Britain and Germany intend to demonstrate NATO's "strength and unity" to Russia

Britain and Germany intend to demonstrate NATO's "strength and unity" to Russia

Britain and Germany intend to conduct a "show of force" for Russia by starting joint patrolling of Estonian airspace. Writes about it The Daily Telegraph.

For the first time, the Royal Air Force of Great Britain will carry out a joint mission with the German Air Force within the framework of NATO, starting to protect the airspace over Estonia. The British and Germans intend to demonstrate to Russia the "strength of NATO" by jointly flying to intercept Russian aircraft if they violate EU borders.

According to the publication, in the near future, about 300 British troops from the 140th Expeditionary Air Wing will be transferred to Estonia. Upon arrival, it will be Britain who will lead the NATO airspace mission over Estonia. Together with the British, German pilots in Typhoon fighters will serve for four months.

What better way to demonstrate the strength and unity of the alliance than successful joint operations like this

- said the commander of the 140th Expeditionary Wing Scott McCall.

According to British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, this mission will not only help protect Estonian airspace from Russian fighters, but also strengthen NATO's presence on the eastern flank of the alliance. It is worth noting that a British ground military contingent is deployed on the territory of this Baltic republic, whose task will be to ensure the defense of Estonia together with the Estonian army until the arrival of the main NATO forces.

Joint operations of this kind demonstrate the strength and unity of NATO and our common determination to maintain peace and security throughout the region.

Wallace added.
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  1. +5
    5 March 2023 20: 57
    and have we settled the issue of borders with the Tribaltic extinction?
    1. +8
      5 March 2023 21: 02
      We will settle with Poland, then we will begin to regulate with them. laughing
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +8
          5 March 2023 21: 34
          Mój przyjacielu, obecne życie Ukrainy nie jest jej zasługą, ale naszą wadą. Atakowaliśmy ciągłym frontem w kolumnach, przeprowadzając "operację wojskowo-policyjną", ale mogliśmy od razu przystąpić do walki od granicy, niszcząc ukraińskie centra energedemtyczne i transportowe atakiem rakietowymramyńmyń komunikacyjnymi. Ukraina by teraz nie istniała, gdyby taka była wola Kremla, który zawsze mówi o negocjacjach i braterstwie Rosjan i Ukraińców.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. +5
              5 March 2023 22: 04
              Quote from: smok1961
              "Operacja wojskowa" obnażyła waszą niekompetencje i zacofanie sprzętowe.

              ) Do you believe that we will not reach Warsaw?
              1. +4
                6 March 2023 01: 02
                Quote from: smok1961
                O jakim "brotherstwie" mówisz przyjacielu?
                W Polsce jest mnostwo Ukraińców, którym zburzyliście domy. Naprawdę myślisz, że oni mówią o was "bracia" ? Bardzo się mylisz.
                Nasłuchałem się od Ukraińskich kobiet o "braciach" Rosjanach.
                Wasza "operacja wojskowa" przejdzie do historii, jako najbardziej nieprzygotowana inwazja dziejach ludzkości.
                Zaatakowaliście bez jedzenia, logistics, paliwa i sprzętu. Nie mieliście rozeznania jakimi siłami dysponuje Ukraine i jak bardzo zdecydowani są bronić swojej wolności.
                "Operacja wojskowa" obnażyła waszą niekompetencje i zacofanie sprzętowe.
                Musicie przestać wierzyć w legendy tworzone on the Kremlin.
                Translation from Polish.
                Quote from: smok1961
                What "brotherhood" are you talking about?
                There are many Polish Ukrainians in Poland whose houses were demolished. Do you really think they call you "brothers"? You are very wrong.
                I heard from Ukrainian women about "brothers" Russians.

                Your "military operation" will go down in history as the most unprepared invasion in the history of mankind.
                You attacked without food, logistics, fuel or equipment. You did not know what forces Ukraine has and how determined they are to defend their freedom.
                "Military operation" revealed your incompetence and backwardness of equipment.
                You must stop believing the legends created in the Kremlin

                Tell these Ukrainian women who lie to you about Russia that the GENOCIDE of Russians by the pro-American Puppet Russophobic Nazi regime of Kiev in Ukraine is a WAR CRIME, which the Ukronazis under the leadership of the United States and with the support of NATO were engaged in all the post-Soviet time on the primordially Russian lands attached to Ukrainian SSR by the Bolsheviks in 1922, and during the last 8 years before the NVO shelling of the Russian and Russian-speaking population in the South-East of Ukraine, led by the Jews of Poroshenko and Zelensky.

