Combat thermal damage

Combat thermal damage

Thermal injuries fall into two obvious types: burns and frostbite. If everyone has experienced frostbite and hypothermia of varying severity in one way or another, then a serious burn in our lives is not such a frequent guest.

During the Great Patriotic War, burns accounted for 1–2% of sanitary losses. During the arms race, the emergence of nuclear and incendiary weapons, the probability of such losses has increased many times over. Burns from aviation napalm during the Korean War accounted for 25%, and in Vietnam - 45% of the number of sanitary losses. During armed conflicts in the North Caucasus, the frequency of burns reached 5%. At the same time, the frequency of cold injury during combat operations in winter can reach 5–35%.


A systematic study of thermal lesions in our country began in the 1930s at the Institute of Experimental Surgery in Moscow (A.V. Vishnevsky) and at the Leningrad Institute of Emergency Medicine (I.I. Dzhanelidze). Cold injury was studied at the Military Medical Academy (S. S. Girgolav). In 1960, in the Navy Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov, the first department of thermal injuries was opened, headed by T. Ya. Ariev. Modern principles for the treatment of thermal injuries, taking into account the experience of local wars, were developed by V. A. Dolinin, B. S. Vikhriev.

The classification of burns is based on the depth of damage to the skin and other tissues. There are four degrees:

1. Hyperemia (redness from overflow of blood vessels) and swelling of the skin.
2. Formation of bubbles.
3. Complete or incomplete necrosis of the entire thickness of the skin.
4. The necrosis of the skin and tissues located under the deep fascia (a layer of dense connective tissue that may surround individual muscles or their groups);

Classification of burns by degree depending on the depth of tissue damage; vertically: 1 - epidermis, 2 - dermis, 3 - subcutaneous fat layer, 4 - muscles, 5 - bone; horizontally - Roman numerals indicate the degree of burn, black - the depth of the lesion.

If many of us have encountered first and second degree burns in everyday life and know that they are unpleasant, but they heal quite successfully, then starting with third degree burns, the body begins to have difficulties.

With a severe burn of the third degree, complete death of the skin, sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles occurs, and the subcutaneous tissue is also damaged. Such a wound heals on its own for a very long time and only if it is small. Fourth degree burns don't heal on their own. To restore the skin with such lesions is possible only by surgery in specialized hospitals.

In addition to the degree of burn, its total area is of great importance. There are a number of methods and schemes for determining the area of ​​the burn surface, for example, the rule of nines and the rule of the palm.

The "Rule of nines" is based on equating the area of ​​individual parts of the adult body to a value of 9%. Thus, the head and neck form 9%, the front and back surface of the body - 36% (18% per side), upper limbs - 18% (9% per arm), lower - 36% (18% per leg) .

The “rule of the palm” is based on the ratio of the area of ​​​​the palm to the entire surface of the body, which gives 1-1,2%. This method is used to determine the area of ​​small burns or multiple lesions, including those located on different parts of the body.

With superficial burns of 20–30% and deep burns of more than 10% of the body surface, a burn disease develops. This is a set of pathological processes, among which the leading role belongs to endotoxicosis (poisoning by products of impaired metabolism). A variety of pathological changes in internal organs and system disorders are secondary problems.

There are four periods of burn disease:

1. Burn shock. Manifested by hypovolemia (an abnormally low level of intracellular fluid in the body), disorders of microcirculation, hemodynamics, water-electrolyte and acid-base balance, kidney function, gastrointestinal tract and disorders of the psycho-emotional sphere.

2. Acute burn toxemia. Intoxication of the body with bacterial toxins, protein breakdown products, as well as substances of the paranecratic zone. In addition, neuropsychiatric disorders are characteristic: psychomotor agitation, delirium, insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness, as well as high fever, dyspeptic disorders.

