Hellenophile Hadrian, third "good emperor" of the Antonine dynasty

Hellenophile Hadrian, third "good emperor" of the Antonine dynasty
The goddess of Rome and the geniuses of the Senate and the Roman people salute Hadrian, relief, Capitoline Museum

Today we will continue the story about the emperors of the golden age of the Roman stories. From previous article you must remember that the only member of the family of Trajan, the "second good emperor" of the Antonine dynasty, was his cousin Hadrian. He became his heir. Today we will talk a little about this man.

The origin and early life of the third emperor of the Antonine dynasty

В first article it was said that Trajan was born in the city of Italica, which was located near modern Seville. At the end of the Second Punic War, Scipio Africanus settled some of his soldiers here. Among them was the ancestor of Hadrian. However, this family, having become rich in the oil trade, returned to Rome.

Hadrian's father, Publius Aelius Afer, rose to the rank of praetor. The birthplace of his son - Publius Aelius Hadrian, the future emperor, is called by various sources both Rome and Italica, it happened on January 24, 76. As a child, during his studies, he showed great interest in Greek literature and therefore even received the nickname "Greek" from his classmates. And in the future, throughout his life, Adrian was a big fan of Greek culture.

At the age of 10, the boy was orphaned and one of his two guardians was a distant relative - 30-year-old praetor Mark Ulpius Trajan, who would soon lead the VII Double Legion. In the year 95, we see Adrian as a military tribune of the II Auxiliary Legion stationed in Pannonia, in the 96th he was transferred to the V Macedonian Legion, which was in Moesia.

Meanwhile, at the beginning of January 97, an event occurred in Rome that dramatically changed the fate of Hadrian. Emperor Nerva, who did not enjoy authority in the army, adopted the proconsul of Upper Germany Trajan and appointed him his heir. For Adrian's former guardian, this decision of Nerva was completely unexpected and does not seem to have pleased him too much. At least, after the imminent death of Nerva, Trajan was in no hurry to Rome and for another year he was engaged in the affairs of his province. Adrian then came to him in the Colony of Agrippina (Cologne), along with a delegation of the Danube legions, and remained to serve in Germany - in the XXII Primordial Legion.

It must be said that for a long time Trajan did not single out his relative in any way, even he appointed him his heir only on the eve of his death. Such indifference of the emperor to the future successor is even somewhat surprising. After all, Adrian was not at all a spoiled representative of the Roman golden youth. In the collection "History of Augusts" it is said about him:

“He was tall, distinguished by external grace, curled his hair with a comb, let go of his beard to hide the natural flaws of his face (warts), had a strong physique. He rode a lot and walked a lot, always doing exercises with weapons and spear. On the hunt, he very often killed lions with his own hands. On the hunt, he broke his collarbone and rib.

Note the message about the growing beard: before Hadrian, all Roman emperors preferred to shave.

It is also reported that Adrian invariably shared with the soldiers all the hardships of the march and enjoyed the love of the soldiers.

Bronze statue of Hadrian discovered in Israel at Camp VI of the Iron Legion

Perhaps the reason for Trajan's coldness towards Hadrian was different views on the future of the empire. Trajan pursued an aggressive policy, while Hadrian believed that he should focus on protecting existing territories and, having become emperor, abandoned some of the conquests of his predecessor.

But Trajan's wife, Pompey Plotina, on the contrary, patronized the young man. Dion Cassius even suspects her of having a love affair with Hadrian, but Pliny and Aurelius Victor characterize Trajan's wife as an exceptionally virtuous and chaste woman.

Sculpture of the head of Pompeii Plotina. Roman National Museum

It was she who, in the year 100, persuaded Trajan to give permission for the marriage of Hadrian with the great-niece of the emperor Vibia Sabina.

It is not known whether Adrian needed her as a woman, or whether the marriage with her pursued only the goal of somehow getting closer to Trajan, who did not favor him? At least there were no children in Adrian's family, but Antina's beloved lover, on the contrary, was. He was a native of the Bithynian city of Claudiopolis, founded by Greek settlers from Arcadia.

Around the year 123, the boy was sent to study in Rome, at which time he was from 11 to 13 years old. In 125, Antinous met with Adrian, who returned to Rome for a while, with whom he went to Greece. Since 128, this young man has followed Trajan relentlessly. During one of the hunts, a huge lion knocked Antinous off his horse with his paw, but the emperor saved him.

Antinous, sculpture, Athens, National Archaeological Museum

Bust of Hadrian, British Museum

But let's go back a little, to the days of Adrian's youth.

Adrian received his first magistracy only in 101 at the age of 25 - he became a quaestor and thus took the first step along the "road of honor" (cursus honorum). Speaking with a speech of thanks in the Senate, he was then embarrassed and ridiculed for his lack of eloquence. This lesson was learned, Hadrian began to practice diligently in rhetoric and soon even began to compose speeches for the emperor.

By 106, Hadrian had risen to the rank of praetor and given command of Minerva's legion. With him, he managed to take part in the battles of the II Dacian War, receiving two awards for bravery. Finally, in 107, Adrian was appointed protector legate of Pannonia, a troubled province that was constantly attacked by Sarmatian tribes. He managed it quite successfully, repelling another attack of the Sarmatians and concluding a profitable missionary agreement with them. The reward was the election of consul.

Researchers believe that just at this time, the aging Trajan began to think about a successor and turned his gaze to the only male relative. However, he did not take any practical steps to secure his status as heir.

In 113, Adrian arrived at the headquarters of Trajan, who was with the army in Parthia, participated in the war in the territories of Assyria and Mesopotamia. In 117, he was appointed governor of Syria and responsible for the logistics of the army. However, already in the summer of that year, Trajan, who was seriously ill, decided to return to Rome. He handed over the command of the troops to Adrian.

The emperor did not reach Rome - on August 8 he died in the Cilician city of Selinus (Selinunte). Just before his death, he adopted Adrian, appointing him as his heir. Such a late adoption gave rise to rumors about the forgery of the will of the emperor, allegedly committed by Trajan's wife, Pompeia Plotina. This woman, as we remember, always patronized Adrian. The eastern legions recognized the new emperor, and in Rome there were some complications.

Four of Trajan's closest associates - Cornelius Palma, Avidius Nigrinus, Publius Celsus and Lusius Quiet conspired to prevent the recognition of Hadrian as emperor. Everything was decided by the support of the praetorian prefect Publius Acilius Attian. And even the emperors guarded by them did not dare to argue with the Praetorians unless absolutely necessary. Quiet was executed.

Beginning of Emperor Hadrian's reign

Silver denarius depicting Hadrian, 119

Meanwhile, it was already becoming clear to the most intelligent people that the Roman Empire could not preserve many of the previous conquests. Rome literally "bite off more than it could swallow and digest." And the last victories of the militant emperor Trajan turned out to be unnecessary and fruitless. The occupied territories were poorly controlled by the Romans even during the life of this emperor. Now the situation has escalated sharply.

