Lessons from History That Teach Nothing: The Cuban Missile Crisis and Its Consequences

Lessons from History That Teach Nothing: The Cuban Missile Crisis and Its Consequences

In October 1962, the sharpest confrontation between the USSR and the USA took place in history relations between these countries, as a result of which the world was on the verge of a catastrophe - a nuclear war. 60 years have passed since then, but this topic still has not lost its relevance, and in the current conditions, when we are witnessing another round of geopolitical confrontation between the United States and its allies and Russia, on the contrary, it has sparkled with new colors. Today, more and more often one can hear the opinion that the world has returned to the period that entered the history of international relations under the name "cold war". This opinion is justified - politicians make rash statements, over the past few weeks we have heard again and again sayings about the possible use of nuclear weapons. weapons.

A lot has been said and written about the Caribbean crisis, however, due to the relevance of the main conclusions arising from the analysis of this episode of history, interest in these events does not weaken. The historical context of the Cold War, the apogee of which was the Caribbean crisis, one way or another, forces everyone who refers to the events of the autumn of 1962 to consider it from the standpoint of the confrontation between the two superpowers - the USSR and the USA. However, Cuba itself was also one of the participants in these events, it is no coincidence that in the United States the conflict in the fall of 1962 is called the "Cuban missile crisis".

In this material, we will try to answer the following questions - who is to blame for unleashing the crisis, did it have "winners" and "losers", was Cuba a subject or object of politics in the events of the autumn of 1962, and how much did it really influence the decisions that received in Moscow. In addition, we will try to understand why historical lessons are often not learned by anyone, which is why historical events tend to repeat themselves, just in a slightly different form, in the form of similar, but not identical plots.

Causes of the Caribbean Crisis

Speaking about the causes of the Caribbean crisis, it is inevitable to raise the question of the guilt of the USSR and the USA in unleashing this crisis. It is not possible to answer this question unequivocally; it will be possible to argue only about the degree of guilt of the parties for unleashing this crisis. The official positions of the USSR and the USA, due to their bias, are not able to bring us closer to the answer to this question.

If, according to the USSR, the deployment of missiles in Cuba in the autumn of 1962 was Moscow's reaction to the installation of American missiles in Turkey a year earlier, which were capable of reaching the Soviet capital and therefore posed a direct threat to the Soviet state, then the official position of Washington, public opinion in America and many countries around the world defined US behavior as a response to the deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba, capable of reaching Washington. If in the USSR they believed that the USA was the culprit of the crisis, then in the USA, on the contrary, they argued that the crisis was created by the USSR [1].

This practice of shifting responsibility for the aggravation of the international situation onto each other is also characteristic of the present time. At the same time, neither in 1962, nor today, no one denied and does not reject the fact that a year earlier US missiles were deployed near the USSR, considering this as a natural right of the world's largest power. American politicians like to assert, speaking about the foreign policy of their country, that the use of force by the United States abroad is always explained by the fact that their force is virtuous, and their virtue has significant force, referring either to T. Roosevelt, who professed political realism, or to V. Wilson, who preached political idealism [1].

An example of such a one-sided approach is the book "The Edge: The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962" by the American researcher D. Detzer, published in New York in 1979, in which the USSR is called the only culprit of the Caribbean crisis. Among its reasons, the author lists: firstly, the backlog of the USSR in the field of nuclear weapons and the desire of the Soviet leadership to change the balance of forces in one action; secondly, the desire to solve the German question in this way and prevent an American attack on Cuba, which would be a big blow to the political prestige of the USSR; thirdly, the weakening of the position of N. S. Khrushchev in the Politburo, the low effectiveness of Khrushchev's reforms, prompting him to search for something significant in the field of foreign policy [1].

It is hard to ignore the fact that the Caribbean crisis was indeed preceded by an attempt by the United States to change the existing military-political balance of power in Europe in its favor. Let us recall the chronology of those events. So, already in 1959, two squadrons of 15 missiles each, divided into five batteries, were deployed in Northern Italy, and another 10 batteries were deployed in 1961. At the end of October 1959, the Turkish government agreed (on the same conditions as and Italy) to deploy one missile squadron (15 IRBM) on their territory. In 1961, the United States began deploying 15 PGM-19 Jupiter medium-range missiles with a range of 2400 km in Turkey, which directly threatened the European part of the Soviet Union, up to Moscow [1].

Should the Soviet leadership react (and could it not?) to such a change in the military-political situation? The head of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, publicly expressed his indignation at the fact of the deployment of missiles in Turkey and considered this as a personal insult [1].

It was after the deployment of American missiles in Turkey that the leadership of the USSR began to probe the possible reaction of the Cuban government to the deployment of Soviet troops and weapons in Cuba. For this reason, it is somewhat presumptuous to claim that it was the attempt by Cuban counter-revolutionaries, acting on instructions from Washington, to overthrow the Cuban government that became the main reason for the deployment of Soviet troops and missiles in Cuba. However, we will discuss the role of Cuba in the Caribbean crisis in more detail below.

It should be noted that the interpretation of the events of the autumn of 1962 changed depending on the important changes in the international arena. During periods of “thaw” in relations between the two countries, the emphasis was on “wisdom and endurance”, which allowed politicians and the military to prevent a nuclear catastrophe. However, a new "cooling" in relations between Russia and the United States is also reviving many Cold War stereotypes, in particular, accusations of the opposite side of aggressiveness and recklessness [2].

The role of the Cuban government in the events of autumn 1962

The largest island in the Caribbean basin appeared on the agenda of relations between the two superpowers at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s, after the victory in Cuba in January 1959 of the radical leftist rebel movement led by Fidel Castro [3]. On January 1, 1959, in Cuba, young radical left-wing reformers overthrew the pro-American dictatorial regime of Batista. A sharp deterioration in relations between the US and Cuba followed.

When on January 10, 1959, two days after the entry of the main column of the Rebel Army into Havana, the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR K. E. Voroshilov, by telegram, announced the recognition by the Soviet Union of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Cuba, and no one in the leadership of the USSR had any idea about what forces controlled the new revolutionary regime. However, events developed rapidly. To everyone's surprise, a year and a half later, the pro-communist nature of the regime in Cuba became obvious, and on April 16, 1961, Fidel Castro openly proclaimed the Cuban revolution as socialist [3].

In March 1960, US President D. Eisenhower signed a secret directive on the creation of detachments of Cuban counter-revolutionary emigrants in the United States to land on Liberty Island. Soon, an air assault brigade was formed from them, which, in addition to carrying out terrorist actions and sabotage, in the autumn of 1960 began preparations for an armed invasion of the island. In response to US assistance to the counter-revolutionaries, F. Castro began to seek support from the Soviet Union [4].

