Russian companies announced the appointment of a reward for each destroyed American tank M1 Abrams

Russian companies announced the appointment of a reward for each destroyed American tank M1 Abrams

Russian companies have announced that they will pay a reward for every American aircraft shot down or captured in a special military operation zone. танк M1 Abrams. The main battle tank of the US Army was valued at 10 million rubles. Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin reported this in his blog.

Military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces are ready to meet the American M1 Abrams tanks promised to the Zelensky regime, and Russian business is ready to support them financially by announcing a reward for a damaged tank. According to actor Ivan Okhlobystin, not for the first one destroyed, but for each one.

With undisguised pleasure, I hasten to inform you that some representatives of large Russian business have authorized me to announce that they are appointing a bonus of 10 million rubles for each Abrams knocked out

he wrote on his blog.

It is worth noting that this initiative did not appear today, a couple of days ago the Russian company FORES announced a reward of 5 million rubles for the first destroyed or captured American M1 Abrams or German Leopard 2. Apparently, the rates are only growing, it remains to find out the prices for British challenger 2.

Let us recall that the US plans to supply Ukraine with 31 M1A2 Abrams tanks, Great Britain - 14 Challenger 2 tanks, and Germany - 14 Leopard 2A6 tanks from the Bundeswehr. A coalition led by Poland will supply some more Leopard 2 MBTs.

In November last year, the Russian Defense Ministry showed a memo to Russian servicemen with prices for destroyed enemy equipment. The funds are paid by the Defense Ministry upon confirmation of destruction: airplane - 300 thousand rubles, helicopter - 200 thousand rubles, tank - 100 thousand rubles, UAV — 50 thousand rubles, armored personnel carrier, self-propelled artillery installation, S-300, Buk, Tor systems or MLRS combat vehicle - 50 thousand rubles each.
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  1. -71
    29 January 2023 19: 22
    In my opinion, a very strange initiative. Everything is reduced to money. Honestly, like traders. As if the Army will not fight without remuneration.
    I don't know if it's fake or not, but here's the news.

    The forces of PMC "Wagner" launched a surprise offensive in the direction of the city of Chasov Yar. Initially, it was assumed that the forces of Russian mercenaries would carry out the complete encirclement of Bakhmut, however, after taking control of the settlement of Ivanovskoye (Krasnoe), units of the Wagner PMC unexpectedly began to develop an attack in the direction of the T0504 highway leading towards the settlement. Mortars. This provides direct access to the city of Chasov Yar, the assault on which, judging by the progress of the Wagnerites, may begin in the near future.

    Information about the nomination of units of PMC "Wagner" is confirmed by both their own sources and Ukrainian information resources. The exact location of the front line, for obvious reasons, is not disclosed, however, the Ukrainian troops were not ready for such an attack by Russian mercenaries and therefore quickly lose the initiative due to the lack of forces available to repel the attack.

    Bakhmut is surrounded, if the information is correct?
    1. +96
      29 January 2023 19: 26
      By the way, during the Great Patriotic War, there were also rewards for the soldiers of the Red Army for the destroyed Nazi equipment.
      1. +7
        29 January 2023 20: 24
        Not enough, all the amounts paid by the RF Ministry of Defense must be doubled.
        1. +33
          29 January 2023 20: 31
          Quote: megadeth
          Not enough, all the amounts paid by the RF Ministry of Defense must be doubled.

          Your initiative is great. Zoom in. It's good that there are businessmen like you left in Russia.
          1. +34
            29 January 2023 20: 38
            10 million is for a downed one.
            What about captured?
            It is important to convey to the "other side" that they will also be paid the full reward, incognito, for the transfer of the tank.
            Those who wish will be found. This is the salary for 16 years, only for the padded one. And probably more for a whole
            1. +11
              29 January 2023 21: 09
              Quote: Shurik70
              10 million is for a downed one.
              What about captured?

              Agree. If it depended on me, I would pay 20 lyams for those who captured or captured in working order those who captured or drove from the other side.
              1. man
                29 January 2023 21: 50
                Agree. If it depended on me, I would pay 20 lyams for those who captured or captured in working order those who captured or drove from the other side.
                For 20 lyam, that side will deliver all the received abrams itself, even in home-made packaging and bandage it with ribbons smile
            2. +5
              30 January 2023 14: 38
              Tochnyak! He loads his wife, children into the tank and to the Muscovites .... good
        2. +10
          29 January 2023 20: 33
          Probably the most honest and adequate reaction of bloggers to the supply of Western weapons

          Regarding the declining Western arsenals and the remnants of equipment at the BKhVT. This West can afford to dry almost completely the arsenals of 90 percent of the NATO member countries and this will not affect the combat capability of the Alliance in any way. If some Denmark or Slovakia gives Kyiv all their weapons, then nothing bad will happen to them. No one will attack Denmark, but its weapons systems they will work for the benefit of NATO, fighting at the front.

          Our most important task is the fastest possible transfer of industry to the military rails. A decade of wars awaits us, and wars will boil in different parts of the globe, NWO, this only the first hot stage III World. That's when we turn around, when our military industry, army and state gain the necessary momentum, and the West is drawn into a series of conflicts, then it will be possible to punish the wicked, the same Copenhagen or the Baltic states.

