President of Russia: US troops in Germany actually and legally remain occupation

President of Russia: US troops in Germany actually and legally remain occupation

After the end of World War II, the United States did not legally formalize the end of the occupation of German territory, as a result of which, from a legal point of view, American occupying troops are still on the territory of Germany. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In the course of communication with students of Moscow State University, the head of state recalled that the USSR had once withdrawn from the territory, in particular Austria, its troops stationed there after the victory in World War II, and subsequently Russia, which is the successor of the Soviet Union, acted as a guarantor of compliance with the Austrian constitution and neutral status of the country. The President noted that this fact is known to many residents of Austria, who are grateful to Russia for its position.

Putin also noted that after the end of World War II, Germany was divided into four occupation zones - American, British, French and Soviet. The USSR subsequently legally formalized the termination of the occupation status, but the United States has not yet done so.

Formally and legally, American occupying forces are on the territory of the Federal Republic. And in fact it is - there are a lot of them

- stressed the Russian president.

Putin also noted that a number of German politicians are aware of the lack of independence of their country and argue that after the Second World War, Germany lost the status of a sovereign state.
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  1. -5
    25 January 2023 19: 17
    but we are clean and fluffy. we handed over everything in the hope that we would be accepted into a "civilized family" ...
    1. +6
      25 January 2023 19: 26
      Quote: Nikolay310
      but we are clean and fluffy. we handed over everything in the hope that we would be accepted into a "civilized family" ...

      "Handed over" and "us" do you mean the oligarchs? I didn't give anything. And he was not going to be adopted into a tolerant gay family.
      The American occupation troops are still in Germany, Italy, Japan and in a whole bunch of pro-fascist and not only states.
    2. 0
      25 January 2023 19: 40
      Excuse me ... but now it will be like this in every topic? Well, like a topic about the American occupying forces and the insufficient sovereignty of Germany, and one of the first messages should definitely shit on Russia. The topic is about penguins, and one of the first messages claims that we ourselves are penguins and generally goofy. If so... then I have a question - where did I get to?
  2. +3
    25 January 2023 19: 20
    Yes, our army, no matter what the Merkosov troops in Germany, the Germans sent your beloved cats with black crosses again on a campaign against Russia. With this, what? Oh, I forgot, it clicks like a chicken grains. He himself will probably run with birds along the front. For the sake of interest, I listened to "experts" on federal channels: both laughter and sin, they all unanimously declare "everything is garbage, nothing will change, at least 100, at least 200, at least 500." I got the impression that they ran away from the fool. But there are many reserve officers, generals.
    1. +5
      25 January 2023 19: 28
      In the film "Platoon" with Charlie Sheen in the title role, Americans under the Nazi flag genocide Vietnamese civilians. No one hid their fascist insides.
    2. +3
      25 January 2023 19: 38
      Federal channels: both laughter and sin, all unanimously declare "everything is garbage, nothing will change, at least 100, at least 200, at least 500"

      We used to laugh at Ukrainian experts who said that the Crimean bridge would be devoured by jellyfish.
      1. 0
        27 January 2023 11: 51
        And what, they ate it?
  3. +4
    25 January 2023 19: 21
    And what's the news? Let them stand on their own heads. Us what from it?
  4. +2
    25 January 2023 19: 24
    Is he now offering to liberate Germany from occupation?
    1. +8
      25 January 2023 19: 28
      He does not offer anything, but states the facts that everyone knows fool
      1. +1
        26 January 2023 00: 15
        Everyone knows that Germany has been completely free from occupation, including the United States, since March 15, 1991. Legally, this was formalized by a special multilateral treaty in 1990.Договор_об_окончательном_урегулировании_в_отношении_Германии
        1. 0
          27 January 2023 11: 53
          What kind of freedom is this with foreign troops on their territory?
    2. 0
      27 January 2023 11: 52
      We must turn to the German people. And the peoples of the East. Europei. Many will support Putin, everyone is tired of the occupation.
  5. +5
    25 January 2023 19: 28
    The matter is heading towards a nuclear apocalypse. The West does not like to lose, they expected that the people, out of hopelessness, would navigate the Kremlin in a month of NVO, well, in two. So it didn’t hurt to think about a preventive strike. And no NATO scenarios, we have tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, they are based on the Black Sea Fleet, in the end we lost according to their scenario.
  6. +1
    25 January 2023 19: 29
    Our glorious bourgeois brought the GSVG, I wonder how many pieces of silver they were paid?
    1. -1
      25 January 2023 20: 49
      I suspect not at all. The Cold War was lost. The losing side always crawls to itself. Because otherwise it gets in the face again, already broken into the trash. This is where we crawled away.
      1. -1
        26 January 2023 01: 31
        Quote: Plate
        I suspect not at all. The Cold War was lost. The losing side always crawls to itself.

