From the history of betrayal - world and Russian. They are not the first and, alas, not the last.

From the history of betrayal - world and Russian. They are not the first and, alas, not the last.

Why do they betray?

Traitors... Who are they? When does the path of betrayal begin? And is there a reward for betrayal? After all, we know traitors who feel great - they faithfully serve one politician, but when the situation changes, they run over to the side of another. People say about such people: they change their shoes in the air.

We will also talk about these. And, as we will see, betrayal is the deliberate infliction of harm (material, moral or physical) to a trusted person or group of people. There is a proverb: "The road to big money leads to the devil." People make a deal with their conscience, take bribes, step over moral principles in order to achieve some temporary benefit, today's comfort, earthly well-being and temporary blessings. Not without reason, a long time ago, Omar Khayyam wrote:

“Have smaller friends, do not expand their circle. Take a calm look at everyone who sits around. In whom you saw support, you will suddenly see the enemy.

A well-known French saying says: "Only their own betray."

The author of the Divine Comedy, Dante, placed traitors and traitors in the last, 9th circle of hell. All of them were frozen in the Ice Lake Cocytus. According to the Florentine genius, betrayal is the most terrible crime. Therefore, Lucifer, the king of evil, doomed to imprisonment in the center of the earth, gnaws the traitors with his three mouths. Who is in this circle?

Judas who betrayed Christ and the murderers-traitors of Julius Caesar Cassius and Brutus. Let's start with Judas, talking about stories betrayal and ways of betrayal. And in the next - about the worthy heirs of Judas Iscariot. So.

Traitor #1 and Cain's Seal

Since the events of the Gospel, humanity has not known a name more shameful and base than the name of Judas Iscariot. Almost everyone knows the story of how one of Christ's closest disciples betrayed his Teacher for thirty pieces of silver. But the gospel talks about betrayal very sparingly, and this is understandable, because the gospel is the story of our salvation, and not the story of the betrayal of Judas.

Evangelists are interested in Judas only in connection with the Sacrifice of the Cross of the Savior, but not by itself. Therefore, the story of the fall of Judas will forever remain a mystery. But ancient Christian interpreters turned to the topic of Judas' betrayal, and the most important fact, without knowing which it is impossible to understand Judas' inner motives, was cited by the Apostle John. Judas was a thief.

He handled the financial affairs of the apostles. The amounts distributed to the poor were not accountable, no one could check whether Judas distributed the money, or appropriated part of it to himself. This lack of accountability, apparently at an unkind hour, seduced Judas. I would like to finish the sad story about the betrayal of Judas with the words of John Chrysostom:

“Notice this, you money-lovers, and think about what happened to the traitor? How did he lose his money, and sin, and ruin his soul? Such is the tyranny of the love of money! He did not use silver, neither the present life, nor the future life, but ... he strangled himself.

Today, the name "Judas" is given to those who are suspected of treason. So, Lenin called Trotsky Judas back in 1911. The same one found his "plus" in Iscariot - the fight against Christianity. Trotsky even wanted to erect monuments to Judas in several cities of the country. Trotsky himself wrote of Judas thus:

“Of the twelve apostles, only Judas turned out to be a traitor. But if he were in power, he would prove that the other eleven were traitors.

Correct remark?

Fast forward now to the XNUMXth century to the events of the Great Northern War between Russia and Sweden. At this time, Hetman Mazepa went over to the side of the Swedish king Charles XII. After the defeat of the army of Charles XII near Poltava, the hetman-traitor fled to the Ottoman Empire and died in the city of Bendery. For betrayal of the oath, he was sentenced to civil execution with the deprivation of titles and awards that he received from the king.

In 1709, Peter I ordered to make a single copy of the Order of Judas, which was awarded to Mazepa for betrayal. The Russian Orthodox Church anathematized him. Valentin Pikul described the inglorious end of the illustrious hetman, who was devoured by lice:

“Mazepa howled and scratched, shook off handfuls of lice, but they arose again with such incomprehensible speed, as if the body of the old man himself gave rise to this evil spirits.”

This is the punishment he received. And how many of today's Judas do not get what they deserve?

However, Judas was not the first traitor. The Bible tells about another traitor - the murderer of a brother out of envy. Remember: the murder of Abel by Cain, the Old Testament story. The Book of Genesis tells that the first son of Adam and Eve, the farmer Cain, killed his younger brother Abel, the shepherd, because the gift brought by Abel turned out to be pleasing to God, in contrast to Cain's offering.

The seal of Cain is the seal with which God branded Cain after the murder. In a figurative sense - "the stigma of a crime." This doomed him to the life of an exile and a wanderer.

From Brutus to the Assassination of Emperor Paul

"Et tu, Brute?" - "And you Brute?" the quotation is widely used in cases where the speaker believes that he was betrayed by someone whom he previously trusted. Let me remind you that on the Ides of March 44 BC. e. conspirators led by Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus killed Caesar, who considered Brutus his friend. They say that at first Caesar resisted the attackers, but when he saw Brutus, he said these words and left himself for reprisal.

In Russia, the assassination of Emperor Pavel Petrovich is reminiscent of the assassination of Caesar. On March 24 (like Caesar, Paul was killed in March), 1801, Emperor Paul I was killed in his bedroom in the Mikhailovsky Castle. The conspirators did not like Paul's policy. At the same time, Pavel granted amnesty to many political prisoners of that time. Among those pardoned, which is significant, was the philosopher Alexander Radishchev, whom Catherine II sent into exile for his work "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow."