The new US President John F. Kennedy gave his consent to the anti-Cuban action prepared by the CIA under Eisenhower. On April 17, 1961, American planes camouflaged as the Cuban Air Force bombed Cuba, after which armed detachments of Cuban emigrants trained in the United States landed on the island. With the support of the Cuban leadership by the absolute majority of the population, the brigade of mercenaries who landed on Playa Giron was quickly destroyed. This victory caused serious damage to the prestige of the American administration and brought enormous popularity to the regime of F. Castro. The failure of open intervention intensified the anti-Cuban activities of the United States, which considered Cuba as a security threat to their country [4].

In the early 1960s Cuba occupied a special place in Soviet foreign policy, which was based on the principles of class solidarity and proletarian internationalism. One of the main directions was the protection of the freedom and sovereignty of Cuba. Soviet-Cuban military cooperation began at the end of 1960. Soviet modern armored, artillery and mortar weapons and some types of small arms began to be supplied to Cuba.

Cuban historiography, expressing the official position of Havana, assessing the actions of the US government in the period between the landings on Playa Giron and the Caribbean crisis, characterized them as "prelude to direct armed intervention in Cuba" [5]. The leadership of the USSR also showed concern about the security of socialist Cuba. It informed F. Castro that Soviet intelligence managed to obtain absolutely reliable information regarding the American Mongoose plan, which, along with acts of sabotage within the country, provided for a direct large-scale invasion of the US armed forces [3].

However, the decision to deploy missiles in Cuba was made by N. Khrushchev after the US deployed missiles in Turkey. According to one version, N. S. Khrushchev found out about this during a visit to Bulgaria in May 1962. According to A. I. Mikoyan, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the idea of ​​\u20b\u1962bdefending Cuba by deploying missiles with nuclear warheads there was the first was voiced by N. S. Khrushchev after his return from Bulgaria on May 3, XNUMX [XNUMX].

Further, the Soviet leadership immediately began to probe the possible reaction of the Cuban government to such a proposal. The delegation, headed by the leader of Uzbekistan as a distraction, arrived in Havana late in the evening of May 29, 1962. On the morning of May 30, members of the delegation had a conversation with Fidel and Raul Castro. The coordination of details with the Cuban side took place on May 31 - June 9, 1962. In the final text of the Soviet-Cuban treaty, in particular, it was noted that the USSR would send its armed forces to Cuba to strengthen its defense capability in the face of the danger of aggression from outside, thus contributing to the maintenance of peace throughout the world.

The operation itself, which received the code name "Anadyr", was being prepared under the guise of a strategic exercise with the relocation of troops and military equipment by sea to various regions of the Soviet Union. The first ship arrived in Cuba on July 26, 1962, and then 42 people were smuggled to the island within two months. personnel with weapons, equipment, ammunition, food and building materials. Nuclear ammunition for strategic missiles R-12 with a capacity of 1 megaton, 6 aviation atomic bombs, as well as nuclear warheads for tactical weapons - missiles "Luna", FKR "Sopka" with a capacity of 3 to 12 kilotons were delivered to the island on October 4.

Was Cuba a subject or object of international politics in the events of the autumn of 1962? And how much did the Cuban leadership influence the position of the USSR?

In order to answer this question, it is enough to note that Moscow decided to withdraw the missiles from Cuba without the consent of F. Castro, which caused great irritation of the Cuban leader, since the issue of their deployment was reflected in the bilateral agreement. Moreover, Castro was also dissatisfied with the fact that the USSR agreed to American inspections of the withdrawal of Soviet missiles. In a message to N. S. Khrushchev dated October 31, he wrote:

“... many Cubans experienced indescribable bitterness and sadness at the moment the Soviet Union announced the withdrawal of missiles. The eyes of thousands of people, Cubans and Soviets, who were ready to die with the highest dignity, shed tears when it became known about the sudden, unexpected and almost unconditional decision to remove weapons [4].”

Caribbean crisis in the mirror of the media of the USSR and the USA

A US Navy FJ-3M Fury fighter jet flies over McCull Field, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 1962

The USSR and the USA used the media as one of the tools to influence the audience, both during the Caribbean crisis and earlier, during the Cold War. A negative image of the USSR was formed in the press of the United States, just as a negative image of America was formed in the Soviet press.

If we talk about the American media, then starting from October 22, after the statement of US President John F. Kennedy that Soviet nuclear missiles were deployed in Cuba, quite a lot of materials aggressive towards the USSR were also placed there. In particular, the front page of The New York Times, dated October 23, 1962, ran under the heading:

“The US blocks Cuba because of the discovery of rocket launchers; Kennedy is ready for a final showdown [6]."

One of the articles anticipates the published speech of J. Kennedy:

"The President claims the Russians have lied and are putting the Western Hemisphere in great danger."

This statement is presented as the only truthful and does not require proof, which is an outright manipulation.

If we talk about other publications, then half the page of the front page of the Dailynews, published on October 23, was occupied by the headline “We blocked the army of Cuba”, followed by the loud subtitle “Red ships will be found or sunk". The USSR is openly called the aggressor.

The plan to counter the Soviet Union, announced on television by the American president, was supported by many congressmen and prominent political figures, who were quoted by the media. Republican Senator Ken Keating said:

"President Kennedy has already received strong political support throughout the country regarding the imposition of a quarantine against Cuba [7]."

According to K. Keating,

"The armed forces of the Soviet Union, who settled in Cuba, pose a threat to the security of the United States [7]."

In his statement, he noted:

“The President’s decision to introduce quarantine is what we called on him to do before. I think the next major decision he will have to face is the need to invade Cuba, which I think is inevitable [7]."

If we talk about the Soviet press, then in the period from September to October 1962, Pravda published 121 publications concerning Cuban events. Content analysis showed that in 93,4% of publications it was said that the United States was putting the world on the brink of nuclear war. For this, the lexemes "general world war", "thermonuclear war" were used. Absolutely in all publications, the blame for the conflict was completely shifted to the United States. This is evidenced by such ideologemes as "American imperialism", "American aggressors", "intervention", "provocation", "big stick" [8].

In order to form a “correct” idea among the Soviet people about the participants in the Caribbean crisis and their role in the development of the conflict, Pravda resorted to hushing up the facts and falsifying them. So, on September 25, Fidel Castro announced that the USSR intended to create a base in Cuba for its fishing fleet. This fact was covered by Pravda in passing, since in reality this base was supposed to become a cover for the Anadyr operation to deploy Soviet nuclear missiles on the Island of Freedom. The situation is similar with the material “The Imperialists Do Not Let Up,” in which TASS accuses the United States of violating Cuban air borders by a military aircraft, which was regarded as “a new provocation by the US imperialists". However, this material did not say a word about the fact that an American intelligence officer discovered Soviet medium-range missiles during this flight [9].