        The losing side is crawling away, and the nouveau riche-bourgeois, who have brought it to a loss, crawl out to the top.
  7. +3
    25 January 2023 19: 29
    Japan is the same occupied colony, only against China
  8. 0
    25 January 2023 19: 30
    An incomprehensible article, and most importantly, directly corresponds to today's realities.
  9. -2
    25 January 2023 19: 34
    Meeting of students with Putin. Answers without questions.
  10. +4
    25 January 2023 19: 36
    The president talked with students on a holiday, of course, it's a good thing, but still, when the West raises the stakes in its own way, then military issues need to be dealt with.
    But they say, well, it's not a secret for a long time, what's the point of stating a fact.
  11. -5
    25 January 2023 19: 37
    Grandfather forgot to say that the path to getting golden lieutenant epaulettes is not easy. That those who came to the school from the Russian troops know this for sure. $50 and you leave the police station of any country in a pub for girls prepared physically and politically. And their mentors and leaders always remember the difficult years after Foreign Universities.
  12. -2
    25 January 2023 19: 53
    It turns out that Gorbachev and Yeltsin's "partners" deceived. Only Gorbachev's children are now in Germany, and Yeltsin's are in Austria.
    1. +1
      26 January 2023 01: 38
      Quote: Boris Sergeev
      It turns out that the "partners" of Gorbachev and Yeltsin deceived. Only Gorbachev's children are now in Germany, and Yeltsin's are in Austria.

      They didn't cheat. For starters, he was paid for with an undisclosed fee for an infamous pizza ad.
  13. -1
    25 January 2023 19: 53
    Well, that means there will be a screw-up, since Putin got involved in history.
  14. -3
    25 January 2023 19: 54
    You might think that the contingent of the USSR Armed Forces on the territory of the DRA was exclusively for the distribution of humanitarian aid. And the "Warsaw Pact" was created only for propaganda purposes of the benefits of socialism. And the squadrons to Cuba in 1962 had only crackers on Thanksgiving Day in the holds. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has always been a very aggressive state! Like any state, it has always defended its interests. We, it was we, including myself, sold our state for a penny in banknotes. And there is no need to sing war songs because there were traitors from above. We ourselves sold what our grandparents died for. Here we get. Live.
  15. -1
    25 January 2023 19: 55
    In the course of communication with students of Moscow State University, the head of state recalled that the USSR had once withdrawn from the territory, in particular Austria, its troops stationed there after the victory in World War II, and subsequently Russia, which is the successor of the Soviet Union

    It's a paradox - a person who holds the position of the Supreme High Command in every opportunity spoils the USSR, while using the results that were achieved at that time! While at the defense industry facility, in St. Petersburg he carried a blizzard about traditions, war, and so on and so forth. A cynic, and p ... balabol. Everyone heard it - ... "she drowned." I was born in Leningrad, my relatives are all native Petersburgers, my mother and grandmother refused to evacuate because my grandfather served in the air defense of Leningrad, they went through the entire blockade .... This one could not even say a couple of words, and most importantly, give instructions to this ... there are no words for the leader to provide at least some help to the native Leningraders who were under siege! sad
    1. +1
      26 January 2023 00: 07
      Where is your USSR? Has it sunk? The Russian people are sick and tired of your ideology and tired of dragging national republics on the backs of the Nazis. That's all. No one came out to fight for this Union and its Leninism, so the topic is closed. He is the Supreme Commander of Russia, not the USSR. Accuse the blockheads from the Central Committee that their country fell apart, and not the man who headed the country a decade after the collapse. So he is collecting the lands that the communists gave away. Stalin frankly admitted to Harriman, President Roosevelt's extraordinary envoy, who flew to Moscow to organize aid after 4 months of the defeat of the Red Army: "We know that the people do not want to fight for the world revolution; they will not fight for Soviet power either. Maybe they will fight for Russia." Even Stalin, with his unfinished seminary education, understood this, but you do not get it.
      1. 0
        26 January 2023 02: 04
        Quote: hrych
        Maybe he will fight for Russia.” Even Stalin, with an unfinished seminary, understood this, but it doesn’t reach you.

