Marsh Confederate, or Divided States of America

The Arab Spring came to America. The US states, especially the southern ones, are ready to become separate states. This topic is the hottest in the world press. On the US Electronic Government website, 60 thousand people have already signed the petition for Texas’s withdrawal from the US (the White House requires 25 thousands of signatures to formally consider the petition), and the Louisiana petition now has over 26 thousand signatures. Some other applications have 15, 16, 17 thousands of signatures. Barack Obama will have to decide what to do with the American people: allow them to live according to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence - or start an accelerated concentration camp democratization in the country?

Marsh Confederate, or Divided States of America

* * *

The political tumult in Texas began before the presidential election. Hot Texans, big fans of shooting, executions and other amusements, and before did not like Barack Obama, and in the fall, when the black Kremlin agent overtook Mitt Romney’s rating, they began to talk about the assault on the White House, about the revolution, about peaceful separation from the other forty-nine states and one district.

There were also such radicals in Texas who declared: a civil war for the separation of our native privileged state is inevitable. It is only for Obama to master the Oval Office for another four years - that's all, it's rubbish.

For example, Tom Head, a judge and chief district administrator from Lubbock County, publicly, through the press, at the end of August warned Obama about a possible civil war - if he was re-elected. The judge persuaded both local deputies, the commissioner, the district sheriff, and residents - and the district even decided to raise local taxes in order to hire the police and arm more healthy and aptly shooting guys, and there will always be those in Texas. It was not about pennies: an increase in taxes would give the district budget an extra $ 832.433 thousand.

Mr head говорилthat it is necessary to prepare for the “worst”, that is, “civil unrest, civil disobedience” and even, probably, “war”. Judge Tom Head and Commissioner Mark Heinrich believed that the revolt of disgruntled Texans on the orders of Comrade Obama would appear to suppress the UN peacekeepers. But Head wouldn't let the military into his home state:

"... So, I will stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say:" Boy, you have nothing to do here. "

Texas is a special state, of course. Republican positions are traditionally strong here, while the Democrats do not favor it. By the way, both J. Bush, the elder and the younger, are from Texas. The younger Bush was always distinguished by his belligerence, and he was sick and voted for Romney in the elections. Bush did the same, despite his old age and painful illness.

It is also necessary to know that at that time Texas was famous for its slaveholders, who did not want to part with Negro slavery, and in 1836, they even included it in the constitution. The name of the slaveholder General Houston, who fought with Mexico just for the preservation of slavery, is the largest Texas city, where the most influential newspaper Houston Chronicle is published (in which he published his warnings to Obama and Judge Head).

Further, Texas - the second largest state in America (after Alaska), and even oil. Therefore, local judges, commissioners and sheriffs can give free rein to the word, as well as to the case. In terms of population (23 with a hook of a million people), Texas is second only to California.

Finally, this state is the only one in the United States that has the legal right to hold a referendum on the unpleasant issue of Washington for separation from the United States. The Texas flag rises one level with the national flag. No other state in America has such a privilege.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the current November "march of the Confederates" began with Texas and Louisiana.

As soon as it became clear that Obama was re-elected, boiling-boiling began throughout the US. By this morning (November 13) Tens of thousands of Americans signed petitions to withdraw their states from the country.

Requests to the White House were received from residents of twenty states: Texas, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Tennessee, Louisiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Colorado, North Dakota, Oregon , Mississippi, Missouri, Montana.

Petitions of initiative citizens placed on the White House website in a special section “We the People” (in our opinion: “We the people”). Signatures are also collected here. Here, for example, link on texan signers. At the time of posting on the "Military Review" of the article, there were already more than 60 thousands of signatures (the number changes very quickly, about two thousand signatures in an hour), and for official consideration of the "application" the White House needs only 25.000. That is, Comrade Obama will not get out of the Texas petition.

The first state to petition was Louisiana. A petition from this state on the website of the American "electronic government" was filed immediately after the elections (November 7) by Mr. Michael I. from Slidell. Texas turned out to be the second: a petition came from Mr. Mr. Micah H. (Arlington, November 09, 2012). He also put the first signature (highlighted green).

The Texas petition says that the state is asking for a peaceful withdrawal from the United States of America and wants to create its own new government. Petition text:

“As before, the United States suffers from economic difficulties resulting from the federal government’s inattention to reforming both domestic and foreign spending. US citizens suffer from a flagrant violation of their rights arising from the application of the NDAA, TSA and other acts. Considering that the state of Texas has a balanced budget and is the 15 of the world's largest economy, in practice, Texas may well be separated from the federation, thereby protecting citizens' rights to life and reaffirming their rights and freedoms in accordance with the true ideas and beliefs of our fathers “founders who for some time have not found a response from the federal government.”

Details on the laws in force in the United States, read the "VO" here (episode II, “Professor Tracy's collection”).

Petitions from citizens of other states are also very short. There are no other explanations for the White House. We want to go out, separate, gain independence, create our own government - and that's that.

Mr. Michael I. from Louisiana, asking for a peaceful withdrawal of the state from the United States, cited Declaration of Independence 1776 year:

“When the course of events leads to the fact that one of the nations is forced to dissolve the political ties that bind it to another people, and to occupy an independent and equal place among the world powers to which he is entitled by the laws of nature and its Creator, respectful attitude to the opinion of humanity requires him to explain the reasons that prompted him to such a separation ...

... To ensure these rights, governments are established by people who derive their legal powers from the consent of the governed. In the event that any form of government becomes destructive for these purposes themselves, the people have the right to change or abolish it and establish a new government ... ”

Over the branch of Louisiana filed more than 26 thousands of signatures. That is, with this state, the issue should soon be on the agenda of the White House.

Alabama typed more 16.000 signatures. Almost the same - Georgia. Just a few dozen votes lagging behind Tennessee. Florida is about to step over for 17.000. I remind you that the numbers are changing rapidly.

Most of the "applications", as can be seen from the list of states, are submitted by Republican Mitt Romney's electorate. However, now northerners have also joined the southerners - even states such as New York can be found in the list of petitions more 10.000 signatures).

The last time the American "alliance" was so staggering in the 1861 year - after the election of Lincoln, who, because of the disagreement of several southern states that did not vote for him (and not at all about the abolition of slavery), launched a civil war in America. These states are: Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia. They are now leading the list of applications.

According to rules After a petition from a citizen receives 25.000 signatures, and within 30 days, the presidential administration must then consider the petition and then send the response to the executive authorities. After that, people recognize the official response, which should be made public.

By the way, the section "We, the people" created on the US e-government website only in September 2012. And American observers with bitter irony notice that, yes, this people are “ready for action.”

It is widely believed in the US that the Obama administration ignores a significant part of the population and in terms of the direction of the state’s movement follow their own opinion only. Hence the popular petitions for secession from the United States is a clear reaction to the re-election of Barack Obama. As a result, journalists are now talking about the "Divided States of America" ​​...

Will Obama in his policy drive a wedge deeper and deeper between the government and the people? Will he still tear the fabric of American society? What, finally, his administration will respond to the petition?

Progressive American journalists and analysts are asking these and other questions today.

They see the answer, for example, as follows: either people will humble themselves and will continue to slide towards a totalitarian state, or they will wish to return to the true spirit of 1776 of the year, to those foundations of life that their ancestors cherished.

Spirit spirit, but about the material do not forget. Chris Joseph пишет:

"Essentially, these brave souls are asking Obama and the federal government to take unemployment benefits from them, to take away Medicaid insurance from thousands and thousands of elderly people, to deprive them of their right to protection from the state, provided by the armed forces, to stop funding assistance for eliminating the consequences of hurricanes and tropical storms, to withdraw money from them for the repair of roads and bridges and everything else that these free men and women use every day, cannot do without it - however, they are ready to ignore all of this only because their current president is black ... "

At the same time, amid petitions about the separation of states, many Americans also signed up for petition to the government on the legalization of marijuana for "personal use" (more than 31 thousands of signatures from November 7).

Also very popular petition about the recount: many Americans believe that There was a fraud in the November 6 election. The requirement to recount votes has already been signed by almost 33 thousands of people.

“It has become completely obvious,” writes the author of the petition Jana W., “that fraud was committed in the 2012 presidential election of the year. In one of the districts in Ohio alone, which turned out to be a state battlefield, President Obama received 106258 votes ... with 98213 registered voters. It’s not in human power to get 108% votes! .. ”

The right of states to withdraw from the United States is permitted by the Constitution of the Federation. In Art. VI says: “No provision of this Constitution shall be interpreted to the detriment of any claims by the United States or any particular state.” Amendment X states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by this Constitution and not prohibited for individual states are reserved for states or people, respectively.” But the Supreme Court in 1869, it was quite unconstitutional, decided that relations between US states would be considered “indissoluble” and “final”. Much later, in 1940, the Supreme Court, at the suggestion of Comrade Roosevelt, declared that the interpretation of Amendment X, according to which the states have the right to secession, in the event that the federal government violates the provisions of the Constitution is illegal.

Now it's up to Obama. What will Mr. President decide? After all, the two states have already collected more than 25 thousands of required signatures.

Mr. President got into a difficult situation. However, he is not a stupid guy and did something in advance. Obviously, the American alarmists were right, because among the points of Obama’s preparation for the upcoming manifestation of totalitarianism were:

bulk purchase by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ammunition (about 1,6 million pieces, including for sniper rifles, expansive ammunition and ammunition, piercing walls), various combat equipment, special means, fireproof and bulletproof gearbox booths and other useful things in battles with people;

the rapid increase in the number of so-called quarantine camps in the United States, today it is already estimated at 800 objects. A lot of plastic coffins neatly stacked in piles (500.000 pieces) have been prepared on the territory of the new camps;

adoption in 2011-2012 B. Obama's number of laws and programs: 1) The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which transfers cases of internal terrorist investigations, as well as interrogations, to the military. This act allows for the removal of due process of law and the indefinite detention of any person. For such detention, you only need the assertion of the American government that those and these comrades are terrorists; 2) Communities Against Terrorism programs (campaign of the FBI and the Ministry of Justice to recruit workers from twenty-five industries to spy on their colleagues and other citizens. Spies are recruited according to this program in hotels, motels, dive operators, drivers, agents for real estate, tattoo parlors, Internet café workers, etc.); 3) Food Instruction. This decree, adopted by 16 March 2012, renewed the power of the president. When the decree enters into force, the president gets the right to take control of all government sources of energy, including oil and natural gas, to gain control over all civilian traffic, and even provides an opportunity to reintroduce the draft in order to achieve both military and non-military objectives;

On the eve of the elections, October 31 - November 1, military exercises were held in San Diego (California) as part of the counterterrorism summit, scheduled for September. Skillfully made up zombies invaded Paradise Point Resort. The hordes of the living dead tried to devour everything living in their path, but the brave "fur seals" in alliance with other military personnel and policemen total 1000 people, led by government and local officials, repelled the two-day attack. In order to make the teachings as realistic as possible, imitated "Federal incident". On all the forty-four acres of Paradise Point Resort, Hollywood scenery was unfolded — right down to the whole rural settlement typical of these places, and even a “pirate bay”. By the way, the exercise scenario was long modeled by the military, HALO Security Corporation and the CIA in collaboration with the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), whose administration last year announced to the citizens of the country that they should be ready for the invasion of carnivorous creatures. Mr. Barker, president of HALO security corporation, believes that when the “zombie apocalypse” begins, it “will be of the scale of a federal incident.”

It was for this federal incident that I prepared in 2011-2012. Barack Obama.

California, by the way, too Yes in the list of state applications for separation from the United States. True, there are few signatures: about 4 thousand, but there’s almost a whole month ahead.

Probably, the administrator and Judge Head from Lubbock County was not so mistaken when he spoke of UN troops and armored personnel carriers that might be at the Texas border.

About a month or so later, the decision of the White House on the petitions of Louisiana and Texas will be known. Probably, in the coming days or weeks, about a dozen more states will overcome the 25 thousandth barrier on the e-government website.

Russian political scientist Igor Panarin in 1998 year made a forecast, according to which the US should break up into six fragments by 2010: the Atlantic zone (Washington and New York), which will join the EU; Texas and the surrounding states - they form the Republic of Texas; The Pacific Coast (California) will be under the protectorate of China; Alaska is likely to return to Russia; northern and central states will become Canadian; Hawaiian Islands will become “disputed territories”, because of which, of course, China and Japan will begin to sort things out. The political scientist made a mistake a year, but it seems not to be a prediction.

Patrick Buchanan gave the US more time: up to about 2025. At the same time, he prophesied the collapse of the entire Western civilization - until the end of the XXI century.

Two other facts, tragic for Obama and for America, should be added to the possible separation of states:

US government debt exceeded 16 trillions of dollars and the whole world is already aware of what petrodollars;

Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands, following the example of Venezuela, may demand the return of their gold from America, which is stored (as if) in the basements of the Fed in New York.

In general, the United States can drag half of the world behind the economic and political crisis, tied to the sale and purchase of mineral raw materials for petrodollars. Reasonable governments of rational countries are already taking steps to prevent a catastrophe: the BRICS countries are thinking about trading for the currency of one of the countries of the community, China is negotiating with Germany about direct trade for yuan. Anyway: according to international payment system SWIFT, from 1 July to 31 August 2012, world payments in yuan increased by 15,6%, while payments in dollars during the same time fell by an average of 0,9%.

At the same time, both China and Russia are rapidly accumulating gold reserves. Hurry up to catch up to the collapse of the petrodollar system ...

As for the 21 term of December 2012 of the year, when the 99-year lease of the “printing press” by the Federal Reserve System would expire, which could be another source for the “apocalypse” of the United States and the world, then let's listen to the expert opinion. Professor of the Department of International Finance of MGIMO, Doctor of Economics Valentin Katasonov Recallsthat in the law that was passed in the United States in 1913, the powers of the Fed are granted for a term of 20 years - until the end of 1933. There is no talk about 99. At the same time, many official sources report that the Fed long ago received unlimited powers to print dollars. The only problem is that the moment of transition of the system to an unlimited rental of the “machine” is not always precisely determined. On this account in America, a total of about 200 acts were adopted, which amended the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Another issue is that many countries hold their foreign exchange dollar reserves in US government debt securities. The same China has invested over 1,15 trillion. US dollars in US Fed bonds. Losses in the event of a collapse of the United States are inevitable.

As for world trade, in the first place, raw materials will be transferred in the event of a dollar collapse to another currency. The only question is which one. If the Americans roll back, someone will certainly take their place. I’m not talking about the “hegemon”, I’m talking about a new key currency for which the Saudis, Qatari, Russia and Venezuela will supply oil. And Iran, which American “sanctions” will excite from now on very little.

However, we will not rush things. Mr. Obama and Ben Bernanke who have historical Lincoln’s example, they won’t give up without a fight: they bought many cartridges and coffins ...

Observed and translated by Oleg Chuvakin
- especially for
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    1. +96
      13 November 2012 13: 04
      played out, striped. We will see how further events unfold. and our foreign ministry urgently needs to raise a question in the united nations on the introduction of a no-fly zone over the usa and on the removal of the dictatorial government in americosia
      1. +119
        13 November 2012 13: 08
        I myself do not drink, but if such a mess happened, I will not regret the liver recourse litrichich persuade the repose of the fascist reptile laughing
        1. +38
          13 November 2012 13: 17
          Quote: Sakhalininets
          litrichich persuade the repose of the fascist reptile

          taking into account the place of residence, you’ll already be sick from a hangover, but I’ll just open the vial
          1. +27
            13 November 2012 15: 39
            Quote: andrei332809
            taking into account the place of residence, you’ll already be sick from a hangover, but I’ll just open the vial

            You think badly about the Far East, we will still wake you up, congratulate you and pour drinks
            1. +11
              13 November 2012 15: 46
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              , we’ll wake you up, congratulate you and pour

              I will be glad. will we clink glasses on skype?
              1. +20
                13 November 2012 16: 08
                Quote: andrei332809
                I will be glad. will we clink glasses on skype?

                Mandatory, especially US citizens will need to be congratulated on their independence drinks
                1. KamikadZzzE
                  13 November 2012 19: 41
                  "Comrades" are on the right path
                  1. +1
                    14 November 2012 01: 28
                    Oh, what a fuck!
                  2. Lucky
                    14 November 2012 14: 58
                    What you sow, then you shake !!
                2. +3
                  13 November 2012 23: 20
                  Sasha. Do not read garbage. Russia is also full of idiots-separatists who advocate the separation of certain regions into states - and this is not the Caucasus. There was a topic with Pomerania, Siberia, Tatarstan.
                  1. +2
                    14 November 2012 05: 16
                    Quote: Pimply
                    There was a topic with Pomerania, Siberia, Tatarstan

                    Yes, we also have enough, the reasons are only slightly different.
                    Quote: Pimply
                    this is not the Caucasus

                    This is exactly what scares the most.
                    Quote: Pimply
                    Sasha. Do not read garbage.

