"Dictatorship and freedom cannot be considered separately": a critique of contemporary plebiscite democracy in Ernst Junger's essay "Going into the Forest"

"Dictatorship and freedom cannot be considered separately": a critique of contemporary plebiscite democracy in Ernst Junger's essay "Going into the Forest"

The end of World War II marked a new page in stories Germany, which suffered a crushing defeat and was divided by the allies into four occupation zones. The efforts of the allies, and then the new German authorities of the FRG and the GDR, were aimed at overcoming the Nazi past. The "right" political position has become a real rarity in the country, because the German public is entirely focused on overcoming the totalitarian mentality.

However, in Germany there remained "right" thinkers who, in spite of everything, managed to maintain their moral identity. One such person was Ernst Junger (1895–1998). The liberal German public was rather skeptical and wary of the non-political works of the German writer and philosopher. Historians often make him a scapegoat for Nazism, and some texts are called promoting the romanticization and glorification of the war, which the Nazis took advantage of. The generation of 1968 rather narrow-mindedly called E. Junger a fascist or a pro-fascist.

However, as the historian Oleg Plenkov notes, even after 1945, Ernst Junger, despite the beginning of national repentance in Germany for National Socialism, continued to largely remain on the same positions in assessing the significance of many political realities.

“This was completely contrary to the anti-totalitarian culture of the FRG that had been developing since the mid-1960s, which developed a democratic political culture in the country by ignoring or excluding the entire right-wing tradition, which Junger seemed (and was) unfair ...
It seems that in Jünger's judgments there is a fair amount of logic and consistency in his assessments of the historical past [2]."

Being a nonconformist in his spiritual and mental make-up, E. Jünger was skeptical first of the Weimar Republic, then (after a short charm) of Nazism (his novel On the Marble Cliffs, written in 1939, is considered a pamphlet on all kinds of tyranny, contemporaries recognized it alludes to concentration camps), and then to modern German democracy.

One of Jünger's post-war works, in which one can see criticism of modern Western democracy and the processes of globalization, is Leaving for the Forest. It is this work, as well as Jünger's post-war views, that we will consider in this material.

Ernst Junger in the first years after the end of World War II

After the end of World War II, Ernst Junger managed to maintain his moral identity as a right-wing thinker who sought to fence himself off from Nazism. When the Americans entered Germany in 1945, he wrote that the consequences of such a catastrophe cannot be got rid of over time, as the Germans and French once recovered from the trauma of defeat at Jena or Sedan. The defeat of 1945 meant, in his opinion, a radical change in the life of European nations, including the Germans.

Not only many people perished, but many previously significant and significant values ​​\u1945b\u3bthat moved people and gave meaning to life have sunk into oblivion. The Germans had an acute need to resist the consequences of total defeat, a need that should be turned into a channel of constructive continuity and the revival of the old German tradition. Jünger was the first European conservative thinker to understand that the German catastrophe of XNUMX meant a general collapse of the anti-Enlightenment project [XNUMX].

As the historian Sergey Kazakov notes, the concrete historical criticism of time and the essential metaphysical approach form the complex basis of the mechanism of his conservative style of Ernst Junger [4]. Perhaps that is why Hans-Peter Schwartz believes that Junger at that time, like Donoso Cortes, Chateaubriand, de Maistre, was characterized by differentiation between “traditional forms of being”, subject to time, and the eternal “above-time” order [5].

At the end of the war, Jünger was ready to move from concrete reflections and comprehension of events to a metaphysical overcoming of Nazism and building a continuum through generalizing works, reflecting his manner of the most distant view of current events, which is to no small extent a common feature of the conservative assessment of Nazism in post-war Germany.

Despite the fact that Jünger was not a member of the NSDAP, close attention to his person due to the work of the 20s of the twentieth century was provided to him. His metaphysical form of protest during the years of Nazism did not inspire confidence among the majority of representatives of the left and liberal camp. Such German "literary emigrants" as Thomas Mann and Karl Zuckmayer, Bertolt Brecht and Theodor Adorno differed in their assessments of Ernst Junger's position in the era of Nazism [4].

On the other hand, it does not take much courage to criticize the political regime while in exile and advise what compatriots should do in their homeland. It is quite another thing to do this, with a real threat of falling under the rink of repression. Jünger himself, in his essay Leaving for the Forest, writes about the accusations against the Germans that they accepted and did not resist National Socialism, the following:

“In Germany, open resistance to the authorities was and remains especially difficult, since since the days of the legitimate monarchy there has been preserved reverence for the state, which has its advantages along with its dark side. Therefore, it was difficult for an individual to understand why, after the entry of the armies of the victorious countries, he was held accountable for insufficient resistance not only as a collective defendant, but also individually - for example, for fulfilling his professional duties as an official or bandmaster ...
In one case, the occupiers label you as a collaborator, in the other case, the parties label you as a fellow traveler. So the loner finds himself in a situation between Scylla and Charybdis; he is threatened with liquidation, both for participation and non-participation [1].”

Ernst Junger was also criticized for refusing to fill out a denazification questionnaire to test his beliefs in 1945, in connection with which the British occupation authorities banned his publications in Germany for 4 years. It is worth noting here that due to the fact that Jünger was extremely close to the participants in the conspiracy against Hitler, he was retired from military service in October 1944 (and was not killed only due to luck), but on his publication banned in the Third Reich. Ironically, the censorship ban of the Nazi regime lasted, as did the ban on the publication of the writer's books in the western zone of Germany by the British military administration, until 1950.

Nevertheless, at the beginning of 1949, Junger received from the French military command the right to publish in Germany, and the first post-war novel, published in the same year, was Heliopolis. Retrospective of one city. It is interesting that, as Yury Solonin, a researcher of Junger's work, notes, in the public opinion of the French, his name was never associated with the concept of an occupier, and a prominent member of the Resistance movement F. Mitterrand even visited Junger in Wilfling during the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the writer, where he spent the last decade of his life [6].

Junger's post-war views have become somewhat more moderate, he is moving away from radicalism, but he does not cease to be anti-republican and remains an adherent of conservative realism, to which traditionalist pessimism is added. For the thinker, as for the right-wing traditionalist, there is no fundamental difference between democracy and totalitarian dictatorship, which is further confirmed by his essay “Going into the Forest” (1951).

Criticism of the democratic regime in E. Junger's essay "Leaving for the Forest"

Reflecting on how to behave in the face of and within the catastrophe of our era, and trying to find a force that can preserve freedom in a total state, Jünger, following the figures of the worker and the unknown soldier, brings the gestalt into the arena of history (gestalt is defined as “the whole that embraces more than the sum of its parts") - a partisan who "went into the forest" [7].

In the work “Leaving for the Forest”, Jünger addresses the important topic of preserving personal integrity and the right to existential human freedom from unifying power through criticism of the democratic regime [8]. He begins his work with a passage that “Going into the Forest” is by no means an idyll” and it will be about “questions of the kind that always carry a threat”.

One of the first questions that Ernst Junger asks is the problem of elections and questionnaires in modern democracy, which has not guaranteed security since the beginning of the XNUMXth century and is fraught with consequences.

