Greece expects "its own Kosovo" - in the north, in Epirus

Greece expects "its own Kosovo" - in the north, in Epirus

In the shadow of the "Kosovars"

Against the background of the confrontation between Kosovo and Serbia, the sharp aggravation of relations between Greece and Albania remains “little noticed”. Almost fraught with military conflict. It is characteristic in this regard that in Tirana they are now focusing precisely on the Greek direction.

At the same time, Albanians prefer to remain mostly "sympathetic" to their fellow tribesmen in Kosovo. In such a situation, it is quite possible to assume that the Albanian authorities consider it necessary to maintain the status quo with Serbia in connection with the promotion of the conflict with Athens.

To put it simply, in Tirana they are again making it clear to the Kosovars: we are not up to you. On the eve of the EU-Western Balkans conference in Tirana (the first ten days of December 2022), Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama literally burst into insults against Greece. In fact, provoking at least a break in diplomatic relations.

Meanwhile, a number of Albanian media published publications about the "unfair" Albanian-Greek border, the oppression of Albanians in the border regions of Epirus (north-west Greece), whose Albanian name is Chameria. In turn, Greece periodically "reminds" of the oppression of the Greek minority in southern Albania.

Edi Rama himself accused Athens of

“...we must behave differently from Greece. Greece cheated a lot. She took money from Europe, experienced a period of luxury, and then ended up very badly ”(referring to the most acute financial crisis in Greece in 2008-2012 - Approx. IN).

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis hesitated to respond in the same vein:

“...Our will is to put our bilateral relations on the path of even greater rapprochement. We continue to support Albania's EU aspirations."

Many experts explain this position of Athens by the aggravation of Turkish-Greek relations due to the oil and gas bearing Aegean shelf and some coastal islands. That is, Athens does not risk conflict on two fronts at once.

Imperialists from the West and "Stalinists" in Tirana

Meanwhile, in October 2022, a new round of negotiations on the maritime Albanian-Greek border turned out to be fruitless in Prague. Recall that the islands of Corfu, Erikossa and Vidal closely adjoin southern Albania: this is the northern region of the Greek Ionian Islands.

During the Stalinist period in Albania (1947-1990), especially since the early 60s, Athens preferred not to argue with Tirana about these borders, the passage of which Albania - mainly in its favor - achieved back in the mid-1960s. Since its confrontation with the post-Stalinist USSR and with Tito's Yugoslavia suited the West perfectly, Athens was "advised" to give in and not renew the maritime dispute with Tirana.

In the late 1990s, Tirana agreed to negotiations to clarify this border, and in 2009 the corresponding agreement was signed. But Edi Rama has been claiming for years that under that agreement, Greece illegally received 225 sq. m. km of Albanian waters.

The Albanian Constitutional Court upheld this position at the same time. And when E. Rama became prime minister - since 2013 - territorial disputes escalated. And in October 2021, it was announced by both parties that the same issue was referred to the International Court of Justice (in The Hague). But there is still no final decision.

In the north of Greece - another Kosovo

This is supplemented not only by mutual accusations, although more and more frequent, about the oppression of the Albanian and Greek ethnic minorities. Greece in November 2018 demanded territorial-national autonomy for the South Albanian Greeks, numbering about 80 thousand people.

The same idea at the official level is periodically put forward by the “post-Stalinist” Tirana about Chameria, where over 160 thousand ethnic Albanians live. Moreover, in these regions of Albania and Greece, illegal separatist groups have long existed: for example, in Epirus, since 2001, the Chameria Liberation Army has been operating.

Recall that almost all of Chameria was part of Albania in 1912–1918. As in 1941-1943. - during the period of occupation by Italy of Albania and western Greece, including all the Ionian Islands, up to Corfu and Kefalonia.

In a word, the Albanian-Greek border area is already slowly but surely turning into an analogue of the inter-ethnic conflict in Kosovo. Accordingly, confrontational relations between Belgrade and Pristina will be repeated, if not already repeated in Tirana's relations with Athens.
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  1. +19
    14 January 2023 04: 39
    In the championship of Orthodox ingratitude, the Greeks confidently take the “bronze” (Georgians “silver”, but the “gold” traditionally goes to the Bulgarians).
    If Russophobic Greece one day runs into problems, you should not feel sorry for her. Here it is enough to recall how this country supported the Ukrainian schismatics in 2018, and now it is sending weapons to Ukraine with might and main.
    1. +10
      14 January 2023 05: 26
      It is necessary, it is necessary for Greece to throw a spark into this conflict ... so that it has no time to think about supplying its weapons to the Nazi regime in Kyiv.
      1. +2
        14 January 2023 07: 26
        Kerosene, kerosene, but more.
        My comment is too short and does not carry any semantic load!
        1. 0
          21 January 2023 22: 52
          It will blaze in the Balkans - it will blaze throughout Europe! History confirms this, and we will also be drawn into it.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. for
      14 January 2023 07: 08
      Quote: Comrade
      In the championship of Orthodox ingratitude, the Greeks confidently take the "bronze" (the Georgians "silver", but the "gold" traditionally goes to the Bulgarians)

