Joaquin Murieta. The Spirit of Sonora and the "Mexican Robin Hood"

Joaquin Murieta. The Spirit of Sonora and the "Mexican Robin Hood"
Image of Joaquin Murieta by Thomas Armstrong, 1853

В previous article was told about the California Gold Rush of 1848-1855. and the appearance of the most famous "noble robber" of those places - Joaquin Murieta. He became a national hero in several Latin American countries, moreover, by the beginning of the XNUMXth century, he was considered a revolutionary and a fighter for justice, even in American California. Today we will continue this story, talk about the robbery exploits of the "ataman" Murieta, loud posthumous fame and the "second life" that he found on the pages of books and movie screens.

"Noble Rogue"?

As we remember from the previous article, Joaquin Murieta was not a Chilean, but a Mexican, and he began his career as a robber in September 1851, when he joined a gang organized by his wife's brother, Claudio Felis. According to a widespread version, this happened after the death of his wife, who was raped by a gang of Anglo-Saxon miners. Later, he organized his own "brigade", which was often called the "gang of five Joaquins" - since this name, in addition to Murieta himself, was borne by 4 more members of this band of robbers. We also remember that Joaquin did not offend his compatriots, which is why he got the halo of a “noble robber”, even a defender of the Mexicans from the “gringo”, who only takes away from the “occupiers” what should rightfully belong to the Mexicans (although even more than the whites got from him to the Chinese).

Murieta was lucky, and it is believed that the booty of his gang was a very large amount of 100 thousand dollars at that time, which approximately corresponds to 2 modern dollars. The victims of the bandits were 380 Chinese and 000 "gringos", some authors say that three of those killed were sheriffs. Three ranger detachments, which were created specifically to fight the "gang of five Joaquins", also suffered losses. In addition, the people of Murieta stole over a hundred horses, which they resold in Mexico, and horse stealing was then more than reprehensible. In the already cited first article O. Henry's story "The Vile Deceiver" says this about the kidnapping of the horse by the protagonist:

“If the murder of a daring partner somewhat darkened the reputation of the Kid as a trustworthy citizen, then this last act of his covered him with a dark cloak of dishonor. On the border of the Rio Grande, if you take a life from a man, you sometimes take away rubbish; but when you take away his horse, it is a loss from which he really becomes poorer.

In the end, a reward of 10 thousand dollars was announced for Murieta's head, and in early May 1853, California Governor John Bigler instructed Captain Harry Love to form a new detachment of rangers from veterans of the Mexican-American War - 20 people with a good salary of $ 150 a month .

Captain Harry Love

The contract was concluded for three months. For additional incentives, a bonus of $1000 from the authorities was appointed for each murdered member of the "gang of five Joaquins", and the Chinese diaspora promised to add the same amount. And Captain Howard, the owner of one of the large surrounding ranches, singled out the best horses.

I must say that Lava's subordinates themselves were by no means "good boys", at least two of them were murderers: one shot the head of the expedition in which he took part, the other - the waiter.

The end of the "gang of five Joaquins"

Only at the end of the term, on July 25, 1853, Captain Love's rangers attacked Murieta's trail: they met Indians who told about suspicious Mexicans who bought food from them. Murieta's detachment was overtaken near Arroyo de Cantua - on the edge of the Diablo mountain range (modern Santa Clara County, California). In a short fight, two people were killed, three were captured. These captives (as well as 17 other people familiar with the “noble robber”) confirmed that one of the dead was Joaquin Murieta, the second was Manuel Garcia (“Three-fingered Jack”). Murieta's head and Three-Finger Jack's hand were placed in alcohol and delivered to the governor, who paid the Rangers $5. There were rumors among the people that instead of Murieta, Joaquin Valenzuela was killed, especially since other bandits covered themselves with the name of Murieta for a long time, and one of his nephews named Procopio acted in California in the 1860-1870s, declaring that he wants to surpass the glory of his famous relative. However, at that time, robberies in California had practically ceased.

Harry Love tried to cash in on showing the head of Joaquin Murieta and the severed hand of Three-Fingered Jack. He traveled to California cities, and at first his "exhibition" was a success.

Announcement inviting to see the head of Joaquin Murieta (entrance cost one dollar)

In 1856, the captain sold his “trophies”, which ended up in the San Francisco Pacific Museum in 1881, where they burned down during the 1906 earthquake.

Birth of a legend

Murieta's robbery career lasted less than two years, but even during this time he managed to become so famous that already in 1854 the Indian John Rollin Ridge, who, according to some sources, was the son of the leader of his tribe, wrote and published the book "The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta: A Notorious California Bandit. This book sold a very solid circulation of 7 thousand copies at that time, but Ridge did not receive money for it - he was deceived by the publisher. However, he entered history as the first Native American writer. It was Ridge who laid the foundations of the legend, which told about dubious, from the point of view of serious researchers, episodes of abuse of the hero’s wife, which ended in her death, the hanging of Joaquin’s brother and Rosita’s brother, who were unreasonably accused of stealing horses, as well as the mockery of Joaquin himself who was tied to a tree and whipped. Here is how this episode looks like in the American film "Robin Hood of Eldorado" (1936):

Murieta's further robbery activities, of course, were presented as the hero's noble revenge on the gringo scoundrels. What's more, according to Ridge, Murieta nearly started a full-blown Mexican uprising in California. The book was a success, and very soon other works on the subject began to appear. In some of them, the Mexican Murieta became a Chilean born in the city of Quilleta. His wife was called Carmela, Bellora or Teresa, and in the poem "California" the Aztec emperor Montezuma was declared her ancestor. Joaquin began to be called the Mexican Robin Hood, the Spirit (or Ghost) of Sonora, and even the Robber Napoleon. In general, by 1870, Joaquin had become a national hero in several Latin American countries, and at the beginning of the 1969th century, Murieta was considered a revolutionary and a fighter for justice already in American California. Serious American historians began to write about him, for example, Hubert Bancroft and Theodore Hittell. Based on their "scientific" works, subsequent historians further strengthened the image of the brave fighter for the freedom of compatriots Joaquin Murieta. Things got to the point that some residents of California began to proudly tell that it was their house (or the ranch of their ancestors) that the “noble robber Joaquin” once robbed. Currently, every year on the last weekend of July, "pilgrims" on foot through the mountains and the desert cross the California Valley - to the city of Arroyo de Cantua, in the vicinity of which Joaquin Murieta was killed. At the end of the 1971th century, Murieta's name was given to the Research Center of the University of California at Chicano, founded in 1967, which studies ethnic and racial communities. This story attracted the attention of Pablo Neruda, the Nobel laureate in literature in 23, who, as we remember, wrote the “dramatic cantata” in 1853 “The Radiance and Death of Joaquin Murieta, a Chilean brigand, vilely murdered in California on July XNUMX, XNUMX.” Pay attention: vilely killed, it turns out, the robber, and not his victims.

