Mark Vipsanius Agrippa. The great commander who made Octavian "August"

Mark Vipsanius Agrippa. The great commander who made Octavian "August"
Lorenzo Castro. Battle of Actium (1672)

В previous article was told about the origin and youth of Mark Vipsanius Agrippa, the beginning of his military and political career and a huge role in the victory over Sextus Pompey. Today we will continue this story.

Octavian vs Mark Antony. The beginning of a tragic confrontation

After the victory on Sextus Pompey, Octavian also removed from power his ally Mark Lepidus, the triumvir who ruled the province of Africa. Lepidus had 11 legions at his disposal, but they did not want to fight against the troops of Octavian and went over to his side. Now, on the path of Octavian, who wanted to become the sovereign master of all the Roman provinces, stood only the governor of the East, Mark Antony, whose ally was Ptolemaic Egypt, led by the famous Cleopatra.

Mark Antony, Montemartini Museum bust, Rome

Portraits of Cleopatra VII on various coins minted to her board

Octavian and Mark Antony began preparations for war 5 years before the outbreak of hostilities, new ships were built, troops were trained.

Relations between the triumvirs became especially complicated after Antony's divorce from Octavian's sister and his marriage to Cleopatra. However, even more unpleasant and dangerous for Octavian were accusations of usurping the name of Caesar: Antony quite reasonably pointed out that his rival was only adopted by his great-uncle, while Caesarion, Caesar’s own son (from Cleopatra), was growing up in Egypt.

Caesarion, Cincinnati Museum Center

Octavian responded by illegally publishing Mark Antony's will, which was kept in the Temple of Vesta. It turned out that Antony asked to be buried in Alexandria, and declared Caesarion the sole heir of Julius Caesar. This caused general indignation, since the citizens of the republic feared that Italy would be in the power of Egypt, and Rome would lose its capital status.

Terracotta tile depicting the fight between Apollo and Hercules. A symbolic depiction of the conflict between Octavian, whose divine patron was Apollo, and Antony, descended from Hercules. Palatine Museum, Rome

Meanwhile, in December 33 BC. e. the term of office of Antony and Octavian expired. In a letter sent to the Senate, Antony promised to relinquish power on the condition that Octavian did the same. His opponent did not make such loud promises, and therefore Antony's actions looked much more legitimate. When Octavian officially declared Antony an enemy of the republic and the Roman people, Alexandria in 32 BC. e. both consuls and 300 senators moved.

However, Antony's Italian and Roman allies demanded that he divorce Cleopatra. This would inevitably lead to a break with Egypt, which was unacceptable on the eve of a major war. Octavian, on the other hand, was afraid to declare war on Antony, since it would be unequivocally perceived as civil, which no one in Rome, remembering the previous troubles, wanted. Octavian found a way out, declaring that war is declared only to Cleopatra, and Antony may well not participate in it. That is, Octavian gracefully handed over the “right of the first move” in the civil war to the opponent, offering him either to lose his main ally, or to support the Egyptian queen in her war against Rome.

Statue of Octavian, Vatican, Chiaromonti Museum. It is believed that Octavian addresses the popular assembly with a demand to declare war on Egypt

The reason for declaring war on Egypt was Cleopatra's appropriation of the "property of the Roman people" - that is, the territories that were donated to her by Mark Antony. And the reason for such excessive compliance of Octavian's rival was recognized as his actual incapacity. Plutarch writes about this:

“It was decided to start a war against Cleopatra and deprive Antony of the powers that he conceded and transferred to a woman. To this, Caesar added that Antony was poisoned with poisonous potions and no longer had either feelings or reason, and that the eunuch Mardion, Potin, Cleopatra’s slave Irada, who cleaned her mistress’s hair, and Charmion, would lead the war.

In general, Anthony was driven into a hopeless situation. If he supports Cleopatra, he will become the initiator of a civil war and a traitor to Rome. If he evades the fight (which no one believed in), he will lose a true ally in the face of Egypt, and besides, he will confirm the accusations of his incapacity.

The outbreak of war

The soldiers of Antony's army were recruited mainly in western Greece. In total, they managed to gather about 73 thousand infantrymen and up to 12 thousand horsemen. in the union navy Anthony and Cleopatra, there were 480 ships. Antony's squadron was dominated by large ships of the trireme type, the Egyptian ships were inferior to them in size. A landing was planned in Italy, where Antony still had many supporters.

However, he lost his time by spending days and weeks in continuous festivals held in Patras in honor of Cleopatra. Meanwhile, the winter of 32-31 BC came. e., soldiers and sailors suffered from hunger, besides, some kind of epidemic broke out (some historians believe that we are talking about malaria). Desertion began, and in the spring of 31 BC. e. it turned out that the ships were already only two-thirds full of sailors at best, and many of them now simply cannot go to sea.