But at the same time, Paul I reduced the privileges of the nobility: he introduced strict discipline and new orders in the army. The nobility, naturally, was dissatisfied. Historians prove that the British paid money to the conspirators, and the British ambassador oversaw the conspiracy. The fact is that Paul began to establish relations with Napoleon and even made joint plans with him for a trip to India.

But at this time, relations with Britain went down sharply. The murder of Paul destroyed the alliance with France and led in the end to the war of 1812! In his memoirs, Alexander Velyaminov-Zernov immediately after the tragic events wrote:

“The English ambassador to the Petersburg court at that time was Whitworth. I don’t know whether the idea of ​​Paul’s murder was communicated to him from England, or whether it was born in his Petersburg friendly society and was only reinforced from London with financial benefits ... "

As you know, Paul I was killed by his own guards. And before the murder, the guards demanded that the emperor abdicate in favor of ... his son Alexander. Is it because the topic of the assassination of Paul I for many years in Russia was under an absolute ban.

Censorship severely suppressed any hint of his unnatural death. According to the official version, he had an apoplexy. Although at court there was a joke for a long time: "The emperor died with an apoplexy blow with a snuffbox to the temple."

Russia's first dissident

In violation of chronology, these few lines about Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Kurbsky. Boyarin, one of the most loyal associates of Ivan the Terrible, it was Kurbsky who commanded the Russian army in the Livonian War. But with the beginning of the oprichnina, many boyars fell into disgrace, including Kurbsky.

Fearing for his fate, he abandoned his family and in 1563 defected to the service of the Polish king Sigismund. And in September of the following year, together with the conquerors, he opposed Moscow. Kurbsky knew perfectly well how the Russian defense and army were organized. Thanks to the traitor, the Poles were able to win many important battles, setting up ambushes, capturing people, bypassing outposts.

Kurbsky is the first Russian dissident, and the Poles consider the boyar a great man. But in Russia he is a traitor. For treason, Sigismund gave the prince vast estates in Lithuania and Volhynia. Kurbsky was also the first of the traitors who tried to give an ideological justification for his act. Moreover, this justification was presented by Prince Kurbsky not to anyone, but to the monarch whom he had betrayed - Ivan the Terrible. Kurbsky wrote:

“And yet, king, I tell you at the same time: you will no longer see, I think, my face until the day of the Last Judgment. And do not hope that I will be silent about everything: until the last day of my life, I will constantly rebuke you with tears before the beginningless Trinity.

As you can see, today's dissidents "constantly denounce" the country from which they fled. And power. And what about Grozny? Here is a snippet from his response:

“You, for the sake of the body, destroyed the soul, despised the imperishable glory for the sake of the fleeting one, and, being furious with a person, rebelled against God. Understand, unfortunate one, from what height into what abyss you have fallen in body and soul! The prophetic words came true on you: "Whoever thinks that he has will lose everything." Is your piety in that you ruined yourself because of your selfishness, and not for the sake of God?

Interestingly, in Poland, Kurbsky actively participated in internecine conflicts, trying to seize the lands of his neighbors. Replenishing his own treasury, Kurbsky traded in what is now called racketeering and hostage-taking. Rich merchants who did not want to pay for their freedom, the prince tortured without any remorse. The prince was married twice in Poland, and his first marriage in a new country ended in a scandal, because his wife accused him of beating.

These were only the most famous traitors of the past, who have worthy successors of Judas, Cain, Brutus ... About them - in the next article, as well as about the scouts who went over to the side of the enemy, surrendering the network of our agents, and about the current "fifth column".
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  1. +14
    6 December 2022 05: 11
    “These were only the most famous traitors of the past, who have worthy successors of Judas, Cain, Brutus…”


    1. +13
      6 December 2022 12: 24
      I agree. Marked is the greatest mega-traitor in the history of mankind. All the rest - they were not even close to him in terms of the scale of betrayal ..
      1. +2
        7 December 2022 05: 10
        Well, the "Marked Misha" figure is convenient to dump anything on him. However, it was not he who actually made maximum efforts for the collapse of the USSR. They pass over in silence the main participant in the collapse, the one who, by duty and oath, had to make every effort to preserve the USSR, namely, the all-powerful KGB. The irony of fate is that the USSR perished, in many respects, not without the help of the structure created and called upon to protect it ...
        1. 0
          8 December 2022 03: 29
          Quote: Monster_Fat
          namely, the all-powerful KGB

          By that time, only the name remained from the KGB, due to the many reorganizations of this structure.
  2. +9
    6 December 2022 06: 21
    The author probably does not know the Gospel of Judas?
    Quite a historical account of famous events in Jerusalem.
    Prince Kurbsky, one of many who fled from Ivan IV.
    But he really entered into correspondence with him.
    Is saving your life from righteous or unrighteous anger a betrayal?
    The guards did not kill Paul I.
    The organizers of the coup were Nikita Panin and Pyotr Palen.
    And who did they betray?
    Caesar became dictator for life, tribune for life, prefect of morals, supreme pontiff.
    In fact, he usurped all power in Rome. Decided that he is God.
    Naturally, not everyone liked it. And what is the betrayal of the murder of a usurper?
    Mazepa is a seeker "from good to good". True traitor.
    And who did not remain faithful to the oath, too, traitors?
    1. +8
      6 December 2022 06: 36
      Good morning, Sasha. smile

      I'm afraid this is just an introduction, a preamble, so to speak, it will be even cooler, and if with the same "reliability and knowledge" of modern realities, then at least we'll laugh in the comments. wink

      And who did not remain faithful to the oath, too, traitors?

