Battle of Antarctica

Battle of Antarctica

How often do we hear the phrase “the heritage of mankind”. Handsomely? Yes. Unfortunately, behind this beautiful formulation lies only the banal desire of our geopolitical "friends" to seize the wealth, rightfully belonging to Russia. Already there was talk that Siberia should belong to "all of humanity."

How, according to international law, was the affiliation of certain “open” lands, islands and even continents (Australia) defined? Who discovered that of earth.

So, the Russians discovered Antarctica. So, it should rightfully belong to Russia?

History "Battle of Antarctica" in the material of the commentator of the resource Elena Fedotova.

“The vein was Antarctica. In 1959, it became the mainland of international cooperation, science, and military non-intervention. The last resource base of mankind prohibited the search and mining of minerals, it does not belong to any state. All countries choir said "Okay" and began to live together ...

Not at all like the Arctic, right? Probably, people just suddenly thought better of it and began to worry about our common future. The British and Americans are now only interested in the climate millions of years ago, global warming in a thousand years and the problem of the similarity of prehistoric mosses with modern mosses. For this, billions of dollars, the best minds and the latest equipment flow to the sixth continent. And most importantly - all this in utter, deafening silence. International cooperation, as well. But not caring for future generations overlapped the brains of the "compassionate" world community in the middle of the last century. It did just one digit - 1820.

It turns out just like in Ostrovsky: “So don't you get to anyone!”. And the dowager in our case is Antarctica discovered in the very 1820 by the Russian heroes Bellingshausen and Lazarev. Russians, do you understand? And if any power today has a monopoly on the sixth continent, then it is only Russia.


The ice is broken

Recently, a hail of cuffs has been pouring on Wikipedia, and I will bring my modest contribution to this good cause. Starting to study the issue, I could not look into this omnipresent. And found a curious phrase. It turns out that Antarctica was officially opened by Bellingshausen and Lazarev. Just think, bureaucratic formality. For some reason, Columbus only discovered America “unofficially” ... However, Wikipedia never sinned with patriotism.

Where does so much "official" on our head? The sixteenth-century maps of Antarctica, which are ice-free, answer the question. The most popular - the authorship of a certain Piri Reis - was allegedly discovered in 1929 by the director of the National Museum in Istanbul, Khalil Edhem. However, nobody paid attention to it until 1959, when the American scientist Charles Hepgood did not think of sending it for examination. The authenticity of this card has been repeatedly questioned. However, on Wikipedia, it appears in the first lines as the source of the first degree of reliability. The phrase “i” places the phrase: “However, it was the expedition of Bellingshausen and Lazarev in the South Polar Seas, having rounded the Antarctic ice around the world, confirmed the fact of the existence of the sixth continent”. They did not discover anything, but only confirmed, but we thought! Further: "The first to enter the continent was probably the crew of the American ship Cecilia 7 February 1821 of the year ...." But this is serious! Not that we are with our confirmations.

But what kind of Piri Reis is like that, and why did he suddenly “unfroze” Antarctica? Known about him, frankly, a little. Well, admiral, well, Turkish. The cartographers "closed up" after the magical discovery in 1929 of the year in a certain palace of his not less magical map of the year 1513. Straight tale from "1001 Nights". Meanwhile, even the exact date of birth of our hero is not established. And note that this is not a dense Middle Ages, but an era of great geographical discoveries. In addition to the ill-fated discovery, he was never brought to historical responsibility.

Something alarming in the figure 1929. What event first comes to mind? Depression, Great and merciless. United States, decline. And Europe is not in chocolate, Germany is again bent. And what if we translate into English at all, by the way, a name that is not characteristic of the Turkish loyal subject (often used generally with a hyphen: Piri-voyage)? So far, no conclusions - bare curiosity. Peer - “peer, a person from high society”, Raise - “rise, growth” (including in the economy). The fact that the English punters with their House of Peers and the “depressed” Americans are fed on one bank milk can, I think, not to mention. As for Germany, the English money flowed into this country, too, about the number of 1929. The preparation of the puppet-Hitler, fascism, the development of the German military industry with all the ensuing consequences, up to a clearly planned explosion in the form of the Second World War, began.

The figure of a scientist who turned the whole scientific world over with his “sensation” deserves special attention. The fact is that through the hands of Charles Hepgud, a modest professor at Kinsky College (New Hampshire), almost ALL known today unfrozen cards passed, confirming the same fact: Antarctica was - yes, God is with him without ice! - it was discovered and studied by people long before Bellingshausen and Lazarev. The time to “create” maps is perfect - from the beginning of the sixteenth century onwards. In order not to hurt 1492 year - Columbus is not for anything, America already belongs to the one who needs. Why did the sixth continent be deprived of ice? It's simple - to attract representatives of science to the sensation, and therefore the whole world community.

Yes, Piri Reis was not alone. In the 1959 year (for a minute, the year of the signing of the Antarctic Convention), Hapgood made another “sensational” discovery. Fingering the dusty papers of the National Library of Congress in Washington, he turned over another ancient page and froze in surprise - he was looking at him again, sorry, “naked” Antarctica. This time the authorship of Oronteus Phineus, 1531 year of release. Well for the attack! A scientist of the genus was written to find sensational cards at the most appropriate time for this.

