fulfill the state order for the production of the necessary parts of the state mechanism, moreover, low-level parts, the old elite without teachers will recruit from their children.
                3. +19
                  April 19 2023 14: 56
                  Quote: bondrostov
                  And if the teacher had raised his hand to my daughter, I personally would have broken his hands, regardless of the consequences.

                  And we had a head teacher at school Oktyabrina Semyonovna Paller .., a former front-line soldier, a military translator. Order of the Red Banner... I smoked at Belomor lessons .. I went with a long pointer .. I beat the students with this pointer on the asses. It got to the fools and hooligans .. She enjoyed extraordinary love and indisputable authority among the students and their parents ... And none of the students ever complained that he was pulled out by the famous Paller pointer, well ... The times were different or something .. In As a result, Honored Teacher of the USSR. Order of the October Revolution.
                  1. +3
                    April 20 2023 12: 32
                    The key is that she was an authority among her students! And they respected her! And when at school in 93 my classmate was insulted by the teacher and his family for the fact that he did not hand over the class for repairs, this is how it should be done with such people !!! Moreover, also of Soviet hardening, it only quickly reborn in 2 years ..
                    1. +1
                      April 20 2023 12: 50
                      Quote: bondrostov
                      the teacher and his family were insulted for the fact that he did not hand over the class for repairs, this is how it should be done with such people !!! Moreover, also of Soviet hardening, it only quickly reborn in 2 years ..

                      The renovation of the classroom is a veiled bribe to the school... Collections for gifts. and other cunning extortions came to school not from a good life. The time was gloomy, the nineties .. Everyone survived as best they could .... .. And then the teachers got a taste ... got used to ...
                4. +3
                  April 19 2023 18: 30
                  You offer the perfect solution. As practice shows, it does not work in the short term, although it is necessary to strive for it. But not in a time pressure situation, otherwise it is a failure. At the moment, there is no time for, let's say, "checking the teacher's ability to gain authority among students and replacing it in case of not fully meeting expectations." It will turn out - good, no - there must be an absolutely working plan "B", applicable always and for everyone. Yes, not the best, but simple and trouble-free, like a Kalashnikov assault rifle. In case of failure, we will lose the last generations. We have to work with those people who are, there is no sense and time to wait for others. Nobody will come.
            2. +1
              April 19 2023 14: 08
              Quote: bondrostov
              The job of a teacher is precisely to become a mentor to earn authority among students!

              Yeah, I remember our Trudovik. He threw hammers at us.
              1. +8
                April 19 2023 18: 39
                I dare to correct it, with a mallet and only when they brought it up)
                1. +3
                  April 19 2023 18: 44
                  The mallet is also heavy laughing "" "
            3. +4
              April 20 2023 18: 42
              Adolescents are instilled in the family with the attitude that the teacher is nobody ... Now they ask the teacher "why the deuce?". When I was in elementary/high school (2000-2005), my parents asked me for both grades and behavior. Everything depends on the parents.
          3. man
            April 19 2023 12: 10
            "to make nails out of these people."
            "There would be no stronger nails in the world!"
          4. +5
            April 19 2023 19: 17
            I sympathize with you, a teacher in a modern school, to be with today's children, who are already finished scumbags already at this age

            Children are what adults made them - parents, teachers, other environment. If your children are scumbags for you, then you are to blame.
          5. +1
            April 19 2023 20: 42
            Undoubtedly, the most important topic. I have two questions:
            ... By 2050, without any war, ... the population of Russia will be reduced from 146 million to 110 million ...
            . — Why were the "ancient" forecasts of 2001 used, and not the modern ones? (The population of four regions of Novorossiya is not included)

            —- The given pattern of age educational windows is an average statistical indicator, and not the anchor chain of the battleship "Determinism": the considered target dominants at the time intervals of development depend on a large number of independent variables, and the older, the more of them. Such variables obey the Normal, Gaussian Distribution Law. In a word, this educational pattern is not destiny. An example of this is the experience of the Soviet teacher A.S. Makarenko (“Pedagogical Poem”).

            —-“ Multivariate normal distribution is used in the study of multivariate random variables (random vectors). One of the many examples of such applications is the study of human personality parameters in psychology and psychiatry ... "
          6. +1
            April 20 2023 06: 41
            Depends on the parents how they were brought up.
            If parents show disrespect to each other, and others do not hesitate to swear at each other. Then let there be scumbags.
          7. 0
            April 20 2023 11: 58
            AdAstra Yesterday, 09:41 NEW - "... I sympathize with you, being a teacher in a modern school with today's children, who are already complete scumbags ... "

            School ALSO in addition to the topic. both in the Russian Federation and in schools, the increasingly rigidly designated (have you seen?) GUEST question. From clearly organized banditry with signs of ethno-Nazism in relation to the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation. Based on the drug trade. as an opportunity to "pay" for the resolution of issues and corruption. am
            19 APRIL 2023 06:00
            "... Drug trafficking, which poured into Russia from Afghanistan in a stormy stream, is recognized as a threat to the country's national security. And there are serious reasons for this. Experts believe that withNow a struggle is unfolding for control over the channels for supplying the potion: people from T .... Coincidence or not, but two days after the high-profile murder came out interview with the chairman of the ICR Alexander Bastrykin, in which he said that the number of murders and beatings that resulted in death by migrants increased five (!) times over the year - almost 900 criminal cases were initiated under these two articles of the Criminal Code. Guest workers rape, organize mass fights, and conduct extremist activities - the head of the Investigative Committee also spoke about this. And he especially noted that they "carry out the transportation and sale of narcotic substances" .... Drug trafficking channels - under the supervision of the CIA bully
            Source of "First Russian" at the same time, he points out that the largest drug supply channels are traditionally supervised by Western intelligence services, primarily the American CIA, which has been repeatedly caught in such scandalous stories. bully
            In fact, at the expense of migrants - the same Tajiks involved in the drug business - our state is being undermined from the inside. This is a compromise at the international level, since a significant part of the potion goes from here to Europe, and an increase in the number of drug addiction in the country itself,
            Kabanov says...
            Because received Russian citizenship in 2022
            173,6 thousand inhabitants of this Central Asian republic, which is 28 times more than in 2011, when only 6,1 thousand Tajiks became holders of Russian passports.
            For comparison: for the same 12 months, the following were registered:
            6,4 million citizens of Uzbekistan, but only 23,7 thousand received Russian citizenship;
            1,2 million visitors from Kyrgyzstan (passports were issued by 23,5 thousand of them);
            509 thousand - from Armenia (45 thousand became holders of passports);
            492 thousand - from Azerbaijan (23,7 thousand were accepted into Russian citizenship) ...
            ... In Vladimir Putin's decree on amending the Strategy for Russia's Anti-Drug Policy, signed at the end of March this year, the very first paragraph among the amendments is the inclusion in the number of threats to national security intelligence activities, and also extremist and nationalist organizations of foreign states involved in the illegal production and smuggling of drugs am
            ...AND the last couple of years there has been a significant increase in drug trafficking: if in 2020, local security forces seized 4,1 tons of drugs from illicit trafficking, then in 2022 - almost 4,2 tons. But in Compared to 2020, the growth was almost doubled! Where is all this potion going? Rhetorical question.... belay It is clear that drugs are a colossal source of income for those who steer the processes ... Naturally, part of it goes to bribes - at all stages, part - to excuse the members of the organized crime group who have already got caught, part - to support their families, but still there are gigantic amounts,". bully The above gives an understanding of the accelerated growth in the number of "dear compatriots" instead of repatriates (indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation). Yes, and too clearly visible growth in the welfare of guests - apartments. clothes machines. Stories about their "ability" to trade. smoothly turns into a question. than so you can trade without education. knowledge and skills. so that guests with the level of a "digger" and a shawarma merchant would suddenly become so rich and precisely in the Russian Federation !? bully at the end of the 80-90s, the Russian Federation went through the first wave of replanting young ... many lost children. friends. relatives ... What is the RAKE again ... with other "fried roosters"? belay
        3. +1
          April 19 2023 14: 39
          Quote: Egoza
          I'm a teacher, so I need all this.

          Excuse me for being direct, do you have a specialized pedagogical education? If so, what did you see in the article? Features of children's age periods from birth to adulthood? I can't believe it... Basic vocational education undoubtedly gave you all this in your student years, and practical work corrected and formed practical skills for applying theory in practice. Rather, you are curious about how the authors will reveal the topic. They started with an introduction, the logical continuation of the above is the emphasis on the priority of the school's responsibility (in comparison with the role of the family) in the final result. And are you ready to accept this?
          1. +5
            April 19 2023 16: 18
            Quote: Hagen
            there should be an emphasis on the priority of school responsibility (in comparison with the role of the family) in the final result. And are you ready to accept this?

            "Look at the root!" (Kozma Rods)
            Bravo, Colonel! You did capture the essence of the "skomorokhov" parable that the current school is "not like the old one"!
            However, I dare to remind you that in my time there was such a magazine "Family and School" ... A lot was written in it, but one thought came through: both FAMILY and SCHOOL bring up! The latter also teaches if the parents in the family cannot ... help the child do their homework.
            The family is the cell of the state! Here are foundations, traditions, morality and education (if parents are capable), but the most important thing is education! and above all - by a personal example of parents ... It is here that the child is explained - WHAT IS GOOD and WHAT IS BAD!
            Therefore, for starters, you need to start all the same with the family! Because up to 6-7 years old a child (if he does not go to a nursery and DS) is brought up and educated (now very rarely) in a FAMILY. And as a rule, his main educators are mom, grandmother, less often dad and grandfather. Somewhere there are older brothers and sisters ... Not without it.
            1. +7
              April 19 2023 16: 26
              educate both FAMILY and SCHOOL

              namely, a student spends 8 hours at school (premierno, with after-school), 8 hours with parents (morning and evening), weekends - parents, grandparents ... you can approach this purely mathematically, I think we won’t make much mistake ...

              ps today, many parents delegate their educational functions to smartphones and tablets, and there is "trash and waste" (youtubers, tiktoks and other slag for a pure children's mind...)
            2. +2
              April 19 2023 16: 33
              Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
              Because up to 6-7 years old a child (if he does not go to a nursery and DS) is brought up and educated (now very rarely) in a FAMILY.

              This is true. And he comes to school in the 1st grade completely socially unadapted, accustomed to the fact that everyone around him curls up and blows in the ass. And then there are a lot of conflicts with peers and with the teacher, etc.
            3. 0
              April 19 2023 16: 39
              Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
              bring up and FAMILY and SCHOOL!

              Entirely and completely agree with you. I wrote about this in my post at 14-48. I think that the attempts of the authors to drag the term "Reference group" by the ears, designating it only as peers, in this case are aimed at removing the role of the family, the most significant part of the society interacting with the child, from the general attention.
            4. +2
              April 19 2023 18: 31
              Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
              Because up to 6-7 years old a child (if he does not go to a nursery and DS) is brought up and educated (now very rarely) in a FAMILY. And as a rule, his main educators are mom, grandmother, less often dad and grandfather. Somewhere there are older brothers and sisters ... Not without it.

              I'll say more. What knowledge did I get in school? And labor skills (cleaning the house, working in the country, the ability to cook your own food, a hammer, a saw, handicrafts, home-made crafts. We made models of warships with my father), a love of literature, nature,. art, respect for a woman, love for their great and small Motherland, history. I got all this from my family. Strange as it may seem, the school aroused disgust for coercion - subbotniks, meetings. And I bow deeply to my teachers of biology, chemistry, English, physics, geography. remembered and learned. The rest so ... earned their living. Parents forced me to teach and explained.
          2. +3
            April 19 2023 18: 47
            It happens that in one family one son grows up a criminal, and the second is a completely normal person and, even, he can be a teacher. How's the upbringing? As Vysotsky sang: ... and if you were born a baobab, then you will die a baobab ... What's that?
        4. 0
          April 23 2023 15: 44
          Necessary! I'm a teacher, so I need all this.

          Well, if the teacher then answer one question.

          How, after such a conclusion, could the Soviet Union be formed and become a superpower?

          Conclusion: in order to raise a child with the right traits of character, the right values, the right moral standards, the right worldview, it is necessary to place the child in a social group in a timely manner, where all of the listed qualities are the norm and ideal, are welcomed and upheld by all members of the group (society).

          According to this conclusion, this could never have happened.
      2. +1
        April 19 2023 17: 42
        As Shchurik said (from "Operation Y" by L. Gaidai): "We need Fedya, we need to!" Why ban something that is harmless to others? Lectures on social psychology, if they don’t make someone smarter, they won’t make them dumber, for sure. However, they will not give a specific recipe for the upbringing of the increasingly lost rising generations of Russians.
    2. +9
      April 19 2023 09: 39
      To make you even more upset? Of course, programmers are needed, but you can’t build a house with the help of a program. You can’t do without masons and turners, and programming is not as difficult as many people think, there would be a desire to learn. Many Russians don’t want to work with pens, but their brains are not very different from the same Uzbeks .And the newcomers have to learn the language, learn new ways of working, so in the long run they will be smarter.
      1. +6
        April 19 2023 10: 23
        To make you even more upset? Of course, programmers are needed, but you can’t build a house with the help of a program.

        There is such a program "BIM" with the help of it, 5-storey houses are designed much faster than with pencils on whatman paper.
        We need both programmers and builders.
        um sphere does not stand still.
        There are already robots that help build walls.
        There are also 3D printers that print concrete walls.
        In the future, with a 100% probability, robots will appear that will build houses themselves.
        The only question is efforts in this direction.
        You can’t do without masons and turners,

        With the help of robotization, these professions will soon disappear.
        and programming is not as difficult as many people think, there would be a desire to learn.

        Programming is hard because not everyone wants to use their brains to solve OOP problems and learn new Frameworks.
        Many Russians do not want to work with pens,

        This is observed in all nations in the world.
        1. +2
          April 19 2023 12: 36
          There is such a program "BIM" with the help of it, 5-storey houses are designed much faster than with pencils on whatman paper.

          BIM is a model. Spatially oriented. If the philistine language, three-dimensional. The concept appeared even when everything was done with "pencils on paper". And programs and add-ons to programs are not one or two.
        2. +4
          April 19 2023 14: 14
          In the future, with a 100% probability, robots will appear that will build houses themselves.
          The only question is efforts in this direction.

          At least 30 years from now. So far, in the prospects of replacing juniors, possibly middles, accountants, cashiers, drivers, in this decade, at least in the States. The demand for plumbers, electricians, builders, on the contrary, has only grown in recent years in the States due to infrastructure laws, the made in America law, the chip law and I highly doubt that by the middle of this century they will be replaced by construction robots, plumbing robots and robots electricians, since they haven’t even created a prototype yet, and when they do, its price and maintenance will still be very high.
        3. 0
          April 20 2023 18: 26
          stelltok (tokstell)

          Actually, "programmers" will not make the same robots. This is not a "framework" to cut!

          Programming is difficult because not everyone wants to use their brains to solve OOP problems and learn new Frameworks.

          The words of a person who has not seen anything but "encapsulation, inheritance" and other "frameworks". By the way, why memorize them? They are connected and software is written using them. And you try at least a textbook on sopromat to read! Not to mention the fact that to learn how to design at least a country house. So let's see then where your react with angular and django will be!

          Sorry, but you demonstrate banal ignorance. At least try changing the gasket in the tap, or gouge the wall.

          Skilled hands cannot be replaced. And it is much easier for an engineer to understand constructors-destructors than for a stubborn "developer" in real affairs
          1. +1
            April 21 2023 13: 16
            Skilled hands cannot be replaced. And it is much easier for an engineer to understand constructors-destructors than for a stubborn "developer" in real affairs

            In such things, the main role is played by how a person studied at a certain age and what was given to him from birth in terms of the type of psyche and intellect. And it will take months and years of hard training and practice for the programmer of the coolest to understand electronics and some kind of coordination of antennas with receivers / transmitters, or in mechanical design The engineer will also take years, since through OOP and constructors / destructors, all the fun is just beginning. Provided that the psyche and intellect of one and the other are suitable for all this training. It will not be easier for anyone you listed with an equal level of learning ability
          2. -1
            April 24 2023 19: 59
            The words of a person who has not seen anything but "encapsulation, inheritance" and other "frameworks".

            The words of a man who has a narrow outlook.
            By the way, why memorize them? They are connected and software is written using them.

            You are hyperbolizing. Any framework should already be taught, at least the FAQ.
            Learn is a term for memorizing material.
            Did you learn the multiplication table at school?
            Or, as soon as you were born into the world, did everyone immediately begin to know?

            And you try at least a textbook on sopromat to read! Don't talk
            yelling already about how to learn how to design at least a country house.

            I studied both strength of materials, and ter fur, and the theory of elasticity, and builds materials, and numerical methods, and much more, and designed frequent houses.

            So let's see then where your react with angular and django will be!

            Learned 3 terms and now you think you are Dennis Ritchie?
            Or do you want to assert yourself?
            I just don't understand people who write such comments?

            All frameworks are temporary. Today one, in a year to retrain everything again. The entire array of programming data that is loaded into the head will need to be constantly updated more often than in the construction industry. And these are not only frameworks, but a bunch of everything else (GIT, tests, mvn, algorithms, oop ....)

            Sorry, but you demonstrate banal ignorance. At least try changing the gasket in the tap, or gouge the wall.

            If it weren't for IT people, you would only print comments on the fence.
            And to repair the crane, as well as to pierce the wall, I don’t see any problems in this.
            A surgeon can be a cleaner, but a cleaner cannot be a surgeon.
            Although I do not devalue the work of a cleaner.
            But it is so.
            Skilled hands cannot be replaced.

            Where did I deny it?
            Thanks to the IT sphere, robotics is developing, now robots still don’t know how much, but time will pass and robots will repair cranes and walls.
            A matter of time.
    3. 0
      April 19 2023 11: 30
      Russia has the most difficult living conditions of all countries on the planet.

      What are you saying, the author you look at the same Africa. Nonsense wrote
      1. +8
        April 19 2023 15: 53
        The authors had in mind not the standard of living, but the weather conditions. If in the south of China there is enough building box, then we also need heating.
        1. +1
          April 19 2023 18: 49
          And a foundation of appropriate depth hi
        2. +2
          April 20 2023 18: 27
          The heat is much more difficult to bear than the cold. And it also makes demands on infrastructure.
      2. 0
        April 22 2023 13: 36
        It is you who do not want to think critically and indiscriminately accuse. It is clear to every more or less sane person that the author is 100% right here, and there is nothing to argue about)
    4. +4
      April 19 2023 17: 01
      All this was already a year ago with Klim Sanych Zhukov, on YouTube, and about education and about the fact that the state has been telling the people for 30 years, "Your problems are not our problems, clean them up yourself ... And in general, we did not ask you to give birth, there is no money, but you eat pasta," and then began to be surprised that such a small part of the population did not want to protect him.
    5. +4
      April 19 2023 19: 54
      Thanks to the authors. The topic is really topical. And again we are talking about ideology and education

      Yes, we are talking. But the absence of state ideology is spelled out in the constitution of the Russian Federation, that's the problem ... If a person does not know which port he is sailing to, no wind will be fair ...
      With the upbringing of children, we have a complete misfortune, at school they seem to speak beautifully, and patriotism is brought up, but TV is still splashing "moral dirt", STS, TNT, MUZTV, Yu, these channels introduce cognitive dissonance even to normal children around the clock. And what we can do about it, I have no idea. Here the will of the state is needed!
  2. +6
    April 19 2023 06: 13
    On occasion, there will be no one to defend Russia. At all times, the old people (including myself) lied that the youth went the wrong way. And then who is fighting in the Donbass in Zaporozhye and Kherson? does not mean that it is not necessary to solve. On the problems with the severity of life in Russia. And how we lived for a thousand years before. I completely agree with migrants - the problem is left to chance
    1. +30
      April 19 2023 07: 15
      Not so long ago - on January 23, I ran into such a defender, a third-year cadet of the Academy. Zhukovsky, a future officer. I came to the school to agitate the eleventh-graders to enter the academy. When no one expressed their readiness to act, this "defender" openly declared, if you are smart people, come to us, you will be warm, clean and full. If not, you will rot in the trenches in Ukraine. These are the "defenders" we are preparing! And I just kicked this one out of the class. Guys, by the way, supported.
      1. +8
        April 19 2023 07: 52
        Quote: Alt7729
        third-year cadet of the academy. Zhukovsky, future officer

        Aren't officers already studying there?
        1. +3
          April 19 2023 09: 58
          Aren't officers already studying there?