But in the Roman fleet, thanks to the efforts of Agrippa, there was exemplary order. At the same time, he surprised everyone by making the basis of his fleet not large ships, as in the battle of Navlakh, but biremes and liburns equipped with throwing machines.


Liburna - a type of bireme with a closed deck

Iron-sheathed shells with boarding anchors and incendiary spears with tow impregnated with a combustible mixture were widely used. Roman ships were also equipped with asser - controlled rams, the ends of which were covered with iron: they were hung on ropes and were used not only to strike the sides of enemy ships, but also on the decks, sweeping away enemy sailors from them.

Agrippa formed the crews of the ships from experienced sailors who had recently fought against Sextus Pompey. The Roman land army was also under the command of Agrippa, it had 80 infantry and 12 cavalry. She was provided with everything necessary and did not lack food or fodder.

Mark Vipsanius Agrippa, bust, late XNUMXst century BC e. - beginning of the XNUMXst century A.D. e. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

It was Agrippa who began the fighting, capturing the early spring of 31 BC. e. Kerkyra and transporting her army to Epirus - to the northern shore of the Ambracian Gulf (now the Gulf of Art of the Ionian Sea), where she stood opposite the positions of Antony. The Roman fleet at that time took up positions at Cape Actions, blocking the ships of Antony and Cleopatra in the bay.

In the summer, Agrippa managed to capture Corinth (by defeating the fleet of this city), Leucada and Patra. As a result, Antony's army lost its main supply bases. Anthony transferred troops to Cape Actions (Actii), but did not dare to give a big battle.

For 8 months, the armies of Agrippa and Mark Antony stood against each other, spending time in small skirmishes, but the position of the Romans was more advantageous, they could afford to delay the start of the decisive battle.

Meanwhile, relations between Antony and Cleopatra deteriorated significantly. The couple argued over everything. Antony offered to give a general battle on land, Cleopatra demanded to enter into a naval battle. And Cleopatra also wanted to participate in the future triumphal procession through Rome (which, of course, would be perceived there as an insult). In the end, the situation in Antony's camp worsened so much that Cleopatra began to insist on returning to Egypt, where there was another army, which included as many as 11 legions.

Antony also understood that time was lost, and his demoralized half-starved army had little chance of success in battle with the troops of Agrippa. And in the event of a successful breakthrough, they would have to retreat through devastated lands, which would lead to the death of a significant part of the soldiers. Therefore, a decision was made on the actual sea evacuation of the most combat-ready army units.

From the entire fleet, commanded directly by Mark Antony, 170 of the best ships were selected, and 22 of the most experienced soldiers were selected from the entire army, whom it was decided to take to Egypt. 60 ships subordinate to Cleopatra were supposed to break through to Alexandria.

Thus, the plan of Antony and Cleopatra is very reminiscent of the actions of Bonaparte on the Berezina, where the French emperor transferred only the elite units of his army that remained combat-ready across this river and did not consider it necessary to save the rest of the formations, which were a poorly organized and almost uncontrollable armed crowd.

And the goal of Mark Antony in the famous battle at Cape Actions was not a victory over the enemy fleet, but a breakthrough to Egypt.

Naval battle of Actia

On the night before this battle, two captains of the fleet of Mark Antony ran across to Agrippa, who told the Roman admiral about the plans and designs of his opponents. That same night, at the last feast, Cleopatra handed Antony a goblet of wine, into which she dropped the flower that adorned her hair - but immediately threw the vessel on the floor, declaring that the flower was poisoned, and she, if necessary, could easily get rid of her husband . This scene made a very heavy impression on all those present, and the Egyptian ships in the morning received an order to engage in battle only on a special signal.

Thus, only Antony's ships entered the battle with the ships of Agrippa: not 230 ships, as planned, but only 170 - against 260.

This battle, which is often called the last great naval battle of Antiquity, began on the morning of September 2, 31 BC. e.

Schemes of the naval battle at Cape Promotions:

The large ships of Antony tried to ram the lighter ships of Agrippa, from which they were fired upon with incendiary shells of ballistas and catapults.

A Roman liburna shelling Antony's ship, a scene from the film Cleopatra, 1963

Other Roman ships tried to get close to the enemy ships and board them.

Richard Burton as Mark Antony at the Battle of Cape Actium, scene from Cleopatra, 1963

Andrew Keir as Agrippa at the Battle of Cape Actium, scene from Cleopatra, 1963

Fulfilling the order of Mark Antony, the ships of the avant-garde, supported by part of the ships of the center, tried to impose a battle on the Roman fleet, while the rest of the ships tried to break into the open sea. About 60 ships of Mark Antony were able to leave the Ambracian Gulf, that is, a little more than a third of the total. The light and maneuverable ships of Cleopatra's squadron rushed after them. This episode is best known according to Plutarch:

“The battle became general, but its outcome was still far from being determined, when suddenly, in full view, sixty ships of Cleopatra set sail for sailing and took to flight, making their way through the thick of the fighting, and since they were placed behind large ships, now, breaking through their ranks, they sowed confusion. And the enemies only marveled, seeing how they, with a fair wind, go to the Peloponnese.

