Ukrainian Armed Forces allegedly use underage girls as snipers

Ukrainian Armed Forces allegedly use underage girls as snipers

Recently, more and more information has been coming in that militants of the Kyiv regime are using underage girls of 15-16 years old as snipers, allegedly recruited either in dysfunctional families or in orphanages. The enemy is counting on the fact that a girl dressed in civilian clothes, moving not as part of a military unit, should not arouse any suspicion. The information received is currently being verified.

Earlier, there were also reports of teenagers being involved in hostilities as part of the Ukrainian nationalist units located on the line of contact.

In the liberated territories of the Luhansk People's Republic, Russian servicemen discovered bases where Ukrainian and Western instructors, under the guise of conducting a "military-patriotic game," taught minors the basics of subversive activities.

Также согласно сведениям, полученным от взятых в плен боевиков киевского режима, украинские власти начали призывать в ряды armed сил не достигших совершеннолетия граждан. Повестки начали приходить 16-летним школьникам и учащимся средне-специальных учебных заведений.

The Kiev regime, with the help of aggressive propaganda, influences the minds of Ukrainian citizens, even of the youngest age. Starting from elementary school, neo-Nazi ideology and Russophobia are instilled in children.
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  1. +2
    April 13 2023 18: 16
    I strongly suspect that the position of sniper is a front. And the real position is the manager of psychological relief.
    Then this specialty will be in demand in civilian life as well.
    This is what it means to take care of the next generation.
    And in our country, since Bolshevik times, children are forced to read books. And then they grow up
    1. +1
      April 13 2023 18: 51
      Quote from Aken
      I suspect that the sniper position is a cover

      We have already written about biathletes in the Kherson direction.

      It is also known that during the battles for Soledar, the Armed Forces of Ukraine used teenage girls as snipers to shoot at military and civilians.
      1. +13
        April 13 2023 19: 02
        So the turn came to the grave of the Ukrainian Hitler Youth. am
        1. +5
          April 13 2023 20: 51
          Recently, more and more information has been coming in that militants of the Kyiv regime are using underage girls of 15-16 years old as snipers, allegedly recruited either in dysfunctional families or in orphanages.

          In Ukroreikh, everything is like under Hitler, in the last months of the end of the Second World War in 1945!

          Our history teacher told us about this at school. At the age of 17, he managed to get to the front and take part in the operation to take Berlin by Soviet troops.
          And then they put him to serve in the funeral team. They had to collect the corpses of the dead and bury them, both our military personnel, and the Nazis, and the civilian German population, young and old. During the retreat, if the local population, due to their age and health, could not leave together with the retreating German units, then they destroyed them. The Germans did not remove any trunks - and they decomposed stinkingly.
          1. +5
            April 13 2023 22: 15
            Yes, does anyone doubt the complete frostbite of these utyrks!
      2. +3
        April 14 2023 15: 47
        Quote: Mister X
        We have already written about biathletes in the Kherson direction.

        Ladies from biathlon have been since 2014 ....
        And now we are starting to rake up a wave ....
        WE must filter all informational GARBAGE.....
    2. +2
      April 13 2023 20: 35
      psychological relief manager

      How poetic the word “girl of reduced social responsibility” sounds in Ukrainian!!
      1. -8
        April 13 2023 23: 13
        And what about the Ukrainian language? If you really need it, then this is a girl of low social status
    3. Sly
      April 14 2023 13: 10
      Quote from Aken
      And the real position is the manager of psychological relief.

      What are the fantasies in your head?
  2. +7
    April 13 2023 18: 21
    Well, of these youngsters, the sniper will not be very, too impulsive and impatient.
    1. 0
      April 13 2023 22: 11
      Quote: AlexGa
      Well, of these youngsters, the sniper will not be very, too impulsive and impatient.