          The Air Force Academy provides training for officers-students of the operational-tactical level of training (master's degree), as well as cadets - future officers (specialist). In 2013, the first scientific company in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was created on the basis of the Air Force Academy.
        2. man
          April 19 2023 12: 41
          Aren't officers already studying there?
          after the collapse, many military universities were simply renamed Academies. It was in the USSR that only officers studied at the Academies, as a rule, senior officers
      2. +1
        April 19 2023 11: 05
        They did the right thing. The family is not without its black sheep, unfortunately.
    2. +19
      April 19 2023 07: 31
      By 2050, without any war, the population of Russia will be reduced from 146 million to 110 million people

      No, not to decrease, but even to increase. Uzbeks, Tajiks and Kyrgyz are friendly with demographics, and there are already millions of them with Russian passports ...

      the number of citizens of the Russian Federation in working age should be reduced by another 6 million people, and then the picture will take on an even sadder appearance

      Who is sad for? Those who are "on horseback" are satisfied with everything, they are smart unnecessarily ...
      For people born in the early 90s, children went to school. For those people who weren’t given much then, their parents feverishly tried to survive in the 90s, as best they could, there was a scrapping of culture, “Cop’s daughter accident”, “Brother”, “Peculiarities of the national hunt”, etc. - just a storehouse of ideology and correct life principles of that time ... So what can they give to their children now? The school tactfully left education, parents are at work because of the mortgage, and the same thing dominates the Internet: the cult of strength and wealth, arrogance and unscrupulousness. It all starts in the family, and the trouble is with the family. The institution of the family is collapsing, as are the institutions of education...
      1. -8
        April 19 2023 09: 19
        Why do we need the institution of the family, if it still does not fulfill the main task? Does not reproduce the population. And this is a global trend - a reduction in the birth rate. Reconcile yourself that the usual methods will not break it. And there is no need to write here about the need for prosperity, increasing the security of people, so that they begin to multiply ... they will not. In Europe, there is prosperity and security, in Japan, but the problems are the same.
        I have already written several times that only the production of people at the relevant industrial enterprises will save our demographics. No, there is, of course, another option ... to return the patriarchal system, to marry women by force, to exert strong social pressure on them, forcing them to have children, and to organize other "charms" of an ultra-conservative society, but ... we need it - to deal with such nonsense? Moreover, fundamental science already knows everything necessary for the organization of such plants. Today, I see it mostly as an engineering task, albeit a very difficult one.
        1. +18
          April 19 2023 09: 56
          Our problem is not a bad birth rate, it's the authorities being cunning, the problem is more in horrendous mortality as a result of bad medicine, disgusting ecology, low-quality products and constant stress. Cemeteries are growing at an unprecedented rate.
          1. -5
            April 19 2023 10: 36
            the problem is horrendous mortality as a result of poor medicine, disgusting ecology, poor-quality products and constant stress

            conspiracy theories, the authorities are hiding? coronavirus is not over?
            1. +7
              April 19 2023 15: 42
              "Conspiracy theories, are the authorities hiding? Is the coronavirus not over?"

              Ministry of Health: more than half of men in Russia do not live up to retirement
              Oleg Apolikhin, chief specialist of the Russian Ministry of Health for reproductive health, said that about 52% of men in Russia do not live to be 65 years old. The statement was made by an expert at the Healthy Life Forum, RIA Novosti reports.
              “The main fatal debut occurs at the age of 40-65 years ... This is a very serious call. What is 40 years for a man? He just took place - he studied, went to positions and now he is leaving. 74 percent in this group are men who leave at the workplace,” Apolikhin said.
              It is noted that 81% of men in this group die suddenly.

              In Russia, one million people die every year from cardiovascular diseases.
              According to statistics, one million people die every year from cardiovascular diseases in Russia. The number of such diseases worldwide is also disappointing - about one in three deaths are caused by problems with the cardiovascular system. According to the Director General of the National Medical Research Center of Cardiology named after E. I. Chazov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Boytsov, arterial hypertension is considered the most common cardiovascular disease. In second place is atherosclerosis and such a complication as coronary heart disease. They are followed by a violation of the heart rhythm and heart failure - this is a complication of arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis. Myocardial infarction and stroke are also quite common. The expert notes that these diseases together cause the majority of deaths in general.
              1. -1
                April 19 2023 15: 58
                about 52% of men in Russia do not live to be 65

                we drink and smoke (in the majority), so we do not live out sad
                1. +2
                  April 19 2023 16: 52
                  The most drinking countries in 2022
                  Czech Republic
                  United Kingdom
                  From the countries of the former USSR, Moldova, Lithuania and Latvia were in the top twenty, and the first became the leaders of the rating.

                  Countries where they drink the least
                  Saudi Arabia
                  Thus, according to the WHO rating, Russia was in 16th place, leaving behind many European countries. By the way, the top twenty most drinking countries included mainly European countries and only one African country - Nigeria.
                  1. 0
                    April 19 2023 17: 05
                    according to WHO rating

                    these globalists and henchmen of Washington are not to be trusted!
                  2. +1
                    April 19 2023 18: 48
                    It is also important here what they drink, because it is scientifically confirmed that beer has little effect on life expectancy, while strong alcohol (vodka, whiskey) has a high correlation with mortality, especially low-quality moonshine.
                    That is, if a person drinks beer for 10 liters of pure alcohol - this is far from the same if he drinks vodka / whiskey for 10 liters of pure alcohol.

                    Fortunately, in Russia vodka alcoholism is being replaced by beer alcoholism, and the average consumption of pure alcohol is also decreasing, which is a positive trend, respectively. The population group aged 18-30, although the smallest, is at least healthier than those who are now 30-50 years old.
                    1. +1
                      April 19 2023 19: 11
                      From beer in the morning sausages are stronger than from vodka. So it's more harmful. Although, the research seems to have been done with real beer. But how much does it need to be cooked to fill stores for a year?
                      1. +1
                        April 19 2023 20: 58
                        Due to fermentation, it is sausage, but alcohol is removed from the blood faster than from vodka. This, by the way, is also a danger from vodka: if a person has not drunk vodka for a long time, he can drink a lot with a fool, and then a waste to death is possible.
                      2. -1
                        April 19 2023 21: 13
                        It means that it is dangerous to take long breaks - "a section for the home, for the family ..")
                      3. 0
                        April 20 2023 09: 21
                        You just need to take a break to the very box and mound.
                    2. +1
                      April 19 2023 20: 19
                      Quote: far diu
                      beer has little effect on life expectancy


                      Quote: far diu
                      Fortunately, in Russia vodka alcoholism is being replaced by beer alcoholism, and the average consumption of pure alcohol is also decreasing, which is a positive trend, respectively.

                      This is a joke?
                      1. +1
                        April 19 2023 20: 53
                        Because vodka kills the liver, kidneys, throat, pancreas many times faster than beer with the same amount of alcohol drunk in terms of pure alcohol. Also, a hangover is much more difficult to endure after vodka than from beer.
                        Despite the fact that according to official statistics, the death rate from strong alcohol is 1%, in reality, directly and indirectly, 98% in men.

                        No, this is not a joke. Those who are now 20-30 years old use alcohol, nicotine, and drugs much less. If they drink, then only beer and cocktails. It is also noticeable that some go to the rocking chair, and the other part does not go in for sports, but they do not use it either.
                        The same trend is observed in the rest who are 30-50 years old in sports, alcohol, nicotine, although they are less in percentage terms.
                      2. 0
                        April 19 2023 23: 23
                        What should they drink? Didn't see much of a problem. All the rules. It's a pity for them now. And the generation 40-50 got under all the distributions. And most of the w..s never got out and know that they won’t get out. Therefore, they thump.)
                      3. 0
                        April 21 2023 04: 53
                        And most of the w..s never got out and know that they won’t get out. Therefore, they thump.

                        it's terrible and stupid that people are looking for a way out of a difficult situation in alcohol abuse ...
                      4. 0
                        13 May 2023 19: 07
                        This is just one of the ways to commit suicide, if the situation is not difficult, but hopeless. (Complicated - this is 15 years outdated information) So to speak, there is always a way out)) One of the conspiracy theories in our environment of bukhariks says that in those regions where there are seams at all, they first of all limited the sale of drunks. Instead of actually doing something to correct the situation. In principle, this is no longer important, since our generation is leaving.
                    3. 0
                      4 June 2023 19: 48
                      Quote: far diu
                      Fortunately, in Russia vodka alcoholism is being replaced by beer alcoholism,

                      Beer contains antibiotics and greatly disrupts metabolism. Beer drinkers are generally obese. Although alcohol in any form eventually reduces the mental abilities of a person.
          2. -4
            April 19 2023 12: 18
            Quote: Quiet Don
            the problem is more in the horrendous mortality as a result of bad medicine,

            Well, yes, awesome medicine used to be under the USSR in the outback ...
            In the Saratov Trans-Volga region, on February 06, 1976, my mother-in-law was transported to give birth to my future wife in a Kirovsky trailer for 70 km to the regional center
            Because there was no road to the village where 1700 people lived ...
            The paramedic who accompanied the mothers - to retire "Kirovets" K-701 repaired easily, there is no talking about driving
            The folders, ugly for joy, usually got behind the wheel ....
            About ecology - yeah yeah. laughing ..
            Freshly appeared....
            A secret to you - in connection with the collapse of a bunch of industrial enterprises in the Urals and Siberia, everything has become much better with the environment.
            The dirtiest city in the world Where have you been in ecology? IN THE USSR...
            1. +2
              April 20 2023 09: 29
              Here, the ecology improved people, they threw them out into the street and it went bukhalovo hopelessly. There are no brakes, I don’t need to go to work, I don’t want to walk.
              Everything is known in comparison. That USSR existed at a different level of those progress. Today, these same plants would not smoke, and they would eliminate harmful emissions.
              Propagondon is a thrill under any system. Changed shoes and again in chocolate.
              1. +1
                April 20 2023 12: 28
                Quote: Essex62
                Today, these same plants would not smoke, and they would eliminate harmful emissions.

                The words "would"- explain the situation .. yeah, yeah ...
                The Baikal pulp and paper mill was closed 4 times in the USSR. Then they waved their hand - "Yes, and buoy with it, with that ecology !!!
                Paper is more important ... ".
                And more
                "Meanwhile, a document dated 1998 was posted on the official website of the UN with the following content:
                …While the rural areas of Chelyabinsk suffer from the effects of radioactive contamination, the urban population faces the effects of the chemical and metallurgical industries. In 1994, the Chelyabinsk Regional Institute of Health and the Environment conducted a study of noncommunicable diseases in the cities of Karabash, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Zlatoust, Kopeysk and Miass. The study showed a significant increase in various diseases in the Chelyabinsk region. The results for Karabash and Magnitogorsk were so poor that the regional environment ministry classified these cities as environmental disaster zones. (Rep. SOE P. 195) Children from Karabash were significantly smaller than children from the control group; they had 3,5 times more birth defects; 2,7 times more skin diseases; streptoderma is 10 times more, and diseases of the digestive system 2,1 times.
                The incidence of cancer in the metallurgical region of Chelyabinsk is four to five times higher than the average for Russia. The rates of child morbidity and mortality in the metallurgical district are three times higher than the average for the city ... "
                That is, the fact that there the infant mortality rate was 3 times higher, it didn’t matter, the main thing was that dads had work ????
          3. -1
            April 19 2023 18: 18
            There is a problem with medicine, but this does not negate the fact that it is also with fertility. And this does not cancel the withering away of the family. You somehow changed the problem, didn't you?
        2. +3
          April 19 2023 10: 41
          that our demography will be saved only by the production of people at the relevant industrial enterprises

          from this point of view, people are generally useless, robots will do everything, i.i. will invent what people could not, a happy future is very close, give every Russian a Sberbox! (German Oskarovich, is that you?)... don't be offended by the irony, please!
          1. +2
            April 19 2023 10: 55
            On the other hand, why not?
            It seems to me that this is communism (robotic) - a free and equal society, because people are no longer exploited, and robots provide everything you need. I don’t really like this future, since human development will be at 0.
            On the other hand, in some areas, the activity of the machine is undeniable.
            There will definitely not be an uprising of robots - they are too advanced for this
            1. 0
              April 19 2023 18: 38
              Robotization and automation of society is also quite a good way, as for me. Even better than what I posted above, but I did not want to raise too radical thoughts.
              I understand that today it will not be possible to do this, but try to mess around for 2-3 months. It's just to mess around, without any responsibilities. I emphasize, without responsibilities, and not with ignoring them. I am sure that by the end of this period there will be a desire to finally do something. And if you sit back for a year, then, for sure, you will master some field of activity at least at the initial level. Perhaps I think too well about people, but I really think that if a person does not go to work, where he spends all his energy, does not think about food and a communal apartment, because, for example, robots think for him, then sooner or later there will be an opportunity, and therefore the need to express oneself in one way or another, to convey something to the world. And for this he will begin to study some materials. Little by little, we do this with you, including in the comments, so do not deny such desires.

              But yes, a fully intelligent AI will fly away from us in creativity and science so far that, perhaps, we don’t even want to express ourselves in any way. But I think this problem can also be solved, because I consider the transfer of consciousness to another carrier possible. And yes, I understand that there is no scientific evidence to support this. As well as rebuttals.
              1. +1
                April 19 2023 21: 52
                . there will be an opportunity, and therefore the need to express oneself in one way or another, to convey something to the world.

                We saw a creative modern person: one of them nailed it to the paving stones in front of the Kremlin, others howl in nasal voices on the radio (there is not even a rhyme), others shoot videos on tik tok as they pinched someone on the wrong guzu ....
                1. -1
                  April 20 2023 07: 35
                  The fourth ones make indie game projects, the fifth ones write stories and novels (I won’t say that they are smart, but obviously not at the level that you give), the sixth master art programs ...
                  1. 0
                    April 20 2023 09: 55
                    everything that a modern person means by "creativity" and "art" - he learned to make chatgpt and similar programs ... and no one knows the names of modern Pushkins and Dostoevskys, Rembrandts and Van Goghs (because they don’t exist today)
                    1. -2
                      April 20 2023 14: 54
                      Quote: Vladimir80
                      everything that a modern person means by "creativity" and "art" - he learned to make chatgpt and similar programs ...

                      Then it remains for us either to digitize our consciousness ourselves in order to catch up with the machines until they finally go ahead, or to prepare for the fact that they will send us to the dustbin of history.
                      Quote: Vladimir80
                      and no one knows the names of modern Pushkins and Dostoevskys, Rembrandts and Van Goghs (because they don’t exist today)

                      They are, I'm sure. They are simply drowning in the information flow, which did not exist in the 19th century.
        3. +7
          April 19 2023 10: 57
          fool I haven’t heard more nonsense for a long time about factories for the production of people wassat brothels or what? laughing
          1. -3
            April 19 2023 18: 25
            Everything would be brothels for you. I am for the fact that a woman should be excluded from the cycle of production of people. If you use it, then only as a supplier of genetic material along with men. And at the enterprises to pair these genetic materials, make adjustments if necessary to exclude diseases, and then raise children in artificial wombs.
            Quote: bondrostov
            more nonsense

            Do you have other ideas on how to solve the fertility problem? No, you can, of course, generally get rid of the need for people through robotization. I am also willing to support this.
            1. +2
              April 19 2023 20: 29
              Quote: Plate
              I am for the fact that a woman should be excluded from the cycle of production of people.

              Nature itself gave a woman a miracle of birth, moreover, nulliparous people have a wider range of health problems. You can't deceive nature, you can just think that you deceived ...
              1. -1
                April 20 2023 07: 28
                Quote: Doccor18
                You can't deceive nature, you can just think that you deceived ...

                And who was going to deceive nature? The terrestrial ecosystem itself can provide procreation options that are completely different from ours. There are all sorts of hermaphrodites, there are seahorses (males carry children there), there are some fish that naturally change sex during the life cycle. I'm not talking about wasps (I didn't remember the name of the species), which can paralyze some spider and put their children into it. This is also nature. So we're not fooling anyone with my proposal, we're just starting to use more of the rules of this game. Previously, they could not use them due to the low level of development, but these rules still existed.
                Quote: Doccor18
                Nature itself gave the woman the miracle of birth

                And a purely social aspect. Information about how this happens is appalling. Is half of humanity really forced to endure all these fights, pains ... I understand that society had to force women to do this until there were alternative ways to survive. It was rational. But now these methods exist, and in the future they will be more effective. What's the point of further torturing women?
              2. +1
                April 21 2023 08: 34
                Quote: Doccor18
                Nature itself gave the woman the miracle of birth

                A miracle is an unlikely event. Birth is not one of them. Otherwise, humanity would not have exceeded the eighth billion. And this is against the backdrop of abortion and contraception.
                Quote: Doccor18
                nulliparous have a wider range of health problems.

                Where did you get this?
                Quote: Doccor18
                You can't deceive nature, you can just think that you deceived ...

                How do you cheat. Man is a prime example of this. His economic activity has already exceeded the limits allowed by nature (in the everyday sense of the term). About IVF, too, they used to say that it was "against nature." And now, in Russia alone, from 1995 to 2017, 225354 children were born with the help of IVF.
                And yet - in nature, the disabled and sick from birth rarely survive. Unlike society. Deception of nature as it is.
            2. 0
              April 19 2023 22: 08
              .for the fact that a woman is excluded from the cycle of production of people

              It sounds apocalyptic... In general, from a religious point of view, a person during all the time of his existence only does what he tries to deceive God and elevate his Self... On the other hand, from a moral point of view, there is a degradation of humanity. So a person has learned to grow a lot of "food" - more people have died from diabetes and oncology, they have come up with contraceptives and abortions - the number of infertile people has sharply increased, now they will learn to "print" organs and transplant them to patients - that means Alzheimer's and dementia will "trample up" .. What can I say, 10 million died from the miserable coronavirus ...
              1. -1
                April 20 2023 07: 56
                Quote: Vladimir80
                What can I say, 10 million died from the miserable coronavirus ...

                As a percentage of the world population, this is much less than from the epidemics of the past.
            3. -1
              April 20 2023 13: 01
              I also sometimes like to read science fiction to watch on a rainy day ... But in fact, we need a real state program to increase the birth rate! Which will require a huge amount of money. This includes housing and medicine and education, and payments for each child monthly at least 30 t. R. per month up to 18 years. Then the issue is resolved!
              1. -2
                April 20 2023 14: 45
                Quote: bondrostov
                This includes housing, medicine, education, and payments for each child.

                Well, let's go - non-working methods. Before us are prosperous Western European countries, before us is economically developed rich Japan with advanced medicine (judging by life expectancy). And everyone faces the same problem - a decline in the birth rate. Rich countries have housing, medicine, education, and income. But the issue is not resolved. How so...
                I do not write that we do not need medicine, income and housing. I would REALLY want excellent medicine, affordable comfortable housing and high incomes. But it will not solve the problem of fertility.

