Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation commented on the intention of the German authorities to transfer the frozen Russian assets to Ukraine

Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation commented on the intention of the German authorities to transfer the frozen Russian assets to Ukraine

State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin commented on statements by German government officials that frozen Russian assets could be transferred to the Ukrainian authorities "for the restoration of the country." Official Berlin does not hide the fact that the frozen financial assets of the Russian Federation are ready to withdraw (actually steal) and share the stolen Russian funds with Kyiv.

According to Vyacheslav Volodin, as soon as the German authorities take such a step, similar actions will be taken against German assets, as well as the assets of any other state that decides to commit the actual embezzlement of Russian funds.

The Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation recalled how Merkel and Hollande not so long ago actually admitted that they signed the Minsk agreements not at all in order for peace to come to Ukraine, but in order to allow the Kyiv regime to buy time and accumulate strength for further attacks on the Donbass and Crimea.


Recently, former German Chancellor Merkel admitted how, together with former French President Hollande, she deceived the international community. It is quite obvious that European states will have to pay for what is happening in Ukraine (Washington washes its hands in such situations). Primarily Germany and France. Today the German government has decided to shift the problems that their predecessors created onto our country.

The speaker of the lower house of the Russian parliament emphasizes that the West itself creates a precedent, on the basis of which any country in the world, at its own discretion, can seize other people's funds and property, violate international financial law, only on the basis of what it sees fit.

German leadership from stories one's own country must remember how attempts to encroach on someone else's ended.

Volodin reminded the West that Crimea, Sevastopol, the DPR, LPR, as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions are the territory of the Russian Federation, which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the basis of the people's will, which the West will have to take into account.
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  1. fiv
    5 January 2023 10: 25
    The dogs will choke. And who does not choke himself, we will help
  2. +27
    5 January 2023 10: 27
    It is time for the entire leadership of the Russian Federation, including Volodin, to finally stop being simpering and playing nobility with enemies - Russia has been declared a WAR of annihilation and it is impossible to win this war in white gloves with gentlemen's politeness.
    Business as usual will never be with the US and the EU for sure.
    All intellectual and other property of enemy states, their individuals and legal entities on the territory of the Russian Federation must be completely nationalized.
    1. +9
      5 January 2023 10: 31
      If the Germans steal from us, then we will steal from them.
      But the Germans "froze" our money - did we "freeze" theirs? Tell me, Volodin! It is clear that there is not so much German dough in Russia, but defiantly ...
      1. +5
        5 January 2023 11: 26
        Andrey. There are assets. Offhand - car assembly plants.
      2. +8
        5 January 2023 12: 24
        Another funny thing is that Russian money in Germany and France has already been blocked and effectively taken away, while in Russia the funds of these countries, as well as other assets and property, have not been touched yet and they will "only be thought about"! if the blocked Russian funds are transferred to Ukraine. Wow! They will only think about it! Unfortunately, the reason for this situation is clear, Russia has a very vulnerable spot - the Kaliningrad region. Obviously, this is the reason for such "loyalty" to the funds of unfriendly countries on Russian territory, as well as the reason why gas and oil and other things go to these countries. Well, and as for the fact that they "cheated", you know, it's not funny at all, it's like our master of world chess, political games", "great multi-move player" and so on and so forth was fooled? So it turns out that he is not a great multi-move player, but a gullible simpleton who can be promised anything, like Gorbachev in his time, they pulled the wool over his eyes? Is that how it turns out? Hmm...
        1. +7
          5 January 2023 12: 53
          Quote: Monster_Fat
          Unfortunately, the reason for this situation is clear, Russia has a very vulnerable place - the Kaliningrad region. Obviously, this is the reason for such "loyalty" to the funds of unfriendly countries on the territory of Russia, as well as the reason for which gas and oil, etc., go to these countries.

          What does the Kaliningrad region have to do with it? Vulnerable place of Russia is one! This is her ruling class!!! That is the reason for all loyalty!
      3. -2
        5 January 2023 12: 50
        Quote: Cat Alexandrovich
        It is clear that there is not so much German dough in Russia, but defiantly ...