                    Eugene, as I understand it, you yourself read this garbage and now I do not advise you to read it laughing Sores did not say long ago that it is necessary to invest in Russia, so I can’t call him a lover of Russia. And he says a lot about the current state of the American economy .. Yes, I would not rule out a chain reaction either, you say idiots yourself and one leader should appear and they all come out.
                    1. +1
                      14 November 2012 11: 46
                      Sores earned money on speculations with exchange rates and working with volatile markets, Sash. This is his bread and specialization.

                      A chain reaction requires serious changes in a society in which there are no valves for the release of steam. These petitions are just one of the valves. Democracy is real too. Etc. In the United States, despite the crisis, there is no real sharp impoverishment of the population, or a sharp reduction in its rights. There are few reasons for real instability. But there is a chance that soon the States will have the 51 state - Puerto Rico
                  2. ImpKonstantin
                    14 November 2012 10: 39
                    As for Siberia: not so long ago they tried to conduct a survey - which city could become the capital of the Siberian Republic: Omsk or Novosibirsk. The poll was of no interest to anyone but the residents of these cities, and the survey itself was perceived as a kind of comic competition. So there are no more or less serious separatist sentiments in Siberia, and the survey itself was organized by some student community, apparently from idleness.
                    1. +1
                      14 November 2012 11: 49
                      You will laugh - but in the States the situation is about the same. There are a certain number of idiots who are close to the topic of independence. In April in Novosibirsk there was a congress, for example, of the Siberian Sovereign Union. Did Siberia separate after that? Not.

                      But such a miracle?

                      1. ImpKonstantin
                        14 November 2012 17: 20
                        Of course, I also think that this is for the most part prank. The civil war between the Federalists and the Confederates was for the most part a struggle between the southern and northern financial elites. Now, such a fundamental distinction is absent, therefore, there are no serious prerequisites for the collapse of the United States. And in the appendage, America is a country of emigrants, and this means that there is no such element as the division of lands on the basis of historical nationality.
                    2. MakSim51ru
                      14 November 2012 19: 14
                      How are you good
                3. mda
                  14 November 2012 14: 27
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  Mandatory, especially US citizens will need to be congratulated on their independence

                  A year later, to join the states richer Yes
                4. vyatom
                  14 November 2012 14: 38
                  The article is complete nonsense.
              2. +8
                13 November 2012 18: 24
                What are you saying? They don’t check for repose!
            2. +1
              13 November 2012 16: 51
              Interestingly, Ussuri balm is still there?
              1. +1
                14 November 2012 04: 51
                Quote: pav-pon1972
                Interestingly, Ussuri balm is still there?

                Yes, but what do you want to wear out about the upcoming holiday? Well, why not, a good deed wink
            3. Denzel13
              13 November 2012 20: 26
              Hi Sasha! I remember your prediction. Volume stocks regularly increase in case of such a holiday. drinks

              Or maybe they should send humanitarian coffins to them? laughing
              1. +1
                14 November 2012 04: 54
                Quote: Denzel13
                Hi Sasha! I remember your prediction. I regularly increase the volume of stocks in case of such a holiday

                Hi Sanya, well, I was wrongly wrong, I will hope for one month.
                Quote: Denzel13
                Or maybe they should send humanitarian coffins to them?

                The coffins were already provided by the government. belay
              2. Konrad
                17 November 2012 20: 58
                Quote: Denzel13
                Or maybe they should send humanitarian coffins to them?

                This one? Good uncle!
        2. Vanek
          13 November 2012 13: 22
          Quote: Sakhalininets
          I'm not drinking myself

          Here! I'm not the only one.

          Quote: Sakhalininets
          but if such a mess happened, I won’t regret the liver

          So what to do? Have to.
          1. alatau_09
            13 November 2012 13: 37
            And I am in company with my bottle as not drinking!
            and the toast is ready: - Each amer has a flag, each has a "Saiga"! - they are independent and we don’t have much ... drinks
            1. +10
              13 November 2012 14: 07
              It’s a joke, of course, but didn’t our submarines notice off the coast of Texas !?
              1. Borizzz
                13 November 2012 15: 07
                like Florida
              2. Hemul
                13 November 2012 19: 28
                “It has become completely obvious,” writes the author of the petition Jana W., “that fraud was committed in the 2012 presidential election of the year. In one of the districts in Ohio alone, which turned out to be a state battlefield, President Obama received 106258 votes ... with 98213 registered voters. It’s not in human power to get 108% votes! .. ”

                There, in my opinion, not only our military are involved. There, either the Edrosa helped Obama, and personally Mr. Churov (I mean 108%), or America is turning into Obamia with its party ... United America. Yes
            2. +3
              13 November 2012 16: 32
              Quote: alatau_09
              Each amer has a flag, each has a "Saiga"! - they are on independence and we are a pretty penny ..

              current if you sell for rubles, because in this situation for dollars it’s somehow dumb ...
          2. +16
            13 November 2012 13: 56
            Quote: Vanek
            So what to do? Have to.

          3. +5
            13 November 2012 14: 31
            The site can be closed for three days, the holiday is not every day drinks
        3. +5
          13 November 2012 14: 46
          Oh, how right you are, colleague, I have long forgotten the taste of "bitter", but on this occasion, as they say - God himself ordered. But it would be better, of course, that it would not come to this, these parasites will actually pull half of the world behind them. The world theater of the absurd will begin (although it did not end).
          1. gladiatorakz
            13 November 2012 20: 39
            After the collapse of UWB, we would not drink, but rather get together and develop success. Strengthen the position. Expand markets and more. Alaska will have to nibble. (One patriot sold) So sho, we wash it early. One of the troubles of our people is to walk with intermediate successes. We won’t have time to look around China. So put aside STS, check BC and collect Spirit.
            1. +1
              13 November 2012 22: 42
              Alaska will have to nibble. (One patriot sold)

              And who is this patriot? *)
              1. 0
                13 November 2012 23: 31
                Who and how sold Alaska:

              2. gladiatorakz
                14 November 2012 10: 42
                Quote: de_monSher
                And who is this patriot? *)
                I forgot the quotation marks.)) The one that destroyed the Zaporizhzhya Sich.
                1. +2
                  14 November 2012 15: 54
                  I forgot the quotation marks.)) The one that destroyed the Zaporizhzhya Sich.

                  I’m talking about the same thing ... *)), it seems that Catherine has nothing to do with the sale of Alaska ... *) It seems that even without looking at Wikipedia, I can say from memory that the Grand Duke Constantine has a relationship three quarters of a century after the death of the empress ... *)

                  ummmm ... it surprises me, nevertheless, where do the legs grow from this bike about the sale of Ekaterina Alaska? *))
              3. Rediska
                14 November 2012 20: 12
                Alexander the second)
                1. 0
                  14 November 2012 23: 08
                  From the filing of Konstantin, who, in fact, ruled in the Far East ... *)
            2. Rediska
              14 November 2012 20: 10
              Sold, but not just like that but for the sake of reform ... :)
        4. Borizzz
          13 November 2012 15: 06
          Quote: Sakhalininets
          I myself am not a drinker, but if such a mess happened, I won’t regret the Litrovich liver to persuade the repose of the fascist reptile

          Don’t forget to invite me! For such a thing I’ll bring a barrel!))
          1. Alx1miK
            13 November 2012 18: 18
            If the US falls apart, alcohol stores will be empty.
            1. -7
              13 November 2012 23: 22
              Not only stores with alcohol will be empty. Many stores will be empty in principle. And then unemployment will rise sharply. Interest up to 25-30.
              1. Demon_Ex
                14 November 2012 10: 28
                Bush’s legs will disappear, and many Russians will not lose their health from them. The UN and the resolutions adopted by it will disappear .. The crisis in the US satellites will develop further, China will seize Taiwan and strike the Japanese at the head. Emirates and other sheikhs will run to Iran to tearfully apologize. Well, Israel can apply an American gift against the Arabs and disappear as a state, being thrown by a camel litter. There are enough scenarios for the development of the situation, again not in favor of the West, and Russia will not lose much from this.
                1. +2
                  14 November 2012 11: 54
                  Yes, not only Bush’s legs - although they too. For example, the price of energy will collapse. Sharp. Which will bring down all the changes that have occurred in Russia in recent years. The economy of most countries will collapse - China itself works for export, and its main consumer is the United States. The European economy will collapse. And the Russian economy will collapse. Totally. 90s seem like a wonderful time
                  1. Demon_Ex
                    14 November 2012 13: 03
                    You forgot about the paper component of the US economy, a bloated dollar. If it disappears, Russia will not lose anything, just a big soap bubble will burst. Those who work for dollars will lose, and invest in dollars. What changes are you talking about? What is sold in colorful packaging in stores? Or dollar billionaires? There is a ruble in Russia. And in the event of a mess in the states, Europe will buy energy for the Russian currency. Do not forget that if the collapse in the United States occurs, then the entire Middle East will turn into a huge oil fire. Russia has seen a lot, and what happens will be carried forward as usual.
                    1. 0
                      14 November 2012 14: 27
                      Have you ever studied economics? The ruble is stable largely due to high energy prices. Due to this, the budget has been surplus in recent years. Even a relatively small crisis in the US mortgage market hit the Russian economy so that the budget for several years became scarce, and millions lost their jobs. The United States is not on paper, it is one of the largest consumers of energy, for example, and energy. It is also one of the largest consumers of goods. This is a huge market. But this is not only a consumer. It is the world's largest manufacturer of intellectual property, manufacturing technologies, drugs, various kinds of computer systems and much more.

                      How do you think, how will the fall in oil prices to 12 bucks come around in Russia? Or gas? A sharp reduction in the consumption of all natural resources. A slight drop in aluminum prices nearly killed several large factories and nearly left several thousand people unemployed. Can you imagine how many people they are tied to. What if prices fall sharply? Chain reaction or "domino effect" you know what it is? Pensions are now a subsidized project. Collapse. The entire budget will collapse. Not millions will lose their jobs in Russia, as last time, but tens of millions of people. And the whole world will not care. Because he will have similar problems. Somewhere in poor countries it will be felt less - there and so poverty. And in Russia it shibanet so much that the 90s seem like paradise.
                      1. Demon_Ex
                        14 November 2012 14: 55
                        The economy of what? For your information In Russia, the whole economy is not yet connected with the West. What exactly does the west give us? Semi-finished products, cars, luxury goods. All this is produced in Russia. Do not forget Russia is a self-sufficient country, it has everything! More than 50% of enterprises in our country are engaged in buy-sell. With the collapse of America, one of the world's stabilizers will disappear. And I already wrote what will happen. Without the Middle East there will be no cheap oil, and as long as there are US satellites there will be no peace. Year of trouble and again they are free nomads. No one will feed them. China without external resources no one. You just took economics into account, we were taught political economics. And forget about the dollar as a world currency during a mess. He simply will not be. In Russia, an emergency and direct presidential rule will be introduced in this case.
                        1. +2
                          15 November 2012 02: 17
                          Respected. In this case, at least macro. I recommend you surf the Internet, and really search, outside of Wikipedia, for the goods that the United States supplies to Russia. And also to calculate indirect options, to calculate how many countries associated with Russia are only a link between Russia and the United States in one way or another. I recommend - start with a tutorial on macroeconomics. The introduction of emergency and other delights will also aggravate the situation - I repeat - 90 will seem like a paradise.
                        2. Demon_Ex
                          15 November 2012 12: 11
                          Specially walked around the supermarket. I saw Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Latin America, from the USA only whiskey, Bush legs and meat of bodybuilders. In any case, Russia will live without America. I do not need to surf the Internet to find out about this. We are discussing what will happen if the United States collapses. Europe and satellites will suffer the most. And Russia does not need support in order to survive. History has already shown this more than once.
                        3. +2
                          15 November 2012 15: 41
                          Respected. The country of origin can stand at least Honduras. Only here are all sorts of additives, processing technologies, those or other components from which the products are made, are made in the States. Food, various starches, syrups, etc. Do you know roughly what kind of process chain each product has? And how many American components are there? I can imagine, because for example, only the pig that goes to the meat is usually used in 132 types of non-food products.
                      2. commbatant
                        18 November 2012 23: 33
                        Kindly say!
        5. +2
          13 November 2012 15: 41
          Quote: Sakhalininets
          I myself do not drink, but if such a mess happened, I won’t regret the liver recourse litichich I will persuade the rest of the Nazi reptile laughing

          Similarly. If this happens, it will be necessary to arrange a banquet in honor of the death of the den of world evil. Here they are not at all sorry for after how many troubles they brought to the whole world. Hyena hyena death. drinks
        6. +1
          13 November 2012 16: 50
          Sakhalin, better than Kizlyar cognac ... And heal the liver for great deeds and feats ... :))
        7. zelenchenkov.petr1
          13 November 2012 22: 35
          And I will quit not only drinking, but I will also smoke and go to church on Sundays ...... with a candle to Nikolai the Pleasant and George the Victorious!
        8. Lucky
          14 November 2012 14: 55
          If this happens, I suggest that all forum participants meet and hot wash this thing, with tears in their eyes)))
        9. +1
          17 November 2012 17: 14
          Damn, Sakhalinets will have to plant the liver - definitely. Because, the described events in the USA are planned by globalists.
          As for Russia, the events developing in the USA will have a positive effect on Russia.
          1. mda
            17 November 2012 18: 59
            hi Pirez bringing up the article The Glow of Fire in the Middle East re-illuminates the double standards of the West
      2. traveler
        13 November 2012 13: 12
        I understand that I will "ogreb", but I would not be in a hurry to rejoice. In Russia, too, it is not sweet "Muscovy" (an education ringed by the Moscow Ring Road) is hated, and Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chechnya, Dagestan want to live on their own ... I will stop, just DV is sacred.
        This is a global tendency, earlier (the Middle Ages) united to resist robberies and seizures, now the economic compounded and "unwillingness to feed the backers" take place hi
        1. Che
          13 November 2012 13: 23
          But we at least do not trynd about freedom from state power. And they are shouting about it at every corner and planting their revolutions everywhere. Therefore, I hope to strengthen Russian statehood.
          1. traveler
            13 November 2012 13: 26
            Quote: Che
            But we at least do not trynd about freedom from state power. And they are shouting about it at every corner and planting their revolutions everywhere. Therefore, I hope to strengthen Russian statehood.

            Here only respect to you !!! And the Russian statehood has already proved its integrity, I think everyone remembers EBN and him: "Take as much sovereignty as you want." Realized that you can only survive together angry
        2. +6
          13 November 2012 13: 46
          Quote: traveler
          "unwillingness to feed backbones"

          Quote: traveler
          Chechnya, Dagestan

          These are the donors of the Russian budget .. laughing
          1. +1
            13 November 2012 15: 20
            These are the donors of the Russian budget ..

            Recipients, dear ...
            1. 0
              13 November 2012 20: 55
              I would say vampires! in every sense.
        3. +7
          13 November 2012 13: 49
          Chechnya has already tried to disconnect. Spilled blood and ruins, here is the result
          separatism. It is very naive to assume that separatism will take place in the United States.
          1. +1
            13 November 2012 16: 35
            Quote: askort154
            ruins, here is the result of separatism

            The biggest mosque in Europe - this is the result of separatism
          2. +1
            14 November 2012 07: 29
            Quote: askort154
            Chechnya has already tried to disconnect.

            So that Texas became our "first Chechnya" drinks
            1. mda
              14 November 2012 14: 24
              Quote: ramzes1776
              So that Texas became our "first Chechnya"

              And so that each state becomes 10 times worse than Chechnya drinks
        4. +2
          13 November 2012 23: 22
          There is even more fun to eat. There are separatists in Siberia, in Pomorie, in the Urals. Quite convinced guys.
        5. Lakkuchu
          14 November 2012 11: 34
          Quote: traveler
          ..a Tatars, Bashkortostan, Chechnya, Dagestan want to live on their own ...

          Did the residents of these republics themselves tell you this? Or are there any opinion polls on this subject?
      3. +19
        13 November 2012 13: 22
        let the shit also eat, as we are after the collapse of the USSR, I am sincerely glad that they have problems with integrity ...
        1. +15
          13 November 2012 13: 45
          Will there really be two independent Georgia in the world? Although unlikely, the one in the Caucasus will quickly find a new daddy.
          1. yustas
            13 November 2012 13: 52
            Quote: sergey32
            Will there really be two independent Georgia in the world? Although unlikely, the one in the Caucasus will quickly find a new daddy.