                PS If you look at the countries with the largest natural increase, then among the leaders there are those who have neither normal medicine, nor income, nor decent housing.
                1. 0
                  April 20 2023 15: 45
                  On the map, look at the size of Japan and its population .. There they really just have nowhere to breed. And isn't it hard work to raise a child? Isn't it worth investing time and effort into it? Since the people themselves do not strive to multiply, then they need to be hired to raise a child, this is a huge job. He should be well paid by the state
                  1. 0
                    April 20 2023 16: 24
                    Since the people themselves do not strive to multiply, then they need to be hired to raise a child, this is a huge job. He should be well paid by the state

                    the idea is not new and not the most stupid - for example, in Israel, Orthodox Jews who preserve the customs and traditions of their ancestors ("salt of the people") are very well financially supported by the state ... of course there are not many of them ... here I think I could be supplemented / corrected our forum users from Israel!
        4. 0
          April 24 2023 09: 47
          I was pleasantly surprised by the presence of someone with a similar view of my family institution. A little hint that education should be removed from private hands, to raise all children together on a scientific basis, and, if possible, so that their biological parents do not know exactly who is whose descendant. So to speak equal opportunities and our response to corruption.
          This opinion is contrary to spiritual bonds, so I'm ready for a lot of cons feel
          1. 0
            4 June 2023 20: 10
            Quote: Sunwenmin
            A little hint that education should be removed from private hands, raise all children together on a scientific basis

            Such experiments were regularly carried out in the world. The most famous experience was the upbringing of the young people of the city of Kraton by Pythagoras, who then enslaved the inhabitants of Sybaris. However, the grown-up inhabitants of Croton who experienced this experience expelled Pythagoras and returned the upbringing of children to the family. The second example is Sparta. There, the joint upbringing of children lasted until the Spartans began to fight throughout the surrounding world of Sparta and adopted the traditions of the surrounding peoples that were more convenient for humans. An attempt to revive the old Spartan traditions was thwarted by the assassination of the one who proposed returning morals to past traditions. There was the experience of Pol Pot. Hitler trained young people for the SS in semi-closed institutions. Stalin's factory schools with criminal penalties for trying to escape from such a school. The workers were taught the basics of professions, but the writer Kochetov, who decided to write a book about the working class grown in the FZU, was horrified by the degradation of the working class as a result of such education and refused to write the book. "The Days of the Zhurbins" is still a book about a family with old patriarchal mores developing in relation to the results of Stalin's industrialization. Fidel Castro tried to educate the younger generation outside the family in Cuba. The Cubans quickly realized the dangerous consequences of such a system. Mao brought up the Red Guards, but then he was forced to send them all for re-education in a patriarchal Chinese village. The Advantage of the Family People are brought up differently. Surely some part will be able to adapt to the changed external conditions. Therefore, a society brought up in the family is able to more easily survive the cataclysms that have befallen it. Wrongly brought up get drunk, degenerate, will not create a family and will not have children. Perhaps the problems of Russian demography at the end of the 20th century are precisely in the Soviet school and Komsomol-pioneer education.
            1. 0
              4 December 2023 14: 11
              Dear GSEV, Your examples are very interesting, but I still adhere to my own opinion - after all, there have been incomparably more examples of frankly BAD upbringing in the family throughout the history of mankind. It is important how, for what purpose, and with what resources general education is carried out.
      2. +13
        April 19 2023 09: 48
        It all depends on the person, I have three daughters. The cult of the family was instilled in the 90s. They survived as a family, how they could help their father and mother, although they were 12-14 by 93-95 years. Much now affects children, the eldest had to drive into I try to protect the younger ones from the Internet, everything is in our hands. If my grandparents, dad and mom had hoped for state support, they would not have given birth to so much.
      3. man
        April 19 2023 12: 46
        "Cop's Daughter Accident", "Brother", "Peculiarities of the National Hunt", etc. - just a storehouse of ideology and correct life principles of that time ...
        The series "Brigada" was forgotten (with a bitter smile) ...
        1. +3
          April 19 2023 14: 29
          Oooh, and this is the very juice, rotten cabbage. laughing
      4. +1
        April 19 2023 14: 33
        In Uzbekistan, the most populous country in Central Asia, in 10-15 years the birth rate will be at a fairly low level, first at the level of Turkey, and then Iran. The state bodies of Uzbekistan are pursuing a policy aimed at reducing the birth rate. There is no cult of large families in this country at the state level. In general, demographic, economic and mail processes in different countries of Central Asia are very different. It is high time to generalize the situation in them and bring everything to the same denominator.
    3. +16
      April 19 2023 09: 03
      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      At all times, the old people (including myself) lied that the youth went wrong.

      Until recently, not only the old people got drunk: "If you don't like something in Russia - get out!" Well, they dumped 1.5 million young people who do not understand why the NWO was started. So after all, they are now not left alone - they want to take away property and strike in their rights. The government only knows how to prohibit and not let go. But love for the country from under the stick will not lead to anything good. The interesting thing is this: is it done deliberately or out of stupidity? In any case, this is not good.
      And only lies, lies, lies ... Insolently, in the eyes, without blushing. Either there will be no mobilization, then here you are - mobilization. Either electronic subpoenas will not be sent through the State Services, then, suddenly, they will. Now to the autumn call, now to the spring one. With such figures we will thunder to the fanfare.

      But there was no constructive ideology, and no. Aspen will not produce oranges. Do not consider an incomprehensible NWO with incomprehensible goals as an ideology.
      1. -5
        April 19 2023 12: 31
        Quote: Hyperion
        But there was no constructive ideology, and there is no

        There was an ideology in the USSR ... Where is the USSR?
        Just don’t talk about the fact that the MSG ruined everything in one person, 16 million party members also had a hand in it ...
        Quote: Hyperion
        And only lies, lies, lies ... Insolently, in the eyes, without blushing

        "With little bloodshed in the territory of the enemy!!!", "The armor is strong and our tanks are fast!!"
        And suddenly it turned out in 1941 - that this is ALSO a lie
        Quote: Hyperion
        Then there will be no mobilization

        Grandfather was taken to the May training camp for 2 months. "What kind of mobilization? Where ??? There is none !!!" ....
        Quote: Hyperion
        But love for the country from under the stick will not lead to anything good.
        268 convicted of desertion during the Second World War. These are only those who were caught.
        This does not include hidden deserters - of whose units the headquarters were destroyed and there were no documents left, "primacies" of all stripes, etc.
        They, too, "were instilled with patriotism from under the stick" ?????
        And I repeat - there was an ideology at that time. But it did not help in relation to these people
        1. +5
          April 19 2023 14: 39
          Quote: your1970
          There was an ideology in the USSR ... Where is the USSR?

          At the end of the USSR, ideology began to limp.
          Quote: your1970
          Just don’t talk about the fact that MSG ruined everything in one face

          If Putin in one person raised Russia from its knees, then why couldn't Gorbach destroy the USSR?
          Quote: your1970
          "With little bloodshed in the territory of the enemy!!!", "The armor is strong and our tanks are fast!!"
          And suddenly it turned out in 1941 - that this is ALSO a lie

          "Little blood" is not a lie, but a delusion. "The armor is strong and the tanks are fast" - not a lie. KV-1 and T-34 confirm. But there were problems with communication and tactical coordination. Therefore, neither armor nor speed helped.
          Quote: your1970
          Grandfather was taken to the May training camp for 2 months.

          What grandfather?
          Quote: your1970
          And I repeat - there was an ideology at that time. But it did not help in relation to these people

          There will always be people who do not want to fight / die under any ideology. It is not surprising that such people were found in the total WWII.
          1. +3
            April 19 2023 18: 57
            Quote: Hyperion
            At the end of the USSR, ideology began to limp.

            Do not you think that the ideology turned out to be too short-lived? Orthodox communists generally claim that it was correct only under Stalin.
            70 years for the state is not even infancy, one might say a newborn was strangled ....
            Quote: Hyperion
            Why couldn't Gorbach destroy the USSR?

            If he took the position that he could, then the party consisted of 16 million honest and decent, but sheep, who cheerfully "approved" - not understanding what was happening ...
            But this is not so - and some part indulged in buns to the fullest, some tried to test, some easily and naturally sold party cards on the Arbat for 10 bucks ...
            Quote: Hyperion
            "Little blood" is not a lie, but a delusion.
            - it’s a delusion when a military team argues about service. It happens there ...
            And when hundreds of millions are told that "Our army is the best" - this is not a delusion, this is propaganda. The same as now ...
            Quote: Hyperion

            What grandfather?
            my own. Although he had not yet been called up for urgent duty, he was called up for the May 1941 training camp.
            1. 0
              April 20 2023 10: 53
              Quote: your1970
              Don't you think that the ideology has turned out to be too short a century?

              So after all, the resistance to this ideology was extraordinary. Never before has Russia been so opposed by Western countries. But even in such difficult conditions (the dead Civil, WWII, Cold) ideology gave its fruits, which thundered all over the world. That was neither before nor after.
              Quote: your1970
              If you take the position that he could, then the party consisted of 16 million honest and decent, but sheep.

              Leaders have always played a significant role in the history of Russia. Be it kings, general secretaries or presidents. Such a tradition, or, if you like, a national trait. Up to "no Putin - no Russia." And the people usually do not participate in politics, until a certain moment, when they completely press down or "violent" ones appear as leaders, capable of leading the masses.
              Quote: your1970
              And when hundreds of millions are told that "Our army is the best" - this is not a delusion, this is propaganda. The same as now ...

              Then they won. Although the cost of victory was huge. And in 45 the Red Army really was the best.
              1. -1
                April 20 2023 16: 56
                Quote: Hyperion
                Never before has Russia been so opposed by Western countries.

                So Russia has never resisted Western countries, but these very Western countries have withstood without such a pronounced ideology.
                In general, I see hope in ideology as something similar to religious lamentations. A person needs the guidance of God, religion is able to console in a difficult situation and give support ... A person needs the leadership of the party, ideology will give confidence and guidance ...
                1. 0
                  April 21 2023 08: 25
                  Quote: Plate
                  In general, I see hope in ideology as something similar to religious lamentations.

                  Well, why immediately "hope"? At a minimum, you need to know where and what the state is striving for. How is it going to achieve its goals. To understand their place in it, and, in turn, to compare their actions and plans with the "party line".
                  And at the moment it is not clear what will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. They say one thing, think another, and do a third. It seems that ideological disorientation is going on in order to keep the population in constant tension about the future.
                  1. -1
                    April 21 2023 14: 25
                    So the declaration of the state religion will also show what kind of life the state is counting on, how it sees the fate of the common man, and everything else that will bring clarity. Of course, religion in its purest form cannot be considered a political guideline, like an ideology, but the essence, I think, is the same.
      2. man
        April 19 2023 12: 57
        Until recently, not only the old people got drunk: "If you don't like something in Russia - get out!"
        You are slandering the old people. The Soviet old people could not drive the youth out of the country. Except perhaps like Pozner. I saw on the video how this bastard was crucifying in front of the students, which is the greatest achievement of capitalism in free emigration. didn't care...
      3. +3
        April 19 2023 20: 09
        Well, kartapolov is already on the knurled ...
        I remember someone saying - as long as I am president, there can be no talk of raising the retirement age! It seems that the face on the screen remains the same ...
    4. +3
      April 19 2023 10: 28
      On demographic problems. All European countries have them

      This problem exists not only in European countries but also in the USA and Canada.
      And how we lived a thousand years before that.

      1. +3
        April 19 2023 14: 04
        Where is the demographic problem in the US? They and Australia have the best demographic pyramid of all the developed countries of the world, not only because Latinos and Asians have been migrating to the States in the last 20 years, but also because fertility in the US itself was high until the middle of the last decade.
        The only problem is that this decade the boomer generation in the US will be retiring, but in the next decade, the pension burden on society will start to decline again, and with it, their median age of the population from the end of this decade will also begin to decline.

        In Europe, only France has no problems with demographics, but there it is mainly due to Africa.
        The situation is good in the Scandinavian countries.
        In other countries, especially Germany, Italy, Greece, they have already passed the point of no return and, regardless of how the situation in the world unfolds, these countries are unlikely to live like this until the next decade. Germany will become Greece. Italy by 2030 will be worse than the current Greece, and Greece will become Africa, only without children and with a bunch of pensioners.

        In Russia, the situation until 2022 was very bad in terms of demographics, now it is already a disaster. In total, according to official figures, there are 7 million men aged 20 to 30, and most likely about half of them are Russians. This is the group that accounts for the bulk of the demographic increase in the population. Taking into account contract soldiers, mobilized, who went abroad because of the conflict and mobilization, this is almost a million in total, or almost 15% of all. This, in turn, will affect the low birth rate.
        1. 0
          April 19 2023 20: 15
          In Europe, only France has no problems with demographics, but there it is mainly due to Africa.

          When they talk about demographics in a thread, they are talking about the indigenous population, not about migrants.
          Where is the demographic problem in the US? They and Australia have a demographic pyramid - the best of all the developed countries of the world, not only because Latinos and Asians have been migrating to the States in the last 20 years,

          It's not about migrants. thread about indigenous people
          1. +1
            April 19 2023 21: 10
            When talking about demographics, we are talking about the whole, and not just about the indigenous population. Any demographer will tell you that.
            1. +1
              April 20 2023 10: 44
              When talking about demographics

              In the USA, the coefficient is 1,6 (Norm > 2)
    5. +3
      April 19 2023 17: 03
      What drift are migrants allowed to take? Everything is completely calculated - it is much more profitable for the bourgeois owner to exploit visitors who have no rights here and who can be paid less, or sometimes not paid at all.
      1. +2
        April 20 2023 02: 15
        Now many so-called. "Uzbeks" for fifty dollars a month won't lift a finger. And they get paid more and more. I have seen at construction sites (St. Petersburg and the region) another thing, that hucksters are now saving on labor protection, deductions and respect for other rights of workers. But not for salary. Those days are gone. And yes, over the years, the conditionally "Russians" have practically been washed out of working specialties ...
    6. 0
      April 19 2023 18: 54
      They went to war, mainly because the state forced and obliged. They just obeyed. If only volunteers went to war in 1941-45, then think for yourself how it would end. And now the situation is the same. Such is the prose of life.
      1. +1
        April 20 2023 02: 20
        Now he said nonsense ... about volunteers during the Second World War. The call was. But they went to it voluntarily, and did not "leave for Kazakhstan or Georgia" ... I judge not by the cinema and propaganda of the times of the USSR. And according to the stories of my grandparents. Their relatives, friends (who survived and survived). As they remember...
  3. +26
    April 19 2023 06: 24
    We are waiting for the continuation.
    I hope the authors devote some time to bureaucratic attempts to reduce the population of Russia.
    "Makaroshki", "we didn't ask you to give birth to so many children", G. Gref's words about qualified consumers and the uselessness of a large amount of mathematics, physics, etc. in modern curricula. items.

    The monstrous reformatting of the Russian population requires special attention.
    People are herded into cities - a lot of cheap labor - more profit from supranational corporations.

    Of course, I would like to know what the authors think about the washing out of traditional Russian values ​​by migrants, the imposition of their way of life.
    Crime that migrant lobbyists "export" to us.
    1. +37
      April 19 2023 07: 48
      Quote: Comrade Kim
      I hope the authors devote some time to bureaucratic attempts to reduce the population of Russia.

      Yes, of course. But even this is not easy to do now in the light of recent legal decisions that criticism of the work of an official is now equated with insulting the state. With all the consequences.
      1. +9
        April 19 2023 11: 01
        Far, far away, distant lands... in a kind of kleptocratic, capitalist state with a clan-family public organization and economy, with a complete absence of professional and social elevators for the people "from the street", with a virtual lack of adequate social support for the poor strata of the population .. .. "they didn't ask to give birth", "there is only the sovereign's money", "the state owes nothing to anyone", "pasta is the same everywhere" .....
    2. +3
      April 19 2023 09: 28
      what do the authors think about the washing away of traditional Russian values ​​by migrants, the imposition of their way of life

      I also consider the problem of migrants to be the most acute, but you are talking about the washing out of traditional values ​​- do we still have them, among the inhabitants of cities?
      ps “a holy place is never empty”, one can consider the parallels cited as far-fetched (allegorical), but it seems to me “behold, your house is left to you empty” is right about us ...
      1. +2
        April 19 2023 17: 06
        What are traditional values? The traditional values ​​of what period of Russia are they referring to when they say this? 19th century, 17th, 14th, 9th? Values ​​in the 9th and 14th and 18th centuries are very different
    3. +1
      April 19 2023 14: 35
      In the RSFSR, already shortly before the collapse of the USSR, almost three-quarters of the population lived in cities and towns.
  4. +22
    April 19 2023 06: 32
    Perestroika, and the next 30 years to the present. carried out and now ruled by those who went to the Soviet kindergarten, who were consistently October, pioneer, Komsomol member, member of the CPSU. Whose parents and grandfathers were not at all so-called. bourgeoisie and kulaks. However, it was they who arranged and are pursuing the policy that is condemned by the author. In my opinion, it's not that simple.
    1. +6
      April 19 2023 09: 34
      As I understand it, Lenin's noble origin should be blamed for all the problems of the USSR? Or Stalin's seminary?)))))))))
    2. +9
      April 19 2023 10: 02
      Quote: zharyoff
      However, it was they who arranged and are pursuing the policy that the author condemns. In my opinion, it's not that simple.

      So even Lenin and Stalin spoke about this, the presence of past merits, a party card, a high position in the party hierarchy, productive work do not at all guarantee the appearance of degeneracy, opportunism, for one reason or another ...
  5. +22
    April 19 2023 06: 33
    Whoever owns the wealth of the country owns the ideology. Necessary for this layer of people. Now we are talking about a new privatization. I'm afraid that in this situation our opponents will consider our country as the wealth of the oligarchs. And no more. should be progressive. Without zigzags. And most importantly, understandable to most of the country.
    1. +3
      April 19 2023 17: 11
      And it is the wealth of the oligarchs. Who owns the country's largest enterprises, selling resources? The fact that "they ate Gusinsky, Bereza, Khodor, and maybe some others, so they were eaten not for the benefit of the people and the state, but for the benefit of other such oligarchs. As usual in the capitalist jungle, the stronger ate those who are weaker, otherwise they would have them And as a result, just as representatives of the oligarchs in politics have been sitting in politics since the 90s and fulfilling their orders, how is it different now?
  6. The comment was deleted.
    1. +8
      April 19 2023 06: 48
      Skomorokhov and an expert in pedagogy?
      As far as I remember from his comments on VO 2010-12, Roman once worked with young people. I didn't write articles then.
  7. +5
    April 19 2023 06: 38
    The topic raised is important, but, I'm afraid, the authors do not consider the underlying causes. I'll try to write a detailed answer later.
    If anyone is interested, I already raised this topic about twenty years ago:
  8. +9
    April 19 2023 06: 39
    In our state, matriarchy, children are raised by women, children receive female consumer behavior. Men were removed from all educational processes at the legislative level. For the birth of a child, a woman is encouraged, a man is punished. For the collapse of the family, a woman is encouraged, a man is punished.
    1. +3
      April 19 2023 09: 32
      that is, in Central Asia, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, is everything all right there? because there is a cruel patriarchy
      1. +2
        April 19 2023 10: 09
        With the birth rate there, yes, everything is fine.
        1. 0
          April 19 2023 14: 37
          In Uzbekistan, for example, it has decreased, and quite a lot. The state there welcomes this process.
  9. +23
    April 19 2023 06: 46
    Are you serious?
    The disorganization of the processes of raising children in Russia is the true reason for the degradation of the strong-willed, moral and ethical qualities of the youth of Russia and the growing protest movement among the youth.

    Not the behavior of the elite, not the attitude towards people as workers (a little something got out), not lies from everywhere, including the ambos, not the eternal slave in the galleys and his camarilla of the Serdyukovs, Rogozins and others, crazy from impunity, but the disorganization of the processes of education ???
    I will not read further.
  10. +9
    April 19 2023 06: 57
    it is necessary to place the child in a social group in a timely manner, where all the listed qualities are the norm and ideal, are welcomed and defended by all members of the group (society).

    Yes, for 2 generations there is no hint of this "society". Individual families personally try to instill something bright for their children. But their percentage has little effect on the overall situation.
    Before the SVO, most of the offspring dreamed of a career as a "Janissary". The most unscrupulous make their way into the "pasha".
    Without worthy leaders, any nation degrades. And education, without examples from modern life, is useless.

    ps We are waiting for the second part of "Words about the destruction of the Russian land ...". Thanks to the authors.
  11. +21
    April 19 2023 07: 04
    Everything is well written, and the statistics and work of researchers are given, and the conclusions of L.S. Vygotsky are given.
    But ...
    What about ideology, ideology?
    Searching under the lamp again?
    Teachers even turn somersaults over their heads, but when capitalism is outside the window, the ideology was, will be and will remain the ideology of money and enrichment.
    Whoever has more of them is better, any kid knows this under capitalism.
    It is not necessary to think about the search for ideology, it exists in capitalist Russia and it is the same as in India or the USA, and is indistinguishable from the former Soviet republics: money and money again. No other is given. Therefore, no one at the top is worried about this, everything is fine.

    Soar only those who saw otherwise, forty years ago.
    1. 0
      4 June 2023 20: 20
      Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
      Teachers even turn somersaults over their heads, but when capitalism is outside the window

      It's just that a teacher needs the right to expel a bully and a dunce from school and send such people to earn a living. In our school, where both those who want to learn and earn money with their minds and complete lazy people study together, the former lose their desire to learn; the latter are tempted to live at someone else's expense due to their strength.
  12. +10
    April 19 2023 07: 08
    You know, but don't write about those who dismantled the Soviet education system.
    1. +9
      April 19 2023 09: 30
      there cannot be a Soviet system of education in an anti-Soviet country.
      1. +7
        April 19 2023 09: 50
        It's kind of weird for us. The people have almost completely absorbed the ideas of capitalism, but at the same time they are nostalgic for the Union. The authorities have rejected the Soviet past, but Soviet ideas are visible in the appeals.
        1. man
          April 19 2023 15: 41
          The authorities have rejected the Soviet past, but Soviet ideas are visible in the appeals.
          They don't have their own ideas, so they use other people's.
        2. 0
          April 19 2023 21: 57
          Quote: Andrey Moskvin
          The authorities have rejected the Soviet past, but Soviet ideas are visible in the appeals.