        I would not say so - a lot of assets, the same Siemens or Volkswagen ...
    2. +4
      5 January 2023 11: 25
      Alexander is right. It turns out that Volodin is the smartest, he explained to the bourgeoisie and to us fools that the confiscation of Russian assets is a violation of international law. I don’t understand how he even figured that out. The bad thing is that when our government gets another blow from the West, it first boasts that it will hurt, just get ready. Time passes and old sayings are heard that revenge is a dish that should be served cold, and how not to shoot yourself in the foot. This means that the interests of our specific Russian stakeholders in the West have been taken into account, the answer has been put in the refrigerator and frozen there. To hell with them. But such behavior encourages the enemy to do new nasty things. Putin makes things worse by explaining that the enemy takes our modesty for our weakness. It is unclear whether there is actually weakness or not.
      1. 0
        7 January 2023 08: 45
        The bourgeois explains to the bourgeois ...
        in Mikhalkov's voice Ironic
    3. +4
      5 January 2023 11: 42
      "A thief stole a baton from a thief." What are we to worry about? To honest people of Ukraine, Russia or Germany CASH money still won't come...
    4. 0
      5 January 2023 11: 49
      That's right! And it's time to forget about these billions, it's time for adequate answers, but there are none. Either the management has no desire, or the management has impotence without the right to treatment.....
    5. -1
      5 January 2023 12: 08
      This is all understandable and justified, but how do you nationalize the intellectual business in the Russian Federation?)
    6. +1
      5 January 2023 13: 03
      Quote from StarWarrior
      It is time for the entire leadership of the Russian Federation, including Volodin, to finally stop being simpering and playing nobility with enemies - Russia has been declared a WAR of annihilation and it is impossible to win this war in white gloves with gentlemen's politeness.
      Business as usual will never be with the US and the EU for sure.
      All intellectual and other property of enemy states, their individuals and legal entities on the territory of the Russian Federation must be completely nationalized.

      Well, then their (Russian officials) property in the West will be confiscated. And they have something to lose. After all, for 30 years they were engaged in the fact that everything was exported from Russia to the West.
      1. -1
        5 January 2023 23: 53
        They've already lost everything. Confiscation is an empty formality. They will find a justification, they will adopt laws. After all, they freeze it not in order to return it later with interest and pay losses.
        1. +1
          6 January 2023 02: 30
          Quote from StarWarrior
          They freeze after all not in order to return later

          This is ordinary blackmail. They freeze in order to force them to act in a certain way. And then everything depends on how the blackmailed will behave. Under the USSR, such a problem could not even come close to arising. But if we have integrated into the world capitalist system and our ruling class is a periphery in relation to world Capital... So what is there to expect? Of course, we can puff out our cheeks, root for the "Russian world", shake our Soviet military past... but as long as we move in the wake of the world capitalist system, it will not be any different!
  3. +7
    5 January 2023 10: 28
    In order not to be overwhelmed with sadness, something needs to be done. In any case, no one has yet heard of Russia issuing penalties for the illegal use of Russian money. Somehow it is not particularly told about the nationalization of German property .... The war with Russia is waged without rules. regardless of any international laws. Then why all these gentlemen's antics and the protection of German property on our territory???? Perhaps because some officials protect this business and have tips from this.
    1. +1
      6 January 2023 02: 42
      Quote: zloybond
      Perhaps because some officials protect this business and have tips from this.

      You argue like our liberals - you just need to put all bad officials in jail, put honest and good ones in their place ... and we will live! It's not about the officials, they are only service personnel! When the system is such that, for example, 20% of Rosneft belongs to BP... And, in general, all of our business is tied to foreign and is in a subordinate position in relation to world capital, it cannot be otherwise! Our "effective owners" will bend to the end in front of their foreign patrons, trying to preserve their assets. And any state acts strictly in the interests of the ruling class! Who is the ruling class under capitalism, I think, there is no need to explain ... Not officials at all ... wink
  4. +6
    5 January 2023 10: 32
    Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation commented on the intention of the German authorities to transfer the frozen Russian assets to Ukraine
    . What and why to comment???
    Our eltki stubbornly wanted to be built in ... but where and why, they only could know, or rather they believed that they knew, and the West showed them, proved that they were suckers, they were patient, for them.
    Unfortunately ... a lot of things can be listed, but this is unlikely to change anything.
    Yes, go ahead, marking time is not useful ... oh yes, do not step on the old rake, this is no longer comme il faut!
    1. 0
      6 January 2023 02: 53
      Quote: rocket757
      and the West showed them, proved that they suckers, sufferers, for them.

      Well, yes, having 30% of the world's raw materials resources, some remaining Soviet industrial and scientific and technological legacy and the only nuclear potential on the planet capable of destroying the world hegemon ... they claimed a place at the Main Table. And so that the children would study in the same schools, and there were estates in the neighborhood, and yachts parked nearby ... And they are constantly pointed to a place near the slop bucket ... Unpleasant ... But they do not lose hope! Therefore, they will bend to the last. It is very difficult to part with a dream! laughing
  5. +7
    5 January 2023 10: 33
    According to Viacheslav Volodin, as soon as the German authorities take such a step, similar actions will be taken
    The threats of the Russian authorities began to be perceived as meaningless words.
    1. +3
      5 January 2023 10: 59
      And because!
      Kherson and Zaporozhye regions - the territory of the Russian

      How many percent? They also gave away a piece.
      1. 0
        6 January 2023 02: 58
        Quote: novel xnumx
        How many percent?

        Fully! Kherson and Zaporozhye regions - the territory of the Russian Federation, partially under the occupation of a foreign state ...
    2. 0
      6 January 2023 02: 56
      Quote: Keer
      thunderstorms of the Russian authorities began to be perceived as meaningless words.

