Armed Forces of Ukraine, 10th mountain assault. Why do they need the beautiful name "Edelweiss"

Nazism will not pass?
So, no one else has the right to say that there is no Nazism in Ukraine. Random chevrons, single tattoos, symbols with swastikas straight from the Third Reich - now no one needs to be reminded of these details.
After all, the true Aryan, with this among the Maidan Ukrainians, has long been all right, but in fact - a true Nazi, the head of the illegal Kyiv regime himself designated himself. And it was he who until recently was both popularly elected and the "president of the world."
Now Ze, sorry, pan Zelensky is not just the president of the war, he himself has enlisted in the ranks of war criminals. And it doesn't need proof anymore. Zelensky signed a decree on assigning the name "Edelweiss" to the 10th separate mountain assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).
This name was worn during the years of World War II by the 1st mountain infantry division of the Wehrmacht - the armed forces of Nazi Germany. In the same Germany, only modern, if at least one of the ruling ones tried to abide by the country's constitution, one could be held accountable for this. In full, up to a solid period.
But now this will work - after all, the confrontation with Russia is at stake, and the "independents" are in the forefront of democracy. And the name of the brigade was given for "exemplary performance of assigned tasks in protecting the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine."
Thanks, Vladimir Semyonovich
But about the brigade and its "exploits" - below, but I'll start with Vladimir Vysotsky and stories. I hope everyone remembers these lines, forever captured in the feature film by Stanislav Govorukhin "Vertical", once a cult, but now slightly forgotten:
And before the war - this slope
A German guy took with you
He fell down but was saved
And now, perhaps, he
His machine is preparing for battle.
Set aside conversations!
Onward and upward, and there ...
After all, these are our mountains -
They will help us!
They will help us!
You are here again, you are all assembled -
You are waiting for the coveted signal.
And that guy is here too.
Among the shooters from "Edelweiss".
They must be reset from the pass!

But Vysotsky is by no means everything about Edelweiss. In that motion picture, the poet powerfully sang another song, even more popular - “Here you are not a plain”, which is officially called “Top”.
However, in the film, as well as later at concerts, it does not sound completely, since the filmmakers decided not to repeat it. But after all, there is a verse in Vershina, which Vysotsky did not often sing, and after it it is performed very rarely.
Do you remember the pre-war year? -
The top was stormed by your platoon,
In conjunction with you, a German rock climber was walking ...
Year forty-two - you go into battle,
And watching you
Maybe the one you saved.
Along the pass, along the river ...
Where not from hand - there we beat hooks.
Where glaciers hang from the mountains!
There with machine guns at the ready,
With the beautiful name "Edelweiss" -
Selected alpine arrows.
Find me "Edelweiss"
Now to the history, even the background of the issue.
"Edelweiss" is a really beautiful name. Can not argue. If it were not for the murderers, executioners, fanatics hiding under it. Yes, at first it was really an elite connection, professionals one to one. Bavarians, Austrians, people from Tyrol, who are well acquainted with the mountains.
They even had maps of the Caucasus better than ours - they were getting ready, bastards. But on Soviet soil, having fought in the Donbass and near Kharkov, between Kazbek and Elbrus, the alpine shooters did not have much time to distinguish themselves.
Yes, they dragged the flag with a swastika to the main peak of the ridge, but they had to leave the passes under the threat of encirclement and very quickly, the “edelweiss” frankly did not expect such a thing. They distinguished themselves, or rather those that survived, and those who were already fastened to the arrows in the Balkans, only later.

They distinguished themselves after the inglorious withdrawal from the Caucasus, on the plain they were of little use, and after a tough reformation. They distinguished themselves in Yugoslavia - against the partisans of Joseph Broz Tito, as well as in Czechoslovakia and Poland, as simply punishers.
The mere participation of shooters from Edelweiss in the deportations of Jews is worth something, but only those who do not want to forget remember this today. And the "edelweiss" were noted in Greece and Albania, and not only against the Greeks and Albanians, but also against "their", or rather, almost their own - the Italians.
Mountain rangers did not disdain to shoot the prisoners, as soon as Italy, with difficulty getting rid of the half-witted Duce, signed peace with the allies. Sentences were usually carried out by special teams from among the recruits, so that they were immediately “smeared over”. And on account of the Alpine shooters, the execution of 153 civilians in the Greek village of Musiotitsas, near which a warehouse with weapons.
Masks reset
What happened in Kyiv on February 13 cannot be called otherwise - after all, the masks have really been dropped. Finally. It is impossible not to recall how Zelensky's PR people quickly removed from all channels and social networks a photo of their president (still, oddly enough) with the chevron of the Totenkopf Division on his sleeve.

Now you can no longer shoot. Ze-President's decision to give such a name to his perhaps the best assault brigade cannot be taken otherwise than as a challenge. The same as the cancellation of March 8, May 1 and Victory Day, which is actually celebrated by almost the whole world, even if someone is a day earlier.
Maybe you haven't noticed how the Khokhlobratiya has recently gone out of circulation this catchy - "rashists". Do you remember the “victorious” video clips from the “liberated” Kherson, where the Russian soldier is called “occupier” and “fascist” in unison? They are almost nowhere to be found now. Not online, not in public, not on YouTube. Fixed, forget it!
So, the clown setting worked, you can reset it. No wonder - the topic is no longer in trend, coming outPR demands otherwise, since Europe, itself infected by Nazism from ukrov, also clearly decided to throw off its masks. Well, let them also cancel the Victory Day, we will have to appoint a new one!
And why, in fact, not, because not only the “mobilizants”, but there is still someone to shed blood for European democracy - 16-year-old Ukrainian boys are about to go to waste. Those who have in their brains, except for a wretched language, “Muscovite to Gilyak” and “who does not jump”, in general, there is little room for anything.
Yes, I will not argue with the pacifists - you can only feel sorry for them, so early - and immediately to the meat. But it is possible, even necessary, to pity their mothers, many of whom are already directly obscenely calling both Pan Ze himself and everyone who sucked on him, nothing but coke.
But now we, alas, not to pity, have to grind the new Edelweiss into nothing, just as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers grinded the Alpine Edelweiss in 1943, the one about which Vladimir Vysotsky once sang.