      The woman is well suited for the role of a sniper. At 15-17 years old, she seems to be more patient and calm than after 18 years old when hormones go off scale. But always valiant armies and men fight for their girls. Apparently, after a year, military drugs lose their effectiveness and the army of the Armed Forces of Ukraine needed "comfortable women" for Nuland cookies. Russian women in Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk cannot be captured - frivolous persons from Ukraine will do. Ukrainians before the conflict in the Donbass were ready for the loss of 300 killed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is unlikely that by the present level it was possible to reach the level of pain threshold for the loss of the APU. 000 were obviously optimistic calming estimates. The pain threshold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is at the level of 300-000 million dead punishers. Although it is possible that the Armed Forces of Ukraine faltered if immature girls are thrown for slaughter and sterilization. Those who started sex at 700 in the war are highly likely to remain childless.
  3. +10
    April 13 2023 18: 22
    Recently, more and more information has been received that militants of the Kyiv regime are using underage girls aged 15-16 as snipers.

    The easier it is for mortars, artillerymen, and our snipers. The body at 15-16 years old is not yet as ready for physical exertion as, say, at 25. Although, of course, it would be better to completely remove these snipers.
    The enemy is counting on the fact that a girl dressed in civilian clothes, moving not as part of a military unit, should not arouse any suspicion.

    I'm sorry, but a sniper has at least a sniper rifle. How to wear it so as not to "arouse suspicion"?

    But I don't really believe it. Even according to the most optimistic versions for us, Ukraine is very far from exhausting the reserve of adult men and women. Moreover, even the latter are still not used en masse.
    1. +2
      April 13 2023 18: 54
      Here it is necessary to pay attention to shooters. The question is how to calculate them.
      1. +10
        April 13 2023 19: 26
        A sniper and an athlete shooter are two big differences, as they used to say in our Odessa. On topic: I just don't believe it. A rare conscript soldier will make a good sniper, and then teenagers...
        1. +5
          April 14 2023 10: 09
          Disposable shooter. And more is not required of them. In addition, having come under fire from such snipers? The soldiers will mow down everything that moves. And this will provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a beautiful picture: "evil orcs kill children." In general, the APU does not lose anything, but it can get a good benefit.
  4. +5
    April 13 2023 18: 24
    If we have embarked on the path of developed imperialism instead of developed socialism, then there is nothing to be horrified about. We do not live in the USSR, where they fought for "socialism with a human face." Now having human faces is just stupid......
    1. -4
      April 13 2023 18: 28
      Is anyone horrified? If the enemy throws children into battle against you, then this is a reason to rejoice, because this means that he is in despair, that he does not have enough combat-ready population left in sufficient numbers, and therefore he will soon fall.
      Another thing is that, as I wrote above, I do not believe that everything is so bad in Ukraine.
      1. +5
        April 13 2023 18: 56
        Quote: Plate
        Is anyone horrified? If the enemy throws children into battle against you, then this is a reason to rejoice, because this means that he is in despair, that he does not have enough combat-ready population left in sufficient numbers, and therefore he will soon fall.
        Another thing is that, as I wrote above, I do not believe that everything is so bad in Ukraine.