“The ballot paper is designed to determine simple numerical ratios and to count them. He must find out the will of the voter, and the entire electoral process is aimed at ensuring that this will be direct, without extraneous influences on the result. Therefore, elections are accompanied by a sense of security and even a sense of belonging to power, which, in fact, distinguishes free will within the legal field.
Our contemporary, undergoing the questioning imposed on him, is very far from such security. The answers he gives are fraught with consequences, often his fate depends on them ...
The questions get closer and closer to us, they become more insistent, and the way we answer becomes more and more important. At the same time, one must remember that silence is also an answer [1]”,

Junger writes.

The German thinker notes that the ballot paper turns into a questionnaire, and free elections are nothing more than an illusion. Elections are largely predetermined.

“Why, then, are elections needed if there is no choice anymore? The answer is this: our voter is given the opportunity to participate in the act of acclamation with his ballot. Not everyone is recognized as worthy of this privilege - so in the electoral rolls, of course, there are no names of countless unknowns, from which armies of new slaves are recruited. Therefore, the voter usually knows what is expected of him [1].”

Considering elections as a form of participation, Jünger recalls that in dictatorships they are replaced by a plebiscite and become just one of its forms. At the same time, propaganda plays an important role, which influences the masses and enlists the support of the majority.

“The sight of huge, passionately excited masses is the most important sign that we have entered a new era. In this area, if not unanimity, then certainly unanimity prevails, because if a dissenting voice is suddenly heard, whirlwinds immediately rise, destroying the one to whom it belongs.
Therefore, a loner who decides to draw attention to himself in this way may just as well dare to political assassination: the result for him will be the same [1].”

According to Jugnger, the goal of the dictatorship is to prove that it relies not only on the overwhelming majority, but also that its approval is an expression of the free will of individuals.

“The directors of this process are trying to convince a person who came to the polling station with the firm intention of voting “no” that he is very lonely. It can be assumed that this voter, thanks to his common sense, resisted a long, unequivocal propaganda, which was intensified more and more subtly until the very day of the elections. It wasn't that easy; add to this that the will demanded of him is dressed in the most worthy forms; he is asked to participate in the choice of freedom or the vote for peace.
Who doesn't love peace and freedom? It must be only non-humans. This alone gives the answer "no" a criminal character [1]."

German thinking notes that from a technical point of view it is not difficult to organize elections in which one hundred percent of the votes are given to those who need it, but “propaganda always refers to a situation in which the enemy of the state, the enemy of the people, the class enemy has been utterly defeated and has become a laughingstock, but still did not disappear [1].

Thus, Jünger asks the question: is it possible to gain freedom and resist the power of the omnipresent state, when the dictatorship hides behind formal democratic practices, and any opposition is skillfully used by the regime to strengthen control and confirm its own strength [7].

“In fact, tyranny and freedom cannot be considered separately, even if from the point of view of temporality they replace each other. One can, of course, say that tyranny abolishes and abolishes freedom - but, on the other hand, tyranny becomes possible only where freedom has become tame and has reduced itself to an empty concept [1]”,

Jünger concludes.

“Leaving for the Forest” is a conscious choice of a loner who is able to think independently

Referring to the image of the "spiritual partisan", Jünger uses the metaphor of going into the forest to describe a new type of resistance and assertion of freedom in the context of the strengthening of new forms of power [7].

“By Going into the Forest, we mean the freedom of a loner in this world... We call a person who has gone into the forest one who, in the course of great changes, found himself alone and homeless and, ultimately, saw himself betrayed to destruction...
The one who has gone into the forest decides to resist, intending to enter into a fight, most likely hopeless.
Thus, the one who has gone into the forest is the one who has retained the original connection with freedom, which, from the point of view of time, is expressed in the fact that he, resisting automatism, refuses to accept its ethical consequence, that is, fatalism [1]”,

writes the German National Conservative.

“Going into the forest” is not an escape from reality, it is a new type of consciousness and behavior aimed not at a political confrontation with the system, but at a conscious choice of a loner who is able to think independently, choose, say “no” and be guided by his own, and not imposed on him from the outside by ideals [7].

As the philosopher Alexander Mikhailovsky notes, it is permissible to consider "leaving for the forest" as a kind of memorandum of a partisan. This is not an instruction that lies in a special box in case of an emergency state, but a unique life experience of a loner, recorded in a word for those who, like Manuel Venator from Eumesvil, learn the art of escaping from the networks of Leviathan and at the same time as a supporter and protector of his lot.

The true motto of the one who has gone into the forest, Jünger writes, is "here and now" - he is a man of free and independent action. Only a tiny fraction of the entire mass of the population can be attributed to this type, however, according to the thinker, “this is how a small elite is formed, capable of resisting automatism, in the struggle against which the use of naked violence will fail. It is still the same ancient freedom in the clothes of time: the essential, elemental freedom that awakens in healthy peoples when the tyranny of parties or foreign conquerors oppresses their country [1].

In the essay Leaving for the Forest, Jünger repeatedly raises the topic of the division of Germany. In particular, in paragraph 32, the writer speaks of a test more difficult than the test of the war that befell the German. The German passed this test, "withstood silently, without weapons, without friends, alone, without advisers in this world. He also expresses fears that the two divided Germanys "will go to war against each other", believing that in this case "going into the forest is the only means that can be devoted to common goals, without regard to artificial borders [1]."

In general, Jünger's work is permeated with pessimistic notes. Speaking about the possibility of a technocratic catastrophe, the author resorts to the metaphor of the Titanic - a ship that first became a symbol of the victory of civilization and technology over nature and later turned into a symbol of collapse and fear. According to the writer, a person is too accustomed to comfort and relies too much on technology.

“Are we really gaining something of value by living in this world of insurance agencies, vaccinations, pedantic hygiene and an increase in the average age of life?
It is not worth arguing about this, since all this is only being formed, and the ideas on which this world stands have not yet been exhausted.
The ship will continue its voyage, even if it takes it from one catastrophe to another. True, catastrophes bring with them terrible victims. When a Ship dies, its medkit sinks with it.
And then everything depends on other things, for example, on whether a person can withstand several hours in ice water. A multiple-vaccinated, clean, drug-trained team with a high average life expectancy is less likely than one that doesn't.
Minimal mortality in times of peace is not a criterion for true health; it can suddenly, in one night, turn into its complete opposite [1].”

As the historian Sergei Kazakov notes, in the early 50s, Ernst Junger became not only one of the pioneer diagnosticians of globalization, but also clearly one of its first critics. In particular, in the essay “Leaving for the Forest”, he notes that “from a technical point of view, only two powers are capable of political and strategic behavior based on huge military means and pursuing planetary goals” (it was about the USA and the USSR).

Junger subsequently develops the theme of the global state and the globalized world in a work entitled “The World State. Organism and Organization" (1960). "Organization" as a unifying principle of the global state becomes the subject of criticism of the thinker. However, a detailed discussion of this work is beyond the scope of the main topic of this material.

Thus, it should be noted that Junger's image of the one who went into the forest is a political program of a loner on the eve of the postmodern era. Going into the forest allows the individual to resolve the issue of sovereignty, which Jünger's colleague in the "conservative revolution" in Germany, Carl Schmitt, considered the most important for the political essence of the state. Considering the political reality with which Junger's thoughts are connected, it is also important that the thinker did not consider the Cold War a problem for "going into the forest", since it is "possible anywhere on the Earth" [9].