          With Poland it will be more difficult, Warsaw is now one of the cornerstones of NATO and may well replace Turkey. Now it all sounds like fantasy, but a year and a half ago, the current situation in the world, if a fellow from the future had told us about it, would also have been perceived as absurd.

          1. 0
            30 January 2023 10: 18
            Quote: dorz
            Our most important task is to put industry on a war footing as quickly as possible. A decade of wars awaits us, and wars will boil in different parts of the globe, NWO, this is only the first hot stage III

            How can we do it without translation? The Soviet Union tried to compete with the whole world and overextended itself. And Russians still want to live normally.
            The truth is that there was no need to start any hostilities, without which even right now Russia would have come to an end. The imperialists wanted a small victorious war, they got a situation with which you yourself cannot get out. Do you offer the whole society to solve their mistakes?
            1. -4
              31 January 2023 01: 03
              We lived well from 1995 to 2022. And now, like in the 30s, get to the machines or they will crush us! Stalin succeeded. Russia's GDP growth has been 13% per year for 20 years! I think some heroic pages of our history will still have to be repeated in our generation. And there will be excesses and overexploitation of the people, no one has canceled.
              But this is better than a new revolution or conquest, and the destruction of us as an ethnic group.
              We'll see )
            2. +1
              31 January 2023 01: 09
              So "with the whole world"? Very interesting, very informative, very surprising....
        3. +6
          29 January 2023 23: 04
          For Chimeras you need to pay extra in the first place!
          As well as deserters, wreckers and saboteurs in ukr. army.
        4. -1
          30 January 2023 09: 47
          Why at 2? At least 5. And for Abrams / Leopard, instead of 100 and lam, feel free to pay!
      2. +2
        29 January 2023 20: 47
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        By the way, during the Great Patriotic War, there were also rewards for the soldiers of the Red Army for the destroyed Nazi equipment.

        The main thing is that this recording of equipment damage in pursuit of a long ruble would not interfere with the Army's work. Otherwise, while you record it, while you prove that it was you and not someone else who will prove it, there will be no time left to carry out orders, combat missions. How could this initiative make things worse?
      3. +3
        29 January 2023 23: 43
        And if you buy an Abrams from Ukrainians for 5 lemons and sell for a reward of 10? Is this option being considered?
      4. +5
        30 January 2023 00: 11
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        By the way, during the Great Patriotic War, there were also rewards for the soldiers of the Red Army for the destroyed Nazi equipment.

        Now we need a firm billing for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, what for how much and what privileges in captivity, then, I think, they will drag both the equipment and the gentlemen of the officers to full. And ours are alive and the technique of the vuk is minus ...
      5. +4
        30 January 2023 05: 05
        Here, by the way, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are interested: can they also participate?
    2. +26
      29 January 2023 19: 32
      Quote from Orange Bigg

      In my opinion, a very strange initiative. Everything is reduced to money. Honestly, like traders. As if the Army will not fight without remuneration.
      I don't know if it's fake or not, but here's the news.

      I don't see anything strange. On the contrary, everything is correct. This is a good motivation for destroying enemy equipment. And not just destroyed, but PERSONALLY destroyed.
      By the way, I will not reveal any secret - in the Red Army, during the Second World War, there was also a personal reward, although not very large, but it was. For a downed plane, for a destroyed tank. I don't know about any other technique.
      1. +6
        29 January 2023 19: 42
        "though not very big"
        The NJP commander and gunner of an anti-tank gun received the same and quite good money for each destroyed tank. Ost calculation received a little less.
        1. +2
          29 January 2023 20: 21
          I somehow compared the rates of labor in the rear and the premiums of fighters for wrecked equipment. For a tank, a gun commander and a gunner were supposed to be around half the monthly salary of a skilled worker. , put on the passbook
          1. +12
            29 January 2023 20: 35
            motivation has always encouraged feats... and it doesn't matter if it's a financial or material prize.
          2. +8
            29 January 2023 21: 12
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            and at the front, where there was often nothing special to spend on, they put it on a passbook

            Front-line soldiers, as a rule, issued their monetary allowance to relatives in the rear.
          3. +4
            29 January 2023 22: 14
            More like a cash certificate. Card analog.
            1. +4
              30 January 2023 02: 32
              There was a special department of the State Bank of the USSR, the payment of salaries and bonuses went to the fighter's passbook ... In case of death, they were transferred to the heirs ...
              Sberbank still has the unclaimed money of dead or missing fighters, and formally there is that very special department ... Sberbank successfully put it on its balance sheet in the 90s - in fact, appropriated it ... In the zero there were courts, the heirs tried to sue Sberbank accumulated money and interest for 70+ years ...
          4. +2
            30 January 2023 19: 35
            There was such a thing as a "monetary certificate", and so the front-line soldiers partially or completely sent it to their family or relatives.
      2. -3
        29 January 2023 19: 57
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        I don't see anything strange. On the contrary, everything is correct. This is a good motivation for destroying enemy equipment.

        Indeed, there is nothing strange, it's all happened before.
        BUT, why exactly "Abrams" and not "Leopards"?
        Maybe because if these notorious Americans appear there, it will happen in six months, if at all.
        1. +6
          29 January 2023 20: 40
          Quote: kapitan92
          BUT, why exactly "Abrams" and not "Leopards"?