Mark Antony jumped into the light galley and followed Cleopatra. In historiography and popular literature, the opinion has strengthened that the flight of Cleopatra and Mark Antony led to a panic on other ships. However, few people noticed then the flight of the commander-in-chief, and Antony's ships fought for several more hours, and some even for two days. And another 7 days the land army waited for the return of Mark Antony. The same Plutarch says:

“Few saw the flight of Antony with their own eyes, and those who found out about it at first did not want to believe - it seemed incredible to them that he could abandon nineteen intact legions and twelve thousand cavalry, he, who had experienced both mercy and disgrace of fate so many times , and in countless battles and campaigns, he recognized the capricious changeability of military happiness. The soldiers yearned for Antony and all hoped that he would suddenly appear, and at the same time showed so much loyalty and courage that even after the flight of their commander did not cause the slightest doubt, they did not leave their camp for seven days, rejecting all proposals, whatever Caesar did to them."

Modern historians are quite skeptical about this evidence, believing that the legionnaires who remained on the shore did not wait for Anthony, but bargained for the terms of surrender. They could no longer win, but, on the other hand, Agrippa did not want to fight them and suffer even small losses. Moreover, Anthony's former subordinates showed a clear willingness to negotiate.

As a result, the soldiers who wanted to continue their service were accepted into the army of Agrippa without losing their ranks. And the veterans were promised land in Italy or in the provinces.

Antony's behavior at Actium was considered by all to be cowardly, although he most likely strictly followed his own plan and achieved complete success in its implementation. But this "success" forever ruined his military reputation.

The Battle of Actium struck the imagination of contemporaries, and at the same time no one even tried to deny the merits of Agrippa. From first article we remember that in Virgil's poem, the shield of Aeneas, made for him by Vulcan, was adorned with the image of Agrippa at the battle of Actium. Apparently, even this god was impressed by the scale and results of the battle, which was to take place many centuries after the death of Aeneas.

Monument in Prenest in honor of the victory at Actia, Vatican Museums

The final denouement of these events came in 30 BC. e., when the Roman troops entered Alexandria. Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide.

This is how the suicide of Mark Antony and Cleopatra looks like in the illustration of Giovanni Boccaccio's book "On Famous Women" (first quarter of the XNUMXth century). The only true detail here, perhaps, is the hair color of the heroine: the Macedonian Cleopatra with a small admixture of Greek blood (“gold-haired Hellenes” - remember?) Was supposed to be a blonde. By the way, this shade of hair color is now called "Titian"

Caesarion, who interfered with Octavian, as well as Antony's son from Fulvia, were killed. But he spared the children of Mark Antony and Cleopatra and handed over to his sister, the former wife of Antony, to be raised. Egypt was initially recognized as the personal possession of Octavian, and then became a Roman province. Rome for some time "rested" from civil wars during the years of the so-called "August Peace".

Apogee of the political career of Marcus Agrippa

Agrippa in bas-relief by Gregorio di Lorenzo, Ferrara, 1472-1473

In the early years of Octavian's reign, his closest and most trusted collaborators were Mark Vipsanius Agrippa and Gaius Cylnius Maecenas. It was Maecenas who ruled Rome and Italy while Octavian fought against Sextus Pompey and Mark Antony. However, over time, Maecenas more and more moved away from political activity, although he retained a great influence on Octavian.

The role of Agrippa, on the contrary, grew. In 30-29 years. BC e. he served in Rome and Italy as the governor of Octavian, who at that time was in the East. Agrippa became consul twice more - in 28 and 27 years. BC e. During the first term, he was engaged in the census of the population of Italy. And in 27, Octavian himself was elected his fellow consular officer: they became the last consuls of the republic, which was later transformed into a principate. Agrippa advised Octavian to give up the title "Augustus" and urged him to keep the republican institutions.

At the same time, Agrippa managed to write works on stories and geography and supervise the work on the creation of a map of Italy. With his direct participation, the pantheon, four new water pipes, and public baths on the Field of Mars were built.

It is also significant that it was Agrippa in 23 BC. e. ill Octavian gave his ring with a seal: this was tantamount to recognition as his heir and caused sharp displeasure among the emperor's nephew, Mark Claudius Marcellus, who was married to Octavian's daughter. This then led to the removal of Agrippa from Rome under the guise of his appointment as governor of Syria. However, he was not interested in the affairs of this province, entrusting it to the care of his legate. He himself lived for two years on the island of Lesvos - in the city of Mytilene.