                And their houses in Ukraine are being demolished not by the Russian Armed Forces, but purposefully by their own Armed Forces!
                When the Armed Forces of Ukraine - these Ukronazi-Banderites - retreat under the onslaught of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the allied forces of the NM of the DPR and LPR from their positions, they clean up to zero the entire civilian infrastructure in Ukraine at the abandoned lines. And this is a WAR CRIME of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against the civilian population.
                By the way. Your Polish servicemen in the Armed Forces of Ukraine are doing the same. So Poland is already a PARTY in the CONFLICT in Ukraine! Remember the boomerang that returns to where it was launched from!

                TRANSLATION into Polish.
                Tym ukraińskim kobietom, które okłamują Was w Rosji, powiedzcie, że ludobójstwo Rosjan ze strony proamerykańskiego marionetkowego rusofobicznego nazistowskiego reżimu Kijowa na Ukrainie jest zbrodnią wojenną, którą ukronaziści PRD kierowani przez USA i przy wsparciu NATO zajmowali się przez cały czas powojenny na ziemiach rodzimych Rosji, przyłączonych do Ukrainskiej SRR przez bolszewików w 1922 roku i przez 8 ostatnich lat przed

                I zburzyć ich domy na Ukrainie nie jest cała Rosja, ale celowo sami je wszystkie!
                Federacji Rosyjskiej i sił sojuszniczych nm na opuszczonych liniach. A to jest zbrodnia wojenna Sił Zbrojnych przeciwko ludności cywilnej.
                notabene. To samo robią Twoi polscy żołnierze w Siłach Zbrojnych. Polska jest już stroną konfliktu na Ukrainie! Pomyśl o bumerangu, ktory wraca do miejsca, z którego został uruchomiony!
              2. +1
                6 March 2023 01: 03
                And why should we reach Warsaw and capture it, if Poland twitches its army against Russia, we will burn it with thermonuclear weapons, this is not Ukraine, we have nothing to lose and no one to pity.
            2. +10
              5 March 2023 22: 23
              You, too, became a victim of US propaganda! They pour into your ears about some kind of exploits, in fact, you were prepared for this massacre. When Ukraine falls, you are next. You work for the profit of billionaires from the USA! So everyday is your will. You are the slaves of the Anglo-Saxons and they celebrate it today. But there is a god and he decides everything! Hitler was punished, Napoleon was punished, and the United States will punish you too!
            3. -3
              5 March 2023 22: 44
              Why not? czy może masz nadzieję, że za darmo pojedziesz na ich barkach do ziemi?
            4. +1
              5 March 2023 22: 54
              Ukraine as a result of this war will never be able to be a sovereign state - its economy is completely destroyed.
              Better get ready to establish a new Russian-Polish border along the western administrative borders of the Zhytomyr and Vinnitsa regions of the former Ukraine.
            5. +6
              6 March 2023 00: 24
              "Operacja wojskowa" obnażyła waszą niekompetencje i zacofanie sprzętowe.
              Musicie przestać wierzyć w legendy tworzone on the Kremlin.

              the Pole is worried about the effectiveness of the Special Operations of the Russian Federation !! ?? Don't fuss, we can handle it
          2. +2
            5 March 2023 22: 16
            Powiedziałem wam wyraźnie, że wola polityczna Kremla wzięła gore nad wojskiem. 8 lat.
            Ale po części tak, jest z czym się zgodzić, trzeba walczyć albo nie walczyć wcale.
            Przestań wierzyć w bajki z CNN, BBC, Deutsche Welle.
            1. -6
              5 March 2023 22: 40
              O jakiej propagandzie mowisz przyjacielu?