E. Jünger - a consistent critic of democracy (as a conclusion)

E. Jünger did not occupy a proper place in the fiction and political culture of the FRG, and he himself did not seek to follow and read modern German literature.

Nevertheless, in the late 1970s, the literary merits of the writers were appreciated by the state: in 1977 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the FRG, in 1982 - the Goethe Prize of the city of Frankfurt, which caused a political outcry in the political and journalistic circles of the FRG. A landmark event was his participation in 1984 in the procession to Douaumont, a symbolic reconciliation of Germany and France, when the veteran of the Great War Ernst Junger, the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany H. Kohl and the President of France F. Mitterrand marched to the famous fort. In 1985, on his 90th birthday, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Federal Republic of Germany, a large cross with a star and a shoulder ribbon [10].

V. Senderov, in his article devoted to the publication of the Russian translation of the writer's novel "On the Marble Rocks", notes that in the FRG "the complete conservative Junger was very reserved about the beautiful new world. But he still accepted signs of attention and awards from the Federal Republic. However, the publicist believes that Jünger's influence after the Second World War is incomparable with the former Weimar time, and he "receded into an incomprehensibly distant past [11]".

Junger was indeed quite skeptical of the FRG, because he believed that West German democracy was flawed, since it was created by the grace of the victors. In his later writings, he notes that the emerging plebiscitary democracy is not much different from the dictatorship of the masses and opposes the liberal welfare state, technocracy, and the loss of metaphysics. The thinker of the "conservative revolution", as before, shares the concepts of freedom and democracy, continuing to be an irreconcilable opponent of the latter.

Quite often, publicists tend to accuse Ernst Junger of romanticizing the war and "propaganda of militarism", but he was a patriot of his country, a veteran of the First World War, who received the highest Prussian military order Pour le mérite for participating in it, did he, as a front-line soldier, really have no right to write about war as he saw fit?

In addition, as some historians note, the spirit and style of Junger's books about the war had the same effect on the public as good Soviet prose about the Great Patriotic War once did, and such concepts and topics as military partnership, military duty, honor, selflessness, straining the spiritual and physical strength of soldiers in the name of great goals, cannot be ignored for the sake of pacifism, if people fought, risked their lives and aspired to lofty goals [12].

As historian Oleg Plenkov rightly notes:

“Those who see in Jünger only an incorrigible Nazi sympathizer are missing the most essential thing in the perception of his personality - his constant desire to be ahead of his time. Jünger remained true to himself until the very last moment, maintaining a strong critical distance, including towards contemporary German democracy. It seems that such stability of views and temperament deserves only respect [3].”

Использованная литература:
[1]. Junger, Ernst. Leaving for the Forest / Ernst Junger. – M.: Ad Marginem Press, 2020.
[2]. Plenkov O. Yu. Notes to the diaries of an eternal nonconformist. // E. Junger. Years of occupation (April 1945 - December 1948). St. Petersburg, 2007.
[3]. Plenkov O. Yu. E. Junger and his contribution to modern conservative thinking // Conservatism in Russia and the world: past and present: Sat. To 65 scientific. works. Issue. 1 / Ed. A. Yu. Minakova. - Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publishing House, 2001.
[4]. S. O. Kazakov. Ernst Junger's Conservative Transit: Dissertation... Candidate of Historical Sciences: 07.00.03 / Sergey Oganovich Kazakov. – Perm, 2014.
[5]. Schwarz HP Die konservative Anarhist. Politik und Zeitkritik Ernst Jungers. – Freiburg in Br.: 1962.
[6]. Yu. N. Solonin. Diaries of Ernst Jünger: Impressions and Judgments // Jünger E. Radiations (February 1941 - April 1945). - St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal, 2002.
[7]. Ernst Junger's "Departure into the Forest": Paths to Freedom in the Era of Posthumanism [Electronic resource] // URL: https://monocler.ru/uhod-v-les-yunger/
[8]. Kazakov S. O. Variations of conservative criticism of modern Western civilization in the late works of Ernst Junger // Vestn. Sev. (Arctic) feder. university Ser.: Humanite. and social Sciences. 2016. No. 6. P. 5–14.
[9]. Smirnov D. A. Political problems of post-war Germany as reflected in the intellectual searches of Ernst Junger in the early 1950s. [Electronic resource] URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/politicheskie-problemy-poslevoennoy-germanii-v-otrazhenii-intellektualnyh-iskaniy-ernsta-yungera-nachala-1950-h-godov
[10]. S. V. Artamoshin. Ernst Junger: Warrior, Writer, Thinker (1895–1998) To the 125th anniversary of the birth // History. Society. Policy. 2020, No. 1 (13) - RIO FGBOU HE "Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky", 2020.
[eleven]. Senderov V. A. Standing cliff. Ernst Junger. On marble cliffs // decree. op. S. 11.
[12]. Plenkov O. Yu. Myths of the Nation against the Myths of Democracy: German Political Tradition and Nazism. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house RHSH, 1997.
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  1. +5
    27 March 2023 05: 43
    Thinker of the "conservative revolution"

    A conservative revolution is like a Jew in the SS
    1. -4
      27 March 2023 08: 28
      Jewish member of the SS

      Doesn't the current image of Zelensky inspire? what
    2. +10
      27 March 2023 08: 31
      The conservative revolution is rather a little pregnant
    3. +1
      27 March 2023 13: 12
      - it's like a Jew member of the SS

      SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich.
      1. +12
        27 March 2023 14: 07
        Not a fact. Rather, it’s a fact that it’s still a “true Aryan.” But the “overlooked” was enough without it - the “standard of the Aryan child” ended up being Hessie Levinson, and the “ideal Aryan soldier” turned out to be Werner Goldberg.
      2. +10
        27 March 2023 14: 23
        Quote: Sea Cat
        SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich

        These are all Schellenberg's tales...
    4. 0
      April 29 2023 14: 24
      Anything happened ...
      It doesn't matter what the original nationality is.
      In the SS - different connections - especially.
  2. +2
    27 March 2023 05: 43
    publicists often tend to accuse Ernst Junger of romanticizing the war and "propaganda of militarism", but he was a patriot of his country, a veteran of the First World War,

    To understand the German, you need to read and view the work "All Quiet on the Western Front."
    Germans are easily carried away by various schizophrenic ideas of dubious personalities (this is clearly seen now in the LGBT dictatorship in Germany) and then pay dearly for it with their lives and well-being.
    Junger is a white crow in a flock of black crows...these have always been, are and will be outcasts in society...in any society.
    The interests of society and the individual do not always coincide.
    1. +13
      27 March 2023 08: 35
      To understand the German, I would not Remarque, but nevertheless I advised the hero of the article .. Especially his "In Steel Thunderstorms"
      1. +1
        27 March 2023 11: 28
        Quote: not the one
        To understand the German, I would not Remarque, but nevertheless I advised the hero of the article.

        Is this in the sense of a stupid German burgher?
        1. +10
          27 March 2023 12: 50
          This is in the sense of "A true Aryan. The character is Nordic, seasoned. An excellent family man; he had no ties that discredited him. He is merciless to the enemies of the Reich. Maintains good relations with his workmates. Impeccably fulfills his official duty."
          1. +2
            29 March 2023 03: 25
            Quote: not the one
            This is in the sense of "A true Aryan. The character is Nordic, seasoned. An excellent family man; he had no ties that discredited him. He is merciless to the enemies of the Reich. Maintains good relations with his workmates. Impeccably fulfills his official duty."