The romanticized image of Murieta had a huge influence on the formation of another legend - about Zorro (Don Diego dela Vega). The "literary father" of this character was Johnston McCully, who in 1919 wrote the first story - "The Curse of Capistrano". In total, he wrote more than 60 works on this topic. McCully directly said that he was inspired by the story of the robber Murieta. And already in 1920, the first film about Zorro was shot.

The second life of Joaquin Murrieta

But Murieta himself was not deprived of the attention of filmmakers. Among others, the following films were filmed in different countries: "Robin Hood from Eldorado" (1936, American studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), "Bandit Queen" (1950, USA), "The Last Rebel" (1958 ., Mexico), "Pyro" (1962, USA), "Murieta" (1965, Spain), "Under the Mask of Zorro" (1965, Italy), "Desperate Mission" (1969, USA ), the series "Head of Joaquin Murieta" (2023).

Poster for the movie Pyro, USA, 1962

In addition, separate chapters of the TV series California Bandits (1951), Stories of the Century (1954) and Big Valley (1967) were dedicated to Murieta.

In 1998, the film The Mask of Zorro, shot in the United States, was released, one of the heroes of which was Joaquin Murieta: with a budget of $ 95 million, it grossed more than 250 million at the box office. The main role of Alejandro Murieta (the fictional brother of Joaquin) was played by Antonio Banderas: under the guise of Zorro, he avenges his brother and kills the same Captain Love, who saved California from the raids of the Murieta gang (in the film he is not called Harry, but Harrison).

Joaquin Murieta and his brother Alejandro in The Mask of Zorro

In 2005, the documentary "Behind the Mask of Zorro" (History Channel) was released, which talked about Joaquin Murieta and the film "The Mask of Zorro".

From a reality that was not very attractive and did not at all smell of perfumes and flowers, Joaquin Murieta stepped into a beautiful legend. And now it doesn't matter who he really was. In the minds of hundreds of millions of people, Murieta will forever remain a “noble avenger”, standing on a par with such characters as Robin Hood, Rob Roy (Robert McGregor), the corsair Henry Morgan, a rebel, a “sorcerer” and the hero of numerous “tales” and folk songs Stenka Razin (whom A. S. Pushkin called "the only poetic person in Russian history"). But Jeanne d'Arc's colleague Gilles de Rais was not lucky: he was supposed to get into a heroic poem, but ended up in a terrible children's fairy tale in the role of Duke Bluebeard.

Adventures of Joaquin Murieta in the USSR and post-Soviet Russia

But let's get back to Joaquin Murieta, who became widely known in our country thanks to the rock opera by Alexei Rybnikov, written on the basis of the poem by Pavel Grushko (and its source was Pablo Neruda's "dramatic cantata"). For the first time, the opera The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta was staged in May 1976 on the stage of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater, the main role went to the young Alexander Abdulov. It is interesting that the performance was conceived only as a "staging in the foyer", but after the "deafening" success of the first shows, it was transferred to the big stage. With constant success, this performance at Lenkom went on for 17 seasons.

A. Abdulov as Murieta

In 1978, the double album "Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta" took 1st place in the charts of the best records, and in 1979 Alexei Lvovich was recognized as the most popular composer of the year. The part of Teresa was entrusted to Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya with a unique voice with a range of 4 octaves. Joaquin (as well as Death) was sung by Gennady Trofimov, who is sometimes called one of the most underrated vocalists of the Soviet Union - he could sing arias as a bass profundo, lyric baritone and dramatic tenor. On the recommendation of Alexei Rybnikov, he was accepted into the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater, where, in addition to participating in performances, he "staged" the voice of A. Abdulov, N. Karachentsev and E. Shanina.

G. Trofimov, A. Rybnikov, J. Rozhdestvenskaya

New editions of this disc were produced almost every year by the Aprelevsk, Leningrad, Riga and Tashkent phonograph records factories until 1991.

"The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta", CD 1978

Finally, in 1982, the film of the same name by Vladimir Grammatikov was released on cinema screens. Alexei Rybnikov did not like this picture, and he did not even allow him to put his name among the authors of the script.

Joaquin and Teresa (A. Kharitonov and A. Belyak) in the Soviet film "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta"

It is curious that in the roles of Anglo-Saxon bandits, the audience saw the famous rock musician I. Sandler, the keyboardist of the Integral group, and the singer and composer Y. Loza, even more famous in those years.

Y. Loza (first from left) and I. Sandler (third from left) in the film "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta"

The film of the Yalta branch of the Gorky Central Film Studio for Children (!) and Youth Films turned out to be not hard and even cruel in the Soviet way. Some even spoke of "savoring the scenes of violence."

“The public loves when blood is gushing from the screen” (A. Filippenko as Death)

Frame of the film "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta": the wife of one of the gringos, who had just killed two Chileans who raped her in front of her husband

But the libretto was written according to the "dramatic cantata" of the communist Pablo Neruda. And another Chilean communist, the famous singer and composer Victor Jara, who was killed during the coup d'état on September 11, 1973, wrote the song "Cueca de Joaquín Murieta":

My life is like Joaquin Murrieta's
The purpose of my life is to protect our people.
Long live Joaquin Murieta,
His wild hands, his vengeful eyes.

