Armed Forces of Ukraine, 10th mountain assault. Why do they need the beautiful name "Edelweiss"

Armed Forces of Ukraine, 10th mountain assault. Why do they need the beautiful name "Edelweiss"

Nazism will not pass?

So, no one else has the right to say that there is no Nazism in Ukraine. Random chevrons, single tattoos, symbols with swastikas straight from the Third Reich - now no one needs to be reminded of these details.

After all, the true Aryan, with this among the Maidan Ukrainians, has long been all right, but in fact - a true Nazi, the head of the illegal Kyiv regime himself designated himself. And it was he who until recently was both popularly elected and the "president of the world."

Now Ze, sorry, pan Zelensky is not just the president of the war, he himself has enlisted in the ranks of war criminals. And it doesn't need proof anymore. Zelensky signed a decree on assigning the name "Edelweiss" to the 10th separate mountain assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).

This name was worn during the years of World War II by the 1st mountain infantry division of the Wehrmacht - the armed forces of Nazi Germany. In the same Germany, only modern, if at least one of the ruling ones tried to abide by the country's constitution, one could be held accountable for this. In full, up to a solid period.

But now this will work - after all, the confrontation with Russia is at stake, and the "independents" are in the forefront of democracy. And the name of the brigade was given for "exemplary performance of assigned tasks in protecting the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine."

Thanks, Vladimir Semyonovich

But about the brigade and its "exploits" - below, but I'll start with Vladimir Vysotsky and stories. I hope everyone remembers these lines, forever captured in the feature film by Stanislav Govorukhin "Vertical", once a cult, but now slightly forgotten:

And before the war - this slope
A German guy took with you
He fell down but was saved
And now, perhaps, he
His machine is preparing for battle.

Set aside conversations!
Onward and upward, and there ...
After all, these are our mountains -
They will help us!
They will help us!

You are here again, you are all assembled -
You are waiting for the coveted signal.
And that guy is here too.
Among the shooters from "Edelweiss".
They must be reset from the pass!

But Vysotsky is by no means everything about Edelweiss. In that motion picture, the poet powerfully sang another song, even more popular - “Here you are not a plain”, which is officially called “Top”.

However, in the film, as well as later at concerts, it does not sound completely, since the filmmakers decided not to repeat it. But after all, there is a verse in Vershina, which Vysotsky did not often sing, and after it it is performed very rarely.

Do you remember the pre-war year? -
The top was stormed by your platoon,
In conjunction with you, a German rock climber was walking ...
Year forty-two - you go into battle,
And watching you
Maybe the one you saved.

Along the pass, along the river ...
Where not from hand - there we beat hooks.
Where glaciers hang from the mountains!
There with machine guns at the ready,
With the beautiful name "Edelweiss" -
Selected alpine arrows.

Find me "Edelweiss"

Now to the history, even the background of the issue.

"Edelweiss" is a really beautiful name. Can not argue. If it were not for the murderers, executioners, fanatics hiding under it. Yes, at first it was really an elite connection, professionals one to one. Bavarians, Austrians, people from Tyrol, who are well acquainted with the mountains.

They even had maps of the Caucasus better than ours - they were getting ready, bastards. But on Soviet soil, having fought in the Donbass and near Kharkov, between Kazbek and Elbrus, the alpine shooters did not have much time to distinguish themselves.

Yes, they dragged the flag with a swastika to the main peak of the ridge, but they had to leave the passes under the threat of encirclement and very quickly, the “edelweiss” frankly did not expect such a thing. They distinguished themselves, or rather those that survived, and those who were already fastened to the arrows in the Balkans, only later.

They distinguished themselves after the inglorious withdrawal from the Caucasus, on the plain they were of little use, and after a tough reformation. They distinguished themselves in Yugoslavia - against the partisans of Joseph Broz Tito, as well as in Czechoslovakia and Poland, as simply punishers.

The mere participation of shooters from Edelweiss in the deportations of Jews is worth something, but only those who do not want to forget remember this today. And the "edelweiss" were noted in Greece and Albania, and not only against the Greeks and Albanians, but also against "their", or rather, almost their own - the Italians.

Mountain rangers did not disdain to shoot the prisoners, as soon as Italy, with difficulty getting rid of the half-witted Duce, signed peace with the allies. Sentences were usually carried out by special teams from among the recruits, so that they were immediately “smeared over”. And on account of the Alpine shooters, the execution of 153 civilians in the Greek village of Musiotitsas, near which a warehouse with weapons.

Masks reset

What happened in Kyiv on February 13 cannot be called otherwise - after all, the masks have really been dropped. Finally. It is impossible not to recall how Zelensky's PR people quickly removed from all channels and social networks a photo of their president (still, oddly enough) with the chevron of the Totenkopf Division on his sleeve.

Now you can no longer shoot. Ze-President's decision to give such a name to his perhaps the best assault brigade cannot be taken otherwise than as a challenge. The same as the cancellation of March 8, May 1 and Victory Day, which is actually celebrated by almost the whole world, even if someone is a day earlier.