Not only did the uprising begin in the recently conquered lands of Armenia, Assyria and Mesopotamia, so the rebellions also began in Judea, and then in Egypt, Cyrenaica and Cyprus. Assyria and Mesopotamia had to be left, Armenia withdrew from the Roman provinces, becoming a protectorate of Rome. However, the uprisings in the Roman provinces were suppressed.

The casualties among the population of the rebellious regions were huge, some territories were completely deserted, and they had to be re-populated by Roman colonists. Peace was concluded with Parthia on the condition of the return of all previously conquered lands. And on the Danube, the new provinces that became part of the Roman Empire after the two Dacian wars were attacked by the Sarmatians and Roxolans.

The situation on the borders of Dacia was such that Hadrian was seriously thinking about leaving all these hard-won lands. However, a huge number of Roman and Italic colonists had already settled here, and Trajan's old associates categorically objected to such a decision.

Adrian nevertheless withdrew troops from Lower Oltenia, Muntenia, the Carpathians and Southern Moldavia. To protect Upper and Lower Dacia, a system of ramparts was hastily erected. There was no longer any talk of offensive actions. An agreement was concluded with the Roxolans on the actual payment of tribute to them. Only after that, Adrian was finally able to come to Rome, where he spent three years arranging business.

And then began traveling across the vast territory of the empire. Hadrian became the most actively traveled emperor. During the 21 years of his reign in Rome, he spent approximately nine and a half years.

Official trips of Emperor Hadrian

Hadrian's travel itineraries

First, Hadrian went to Gaul, as well as to the Rhine and Danube provinces. Without stopping in Rome, he visited Britain, where he ordered to begin work on the construction of a protective rampart, later called Adrianov.

Section of Adrian's Wall

The total length of the built fortifications was 117 km.

Then there was a trip to Spain and Mauritania, from where I had to urgently return to Rome, since news was received of a tense situation on the border with Parthia. Thanks to successful negotiations, a new war with the Parthians was avoided. Hadrian went to Antioch and Palmyra, then to the Balkans, where he founded the city of Adrianople in Thrace. On the way he visited Athens and was initiated there into the Eleusinian mysteries.

Returning to Rome, he turned to Sicily, where he climbed Mount Etna. Soon he again went to Africa, where in Numidia he observed the teachings of the Roman troops. Next was a trip to Syria. In 130, Hadrian reached Jerusalem, which he ordered to rebuild, and on the site of the destroyed temple of Solomon to build the temple of Capitoline Jupiter. This caused great displeasure of the locals and later became one of the reasons for the Bar Kokhba uprising.

In Egypt, where this emperor later went, Hadrian lost his favorite Antinous, who drowned while traveling on the Nile. The circumstances of his death are not clear, but Aurelius Victor, in his work On the Caesars, claimed that the Egyptian priests told Hadrian that his life could be extended if someone agreed to die for him. Upon learning of this, Antinous allegedly deliberately sacrificed himself. The city of Antinopol was built on the site of his death, the court astronomers named a constellation in honor of Antinous, which was abolished only in the XNUMXth century. Antinous was deified and became the last and "youngest" god of Antiquity. His cult, oddly enough, quickly spread throughout the empire.

After the death of Antinous, Adrian traveled through Syria and Asia Minor to Athens, where he learned about a new uprising of the Jews. The leader of the rebellion was Bar-Kochba (son of a star), whom many Jews considered the messiah.

Bar Kokhba, Israeli stamp

The rebels controlled 50 cities, including Jerusalem, and a large part of the country. The war against them was led by Sextus Julius Severus, summoned from Britain, whose army numbered up to 60 thousand people. He had to give 54 battles, until finally the last detachments of the rebels were blocked in the fortress of Betar. After its fall, Jerusalem was destroyed, the Jews were resettled in other provinces with a ban on returning to Judea.

In general, there was no peace, and Adrian devoted all the time of his reign to trying to patch up the imperial “Trishkin caftan”, on which more and more holes appeared one after another. To replenish the personnel of the legions, they began to accept natives of the recently conquered provinces, and new units were created in which recruits recruited from the barbarians (numbers) were armed with their usual weapons.

Administrative activities of Adrian

However, Adrian cared not only about the condition of the troops and the construction of fortifications. The Imperial Council, which previously met only occasionally, became a permanent body and could make fundamental changes in the system of law.

The Imperial Chancellery, which previously handled the personal and domestic affairs of August, became a state institution, and educated people of equestrian origin replaced the imperial freedmen in it. Order was put in place in the system of public positions, and now applicants could clearly imagine the prospects for their career growth. The famous jurist Salvius Ulpian attempted to codify Roman law.

You probably remember how Trajan, on a campaign, once stayed in the city to satisfy the request of a woman who asked him for justice in relation to the murderers of her son. A similar story is told about Hadrian and Cassius Dio:

“Once, when a certain poor widow wanted to convey a petition to Adrian, the emperor, in a hurry somewhere, said that he had no time, and wanted to pass by. The widow replied: Then stop being an emperor! And Adrian accepted her request.

Italy under Hadrian was divided into 4 parts, each of which was headed by the imperial consul, who acted as an visiting judge. One of them was Hadrian's successor, Antoninus Pius, he got Etruria and Umbria.

Large-scale construction work was launched in Rome and in the provinces. The most significant projects carried out during the reign of Hadrian were, of course, the Pantheon and the mausoleum, which at that time became the tallest building in Rome), and in the XIV century it was rebuilt into the Castel Sant'Angelo (currently it houses the Military Historical museum).

Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castle of the Holy Angel), Rome

Jean Francois Thomas de Thomon. View of the Pantheon in Rome

A lot of buildings were built in Athens, a canal was laid from Stimfal to Corinth, and the draining of Lake Futsin was completed.

The last years of the life of Emperor Hadrian

Hadrian's head. Bronze, Louvre

Adrian returned to Rome in 136, already a very sick man. The 60-year-old emperor settled in a villa in Baiae. Suffering from illness and depression, he surrounded himself with various healers and occult specialists, including Persian magicians, Egyptian soothsayers, and Babylonian astrologers.

But this emperor did not have relations with Christians, and it is with his name that the well-known legend about the executed Christian girls with the names Pistis, Elpis, Agape (literally translated into Russian - faith, hope, love) and their mother Sophia is associated ( wisdom), who died of grief.

True, this legend appeared only in the XNUMXth century, and here we see a personification of Christian virtues that has nothing to do with real people. But there were persecutions of other Christians, and the appearance of the name Adrian in this tradition is not accidental.

The emperor, who had no children, increasingly thought about the future state, not knowing who to declare heir.