      And what will Russia get for throwing these and not them alone, even Russians in the former republics and even on the territory of Russia? Platinum!
    4. -3
      15 January 2023 20: 56
      ... you shouldn't feel sorry for her.

      What do you think you are talking about? Because of the policy of the country's leadership (which in total, well, a MAXIMUM of a couple of hundred wealthy people) to punish a country in which 10 and a half million people will pull a blow on themselves? What does it have to do with people who are quite normal about Russia. But because of the leadership and the "restoration of order" we will punish them. Probably just like the sanctions punished us. They talked about how to stop the Russian leadership, but the billionaires and ministers' salaries have grown and continue to grow. But prices and taxes for ordinary citizens keep going up and going up.
      When you say such "hatted" impudence, at least imagine that in the first place you are harming the ordinary population, which is NOT involved in the country's politics at all?!?!?!?
      But their leaders (from presidents and prime ministers to mayors and oligarchs) will not feel our "punishment". And what, they have millions in different foreign accounts, 2-3 citizenships and real estate in other countries with business. If anything, just dumped from Greece to a quieter place. But the consequences of our "punishment" will need to be dealt with by ordinary people who do not have dual citizenship, Swiss bank accounts and real estate in different countries of the world.
      1. +2
        16 January 2023 10: 44
        Quote: Mustachioed Kok
        What do you think you are talking about? Because of the policy of the country's leadership (which in total, well, a MAXIMUM of a couple of hundred wealthy people) to punish a country in which 10 and a half million people will pull a blow on themselves? What does it have to do with people who are quite normal about Russia.

        Oh, familiar mantras. Only earlier they sang like that about poor innocent Ukrainians. Who, all as one, are pro-Russian - but the trouble is, the evil Bandera people flew in from another galaxy, seized power and are oppressing them. And so they all quite normal attitude towards Russia - and they are just waiting for Russia to come, make them feel good and get back, without stopping them from panwing. smile
        Quote: Mustachioed Kok
        When you say such "hatted" impudence, at least imagine that in the first place you are harming the ordinary population, which is NOT involved in the country's politics at all?!?!?!?

        Welcome to the real world. When the population of the country is responsible for all the actions of their elected politicians. Democracy is not for you to eat lobio.
        Yes, by the way, were the German people of the 30s also not involved in the country's politics at all? wink
        Quote: Mustachioed Kok
        But the consequences of our "punishment" will need to be dealt with by ordinary people who do not have dual citizenship, Swiss bank accounts and real estate in different countries of the world.

        Well, since the people were satisfied with his leadership before, then he had to rake up the consequences.
        1. 0
          5 February 2023 19: 27
          Quote: Alexey RA
          the people of the country are responsible for

          This is wrong. Responsibility could be borne by the armed people who elected these politicians and have the right and opportunity to overthrow them. This is exactly what happened in ancient Rome. And in countries with a population, politicians themselves draw the desired election results, and no one can do anything with them.
  2. +5
    14 January 2023 05: 59
    In a word, the Albanian-Greek border area is already slowly but surely turning into an analogue of the inter-ethnic conflict in Kosovo.
    As long as Greece is a faithful vassal of the United States, no one will lay a finger on it, otherwise the notorious "fifth article" will turn out to be a reality
    1. +5
      14 January 2023 06: 23
      Quote: svp67
      While Greece is a loyal vassal of the United States ...

      I would say that as long as there is an uncompromising "sultan" in Turkey, Greece is needed for military bases. But as soon as the power on the shores of the Black Sea straits changes, anything can happen in Greece ...
      1. +2
        14 January 2023 07: 44
        All look at the weapons, and more importantly, which banks are fed from those territories.
        Maybe the same ones? They will keep peace and silence for the already set up feeders of Western banks
        1. +3
          14 January 2023 08: 36
          Quote: antivirus
          Maybe the same ones?