          Initially, the initiative from the bourgeoisie was - 5 lemons for Leo. Then the rates increased to 10 lemons for Abrams.
      3. +1
        29 January 2023 23: 27
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        By the way, I will not reveal any secret - in the Red Army, during the Second World War, there was also a personal reward, although not very large, but it was. For a downed plane, for a destroyed tank. I don't know about any other technique.

        There, in the system of bonuses, there is nothing much more important - there is not even the very, very, very small award for the speediest opening of fire by artillerymen according to the transmitted information. Here is the mechanism of this award is more important than all these tanks combined.
      4. 0
        30 January 2023 07: 21
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        though not very large, but it was. For a downed plane, for a destroyed tank. I don't know about any other technique.

        It was quite a decent reward.
        And there was the whole line of enemy equipment, including ships (!!).
        In addition, bonuses were paid for our tank recaptured from the enemy and / or evacuated from the battlefield
    3. +4
      29 January 2023 19: 38
      . It turns out that Bakhmut is surrounded, if the information is correct?

      Cut off from Konstantinovka? request
      Do you make the bag deeper? request
      1. +2
        29 January 2023 19: 51
        Quote from Orange Bigg
        Initially, it was assumed that the forces of Russian mercenaries would carry out the complete encirclement of Bakhmut

        Not one Russian military commissar or the media will write in this perspective. It reeks of fake.
        According to the link, the author is anonymous.
    4. +2
      29 January 2023 19: 41
      Obvious duck and anticipation of events, is this information beneficial for children again? Certainly not for us
      1. +13
        29 January 2023 20: 05
        It looks like the truth. Reinforcements may come from Konstantinovka. This is the only accessible road. Was
        If Hours Yar is taken, amba Bakhmut. It looks like they played with mice. Now slammed. All the way to the next world will remain, staying in place or making our way through the fields with the river. Especially if ours do not meet resistance in the Clock Yard
        1. +4
          29 January 2023 21: 20
          . Especially if our people don’t meet resistance in Chasovy Yar.
          . Well, how could they not meet, everything that was going to Bakhmut, will "run into" them, all the bumps will fall on Wagner, and on both sides, on the other side they will try to break out of the cauldron, the cauldron is also not a simple thing, one ring should be on the outside, and the second one facing inward, otherwise there is no point in stirring up the encirclement - either everyone will run away, or they will also beat them up along the way
    5. +1
      29 January 2023 20: 52
      I would not believe the information gleaned from Deyen
      1. 0
        29 January 2023 23: 58
        Perhaps. In the morning or in the evening you will see
    6. -9
      29 January 2023 20: 59
      Quote from Orange Bigg
      Everything boils down to money. Honestly, like hucksters. As if without remuneration the Army will not fight.

      Traders and moneybags have their own logic. Apparently, some of them were completely offended by those who do not let them live ...

      But the reward, of course, does not interfere with the fighters.
      1. -2
        30 January 2023 00: 01
        Prigogine also wrote to her. With a request to open a branch of the PMC there wassat
        Maybe they will allow wassat
    7. +3
      29 January 2023 21: 07
      Quote from Orange Bigg
      In my opinion, a very strange initiative. Everything is reduced to money. Honestly, like traders.

      Beginning in August 1941, the Red Army paid money for destroyed equipment. On August 19, 1941, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief signed an order "On the procedure for remunerating the flight personnel of the Red Army Air Force and measures to combat covert desertion among individual pilots." For 5 sorties to destroy enemy troops, a fighter pilot received an award of 1,5 thousand rubles. For 15 sorties, he presented himself with a government award and received a material reward of 2 thousand rubles. For 25 sorties, a fighter pilot was nominated for the second government award and received 3 rubles. For 40 sorties - presented to the highest government award, received a bonus of 5 thousand rubles. However, the provision of the highest award - the Star of the Hero for 40 sorties then had to be abandoned, too many pilots crossed this line. The pilots were also awarded for the preservation of the materiel and flights without accidents and breakdowns. Pilots for every 100 flights, without incident, received an award of 5 thousand rubles. The ground staff was not forgotten either. For quick and high-quality repairs, the personnel of the aircraft repair shops received a bonus of 500 rubles for each restored aircraft. The technical staff servicing the aircraft received a cash reward of 3 thousand rubles, subject to the failure-free operation of the materiel for every 100 sorties.
      1. 0
        29 January 2023 23: 09
        However, the provision of the highest award - the Star of the Hero for 40 sorties then had to be abandoned,
        but it is not necessary to lie at all... the Gold Star medal was awarded exclusively for a certain accomplished feat... just like the Order of Lenin... the Order of the Red Banner was initially a cumulative military award - it had no degrees, then the Order of the Patriotic War - two degrees, then the Order of Glory - three degrees.. The GSS did not have a cumulative system
        1. 0
          30 January 2023 07: 28
          Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
          it’s not at all necessary to lie ... the Gold Star medal was awarded exclusively for a certain accomplished feat .... exactly like the Order of Lenin ....