          The government didn't give up. She was against privilege at first.
  13. +11
    April 19 2023 07: 10
    Well, in general, everything is clear: "We still educate our youth badly, very badly ..." The main complaint against young people is simple: they did not want, for the most part, with the eyes of zombies, to fight in a special magical non-war, the goals of which even the commander-in-chief cannot formulate. Society is broken. The people, as always, the wrong one got caught by our authorities. It needs to be fixed. This is a brief retelling of the article, if someone is too lazy to read.

    And now for the specifics: the Georgian border service reported on 775 Russian citizens who moved to Georgia after the start of the NWO. 714 people moved to Armenia. Similar structures in Turkey claim that 2,5 million people from Russia arrived in the first year of the NWO. Moreover, in September alone, 500 thousand arrived in Antalya. I have no data on those who left for China, Moldova, the Baltic states, but it is already clear that more than 5 million people left. For comparison, during the Civil War in Russia, about 9 million people left it. That is why Putin did not call all these people traitors, like, say, Girkin. Apparently the first one had numbers on his hands. There is no betrayal here, it already smacks of a national exodus. Exodus from a country that is not going the way that the people like.

    So it’s not the people that have broken down here, but the government itself, the state itself. Well, the Russian does not want to live in a country where the descendants of Stalin's guards have power. And he does not need an economy with friends ... uh ... associates of the leader at the head. And KGB totalitarianism is also tired. And all this is accompanied by a rather low standard of living. So yes, this is a big problem. Only not with the people, but with the state.
    1. +2
      April 19 2023 08: 57
      5 million is an unreliable figure. A simple example - 2 people left my acquaintances, the total number of people whom I know is 150-200 people, nationwide it is 1-1.5 million, also a lot, but we have freedom ...
    2. +6
      April 19 2023 12: 39
      Quote: Tiraspol
      Georgian border service reported about 775 Russian citizens who moved to Georgia after the start of the NWO.

      Only you forgot to mention about transit and those who left the country.

      And yes border guards ANY COUNTRY in the world can only say 2 numbers - "arrived and left."
      How much is left only the Ministry of Internal Affairs- VND / registration and all any analogues - their diocese knows ...
      NOT border guards....

      Quote: Tiraspol
      And KGB totalitarianism is also tired.
      - if it existed in reality, and not in your brains, these 5 million (from the bulldozer invented !!!) would happily cut down the forest and discuss how to overfulfill the plan ....
      That's if he was real
      1. +2
        April 20 2023 06: 40
        As I wrote
        "From Russia to Georgia in 2022 arrived about 879,9 thousands of Russians, of which 809,9 thousands have left the country, Interior Minister Vakhtang Gomelauri said at a parliamentary meeting.
        "In 2023, about 137 thousand Russians entered, and left 150 913, that is, 13 people more than they entered, so there is no catastrophe,” Gomelauri said.
        Thus, approximately 70 people remained in Georgia - 000 times less. This is a lot, but this is not "10 thousand"
  14. +14
    April 19 2023 07: 28
    Well, what did you want from the involutionary coup? The restoration of capitalism, which was made by the top of the CPSU and the Komsomol, is an act of involution, that is, degeneration. They wanted a capitalist market, they got it, don't slouch it.
  15. +9
    April 19 2023 07: 29
    “Only Malchish sees that one old grandfather came out of the gate at a hundred years old. Grandfather wanted to pick up a rifle, but he is so old that he won’t pick it up. Grandfather wanted to fasten a saber, but he’s so weak that he won’t fasten. lowered his head and wept... Then Malchish-Kibalchish jumped out into the street and shouted loudly:
    - Hey, you boys, boys, babies! Or should we boys just play with sticks and jump rope? And the fathers are gone, and the brothers are gone. Or should we boys sit and wait for the bourgeoisie to come and take us to their damned bourgeoisie?
    ...... Only one Malchish-Plokhish wanted to go to the bourgeoisie. "(With)
    1. +3
      April 19 2023 09: 31
      But in reality, the end of this story is different - Malchish-Plokhish fled abroad to the West, where he became a famous businessman, moreover, after the change of power, he became revered in his homeland and died at a ripe old age, surrounded by children and grandchildren. And the grave of Malchish-Kibalchish was overgrown with wormwood and only deep old people living in that area remember it.
      1. man
        April 19 2023 15: 49
        But in reality, the end of this story is different - Malchish-Plokhish fled abroad to the West, where he became a famous businessman
        Hardly. Unless he became a bootlegger during Prohibition
    2. +3
      April 19 2023 19: 20
      Quote: parusnik
      Only one Malchish-Plokhish wanted to go to the bourgeoisie. "(With)

      It's a shame to bloody snot that ONE bad guy ... managed to eat up the whole country and the brave Kibalchish ... along with their brothers, fathers and grandfathers to boot ...
      Why am I? And to the fact that all the proletarians were brainwashed and led like sheep to their bourgeois kingdom for slave labor, taking away plants and factories, land and tractors .... THIS is the question of IDEOLOGY and its servant PROPAGANDA - And draw your own conclusions , tea is not small, once they got out on the forum.
      PS Speaking of birds!
      The absence of state ideologies for the "victim state" are the most lethal thing in the clip of the ideologists of the West!
      And the naive "natives" this paradigm of the West ("partners", damn it!) To celebrate, they wrote it down in their Constitution to celebrate ...
      About how!
  16. +9
    April 19 2023 07: 38
    well, the Yunarmiya is already being massively promoted in the Kuban by Cossack schools, classes, it’s really interesting here)))) in Cossack classes there are 60% of a non-Slavic ethnic group, but Mesrop and Garegin and Mohameddin put on Cossack uniforms and stomp quietly Everything is simple, in fact, the policy of an opportunist in the Russian Federation is grab more, get close to the feeder, settle down where the thread is in Cyprus and bunch bablishko and during this time get a residence permit in Limassol, for example, three Russian-speaking schools, what am I doing))? this is what I personally saw and I know how many of ours are scattered across all Europe so that the author exaggerates there is a Russian people, he just doesn’t live in Russia
  17. +23
    April 19 2023 07: 47
    As I understand it, they want something from me again, or maybe they will start issuing apartments for the birth of a child, or at least the Central Bank will decide something with the dollar so that the population at least becomes more or less solvent, otherwise it turns out, go to war, give birth to children, homeland love. And what did my homeland give me after the collapse of the USSR, by and large? Take a mortgage for 20 years, get a place in the garden, pay regularly, buy medicines that are not even cheap, give them to the child’s section and pay again, put on shoes, pay, relax in the Russian Federation is sometimes more expensive than going abroad.
    I like living in the Russian Federation and I don’t plan to leave here, but this importation of migrants, the infringement of the rights of their own population in relation to them - how is that?
    These constantly jumping prices, they indexed my salary after the new year, I was glad, wow, I think, well, life became a little better, yeah ... I was happy early, but I don’t want to raise a child anyway, to get on from foot to foot, thanks
    1. +4
      April 19 2023 09: 19
      maybe they will start issuing apartments for the birth of a child

      this mantra does not work, does not work! to another it will seem a small square, to the third "in the wrong city" ... if a person has money in the first place - you can’t persuade him, he will never have enough of these material goods - there will be "everything is not enough" to death
      1. +8
        April 19 2023 10: 22
        Quote: Vladimir80
        this mantra does not work, does not work! to another it will seem a small square, to the third "in the wrong city" ...

        for some reason, there is a clear confidence that you don’t have a housing issue, housing is not a little money .. it’s just the basis of a family and life in the first place .. hi
        1. -6
          April 19 2023 10: 44
          housing is not a little money .. it's just the basis

          you can’t argue here, although on the other hand - people weren’t born on the street, they have housing!
        2. +1
          April 19 2023 12: 50
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          housing is not a little money .. it's just the basis of a family and life in the first place ..

          Father-in-law lived - 12 children, grandmother's room, parents in the second room.
          Total 15 people for.... 30 sq m!!!!
          In the village...
          Then they built a house - as much as 70 meters ....
          Then the kids grew up...
          My grandparents raised 2 daughters (2 sons died young) in a house where there was one window - after the war there was no sheet glass in the Trans-Volga region until 1952.
          It’s just that they had a desire to have children, but now they don’t. And the mortgage is absolutely nothing to do with the mass
          1. +8
            April 19 2023 13: 24
            Quote: your1970
            Father-in-law lived - 12 children, grandmother's room, parents in the second room.

            back then it was the norm of human society. is this the norm now? No. therefore, the "old times" are not an example for the present. in Africa, 20 people live in a hut and now, so what? build huts for everyone? I suspect, Sergey, that you are not in rented housing and did not grow up in a 10-room apartment in a 2-room apartment .. therefore, so as not to speculate ..
            1. +1
              April 20 2023 12: 46
              Quote: Level 2 Advisor
              I suspect, Sergey, that you are not in rented housing and did not grow up in a 10-rum in a 2-room apartment.
              This is exactly what I am writing about!
              That when living conditions were bad (like in Africa !!!) - there were 10 children, and when it became like in 1970 there were 2 children - me and my sister. Everything ...
              They lived in their own house, but to give birth to a third was not even discussed ...

              Quote: Doccor18
              Oh, and what country did they live in? Really in the USSR, where almost everything was free ...

              And 1-2 children ... In my parallel classes there was not a single family with 3 children ...
              "Everything is free"!!!!!! - and there are as many children as now ....
              Quote: Doccor18
              And now, in order for a child to play hockey, you need to pay a very tidy sum every month.
              I recognize a resident of the city .... You and the USSR had to tumble for sports. And we played in felt boots on the pond ....
          2. +3
            April 19 2023 14: 29
            Quote: your1970
            It’s just that they had a desire to have children, but now they don’t. And the mortgage is absolutely nothing to do with the mass

            Oh, and what country did they live in? Really in the USSR, where almost everything was free ...
            And now, in order for a child to play hockey, you need to pay a very tidy sum every month. And in one shirt, barefoot, a modern child will not walk until the age of seven ...
            1. -4
              April 19 2023 14: 47
              where almost everything was free

              that’s for sure, I remember I wanted to be sent to the free orienteering section, but my parents didn’t have the opportunity to buy sports equipment for classes ...
              1. 0
                April 19 2023 20: 13
                Quote: Vladimir80
                They gave away a free orienteering section, but parents did not have the opportunity to buy sports equipment for classes ...

                What's the inventory?
                Sports suit, map and compass. Or something else?
                1. 0
                  April 19 2023 22: 18
                  Sneakers with non-flat soles (sneakers are not allowed), powered flashlights (there were such), tablets for maps, two sports suits (summer, winter), glass-plastic skis (we ran skiing in winter). Although it is possible that the head of the section simply took out equipment somewhere and sold it to those who wished to practice
          3. -1
            April 19 2023 22: 06
            Quote: your1970
            Father-in-law lived - 12 children, grandmother's room, parents in the second room.

            Yep... my grandfather. Five sons. Grandfather built a hut. Lived there. My dad lived with his sister and mother in a two-room apartment. Two uncles lived in an extension to the house. The third uncle generally lived in a barn, and considered himself a lucky man. By the way, the NKVD gave them a house after dispossession. The mill was taken away.
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
      3. +3
        April 19 2023 10: 41
        to another it will seem a small square, to the third "in the wrong city" ...

        Not in this case.
        The bottom line is that in addition to a free apartment, people want more nearby (20 minutes) good hospital/kindergarten/school/shop.
        if a person has money in the first place, you can’t persuade him with anything,

        But there are people who have family in 1 place, not money. You need to bet on those.
        1. +3
          April 19 2023 12: 16
          Quote from stelltok
          The bottom line is that in addition to a free apartment, people want a good hospital / kindergarten / school / store nearby (20 minutes).

          My father was given an apartment-four. For 80 squares. Work is nearby, shop is next door.
    2. +5
      April 19 2023 10: 43
      maybe they will start issuing apartments for the birth of a child

      Only the indigenous people, and not all in a row. Otherwise, there won't be enough money.
    3. +8
      April 19 2023 12: 56
      In new buildings, up to 70% is not sold by developers. But prices will keep. And the state in the 3 * 9 kingdom, instead of directly helping people with benefits, actually helps banks. Probably the sovereign of the 3 * 9 kingdom hopes that the increase in the birth rate among the bankers will compensate for the catastrophic extinction of the serfs.
      1. 0
        April 20 2023 02: 32
        By the way, pay attention, with the birth rate of bankers and others like them, everything is in order. Spit on anyone, 4-5-7 children each ...)) This is for engineers and teachers, one or two each. And the Abramovichs, Avenov and Co ....)))
        1. 0
          April 20 2023 12: 21
          well, in the 3 * 9 kingdom everything is for them and love and dreams. and the rest were not asked to give birth.
        2. +1
          April 20 2023 12: 50
          Quote: Doc1272
          By the way, pay attention, with the birth rate of bankers and others like them, everything is in order. Spit on anyone, 4-5-7 children each ...)) This is for engineers and teachers, one or two each. And the Abramovichs, Avenov and Co ....)))

          You very accurately noticed - even the oligarchs do not want to multiply ....
          If you compare by income, they should have children - a couple of thousand lol lol lol
          Father-in-law was apparently as rich as three oligarchs at once - he had 12 children ....
  18. +12
    April 19 2023 07: 55
    The family has a kindergarten teacher and a teacher. And they have no time to do educational work. They are all in the reports. Just a sky-high amount of paper work that no one needs.
    In addition, there is no respect from either the students or the parents.
    Teachers and educators are perceived a little better than sales assistants or waiters, and are equated with service personnel who only have to and are obliged.
    Well, the fact that someone does not want to storm the cities in Ukraine, there is only one question: why?
    1. +1
      April 19 2023 13: 03
      “In addition, there is no respect from either the students or the parents.
      Teachers and educators are perceived a little better than sales assistants or waiters, and are equated with service personnel who only have to and are obliged"
      they do not teach, but provide educational services, like the same waiters, for which they receive their money, and the corresponding attitude from all sides.
      1. 0
        April 19 2023 19: 42
        Correct. Since the age of 22 they have been teaching. But seriously, the school is a system. And it will work the way it has developed for decades, regardless of all sorts of innovations (it's just paper, it endures). As it was in the eighties, so it is now. The one who teaches is an excellent student, the one who is gouging is a C grade student. Thieves, as then, are. True foreigners and migrants were added. The educational function sank, of course, in terms of the “whip.” So it won’t be long to return, but we don’t want to, we are worried about the children.
  19. +10
    April 19 2023 08: 19
    The article is fire! Romance with Andrey - burning!
    Greetings! good hi
    Not the whole truth has been told - it is clear for what reasons. In general, they caught on. I do not gloat - I mourn. There are a couple of young families in my Khrushchev. One child who will go to school next year. And that's all, for 60 apartments.
    The rest of the inhabitants are dying old people.
    1. +1
      April 19 2023 08: 47
      The rest of the inhabitants are dying old people.
      So in our house it’s the same in two neighboring ones, the same way. I know all the children, but not like that, who is from which entrance of the house in which I live, and who is from which house and from which entrance. Children, three houses can be counted on the fingers .And each house has 65 apartments.
      1. +10
        April 19 2023 10: 35
        Children, three houses can be counted on the fingers. And in each house there are 65 apartments.

        Alexey Anatolyevich, good morning! )))
        So in the neighboring Khrushchev and three-story buildings I observe the same picture. Three middle-aged schoolchildren go to school in the morning and nothing more.
        The situation changed somewhat with the arrival of refugees from the Donbass. Mothers with prams, teenagers. But they leave quickly. They live a little, and now they are gone. Apparently, they still return home - where they were born, they came in handy there.
        Sometimes Asian mothers appear, each with a whole litter of children, of which one is always a baby in a stroller. And, too, they will live, receive citizenship at lightning speed and go home! What is there to do for their children? Gaining Russian mentality? Well, I do not! They carefully protect their mentality, and this is not what they call nationalism. And all at the expense of the Russian taxpayer - at least the same mother capital. I've been seeing one of these for a long time. First she came with one child, went home with two, then she came with two, left with three, and so on. And, apparently, every time either with some goodies, say, in the form of the same citizenship of the Russian Federation for a child, or already with maternity capital. And children, citizens of the Russian Federation who do not speak Russian, will be raised in the village, in their own home, in the wild as citizens of some Central Asian country. It turns out interesting, right?
        Will such people lay down their lives for Russia in the future?
        1. +4
          April 19 2023 13: 33
          Good morning! And the same picture. Nothing surprising. There are almost no jobs in our town. To Moscow, Evribadi, on a rotational basis. That's how they travel, and they stay there. And here we have taxi drivers, sellers, hairdressers. And the mentality has nothing to do with it, national ..
        2. +5
          April 19 2023 14: 37
          Quote: depressant
          Such will go in the future to lay down life

          They will put, but not life ...
          Another twenty years will pass, and huge diasporas will want power from their own, and our leaders do not think about it, for some reason ...
  20. 0
    April 19 2023 08: 28
    All power to the Soviets!

    Quote: A. Grezin, R. Skomorokhov
    ... and in the absence of a state ideology ...

    What ideology do you think will be adopted? I'll tell you - the ideology of EP (exploitation of man by man). Why? Yes, by the fact that the members of the EP are the majority in the legislative body of the country - the Duma. It will decide which ideology to choose as the state ... So it turns out that in words you are like fighters against the "regime", but in reality - with both hands FOR the fact that everything would remain as it is.

    It is necessary to change the vector of goals - the concept, and new ideologies that meet the interests of the new concept will appear. Without changing the concept, the vector of goals, nothing will change.

    Is it possible to change the social system, from slave-owning to socialist, without resorting to revolution and Maidan? Can. Such an interception of control in our country was carried out in 1924, 1952, 1991 and in 2000.

    The concept that determines how we will live is the main thing. Everything else is secondary.

    Information necessary to understand what an ideology is:

    Ideology - a product of ideological power, controlled by conceptual power.

    Ideology — this is the concept of management, set forth in a form accessible to the understanding of the masses so that it does not cause rejection in them, and even more so active purposeful opposition to it. The object of influence of ideological power is the whole society, however, with the exception of those who themselves are conceptually powerful, and therefore stand above ideological power. Ideology is needed for conceptual power to form the worldview of people in societycorresponding to the chosen concept, so that people are under its authority in changing life circumstances.

    The function of ideological powerclothe a concept that is enslaving by its nature in such ideological forms in which it would appear in the opinion of people as and therefore acceptable, in which the concept would not cause rejection, and even more so - targeted active opposition to the introduction of the concept into management practice up to the development and implementation of an alternative concept to it.

    Freedom from ideologies - this is self-deception, but not spontaneously psychological, but purposefully cultivated by the power of the conceptual. An ideology can be understood or not understood, accepted or denied, but members of society always face manifestations of one or another ideology, which is a shell of the concept of managing society by the holders of conceptual power.

    Ideological power - conceptually powerless, because she only fits the concept to specific historical circumstances and is not capable of developing a concept.

    The quality of life of society:
    - first of all, it is determined by the management concept - its essence;
    - secondarily determined by the quality of management within the framework of this concept.
    1. +1
      April 19 2023 22: 08
      All power to the Soviets!

      That's right, and nothing else! It is necessary to realize this principle, which the Bolsheviks have been talking about for so long. Dictatorship is a failure for Russia.
  21. +9
    April 19 2023 08: 34
    By the way, about ideology. Repeatedly on the pages of VO slips the idea that, they say, ideology is forbidden in our country and it does not exist. I have one question for such subjects: what country do you live in? Can't you turn on the TV and listen to what they say? There, 24 hours a day, state propaganda with state ideology is poured into the ears. I will now list its main points, if no one has been able to do this before me:

    1) Anti-Americanism. The cornerstone of Putin's propaganda. Why, everyone understands: there are freedoms, selectivity of power and other things that are harmful to us.

    2) Anti-Europeanism. Despite the fact that 70% of the population of Europe are Slavs (and not Anglo-Saxons, as it may seem to someone), whites, Christians, Russians are declared non-Europeans, but some special people.