At first, he wanted to bequeath the throne to his adopted son Lucius Aelius Commodus, whom some considered his lover. However, the heir presumptive died on 1 January 138. After that, Adrian appointed 52-year-old Titus Aurelius Antoninus as his successor, ordering him to adopt 7-year-old Lucius Aelius Verus (son of Commodus) and 17-year-old Marcus Annius Verus (stepson of the third husband of Adrian's mother), better known as Marcus Aurelius. Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius would later become co-emperors.

Adrian's character had deteriorated significantly in recent years, and he often fell into unreasonable and unreasonable anger. He limited the rights of the Senate, some senators were executed. And therefore, after his death on July 10, 138, the senate intended to declare the “third good emperor” a tyrant and curse his memory.

But Antonin stopped these attempts and even managed to achieve the deification of Hadrian. It was for this that he received the nickname Pius, that is, “Pious” (“doing his duty in relation to the gods and relatives”). We will talk about it in the next article.
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  1. +14
    17 January 2023 05: 17
    The author forgot to mention the innovation of Emperor Hadrian, which was interesting for slave-owning Rome - a law that forbade the execution of slaves without trial ...
    1. VLR
      17 January 2023 09: 32
      According to the most common version, this happened under Antoninus Pius, this will be discussed in the next article.
      1. +11
        17 January 2023 09: 43
        Quote: VlR
        According to the most common version, this happened under Antoninus Pius.

        Now I can't find it on my own, but it's absolutely certain that during the reign of Hadrian...
        1. VLR
          17 January 2023 09: 49
          I still think you are wrong. I have now checked again.
        2. +15
          17 January 2023 09: 56
          "You still fight, hot Finnish guys!" ©
          Yes, whoever of them was - what can I say, he was a zealous business executive, why spoil the working inventory in vain, you need to be more careful with it, otherwise you can’t go hiking for a new one ..
  2. +19
    17 January 2023 05: 24
    Thank you, Valery!

    The first association is Adrianov Val. For a long time this border was kept.
    1. +18
      17 January 2023 09: 49
      Let me join! The cycle is being read, continuations are expected!
      1. +6
        17 January 2023 14: 43
        Of course. Kind words are nice to share.
    2. +3
      17 January 2023 17: 52
      For a long time this border was kept.
      Due to the fact that the next emperor, Antoninus, moved it even further north, having built the Antoninus rampart.
      1. +3
        17 January 2023 19: 44
        And this too. Sometimes, the more boundaries, the better. System approach, however.
        1. +3
          17 January 2023 19: 51
          To my great regret, humanity has lost its understanding of the "frontier"
          1. +2
            17 January 2023 20: 55
            We will not meet the nameless mainland in the distance,
            We will not assign our own names to the islands -
            All open lands have long been called
            Names of great people and saints.
          2. 0
            18 January 2023 15: 00
            humanity has lost the understanding of the "frontier"

            But why? Colt "Frontier" is still produced and in demand. smile

            Colt "Frontier Six Shooter",\
  3. +14
    17 January 2023 05: 37
    In other words: carried out deportations, persecuted on religious grounds smile
    1. 0
      17 January 2023 20: 06
      Alexey, so he violated the constitution?
  4. +14
    17 January 2023 08: 41
    Yes, how much depends on the successor. And he could have acted like Khrushchev, and we would have known Adrian as a tyrant of the Roman people.
    1. +8
      17 January 2023 09: 45
      Adrian was good with people. So it's unlikely
      1. +5
        17 January 2023 17: 51
        "well versed in people" comrade sivich, out of harmfulness: "shoe changers" first appeared not with us.
        Regarding NS, he was cunning: and always said what they wanted to hear from him.
        In fact, ALL hardware workers are such beasts that...
        Until 1922, membership in the RCP (b) guaranteed a "fun" life, Sergei Lazo, an example of this, and as soon as party membership became a guarantor of a career .... Examples of this, "cart and cart": Stavraki, commanded the execution of Lieutenant Schmidt, joined in the RCP(b). In 1927, Medvedev, the commander of a partisan detachment, then a police officer, tracked the gang for a month. The ringleader turned out to be: a member of the party, the chairman of the village council.
        General Vlasov, was a member of the Revolutionary Military Tribunal.
        1942, someone "forgot" the list of the Belorechensky partisan detachment and the scheme of weapons and food depots, in the table of the 1st secretary of the district committee. Naturally, the police found a list
        1. +3
          17 January 2023 20: 57
          I remember Tatyana Salomakha.
          The daughter of a village teacher, she trained herself as a teacher.
          In the revolution even before 1917. In the Civil War she was in a “shooting position: authorized for grain procurement. Usually, authorized officers were blown off their heads from autocracy: most often, such peasants were killed or the Cheka was shot.
          Her predecessor, spikulipoval bread.
          There are no rumors with Tatyana's name.
          She fell ill with typhus and could not leave with her own.
          She always remembered that the teacher was friends with the children. Someone tried to warn her, but failed.
          She died painfully: her limbs were cut off, then she was cut to pieces.
          One of the children collected her remains in a ditch and told her mother.
          A wealthy Cossack girl, she gave the bandits a good drink, and then secretly buried her.
          When the Reds came, she said: while in the Soviets, there will be people like Tatyana - the Soviets cannot be defeated!
          And that's what the cash enemy says
  5. +18
    17 January 2023 09: 58
    Good afternoon friends! )))
    By the end of the article, I was very tired of the incredible intensity of Adrian's life, of endless trips and actions, some accomplishments, but he lived this life! wassat )))
    It is not surprising that he, too, was tired of such a life by the end of it.
    Thanks, Valery, for the article! )))
    I almost wrote: "Adrian was worse than me." But I thought! wassat )))
    1. +13
      17 January 2023 10: 13
      hi love
      By the end of the article, I was very tired of the incredible intensity of Adrian's life, of endless trips
      And if the trips were described in more detail? Something like this: Adrian sat on a horse and rode to Athens: Tsok-tsok, tsok-tsok, tsok-tsok ... etc. laughing
      1. +14
        17 January 2023 11: 05
        Alexey Anatolyevich, maybe he got into the galley and sailed to Athens? And the slaves - "rowing-rowing-rowing ..."
        It is necessary to return to the article, to see where he came from to his beloved Greece, in connection with which the means of transportation was chosen ... Otherwise, Clio will be offended)))
        1. +9
          17 January 2023 11: 50
          And the slaves - "rowing-rowing-rowing ..."
          laughing love
          1. +7
            17 January 2023 13: 17
            Hadrian went to Antioch and Palmyra, then to the Balkans, where he founded the city of Adrianople in Thrace. On the way he visited Athens and was initiated there into the Eleusinian mysteries.