          The same, from all territories except the DPRK ...
  3. +2
    14 January 2023 06: 41
    The Helsinki Accords collapsed de facto when the USSR collapsed, and it was, in fact, the guarantor of the inviolability of European borders. Now, such agreements are not possible in principle, there is no one to be the guarantor of peace and security, in the good sense of the word.
  4. +3
    14 January 2023 06: 49
    Against the background of the confrontation between Kosovo and Serbia, the sharp aggravation of relations between Greece and Albania remains “little noticed”.
    And indeed it is so. I admit I learned a lot from the article, because it was not actively covered in the media. So Greece, in addition to the problem with Turkey, is brewing another territorial one with Albania, interesting. And in such a situation, the Greek authorities have also taken on the active participation in the "fight with Russia"? In my opinion, this country will soon face times harder than the financial crisis of 2008-2012. But today for some reason (?) you feel absolutely no pity for this country, and especially for its government.
    1. +7
      14 January 2023 07: 06
      Quote: rotmistr60
      you have absolutely no pity for this country, much less for its government.

      In my opinion, neither the country nor the government has ever needed pity, only peoples have needed pity at all times...
    2. -1
      15 January 2023 20: 15
      Are you talking about Bulgarian-Turkish graters
      you don't know about the Turkish minority in Bulgaria.
      1. 0
        19 January 2023 00: 17
        We know. There are none. There are no mutual claims. All the more territorial. Relations are normal, mutual respect.
  5. +1
    14 January 2023 07: 04
    My opinion is that the likelihood of such a conflict is far-fetched, as long as most countries of almost Europe have a carrot in the form of a "promise to join the EU" and a stick in the form of NATO bases, there will be no serious "incidents"; overseas masters are not interested in them.
  6. 0
    14 January 2023 07: 35
    Considering that Albania's external debt is the lowest in Europe, they have every right to accuse Greece of squandering. Albanians grow into the ground stronger than others. And population growth helps them in this. The outflow of Albanians was not the strongest, although it was sensitive.
    1. +2
      14 January 2023 19: 09
      Growth at TFR 1.32? He was some kind of penny there due to inertia, such as several thousand a year, but Covidla drove them into a minus, from which they are unlikely to get out - the number of fertile women and their desire to give birth is falling too quickly.
      Albania has lost almost half a million on immigration, which is a lot for a country of three million.
  7. +3
    14 January 2023 07: 49
    Unlikely. Apart from Albania, no one is interested in Greek Kosovo.
    1. +3
      14 January 2023 08: 07
      Albania is a member of NATO, Greece, too, which has a conflict with Turkey, is also a member of NATO, in expanding the conflict, no one is interested inside the bloc, Greek-Turkish is not allowed.
  8. +2
    14 January 2023 13: 05
    Quote: Comrade
    In the championship of Orthodox ingratitude, the Greeks confidently take the “bronze” (Georgians “silver”, but the “gold” traditionally goes to the Bulgarians).
    If Russophobic Greece one day runs into problems, you should not feel sorry for her. Here it is enough to recall how this country supported the Ukrainian schismatics in 2018, and now it is sending weapons to Ukraine with might and main.

    Not so simple.
    Ordinary people do not need a conflict; representatives of the Bilderber Club have always earned on conflicts - the so-called. world rulers.
    The USSR has always tried to smooth out such conflicts within itself.
    1. +1
      14 January 2023 13: 14
      Quote: Alex20042004
      always made money representatives of the Bilderber Club - so-called. world rulers.

      Cold, bloodthirsty, reptiles - reptilians ...
  9. +2
    14 January 2023 18: 59
    Albanians live in Kokosovo 10 times more and they made up under 90% of the population. Greek Albanians are simply not enough for full-fledged separatism, only for Tirana's constant diplomatic claims about insufficient support for their culture and identity. Here Macedonia has problems.
  10. 0
    14 January 2023 22: 16
    It would be nice to include explanations for the maps.
    It seems that Albania for the United States is the same seed for chaos, like Israel in the Middle East, and Ichkeria in the Caucasus.
    In the last two, the KSA and the Russian Federation were the targets, and Albania is kept for the EU.
  11. 0
    15 January 2023 11: 59
    As those in the know say, the Greeks have cooled off towards Russia after February 24. Well, let the Albanians and Turks set their minds straight.
  12. -1
    15 January 2023 19: 58
    Reminds me of the Lyuberetskys against the Dolgoprudnenskys.
    And in appearance even countries, with heads, militants, financiers, who are recognized by the UN.