      The threats of the Russian authorities will soon become the same meme as the "last Chinese warning"! For those who don’t know, google it, a very accurate and unpleasant analogy ...
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. 0
    5 January 2023 10: 37
    Well, it looks like the Russian Federation's response will be tough - anti-assets. And if anything happens, we'll give our last shirt for Putin and Volodin.
  9. 0
    5 January 2023 10: 43
    Quote: Cat Alexandrovich
    It is clear that there is not so much German dough in Russia, but defiantly ...

    There is a lot of German dough in Russia ... for 18 billion ... so the Germans better not do stupid things.
    1. -3
      5 January 2023 11: 56
      yeah ... the only question is which of these assets is private property, which for Putin and Co. is a sacred cow ... the state of Germany hardly kept its assets in wooden ones. so something really nationalize will not work
  10. +2
    5 January 2023 10: 46
    Well, yes, well, yes, but for now we will call them our partners and rant that we must comply with contracts with them!
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +4
    5 January 2023 10: 58
    Quote: ximkim
    if anything, we will give the last shirt for Putin and Volodin.

    I will not give the hut, the spoon and the wife to anyone. smile
  13. +1
    5 January 2023 11: 00
    Another "red line"? To say this is not to carry bags.
  14. -3
    5 January 2023 11: 03
    A good friend of mine, who is in the highest echelons of power, told me that Volodin is the most important LGBT in our country. In short, he is rear-wheel drive. What else can you expect from such a person in power?
    1. +1
      6 January 2023 03: 00
      Quote from: FoBoss_VM
      I have one good friend who is in the highest echelons of power

      Is your friend his lover or what? laughing
    2. -1
      6 January 2023 19: 03
      Quote from: FoBoss_VM
      What else can you expect from such a person in power?

      Is it jealousy that has seized you now?
  15. 0
    5 January 2023 11: 09
    And to say that it will be the second on June 22 is weak ???
  16. +2
    5 January 2023 11: 10
    Quote from: FoBoss_VM
    A good friend of mine, who is in the highest echelons of power, told me that Volodin is the most important LGBT in our country. In short, he is rear-wheel drive. What else can you expect from such a person in power?

    A good friend of mine, an old woman, at the market says that there are only aliens from the planet Alpha Centauri sitting there... and they have sex in their planetarium in a completely different way.
  17. 0
    5 January 2023 11: 27
    What Volodin says. The phrase should be shorter, and it is useless to lecture anyone.
    They can give any money to anyone, we have frozen ~300 yards and Russia's claims regarding frozen assets will remain for 100 years and 200 years, they will have to be returned in any case within the framework of negotiations and the Paris Club of creditors.
  18. +2
    5 January 2023 11: 34
    So far, only an artistic whistle. After the first decisive action, the situation should change. As soon as German firms lose their property, they will immediately sing differently. And especially if US property is confiscated.
    1. -4
      5 January 2023 12: 00
      Nothing will happen!!
  19. -5
    5 January 2023 11: 51
    but does he want to say anything more about the 9th CARZ ???

    and yes, it was not the director who sold this plant (as some reproached on the site), who fought for the enterprise to the last, but Rostec ...

    unfortunate Chemezov still lacks money ... but the fact that the state is in a state of proxy war with the NATO bloc does not interest him, apparently ...

    how did they shout cheers - "patriots", pieces of iron garbage, will we make new ones ???
  20. -1
    5 January 2023 11: 59
    In addition to a skeptical smile, this next "exhaust" from this "sir" does not cause !!
  21. -1
    5 January 2023 12: 41
    According to Vyacheslav Volodin, as soon as the German authorities take such a step, similar actions will be taken in relation to German assets, as well as assets of any other state that decides to commit the actual embezzlement of Russian funds.

    Why hasn't this been done yet?
    Why weren't the assets of the countries that arrested our 300 billion arrested?
  22. -1
    5 January 2023 13: 00
    And the Russian Federation will not take retaliatory measures.
    IT CANNOT: the current elite is too tied to the West: children, huts, money, yachts - everything is there, and not in the homeland.

    It has long been obvious: the SVR, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the GRU do not catch mice at all and there is not a single more or less sane analyst left at the top, they have lost the habit of listening to the smart ones.
    Especially if what they advise is "against wool"
    Rather, smart ones are in short supply.
    Because these thieves' departments have been getting into "warm places" for at least half a century, not according to their minds, but only dumpling sons.
    The result is natural.
  23. -1
    5 January 2023 13: 49
    Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation commented on the intention of the German authorities to transfer the frozen Russian assets to Ukraine
    . The eternal question: - "What are you going to do, you, the government and the Supreme High Command"? People's money was frozen, but the impression is that the "convicted" are only concerned about the squeezed out funds of our oligarchs. Meanwhile, Western business is slowly selling our businessmen their assets in Russia.