Then there were maps of Mercator, Philip Buashe, Haji Ahmed. Who exactly they were discovered is a mystery covered in darkness, but Hepgood paid attention to them. He handed over the collection for examination to a colleague from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr. Richard Streychand. In addition, of course, did not have the slightest doubt about their authenticity. All the above-mentioned cartographers of the 16 century allegedly copied their maps from more ancient sources. They call the names of Ptolemy, Alexander the Great and even Christopher Columbus. But there is no documentary evidence for this - not a single “original source” has been preserved. All this is very similar to the children who broke the vase, and poking a finger at each other, - the truth is not to get, but it is clear that the matter is unclean.

Many today talked about the fact that millions of years ago on Earth there was a highly developed civilization, in many ways superior to ours. There are even truly phenomenal finds that absolutely do not fit the logic of patterned thinking. But let's think sensibly and look for a middle ground in everything. After all, the eternal principle of “look for who benefits” has not been canceled yet. Otherwise, the desire to think outside the box can play a cruel joke with us, overshadowing reality. So with the cards. Well, people in the 16 century did not know how to determine the latitude and longitude, it became possible only in the 18 century with the invention of the chronometer. They did not possess the necessary knowledge in the field of mathematics and trigonometry, and Eratosthenes determined the circumference of the Earth at that time with a huge error! At the same time, our “sensational” maps are a masterpiece of cartographic art, with latitudes and longitudes measured to the nearest minute. Performed in equal projection, they are fully consistent with modern experimental samples. Nothing, except the miracle of ancient civilization, scientists do not explain this fact. Do you believe in miracles? I'd like to believe. But a broken vase is a fact, and that means the most stubborn thing in the world.

Very cold war

Many people “broke off” with Antarctica, but the first was James Cook. In 1768, his expedition aboard a ship with the optimistic name Attempt (Endeavor) set off to explore the passage of Venus through the disk of the Sun. With the imagination of the English government was not very. Therefore, they again covered their greedy grin of new colonies with the good old Puritan love of science. To the "south" on a ticket from London, Cook traveled several times. In one of them I even came across the east coast of Australia, called New South Wales and, without hesitation, proclaimed British possession. But - that's not the problem! - I did not find fresh water there, and the goal was not counted. Had to swim again. And it almost swam. He even discovered the South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia, but at 71 the degree of southern latitude the Antarctic ice was too severe for the British expedition. In the book “Journey to the South Pole and around the world,” Cook wrote: “If someone discovers determination and perseverance to resolve this issue, and penetrates further south, I will not envy the glory of his discoveries. But I must say that his discoveries will bring some benefit to the world. ” But there were only 200 kilometers! You can not forget about the fox and the grapes ...

Cook's anti-PR campaign worked so well that during 45 years no country had infringed upon the "useless" continent. You look a little more, and the British would have prepared a new expedition, but, alas, they were ahead. And who do you think? That's right - Bellingshausen and Lazarev. 4 June 1819, their Antarctic expedition on the sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny" departed from Kronstadt. And in 1820, it reached the inaccessible ice continent, once again proving that for the Russians nothing is impossible. Another confirmation of this is the work of Mikhail Lomonosov “On the Layers of the Earth”, where he was in 1761 year, that is, even before Cook’s “attempt”, asserted that on the edge of the southern hemisphere there is “mother earth covered with eternal ice”.

What happened around Antarctica in the following years can only be compared with the hysteria of a train late. The British, Americans, Norwegians, Frenchmen, Germans convulsively tried to get "by car" to their destination. Simply put, they floated one by one to the southern shores and re-opened them. In parts. That “sea” in their honor will be called, as Ross and Weddell, then new Earths will be found, then islands, then volcanoes ... Often there were heated debates about who discovered what. Well at least there were no fights. Among geographers, the complete disorder lasted until the beginning of the 20 century. The priority of Bellingshausen and Lazarev was forgotten years through 20.

In the 20 century, Germany showed the greatest agility in the "study" of Antarctica. She sent three expeditions to the mainland: 1901 — 1903, 1911 — 1912, and 1938 — 1939. The last two are the most interesting. You should not even explain why - dates are more eloquent than words. It is, no more no less, on the eve of the two world wars, the "official" instigators of which were the Germans. From the second expedition, researcher Wilhelm Filchner brought samples of the rock, and the result of their study had the effect of a bombshell: the depths of Antarctica are rich in high-quality uranium. Today it is reliably known that uranium reserves on the sixth continent almost by one third exceed the richest deposits in the Congo, and its concentration is 30 percent. The Germans had similar (albeit not accurate) information by the beginning of the third expedition - the most ambitious, bold and mysterious.

Bardak with Antarctica could transfer anyone, but not Stalin. His government, preoccupied with the agility of the British and Norwegians in the "study" of the southern continent, back in January 1939, declared an official protest to the governments of these countries due to the fact that their Antarctic expeditions "... were engaged in unreasonable division into sectors of land, - attention !!! - once discovered by Russian researchers and seafarers ... ". Similar notes were sent to the USA and Japan. Wait ... Norway, Britain, USA, Japan ... But where is Germany? You say that Joseph Vissarionovich then "fraternized" with Hitler? You have false “democratic” information. This is just another proof that Germany was only a puppet in the hands of a clever puppeteer from among the countries mentioned above. Stalin will not let lie. Yes, and World War II did not keep waiting, and it began exactly in September 1939.

Few people know that the Soviet Union immediately after the devastating victory over the Germans in 1945, won another, no less ambitious - over the Americans for Antarctica. Today they are silent about this in order not to raise the authority of Stalin, they were previously silent to portray the peace-loving nature of Soviet foreign policy. Why are the Americans silent? Because it is, perhaps, the biggest disgrace in their history.