          Opponent probably meant this article

          1. +2
            30 January 2023 08: 56
            Opponent probably meant this article
            ... it doesn’t matter ... for a start, the opponent would have familiarized himself with the statute of orders and medals of the USSR, namely in military awards ... then he didn’t weave any game
    8. 0
      29 January 2023 23: 49
      A decade of war awaits us

      —-Before mobilization, the SVO cost from 3 to 4 billion $$ per month, with the replacement of equipment losses (direct costs for maintenance and equipment). Let's say $40 billion a year.

      Where will the money come from, for decades? And taking into account the necessary weapons and military equipment (transferring the industry to a military footing) and 3000,0000 mobilized, it can increase at least 2 times, up to $ 80 billion a year. And it is comparable to the injections of the West (military and economic support costs) to Ukraine.

      —-The longer the war, the greater the technological backlog of Russia due to the lack of electronics and precision mechanics and optics, and the acceleration of technological development.

      — A decade of Russian wars with the West is a negative strategy for Russia and Russian civilization.
      1. +2
        30 January 2023 02: 39
        Quote: Mikhail Drabkin
        — A decade of Russian wars with the West is a negative strategy for Russia and Russian civilization.

        Even if the current conflict ends with a swift victory for Russia this spring / early summer, the series of wars around the Russian Federation and the conflict with the USA and NATO itself will not end. It's just that the United States and England will activate Poland, Romania, and, if necessary, Germany and other NATO for this. The owners of money need a war, and this war will be. So the colleague is right about the timing of military tensions. Moreover, these conflicts will not necessarily all be with the participation of Russia, but they will definitely require military, military-technical and economic tensions from Russia.
        Therefore , it is time to transfer the Economy , Finance and public administration to a military footing and prepare for a protracted conflict .
        And in Ukraine, finish as soon as possible.
    9. +1
      30 January 2023 02: 30
      Quote from Orange Bigg
      In my opinion, a very strange initiative. Everything is reduced to money. Honestly, like traders. As if the Army will not fight without remuneration.

      The Soviet government paid during the Second World War for every downed plane, tank and other successes. Not only that - she paid for the received military awards !!!
      And now the awards for destroyed enemy equipment from the Ministry of Defense have been revived.
      But the declared 10 million rubles for EVERY destroyed or captured NATO tank is a private or corporate initiative of Russian business! And this means that domestic business has joined in stimulating such an important national matter as the destruction of the enemy's military force, in this case NATO tanks. Honor and praise to such business. This is a truly state approach of domestic "capital" and a contribution to the future Victory.
      This is good .
    10. +1
      30 January 2023 03: 43
      During the Second World War, they paid for everything, even for the brought helmets, both German and ours. Normal practice.
      I was just surprised by the prices. For self-propelled guns or MLRS, two times less than for a tank. In terms of significance and possible damage that self-propelled guns and MLRS can inflict, the tank cannot be compared and it is much more difficult to destroy them since they are far from the advanced, the same about air defense equipment.
      1. +2
        30 January 2023 08: 39
        Quote: YOUR
        I was just surprised by the prices. For self-propelled guns or MLRS, two times less than for a tank. In terms of significance and possible damage that self-propelled guns and MLRS can inflict, the tank cannot be compared and it is much more difficult to destroy them since they are far from the advanced, the same about air defense equipment.

        All these types of weapons are destroyed by remote means outside the line of sight and with less risk to life. And a tank is the most protected of all these means (it will survive a close explosion of a heavy projectile), it is more difficult to destroy it due to its greater survivability and this often requires direct contact with the target. The same ATGM crew risks much more than a UAV operator hunting for a self-propelled gun, MLRS or SAM. I think this is the price for the risk. After all, a tank can sometimes be destroyed with a grenade launcher, or with a tank / gun from direct fire.
        Well, a bonus of 10 million rubles. for the destroyed NATO tank, this is rather a media thing and an initiative of domestic business in order to encourage and motivate the fighters to destroy them. And this is not an initiative of the MO.
        ... It's just painful that they have recently taken to scare us with these tanks.
        And they are on fire.
    11. 0
      31 January 2023 01: 12
      Order N0299 of August 1941, read the Red Army Air Force ...
  2. +29
    29 January 2023 19: 27
    I pay 20 lyam rubles to each Ukrainian crew for each whole leopard, abrams, leclerc tank. I will help you to have the charges dropped and you are granted citizenship of the Russian Federation
    1. Alf
      29 January 2023 20: 10
      Quote: igorbrsv
      I pay 20 lyam rubles to each Ukrainian crew for each whole leopard, abrams, leclerc tank. I will help you to have the charges dropped and you are granted citizenship of the Russian Federation

      Judging by the two minuses, two local sharers do not agree with you.
    2. +1
      29 January 2023 20: 46
      Quote: igorbrsv
      I pay 20 lyam rubles to each Ukrainian crew for each whole tank leopard, abrams,