            This is just a parody of Yu. Semenov on Soviet streamlined characteristics. In the USSR, the nomenklatura represented ordinary people as uniform cogs, but the reality was that people did one thing, said another, and thought a third. Most likely in the USSR they thought one thing about a person, they said something else, and what kind of person he was, not only the bosses, but even relatives, colleagues and friends did not know.
  3. +10
    27 March 2023 06: 05
    I would not necessarily consider "gone into the forest" as a partisan. The problem of extra people exists on the entire planet. All people develop family habits. Educational habits. The elite also has corporate habits. The main topic here is the State and the Individual. This problem will not disappear until the current wealth loses its meaning. It will be a difficult time when there will be nothing but socialism to choose. And it will not a political movement, but an object of survival. The consequences of capitalism, which will choke in its deeds. When a person realizes that what was pouring onto his head is just dust.
  4. +2
    27 March 2023 06: 28
    Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
    When a person realizes that what was pouring onto his head is just dust.

    Usually this happens before the death of a person ... he comes to the realization that in the next world he will not take away what he was used to and could not manage during his lifetime.
    On the threshold of eternity, all the hidden thoughts of man, both good and bad, are visible. smile
    1. +7
      27 March 2023 07: 55
      Lech from Android. The breaking of consciousness occurs not only before death. After the First World War, many ideas of the old society were buried in Russia. And not only in Russia. mass grave - "We are lying here, because our fathers lied to us." And what happened to Germany?
  5. +7
    27 March 2023 07: 07
    The history of the appearance of the popular expression "go through the forest" has become more clear
    1. +12
      27 March 2023 08: 37
      Well, yes, you can say so. A typical quote from Jünger

      I do not want to enter into an argument with society - for example, to improve it; For me, the main thing is not to let him get too close to me.
      1. +5
        27 March 2023 11: 30
        Well, okay, I would honestly write that I just don’t want to leave my comfort zone. But for some reason it was necessary to lie to yourself and to people.
    2. +5
      27 March 2023 14: 11
      Quote: sergo1914
      The history of the appearance of the popular expression "go through the forest" has become more clear

      Good day Sergey!
      I will put forward my version of the idiom, as a good wish, so as not to meet good people who have gone “on the high road” before you! laughing
  6. +7
    27 March 2023 08: 24
    I don’t really understand why this modern political swindle is called the ancient term democracy .. Which, by the way, the Greeks themselves did not really approve of ..

    There are many differences. First of all, democracy was born in very small cities, where the number of citizens did not exceed tens of thousands. Even in the metropolis of Athens - there were 40 thousand maximum. Which means the main thing - everyone knew each other as flaky. And the voters are elected, and they are them .. Unlike today, where candidates are good if they were seen on TV ...
    Naturally - everyone lived side by side, and a worthless official could easily get in the face when going home from a government office. And all his deeds were in full view of all citizens. What could not be overlooked..
    Any elected person - could be recalled by the people as soon as it ceased to suit, and even put on trial without any sentimentality.
    No one could hold a position longer than the due term, even if he was seven spans in his forehead. You can not sit as a praetor or aedile for 20 years .. Sat himself - give it to others.
    The bureaucratic career was built on a mandatory basis. You cannot become a consul if you have not previously been an aedile, quaestor, praetor .. And these positions must be interspersed with military ones - that is, you cannot become a magistrate without serving in the legions.
    The broadest rights of popular assemblies, Avon - in Rome there were three types of comitia alone. And they-gathered all the time, unlike our fake referenda, about which no one remembers. That is, the direct power of the people was exercised.
    The duty of magistrates to perform functions for their hard-earned money. Voulgaris - if you want to be praetor - organize something for the people. Fix the road for example. Or build a public building..
    The presence in many cases of institutions of representatives of popular control is a vivid example of the popular tribunate in Rome ..

    And so on and so forth. Nobody says that the system was perfect - it squinted and degenerated to its full height. But - that's it, it was that democracy, and modern institutions - look like it no more than a mammoth looks like a gopher .. And if we draw analogies - Soviet power corresponded much more to a set of ancient criteria than bourgeois-type democracy, then .. Which is pure fiction and swindle, in fact - representing a classic oligarchy ..
    1. +16
      27 March 2023 08: 43
      "Democracy is a balloon that hangs over your heads and makes you stare up while other people rummage through your pockets."
      George Bernard Shaw
    2. +2
      28 March 2023 04: 08
      I don’t really understand why this modern political swindle is called the ancient term democracy .. Which, by the way, the Greeks themselves did not really approve of ..

      To be fair, in ancient Hellas there were several more types of “power system”: ocholocracy, theocracy, and others. All of them had vulnerabilities. Moreover, in all, without exception, the right to vote for the weaker sex was not supposed and a property qualification was applied.
      The most thoughtful "power" was the Roman one, but it did not turn out to be the most perfect! Remember only the horse in the Senate! However, today we have not come up with anything new by “using” the old!
  7. +2
    27 March 2023 08: 41
    The author did not highlight one thought of E. Junger about a classless society. Now we can say a classless society = globalization, but still not quite yet, but we are moving towards this.
    We must honestly admit that nothing depends on an ordinary person, and even more so with the advent of electronic voting.
    Capitalism has won in the world and it is moving towards world domination. That is, to a classless society.
    Junger saw this one of the first.
    The skating rink of this process will crush all dissenters. This is not pessimism, this is realism.
    VO is like a kitchen in Khrushchev. We talked, drank and parted ways!
    1. +5
      27 March 2023 09: 02
      The author did not highlight one thought of E. Junger about a classless society.

      Yes, the author did not highlight many of Junger's thoughts. Yes, this is within the framework of one article and it is impossible. Jünger was very accurately described by Hans Schwartz. By his definition, Jünger is a conservative anarchist whose ideological credo is protest and a speech against the spirit of the times. So, if desired, the author can write a whole cycle "Criticism of the era in the philosophical heritage of Ernst Junger."
      Meanwhile, Junger has a work that is very relevant for the present time - the essay "Total Mobilization", which he wrote in 1930.
      ... long gone are the days when it was enough, under reliable guidance, to send a hundred thousand recruited warriors to the battlefield ...
      The picture of the war as a kind of armed action is more and more fully integrated into the larger picture of the grandiose process of work. Along with the armies fighting on the battlefield, new armies arise in the field of transport, food supply, the armaments industry - in the field of work as such ...
      To deploy energies of such magnitude, it is no longer enough to arm yourself with a sword alone—armament must penetrate to the marrow of the bones, to the finest vital nerves. This task is assumed by total mobilization, the act by which the widely branched and woven network of numerous arteries of modern life is connected with a single switch of the switch to the abundant flow of martial energy.