Maybe you haven't noticed how the Khokhlobratiya has recently gone out of circulation this catchy - "rashists". Do you remember the “victorious” video clips from the “liberated” Kherson, where the Russian soldier is called “occupier” and “fascist” in unison? They are almost nowhere to be found now. Not online, not in public, not on YouTube. Fixed, forget it!

So, the clown setting worked, you can reset it. No wonder - the topic is no longer in trend, coming outPR demands otherwise, since Europe, itself infected by Nazism from ukrov, also clearly decided to throw off its masks. Well, let them also cancel the Victory Day, we will have to appoint a new one!

And why, in fact, not, because not only the “mobilizants”, but there is still someone to shed blood for European democracy - 16-year-old Ukrainian boys are about to go to waste. Those who have in their brains, except for a wretched language, “Muscovite to Gilyak” and “who does not jump”, in general, there is little room for anything.

Yes, I will not argue with the pacifists - you can only feel sorry for them, so early - and immediately to the meat. But it is possible, even necessary, to pity their mothers, many of whom are already directly obscenely calling both Pan Ze himself and everyone who sucked on him, nothing but coke.

But now we, alas, not to pity, have to grind the new Edelweiss into nothing, just as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers grinded the Alpine Edelweiss in 1943, the one about which Vladimir Vysotsky once sang.
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  1. +11
    17 February 2023 05: 30
    The lyceum dropped the mask, and now the real fascist inside has opened!
    What will the Germans, Americans, Bulgarians, Hungarians and all the rest say now?
    1. +17
      17 February 2023 05: 37
      Quote: your vsr 66-67
      What will they say now

      And they won't say anything! They can't see or hear!
      1. +10
        17 February 2023 06: 37
        And on the other hand, "as you call the boat, so it will float" (c)
        1. +1
          17 February 2023 19: 37
          And on the other hand, "as you call the boat, so it will float" (c)

          That's right.
          Without touching the topic of the article (everything is right there!), I would like to recall the appearance, it seems, the only one, of Hitler's "edelweiss" in Russian cinema.
          Before you - a frame from the Soviet film "For the sake of a few lines", 1985.

          The director was rather scrupulous about the little things in the form of Nazis, and we can just make out the emblem of "edelweiss" on the cap of an enemy soldier. Yes, the director was good - Alexander Rogozhkin. good
          And who will recognize the artist who plays the German? wink He then starred in Rogozhkin a lot ... And even became a popularly beloved character! drinks
          1. +1
            19 February 2023 23: 54
            seems to be the only, Hitler's "edelweiss" in the national cinema.

            Film "White Explosion".1969
    2. old
      17 February 2023 05: 57
      The hypocrite threw off his mask,

      In 2018, the dungeon workers were notorious neo-Nazis and fascists for The Guardian, and now they are heroes for them. What has changed since then? The owner ordered and honestly independent media immediately began to speak white in black.
      Down and out hypocrites am
      1. +7
        17 February 2023 08: 43
        If the soldiers of the Ukrovermacht wear chevrons with the emblem of the SS division Totenkopf, then they consider themselves to be part of this unit. The creation of the SS assault brigade Edelweiss in Ukraine is just another step towards the creation of the Leibstandarte SS division Adolf Hitler. And Gruppenführer Scholz is already preparing Leopard tanks with crosses on their armor for them. Nothing changes with the time of Alexander Nevsky: ordinary European fascism.
    3. 0
      17 February 2023 13: 09
      What will the Germans, Americans, Bulgarians, Hungarians and all the rest say now?
      Who to ask, the same fascists. They should not be asked, but rather they should be graved in droves. And stop talking about the brotherly and brotherly nations..., destroying them.
    4. 0
      17 February 2023 13: 33
      Quote: your vsr 66-67
      The lyceum dropped the mask, and now the real fascist inside has opened!
      What will the Germans, Americans, Bulgarians, Hungarians and all the rest say now?

      Frozen in anticipation, what will they say?

      The most important thing for you is that they don’t drive them into barns again. Then the same ones will walk over your charred remains and wonder: "What will the Germans, Americans, Bulgarians, Hungarians and everyone else say now?"
    5. 0
      17 February 2023 15: 11
      Quote: your vsr 66-67
      The lyceum dropped the mask, and now the real fascist inside has opened!
      What will the Germans, Americans, Bulgarians, Hungarians and all the rest say now?

      This is their face! Their division is the Edelweiss brigade .. Only in this brigade now there are guys with Russian names and origins .. Get out!-- "a person of Russian origin who has lost his Russian identity and joined the non-Russians. As a result of the loss of essential features of Russian identity, for example, language (a person does not consider Russian as his native language) or self-identification (a person does not consider himself Russian), a person can no longer be considered part of the Russian people and falls away from it. If at the same time a person adjoins non-Russians, then he goes into the category blow out.
      1. 0
        17 February 2023 16: 41
        Quote: 30 vis
        Get out!-- "a person of Russian origin who has lost his Russian identity and joined non-Russians. As a result of the loss of essential features of Russian identity, for example, language (a person does not consider Russian as his native language) or self-identification (a person does not consider himself Russian), a person can no longer be considered part of the Russian people and fall away from it.If at the same time a person adjoins non-Russians, then he goes into the category of vyrus.