              Od lat miliony Ukrainców pracuje w Polsce. Widzą jak żyje się w Polsce i jak żyje się w Rosji ..
              Nie w Moskwie, nie w Warszawie, ale w małych miasteczkach i na wsiach. Jak żyją przeciętni Polacy.

              zobacz tutaj:

              to best propaganda CNN i deutsche welle?
              1. +7
                5 March 2023 23: 36
                That is, you, your country, the United States, other servants of the United States and others want good for Ukraine? Wanted to raise from the ruins, so to speak, that's all? Did you ever think to do it all to spite the evil Putin? What valiant good-natured people you are! Well, that's all then. Consider you right. Well done. Such all of himself is correct. There's only one thing I'm sorry about. A lot of people on the planet have become Hollywood zombies!
              2. +3
                6 March 2023 00: 02
                Quote from: smok1961
                O jakiej propagandzie mowisz przyjacielu?
                Od lat miliony Ukrainców pracuje w Polsce. Widzą jak żyje się w Polsce i jak żyje się w Rosji ..
                Nie w Moskwie, nie w Warszawie, ale w małych miasteczkach i na wsiach. Jak żyją przeciętni Polacy.
                zobacz tutaj:
                to best propaganda CNN i deutsche welle?
                Translation from Polish into Russian.
                Quote from: smok1961
                What propaganda are you talking about, friend?
                Millions of Ukrainians have been working in the Polish state for many years. They see how they live in the Polish country and how they live in Russia..
                Not in Moscow, not in Warsaw, but in small towns and villages. How do average Poles live.
                see here:
                is this CNN and deutsche welle propaganda?
                Don't brag! Take off your rose-colored glasses!
                From you, the USA made the capital colonial showcase of the West for the USSR / Russia, just as the USSR made the SOCIALIST showcase of the USSR for the capitalist West from the Baltic states - from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
                Suffice it to recall that during WWII, these impoverished Balts only earned by contracting with Europe to massively exterminate Jews brought to the Baltic states from all over Europe in their concentration camps.

                Revanchist Poland has now been living for many years on suction from external loans from the United States, which it is time for the Poles to return to them! And there is nothing to return.
                The USA and the Old World are not the USSR for you, which, free of charge in the post-war years, first of all raised Poland from the post-war ruins before itself!

                To return American loans to Washington, Poland will be the blood and death of the Poles - until the LAST Pole in Ukraine!
                Rejoice if you have no mind!

                Before in Polish.
                Z was USA zrobiły kapitalistyczną kolonialną wizytówkę Zachodu dla ZSRR / Rosji, tak jak
                Wystarczy przypomnieć, że podczas WMV Ci żebracy bałtyccy zarabiali tylko dzięki temu, że w Europie masowo zabijali w swoich obozach Żydów sprowadzonych do krajów bałtyckich z Całej Europy.

                Rewanżowa Polska już od lat żyje na wyssaniu z zagranicznych kredytów z USA, które już czas Polakom im spłacać! I nie ma nic do powrotu.
                USA i Stary Świat to nie ZSRR, ktory za darmo w latach powojennych najpierw podniósł Polske z powojennych Ruin przed sobą!

                Spłacać Amerykańskie kredyty Waszyngtonowi Polska będzie krwią i śmiercią Polaków-do ostatniego Polaka na Ukraine!
                Raduj się, jeśli nie masz umysłu!
          3. 0
            6 March 2023 20: 03
            Quote: Marshal_Lann
            Powiedziałem wam wyraźnie, że wola polityczna Kremla wzięła gore nad wojskiem. 8 lat.
            Ale po części tak, jest z czym się zgodzić, trzeba walczyć albo nie walczyć wcale.
            Przestań wierzyć w bajki z CNN, BBC, Deutsche Welle.

            You sho sho, lost your way? all v_dpoviste .... Volin will give you a fever ....
        2. +9
          5 March 2023 21: 36
          smoke, we may be funny, but now we are fighting not with poor Ukraine, but with all of you, and if the Americans write the truth with the Jews, then we are not fighting badly, judging by the losses of the skakuas
          1. -11
            5 March 2023 22: 06
            Walczycie z Ukraincami, ktorym zachodnie kraje dostarczają sprzęt z muzeum.
            Powtarzam walczycie z Ukraincami , którzy dysponują muzealnym sprzętem zachodu.