            So, maybe it was "Clock-Clock-Clock"? It is easier to get from Thrace to Athens by land.
            But the Eleusinian mysteries... Did you really look at this horror? Or how the uninitiated was not admitted to the secret part?
            1. +6
              17 January 2023 15: 53
              Eleusinian mysteries...
              Yes, there's nothing to worry about .. Kind, old custom. smile Initiated to the mysteries after death did not fall into Hades, but ascended to the gods or was reborn in a new life. The initiates not only believed, but were convinced that death was followed by birth, and hopefully accepted the transition to another kingdom. Everything ended with a feast and general reconciliation. Something like that, though they could have been killed if they disclosed it. smile
        2. +3
          17 January 2023 17: 54
          And the slaves - "rowing-rowing-rowing ..."
          I even know the name of one slave...
          1. +6
            17 January 2023 18: 49
            I even know the name of one slave...
            He is helmsman, not at the oars ..
        3. +3
          17 January 2023 19: 45
          Are you talking about the fact that the slaves swore? Sometimes even going beyond the bounds of decency?
          Or an addition to the Minister-Administrator's song?
          1. +3
            17 January 2023 20: 16
            Are you talking about the fact that the slaves swore?

            Yes, you won’t really quarrel there, they will immediately bring you to the “feeling”.

        4. +3
          17 January 2023 20: 38
          Quote: depressant
          And the slaves - "rowing-rowing-rowing ..."

          Damn! Masterpiece!!! Nothing makes me so happy as a beautiful phrase!!! bully bully bully
  6. +17
    17 January 2023 11: 20
    In Egypt, where this emperor later went, Hadrian lost his favorite Antinous, who drowned while traveling on the Nile.

    It wasn't like that. A crocodile dragged him away in the Great River. Right between the location of the future St. Mirozhsky Monastery and the Intercession Tower. laughing Friendly joke, according to the results of the forum.
    Valery - thanks for the article! drinks
    1. +13
      17 January 2023 11: 49
      Quote: Pane Kohanku
      It wasn't like that. A crocodile dragged him away in the Great River. Right between the location of the future St. Mirozhsky Monastery and the Intercession Tower. laughing A friendly joke, according to the results of the forum.
      Valery - thanks for the article!

      What museum in Greece you don’t go to - there are sure to be a couple of statues of Antinous: drinks

      1. +10
        17 January 2023 11: 52
        What museum in Greece you don’t go to - there are sure to be a couple of statues of Antinous:
        With injuries, no hands .. "Karkadil" bit off laughing
      2. +9
        17 January 2023 12: 23
        What museum in Greece you don’t go to - there are sure to be a couple of statues of Antinous

        So, he is the only mortal who, apart from the Anpirators, was honored to be a posthumous god! For more than dubious merit. laughing
        1. +9
          17 January 2023 12: 59
          For more than dubious merit.

          What to do... Was a slave, became a god. request "Everyone has their flaws" (c) laughing
          1. +7
            17 January 2023 14: 45
            From the ancient Greek and Roman gods and demigods, it is better to stay away. Daphne, Hyacinth, Syringa and others will not let you lie.
            1. +8
              17 January 2023 14: 58
              Quote from Korsar4
              Daphne, Hyacinth, Syringa and others will not let you lie.

              - I'm Daphne!
              - Idiot, why are you Daphne? laughing
              1. +6
                17 January 2023 18: 25
                Good evening, Sergey. smile
                Somehow, you and I almost simultaneously remembered the same movie.
                I, a little higher on a different occasion:
                "Everyone has their flaws" (c) laughing

                1. +3
                  17 January 2023 21: 03
                  Quote: Sea Cat
                  Good evening, Sergey.
                  Somehow, you and I almost simultaneously remembered the same movie.

                  Good evening Konstantin, not only fools have thoughts! hi
              2. +4
                17 January 2023 19: 47
                It's already a family name. And she did not have to turn into a laurel.
              3. +6
                17 January 2023 20: 09
                - Idiot, why are you Daphne?

                You tore off one of my breasts...
                - Go to the toilet and fix it.
                - You broke it, you fix it!
                The entire movie is full of quotes.
                Do you remember our Valery Ryzhov cycle about the mafia? good
                I remember:
                - Look, don't remember the cake! I promised my daughter to bring a piece!
                1. +4
                  17 January 2023 20: 11
                  Quote: Pane Kohanku
                  - You broke it, you fix it!

                  * -How do they walk like that? Do they have a motor inside? * laughing
                  1. +5
                    17 January 2023 20: 16
                    * -How do they walk like that? Do they have a motor inside? *

                    Hmm, Uncle, as the Alemanni would say:
                    - Derr Popetz she has - vundabaa! fellow good
                    1. +5
                      17 January 2023 20: 26
                      Quote: Pane Kohanku
                      Hmm, Uncle, as the Alemanni would say

                      And the dentist Alman would have noticed that the stern part of his wife Sarah was and remains the envy of Jennifer Lopez herself. bully
                    2. +5
                      17 January 2023 22: 23
                      * -How do they walk like that? Do they have a motor inside? *

                      Hmm, Uncle, as the Alemanni would say:
                      - Derr Popetz she has - vundabaa! fellow good

                      But comments. request wink
                2. +6
                  17 January 2023 20: 20
                  Quote: Pane Kohanku
                  Do you remember our Valery Ryzhov cycle about the mafia?

                  This is YES !!! It was a topic! But I didn’t get it about ours. It’s a pity.
                  1. +3
                    17 January 2023 20: 42
                    I didn’t get it about ours. It’s a pity.

                    Yeah, try it - make it! That's when it will be a pity crying
              4. +4
                17 January 2023 21: 34
                Great Movie: "Some Like It Hot"
        2. +9
          17 January 2023 13: 06
          For more than dubious merit.
          Able, so... laughing laughing
          1. +8
            17 January 2023 14: 36
            Able, so...

            I am not very strong in the history of antiquity, but in my brain Adrian was associated with two things - the shaft of the name of his beloved and the contribution of Antinoy to world sculpture.request
            1. +9
              17 January 2023 14: 48
              Quote: Pane Kohanku
              o in my brain, Adrian was associated with two things - the shaft of the name of his beloved and the contribution of Antinoy to the world sculpture

              There is also a statue of him in the Hermitage:

              Well, in the same place (where would we be without it?):
            2. 0
              17 January 2023 21: 37
              Before, there was nothing in my head except Adrianov's Wall.
              And now me first of all : Adrin administrator
      3. +10
        17 January 2023 12: 52
        Antitnoy must be shown not only from the front, but also from behind. Only in this way will we be able to appreciate this character to the full extent of his merits. smile
        1. +10
          17 January 2023 13: 11
          He was able, so .. laughing laughing

          I would say: "Had, so ..." belay laughing laughing
          1. +4
            17 January 2023 20: 42
            Quote: Sea Cat
            would say: "Had, so ..."