        Good comment to remember.
  2. +10
    17 February 2023 05: 46
    The history and inglorious path of the Edelweiss unit has been disassembled to the smallest detail. There was also a tank unit with the same name. The author raised a very relevant question and the answer is simple. Russian Europe. "Let's get up for war with Russia, we will help you with weapons, money, but you already have an idiology, get it from the Mein Kampf shelf and go to the front. Kiev understands well and quickly responds to this. I don’t know for what other reasons does our Supreme Commander not give the order to destroy this infection in the bud, namely the authorities in Kiev. Meanwhile, Russia is declared ready for negotiations, this is where the question needs to be raised.
    1. +1
      17 February 2023 07: 48
      Quote: Mikhail Maslov
      Not Kyiv, but Europe and the USA benefit from the popularization of this wickedness

      A fascist sees a fascist from afar. And happily stretch out their hands to each other! (((
    2. +1
      17 February 2023 13: 07
      We don't have a supreme. He removed himself from power and cannot even solve the issue of BC for Wagner. Everything that the liberals lied about the Soviet Union, all this manifests itself in reality. So the myth of Stalin huddled in the dacha turned out to be a myth, and supposedly the supreme one has not been able to resolve a single issue for a year now.
      1. +1
        17 February 2023 14: 20
        I now understand that they have a clear ideology, albeit a disgustingly perverted one. Where is ours? goes
        1. 0
          19 February 2023 10: 04
          I now understand that they have a clear ideology, albeit a disgustingly perverted one.

          There is no ideology in Russia. From the word at all.
          Simply prohibited by the Constitution.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  3. +9
    17 February 2023 06: 12
    Zelensky, for this action, the "progressive democratic" world will not condemn. Maybe they will give the order ... posthumously.
  4. NSV
    17 February 2023 06: 27
    Only a quick transfer of Ukrobenderites to the category of fertilizers will help us in this war!!! This disease has gone too far in the pan heads of these 404x!!!
  5. +5
    17 February 2023 06: 43
    Well, let them also cancel Victory Day, we'll have to appoint a new one!

    So they canceled it in Europe a long time ago. They do not have a Victory Day, but a day of mourning and memory. Moreover, it is not even an official holiday. It's a pity that it ended like this!

    Everything is heading towards a new war. Contradictions between Russia and Europe are accumulating. All ties are broken, there is a fight for Ukraine. Industry is moving to a war footing... And traditionally - no one wanted to fight.
    1. 0
      19 February 2023 10: 31
      [quote They do not have Victory Day, but a day of sorrow and memory.] [/ quote]
      No wonder. May 8 is celebrated by the vanquished - as the Day of Sorrow. May 9 is celebrated by the winners - as Victory Day.
      Because all of Europe fought against us in that terrible war. And we haven't forgotten anything...
      "... If I forget it
      I am selfish to please
      Let the hanged man say
      What am I, I sold it...
      Let my father spit on me
      Waddling badly...
      And a noose around your neck
      The road will turn around ... ".
  6. +9
    17 February 2023 06: 53
    Like most German divisions of the period, the German 1st Mountain Division had the unofficial nickname "Edelweiss" after its tactical badge in the form of a mountain flower, the edelweiss. Regular units could also be called "Lower Saxon" or "Berlin Bears". But these names were never used in the official names of units - neither in military documentation nor in military-historical scientific literature.
    1. 0
      18 February 2023 00: 31
      But these names have never been used in the official names of formations - neither in military documentation, nor in military-historical scientific literature.
      That's right! good
  7. +2
    17 February 2023 07: 02
    Why do they need the beautiful name "Edelweiss"
    Exceptionally show off, that's just in front of whom? Kyiv probably believes that giving his brigade the name of the Nazi division thereby raises the spirit of his fighters. It just forgets that this division was defeated by the Red Army, and after the reorganization it was defeated again. The same will happen with the Ukrainian "edelweiss".
  8. +16
    17 February 2023 07: 04
    We had 17 DOS Edelweiss in the structure of explosives. It was located outside the village of Novotersky, between Minvody and Pyatigorsk. Participated in CTO in the North Caucasus. As far as I remember, here, on VO, there was even an indignant publication about the name. Now there is no detachment as such, it was included in the 607 CSN. I know a lot of guys from 17 DOS, incl. his first commander. All this is what I mentioned. There is nothing wrong with the name itself, unless, of course, this is done specifically for the analogy with the Nazis. In the case of Kyiv, the purpose of the renaming is clear even to an idiot.
    1. +3
      17 February 2023 08: 46
      Quote: Mixweb
      All this is what I mentioned. There is nothing wrong with the name itself, unless, of course, this is done specifically for the analogy with the Nazis.

      But this reminds me of the "last argument" in school teasers: when the arguments (name-calling) run out on the merits, they switch to derivatives of names and surnames. This is in the sense that is it not better to really fight against Nazism, and not to transport the Azov people to the resorts of Turkey?
  9. +5
    17 February 2023 08: 05
    All this is disgusting and disgusting. But the question arises, why does Russia not actively use these facts and not only this one in counter-propaganda? Especially abroad? Does it not make bright statements and so on? Someone will write everything after the Victory, but now, it’s impossible? Or some other games?
    1. +3
      17 February 2023 08: 38
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      But the question arises, why does Russia not actively use these facts and not only this one in counter-propaganda? Especially abroad? Does it not make bright statements and so on?