        If the war drags on, then in a few years they will become adults. And they will only know how to kill. These will be hated for the rest of their lives.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +2
            April 13 2023 21: 52
            Are you like .. ready to ''not trembling hand'' and to the back of the head (under the skull where the medulla oblongata is, there is an instant collapse after a bullet hits) and it’s even better to use not PM but Margolin .. how to pull the bloody boys won’t come at night ??
   By the way, according to the statistics of the NKVD, a rare person at the work of an executioner (or correctly - a levidator) lived for more than a year or two .. slept and .. finish
            1. +2
              April 13 2023 22: 04
              Fortunately, I have not tried either one or the other, but it seems to me personally from a conditional sofa that shooting an unarmed prisoner at point-blank range in the back of the head is a little different than eliminating someone during a battle at quite a decent distance (it’s not even clear , who exactly), who held a weapon and actively used it against you.
            2. 0
              April 13 2023 22: 25
              Blokhin, the commandant of the inner prison, did not drink himself, for example.
              And Beria's former head of security, Nadoraya, who, according to some reports, carried out 500 sentences in one day, did the same.
              Although, of course, there were examples of spivozium: the same Peter Maggo.
              On the merits of the question: no, bloody boys and girls will not dream, because it will not be children who will be destroyed, but the Nazis.
        2. +3
          April 13 2023 21: 46
          Germany at one time fought for 6 years and nothing. After it was bombed and rolled out, it calmly divided into zones of occupation, and one part danced to the tune of the USSR, and the other to the tune of the USA, like pretty little ones.
  5. -5
    April 13 2023 18: 49
    Look x \ f "Cuckoo", "Bastards" and stop being surprised. There are no children, women, old people in the war - there is an enemy. And how to deal with it depends on the situation. hi
    1. +10
      April 13 2023 18: 57
      These movie masterpieces, especially "Bastards" ... Well, that's a lie. There were teenagers in partisan detachments, even in the army. But it's all completely different. The Nazis also tried to involve in sabotage, but these are isolated cases
      1. +2
        April 13 2023 20: 02
        Mon ami à 16 ans était servant de mitrailleuse avec Tito...
        Des enfants etaient utilises par le Nord Vietnam
        Les jeunesse Hitleriennes ont existé
        Armée Française 14/18 (lire le livre "l'appel de la guerre, des adolescent au combat" de Manon Pignot
        Les "enfants soldats" in Africa
        Tout cela sans même remonter à l'Antiquité,
        Un militaire aurait dit : "un enfant avec une arme c'est un soldat" ...après avoir tué un enfant en arme.

        My friend at the age of 16 served as a machine gunner for Tito ...
        children used in North Vietnam
        Hitler Youth Existed
        French Army 14/18 (read Manon Pignot's book "call to war, from adolescents to combat"
        "child soldiers" in Africa
        All this doesn't even go back to ancient times,
        A soldier is reported to have said "a child with a gun is a soldier" ...after killing a child with a gun.
        1. +3
          April 13 2023 22: 26
          Quote from Yanni Kounnar
          My friend at the age of 16 served as a machine gunner for Tito ...
          children used in North Vietnam

          The Germans fought for the enslavement of the Slavs. Then in 1939, the Red Army was considered by military theorists to be a weaker adversary compared to France, Great Britain and even Poland. The Vietnamese fought for their independence. They did not want to starve to death by the millions under foreign rule, as about a million Vietnamese died in 1944 from starvation during the Japanese occupation. But to fight against a nuclear power in order to destroy 2/3 of the Russians, as Walesa calls for, or to ban speaking Russian in the Donbass and Crimea, as Farion, Zelensky, Poroshenko, Biden and McFaul demand, is simply the inadequacy of the Western world.
      2. +1
        April 15 2023 14: 56
        Leonid Tarasyuk was in a partisan detachment in Belarus from the age of 13. In less than 3 years of the war, he personally shot 38 Nazis. He killed mainly sentries from Browning with a caliber of 6,35 mm. Small pistol and shoots quietly. I knew Tarasyuk personally. Mentally, he was completely normal.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      April 13 2023 21: 54
      I’ll add to your list of films the Afghan break, or rather its finale .. after all, our major Katani was not a newcomer, but he complained and .. however, who wants to can watch
    4. 0
      April 13 2023 22: 19
      Quote: fif21
      Look x \ f "Cuckoo", "Bastards"

      "Cuckoo" did not watch, but "bastards" is just an inadequate film.
  6. +2
    April 13 2023 19: 06
    Yes, they will be visible a mile away on the march to the position ...? not right? The length of the sniper and the height of the girl..
    1. -1
      April 14 2023 10: 25
      A cover for a "kayak paddle" should lull the vigilance of Russian soldiers))
    2. +1
      April 15 2023 15: 00
      Max. There are sniper rifles with a folding stock. The length of such a rifle is not much more than that of a Kalashnikov assault rifle.
      1. 0
        4 December 2023 10: 58
        If memory serves, this is SVD-S, but are there so many of them...
  7. -1
    April 13 2023 19: 13
    it is necessary to introduce collective responsibility for their side, in this case, parents should be responsible for the actions of their children
  8. +12
    April 13 2023 19: 37
    The enemy is counting on the fact that a girl dressed in civilian clothes, moving not as part of a military unit, should not arouse any suspicion.

