The collapse of the Russian Imperial Army in 1917 and the signing of the shameful Treaty of Brest by the Bolsheviks

The collapse of the Russian Imperial Army in 1917 and the signing of the shameful Treaty of Brest by the Bolsheviks

After the February Revolution, Russia tried to fight more energetically than before, but after the collapse of the summer offensive and the Bolsheviks came to power, the army turned into an uncontrollable crowd in soldiers' overcoats. Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev noted that the October Revolution

“had, first of all, one sad and humiliating meaning for the Russian people: the Russian people could not stand the great test of the war. All peoples took part in the world war with the spiritual and material baggage that they had accumulated over a long period of time. history. The Russian people turned out to be bankrupt. He had an underdeveloped sense of honor."
[quote from: Nikolai Berdyaev: The Philosophy of Inequality].

In this material, we will try to answer the questions - what led to the collapse of the Russian Imperial Army and what role did the Bolsheviks play in this? Why did the illogical position of the Bolsheviks at the negotiations in Brest-Litovsk worsen their negotiating positions?

The collapse of the Russian Imperial Army after the February Revolution and the role of the Bolsheviks in the process of its destruction

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Elena Besschetnova in her scientific article “The Collapse of the Russian Imperial Army in 1917” notes that since its inception, the regular army of the Russian Empire has been the most reliable and flexible instrument of the autocracy, a special organism with a tough corporate spirit. In Europe, the symbol of Russian military power was popular - "the image of a large brown bear, which aroused respect even from the enemy" [1].

But in just a few months in 1917, one of the most powerful armies in Europe turned into an uncontrollable crowd in soldiers' overcoats. The army not only lost, it was practically destroyed. Desertion, robbery, drunkenness and murder became mass phenomena of that period. This was not a typical soldier's rebellion, it was an unconscious refusal of public service. The collapse of the army of the Great War is associated with the rejection of this war by the entire people [1].

The Russian Minister of War V. A. Sukhomlinov, in an article published in February 1914 under the heading “Russia wants peace, but is ready for war” in the Birzhevye Vedomosti newspaper, noted that the Russian army had restored its combat capability after the Russo-Japanese War and was ready for war with a strong opponent [2]. However, the reality turned out to be different. However, the First World War made its own adjustments to the state of the armies of all the warring countries, no one was ready for protracted hostilities, even Germany, whose troops were best prepared.

By the time the war began, the personnel of the Russian army totaled 1,4 million people. Between 1914 and 1917, 15,5 million people were called up for military service, of which 4,5 million were recruits, of which 3 million had never been trained in military affairs. Huge losses and mass mobilization led to a radical change in the composition of the troops. Personnel problems made themselves felt by January 1915, after four months of bloody offensive war. General A. Brusilov believed that there was no longer a regular army, instead of it "an army of ignoramuses" [1].

The army on the Austro-German front, stretching for hundreds of kilometers, by 1917 consisted mainly of conscripts prepared for war already in the process of the war itself, and was a poorly knit mass of peasants in soldiers' overcoats. At the same time, the issue of its leadership was acute in a situation of a catastrophic shortage of qualified officers, which was never resolved. But the most dangerous thing is that for the most part this multi-million army was indifferent to the war [1].

After the February Revolution and the coming to power of the Provisional Government, it became obvious that systematic work was needed to strengthen and expand patriotic sentiment at the front and in the rear. But instead, on March 27, 1917, the Provisional Government published an imperious and vague "Declaration on the Tasks of the War", which supported a completely different slogan in meaning "Peace without annexations and indemnities." It was the proposal of A.F. Kerensky. General M. Alekseev wrote about this:

“The slogan – without annexations and indemnities – leads the crowd to the conclusion: why sacrifice your life now? The army is on the brink of destruction.

In fact, this slogan could be supported only by those who hated the war and longed for peace, by all means. The Bolsheviks were not slow to take advantage of this.