As well as the song "Asícomo hoy matan negros" ("And today they kill blacks"), which he performed with the group banned by Pinochet Inti-Illimani ("Illimani Sun"). It contained these lines:

Blacks that are killed today,
They used to be Mexican.
This is how Chileans are killed
Who argues with them about the land
And who in the forehead challenges them ...
He's a Chilean bandit
This is our Joaquin Murieta.

Pablo Neruda and Victor Jara

But it was the Inti-Illimani group that became famous throughout the world with the famous song Venceremos, the alternative and which became the canonical text of which was written by Victor Khara in 1970. And about which Salvador Allende said:

"There can be no revolution without a song."

Stamp of the GDR with a portrait of S. Allende

Group "Inti-Illimani" (Illimani is the name of the mountain, literally translated into Russian, its name means "Golden Eagle")

With such "trump cards in hand" it was even possible to "sit down to play" with the leaders of the Goskino USSR: by banning such an "ideologically consistent" film, it was easy to please the "accomplices of world imperialism" as well. The Soviet film directors had to “close their eyes” to the episodes of the second part of this picture, shocking with their cruel naturalism.

In 2008, the rock opera The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta was also staged by the Alexei Rybnikov Theater (A. L. Rybnikov State Creative Workshop). The premiere performances were shown on November 27-30 in the Mir Concert Hall, the leading roles were played by S. Svetikova and D. Koldun, and I. Sandler, who starred in Grammatikov's film as one of Murieta's enemies, tried himself in the role of Death. One of these performances was attended by the French couturier Pierre Cardin, a big fan of Juno and Avos, another famous opera by A. Rybnikov.

Alexey Rybnikov and Pierre Cardin in the couturier's theater, arranged in a former quarry, France, Lacoste, Marquis de Sade castle, 2008

And then the audience saw a new version of the play about Joaquin Murieta. The reason was the exorbitant financial claims of P. Grushko, who moved to the USA, who demanded completely unrealistic money for the use of the theater by A. Rybnikov with his texts. Having been refused, he went to court, but lost the case. Meanwhile, this conflict was the reason for the revision of the opera in the direction of greater reliability. Joaquin again (as expected) became a Mexican, his wife regained the name Rosita. Instead of Death, a new character appeared. A. Rybnikov said:

“The performance begins and ends with the Mexican carnival scene with its mystical atmosphere... In the midst of the fun, the sorcerer Diablero appears, who gradually draws careless people into incomprehensible events, drags them into the pursuit of Gold, at the same time promising everyone a bloody denouement.”

The performance was called "Joaquin Murieta". The new texts of the arias were written by Yuli Kim, who had known the composer since the filming of the film "Treasure Island" (it was released in 1971), and further cooperation was continued on the filming of the movie fairy tale "About Little Red Riding Hood". Julius Kim spoke about his work in the following way:

“After leaving the musical form, it was necessary to introduce something new into the dramaturgy ... In the legendary performance of the 70s, the heroes of the action were Chileans. The real participants in the story of Joaquin are Mexicans (after all, Joaquin is a historical person, and not just a hero of a legend, and his homeland is Mexico) ... In the first version (as everyone remembers, it was called "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta"), two mystical powers: Star and Death. In the present - we got rid of mysticism. We have real people. True, the villain still turned out with a slightly mystical tinge, but with a completely earthly, cynical philosophy and with a completely earthly, villainous character. These are the significant changes. This was reflected in a slightly different character of the play itself, in the relationship between the characters. The performance, of course, is about Love.

Joaquin and Rosita performed by P. Zibrov and M. Savina on the stage of the Alexei Rybnikov Theater

The level of new poems, perhaps, turned out to be higher than in Grushko's version, and most importantly, the characters began to act more logically, and the action, in comparison with Grammatikov's film, lost not only part of the pathos, but also the caricature vulgarity of some episodes. So, in the Soviet film, the gold diggers' saloon, apparently, was supposed to illustrate the thesis about the "rotten essence of social relations in a capitalist society." The defiantly vulgar performance of the local "actresses" was then parodied in the comedy "The Man from the Capuchin Boulevard." And in the film “Spirit of Sonora” by A. Rybnikov, filmed according to the new version of the play, the girls entertaining the miners look much more decent - while maintaining all the attributes of a cheap variety show for an undemanding public. "Saloon girls" from Grammatikov's film are clearly and unequivocally defined by the audience as "ladies of easy virtue." In The Spirit of Sonora, the audience saw a troupe of not-too-lucky professional dancers and singers who, due to various circumstances, are forced to earn a living by performing for the rough prospectors of wild California.

Frame from the film "Spirit of Sonora"

One of these “light genre” actresses gets a job (appears with a letter of recommendation) right before the performance:

And after about half a minute we see the stage image of this, quite recently such a modest and seemingly inconspicuous girl:

And it was not at all the obsessive harassment of one of these girls to Joaquin that provoked a bloody quarrel between the Mexicans and the Anglo-Saxons.

On the other hand, the main hit of this opera, Rosita's aria, now sounds more organically: the heroine simply talks about her feelings for Joaquin. The well-known aria of the Star in the perfect and unsurpassed performance of Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya is without a doubt one of the best musical numbers of the entire XNUMXth century. But it has nothing to do with the action of the play - it is an absolutely independent and self-sufficient work. "Star" after all, as we remember from first article, in Neruda's original cantata, this is not a character at all, but Fulqor, an epithet referring to Joaquín Murieta: his "radiance", or "brilliance", even "magnificence". And therefore A. Rybnikov was absolutely right, combining the images of the Star and Teresa in the new version of his opera and transferring to the Mexican sorcerer the parts of another non-existent character - Death, which in the title of Neruda's "dramatic cantata" is simply death (as a biological process). By the way, it was also easy to do without this sorcerer, but it was a pity to refuse already written and very good musical fragments.

In 2015, the film "Spirit of Sonora" was filmed. Composer Alexei Rybnikov in this case acted as the author of the script, director and general producer.