When covering the Caribbean crisis, Pravda fully supported the position of the Soviet government, publishing not only statements, speeches, appeals of its representatives, but also reinforcing them with other materials: statements by Soviet citizens in support of the chosen international tactics, quoting materials from foreign periodicals echoing Soviet politicians [9] .

In general, as historian Vladimir Lota notes in his book “Armageddon is cancelled. Caribbean Crisis: People, Events, Documents”, Moscow journalists in those days wrote about American imperialism, which threatened peace-loving peoples, about the solidarity of the Soviet Union with Cuba, and, apparently, did not imagine the scale of the catastrophe that could hurt Moscow. Residents of Soviet cities were poorly informed about the real developments.

Apogee of the crisis: on the brink of nuclear war

Map of Cuba, marked by US President John F. Kennedy. Soviet missile bases are marked with crosses

N. S. Khrushchev on June 7, 1962, at a meeting with the military leadership, noted:

“We in the Central Committee decided to throw a “hedgehog” on America - to place our missiles in Cuba so that America would not be able to swallow the island of Freedom. There is the consent of the Cuban side. The purpose of this operation is one - to help the Cuban revolution survive, to protect it from US aggression. The political and military leadership of our country, having thoroughly weighed all the circumstances, sees no other way to prevent an attack from America, which, according to our information, is being intensively prepared. Once the missiles are in place, America will feel that if it wants to deal with Cuba, it will have to deal with us [10]."

American intelligence, having wide capabilities and means, was never able to reveal the composition of the grouping of Soviet troops on the territory of Cuba. She discovered the deployment of strategic missiles using aerial photography only on October 14, when an American U-2 aircraft filmed the construction of launch sites for R-12 missiles. On October 16, the results of aerial photography were reported to President John F. Kennedy. After that, the crisis situation began to worsen every day. Advisors to the President of the United States proposed an immediate air strike on missile positions or a direct invasion of Cuba [4].

The US was put on high alert. The same thing happened in the Armed Forces of the USSR. In addition, the combat readiness of NATO and Warsaw Pact troops was increased. Military-political and moral-psychological tension increased sharply. The activity of the US Air Force intensified, the planes patrolled over the territory of Cuba almost around the clock. In Cuba, a general combat alert was announced, regular army troops advanced to combat positions, and People's Defense formations were deployed.

On October 22, in a speech on the radio, J. Kennedy announced the introduction of quarantine, and in fact, a naval blockade of the young Cuban Republic. On the same day, F. Castro ordered the Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Republic to announce a combat alert and occupy units and subunits of combat positions and posts. All of Cuba was placed under martial law. By October 23, about 180 US Navy ships approached the coast of Cuba, carrying 95 sailors.

The plan for a possible military operation against Cuba provided for three massive strikes per day. On the first day of the operation, it was planned to carry out 1190 sorties of attack and bomber aircraft. The situation escalated even more after October 27, 1962, when a Soviet anti-aircraft missile shot down an American U-2 Lockheed high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft over the territory of Cuba [4].

The crisis threatened to escalate into a global nuclear missile catastrophe. In this tense situation to the limit, the leaders of the USSR and the USA - N. Khrushchev and J. Kennedy still had enough common sense and endurance. Intensive negotiations began between them - by telephone and through intermediaries. As a result of complex and tense negotiations between the heads of the two states, the US President gave a guarantee not to invade Cuba if the USSR removed offensive weapons from there. The Soviet side, agreeing with this, also insisted on the elimination of the American missile base in Turkey. On October 28, the dismantling of the missile launch sites and the preparation of the missile division in full force for redeployment to the Soviet Union began. The Cuban Missile Crisis is on the decline.

The dispute over the "winners" and "losers" in the Cuban Missile Crisis

The assessment of the Caribbean crisis in the public consciousness of Russia was constantly changing. In the early 1960s - the second half of the 80s, the outcome of the Caribbean crisis was considered in our country as a diplomatic victory for the Soviet Union, and the goal of deploying nuclear missiles in Cuba was considered as protecting the Cuban revolution from the United States [1].

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences V. T. Malakhov, in his scientific article “The Caribbean Crisis of 1962: History and Modernity”, which is often cited in this material, for example, believes that the USSR won a military-strategic victory and demonstrated to the world that the USSR is a powerful power , which has weapons capable of inflicting a crushing blow on America.

At the same time, since the second half of the 80s, estimates began to change. Not only Western, but also many domestic researchers claim that it was rather the American side that won, and the Soviet leadership and Khrushchev personally had the main responsibility for unleashing this most dangerous crisis of the Cold War, which almost led to a nuclear catastrophe [1] .

Most contemporary publications state that Khrushchev eventually had to retreat and remove not only Soviet missiles, but also tactical nuclear weapons, as well as Il-28 bombers from Cuba, and to do this in front of the whole world under humiliating international control. Many Russian historians today argue that the negative consequences of the crisis were one of the reasons for the removal of N. Khrushchev from power. A large number of dissatisfied with the position of J. Kennedy was also in the United States, especially among the military [1].

In general, in both superpowers, the results of the Caribbean crisis were indeed perceived far from unambiguous. American hardliners were negative about the realistic tendencies in President Kennedy's policies. As for Khrushchev, he was criticized in Moscow both for the fact that he went to deploy Soviet missiles in Cuba without considering all the consequences of this step, and for the fact that he agreed to remove Soviet offensive weapons from the island under American pressure [11].

L. I. Brezhnev, who came to power in 1964, condemned Khrushchev's behavior. He said that he wanted to outwit the Americans and keep them at gunpoint, but in the end he miscalculated and almost led the world to disaster. How much later the Soviet leadership had to work, Brezhnev said, to prove to the United States that we really want peace. This position of Brezhnev can be largely explained by the specifics of the change of leaders under the Soviet regime: each new political leader tried to explain the accumulated problems by the mistakes of his predecessor [2].

In general, it cannot be argued that any of the parties emerged as a clear winner from the Caribbean crisis. Among the positive consequences of the crisis, one should mention the mutual awareness of the danger of a nuclear confrontation and an unlimited arms race, especially in the absence of reliable communications and other mechanisms for resolving crisis situations. However, this positive has, in fact, been discounted in recent years, when the confrontation between Russia and the United States has reached a new level.

Lessons from history that were not learned (as a conclusion)

German philosopher G. Hegel at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. noted that

"experience and history teach that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history and have not acted according to the lessons that could be drawn from it."