After the February Revolution, they had equal access to agitation work among the troops with other parties and began to conduct active and effective defeatist propaganda in the army. In many letters from officers from the front there are references to the fact that Bolshevik agitation on the front lines has a corrupting effect on the soldiers. They sensitively caught the hidden mood of the masses and directed it in the direction they needed. If even in March the slogans of the Bolsheviks seemed "wild" and marginal, by October 1917 they had become one "of the leading army parties, their support in the troops reached, according to various sources, from 40 to 60%".

The Bolsheviks in their anti-government agitation relied on inciting "class hatred" between officers and soldiers, which made the unconditional execution of commanders' orders impossible.

A vivid example of successful propaganda can be considered the call of the Bolsheviks to fraternization. Lenin wrote in April 1917:

“It’s good that the soldiers curse the war ... It’s good that they break the hard labor discipline, they themselves begin fraternization on all fronts. All this is good! It is necessary that the soldiers now pass over to such a fraternization during which a clear political program would be discussed. We are not anarchists. We do not think that the war can be ended by a simple refusal, it must be ended and will be ended by the revolution [3].

After the February Revolution, these fraternizations with the soldiers of the army of opponents of Russia, which manifested themselves, among other things, in joint drinking, took on a massive character.

The reforms of the Provisional Government, carried out in the army with a constant eye on the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, transformed the army from an institution closed from any ideological propaganda into a political battlefield. The Bolsheviks, taking advantage of the proclamation of freedom of speech, including at the front, actively began to conduct their own propaganda, setting the soldiers against their commanders, urging them not to obey their orders. Thus, in essence, destroying the traditional idea of ​​the army as a special organism with a rigid hierarchy. Desertion, robbery, drunkenness and murder were mass phenomena of that period. All the initiatives of the revolutionary period led Russia to the collapse of the Russian army and statehood [1].

Brest-Litovsk negotiations: the illogical position of the Bolshevik delegation

Soviet delegation in Brest-Litovsk
Soviet delegation in Brest-Litovsk

One of the main slogans of the Bolsheviks was Russia's withdrawal from the war, and its practical implementation began immediately after the Bolsheviks came to power. On November 8, 1917, the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets adopted the Decree on Peace, drawn up by V. I. Lenin (Ulyanov). The Soviet government offered all the warring peoples and their governments to conclude a truce and start negotiations on a "just, democratic peace without annexations and indemnities." The Decree contained an appeal to the workers of England, France and Germany "to actively intervene in the solution of questions of war and peace, to achieve the liberation of mankind from the horrors of war and its consequences."

On November 21, Russian People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Lev Trotsky (Leiba Bronstein) sent diplomatic notes to the ambassadors of the Entente countries with a proposal for an "immediate cessation of hostilities on all fronts and an urgent start of peace negotiations." On November 27, 1917, the German government agreed to start peace negotiations. The Soviet delegation headed by A. A. Ioffe arrived in Brest-Litovsk on December 7, 1917 (L. Trotsky arrived there a little later).

The recent underground revolutionaries and political émigrés who represented Soviet Russia at the negotiations in Brest did not possess the elementary skills of office work and diplomacy. In particular, one of the members of the delegation, historian Mikhail Pokrovsky, drew attention to the fact that the members of the Soviet delegation did not have written authority to conclude a peace treaty on behalf of the Soviet state, and those papers that the members of the Soviet delegation received in the office of Smolny certified only their identities. . It turned out that the delegates and those who sent them either did not know the basics of diplomacy, or were not going to make peace at all. After this remark by M.N. Pokrovsky in Petrograd, documents were urgently drawn up and transferred to Brest-Litovsk, in which it was noted that the members of the delegation (by name) were authorized by the Council of People's Commissars to conclude peace with other states [4].