Agrippa returned to Rome in 21 BC. e. after the death of Marcellus. Here Octavian forced him to divorce his second wife (who was the emperor's niece) and marry his daughter, Julia the Elder, the widow of Marcellus. The following year, Agrippa was sent to Gaul, then to Spain. In both provinces, he suppressed the unrest of local tribes (the uprising of the Spanish Cantabri was especially serious), put things in order, including taxation, and was engaged in construction. It was Agrippa in 29 BC. e. set the standard for the step of 5 feet and the Roman mile of 5 feet.

Finally, in 18 B.C. e. Agrippa received the so-called proconsular empire and the powers of the people's tribune, which made him almost equal to the emperor. He was engaged in affairs in the East, putting things in order in the provinces and neighboring kingdoms of "friends and allies of the Roman people." In 14 BC. e. fought with the Bosporus, placing the Roman protege Polemon on the throne. And 13 BC. e. led the army that conquered Pannonia.

However, the years took their toll. In 12 BC. e. ill Agrippa returned to Italy, where he soon died. At this time he was about 52 years old. Octavian had Agrippa buried in his own mausoleum and spent a month in mourning.


The fate of the descendants of Agrippa was not too happy.

His last son, born after the death of his father (and therefore nicknamed Postumus), was first adopted by Tiberius, who became the third husband of his mother, and then by Octavian (together with Tiberius). Later, Agrippa Postum, the grandson of Octavian, was killed on the orders of his stepfather, who saw him as a potential rival in the struggle for power.

By the way, the first wife of Tiberius was the eldest daughter of Agrippa - Vipsania Agrippina.
Another daughter of Agrippa, Julia the Younger, “became famous” for the fact that her own grandfather, Octavian, sent her into exile on the island of Tremiti for adultery (Julia the Elder, the mother of the Younger, also ended her life in exile on the island of Pandatheria, and also because of dissolute behavior : as they say, the apple does not fall far from the tree).

Some historians believe that the famous poet Ovid, already during his lifetime, was sent into exile in the city of Tom (modern Constanta) precisely “in the case of Julia the Younger”.

Another daughter of Agrippa (from Julia the Elder) became the mother of Emperor Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known as Caligula. She went down in history as Agrippina the Elder (although of the three daughters of our hero who bore this name, she was the youngest).

And Agrippina the Younger, granddaughter of Agrippa and sister of Caligula, who was credited with a relationship with her brother, is the mother of Nero. She was killed on the orders of her son, whom she made emperor. Interestingly, Nero's maternal grandmother was Anthony the Elder, the daughter of Mark Antony and the sister of Octavian Augustus.

Their other daughter, Antonia the Younger, became the mother of Emperor Claudius, who, as many suspected, was poisoned by Agrippina the Younger, Agrippa's granddaughter. Antonia the Younger was also the grandmother of Caligula.

Such a posthumous struggle unfolded in Rome between the descendants of Mark Vipsanius Agrippa and Mark Antony.
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  1. +8
    2 December 2022 04: 35
    Thank you, Valery!

    A hungry army does not often achieve success. "Order" too often wins.
    1. +8
      2 December 2022 04: 48
      I join in thanks!

      A hungry army does not often achieve success.

      "Don't step forward until you know what's wrong with the ration!" (c) Although sometimes it happens otherwise.

      Good morning, Sergey! smile
      1. +8
        2 December 2022 05: 17
        Good morning, Constantine!

        Fast liburns showed themselves well.
        But globally, the main thing:

        After all, the outcome of the war is decided by the village council and the agronomist.
    2. +7
      2 December 2022 07: 20
      In general, a very strange situation. The war is being waged for the food security of the hegemon, but the army of the supplier region is starving.
      1. +4
        2 December 2022 07: 25
        They indicate that there were also problems with water in Anthony's army. Which is more than important.
        1. +4
          2 December 2022 07: 32
          The main problems there were with unity of command.
          1. +4
            2 December 2022 07: 54
            Is Cleopatra to blame?
            Cherchez la femme, as usual.
            1. +7
              2 December 2022 09: 06
              Is Cleopatra to blame?

              And who else?!!!
              After all, it is not for nothing that in a Russian folk song there are such words:

              The Cossack of all is more important than a good horse,
              To the steppe under the hooves sang,
              Hot blade and accordion
              And the women are the last thing!

              It's been through the ages. wink
              1. +3
                2 December 2022 12: 19
                Asked a rhetorical question, and received a lot of support for this opinion.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. +2
                    2 December 2022 15: 44
                    Adam and evil Eve
                    Feeling the rudeness tide.
                    And tasted with a crunch from the forbidden tree
                    Public "White filling".
                    The Almighty hit them on the neck,
                    He kicked me out of the yard.
                    Fingals swollen like ripe cherries ...
                    Do not look for good from women.