      Why not today? But it was written a hundred years ago.
      1. -3
        27 March 2023 09: 59
        did not illuminate many of Jünger's thoughts.
        Junger had a weakness for psychedelics (although he used everything that "torques" wassat ). so there is a possibility that he was a banal sociopath, and his thoughts discussed by venerable philosophers and ordinary amateurs were born in the rainbow world, where the mushrooms opened the way for him. wassat
        Something like this.
        1. +7
          27 March 2023 10: 14
          It is common knowledge that Jünger "dabbled" with LSD as a young man. Nevertheless, he was not a drug addict, and his thinking was clearer than that of us.
          1. -1
            27 March 2023 10: 48
            It is common knowledge that Jünger "dabbled" with LSD as a young man.
            The date of receipt of Lesergic Acid Diethylamide does not correlate well with Jünger's youth, and "Bicycle Day" even more so.
            1. +11
              27 March 2023 12: 19
              In his youth, Jungern "dabbled" in ether, cocaine and hashish. He dabbled in mescaline and LSD in adulthood. He wrote a book about his experiments - Annäherungen. But he was not a drug addict, drug addicts do not live up to 102 years, while maintaining clarity of thought.
      2. +12
        27 March 2023 12: 51
        Why not today? But it was written a hundred years ago.
        And about the elections? The same story.
    2. +12
      27 March 2023 11: 34
      Quote: ee2100
      Capitalism has won in the world and it is moving towards world domination. That is, to a classless society.

      Why the hell is capitalism a classless society? This is pure bullshit. Capitalism just means this very class society. Classless capitalism is demagogy.
    3. +10
      27 March 2023 12: 23
      Capitalism has won in the world and it is moving towards world domination. That is, to a classless society.
      If capitalism has won, it can no longer go anywhere, it has already come to world domination. There are small pockets of resistance left. A classless society under capitalism, how is it? Robots work hard, not people "(c)? Not fit into the "columbarium"?
    4. +4
      27 March 2023 14: 26
      Good day Alexander!
      This is not pessimism, this is realism.

      I do not like to express my views on the electoral system, I consider it defective from the very beginning, but some strokes could significantly change the situation. For example kryzhik in the ticket "against all".
  8. +4
    27 March 2023 08: 47
    “Going into the forest” is not an escape from reality, it is a new type of consciousness and behavior aimed not at a political confrontation with the system, but at a conscious choice of a loner who is able to think independently, choose, say “no” and be guided by his own, and not imposed on him from the outside by ideals

    I would like to see a man who would develop his own ideals for himself.
    A seasoned lump, a real genius ... human being! laughing
    1. +4
      27 March 2023 11: 37
      Quote: Illanatol
      A seasoned lump, a real genius ... human being!

      A very handy person. These are very comfortable to parasitize. If earlier they used religion to fool the masses, now you can use such an escapist philosophy.
  9. +7
    27 March 2023 08: 50
    Quote: ee2100
    The author did not highlight one thought of E. Junger about a classless society. Now we can say a classless society = globalization, but still not quite yet, but we are moving towards this.

    Globalization has nothing to do with a classless society.
    On the contrary, globalization and the inextricably linked advances in IT are creating new forms of social inequality and ensuring unprecedented levels of elite control over the "biomass".
    1. +10
      27 March 2023 12: 54
      Quite right, democracy is a way in which a well-organized minority governs an unorganized majority. Like the classic
      The bourgeoisie is compelled to be hypocritical and call a democratic republic, which in reality is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the dictatorship of the exploiters over the toiling masses, "general power" or democracy in general, or pure democracy.
  10. +5
    27 March 2023 08: 52
    Quote: not the one
    "Democracy is a balloon that hangs over your heads and makes you stare up while other people rummage through your pockets."
    George Bernard Shaw

    "Democracy is a cold civil war waged by the rich against the poor at the hands of the state." Max Weber.
    1. +12
      27 March 2023 12: 59
      What are you boiling?
      We promised and we share equally:
      one - bagel,
      to another - a donut hole.
      This is a democratic republic.
      Vladimir V. Mayakovsky
  11. +4
    27 March 2023 08: 58
    "Leaving the Forest"...
    As in that joke: "I wish I could throw everything to hell and go to this Uryupinsk." smile
    There's just something I don't quite understand. Junger calls to go to the forest not as a hermit, but as a partisan. And what, in fact, is his "partisanship"?
    The partisan differs from the hermit in that he periodically takes to the road and harms the authorities. And also by the fact that partisans unite in detachments, while hermits generally shy away from any communication, live in their own world, without sticking their nose out.
    So, if Jünger is talking specifically about intellectual "partisans", and not about hermits, then what instructions does he give for creating partisan formations, what goals does he set for these formations, roughly speaking, what needs to be attacked, destroyed?
    To be honest, I would go to such a detachment, but only all those "partisans" that come across my way, upon closer examination, turn out to be false, that is, provocateurs or just steam pipes.
    Or does "going into the forest" mean the tactics of passive disobedience? But wouldn’t it work out in this case, “to spite my grandmother, I’ll get frostbite on my ears”?
    1. +8
      27 March 2023 09: 35
      There's just something I don't quite understand. Junger calls to go to the forest not as a hermit, but as a partisan. And what, in fact, is his "partisanship"?

      You take the term "partisan" too literally. Junger has this, I don’t even know what to call it exactly, a quasi-fantastic image, or something. His partisans are "spiritual-political", "forest" - respectively - a conditional abstract environment for maintaining the ability to think independently, retain the right to choose and the right to act in accordance with one's own, and not imposed from outside, ideals.
      Maybe I stated it too "scientifically", but Junger is difficult to describe differently, in the comment above I wrote very briefly about him.
      And it is best to read it yourself if you want.
      1. +2
        27 March 2023 10: 25
        No, not too literally, that's right - spiritual and political. smile With the "forest" everything is also clear, you gave a definition that is quite consistent with my understanding of this term by Jünger.
        I'm interested in something else.
        After all, for some reason he used the term "partisan", implying the need for unification and some kind of active, active position.
        So it calls for something, for some kind of struggle, but with whom, for what and in what way?
        Well, if we understand his words as a call to passive disobedience, that is, the need to isolate, pupate and live in the world of one’s own concepts, ideals, one’s own morality, different from the generally accepted one, without trying to impose this one’s worldview on others, then why is this all? It’s a no brainer that only a few out of thousands are capable of such “partisanship”, and without being organized, they will simply drown in this mass without a chance to change anything.
        Quote: sergej_84
        best to read it yourself if you want

        Wish... smile
        There is a desire to read, comprehend and understand a huge amount of literature ... smile
        1. +7
          27 March 2023 12: 31
          I'm interested in something else.
          After all, for some reason he used the term "partisan"

          Actually, he did not use the term "partisan" (der Partisan). This is a slightly incorrect translation. He used the term "Waldrebellen" - "forest rebels" or "forest rebels". Everything is natural. Jungern's forest is a metaphor for spiritual freedom, those who have chosen the path to such freedom are forest rebels.
          1. +2
            27 March 2023 13: 12
            "Forest Rebels" smile
            Yes, the translation is not very correct.
            Although, the word "rebellion" in German has the meaning of active civil disobedience - rebellion, rebellion, uprising.
            Still understandable, thanks.
            However, it turns out that Junger does not offer an organized struggle against someone or something, but a personal internal struggle aimed at achieving his personal independence and self-improvement in this regard?
            Well, well, it is quite possible to agree with him in this regard. For a thinking person, this is definitely a way out.
            Here it will become warmer and I will begin to periodically go to the forests. I will go to the bushes when I need it and enjoy complete spiritual freedom. smile
            1. +4
              27 March 2023 13: 26
              However, it turns out that Junger offers not an organized struggle against someone or something, but a personal internal struggle aimed at achieving his personal independence and self-improvement in this regard.