    3) Leadership. No democracies. The liberal project is dying. Everything is decided by some unknown world elites. Everyone must be devoted to the leader. Failure to comply with the orders of the leader is equated with treason. Don't think about anything. Everything goes according to plan. According to Putin's plan. Although, again, no one saw the plan.

    4) Stalinism. Vladimir loves Joseph. This has become very noticeable in recent years. Why does he love? class close.

    5) Anti-homosexuality. Everyone doesn't like gays because they are not tight. And about lesbians, for some reason, no one speaks out. By the way, no one has presented a complete list of braces so far. And on them there is a question: is the divorce sealed? And that is, we still have irresponsible individuals who divorce their wives, live with some incomprehensible woman, they either have children there or not. Is it completely different or not?

    6) Militarism. Everything is saturated with the spirit of war. Even our upbringing is already military-patriotic. Silovik is the best of people. In total, in Russia, according to Kadyrov, there are 5 million security officials. At the same time, 25% of the country's budget is classified and it is clear that this money does not go to doctors and teachers. Another 30% goes to national security and "nationwide issues." In total, it turns out that 55% of the budget goes into the pockets of only 5 million people. It is necessary to ask the question "who lives well in Rus'"?

    7) Stability. Have you forgotten what slogan Putin came to power with? Yes, she is the best. And society in the early 2000s got it. What is "stability" in Putin's understanding, it also soon became clear: it is the concreting of the existing socio-economic and socio-political realities at the time of Putin's coming to power. So no change, no protests, no new people and no new ideas.

    8) Clericalism. Religion has long helped the authorities very quickly put the people in a stall, everyone knows this. Considering that the Russian Orthodox Church, a mosque and a Buddhist datsan can attract a lot of people's attention, then no one wants to quarrel with them. Moreover, the understanding of God in Putin's Russia is somehow strange. Here is a phrase from the Constitution: "The Russian Federation, united by a thousand-year history, preserving the memory of the ancestors who passed on to us the ideals and faith in God ..." That is, if the ancestors did not believe, then we would not believe? Or would there be no God? That is, we believe because dad and mom went to church, but they themselves are not sure that there is a God?

    9) The Great Patriotic War. This is Vladimir Putin's favorite topic. Every year, on May 9th, he goes up to the podium and everyone gets the impression that he himself won this war, only he took off his pea coat, washed himself, put on his jacket and went to speak.

    These are the main points of the ideology of Russia, the times of Putin. Now all this is called Putinism. By the way, the term was coined by Surkov. And now let's ask ourselves a question: why does no one see these semantic anchors of Putin's ideology and, above all, they are not seen by the old defilers of the air, dreaming of the revival of the Soviet Union? And everything is very simple: they don’t even watch TV anymore. The TV got everyone. And young people in the first place.
    1. -7
      April 19 2023 08: 58
      tsip and sop is not childish! How many zhevas are there on the resource?
      1. +13
        April 19 2023 10: 45
        Quote: Guran33 Sergey
        tsip and sop is not childish! How many zhevas are there on the resource?

        In view of the fact that you do not know how to use analytics services, I will help you and other QI PSOphobes ...

        total .. today 4/5 on the site are from the Russian Federation, and from Ukraine 5% or every 20th (I think they go to the censor from the Russian Federation more to troll), and naturally not all of them are from CI PSO .. and minuses with such a quantity, they won’t be able to fill up, with all their desire .. for example, I’m giving you (as a citizen of the Russian Federation by birth) a minus, since they’ve already bugged the CIPSO everywhere, like some kind of mania .. that is, of course, but far from everywhere and not in everyone opinion, where they do not shout Hurray .. hi
        1. +1
          April 19 2023 12: 56
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          for today 4/5 on the site - from the Russian Federation, and from Ukraine 5% or

          That is, you haven’t heard about VPN? Or do you think that after downloading from torrents, film people rush to turn it off? And then suddenly it will show Singapore or the Netherlands?
          Oh well.....
      2. +5
        April 19 2023 10: 53
        Quote: Guran33 Sergey
        How many zhevas are there on the resource?

        There are a lot of us! What are you dissatisfied with?
        1. +2
          April 19 2023 12: 40
          There are a lot of us! What are you dissatisfied with?

          Well, you are a comedian! wassat wassat love )))
          - You are cisso!!!
          - No, I'm not tsipso!
          -- Aha! I see, he twisted his face in discontent, so you are tsipso, tsipso!
          1. 0
            April 19 2023 21: 14
            Quote: depressant
            You are cisso!!!

            Am I cypso? No, no, don't. love
            1. -4
              April 19 2023 21: 32
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              Am I cypso?

              ... you are not a Honduras, but a fool ...
  22. +9
    April 19 2023 08: 38
    Russia must live for several generations in the conditions of universal state and national egoism. Engage in solving internal problems and finally solve them, because the people, tormented by armed conflicts, want to live for themselves. There is nothing wrong with lowering the curtain and bolting all the doors across the country. Russia helped Africa, Europe, the CSTO countries too much, but what did it get in the end?
    1. +3
      April 19 2023 09: 14
      There is nothing wrong with lowering the curtain and bolting all the doors across the country.

      good idea, I also advocate isolationism!
    2. -1
      April 19 2023 09: 26
      In the world of the global economy, how do you imagine it?
      1. -1
        April 19 2023 09: 35
        In the world of the global economy, how do you imagine it

        Look at China, it produces almost everything it needs for itself, here's an example for you!
        About the global economy - these are all false attitudes from globalists (gaidars, Chubais and their followers "we'll buy everything we need!")
        1. +4
          April 19 2023 11: 21
          Quote: Vladimir80
          Look at China, it produces almost everything it needs for itself, here's an example for you!

          and their path to this, in what place was isolationism? an example of isolationism is S. Korea, what's good there?
      2. +4
        April 19 2023 10: 48
        In the world of the global economy, how do you imagine it?

        Yes, it's quite normal. Can't you live without Coca Cola?
        Items that are not possible while do it yourself (machines, microelectronics, medical equipment ...), of course they will buy.
    3. 0
      April 19 2023 10: 14
      Do you propose to give the initiative to our opponents?
      And what will you do when the bolted door is rammed down? Under the unconditional 100% approval of the local society.
    4. +3
      April 19 2023 11: 12
      I'm afraid it's too dangerous now - a lot of time and opportunities have been lost.
      If the USSR were now surrounded by friendly countries, one could try.
      But not now, otherwise there is the fate of China at the end of the 19th century.

      On the other hand, as it turned out, Russia already has no friends, even taking into account the “fruitful work” of the Foreign Ministry, so perhaps isolationism is not so bad: maybe we will revive 2 main allies who will definitely not betray.
      Well, or at least try to play +/- the American version - to make the "Russian dream", realize it in Russia and go with it to the international market.

      It seems to me that our capabilities, in principle, would be enough for internal and external problems, but alas, everything is on its own or on a visible presence, so that it would not be completely sad
    5. +8
      April 19 2023 12: 02
      Quote from Flyer
      Russia helped Africa, Europe, the CSTO countries a lot, but what did she get in the end?

      And got hell with butter. How they booed ... "We will pay back all our debts and live chic!" Yeah... They sent us with our debts.
      1. 0
        April 20 2023 12: 56
        Quote: mordvin xnumx
        Quote from Flyer
        Russia helped Africa, Europe, the CSTO countries a lot, but what did she get in the end?

        And got hell with butter. How they booed ... "We will pay back all our debts and live chic!" Yeah... They sent us with our debts.

        Let me modestly remind you that in addition to the USSR and the Russian Federation, France, Germany and, oh, horror, the USA, forgive debts !!!!
        It's such an old way of bribing management necessary country.....
  23. +5
    April 19 2023 08: 50
    But some of us still turn our tongues to call Nicholas 2 "bloody", during which there was a civil and world war, and the population of the Russian Empire at the same time increased by 57 million people.
    1. -1
      April 19 2023 08: 53
      57 million people or disenfranchised slaves?
      1. +5
        April 19 2023 11: 23
        there were no disenfranchised slaves in the Republic of Ingushetia of the 20th century. What rights did people not have? Even the State Duma to choose the beginning under Nicholas 2 - do you know?
    2. +1
      April 19 2023 09: 25
      and these 57 million were creators? educated? advance science and technology?
      1. +4
        April 19 2023 10: 51
        and these 57 million were creators? educated? advance science and technology?

        Do you want to say that RI did not have all of the above?
      2. +7
        April 19 2023 13: 16
        "and these 57 million were creators? educated? advanced science and technology?"
        and now how many millions can you call educated? not having a paper, that they studied somewhere and learned something, namely, educated? and how many of them advance science and technology in our country? and what is the result of their efforts? moskvich-3?
        1. +1
          April 20 2023 08: 54
          rightly noticed, neither add nor add, for the descendants of Stalin's and Lenin's guards, any mention of the Tsar burns a fart
  24. +1
    April 19 2023 08: 51
    A selection of photographs is incorrect - 11-12 year old pioneers and a 14-16 year old Hitler Youth. The author, for all his mossy hatred of the communists, do not be so biased and do not violate the law of the Russian Federation by equalizing the USSR and the Third Reich
    1. +9
      April 19 2023 10: 52
      The author wanted to show that any child can be brought up in different ways. And thus showed in the pictures.
  25. 0
    April 19 2023 08: 55
    The author actually raised the right topic. But you just need to start with executions and gallows. Yes, yes, from them. Shoot HSE, Yeltsin Center. Transplant the entire Russian liberda, walk through the major businessmen. Arrange accidents of all the rubbish that dumped over the hill and conducts subversive work from there. And finally develop a state ideology, where the state will need not consumers, but creators, where schools will be educating and not providing services.
    1. +1
      April 19 2023 09: 24
      And the owners of the means of production, who are the main beneficiaries, are also on the yard?
      1. +1
        April 19 2023 15: 29
        Selectively. Those who are engaged in anti-Russian activities definitely. And those who work for the good of the country, let them continue to work
      2. +1
        April 20 2023 02: 22
        Fortunately for the country, the entrepreneur still has no time to fight the state, and they rarely bite the hand that gives them, but they throw a tribute to feed various bloggers working for various foreign special services, most often this is from the Jewish diaspora, famous for its tortuous family ties .. Well, how not to please a dear little man, especially if he transparently hints that he can cause minor troubles to another dear person .. And the most "subversive" work is done by people who are not burdened with Russian property. There is no RF, etc.
    2. +3
      April 19 2023 11: 32
      you need .. hmm .. the USSR of the middle of the 20th century, judging by the description .. what ways to return there from today's Russian Federation do you see? given what we have..
      Quote: ZAV69
      Shoot HSE, Yeltsin Center. Transplant the entire Russian liberda, walk through the major businessmen.

      who will do it, and most importantly, who needs it? to those from the "higher echelons" who organized them or those who regularly go there? or do you think they will give you a "revolver"? therefore, your "must" is just a slogan that cannot be realized.
  26. +5
    April 19 2023 08: 57
    It's not about the State and its ideologists. The point is in the semi-feudal, rural psychology of the population.
    Even Chekhov wrote in the story "On business affairs:" Russia, the Motherland is two cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg, the rest is a colony.

    What the hell can be a nation here if the country is an amazing Empire, where the metropolis is two cities, and the rest are just colonized Papuans? Today they dream of leaving for Moscow (as in the play "Three Sisters"), and tomorrow they dream of making money and leaving for the West. The second is a continuation of the first. It has been bred for centuries.

    In the USSR, they tried to reverse the situation by investing heavily in the development of Siberia and the Far East, but the general inertia turned out to be stronger.

    The greatest achievement of the current government is that it has weakened Russia so much that it is impossible to go to the West. They won't let us in. The Iron Curtain descended from the other side.

    There must be a deeper meaning here. If the poor themselves cannot learn normal relations, other peoples and states take up the cause. Because "fools are taught." Maybe even that will work.

    Here, look! Already articles in publications have appeared such that 20 years ago simply could not be ....
  27. +6
    April 19 2023 08: 57
    There comes a time when only a surgical operation decides the fate, and it is too late to drink the proposed Borjomi. And the patient is not ready for the operation, and the leading doctor is even more unprepared. Hope it works out.
  28. +4
    April 19 2023 08: 59
    In this case, it turns out that for the student, his family cannot serve as a reference group. Indeed, in the family, the child has no one to compare himself with - in the family everyone is older than him, except for brothers and sisters (if any), and have a different social status and a different range of interests. And if brothers or sisters are significantly older or younger than him (and for children “significantly older” is a difference in age of 2 years or more), then they also have a different range of interests and a different social status.

    The authors contradict themselves
    Janissaries were created in the following way: children from 8 to 14, and according to some sources, up to 18 years old, captured, were given up for education in Turkish families of inner Anatolia. Most often these were the children of Christians. In the new family, they adopted the new religion of Islam and studied the Turkish language and traditions, which is why they were called “shifters” (in Turkish, the shifter is Janissaries).

    It turns out that the importance of the "Reference Group" is overblown and the family can have a considerable influence on the child.
  29. +11
    April 19 2023 08: 59
    Last week, the Duma rejected an increase in the minimum wage to 30 tr from 2024 ... so they don’t think about demography, that’s for sure, but they adopted a number of laws that trample on the rights of citizens. Who will give birth in such a country? Yes, citizens simply won’t live , and those who have the opportunity to leave ... everything is very simple, the standard of living will be raised, there will be demographics, we are not Europe, it is in Russian traditions to have many children in the family, but alas, the state prevents this.
    1. -4
      April 19 2023 09: 09
      the standard of living will be raised there will be demographics

      this "mantra" does not work, checked 2001-2020.
      1. +9
        April 19 2023 10: 17
        Raising the standard of living is the BASE. Learn math, just compare the minimum wage and the cost of living. And keep in mind that after the birth of a child, the three of us actually live on one salary. The three of us if the child is the first, and if the second and how do we order the third ??? Live on what???
        1. +1
          April 19 2023 10: 51
          Raising the standard of living is the BASE

          I agree, but look how many visitors from S.A. - they somehow can raise children, and work, and give birth to new ones!?
          1. +1
            April 19 2023 15: 56
            why should we look at visiting Asians who changed the earthen floor to straw?) let's look at Somalia then, or Afghanistan) from a country stuffed with resources ... shame and shame on such a government that keeps people in poverty
            1. +1
              April 19 2023 16: 57
              why should we look at visiting Asians who changed the earthen floor to straw

              Is that what you think, normally they live in their homeland, often in their houses (moreover, made of brick or stone), electricity, telephony and the Internet are also in SA. - often in their homeland they have better conditions than those in which they live here "in a rented apartment with ten people"
              1. -1
                April 20 2023 13: 21
                They come to us from their homeland to live worse?)
                1. 0
                  April 20 2023 13: 54
                  They come to us from their homeland to live worse

                  no, just to earn money, get citizenship and live even better! "without labor - you can not take the fish out of the pond"
                  1. -1
                    April 20 2023 14: 36
                    if the vast majority of the local population lives poorly here ... then all obscenity comes here ... from auls, from donkeys and mountains ... they didn’t come in handy there either)
        2. -3
          April 19 2023 13: 01
          Quote: Not the fighter
          Raising the standard of living is the BASE. Learn math, just compare the minimum wage and the cost of living. And keep in mind that after the birth of a child, the three of us actually live on one salary. The three of us if the child is the first, and if the second and how do we order the third ??? Live on what???

          In Switzerland and Denmark, it seems that they also live badly - since they have an average for children, like ours ...
          1. -1
            April 19 2023 16: 00
            They live well there, demography does not go into the minus, it goes to zero ... this is due to European traditions, to live for oneself, to watch the world, etc. ... we did not have such traditions, we do not have and will not. There is a monthly child allowance from birth, a person, subject to training, can receive up to 35 years ... what other questions can there be?
            1. +1
              April 19 2023 16: 12
              demographics do not go to the minus

              it’s still going like ... just like in Russia due to migrants, imperceptibly so far ...
              1. 0
                April 19 2023 16: 26
                well, they have a good life, we have poverty ... in the traditions of the Russian people, large families ... so there is no need to cite them as an example
            2. 0
              April 19 2023 20: 54
              They live well there, demographics do not go to the minus

              Coefficient 1.5. (And you need 2.1)
      2. 0
        April 19 2023 15: 54
        What has been checked in these years?) What is the minimum wage of 150 euros as a result?))) good check) poverty
    2. 0
      April 19 2023 11: 41
      from the fact that the minimum wage is announced at 30000, life will change only for those who officially received less, i.e. mainly among civil servants, state unitary enterprises, municipal unitary enterprises, and the lower level. at factories, they get more anyway, LLCs and individual entrepreneurs often have more, but unofficially or part-time anyway, and if they do it officially, people won’t have more money, there will be more taxes. Total. All raises in the minimum wage - in fact, 80 percent are related to the above, non-producing employees, and there is little sense from these raises - employees instead of 25, starting to receive 30 - will not rush to give birth en masse .. total. The minimum wage of demography is not an assistant.
      1. +5
        April 19 2023 11: 50
        non-productive employee

        I want to disappoint you, but without these petty employees, the state will rise. Yes, acquaintance with them sometimes pisses me off, but without the "girl in the window" of the MFC, you can't do anything. In many positions, a private trader pays a minimum wage. Actually!!!
        1. +3
          April 19 2023 13: 40
          Quote: Not the fighter
          I want to disappoint you, but without these petty employees, the state will rise.

          I don’t want to upset you, but I also observed the civil service from the inside and my personal opinion is that at least 1/3 can be expelled (and mostly deputies / assistants on unresolved issues, and not those who really work), absolutely without prejudice to business - not everywhere! but in most "offices", where they drink tea until 10, and at 12 they gather for lunch (but how many unemployed people who can do anything?) ... thousands of "workers" - to do at least something, so "papers and coordination with reports" were invented .. where I worked, at first there were 32 people, after 5 years - 47 (moreover, mainly "chief-deputy" bred). . with the same amount of work .. now even more .. we produced there - pieces of paper, of which 10 percent were useful. In Soviet times, our office worked 11 people. and it’s not about the civil service, but about the fact that the minimum wage does not particularly affect the population in the country ..
      2. +4
        April 19 2023 13: 22
        "from the fact that the minimum wage will be announced 30000"
        you can write a minimum wage of at least 100500 millions. immediately following this, prices and tariffs for everything will rise, and everything will return back laughing . how many times has the minimum wage been raised? what, zapanuli after that?
        1. 0
          April 19 2023 16: 02
          you can write a minimum wage of at least 100500 millions. immediately following this, prices and tariffs for everything will rise, and everything will return back

          + 100!
          ps a similar situation with pensions was, as the production announced the indexation of pensions - from the 1st day of the corresponding month, prices rose by 1 ... 2 rubles in stores ...
        2. 0
          April 19 2023 16: 07
          how many times they raised it, and they raised it up to 150 euros) yes, this is a disgrace and not the minimum wage. They don’t raise it, because the people are poor and powerless, busy with survival and loans ... they don’t ask unnecessary questions ... if they wanted to, they would have done 50 thousand a long time ago. the minimum wage ... easily and no inflation would have cleared up, even 50 is poverty and not the minimum wage. But alas, they don’t need it ....
      3. 0
        April 19 2023 16: 04
        It’s complete nonsense ... how can life not change for those who are at the factory? If a cleaner earns at least 30, then a turner earns at least twice as much ... and this, sorry, for most factories is already a salary, not a handout ... at our factory the average is now 32 thousand, for example ... about taxes ... we already pay more taxes than some European countries 43%, 13 deduct for show, 30 hidden ... they take enough taxes. So the minimum wage and demography are directly related values
        1. +1
          April 19 2023 16: 23
          So the minimum wage and demography are directly related quantities

          raise wages, raise prices...
          I wonder how people used to live without a "minimum wage" ... and many without pensions ...
          ps here I live not far from the center for helping the "homeless", here every day 200 people (men, 30-60 years old) receive even minimal help, but what I need is help, when everything will really be "catastrophic" with us - I think then their number is significant shrink...
          1. 0
            April 19 2023 16: 30
            They won’t raise them, because these are not salaries, but a laughing stock ... you can immediately see a brainwashed person) and who has never been further than Turkey anywhere)
            When is it before? and what is the merit of the minimum wage in the "good" life now?)
            As for the homeless and downtrodden people ... well, what help can we have for them besides a cup of food?) in a country without social
            1. 0
              April 19 2023 17: 52
              here you can immediately see a brainwashed person) and who has never been further than Turkey anywhere

              your truth, I have never been to Turkey ...
              ps and I can give you advice - go to Europe as soon as possible (if you are not there yet), rather, until the paths from Russia are completely blocked - there you will have a social program, "pensions of 5 thousand euros" and travel to your heart's content! or to America, or to Israel!
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. -1
                April 20 2023 13: 27
                Dear) Here again, a childish puncture, if the Russians were accepted in Europe (I'm not talking about a tour of the trip), then the queues would not be for Georgia and Kazakhstan, but for Europe ... but they never accepted us and are not accepted there, otherwise one if you stayed here with Staver ... so again it’s not that) As for the USA or Israel, it’s completely overkill ... far from every Russian is allowed to go there and on the tour. I emphasize nationality, because it is somewhat easier for others. I say this as a knowledgeable. not with the media
                1. +1
                  April 20 2023 14: 03
                  Look at the "liberal" get-together - everyone hit the road quickly and settled down well, I have a former colleague in the United States who left in the middle of 2022, there are still friends who continue to try to get a US visa - just understand, I'm not driving anyone out of the country, I mean I say that if the main thing in life is money, then you need to go to "those countries where they are printed" ... in Russia, people have never lived richly and will not live richly (I don’t know why so ...)
                  1. -1
                    April 20 2023 14: 41
                    do not be rich, I like the times of the USSR, not rich, but fair. this is the homespun truth, dear ... but for now, there is a grandiose stratification of society, we are in first place in the world in this sad indicator, or second ... about the liberal party ... why are you talking about it? They are robbing the people, I am against them I’m speaking personally ... why equate people with crooks? I repeat once again, if it were so easy for people to leave, almost everyone who at least knows how to reason and analyze would leave ... zombies obviously don’t go anywhere, they get noodles on them in the media on the ears, they are full .. but this is an unimportant indicator of well-being)
        2. +1
          April 19 2023 17: 42
          Quote: Yaroslavsky
          if a cleaner earns at least 30, then a turner earns at least twice as much ...