            And what is in the hand? The young man? What an interesting object. laughing
            1. +4
              17 January 2023 21: 31
              What's in your hand?

              Do not ask indecent questions! negative bully
              1. +3
                17 January 2023 23: 15
                Do not ask indecent questions!

                Sector "prize"! fellow I answer - part of Adrian. In the value system of Antinous - the best part. bully
      4. +3
        17 January 2023 17: 57
        What museum in Greece you don’t go to - there are sure to be a couple of statues of Antinous:
        "... And always with a buffet" (C)
        1. +5
          17 January 2023 21: 05
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          What museum in Greece you don’t go to - there are sure to be a couple of statues of Antinous:
          "... And of course with a buffet"

          In the Greek hall, in the Greek hall.... drinks
          1. +5
            17 January 2023 21: 36
            In the Greek hall, in the Greek hall....

            There's snacks on every corner. laughing drinks
      5. +6
        17 January 2023 20: 40
        Quote: Mihaylov
        What museum in Greece you don’t go to - there are sure to be a couple of statues of Antinous:

        How are they with bulls? In tomato? laughing
        1. +4
          17 January 2023 21: 28
          Quote: ArchiPhil
          How are they with bulls? In tomato?

          In Greece, as you know, everything is there! hi
          1. +4
            17 January 2023 23: 18
            In Greece, as you know, everything is there!

            Not a fig is there, except for lazy Greeks in person.
            How are they with bulls? In tomato?

            No, there are none in Greece. There, in general, seafood is extremely expensive, although these lazy people live in the middle of the sea.
            Gobies in tomato - I recommend, very tasty. good On the advice of one of our dear forum members, I tried it for the first time last year (in my entire life!). It's very gone. Now the Black Sea ones are sold, because there are almost no Azov ones, although they are tastier. drinks I have a "duty jar" in my fridge. Mine ate up half a can at night once last year .. feel Girls are such girls - they eat at night! request laughing
        2. +4
          17 January 2023 22: 32
          Yes, they have bulls lying around anywhere, and everything is past the urn. laughing
    2. +11
      17 January 2023 13: 08
      How I love these lines...
      Korkodil animal. Imat head basiliskovu. And the ridge of his aki is a comb, and the trunk of serpents, and when he tears the head of the body off, it is in vain crying on it. The trunk beats on them is angry. And always zinet, then the whole mouth is

      Or this:
      Korkodil is an aquatic beast, always having a man of yasti, weeps and sobs, but yasti never ceases

      For me, the descriptions are extremely colorful and fresh. Sometimes the direct speech of our ancestors simply delights ...
      1. +10
        17 January 2023 13: 36
        Sometimes the direct speech of our ancestors simply delights ...

        The speech of the ancestors is emotional, figurative! You read the description, and the sacred horror of the "corcodile" rolls over. But we have to use words that convey this horror - epithets, comparisons, etc. ... Set emoticons.
        1. +7
          17 January 2023 13: 59
          Theoretically, you can do without emoticons, but it's more complicated, you need "multi-bukof" and worse, a more extensive vocabulary.
          Personally, I perceive communication on this site as a friendly, (sometimes not very) conversation, which could be, for example, at the table. In this case, in addition to words, additional ways of expressing thoughts are also required that we could use in such a conversation - facial expressions, gestures, intonations, which are difficult to convey simply in text, and in this case emoticons are an excellent tool.
          Ancestors did not have a written culture developed to the same extent as ours, they mainly used writing to convey information, and not their attitude to it, so they did not need such signs. In other words, for them, writing the text was a labor, because it was caused by a specific need, for us, at least here, it is entertainment.
          In general, I think that emoticons will soon enter spelling, children in schools will be taught to write them correctly, explain the meaning of this or that sign, and so on.
          A living language is always changing and the more actively the more people communicate in it. Why not introduce emoticons into the school curriculum? To be honest, I don't see anything wrong with that.
          1. +6
            17 January 2023 14: 43
            . Why not introduce emoticons into the school curriculum? To be honest, I don't see anything wrong with that.

            I think so too. I guess over time it will. Writers, of course, will be outraged. How indignant artists are and put forward lawsuits against the creators of artificial intelligence, which is now quite decently creating pictures.
            Emoji are a modern version of rock art.
            . Emoji (from Japanese 絵e - "picture" and 文字 moji - "sign", "symbol"; pronunciation: [emoʥi]) is a language of ideograms and emoticons used in electronic messages and web pages, as well as the icons themselves. This graphic language, where combinations of pictures are used instead of words, originated in Japan and has spread throughout the world.
            1. +7
              17 January 2023 15: 17
              Quote: depressant
              artists are indignant and put forward lawsuits against the creators of artificial intelligence, which is now quite decently creating pictures.

              Seriously? wassat
              It's stupidity...
              However, for some "post-decanting neo-expersionists" who, by and large, draw scribbles, the creativity of neural networks, perhaps, takes a piece of bread. Write normal pictures, guys, and everything will be all right. If you can, of course. A chaotic uncontrolled stream of clouded consciousness, which pours out onto something flat and not very much through unsystematic strokes and flourishes and is hardly understandable even by the creators of this magnificence - this, in my down-to-earth opinion, is not art, but profanity.
              1. +7
                17 January 2023 15: 19
                Quote: Trilobite Master
                Write good pictures guys

                I suspect that most of them don't know how to draw... hi
                1. +7
                  17 January 2023 15: 28
                  I still think they can. But they don't want to - why? "We are well fed."
                  At first I drew something amusing, drew attention to myself. Advertising, criticism, the opinion of "connoisseurs" - all this is bought with money, if there is someone who agrees to invest them. Then you need to start behaving inhumanly, outrageously, scandalously, periodically go into a "creative crisis" in the form of hard drinking or treatment in a drug clinic, and then move on to the stage of "mature creativity"...
                  1. +8
                    17 January 2023 15: 42
                    Well, yes, well, yes ... the neural network will not beat itself to the FSB building for personal belongings)))
                  2. +7
                    17 January 2023 16: 37
                    I still think they can.

                    I don't think everyone can, but most certainly can.

                    Kazimir Malevich "Boulevard"

                    And his own "creativity" - "Two peasants against the background of fields".

                    I wonder if the peasants saw this "work"? And if you saw, the author was given a face? laughing
                    1. +5
                      17 January 2023 16: 53
                      Quote: Sea Cat
                      gave the author a face?