      And if every crew is required to include a black man with a great... sense of American exceptionalism and who has never seen Russian rubles? Won't the Ukrainian Panzersoldaten get bored "in the black"? what
      1. +4
        29 January 2023 21: 28
        . include a black man with a big ...
        Well, four of them will somehow "take care" of one "Mowgli" and drive him under the bunk so that he doesn't show off) laughing
    3. -3
      29 January 2023 22: 05
      You first pay utility bills - your debt.
  3. +4
    29 January 2023 19: 32
    To all who destroy the promotion and the site on the shores of the Baltic after liberation !!!
    Well, the first tank is the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.
    1. +2
      29 January 2023 19: 41
      You are still on Sakhalin, promise a plot wassat
      1. +13
        29 January 2023 20: 02
        The same thing happened during WWII. That's right, let the guys earn. The more they crash, the more apartments they will buy, yashin, education for children ... And take the plots from the Pugachevs, Galkins and other p-r-r-e-z-e-r-vat-tivs
      2. 0
        29 January 2023 20: 52
        Quote: igorbrsv
        You are still on Sakhalin, promise a plot

        They promise a "Far Eastern hectare" on Sakhalin! Whole! fellow
  4. +5
    29 January 2023 19: 35
    Quote from Orange Bigg
    In my opinion, a very strange initiative. Everything comes down to money

    The main thing is not the money itself, but the support of our military. For which (as it were) it will become FAVORABLE to knock out abrams (and the more of them appear, the more profitable the declared hunt for them).
    1. -4
      29 January 2023 20: 40
      And then if it’s unprofitable, then no one will knock them out or what? I don’t really understand the word beneficial in relation to military operations, where every day life is in the balance. The word beneficial would be more logical to apply conditionally to some product in a supermarket.
      1. -3
        30 January 2023 23: 20
        From the point of view of sound logic, everything is correct. But many people have a different logic. For them, war is a business, an opportunity to earn money, nothing personal. Therefore, they promised 200-300 thousand rubles to volunteers from each iron. And the prices for the destruction of enemy equipment are similar to the menu from an expensive restaurant.
  5. +9
    29 January 2023 19: 36
    And if the Ukrainians will they decide to make some money on these tanks themselves? And will they start blowing them up themselves?
    Or maybe they are also promised a reward for surrendering the tank?
    1. +20
      29 January 2023 19: 42
      It is imperative to announce a reward for the surrendered tank to the Ukrainian crews and disseminate this information in the appropriate circles. Perhaps someone will bring it.
  6. +8
    29 January 2023 19: 37
    For the Leopard-2A6, the reward should be increased, it is clearly even more valuable than the M1 "Abrams"
    1. +2
      29 January 2023 20: 34
      This can be assessed after the tank has been dismantled. What is more valuable. Which one will sell for parts faster. Again, in what condition? Motor resource. I think lyamov 40 when parsing for them, you can help out. If there is more, it will be possible to throw a little
    2. 0
      29 January 2023 21: 36
      For the Leopard-2A6, the reward should be increased, it is clearly even more valuable than the M1 "Abrams"
      ...Abra has uranium...but Leo-2 doesn' if you multiply 55 bucks per kg of uranium by 10 tons...that's if you don't bother with 500 Okhlobystin is dodging about 000 rubles
  7. 0
    29 January 2023 19: 42
    It's time to destroy some kind of island Sarmat.
  8. +13
    29 January 2023 19: 46
    And why only in the NWO zone? Declare a reward for every destroyed tank, aircraft, ship of the US and its allies, as well as pipelines, trains, bridges, oil storage facilities, etc. American, English, French and other Satanists, wherever it happens in the world!
    1. +3
      29 January 2023 19: 54
      This is how all the terrorists of the world will have to be contained. You won't save money. Better perishing only in zone svo. Moreover, the terrorists have an overseas master. He pays them
      1. +3
        29 January 2023 22: 58
        Quote: igorbrsv
        This is how all the terrorists of the world will have to be contained. You won't save money.

        It is better to destroy enemy vehicles before they reach the front. So far, a sabotage war has not been launched in Ukraine. If an organization appears capable of organizing sabotage in countries that are accomplices of Ukrainian Nazism, then it must be helped both financially and technically. By the way, the United States, so that Afghanistan does not interfere in the events in Ukraine, pays this country about $40 million a month.
        1. +1
          30 January 2023 07: 33
          Quote: gsev
          By the way, the United States, so that Afghanistan does not interfere in the events in Ukraine, pays this country about $40 million a month.

          For Afghanistan, this is about 100 kg of heroin ... a penny ...
      2. -3
        30 January 2023 23: 22
        This is how all the terrorists of the world will have to be contained.

        I give you an idea. If you call terrorists saboteurs, it will sound completely different.
  9. +4
    29 January 2023 19: 52
    Si on mets en parallèle cette offre et le fait que beaucoup d'armement Ukrainien ai été vendu au marché noir, il est possible que des chars soient détruits avant même ...d'arriver sur le territoire Ukrainien par exemple dans un port Polonais, une voie ferrée Allemande, une route Roumaine ...enfin partout ou des convoi de chars ont été signalé .

    If we compare this proposal with the fact that a lot of Ukrainian weapons were sold on the black market, then it is possible that the tanks will be destroyed even earlier ... arrive on Ukrainian territory, for example, at a Polish port, a German railway, a Romanian road ... finally, wherever tank convoys were reported.
    1. 0
      29 January 2023 20: 46
      Sorry if they don't. They can sell along the way. We would also buy. Together with the crew
      Désolé s'ils ne le font pas. Ils peuvent vendre en cours de route. On acheterait aussi. En collaboration avec l'équipage
  10. +5
    29 January 2023 19: 54
    As for me, any listed air defense system is more valuable than a tank.
    1. +11
      29 January 2023 20: 07
      As for me, any listed air defense system is more valuable than a tank.