      At one time, all those who were captured, for one reason or another, were declared traitors. What to do - war, but since then they have learned something, not to act according to the principle "they cut the forest - the chips fly."
      1. +6
        6 December 2022 06: 43
        Hi Kostya!
        Traitor is an offensive and shameful word.
        But betrayal can be interpreted in a very broad sense.
        Today a traitor, and tomorrow?
        I guess about the meaning of further articles.
        I hope we learn something new about the fifth column laughing
        1. +5
          6 December 2022 06: 49
          Today a traitor, and tomorrow?
          I guess about the meaning of further articles.

          1. "Today he plays jazz,
          And tomorrow he will sell his Motherland!"
          2. I hope they will not be in this section.
          1. +6
            6 December 2022 07: 05
            I hope they will not be in this section.

            Who knows... Who knows... "Inscrutable are the ways of the Lord" smile

            Today the guy in the beard
            Where is tomorrow? In the NKVD

            Hello Anton! drinks (about the beard without a hint))))
          2. +8
            6 December 2022 07: 16
            Hello Anton!
            "Today the guy smokes Kent, and tomorrow the enemy agent!"
            1. +5
              6 December 2022 08: 51
              Hi Sasha!
              I was wondering if Savva Morozov, who patronized the Carbonari, is he a renegade or not?
              1. +7
                6 December 2022 13: 09
                Quote: 3x3zsave
                Savva Morozov, who patronized the Carbonari, is he a renegade or not?

                Taking into account the aftermath, it’s just a fool.
                But, you know, I remembered an old Soviet film about the notorious Alexandra Kolontai. There, her reporter asks how she, being a noblewoman, dares to speak on behalf of the working people? Here I am, they say, from a family of workers, I can ... To which Alexandra Mikhailovna, without hesitation, answers - I think we both betrayed our class!
                1. 0
                  6 December 2022 22: 23
                  I remembered an old Soviet film about the notorious Alexandra Kolontai
                  The film "Ambassador of the Soviet Union". Kolontai was played by Yulia Borisova. 1968 Good film.
              2. +2
                6 December 2022 13: 48
                No, of course not a renegade. Generally a complex soul. But I think that I sincerely helped in the fight against the Sartraps.
          3. +2
            6 December 2022 08: 26
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            1. "Today he plays jazz,
            And tomorrow he will sell his Motherland!"

            This is just the initial step towards the sale of the Motherland. wink

            P.S. I myself adore jazz, especially New Orleans blues, although I do not intend to sell anything ...

            Quote: ee2100
            And what is the betrayal of the murder of a usurper?

            Do you want to philosophize? wink
            1. +7
              6 December 2022 08: 39
              In general, there is no desire to philosophize.
              I'm not talking about a specific label.
        2. +11
          6 December 2022 08: 28
          Quote: ee2100
          about the fifth column

          Oh, this notorious * fifth column *! Here are all the troubles in the Fatherland from it. Yes, if these renegades were not in what fabulous sour-milk country we lived ?! laughing
          Find villains and expose! bully
          1. +7
            6 December 2022 08: 37
            Good morning!
            Yes, Sergey is all from them. And how good would we live without these columns drinks
            1. +6
              6 December 2022 08: 47
              Quote: ee2100
              Sergei everything from them.

              Good morning Sasha!
              The topic is certainly interesting. It’s interesting, but Field Marshal Paulus can be attributed to the category of traitors? The view from our side is understandable. A fighter against Hitler’s tyranny and so on, but? recourse
              1. +3
                6 December 2022 13: 43
                A traitor - definitely, like Vlasov for us.
              2. +2
                6 December 2022 15: 47
                Quote: ArchiPhil
                It’s interesting, but Field Marshal Paulus can be attributed to the category of traitors? The view from our side is understandable. A fighter against Hitler’s tyranny

                It would be nice if Stauffenberg ...
                1. +4
                  6 December 2022 16: 10
                  In August of the 44th, he signed an appeal to the German people about the fight against the Nazi system. So it’s quite suitable for itself. Another thing is that Stalin’s plans didn’t include an army of German prisoners of war. How to create it.
                  But Stauffenberg is more of a conspirator.
          2. +5
            6 December 2022 10: 53
            Oh, this notorious * fifth column *! Here are all the troubles in the Fatherland from her.
            For some reason, they are embarrassed to call this "fifth column" the oligarchs, who essentially govern the state. That's it, they call them liberals. smile
      2. 0
        6 December 2022 20: 07
        Those who were taken prisoner were declared deserters. And 11 years in prison, which could be replaced by three months in a penal company.
      3. 0
        16 December 2022 19: 47
        Another scam by liberals....
    2. +4
      6 December 2022 06: 39
      The author probably does not know the Gospel of Judas?
      It is unlikely, by the way, that its authenticity was established not long ago .. The author, for some reason, does not characterize the murder of Rasputin in any way .. They lured, poisoned, shot, secretly, threw him from the bridge while still alive .. smile Apparently he was killed by "garlic" ..
    3. +2
      6 December 2022 07: 48
      Quote: ee2100
      The author probably does not know the Gospel of Judas?

      There are a great many such "gospels", from Thomas, Mary Magdalene, numerous Judas, etc. - and, all from the life of true traitors, speaking your language.
    4. +4
      6 December 2022 08: 41
      Kurbsky most likely converted to Catholicism once he married twice in Poland, which Ivan the Terrible seems to write about when speaking about the death of his soul, so it fits under the betrayal of faith
      1. +2
        6 December 2022 13: 42
        Then Prince Dovmont is a traitor?
        Will the people of Pskov only agree with this?
    5. +4
      6 December 2022 09: 12
      The guards did not kill Paul I.
      The organizers of the coup were Nikita Panin and Pyotr Palen.