                    In the era of legal slavery
                    For future Roman hetaerae
                    In verse, glorifying the pernicious womanhood
                    Homer wrote the Odyssey.
                    As a result, Troy was destroyed:
                    There is a hole on the map in that place.
                    Women fought for a golden apple...
                    Do not look for good from women.
                    1. +2
                      2 December 2022 18: 23
                      Why are you Vanka Morozova?
                      After all, it's not his fault.
                      She fooled him herself
                      and he is not guilty of anything.

                      He went to the old circus on the square
                      and there fell in love with a circus performer.
                      Something better for him
                      and he loved the circus performer.

                      She walked on the wire
                      waving a white hand
                      and Morozov's passion seized
                      with his callused hand.

                      Didn't think she'd cheat
                      After all, you don’t expect trouble from love ...
                      Ah, Vanya, Vanya, what are you, Vanya?
                      After all, you yourself are walking on a wire!
                      1. +2
                        2 December 2022 18: 47
                        She walked on the wire
                        waving a white hand
                        In the original, it seems, she waved her white leg, not her arm.
                      2. +2
                        2 December 2022 18: 54
                        Quite right, but I copied the text without re-reading it. It just didn't cross my mind that someone would think of changing something. By the way, I typed "foot" in the search engine. request
                      3. +1
                        2 December 2022 20: 09
                        I hit her, the white bird, -
                        Hot blood boiled
                        I understood what I was doing in the police
                        My love at first sight...
                      4. +3
                        2 December 2022 20: 18
                        Rash, harmonica! Rash, my frequent!
                        Drink, otter! Drink!
                        I'd rather be that busty one over there
                        She's dumber.
                      5. +2
                        2 December 2022 21: 19
                        Ah, today is so much fun for the Russians,
                        Moonshine alcohol - a river.
                        Accordion player with a sunken nose
                        They sing about the Volga and about the Cheka.

                        Something evil in the eyes of the insane,
                        Recalcitrant in loud speeches.
                        They feel sorry for those foolish, young,
                        Who ruined their lives in a rush.
                      6. +2
                        3 December 2022 13: 37
                        Yesterday exquisite guys,
                        Today - the knights of war,
                        They are not emigrants yet,
                        They are still her sons.
                        But life passed, as never before,
                        And left no trace.
                        It burned to the horizon
                        Their guiding star.
                      7. +1
                        3 December 2022 14: 23
                        Brilliant officers grow dim,
                        As they say, God, give us today.
                        No longer so refined manners -
                        Only bearing and honor remained.
                        Only bearing and honor remained.
                      8. +2
                        3 December 2022 14: 43
                        We are no longer enough in ranks of eight,
                        The officers were bored with the soldier's jargon.
                        And crosses embroider last fall
                        On the worn gold of our shoulder straps.
                      9. +1
                        3 December 2022 16: 50
                        What have you done, autumn?
                        Affectionately and in a whisper
                        I was told such drunken words,
                        Leaves lay on the asphalt,
                        Red and yellow.

                        The flute wept softly at night.
                        The fires made the townspeople dizzy.
                      10. The comment was deleted.
                      11. +3
                        2 December 2022 22: 32
                        I'll add from the bottom of my heart:
                        "Beautiful girl,
                        Lying naked in the bushes
                        Another would rape
                        And I just kicked with my foot "(C)
                      12. +2
                        3 December 2022 12: 50
                        And I just kicked

                        "And I could have a razor ..." (c)
            2. +7
              2 December 2022 11: 01
              Quote from Korsar4
              Is Cleopatra to blame?

              Of course she is!
              And in general, what can you expect from a woman with such an unpleasant appearance? laughing
              1. +4
                2 December 2022 12: 20
                I can't draw like that. But it probably helps to dispel the illusion.
              2. +3
                2 December 2022 16: 04
                And in general, what can you expect from a woman with such an unpleasant appearance?

                Hmm... BLM and Netflix already existed then?... what
                1. +3
                  2 December 2022 16: 16
                  Quote: Pane Kohanku
                  Hmm ... BLM and Netflix already existed then?

                  That's it, but we are told all our lives that everything is properly arranged there. hi
                  1. +4
                    2 December 2022 18: 17
                    That's it, but we are told all our lives that everything is properly arranged there.