          there seems to be logic in the statement, but why did you get the idea that by raising the salary of the cleaner, they will raise the turner or someone else who has a higher minimum wage? She has nothing to do with the MOT.
          1. 0
            April 20 2023 07: 20
            The salary scale is tied to the minimum wage. For this reason, the minimum wage is kept close to the UN poverty line. In the nineties it was $ 90 per person per month, now I was not interested
            1. 0
              April 20 2023 07: 31
              Quote: Guran33 Sergey
              .In the nineties it was $ 90 per person per month, now I was not interested

              Well, no .. Teachers in the 90s received thirty bucks. For 350 bucks you could have a rest in Paris together. A hundred bucks was considered a huge salary. My mother worked as a cashier, she received 20 thousand, in terms of dollars it was three and a half bucks.
          2. -1
            April 20 2023 13: 29
            Again, we turn on the logic) then the turner will not be engaged in responsible and dangerous work (compared to the cleaning lady), but will go to wash the floors calmly) and raise the wages of the bourgeoisie, you will have to like Our Father) the alphabet
            1. 0
              April 20 2023 14: 06
              the turner will not be engaged in responsible and dangerous work (compared to the cleaner), but will go to wash the floors calmly

              one out of ten will go, the rest will sit still and get drunk ... why are there so many migrants in Moscow - and you can’t find Russians for the same positions (couriers, taxi drivers, nurses)?
              1. -1
                April 20 2023 14: 43
                because they came from deaf poor villages, that's why) from a salary of 1 dollar a day, for three
        3. +1
          April 20 2023 07: 09
          Quote: Yaroslavsky
          if a cleaner earns at least 30, then a turner will earn at least twice as much ... and this, excuse me, for most factories is already a salary, not a handout ... at our factory, the average is now 32 thousand, for example ..
          and at the same time, the plant will be forced to raise the price of products - by the size of the increase in wages. And you will shout with anger, "We have increased salaries, and the sausage / bricks / vacuum cleaner of our plant has also risen in price !!!! just the size of our increase !!"
          Quote: Yaroslavsky
          30 hidden...taxes are enough.
          do you propose not to deduct for retirement? well, so DAILY on only the payment of pensions (without the content of the PFR) goes
          28 billion recourse
          And even if you take away all the money from the oligarchs, they will be enough for only 1.5 months
          1. 0
            April 20 2023 13: 35
            If you knew the real numbers that the owners of the fixed assets of production keep for themselves, and how much they give for salaries and development, then of course you would just go crazy ... with the money withdrawn to accounts abroad, you could roll the whole country into marble autobahns, and cities would be like New York, not New Vasyuki ... You are appealing with the numbers that you linked by raising the retirement age) he lowered them somewhat) I will tell you ... trillions of dollars were withdrawn .... just space money, and they continue it do now, feeding you the numbers they spend on meals... it's bad when people blindly believe the media... no analysis... very bad
  30. +4
    April 19 2023 09: 21
    What nonsense, from the youth and children of the early 20th century they formed masters and in the vast majority of slaves, but in the year 17 these "pupils" won freedom with weapons in their hands. Life determines consciousness.
  31. +7
    April 19 2023 09: 24
    it is not enough that there is an ideology in the country, it is important what it is and who is carrying it out. I have a completely negative attitude to those who "stormed" Upper Lars. But this is the lowest tier of those who "stormed" from Russia.
    The first highest tier "stormed", naturally not impoverished Georgia but rich England, were the likes of Abramovich, Gusinsky and Berezovsky, with huge wealth stolen from Russia. And they have nothing for it.
    The second middle tier "stormed", naturally in the strongly Russophobic stinking coast of Jurmala, were Pugachevs and Galkins, Makarevichs and Grebenshchikovs like them, who chopped "cabbage" on the stages of Russia, and who came to spoil Russia to their estates in Jurmala, to visit Vaikula and to Kalninsh, who also chopped "cabbage" on stages and screens in Russia. These are just the names of those who "stormed" that coast for thirty years, which first came to mind, but in reality there are hundreds of Khakamadams and Smolyaninovs like them ...
    Well, the third lower tier was now storming the Upper Lars ...
    To answer yourself, and who then are those who are now defending Russia in the trenches of the Donbass in the NWO, for this you should listen to Igor Rasteryaev's song "Combiners". Such boys are not only Volgograd residents and not only combine operators. But instead of the female dog Condoleezza Rice, now Anthony Blinken, in their hostile essence, has not changed in any way, just like those who hung out in Russia, here they chopped "cabbages" or robbed the country, and then various Londons, Jurmala and Upper Lars stormed ...
    Speaking of boys and ideology. We were all pioneers and Komsomol members. Everyone believed the ideology. But then we were betrayed by our uncles, the communists, who planted this ideology on us and shouted most of all about the importance of ideology.
    So there should be an ideology, but who will bring it to those who are thirsty for ideologization? Why not ask the combine operators where they found the ideology and what to call it?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      April 19 2023 11: 49
      To answer yourself, and who then are those who are now defending Russia in the trenches of the Donbass in the NWO, for this you should listen to Igor Rasteryaev's song "Combiners". Such boys are not only Volgograd residents and not only combine operators

      Still, there are few such "boys" left, and such as Yurka Prishchepnoy. The people are spreading into the lumpen masses and bureaucrats with servants. The rest of the passionaries are not given a hint of mutual assistance and self-organization. Here the state acts incredibly effectively. am
      1. +3
        April 19 2023 13: 29
        "The rest of the passionaries are not given a hint of mutual assistance and self-organization"
        that's why the "immortal regiment" was canceled. the authorities are very afraid of a large gathering of honest people and patriots in one place, no matter how uncomfortable questions are asked. canceled for now, and closer to the holiday they will probably be banned in order to fight for our security laughing .
      2. +1
        April 20 2023 07: 16
        Quote: samarin1969
        The rest of the passionaries are not given a hint of mutual assistance and self-organization

        REALLY passionaries do not need any help. Otherwise, they are not passionaries.
        Stalin / Lenin / Trotsky were passionaries - and they did not need any help from the tsar.
        That's the problem - that there are no passionaries, not at all ....
        And political dasidites can be counted on the fingers, that is, the authorities are not even particularly fighting, there is no one ....
  32. +2
    April 19 2023 09: 28
    All this is familiar from the program of the pedagogical university. Only now the school provides educational services, and does not educate the individual. There are mostly not teachers, but managers of educational services. The content of the second part is approximately clear
  33. +11
    April 19 2023 09: 48
    There are 3 main points that cross all this out.

    1) "The market has decided." Remember the media - the main news until 14 from Ukraine ..... how much gas was pumped, how much money was received / stolen. And around it.
    A "rynochek" is to bring migrants cheap. They do not require kindergartens and schools.
    2) "Maybe something to correct in the conservatory." The conservatory has been alone for 20 years. Some are already 30 years old. 20 years of "no time to swing" and "fight against poverty". Every year the payment for housing and communal services, education, kindergartens is growing strongly.
    3) "Here we are talking, painting, but people do not believe us. Maybe we need to steal less?" (literally, a quote from some patriot by Goblin)
    The media and the Kremlin happily make promises, do not fulfill, and immediately describe how successfully they sold resources over the hill ... (Moon by 2015, 2000 Armat, there will be no conscription, record sales of Grain, metal, and resources in general in the EU). What kind of people flash by Courchevel (still) and Dabay. How much money was withdrawn from Russia.
    And the rest: "if you want money - go into business" - immortal words to teachers ....

    Alas. Wolves will not turn into wise owls.
    1. -1
      April 19 2023 13: 06
      Quote: Max1995
      Media and The Kremlin joyfully make promises, do not fulfill, and they immediately describe how they successfully sold resources over the hill ... (Moon by 2015, 2000 Armat, there will be no conscription, record sales of Grain, metal, and resources in general in the EU)

      "Communism by the year 2000!!"
      "An apartment for everyone by the year 2000!!"
      "For 500 days!!"
      And they quietly sold further-wood / oil / gas to the aggressive NATO bloc at the height of the Cold War - to Germany .....
  34. +5
    April 19 2023 09: 48
    Yes, no ideology will help, and now I will explain why. Because it did not help in Soviet times. I read a very illustrative example:
    One day in a Soviet school, young pioneers were told about vouchers to Artek (practically paradise), and that the best of the pioneers would receive them - who designed the wall newspaper the most, who brought the most waste paper, who loves grandfather Lenin the most and, of course, is a good student.
    And the next day they offered to choose this most worthy pioneer. And SUDDENLY all the parents insistently advised their offspring to vote for the store manager's daughter. Although she loved grandfather Lenin, she studied in the same way, and tried in every possible way to evade the delivery of waste paper.
    To the question "how so?" the pioneers received responses of varying degrees of evasiveness. But with the appearance in the apartment of those who correctly voted various deficits, everyone somehow understood everything.
    Do not consider the pioneers stupider than yourself
    1. +3
      April 19 2023 12: 09
      Quote from kenpachi
      To the question "how so?" the pioneers received responses of varying degrees of evasiveness. But with the appearance in the apartment of those who correctly voted various deficits, everyone somehow understood everything.
      Do not consider the pioneers stupider than yourself

      Don't write nonsense. I was given a ticket to the Crimea. I refused it. Well, how do you answer that?
      1. +3
        April 19 2023 13: 39
        "I was given a ticket to the Crimea. I refused it"
        they didn’t give me such a ticket, but I knew two boys from our area who were given these tickets. one of them had a mother working on a farm on a collective farm, and a father working there as a tractor driver. he, a kid in the sense, was given a front pioneer uniform from the district, and something else, little by little. so not only the daughters of the store managers were in artek
      2. +2
        April 19 2023 14: 41
        Probably they will write to you that “you are lying”, although my father, just a village boy, also went there on a ticket, only not to Artek, but which was worse there, I don’t remember the name. hi
        1. +2
          April 19 2023 14: 52
          Quote from AdAstra
          although my father, just a village boy, also went there on a tour

          No. I was given a ticket to the Crimea. I refused it. Well, you should have seen round ones. eyes when I refused a trip to the Crimea
        2. +1
          April 20 2023 07: 31
          Quote from AdAstra
          my father, just a village boy, also went there on a ticket,

          Quote: aglet
          little things. so not only the daughters of the store managers were in artek

          Quote: Mordvin 3
          I was given a ticket to the Crimea. I refused her

          And my wife went to Artek in the 7th grade.
          But that's not the issue...
          A banal example is "Love and Doves". Vasya (on whom a log fell and the sanatorium is vital for him !!) and personnel officer Gurchenko (who went to these sanatoriums regularly) turn out to be in a medical sanatorium ....
          He was not important to her health - she just went to rest.
          Her vouchers were not regularly received by hard workers. The father-in-law, having taken first place in the district for 11 years, received a voucher 1 time - in March request request
          And our dentist went in August every year and the whole area knew that in August the teeth should not hurt, there would be no one to treat.
          So what about the daughter of the store manager is an absolute reality, and not some kind of revelation feel . The daughter of the director of RAIPO, my classmate, was in Artek 3 times and in Bulgaria. Well, almost an excellent student, without my mother's help, but there were many of them ...
          1. +1
            April 20 2023 07: 38
            When I was given a ticket to the Crimea, I was 15 years old. And I was just a student. Mother is a cashier, father is a locksmith. There were no shaggy hands.
            1. 0
              April 20 2023 13: 06
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              I was 15 years old. And I was just a student.

              You were not a student - you were a student (technical school or vocational school), you would not have gone to college by age.
              About the father-tractor driver - I wrote above. 1 ticket - to MARTH- for 11 years of first place in the district ...
              Father-in-law was never able to swim in the Black Sea. "It's too cold even when drunk" .....
  35. 0
    April 19 2023 09: 50
    And no one counted how many people have not been born since 1955, when Khrushchev graciously allowed and blessed abortion? And why did one-child families suddenly become fashionable in the USSR? Watch Soviet cinema, especially for children. Do many of the characters there have brothers and sisters? Here I was born in 1984. And I have no brothers and sisters because my parents chose abortions instead of children. And in my class, you can count on the fingers of one hand those who had brothers and sisters. And why is my parents' generation better than the current one? And why was that ideology better than today's, if it still leads to the extinction of the Russian people?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +4
      April 19 2023 10: 35
      Quote: Katya_Ivanova
      Here I was born in 1984. And I have no brothers and sisters because my parents chose abortions instead of children.

      Are you going to have kids yourself?
      1. +3
        April 19 2023 13: 49
        "Are you going to have children yourself?"
        what are you, first a career, at the checkout in a magnet laughing . it’s us, yesterday’s students, or even just students who gave birth to children, and this didn’t interfere with our career, on the contrary, they looked askance at childless families, both at work and among the people, are they sick, chtol? It was difficult, but children were born in families, and then apartments, cars, dachas. but now they want the opposite, and that everything at once, like in a fairy tale, and then the children
        1. +2
          April 20 2023 07: 36
          Quote: aglet
          It was difficult, but children were born in families, and then apartments, cars, dachas. but now they want the opposite, and that everything at once, like in a fairy tale, and then the children

          You got to the point - a person gives birth only in difficult conditions. Now the conditions have become much simpler - therefore no one will give birth. Everything is the same as in Europe - in Denmark and Switzerland there should be a bunch of children, and there the same numbers as we have
    3. +3
      April 19 2023 12: 23
      Quote: Katya_Ivanova
      And no one counted how many people have not been born since 1955, when Khrushchev graciously allowed and blessed abortion? And why did one-child families suddenly become fashionable in the USSR?

      Do not write nonsense. My two grandfathers had five sons.
  36. +10
    April 19 2023 09: 51
    1. There was an ideology, education, teachers.
    It did not help. The USSR was destroyed by those people who grew up under communist ideology. In the ranks of those very pioneers from the photo.
    2. Citizens of the Roman Empire. While the soldiers were getting land, they were fighting for the empire.
    When citizens were transferred to benefits, they lost their motivation to fight. The state can rob the citizens, but don't be surprised if they lose the motivation to die for such a state.
    In addition, with one son in the family, biological laws exceed social ones. Parents will die, but they will do everything to save the life of their son. At the same time, they will send any ideology in three funny letters.
    3. Reference groups and other human packs.
    Today's society is maximally atomized. The main, basic model of personality is militant egoism. You can gather children at school, but they will not become a team. They will be a crowd of egoists forcibly gathered together. And all attempts to comb them under the same brush will stumble upon stubborn resistance and complaints from their parents.
    Therefore, the real choice of our systemic degradation is as follows: either a new elite based on the Cadets, or the victory of the criminal counterculture.
    Chewing ideological snot and at the same time indulging individualism will not work. Without the military at school, AUE will crush them.
    4. The main problem of our current flawed society is contempt and hatred for those who are smarter. This is not an ideology, this is a moral guide. Society is not set up for development, so people see that success is associated with negative moral and cultural development.
    5. As long as the ideal in society is a morally defective moral ... (crossed out by censorship) / singer / blogger / tiktoker / grabber / thief, such a society will degenerate.

    I'm sorry, a lot of words, briefly summing up:
    Primary is not ideology, but moral guidelines.
    In the absence of moral guidelines, the state perishes with any ideology and under any social system.
  37. +6
    April 19 2023 10: 04
    In 1986, as part of the economic reform, it was liquidated, including the middle management of retail trade - thus the reformers decided that they would launch free trade in the USSR.

    I have always suspected that the 1989-1990 deficit was artificially created. But for it to be done consciously? In fact, because of this, the USSR largely collapsed. Those who did it - to the wall, but alas it is impossible :(
    1. 0
      April 19 2023 12: 22
      I always suspected that the 1989-1990 deficit was artificially created

      1. +2
        April 19 2023 12: 31
        Quote: Vladimir80

        Heh, our rulers. Ryzhkov, for example. He told Yolkin, what for did you close 29 tobacco factories?
        1. 0
          April 19 2023 17: 36
          He told Yolkin, but what for did you close 29 tobacco factories

          I didn’t understand, the great USSR collapsed due to interruptions with the White Sea ??!! Here is the best argument for all smokers to stop smoking immediately!
          1. 0
            April 19 2023 21: 30
            Quote: Vladimir80
            the great USSR collapsed due to interruptions in the White Sea??

            And including ... I remember how everyone cursed, getting cigarettes a meter long.
      2. +2
        April 19 2023 14: 03
        No. Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Ligachev, and their Judas accomplices, who sold the country together with the population for chewing gum, pizza and an evergreen dollar. although yes, this is - counter-revolutionaries
      3. +1
        April 19 2023 20: 40
        Quote: Vladimir80
        I always suspected that the 1989-1990 deficit was artificially created


        If the deficit disappeared at the beginning of 1992 in a week and "Gaidar saved the country," where did everything suddenly come from, what, as it were, did not exist in the USSR? I believe that they created a deficit in the USSR, just the opposite, revolutionaries .... Thieves with bandits. Who else?
    2. +1
      April 19 2023 13: 59
      "I always suspected that the 1989-1990 deficit was artificially created. But that this was done consciously?"
      both consciously and artificially. and I always knew it. how else to explain that yesterday soap was in all stores, a dozen varieties, and today there is nothing? and only the day after tomorrow Turkish food appeared, but at a completely different price. and this despite the fact that there were soap factories in every region, and not just one. This is just an example with soap. other goods were in short supply in the same way
      1. +1
        April 19 2023 15: 01
        other goods were in short supply in the same way

        where did they store all these goods all this time? although perhaps they knew about the upcoming Pavlovian reform in order to sell at double the prices ....
  38. +11
    April 19 2023 10: 06
    If the next three generations do not have five or more children in each family, then everything east of the Urals will go to China by natural evolution. But our state is doing everything to ensure that the average family has 0,5-0,7 children. Our officials hate children - this is at least 18 years of non-refundable investments from which greasy foam cannot be removed - it is easier to import Rovshanov and Damshuts with trains - cheap and cheerful.
    1. +2
      April 19 2023 12: 42
      what 5??? here 2 and it’s hard to lift ..............
      1. +1
        April 20 2023 07: 43
        Quote: Nastia Makarova
        what 5??? here 2 and it’s hard to lift ..............