In 1920, about Richard Byrd in the United States hardly composed the songs. The national American hero first flew over the North Pole, dropped the American flag over the South Pole, founded the first long-term US station in Antarctica "Little America" ​​(a very encouraging name, isn't it?). Baird led four expeditions to the sixth continent, the last of which took place in 1946 — 1947, immediately after the end of World War II. No day without sleep, no day without rest. But Byrd's star after these events did not shine brighter. According to some information, the national hero of America got into a hospital, and his name was covered with fog. The “scientific” expedition was financed by the US government. In its modest composition was a special squadron of 14 American warships and auxiliary vessels. Among them, the aircraft carrier, on board which were helicopters and airplanes. According to the memoirs of the pilot of Sayerson, the air group of the aircraft carrier Casablanca consisted of six (or seven) helicopters S-46, 25 aircraft: five deck fighters F-4U Corsair, five jet attack aircraft A-21, 9 amp; Helldiver ”, commander F7F Tigercat and five XF-5U Skimmer (“ pancakes ”). The subnet Sennet was also included in the expedition. The expedition includes several thousand marines. The total number of participants - 4-5 thousand people. The official goal is to deliver the final blow to the Third Reich in the ice of Antarctica.

Stalin sent a squadron to Antarctica. At the end of 1946, whaling flotilla "Glory" under the command of Captain Voronin moved to the South Pole. The exact number of surface ships, aircraft and submarines that make up the squadron is still unknown. However, the marine writer A. Zattets in 1996 wrote in the anthology “Shipbuilding in the USSR” that the destroyers of the project 45, “High”, “Important” and “Impressive”, participated in the campaign. The destroyers were built in 1945 using the captured technologies used by the Japanese when designing their destroyers of the Fubuki type, intended for sailing in the harsh conditions of the northern and Arctic seas. IN aviation operated fighter company P-63 "Kingcobra", supplied by the Americans under Lend-Lease and manufactured exclusively by Soviet orders. “Kingcobra”, as one of the memoirists of that time put it, could become Stalin’s main reserve in case of an unforeseen change in the military-political situation and the outbreak of war with the United States. They were equipped with all parts of the USSR air defense. Of all the Soviet fighters, only Kingcobra could get the main strategic bomber of the USA B-29 “Super Fortress” in the sky.

What happened to the fourth expedition of Byrd? Just that a perfectly prepared and equipped naval squadron, supplied with food for the 8 months, suddenly turned around and dragged back to America. As it turned out, she arrived with huge losses - both material and human. Any attempts to obtain accurate data are doomed to failure.

The first "exploded" the American press. George Kennan, a former adviser and envoy of the United States and the USSR, who had recently left Moscow "for consultations with his government," published an article in one of the central American magazines "Forin Affers", in which he expressed the idea of ​​"the need for the earliest organization of resistance the ambitions of the Soviets, who after successfully ending the war with Germany and Japan, are in a hurry to use their military and political victories to spread the harmful ideas of communism not only in Eastern Europe and China, but Oh and in far Antarctica! ” Indeed, how can we not talk about Stalin’s “bloody regime” ...

In response, the USSR promulgated its memorandum on the political regime of Antarctica, where it dotted the “i” in US intentions “... to deprive the USSR of its legal right based on the discoveries made in this part of the world by Russian navigators made back in the beginning of the 19 century”. After this statement and other decisive actions (and Stalin was a master on them), Truman's Secretary of State James Byrnes resigned, forced by the President himself. This man has always advocated the toughest sanctions against the USSR. His last words at the state post were: "It is impossible to frighten the damned Russians."

In 1950, the greed and insolence of international claims on Antarctica peaked. The USSR sent a note that leaves its right to claim the entire continent, as its discoverer. In the 1956 year - already under Khrushchev - the diesel-electric ship “Ob” came to the shores of Antarctica, and the first Soviet observatory and research base, the Mirny settlement, was established. It is curious that the Convention on "universal" Antarctica was signed just three years later. And the only obvious reason for this set of circumstances is the threat of the real presence and strengthening of Russians in Antarctica. By the way, this Convention came into force in the 1961 year, when it was officially announced about the huge reserves of uranium in the depths of Antarctica. In the same year, the Caribbean crisis erupted ... And who knows, maybe Soviet missiles in Cuba were just a pretext.

Is the bear killed?

How strange it turns out - Russia over the course of history wins almost all wars and makes almost all discoveries. Only now, when it comes to “distribution of prizes,” invariably stands aside. Modesty of the strongest? Maybe just do not be impudent. You do, brothers, even divide the skin of a bear according to the good old Russian proverb - when it is not yet killed. They are claiming for Antarctica today: the United States, Great Britain, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, China, South Korea and, as they say, many, many others ... Hurry up. Answer only one question: what the hell? Well, what right do you have for Antarctica? The question is not complicated at all, but for some reason it sounds rarely.