      Russia is only focused on loud statements, red lines, legitimate goals and other verbiage that is not related to the case. A year later, it would be time to get down to business already ... but, there is no one. Lampas are still busy with undercover fuss and hardware games (some even manage to organize an exhibition of paintings).
  10. +10
    17 February 2023 08: 12
    This name was worn during the years of World War II by the 1st mountain infantry division of the Wehrmacht - the armed forces of Nazi Germany. In the same Germany, only modern, if at least one of the ruling ones tried to abide by the country's constitution, one could be held accountable for this. In full, up to a solid period.
    Nonsense! I will object to the author with a specific example - Florian Geyer, the 8th SS Cavalry Division was named after him, with the whole bunch of "combat past", no worse than that of the Edelweiss mentioned above. However, in the GDR, the 3rd Border Regiment bore his name. The folk song “We are the black detachment of Guyer” is not forbidden by anyone. Friedrich Engels wrote about Florian Geyer in his Peasant War in Germany as one of the first fighters for the interests of the proletariat. Gaer was a German knight who took the side of the rebellious peasants at the beginning of the 16th century, and there is no fault, personally Gaer, that the Nazis used his name!
    1. +1
      17 February 2023 09: 23
      Yes, the song is humanistic. Like there: "Spiess voran - drauf und drang" - "A spear in the belly - back and forth." Well and further in the same spirit.
      1. +1
        17 February 2023 15: 18
        Further along the lines of:
        When Adam plowed and Eve spun,
        Where was the gentleman then?
        Peaks forward, if without delay,
        Let the red rooster go over the monastery roof
        The Empire and the Kaiser do not hear us,
        We make judgment ourselves
        We want equality and law for ourselves,
        Starting as a prince and ending with a peasant,
        So yes, a fighter for the interests of the working class.
    2. +3
      17 February 2023 10: 00
      For the sake of objectivity, I want to add that the Germans also have the 23rd Mountain Brigade, stationed in the city of Bad Reichenhall, whose symbol is edelweiss. There was even a note about them in the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper in 2004, called "Edelweiss on a gray cap"
    3. +4
      17 February 2023 10: 57
      I reread the article again, a lot of emotions. It is clear that when Zelensky signed the decree, it was like this: 2 we write, 3 in mind. Edelweiss, a harmless flower, but we mean a unit of the SS.
      1. 0
        17 February 2023 18: 10
        There are no illusions. Open the Cart and watch a video from our guys from the front. There are Nazi greetings before the battle (video from Nazi phones), tattoos with a swastika, banners with emblems of the Wehrmacht and SS troops. I don’t know what and who else needs proof. There should be an order to put all "carriers of Nazi symbols" without exception against the wall, and destroy the units. Only sword and fire, as our grandfathers did
      2. +1
        18 February 2023 01: 17
        Edelweiss, a harmless flower, but we mean an SS unit.
        In fact, the 1st Mountain Infantry Division, which actually had no flowers in its name, but only an emblem (chevron) with this mountain flower, had nothing to do with the SS troops, but was a unit exclusively of the Wehrmacht! At the same time, the SS troops had SIX mountain infantry divisions, but neither in their symbols nor in their names (and unofficial ones too) were there any hints of edelweiss!
        Therefore, in order not to imply something superfluous in your imagination, you should be more literate in the essence of the issue about which you want to express your opinion!
        And I also note that among the brotherhood of climbers and mountain tourists (in Russia) "Edelweiss" is very applicable in the names of clubs. There is a club with the same name in Moscow. And what? Can we identify them (according to your version) with the SS, or at least with the Wehrmacht?!...
        And what to do with the 17th detachment of the Special Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, at one time, carried out combat missions in Chechnya ...? Here with this one!
        Would you also say that they are fascists?! ....
        And here's another. Pay attention to the flower at the bottom of the sign!
    4. +1
      18 February 2023 00: 38
      that the Nazis used his name, there is no fault, personally Gaera, no!
      Quite right! Likewise, what's with the mountain flower...? Moreover, the word "Edelweiss" did not appear at all in the name of the 1st mountain infantry division, but there was only an emblem with this flower ....
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +2
    17 February 2023 08: 13
    The masks have been dropped! Nazism in Ukraine in favor!
  13. +2
    17 February 2023 08: 15
    Poor grandfather Zelensky, who fought the Nazis, looks at his grandson from above and cries, how did his Jewish grandson get into such a shame ...
    1. -2
      17 February 2023 13: 43
      Quote: restless
      Poor grandfather Zelensky, who fought the Nazis, looks at his grandson from above and cries, how did his Jewish grandson get into such a shame ...