            It is interesting that in the event of a collapse there will be Saakashvili .... although there is an opinion that again the evil Russians will be blamed for everything, who have lived and live all the time at the expense of others .... mdya ...
            Well, with the gentlemen above
            Quote: Sakhalininets
            I myself do not drink, but if such a mess happened, I won’t regret the liver recourse litichich I will persuade the rest of the Nazi reptile laughing

            Petrovich, pour it! Siberia with you =) drinks
            1. German
              13 November 2012 14: 21
              The Dnieper will roll over this too. Be healthy! (The first one has already gone)
          2. Denzel13
            14 November 2012 10: 46
            Yeah, they will join the Turks so that they bend them again. laughing
            1. 0
              19 November 2012 12: 04
              Quote: Denzel13
              Yeah, they’ll join the Turks so that they bend them again

              or to Poland! And again to the Turks, and then again to Poland, to the Turks, to the Poles ... and so on ad infinitum! And then Bohdan Khmelnitsky will be dug up and sent to sign an agreement again under the protocol "With Russia forever!"
        2. +2
          13 November 2012 15: 30
          sasha 19871987,
          Let them have plenty of sip! And we will cut them off big "spoons" called "Saiga"! And cartridges for her as a spice fellow you! Yes, more, more!
      4. +8
        13 November 2012 14: 04
        I do not believe my eyes, amerosos stepped on a rake which they themselves scattered across the wide world ............
      5. nutmeg
        13 November 2012 15: 20
        So what? .... will hold a referendum, 25 percent will vote for, 75 against and everything will end. But insofar as within 10 years the United States will become the largest oil producers and the American people will get rich, the next ref. will be carried out in years like this .... 30 During this time, I think Tatarstan and Chechnya will become free and independent states ...... wink
        1. mda
          13 November 2012 15: 33
          Do you really believe that the USA will become the largest oil producers thanks to oil shale? belay wassat
          1. nutmeg
            13 November 2012 15: 48
            and you read today's Rambler ... only there will not write that all Arab oil will go to China, 'with all the consequences from here' ...
            1. +5
              13 November 2012 16: 11
              Quote: nutmeg
              and you read today's Rambler .... only there will not write that all Arab oil will go to China, 'with all the consequences

              Dreamer, dreaming is not prohibited. laughing
              1. -3
                13 November 2012 23: 24
                So he does not dream. He talks about the real situation.
                1. +2
                  14 November 2012 05: 20
                  Quote: Pimply
                  he doesn’t dream. He talks about the real situation.

                  Eugene, and you read his previous comments, he gathered there with a warrior to Russia with all the pieces flowing from him .......... Every Russian emigrant says he has two cars in the USA, everyone studies at the best uni and everything in such a spirit. In short, who do not spit some millionaires laughing
                  1. halt
                    14 November 2012 11: 36
                    skolko liet prozil v Amerikie iv Anglii iesli tak vsio xorosho znaiesh?
                    1. 0
                      17 November 2012 07: 36
                      How many years ago did you write in Russian? Nikher is not clear!
                  2. +1
                    14 November 2012 11: 55
                    I'm talking about this particular comment
            2. +4
              13 November 2012 17: 41
              Quote: nutmeg
              and you read today's Rambler ..

              Do not read dubious sites at night .. Side clinical symptoms like delusions and delusions of grandeur may occur
              1. halt
                13 November 2012 20: 37
                togda pocitai siegodniashnij ... The Times
                1. +1
                  14 November 2012 01: 39
                  Ascetic, he is already sick.
              2. +1
                13 November 2012 23: 24
                Yes, it's not only and not so much Rambler. Go over economic sites.
              3. mda
                14 November 2012 18: 23
                Quote: Ascetic
                Do not read dubious sites at night .. Side clinical symptoms like delusions and delusions of grandeur may occur

                All can not save him
          2. +2
            13 November 2012 23: 23
            Not only him, but the forecasts of specialists give such an assessment.
        2. +3
          13 November 2012 15: 50
          Quote: nutmeg
          .And since within 10 years the United States will become the largest oil producers and the American people will get rich,

          Probably pay off debts wink Do not worry, the dreamer, we will celebrate the collapse of the United States and pour it to you. We will drink with joy, and you will with grief. The United States will be the richest country, thanks neighing wassat
          1. nutmeg
            13 November 2012 17: 17
            Don’t be afraid, and we are splitting ourselves up with debts, and we will also throw off some humanitarian aid to someone ... laughing
            1. mda
              13 November 2012 17: 30
              Quote: nutmeg
              and we are splitting ourselves up with debts, and even to some people we will throw off humanitarian aid ......

            2. +2
              13 November 2012 22: 55
              You see, no claims against you as a new or old citizen of a country, the USA or Britain ... *) all claims to the symbol provided by these countries - symbols of profit and emptiness in the head ... *) Countries of the former USSR, or rather them "elites" also practically began to pray to this symbol - but God forbid, our people, people still have different views on life ... *) So, so ... I don't drink almost, but on the occasion of the collapse of the United States, I'll pump a bottle Beilis ... *))

              Guys, Uzbekistan will support you, for sure ... *))
              1. halt
                13 November 2012 23: 47
                izviniajus ... no smieju napomnit cto na dvorie uzie davno ni daliokijie vosmidiesiatijie .... i snami nie tolko Uzbekistan, a vot kto s vami interesno bilo bi uznat?
                1. 0
                  14 November 2012 00: 52
                  Quote: halt
                  no smieju napomnit cto na dvorie uzie davno ni daliokijie vosmidiesiatijie .... i snami nie tolko Uzbekistan

                  So the point is that in the yard it’s not the 90s and not only Belarus is with us, but who else will know in due time, be patient, there’s not much left. )
                  1. halt
                    14 November 2012 01: 00
                    budiem zdat .... tierpielivo i dolgo
                  2. halt
                    14 November 2012 11: 50
                    nu poka podkarmlivaete; svoix druzei 'budietie oni budut svami, no vot nadolgo li? ... cena na nieft uzie padaet, a ceni na gaz Rosija uzie vsiem snizajut ... dievatsa to niekuda .... smile
                2. +1
                  14 November 2012 01: 15
                  Countryman, try writing through Translit:
                3. 0
                  14 November 2012 07: 02
                  i snami nie only Uzbekistan

                  And who is you, if not a secret? *)) If you are the government of the United States or the United Kingdom, I dare to assure you, only the government of Uzbekistan is "with you", nothing more ... *) People in Uzbekistan, by and large, as usual, are focused on their region ... and the main proverb of the average static Uzbek = literal translation = - "The main thing is that there is no war" ... *) Agree, the USA does not correspond to this saying ABSOLUTELY, and who after that dared to assure you that Uzbekistan is "with you"? *))))
                4. Denzel13
                  14 November 2012 10: 55
                  I think the Strategic Missile Forces will be able to tell very convincingly who is with us. Want to try?
            3. +1
              14 November 2012 01: 31
              See how you don’t chip in the humanitarian aid, otherwise you never know. Well, we are not greedy, I’ll find a pair of underpants specially for you.
              1. halt
                14 November 2012 11: 51
                koko koko a Moldovanam tolko molcat ....
                1. +1
                  14 November 2012 20: 39
                  Dear cockerel, thank you, but perhaps we will join, the Russians have always stood up for us, we must help them like a thread. Just imagine. Moldova has thrown off humanitarian aid for the United States, doesn’t sound bad eh? )))
                  1. nutmeg
                    14 November 2012 21: 11
                    yes yes, they interceded that they couldn’t get out of Transnistria either ........
                    1. 0
                      15 November 2012 01: 54
                      You guessed it, stood up very much, I’ll tell you a secret, the Russian saved Moldovans from the Turks, and not only, but what about Transnistria, so, sir, ask your masters to remove their bases from all over Europe. Hence. the location of the Russian base in the PMR is the fault of the United States., again. protect themselves and us from Romanians))
            4. +2
              14 November 2012 03: 57
              You just need to oversleep. You have no money to cope with the consequences of the last hurricane. You already need this humanitarian aid.
              How did you get such thoughts under this flag?
            5. Denzel13
              14 November 2012 10: 53
              About how a person is covered, it is dangerous to be in this state for a long time, irreversible consequences can occur.
        3. 0
          14 November 2012 03: 53
          Go to bed.
        4. mda
          14 November 2012 18: 22
          Quote: nutmeg
          Tatarstan and Chechnya will become free and independent states ......

          Foam you choke much earlier lol
      6. +1
        13 November 2012 16: 10
        As one folk wisdom says: "Do not dig a hole for another, otherwise you will fall into it yourself"))) So we played the role of fighters for democracy)
      7. +4
        13 November 2012 16: 19
        May America fall. May justice prevail. May all its victims be avenged.
        1. nutmeg
          13 November 2012 17: 22
          Nepodet once, because our economy, the economy of knowledge, and yours ... threw a pipe, choked oil from the surface, ate money, disappeared and again as naked as falcons .... laughing
          1. mda
            13 November 2012 17: 34
            Berezovsky is you !? belay
            1. +1
              14 November 2012 01: 49
              Well, your economy. without these very pipes would have died long ago. so sit and shut up, not without reason, your bombs fall for some reason not in some poor Mozambique but in countries where there is more oil. This is small-shaven, and then there, even a message refuses to be sent to him, stinks.
              1. nutmeg
                14 November 2012 09: 59
                Yes, we have both oil and gas and pipes and technologies and friends around the world. So collapse. America will have to wait long and boring ...... smile
                1. gladiatorakz
                  14 November 2012 10: 53
                  Quote: nutmeg
                  So collapse. America has to wait long and boring
                  We have more important things to do than sit and wait for something. I think everyone doesn’t care if you disintegrate or not. The main thing is to sit quietly overseas, and not wage war around the world.
                2. 0
                  14 November 2012 20: 36
                  Nothing, we are patient, wait, but the fact is that you are waiting in vain for our death, I’ll die with my compatriots anyway, but Russia and our world will live forever while the earth stands.
          2. +1
            13 November 2012 17: 39
            it’s strange if you have the Economics of knowledge, why is sashka falling bankrupt?
            1. halt
              13 November 2012 17: 59
              otricat nie stanu ... koie gdie lopuxnulis .no oshibki ispravim, i vsio u nas budiet xorosho.Rosijskij gaz Amerikie uzie nie nuzien, skoro arabskaja nieft budiet nienuzna ii ti niiemi ii ti niemi ii ti mi ii tei ... laughing
              1. +11
                13 November 2012 20: 00
                halt , especially for you.
                1. -2
                  14 November 2012 01: 16
                  What nonsense!
                2. 0
                  14 November 2012 01: 32
                  in my opinion even halt himself did not doubt it.
              2. Oles
                14 November 2012 21: 40
                switch claudia switch, fraerok)))
                1. 0
                  14 November 2012 23: 32
                  he does not have a language installed + there are simply no Russian letters on the clave
          3. +11
            13 November 2012 17: 49
            Quote: nutmeg
            our economy, economy of knowledge

            One of the assertions of the liberals is that it was Western civilization that created the culture (philosophy, right, science and technology), which dominates the world and preserves the life of mankind. This is sincerely believed by a man shaped by school and television and already unable to look around (after all, to get a horse was no less difficult and creative work than to build an atomic bomb). The technological myth has a very strong influence on the intelligentsia, and, as already mentioned, it plays a crucial role in the manipulation of public consciousness.
            “Two-three centuries ago, Western civilization devoted itself to supplying people with more powerful mechanical tools. If we take this as a criterion, then an indicator of the level of development of human society will be the expenditure of energy per capita. Western civilization in its American incarnation will be at the head ... If we take as a criterion the ability to overcome extreme geographic conditions, then, no doubt, the Eskimos and Bedouins will receive a palm of honor. Better than any other civilization, India has managed to develop a philosophical and religious system, and China a way of life that can compensate for the psychological consequences of demographic stress. Already three centuries ago, Islam formulated the theory of solidarity for all forms of human life - technical, economic, social and spiritual - which the West could not find until recently and whose elements appeared only in some aspects of Marxist thought and modern ethnology. The West, the owner of machines, reveals a very basic knowledge of the use and capabilities of that higher machine, which is the human body. On the contrary, in this area and the related field of relations between the bodily and the moral, the East and the Far East have overtaken the West by several millennia - such extensive theoretical and practical systems as Indian yoga, Chinese breathing methods or gymnastics of the internal organs in ancient seas were created there. .. ".

            C. Levy-Strass
          4. alexander hjcnjd
            13 November 2012 20: 47
            Quote: nutmeg
            yours ... threw a pipe, choked oil from the surface, ate money, disappeared and again bare

            And you can’t argue with that. How many goods do we produce, and how much America? The United States will not fall apart, because our officials send all the money there.
          5. +4
            13 November 2012 21: 12
            we talked about the same about the USA in 80! only we survived 1917,1941.1991! we lost a lot, but we didn’t break the ridge! but there would be bones and meat will grow! I don’t know another country that could survive at least one of the above events! Yes, we would now have 500 000 000 people would live !!!
          6. +2
            13 November 2012 23: 01
            Nepodet once, because our economy, the economy of knowledge

            They made me laugh ... I will now have a joke on duty ... *)))))) We know, they saw, you lived there ... *)))))
            1. halt
              13 November 2012 23: 36
              da nieuzieli? .... ctoto nievieritsa

              nu a cto nashciot 3000 vashix universitetov? ..... tak cto smiejatsa budiem v miestie laughing
              1. +1
                14 November 2012 18: 25
                nu a who nashciot 3000 vashix universitetov?

                Man, I don't understand what you mean by "our-your" universities. But nonetheless. Let's start with the fact that I am an Uzbek ... not a citizen of Russia, but I treat Russia more than good, just great, let's just say ... *) So when you say "yours is ours", these words cause just a smile ... *)

                Next, about education. It is more than ridiculous to say that in the West, de "knowledge economy". In the West - the economy of "success", and by and large the economy of profanation of everything and everyone ... *) The only knowledge economy was in the USSR, and that was a short period, somewhere from the late 30s to the early 70s. .. *)

                Farther. Along the way, in recent years I have traveled well across the former USSR. Before that, well, I traveled to Western countries. Lived in the USA, wrote scientific work in Britain. Always and everywhere, I was interested in the QUALITY of teaching. So, in the early 2000s, in the United States and Britain, the teaching methodology and the QUALITY of the transferred knowledge caused despondency, and the level of students' knowledge was laughter and dismay. By the way, the CIS countries today, "pulled up" to the West, and this also causes despondency ... * (

                I just wanted to tell you this. and believe me, didn’t mean any patriotic passage. And, proceeding even from these positions, from the positions of systematic upbringing of a new person - an unreasonable, stupid person, and instead of thinking - consuming, the West, it's time to destroy ... in the bud ... *) Do you understand? *) And that’s why, if suddenly = why not? = USA, as the main symbol of the West, will fall apart, I’ll just be happy about it and drink a bottle of Beilis ... *))
                1. halt
                  14 November 2012 20: 05
                  dorogoij vi moij UZBEK, naprasno vi tam pitajieties biez mila zaliest, vsio rovno svoim niestanietie ... A cto kasaietsa urovnia obrazovanijie v Rosii ... posmotritie Viesti niedieli .... smile
                  1. +1
                    14 November 2012 23: 15
                    = laugh = ... this phrase -

                    biez mila zaliest, vsio rovno svoim niestanietie ...

                    I liked ... *))) So where do you think I am, without soap I climb, "dear" Are you mine - Halt? *))) I speak as I think, and I think what I say. In fact, I still hope for my own path to Russia and the CIS countries - different from the one that both the West and the East offer = in fact, the same thing - the same priest, but from different angles = ... *) Yes, Nationalism flourished everywhere. But I hope this is a temporary phenomenon - growing pains ... *) I don't climb, anywhere, human, just at least sometimes think what you say and write, it doesn’t hurt, believe me - I’ve just been brought up since childhood ... *)) understand? *)))
              2. Oles
                14 November 2012 21: 42
                you don’t know how to press a controlshift ..?)) or an altshift ... ???)))))
                1. mda
                  18 November 2012 08: 25
                  Quote: Oles
                  you don’t know how to press a controlshift ..?)) or an altshift ... ???)))))