P. Zibrov and L. Khasanova in the film "Spirit of Sonora"

Sketch and implementation:

This film is unusual in that the actors really "live" sang on the set. Filming took place in the pavilions of Mosfilm, where the square of the Mexican city, the ship, the saloon of gold diggers and other scenery were built. The premiere was planned to take place in October 2017 at the film festival in the Mexican city of Oaxaca, but it was canceled due to the earthquake. As a result, the world premiere took place on November 11 of the same year in New Delhi as part of the Days of Russian Cinema in India festival. And in 2019, this film was shown in Berlin and Cannes. While maintaining the drama and tragedy, this film turned out to be much less cruel compared to the Soviet one. The scenes of violence in The Spirit of Sonora are less naturalistic and more theatrical. Since they are, in essence, only illustrating the musical theme, they take up much less screen time - exactly as much as the soundtrack lasts.

“Spirit of Sonora” is, first of all, a musical film, for its full-fledged display with high-quality sound reproduction, equipment of a very high level is required. Such an opportunity has now appeared in the Gradsky Hall Theater and Concert Association, whose artistic director is A. L. Rybnikov. In 2022, a huge black screen was purchased from the German company Gerreits, which is now used to create light paintings and video installations. It greatly expanded the possibilities of the site.

A photograph illustrating the possibilities of the screen of the Gradsky Hall theater stage: Bonaparte's coronation, a scene from the play Le prince Andre. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky" (October 21, 2022)

That is why it was decided to stage a fundamentally new theatrical performance in this theater with the participation of rock musicians and vocalists who will accompany the screening of the film "Spirit of Sonora" with live music. Aleksey Rybnikov has not yet revealed all the secrets, the premiere is planned for the end of the 2022-2023 theatrical season.
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  1. +10
    April 10 2023 04: 08
    》if you take a life from a person, you sometimes take away nonsense; but when you take away his horse, it is a loss that really makes him poorer.

    Think about it, I won't even comment on it)

    》Please note: meanly killed, it turns out, the robber, not his victims.
    Occupiers, thieves and rapists were killed.

    The South American wave will change many issues in the US, which is a matter of time.

    Thanks for the article, popularizing personalities is always a plus.)
    1. +10
      April 10 2023 05: 51
      Everything is “normal”, we have similar excesses. I have already mentioned the national hero of Bashkortostan Salavat Yulaev. However, Senka Razin and Emelyan Pugachev are no better. Although we have and innocently slandered. For example, Yermak, on whom the sins of his comrade Ivan Koltso were "hung". By the way, also an interesting character. Khakan was no match for the latter. The scope is not the same.
      Thank you Valery !!!
      1. +9
        April 10 2023 06: 17
        I remember a character in Gorky, who admired Stepan Razin, but not Pugachev.

        In general, it is better to stay away from the public, with the habit of taking someone else's.

        Although, the same O'Henry also referred to them businessmen from Wall Street.
        1. +10
          April 10 2023 08: 50
          Although, the same O'Henry also referred to them businessmen from Wall Street.
          Shark Dodson, robbed a train, killed an accomplice, ended up becoming a Wall Street businessman. Dear man laughing
          1. +10
            April 10 2023 10: 29

            “There are two kinds of swindles so pernicious,” Jeff said, “that they should be destroyed by the legislature. This is, firstly, Wall Street speculation, and secondly, burglary.
            “Well, everyone will agree with you about one of them,” I said, laughing.
            “No, no, and burglary is also prohibited,” Jeff said, and it occurred to me that I might have been laughing inappropriately.
            1. VLR
              April 10 2023 10: 36
              "What is robbing a bank compared to founding a bank?"

              (Brecht, The Threepenny Opera)
              And this is T. Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States:
              I believe that the institution of banks is more dangerous than an armed army.

              1. +7
                April 10 2023 11: 51
                How nice it is when different people have a similar vision of the banking sector.
                1. +8
                  April 10 2023 11: 57
                  Murieta's tragedy is that he failed to become a Wall Street shark laughing
                  1. +7
                    April 10 2023 12: 59
                    Like a successful pirate, he becomes an oligarch banker.
                    1. 0
                      April 10 2023 16: 26
                      If he became a banker, the author would not write about him as a robber. smile
                  2. +7
                    April 10 2023 15: 16
                    So, they weren’t the 90s, ours at that time got into banks and factories
        2. +1
          April 10 2023 11: 40
          In the end, a reward of 10 thousand dollars was announced for Murieta's head, and in early May 1853, California Governor John Bigler instructed Captain Harry Love to form a detachment of rangers from veterans of the Mexican-American War - 20 people with a good salary of 150 dollars a month.

          a photo. rangers with captured members of the Mexican Eagles gang in the Wild West. 19th century
          1. +5
            April 10 2023 13: 49
            Quote: Richard

            a photo. rangers with captured members of the Mexican Eagles gang in the Wild West. 19th century


            Clip Eagles "Take It Easy" - 1972 Wild West
            1. +3
              April 10 2023 14: 57
              Hello, Alexander
              It looks like you are right. My fault that I believed the captions under the photo on the Internet and inserted it on the site. Please do not judge strictly, as I am not a fan of the Eagles"
              A Google image search turned up the following:
              Sheriffs tower over captured and bound Eagles members during a photo shoot for the Desperado album. Dead criminals (left to right): Jackson Browne, Bernie Leadon, Glenn Frey, Randy Meisner, Don Henley and J. Dee Sauter. (Photo by Henry Diltz/Corbis via Getty Images)

              I apologize to the forum users for this mistake. request
              1. +5
                April 10 2023 22: 07
                Quote: Richard
                Hello, Alexander