      It is a pity that grandfather survived. The offspring turned out to be expensive - he pulled hundreds of thousands of those killed after 80 years!
  14. +2
    17 February 2023 08: 25
    There was no division named Edelweiss. And everyone wore Edelweiss badges. They were painted on airplanes and even submarines.
  15. 0
    17 February 2023 09: 29
    Yes, Zelensky does not care about Nazism, as well as people. He sold his soul for money a long time ago. And the Nazi card is simply played to warm up their inadequate ones.
  16. +2
    17 February 2023 09: 34
    Edelweiss is not a Ukrainian plant. Rather, dandelion, burdock or horseradish - you will sweat out. In Kazan there was a trading company "Edelweiss" - the owner died, although he had already grown to the position of a deputy. It's not our weed. Doesn't take root.
    1. -1
      17 February 2023 20: 59
      !!!. And you can also Brothers (in the normal language Pansies). I think it matches 100%.
  17. -1
    17 February 2023 10: 07
    As for combat use: I think a mountain division is light infantry to the limit with specific weapons and training. Yes, she can successfully fight in "native" conditions, but even as a combined arms she is of little use, she will have to be reinforced with something, in short, we have "porridge from an ax" at the exit. After the Germans ended the Caucasus (recently there were articles on this topic), they tried to use the mountainous parts in such a way that they at least somehow benefited. The maximum that mountain rifle and other landing troops are capable of on their own is counter-guerrilla actions.
    1. -1
      17 February 2023 12: 03
      You are right, mountain rifle units are light infantry and their firepower is quite weak. If you recall our mountain rifle divisions in 1941, then if my memory serves me right, there were 6 battalions. In other words, it is not correct to use them for linear battles.
      1. 0
        17 February 2023 20: 52
        Yeah. And recoilless guns. And the little things: mortars of all calibers.
  18. +2
    17 February 2023 10: 17
    Well, at the UN, we voiced this, embassies in other countries posted explanations for citizens, do they play videos on the banned YouTube Facebook in English, German?
    No?! And why?
    Why did they put a bolt on propaganda?
    Why is Dimon just trying to prove to us how good he is
  19. +1
    17 February 2023 10: 25
    Ukrainian "onezheshmothers" are also fully propagandized. Krovinochka was sent with a mother's order to "visit Russian Muscovites" and bring more televisions and washers from non-humans. And how the little blood disappeared without a trace or arrived in a box, then you can curse Ze. But no more than the damned Muscovites.
  20. +2
    17 February 2023 10: 32
    Well, what can I say, except for the long-known, spoken more than 2500 years ago - history develops in a spiral.
    80 years have passed - and everything repeats
    even a geographical location, crosses on tanks, and chevrons on sleeves
    except that technology has become more modern, but people have changed several generations
  21. +3
    17 February 2023 10: 49
    Isn't it time to start the USSR period in Russia and stop throwing mud at it? To begin with, return the red flag and star to the Russian Armed Forces! Return the badges, the Order of the Red Star and the Order of the Red Banner of War! And finally, return Stalin's name to the city and the attitude towards it!! It's been a long time coming!! Watch the videos of many units of the newly proclaimed republics hanging out Soviet flags when liberating cities!! Because the heroic past, which we should be proud of, is also capable of motivating fighters! Ukrainian fascists on one side and the red Russian army fighting with it for the future!
    1. BAI
      17 February 2023 11: 50
      24th Rifle Samara-Ulyanovskaya, Berdichevskaya, three times Red Banner, Orders of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Iron Division
    2. 0
      17 February 2023 16: 47
      Hikaro. Do you want the power to recover against the wind? They have allowed so much. For example, they allowed the very poor to take part in this operation, which is generally unacceptable. Although, in theory, only nobles have such a right. And it is not the nobles who should serve them tea, clean their boots and blow dust off them. If such incomprehensible people are given weapons, they will not know which way to shoot, this has already happened many years ago in the last century. They even thought of the fact that they began to fraternize with the Germans. Now this cannot be done. The Germans may be offended and stop buying different things, and then the propertied classes will become poorer. Still, it is much better to approach the grave, comrade. Stalin and consult with him. Maybe he, with such power, does not want to be named after something that is no longer a joy to him.
    3. 0
      17 February 2023 21: 56
      Nobody denies the heroic past, but it is not for nothing that they say that you cannot step into the same river twice. Or let's live according to Khazanov: "Why look forward when all the experience is behind you?"
  22. +2
    17 February 2023 11: 24
    They could use mountain buttercup, gentian, crocus, anamon, lady's slipper, or negritella. Possibly Snowdrop. I do not know if this name is suitable in other languages, not in Italian. However, I do not know if these other flowers are suitable for the name of a military unit. The cornflower was already used by the Maria Theresa Division.
    I can't think of any other plants.
    1. +1
      18 February 2023 19: 33
      Quote: Decimalegio
      The cornflower was already used by the Maria Theresa Division.

      Heather (Erica in Latin, Heidekraut or Erika in German) has not yet been used. see
  23. +3
    17 February 2023 11: 35
    Edelweiss is a rather nondescript white flower!
    There are much more beautiful things in the mountains...
  24. BAI
    17 February 2023 11: 46
    In the same Germany, only modern, if at least one of the ruling ones tried to abide by the country's constitution, one could be held accountable for this. In full, up to a solid period.