                  So he probably doesn’t have Russian letters, he’s from Great ugh small britain
              3. 0
                19 November 2012 12: 20
                Chuvachek probably doesn't even understand why the country under the flag of which he broadcasts here is called "small britain" laughing And he strenuously protects those who are directly guilty of this nickname!))) By whose grace World War II began on the "redistribution of the already divided world", and who lost colonies around the world and lost the status of "World hegemon"))) who distributed bases in exchange for half of hundreds of used destroyers of the "first repartition" times, who then begged Uncle Sam to allow him to take part in completing the defeat of Japan in the Pacific theater of operations in the hope of getting at least something from the sweet Pacific pie (and whom Admiral Nimitz turned off so beautifully) laughing
          7. 0
            14 November 2012 00: 54
            Quote: nutmeg
            Nepodet once, because our economy, the economy of knowledge

            Our economy is already 1 years old, but how much is yours?
            1. halt
              14 November 2012 01: 03
              eto Vi o ciom? ... davaite ka idiom spat., a to uzie pozdno ....... wink
              1. +1
                14 November 2012 08: 45
                Quote: halt

                eto vi o ciom?

                Study, study and study again.
                1. halt
                  14 November 2012 11: 42
                  USA po cislu inzinierov na 100 tisiac idiot na vtorom miestie poslie Izrailia .... tak cto, ucities, ucities i ieshcio raz ucities .... smile
                  1. Oles
                    14 November 2012 21: 58
                    Tisyats idiot on the second myestium after Israel))))))))) Well, at the expense of the idiot - I agree))))))
              2. Denzel13
                14 November 2012 11: 01
                I repeat again: learn the Russian language - it will come in handy (especially in the light of future events).
          8. +1
            14 November 2012 01: 47
            How quickly all sorts of trolls from small Britain were stirred up by such an article, so there is something to worry about. This news is a blow to the image of the "most democratic" country in the world, which recognizes the right of the minority, what will the Endos do ah? After all, you are among the largest p..dabols in the world))

            Well, your economy. without these very pipes would have died long ago. so sit and shut up, not without reason, your bombs fall for some reason not in some poor Mozambique but in countries where there is more oil.

            Well, your economy. without these very pipes would have died long ago. so sit and shut up, not without reason, your bombs fall for some reason not in some poor Mozambique but in countries where there is more oil.
          9. +1
            14 November 2012 03: 51
            Stinky, don’t spoil the festive atmosphere of the forum. Go drink with grief.
          10. Vanek
            14 November 2012 06: 01
            Quote: nutmeg
            Nepodet once, because our economy,

            Quote: nutmeg
            choked oil

            PRIMUS, you first learn to write without errors. Then save and download.
        2. mda
          13 November 2012 17: 33
          Quote: Deniska999
          May all its victims be avenged.

          For all its victims to be avenged, it is necessary that the American civil war last forever am
        3. +1
          14 November 2012 15: 10
          ...... maybe I'm wrong, but I got the feeling that the Americans started preparing for a big shoe for grandmas ........ (kidalovo debt, + change currency ..... and maybe something else) A cow is milked while she is giving milk, and then for sausage.
          1. nutmeg
            14 November 2012 21: 18
            And you take and get rid of these 'bucks', for example, change to yuan ........ laughing
      8. +3
        13 November 2012 17: 21
        Moscow time, from 12,50 to 17,21, that is, for 4 and a half hours, more than 2000 new votes in support of the petition.
      9. rolik
        13 November 2012 17: 24
        And the government of Matrasia has everything ready by the time of the separation of some states. Concentration camps have been built, coffins (one coffin for four corpses) are in storage, our Vepr carbines are being purchased. So, comrades spectators, we ask you to take seats in the hall according to the purchased tickets. The screening of the film "Good by America" ​​will begin soon - the soundtrack has already been written by Butusov hi And our main one - the head one (of course, this is the GDP) will need to be given the command to dump the buck from our stubs in time. funds and gold reserves. bully
        1. +3
          13 November 2012 17: 42
          blockbuster of the century - "decaying the usa" online.
      10. scrack
        13 November 2012 17: 35
        We still need to resolve the issue of humanitarian aid in the form of Russian language textbooks and our fighters for demshiz
        1. rolik
          13 November 2012 18: 23
          the best humanitarian aid in that direction. It is with the very first sides to send there all of these Novodvorsky, Kokhov, Medvedev, Anal and other trash. If you clean the world, so complete. At the same time, they will feel the charm of American democracy on their thick jo ... ah.
          1. alexander hjcnjd
            13 November 2012 20: 53
            Quote: rolik
            It is with the very first sides to send there all of these Novodvorsky, Kokhov, Medvedev, Anal and other trash.
            why? After all, they will interfere with the daughters of Vovochka, and the children of his other friends. Which money is perfectly stolen by their parents
            Quote: rolik
            Feel the beauty of American democracy.
      11. +3
        13 November 2012 17: 49
        In-in! While the Americans mentally divided Russia, they smoked their own country! Ah yes news! Southerners generally guys)))
        1. Oles
          14 November 2012 21: 12
          southerners finally respect. especially in 1861 ... but right now it won’t fail ... alas (((
      12. mda
        13 November 2012 18: 43
        and even better, such mushrooms grow in the USA
        1. alexander hjcnjd
          13 November 2012 20: 50
          Did you happen to hear about the nuclear winter? So I will tell you a secret in nuclear war, the winner is the one who dies a year after the defeated.
          1. Rediska
            14 November 2012 20: 21
            Nuclear winter is just a theory not proved by any experiments :) And it has seriously counter arguments, for example, the fact that there were already thousands of nuclear explosions and what ???? :)
        2. WW3
          14 November 2012 00: 57
          It will be accompanied by the song .. "Nautius"

          Goodbye America
          o Where I have never been
          Goodbye forever
          Take the banjo
          Play me goodbye ..... crying
        3. 0
          14 November 2012 23: 37
          The USA has already shot a series on this topic (ideological terrorists with nuclear weapons + the collapse of the United States into states), called "Jericho":
      13. +2
        13 November 2012 18: 48
        To be honest, this course of events makes me happy. Do not dig a hole for another, or the boomerang principle is a well-deserved punishment for Americans. If the states start to fall apart, then why not drink for it.
        1. 0
          13 November 2012 23: 26
          And which one. Nothing of the kind happens to them there in reality. On the contrary - there is the likelihood of the emergence of the 51 State - Puerto Rico
        2. Roman A
          14 November 2012 00: 46
          Quote: 53-Sciborskiy
          If the states start to fall apart, then why not drink for it.

          The guys missed all the fun in Belarus VODKA also there will be a couple of carnations I will find lard to eat well and how, without a button accordion, only the question of the priest has already been called? and a coffin with tassels or pine? And how did our grandmothers say "WHAT HAPPY" Hello everyone
        3. 0
          18 November 2012 11: 04
          Quote: 53-Sciborskiy
          To be honest, this course of events makes me happy. Do not dig a hole for another, or the boomerang principle is a well-deserved punishment for Americans. If the states start to fall apart, then why not drink for it.

          sow the wind, reap the storm ......... evident from their wretchedness they forgot to learn Russian proverbs.
      14. mda
        13 November 2012 18: 50
        I hope that such mushrooms will grow in the USA
      15. mda
        13 November 2012 19: 00
        Better yet, such mushrooms grow in the USA
        1. avega
          13 November 2012 21: 02
          I don’t know, I don’t agree ... After all, it’s logical that we are better than the United States if we act like them)))) A man should be a man .... and in time we will send them their worn jeans in the form of humanitarian aid for something interesting. ... for example, for Alaska))))
      16. +1
        13 November 2012 21: 04 вот интересная ссылка с голосованием о выходе, Техаса уже нет его сняли в связи с рассмотрением, на момент снятия более 60000 голосов было за отделение.
        1. 0
          13 November 2012 23: 28
          There it is an eternal topic. Texas entered voluntarily, constantly emphasizing its peculiarity, governors bent their fingers on this - but really it does not lead anywhere
      17. zelenchenkov.petr1
        13 November 2012 22: 30
        Misha did his job, it's time to recall!
      18. 0
        13 November 2012 23: 05
        Yes, yes, and to establish uninterrupted supplies of "arrows" for civilians - preferably "healthy and well-aimed guys, and there will always be such guys in Texas." drinks
      19. beech
        13 November 2012 23: 07
        an increase in taxes will give the county budget an additional $ 832.433.
        Here's what shisha they buy saigas !!!)))
      20. +2
        13 November 2012 23: 11
        What exactly did they end up with? The fact that "free citizens" posted a petition that no one really supports?
        1. Roman A
          14 November 2012 01: 01
          Quote: Pimply

          What exactly did they end up with? The fact that "free citizens" posted a petition that no one really supports?

          The main thing is to sow a reasonable grain, it will soon rise as Macain said there. American Spring is knocking on deri
          1. +1
            14 November 2012 11: 57
            Do not take the signs of democracy for its absence. The presence of such petitions is a valve for bleeding steam in democratic communities. That is why they are more stable than dictatorships and authoritarian forms of government.
      21. Bashkaus
        14 November 2012 00: 10
        What have you done for hip hop US democracy? Personally, yesterday, from all my three mailing addresses, I not only registered on the official website of the US White House, but also expressed my civic position on the self-determination of the American people.
        As they say, the debt payment is red, greetings from a non-existent country)))
      22. 0
        14 November 2012 01: 19
        And raise the question of the return of Alaska!
        1. mda
          14 November 2012 18: 29
          Quote: Ross
          And raise the question of the return of Alaska!

          Then the question is posed, she will return. In an extreme case, we will introduce troops soldier
      23. +1
        14 November 2012 06: 16
        Quote: andrei332809
        played out, striped. We will see how further events unfold.

        but they won’t turn around ... as always - they make noise and quiet down ...
      24. +3
        14 November 2012 08: 07
        It seems to me that we are becoming spectators in the next "act of the great Marlezon ballet" called "Kidalovo for the rest of the world in the USA".
        Khrenova is a cloud of debts - but I don’t want to give back so ... what to do? right, inspire the collapse of the United States (like the Bolsheviks in the 17th) and then send all the creditors to hell (like the Bolsheviks in the 17th).
        And at the same time, to the noise of the screws, they will deal with the internal opposition ... in vain did they buy cartridges and plastic coffins ...
      25. 0
        14 November 2012 09: 38
        Finally waited !!! :)
        1. Oles
          14 November 2012 20: 55
          yeah))) bite the big toe of your left foot with happiness))) what naivety ...
      26. +1
        14 November 2012 09: 46
        Quote: andrei332809
        played out, striped. We will see how further events unfold. and our foreign ministry urgently needs to raise a question in the united nations on the introduction of a no-fly zone over the usa and on the removal of the dictatorial government in americosia

        Yes, yes, and to establish uninterrupted supplies of "arrows" for civilians - preferably "healthy and well-aimed guys, and there will always be such guys in Texas." drinks
      27. Oles
        14 November 2012 20: 45
        laugh, shred from the article and commentary))))) it is not clear that this is all bullshit?))) who will separate where? cherish dreams))) one of a hundred Texans-Louisiana against ... so what?)))
      28. -1
        16 November 2012 17: 21
        what have you finished ????? so far nothing has happened, or can you say with 100% certainty that the process of the collapse of the OSHA is irreversible ????? now you need to sit quietly so as not to jinx and frighten ........, by the way, who wondered what would happen if such a topic happened, for example, some people in some multinational countries (not only Russia) with their own internal problems would follow the example of the American comrades, because 1. The collapse of the OSHA is likely to negatively affect the economies of some of these states .. 2. somehow the world is used to following the example of the OSA. Time will tell.
    2. +7
      13 November 2012 13: 06
      What the American authorities have brought their people to! But no matter how much the states would not want to secede, it is not so simple! If this happens then it will be necessarily accompanied by a civil war! No wonder the police buys so much weapons YES AND THE CITIZENS HAVE A LOT OF SLIPPED WEAPONS! Of course, I have a negative attitude to the US AUTHORITY, but I would not wish them a civil war!
      1. Kaa
        13 November 2012 15: 39
        Quote: tronin.maxim
        If this happens then it will be necessarily accompanied by a civil war!

        No wonder FEMA so many obscure concentration campstemporary accommodation centers set up ... the purchase of plastic coffins ... maneuvers in urban conditions ... the war will write everything off (in the sense of debt).
        1. +6
          13 November 2012 16: 21
          Is this a carcass cutting scheme?
      2. Dmitry23RUS
        13 November 2012 21: 30
        Quote: tronin.maxim
        "Essentially, these brave souls are asking Obama and the federal government to take unemployment benefits from them, to take away Medicaid insurance from thousands and thousands of elderly people, to deprive them of their right to protection from the state, provided by the armed forces, to stop funding assistance for eliminating the consequences of hurricanes and tropical storms, to withdraw money from them for the repair of roads and bridges and everything else that these free men and women use every day, cannot do without it - however, they are ready to ignore all of this only because their current president is black ... "

        And I would wish it makes sense for us, the Russians to spare them ?? They never felt sorry for us and always helped us * to fall *, so maybe now is the time when we should push them to the abyss ?? angry
      3. Roman A
        14 November 2012 01: 13
        Quote: tronin.maxim
        Of course, I have a negative attitude to the US AUTHORITY, but I would not wish them a civil war!

        I respect your pacifism, but a country that has not seen war on its land for 200 years seems to me to feel it so that later it doesn’t vote with two hands for the democratic Arab revolution
    3. +12
      13 November 2012 13: 08
      In December, when the permit for printing a dollar expires, there will be an additional impetus. Then something will start there.
      I feel sorry for the people, there is no country. I propose now to prepare our peacekeepers for landing on the Russian States of America.
      1. +11
        13 November 2012 13: 20
        Quote: Manager
        I propose now to prepare our peacekeepers for landing on the Russian States of America.

        nevermind, let them save themselves, they are a yeshkin cat, proud cowboys! Nothing ours to do there! and with a stomp all will fall on us! Yes, sorry for the guys. Americans know how to fight behind their backs.
      2. sq
        13 November 2012 14: 01
        Peacekeepers for the protection of nuclear weapons. And then he will wipe the console with some kind of stoned permissible marijuana ..... there will be little to no one.
      3. mda
        13 November 2012 14: 58
        Quote: Manager
        I propose now to prepare our peacekeepers for landing on the Russian States of America.

        Not sorry for our people crying let's get better convicts good
        1. +14
          13 November 2012 15: 52
          Quote: mda-a
          Do not feel sorry for our people crying, let's better convicts

          Many of our convicts will be more orderly than some deputies. We will send officials there, and that they love dollars.
          1. mda
            13 November 2012 16: 23
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Many of our convicts will be more orderly than some deputies. We will send officials there, and that they love dollars.

            Not our officials will immediately surrender request
            1. +5
              13 November 2012 16: 32
              Quote: mda-a
              Not our officials will immediately surrender

              Especially there to send them, what for such leaders to us.
              1. mda
                13 November 2012 17: 11
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Especially there to send them, what for such leaders to us.

                Ok, let's send ... In a coffin and in white slippers lol
          2. Fox
            13 November 2012 16: 34
            Alexander Romanov,
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Many of our convicts will be more orderly than some deputies. We will send officials there, and that they love dollars.

            I will add on my own: they love America too ... so all the liberals, pid ... and other "golden" shelupon will go there ... Shl ... there are a lot of teetotalers on the site ... I respect!
        2. mda
          16 November 2012 19: 15
          Quote: mda-a
          Do not feel sorry for our people, let's better convicts

          Why did you make so many cons? I didn’t mean liberals by people
      4. Kaa
        13 November 2012 15: 41
        Quote: Manager
        I propose now to prepare our peacekeepers for landing

        Delayed with the Mistrals ... or just right? soldier
        1. +2
          13 November 2012 16: 14
          Quote: Kaa
          Delayed with the Mistrals ... or just right?

          Kaa, well, them, let them figure it out among themselves, otherwise the Russians will be to blame for everything.
          1. Kaa
            13 November 2012 17: 18
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            The Russians will be to blame.