      Agree with you. 50 tyr for the S-300 is just the height of miserliness! Shame on MO! They could also pay for the lyama (if confirmed by photo-video shooting, or in another way)
    2. +5
      29 January 2023 20: 38
      Quote: TerraSandera
      As for me, any listed air defense system is more valuable than a tank.

      Agree! If you succeed in suppressing air defense with high quality, then you can pay 5000 rubles for tanks, all the same, the pilots will become millionaires in a week!
      IMHO hi
  11. +12
    29 January 2023 20: 00
    It is not so important here how much and for what, here the very fact of the desire of Russian business to pay remuneration is worth a lot. This means that not all "purses" are "rotten" among them, there are also normal citizens of Russia who can and want to support the fighters of the RF Armed Forces.
    1. Alf
      29 January 2023 20: 13
      Quote: Leshak
      It is not so important here how much and for what, here the very fact of the desire of Russian business to pay remuneration is worth a lot. This means that not all "purses" are "rotten" among them, there are also normal citizens of Russia who can and want to support the fighters of the RF Armed Forces.

      I agree, but "promise" and "pay" are two different things. And how to prove that it was you who burned the German, and not Seryoga from another trench with the same "devil-pipe"?
      By the way, what will our valiant tax authority say about this payment?
      1. +3
        29 January 2023 21: 17
        Well, the tax is clear, the stump will be deducted. Don't go to the fortuneteller here
        1. Alf
          29 January 2023 21: 22
          Quote: igorbrsv
          Well, the tax is clear, the stump will be deducted.

          Which ? Ordinary at 13% or how about winning at 33%?
      2. +5
        29 January 2023 21: 23
        Quote: Alf
        By the way, what will our valiant tax authority say about this payment?

        Our valiant tax will demand 13 percent of personal income tax.
  12. +3
    29 January 2023 20: 02
    For such grandmas xoxly they themselves will be handed over in a complete set. This is 80 thousand green!
    1. +3
      29 January 2023 20: 09
      For such grandmas xoxly they themselves will be handed over in a complete set. This is 80 thousand green!

      upon delivery in working condition, the amount must be doubled!
  13. +7
    29 January 2023 20: 03
    Une maison de 30 ans, de 90/100m2 sur un terrain de 6000m2, dans la périphérie d'une ville Ukraine de 20000 habitants coûtait environ 20000€.
    10000000 de roubles c'est environ 134000€...De quoi suscité des vocations même parmi les Ukrainiens...

    A 30-year-old house, 90/100m2 on a plot of 6000m2, on the outskirts of a Ukrainian city of 20000 inhabitants, cost about 20000€. 10000000 rubles is about 134000 €... Enough to arouse vocations even among Ukrainians
  14. +6
    29 January 2023 20: 13
    Something came to mind...
    - In money: tsarist "katenka" - one hundred rubles, "kerenki" - one and a half meters, Soviet rubles - two thousand and five thousand receipts from the father himself. Announce in all farms and villages within two days. Ataman Gnat Burnash. Year 1920, month May. drinks am
  15. +14
    29 January 2023 20: 17
    For 10 million you can start picking them up right in Germany. wassat
    1. +2
      29 January 2023 21: 26
      Quote: Sergey3
      For 10 million, you can start knocking them out right in Germany.

      Take it higher. Russians also live in the USA.
    2. +3
      29 January 2023 23: 14
      I won’t say about ten, but I saw the ad, the company from Asbest is ready to pay five.
  16. -12
    29 January 2023 20: 26
    I don’t support it, it would be better if they bought drones with this money or something else for the army
    1. +2
      29 January 2023 22: 09
      I don’t support it, it would be better if they bought drones with this money or something else for the army

      What does it mean to purchase? Before the Ministry of Defense purchases them, they need to be manufactured, and here, apparently, there are limitations on production capabilities, primarily on labor resources. Now, as far as I know, at the military-industrial complex enterprises engaged in the production of UAVs and high-precision missiles, they began to pay a decent salary, and workers are busy with overtime, but there are limits on how much a person can work in a week and a month, and it is difficult to recruit additional workers and engineers. Commercial universities have graduated economists and lawyers, and there is no one to work at the factories.
      1. -3
        30 January 2023 23: 26
        Before the MO buys them, they need to be made