                      No, he ran away with the easel, with the words "I'll finish the rest later." The peasants looked at each other in bewilderment and went to work. smile
                      1. +6
                        17 January 2023 17: 18
                        , he ran away with the easel,

                        And dissolved in the "Black Square" laughing without sediment.
                      2. +6
                        17 January 2023 17: 32
                        No, after all, the peasants left a residue from his work ... laughing
                      3. +4
                        17 January 2023 19: 26
                        And if Malevich tried to paint a portrait of a crocodile, who do you think would laugh excitedly? wink
                      4. +5
                        17 January 2023 19: 49
                        "A lion cut like a poodle,
                        I ate the poor fellow like a pudding ”(c).
                      5. +5
                        17 January 2023 21: 41
                        Suddenly towards my good,
                        My favorite crocodile.
                        And a washcloth, like a jackdaw,
                        Like a jackdaw, swallowed.

                        It was he who confused the washcloth with Malevich. laughing
                      6. +4
                        17 January 2023 21: 43
                        The bear came quietly,
                        I pushed him lightly:
                        "I tell you, villain,
                        Spit up the sun soon!
                        But not that, look, I will catch
                        I'll break it in half,
                        Will you, ignorant, know
                        Our sun to steal!
                        Look rogue breed:
                        I snapped the sun from the sky
                        And with a full belly
                        Fell under a bush
                        Yes, and grunts asleep,
                        Like sated sow.
                        The whole world disappears,
                        But he has no sorrow! ”
                      7. +5
                        17 January 2023 20: 13
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        if Malevich tried to paint a portrait of a crocodile

                        I fully admit that the black square was written after such an attempt. So to speak, impressions from the inside of a crocodile. smile
                      8. +1
                        17 January 2023 21: 42
                        How ... Even a crocodile is not able to digest this! bully
                      9. +1
                        17 January 2023 21: 30
                        It’s not a fact that he didn’t present them with something like this (but it didn’t get into museums):

                    2. +5
                      17 January 2023 18: 49
                      "And I will draw you,
                      Such an impression
                      That never dreamed
                      Even Pable Picasso "(C)
                      You, uncle, must like it. Your answer is Picasso.
                      1. +5
                        17 January 2023 19: 22
                        Hello, Plyamash!
                        This is not my answer, but I liked the work, I would call it "Cat Patrol in the Winter City". smile
                        And I always liked Picasso's Blue Period.

                      2. +1
                        17 January 2023 19: 32
                        What I published is the same Sergei Stepanov.
            2. +5
              17 January 2023 16: 15
              Lyudmila Yakovovlevna, with all due respect, but the smiley in the school curriculum is too much. All the same, the people are not so degraded.
              And paper books will soon "die out": textbooks are already being published at the expense of state subsidies
              1. +3
                17 January 2023 18: 56
                Quote from lisikat2
                And paper books will soon "die out": textbooks are already being published at the expense of state subsidies

                Yeah. Now. Here you are, Katerina, tell those who are able to buy paper publications. I’ll say it differently, who can afford it! tom. Why, in this case, do I read * e-mail *? Money, money, money. bully
                After all, it is very similar to our kind of medical care. Who can pay, go to REAL doctors. No? The Internet and * district * are at your service.
                1. +4
                  17 January 2023 20: 19
                  That's what you, Katerina, tell those who are able to buy paper editions.

                  Uncle, for the life of me, but my mobile phone is a push-button. And I buy books only in paper form. Moreover, a separate personal happiness is to take a big book, go to the toilet to sit ... feel Alas, since childhood, such a skill has been honed! drinks
                  1. +3
                    17 January 2023 20: 30
                    Quote: Pane Kohanku
                    take a big book, go to the toilet to sit ...

                    It looks like we already have a habit at the level of genes! There used to be newspapers and books. Now there are smarts and tablets. But the essence is the same !!! laughing
                    1. +3
                      17 January 2023 23: 28
                      There used to be newspapers and books. Now there are smart phones and tablets.

                      One could read the newspaper and wipe oneself if the paper was not put down. wink And try to wipe yourself with a tablet, Uncle! bully
                      1. +4
                        17 January 2023 23: 42
                        You could read the newspaper and wipe yourself

                        Light a fire, wrap your feet in the cold, make a wad for a shotgun shell, and you can’t even hammer a nail with a tablet. request
                      2. +4
                        18 January 2023 00: 05
                        And the harsh Urals (Ryazan, Murmansk) (underline as appropriate) are able to hammer nails with a newspaper?

                        What happened to hammers and axes?
                      3. +1
                        18 January 2023 14: 05
                        If something heavy is wrapped in a newspaper, then it’s easy, but the trick won’t work with a tablet. laughing
                      4. +4
                        18 January 2023 06: 47
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        Light a fire, wrap your feet in the cold, make a wad for a shotgun shell, and you can’t even hammer a nail with a tablet.

                        I, on occasion, read it !!!! And you, eagles, staged some kind of competition, such as * Do it yourself * !. laughing laughing laughing
                        Good morning folks!
                      5. +2
                        18 January 2023 14: 07
                        We, as a people, only ingenuity and survive in this crazy world. drinks
                  2. +3
                    18 January 2023 06: 59
                    Quote: Pane Kohanku
                    And I only buy books in paper form

                    I repeat. But this is a very expensive pleasure. And if the question is, what to buy: a book or food? Then the answer is obvious. And now most of the population of our country is facing this question.
                    Cell phone? Probably force of habit? bully
                2. +3
                  17 January 2023 22: 13
                  Sergey, to REAL doctors. "I myself am in medicine, and I will say: sometimes a" district "doctor knows more than an academician.
                  There is such a story: when Stalin was going to the Tehran conference, he did not want to fly with the new General Head, but chose a simple lieutenant. Motivating this by the fact that a simple pilot often sits at the helm.
                  To be honest: there were and are many corrupt ones in medicine.
                  EVERYONE aspired to paid doctors. You know. But the novelty: if you make out a disability, a referral from a paid doctor is not really, you need a municipal opinion. There were cases that openly bought disability.
                  For this, ALL the management was replaced in the 17th, and now they are being reorganized: a third of the employees are offered: to quit or go to another clinic, and they are transferred there: from neighboring ones. A therapist from the 17th was transferred to us.
                  Many patients are angry: they got used to doctors, they knew the "dachshund *, and now ..... Bummer. They write" a cart "to the ministry
                  1. VLR
                    17 January 2023 22: 33
                    The same was said about the Queen. That he went to operate on appendicitis in a regular hospital, he said: Kremlin academics only know how to tell jokes, but I need them to be able to do operations. Considering that Zhdanov's Kremlin doctors, as it has already been established, had a heart attack on the ECG (and Tymoshchuk, who saw the heart attack, was discredited), you can believe it.
                    1. +2
                      18 January 2023 00: 06
                      The surgeon's daughter left the Kremlin hospital. Now in the district, in the neighboring region.