            Polska dostarczyła około 300 czołgów T- 72, które nadają się do walki w Afryce nie w Europie. Niemcy dostarczyli Gepardy, czyli obronę przeciwlotniczą z lat 70-tych,
            Leopardy 1A5? ..Leopardy 2A 4? , to sprzęt do którego już nie ma części zamiennych. Takie są stare..,
            1. +1
              5 March 2023 22: 16
              Quote from: smok1961
              Polska dostarczyła około 300 czołgów T- 72, które nadają się do walki w Afryce nie w Europie.

              )))))))) so they will put something else, like "for Europe" it will be the same with him
            2. +8
              5 March 2023 22: 35
              Quote from: smok1961
              Walczycie z Ukraincami, ktorym zachodnie kraje dostarczają sprzęt z muzeum.

              We are at war not only with the Ukrainians, but also with various hired rabble like yours. In Ukraine, more than 2500 Poles have already been destroyed in a year, plus several thousand more mercenaries from other countries. Send more, we will find a place in the earth for everyone.
            3. +3
              5 March 2023 23: 06
              so they put what they have, there is no other
              By the way, how many of your Natsiks were buried?!
            4. +2
              5 March 2023 23: 39
              And javelins, and hymers, and nlav, and bayraktars ... Continue? Are they like toys or from the 70s straight from paleontology museums?
        3. +12
          5 March 2023 21: 37
          Quote from: smok1961
          Wasz sprzęt nadaje się do muzeum. Świat też dostarcza Ukraine zabytki uzbrojenia.

          Well, it’s definitely not for psheks to talk about new developments, you don’t have anything of your own at all, hicks
        4. +6
          5 March 2023 22: 01
          Quote from: smok1961
          Na razie sprobujcie posunąć się o 10 km w Ukrainie .

          in Ukraine, the Poles die, and they will die even more
          1. -7
            5 March 2023 22: 18
            A powiedz mi przyjacielu:
            - ilu Rosjan zginęło na Ukrainie?

            Who was to zadaje u was to pytanie? ...ktoś się odważy ?
            1. +3
              5 March 2023 23: 07
              what dare?!
              Yiwu are definitely not our friends
            2. +5
              5 March 2023 23: 41
              No one will say how many Russians died now, but they can say how many soldiers of the Soviet army died liberating Poland! In the meantime, 4 tankers and a dog remained alive.)))
            3. +2
              5 March 2023 23: 56
              Quote from: smok1961
              A powiedz mi przyjacielu:
              - ilu Rosjan zginęło na Ukrainie?

              Who was to zadaje u was to pytanie? ...ktoś się odważy ?

              many times less than dill, continuing to climb into Ukraine, soon the Poles will catch up with us in terms of losses
        5. +1
          5 March 2023 22: 38
          a ilu panów już użyźniło ukraińską ziemię, pomagając sąsiadom w walce muzealnymi eksponatami? why not? A może myślisz, kochanie, że twoje nie wyjeżdżają na wakacje?
          1. -8
            5 March 2023 23: 01
            Nie wiemy ilu polskich najemnikow walczy na Ukrainie i ilu ich zginęło. Przecież najemnicy nie są ewidencjonowani.
            Co innego z regularnym wojskiem rosyjskim. Na pewno wiadomo ilu zginęło.

            W zachodniej prasie mówi się o 150.000 to 500 Rosjan . A o jakich stratach informuje was the Kremlin?
            1. +6
              5 March 2023 23: 08
              Quote from: smok1961
              o 150.000 to 500 Rosjan

              do not trifle, write a million, why feel sorry for us
              in general, the Western press estimates losses from 50 thousand to 250 thousand, that is, one cannot unequivocally believe this data
              1. -4
                5 March 2023 23: 23
                ...a jakim danym wierzysz ? ...jakie dane podaje wam Kreml? ...
                1. +6
                  5 March 2023 23: 33
                  It’s better to think about how many Poles have been mowed down, how many interviews are now being given in the pre-trial detention center all over Rus' ... Recently, two armored vehicles were put into consumption, and one, together with the crew, is giving out interviews. And what is surprising - they were taken in a Polish military uniform, of very decent quality, and shoulder straps ... they count chickens in the fall
                2. +4
                  5 March 2023 23: 43
                  And you believe everything that they tell you ... And because you need to inspire it! Look at everything first. How it all started right in the 90s
                3. +2
                  6 March 2023 00: 01
                  Quote from: smok1961
                  ...a jakim danym wierzysz ? ...jakie dane podaje wam Kreml? ...