                    Yes. And the first pederast elevated to the rank of a deity - Antinous. Prior to this, only the gods themselves and the deceased Caesars were awarded such an honor. And here - here you are by the collar. laughing One hundred pounds, netflix and other minority rights went from there!
                    By the way, the handsome man was buried in Shum-gora near Luga, was bitten by an alligator in the Velikaya River opposite the future Pskov Krom. Yes Proven by Anton, Corsair and Alexander "ee2100" Asanov. drinks And about accidental drowning in the Nile - then the ancient Romans came up with different fairy tales. stop
                    So, what do you want, Sergey! All lies! request The same Andrew the First-Called reached at least Gruzino, the future estate of Arakcheev, on the border of the future Leningrad and Novgorod regions! There he erected a cross, Arakcheev will confirm, he immortalized it. soldier
                    If the Apostle Andrew reached Gruzin, then Antinous, 63 years after the death of the saint, certainly reached Pskov. And he was bitten by a crocodile on the fifth point, which is why he died from an overabundance of feelings, swimming in the Great. drinks
                    1. +2
                      2 December 2022 18: 26
                      "You should, boss, write books." (C)
                      1. +4
                        2 December 2022 18: 39
                        "You should, boss, write books." (C)

                        Come on, what a boss I am, I'm a "jacket", Anton! It's just that Misha wrote for the first time about the Noise Mountain (there is an interesting documentary about it, hosted by Sergey Parshin), and then you said about the "watershed" along the line of the regions in a conversation with Sergey the Corsair. And then Sasha wrote an article about reptilians. Well, I purposefully went to Gruzino myself, and the cross was erected there in a memorable place by Arakcheev (our Valery Ryzhov will confirm, he wrote an article about Gruzino), and now there is a wooden replica.
                        Here, somehow it happened, mein liebe Freund! drinks
                    2. +2
                      2 December 2022 20: 10
                      Were traces of evidence left? Do not forget to insert in the "Selected Works".
          2. The comment was deleted.
            1. +2
              2 December 2022 12: 21
              There is a version that Anthony was preparing to fight. But there was option "B" - to slip away.
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. +3
                  2 December 2022 15: 46
                  Is this from Star Wars? Did not watch.
                  1. +3
                    2 December 2022 18: 16
                    Is this from Star Wars? Did not watch.

                    I, too, have not seen much else in the spirit of fantasy, although it can be fun to read.
                    1. +2
                      2 December 2022 20: 06
                      Can this be read? And does anyone have it on hand?
                      1. +2
                        2 December 2022 20: 15
                        I don’t even know, ask Anton, he’s fantastically in charge. smile
                      2. +1
                        2 December 2022 20: 22
                        I read it 30 years ago and didn't really like it. From domestic "space operas" I can offer Divov "The Best Crew of Solnechnaya".
                      3. +1
                        2 December 2022 21: 07
                        Please send. The other day, in my mood, I re-read Iskander's Rabbits and Boas.
                      4. +1
                        2 December 2022 21: 20
                        Okay, I'll do it now.
                        The fact that my comment is too short, I understand without the intervention of the administration.
                      5. +1
                        2 December 2022 21: 40
                        I'm trying to find the minimum number of words. And I find.
                      6. +1
                        2 December 2022 21: 52
                        Shpakovsky solves the issue with "pluses".)))
                        And you are generally laconic in the epistolary genre. Apparently affects the poetic gift. Hoku, tanks and other armored personnel carriers...
                      7. +1
                        2 December 2022 21: 54
                        But I can talk for a long time.
                        Or maybe thoughts are short, like Pinocchio's.
                      8. +1
                        2 December 2022 21: 59
                        At Pinocchio? Do you confuse him with Winnie the Pooh, who was upset by long words?
                      9. +1
                        2 December 2022 22: 16
                        We must not forget that Pinocchio was only the first day of his birth. His thoughts were small, small, short, short, trifling, trifling.

                      10. +1
                        2 December 2022 22: 25
                        "So it can happen to anyone,
                        If drunk and soft-hearted "(C)
                        Oh, for a long time we have not played the Game with you ...
                      11. 0
                        2 December 2022 22: 40
                        It's never too late. The Glass Bead Game is always at hand.

                        Under the mask of a lady
                        Redder than copper
                        Sticking out - oh-oh! ah! - red mustache!
                      12. 0
                        2 December 2022 22: 59
                        It's never too late.
                        "Ancient gold seldom shines, the ancient blade is fierce.
                        The Ranger King will go to battle
                        Mature does not mean old." (C)
                      13. +1
                        2 December 2022 23: 17
                        We are in the city of Emerald
                        We walk the difficult road
                        We walk the difficult road
                        Dear not direct.
                      14. 0
                        2 December 2022 23: 40
                        "We all live in a yellow submarine" (С)
                      15. +1
                        3 December 2022 00: 29
                        Orange sky
                        Orange sea
                        Orange greens
                        Orange camel.
                        Orange moms
                        Orange guys
                        Orange songs
                        Orange sing.

    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +4
      2 December 2022 10: 23
      "Order" too often wins.

      That's for sure! Do not judge strictly, I did it myself:

      1. +1
        2 December 2022 12: 22
        I have not watched a single match yet, but this episode has already been told.
        1. +4
          2 December 2022 14: 27
          Quote from Korsar4
          this episode has already been told.