It is difficult to disagree with this statement, because historical experience shows that states and peoples often made the same mistakes as their ancestors. No wonder some philosophers and historiographers believe that history develops in a spiral with the repetition of similar, but not identical, stages of forward movement.

The Caribbean crisis in the fall of 1962 was the most dangerous in the history of the Cold War, when the two superpowers - the USSR and the USA were very close to a full-scale war with the use of nuclear weapons. After the end of the acute phase of the crisis in relations between the USSR and the USA, a “thaw” began, but the Cold War did not end there. It ended only after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The emotions that remained in American society after the Cuban Missile Crisis can be judged, for example, by the film Blast from the Past, released in 1998. According to the plot, one American family hid in a bomb shelter in 1962 and locked herself there for 35 years. Then they learned with surprise and joy that "there was no atomic explosion", and that the members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1991 simply declared that "they give up." The “Cold War” is represented here by two main motives: “it was a mortal danger” and “the United States came out victorious” [2]. In turn, the modern Russian interpretation of the Caribbean crisis is largely characterized by the history textbook of 2009 (authors - O. V. Volobuev, S. V. Kuleshov). The Cuban Missile Crisis is called "the most serious foreign political conflict since the Second World War". The textbook says that the USSR, by deploying missiles in Cuba, only wanted to mirror the US aggression against the Cuban people, and the crisis was resolved thanks to concessions from the USSR.

After 60 years, Russia and the United States have not become either allies or even full-fledged partners. In 2019, Washington officially withdrew from a Cold War-era treaty restricting the deployment of intermediate and shorter-range missiles.

The lessons of the Caribbean crisis, unfortunately, have long been forgotten, and today we again hear statements about the possible use of nuclear weapons, threats from Washington to launch missile strikes against Russia.

The son of N. S. Khrushchev, historian Sergei Khrushchev, who lived in the United States and taught at Brown University, once spoke in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta about how the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis are presented in the American academic environment. In the United States, in his opinion, the mythology of the crisis still exists: a “good power” must always emerge victorious. Exactly the same picture, he stated with regret, is observed in Russia [2].

The Caribbean crisis did not end in a nuclear war just because the parties showed common sense, the ability to compromise and negotiate with each other. The question remains: will the current politicians show common sense in the event of a similar situation?

Использованная литература:
[1] Radikov I.V. The weakness of military force as a means of resolving international conflicts: lessons from the Caribbean crisis. Political expertise: POLITEKS. - 2013. - T. 9. - No. 2.
[2] V.E. Dergacheva, Yu.G. Chernyshov. The Caribbean Crisis in the Politics of Memory of the USSR (Russia) and the USA: Comparative Characteristics // Bulletin of the Altai State University, 2020, No. 6(116).
[3] Borodaev V.A. The position of the Cuban leadership during the Caribbean crisis // Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 25: International Relations and World Politics, 2013, No. 1.
[4] Malakhov V.T. Caribbean crisis of 1962: history and modernity // Bulletin of the Moscow State Linguistic University. Social Sciences. - 2016. - No. 2 (767).
[5] Vivanco JV-D. Operation Mangosto. Preludio de la invacion directa a Cuba. La Habana, 2002.
[6] US Imposes Arms Blockade on Cuba on Finding Offensive-missile Sites; Kennedy Ready for Soviet Showdown // The New York Times. - 1962. - No. 38258. - P. 1.
[7] Babkova I.V. The Cuban Missile Crisis and the US Congress // Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University. Series: History and political sciences. 2018. No. 4. P. 145-150. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/kubinskiy-raketnyy-krizis-i-kongress-ssha
[8] Lopatkin I. N., Khisamutdinova R. R. Reconstruction of the image of the United States based on content analysis of materials from periodicals of the Soviet Union. 1956-1964// News of higher educational institutions. Volga region. Humanitarian sciences. 2021. №2.
[9] Anpilova E.S. The theme of the Caribbean crisis on the pages of Pravda in 1962 // Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice. 2018. No. 3-2 (81). pp. 219–222.
[10] Russia (USSR) in the wars of the second half of the 1946th century [participation of Russian (Soviet) military personnel in hostilities outside the Russian Federation (USSR) after World War II (2002–2002)] / Institute of Military History of the RF Ministry of Defense. - M .: Triada-farm, - 149. - S. 188-XNUMX
[11] Consequences and lessons of the Caribbean crisis / B.A. Ershov, A.G. Shtukin, V.A. Ilyukova // International Journal of the Humanities and Natural Sciences. - 2016. - No. 2.
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  1. +4
    21 October 2022 05: 14
    "experience and history teach that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history
    The rake is at a different angle.....
    1. +4
      21 October 2022 05: 50
      Previously, the rake lay in the yard, now they are laid out in front of the door and under the windows ...
      1. +7
        21 October 2022 05: 58
        Quote: yuriy55
        now they are laid out in front of the door and under the windows ...

        And we made it happen! am
    2. +1
      22 October 2022 01: 32
      Mankind will probably labor forever under this general ignorance...
  2. +8
    21 October 2022 05: 45
    The Caribbean crisis itself became possible only because the Khrushchev leadership lost the firmness of the Stalinist one, and the policy of retreat, surrendering positions led to a situation where the threat of using nuclear weapons began to be considered as real ...
    You still tell the myth that Kennedy would have dared to press the button ... Fuck it! All American boldness and bravado is possible with respect to Indians and natives with bows.
    The United States, which had robbed the world and profited from WWII, imagined themselves to be the rulers of the world, and the USSR played along with it.
    You see, the NSH rushed to negotiate with the Americans...Why couldn't find a common language with the Chinese? He started games in tolerant socialist Europe and the VD, leaving the eastern direction to the mercy of fate ...
    The question remains: will the current politicians show common sense in the event of a similar situation?

    I would like to ask the author in what he sees the sanity of foreign policy?
    The West pushed the Dulles plan for a long time and dodgy until it achieved some success. Most of the Russian leadership today will not be able to explain the purpose of their activities. That's why it doesn't explain. Creates and inflates the secret of the Kremlin court.
    Who will speak on equal terms with those who threaten the world with one hand and hide the white flag behind their backs in the other hand?
    You take a look and evaluate the situation ... The authorities are not able to solve the most elementary issues ...
    Here is just one point: the creation of a gas hub in Turkey ... Tell us, for what purpose? In order to strengthen the economy of Turkey and European countries? So that in 2023 Mr. Miller would again announce the payment of 1 rubles to Gazprom shareholders? What is the use of this Russia?
    Today, the question of the existence of Russia is being decided in Ukraine. To hell with that America, which sat down to warm itself by a burning powder warehouse. China is closely watching the outcome of the war. And, not being any ally for Russia (a trading partner, no more), he is not at all indifferent to the events that may arise when the military conflict drags on, as well as the defeat of Russia, even if in the form of organizing negotiations with the Nazis.
    If a statesman cannot fulfill his duty to the Fatherland, he must leave voluntarily, handing over the reins of government to reliable hands ... Then no one will try to undermine the sovereignty and independence of the state. Then no crisis and no sanctions will be terrible.
    1. +3
      21 October 2022 06: 04
      Quote: yuriy55
      could not find a common language with the Chinese?