            Russians are always guilty ... they don’t share mineral resources, they occupied Sevmorut ... “Saiga” by local to terrorists they’re selling to the police ... apparently, such karma ... as a punishment for helping the northerners in the Civil War, but they will answer us for Fort Ross and Alaska ... wassat
            1. mda
              14 November 2012 15: 02
              Quote: Kaa
              Russians are always to blame ... they don’t share mineral resources

              No, Putin is to blame for this. He overturned the energy charter, nationalized oil enterprises. In general, he acted like a dictator
        2. scrack
          13 November 2012 18: 12
          We have an IL-76
      5. +2
        13 November 2012 16: 40
        Why peacekeepers?
        Well, the local population will have to feed / heat it.
        It’s easier then to occupy the vacated territory. A zombie finish off the forces of the expeditionary force.
      6. rolik
        13 November 2012 18: 29
        So take on all this devastation? It will be hard for Russia to scream the whole obese, spoiled crowd. It is better to make a reserve of democracy. Tours there to carry, feed from the hands of local feral aborigines. Buy for a beads they have some sort of island.
        1. +3
          13 November 2012 20: 36
          so, after all, they have, as it were, the fifth column of their own Aborigines - the Indians - with their help and under the strict guidance ....... (these are partisans in kind)
        2. +1
          14 November 2012 04: 58
          For a can of stew aircraft carrier, fully armed.
    4. +5
      13 November 2012 13: 09
      oh god what is it? does the sashka fall apart to a hair dryer?
      1. German
        13 November 2012 14: 22
        Yes, yes! That's just slower than we would like ...
        1. +1
          13 November 2012 15: 54
          Quote: German
          That's just slower than we would like ...

          At first, a lump of problems collapses, and then a violent explosion occurs. In history, it has always been so in the USA.
    5. Vanek
      13 November 2012 13: 11
      So let's see how they respect the rights of citizens, they are watching the constitution. Voted for separation - will separate. And if they don’t sign it, then what, civil?
      1. Mikado
        13 November 2012 13: 57
        According to their constitution, states are prohibited from seceding from the United States, no matter how you vote. And how will they vote, out of the 23 million population of the state, 60 thousand voted for secession? It's funny. In general, the article is funny, it is catching up the atmosphere "look, the United States will soon fall apart, they are already collecting signatures on the Internet," but nonsense, they just have people with an active civil position and often do not know what to do with themselves. Did the Griffins look at cars about Peterland?)) In Britain, a whole village has declared its independence, and is it useless?)) The Federal Government is on guard!
        1. Petrospek
          13 November 2012 14: 31
          I completely agree with you. and then the question, but the procedure itself is not registered! That is, you can separate as much as you like, but no one will let you go, if only because it is not clear how to do this. And if, following the example of the USSR, then it won’t work out, the political system there, unlike the USSR of the late 80s - 90 g, is unlike healthier and stronger.
        2. +1
          13 November 2012 15: 49
          of the 23 millionth state population, 60 thousand voted for secession

          Will we learn to read and count, or will it do so? wink
          On the website of the “electronic government” of the USA Texas from the USA has already signed 60 thousands person (for the official consideration of the White House petition, 25 of thousands of signatures is required), and under the petition Louisiana currently over 26 thousands signatures. At some other petitions - by 15, 16, 17 thousand signatures.

          And this is just the beginning. And for official consideration by the White House, 25 thousand is enough
          1. +3
            13 November 2012 16: 14
            25 thousand are enough for official consideration by the White House

            So what? They can either approve or refuse. Nowhere is it written that these 25 thousand are needed to state the fact of the state's independence. Just a consideration. They will be sent to the "Butterfly Farm" with their independence.
            1. +1
              13 November 2012 16: 30
              So what? They can either approve or refuse. Nowhere is it written that these 25 thousand are needed to state the fact of the state's independence. Just a consideration. They will be sent to the "Butterfly Farm" with their independence.

              Yes, this is just not the point. I mean, Mr. Mikado was not superfluous to learn to read off the diagonal, and then get clever in the comments.
        3. Kaa
          13 November 2012 17: 22
          Quote: Mikado
          In general, the article is funny, it catches up the atmosphere "look, the United States will soon fall apart, they are already collecting signatures on the Internet," but nonsense,

          The main thing, as Makhal Sergeich liked to say, "the process has begun", it remains to "start and cope". Moscow was not built immediately, the USSR too ... did not disintegrate at once ... "push the falling one" ... negative
        4. 0
          13 November 2012 23: 30
          And not only from Texas voted, and not only from America. Article nonsense
          1. +3
            14 November 2012 01: 06
            Quote: Pimply
            And not only from Texas voted, and not only from America. Article nonsense

            You are so worried about the states, as if your homeland is there, you'd better be worried about the Union as much as you like living here.
            1. +2
              14 November 2012 12: 00
              The USSR collapsed due to its own systemic crisis, in the first place.
              And the consequences of the collapse of the United States, I just imagine a little, but you, the campaign, no. 90s seem like a paradise compared to the consequences of the collapse of the US market. Have you forgotten how a relatively small crisis in the United States was hammering around the world, including Russia? And he was really small, and mainly in one area. Now multiply it by one hundred.
              1. rolik
                14 November 2012 14: 57
                The devil is not so terrible as he is painted. The main thing is to quickly drop the greens. In the year 29, during the time of the depression, the world did not even contrive that the mattress was full of ... pa. And this time it will be the same, those fears are escalated by those to whom mattress is their mother. Who's claws are deeply bogged down. The main thing is to merge greens and debt obligations in time. Although - when they begin to dump them, then the Armageddon will come to the mattresses. Here who is the first.
                1. +3
                  15 November 2012 02: 24
                  No matter how a hundred years have passed, such a dense bundle, as it is now, was not. But the influence was quite serious, although it was felt most seriously in the United States. But does the example of a fresh crisis not tell you anything?
            2. Demon_Ex
              14 November 2012 15: 21
              Eugene, now the birthplace of Israel. And in Russia, he stupidly earns money, most likely dollars. That worries. If Kick Kick USA, then Kick Kick Dollar and Israel without US support. Arabs will sell the last shemah, but they will trample Israel. There is something to worry about.
              1. +1
                15 November 2012 02: 24
                Do you care so much about my personality and work? Are you worried?
                1. Demon_Ex
                  15 November 2012 11: 45
                  Of course I'm worried about you. Can you imagine what will happen with the introduction of martial law in Russia? And you, according to the concept of military counterintelligence, are not a very reliable element. Your work does not interest me at all, just even living in Russia now, you are trying to say how everything and everything in it is bad. Including people inhabiting this Russia.
                  1. +3
                    15 November 2012 15: 44
                    WAR! Will be! And they will come to arrest me! Oh! Should I faint?

                    No, I'm not trying to say how everything in it is shitty. I rejoice when they do well and efficiently, and not through the ass. For example, when the guys from Orsis make a good rifle, not shit like the Izhmashev SV-98.

                    And there are many wonderful people in Russia. How many figs. As in any country. I respect and love patriots. I hate hooray patriots for whom show off is more expensive than reality and real, living people.
                    1. Demon_Ex
                      18 November 2012 12: 11
                      Fall when they come. You, Mr. Kamenetsky, say that you respect people, but after leafing through more than 2000 of your comments, it was not enough anymore, I saw only that Russia is a country of goblins. What do you mean by jingoistic patriots? Those who want to say that Russia will still achieve all the heights, be it science or even the general welfare of the people, or maybe those who are trying to beat the country further even in the list of developing countries? Orsis is also not an indicator of the work of gunsmiths, "Glock" for almost $ 2000. It is worth remembering that before him there was a Lobaevskaya "Tsar Cannon" with barrels no worse than those of Orsis. And you should not evaluate the work of other gunsmiths in the opinion of members of the forum from the Hansa, there are more than 3/4 of the same keyboard fighters as here, especially with regard to the Russian military-industrial complex. You need to be more equal to everything that happens and evaluate it adequately, and not try on some constant known only to you. Sincerely.
                      1. mda
                        18 November 2012 16: 03
                        What will end the confrontation between Eugene (aka Pupyrchaty) and Sergey (aka Demon_Ex)
                        1. Demon_Ex
                          18 November 2012 16: 28
                          As always, nothing. Everyone will remain in their own opinion. Because people from Russia have a different worldview. And Eugene was raised by Israel, and he considers us hopeless.
            3. mda
              16 November 2012 19: 21
              Quote: ATATA
              You are so worried about the states, as if your homeland is there, you'd better be worried about the Union, no matter how you live here

              Tired of a hundred, they stick their nose wherever needed
              1. mda
                17 November 2012 16: 19
                Quote: mda-a
                one hundred

                a mistake that, not a hundred
      2. +2
        13 November 2012 15: 56
        Quote: Vanek
        So let's see how they respect the rights of citizens, they are watching the constitution.

        Ivan, do citizens have rights there belay And yes, there are rights to a lawyer and one phone call wink
        1. mda
          13 November 2012 17: 16
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          but do citizens have rights there

          Well, how do cops have rights ... to shoot at everyone and everything. Are cops not citizens !?
    6. Samovar
      13 November 2012 13: 12
      For that fought for it and ran.
      Mr. Barker, president of the HALO Security Corporation, believes that when the “zombie apocalypse” begins, he “will have the scale of a federal incident

      Their pop corn already specifically brains.
    7. +18
      13 November 2012 13: 12
      March is a good day.

      Alaska is likely to return to Russia; The words of Panarin. yes to god in ears.

      Give independent texas. Where are the signatures accepted? Hai will also live in perestroika times, maybe the reason will become clear?
      1. +5
        13 November 2012 13: 24
        It's not that simple. it is not in vain that they buy Saiga in such quantities. As the saying goes, “don’t dig a hole for another.” If you could add fuel to the fire, that would be the case. Not all of them to ruin other states.
      2. +6
        13 November 2012 13: 24
        Quote: vorobey
        Alaska is likely to return to Russia; The words of Panarin. yes to god in ears.

        I will also be glad to visit the Ekkimos!
        how many civil wars they have, let them fight at home!
        Although the news is cool, but I think that this happy event will not happen!
      3. +7
        13 November 2012 13: 29
        I'd like, but will not give.
        If the whole Union voted for the preservation, and it was destroyed, then it will be the other way around - if everyone votes for the collapse, they will save.
        Yes, and what horror will begin around the world - before, one America sowed the sprouts of democracy around the world, but here there will be several ...
      4. +1
        13 November 2012 13: 59
        Quote: vorobey
        Where are the signatures accepted?

        Hi, Comrade Sparrow! If for Alaska - here Signatures are accepted.
        1. +2
          13 November 2012 14: 09
          Quote: Mart
          signatures accepted here

          they require an account there and an option like the Russian sperow is considered as a virus and is blocked. And it is interesting how the Russian emigrants in America vote for Alaska.
          1. +4
            13 November 2012 14: 17
            Quote: vorobey
            treated like a virus

            Russia for them is one big virus.
            Quote: vorobey
            And it is interesting how the Russian emigrants in America vote for Alaska.

            But more than a thousand signatures from immigrants. smile
            1. +8
              13 November 2012 14: 27
              Quote: Mart
              Russia is one big virus for them

              I tried to introduce myself again -V. Putinn, so I also have a computer crashed and some kind of tablet with alarm popped up.

              And I wanted to throw something that we discussed and approved with my friend George.
              I wonder what started then?
              1. +1
                13 November 2012 14: 33
                And a friend here happened.
                This is because there are too many ns.
                1. +2
                  13 November 2012 14: 37
                  Quote: Mart

                  I have already read it. Probably pretended to be some kind of Frank from a notary's office and ruined.
                  1. +1
                    13 November 2012 15: 10
                    Registered and voted. In the principe, the name Frank worked!
              2. 0
                13 November 2012 15: 05
                Quote: vorobey
                And I wanted to throw something that we discussed and approved with my friend George.
                I wonder what started then?

                Do you know the story of Booth?
              3. +2
                14 November 2012 05: 37
                Quote: vorobey
                I tried to introduce myself again -V. Putinn, so I also have a computer crashed and some kind of tablet with alarm popped up.

                Sasha, I just voted for the secession, I was intent on it, but the option of M-Saakashvilli laughing
            2. 0
              13 November 2012 15: 55
              If you are on the number on the right, then this is how much is left up to 25, that is, until the petition.
        2. +1
          13 November 2012 15: 08
          Here is the translation of that petition. Curve well, I'm not an Englishman. I used a translator which, by the way, was also developed in Russia =)

          There is a conventional wisdom across Alaska that the US constitution was bypassed, and the other then on its own, there are no protections to the freedom and freedoms that we should have as our lasting inheritance since the formation of the "several states" Alliance. Our main "target" is legal voting and the ballot; one that was not given in 1958 and was in violation of International Law and Convention. The Alaskans were robbed of the choice we should have had as a Non-Self-Governing Territory and fought their way into the current classification of the state. Alaska's native population, at a large percentage, did not even receive a ballot due to the federal Voting Rights Act in place. Alaska residents are now pushing for a statewide free election to decide whether Alaska should be a free and independent nation.
        3. 0
          14 November 2012 05: 12
          Exactly, I went to the site where signatures are collected for leaving the United States. It will be interesting to disintegrate the United States or not. On the one hand, the United States and the collapse of the part is beneficial. The USA is not the USSR, it will not distribute debts and will not leave the successor.
          1. gladiatorakz
            14 November 2012 11: 05
            Quote: sasha.28blaga
            The USA is not the USSR, it will not distribute debts and will not leave the successor.

            Yes, to repay Alaska's debts. Far from the fact that the United States will fall apart because of these petitions. But the fact that people and countries around the world will begin to get rid of the dollar faster is a fact. Events are accelerating.
      5. mda
        13 November 2012 17: 14
        Quote: vorobey
        Give independent texas. Where are the signatures accepted? Hai will also live in perestroika times, maybe the reason will become clear?

        Well, so that the mind does not become clear, let it be our colony
    8. 46bob46
      13 November 2012 13: 20
      Lafa is over. You need to remember how to work yourself.
      1. +1
        13 November 2012 23: 31
        You would be surprised to know how many products made or invented in the USA you use or consume daily.
        1. bask
          13 November 2012 23: 37
          Pimpled. Well, do not displace me for 200 years. Everything was invented in the USA. And released in China .A Russians did not even come up with a balalaika. Myth is the old world.
          1. 0
            13 November 2012 23: 47
            Respected. You are working now on a computer, the concept of which was invented in the USA, on the operating system - from the USA, on the Internet - invented in the USA. You can’t imagine how many products you consume in one way or another contain ideas or materials from the USA. This is not a fairy tale. This is reality.
            1. bask
              13 November 2012 23: 57
              Yes, there’s nothing you can do., Thanks to Steve ..
            2. Roman A
              14 November 2012 01: 31
              Quote: Pimply

              You would be surprised to know how many products made or invented in the USA you use or consume daily.

              The Russian radio came up with China’s Greek money screw, but that doesn’t stop the Amers from indicating who should do what and if the states will not progress will stop?
              1. +1
                14 November 2012 12: 04
                Radio was invented by Marconi, a respected one, who used the achievements of several scientists, including Popov, to get the final product.
                No, progress will not stop. It’s just that the States have a large share of this progress.
                1. 0
                  17 November 2012 04: 31
                  Marconi and Popov conducted research in parallel, and no one used anyone !!!
            3. +1
              14 November 2012 08: 48
              Quote: Pimply
              the very concept of which was invented in the USA

              The Moor has done his job; the Moor may leave.
            4. Demon_Ex
              14 November 2012 09: 40
              The first prototype of the Z1 computer was assembled in Germany in 1936 by Konrad Zuse, who also developed the first programming language Planckulkühl in 1945. So Atanasov was not standing next to him at that time, he began his computer in 1937. The programming concept was proposed by an Englishman Alan Turing, again in 1936. There is no need to make the brain of the Earth out of the USA, a comparison with another organ is suitable for it. Almost all inventors and scientists are immigrants from the Old World. This is really reality. And you have no idea how many non-US products we use.
              1. +1
                14 November 2012 12: 05
                Yeah. The personal computer concept embodied in the series appeared where?
                1. Demon_Ex
                  14 November 2012 14: 24
                  Again, distort Yevgeny:
                  Quote: Pimply
                  You are currently working on a computer, the concept of which was invented in the USA

                  The first serial computer IBM 650. You are engaged in analysis like an ordinary journalist, and I defended my first diploma in the specialty "systems analysis". The first serial prototype of a modern personal mini-computer PDP-8. Again the concept is taken from the Z1 with its keyboard and display device. Quite different things were invented and produced.
                  1. -1
                    15 November 2012 02: 26
                    PDP-8 is difficult to name PS, agree. Yes, invented and produced - two different things. And yet...
          2. mda
            16 November 2012 19: 22
            Quote: bask
            Pimpled. Well, do not displace me for 200 years. Everything was invented in the USA. And released in China .A Russians did not even come up with a balalaika. Myth is the old world.

            Symptom of early Russophobe lol
        2. SSR
          14 November 2012 14: 04
          Quote: Pimply
          You would be surprised to know how many products made or invented in the USA you use or consume daily.