          And there are also * kneeling * British. bully It seems that the Europeans did not come to play football, but to express certain * preferences *. The World Cup is not yet impressive.
          I welcome the audience! hi
          1. +2
            2 December 2022 15: 47
            I only looked at the cutting of how the Japanese beat the Germans, and how Messi scored a goal in the second round.
            1. +4
              2 December 2022 15: 59
              Quote from Korsar4
              Just watched the cut

              Hello, Sergey!
              I think that if you came to the World Cup, then all your thoughts should be about FOOTBALL! And not about actions in defense of LGBT and others, others, others. Were the Japanese surprised? Well, probably yes. If we want to see just such football when the team *turns on* for ten minutes. laughing
              1. VLR
                2 December 2022 16: 28
                if you came to the World Cup, then all your thoughts should be about FOOTBALL! And not about actions in defense of LGBT

                In fact, the German team set up the LBGT community: they proudly put their fists in their mouths - and they lost in disgrace, and flew out of the championship. And now LGBT people are associated with suckers, losers and losers. The "progressive public" will not forgive the Germans for this smile
              2. +2
                2 December 2022 17: 57
                Hello Seryozha!

                Yes. Classic example: the NHL in its heyday: overboard - like gorillas out of a cage.
      2. VLR
        2 December 2022 15: 58
        "Order" too often wins.
        That's for sure! Do not judge strictly, I did it myself:

        Here, taking into account the result, it is necessary a little differently. I will add to your work, if you will:
  2. +6
    2 December 2022 05: 39
    Antony's squadron was dominated by large ships of the trireme type, the Egyptian ships were inferior to them in size.

    It is more likely that they are penters rather than triremes. The Egyptian fleet was made up of supply ships. hi
    1. +4
      2 December 2022 09: 01
      Hello wow!

      It is more likely that the penthers

      There are very different depictions of penthera.

      Roman trireme (Greek triere)
      1. Fat
        2 December 2022 13: 35
        hi Greetings Konstantin. Quinkerem can and should be added. No one knows exactly what this ship looked like. The only ancient image has survived, and that is the Pentera - Carthaginian ...

        And here are other quinkyreme penthers (it seems that the Roman version of the ship was meant)

        There is also an engraving recourse
        1. +3
          2 December 2022 14: 09
          Hi Andrew! smile

          I scoured the net, there are so many of them, the devil himself will break his leg to find out what is reliable and what is not. I chose what seemed pain-less real. request
        2. +2
          2 December 2022 21: 25
          Good day Andrey!

          Notice how the oars are grouped.
          There is an assumption that they tried to depict
          . alia sensitive,
          when two to three rowers sit on the same bench and they row each with their own oar.
      2. +3
        2 December 2022 17: 55
        Good evening Uncle Kostya!
        Perhaps the most credible image is this:

        Pentera - this or not is not known. Below deck you can't see how many rows of rowers are sitting. The seating arrangement described for the Greek triremes was no longer relevant in that era. Triremes (triremes) were used as light cruising forces. The ball was ruled by Penters and Hexers. In fact, in all cases, the ship had three rows of oars, the question remains different - how the rowers were placed. Or how later the Spaniards sat on one oar for two or three people, or each rowed with their own oar, but according to the Venetian scheme, they passed three through one port.
        Liburna made a revolution when two rowers were seated on the same bench at an angle.
        Well, somewhere like that.
        1. +2
          2 December 2022 18: 20
          I'm not strong in these boats, something simpler for me, like "Emden" or "Varyag". smile
          1. +3
            2 December 2022 21: 35
            Quote: Sea Cat
            I'm not strong in these boats, something simpler for me, like "Emden" or "Varyag". smile

            Like it or not, Uncle Kostya, the most beautiful ships are sailing ones!
            Nothing compares to a tea clipper or a frigate.
            1. +3
              2 December 2022 21: 42
              Yes. Even the picture can be looked at endlessly.
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. +2
                  3 December 2022 14: 25
                  And Jack London, and Sabatini, and even Maugham.
                2. The comment was deleted.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                      2. The comment was deleted.
                      3. The comment was deleted.
                      4. The comment was deleted.
                      5. The comment was deleted.
                      6. The comment was deleted.
                      7. +1
                        3 December 2022 22: 46
                        Is that Tim Burton?

                        Without even being particularly interested, names are in the air.
                      8. The comment was deleted.
                      9. +1
                        4 December 2022 07: 20
                        What only "Dreams of Reason" does not give birth to.
                      10. Fat
                        4 December 2022 02: 57
                        hi Three more "iconic" awesome fairy tales With D. Depp...
                        "Edward Scissorhands". Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory and Alice in Wonderland...
            2. +3
              2 December 2022 21: 44
              Like it or not, Uncle Kostya, the most beautiful ships are sailing ones!
              According to me, these are:
              1. +2
                2 December 2022 22: 08
                Guys, to each his own!
                ……… ……………… ……………
                1. +3
                  2 December 2022 22: 17
                  This is the strength of the party of "cliopators" (that is, the "Sect of Shpakovsky's Witnesses"). We respect everyone's interests!
                  1. +2
                    2 December 2022 23: 19
                    Can you make a list of hobbies?
                    1. +3
                      2 December 2022 23: 42
                      Can you make a list of hobbies?
                      I can. Only St. Petersburg or all in turn?
                      1. +3
                        2 December 2022 23: 52
                        You can start with Petersburg. Interesting area of ​​intersections. I have always loved encyclopedias.
                  2. The comment was deleted.
                  3. +1
                    3 December 2022 13: 02
                    We respect everyone's interests!