        Are you starving?
        That's why, during the war, they lived on a swan and gave birth to 5-7 children each - and now it's languidly "Do not raise ...".
        Can't buy an iPhone? Can't change a car? Don't go to Turkey once again?
        90% of what is now considered vital is a whim. Moreover, meaningless ...
        1. 0
          April 20 2023 13: 34
          Then everyone lived on a swan .. And now, without an iPhone, a car, an apartment, you won’t get married, even anyone will tell you to fuck off a rogue! Ashot has a beha, but you don't have anything. .. laughing so yes, now you need a lot of dough! For a man's wife to give birth to him for. 400t.r. should be at a regular job and not plow in the north ..
  39. +12
    April 19 2023 10: 08
    Before educating children, adults must first educate themselves. If children see that the one who teaches them about life says one thing and does another, then they will either become the same two-faced, or they will hate everything that this adult tried to impose on them.
  40. +11
    April 19 2023 10: 23
    The author, in my opinion, in vain concluded that we have no ideology. She is!
    Moreover, it is clearly visible, understandable and, unfortunately, the only one.
    CAPITALISM. And the rest is a consequence, including the atomization of the population, the determination of the personal as paramount and the disregard for the public, and so on. etc., which the author wrote about.
    How else? This was taught by the authorities - sticking out privatization, which people considered and will consider theft, planting Solzhenitsyn and Yeltsin as moral guidelines. And everything worked out! Please! The base forms the superstructure.
    Someone wants to seize state property, throw people out of work, ruin enterprises, and then expect young people to rush to defend "acquired by overwork"? That doesn't happen.
  41. +3
    April 19 2023 10: 24
    And here is another ideology: the family is hard work and a huge responsibility. My parents brought me up that way, and now they wonder why I don’t want to take on hard work and bear a huge responsibility.
    1. +4
      April 19 2023 14: 48
      Well, a child is not a flower, you can’t plant it in a pot to grow on its own. hi
  42. +14
    April 19 2023 10: 39
    it is necessary to timely place the child in a social group where all of the listed qualities are the norm and ideal
    under capitalism there is no such group. In Chelyabinsk, a Russian was stabbed to death by a Tajik, Matvienko sits under the flag of Ukraine, where those whose parents are not deputies or officials, those who do not have the means to hide from the SVO, die, they took away the pensions from men, and worked in a wooden mac. At the same time, the government, in step with everyone, is introducing a digital currency, forcibly vaccinated against covid (where did it go after the start of the NWO) at the behest of the WHO, the deputies are calling for a second wave of mobilization not of themselves and their children and grandchildren, but of workers and peasants - this is the genocide of the Slavs.
  43. +7
    April 19 2023 10: 56
    Good article, I look forward to continuing.

    Look in the mirror.
    Do you see there honest, wise, courageous, humane and further down the list?

    That's what we are - such and youth.
    They weren't brought from Mars.
    As well as officials with generals.
  44. +3
    April 19 2023 10: 59
    Quote: nemez
    Many Russians do not want to work with pens, but their brains do not differ much from the same Uzbeks.

    Are the Uzbeks and the rest, in general, so different from the Russians? Not so long ago they were the same Soviet citizens, like everyone else on the so-called. post-Soviet space (a moronic definition of the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia (USSR)), with a unified system of education and upbringing. More acute is the issue of motivation and prestige, as well as creative development, rather than the provision of educational services. When the issue of the shortage of skilled workers became acute during the industrialization, the leadership of the government, INITIATIVE, with creative creative thinking, and most importantly, highly professional, thoroughly knowing, at that time, the essence of the issue and the REAL state of affairs, took a number of comprehensive measures. Paid education was introduced in grades 9-10 of secondary school, from grade 8 free vocational education with mandatory employment, as they say now, with a full social package, admission to a university only with a certificate of completion of grade 10, in the direction of enterprises, the army, etc. with the mandatory passing of entrance examinations and interviews. The issue was resolved quickly and. as time has shown, qualitatively, with great potential and prospects.
  45. +5
    April 19 2023 11: 02
    Yes, no ideology will help, and now I will explain why. Because it did not help in Soviet times. I read a very illustrative example:

    Quite the contrary, and your example is proof of this.
    Only the correct (progressive) ideology saves and revives the nation and states, and the wrong (reactionary) ideology destroys them.
    Classic example:
    Tsarist Russia - bad for the 20th century (reactionary ideology) - a state on the verge of collapse.
    The USSR is a progressive ideology - the state will turn into a superpower.
    The restructuring of the USSR is a reactionary ideology - the collapse of the state and the demise of all its nations.
    including the Ukrainian SSR - the most reactionary fascist ideology - the worst disaster - the state and the nation are on the verge of death.
    1. +2
      April 19 2023 11: 55
      USSR - progressive ideology - the state will turn into a superpower

      on the one hand, yes ... but you are from Bulgaria, right? Where has your progressive socialist ideology led you and where is it now? But it was after 45 years
  46. +8
    April 19 2023 12: 01
    The state simply will not have at the disposal of citizens who are ready to fight for it.

    The state has 5 million security officials, fed from the budget, receiving benefits, mortgages, free housing.

    The state has almost two and a half million officials whose maintenance takes more budget money than education and medicine combined for all other citizens of Russia.

    So let these 7,5 million "budget consumers" protect the state that supports them!!!
    1. +2
      April 20 2023 07: 52
      Quote: assault
      The state has 5 million security officials, fed from the budget, receiving benefits, mortgages, free housing.

      Cut the number - liberals enter private security companies into these "5 miliens". Which do not enjoy absolutely any benefits ...
      Quote: assault
      The state has almost two and a half million officials whose maintenance takes more budget money than education and medicine combined for all other citizens of Russia.

      There is a problem - after we were reduced by the Cadastral and Regpalats (9 left for 36 districts in the region) - for some reason the citizens did not begin to live "happier". .Stupidly there is no one ...
      And yes, registrars are now sitting until 10 pm every day. For a salary supplement of 1 rubles ..
  47. +4
    April 19 2023 12: 04
    Everything is written correctly, there is only one small BUT, the current powers that be are absolutely in the drum. Their children are provided for up to the seventh generation, and in this they fulfilled their mission thanks to Russia, which can be robbed with impunity.
  48. +1
    April 19 2023 12: 09
    It would be nice to know what part of the population is aware of the need for change ...
    The current state of society can be described with words from the song "Agatha Christie" about a pig and a puddle.
    The tops are happy with almost everything, but the bottoms can hardly do anything ... or don't want to.
    1. +5
      April 19 2023 12: 46
      It would be nice to know what part of the population is aware of the need for change ...

      I think that the majority is aware of the need for change.
      The question is in the direction of changes and their format. I know for sure that for me and for example for Boris55 the direction of change is different. What to do with this?
      Accordingly, the astronaut's rule "if you don't know what to do, don't do anything" applies.
  49. 0
    April 19 2023 12: 21
    The article is good and necessary. But this is only part of the truth, depending on the person himself (father, mother, teacher and part of society). There is another part and it is grandiose. FAITH! No traditional religion instills in a person what is not human. Ottoman warriors, including the Janissaries, have been smashed throughout history by ORTHODOX warriors. And truly deeply churched parents know that Orthodoxy is, first of all, the upbringing of soldiers of Christ's defenders of the Faith, Motherland, Family, their brothers and sisters in Christ. "Not peace did I come to bring, but a sword." This Biblical truth has an interpretation for the Orthodox army... From memory, I will give you the words of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev: "My Faith, my country, my family, my home, my wife, my children, my parents, my rifle-step back !"
    1. 0
      April 19 2023 13: 08
      From memory, I will give you the words of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev

      Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.
    2. -2
      April 19 2023 14: 58
      Yeah, but while we were pagans, so to speak, we couldn’t break anyone, and in general we were immoral, which couldn’t be deeper. And about the "biblical truth", then in this regard, read the "old part" of this book.
  50. 0
    April 19 2023 12: 27
    In Norway, Sweden, Finland and Canada, the weather is probably like in Africa.
    1. +3
      April 19 2023 14: 13
      "In Norway, Sweden, Finland and Canada, the weather is probably like in Africa"
      no, not like in Africa, but much warmer than in Norilsk, Oymyakon, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan, etc.
      1. +1
        April 19 2023 19: 30
        Wow, I didn't know that all of Russia lives in Norilsk.
  51. +4
    April 19 2023 12: 33
    I read it. Not well written. Claims to be scientific, but the format does not correspond. Multiple repetitions, poor formatting. In general, there is something to complain about.

    I will try to formulate it very briefly.
    The state, like people, needs meaning in life, otherwise it will not survive the crisis.
    The meaning of life for the state is called ideology.
    1. 0
      April 20 2023 23: 37
      but only if these are the views of the people, and only if this state serves the people.
  52. +1
    April 19 2023 13: 22
    Quote: Mordvin 3
    Well, how do you answer this?

    Not at all. Who are you in this story? The store manager's daughter? So it's not about her.
    We are talking about pioneers who were told that the most worthy of them would go to Artek - such is the ideology. And in the end, a completely uninvolved pioneer went. But whose parents are respected people. So with this approach, no ideology will work. Except for the most ideological ones. But there are not many of them
  53. +1
    April 19 2023 13: 25
    Quote: Igor_Bozhko
    words of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev

    If you believe Hasek, then the words of the sergeant major Katz did not help much.
  54. +1
    April 19 2023 13: 33
    Quote: bk316

    I will try to formulate it very briefly.
    The state, like people, needs meaning in life, otherwise it will not survive the crisis.
    The meaning of life for the state is called ideology.

    Reasoned objection:
  55. +2
    April 19 2023 13: 36
    Quote: Katya_Ivanova
    And how was that ideology better than today’s, if it still leads to the extinction of the Russian people?

    If you are seriously concerned about this problem, then why don’t you practically contribute to its solution? Or is it easier to blame ideologies and leaders than to fulfill direct biological responsibilities?

    “The cat abandoned the kittens, it’s (Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Putin... underline as appropriate) to blame!”
  56. +1
    April 19 2023 13: 39
    The influence of AI can be moderated, a fact that we may not yet be fully aware of in future forecasts. In any case, it seems to me that there is some hope that the situation will improve...
  57. +1
    April 19 2023 13: 40
    Quote: Vladimir80

    In general, yes. Central Committee and ZK. Nomenklatura and criminal businessmen.
    The nomenklatura - to convince the “masses” of the need for reforms.
    Dealers - because it was during times of shortage that they made the biggest profits.
    And they were helped by home-grown “educated people”, liberal-minded intellectuals and octogenarian journalists, who passionately inflated everything in the media.

    In short, "Three sources and three components..."
    1. 0
      April 19 2023 19: 06
      Quote: Illanatol
      Quote: Vladimir80

      In general, yes. Central Committee and ZK. Nomenklatura and criminal businessmen

      In short, "Three sources and three components..."

      You were taught the word “Nomenclature”, so you run around with it.......

      There was no nomenklatura in the CPSU simply because, according to the charter, all positions were elective.

      But since the people's morals are feudal, our blessed people even turned the elected leadership of the CPSU into nobles. They began to draw up nomenklatura lists that contradicted the charter.

      And the nobles kicked this people in the face and in the balls!! Ay-ah-ah how it hurts....

      In general, this is correct, I think, logical......
  58. +2
    April 19 2023 14: 14
    Meanwhile, the point is not insufficient state funding of patriotic projects, but in the absence of state ideology and the elimination of the class of teachers, whose purpose was not educational, but educational activities

    All this is an erroneous line of thinking, a kind of cognitive dead end. It seems to some people that the problem of order is the problem of instilling in the “pawns” a certain high spirituality, consciousness, control and guidance from an early age. They say, then everything will work out, there will be success.
    Adherents of this logic forget that a similar system existed in our country, was huge, put unreal pressure on the little person’s brains and literally dragged this little person through thorns, from nursery to retirement. The system was colossal, monstrous, comprehensive and had no alternative within the state, which in principle did not like any alternative. Absolutely wild amounts of money and man-hours were poured into this system. And as a result, it had a whole galaxy of people who passed through it (almost at the peak of its perfection) - such as Gorbachev (1931), Yeltsin (1931), Burbulis (1945), Chubais (1955), Chernomyrdin (1938), Gaidar (1956) ) and many other characters, whose youth was already in the existence of the “Soviet school”, “Soviet traditions”, established institutions of inclusion and the absence of any traces of a visible alternative.
    These characters grew up inside a system thoroughly skilled in brainwashing with a large rubber enema, they were treated to exquisite dishes glorifying socialism in all poses and from every iron. They (logically) were surrounded entirely by the products of this system, and from the secondary factors of its work (contact with processed adepts) they should also have been more than saturated.
    However, they weren’t soaked. Neither the generation of the 1930s, nor the generation of the 1950s - there is actually a shitty mountain of characters who, with gusto, in 1991, tore off their red crusts and went all out without blinking an eye. And all these libations of morality and high consciousness spilled God knows where, but certainly not to the target of those who came into power. Why, it turned out that the carriage of the characters surrounding them was also not “soaked”. And also a smaller person - one who later became a bandit or sold flesh or was involved in raising the level of domestic corruption or black PR - these characters, too, were not miraculously saturated. Well, not at all.

    From this entire retrospective I draw a lot of conclusions, but the main thing here would be that state ideology, a big, epic rubber enema and the inculcation of morality from every iron by super cool and purebred hosts of honored teachers like show dogs is BUG that does not give a guaranteed result. Yes, someone will be hooked. Maybe. And some won’t be hooked at all. And guess what, who it hit and who it didn’t, because all these characters at one time gave the most magnificent speeches in which they sang odes to the CPSU, socialism, acceleration, angrily denounced something and so on. Well, or almost everything.

    So, sir, we’ve already ridden this bike, we don’t need to do it again. The main problem is not at all the decline of the system of pumping up pawns with morality “from the nursery” - the problem is in the general focus of the design.
    We did NOT manage to create a human-oriented model in which the pawns would understand that “everything is for them and their convenience.” Either they feel loneliness and indifference to their objective needs, or obstacles and attempts (damn persistent) to remake their tastes or change their personal desires to please something.
    Thus, such a system over and over again made the typical mistake of parents - in words it postulated one thing to the child, but by example showed a completely different logic. And, just like with children, the pawns adopted exactly the logic that they saw “at work.”
    You can pump up morality on them “like Leo Tolstoy” as much as you like, the question is how it will work “in practice”.
    If it’s not so, absolutely not so, then it will be empty wiping of pants.
    No matter what anyone says about “the spirit is primary,” it is the flesh that is primary, guys. And if the surrounding picture continues to diverge from what is postulated and hammered into it, NOTHING will change.

    We need to focus on the country for the people, on the environment for the people. And then morality will catch up.
    1. +2
      April 19 2023 17: 09
      We need to focus on the country for the people, on the environment for the people. And then morality will catch up.

      Knell, good hi )))
    2. +3
      April 20 2023 13: 23
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      Thus, such a system over and over again made the typical mistake of parents - in words it postulated one thing to the child, but by example showed a completely different logic. And, just like with children, the pawns adopted exactly the logic that they saw “at work.”
      You can pump up morality on them “like Leo Tolstoy” as much as you like, the question is how it will work “in practice”.

      We had practically no meat for sale, despite the presence of collective farms, a meat processing plant and 2 “Meat” stores.
      And during the day they told the children, “It’s not good to steal,” and in the evening the children went to the back of the meat processing plant to get the meat stolen by the workers. In the morning, the parents gave them their bags so that they wouldn’t take away other people’s meat, and in the evening, after bringing the meat home, they went and gave the money.
      And the children - so that there won’t be a crime if they get caught, “I found it in the bushes behind the pond, I took it home!!”
      But in order for that meat to be stolen for you, you had to have YOUR OWN thief
      And this is how the entire workers’ settlement of 12 people lived.
  59. +2
    April 19 2023 14: 20
    The authors put the cart before the horse. Before raising children, you actually need to give birth to them. This should be the first article about this. Now we need to educate not only children, but first of all young people, so that they don’t get out of their beds. And also to educate our government. Money for housing is for young families, not beautiful pictures of kindergartens and schools built in single quantities. Give birth, give birth and give birth again is our immediate slogan. And clearly define benefits only for the indigenous nationalities of Russia. And for new citizens, only in the third generation. Otherwise, in 50 years, Uzbeks, Tajiks and Azerbaijanis and other Armenians will be the prevailing nations. And people who abandoned their native country in difficult times are not the people we need. Who will guarantee that they will not abandon our country in the same way. Especially in the beginning harsh times.
    1. 0
      April 19 2023 20: 54
      So what is the problem? Give birth at least 3 economically, we are very “stimulated”, take a third job, a mortgage, a family car, preferably on credit. Schools and kindergartens are exclusively free))) no fees. Medicine is fire, the level of education with the Unified State Examination is the best in the world, you can list the advantages of our state endlessly... But you just need to think 5 times and weigh the pros and cons before you decide on the madness of having children at the present time!
      1. 0
        April 19 2023 22: 36
        From a rational point of view, morality (conscience) must be turned off, as it was in the cartoon: “love yourself, sneeze at everyone and success awaits you in life”... But if you develop this idea, then a crime can be committed if no one sees , A???!!! Greetings from Dostoevsky!
  60. +9
    April 19 2023 14: 53
    Literally from the first lines: again the generation is not like that, it wants to live and not die in a foreign country for incomprehensible ideas. And is it all due to the lack of ideology? Or maybe it’s just worth directing the energy of young people in a creative direction? To develop your own regions, rather than destroy others? And then there will be no storming of Upper Lars? Have you ever thought about it?

    My brother lives 150 km from Moscow in the city of Kimry and he looks no better than Donetsk, which was bombed for 8 years. Maybe we should have sorted this out first before teaching others about life?
  61. +10
    April 19 2023 16: 00
    So much text and reasoning on an elementary issue. How to raise a patriot? Elementary. You raise the standard of living to the top 10. You eliminate luxury officials, gilded pop-ups and other annoying monstrosities of peripheral capitalism. You create working social networks. elevators. In 20 years you will have a country of patriots. And all the fairy tales about proper upbringing, proper teachers and other nonsense are for idiots. Without a standard of living, a clean society and elevators, the country will decay and degrade. Can the current government pull off such a thing? This is a question that everyone can answer for themselves.
    And once again: the future of the country is forged not in bakhmut, but in a grocery store. In Bakhmut we defend the current reality.
    1. +1
      April 19 2023 16: 35
      You raise the standard of living to the top 10. You eliminate luxury officials, gold-plated pop-ups and other annoying monstrosities of peripheral capitalism

      I’m sorry, please don’t be offended - but this is what “coaches” say at “personal growth trainings”... general phrases and no specifics...
      1. +1
        April 19 2023 19: 09
        Well, it’s so dangerous now with specifics, they are complementing them in a Stakhanovian way.
        1. 0
          April 19 2023 22: 38
          So there is no need to name names, and there will be no criminal code... But specifics are needed, otherwise it turns out to be populism (like Zhirinovsky or someone else)
          1. 0
            April 20 2023 09: 25
            And what is it? Why was Zhirinovsky allowed?
            1. 0
              April 20 2023 22: 23
              Zhirinovsky was allowed, because this was his role in the political theater...
    2. 0
      April 21 2023 08: 48
      Vincent price
      The future of the country is forged not in bakhmut, but in a grocery store

      Exactly! Most people just want to live well. And if people live poorly, they will inevitably be drawn to (or at least look at) where they live well. And people who live poorly will never listen to officials “in gold.”
      But! Luxury officials are bad, no doubt about it. But a high salary (namely a salary, not the opportunity to steal) is one of the best remedies against corruption. If someone is weak, and only thoughts “like this” appeared in him, but, receiving a decent salary, he does not dare to “take a risk and take it”
  62. +3
    April 19 2023 16: 02
    The author gives a lot of statistics, but Russia is 1/8 of the land, and not one sixth, as the author writes. 1/6 was the USSR. The statistics are very controversial. Those who were not born, those who did not live... It's not that simple. Firstly, we have decades of cyclical demographic declines due to 1941-1945. 26 million are gone, how to replace them?! Secondly, there are local stories - a surge in deaths in 2010 as a result of wild heat and fires in the European part of the country. Covid...
    Now we have SVO. All this must be taken into account. Of course, the main reason for our low birth rate is the low income of the population against the backdrop of high prices, so people simply cannot afford more than 1-2. But for reproduction you need 2,2... The rest is secondary. The UN predicted 2020 - 138 million for us by 141, and there are almost 150 of us. And then Crimea happened. So the price for these forecasts and statistical reports is not high.
  63. +2
    April 19 2023 16: 06
    That's interesting.
    Mathematics is the most evil science...
    PS: but the picture from the title of the article has been on all my computer desktops since back in 2009...
    1. +4
      April 19 2023 17: 23
      Here is the picture from the title of the article that has been on all my computer desktops since back in 2009...