        Probably, a colleague meant - buy on Ali.
  17. -3
    29 January 2023 20: 32
    During the Second World War, they fought for their homeland, and only then for money. And now for what? Why fight? What to protect? Villas and yachts of the oligarchs, more precisely, as Peskov said,
    "We do not know about any Russian oligarchs, about their existence
    “These are absolutely honest legal entrepreneurs
    . Only unlike the Ukrainian oligarchs, such as Akhmetov or Kolomoisky, who finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine, our "honest and responsible" did not give a penny to the Russian Armed Forces, and some, having fled to the West, finance the enemy. There is no ideology, but without it is it possible to win the war?
    1. 0
      29 January 2023 21: 35
      Fight all for the same Motherland. They always fought for her.
  18. +3
    29 January 2023 20: 36
    Well, but for voluntary surrender with these machines, there should be the same rewards, I think so.
    1. +1
      29 January 2023 21: 37
      In theory, MO should set its own price. But there are people who want to buy a menagerie. It’s a sin to say, but you can get a good weld. You can buy a domestic tank here, but a menagerie... winked Even a collector will get
    2. 0
      30 January 2023 09: 20
      This is the most important question. And it should be worked out as carefully as possible and brought to all. Surely there are many in their ranks who want not to die, and even earn money ...
  19. +2
    29 January 2023 20: 37
    It would be better if they used this money to give our fighters a missile that could destroy the abrams.
    Here on the site a lot of good ideas are voiced and cheaper than 10 million. Yes, I can offer something. My hands are itching, but I have no money.
  20. +11
    29 January 2023 21: 01
    But you can't somebody to pay to be allowed to launch missile strikes on the outskirts of the General Staff, the president's office and the building of the Supreme Council? And how much money do you need?
    1. +2
      29 January 2023 21: 21
      Quote: Al Manah
      But can't anyone pay to be allowed to launch missile strikes on the outskirts of the General Staff, the president's office and the building of the Supreme Council? And how much money do you need?

      So much so that all the weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine together cost less.
  21. +1
    29 January 2023 21: 14
    Are the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who served and swore the oath of the USSR involved in the hunt for American and German tanks?
    1. 0
      30 January 2023 07: 39
      Quote: Vasily_Naperkovsky
      Military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who served and took the oath of the USSR

      Age who served and swore allegiance to the USSR, give a calculator to calculate? There are only senior officers and generals whose service life can be up to 55-60 years. Yes, and even then not very massively ...
  22. +3
    29 January 2023 21: 33
    Rather than give rewards for tanks that have not yet arrived, it would be better to buy what you need now. Otherwise, it is possible that with the destruction of the first Abrams, you will not find these benefactors anymore.
  23. +1
    29 January 2023 21: 39
    Ross companies and oligarchs need to move from February 24 and participate in the purchase of equipment and so on. If you are afraid, do it silently. And not like they are now collecting in tg channels for UAVs and shoes
  24. -3
    29 January 2023 22: 29
    Following this logic, after the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic have a medium-range range, the population of the central region will be distributed in the required number of MANPADS and promised appropriate bonuses. After that, the issue can be closed - not a single CD will reach the target
  25. +1
    29 January 2023 22: 45
    In my opinion, a good start. Firstly, the business will fork out targetedly in favor of the NWO fighters.
    And secondly, the Abrams will burn with great passion. Thirdly, the psychological impact both on the Western man in the street, suppliers of abrams, and on the crews of these tanks. We must also announce a reward for burning leopards, why deprive the Hans of joy.
  26. +1
    29 January 2023 23: 17
    Good idea for a reward. In the Second World War, every unit of destroyed equipment also cost and paid money. This is not a trade, but an appraisal of labor.
    1. 0
      30 January 2023 14: 02
      But not such idiotic rates. With an average salary of 450-500 rubles, they paid 500 per tank. Or 1,5 thousand if you hit a grenade as part of a group. And here is a salary for 10 YEARS!!! Therefore, nonsense. This is provocation to stupidity for the sake of profit. It would be better if TODAY they provided soldiers with this money.
  27. +2
    29 January 2023 23: 28
    I think it's a great idea to reward those who destroy or capture Western tanks.
  28. -1
    29 January 2023 23: 45
    They called them hucksters and aligarhs. And there it is
  29. NSV
    30 January 2023 01: 04
    I don’t understand!!! What kind of settlement ... Stupki !!???? There is an outskirts of Artyomovsk, the former village of Stupki !!!! ??There is no such settlement!!!!!
  30. +1
    30 January 2023 01: 07
    Not enough. The thing is that the destruction of a serious target is the work of "an entire team", let's note a well-coordinated one, where the role of each participant is important. The "beast" must be misled, driven into a trap, and then one fighter will press "start" with one finger. The price is 1 million dollars. Even if all their tanks are destroyed, it is "only" 300 million dollars. Just a couple of cool yachts. But there will be an effect. fellow
    PS I'm not kidding.
  31. ASM
    30 January 2023 01: 08
    Strange, you need to reward for a car taken without much damage. Or has it already been agreed how many tanks and at what price will move to the Russian Federation?
  32. 0
    30 January 2023 07: 06
    Quote: Shurik70
    10 million is for a downed one.
    What about captured?
    ... And probably more for a whole

    Quote: Captain Pushkin
    ... for one driven or captured in working order, I would pay 20 lyam to those who captured or drove from the other side.