    This did not prevent them from using the Hitlerite naming system for armored vehicles. Tigers and Panthers replaced by Leopards
    1. 0
      17 February 2023 19: 48
      Tigers and Panthers replaced by Leopards

      Yeah, and also "Lux" (lynx, BRM), "Fuchs" (fox, APC), "Wiesl" (weasel, BMD), "dingo" and "grizzly" (wheeled APC), "Fennec" (BRM), "Marder" (marten, BMP, that was also the name of the German anti-tank self-propelled gun during WWII), "Puma" (BMP), "cheetah" (ZSU)...
      Well, the Germans like such names! Only "tigers" were missing! request Apparently genetic memory... fool
  25. +2
    17 February 2023 12: 57
    But after all, there is a verse in Vershina, which Vysotsky did not often sing, and after it it is performed very rarely.
    Do you remember the pre-war year? -
    The top was stormed by your platoon,
    In conjunction with you, a German rock climber was walking ...
    Year forty-two - you go into battle,
    And watching you
    Maybe the one you saved.

    Along the pass, along the river ...
    Where not from hand - there we beat hooks.
    Where glaciers hang from the mountains!
    There with machine guns at the ready,
    With the beautiful name "Edelweiss" -
    Selected alpine arrows.
    Honestly, I spent almost three hours searching for this verse. I found something. In 1967, the lyrics were first published in the newspaper of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute "Molodost" (December 24, No. 30). I found this issue
    BUT THERE IS NO THIS VERSE. I apologize rudely, I have been fascinated by the works of Vladimir Semenovich since childhood (approximately since 1975-76), of course I will not say that I am a great connoisseur of his works, but in my entire life I see these lines for the first time, and I would be grateful to the author if he tells me where I can hear this song, with this verse performed by Vladimir Semenovich himself. Well, or where it is printed. I mean those Soviet editions.
  26. +2
    17 February 2023 13: 05
    But what about this. On October 5, it was 15 years since the formation of the special forces detachment of the North Caucasus Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Edelweiss" (Mineralnye Vody). This is one of the most combative and well-deserved units of the internal troops. The detachment was formed as a result of the unification of special forces groups stationed in the south of Russia - in Blagodarnoye, Vladikavkaz, Zelenokumsk, Neftekumsk and Nalchik.
    1. -3
      17 February 2023 20: 47
      No need to overdo it! Normal people understood everything normally.
  27. 0
    17 February 2023 13: 08
    And on account of the Alpine shooters, the execution of 153 civilians in the Greek village of Musiotitsas,
    But the Greeks send armored vehicles to the current "fans" of this very "Edelweiss" so that the descendants of those Nazis could fight the descendants of those Nazis' victors. I wish our leadership wasn't as soft-hearted towards the current Nazis as I.V. Stalin. Instead of sending Hitler's hangers-on to him, the "bloody dictator" abolished the death penalty in 1947... And thanks to this, how many of these creatures have given birth to their own kind.
    1. -1
      17 February 2023 20: 45
      Only Greeks, right? Needs padding.
  28. +1
    17 February 2023 13: 09
    I doubt that Zelensky knows anything about the units that took part in the Second World War, for him, as for a billionaire, chevrons, names, do not play a role at all. The curators said what and where to sign, and he signed.
  29. +5
    17 February 2023 13: 16
    Indeed, the masks have been dropped.
    Have they really been thrown off? If you strain your memory, you can remember that no masks were put on, all sorts of "rukhs", "uno", "unso", and similar scum were part of the state propaganda of the Kyiv authorities, after the collapse of the Union.
    The entire Soviet past was erased, spat upon, destroyed with the full approval of the Kremlin, which did not interfere in any way and indulged in its attitude towards the Union, and a purely nationalistic ideology was put forward to replace it. It could not have been otherwise.
    how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers ground Alpine Edelweiss in 1943,
    Our grandfathers, ground up many people, in 44-45, and in the end finished them off and under whose leadership, but the author modestly kept silent about how the descendants of the victors, blew in 91, all the results of the victory, and peace in Europe that lasted 77 years, under the joyful hooting of liberal traitors about the end of the evil empire, and the promise to the peoples of the Russian Federation that now they will live "like in the States", because they will not feed, support the Union republics, and they will not go anywhere, they themselves will crawl on their knees. Yeah, I will not say how they began to live, but 14 republics, not only did not crawl on their knees, but they also became the most ardent antagonists of the Russian Federation, always and everywhere. Who drove Russia into such a dead end, and now those in power are modestly keeping quiet about the results of their rule. And now they are trying to cover up their incompetence in foreign and domestic policy with the Soviet past, which they have been destroying for over 30 years. The alpine flower got it, while keeping silent about the associations that arise when they see the PMC emblem.
    . In the USSR, the police were called by different names - cops, the most common one, but at that time, say policeman , and it becomes clear what was meant. So we won’t nod at Kyiv, the stigmas themselves are also in fluff. Not with what glorious past of the USSR, you can’t cover
  30. +3
    17 February 2023 13: 51
    In fairness, it is worth noting that the Russian special forces unit "Avangard" used to be called "Edelweiss". But that is something completely different.
  31. 0
    17 February 2023 15: 56
    How is it an illegal power, if after the elections it was recognized as legal and congratulated.
  32. 0
    17 February 2023 16: 10
    A beautiful name, this is to die beautifully like their fascist predecessors!
  33. 0
    17 February 2023 19: 13
    This division did not have such a name. Edelweiss is the name of the operation. In general, as far as I smoked the question of this symbol, edelweiss appeared on the sign of the Russian Mining Society earlier than even among the Austrians, especially among the Germans.
  34. +3
    17 February 2023 19: 51
    They were called the 1st Mountain Infantry Division. Not edelweiss. So do not breed nurses on them and empty beautiful words in vain. What a manner - to enlarge a cockroach under a magnifying glass, to be horrified by it - and slam it with a slipper. And then - "uuuu, here are the stinks on the table with bread, and I turned on the light, it was at night ...."
  35. -4
    17 February 2023 20: 42
    History does indeed repeat itself. Farce repeat? Well, for whom? And to be that farce in the form of an ice grave, like their ideological ancestors from Edelweiss.
  36. +1
    17 February 2023 20: 44
    Yes, they do not know history, it has long been clear to everyone. It's just a bunch of Edelweiss Unfiltered lovers, that's all
  37. -1
    17 February 2023 20: 47
    Quote: your vsr 66-67
    What will the Germans, Americans, Bulgarians, Hungarians and all the rest say now?