The delegation of the German Empire was headed by the State Secretary of the German Foreign Ministry, Richard von Kühlmann. However, in reality, the chief of staff of the German armies on the Eastern Front, General Max Hoffmann, played a dominant role. Differences emerged between the German military and diplomats from the very beginning - Kuhlmann advocated soft peace conditions, arguing that it was necessary to end the war on one of the fronts as soon as possible. Hoffmann, on the other hand, sought to fully exploit the enemy's weakness. In this, he was supported by a significant part of the German public, who longed for a convincing victory [5].

On December 15, an armistice was signed, and on December 22, negotiations began on a peace treaty. Germany's conditions were harsh enough that the Bolsheviks caused intra-party disagreements. Part of the party workers, regardless of objective factors, counted on a pan-European socialist revolution and therefore did not understand the need to sign peace with Germany. No less adventurous and demagogic was the position of L. D. Trotsky (at that time People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR), who proposed: declare the war ended, demobilize the army, but do not sign peace.

The head of the Soviet government, V. I. Lenin, advocated the acceptance of the German peace conditions, who believed that the Red Army, which had just begun to form, would not be able to resist enemy troops, and proceeded, first of all, from the need to maintain power at any cost, even by ceding part of the territory former empire. As a result, the Bolsheviks began to drag out peace negotiations.

It is worth noting that L. Trotsky's insistence on inviting a delegation of the Polish government to participate in the negotiations forced the German side to use the Bolshevik principle of "self-determination of peoples" against Russia itself and, in turn, offer the Ukrainian delegation. It should be noted that L. Trotsky without hesitation recognized the independence of the UNR delegation, thereby creating a certain confusion and violating the established principles of international relations [6].

Trotsky generally had certain sympathies for "Ukrainianism". Even during the years of the Civil War, Trotsky drew attention to the national characteristics of the Ukrainian people. He discovered in the Ukrainians the awakened "free spirit of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and Haidamaks", which "gave the Ukrainians superhuman strength to fight against the oppressors for hundreds of years" [7].

To put pressure on the intractable Bolshevik government, which was dragging out negotiations in anticipation of a revolution in Germany, on the night of January 27 (February 9), 1918, the Central Powers signed a separate peace with the UNR. In response, the Soviet delegation headed by L. Trotsky made a kind of "knight's move": she declared that the Central Rada had been deposed, therefore her delegation did not represent Ukraine.

In turn, there have been changes in the composition of the Russian delegation: it includes representatives of the Soviet Ukraine, who refuse to recognize the agreement concluded by the UNR delegation. Bolshevism apparently could not construct a situation more stupid from a legal point of view. First, recognize the independence of the UNR delegation, then declare a change of power in Ukraine, while the new government, which is formally independent, enters into negotiations as an integral part of the Russian Soviet delegation [6].

The negotiations thus stalled. On January 28 (February 10), at an evening meeting of the political commission chaired by R. von Kühlmann, the Soviet delegation headed by L. D. Trotsky finally refused to accept the German terms of the peace treaty. After an emotional speech, Trotsky read out his famous statement, based on the highly controversial formula "no peace, no war." In response, the German troops launched an offensive and occupation of Ukraine, virtually without encountering resistance.

L. D. Trotsky writes in his memoirs that he counted on the fact that if the Germans found 2-3 combat-ready divisions, they would need at least 12 days to reach Petrograd, and during this time the Soviet government could well move to Moscow , and if necessary - to Yekaterinburg [8]. It is hard to imagine a more adventurous position.

As a result, on March 3, the Bolsheviks signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on even more humiliating terms. Russia has lost the Baltic States, Finland, Ukraine, part of Belarus. From the point of view of Russia's interests, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a disaster.

In pursuit of the illusion of world revolution (as an afterword)

After the Bolsheviks came to power, it was the illusion of world revolution that determined the content of their political practice. The reference point for the Bolshevik party was the future and the whole world, and not the present and Russia. The fate of the homeland of the doctrinaires of communism was of little interest, for it was entirely determined by the Western revolutions. Hence the reckless demagogy and populism, with the help of which a group of charismatics, rallied around a strong leader, destroyed the Russian army, pushed opponents out of power, and eliminated the foundations of the “old” statehood. And all this is for the communist reconstruction of the world community [9].