It does not sound at UN meetings, it does not sound in Russian schools and in the Russian media. The matter is taken for granted - this Earth to that, this shelf - to another. Who had time, he ate? The “inviolability” of Antarctica ends in the 2048 year with the expiration of the Convention. Extend it, of course, no one will. After all, exactly by this time the resources of the five developed continents are over. Run out of oil, gas, fresh water. How is the situation in Antarctica? 80 percent of the global freshwater reserves, oil fields, many times superior to the storage areas of Saudi Arabia (6,5 billion tons), coal, gas (more than 4 trillion cubic meters), iron ore, uranium (recall, more than in the Congo), and the appetizer is gold and diamonds. Any more questions? A curious detail: in 1991, the Antarctic Convention was supplemented by the Madrid Protocol, which prohibits mining on the mainland. For some mysterious chance, this year coincided with the year of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And how many "accidents"? In the 70 of the twentieth century, the USSR was unmatched by its level of presence in Antarctica - there were about 10 scientific bases and about 8 ships, scientists made one discovery after another, achieved great success in geological research. But then the thunder of "the triumph of democracy" struck and the young Russia began to rapidly plunge into the abyss, the final point of which could be the complete neutralization of our influence on our legitimate land. Absurd, cruel and offensively stupid.

In 1999, 4 million dollars were allocated to Antarctic research - the amount is not just ridiculous, but mockingly ridiculous (for comparison, one T-80 tank cost three times as much). Around the same time, there was a war in the information arena — the topic of Antarctica was simply ignored. Well, the patient is dead, what else to talk about? Thus, one of Russia's top priorities - the development of the continent that belongs to us is not only not being solved, but is deliberately ignored. Meanwhile, the United States and China are investing billions of dollars in research, developing ultra-efficient deepwater drilling methods, and are building bases that resemble military grounds equipped with the latest technology. Britain already intends to produce oil on the Antarctic shelf, and Australia and Norway claim to the area, many times superior to their own. Russia has not yet officially claimed anything. And from the 8 ships going to the shores of Antarctica in Soviet times, today there is only one thing left - “Akademik Fedorov”. The Soviet project of creating large airfields for permanent communication with the mainland through aviation remained in the dreams.

"Pie" is not just divided - it has already been taken apart in pieces. After all, the filling of the "pie" is very tasty. This is not only about the riches of the Antarctic depths - the Vostok ice lake is one of the largest freshwater bodies on Earth, and NASA and the US National Security Agency have already had a hand in it. Strange, but someone still remembers that in 1996, this lake was discovered by a team of Russian scientists led by Andrei Kapitsa. Drilling of the lake was suspended in the 1998 year, when there was little more than 100 meters to the expected water. The world community was worried about environmental safety. And our scientists were called upon to wait until new, “environmentally friendly” methods of drilling have been developed. You see, they would be developed by the British, Americans or Norwegians .... Oh, they would have drilled, rest assured. But again, bad luck! The new technology was presented by experts from the Mining Institute of St. Petersburg. Drilling continued after a few years, and, after a couple more ridiculous attempts to “freeze” the work, the Russians were the first to reach the heart of Lake Vostok.

Today, 50 million dollars is allocated to Antarctic research. It’s a lot or a little - a rhetorical question when compared with the billions of the United States and China. 5 scientific bases are working on the mainland, 2 are conserved, only one ship, Akademik Fedorov, sails to the shores of Antarctica. The second - “Akademik Treshnikov” - will be tested in the ice during the 58 Antarctic Expedition, which started in early November. At this time, the active "scientific" activity on the continent is imitated by, forgive, the 30 countries, and the amount of funding for their activities has increased in 4 times in recent years.

You can say a lot about the fact that Antarctica is expensive, unpromising and, in the end, not very necessary. After all, we have plenty of our undeveloped deposits, in the same extreme North, if we are so drawn into the ice. Sea of ​​Okhotsk is not "plowed." Also, of course, not paradise, but tolerated, and even closer somehow. And Antarctica is kilometers of ice through which not to break through on the mainland, and icebergs, under which there is no undermining in a part of the sea. And how to lay pipelines on this edge of the earth? Norwegians are just starting to practice these technologies in the Arctic. That's it, but start the same. And we have to start. Either someone will do it for us, because there is simply no other way out for mankind after a couple of decades.

The most fierce battles always go on the "invisible" front. In the case of the sixth continent, we are dealing with the largest political secret of our time, but this is not a secret at all - in the midst of a colonization war. And the hour is not far when Antarctica can, with a clear conscience, be called the “hot spot” of the globe. ”
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  1. bask
    24 November 2012 07: 28
    Antarctica is generally a mystery continent .., These are maps of the 16th century. Copies of the Byzantine, and even more ancient Greek, Egyptian copies. Where the mainland is depicted without an ice shell. This is a story. Amer and the Chinese whip around the world, everything is where, what’s bad, what’s lying, They’re always small !!! China has 1.5 ml ... ,, mouths, and Amers 250 ml. Mouths, but ,, eat ,, they want only the most, “tasty,” and therefore they climb all over the world with their own “democracy” - the seizure of natural resources ... Russia quietly without fuss needs to declare Antarctica the territory of Russia, by right of discoverers. .And you are yankers and kitayozes, and even with them, clean up the occupied territory ..... But, and if specifically. You must invest in the development of this continent. This is an undeveloped gold mine ...... And more military and geologists !!!
    1. YARY
      24 November 2012 08: 25
      Understand the adversaries spit on everything!
      The right of the strong!
      And then you can hire bastards with diplomas like Chubais, and they will popularly and weighty confirm their "truth".
      1. S_mirnov
        24 November 2012 10: 53
        Given the current state of our half-living army, we cannot even defend our territory, what can we say about Antarctica. You can rassusolivat a question for a long time who opened, but only someone who can cover their piece of land with missiles and tanks will really count. But to fight the traitor at the head, the doomed business. So without major political changes can not do. Like many other issues, the issue with Antarctica will be resolved when the political system changes in Russia and, accordingly, it is unlikely to be resolved while the thieves' pseudo-capitalism is preserved.
        1. +6
          24 November 2012 11: 25
          I agree with the first part, but no, no matter how you say it, but everyone in the government has already gotten enough, there are enough people for a maximum of 25 years, then the aristocracy and blue blood begin to appear, this is exactly the time of the generation change. Remember the Union, when the party elite had a feeling of their regality and superiority over others?
        2. +2
          24 November 2012 20: 59
          Quote: S_mirnov
          With the current state of our half-alive army