          Good day)) Well, you understand very well .. that by and large no one will argue with you .. on the topic of how much and what was invented in the United States. but you must agree .. you can ask what means it was all done)) "at whose expense the banquet?" (from) and this was done at the expense of the real resources of the satellite countries selected from the countries(ruining their chemical / metallurgy / textile industry and supplying their own) and colonies .. and of course when the state is rich in money taken from, for example, South America .. it is not difficult to create a "climate" attractive for "minds" and "experimenters" ... in a country where loans are available, housing only now there is an infection petrodollar bursting .. will they keep? their business elite can easily go over to any country .. first to make gold and then rob it)) they have no borders for a long time ... maybe they can register in Gazprom or Rosneft)))
          1. 0
            14 November 2012 14: 44
            Selected - it sounds good. In practice, it all depends on the state itself. By this logic, South Korea, Japan, and Germany would have to live in poverty. However, they are quite successful themselves.
            1. SSR
              14 November 2012 15: 56
              ha .. in the USSR and the USA, each invested one in the GDR and the other in the FRG.
              with Koreans, essentially a similar situevina
              but the Germans kept the gold from the Anglo-Saxons and we all remember how in the 90s and the beginning of 2000 the USA put them in their place. (war in Iraq Serbia)
              carrot and stick ... and if you look at the same Germany ... then the whole world remembers what happened after the Treaty of Versailles ... and how alozych came to power ....
    9. +11
      13 November 2012 13: 20
      "Kind Santa Claus" please arrange a merry "Christmas" for America, they are so bored all these years, let them watch the parade of sovereignty)))
      1. mda
        13 November 2012 14: 23
        Quote: dark_65
        "Kind Santa Claus" please arrange a merry "Christmas" for America, they are so bored all these years, let them watch the parade of sovereignty)))

        I wanted the formation of city states in the United States
        1. Kaa
          13 November 2012 15: 54
          Quote: mda-a
          I wanted the formation of city states in the United States

          You can even with such flags ... lol
          1. +1
            13 November 2012 16: 15
            Quote: Kaa
            You can even with such flags ..

            It is possible, but only the White House is not OUR, but mine. I occupied the first!
            1. Kaa
              13 November 2012 17: 14
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              It is possible, but only the White House is not OUR, but mine. I occupied the first!

              Yes, for heaven’s sake, who argues, it’s written there, it’s not visible a bit, Romanovsky, but it’s the Capitol, I don’t remember who I shared it with, I promised a glade ... drinks
          2. mda
            13 November 2012 16: 25
            Yeah, and let the rest be semi-independent colonies
          3. +1
            17 November 2012 07: 23
            No, in the garbage pit Washington. Enough for us and Alaska))
            1. mda
              17 November 2012 19: 11
              Quote: GoldKonstantin
              No, in the garbage pit Washington. Enough for us and Alaska))

              I meant a tribute to collect from the fragments of America
    10. +7
      13 November 2012 13: 22
      Americans are happy that there are no dozens of countries around them, eager for someone else's good, as around the former USSR. Even if they all sign a petition to withdraw from the union (and the United States is the de facto union), in a cozy cradle like North America, it’s not scary
      1. 0
        13 November 2012 13: 50
        Quote: Sanches
        Americans are happy that there are no dozens of countries around them, eager for someone else's good, as around the former USSR.

        I doubt however, such hunters are always a dime a dozen. Some Mexicans are worth it. And the 200 mile coastal zone can be divided into sectors, and from there the territory can be divided into sectors. There are many options. But why?
    11. +4
      13 November 2012 13: 30
      Yes, this is nonsense, 100 thousand booby marginals for 300 million is not an indicator, no one there will not separate until 25% of world GDP
      1. +1
        13 November 2012 13: 42
        One spark is enough to light a fire. When the USSR was torn, too, the people were against ... it didn’t help ... only the top wanted
        1. +1
          13 November 2012 13: 51
          Quote: Tatar-in
          only the top wanted

          It’s clear that the top, but then the top will suffer in the first place
      2. +8
        13 November 2012 13: 50
        no one there will separate until 25% of world GDP

        It was!
        See the dynamics:
        2000 - 31%
        2005 - 27%
        2007 - 25%
        2009 - 23%
        2010 - less than 20%.
        This is at par. On PPP is not at hand.
        And the most not impressive thing is that about 80% of the US economy accounts for intangible production.
        1. -2
          13 November 2012 15: 58
          This is a normal trend, we have 70%, the difference is small.
        2. +3
          13 November 2012 16: 06
          If we take into account how they consider this GDP, and even less so, in reality in the US economy services have long dominated for a long time, and this is such a thing that you can’t sell for export. For example, who needs the services of American lawyers in Russia?
          1. 0
            14 November 2012 22: 05
            And how do they consider him?
            If we consider GNP, then there will be less than 80%, obviously. And here, GNP is not very different from GDP.
    12. zavesa01
      13 November 2012 13: 32
      Here is a chance to divide and rule.
    13. yustas
      13 November 2012 13: 34
      As I understand it, the most democratic republic they will have is where the missiles are, and not the democratic one, in which the oil remains? =)))
      will have something to see
      1. mda
        13 November 2012 17: 55
        Quote: yustas
        as I understand it, the most democratic republic they will have the one where the missiles, and not the democratic one, in which there will be oil? =)))

        You understand everything correctly Yes
    14. +10
      13 November 2012 13: 37
      Boomerang is back! As they diligently collapsed the USSR, so they themselves will fall apart! So the curse of the ancient Indian leader will come true!
      1. mda
        13 November 2012 14: 19
        They will be worse. 200 million of 310 have firearms. So, with the collapse of the United States, there will be a bloody civil war. Yes
        1. 0
          13 November 2012 14: 34
          Will not: the neighbor’s democratic belief that he is wrong bully
        2. Kaa
          14 November 2012 00: 50
          Quote: mda-a
          with the collapse of the United States will be a bloody civil war.

          . The total number of signatories has already exceeded 300 thousand people.
          It is only natural that most of the petitions were filed by residents of the states who voted Republican Mitt Romney. However, petitions were received from the states that supported Obama. Recall that a very similar situation developed in the USA in 1860. Then, after the election of Abraham Lincoln as president, the disgruntled residents of 11 slave states announced their withdrawal from the federation and the creation of their own union. Following this, the famous Civil War of 1861-1865 began, that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Following its results, the rebel states returned to the country again.
          However, the separatist sentiment manifested itself later. So, at the beginning of 2012, a bill was introduced into the Wyoming State Parliament providing for the development of measures in the event of the collapse of the US federal government and the collapse of the country's economy. Among the proposed measures, the document included a clause on the introduction of state own currency. In addition, the bill provided for the beginning of the draft own state army. The law was never passed, but the very possibility of such measures sparked heated discussion in the United States.
      2. +1
        13 November 2012 14: 31
        and the irony is that they ruined our country by cunningness and fall apart because this is what the US citizens want.
        1. mda
          13 November 2012 15: 02
          Quote: Check
          and they themselves fall apart because this is what the US citizens want.

          US citizens think it will be better when they become independent, but it will turn out as always good
          1. mda
            13 November 2012 16: 04
            Quote: mda-a
            as always

            Typo always
    15. +5
      13 November 2012 13: 38
      It is naive to believe that the inevitable collapse of the United States will bring universal happiness and prosperity. The world will plunge into chaos. There will be bickering strong for dominance. The same states will probably try to stay afloat before they die by creating general turmoil. The start of these processes can already be observed now.
      1. Mikado
        13 November 2012 14: 01
        Of course it will be with the collapse (if it is of course) of the United States. As with the Soviet Union, immediately a bunch of states will appear, besides them a bunch of unrecognized states, hotbeds of tension, a sea of ​​local wars and groups. And do not forget that the United States has a stockpile of nuclear weapons, chemical, bacterological and other weapons, in whose hands it will be in the collapse of the country? Nobody needs such a situation. The weakening of the country - yes, the collapse - no.
        1. mda
          13 November 2012 14: 16
          Quote: Mikado
          And do not forget that the United States has a stockpile of nuclear weapons, chemical, bacterological and other weapons, in whose hands it will be in the collapse of the country?

          I think Russia and China will try to take out all these weapons. Nobody needs the destruction of humanity.
    16. +1
      13 November 2012 13: 39
      Didn’t wait for the United States to soon become disconnected! hi
    17. +2
      13 November 2012 13: 41
      We bet gentlemen! Will such news show on TV channels? (RAIN does not count)
      I bet that they will not show 50% of their rating!
    18. whispering
      13 November 2012 13: 44
      it’s time for them to experience all this hell that they arranged for the whole east apart from Yugoslavia ..... dudes
      1. mda
        13 November 2012 14: 28
        plus, good comment good
    19. +1
      13 November 2012 13: 47
      I wonder if the States fall apart, then will the NATO bloc survive? and how will they divide the Army among themselves?
      1. yustas
        13 November 2012 13: 54
        Quote: Shabur
        how will they divide the Army among themselves?

        By voting, who has more rounds
      2. mda
        13 November 2012 14: 27
        Quote: Shabur

        I wonder if the States fall apart, then will the NATO bloc survive?

        No, it will not be saved smile .NATO was created in order to serve the foreign policy of the United States. Like the United States will not, so will not NATO
      3. +1
        13 November 2012 15: 32
        And how will they share debts?
        1. mda
          13 November 2012 16: 06
          Quote: sergey32
          And how will they share debts?

          Will declare default
        2. 0
          13 November 2012 16: 49
          Quote: sergey32
          And how will they share debts?

          Debts will be forgiven.
          1. mda
            13 November 2012 17: 38
            And they will recruit new
    20. Xtra1l
      13 November 2012 13: 48
      Damn from the name I dream WHEN WORLD WHEN
    21. +4
      13 November 2012 13: 50
      black “agent of the Kremlin”

      favorite phrase fellow
      When they post translated articles, I always look for it in the comments of the original. If it is - I definitely read comments)))
      Let's see how everything turns out.
      1. Sergh
        13 November 2012 16: 14
        Quote: Aventurinka
        black “Kremlin agent” favorite phrase

        Just now, I also somehow thought, and doesn’t intentionally throw our Putin a spark in this fire, inviting Obama to kindly on a copper ball to Moscow? If so, then our president, a very resourceful comrade, is cunning in one word, cunning-yol-pala! Well done!

        It is necessary to amer still this picture in the newspaper "Washington Post" to poke, then tomorrow they will all re-rut all over America.
        1. Roman A
          14 November 2012 01: 39
          Quote: Sergh
          Just now, I also somehow thought, and doesn’t intentionally throw our Putin a spark in this fire, inviting Obama to kindly on a copper ball to Moscow? If so, then our president, a very resourceful comrade, is cunning in one word, cunning-yol-pala! Well done!

          Our labeled one also ran to the Reagan, which led to know
    22. +24
      13 November 2012 13: 50
      The USA resembles the USSR of the late 80s. and Obama is such a reincarnation of Gorbachev, he was even given a prize for the same. Only Gorbachev was given an award after the fact - for the destruction of the empire, and Obama - as an advance. But their disintegration process has been going on for a rather long time, and the situation became irreversible another year in the 95th. Although at first it was inconspicuous for non-specialists, Today everyone understands that everything will collapse - but not tomorrow. Any model built on the principles of the pyramid will certainly collapse, it is only a matter of time. Therefore, the task of the American leadership is to survive the most painless collapse of this pyramid, in order to subsequently again impose its new rules of the world on the world.
      Now this is done with controlled chaos, i.e. the task is to create such a model in which America will remain the only prosperous civilized city where it is necessary to strive for it or invest assets, and the rest of the world will be the territory of war and chaos from where it is urgent to withdraw the actors to prosperous America.

      1. 0
        14 November 2012 23: 56
        The authors of the "Military Secret" show, as always, burn ... The Indians decided to disconnect ... Here is a fresher video:
        [media = http: //]
    23. +9
      13 November 2012 13: 52
      At last! Maybe now they will lag behind Syria and take care of their internal problems.
    24. Kyki57
      13 November 2012 14: 09
      Listen to Rogozin, he will show where the crayfish winters!
    25. WW3
      13 November 2012 14: 15
      A star-striped mattress bursts at the seams and breaks, .... in the history of the United States there has already been a civil war between north and south ...
      I am only interested in the fate of the dollar in this short run in the near future, I will not burn in the stove, but I will transfer it to another currency or spend ....
      1. +6
        13 November 2012 14: 23
        Oh well! I’m also thinking where to put my currency. I have no matter how kk in my wallet 1 lucky dollar)) The rest has long been in rubles.
        1. WW3
          13 November 2012 14: 27
          I also have one, I will preserve it perhaps))) Maybe it will be like a rarity ....
          1. zh1
            13 November 2012 21: 03
            How can this dollar be happy? I have a happy ruble. Soviet ruble. I believe in our people.
            1. WW3
              13 November 2012 22: 08
              I have a whole collection of Soviet metal rubles, I don’t know which one ... I’m all good in their own way and remind of something .... but there was one Soviet paper ruble, and it was so worn out that it was already with me carrying in your wallet every day is unrealistic ....
              "Lucky Dollar" ... they don't have to choose one design, they just changed it once, one copy can be left as a memory of the disappeared Atlantis, forgive SyShyA ... crying
            2. 0
              14 November 2012 10: 02
              oh well you popiz !!!
    26. borisst64
      13 November 2012 14: 23
      Has it really begun !!! ???
      1. donchepano
        13 November 2012 19: 27
    27. ilia3075
      13 November 2012 14: 23
      Yesterday I made my contribution to the collapse of the United States. I registered on the website of the White House of the United States and voted for the petition of all states on the secession from the country. That, with ..., played out, the boomerang is back, it’s for you for the USSR
      1. +3
        13 November 2012 17: 42
        You didn’t do it in vain - because of you the petition may be recognized as invalid, but we don’t need it.
        1. mda
          13 November 2012 17: 57
          Yes, it will be recognized as invalid, they will say that the "dictator" Lukashenka voted
    28. +3
      13 November 2012 14: 31
      Quote: Sakhalininets
      if such a mess happened

      The fact of the matter is that it won't happen. And if it does, it won't be soon. What is needed to unite the nation? Right! "Little" victorious war. And where it burns is not known at all. As a matter of fact, they still have enough skyscrapers for the Chinese, Russian, Indian, Iranian, Pakistani, Mexican ... penguins to deal their insidious blow to the nest of democracy.
      Although, I do not mind that the 3.14-indos and other liberal buggers in their own skin felt and fully felt the consequences of the collapse of the once great state.
    29. +8
      13 November 2012 14: 32
      What amers just won’t come up with to get Russia drunk. Even agree to fall apart. How many non-drinkers will rush for corkscrews and glasses?
    30. +3
      13 November 2012 14: 33
      I don’t want to gloat once again, but I’ll even pray, but that their states would crumble like a house of cards !!! So that those rakes that they are constantly slipping on us to destroy our country, HIT them properly, and the "Great Power of the USA" crumbles and collapses ... :)
    31. Bandera
      13 November 2012 14: 37
      America will not give up without a fight. If you want to turn your attention away from internal problems - make a big war. So that Syria and Iran remain on the agenda.
      Russia, with proper manipulation, can get the biggest plus, there is already a question for the country's leadership. China, although it will suffer, will also receive certain benefits.
      And collecting signatures is like letting out steam. They will make some noise and calm down. No - they will cover up several "terrorists".
    32. thorstein
      13 November 2012 14: 38
      I had been expecting something like this for a long time. All thought when it will begin. And finally I waited laughing
    33. 0
      13 November 2012 14: 38
      Maybe Mistral is being prepared for this situation? Quickly send them to the Far East, closer to Alaska, so as not to be late ... While they are swinging there - a civil war is the case, it will be just 2015-2017 ...
    34. +1
      13 November 2012 14: 40
      This month has begun, if it continues at such a pace ...
      As for the United States, we will wait and see. My favorite slogan.
    35. MG42
      13 November 2012 14: 40
      The USA rejoiced when the USSR collapsed, there is nothing wrong when we rejoice that the USA will collapse.
      1. WW3
        13 November 2012 14: 43
        USA - a colossus with feet of clay! am
        1. mda
          13 November 2012 15: 04
          Quote: WW3
          USA - a colossus with feet of clay!