                I apologize to the forum users for this mistake. request

                Good evening or morning to you, my comment was without any "back thoughts", it's just that these "suspicious persons" from the "Eagles" gang were familiar to me from childhood, and the photo looks like a frame from an old clip. wink
                Ironically enough, California, rock bands... laughing
      2. +7
        April 10 2023 09: 13
        However, Senka Razin and Emelyan Pugachev are no better.
        Who gave them up? Their own, in order to earn forgiveness. And who was behind them? Those whose interests were affected. The top, the Cossacks. And what hit? The arbitrariness of the authorities, the abuse of power by officials due to the lack of proper control over the actions of the authorities. Restriction of privileges, the local elite. Interests crossed, which resulted in uprisings, as a result: the tops found a compromise, and the nominees of the shtetl elite became scoundrels.
      3. +10
        April 10 2023 09: 52
        mentioned the national hero of Bashkortostan Salavat Yulaev
        This is understandable. And here
        However, Senka Razin with Emelyan Pugachev
        what didn’t our Emelian Feodorovich please? Just shortly before these events, we came from the Don, and very actively helped our tsar-priest Peter the Third.
    2. +11
      April 10 2023 09: 47
      Thanks for the article, popularizing personalities is always a plus
      I didn’t know anything about the hero of the article .. Now I don’t know what to do with this information, but I definitely join the thanks to the author.
  2. +8
    April 10 2023 05: 52
    How romantic... a noble robber was killed by Anglo-Saxon bandits. what
    The Mexican's life ended with a googolin fate.
    Nowadays, they kill for an apartment or any other trifle ... horses are not quoted.
    The movie about Murieta is very extravagantly made ... I liked the Indian music ... and there is not enough realism in the scenes of violence.
    1. +10
      April 10 2023 09: 55
      Nowadays they kill for an apartment
      A resident of a metropolis? Nowadays, they can beat a bubble. Or you just didn’t like your face. Everything in this raging world is ghostly ... There is only a moment. Hold on to it.
  3. +10
    April 10 2023 06: 13
    Thank you, Valery!
    The long-standing thesis is confirmed that the event is very different from subsequent stories about it.
  4. +11
    April 10 2023 06: 48
    Grushko, of course, disappointed ((nevertheless, still under the impression of the text of the opening composition about Chile and Trofimov's voice:
    “Here the roofs and pears are wet from the rain, and vineyards wander along the slopes, jasmines smell, and the night, its pale beam on silence and sleep, streams onto the endless expanse and deserts.
    Thanks to fate that I was born in this space, that these constellations were in my years .... ".
    And right after this lyrical description of Murietta's homeland, it goes that everything is in Chile "... only there is no life ...". The poetics of romanticism and the dull prose of life are won back with a bang by this technique.
    1. +6
      April 10 2023 07: 14
      Grushko, of course, disappointed

      It depends on what Grushko. For example, Viktor Fedorovich did not disappoint anyone, except for the enemies of the USSR.

      Viktor Fedorovich Grushko (July 10, 1930, Taganrog - November 20, 2001, Moscow) - Soviet intelligence officer, Colonel General (13.04.1991/1/2), XNUMXst Deputy Chairman of the KGB of the USSR, head of the XNUMXnd Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. Legendary personality.
      1. +7
        April 10 2023 07: 37
        History as V.F. Grushko ended up in the KGB and is anecdotal and instructive.
        V.F. Grushko, after graduating from MGIMO, was sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work in Norway as a cultural attaché. At this time, Sweden nominated M. Sholokhov for the Nobel Prize. There was a meeting of the Nobel Committee with the writer, whose translator was a young attaché. When asked by Sholokhov, what is the difference between social realism from the ordinary one in his usual manner of “chopping from the shoulder”, answered - “the same as the male “X” from the female “P”. The royal family and many Russian emigrants were in the hall. A scandal was brewing. Then V. Grushko, who translated the nominee, explained committee that Sholokhov means that social realism is different from ordinary realism - how the philosophical concepts of Yin and Yang differ. They have common philosophical roots, are similar in many respects, but still different. The audience calmed down and applauded. The KGB of the USSR appreciated the improvisation of the young resourceful diplomat and transferred from the Foreign Ministry to the KGB Sholokhov received the Nobel Prize and was friends with Grushko until the end of his life.
        PS. I had the honor to listen to his lectures while studying at VVPU them. Voroshilov
        1. +7
          April 10 2023 07: 52
          What a glorious story. I always suspected that when used correctly, Yin and Yang could be the key to everything.

          Only in our country has its own adaptation, however, with a pronounced expression.
    2. +5
      April 10 2023 13: 46
      "Smell of jasmines", perhaps Jasmines?
      1. 0
        April 29 2023 11: 27
        Maybe you mean jazzmen? :)
  5. +10
    April 10 2023 06: 54
    it was the Inti-Illimani group that became famous all over the world with the famous song Venceremos, the alternative and which became the canonical text of which was written by Victor Khara in 1970

    I don’t remember the Inti-Illimani group, but in the USSR this song became popular and sounded “out of every iron” thanks to Dean Reed
    1. +12
      April 10 2023 10: 04
      We had different irons. Another song sounded from our irons. This oneI remember the camp counselor sang soulfully to the guitar by the fire, well, we howled as best we could. Don’t ask where she knew this complicated Mexican language, I don’t know. But the girl with a red tie and a Komsomol badge on her high chest sang very beautifully.
      1. 0
        April 10 2023 10: 33
        Where did she know this complicated Mexican language, don’t ask, I don’t know. But she sang very beautifully

        Did she sing this song in Mexican? Strange feel
        1. VLR
          April 10 2023 10: 42
          Or, sang in "their own language" with the addition of some of the more familiar Spanish words? By the way, many professional singers admitted that sometimes they forgot the text and began to improvise. And it often "rolled", especially if the text is in a foreign language, and with the knowledge of foreign languages ​​in our country it has always been bad. And in the yards, sometimes quite seriously they sang "I'll find vodka" and "And I'm a fish, I'm a fish", etc.
          1. +2
            April 10 2023 11: 10
            Greetings, Valery hi
            I have no doubts about the comments of a colleague not the one that the girl sang both beautifully and correctly. I was just surprised - like the Mexican language does not exist - Spanish is in use there. However, I am not an expert in this matter, I could be wrong.
            PS. Thank you for an interesting article and no less interesting comments.
            1. VLR
              April 10 2023 11: 12
              Of course, the Mexican language does not exist. The official language is Spanish, and there are 69 more regional languages.
              1. +10
                April 10 2023 12: 06
                Of course. I just forgot to write the word "shovel", well, or an appropriate emoticon. I hoped for a healthy sense of humor. I hoped in vain, Dmitry did not appreciate it, he went into the search engine to look for the Mexican language. .
                1. +2
                  April 10 2023 12: 48
                  I hoped for a healthy sense of humor. I hoped in vain, Dmitry did not appreciate it, he got into the search engine to look for the Mexican language.