      Mao was very offended by the defamation of I.V. Stalin!
      Quote: yuriy55
      creation of a gas hub in Turkey...

      And the same as with the northern streams ....
      Quote: yuriy55
      China is closely watching the outcome of the war.

      And he draws conclusions ... And you won’t bewitch Sina with one ice cream!
    2. -8
      21 October 2022 07: 59
      Quote: yuriy55
      The Caribbean crisis itself became possible only because the Khrushchev leadership lost the firmness of the Stalinist

      Stalin just quietly crawled away when he was told not to climb.
    3. +6
      21 October 2022 11: 17
      Quote: yuriy55
      You still tell the myth that Kennedy would have dared to press the button ... Fuck it! All American boldness and bravado is possible with respect to Indians and natives with bows.
      The United States, which had robbed the world and profited from WWII, imagined themselves to be the rulers of the world, and the USSR played along with it.

      Your mistake is that you are considering the USA of the 1960s from the position of the USA-2020s.
      At that time, the United States was fully confident of its undeniable superiority and the right to do whatever they want. Especially in the region that was considered the backyard of the Yankees (Monroe Doctrine) - which these damn commies suddenly turned on.
      Reality returned to them only in the 70s, with the achievement of nuclear parity. And in the early 60s, the USSR could only shake its fist from the podium - the Cuban MRBMs were the only way to get to US territory with a guarantee. And all the Washington fuss between "hawks" and "doves" was just around whether the US Armed Forces could destroy them before launch or not. If the answer were "absolutely yes", then JFK would press the button.
      1. -1
        21 October 2022 11: 52
        Quote: Alexey RA
        Your mistake is that you are considering the USA of the 1960s from the position of the USA-2020s.

        I don’t know what you are trying to impute to me, only already in 1957 the first spacecraft was launched in the USSR, which put the world’s first artificial Earth satellite into orbit, and in 1961 the Kuz’kina Mother exploded at the test site.
        Probably, the United States was strong, but not so strong as to withstand the USSR Armed Forces both in terms of personnel and in technology in the Eastern Hemisphere. There, the war in Korea showed a lot ...
        The 60s for me is the time from 01.01.1960/31.12.1969/XNUMX to XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX. It was at this time that the strength of the United States in Vietnam, a country with an agrarian way of life, was remembered ...
        Today, when the United States has undestroyed chemical weapons left, when the nuclear arsenal is supplemented by biolaboratories engaged in the development of pathogenic cultures and new viruses, when Russia has no ally left (except for Belarus), when the country's population is 150 people, when in the conditions of a declared war oligarchs dictate terms to the Russian people when the military industry can barely cope with the needs for 000 replenishment ... it's too early to talk about them as something mystical. Even if there is an old senile in the presidential chair.
        1. +4
          21 October 2022 14: 12
          Quote: yuriy55
          I don’t know what you are trying to impute to me, only already in 1957 the first spacecraft was launched in the USSR, which put the world’s first artificial Earth satellite into orbit, and in 1961 the Kuz’kina Mother exploded at the test site.

          "Kuzka's mother" was a purely propaganda show - not only did the bomb not fit into the dimensions of a standard carrier, but the carrier had practically no chance of flying to the drop point.

          How many ICBMs did the USSR have in 1962? How many SLBMs?
          And how many of them were actually deployed? And then, after all, the same SLBMs with their range should have been first delivered to the shores of the United States - and for this the USSR had only diesel engines and one K-40 SSBN. The rest of the nuclear submarines were not combat-ready: the K-19 shone after the accident, the K-33 was on the Zvezdochka, the K-55 was under repair.
          All SLBMs are surface-launched. Taking into account the fate of 4 diesel-electric submarines sent to the USA in 1962, there was 0 chance of launch.

          The whole story with the deployment of the IRBM in Cuba began precisely because the USSR at the beginning of the 60s had no other chance to get US territory guaranteed.
          Quote: yuriy55
          Probably, the United States was strong, but not so strong as to withstand the USSR Armed Forces both in terms of personnel and in technology in the Eastern Hemisphere.

          Why do they need a conventional war? The United States could practically work with impunity for the USSR with special ammunition. The USSR could, of course, glaze Europe in response - but what did the Yankees have to do with that Europe?
          Quote: yuriy55
          There, the war in Korea showed a lot ...

          The war in Korea showed only that piston aviation is a thing of the past. Much worse were the numerous unsuccessful interceptions of the RB-47 by our air defense forces.
          1. -1
            21 October 2022 15: 18
            Quote: Alexey RA
            The United States could practically work with impunity for the USSR with special ammunition.

            Yes, they couldn't!
            For decades, Tu-95s have been on combat duty and patrolled along the borders of NATO countries. In Soviet and Russian aviation, during patrols or other types of sorties into international airspace, aircraft (and not only Tu-95s) never had combat nuclear charges on board. The only time special ammunition was suspended on aircraft was during the Caribbean crisis, and ship commanders received packets with cipher codes, but the confrontation between the USA and the USSR was resolved peacefully and there were no sorties.

            That is why American generals did not give Kennedy a 100% guarantee of impunity.
            Remember in the movie "Taming the Fire" there is a moment when Korolev dreamed of an astronaut, and he was asked to create a carrier that would guarantee the defeat of the United States? In April, Vostok-1 made an orbit around the Earth ...
            And the missiles in Turkey had a shorter flight time. The USSR was not satisfied with the prospect of going to heaven BEFORE, when the Americans simply die. That is why the deployment of missiles in Cuba took place.
            In addition, there was:
            The R-7A modification with a range increased to 11 km was in service with the USSR Strategic Missile Forces from January 20, 1960 to the end of 1968. In the US DoD and NATO, the missile received the designation SS-6 Sapwood

            I had the honor to talk on this subject with those who served at that time. So decide for yourself ... And when the "Voevoda" appeared, the United States did not want to wave a nuclear club ... Also the BZHRK ...
            In short, after the Caribbean crisis, the United States did not openly become impudent ...
            1. +2
              21 October 2022 17: 28
              Quote: yuriy55
              Yes, they couldn't!
              For decades, Tu-95s have been on combat duty and patrolled along the borders of NATO countries. In Soviet and Russian aviation, during patrols or other types of sorties into international airspace, aircraft (and not only Tu-95s) never had combat nuclear charges on board. The only time special ammunition was suspended on aircraft was during the Caribbean crisis, and ship commanders received packets with cipher codes, but the confrontation between the USA and the USSR was resolved peacefully and there were no sorties.