      Hello everyone, and have a nice day. drinks
      As you know, Paul I was killed by his own guards. And before the murder, the guard demanded

      Well, as it were, very rude reservations, I agree. Most of the conspirators had nothing to do with the protection. However, some of the officers from the guard of the Mikhailovsky Castle did participate (but not the fact that they were beaten personally). For example, the Bennigsen group was led to the chambers of the emperor by Argamakov, the parade-de-camp of Paul.
      1. +2
        6 December 2022 11: 47
        But you remember, two guards, the conspirators, were killed anyway .. A hussar and another one. Yes, and the guard of the Mikhailovsky Castle was involved in the dark. I'm talking about privates.
        1. +4
          6 December 2022 12: 23
          But you remember, two guards, the conspirators, were killed anyway .. A hussar and another one. Yes, and the guard of the Mikhailovsky Castle was involved in the dark. I'm talking about privates.

          Good afternoon. One. According to Sablukov. These were chamber hussars (servants in uniform), whom Pavel personally placed in his hallway when he removed the horse guards from the guard on slander. One chamber hussar was stabbed to death, the other was wounded, but tried to call for help, however, to no avail. The privates were called to stand still, and they did not move. Sometimes an excessive passion for discipline comes out sideways ...
          For some reason, Bennigsen in his memoirs remembered only one chamber hussar, who, they say, “just got hit on the head with a stick,” but made a fuss. True, Leonty Leontievich tried to shield the Zubovs as well - they say that neither Nikolai nor Plato were in Pavel's bedroom.
          In the film "Poor, poor Pavel" another remarkable type is shown. One of the conspirators begins to read in French to the emperor about the abdication, to which the hero V.I. Sukhorukova yells: "Not a Frenchman!" Sablukov mentioned a certain French valet Zubov, who jumped with his feet on the stomach of the tsar, defeated by a snuffbox.
          1. +3
            6 December 2022 13: 01
            Here we figured it out smile Pavel's guards did not kill .. The author is probably not aware of these events. smile
            1. +5
              6 December 2022 13: 12
              Pavel's guards did not kill .. The author is probably not aware of these events.

              If we take into account Argamakov and Poltoratsky, then, if they didn’t kill them personally, they took part in the conspiracy. But the wording of the author of the article (about "killed by his own guards") is frankly incorrect, yes. drinks
              1. +3
                6 December 2022 13: 17
                frankly incorrect, yes
                I would say, even very much .. And there are no parallels with the cases cited by the authors. Each case must be considered separately. They do not intersect in any way.
                1. +4
                  6 December 2022 13: 21
                  Each case must be considered separately. They do not intersect in any way.

                  I agree. Michael further down the branch also laid out everything in detail. hi
    6. 0
      27 February 2023 14: 58
      Did he write the gospel quickly and run off to hang himself?
  3. +8
    6 December 2022 06: 22
    As you know, Paul I was killed by his own guards. And before the murder, the guards demanded that the emperor abdicate in favor of ... his son Alexander.
    Until today, this was unknown .. Colonel Yashvil, the Zubov brothers, Bennigsen are these guards?
    1. +6
      6 December 2022 07: 26
      So what to do? The counts were paid a little, they had to earn extra money ......
    2. +1
      16 December 2022 19: 51
      They even had UCHO, Private Security Guard Certificates ... Not lower than the 4th category .. laughing
  4. +5
    6 December 2022 08: 05
    Here's another, from the "traditions of the deep antiquity" .. Prince Vasilko Terebovlsky was tricked into Kyiv, the senior princes, seized, tortured, blinded, it would have been for that, they would have been killed .. But from not a long time ago. The monument stands to the great Russian writer, you yourself know who laid flowers. When this writer lived abroad, he called on his homeland to bomb with atomic bombs .. Kanesh, trifles, and not a traitor at all. Or, a philosopher, a Russian, at one time, so as not to smear the back of his head with brilliant green, they sent him abroad on a ship .. And taaaam .. he began to write panegrics to Mussolini, Hitler, urged them to deal with their homeland, they say it is not like that now. .And today, the monument stands, evil tongues claim, for money, you yourself know who. Flowers are laid, the fighter against communism, from the fighters against communism.
    1. +2
      6 December 2022 08: 12
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      Kanesh, little things, and not a traitor at all. Or, philosopher, Russian

      A person is weak and helpless, evil in this world, as is well known, triumphs, so why carp at some notorious boards.
      1. +6
        6 December 2022 09: 04
        so what to find fault with some notorious boards.
        Oh yes! It's different .. laughing
    2. +7
      6 December 2022 08: 17
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      philosopher, Russian, at one time, so as not to smear the back of his head with brilliant green, they sent him abroad on a ship .. And taaaam.

      What an interesting question you raised. In the eyes of people, he is a traitor. In the eyes of * you know who * he is a person worthy of perpetuation. Where is the line? Or does it all depend on * an imperious gaze *? bully
      1. +5
        6 December 2022 08: 35
        In the eyes of the people he is a traitor
        Not everyone, that's not all, a philosopher's book, you know who they slipped it to, read it at night, there are letters on paper, interesting pictures .. So I got lost. Yesterday they laid flowers to the famous writer and philosopher, but today once! And a monument to a communist .. Here doubts are tormenting, what if we make peace with the United States, will the monument to Fidel be demolished? Or will they move it somewhere else?
        1. +6
          6 December 2022 08: 54
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          monument to Fidel, will they take it down?