                  the Kremlin does not give them at all, and does the right thing
                4. -2
                  6 March 2023 08: 43
                  stupid Pole, we will find out the data after the victory, but do you know how many Polish mercenaries fertilized the Ukrainian land?
            2. +1
              6 March 2023 00: 00
              Quote from: smok1961
              W zachodniej prasie mówi się o 150.000 to 500 Rosjan

              )))))))))))))))))))))) 15-20 000 no more
        6. +10
          5 March 2023 22: 49
          So, miserable, you are on a Russian site, if you please write in Russian, or do not fucking do it, the floor is painted.
          1. +2
            6 March 2023 10: 04
            Quote: tatarin1972
            you are on a Russian site, if you please write in Russian, or do not fucking do it, the floor is painted.
            And by the way, I very much agree with my colleague: he came to us - if you please, respect our rules. And then when it’s pressing in life, they immediately remember the Russian language, and on the Internet you can get drunk ... Again, admins negative
        7. +8
          5 March 2023 23: 28
          Quote from: smok1961
          Na razie sprobujcie posunąć się o 10 km w Ukrainie ...a później dopiero pozabijacie cały świat.
          Czy nie widzicie jacy jesteście śmieszni ?

          Ludzie ...walczycie od roku z najbiedniejszym krajem Europy bez rezultatu.

          We have nowhere to hurry. You forgot the proverb - "Russians harness for a long time, but they go fast." What you call a small result already represents 1/3 of the territory of Poland. Your country's area is 312.696 sq. km, and Russia included 108 sq. km during the year of the operation. This is something that will never return to Ukraine. And this is not the limit. The longer Ukraine resists, the more it will lose. In addition, Ukraine lost more than 400 soldiers killed and wounded, excluding 2,5 unreasonable Poles (killed), who for some reason did not fall into their own war. At the same time, the numerical superiority in personnel throughout the operation was on the side of Ukraine, but Russia is slowly doing its job with smaller forces. And do you have to be sarcastic? After all, it was only thanks to this operation that you had a historical chance to chop off the Lviv region from Ukraine in a "neighborly" way, hiding behind "friendship", for which you are fueling the war in Ukraine, realizing that the Ukrainian soldiers destroyed by Russia will no longer become an obstacle to you. Poles are bad friends. We know this, and the Ukrainians will soon find out.
          And yet, yes, the GDP said, we haven’t really started anything there yet, so everything is still ahead.
    2. +2
      5 March 2023 21: 14
      So it seems that ears have already been sent to them from a dead donkey ...
    3. +3
      5 March 2023 21: 50
      the issue of Klaipeda has not been resolved! officially Klaipeda remained Russian!
      The Russian-Lithuanian border treaty has not yet been ratified by the State Duma, which official Vilnius has been insisting on for a long time. It seems that on our part it is necessary to directly link the Klaipeda and Kaliningrad problems. Moreover, as will be shown below, Lithuania does not have any rights to Klaipeda, which is the only deep-water harbor of this country. And there is every reason to believe that a mutually acceptable solution for Russia and Lithuania to the problem of unhindered communication between Kaliningrad and the rest of Russian territory can be achieved through a preliminary agreement between Moscow and Vilnius on the issue of Klaipeda. It is possible that in order to reach a consensus, it will be necessary to resort to the help of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
  2. +11
    5 March 2023 20: 59
    How scary!! what's going on, what's going on! Any mistake on their part will also be suppressed and intercepted by Russian-Belarusian pilots!
  3. +8
    5 March 2023 21: 00
    They are strange. Who is interested in this demonstration? If there is a conflict with NATO, other trump cards will come into play there. And in this case, neither the Germans nor the British will have time to cover the Estonians.
    1. +7
      5 March 2023 21: 35
      Quote: Leshak
      . If there is a conflict with NATO, other trump cards will come into play there.