Russia was seen as a platform from which the Bolsheviks were to start the world revolution. It was an absolute priority [9]. The territorial losses of Russia for the Bolsheviks, who at that time were guided by the policy of "war communism" and expected a "world revolution", frankly, meant little. In his speech, the founder of the party, V. I. Lenin, directly said that he had already

“In the era of the Brest peace, the Soviet government placed the world dictatorship of the proletariat and the world revolution above all national sacrifices, no matter how hard they were” [9].

Moreover, some Bolsheviks, such as Leon Trotsky, the ideologue of Trotskyism, showed an openly hostile attitude towards Russian culture, and believed that the history of Russia was “poor”, and the people were “spiritually poor”.

“Poor country Russia, our poor history, if you look back. The Slavophiles wanted to perpetuate social impersonality, the slavery of a spirit that did not rise above the herd, as "meekness" and "humility", the best flowers of the Slavic soul. The populists wanted to make the economic primitiveness of the country a source of social miracles.
[quote from: L. Trotsky. Problems of culture. Culture of the old world. L. Trotsky. Works. Volume 20. Moscow - Leningrad, 1926].

Bowing before the West, Trotsky fully connected the entire progressive development of Russia with Western influences, seeing in them not only the basis, but also the accelerator of the state organization in Russia [7].

As a conclusion, it should be noted that it cannot be said that only the Bolsheviks destroyed the Russian army and led the country to disaster, it would be wrong, but the Bolsheviks played a significant role in this. They were ready to sacrifice the national interests of Russia to the idea of ​​a ghostly world revolution.