              1. +4
                27 March 2023 14: 29
                And if we bring this construction to the absolute, that is, to assume that the majority will be able to follow Junger's advice, we come to nothing but anarchy. smile
                Peculiar, but anarchy.
        2. +4
          27 March 2023 12: 55
          It’s a no brainer that only a few out of thousands are capable of such “partisanship”, and without being organized, they will simply drown in this mass without a chance to change anything.

          One more small problem - everyone comes to this ITSELF. There are few of us, and the worst thing is that we do not pass on our ideas by inheritance, because each one is on his own. In addition, as mentioned above, society repels such individuals, and we are constantly in survival mode.
          1. -2
            27 March 2023 14: 15
            Well, "us" is probably too strong a word. I'm afraid there is no "us" in this context at all. This "us" is not classified, there are no common features by which one can single out a group of people and say: "this is us, and this is not us."
    2. 0
      27 March 2023 09: 50
      Hi, Misha!
      And how is a partisan different from a forest brother or just a bandit?
      1. +10
        27 March 2023 10: 10
        I will answer this with a quote from Jünger from Leaving for the Forest:

        “A separate danger lies in the penetration of criminal elements. The one who went to the Forest does not fight according to the laws of military law, and yet he is not a criminal ... It is quite natural for those in power to present any legal resistance and even simple disagreement with their claims as criminal, and this intention creates special branches of violence and propaganda. This also explains the fact that in their hierarchy the common criminal is above the one who resists their plans. In contrast to this, it is important that the One who has gone into the Forest not only differs markedly from the criminal in his morality, in his struggle, in his comradeship, but it is also important that this difference is hidden in his very deepest essence. He can find his rights only in himself, especially in the situation when the professors of jurisprudence and state law are not able to put into his hand the weapons he needs ”(c).

        The contemporary philosopher Alexander Mikhailovsky writes that some modern conservative intellectuals consider the Departure to the Forest to be the idea of ​​some kind of spiritual brotherhood in the form of an order, a "union of singles." In general, there is a rational grain in such a reading of Jünger.
        1. +2
          27 March 2023 10: 17
          This is Mikhail's old idea - leaving for the partisans hi
          But not for good.
          1. +2
            27 March 2023 10: 41
            In the sense of ideological and political, I have long been a partisan. Only I am a very lazy partisan. I sat down in a deep thicket, dug in, and went out onto the main road only when it got really boring. smile
      2. +2
        27 March 2023 10: 38
        Greetings, Sasha.
        Quote: ee2100
        how is a partisan different from a forest brother or just a bandit?

        They differ in motivation.
        A bandit is a purely selfish motivation.
        Forest brother - motivation to escape justice, to survive.
        Partisan - motivation to help defeat one of the parties to the armed conflict. No war - no partisans.
        1. 0
          27 March 2023 11: 02
          If you consider yourself a "lazy partisan" then is the war lazy or leftist?
          1. 0
            27 March 2023 11: 23
            Lazy. Sluggish. Such a war, which you can not go to if it's scrapped. smile
        2. 0
          27 March 2023 11: 07
          I do not agree with the forest brothers - many were ideological.
          I remember when there was a little conversation between my mother and my neighbor's mother about the war. "They come at night, they knock. They say that they are partisans, or maybe just bandits, who will sort them out?"
          1. 0
            27 March 2023 11: 19
            Quote: ee2100
            many were ideological.

            Without a doubt. As long as the war was going on, the detachments of the forest brothers operating in the rear of the Soviet army could be considered partisan. As soon as the war ended, the partisans also ended - there were unfinished enemies trying to evade responsibility for the crimes committed. Illegal armed formations.
            Quote: ee2100
            They say that partisans, or maybe just bandits

            And the bandits - with these, everything is clear from the very beginning. A gang is an organized and close-knit criminal group whose sole purpose is profit. Outwardly, it may not differ from the partisans, which is why the local population had difficulties with their identification.
    3. -1
      27 March 2023 11: 39
      Quote: Trilobite Master
      But wouldn’t it work out in this case, “to spite my grandmother, I’ll get frostbite on my ears”?

      So we found out that Junger creatively borrowed his philosophy from children.
  12. +7
    27 March 2023 08: 59
    Thus, it should be noted that Junger's image of the one who went into the forest is a political program of a loner on the eve of the postmodern era. Going into the forest allows the individual to resolve the issue of sovereignty, which Jünger's colleague in the "conservative revolution" in Germany, Carl Schmitt, considered the most important for the political essence of the state.

    First of all, this greatly facilitates the life of the elite, for whose interests such disunited "lone partisans" pose no threat, since they are, a priori, incapable of any action and do not even have traces of subjectivity.
    The physical model of the "partisan" society is a liquid that easily takes the form of a vessel into which it is poured.
    And the independent inner world of such "partisans" is all to the bullshit, since it does not manifest itself in the outside world in any way. A lone partisan can fantasize anything, fantasies will remain fantasies.
  13. fiv
    27 March 2023 09: 55
    “I always thought that democracy is the power of the people, but Comrade Roosevelt clearly explained to me that democracy is the power of the American people” (I.V. Stalin)
    1. +11
      27 March 2023 12: 56
      It is difficult to say which form of government is worse, everyone is so bad. And the democratic one is the worst of all, for what is democracy if not an aristocracy of scoundrels.
      George G. Byron
  14. -2
    27 March 2023 11: 10
    I don't know if Palahniuk has read Junger, but I have a strong association with Fight Club.
    1. +8
      27 March 2023 11: 46
      Quote: 3x3zsave
      I don't know if Palahniuk has read Junger, but I have a strong association with Fight Club.

      In the fight club, people acted, although their actions were quite delusional. Here is some kind of amorphous protest existence, which is as comfortable as possible for others. And what is the protest is not clear. The fact that a person considers something wrong, but at the same time does absolutely nothing?
    2. +7
      27 March 2023 12: 09
      I don't know if Palahniuk has read Junger, but I have a strong association with Fight Club.

      This is quite natural. Jungern and Palahniuk have a lot in common. Both admirers of Nietzsche, both have a peculiar anarchism and a tendency to protest. It is no coincidence that Palahniuk was a member of the Cacophony Society, a society organized by the surviving members of the Suicide Club from San Francisco, and Jungern, in his youth, sought adventure in the Wandervogel and the French Foreign Legion.
      1. +14
        27 March 2023 14: 12
        “You know too much. You will be buried with honors after a car accident."
  15. +7
    27 March 2023 12: 25
    "Thus, Jünger asks the question: is it possible to gain freedom and resist the power of the omnipresent state, when the dictatorship hides behind formal democratic practices, and any opposition is skillfully used by the regime to strengthen control and confirm its own strength"

    "Omnipresent" is not the power of the state with its laws, but the power of the instincts of the human herd. The state appears in History simply because without it, the herd, due to hostile internal contradictions, will plunder and plunder everything.
    Any normal person understands that where there is at least no police, dear compatriots, the main danger is.
    As for "going into the forest" - the reflections of an intelligent, pampered cretin. Experience shows that where a group of people is forced to live apart from civilization, relations "like in a zone" are quickly established in it. And even all sorts of lousy intellectuals begin to behave like ordinary convicts ...
  16. +6
    27 March 2023 13: 02
    Quote: ort
    As for "going into the forest" - the reflections of an intelligent, pampered cretin. Experience shows that where a group of people is forced to live apart from civilization, relations "like in a zone" are quickly established in it. And even all sorts of lousy intellectuals begin to behave like ordinary convicts ...