      That's right, other trump cards, like Tinkoff,
      "They mistakenly thought that I was one of those people who support the special operation." Oleg Tinkov asked London to lift sanctions from him. Scum.
      But now I was watching NTV with Zeynalova about how the entire Russian people are fighting the Nazis and, as always, advertising. And I would never have thought that the Tinkoff Bank advertisement is just a mockery of Russia, the army and the people.
      1. +6
        5 March 2023 21: 59
        Quote: carpenter
        That's right, other trump cards, like Tinkoff,
        "They mistakenly thought that I was one of those people who support the special operation." Oleg Tinkov asked London to lift sanctions from him. Scum.
        But now I was watching NTV with Zeynalova about how the entire Russian people are fighting the Nazis and, as always, advertising. And I would never have thought that the Tinkoff Bank advertisement is just a mockery of Russia, the army and the people.

        Tinkoff Bank has not had anything to do with Oleg Tinkov for a long time.

        Tinkov even got out to sue the Tinkoff brand from the bank. Nothing succeeded.
      2. +1
        6 March 2023 01: 18
        For now, we still have loot above all for many, and Tinkoff Bank's advertising is another confirmation of this.
      3. +1
        6 March 2023 08: 57
        dk Olezha himself has long been washed away from the Russian Federation and has nothing to do with the bank, and they seemed to want to rename the bank. I understand your indignation, but here you are unfairly indignant in my opinion.
    2. 0
      5 March 2023 22: 02
      In this demonstration, something else is interesting - the joint work of the Germans and the British. Didn't the Germans and the French finally quarrel? Previously, the backbone of the European Union was the Germans with economic power and the French with the military.
      1. 0
        5 March 2023 22: 20
        Quote: spectr
        In this demonstration, something else is interesting - the joint work of the Germans and the British. Didn't the Germans and the French finally quarrel? Previously, the backbone of the European Union was the Germans with economic power and the French with the military.

        IMHO Germany as in the picture in the center, and along the edges of the USA and England
  4. -1
    5 March 2023 21: 04
    A show of force laughing laughing laughing
    Right now, that's it, agreed, we are withdrawing troops from Ukraine and guarantee never to invade the Baltic States wassat
    But seriously, this demonstration of power is of no use, except for our amusement.
  5. -1
    5 March 2023 21: 09
    Urgently demonstrate force near someone's shores with a nuclear charge
  6. 0
    5 March 2023 21: 12
    Britain and Germany intend to conduct a "show of force" for Russia by starting joint patrolling of Estonian airspace.
    . Everyone has their own manners, will and determination to show ... foreigners patrol, together, amicably, zealously !!!
  7. +3
    5 March 2023 21: 20
    jointly flying to intercept Russian aircraft in case they violate the EU borders.

    And when was the last time Russian military aircraft violated the borders of the EU, in particular Estonia?
  8. +8
    5 March 2023 21: 20
    When together, together is not scary? Naive. The unity of a German and an Englishman is an anecdote. They are safer apart than together.
    1. 0
      5 March 2023 21: 37
      "... It's not interesting to be afraid alone. Let's be afraid together, huh?..."
      From the cartoon "Kitten named Woof".
    2. -1
      6 March 2023 03: 40
      The unity of a German and an Englishman is an anecdote.

      That's for sure! The British are "friends" with the Germans as "sincerely" as the Poles (the eternal soles of the British). And how the Poles are rude to the Germans - I saw with my own eyes during the exercises of the united squadron of the Warsaw Pact. Any "unity" of the British and Germans only leads to a new war, where the Russian kills the German and vice versa, and the British and the Amers make a gesheft.
  9. +1
    5 March 2023 21: 26
    by the way, where is the overexposure of the Russian Federation ????????????
  10. -5
    5 March 2023 21: 29
    Britain and Germany intend to conduct a "show of force" for Russia by starting joint patrolling of Estonian airspace.

    Without the support of US troops, these two American vassals are only able to demonstrate to Russia their powerful impotence.