          just don't, huh? Our submarines calmly sail around the states, ships stroll around the Middle East, Syria and so on, strategic bombers patrol the borders and scare the Americans. The fact that shoulder straps were transferred does not mean at all that the army is half-dead. Everything is with us, missiles wherever you want to fly, so if it comes to fighting, we can do it perfectly.
    2. 77bor1973
      24 November 2012 21: 15
      And more precisely, this is a map of the Piri flight and there is part of Antarctica without an ice shell.
    3. 0
      26 November 2012 03: 25
      That's it!
      Bask, support.

      But someone here was broadcasting that we, like aircraft carriers, were not needed. Or is any other evidence of their need required?
  2. +10
    24 November 2012 07: 47
    Maybe it's really time for our tolerant diplomacy to show our teeth, otherwise only champagne at briefings is varied and kissed at meetings !!!
    When the question is about the future, then steel is needed in the voice !!!
    1. +2
      24 November 2012 11: 26
      and not only in voice.
      1. slvevg
        25 November 2012 00: 55
        I need eggs!
  3. +4
    24 November 2012 08: 06
    Any country can simply put a research base there, only if real attempts are made to declare one or another territory their land with all the consequences .......... Then real world players will be pushed in. The USA has a lot of problems, including the northern the pole. They cannot grasp the incomprehensible.
    1. Fox
      24 November 2012 08: 12
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      Just put a research base there

      on the basis of missiles, helicopters, barracks ... and kaaak give on pidostan! for research purposes, of course.
      1. 0
        24 November 2012 11: 27
        By the way, the military contingent is prohibited, but the military school is not, and the soldier has everything that is training in theory and military.
    2. +1
      24 November 2012 15: 26
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      The United States has a ton of problems, including the North Pole. They cannot grasp the incomprehensible.

      Well, thank God....
  4. Brother Sarych
    24 November 2012 08: 11
    Another smoke screen? Let’s now fight for Antarctica and not pay attention to what is happening under the nose?
    A bunch of facts, or fantasies are poured in the article - something tells me that everything is a little wrong ...
    Although I personally with two hands FOR an increase in research in Antarctica!
  5. oper66
    24 November 2012 08: 18
    Quote: bask
    .Russia calmly, without fuss, it is necessary to declare Antarctica the territory of Russia, by the right of discoverers. .And you are yankers and kitayozes and even with them, clear the occupied territory ..

    Yes, I completely agree with the right of the discoverer of Antarctica, Russian territory - but only the strong have the right, and no one ever paid attention to the rights of the weak - the right to ownership is always reinforced by the ability to defend your right - and with people like stools and his patrons who claim to him no complaints at least a hundred times shout about your right to no avail a flock of hyenas is stronger than one lion and the prey is taken away from him therefore we need the Euro-Asian Union as the successor and heir to the Great State of the USSR - only then no one will dare to challenge our right

    Quote: bask
    .Russia calmly, without fuss, it is necessary to declare Antarctica the territory of Russia, by the right of discoverers. .And you are yankers and kitayozes and even with them, clear the occupied territory ..

    The right must be confirmed by force, without this it is an empty phrase, and with the help of stools and its patrons who claim on behalf of the investigation that it has no complaints, it is an empty phrase-a cry into the void ..... only the revival of the great power of the USSR, even in a new form but with human resources, a strong economy focused on itself and not on a shaving mosquito and as a result of a powerful army will give reason to declare that ours is ours and no one will dare to challenge it
    1. bask
      24 November 2012 08: 41
      oper and ... it’s clear who has more ,,, fists, that’s right ,,, the law, of the Jungle-Jankers ... Russia simply needs a powerful, military nuclear icebreaker fleet. To control both the Arctic ((also there are enough parasites ((((((and Antarctica !!!!
  6. lotus04
    24 November 2012 08: 33
    There has already been talk that Siberia should belong to "all of humanity."