    1. How does a 15-16-year-old girl differ from a 25-26-year-old girl from afar? Even if she's in civilian clothes?
    2. Where does it move? Behind enemy lines? Sniper??!
    3. Should not arouse suspicion, because he moves without a sniper rifle and ammunition, even without a "second number" girlfriend?

    "News" from the category of "fighting geese" and "vampire mosquitoes". The level of the site breaks another bottom.
    1. +2
      April 13 2023 21: 57
      I’ll remember somewhere at the end of 2021, according to YukRayna’s news, there was a video where an aunt under 50 bought a Deutsche sniper rifle with her hard-earned money and menacingly (in her kitchen) promised to shoot Muscovites and separatists .. this is from the same opera as the promise of bald Gordon to tear Adam’s apples or a double-barreled shotgun Kravchuk near the's all hype..
      1. 0
        April 17 2023 11: 38
        gordon yes. "Force". All according to Goebbels. All the Armed Forces of Ukraine must die at the front, but his children, well, no matter how. One was not born in / on 404, the second almost did not live. And everything is very far away. Not even volunteers.
        However, like our propagandists.
        P.S. the editor corrects the word propagandon without errors!
    2. +3
      April 14 2023 10: 55
      I think it's a matter of moral readiness. Teenagers 15-16 is the most violent age. In a peaceful life at this age, they try the boundaries of what is permitted, for which they deservedly receive bream, which ultimately leads to a sense of morality and the ability to sympathize. And in wartime, this absolute cruelty is easy to direct in the right direction.
      Another thing is that cruelty has little effect on the effectiveness of sniper work. Perseverance, patience, concentration, disguise are more important there. And teenagers can have problems with this. Although, the young body has a high endurance.
  9. 0
    April 13 2023 19: 49
    A bullet will not ask for a passport. Recycle them.
  10. +7
    April 13 2023 20: 02
    Recently, more and more information has been coming in that militants of the Kyiv regime are using underage girls of 15-16 years old as snipers, allegedly recruited either in dysfunctional families or in orphanages. The enemy is counting on the fact that a girl dressed in civilian clothes, moving not as part of a military unit, should not arouse any suspicion
    Obvious and far-fetched low-grade nonsense, but it causes a surge of couch-patriotic comments ...
  11. +2
    April 13 2023 20: 23
    The author, who is not indicated, what did he want to report?
    What can be teenagers with weapons in their hands? Or that only Ukrainian? Or just snipers?
    What does the photograph mean? Right, did the author manage to take a picture of the sniper unit?
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. -3
        April 13 2023 22: 02
        I remember the Amer’s film Sniper (from the new ones about Iraq) where a person sees in the sight how a khanum gives a bache (seemingly 10_12 years old) a grenade and sends this shahid to an Amer’s checkpoint .. and the person painfully thinks - what to do something .. wet the punk or wait until this one .. undermines a couple of three JI ???.. .. not 100% but I wang that in the event of a massive appearance in our rear of such Ukrainian ''bastards'' no one will wallow with them .. they will repeat the fate of the ''white tights'' of the times of the Chechen wars ..
        1. -12
          April 13 2023 22: 19
          But before sending it to consumption - let it go in a circle.
        2. +4
          April 13 2023 23: 22
          Somewhere here there should be a tangible line between the liberation of 30% of loyal citizens from 70% of disloyal ones, which there, in the West, will be counted as a genocide worthy of The Hague. I can't vouch for the accuracy of the figures, but even 70% of the loyal ones are cleared from 30% of the disloyal ones - this is already a bloody terror. Can you subscribe to this?
          1. -5
            April 14 2023 07: 48
            As long as there are nuclear weapons, no Hague is terrible.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. -4
                April 14 2023 09: 24
                So it's not the best, let's say, the best part of the gene pool. When instead of a head - an acorn, and instead of a hat - a humic natsyutsyurnik (translation can be searched in the Ukrainian medical dictionary)
                1. 0
                  April 14 2023 14: 01
                  And what, have they already invented a device that allows you to distinguish a patsak from a chatlanin?
                  1. 0
                    April 14 2023 21: 43
                    According to their worldview, without any device, one can see
              2. 0
                April 15 2023 15: 04
                Is the destruction of the Ukronazis really genocide?
                1. The comment was deleted.
        3. +1
          April 14 2023 07: 38
          They are GI and not JI after all, since Ground Infantry (however, there are other translation meanings there).
      2. 0
        April 14 2023 11: 19
        The author, apparently, hints that a soldier of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, having seen a girl in civilian clothes, should destroy her, because. it could very well be a sniper.