          Yes, the list turns out to be somehow strange. Manerheim, Ilyin, Krasnov, Denikin are a few more controversial characters in our history. Ambiguous, let's say. The memorial in Katyn can be recalled.
          1. +6
            6 December 2022 09: 37
            And how are they sometimes presented? For example, A.I. Denikin, as they write about him, refused to cooperate with the Germans and sent wagons with medicines from the occupied territory. It seemed, but live on in France .. But no, he quickly packed his things and ran to the USA. But Admiral Stark, who lived in Paris and worked there as a taxi driver, after the liberation of Paris, did not dump in the USA, there was no money already, roofing felts really did not cooperate with the Nazis.
            1. +1
              6 December 2022 09: 53
              Quote: kor1vet1974
              It seemed, but also live further in France .. But no, I quickly packed my things and ran to the USA

              Anton Ivanovich, in occupied France, the Gestapo began what is called to press. He had no other choice but to run across the ocean.
              1. +9
                6 December 2022 10: 13
                Yes, yes, from the occupied territory and to the USA, the Gestapo helped to issue a passport. Denikin, after the liberation of France, faded to the USA. the future of Russia and, of course, the Gestapo did not know about it.
              2. +5
                6 December 2022 10: 17
                Quote: bober1982
                was, except to run across the ocean.

                Well, of course! And in 1946, to address a well-known letter to Harry Truman. bully
                And some princesses in the same France went under the guillotine fighting Nazism.
                1. +1
                  6 December 2022 10: 29
                  Quote: ArchiPhil
                  And in 1946, to address a well-known letter to Harry Truman

                  He showed weakness, maybe later he repented, because you can’t look into the soul.
                2. +6
                  6 December 2022 10: 30
                  And some princesses in the same France went under the guillotine fighting Nazism.
                  A rare exception, unfortunately .... Papik, the current pretender to the throne, welcomed .. Germany's attack on the USSR, the throne hoped to return the crown of the Russian Empire, but did not know that the crown was stored in Ireland .. smile They gave it on bail, in the year 1951, they bought it out ..
                  1. 0
                    6 December 2022 10: 40
                    Quote: kor1vet1974
                    Papic, the current pretender to the throne, welcomed the German attack on the USSR

                    The heir, dad was a Prussian prince, no need to slander him.
                    Great-grandfather, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich, so recklessly marked himself with greetings.
                    1. +5
                      6 December 2022 10: 57
                      Everything is so reckless, by chance, I didn’t want to, I realized .. Oh, yes, I repented later .. laughing
                  2. +5
                    6 December 2022 12: 35
                    Papic, the current pretender to the throne, welcomed .. Germany's attack on the USSR, the throne hoped to return the crown of the Russian Empire, but did not know that the crown was stored in Ireland.

                    Rubbish is rubbish. These are our "heirs to the throne." Just not the applicant's father, but his grandfather.
                    Seriously in Ireland?
                    And then I remembered these two applicants.
                    1. +3
                      6 December 2022 12: 57
                      Yes, it was like that, they wanted to sell it as a whole, but the owners could protest and the sale could not take place. They didn’t dare to disassemble the pebbles, they found a way out, on bail to Ireland .. This happened during the famine.
                      1. +3
                        6 December 2022 13: 10
                        This happened during the famine.

                        What exactly was this crown? How did she get there?
                      2. +5
                        6 December 2022 13: 24
                        The one that is shown in the Book House .. a duplicate of course .. You can go and see it, at least 5 years ago, it was there. The original is stored in the Diamond Fund, in Moscow ..

                        The Great Imperial Crown of the Russian Empire, the main dynastic regalia and symbol of the power of Russian monarchs, was created in 1762 for the coronation of Catherine II. But it belonged to Catherine, it’s hard to say, since there were several similar crowns in the Russian Empire, but only one survived. The empresses put on the so-called small or holiday crowns at some ceremonies. they were the private property of the empresses and after their death were destroyed, and the stones were distributed according to the will. In the crown there are 1393 diamonds, with a total weight of 586,92 carats, as well as 2167 rose-cut diamonds, silver 256,96 g, gold 2,26 g.
                      3. +4
                        6 December 2022 13: 39
                        So a duplicate or an original was taken to Ireland? And how? And how did you get it back?
                        The empresses put on the so-called small or holiday crowns at some ceremonies. they were the private property of the empresses and after their death they were destroyed, and the stones were distributed according to the will.

                        As far as I understand, Cthulhu himself will break his leg in our crowns.
                        Oleg Ivanov in his monumental work "Peter III. The Mystery of Death" raises the question - what kind of crown did Pavel "crown" daddy's ashes with?
                      4. +2
                        6 December 2022 14: 22
                        They took the original out in the 30s and returned it 20 years later .. God knows which one, crowned it and dismantled it into pebbles. Duplicate, there is glass, you could see it in the Book House, on Nevsky ..
                    2. +4
                      6 December 2022 14: 11
                      Quote: Pane Kohanku
                      And then I remembered these two applicants

                      Eh, you didn’t pay attention, buddy, you watched this movie, inattentively. After all, in a number of episodes it is mentioned that we are talking about a large imperial crown. bully
                      And also during the tour of the museum for journalists and interested parties, at the end of the film, and about Abel, and about Cain. laughing
                      1. +2
                        6 December 2022 14: 25
                        Eh, inattentively you, my friend, watched this film, inattentively.
                        And in a number of episodes it is shown..
                      2. +2
                        6 December 2022 14: 26
                        And also during the tour of the museum for journalists and interested parties, at the end of the film, and about Abel, and about Cain.