              That is why American generals did not give Kennedy a 100% guarantee of impunity.

              And what are the chances of a strategic bomber breaking through to the target without cover - through fighters and air defense systems?
              In reality, only 47 Tu-95Ks can portray something, but the system was only put into service in the fall of 1960, and the new car had problems with the range. The rest of the "carcasses" with cast iron plutonium are air defense fodder.
              Quote: yuriy55
              The R-7A modification with a range increased to 11 km was in service with the USSR Strategic Missile Forces from January 20, 1960 to the end of 1968.

              Just in case, the R-7A is this miracle:

              Preparation time for the launch - 12 hours. Technical readiness for the start - 2 hours. Fuel - kerosene and liquid oxygen, 253 tons.
              Launch pads - 4 pieces, in Plesetsk.
              1. -1
                21 October 2022 17: 38
                Quote: Alexey RA
                Launch pads - 4 pieces, in Plesetsk.

                Are you trying to convince me, but of what? I will repeat to you again (I did not make decisions and I did not advise)!!! The President was not given a 100% guarantee of the security of the US territory!!!
              2. 0
                23 October 2022 18: 09
                Quote: Alexey RA
                Just in case, the R-7A is this miracle:

                Just in case, getting back on topic:
              3. -1
                27 October 2022 17: 15
                Alexey, not everything is so simple. as we see it from 2022. then all the same, missile weapons in strategic arsenals are a meager percentage. and if by total power. in general hundredths of a percent. Yes, in addition to 6 R-7 ICBM launchers, we had another 30 or 50 R-16 ICBM launchers, about 600 R-12 and R-14 MRBM launchers, and the sailors also had a little more than a hundred R-5 KR and R-13 SLBMs ( it sounds loud for her, but still 1,45 Mt of warheads), another 1500 Tu-16 bombers in the European part of the USSR, of which 300 had 9000 kilogram products in the bomb bays 201 and 202 with a capacity of 20 and 25 Mt .. NATO air defense could sample 1962 to repel a massive raid by the Soviet ADD, and what would be left of Europe after this raid. Alexei has a professionally rich imagination. she draws the picture herself.
    4. -1
      21 October 2022 12: 18
      Quote: yuriy55
      If a statesman cannot fulfill his duty to the Fatherland, he must leave voluntarily, leaving the reins of government in reliable hands.

      Dear Yuri Sibiryak, can you tell me why Russia, which has been at war for 8 months, has not introduced ration cards? Why is Russian industry still operating in peacetime? Why, in the end, do you freely use the Internet and have not yet been shot as a provacator and accomplice of the enemy ... well, if you already remembered Stalin!
      Why do the Russian people practically do not feel the consequences of the war, you can say?
      1. +1
        21 October 2022 12: 31
        Quote: Serg65
        Why do the Russian people practically do not feel the consequences of the war, you can say?

        You can go here with your accusations:
    5. +3
      21 October 2022 13: 51
      Quote: yuriy55
      Here is just one point: the creation of a gas hub in Turkey ... Tell us, for what purpose?

      Gas is produced and must be sold ... The rest is all lyricism. Economics is always more important than politics. Capitalists value profit always and everywhere.

      To Article:
      How much later the Soviet leadership had to work, Brezhnev said, to prove to the United States that we really want peace.

      Yeah, they argued long and hard, they argued for half a century, but from the other side they didn’t think about the world, but were preparing for a decisive and final blow ...
      1. +1
        21 October 2022 15: 26
        Quote: Doccor18
        Gas is produced and must be sold ... The rest is all lyricism. Economics is always more important than politics. Capitalists value profit always and everywhere.

        Are you not a Gazprom shareholder? Slepakov didn't sing about you?
        The enemies of Russia should not use the resources of Russia to develop their economy!!!
        Remember! Wetting in the toilet and selling resources - you don’t need a lot of mind! To create and launch Starlink, or some Microsoft - this requires effort.
        This is not Rosnano for you ...
    6. +4
      21 October 2022 18: 25
      Quote: yuriy55
      The Caribbean crisis itself became possible only because the Khrushchev leadership lost the firmness of the Stalinist one, and the policy of retreat, surrendering positions led to a situation where the threat of using nuclear weapons began to be considered as real ...

      She was real. More than.
      Quote: yuriy55
      You still tell the myth that Kennedy would have dared to press the button ... Fuck it!

      By a strange coincidence, it is the United States that is the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons in practice.
      Quote: yuriy55
      All American boldness and bravado is possible with respect to Indians and natives with bows.

      American soldiers who fought against the Kaiser and Nazi Germany in France, Italy, Africa, against Japan on Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima and so on look at you with bewilderment. They could be reproached for their inability to fight, for bad commanders, etc., but they definitely did not have any pathological cowardice.
      Quote: yuriy55
      You see, the NSH rushed to negotiate with the Americans...Why couldn't find a common language with the Chinese?

      With whom? :)))))) And who was China then? :)))) And what common language should have been sought with him?
      Do you even remember China in the 60s. Did we have to put another one and a half billion impoverished republic on our hump, or what?
      Quote: yuriy55
      Most of the Russian leadership today will not be able to explain the purpose of their activities. That's why it doesn't explain.

      Yes, the purpose of the HPP has long been clear. At first, he sincerely tried to integrate into the West, and when it did not work out, he was going to use the time of relative warming for the military and economic strengthening of the Russian Federation, and then declare the Russian Federation as an independent political player. He managed to wait for time, to strengthen the Russian Federation to the required extent militarily and economically - no, but over the years of power, the GDP has become very far removed from reality and does not understand the real state of affairs.
      Quote: yuriy55
      Here is just one point: the creation of a gas hub in Turkey ... Tell us, for what purpose? In order to strengthen the economy of Turkey and European countries?

      With the aim that 40% of the federal budget is formed by revenues from petroleum products.
      1. +1
        23 October 2022 19: 09
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        By a strange coincidence, it is the United States that is the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons in practice.