3. Septicotoxemia. Infectious complication associated with scab rejection.

4. Recovery.

In addition to damage to the skin, there are also thermal inhalation lesions that occur during fires in confined spaces, military equipment and in the centers of the use of combat fire mixtures. A few hours after the burn of the respiratory organs, there may be a pronounced edema of the oral mucosa and subglottic space with the development of stenotic asphyxia.

There are burns of the upper respiratory tract, spreading from the mucous membrane of the lips and anterior nasal passages to the larynx, and thermochemical damage to the respiratory tract by combustion products (most often carbon and nitrogen compounds), extending to the entire respiratory tract. Both forms of damage, depending on the circumstances of the injury, can occur in isolation, but more often they are combined. A feature of thermal lesions of the respiratory tract is the toxic effect of soot particles that settle on the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi and cause inflammation and even necrosis of epithelial cells.

Burn shock is especially difficult for victims of napalm. In the second and third periods of burn disease, they develop severe intoxication, burn cachexia. Rejection of necrotic tissues is slow, infectious processes in the burn wound are difficult, secondary anemia is rapidly growing, and the function of the endocrine glands is impaired. After healing of napalm burns, disfiguring keloid scars remain.

First aid

First of all, it is necessary to remove the victim from the outbreak. Next, you need to remove the smoldering and burnt clothes, but in no case tear off the fragments of clothing that have stuck to the burnt surface. It is allowed to cut them, if possible.

For minor burns, a PPI bandage or a special agent is applied, for example, it is recommended to use the Apollo anti-burn bandage that has become actively used. No, this is not advertising, it’s just that this tool is now preferred, and I don’t see the point in pointing out something else. Such a bandage is used for burns of 2-3 degrees and has a beneficial effect on the development of a burn disease. The bandage is made of a textile fabric coated with a hydrogel containing an anesthetic and an antiseptic. The bandage was developed jointly with the Russian Institute of Surgery. A. V. Vishnevsky.

For extensive burns, any dry, clean cloth that does not contain ointments or fats can be used as a bandage. In case of burns of the extremities, accompanied by bone fractures, transport immobilization is necessary.

The main attention at the stage of first aid is given to the prevention and elimination of life-threatening conditions. According to indications, analgesics, respiratory and cardiac agents are administered, oxygen is inhaled. Thirst quenching, compensation for fluid and electrolyte losses are carried out by drinking an alkaline-salt solution (1 teaspoon of table salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter of water).

Specialized medical care for burns in a large-scale war is provided in specialized burn hospitals (VPOzhG), burn departments of multidisciplinary (VPMG) or general surgical hospitals (VPKhG) of hospital bases, in hospitals for the lightly wounded (VPGLR).

Rehabilitation treatment and medical rehabilitation of severely burned patients is carried out in the rear health care hospital.


If you pay attention to the composition of first-aid kits, which are independently completed by volunteers and mobilized, then in most cases there are anti-burn agents. This is due not so much to the fact that everything is collected according to plus or minus one list, but to banal logic.

The risk of getting burns is directly related to the military specialization of a fighter. For example, for the crews of armored vehicles, a special protective kit "Warrior-3K" was adopted, which consists of a bulletproof vest, an armored helmet and overalls that protect against open flame for at least 15 seconds. It is assumed that 15 seconds should be enough to leave the burning equipment. Nevertheless, the description of the kit does not indicate whether it includes an individual first aid kit that would take into account the specifics of working in armored vehicles (at least an anti-burn agent and an oropharyngeal air duct).

I suppose that, at best, the fighters are equipped with a standard individual first-aid kit, which will do little to help with burns, but for technology there is a separate, which you must not forget to capture along with weapons and ammunition at the exit. This whole scheme, it seems to me, does not take into account the fact that a fighter leaves the car not during exercises, but most likely under fire and exposure to mine blast injury.