                        Yes, he took out all the brains of foreign tourists there. laughing And the movie is great. "Grinya, cuckoo..." belay
                      3. +3
                        6 December 2022 14: 33
                        "Grinya, cuckoo..."
                        This is in the second part. "New Adventures of the Elusive". "The Crown of the Russian Empire or Elusive Again", this is the third part. smile
                      4. +1
                        6 December 2022 14: 58
                        This is in the second part. "New Adventures of the Elusive". "The Crown of the Russian Empire or Elusive Again", this is the third part.

                        No no! In the third part, too, these are the last words of Burnash, during his detention in the Hermitage. laughing
                      5. +2
                        6 December 2022 15: 06
                        No no! In the third part too -
                        Well, yes..
                      6. +2
                        6 December 2022 16: 04
                        Quote: kor1vet1974
                        The crown of the Russian empire or Elusive again", this is the third part.

                        And, to be honest, the weakest. Of course, this does not apply to actors! hi
      2. +1
        6 December 2022 10: 26
        .Where is the line? Or does it all depend on the *imperious gaze*?

        Why "dominant"? Just from a glance. From morality driven into the head of a particular person. Do many Americans consider Washington a traitor? But he is a traitor. And Emelyan Pugacheva? What about husbands who leave their wives?
        But surely there were tribes and times when running away, defecting to the side of the strong was just a common thing.
        So this is just an assessment of an act by someone. More precisely, the morality embedded in his head. And what kind of morality is better - everything is simple. The herd (country) survived in the fight against others - this morality has passed natural selection. It will be preserved and passed down from generation to generation.
        1. +3
          6 December 2022 10: 59
          You know, interestingly, those Lithuanian princes who switched to the service of the Moscow Grand Dukes are not considered traitors, and the Tatar princes, who also switched to the Russian service ..
          1. +2
            6 December 2022 13: 43
            You know, interestingly, those Lithuanian princes who switched to the service of the Moscow Grand Dukes are not considered traitors, and the Tatar princes, who also switched to the Russian service ..

            EMNIP, the main part of the Russian princes was descended from either Rurik, or Gediminas, or Genghis Khan. Exceptions of the 18th and 19th centuries are often princes of the Holy Roman Empire or other countries. For example, Suvorov, Menshikov and Zubov. But Potemkin and Kutuzov - as far as I understand, the Russian princes are from the generosity of our autocrats.
            1. +2
              6 December 2022 14: 29
              Suvorov, was awarded the title of Prince of the HRE, Menshikov was also .. Speaking of pedigree, they came from the Svei land, but historians believe that they are their own, not a native. If we talk about people from other lands, then, according to the logic of the author, did the Moscow princes take traitors into the service? smile
              1. +2
                6 December 2022 14: 57
                Suvorov, was awarded the title of Prince of the HRE

                "Vika" writes - Sardinian kingdom. Didn't follow the links, didn't check.
                If we talk about people from other lands, then, according to the logic of the author, did the Moscow princes take traitors into the service?

                You can also remember Dovmont that he was a prince in Pskov. Also came from Lithuania.
                1. +3
                  6 December 2022 15: 11
                  Eeeee ... Dovmont, this is different, was invited, and there was no place for him in Lithuania, "but where should the peasant go" (c) .. I don’t talk about that much ... Read the author, it turns out, to the service then Moscow princes took traitors .. The same Glinskys, whom they didn’t serve until they settled in Moscow .. smile
                  1. +4
                    6 December 2022 20: 06
                    Read Author

                    It seems that most of us have already agreed that the article was not the best. drinks Perhaps the author could write better. How good people, we wish the author good luck in developing the depth and theme of his own work. hi Because for some, criticism is a rejection of further attempts, for others it is an incentive to improve their own knowledge of the subject. hi
                    But about Pavel in the article - an oxymoron came out! stop
                    Viktor Ivanovich is sincerely upset by such a style ... negative By the way, he turned 71 this year. November 10, Police Day. drinks

                    The film based on the play by Merezhkovsky is not at all historical, but it was shot wonderfully. good And who else could convey the personality of the Gatchina Hamlet himself, if not Sukhorukov? .. request Nobody! Only he! Yes For the first time on the movie screen, we are dealing not with the "stamp of imperial/Soviet historiography" (so, unfortunately!), but with Man. Although not very balanced... hi
  5. +3
    6 December 2022 08: 31
    Quote: ArchiPhil
    Where is the line? Or does it all depend on the *imperious gaze*?

    It all depends on which side you look at the object ...
    1. +6
      6 December 2022 08: 50
      Quote: Luminman
      It all depends on which side you look at the object ...

      I'm afraid that with regards to our country, everything depends on the specific opinion * of the first person *. hi
    2. +6
      6 December 2022 14: 05
      Quote: Luminman
      It all depends on which side you look at the object ...

      Hmm. It turns out that you can look at an act from three sides. For?
      From the side of the betrayer.
      From those whom he betrayed.
      From those who benefited. bully
      1. +3
        6 December 2022 14: 23
        It turns out that you can look at the act from three sides