        I would add that G.F.K. was a combat officer - commander of a torpedo boat and holder of the "purple seat". And despite the appearance of a cutie, the guy was sharp, like all Irish people.
    7. 0
      14 December 2022 08: 16
      Agree with bitter words.
      Only to transfer the reins of government to reliable hands is a big doubt. Who is this bearer of reliable hands, what ideas and methods does he have? The country needs to switch to the mobilization of the economy and the army. Not up to democratic curtsy. Democracy games are suitable only for a serene stable state. The change of power with the change of the government and all managers is a period of great confusion and weakness. GDP started this business (response), it should continue and complete.
    8. 0
      21 December 2022 20: 34
      Quote: yuriy55
      You still tell the myth that Kennedy would have dared to press the button ... Fuck it! All American boldness and bravado is possible with respect to Indians and natives with bows.
      The United States, which had robbed the world and profited from WWII, imagined themselves to be the rulers of the world, and the USSR played along with it.

      On the Dry River, the United States quite decided to bomb the USSR - with hard Stalin's leadership

      Quote: yuriy55
      Here is just one point: the creation of a gas hub in Turkey ... Tell us, for what purpose?

      100 rounds per day for each CBO participant =300 million per day.
      Daily (if it were paid daily!) payment to mobilized =1,95 billion
      Daily payment of pensions to pensioners = 20 billion
      And this is without salaries for teachers / doctors / police, without spending on military equipment, without spending on the fleet and space, without spending on science and culture .....
  3. +4
    21 October 2022 05: 57
    Quote: yuriy55
    All American boldness and bravado is possible in relation to Indians and natives with bows.

    Not really. From everything I read on this subject, I concluded that the Americans were quite determined. And if Khrushchev had not given in, then a nuclear war would have been inevitable. Then, unfortunately, the United States surpassed us in all types of weapons ...
    1. +1
      21 October 2022 08: 58
      Quote: Luminman
      From what I have read on this subject, I have concluded that The Americans were pretty resolute.

      Like in Pearl Harbor... But the Japanese showed what kind of shit they really are in front of the possessed warriors.
      Quote: Luminman
      Then, unfortunately, the United States surpassed us in all types of weapons ...

      In addition to territory and population. And the US military directly pointed out to Kennedy that there would be nothing left of the United States ...
      1. -1
        21 October 2022 12: 34
        Quote: yuriy55
        In addition to territory and population. And the US military directly pointed out to Kennedy that there would be nothing left of the United States ...

        And there were other nuances like:
        For decades, Tu-95s have been on combat duty and patrolled along the borders of NATO countries. In Soviet and Russian aviation, during patrols or other types of sorties into international airspace, aircraft (and not only Tu-95s) never had combat nuclear charges on board. The only time special ammunition was suspended on aircraft was during the Caribbean crisis, and ship commanders received packets with cipher codes, but the confrontation between the USA and the USSR was resolved peacefully and there were no sorties.
      2. +5
        21 October 2022 17: 38
        Quote: yuriy55
        Like in Pearl Harbor... But the Japanese showed what kind of shit they really are in front of the possessed warriors.

        Yeah ... they showed. Possessed Warriors capitulated to the pampered and lazy soulless Yankees, having lost almost the entire army, navy, industry and transport in the process of forcing peace.
        Pearl Harbor and the war with Japan in general just speak in favor of the United States. When, faced with the experienced and battle-hardened IJA and IJN, the Yankees did not sue for peace after a continuous series of defeats, but gathered and reached Tokyo. At the same time, waging war in Europe in parallel and supplying three foreign armies.
        1. +1
          21 October 2022 18: 04
          Quote: Alexey RA
          At the same time, waging war in Europe in parallel and supplying three foreign armies.

          That's right ... Tell me, how many divisions of the III Reich did they defeat? How many planes were shot down during the entire war, how many tanks were knocked out ...
          Most likely, the Germans simply transferred materials on the atomic bomb to Washington. That is why President Truman began to behave like the last whore, in the hope of swallowing the whole world, removing the main winner in WWII.
          Also, materials from Detachment 731 fell into the hands of the Americans.
          There is such a thing - unreasonable and unjustified cruelty. One gets the impression that Americans have been indoctrinated for too long with the right to this cruelty against other nations and races. To remake them by the method of persuasion is a waste of energy. However, with adequate answers and a comparable confrontation, they start to piss...
          How else to call the soldiers fighting with the civilian population until it is completely exterminated?
          It is this kind of war that they are afraid of ... Do you know what kind? In the morning we woke up, and the head was in the nightstand. And no one cares how she got there.
          Let's see what they will sing when they begin to fight with their methods: without explanations and restrictions, for survival, until extermination ...
          1. +1
            21 October 2022 19: 09
            Quote: yuriy55
            That's right ... Tell me, how many divisions of the III Reich did they defeat? How many planes were shot down during the entire war, how many tanks were knocked out ...

            Can you tell me why the same 6 TA SS did not make it to Budapest? wink
            As for the aircraft - how is it with the ratio of backlash losses in the theater?
            Quote: yuriy55
            Most likely, the Germans simply transferred materials on the atomic bomb to Washington.

            What for? The Yankees already had all the materials of the British project Tube Alloys, on which the best specialists worked.
          2. 0
            22 October 2022 16: 39
            Quote: yuriy55
            That's right ... Tell me, how many divisions of the III Reich did they defeat?

            In a maneuver war, a division of 105-mm American self-propelled guns mowed down the infantry of a German division in about a day of battle using shells with a radio fuse.
      3. 0
        21 October 2022 19: 52
        Quote: yuriy55
        Like in Pearl Harbor... But the Japanese showed what kind of shit they really are in front of the possessed warriors.

        And why is the bombing of Tokyo from an aircraft carrier not the answer (in terms of demonstrating spirit and determination)? Why not a feat equivalent to our bombing of Berlin in 41?
  4. +2
    21 October 2022 06: 42
    The trick is that the main part of the population of any country is not a diplomat by definition, and the position of "give a nickel" is closer and more understandable, I myself am like that ...
  5. 0
    21 October 2022 08: 03
    who is to blame for the crisis

    There are no questions here. The Eisenhower administration is to blame in the person of CIA Director Dulles, Secretary of State Dulles and, of course, Eisenhower personally. They brought communism in the backyard. Of course, this could not lead to anything good.
    1. +2
      21 October 2022 11: 27
      They didn’t just start, but directly pushed Fidel into the arms of the Reds. If the structures you indicated had monitored the situation and worked with Castro, then the whole revolution would have resulted in another Latin American coup from a series of "an sew on the soap" - followed by a series of rebellions. And so, after all the embargoes and sanctions, Fidel simply had no other choice but to turn to the second pole of power.
      About the fact that it would be necessary to shorten Batista in time and authority figures, so as not to bring Cuba to an explosion, I'm not saying. wink
      1. 0
        21 October 2022 11: 41
        Quote: Alexey RA
        If the structures you indicated monitored the situation and worked with Castro

        If the structures I mentioned had worked with Castro, and had not written their famous plan to kill all Russians with vodka and female caress, then Mr. Castro would not have been alive by the 60s. And so the only person who understood something in foreign policy at that time was a certain Mr. Lansky, known from a completely different side.
        1. +1
          21 October 2022 13: 15
          Quote: Negro
          If the structures I mentioned had worked with Castro, and had not written their famous plan to kill all Russians with vodka and female caress, then Mr. Castro would not have been alive by the 60s.