                  Yes! So immediately climbed smile We are grasping rural people - in vain it is not customary to spend on the Internet. I just called the Mexican embassy for help wink
                  To your health, not the one drinks
            2. +9
              April 10 2023 12: 09
              Quote: Richard
              There is no Mexican language - Spanish is spoken there.
              “I understand what your trouble is: you are too serious. A smart face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile" ©
              1. +1
                April 10 2023 14: 19
                “I understand what your trouble is: you are too serious. A smart face is not yet a sign of intelligence. All the stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression.

                I forgot about your oxymoron about the Mexican language, and you seem to be seriously offended. Diagnosis began. Calm down, nothing bad happened. With whom it does not happen - and there is no need to make excuses and be offended.
  6. +12
    April 10 2023 07: 18
    About the "Spirit of Sonora" did not even hear anything. Now I searched - so far I found only a trailer. It will be necessary to see it in its entirety, Rybnikov is Rybnikov ..
    1. VLR
      April 10 2023 08: 28
      As I understand it, this film was not shown in cinemas and was not broadcast on TV because of A. Rybnikov's high demands on sound quality: as a composer, he attached great importance to this. It seems that there was an idea to show the film in theaters, but it did not work out. And now, in fact, the Russian premiere will be in the Gradsky Hall. The film will be shown on a unique screen, which I wrote about, but without sound - arias will be performed live by rock musicians and opera singers.
      1. +12
        April 10 2023 09: 57
        Damn. Here you have life in full swing in your big cities .. I even envied you a little ... Nothing, but we have good fishing, although there is no Rybnikov.
        1. +10
          April 10 2023 10: 26
          And one complements the other. I often think how much life depends on the place of birth, or on the school I went to.
          1. +9
            April 10 2023 12: 11
            Yes. Absolutely. And also the nationality and faith of your ancestors.
            1. +9
              April 10 2023 13: 03
              Yes. Khomyakov summarized this in Semeramide.
  7. +12
    April 10 2023 07: 34
    Thanks to the author!
    Pleased with:
    So, in the Soviet film, the gold diggers' saloon, apparently, was supposed to illustrate the thesis about the "rotten essence of social relations in a capitalist society."

    Well, of course, the Soviets wanted to defame the bright image of gold-digging saloons and salons in the American West in general, which are highly spiritual establishments for the recreation of the working masses.
    In this, they picked up the tradition of immoral and low-spiritual Hollywood. laughing laughing
    1. +9
      April 10 2023 09: 24
      a bright image of the saloons of gold prospectors and salons in the American West in general, which are highly spiritual establishments for the recreation of the working masses.
      Moreover, only graduates of courses with a theater and musical education were hired to work in these saloons, so that they would bring culture to the masses, and raise the spiritual level of gold miners. laughing
      1. VLR
        April 10 2023 16: 17
        Of course, the actresses of the gold digger salons were not particularly high moral. But in the film Grammatikov and Rybnikov have different accents. At Grammatikov - their first profession - prostitutes, and they sing and dance part-time. Rybnikov has exactly female artists, who, of course, can provide other services, but not necessarily. Who came to earn some money, someone just has such a situation, there is no way out.
        1. +5
          April 10 2023 19: 11
          Rybnikov has exactly female artists, who, of course, can provide other services, but not necessarily. Who came to earn some money, someone just has such a situation, there is no way out.

          good evening,
          so I joked. laughing laughing laughing
          BUT doesn't what happened in the mines and saloons testify to the "rotten essence of social relations in a capitalist society", or is it an invention of Soviet propaganda? For example, Sergio Leone, Sergio Corbucci, Clint Eastwood were not in the service of Soviet propaganda, but the saloon was depicted in the same way as in Star and Death.
  8. +4
    April 10 2023 08: 12
    It is curious that in the roles of Anglo-Saxon bandits, the audience saw the famous rock musician I. Sandler, the keyboardist of the Integral group, and the singer and composer Y. Loza, even more famous in those years.

    In fact, their playing, as well as the music, did not make a special impression on me, but A. Filipenko in the role of Death was remembered. Talented artist with a capital letter!
    1. VLR
      April 10 2023 08: 53
      But at least half of Filippenko's success was achieved thanks to the performance of the arias of his hero by Trofimov - perhaps the favorite vocalist A. Rybnikov. And here is Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya, his favorite vocalist without any "maybe". By the way, the well-known songs of Little Red Riding Hood were performed by her daughter Olga.
      And in the film "Spirit of Sonora" this aria is already a sorcerer, not Death, quieter and "slower".
    2. +8
      April 10 2023 09: 04
      I remember the beginning of this aria (the first verse) from the 80s. Yes, it still makes an impression.
    3. +3
      April 10 2023 09: 08
      A. Filipenko
      Great actor! That's just because of the colorful appearance of the role in the cinema, he got mostly negative characters. I remembered "Solo Voyage" and the first "It's Hard to Be a God".
      Hello Dmitry!
      1. Fat
        April 10 2023 09: 36
        Hello Anton. Filipenko in the film "Star and Death ..." played the role of death ... Obviously, he did a great job ... In the TV series "Master and Margarita" 2005, he plays the role of Azazello.
        And Azazel taught people to make swords, knives, shields, armor, mirrors, bracelets and various ornaments; taught to paint armor, use precious stones and all kinds of jewelry and cosmetics, so that the earth was corrupted.
        - Enoch 14
        a very unsympathetic demon, however, it is difficult to call it a completely negative hero
      2. +9
        April 10 2023 12: 14
        A. Filipenko
        A wonderful actor! I remembered "Solo Voyage"
        Interesting, Anton, interesting ... Can you tell me who he plays there? I don’t remember something ... I remember Nozhkin. I remember Fatyushin. I don’t remember Filipenko ..
        1. -4
          April 10 2023 12: 53
          Can you tell me who he is playing?
          The main villain, of course.
  9. +7
    April 10 2023 09: 35
    which he performed with Pinochet's banned group Inti-Illimani
    At the time of the 1973 Chilean coup on September 11, the group was on tour in Europe and could not return to their country, and their music was banned by the ruling military junta of Augusto Pinochet. V. Khara performed the mentioned song before the coup. Lenkom with the opera Star and Death .. went on tour to Portugal, where she was received with a bang. Oh, yes, it's natural, the "Reds" came to power there, overthrowing the "democratic" regime. smile
  10. +10
    April 10 2023 09: 45
    But Jeanne d'Arc's colleague Gilles de Rais was not lucky: he was supposed to get into a heroic poem, but ended up in a terrible children's fairy tale in the role of Duke Bluebeard.