        The main thing is that the soldier is not a fool.
        Then they won't shoot at the girls just like that.
    2. -3
      April 14 2023 02: 00
      Quote from Fangaro
      What does the photograph mean?

      It is effective to teach military science, for example, from the age of 8. In the USSR, signalmen were trained in this way. My father knew a man who was called up in the autumn of 1941 at about 14 years old and sent in the winter of 1942 with the task of delivering a radio and ciphers to the encircled corps of General Belov. The man and the walkie-talkie delivered and during the fighting on the way out of the encirclement provided Belov's connection with the higher command. He turned 18 after the end of the war. General Efremov did not manage to deliver a radio, batteries and ciphers, and his troops were completely defeated. At the exercises of the communications unit where there were such soldiers (one or two were enough), those trained in DOSAAF often showed training comparable to special forces intelligence units in maintaining communication stability. However, the fate of a person whose early youth fell on the war often turns out to be difficult and a person hardly enters a peaceful life.
  12. -3
    April 13 2023 20: 25
    In war, as in war! "Utilization" ... it is recycling for everyone ...
  13. -1
    April 13 2023 20: 28
    Any Ukronazi rat that takes up arms in order to kill Russian soldiers must be destroyed without any tears or whining, no matter how old this rat is. At least 5 years - destroy everyone without delay.
  14. +5
    April 13 2023 21: 00
    The enemy is counting on the fact that a girl dressed in civilian clothes, moving not as part of a military unit, should not arouse any suspicion.

    This is something that needs to be chilled out. And a rifle dragging behind with an optical sight will not prompt suspicion for an hour?
    1. +4
      April 13 2023 22: 03
      ..yeah, Stirlitz walked around Berlin and was smart..something betrays a Russian in me..but what?? maybe budenovka or .. parachute ??
      1. +2
        April 14 2023 09: 27
        It was definitely the Order of Lenin on the tunic.
  15. -13
    April 13 2023 21: 37
    Here are these "pioneers" in case of capture - in a soldier's brothel.
    The boys also need relaxation in between fights.
    1. +11
      April 13 2023 21: 49
      You yourself are not disgusting to write this at all?
      1. -12
        April 13 2023 21: 51
        So they still have one road - to the Polish highway.
    2. 0
      April 13 2023 22: 05
      ..maybe someone remembers the history of the polkan during the Chechen wars, who was credited with raping a sniper ... and by the way they did put him in prison .. .. here in the heat of battle to erase such a flower is like two fingers .. but after .. they may regret .. after all, a child ..
      1. -5
        April 13 2023 22: 16
        These are not children - these are fascists. Present and future.
        1. +7
          April 13 2023 22: 48
          Fascists are destroyed, not raped. You won't, for example, desire sexual contact with a cockroach, right? Why do you want with the Nazis?
          1. 0
            April 14 2023 19: 03
            Quote: Metallurg_2
            These are not children - these are fascists. Present and future.
            Quote: Plate
            Fascists are destroyed, not raped. You won't, for example, desire sexual contact with a cockroach, right? Why do you want with the Nazis?
            And why be surprised if his comments are brown ...
      2. -3
        April 14 2023 01: 46
        Quote: WapentakeLokki
        the story of a polkan during the Chechen wars who was credited with the rape of a sniper.