        That the people did not defend tsarist Russia during the February bourgeois coup.
        He did not defend bourgeois Russia either.
        And Soviet Russia / RSFSR became both in the Civil War and in the Second World War.

        Think, try on the current situation - maybe there will be answers about the necessary actions to save the country.
        Bourgeois Russia whole and strong is not needed by anyone in the world.
        They will try to grind it further, like the USSR.
        Up to a cluster of puppet-limitrophic colonies.
        Without turning the development vector, this cannot be overcome.
        The nouveau riche will never make this turn voluntarily.
  16. 0
    25 January 2023 20: 19
    Of course, they remain occupational, so they lick one place for the Yankees ...
  17. 0
    25 January 2023 22: 03
    *from a legal point of view, American occupying troops are still on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany*. but .. * the one who has more rights * is right - there will be a American answer.
  18. -2
    26 January 2023 00: 08
    After the end of World War II, the United States did not legally formalize the end of the occupation of German territory, as a result of which, from a legal point of view, American occupying troops are still on the territory of Germany. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    In fact, the end of the occupation of Germany by the allies (the USSR, France, England and the USA) was legally formalized in 1990.
    Germany from that moment became a completely independent sovereign state.



    Article 7
    1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the French Republic hereby terminate their rights and responsibilities with respect to Berlin and Germany as a whole. As a result, the related quadripartite agreements, decisions and practices associated with them cease to operate, and all relevant institutions of the four powers are dissolved.
    2. Accordingly, a united Germany acquires full sovereignty over its internal and external affairs...

    The treaty entered into force on March 15, 1991.
  19. GN
    26 January 2023 00: 11
    It's time to admit that the blame for much of what has been happening for the last 30 years lies with us!!! And then we behave like little children. From the Soviet Union, we have turned into a pumpkin!! Now we are asking why? Fear and respect (out of fear) only the strong!! In order to put this pack of enraged fascists in their place, one must ask oneself: Is Russia and its population ready for the Patriotic War! I am sure that many but not all will be for!! The West raises the stakes endlessly and what are we?? Another red line, or new-old germany occupied country! So what?? Maybe the fascists like it that way! And what will we Russia answer to this lawlessness?? I don't know about you, but I'm sick of this useless chatter. Only TERPILS do this! Why doesn't he tell us how and by whom and for how much he traded for Medvedchuk? Note the Ukrainian citizen. How is that Comrade President?
  20. 0
    26 January 2023 00: 25
    Quote: hrych
    Where is your USSR? Has it sunk? The Russian people are sick and tired of your ideology and tired of dragging national republics on the backs of the Nazis. That's all. No one came out to fight for this Union and its Leninism, so the topic is closed. He is the Supreme Commander of Russia, not the USSR. Accuse the blockheads from the Central Committee that their country fell apart, and not the man who headed the country a decade after the collapse. So he is collecting the lands that the communists gave away. Stalin frankly admitted to Harriman, President Roosevelt's extraordinary envoy, who flew to Moscow to organize aid after 4 months of the defeat of the Red Army: "We know that the people do not want to fight for the world revolution; they will not fight for Soviet power either. Maybe they will fight for Russia." Even Stalin, with his unfinished seminary education, understood this, but you do not get it.
    You are a primitive "historian" of Russia, so it makes no sense to discuss anything with you. You're a loser, just like the one you're protecting. lol
  21. 0
    26 January 2023 00: 30
    Quote from G.N.
    It's time to admit that the blame for much of what has been happening for the last 30 years lies with us!!! And then we behave like little children. From the Soviet Union, we have turned into a pumpkin!! Now we are asking why? Fear and respect (out of fear) only the strong!! In order to put this pack of enraged fascists in their place, one must ask oneself: Is Russia and its population ready for the Patriotic War! I am sure that many but not all will be for!! The West raises the stakes endlessly and what are we?? Another red line, or new-old germany occupied country! So what?? Maybe the fascists like it that way! And what will we Russia answer to this lawlessness?? I don't know about you, but I'm sick of this useless chatter. Only TERPILS do this! Why doesn't he tell us how and by whom and for how much he traded for Medvedchuk? Note the Ukrainian citizen. How is that Comrade President?
    I agree!
    Or maybe there is a homespun truth in this, is it condo, slinky, and homespun? laughing