    1. 0
      5 March 2023 21: 31
      so far they are like that, but when the defense industry is launched, you remember 40 years old! so we need to work ahead of the curve to prevent them from launching the defense industry of Germany
      1. -8
        5 March 2023 21: 34
        Yes, there has been no defense industry in England and Germany for 30 years already, and after the rejection of cheap resources from the Russian Federation, there will never be.
        The European arms market after this war will be 100% monopolized by the United States.
        No wonder the United States forced the FRG to send all the Leopards for recycling to Ukraine.
  11. 0
    5 March 2023 21: 40
    Somewhat modestly. Now, if all 28 countries flew at the same time, this would be the number.
  12. +3
    5 March 2023 21: 46
    What is there to patrol? Pigeon droppings on the world map.
  13. fiv
    5 March 2023 21: 47
    The right decision is to show strength and determination away from the battlefield. The body will be healthier. You can also fly over New Zealand. This is where we really get scared.
    1. 0
      5 March 2023 22: 59
      You can still fart all day in Estonia, so that we get scared! laughing laughing laughing
  14. +1
    5 March 2023 22: 00
    If we demonstrate our strength and unity, then only a lifeless desert will remain from Great Britain and Germany, they apparently completely forget about this and have played too much in tin soldiers, they are not Ukraine and nothing will hold us back, all the necessary goals have long been incorporated into the target designation systems of special warheads for missiles of all types of basing.
  15. HAM
    5 March 2023 22: 02
    While they will demonstrate “strength and unity” to Estonians to Russia, Arabs and Turks will demonstrate “strength and unity” to Germans and British women at home ...... a mutually beneficial exchange of "strength and unity" ..... the physical law of conservation of energy ..
    1. +1
      5 March 2023 22: 06
      Yes, let at least all German women with naglichki "demonstrate" up and down, it's not a pity at all. Let them start with Merkel, and at the end they will throw stones.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +1
          5 March 2023 22: 17
          Moreover, a noble davalka, as a result, Germany spat out the most money to the Nazis - according to old memory.
          It is strange that our "suitcase diplomats" do not put pressure on this at the UN, that they are all sponsors of Nazism and fascism, all the more evidence is full.
          1. +1
            5 March 2023 22: 55
            With all the evidence out, Israel does not notice anything that Nazism and heroes like Bandera are honored today! Yes Wow, they are so comfortable! wassat
  16. -1
    5 March 2023 22: 15
    Morons, do they really think we're in Tribaltia?! Or are they preparing for an invasion?
    1. 0
      5 March 2023 23: 03
      Quote: 75Sergey
      Or are they preparing for an invasion?

      But the Russians should start first! Therefore, the drain to undermine the joint venture, and the transfer of troops to Poland, the Baltic states and to the south. Now also provocations with exercises. Now it’s not 41, Russia is ready to answer and mattress covers cannot sit out behind a puddle, and the shaves will simply die. hi
  17. +2
    5 March 2023 22: 19
    Impotent Westerners, except for the imposition of sanctions, are no longer capable of anything.
  18. +1
    5 March 2023 22: 50
    “Peace and security throughout the region…” lol
    Yes, if they didn’t meddle where no one called them, you see, there would always be peace and security in the region. Trepachi! Yes
  19. +7
    5 March 2023 22: 55
    Power is in the truth! Not in muscles. So the Germans, with the Britons do not shine
  20. +1
    5 March 2023 23: 02
    The Royal Air Force of Great Britain will conduct a joint mission with the German Air Force within NATO for the first time, starting to protect the airspace over Estonia
    I wonder who to protect from, Ukrainian terrorists are 1000 km away. There are no potential enemies nearby.
  21. 0
    5 March 2023 23: 28
    Just turn up! Whether you like it or not , you still have to depend on the US ! Because you cannot resist Russia and you know it very well!
    1. -2
      6 March 2023 01: 32
      Because you cannot resist Russia and you know it very well!

      If you are mistaken about the UK Air Force and BRD, you are very mistaken.
  22. +1
    5 March 2023 23: 31
    Originally, they will guard, immediately fall under the cap of our air defense (RB). If anything, they will definitely show everyone an example for extinction .....
    1. -1
      6 March 2023 01: 34
      the cap of our air defense fall (RB)

      What is a cap (RB)?
      Let me remind you: the air defense of the Russian Federation cannot cope with the pisses, destroyed three times (or four times) by Konashenkov of the Ukrainian Air Force
  23. 0
    5 March 2023 23: 32
    Quote from: smok1961
    zachodniej prasie mówi się o 150.000 to 500 Rosjan . A o jakich stratach informuje was the Kremlin?