                    See above, I have already written to Vladislav. laughing
                2. +1
                  3 December 2022 13: 01
                  Guys, to each his own!

                  That's right! soldier

                  the administration of the site does not carry useful information.
  3. +4
    2 December 2022 08: 23
    Such a posthumous struggle unfolded in Rome between the descendants of Mark Vipsanius Agrippa and Mark Antony.

    I was very impressed by this "tangle" of relatives.
  4. +3
    2 December 2022 09: 42
    biremes and liburns equipped with throwing machines

    I doubt it.
    Firstly, the rate of fire is at best 1 round per minute, there was no zeroing, the accuracy of the hit is highly dependent on the aerodynamics of the projectile.
    Secondly, the guidance system is the turning of the car in the direction of the target.
    Thirdly, small vessels are unstable platforms, however, pitching.
    In the fourth, the propeller propulsion unit is a spreading thing, and the minimum interval is the width of 3-4 hulls, the distance between the rows is at least 2 lengths, as a result, we get that even with a "dense" formation, less than 10% of the surface is occupied by ships.
    Fifthly, it takes up a lot of space and weight on the deck. It's easier to take boarders.
    1. Fat
      3 December 2022 01: 22
      hi Small ballistas were completely stuffed into the liburns, fired with harpags (harpag (harpax); also kreagr, kreagra) - a boarding device, which was a log bound with iron. It is believed that Mark Vipsanius Agrippa was the first to use harpagi. "Scorpions" (mounted crossbows) were also used. In addition, turntables for such artillery were obviously made by the Romans the same way. Fragments of such turntables were found on ship No. 1 from Lake Nemi, in different versions on rollers and on balls.

      Turntable bearing... EU fragments.
  5. +4
    2 December 2022 11: 09
    Thanks to the author for the article.
    Agrippa Postuma survived none other than the wife of Octavian Augustus Livia. When an article refers to Tiberius, his full name should also be added, not just Tiberius. In this case, Livia's husband before her marriage to Octavian Augustus was Tiberius Claudius Nero the Elder, and Livia's son from Tiberius Claudius Nero the Elder, who became emperor after the death of Octavian Augustus, is Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus.
    Livia herself is an insidious person. Being the wife of Octavian Augustus, she dreamed of making her son from Tiberius Claudius Nero the Elder Emperor. Competitors mysteriously died, and the aging Okavian Augustus Livia "crumpled under her heel" . The last one who was a hindrance is Agrippa Postum. So Livia persuaded Octavian Augustus to send his only grandson, who was not convicted of any crimes, young and with great bodily strength, Agrippa Postum, into exile to distant islands in the sea. There Agrippa Postum, young
    and strong, and soon died. Perhaps not without the help of Libya. Livia did not have long to wait, and Octavian Augustus also died a few years later. Perhaps not without the help of Libya. Having become Emperor, Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus immediately alienated his mother Livia, effectively isolating her from all state affairs. Perhaps - remembering and knowing about all the deadly deeds of Libya.
    As for the Titian shade of hair color, only in museums are they all shades of red. Titian painted all women with hair from golden red to dark gold.
    But if you buy Titian hair dye in a store, then you will only get bright copper-colored paint. This is Titian paint in cosmetics.
    And if Titian's paintings are viewed on computer reproductions, then
    You will no longer see shades of the entire palette of Titian hair color. Let's go to the museum...
    1. VLR
      2 December 2022 11: 21
      good afternoon
      if you buy Titian hair dye in a store, you will only get bright copper-colored paint. This is Titian paint in cosmetics

      A real Titian shade does not lend itself to chemistry.
      This is a fragment of the painting "Earthly Love and Heavenly Love":

      In the time of Titian, rich women imitated this shade by applying gold powder to their hair, and poor women poured ox urine on their hair and sat in the sun all day. It is believed that this was the hair color of real Roman women - Antony, Julius and Agrippinus. Which, in the time of Titian, the darkened Italians still remembered and tried to reproduce.
      1. +2
        2 December 2022 21: 44
        That is, the redness that manifested itself in my third daughter is quite a Roman one. It’s not for nothing that I sometimes call her a third.
  6. 0
    6 December 2022 20: 59
    I read all the comments. There was a very good conversation.