                      It doesn't happen often. But this is her choice.
                  2. 0
                    19 January 2023 18: 51
                    Look, if you are "expelled" then ....
          2. +7
            17 January 2023 14: 47
            I perceive the same. Like a table talk.
            Sometimes it is also important to be able to read between the lines.
            1. +5
              17 January 2023 15: 00
              Hello, Sergey. smile

              I agree, just like a table conversation, between completely different people. Perhaps it is interesting because, as a rule, like-minded people and people with whom it is pleasant to communicate gather at a real table, and here, of course, all people are present.
              1. +4
                17 January 2023 15: 31
                Hi Konstantin! It is no coincidence that Plutarch has such a book - "Table Talk".

                And you can always sit down at a large table with someone with whom it is interesting.
                1. +5
                  17 January 2023 18: 38
                  If there is a "bridge for communication" on the table, then the conversation will always be interesting, although sometimes unpredictable. wink

                  1. +4
                    17 January 2023 19: 06
                    Quote: Sea Cat

                    And where is the Russian ???Conspiracy? laughing
                    Good evening Konstantin!
                    1. +3
                      17 January 2023 20: 23
                      Where is the Russian?

                      Under the table, he will collapse last ... this is understandable. Meaning, he is to the left of the Jew, I see no other option. laughing drinks
                  2. +4
                    17 January 2023 19: 37
                    Checked. Repeatedly. Even in countries where you don't expect it.
            2. +6
              17 January 2023 15: 19
              Quote from Korsar4
              Sometimes it is also important to be able to read between the lines.

              To begin with, it would be nice to learn to understand whether something is written there (between the lines). And then you can read something like this... smile
              1. +5
                17 January 2023 15: 43
                Yes. Everyone knows how to see his "lamb in the box." And who is a "lamb in a piece of paper."
                1. +5
                  17 January 2023 16: 28
                  It's good if your lamb. Otherwise, you draw a box with a lamb, a viewer with a sleepy mind will open it, and there Hitler with Mein Kampf in his hands, or another creation ...
                  1. +5
                    17 January 2023 16: 53
                    The whole question is whose box was, in any case, it is better not to touch someone else's. laughing

                  2. +3
                    17 January 2023 19: 38
                    You can imagine anything. But making a decision based on uncertainty is sometimes fraught with consequences.
                    1. +3
                      17 January 2023 20: 18
                      Quote from Korsar4
                      based on uncertainty

                      I know a lot of people, including on this resource, who are not familiar with this word in principle. They can be quite clear what is in the box without even looking into it. Enough story Fomenko, for example.
                      1. +2
                        17 January 2023 20: 51
                        It remains to follow what was at the entrance. And what came out.
                      2. +2
                        17 January 2023 22: 01
                        It remains to follow what was at the entrance. And what came out.

                        So this is Schrödiner's Cat! good laughing

                      3. +2
                        17 January 2023 22: 15
                        Of course. So, slowly, the lamb was replaced with a cat.
                      4. +3
                        17 January 2023 22: 38
                        But this cat now publishes his own magazine! good
                        And an article in this issue on the topic: laughing

                      5. +2
                        17 January 2023 22: 44
                        Dundee is not enough for them.

                        However, he himself went to all sorts of scientists and not very gatherings with a notebook, on the cover was listed "Erundograph". All filled.
        2. +6
          17 January 2023 16: 14
          But we have to use words that convey this horror - epithets, comparisons, etc. ... Set emoticons.
          As for the methods of transmitting information on different media (paper, fence, etc.), Montaigne has lines in his "Experiments" where he mentions drawings on the fences of that time. In the XNUMXth century, with the development of literacy, the drawings on the fences were replaced by text with similar content. A return to emoticons in the XNUMXst century is a return to the time of Montaigne, especially since there is no way to make a grammatical error in a smiley.
          1. +3
            17 January 2023 16: 40
            Signs were needed in the era of illiteracy as intuitive symbols.
            Now, on the contrary, correspondence is the norm of communication. History develops in a spiral. In my opinion, there is nothing reprehensible in returning to the roots, but on a new level.
            Every living language changes. We are at a level of development when we can quite confidently talk about the presence of written language in everyday life. Accordingly, this speech should also change and develop. Why not in the direction of using additional graphic characters?
      2. +10
        17 January 2023 14: 23
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        Korkodil animal. Imat head basiliskovu. And the ridge of his aki is a comb, and the trunk of serpents, and when he tears the head of the body off, it is in vain crying on it. The trunk beats on them is angry. And always zinet, then the whole mouth is

        I'd be pissed too if I saw this.... wassat
        1. +4
          17 January 2023 20: 14
          I'd be pissed too if I saw this....

          I recall the well-known enthusiastic phrase of a not too sober, clairvoyant Pole who saw a beaver: "The beaver entered the water and drowned"... (in translation). laughing
          I'm a fart! wassat
  7. +12
    17 January 2023 12: 54
    Well, good emperor...
    Everything is relative, as Einstein said in the ad.
    For one very vindictive people, Adrian is worse than Nebuchadnezzar (Nevuhdnezzar) and Hitler combined.
    Although for some reason this did not become a household name in history.
    Since then, Armenia has been hanging out between large empires for 2000 years, eventually hating everyone in its history for some reason.
    But Hadrian's Wall largely helped to preserve the Romanized civilization on the island of Albion, at least until the early Middle Ages - after all, it might not have been preserved when the metropolis got bogged down in problems and collapsed.
    1. +9
      17 January 2023 14: 02
      Quote: faterdom
      But Hadrian's Wall largely helped to preserve the Romanized civilization on the island of Albion, at least until the early Middle Ages.