        Budanov raped and killed a girl who had nothing to do with the sniper war. The fact that he was imprisoned for what he had done apparently led to the end of the frantic enmity between Russians and Chechens.
        1. +1
          April 14 2023 10: 54
          There are actually a lot of unknowns. In any case, when it was banged on Komsomolsky Prospekt, there were many flowers there, I saw it personally.
  16. 0
    April 14 2023 00: 33
    This is not for you Solovyov and Armenian political scientists on all TV channels to twist from morning to night ...
    Indeed, since 2004, planned, competent work has been carried out here to inculcate nationalist and Russophobic views in the population, and judging by the results of the SVO, this has been done quite successfully ...
    1. 0
      April 14 2023 01: 51
      Quote: assault
      judging by the results of the SVO, this was done quite successfully

      It's just that the Ukrainian authorities did not mindlessly invest in sports, television, artists and cinema. All this was transferred to commerce, and in honest commerce all the clumsies were eliminated. But for effective work, effective money was paid. For example, the ordinary salary of the militants of the Kyiv Maidan is $150, and an effective militant in January in a relatively quiet time received 2 euros in 2000 weeks. In Russia, there is wild leveling and privileges for people of their own circle.
  17. 0
    April 14 2023 07: 29
    The Kiev regime, with the help of aggressive propaganda, influences the minds of Ukrainian citizens, even of the youngest age. Starting from elementary school, neo-Nazi ideology and Russophobia are instilled in children.

    Have they been inoculating something else since the age of 91?
    I talked with a Ukrainian schoolboy for another year in 2010. Hair stood on end, what they are taught! The "Russian-German war" of 1939, when the Russians attacked Poland, and Germany sent in its troops to stop them. The Russians got scared and took only half. This is the softest thing I've heard.
    And fairy tales about "ancient Ukrainians who dug up the Black Sea", an absolute inability for critical thinking and already embedded hatred and fanaticism are in the order of things.
    So it was long before the events in the Crimea!
  18. 0
    April 14 2023 08: 53
    In war, as in war: you have to destroy.
  19. -3
    April 14 2023 09: 21
    They can also abandon the Volkssturm, and recruit a new heavenly hundred of children for the crusade. There, already beyond good and evil, coke addicts are turning political technologies. This is agony.
    1. +1
      April 14 2023 12: 02
      Have we already surrounded Kyiv? He has agony.
    2. 0
      April 14 2023 14: 08
      And in my opinion, agony is a unanimously accepted infringement of the rights, without trial or investigation, of people who rarely visit Gosuslugi.
  20. +1
    April 14 2023 16: 06
    “The Kiev regime, with the help of aggressive propaganda, influences the minds of Ukrainian citizens, even of the youngest age. Starting from elementary school, children are instilled with neo-Nazi ideology and Russophobia.
    “Of course they will. , radio and TV transmitters are shelling the devil knows what !!!
  21. 0
    April 14 2023 18: 22
    Bohužel i dívka 15-16 let, když má zbraň a ostré náboje je voják a musí počítat se vším.
    1. -1
      April 14 2023 18: 22
      Unfortunately, even a girl of 15-16 years old, when she has a gun and live ammunition, she is a soldier and must take everything into account.
  22. +1
    April 15 2023 15: 21
    A 15 year old girl with a sniper rifle can be deadly. A professional sniper will quickly eliminate it. But during this time she can shoot several people.
  23. +1
    April 17 2023 11: 56
    The cause of the Hitler Youth lives and flourishes
  24. 0
    April 17 2023 20: 44
    Well, our Army has already been through this. In Chechnya. I don't know about minors, but sniper girls dressed in *civilian* were common there.
    Well, since banderlogs are switching to this way of seeing the war, then it is quite possible to expect young *shahids*. And the worst thing is that it will be much more difficult to calculate these.