          ... which will soon fall apart wink
          1. WW3
            13 November 2012 15: 09
            For reference... smile
            The Colossus of Rhodes
            The body of the idol was made of gold, silver and iron, but clay feet
            It turned out that in this design the weakest point was knees giant. And then the saying “a colossus with feet of clay” was born, then there is a giant, seemingly invulnerable, but having a weak spot: if you push, it will fall.
      2. mda
        13 November 2012 15: 05
        I agree with you drinks
      3. +1
        13 November 2012 20: 03
        I don’t like ov ... but ... the collapse of the United States can hurt our economy as well ... In addition, it is unexpected to leave us alone with China ... It is necessary that the states die slowly, and we grow as quickly as possible .. Export flows redirect and ... much more ...
        1. WW3
          13 November 2012 22: 26
          Quote: MstislavHrabr
          States need to die slowly

          Well, here's how to say ... depending on how long the process lasts, let's consider from the point of view of "traditional medicine" ... a patient who is slowly dying ... he needs appropriate care in the Hospice, for which he rewrites his property ...

          Quote: MstislavHrabr
          and we grew as fast as possible

          totally agree! + withdraw dollars from reserves, help the "colossus" a little ...
    36. +3
      13 November 2012 14: 43
      To be honest, I subjectively treat this news with irony: 26 thousand are "for" against the total population of 23 million people - the prospect of such a development of events is very, very vague. Even if a referendum is announced within one state of Texas, the probability of getting a majority of votes for the idea of ​​separation is very slim. It can be said unambiguously, and this is stated by most of the countries of the world, that the United States is at the "end of its career", to a greater extent, not in the political, but in the financial and economic sense. Let's see, of course, the development of events. And here's another interesting thing: why is this global news not circulated in the media? At least, I have not seen anything like this either on TV or in Internet news feeds, only here. request
      1. +6
        13 November 2012 14: 58
        Quote: TUNISIA
        And another interesting thing: why is this global news not being discussed in the media? At least, I didn’t see anything like this on TV or in online news feeds, only here.

        And this is what:
        1. +1
          13 November 2012 15: 00
          Thank you, I'll take a look. By the way, do not under any circumstances think that "VO" I questioned the "yellowness" of the information. This is not so, otherwise I would not be here. Just, apparently, did not finish. drinks
          1. +1
            13 November 2012 16: 48
            Quote: TUNISIA
            By the way, do not under any circumstances think that "VO" I questioned the "yellowness" of the information. This is not so, otherwise I would not be here. Just, apparently, did not finish.

            That is, do you doubt that we are "yellow"? smile We will not think at all. drinks
            1. 0
              13 November 2012 17: 08
              Nuuuu, don't cling to words feel You perfectly understood what I said.
    37. Miha_Skif
      13 November 2012 14: 45
      Das ist fiction ... drinks

      I don't think, of course, that the States will fall apart. But with internal problems - all sorts of seething and unrest, leading to associations about "eternally gurgling" water - the States are already provided for a long time and in full. Which cannot but rejoice ...
    38. iulai
      13 November 2012 14: 48
      if the US falls apart, then Russia will not stand against China. Russia will not be able to fight on two fronts - on the one hand, China, on the other, the worst enemy - corruption!
      1. mda
        13 November 2012 17: 18
        Quote: iulai
        If the United States falls apart, Russia will not stand up to China. Russia will not be able to fight on two fronts - on the one hand, China, on the other, the worst enemy - corruption!

        Together with the United States and China will fall apart. That's for sure bully
    39. Khan
      13 November 2012 14: 51
      There are such US government structures as the NSA, the CIA that have extensive experience in manipulating the masses, they will pay off this nonsense in the bud. In addition, US big business is not interested in the collapse of its state. I dare to suggest that in order to distract the average man due to the poor political and economic situation in the USA, an external and preferably protracted war will be found or invented, because any war is a state order for the defense of all industries, new technologies, new jobs, confidence in the future and the people The US will be calm, even with the black president.
    40. +7
      13 November 2012 14: 53
      But this smiled, as they say to someone, quote: At the same time, against the backdrop of petitions for the separation of states, many Americans also signed a petition to the government to legalize marijuana for "personal use" (more than 31 thousand signatures from November 7). According to the principle, what if it’s a ride, if the state is not separated, we’ll have plenty of smoke. Well people, I can’t laugh.
    41. +4
      13 November 2012 14: 54
      and ours seemed to be going to send them humanitarian aid to New York? maybe they’ve mixed something so that their brains are completely bewitched there?
    42. 0
      13 November 2012 14: 54
      I understand intellectually that the collapse of the United States and the collapse of the dollar will affect Russia as well, but in my heart I want it to happen as soon as possible. And there we will see who gains and who loses.
    43. +6
      13 November 2012 15: 08
      And what is everyone so happy about? Have you believed it? :-) By this pi ... am already many times predicted the collapse and where? Do not forget, the collapse of the USSR was actively engaged in external forces. States do not like anyone, but everyone understands that to ruin them now is such an economic crisis that the unrest in Greece will seem like peaceful demonstrations.
      Although the Texas branch would be a great event!
      1. 0
        17 November 2012 07: 16
        No one will take up external decay. Ripen themselves fall apart)) But Texas needs help!
    44. 0
      13 November 2012 15: 10
      Lots of good news from overseas recently apihodit
    45. Gorchakov
      13 November 2012 15: 13
      I would be very happy if this happens, my joy will be more emotional than the American one after the collapse of the USSR ... God forbid that this would happen .. God grant. !!! Thanks to the author for the inspiring news ...
    46. +13
      13 November 2012 15: 40
      will be something like this

      1. WW3
        13 November 2012 16: 01
        I will supplement the picture ...

        and this is what the famous Hollywood inscription will look like ...
    47. 12061973
      13 November 2012 15: 48
      if the United States collapses, there will be war, and in Russia the massacre will begin in the Caucasus and Siberia and the Far East.
      1. 0
        13 November 2012 17: 20
        Quote: 12061973
        if the United States collapses, there will be war, and in Russia the massacre will begin in the Caucasus and Siberia and the Far East.

        And chegozh so?
      2. +2
        13 November 2012 17: 52
        it is unlikely that the massacre of Americans will begin in Russia. But in the USA ...
      3. MG42
        13 November 2012 18: 22
        Quote: 12061973
        if the United States collapses, there will be war, and in Russia massacres will begin in the Caucasus and Siberia and in the Far East

        Uncle Sam sent you a present.
    48. +11
      13 November 2012 15: 48
      The author of the article is not familiar with the subject about which he writes

      1- Houston is not the largest city in Texas. This is generally a small town of thousands of 50 residents, just the state capital. The largest is Dallas, with more than 7 million suburbs.
      The 2 flag of Texas rises not on the same level with the federal one. He is above. EMNIP, on 14 meters.
      3 - Texas has not only preferences, but also resources, including the subsoil. By the way, the only one of the states.
      4 - In Texas, they like not only blacks. There fagots and homosexuals in the 2001 year at the 3 year planted. Well, they don’t like homosexual people there. Presidents-Democrats do not like identity either. Rare Democrat Reaches Mid-Dallas crying Kennedy never arrived.

      And finally, Texas was one of the last to join America, and then with such concessions that it is not clear whether it joined America, or America joined it.

      In short - go ahead, Texas! We’ll help you with ammo and supplies, do not drift!
      1. +2
        13 November 2012 16: 26
        Quote: Botanologist
        The author of the article is not familiar with the subject about which he writes

        1- Houston is not the largest city in Texas. This is generally a small town of thousands of 50 residents, just the state capital. The largest is Dallas, with more than 7 million suburbs.
        The 2 flag of Texas rises not on the same level with the federal one. He is above. EMNIP, on 14 meters.
        3 - Texas has not only preferences, but also resources, including the subsoil. By the way, the only one of the states.

        1. Houston (English Houston, MFA: [ˈhjuːstən]) is the fourth largest city in the United States of America and the largest city in the state of Texas. According to the US census, 2010 2 099 [451] lived in the city in 3. Houston is the administrative center of Harris County, as well as the main economic center of the Greater Houston metropolitan area (English) Russian. with a total population of 6 108 060 people [4]. The city is located in 50 kilometers from the Gulf of Mexico on the coastal plain, its area is 965 km² [1]. Just from Wikipedia.

        By the way, it's there opened recently monument to Gagarin. A photograph look.

        2. About permission to raise the flag to the same height with the federal: here or here.

        Further, Texas - the second largest state in America (after Alaska), and even oil. Therefore, local judges, commissioners and sheriffs can give free rein to the word, as well as to the case.

        It was a quote from my article. hi
        1. +5
          13 November 2012 19: 19
          It’s to blame, my jamb - he wrote in a hurry, on the run. He confused with Austin.
          I admit my guilt, degree, measure, depth wink

          As for the flag - it is higher. I worked a bit in Texas, and so - the flagpole on the state capitol is higher than the flagpole over the White House at 14 meters.
          And by the way, Texans are serious people. Full nihilists, armed to the teeth, the whole life they shoot Mexicans.
          1. +1
            14 November 2012 01: 25
            Hey there, do not try to join Texas to the Eurasian Union .... torment yourself with these rubbish ...
        2. 0
          13 November 2012 23: 36
          Good monuments by the way
      2. 0
        17 November 2012 07: 11
        Everyone is wrong. And Texas we will not leave in trouble!
    49. 0
      13 November 2012 15: 50
      Why is it not pleasing to me? Probably it’s not the empire, but those who run it. Instead of a bloodsucker, a heel will appear, smaller, angrier, greedy and you will not be able to present a debt to them. Not a feeble way to write off $ 16 trillion.
      1. +4
        13 November 2012 16: 08
        And much, much weaker, and even these bloodsuckers will bite with each other! 16 trillion but they cannot be received from them, either from the living or from the dead.
        1. +2
          13 November 2012 22: 37
          Quote: Orty
          16 trillion but they cannot be received from them, either from the living or from the dead.

          We’ll take Alaska for ourselves, that's enough for us!
      2. +1
        13 November 2012 16: 22
        Quote: arkady149
        and you can’t present a debt to them. Not a feeble way to write off $ 16 trillion.

        Yes, let them roll with their debt, the Chinese will ask the vanquished, they will return everything not with money as land.
    50. mda
      13 November 2012 16: 12
      That should be the collapse of the United States
    51. Prosto vovochka
      13 November 2012 16: 16
      The USA is a nuclear power and they have problems with their brains. The whole planet will start to fall apart. And to all of you, joyful ones, too.
      1. MG42
        13 November 2012 16: 27
        Quote: Prosto Vovochka
        The USA is a nuclear power and they have problems with their brains.

        With brains swollen with fat from hamburgers and cola from McDonald's, yes.

        Quote: Prosto Vovochka
        The whole planet will start to fall apart. And to all of you, joyful ones, too.

        On the contrary, they will not be able to maintain such a powerful army as it is now in the event of collapse.
    52. +5
      13 November 2012 16: 19
      Guys, there is no need to rejoice, you just need to work as you did. You shouldn't count on such a freebie.
    53. AK-47
      13 November 2012 16: 25
      I go to the exchange office to change dollars for yuan.
    54. +2
      13 November 2012 16: 42
      I haven’t heard more nonsense..... They read about the same thing in their yellow press about Russia
    55. snek
      13 November 2012 16: 52
      I have been hearing these “forecasts” that the states are about to collapse since the beginning of the 2000s, but the years go by and the states are not going anywhere.
    56. +2
      13 November 2012 16: 58
      Good article, thanks Oleg! This is how I would read and read without stopping. You can also read to your child before bed so that he can sleep peacefully.
      1. 0
        13 November 2012 23: 37
        That's right, children need to read bedtime stories.
    57. +1
      13 November 2012 17: 03
      Oh, now I’m picking up the minuses, but God bless them.
      I read the comments, well, just like children: - A rich neighbor’s house is on fire, what joy.
      It is, of course, pleasant, I won’t hide it, but if they start doing something like this, it won’t seem like much to everyone, including us. what
      Russia in 1917 did not have the same importance in the world as the United States, but the whole world shook and shook until 41
      1. 0
        13 November 2012 17: 11
        The unemployed homeless people will suffer the least if a cataclysm happens in America. True, they will not rejoice, they will not mourn - they don’t care.
        1. 0
          14 November 2012 22: 55
          Quote: TUNISIA
          Unemployed homeless people will suffer the least

          laughing There will simply be 3 times fewer American homeless people in the first three days laughing
      2. +4
        13 November 2012 17: 33
        Can you explain in more detail what exactly such a terrible thing will begin? New world war? Never - rich and well-fed America will never agree to this? And if suddenly it is decided, the face of the planet will be erased along with others... World economic crisis or inflation? So we already went through this in the 90s and survived, thank God!!!
        All these world horror stories make me laugh - something will start in America and we will all suffer greatly... Ha-ha - when the Union collapsed, America and Europe suffered greatly? No, they only got richer from this... So I suggest, if necessary, to adopt useful experience!!!
        In reality, the capital of our and your oligarchs, as well as the careers of their sons, could suffer - yes, this is scary, but not for you and me...
        If you look back at history, the fall of some empires has always caused the growth and prosperity of others - so not everything is as bad as the media makes us believe...
        Any nonsense said on the screen by supposedly serious people is similar to the truth, but if you think about the meaning of what was said, it’s nonsense!!!
        1. -4
          13 November 2012 17: 52
          Quote: Selevc
          Can you explain in more detail what exactly such a terrible thing will happen?

          Nothing terrible will happen, and the oligarchs, as always, will suffer less than others.
          The influence of the USSR on the world the economy it was insignificant, and in this case the entire world economy will collapse, not completely, of course, but everyone will have to starve for twenty years, and there are things worse than a world war - these are local wars for food and a place in the sun.
          In the 90s we survived because we had something to sell and buy food and junk with it, now there is nothing to sell, and there will be no one to buy it
          1. +5
            13 November 2012 19: 17
            The influence of the USSR on the world economy was negligible,

            Well, what are you saying - this is completely bullshit!!! I'm not even talking about the fact that the USSR supported half of the world's regimes both in the east, in Africa and in Latin America... So we also supplied oil to all of Europe and actually ruled the Eastern European countries... What else should there be more significant impact? And the enemies in the West understood this very well and precisely wanted the liquidation of the Union as an economic and political competitor...

            In the event of a global cataclysm, of course, life will not become better - but do you really naively believe that the entire 21st century will be a century of general prosperity and well-being? There is no life without difficulties!!! Those who have dachas or vegetable gardens, or at least relatives in the village, will not die of hunger... We have already gone through these haciendas...

            For wars of local significance, Russia has decent armed forces - they were created so that they could kick any aggressor in the teeth, no matter global or local significance...
            1. -4
              13 November 2012 20: 07
              Quote: Selevc
              what are you saying, this is bullshit

              I would advise you to be more polite
              You are talking nonsense of an enthusiastic half-educated person, the eastern countries and African regimes had the same influence, I emphasize,on the economythe world community, as it is now, for example Ukraine, that is, nothing.
              And by local wars, I mean internal conflicts, that is, banditry, no army is enough for this, let alone the current one, remember Chechnya, or are you going to use nuclear weapons against your own people and territory? hi

              Quote: Selevc

              Lieutenant Avatar
              Selevc (1) UA Today, 19:17 ↑ new
              - 0 +
              The influence of the USSR on the world economy was negligible,

              Well, what are you saying, this is bullshit?
          2. 0
            14 November 2012 09: 04
            Quote: Old Rocketman
            but everyone will have to starve for twenty years

            Do you want to say that we will be worse than in the 90s? You are in vain.
            What does hunger have to do with it? Do we receive food from the USA, well, cards in an EXTREME (fantastically apocalyptic) case. In short, we'll survive.
            1. 0
              14 November 2012 12: 07
              It will be much worse.

              There is no food - but many supplements, food, medicines, etc. come from there. How will you pay for food if you lose your job? A sharp drop in energy prices. Yes, a lot of things. The 90s will seem like paradise.
      3. +3
        13 November 2012 19: 39
        the rich neighbor's house is on fire

        Not from a rich neighbor, but from a bandit
        1. -5
          13 November 2012 23: 38
          They always liked to call their rich neighbors bandits. Because we ourselves wanted
          1. +1
            14 November 2012 09: 06
            Quote: Pimply
            They always liked to call their rich neighbors bandits.