      The Roman legions left Britain in 410, and around 448 the first barbarians appeared there. Only now it is not known who - the Saxons or the Jutes. The Romanized civilization did not last long there...
      1. +2
        17 January 2023 19: 40
        A rather nice work of art came across - "The Rebellious Daughter of Rome" - about this period.
  8. +4
    17 January 2023 13: 00
    Such superficial articles make you think.
    Adrian does not look like a Roman, he looks like a Greek, he simply served the interests of the Roman Empire. And what kind of emperor was he if the title of the Romans was rex, that is, he was the commander-in-chief of the border troops.
    The Greek god of water is Achel, hence the name of the peoples of the Hellenes. Also known as Achilles, he drank water and became immortal.
    The Hellenes united with Rome and Egypt formed colonies as a result of the degradation of the population and beliefs.
    And then, in the end, Saint Anthony will call the Macedonian a pagan and send him to hell.
    Such changes took place in Rome, one type of people was replaced by another.
    1. +5
      17 January 2023 15: 07
      And where did these "your" firewoods come from? About the name of the Hellenes and so on? Completely different versions appear in dictionaries and encyclopedias. Did you take this from serious sources or from the sites of "alternatives"? Sorry, but all this really looks a bit like an alternative history .
      1. +1
        17 January 2023 15: 30
        A new princely tomb of the beginning of the XNUMXth century was discovered in France. BC.
        The central place in the burial chamber is occupied by a bronze cauldron, about 1 m in diameter.
        The four round handles are decorated with the heads of the Greek river god Achelous, depicted with horns and bull's ears.
        The older the artifacts, the more orthodox the people.
        And in Wikipedia, it says that the Romans assimilated the Hellenes and got the Hellenes.
        1. +7
          17 January 2023 18: 13
          The four round handles are decorated with the heads of the Greek river god Achelous, depicted with horns and bull's ears.
          No need for insinuations, this is the Celtic deity Cernnun.
      2. VLR
        17 January 2023 16: 27
        I'm afraid it's an alternative. Both the word "Hellenes" and the title rex are "deciphered" in a fantasy way, and the bronze cauldron is woven according to the principle "in the elderberry garden, and in Kyiv, the uncle."
        1. -2
          17 January 2023 23: 37
          It cannot be that the history of BC it is an alternative.
          People are so formatted that they don't even understand that there are 700 years between Macedonian and Christianity. During this time, there were Apis, Arapis, all sorts of cults, religions changed, races of people fought for the power of knowledge. Whoever wants to find the necessary information on the Internet.
          Who has a job, who has a hobby.
    2. +5
      17 January 2023 16: 02
      "call a Macedonian pagan", naturally, from the point of view of St. Anthony, all non-Christians are pagans
  9. +4
    17 January 2023 15: 56
    Good day to all.
    Valery, what is your opinion: did Pompia forge Trojan's will?
    I doubt you haven't explored this point.
    1. VLR
      17 January 2023 16: 30
      Now it is impossible to establish this for sure. You can also guess whose name he wanted to write, but Peter 1 did not have time: "Give everything back ..."
      So what is next? The poet M. Voloshin, for example, suggested this option:
      "Peter wrote with a stagnant hand:
      "Give it all ..."
      Fate added:
      "... dissolute women with their boyfriends."
  10. +5
    17 January 2023 16: 31
    Well, I guess)))
    To some extent, Adrian's craving for Greece was also due to the fact that in the families of the Hellenes, the wife is just a senior servant. But in Rome, women were endowed with rights equal to the rights of men, which might seem unacceptable to the brutal Adrian.
    Maybe this?
    1. +4
      17 January 2023 18: 33
      women in rome

      My God Luda love , what women?! Adrian and Antinous had enough. laughing
      1. +2
        17 January 2023 19: 33
        Otherwise, I didn’t understand from the hints generously scattered in the comments ... But Adrian was a ruler - not a private person! Difficulties in governance where women have a voice and influence. The Greeks cut off the second half of the votes, it was easier for them.
        By the way, have you noticed that Adrian is very similar to King Leonidas in the movie "300 Spartans"? I saw his sculptural portrait and thought: "A familiar face!" wassat )))
      2. +2
        17 January 2023 19: 57
        Uncle Kostya, good evening. It jars me: the general sodomy of that time
        Honestly, Christian values ​​are closer and more understandable to me.
        1. +4
          17 January 2023 20: 22
          Honestly, Christian values ​​are closer and more understandable to me.

          It was very convenient for Martin Luther to denounce the shortcomings of the Catholic Church of the early 16th century ... For on the faces and other places of many clergymen, traces of a "new fashionable disease" were growing with might and main - syphilis, according to one of the legends, brought to Europe with the expeditions of Columbus for 30 years before.
          That's what they were, "holy people." And Luther literally "poked them in the face" - they say, look in the mirror, saint ... It turned out - well! hi
          1. +3
            17 January 2023 21: 47
            And Luther literally "poked them in the face" - they say, look in the mirror, saint ...

            Yes, a fashionable disease: she
            Recently presented to you.
            1. +2
              17 January 2023 23: 24
              Yes, a fashionable disease: she

              - Drown everyone! angry

          2. VLR
            17 January 2023 22: 20
            But Christians at least theoretically condemned immorality. Although in practice, many of their theoretical knowledge was not tested. And before the Christians, as Pasternak wrote, "the sanguine swineness of the cruel, pockmarked Caligula" flourished.
            1. +3
              17 January 2023 22: 24
              And then the direct way to the dressing room I
              And I say to Aunt Pasha: they say, I will be in the evening.
              And she says to me: “With immorality
              We, comrade dear, have nothing to do.

              And my niece, Nina Savvovna,
              She thinks exactly the same
              She sold all her carrots today
              And went home at the place of residence.
        2. +3
          17 January 2023 21: 51
          Oh, come on... Christianity... there were enough sodomites in the Catholic Church, I think there were enough of them everywhere. negative
          Good evening, Vera. love
        3. 0
          20 January 2023 21: 07
          And the wholesale slavery of that time does not warp? Or gladiator fights?
  11. +5
    17 January 2023 17: 33
    Quote from lisikat2
    Good day to all.
    Valery, what is your opinion: did Pompia forge Trojan's will?
    I doubt you haven't explored this point.

    Then it doesn't matter anymore.
    The result is important.
    For example, it is more obvious that Constantine the Great did not transfer or bequeath his one of the titles to the Roman priest, namely, the pontiff (caretaker, or head of bridges, which was important for the empire in military, economic, and even informational and managerial terms), to him and it would never have occurred to me, where is the priest, and where are the bridges of the empire ...
    Nevertheless, the post of "chief of all Christians" of the Pope has existed for the second millennium, and everyone takes him seriously, although half of the Christians did not immediately consider him to be the boss, and from the remaining half - a thousand years later.
    And all because, at the right moment, they suddenly found "Konstantin's letter."
    And then all smart people understood everything, but try to argue in Europe when the Franks with their cavalry behind the "letter" looms.
    And so, the Pope simply exists in reality, although there were no scientific and legal grounds for this.
  12. +4
    17 January 2023 17: 38
    Quote: Luminman
    Quote: faterdom
    But Hadrian's Wall largely helped to preserve the Romanized civilization on the island of Albion, at least until the early Middle Ages.

    The Roman legions left Britain in 410, and around 448 the first barbarians appeared there. Only now it is not known who - the Saxons or the Jutes. The Romanized civilization did not last long there...

    The Angles, Saxons, Jutes and even later the Normans became the bosses, the elite, along the way distorting the language, almost beyond recognition. But the very organization of the state machine completely existed.
    But if the Picts, Celts and Scots had destroyed the Roman colonies and settlements, the country would have been different, completely different. Maybe more similar to Ireland.
  13. +1
    17 January 2023 19: 45
    Good evening: colleagues, Valery.
    "Everything was decided by the support of the prefect"
    He probably said something like this:
    - seigneurs, soldiers believe in Adrian. If you disagree, try to convince them. But I don't guarantee your life
    1. +2
      17 January 2023 21: 43
      Praetorian prefect, not just a prefect. It's like the FSO, the FSB, the National Guard and the capital's divisions in our time. Go and doubt that you are right - many emperors paid the price ...

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"