    God's dew will say.
    First time or something.
  38. +2
    17 February 2023 20: 50
    Well, in fairness - our president, for example, the Surgeon (who is a biker) awarded the order and handed it over personally. And that selected Hitlerite.
  39. -2
    17 February 2023 21: 11
    And here we go again! It all started with the wonderful color of the spectrum, blue, being taken away by you-know-who. The most beautiful natural phenomenon, the rainbow, was seized by the same creatures. The not particularly bright, but beautiful mountain flower was raked up by the Nazis.
    "But we lost the information war," our soldiers will say, sitting on the steps of the destroyed White House.
  40. -1
    17 February 2023 21: 23
    Unfortunately, our experts and even very high-ranking politicians have forgotten the word "revanchism" that was popular in Soviet times. And this is exactly what Europe lives by now. It has imposed far more sanctions than the US. It has expelled far more diplomats and is causing trouble wherever it can. They have sensed an opportunity. With the help of Ukrainians put Russia in its place. Like in the Crimean War. After all, it worked out so well then. Russia, then the de facto hegemon in Europe, was put in a stall for 20 years and deprived of the Black Sea Fleet. It's just that Europe really united in the desire for revenge for the Cossacks in Paris and the result was not long in coming. Generally, with little bloodshed.
    Revenge is a sweet word. I am sure our sailors experienced very pleasant feelings raising the Soviet flag in Port Arthur in 1945.
    Now all European countries have remembered their old grievances and are eager to participate in revenge with all their might. Even the Swedes, who had been neutral for 200 years, and the Finns decided to urgently join NATO. To participate in bending over Russia and pointing out to her, her place in the world.
    Therefore, one should not be surprised at the tanks with crosses in Ukraine and the Edelweiss divisions. This is fine. This is what all of Europe wants now.
  41. -2
    17 February 2023 23: 51
    Left, at the top of the icon ... I have one. From the glacier. But I graduated from the Ordzhonikidze VOKU. And we had a battalion commander, a front-line soldier, a master of sports in mountaineering ... And which side of the Khoklops to the snow-capped peaks? Sur something...
  42. +4
    18 February 2023 01: 19
    The author is new to the question and pulls the owl on the globe.
    Edelweiss is a common name, an unusual flower.
    The special forces unit of the National Guard Troops (military unit 6762-17 OSN VV MVD RF, the permanent deployment point of the unit is located at the foot of Mount Zmeyka near the village of Novotersky, Mineralovodsky District, Stavropol Krai) was named Edelweiss in 2011. It must be assumed that the author was not at all outraged by this at the time.
    Yes, among the Germans, a couple of military units also had such an unofficial nickname - one of the Air Force, the second - mountain shooters, but officially none of them had such a name.
    In the world, this name was not fixed for the Nazis.
    Edelweiss is a symbol of mountains and inaccessibility, and is often used in various symbols and names.
    For example, edelweiss is included in the symbolism of one of the mountainous regions of the Transcarpathian region in Ukraine, in Moscow the name Edelweiss is an elite residential complex, in Austria - a sort of beer.
  43. +2
    18 February 2023 18: 52
    Whatever you call pig-faced, they will still grunt on capelin ...
  44. 0
    19 February 2023 05: 25
    Quote: Rakitin
    Yes, the song is humanistic. Like there: "Spiess voran - drauf und drang" - "A spear in the belly - back and forth." Well and further in the same spirit.

    At the time of Guyer, humanism was somehow not in vogue, the Marseillaise, by the way, is also not a humanistic song
  45. -2
    19 February 2023 05: 26
    Quote: Clone
    Left, at the top of the icon ... I have one. From the glacier. But I graduated from the Ordzhonikidze VOKU. And we had a battalion commander, a front-line soldier, a master of sports in mountaineering ... And which side of the Khoklops to the snow-capped peaks? Sur something...