            The USSR was also called an evil empire, so what?
    58. +2
      13 November 2012 17: 07
      I read about this yesterday - I didn’t believe it, I thought it was funny. There was a program about camps and coffins a month ago on Discovery (in my opinion). Group coffins are designed for 4 people. But this is for fat Americans. You can fit regular ones and six.
      As for nonsense, look at the voting on the American government website.
    59. +7
      13 November 2012 17: 17
      American separatists... Sounds like... Just music to my ears! drinks
      1. +2
        13 November 2012 17: 42
        America clearly overextended itself when it started printing dollars not backed by gold and flooded the whole world with its green paper... And now they don’t know how to resolve this situation...
        Their cunning Jews in the government will probably come up with something original, and if not, then during the collapse, oh, how they will get it from the rest of the world - they have accumulated too many enemies... :))))))))))))
        And in all this possible global chaos, it is advisable for the countries of the former union to remain neutral - we’ve had enough of two world wars and then we’ll see who profits from whom...
      2. mda
        13 November 2012 19: 02
        Quote: Alexej
        American separatists... Sounds like... Just music to my ears!

        And the American military dictatorship sounds even better good
    60. Blat
      13 November 2012 17: 29
      WHAT TO SAY ABOUT THE ARTICLE? ABOUT THIS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
      )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
      )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
      )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
      )))))))))))))))))))).The states are simply structured in such a way that no one needs to separate in any way. They are already independent. But individually they are nothing and very I'll ask back to the staff soon if anything happens
      1. +3
        13 November 2012 17: 55
        too many parentheses, more than makes sense...
        1. Blat
          13 November 2012 18: 45
          bracket like this is how I drew it, it’s a smile, but if it’s the other way around, then it’s sadness(((((((((((((((like this. or sadness)
      2. +1
        13 November 2012 17: 55
        Quote: blat
        ))))))))))))))))))).The states are simply structured in such a way that no one needs to separate in any way. They are already independent. But individually they are nobody and very soon ask back to the staff if anything happens

        99% THAT WILL BE SO drinks
    61. mda
      13 November 2012 18: 04
      This is what the breakup of the US should look like
      1. mda
        14 November 2012 19: 53
        Quote: mda-a
        This is what the breakup of the US should look like

        To begin with, and then divide into 15 more parts
    62. efefefd
      13 November 2012 18: 55
      On this site you can open any petition, even with a demand to dismember the United States into atoms and molecules laughing You can even create one yourself)) unfortunately, no matter how much he wants, the president will not be able to satisfy such petitions))) so gentlemen .... once again we miss you ... we part ways)))
    63. +1
      13 November 2012 19: 01
      It’s not for nothing that they buy new armored cars for policemen!!!
      They are waiting for the people's anger!!!
      1. -2
        13 November 2012 19: 32
        To be honest, it’s hard to believe that the Western world and America in particular will collapse even in the foreseeable future, but the USSR also looked impressive right up to its collapse...
        If this does happen, then the rest of the world and especially Russia won’t have anything to worry about - yesterday’s friends will tear apart the states and that’s it!!! If, for example, Russia buys equipment or food from Europe and supplies energy resources in exchange, then what does the collapse of the United States have to do with it? Of course, a global financial crisis is not excluded, but this will all affect mainly the United States and countries closely economically connected with them... The West happily mastered the new economic markets from which the union left - why shouldn’t Russia do the same...
        And the countries of the former union are still subject to restrictions on trade with the United States, adopted by Congress back in 1977 - and we somehow live...

        I am simply amazed at how powerful the media is - and how much it fools the masses... First they were afraid of the economic crisis, then the war between the United States and Iran - now the collapse of the United States... How can you trust these information prostitutes? :)))))))

        And in general, China is right next to you - the largest sales market in the world and also a promising supplier of any goods!!! This is where there are huge prospects for cooperation... And if suddenly the Chinese yuan, say, becomes a replacement for the dollar, will there be a global economic catastrophe? :))))))))
        1. +2
          13 November 2012 20: 25
          In order for the Chinese yuan, or the Russian ruble, to replace the dollar, time and support appropriate to the task are needed, we are moving towards this, but we are still very far from a position equivalent to the dollar.
          And do you propose to develop the vacated markets with what?, TVs from the Kozitsky factory or Skorokhodov boots? It’s a wonderful time to live in, neither you nor I will have to.”
          1. +1
            14 November 2012 09: 11
            Quote: Old Rocketman
            How do you propose to develop the vacated markets?

            Products of the Russian military-industrial complex.
    64. +1
      13 November 2012 19: 11
      The process has begun! It is necessary to create the Ivanov Foundation to support the opposition and demand the Nobel Prize for Friendship of Peoples to the Texan comrades laughing
    65. +1
      13 November 2012 19: 24
      Everything is fine, everything is according to plan.
    66. +2
      13 November 2012 19: 28
      For that fought for it and ran!

      What a familiar problem our potential “friends” have. We'll watch carefully how they clean up this shit bully
    67. serge
      13 November 2012 19: 38
      Long live the Southern Confederacy! South's gonna rise again, hallelujah!
    68. +3
      13 November 2012 19: 41
      All this could be the beginning of the implementation of a plan to destroy the state. US debts. Do you know how bankruptcy is done? The company enters into contracts, receives money, creates a subsidiary (fry), transfers all property to it and declares itself bankrupt.
      These will now run away, leave Washington, the Federal Reserve and Arlington Cemetery under the name of the USA - and collect from them all the debts for the burst dollar. You can hang an African American for irresponsibility.
      Whoever bothers them will then unite under the name “Horns and Hooves”.
      1. Blat
        13 November 2012 19: 48
        This is how the bankruptcy procedure is launched in the post-Soviet space. Then the same company appears in the same place, but with a different name. In other countries, bankruptcy is something a little different and no one forgives debts like ours
        1. +2
          14 November 2012 06: 19
          The bankruptcy of our enterprises is copied from European and American models; debts cannot be collected from those who do not exist. The easiest way not to repay debts is to destroy the creditor. And the destruction of oneself is possible when there is no other way out. There is no way to repay debts and it is impossible to borrow.
    69. whispering
      13 November 2012 19: 45
      This began brain processing. Then a fictitious divorce - like a parade of sovereignties of independent states. And there will be no one to repay the $16 trillion debt. Then they will introduce a new currency, AMERO, and unite into an American union along with Canada, Mexico, Cuba and other Venezuelas.
    70. Stasi.
      13 November 2012 20: 07
      If the process of disintegration of the United States really begins in earnest, not just collecting signatures, then there will be a civil war in the States itself aimed at suppressing separatism. The ruling elite, intelligence services, business tycoons and the military, together with defense corporations, will do everything possible to prevent the United States from disappearing from the political map of the world. So there will be a full-scale civil war, with all the charms and other consequences. The question is what Russia will do to avoid the grave consequences of the collapse of the United States.
    71. 0
      13 November 2012 20: 12
      I came home from work tired and here was this news. My mood was lifted, I never thought that the Americans would be able to please me even if it was all a scam, but damn it’s nice to read how everyone “loves and pities” them. lol
    72. +2
      13 November 2012 20: 14
      Good day everyone, sorry for being off topic. Due to the fact that articles with information about the possible transfer of the Kuril Islands to Japan often appear on this site, I added an article with a photo of the island of Iturup of the Kuril ridge, if the administration misses it, please look
      1. 0
        17 November 2012 07: 03
        Those who speak on the Kuril program will be shot.
    73. in reserve
      13 November 2012 20: 15
      Of course, I would not like the collapse of the United States; the good thing about the world is that it is multipolar. It wouldn’t hurt for Russia to become stronger so that, when necessary, when “Sasha” gets impudent, it can hit him in the face.
    74. +1
      13 November 2012 20: 31
      Negro Obama will be responsible for everything.
      1. WW3
        13 November 2012 20: 45
        Quote: hommer
        Negro Obama will be responsible for everything.

      2. +1
        13 November 2012 20: 47
        That's why they were re-elected!
        1. WW3
          13 November 2012 20: 58
          Quote: Cynic
          That's why they were re-elected!

          1. MG42
            14 November 2012 16: 55
            In a white and white house - a black and black president fellow , only the Amers have such nonsense! Also for the 2nd term.
    75. Dimon Lviv
      13 November 2012 20: 43
      It turns out that staff reductions are possible not only as a result of the actions of the Strategic Missile Forces, but also as a result of the will of the American people.

      I wonder what violations of the law the puppet Obama will go to in order to deprive the “separatist” states of hope for independence?
    76. +2
      13 November 2012 20: 46
      Too good to be true

      I think though
      People will go to great lengths to avoid paying the bill!

    77. SERGIUS
      13 November 2012 21: 18
      Citizens! Don't be indifferent to the aspirations of the Texas people! Let's help them and let's all vote for the petition good
      I've already done it. Nothing complicated - you just need to register on that site.
      1. Blat
        13 November 2012 21: 34
        They also have a flag displayed there like yours))))))))))))))))))))))
    78. -2
      13 November 2012 21: 30
      Empty talk. The lower classes in the states still want to live the old way, but the upper classes can still live the old way. Proven Law! It seems to me that the article is reflected in relation to Russia. The issue of confederation is much more pressing for Russia now. It seems to me?
      1. 0
        14 November 2012 22: 14
        Thanks for the minuses, there is something to think about, compatriots! Confederatism in Russia is much closer, although not yet a fact. Thankfully the Tsar is seeing clearly! Look at the realities soberly, dear ones. And shouting that “we are ahead of the rest” is stupid. "Do not count your chickens before they are hatched".
        1. 0
          17 November 2012 07: 01
          What? Confederatism in Russia? Don’t tell me, our community has evolved over centuries, which cannot be said about ah.
    79. I. Brovkin
      13 November 2012 21: 34
      Perhaps this is the beginning of the end of the “empire of good” and we are witnessing a great historical event.
    80. mazdie
      13 November 2012 21: 46
      It's a fresh idea, but it's hard to believe (
    81. wolverine7778
      13 November 2012 22: 00
      On the one hand, it’s a pity for Obama, he still doesn’t realize that an hour of testing awaits him ahead, if this process starts to spin and it is necessary to give an order for suppression, he most likely will not dare, because of this he will be arrested, and power will pass to the vice-president. to the president, and with a strong hand he will turn the USA into a police state, but this will be a completely different country)
    82. without
      13 November 2012 22: 02
      Well, I’m sleeping and I see Americans taking each other to task, or a zombie apocalypse, or another All-American Kerdyk, well, these thoughts are just like a balm for a wound. soldier
    83. SERGIUS
      13 November 2012 22: 27
      I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of votes for the petition come from other countries lol
    84. Edya
      13 November 2012 22: 29
      This is a surprise with their unbreakable democracy, even against the War, but here they will fight, if I doubt anything, if it comes to the collapse of the United States and Obama will regulate everything peacefully. If the Ruble became the main currency, then you can go on a binge for 1 week)))))
    85. atamura
      13 November 2012 22: 48
      And so, for now:
      TEXAS - 75
      FLORIDA - 22
      Georgia - 21
      ALABAMA - 20
      TENNESSEE - 20
      NEW YORK - 11
      1. Pripyatchanin
        16 November 2012 00: 27
        Texas already has 108 thousand.
    86. without
      13 November 2012 22: 54
      Stsuko didn’t get enough of New York, we need to tell Putin to send another hurricane on them laughing
    87. +4
      13 November 2012 22: 58
      If you believe what pragmatic Germans write about the United States, the sooner they divide, the better off they will be.

      "The Decline of the American Empire."

      ...Total capitalism led to the collapse of American society and paralyzed the government. America's destiny is not a breakdown of the system, but the logical result of the system's operation.
      'Spiegel online'. Germany.
      in full
      1. Blat
        13 November 2012 23: 15
        Well, the Germans understand. The states will disappear and there will be no other Lend-Lease)))))))))))))
        1. +2
          14 November 2012 09: 30
          But I see that this news has caught your attention. She did not leave me indifferent, so to speak.
          Are you afraid that if the owner of the horse moves, the bear will come from the east again?
          That's right, it means you respect him. And we haven’t forgotten the language yet, that’s right, it will come in handy again.
          I see you laugh often, it’s very good. Laughter adds life. But they say he laughs best who laughs last. )
        2. 0
          17 November 2012 06: 59
          Welcome to today, not 1931.
    88. atamura
      13 November 2012 23: 03
      Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.
    89. efefefd
      13 November 2012 23: 03
      There you can place a petition demanding to change the laws of physics)) by the way, there is a petition demanding that everyone who signed the petition for the separation of US citizenship be deprived of their citizenship and sent to the DPRK laughing actually trolololo
    90. pavel007
      13 November 2012 23: 10
      but nothing will they will stand up for a week and go their separate four years they will elect a Republican......They probably also read “tweaked” news about us and think, well, Russia will soon become restless K. Sobchak will become the president of free Russia and they will have a new war in Russia against totalitarianism, etc.
    91. atamura
      13 November 2012 23: 18
      And here is a gift from “Taliban friends”...))
      Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.
    92. -3
      13 November 2012 23: 40
      Lord, what nonsense... There is such a joyful idiotic noise around such a trifle as an initiative that doesn’t really mean anything.
    93. German
      14 November 2012 01: 24
      I propose to urgently help American democracy - send there Tymoshenko, Yushchenko with the “weepers”, as well as Mishiko, etc. Let Americans experience all the delights of “color” revolutions!
    94. WW3
      14 November 2012 02: 52
      I remembered the old song about the main thing.....Give away the land to Alaska... Give back my dear one!
    95. s1н7т
      14 November 2012 03: 28
      Ah, so that’s why Shoigu was called to the Moscow Region! He has already gotten his hands on emergency response, now he will have room to turn around! True, his planes are now in a different color, and the “rescuers” are in armored armor laughing But someone will have to eliminate the “consequences” laughing !
    96. 0
      14 November 2012 04: 04
      Why does Alaska need all the gold, they dug it up fool
      1. MG42
        14 November 2012 04: 12
        Quote: cerber
        Why does Alaska need all the gold, they dug it up

        We’ll put missiles there, we’ll reduce the flight time to the Pentagon and the State Department, the extra land in the household will always be useful, and the coastal shelf and territorial waters, and generally cool bridgehead bully
      2. WW3
        14 November 2012 04: 22
        Quote: cerber
        Why do we need this Alaska?

    97. +5
      14 November 2012 05: 43
      The dollar is sinking under the weight of its insecurity and overproduction. If you do nothing, the situation will objectively collapse the dollar at any moment with the most dire consequences for these Players. But the situation has gone so far that it is impossible to save the dollar for any long time without a radical change in the Playing Field - the existing configuration of Forces on the planet. This is what unites the USA and Britain within the Great Game. But then fundamental disagreements begin between them. For the USA (as the Player) the only way out is to save the USA (as the base country). For Britain it is urgent
      find a replacement for the dollar and take control of it. (With)

      (sorry for the plagiarism, but I thought the same thing, but couldn’t formulate it so briefly and beautifully)
    98. 0
      14 November 2012 06: 39
      I would be more welcome to appear the new united America than its collapse.
      In fact, all our complaints about the stars and stripes boil down, one way or another, to one thing: an aggressive foreign policy, a policy of double standards, considering oneself the navel of the earth and a role model.
      If the states can become a “human” country that respects other countries and peoples, this, IMHO, is preferable for EVERYONE.
      Because the collapse of a united country will lay the time bomb of future revenge.
      But are Americans capable of learning to eat less?
      1. +4
        14 November 2012 18: 09
        Quote: BigRiver
        If the states

        If my grandmother had grown ****, she would have been a grandfather.
        But seriously, America cannot become different, you cannot turn a cannibal into a vegetarian...
        1. mda
          14 November 2012 19: 43
          This will be a new species of mushroom in the USA laughing
    99. +1
      14 November 2012 07: 15
      Quote: viktorR
      What are you saying? They don’t check for repose!

      For such peace, not only can you clink glasses, you can even break a couple of button accordions in joy.
    100. a
      14 November 2012 09: 09
      I also signed the petition to secede Texas from the United States. laughing number 92003!
      1. mda
        14 November 2012 14: 14
        Quote: un-e
        And I also signed the petition to secede Texas from the United States, number 92003!

        The number of people signing the petition to secede Texas from the United States is growing... laughing
        1. 0
          14 November 2012 14: 45
          Yes. Only half of them, I think, are from Russia 8)
          1. mda
            14 November 2012 15: 56
            Quote: Pimply
            Yes. Only half of them, I think, are from Russia 8)

            Even if half will still be more than 25000 thousand
            1. 0
              15 November 2012 02: 28
              Not the point. Votes from the State itself will most likely be counted. There was a more serious attempt - the governor started talking about secession in 2010. But now he sharply rejects all initiatives of this kind
              1. mda
                17 November 2012 19: 02
                Quote: Pimply
                Not the point. Votes from the State itself will most likely be counted. There was a more serious attempt - the governor started talking about secession in 2010. But now he sharply rejects all initiatives of this kind

                in 30 days there will be more than 25000 thousand votes from all over the state

    "Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

    “Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"