    Why, let's go! "They" have been dreaming of Siberia for a hundred years! Remember the interventions of the early 20th century! Pen dos even then "came off" in the Far East. And the goal, as you know, was the same, with the slightest destabilization of the situation in the country "to break" it and appropriate the most tasty morsels for yourself! There were, as you know, a huge number of people willing. The broken "sopatki" they apparently still itch! Let them "come in", we will repeat.
  7. IlyaKuv
    24 November 2012 08: 33
    Russia has an advantage over other countries, we have the technology to build icebreakers, and without them there’s nothing to do at the pole, although you will have the most powerful flotilla in the world, you’ll only send them to death.
  8. +2
    24 November 2012 08: 50
    I will draw attention to a small blunder:
    In 1999, $ 4 million was allocated for Antarctic research - the amount is not just ridiculous, but mockingly ridiculous (for comparison, one T-80 tank cost three times more).
    The T-80 never cost $ 12 million, a maximum of two, if only in gold.
  9. 0
    24 November 2012 08: 55
    It is unclear from what kind of pripe there China?
  10. 26vova06
    24 November 2012 09: 32
    Of course, like everyone else, I want this continent to belong to Russia, but so far we are not even able to protect what we have without speaking about Antarctica ... first we need to secure the shelves of all the northern seas, to cultivate the Far East and Siberia, and try to regain it territories lost in 1991 and much more ....
    and finally, to protect Antarctica we need a strong ocean fleet with 6-8 aircraft carriers ..... but even with all the optimistic forecasts, by 2048 we will not have time to do all this
  11. +2
    24 November 2012 10: 37
    To recognize Russia as a priority in the discovery of Antarctica, for our "pale-faced brothers" in the West, is an impossible thing in itself. In their narrow, cultivated for centuries, in the Russophobic self-consciousness "mentality" is not even able to fit the thought about the creativity of the Russian Civilization.
    They so stubbornly avoid the need to talk about our primacy that you start to think - How did they not "BANNED" it at all? That would once again not mention Russia, in a positive "key".
  12. AK-47
    24 November 2012 10: 57
    Few people know that the Soviet Union immediately after the devastating victory over the Germans in 1945, won another, no less ambitious - over the Americans for Antarctica.

    It turns out that Byrd's expedition fought with the Slava whaling flotilla and that Project 45 destroyers - "High", "Important" and "Impressive" took part in the campaign. This is a sensation!
    1. dmb
      24 November 2012 20: 00
      Leave this sensation on the conscience of the girl who wrote about her. When the question about the source of awareness is significantly pulled by eyebrows, do not expect good things. Actually, the Starikovsky site has long sinned with patriotism. Patriotism is a good thing, but when they begin to carry nonsense, it is only to the detriment of the homeland. It would be possible to remind the girl that the Americans at that time had a nuclear bomb and not one, but Stalin of this period can be blamed for anything, but not adventurism, but I’m afraid that you will hear yelling about Bolotnaya and the white-winged puppies. Actually, the story with the Americans is dark. Not so long ago, Ivashov said that our submarines were in that area and watched as someone was fucking Americans. Still, he has more faith than the old man’s girl.
  13. Horde
    24 November 2012 10: 59

    here is the same map of the Turkish adir Piri Reis. On the left side of the map, the ledge is fully consistent
    South America, on the left side of the African continent. For the Antarctic coast you can
    accept, only the bottom of the map, but where are the Americans Charles Hepgood with his students
    found a semblance of the Antarctic coast ???? God knows!

    The meaning of finding this map is transparent if the mainland of Antarctica was discovered a long time ago,
    then Russians cannot pretend to Antarctica. That's how the story is written, they find
    some kind of artifact, or they themselves create it and here’s a confirmation of
    that OUR LAND, OUR CULTURE IS THE MOST ANCIENT !! At first we were well, and you are far behind.
  14. +2
    24 November 2012 11: 03
    How nice and pleasant it is to read patriotic intentions, but we should not forget that at the end of the 19th century, Alexander the Rassay Emperor sold Alaska to the United States because Russia could not keep it. Alaska’s independence could have been declared, Russia-2 would have appeared, but the emperor did not have advisers like Serdyukovs. For obvious reasons, the forces of Russia are insignificant, and we with these rulers will not be able to do anything, to preserve what is available. What a shame, what kind of power was it and what were the shifters, traitors, embezzlers and democrats doing to it.
  15. +2
    24 November 2012 11: 18
    We must finally shut up all of these liberal tolerars screaming that Russia is a raw materials appendage of the West. Russia is a sovereign commodity superpower, whose influence will only grow with the depletion of world raw materials. If we can even add to this even a part of the resources of Antarctica, to which it is more than anyone else has the right, as a pioneer country, then the influence of Russia, as a superpower, will be further strengthened and control over these gigantic resources will be guaranteed for many more years, the need for which will be the most acute over the years: there will be darkness in the world of manufacturers - there will be something riveted in every teahouse. And the suppliers of raw materials were miscalculated two times and the main one will be the raw material superpower Russia. To realize this, it is necessary in the short term to create powerful armed forces capable of ensuring the inviolability of Russia's sovereignty over its raw materials. This is the guarantee of her future existence!
  16. Captain
    24 November 2012 12: 14
    Cunning guys have already divided everything. Even the Norwegians got a piece, but as always they forgot about Russia
    1. 0
      24 November 2012 19: 04
      Quote: Captain
      Cunning guys have already divided everything.

      Hmm, someone got it wrong winked
      Map of Antarctica without ice, in the distant future. (Clicks)
      1. 0
        24 November 2012 23: 07
        Zitata von FoMaS
        Hmm, someone got it wrong
        Map of Antarctica without ice, in the distant future. (Clicks)

        With this combination of circumstances, many and not only
        in Antarctica.
  17. AK-47
    24 November 2012 12: 50
    discovered in that same 1820 by Russian heroes Bellingshausen and Lazarev Antarctica. Russians, understand?
  18. AK-47
    24 November 2012 13: 15
    Project 45 destroyers - “High”, “Important” and “Impressive” took part in the campaign. The destroyers were built in 1945 using the captured technology used by the Japanese.