    Do not believe the Carpathians are mountains
  46. 0
    19 February 2023 05: 38
    Quote: rotmistr60
    Why do they need the beautiful name "Edelweiss"
    Exceptionally show off, that's just in front of whom? Kyiv probably believes that giving his brigade the name of the Nazi division thereby raises the spirit of his fighters. It just forgets that this division was defeated by the Red Army, and after the reorganization it was defeated again. The same will happen with the Ukrainian "edelweiss".

    The Germans in the Second World War did not have a division with that name, the division of mountain shooters had an emblem with edelweiss, well, that's how climbing clubs were called in the USSR))) edelweiss is actually an international symbol of mountains, mountaineering.
  47. 0
    19 February 2023 10: 17
    Fascists from Edelweiss - do not take prisoners!
  48. +1
    19 February 2023 14: 48
    What is in the name "Edelweiss" Nazi, fascist?
    They pulled the topic by the ears, this is the name of a mountain flower that got its name even before the birth of Mussolini, etc. Can monks in monasteries also be made fascists, because they use swastikas or have SS souvenirs? Before the formation, the military banner of that unit was officially handed over, with parting words? In Germany, there is a Panther tank, have they also returned to fascism? In the Russian Federation, the "tiger" is in service.
  49. +1
    19 February 2023 23: 10
    The article is emotional, well, it’s clear why and why.

    Edelweiss, as far as I found, is still found in the Carpathians, but rarely.

    Calling the mountain assault unit the name Edelweiss is, of course, a clear reference to the German division with this sign and an unofficial name. No, of course you can hear about the torchlight processions “on the Don” and the ancient “solstice”, it all seems to us Nazism on every corner ... but all normal people understood this fact properly. In context, everything is crystal clear. Take note, remember.

    But at the same time, why the author's strange passages about Vysotsky's songs, some forgotten couplets of Vershina's song.

    There is a film Vertical and there is a performance of songs. In the same place in the film there is a reference to the war in some scene. After all, there are many stories about the film and the songs from the film, and everything is told in the first person.

    And there is simply the text of Vershina's song, it was published and performed in this form. Are there records with this additional verse? The very structure of the song doesn't really imply more verses.

    And there is also the song Ballad of the Alpine Shooter, from where you started quoting lines and for some reason then part of this song was “screwed” to the Top as an additional verse. For what? Quotes of the song are accurate, so they saw the source. To increase the degree of emotionality? So here and so everyone understands without words what Ze did, this is his choice and his path.
  50. +1
    21 February 2023 14: 39
    The 1st Mountain Infantry Division (German: 1.Gebirgs-Division) is a tactical formation (division) of the armed forces of Nazi Germany (Wehrmacht), staffed by the indigenous inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Southern Germany, Bavaria and Austria. The edelweiss flower depicted on the emblem of the division became its common name. Officially, the division did not have a name - "Edelweiss".
  51. 0
    23 February 2023 03: 37
    Quote: Olegi1
    Fascists from Edelweiss - do not take prisoners!

    First, find out who the fascists are, discover something new for yourself.
  52. 0
    23 February 2023 03: 52
    Quote: malyvalv
    Unfortunately, our experts and even very high-ranking politicians have forgotten the word "revanchism" that was popular in Soviet times. And this is exactly what Europe lives by now. It has imposed far more sanctions than the US. It has expelled far more diplomats and is causing trouble wherever it can. They have sensed an opportunity. With the help of Ukrainians put Russia in its place. Like in the Crimean War. After all, it worked out so well then. Russia, then the de facto hegemon in Europe, was put in a stall for 20 years and deprived of the Black Sea Fleet. It's just that Europe really united in the desire for revenge for the Cossacks in Paris and the result was not long in coming. Generally, with little bloodshed.
    Revenge is a sweet word. I am sure our sailors experienced very pleasant feelings raising the Soviet flag in Port Arthur in 1945.
    Now all European countries have remembered their old grievances and are eager to participate in revenge with all their might. Even the Swedes, who had been neutral for 200 years, and the Finns decided to urgently join NATO. To participate in bending over Russia and pointing out to her, her place in the world.
    Therefore, one should not be surprised at the tanks with crosses in Ukraine and the Edelweiss divisions. This is fine. This is what all of Europe wants now.

    Just listen to Klim Sanych Zhukov about the Crimean special operation and you will understand that, as usual, they are to blame for everything, when someone begins to be proud of the title of Gendarme of Europe and consider themselves the navel of the earth, the realization that this is not so usually comes with pain. All of Europe did not unite; just in geopolitics, as in chess, you need to calculate everything several moves ahead. If by the English and French expeditionary forces you mean the whole of Europe, then what would happen if it really all went up in arms? To waste a campaign with expeditionary forces cut off from their bases having ground supplies is, of course, a great indicator of a dominant position in Europe.
    There was exactly one railway (Tsarskoye Selo doesn’t count), but I wanted to have straits.
    It was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines - and walking along them... I just can’t believe that more than a century and a half has passed, and Tolstoy’s words are more than appropriate.