        That's how everyone looks. Remember the proverb about who is right - the hunter or the hare? ..
  6. +3
    6 December 2022 10: 42
    Cheating is a violation of fidelity. And fidelity is the immutability of thoughts, attitudes, feelings and duties. Betrayal is when trust, hope, an oath are betrayed, it does not provide assistance.
    But the definition of the concepts of treason and betrayal are synonymous, if we talk about the state, about the Motherland. So, this is the most terrible sin before people and before their country ...
    But can any dissident be accused of betrayal and treason? After all, it turns out then that thousands of them were burned at the stake by the Inquisition ... not at all because of thirty pieces of silver in their pocket.
    And Christ was betrayed not only by Judas, but also by the Apostle Peter. Only Judas thought about the betrayal, planned and carried it out. And the denial of the Apostle Peter was caused by fear. It was a spontaneous reaction to danger. And the difference is that Judas did not realize his betrayal, and Peter realized his act, his betrayal, repented of him without losing hope for mercy. But there is a paradox for a Christian in that he must be guided by the law of God and be faithful to God. Despite the fact that the law of God is one for all, the views of Christians on "treason and betrayal" (in certain situations) can be diametrically opposed. Here the Germans walked across the USSR, burning and killing millions of innocent children, women and the elderly under the slogan "Gott mit uns" - "God is with us", and it's inaudible that the vicar of God on earth, the Pope of Rome, reassured all Catholics that these creatures are as if they got into the Ninth Circle of Hell and Lufitser eats them with his three mouths ...
    1. 0
      6 December 2022 12: 03
      Quote: north 2
      . Here were the Germans across the USSR, burning and killing millions

      Quote: north 2
      guilty children, women and the elderly under the slogan "Gott mit

      Here is a correction - the majority in the cleansing teams were Ukrainians and Balts and a few other renegades of the country of the Soviets
  7. +2
    6 December 2022 11: 57
    And why is this Kurbsky dissident all of a sudden? Did he want to change the order? No, he just, like London inmates, wanted to snatch property and power ..
  8. +8
    6 December 2022 12: 16
    I did not understand the meaning of the article. Does the author simply list those whom he considers traitors? Then it's not interesting.
    Before talking about betrayal, you need to define the term itself. What the author proposes does not suit me categorically. Piss yourself:
    betrayal is the deliberate infliction of harm (material, moral or physical) to a trusted person or group of people.

    With such a formulation, we will not go far, honestly. Let's say I cheated on my wife. Once, by chance, he tried to erase all traces, did everything so that she would not recognize. She did not recognize, therefore, she did not suffer, she did not suffer any harm. Am I a traitor?
    And if she found out, purely by chance, despite my efforts, and suffered, then what then?
    And if she found out, but she doesn’t care about me and my adventures, so she didn’t suffer, then how?
    And if she doesn’t care, but I thought that she was worried and was worried about her betrayal, but it turned out, in vain? Which of us is then a traitor, if only I suffer?
    Yaroslav the Wise, who refused to pay his father's way out and began to prepare for war with him in 1015 - a traitor?
    Vladimir Monomakh, who sat down on the grand-ducal table in circumvention of the rights of his cousins ​​- a traitor?
    Dmitry Donskoy, who unleashed a war with Mamai, whom he paid before, and then he felt sorry for the money - a traitor?
    Is Princess Evpraksia Vsevolodovna, who snitched on her husband Emperor HRE Henry to the Pope of Rome, a traitor?
    Or here is an example from the recent past. Was General Aleksey Alekseevich Brusilov a traitor? And if so, how many times?
    In short, the author needs to thoroughly work out the definition of betrayal, how to evaluate it, etc., that is, study the theory before moving on to practice. smile
    1. +6
      6 December 2022 12: 38
      Quote: Trilobite Master
      Piss yourself:

      Forgive me generously, colleagues, the new phone has its own vocabulary and for some reason loves this word very much, although I do not use it. Inserts it anywhere, do not keep track. That's right, judge for yourself.
      1. +6
        6 December 2022 13: 05
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        That's right, judge for yourself.

        Thank you Lord, otherwise I already had time to think what the devil knows))))
    2. +5
      6 December 2022 13: 04
      Does the author simply list those whom he considers traitors?
      I didn’t list everyone, it says at the end that other traitors will be discussed in other articles, so the series is waiting for us.
      1. +5
        6 December 2022 13: 16
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        so we have a series.

        It sucks if that's the case.
        But maybe at the end we are waiting for some kind of generalization? So to speak, on the basis of the studied material, some parallels will be drawn, some patterns will be revealed, hypotheses will be formulated ...
        Do you think it's unlikely? smile
        1. +5
          6 December 2022 13: 41
          Yes, what generalization can there be, what is common between Judas and the same Brutus? Brutus is ideological .. Judas, so not only Judas is involved there, Paul, who refused Christ up to the third roosters, I don’t remember already, isn’t he a traitor? Or Peter? What can I say? The author sees it this way. smile I doubt it, at the expense of patterns and everything else .. smile
          1. +5
            6 December 2022 13: 52
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            what is common between Judas and the same Brutus?

            That's what I'm talking about - to find what is in common between Judas, Brutus, Dmitry Donskoy, Brusilov ... Or to prove that there is nothing in common. Give a definition of betrayal, explore the roots of its origin, outline the qualifying signs, evaluation criteria, including depending on the consequences ...
            For example, the question is: is betrayal always evil?
            But, to be honest, I seriously doubt that this can be expected of us. Alas.
            1. +5
              6 December 2022 14: 36
              As Tyleran said: At the time to betray, this is not to betray, but to foresee.
          2. Fat
            6 December 2022 16: 05
            hi Paul (Saul) is also a traitor! It is necessary that the most active agent of the Sanhedrin, Everywhere and everywhere cruelly persecuting the Disciples of Jesus and their followers, once lost in the desert, suddenly becomes a Christian, moreover, an apostle...
            Here it is "God's Providence" - an exchange of betrayals, if we take as a basis the author's version, which did not define the phenomenon of a sharp change in priorities laughing
    3. +4
      6 December 2022 13: 14
      Dmitry Donskoy, who unleashed a war with Mamai, whom he paid before, and then he felt sorry for the money - a traitor?
      This is different. smile There is some kind of muddle with the money .. Donskoy did not want to pay Mamai, because he considered Tokhtamysh the main one. But having broken Mamai, he also threw Tokhtamysh, and he didn’t care that Donskoy, twice Mamai broke, the main thing was money, therefore he burned Moscow. Difficult, financial relations, of that time. smile
      1. +5
        6 December 2022 13: 25
        That is, in a general sense, it turns out that if the betrayal is because of money, then it is not considered as such? laughing
        Nothing personal, just business...