    Excerpts from the book "Mysteries of the Sixth Continent" Author: Sergey Kovalev
    ... A year and a half after the end of hostilities in the Pacific Ocean, the Soviet intelligence turned out to have the most detailed aerial photographs of the Queen Maud Land foreground, up to and including Luttsov-Holm Bay. The source and method of obtaining it is still unclear.
    ... For the first time they spoke about the destroyers of the project 45 bis in 1996. It was about three destroyers: "Important", "Impressive" and "Tall". They were built in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 1945. When creating them, the captured technologies were used that were used in the construction of Japanese destroyers of the Fubuki type, specially designed for swimming among the Pacific ice. During the search in various archives, only information was found about their laying at the Far Eastern Plant No. 199, about further completion at the Far Eastern Plant No. 202 and the commissioning of the Pacific Fleet in January-June 1945. And also about their brief visits to the Chinese ports of Qingdao and Chifu in December 1945. But at the same time, not one Soviet and Russian researcher of naval history was unable to find in our archives not only their photographs, drawings or diagrams, but even acts about their removal from the fleet. But not a single ship of our Navy, of course, except the cruiser Aurora, has served Russia for more than 52 years. It would have rotted and sank long ago.
    1. Sokol peruna
      24 November 2012 13: 27
      A tenacious myth however. The most interesting is how in 1945 we could get technology from a Japanese destroyer which was transferred to the USSR on July 5, 1947.
      1. Kaa
        24 November 2012 14: 59
        Quote: Sokol Peruna
        how could they get technology in 1945 from a Japanese destroyer which was transferred to the USSR on July 5, 1947.

        Then the author confused, and firmly:
        "In the archives of the Western special services, with which many Soviet and Polish spies" worked "at one time, and who already in our time wished to write their own memoirs, documents were found that shed light on some moments of the first official (rather semi-official, disguised as the study of a fishing the situation in Antarctica) of the Soviet Antarctic expedition of 1946-47, which arrived to the shores of the Queen Maud Land on the diesel-electric ship “Slava.” Such famous names as Papanin, Krenkel, Fedorov, Vodopyanov, Mazuruk, Kamanin, unexpectedly surfaced. Lyapidevsky, and the first of this seven is a rear admiral, and the last four are full generals, and not just any generals ("courtiers," so to speak), but polar pilots who have glorified themselves by specific deeds and beloved by all the Soviet people. , which later received the names "High", "Important" and "Impressive", were built in Komsomolsk-on-Amur at plant 45, completed and testedat factory 199 in Vladivostok.
        From fragmentary data (in need of unconditional verification), we managed to find out the following. In February 1946 In the year 202, on three new destroyers, refurbishment work was started according to project 45 bis — strengthening the hull and installing additional equipment for navigation in difficult conditions of high latitudes. On the destroyer Vysokiy, keel structures were reworked to provide increased stability; on Vazhnoye, bow towers were dismantled and a hangar for four seaplanes and a catapult were installed instead.
        There is a version (also in need of verification) that the destroyer “Impressive” during the test period of the captured German missile system KR-1 (ship missile) sank an experimental target ship - the former captured Japanese destroyer "Suzuki" type "Fubuki". According to unverified data, in June 1946, all three destroyers underwent minor repairs, but at a completely different end of the world - at the Argentine Rio Grande Naval Base in Tierra del Fuego. Then one of the destroyers, accompanied by a submarine (many researchers believe that it was K-103 under the command of the famous "submarine ace of the Northern Fleet" A.G. Cherkasov) was allegedly seen off the coast of the French island of Kerguelen, located in the southern Indian Ocean ... http : // p = 23383
        1. Sokol peruna
          24 November 2012 16: 28
          Project 45 destroyers, later named High, Important and Impressive, were built in Komsomolsk-on-Amur at Plant 199, completed and tested at Plant 202 in Vladivostok.

          But they don’t know at the factory. laughing And can I have any link to pr. 45-bis, preferably from which thread of the reference book on the Soviet Navy. Of particular interest is the destroyer with the proud name Vysoky.

          There is a version (also in need of verification) that the destroyer "Impressive" during the test of the captured German missile system KR-1 (ship missile) sank an experimental target ship - the former captured Japanese destroyer "Suzuki" type "Fubuki".

          As I understand it, the mythical destroyer-phantom "Impressive" sank the destroyer from the German wunderwafe that the Japanese have not yet handed over to us? Strong. Actually, all the Japanese captured destroyers were officially transferred to the Soviet Navy on July 5, 1947.

          According to unverified data, in June 1946, all three destroyers underwent minor repairs, but at a completely different end of the world - at the Argentinean naval base of Rio Grande on Tierra del Fuego.

          belay laughing fool
  19. Num lock U.A.
    24 November 2012 15: 09
    the story with the destroyers and the American group of ships is certainly mysterious and it’s hard to say anything about this in the absence of any documents, but -
    Its modest composition included a special squadron of 14 American warships and auxiliary vessels. Among them, an aircraft carrier, on board which were helicopters and aircraft. According to pilot Sayerson, the Casablanca aircraft carrier group consisted of six (or seven) S-46 helicopters, 25 aircraft: five F-4U Corsair carrier-based fighter jets, five A-21 Vampire attack aircraft, and nine “Bombers” Heldiver ", the commander of the F7F Tigercat and five XF-5U Skimmer (" pancakes "). The expedition also included the Sennet submarine. The expedition includes several thousand naval paratroopers. The total number of participants is 4-5 thousand people

    Project 45 destroyers - “High”, “Important” and “Impressive” took part in the campaign.

    some inadequate balance of power
    and plus -
    In aviation, P-63 Kingkobra fighters operated

    How did they operate, where were they based?
    I love all sorts of "riddles of history", but there are obvious contradictions
    1. 0
      24 November 2012 17: 17
      According to another version, the American squadron was attacked by unidentified rounded flying objects. Result ... Escape of the squadron ...
      1. 0
        25 November 2012 10: 36
        Operation High Jump.