          Or they would have brought him to power with their own hands in the hope of preempting and weakening the social explosion. How did Jimmy Carter 20 years later in a Middle Eastern country. laughing
          Quote: Negro
          And so the only person who understood something in foreign policy at that time was a certain Mr. Lansky, known from a completely different side.

          Well, Mr. Sukhovlyansky was a pragmatist - he earned money, and did not tart it from the budget. smile
          1. -1
            21 October 2022 13: 30
            Quote: Alexey RA
            How Jimmy Carter did it 20 years later in a Middle Eastern country

            He was always aggressive about Jimmy Carter's foreign policy, but against the background of the achievements of the last 30 years, his activities began to be forgotten. Well, a person hated the Jews, it happens.

            And the Combodians.
      2. -2
        23 December 2022 21: 24
        Speaking of Fidel. Immediately after the revolution and the seizure of power in Havana, American journalists (yes, yes, American journalists) interviewed Fidel, to the question of which side he would be on in the event of a war between the USSR and the USA, he answered - on the side of the United States! I remember it well, like the entire Cuban Missile Crisis.
        1. 0
          24 December 2022 10: 15
          Exactly. The Yankees themselves, with their own hands, drove Fidel into the arms of dear Nikita Sergeevich.

          No, of course I understand everything - casino and brothel US backyard, unauthorized revolution, people in authority lost a lot of money. But this is what a pro you have to be to bring the situation from "another leftist coup in the banana republic" before "aaa!!! we all die! Russian nuclear missiles can arrive in five minutes!".
  6. +8
    21 October 2022 08: 38
    What does it mean - who won? The USSR had two problems in this conflict - missiles in Turkey and the security of Cuba. The missiles were removed, security was provided. And do you have any more questions?
  7. +6
    21 October 2022 08: 51
    Will the current politicians show common sense in the event of such a situation?
    Different weight categories now. Then the USSR and the Department of Internal Affairs on the one hand and the USA and NATO on the other. Yes, and the USSR did not store hundreds of billions of foreign currency abroad. Russia, not the USSR, and there is no ATS, only Belarus. The USA and NATO were somewhat blown away, but they did not lose their strength. Russian oligarchs, yes, well, very rich, personally, but do not have much influence on the world economy. And they have no political weight in the world.
  8. +4
    21 October 2022 09: 15
    First, the Cuban Missile Crisis became possible because Khrushchev was an ardent anti-Stalinist with a Trotskyist flavor. Khrushchev decided to assign himself the title of leader of those who threw off the colonial shackles after the war. Consider Khrushchev, like Trotsky, began to rave about the ideas of a coup-revolution on a global scale. From the time of Khrushchev, the feeding by the Soviet Union of all the hungry people of the world began. Hence, from such euphoria and Khrushchev's next step, to overtake and overtake America and overtake even themselves under the slogans "seven-year plan in five years", which Brezhnev later corrected "five-year plan in three years." Moreover, they fed all the hungry people in the same way.
    Khrushchev's anti-Stalinism in domestic politics still has tangible consequences. The fifth column under Khrushchev began to abandon the ideas of a socialist state for business trips abroad, consider that what Stalin and the Soviet people achieved with great difficulty, the Khrushchev elite began to exchange it for chewing gum and cola and for Marlboro cigarettes. At the same time, Khrushchev promised communism by 1980, the Khrushchev elite laughed at this, but nodded their heads - yes, yes, Nikita Sergeevich.
    The bluff was everywhere, including the number of missiles in the USSR itself and in Cuba. Only now it’s not necessary la la that under Khrushchev they launched Sputnik and Gagarin flew into space. All this happened as a relay race from the efforts of Stalin and Beria, and from the industry they created and the science they organized and the cadres they nominated.
  9. -4
    21 October 2022 10: 19
    What can I say, the top leadership of the then USSR showed weakness. Then and now we have no decisive action. What will happen next time will tell. One thing is clear, the world will never be the same again. I would like to note that the probable destruction of the USSR was then reduced to zero. These facts are not mentioned here. The current situation is another matter, I have great doubts about the ability of our country to do something similar to what the Soviet Union could do then.
  10. 0
    21 October 2022 18: 19
    If a statesman cannot fulfill his duty to the Fatherland, he must leave voluntarily,

    As they say every day on the radio station "Moscow Speaks":
    "If a scientist cannot explain to an 8-year-old boy what he does, he is a charlatan."
  11. 0
    21 October 2022 19: 08
    One of the articles anticipates the published speech of J. Kennedy:
    "The President claims the Russians have lied and are putting the Western Hemisphere in great danger."
    This statement is presented as the only truthful and does not require proof, which is an outright manipulation.

    IMHO, of course, but this reaction of Kennedy was caused by the presence of an "official-confidential-personal" source for Kennedy from the USSR Embassy. The "source" even in personal meetings stated, "as ordered": there are no missiles and never will be. There were a couple of articles in the HBO.

    The US military "backed" Kennedy to the wall, and both brothers. IMHO, it was not long before the impeachment - because "KG goes to the White House, and both Kennedys obey KG". There was no time for negotiations, and there was no one to talk to (thanks to the radio), they were already going to bomb and capture Cuba.
    Getting out of the "quarantine" was a great success.
  12. 0
    22 October 2022 20: 12
    One question
    Where does the version come from that the deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba was a reaction to the deployment of American missiles in Turkey? Are there any documents or just la-la? In the documents, the purpose of deploying missiles and, in general, creating the GSVK is completely different. Moreover, the option with American missiles in Turkey was thrown to us by the Americans. First, on October 20, an article in a newspaper, then a proposal.
    And in general, what difference does it make where the missiles were placed then, there was still no early warning system, so it flies for 7 or 30 minutes without a difference in general.

    About all sorts of little things like tactical nuclear weapons, the impact on Khrushchev's confusion, etc. I won't

    And yet American intelligence discovered everything, but the Director of the CIA did not go against the president who said that there were no Soviet missiles in Cuba