    Well, how unlucky?
    Gilles de Rais became the hero of the best song of all times and peoples - "Memories of Past Love" by the great, but early deceased Gorshenyov, Gorshka, leader of the punk band "Korol i Shut".

    Good morning friends! )))
    I ran in for a minute to say hello.
    Honestly, I don’t like all this Mexicanism to the extreme. Even wrapped in beautiful music.
    I'm still a product of civilization wassat )))
    1. +10
      April 10 2023 12: 17
      Oh, you’re being cunning, Lyudmila Yakovlevna ... Haven’t you really watched “The Rich Also Cry”? Our entire school, headed by the director and head teacher, clung to three TVs, forgetting about the lessons. wink
      1. +10
        April 10 2023 14: 20
        Have you seen "The Rich Cry Too"?

        I watched. In fits and starts. There seemed to be a Mexican named, if I'm not mistaken, Cruz. Not criminal, massage therapist. In general, before the Mexicans had an idea of ​​the brilliant school of monumental and easel painting.
        But as time went on, the idea of ​​Mexicans expanded, and now I perceive Mexico not as a society of outstanding poets, writers and artists, but as a tangle of gangsters and drug dealers.
    2. +4
      April 10 2023 13: 17
      Lyudmila Yakovlevna, the Mexicans will be offended by you: "I am a product of civilization." They consider themselves "super" civilized
  11. +7
    April 10 2023 10: 39
    Nikolai R-PM (Nikolai), dear, but for some reason I immediately remembered:
    "Come in, who is a lover of the unprecedented:
    Murietta's head and Three-Finger's hand.
    Bully hands that itch
    They will look at the three-fingered one and make fun of it."
    It is unlikely that it will be possible to write about the aria of the Star the way it should be written about it.
    "I am your freedom, I am your star.
    On the lips of hot clear water.
    Whatever happens call me
    I will be with you even in broad daylight.
    I am your luck! I am your destiny!
    All that you have time in life is me!
    I shine for you because of the gray clouds,
    Don't lose sight of my melodious beam! "
    Many thanks to Valery! So many memories came flooding back...
    It will be necessary to talk with the eldest daughter, let him know when the "Spirit of Sonora" will go. It will be necessary to try to get to the Mother See ...
  12. +2
    April 10 2023 13: 12
    Good day to all.
    Valery, you are well able to "rip off the gloss" from established images.
    "Black-footed", uh, attractive guys learned a lot from you, and all the "revolutionary" organizations of Algeria - a repulsive impression.
    If we discard all romantic myths and only the truth, an ordinary robber.
  13. +2
    April 10 2023 13: 55
    I've read the article here...
    They brand the poor fellow Joaquin, they say, a bandit, a robber, etc. And, actually, for what?
    It is completely incomprehensible from the article whether he was really an ordinary robber or was he more robingus than robinghood himself? From whom did he steal horses? Maybe the big cattle dealers? Who did he sell them to? Maybe he didn’t sell at all, but gave it to those in need? In less than two years, his gang killed about forty people. Whom? For what? How exactly? Were they corrupt sheriffs entangled with bandits, or maybe just bandits? Who did he attack, who did he rob? Where did the money that was supposedly behind him go? Rangers got it? Drank in taverns? Distributed to the poor?
    The posthumous procession of Joaquin through the pages of books, scenes, etc., is certainly interesting. But it is interesting precisely as an epilogue to his adventures, and not as the main part of them. Whether Joaquin is worthy of such a glorious afterlife can be determined only by studying his life, but the author has a problem with this ...
    If about Lenka Panteleev, whom they also tried to make a hero-fighter against the regime and his victim, we know who, when he robbed, killed, how he beautifully lowered the loot in taverns and raspberries, on drugs and those who have "curly curls" and how in the end, he was driven like a rat and shot like a dog, then we don’t know anything about Joaquin Murieta.
    The topic is not open, I think. Not revealed at all.
    1. VLR
      April 10 2023 14: 47
      Both articles clearly state that Joaquin's aura of "noble robber" originally appeared among the Mexicans and only because he tried not to offend or rob fellow countrymen. Yes, and revenge for family grievances. But there is no reason to believe that he disinterestedly shared the loot with someone. It is clearly stated that he transported the horses to Mexico, where he sold them. Who did you rob? As usual - those who had the strength to rob. In priority
      Of course, there were those who were richer - from the poor, what to take? "A lot of screeching, little wool." Also "a plus in karma" from the point of view of the poor people. Where did the booty go? He was killed, remains unknown. Step-by-step description of robberies? It is clearly stated in the articles that almost all the robberies in California were attributed to Murieta, and even after his death, other "getters" "worked" under his "mask". And almost immediately a legend began to be created in which reality was closely intertwined with fiction. We know that Joaquin Murieta really existed, we know where he was born and where he came from, we know that he was a famous robber in those parts, we know
      circumstances of his death.
      But strictly documentary biography simply does not exist. He did not write his memoirs, he did not keep a book of accounting for incoming production, he did not leave any special brand name in place of his "exploits". But, apparently, he was an extraordinary person, strong and charming, since he managed to leave a mark in history and become a hero of local legends, although the competition, presumably, was high. There was no shortage of lovers of shooting and robbing then - neither among Gringos, nor among Latinos.
      1. +4
        April 10 2023 15: 03
        Good answer, Valery.
        It turns out that there is practically no reliable information about Joaquin at all. But then where does the exact number of victims of his gang come from, and even broken down by nationality - gringo or Chinese. That is, there are some sources - someone considered it.
        The origins of the legends about Joaquin are unclear. How did he differ from the rest, what stood out? The same Panteleev managed to escape from prison - this was the beginning of his legend. Was there something similar in Murieta's career? Some particularly daring robbery, just revenge on an odious scoundrel, generous gestures towards the poor?
        What was the seed from which the lush tree of legend grew?
        1. VLR
          April 10 2023 16: 04
          The main thing in the formation of the legend about Murieta, which immediately attracted attention to him - apparently, the motive of noble revenge for his dead wife. Have you read the first article? There I write that, according to some sources, Murieta found and killed 6 out of 13 people who raped and abused her. But this, again, is inaccurate, since the court did not establish the identity of the members of that gang, and the involvement of those killed in this crime, too. Then - the high-profile murder of California Major General Joshua Bean (this is also in the first article). The three rangers were unable to cope with Murieta's "brigade", but lost a total of three people - that is, a tough and
          "elusive" robber, but by no means the notorious "Joe". The 4th detachment hit the trail by accident and at the very end of the "contract" - thanks to the help of the Indians, whom the people of Murieta, by the way, did not rob, but honestly paid them for provisions. And this is not an isolated case - that is, "guys with concepts", "do not mess around." Everything worked out. And the man, apparently, was not an ordinary person, he stood out against the general background. No wonder the Chileans wanted to "privatize" it. At another time and in another place, perhaps, he would have become a hero, monuments would have been erected, children would have been told about exploits.
    2. +3
      April 10 2023 15: 06
      Mikhail, perhaps we know more about Lenka Panteleev?
      1. +3
        April 10 2023 17: 21
        No doubt more, since his criminal case has been preserved in the archives, and not much time has passed. The man who shot him directly, Ivan Grigoryevich Busko, died in 1991. Therefore, the legends about the "victim of the regime" are easily refuted.
        It's not about what we know about this or that criminal. Legends are born, often while their heroes are still alive. In addition to Panteleev, there were a huge number of raiders in Petrograd at that time, but only Panteleev "honored" after his death to be put on public display, first entirely in the morgue, and then in the form of a severed head (parallel with Murieta), if I'm not mistaken, in the window of the Eliseevsky grocery store on Nevsky. This is because during his lifetime he became a legend in the criminal world and rumors that he was still alive continued to ply even after his death, and some gangs, just like with Murieta, continued to use his name. And this is despite his Chekist past, which for a criminal is an indelible, terrible stain on a thieves' biography.
        The head of Penteleev, unlike the head of Murieta, by the way, has been preserved. smile
        1. +3
          April 10 2023 20: 41
          That Panteleev's head was put on display, heard, but believed little
          1. +3
            April 10 2023 21: 28
            Exhibited. The photo that is everywhere on the network upon request of this bandit is taken just from his severed head. Therefore, the head and neck were bandaged - the head was shot through, but the neck ... was cut off. The eyes were drawn with retouching, and the jacket was attached with the help of editing. There were no other image processing techniques then. smile
    3. 0
      April 10 2023 15: 18
      If we proceed from the thesis that Panteleev spent money on those with "curly curls", then he was a decent person.)))
      1. +4
        April 10 2023 17: 28
        Every herring is a fish, but not every fish is a herring.