        According to some researchers in the archives of the United States, in January 1947, the US Navy launched Operation High Jump, the mission of which included the destruction of Baza-211. By order of US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, a naval squadron consisting of an aircraft carrier, a number of other warships and minesweepers, totaling up to 40 units, went to the shores of Antarctica. On board were more than 4 thousand people, a six-month supply of food and 25 aircraft. It was officially announced that the participants in this campaign will be primarily engaged in research work, the search for deposits of coal, uranium and other minerals that this harsh continent is so rich in.

        But in February, shortly after the arrival of the Queen Maud, Admiral Richard Byrd, who commanded the squadron, unexpectedly received orders from Washington to interrupt the operation and return the ships to their permanent bases. All information about this campaign is still classified. Proponents of the version of the existence of a German base in Antarctica claim that Forrestal, who jumped out of the clinic’s window shouting “Russians are coming!”, Didn’t really go crazy, but was killed because he was going to reveal all the details of the search for Baza-211. At least the orderlies, the former minister, who was kept in complete isolation and was not allowed to communicate even with his wife, managed to talk about the Nazi underground base near the South Pole. In mid-February of this year, the famous Russian newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, with reference to the Brizant magazine, reported some details of this post-war operation. According to them, the Americans off the coast of Antarctica were attacked from the air, resulting in "lost the ship and four combat aircraft." The participants of this expedition talked about some “flying disks” emerging from the water and attacking Americans, about the strange atmospheric phenomena that caused everyone to have mental disorders. After the end of this not very successful campaign, Admiral Bird allegedly wrote in his report to the White House: "In the event of a new war, America may be attacked by an enemy with the ability to fly from one pole to another with incredible speed."
  20. Captain
    24 November 2012 15: 55
    discovered in that same 1820 by Russian heroes Bellingshausen and Lazarev Antarctica.

    This is all wonderful, but there is a continuity problem. Soviet Russia abandoned all international obligations of the Russian Empire, foreign property, etc.
    But modern Russia is the successor of the USSR and cannot legally claim to be in the territories opened by the Russian Imperial Navy, be it Bikini Atoll or Antarctica.
  21. Nechai
    24 November 2012 17: 41
    The analogue of the Harpa, created by the amers at the Amundsen-Scott station, under the patronage of the NSA, shamelessly violates the convention on Antarctica. So now whoever dared ate it.
  22. -1
    24 November 2012 20: 10
    I did not read. Women are not people. Therefore, the country degenerates. Let her give birth to children.
  23. Aleshty
    24 November 2012 22: 18
    Good article. Huge +. It was especially interesting to learn about the actions of Stalin in the Antarctic. I had never heard of this! That was the person! Everywhere he had time, he knew everything, foresaw and acted in the interests of the COUNTRY! Where else would we find this?
  24. 0
    24 November 2012 23: 54
    Dear homosum20, this is how the country degenerates. Someone does not want to serve, mows from the army, while someone does not want to give birth. If men can slope from the army, then why should women not slope from the birth of a child?
    To keep any territory we need to resettle our people there, and we have a demographic decline.
    However, the situation in China or the USA is not better. Who will go there to live and work? Chinese? Americans? Only Russian Canadians and Scandinavians can, the rest have a small intestine.
    However, everything can change in the event of global warming (or pole shift, or armageddon).
    1. 0
      25 November 2012 00: 45
      Quote: Setrac
      who will go there to live and work? Chinese? Americans? Only Russian Canadians and Scandinavians can, the rest have a small intestine.

      The Americans now have several thousand people working there in the summer. Argentines even encourage the birth of children at their stations, then they will confirm their rights, including the number of their citizens born there. Australians have almost the most numerous composition of scientific bases. And you say - the gut is thin ...
  25. wax
    25 November 2012 00: 01
    Antarctica was broken when they signed a convention on its belonging to everyone. Stalin would never have signed this - it was not for nothing that he wrote notes to everyone. It is one thing to work in Antarctica by right, and another thing would be to work with the permission of the USSR or Russia, or to work illegally (on foreign territory). Well, then the matter of technology - the question of the principles of the division of Antarctica will still arise, and the majority (UN) will decide it. There Russia will get some piece.
  26. 0
    25 November 2012 00: 56
    I would like to hear why such confidence in the presence in Antarctica of such rich deposits of uranium and other minerals? Since this is a reprint, you won’t ask the author ... But maybe someone knows?
    A hint of a fight between our whaling fleet and the American expedition brings a smile, although a pleasant fantasy :) Type in the search engine "Whaling Flotilla" Slava "- there are many interesting things, but not about the war with the Americans, but about hard work ...

    It is not clear where such confidence comes from that they will divide Antarctica in 2048? Most likely, they will continue the convention further. Just make some changes ...

    And in general, a short-sighted article with fictitious events and implausible conclusions.

    But Russia's ocean fleet is still needed! Just in case:)
  27. Irek
    25 November 2012 22: 32
    I like frost, where to go to record ...
    if they take ..
    To begin with, I’d master it over half a year ...
    I can paint a bullet at my leisure ...
    I don’t drink alcohol and tobacco.
    the main thing that something did not appear ..

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"