        Well, yes, purely in a capitalist way, very modern.
        Well, as for the relationship between Mamai and Dmitry, at first Dmitry paid him ... It was when the chair staggered under Mamai, he remembered that there was a "legitimate" Khan Tokhtamysh ... Well, Mamai was also good - he wanted to moreover, for no reason to increase the tribute.
        1. +4
          6 December 2022 13: 34
          Well, yes, purely in a capitalist way, very modern.
          Actually, nothing new. As one satirist, the deceased, said, All because of money.
      2. +3
        6 December 2022 15: 57
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        Donskoy did not want to pay Mamai

        There the question was not in tribute, but in its quantity)))
        It's just that Mamai was not a Genghisides, and when he usurped power in the steppe, in Moscow this item of expenditure was sequestered a little. But then the former temnik strengthened the vertical of power and demanded compensation for the losses...
        In general, the illegitimate head of state received a complete blow and a blow from the reserve regiment for his unfounded claims.
  9. +4
    6 December 2022 13: 42
    Quote: bober1982
    Quote: ArchiPhil
    And in 1946, to address a well-known letter to Harry Truman

    He showed weakness, maybe later he repented, because you can’t look into the soul.

    Really? And when the Volunteer Army was created on the territory occupied by the Germans in 1918, is this also "out of weakness"?
    Our "patriots" in general have the most wonderful flexibility of mind ..... Denikin is the territory of Ukraine and the Don region, Kolchak is the Primorsky Territory, the Japanese are Americans, Yudenich was supplied by the British .......
    The gallows, gentlemen, only the gallows in 1947 found Krasnov on merit. And unfortunately the Americans buried Denikin with honors. As commander in chief of the US allied army. Probably, too, "repented"? ... yeah ... to hell in the next world.
  10. +5
    6 December 2022 14: 24
    We are waiting for the next article about HMS and EBN. They are more than worthy of the 9th round.
  11. +1
    6 December 2022 22: 23
    Das .. Somewhere there is a monument to the only (?) Who did not betray the country in 93, and led the troops to defend the White House ...

    And for examples of betrayal, you don’t have to go so far into history. Wherever you poke your finger, you will end up in the “compromising suitcases” of the security official, then in the crusts of the CPSU of its gravediggers who took oaths to the CPSU, then in its zealots who did not recognize the LDNR for 8 years, then in the patriots who clapped while standing in the Duma, then in the regularly “straightened borders" of "effective managers from power", then into the son of one "sleeping" patriot from Omerik ....

    No Judas and Kurbskys are needed. Everything before your eyes...
  12. 0
    7 December 2022 07: 27
    Where is the truth? What books. It is still officially unknown who Jesus Christ and Abel were. And on the Internet they just won’t write.
    Ten years since the Age of the Wolf began. Chinos is a wolf who opposed the dragon, opposed the bird. So it turned out Simargl who will answer questions. Because there is no one else on the horizon.
  13. 0
    7 December 2022 08: 22
    Quote: ee2100
    Prince Kurbsky, one of many who fled from Ivan IV.
    But he really entered into correspondence with him.

    Why did he run away? Is it because because of his betrayal the detachment of Russians was destroyed by the Poles?

    Quote: ee2100

    Is saving your life from righteous or unrighteous anger a betrayal?

    If you save your life at the cost of the lives of others - yes.

    Quote: ee2100

    The guards did not kill Paul I.
    The organizers of the coup were Nikita Panin and Pyotr Palen.

    And the performers? And how did these performers get into the guarded castle? The guards did not kill, but they are involved in the murder, probably not for free.

    Quote: ee2100

    Caesar became dictator for life, tribune for life, prefect of morals, supreme pontiff.
    In fact, he usurped all power in Rome. Decided that he is God.
    Naturally, not everyone liked it. And what is the betrayal of the murder of a usurper?

    Most of his "usurpation" was to their liking. Ultimately, Caesar's successors, his political heirs, retained power. The Republic has exhausted itself.
    However, this whole story with the "betrayal of Brutus" is nothing more than a bike. The fact that Brutus was the son of Caesar is not a proven fact. It is also not clear that Caesar recognized Brutus and called him by name. "Brutus" is Latin for "beast". Caesar could call any of those who attacked him a beast.

    Quote: ee2100

    And who did not remain faithful to the oath, too, traitors?

    Yes, sure. If there is still a political entity to which the oath was taken. If not, the oath automatically loses its validity.
  14. 0
    7 December 2022 08: 28
    Quote: Trilobite Master
    Dmitry Donskoy, who unleashed a war with Mamai, whom he paid before, and then he felt sorry for the money - a traitor?

    Yes, not because of money they had discord. Mamai demanded a military alliance from Dmitry against Tokhtamysh. In that situation, the soldiers of Mamai were much more necessary than the dough. But Dmitry preferred an alliance with Tokhtamysh.
    Money... if everything could be solved with money. The collection and maintenance of the troops (not to mention the losses in the battle) cost Dmitry more than the tribute that Mamai could demand.
  15. 0
    17 January 2023 12: 47
    One thing is true in all this that the chronology of betrayal began from the west.
  16. 0
    30 January 2023 10: 11
    Their name is legion, but their fate is one: hell and eternal damnation.