        Recently this maxim was discussed here. smile
        You are making a classic logical error by turning a particular affirmative judgment into a general affirmative one. In the couplet you know, nowhere does it say that only decent people spend money on these very people.
        1. 0
          April 10 2023 17: 39
          It's not a mistake, it's called formal logic. As with cheese and holes.
          1. +4
            April 10 2023 18: 07
            Yes, here at least formal, at least dialectical, one hell is the most common logical error.
  14. +2
    April 10 2023 15: 01
    "To see the head of Joaquino Murrieta" from our point of view, this is at least vulgar, but the then morality did not think so.
    Perhaps in Virginia, Kansas, there would be no such demand?
  15. +2
    April 10 2023 16: 00
    "take away his horse" in peasant life, without a horse, kerdyk.
    In Russia, horse thieves were beaten to death.
    I heard from the old people: 1934 or 1936, in the vicinity of the village, the police detained 2 horse thieves. Instantly a crowd gathered to "deal" with them. The policemen were forced to shoot above the head and under the feet of the crowd, otherwise they would not stop the crowd.
  16. +2
    April 10 2023 19: 38
    As we remember from the previous article, Joaquin Murieta was not a Chilean, but a Mexican

    The author of the article, do you want to correct the author of the work?
    1. VLR
      April 10 2023 20: 08
      A work of art is not a historical source, nor is it a historical document.
    2. Fat
      April 10 2023 20: 09
      Greetings, Andrew.
      Joaquin Murieta is as much a "folk hero" as Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Buffalo Bill and Daniel Boone... All these personalities are overgrown with an incredible amount of tales that it is almost impossible to "separate the flies from the cutlets". So, Neruda had the full name of him a Chilean, but there are other versions. smile
      1. VLR
        April 10 2023 20: 52
        No, there is clear evidence that Joaquin Murieta was born on July 25, 1829 in Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. Here he got married. Records in church books are a serious and reliable source. From there, Murieta arrived in California.
        1. Fat
          April 11 2023 07: 33
          hi I have no doubt about the reliability of the data on the origin and adventures of Murieta, or Frederick Cody, nicknamed Buffalo Bill, or Daniel Boone. The presence of spontaneous "folk art" in the stories about these and other "heroes of the time" is also a fact.
      2. 0
        April 10 2023 20: 58
        Hello Borisych!
        As a child, I read the American folk epic.
        Two books were published in the Union: "Riding a tornado" and "People? Yes!".
  17. +5
    April 10 2023 20: 05
    vladcub (Svyatoslav), dear, and today the traffic police detain horse thieves. Severodvinsk news agency "BelomorKanal" reported on 07.04.2023/29/36075: ikh-k-rodstvennikam-v-kalugu