    The commentary is a classic of our time, a trend, in scientific terms - militant ignorance. I haven't read it, but I do. A striking example is the mosaic perception of the world: I pulled the ideas about it piece by piece and believe that they have studied the Universe.
    1. +4
      27 March 2023 13: 58
      Quote: sergej_84

      The commentary is a classic of our time, a trend, in scientific terms - militant ignorance. I haven't read it, but I do. A striking example is the mosaic perception of the world: I pulled the ideas about it piece by piece and believe that they have studied the Universe.

      I believe that Mr. sergej_84 - there is simply nothing to specifically cover, but he is very hot and therefore he becomes personal. And this, to put it in non-scientific language, is simply rudeness.
      1. +2
        27 March 2023 14: 09
        There is not a single word in my comment about personalities. And not a single literary expression. All in essence. There is such a phenomenon - militant ignorance. There are representatives. There is nothing to hide there, since even the mechanism and reasons for the formation of the state are covered with dense fog for you. You can easily refute me that you are not such a representative by demonstrating to the audience your knowledge of Jungern's creative heritage, listing his works you have read and analyzing their content. Please!
        1. +2
          29 March 2023 12: 29
          Quote: sergej_84
          . You can easily refute me that you are not such a representative by demonstrating to the audience your knowledge of Jungern's creative heritage, listing his works you have read and analyzing their content. Please!

          So you didn’t report absolutely anything about Jungern on March 27, 2023 13:02. and everything was only about me personally, your sick soul was worried ..... You don’t need to lie here, because here, as they say, all the moves are written down ...
          But even without your request, I have already commented on the quotation from Jüngern and cited specific considerations. It doesn't affect you at all. But why did you get in? Just "bye-bye-poop" on the opponent because there is no urine to restrain himself ... understandably ...... With verbal diarrhea - to the toilet - Please!
          1. +1
            29 March 2023 13: 18
            My friend, you have a uniform hysteria! You splattered the monitor with saliva. If you write a comment, you must be prepared for the fact that your comment will be appreciated in some way by the audience. For some, it means nothing. Someone will pay attention to it. Estimates can be very different. Someone will appreciate it. Someone is negative. This should be approached calmly, draw conclusions. And throw tantrums - so then you don’t need to write comments. Or do you consider yourself to be such a great thinker that your subjective maxims should be perceived as philosophical revelations? Seek and find. Maybe you are really an expert in some area, but in the one under discussion - a complete zero. What is your comment about.
            All the best.
      2. +12
        27 March 2023 14: 16
        "Guys, let's live together" © The transition to personalities and rudeness is in the "news" or "opinions". Here you can do without it, right ..
        1. +2
          29 March 2023 12: 43
          Quote: not the one
          "Guys, let's live together" © The transition to personalities and rudeness is in the "news" or "opinions". Here you can do without it, right ..

          You remind me of our school history teacher. She separated the fighting boys during the breaks, saying "why so? Still, you can decide peacefully ..". And at the lessons she began to talk about the wars that people have been waging for thousands of years.. This is an example of a hostile contradiction that can only be resolved by force. And a clear explanation of the reasons for the emergence of the State as an apparatus of violence.
          If there were no Law and police, after all, every stubborn cretin will fight to the death for any reason, and even housekeeping will become impossible. And what about the contradictions of the market, where there is a hostile contradiction - between the benefit of the buyer and the seller? Why, they will kill each other if there is no police. What kind of "going into the forest" is there - in Russia it’s even easy to speak out - in fact, it is possible only thanks to the invention of the Internet, thanks to which some indignant "intellectual" standing nearby will not just hit you on the head with a hammer.
          1. +2
            29 March 2023 16: 19
            Why spit on the monitor when you can just not read what you don't like? You do not know anything about Jünger or his work, but write here "smart comments" about "buyers and sellers" that are not related to the text, and are trying to prove something. Pass by, citizen! Nobody invited you to read this material written by me.
  17. +7
    27 March 2023 13: 24
    Quote: Trilobite Master
    There's just something I don't quite understand. Junger calls to go to the forest not as a hermit, but as a partisan. And what, in fact, is his "partisanship"?

    Passive resistance to government and society by rejecting social norms. Personal defense through internal emigration, escapism.
    The goal is not to remake the society, but to block society's attempts to remake the personality into a common pattern.
    For a citizen of a state that has suffered the most crushing defeat, this is a small, personal victory.
  18. +6
    27 March 2023 13: 30
    Quote: ort
    Experience shows that where a group of people is forced to live apart from civilization, relations "like in a zone" are quickly established in it. And even all sorts of lousy intellectuals begin to behave like ordinary convicts ...

    Not always.
    The best way to survive for an isolated group of people (for example, on an island) is to create a micro-society that fits the definition of "commune".
    If an isolated group of people prefer a different model of hostel, not based on the principles of solidarity and mutual assistance, with 100% probability this "collective" will not exist for a long time.

    PS. Bandit "notions" are much more honest and fair than many current laws.
    1. +9
      27 March 2023 14: 12
      Quote: Illanatol

      Not always.
      The best way to survive for an isolated group of people (for example, on an island) is to create a micro-society that fits the definition of "commune".
      If an isolated group of people prefer a different model of hostel, not based on the principles of solidarity and mutual assistance, with 100% probability this "collective" will not exist for a long time.

      PS. Bandit "notions" are much more honest and fair than many current laws.

      If the task is survival, then this is very typical for Russia - a country where in the 21st century, among the huge resources and wonders of world science, the people are engaged in "survival". Optimal and spirited-strong!

      If we are talking about housekeeping, then this cannot be organized "according to concepts." Which only to our compatriots seem to be the height of justice.

      PS By the way .... if you start a discourse about justice with a "dear Russian", he will usually make naive, surprised eyes and ask for sure "But explain to me, stupid, what is justice?".
      But if we are talking about the implementation of the law, then he will indignantly begin to mutter inspired speeches about the "lack of spirituality of the state law" and about "grace" and the hell knows what the sublime is about .. Yes, it's a paradox! They destroyed their country to hell in peacetime and gave it to thieves with their "concepts" (along with lawmaking!), And everything is so spiritual ...... there's nowhere to spit
    2. +14
      27 March 2023 14: 18
      But with this your "PS" is very often forced to agree, looking at the surrounding reality .....
  19. +7
    27 March 2023 13: 42
    The German thinker notes that the ballot paper turns into a questionnaire, and free elections are nothing more than an illusion. Elections are largely predetermined.