      Do you know what this picture is? This is the cover of some book from the Kremlin 2222 series. Social fiction disguised as the adventures of stalkers in the Exclusion Zone.
      A kind of prediction.
      1. +2
        April 19 2023 19: 10
        The future in this book is something you would only wish on your enemy.
  64. +2
    April 19 2023 16: 07
    There are a lot of shifter warriors here for whom this article is spam because their brains are not able to comprehend and translate it, but simply understand what it’s about! After all, for them, even a soldier should become just a mankurt in relation to them!
  65. +4
    April 19 2023 16: 10
    They also criticize Stalin for what losses he had under him.
    Under the liberals, almost 50 million were lost without any wars.
    A gigantic "achievement".
    What kind of ideology, what kind of education, if the mother’s government denigrates our history, if there is a constant vacillation from the reds to the whites, and how to educate in school? Whom? Here we have the result.
    And the Elkin Center is blooming and smelling, and another one is being built.
    What kind of education can there be?
  66. +4
    April 19 2023 16: 19
    The criterion is the result.
    Who were produced by front-line teachers, with a meter-long wooden ruler in their hand, and who by the current “educational service providers,” who are downtrodden and not respected by society and the state.
    It's not even funny - it's scary!
    But everything is not on its own, is it?
    There is a state policy based on state ideology. And when they say that there is no ideology, they are lying, after all, it is simply suicidal for the authorities to simply misrepresent the ideology of the blackmailer and the swindler. So, like, no, that’s all!
  67. 0
    April 19 2023 16: 21
    Roman Skomorokhov. Personality decomposition.
    But once upon a time he scolded the authorities and wrote good articles about weapons.
    That’s why the demographics are at zero - I don’t want to give birth to children in such an environment
  68. +3
    April 19 2023 17: 39
    Judging by the names of the authors and the number of comments, the topic of the article is topical. What can be added to the comments of those who do not live behind the Kremlin walls and have personally felt all the “love” of the Russian state. Isn’t it in vain that we have:

    But I would like to draw your attention to this paragraph of the article:
    That is, anyone can be raised from any child. You can grow a fascist, or you can grow a communist, you can grow a cannibal, or you can grow an intellectual, you can grow a crook or a bandit, or you can grow a law enforcement officer.

    Only in this case you CAN’T LIE TO A CHILD!!!
    It seems that the ideology in the USSR was correct, and the historical memory evoked pride, and the successes were inspiring... But the rust of LIES, HYPOCRISY, arrogance, blasphemy, together with ENVY, acquisitiveness and EQUINOCITY, corroded our GREAT COUNTRY...
    And to collect it from the fragments with a society deceived and deprived of hope and future is VERY DIFFICULT, and with the absence of IDEOLOGY and BOURGEIAN POWER, PRIVATE OWNERSHIP FOR OUR LIFE enshrined in the constitution, - IMPOSSIBLE!!!
  69. +3
    April 19 2023 17: 59
    This is what a teacher should answer to a simple question from a child about his salary level? You can't lie here. Answer the truth and you will get the question - “Why?” And then the “fun” and “throwing” begins. And if it’s also a comparison, and who is to blame and what to do - finally it’s agony!) So what social group should the child be placed in? Poor? Rich? For them, the truth is different. No, well, if to be honest, thanks to knowledge and work, one becomes rich, purely theoretically, maybe someday later after the current generations have left.. Brainwashing in the form of some unusual ideology that justifies this state of affairs? - People won’t come in, that’s for sure)
    1. 0
      April 21 2023 08: 53
      This is what a teacher should answer to a simple question from a child about his salary level?

      Just don't talk about teachers' salaries. In Moscow the average salary of teachers is around 100. I can’t say anything about the regions, but they wanted to increase
  70. +4
    April 19 2023 18: 09
    And everything that the author writes about is necessary for the people, because the conversation is about their survival. But do the oligarchy and officials need this? Or have you forgotten the words of the red-haired Tolyan about the millions “who did not fit into the market.” Example. Even now I don’t see lines of rich Pinocchio people wanting to donate money for a tank column. But the question is about the same preservation of the country.
  71. +5
    April 19 2023 18: 44
    Everything is written correctly!
    First, let the state make the utility payments adequate, then we will have children. And there you will need education and ideology!
    How can you have children with such prices for utilities?
  72. -3
    April 19 2023 20: 33
    To serve the territory of any country there must be a minimum acceptable number of population

    For the author, it seems that the main thing is the territory, but the population is simply “service personnel”.
    Does it look like a feudal approach to me?
  73. +2
    April 19 2023 20: 42
    Our state itself does not particularly pamper us ordinary citizens. In my personal associations, the “state” is a group of individuals who have given themselves the authority to do everything exclusively in their own interests. What is happening in our country? And the fact that everything is going according to plan, but we are not included in these plans!
    1. -1
      April 20 2023 05: 54
      Quote: rusmax888
      . In my personal associations, the “state” is a group of individuals who have given themselves the authority to do everything exclusively in their own interests. What is happening in our country? And the fact that everything is going according to plan, but we are not included in these plans!

      What is a state really? Without your personal impressions? They are only interesting to you, but others have different impressions and associations.

      If we put aside the personal, then the state has laws that, if followed, can achieve the personal interests of the people. Only the people themselves do not want to implement anything. Laws for whom? Isn't it for people?

      For example, in October 1993, Yeltsin shot at the Congress of People's Deputies from tanks. And people watched it on TV. It was interesting? And now they show on TV how these people are facing bullets and tanks.....

      In March 1996, the State Duma adopted a resolution according to which Yeltsin was declared a criminal. And the people recognized him as president for the second time...

      So everything is fair!
      If in 1991 and 1993 they betrayed Soviet and then Russian laws, the Oath and in general everything that can be betrayed, then they got what they deserved... ...
  74. +3
    April 19 2023 20: 50
    Quote: Arbeiternegast
    Thanks to the authors. The topic is really topical. And again we are talking about ideology and education

    Yes, we are talking. But the absence of state ideology is spelled out in the constitution of the Russian Federation, that's the problem ... If a person does not know which port he is sailing to, no wind will be fair ...
    With the upbringing of children, we have a complete misfortune, at school they seem to speak beautifully, and patriotism is brought up, but TV is still splashing "moral dirt", STS, TNT, MUZTV, Yu, these channels introduce cognitive dissonance even to normal children around the clock. And what we can do about it, I have no idea. Here the will of the state is needed!

    For some reason, it is believed that there is a certain ideology, as soon as the current state in Russia introduces it, everything will change. Just a lifesaver... Well, the president declared that the ideology of Russia is patriotism, the primacy of the spiritual over the material, etc., etc. So what? Everyone rushed to match?! The basis remained the same: merciless exploitation of people, profit at any cost, die today, and I will die tomorrow, whoever doesn’t have a billion, let them go to the *ops (Polonsky), etc., etc. This is the basic ideology and the country will live by it with minor differences to one degree or another in various strata of society.... with corresponding consequences for the country.
  75. 0
    April 19 2023 20: 52
    A man went out into the field and shouted: “Who else?.....”. And in response there is silence... . Neither Stalin nor Putin.
    The worst thing for a slave is to be left without Master. Just lie down and die.
  76. 0
    April 19 2023 22: 05
    The title picture is unclear. They dug a pit for a mega-shopping center on Red Square, or what?
  77. 0
    April 19 2023 22: 11
    You know, when they say that we need an ideology...

    I grew up in Russia in the 90s as an ardent patriot. He was outraged during the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 and the invasion of Iraq in 2003. He was outraged by linguistic oppression in Ukraine. He admired Russian and Soviet military equipment. Laughed heartily at Western quotas for blacks, women, LGBT people and migrants. He wore a St. George's ribbon when it was not yet fashionable, and fought on the newly emerging Internet with communists who said that the USSR was heaven on earth, and the Russian Federation was a piece of shit. I rejoiced at the victory in 2008 and even went to some rally at the Estonian embassy. Moreover, my upbringing both in the family and in society did not exactly contribute to this, but even the opposite.

    And literally in a couple of years, such beautiful-hearted patriotism was replaced by gloomy cynicism. It was at that moment when the state began to cultivate self-love in me. Suddenly it became clear that a patriot must necessarily be a conservative. And I was not a conservative. It turned out that a patriot must also be a believer, and of four specific religions. And I was not a believer. Then it turned out that LGBT people, whom I always laughed at, but still perceived as fellow citizens “with peculiarities” like vegans, now must be sullenly hated. Otherwise, you don’t love your Motherland. But the Cossacks, at whom I also laughed, must be respected and sometimes even obeyed. And at some point, all the instructions on proper love for the Motherland began to cause gusts of vomiting.
  78. +4
    April 20 2023 02: 46
    A lot of nonsense has been written.. It is enough to understand who is leaving first.. And these are people with a higher social status. Those who achieved it came to the conclusion that their level is people living in Europe, and not in Russia.
    A striking example is the children of Russian politicians. Politicians, like all people, want the best for their children and do not connect their future with Russia, because they believe that the local contingent does not correspond to the level of their children.
    And all this policy was created by our leaders, and not by some foreign intelligence services. In Russia at the moment, a Russian person is something of an insult... There is no Russian nationality, there is a huge flow of migrants who have more privileges. So what smart Russian, having the opportunity to leave, will live here... And all this began with the USSR, when the role of the Russian in the country was gradually destroyed...
    We must focus not on European countries, but on the Russian Empire, then a huge number of Germans came to us, and not we to them..
    How many factories we built with their hands, which later became advanced in the USSR...
    We need to create conditions for our nation, we need to invest money in its well-being, education.... And not build schools in Tajikistan!!
  79. -1
    April 20 2023 02: 54
    The topic is relevant. BUT!!! To engage in education, you need to know only one thing - what education is! There is absolutely no education in our country. By naming moral categories, no education occurs. So, they say, Patriotism is love for the Motherland. BUT, love for the Motherland is a free translation of the word patriotism from the Greek language and has nothing to do with the essence of the moral category Patriotism, love for the Motherland has nothing to do with the name of the moral category Patriotism!
    Tell me, love for the Motherland and a man’s love for a woman, does the word love have the same meaning? Love is mutual sympathy, the need to be together, sexual attraction to each other. Love for the Motherland - such a phrase should not exist, it is insignificant, you can just as well say a phrase that means nothing - “cast iron wool”,
    The single system-forming factor of education is moral categories (spiritual values).
    Spiritual values ​​and moral categories are one and the same. Therefore, saying the phrase “spiritual and moral” is the same as saying the word butter.
  80. 0
    April 20 2023 04: 31
    Is there any mechanism here that will notify about the appearance of part 2?
  81. +1
    April 20 2023 05: 58
    To serve the territory of any country there must be a minimum acceptable number of population

    The figure of 27 million was announced at one time.
    And the replacement of programmers with Kyrgyz workers does not seem terrible to everyone. Actually, the goals of the current education system “to raise a qualified consumer” completely bring the remainder to the level of the Kyrgyz worker.
    Conclusion: in order to raise a child with the right traits of character, the right values, the right moral standards, the right worldview, it is necessary to place the child in a social group in a timely manner, where all of the listed qualities are the norm and ideal, are welcomed and upheld by all members of the group (society).

    The idea is good, but do you think that children are idiots? Or a “social group” on an island with no contact with real life? Don't children see that success in the country is guaranteed to thieves and corrupt officials?
    I remember that my son’s friend in the 9th grade explained to me 20 years ago what you need to focus on to be successful.
    Do you think that with propaganda and high salaries of teachers who carry out this propaganda, it is possible to convince children to become engineers with a guarantee of a 40 thousand salary and complete hopelessness?
    Both the pioneers and the Hitler Youth had an idea confirmed by the policy and practice of the state - even in Germany there was concern for the majority of the population and the workers loved Hitler for the benefits that he brought them. And what about at the expense of someone else - the results for our own people were visible.
  82. 0
    April 20 2023 09: 03
    Quote: ivan2022
    There was no nomenklatura in the CPSU simply because, according to the charter, all positions were elective.

    According to the charter... “democratic centralism”, yeah!
    Well, whoever is ready to vote against the candidacy of Leonid Ilyich - raise your hands!

    And in pre-revolutionary Russia, the Romanovs were democratically elected to the throne at the Zemsky Sobor. Like, did we already have parliamentary democracy in the 17th century?

    Quote: ivan2022
    In general, this is correct, I think, logical......

    What is correct and logical? Getting kicked in the balls?
    Let me be curious: you -
    1) A masochist who loves this procedure?
    2) Do you exclude yourself from the people, considering yourself special?
    3) Are you one of the “nobles” who kicked the people’s balls with their boots?

    Most people like to talk about the servility of others in the bar (even former ones, perhaps).
  83. The comment was deleted.
  84. +2
    April 20 2023 09: 20
    Quote: Plate
    Everything would be brothels for you. I am for the fact that a woman should be excluded from the cycle of production of people. If you use it, then only as a supplier of genetic material along with men. And at the enterprises to pair these genetic materials, make adjustments if necessary to exclude diseases, and then raise children in artificial wombs.

    Stale idea. It was... Huxley's Brave New World.
    If all the work is entrusted to robots, then there is no need to reproduce the entire person.
    Enough brain, let him create without being distracted by primitive physiological needs.
    It happened too. "Cage for orchids" by G. Franke.
  85. +1
    April 20 2023 09: 23
    Quote: Yaroslav Tekkel
    And literally in a couple of years, such beautiful-hearted patriotism was replaced by gloomy cynicism. It was at that moment when the state began to cultivate self-love in me. Suddenly it became clear that a patriot must necessarily be a conservative. And I was not a conservative. It turned out that a patriot must also be a believer, and of four specific religions. And I was not a believer.

    But how about living with your own mind, determining your own criteria for what real patriotism is? Is everything just at the behest of the official agitprop?
    You shouldn’t blindly take everything for granted.
  86. The comment was deleted.
  87. The comment was deleted.
  88. -1
    April 20 2023 09: 51
    and before the pandemics there was a negative birth rate, catastrophic mortality, vaccinations, reforms, global sanctions and fines, reorganizations, optimization, offshorization with deoffshorizations, privatization with deprivatizations, classification with classification, new ministries with ministers, additional laws, amendments to the constitution, etc.
  89. +4
    April 20 2023 11: 52
    The article proposes to increase the birth rate using natural philosophy and conservation ideology. It is nonsense.
    Raise health care costs, stop terrorizing people for political reasons, develop security rather than the fight against extremism, leave budget revenues in localities evenly throughout the country, take a more careful approach to foreign policy adventures - and the birth rate will increase. Well, also remove the mat capital from 1 and increase it for 3 children.
    And you don’t need to fill your brain and those around you with ideological nonsense, like “give more children for the country.” People will come back and the population will increase.
  90. -1
    April 20 2023 13: 39
    There is a solution, only the transition to AI (not artificial, but full-fledged), with poor development, is the only option. If AI is implemented, the monetary-commodity system will have to change, i.e. certain reforms. AI can replace humans in human resource shortages. Unofficially, the 4th industrial revolution is taking place in many countries. The main thing is not to fall behind. Also on the battlefield, the robot could radically change the picture.
  91. 0
    April 20 2023 15: 04
    The borders had to be closed before mobilization was announced. Like in Ukraine. Even in this matter they turned out to be smarter.
  92. AB
    April 20 2023 15: 49
    Don’t educate a person like that, and if he doesn’t feel that this is his country, and that this homeland doesn’t care about him, then he won’t become a patriot. Teachers and ideology are just the base, the beginning of the process. But what happens next? They released the patriot from school/university and plunged him into reality. He will quickly become a xenopatriot looking at the trash around him.
  93. The comment was deleted.
  94. +1
    April 20 2023 16: 57
    Yes, that's bullshit! Firstly: who will instill patriotism in children, in the people? Those who keep money in foreign banks? In foreign currency. Or those who cut their budget no longer with a jigsaw, but with a chainsaw? Or those who send Russian boys to fight and die, and hide their *boys* abroad? Are they supposed to teach our children patriotism?
    Secondly: by the 70s of the last century, all the borders of the Soviet Union were reliably protected. Even in the most remote Northern regions there were military camps. What now? And all this was built by the State. And the State contained all this. But with the advent of a market economy and the collapse of the USSR, everything fell into disrepair. Officers and their families began to leave the military towns, and the army began to be downsized. Note, do not kill the military, but simply reduce it. Stopped paying money. As a result, once densely populated cities have turned into ghost towns.
    And there are still enough people in Russia. The only question is: who in their right mind and sober memory will now go to live somewhere in the direction of the Tundra? Here in the direction of Moscow - yes! It’s comfortable there and the money is big. And why? Yes, because there is practically nothing state-owned left in this country. This means that the Russian State does not have money for the development of remote regions! All the money flows into the pockets of the oligarchs, and they are not particularly eager to give money to the regions of Russia. Moreover, in the form of patronage.
    And as long as Russia continues to follow the path chosen in the 90s, as long as various kinds of liberals have a significant voice in Russia, we will not see either a normal birth rate or tightly locked borders. And soon there will be no one left to guard these same borders. Well, unless military droids are invented in Russia, like in the famous *Star Wars*.
  95. +2
    April 20 2023 21: 11
    Conclusion: in order to raise a child with the right traits of character, the right values, the right moral standards, the right worldview, it is necessary to place the child in a social group in a timely manner, where all of the listed qualities are the norm and ideal, are welcomed and upheld by all members of the group (society).

    Perhaps we should first start with the fact that we need to stop pursuing anti-people policies in the country?
  96. -1
    April 20 2023 22: 28
    Conclusion: in order to raise a child with the right traits of character, the right values, the right moral standards, the right worldview, it is necessary to place the child in a social group in a timely manner, where all of the listed qualities are the norm and ideal, are welcomed and upheld by all members of the group (society).

    Here you go! As always! They give birth to one and only child and try to raise him into a superman with three higher education degrees. Only then this superman will be left alone with three higher educations, surrounded by hordes of Muslims. This will be his society. Before, children grew up like weeds. And none of them tried to grow anything. The parents had no time for that. At best, there were 3 classes of the parochial school. But they built an empire!
  97. 0
    April 20 2023 23: 34
    The article is interesting, but it is mainly about the generation of children. Who will prepare for future life in the existing structure of the state and society. And they in themselves are not very attractive to many people in our country. More than once we had to explain to young people that life in a foreign society of dying capitalism is no better than life in our “catch-up capitalism” and that when leaving a colony or semi-colony, few people remain natives even in the metropolis - even capital is not enough for this.
    But there is one more aspect of the problem that I would like to remember, which was very important in the life of our outgoing generation. We are now “moaning” about the “Soviet system” of education. As a person who has gone through it, I will say about its main feature: it did not arise out of nowhere in a country where, during the formation of the state, the majority of the population was illiterate. My first teacher was a noblewoman and a friend in the family of friends of A.P. and Chekhov. Our future builders of the industrial economy could not become world-class engineers and scientists without acquiring knowledge of Russian centuries-old culture.
    And we should especially recall the experience of initial military training, special military schools that arose even before the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools. We do not need “managers” who, when needed, suddenly appeared in our country, which has always been famous for hard workers and warriors.
  98. +1
    April 21 2023 04: 35
    the question arises: who did this?.. the answer: this is the work of the president and the government... they are the ones who are destroying the future of Russia, although due to their incompetence they are apparently confident that they are building it... the president is so uneducated and incompetent that he simply does not understand what is happening ..
    1. +1
      April 22 2023 19: 25
      It's much scarier if he actually understands what he's doing.
  99. 0
    April 21 2023 11: 33
    Sad. And the situation cannot be corrected by the inclusion of all regions of the outskirts into Russia - after all, they are jumping almost from the cradle - they oppose themselves to the Russians (who does not jump is a Muscovite!) and hates Russia (a Muscovite is a Gilyak!). Bodies like “Smersh” have to work there for decades. And our government did not protect or take home Russian-speaking people subjected to genocide in all the former republics of the USSR - but it was possible to increase the country’s population at the expense of these people. And now, due to the influx of migrants, essentially enemies of the indigenous population, the share of the original population of Russia is decreasing, communities of strangers are being created, and the number of crimes committed by migrants is growing. Conditions for entry into the country need to be created for competent specialists, and not for shepherds and cattle breeders. There is a need for a visa regime for strangers, difficult rules for obtaining a residence permit, and, even more so, the possibility of obtaining citizenship. At least 10 years. A stranger must serve in the army to prove that he can apply for citizenship. And those who are guilty of the law will be expelled along with their families. The authorities are obliged to take care of the indigenous population of the country...
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