    You lie like a gray gelding ... do not engage in your Russophobic propaganda on VO ... here the members of the forum are more knowledgeable than in your Poland.
  24. -2
    6 March 2023 01: 30
    For the first time, the Royal Air Force of Great Britain will carry out a joint mission with the German Air Force within the framework of NATO, starting to protect the airspace over Estonia.

    As I understand it, the NUMEROUS AND STRONG ESTONIAN AIR FORCE at this time will cover the UK and BRD airspace with their powerful chest?

    If someone does not know, then he (L-39) in Estonia is ONE (absolutely)
    1. +1
      6 March 2023 02: 14
      Quote from Digger
      ONE (absolutely)

      There is also no one to talk to .... crying
      1. 0
        6 March 2023 02: 47
        yes, nothing that one, there are three times more of these Europithecus than Russians, if they want, we can only fight back vigorously from them with a loaf ... which, by the way, was predicted a long time ago and now people with abilities say.
  25. -2
    6 March 2023 11: 18
    Quote from: smok1961
    Walczycie z Ukraincami, ktorym zachodnie kraje dostarczają sprzęt z muzeum.
    Powtarzam walczycie z Ukraincami , którzy dysponują muzealnym sprzętem zachodu.

    Polska dostarczyła około 300 czołgów T- 72, które nadają się do walki w Afryce nie w Europie. Niemcy dostarczyli Gepardy, czyli obronę przeciwlotniczą z lat 70-tych,
    Leopardy 1A5? ..Leopardy 2A 4? , to sprzęt do którego już nie ma części zamiennych. Takie są stare..,

    You say that like NATO has the best tanks that it could send to U. That's why it doesn't send the same Abrams so that there is no anti-advertising from American manufacturers. Therefore, they were forced to put Germany by deceit so that there would be anti-advertising of German technology.

    Well, the last. Poland sent 300 T-72s. Just look at Wikipedia how many of them the USSR produced. how much the Russian Federation got and how much it produced itself.

    In both cases, we are not talking about hundreds, but about thousands and tens of thousands.

    Even if we assume that American and German tanks are better in a lame. those are the oldest of the T-72s, and simply too few for them to have any bearing on the outcome of the war. Moreover, the T-72 is far from the newest tank in the Russian Federation.
  26. 0
    6 March 2023 11: 52
    Whatever the child amuses ... What power they will demonstrate ....
  27. +1
    6 March 2023 11: 55
    V Evropě vládne fašismus a musí být poražen! Ale fašisti jsou jen vládní elity podporované médii, velká většina normálních obyvatel je pro mír a myslí si, že Rusko zasahlo na Ukrajině oprávněně. Tento fašismus je jiný než za Hitlera, je víc nebezpečný a mají vše dopředu naplánováno. Bohužel politici na Ukrajině se spojili s fašisty v EU, v NATO a USA s cílem rozdělit si bohatství Ruska. Vůbec nechápou, že to se jim to nikdy nemůže podařit.., naopak sami budou brzy souzeni.
    1. +1
      6 March 2023 11: 56
      Fascism reigns in Europe and must be defeated! And the fascists are just government elites supported by the media, the vast majority of normal citizens are for peace and consider Russian intervention in Ukraine justified. This fascism is different than under Hitler, it is more dangerous and they have everything planned in advance. Unfortunately, politicians in Ukraine have teamed up with fascists in the EU, NATO and the US to share Russia's wealth. They do not understand at all that they will never succeed ... on the contrary, they themselves will soon be condemned.
  28. 0
    6 March 2023 12: 46
    Quote: sgrabik
    And why should we reach Warsaw and capture it, if Poland twitches its army against Russia, we will burn it with thermonuclear weapons, this is not Ukraine, we have nothing to lose and no one to pity.

    As if Poland is a NATO country, and the use of nuclear weapons will entail a global response.
  29. -1
    6 March 2023 12: 52
    Quote from Monarchist
    With all the evidence out, Israel does not notice anything that Nazism and heroes like Bandera are honored today! Yes Wow, they are so comfortable! wassat

    And where is Nazism honored? It seems that the entire progressive world condemns, to whom should Israel have claims?
  30. +1
    6 March 2023 12: 55
    Quote: Captive
    When together, together is not scary? Naive. The unity of a German and an Englishman is an anecdote. They are safer apart than together.

    Who won the Battle of Waterloo?