    Gentlemen, officers, don't you think that the price tag for scrap metal of the last century is too high, or do you think that there is something in these "abrams" that the Russian military-industrial complex, the RF Armed Forces do not yet know? Or maybe someone told you in secret that the Yankees will drive the newly assembled, newest Abrams to the outskirts?
    It seems that the same misunderstanding will be staged, as it was destroyed in Iran several years ago by the ancient Soviet "competition", flying with a string in its ass. Yes
    Well, I have a question in the atmosphere to the local community - and who will serve, and, if necessary, pull damaged abrams from the battlefield, as well as restore these "dances" (c)? Have you thought about it?
    In my opinion, this all looks more like a scam - in action, he swiped the dough American style. As my colleague, also a former military man, put it, - they'll unload somewhere near Rivne, shoot into "nowhere", film a few videos to report to American taxpayers, write it off as scrap, and then start squealing again about how the Russians are to blame for everything.
    PS. And neh ... it was necessary to wake up the Russian bear, gentlemen, Western partners. Woke up - shovel and look for the 5th corner to pretend to be rags.
  33. +3
    30 January 2023 09: 01
    Stupid people. They don't read VO. For several months now, every other day they write that NATO tanks are complete crap. They guzzle fuel like 10 missiles. And they'll drown in mud. And they'll break all the bridges. And the Ukrainians won't be able to master them. And tanks are difficult to maintain, and trying to supply them is more difficult than flying to Mars. In general, their transfer will harm the Ukrainian Armed Forces more than help them. And then THIS!!. 10 million. That's the average salary in the regions, the salary for 16 YEARS!!! (50 thousand) for 1 tank!!! They like to point to WWII as an example here. So they paid too.. Yeah. Let's compare.
    In the USSR, we look at salaries.
    Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR Nikolai Voznesensky in his work "The Military Economy of the USSR during the Patriotic War" noted that the average monthly salary of workers in the USSR union industry (there were enterprises of union and republican subordination) increased from 375 rubles in 1940 up to 573 rubles in 1944 (on 53%).

    Order on the encouragement of fighters and commanders for combat work on the destruction of enemy tanks "No. 0387. For each enemy tank destroyed or set on fire, the gunner of an anti-tank rifle received a reward of 500 rubles, the PTR number - 250 rubles; commander, driver, tank gun commander - 500 rubles each, other crew members - 200 rubles each. A cash bonus of 1 rubles was established for each soldier or commander for personally knocking out or setting fire to an enemy tank with the help of individual means of combat (grenades and bottles of combustible mixture). With the group destruction of an enemy tank, the amount of the bonus increased up to 1,5 thousand rubles, it was paid in equal shares to all members of the group.

    Let's count.1500/500=3 THREE!!! average monthly wages. And here is the salary for ten years!
    It feels like an awesome drank a bobble. Well, or utter nonsense.
    And it looks especially cool against the background of attempts by the guards to present Western tanks as "useless garbage" :)) Well, well. And why were you so scared?
    1. -3
      30 January 2023 23: 32
      It looks like fat PR for gentlemen businessmen.

      It is terrible to imagine what will happen on the LBS among its own for the right to receive such money. What will people who are hired for the war and ready to kill for 2-3 hundreds a month be capable of when there are 10 lyams at stake?
  34. +1
    30 January 2023 10: 19
    Very good news and an addition to the sacred duty of the Defender of the Fatherland.
    I hope this is not a bluff and the men will really be able to get this money for the future life!!!
  35. 0
    30 January 2023 11: 27
    And for abrams that do not reach Ukraine, if they are sunk in the Atlantic, will there be a reward for them?
  36. +1
    30 January 2023 11: 45
    I just see how the "effective" palms are sweaty laughing
  37. 0
    30 January 2023 12: 21
    the Russian company FORES announced a reward of 5 million rubles for the first destroyed or captured American M1 Abrams or German Leopard 2

    Found and read.
    5 million only for the FIRST, for all the following they promise only 500 thousand.
    Ural industrialists are ready to pay Russian soldiers and officers 5 million rubles for the first captured car, and 500 rubles for subsequent ones.
  38. 0
    30 January 2023 12: 23
    Ukrainians from the very beginning of the war promised to pay good sums for the surrender of equipment into captivity. There is even a price.

    And this initiative is so-so. Our mo will leave these Goyds without panties, at least a couple of hundred will be destroyed every month.
  39. +2
    30 January 2023 18: 02
    For a wrecked tank of brand T they give 100 thousand. For a wrecked M1 - 10 million. Is it really 100 times better ???
  40. +1
    30 January 2023 18: 07
    When it comes to counting by Konashenkov, it will be like in that old joke when Baba Yaga let Ivan the Fool spend the night, but on the condition that he will love her granddaughter all night and she will put a black scientific cat next to him so that the cat counts how many times Ivan fulfilled the promise. By morning, the cat o (crossed out) was very tired of counting.
  41. 0
    30 January 2023 20: 37
    Quote from Orange Bigg
    And then if it is unprofitable, then no one will incite them or what?

    If for this purpose - possible (but not required)
    a separate military operation - then the choice of specific military (let alone risk it or not) - choose them.

    In addition, in order to destroy the Abrams tank, you first need to detect it (purposefully searching for it behind enemy lines day and night: by drones or by personal participation).
  42. The comment was deleted.
  43. 0
    31 January 2023 14: 48
    Ukrainians join us! At least you'll earn some money laughing
  44. 0
    31 January 2023 17: 21
    Yes, let them immediately put up for sale ...
  45. 0
    31 January 2023 19: 21
    So there are 10 of them only for conservation ... They are tormented to pay)))