    Let me explain with an example. After the revolution of 1917, on January 18, the Constituent Assembly was dispersed. And I think this was the right decision. Can you imagine a general election in a country where more than half the population is illiterate? Private ownership will always win. the leadership of Soviet Russia understood that giving power to an illiterate crowd meant plunging the country into a catastrophe, a dictatorship was needed, but not of the proletariat, but of one party. And the primary task of the Soviet government was the cultural revolution, not just the elimination of illiteracy, but primarily political. But the political cannot be considered without a general outlook. The Soviet government through art to the masses tried to change consciousness from a simple personal "consumer" to the public consciousness. And I am sure that if the first Soviet generation had not died in a terrible war, then this task would have been solved. And now the "democratic" elections are like in a film based on the stories of O. Henry "Kings and Cabbage".

    The video does not embed. But the content is this, one candidate promises a gramophone in every house, and the other a shower, but the voters are torn between the desire to have a gramophone or a shower.
  20. +6
    27 March 2023 13: 57
    Quote: ee2100
    Capitalism has won in the world and it is moving towards world domination. That is, to a classless society.

    In the sense that capitalists (more precisely, post-capitalists) will destroy all other classes physically?
    Well, well.
    It's easy to imagine what kind of future all these Rothschild-Rockefellers dream of.
    All mankind - 400-500 million people.
    It is divided into three large groups (each has its own gradations).
    1. Group A. Elite. Number - 200-300 thousand. At the very top - a dozen clans, they own all the power. Provided with all conceivable and affordable benefits of civilization.
    2. Group B. Servants of the elite. from 2 to 5 million people. Scientists, cultural figures, engineers, military. Also well provided. But so far they are capable. Upon reaching old age, either euthanasia or exile to group C.
    3. Group C. All others. Good minimum. Subsistence farming in "badlands", the least comfortable regions for living. The number is regulated, as necessary: ​​from elementary shooting by drones to artificial epidemics.
    Raw materials for scientific experiments, pantry of organs, use in the entertainment industry (bipedal safari, porn industry), etc.
    No one forbids "partisan" to these artificial savages, this does not interfere with the elite at all.
    They can even throw books and other means of entertainment / distraction ... not for free, of course.

    Society is not class. It's not a society at all. And the division into castes, if not immediately, will be fixed at the biological (genetic) level.
  21. +7
    27 March 2023 17: 57
    Mr. Biryukov, thanks for the article! hi )))
    It was really interesting to read.
    A lot of things hurt, a lot of truth ... But I went in by accident.
    Thank you again!
  22. +2
    27 March 2023 23: 49
    Quote: Illanatol
    “Going into the forest” is not an escape from reality, it is a new type of consciousness and behavior aimed not at a political confrontation with the system, but at a conscious choice of a loner who is able to think independently, choose, say “no” and be guided by his own, and not imposed on him from the outside by ideals

    I would like to see a man who would develop his own ideals for himself.
    A seasoned lump, a real genius ... human being! laughing

    But in general, with "0" - this is understandable (I hope!) It's unrealistic.
    Think independently? own ideals? Guys, this is a spherical horse in a vacuum.
    You cannot live in society and be free from society.(C) amyknowsto.
    Anyone who rises even slightly above the general level of the swamp, standing on the shoulders of giants. And it still needs to be able to climb on these very shoulders. Failed - you're in a swamp and croaking. Regardless of what you think of yourself and who you think you are.
  23. +2
    28 March 2023 08: 53
    Quote: Konnick
    After the revolution of 1917, on January 18, the Constituent Assembly was dispersed. And I think this was the right decision. Can you imagine a general election in a country where more than half the population is illiterate? Private ownership will always win.

    Again, this liberal boyan about the dispersal of the US.
    Nobody pushed him. The Bolsheviks and the Left SRs proposed a resolution for the US to recognize and legitimize the armed coup and overthrow of the Provisional Government. US by a majority of votes - refused. Then the Bolsheviks and their fellow travelers left the meeting. After that, the CA lost what is called a "quorum" (ie representativeness). After that, the meeting continued for many hours, but due to the lack of delegates, not a single resolution was adopted.
    An anarchist sailor Zheleznyak entered the hall and suggested that everyone disperse, not to tear their throats in vain. The delegates had nothing to object to, they dispersed. No one pursued them, non-residents returned to their districts.

    I was strained with literacy then, it’s true, but the left parties still received the majority of votes in the elections to the US: Socialist-Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks, etc. The liberals (the Cadets, in particular) are in a clear minority. And not a single political party or movement even raised the question of restoring autocracy, which is typical.
    1. 0
      29 March 2023 12: 11
      They write about the "dispersal of the constituent", but no one writes, why was it needed and what was it going to establish? Formally, it was necessary for the establishment of a form of government and the adoption of the Constitution. .

      But the form had already been established in June 1917 at the First Congress of Soviets, and by September 1 Russia had already been declared a republic. Heh.. Heh.. Somehow they forget that Russia was already Soviet even before October.

      And until the 2nd Congress took place, for some reason, the Constituent Assembly did not gather in any way .... then, yes, they were in a hurry, but the train had already left. And the first Constitution was adopted by all the same Soviets.
  24. -1
    28 March 2023 09: 09
    Quote: ort
    If the task is survival, then this is very typical for Russia - a country where in the 21st century, among the huge resources and wonders of world science, the people are engaged in "survival". Optimal and spirited-strong!

    If we are talking about housekeeping, then this cannot be organized "according to concepts." Which only to our compatriots seem to be the height of justice.

    The gentlemen reformers famously led us to "survival". Moreover, even in the era of "stagnation", precisely in order to convince the people of the relevance of "market reforms."
    We have a lot of resources, it's true, but in addition to them we have not the best climate, huge territory and distances, which from the point of view of the economy is a clear minus, not a plus at all.
    Economic development is subject to the same laws as chemical reactions. The higher the concentration of reagents (resources, workers, etc.), the more fertile environment for the reaction, the faster the reaction itself.
    Therefore, those countries where the concentration of resources is higher per unit area, better road infrastructure (good roads, access to ice-free seas and convenient ports), higher population density and mobility have a head start in development. A classic example is Germany, Japan, and the southern provinces of China.
    We have a hard time with this. Characteristically, the smaller the handicap, the less free the notorious "market", the less liberalism. An example is the Scandinavian countries.

    You are wrong. In the 90s, our economy was organized "according to concepts." Free market, free competition - an abstraction like an "ideal gas" in physics, in reality they do not exist and cannot exist.
    The regulation of the economy by the state (Gosplan, etc.) was replaced by regulation by the mafia, organized crime groups. Any significant enterprise, any industry had its own "roof"
    No wonder: the most profitable business is controlling someone else's business. Those who want to control, steer - there will always be, a holy place is never empty.
    Well, now ... how much has changed?
    A banker will give birth to a bandit (M. Gorky). Fair enough and vice versa...
    1. 0
      April 29 2023 14: 36
      Thoughts are largely correct.
      At the expense of spaces - the same. But spaces also have an advantage - potential and huge natural resources.
      Must be used correctly.
      Yes, of course, adverse climatic conditions - in most of our territories.
      But, on the other hand, a small percentage of the population lives there.
      And now the Russian Federation mainly "feeds" on these "unfavorable" places ...
      It is necessary to somehow harmonize natural resources into more technologically advanced products with increased added value!
      In the late USSR, this was done, but not enough / did not have time.
  25. 0
    April 29 2023 14: 26
    Very interesting.
    We, unfortunately, do not have a "promoted" author.
    At the same time, his cited texts are not entirely specific and overly streamlined.