As a result, some crews, like many specialists from other VUS, are forced to take care of themselves, purchasing burns with their hard-earned money, which hints at some omission in their provision and creates a feeling of ignoring the specifics of the work.
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  1. +3
    31 October 2022 05: 36
    For extensive burns, any dry, clean cloth that does not contain ointments or fats can be used as a bandage.
    Yes, this is a gross, but at the same time a very common mistake at the household level! No oils!
    1. +5
      31 October 2022 07: 00
      Cool with water - it is necessary to cool already heated fabrics and clothes. It is especially important if a hot piece of slag or something else stuck into the body or stuck to the skin (a typical welder injury)
      As for oils, everything is simple - the oil forms an airtight film, under which anaerobic bacteria, which are gas gangrene, benefit.
      1. +1
        31 October 2022 11: 16
        fuel (mixtures) is dangerous (especially during an explosion) - a double defeat and, moreover, it can get into the skin and under it.
        And preferably running water, although sometimes any will do.
  2. fiv
    31 October 2022 06: 41
    Cooling with water only in the first degree. Further - only a bandage. And protect your lungs in case of fire. And the boys, I remember, a finger in the mouth - and in the soda. And guess what, it helped!
  3. Two
    31 October 2022 06: 46
    hi They forgot to mention the developed, on a subconscious level, animal fear of fire! With results at the level of motor paralysis.
  4. Des
    31 October 2022 07: 22
    For 2nd degree burns (blistering), the recommendation is always not to break the integrity of these blisters. But at the same time, constant painful sensations of inflammation, a local increase in temperature and an uncomfortable sense of touch. In practice, it is easier to gently pierce the bladder, thereby relieving tension under the swollen skin (without removing it). Healing is faster and performance is more pleasant. But this is against the rules.
    1. +1
      31 October 2022 11: 20
      in the recommendations always do not violate the integrity of these bubbles.
      This is at home and depending on the lesion.
      In hospitals, this is usually removed immediately.
  5. +1
    31 October 2022 08: 39
    Based on the place of publication, it is probably correct to draw up an algorithm of action for a burn victim in the field. Probably this: 1. We remove the object of thermal influence as quickly as possible. 2. We immediately begin to cool the affected surface (winter is coming - there is something.) The degree of burn continues to grow for the first 15-2 minutes, based on the structural features of the skin. 3 We treat burn shock with analgesics and intravenous drip with any infusion liquid 500 ml with the addition of 30-50 ml of alcohol (vodka, which is). Next, quickly fuse the doctors ...
  6. +3
    31 October 2022 11: 00
    Any panthenols, depanthenols are possible only with the first degree of burns. The second degree and above - only medical care.
    I will help the author and the rest, otherwise he will be here for a long time from the VPH for everything.
    1. 0
      9 November 2022 15: 47
      Thank you. Very interesting material, it's a pity you can not download.
  7. +1
    31 October 2022 11: 18
    The most "fun" with burns begins after 2-3 days, when the dying off and processing of tissues begins.
  8. +1
    31 October 2022 11: 59
    I can advise on my own, if the burn is of a low degree, i.e., maximum blisters are expected and there is no contamination of the wound, it is good to apply a clean cloth, cotton wool or bandage, abundantly moistened with alcohol. And keep for a while. This provides pain relief and prevents blistering. Used by chemists and glassblowers.
  9. PC
    31 October 2022 13: 47
    With burns, Miramistin is excellent.
  10. PC
    31 October 2022 13: 48
    Miramistin is also used for various wounds.
  11. +1
    31 October 2022 14: 26
    Here is another byaka, extensive burns can be treated only in specially equipped clinics. And I strongly doubt that "sand" beds and artificial kidneys are in abundance in the former Ukraine. I don’t know about the Rostov hospital in this regard, but it is packed perfectly, there, most likely, it’s normal, but you need to take it to Rostov ...
  12. 0
    31 October 2022 20: 36
    What can I tell you, first of all, try to cool the burn site, there is a cooling bag in the first-aid kit, if not, everything is much worse. Decide on the degree of burn, and with the area, the rule of the palm. Many if, it all depends on where, how and how much. And just don’t say that we are pulling everyone out, it’s not true, (I wanted to obscene,,)