Использованная литература:
[1] Beschetnova E. V. The collapse of the Russian Imperial Army in 1917. Sociological review. 2018. V. 17. No. 2. S. 299–316.
[2] Pirogov D.V. Assessment of the readiness of the Russian Empire for the European war through the eyes of military publicists (1905–1914) // Bulletin of the Moscow University. Series 8. History. M., 2017. No. 1. S. 90–97.
[3] V. I. Lenin (1969). The meaning of fraternization // Lenin V. I. Complete Works. T. 31. M.: Politizdat. pp. 459–461.
[4] Brest peace: prologue, conclusion, results: Collection of documents / otv. comp. A. V. Repnikov; comp. A. V. Borisov, with the participation of B. S. Kotov and L. V. Lannik. – M.: Political Encyclopedia, 2022.
[5] Nikolai Vlasov. Road to disaster. Foreign policy of the German Empire. 1871–1918 – M.: Eurasia, 2021.
[6] Bondarenko D. Ya. On the question of the legitimacy of Ukraine's participation in the Brest-Litovsk negotiations / D. Ya. Bondarenko. Moscow State Pedagogical University // Scientific Bulletin of BelSU. Ser. Story. Political science. Economy. Informatics. - 2010. - No. 1 (72), issue 13. – P. 45–48.
[7] Shepelev M. A. Trotskyism and the Ukrainian question // Uchenye zapiski Crimean Federal University named after V. I. Vernadsky. Philosophy. Political science. Culturology. 2016. Volume 2 (68).
[8] Peace negotiations in Brest-Litovsk from December 22 (December 9), 1917 to March 3 (February 18), 1918, Vol. 1: Plenary sessions; Meetings of the political commission / Full text of transcripts, ed. and with note. A. A. Ioffe (V. Krymsky), with preface. L. D. Trotsky. – M.: Nar. com. foreign affairs, 1920.
[9] Davydov, A. Yu. War communism: people and power in revolutionary Russia, late 1917 - early 1921 / A. Yu. Davydov. - St. Petersburg: Eurasia, 2020.
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  1. +7
    15 October 2022 05: 12
    The Bolsheviks received considerable support among the people and the army, including by playing on the fact that the "temporary" could surrender Petrograd to the Germans ...
    1. +30
      15 October 2022 10: 31
      All right. I didn't even read the article after the first sentence. It was the temporary workers who ruined the front, although it could not have done without the Bolsheviks.
      PS The author is another pseudo-historian "debunker of Soviet myths."
      1. +5
        15 October 2022 10: 57
        Diana! love long time no see...
        don't you know that the Bolsheviks overthrew the tsar?
        1. +21
          15 October 2022 12: 05
          Roma, I don’t know if you don’t know or just don’t want to know, the liberals overthrew the tsar, then betrayed the crowned relatives, and shot the Socialist-Revolutionaries, but as usual, the Bolsheviks are to blame for everything.
          1. +6
            15 October 2022 12: 16
            yes, that's exactly what he was talking about. request
            The text of your comment is too short and in the opinion of the site administration does not carry useful information.
            1. +12
              15 October 2022 13: 29
              Roma love Hey! In the know, of course. Lenin arrived right from the station in an armored car and deposed the passion-bearer, and then, as Zheleznyak got tired of guarding him, he shot him ... laughing
              1. +4
                15 October 2022 15: 50
                So, on the 2nd, he moved out, and on the 4th he already proclaimed the April theses from an armored car. In fact, Ilyich moved out at the end of March, and until April 2, housing in Zurich was paid for. But for the owner of the apartment it is too difficult - if he paid, then he lived.
              2. +2
                15 October 2022 17: 37
                but isn't it a bayonet?
                The text of your comment is too short and, according to the site administration, is not useful
                1. +1
                  15 October 2022 18: 40
                  Rum, I personally was not present, as you understand, so I don’t know the subtleties ... request
          2. 0
            12 December 2022 19: 52
            I think that Nicholas 2 and George 5 are one and the same person. Their biographies, parents, children, illnesses, family events, etc. coincide completely, but with a slight shift in time.
            And in Russia there were twins. Even if there was an execution, the height of the daughter Anastasia does not match the height of the buried skeleton under her name.
            Only one bullet hole on the wall was at the level of 140 cm, and most of the holes were located at the level of the groin, thighs and knees of an adult (the order of the bullet holes is given as their number increases).
            So there was NO SHOOT! Here are your cousins:
            1. 0
              12 December 2022 19: 57
              These are cousins: Wilhelm 2, George 5 and Nicholas 2 "innocently killed." If anyone was shot, it's a doppelgänger. All the royals had twins, modern politicians have had not one or two, but more
        2. +5
          15 October 2022 15: 41
          don't you know that the Bolsheviks overthrew the tsar?

          And a chapel, XIII century too.
          1. +5
            15 October 2022 17: 36
            well, with churches and chapels there, yes, they got excited ...
            1. +10
              15 October 2022 18: 28
              well, with churches and chapels there, yes, they got excited ...
              No, everything was fine. They removed them from the state budget, brought back the patriarch (whom Peter 1 had already abolished) and put them on self-financing, on self-financing. So everything began to fall apart, because no one from the people voluntarily donated to the temples.
              1. -9
                17 October 2022 12: 16
                ... for no one from the people voluntarily donated to temples.

                Have you ever been to church yourself? A specialist "religionist" was found. He cannot distinguish a priest from a monk, but writes comments about the church. This is how the "cooks" ruled Russia after the revolution of 1917, creating the "Soviet people".
                1. +1
                  12 December 2022 20: 09
                  In the village of Byngi in the Urals there is one of the oldest churches in the Urals, and in it is the most interesting icon of St. Ali - the prototype of Ilya Muromets ...
              2. +2
                19 October 2022 14: 26
                That's right ...

                It is enough to carefully read the Bolshevik decree on freedom of conscience, in which the Church is separated from the state, and the school from the church ...

                Religious freedom is GUARANTEED. As well as freedom not to profess any faith. But religion is a private matter of a citizen...

                And the Church (and other confessions) acquire the status of de facto public organizations that must exist at the expense of their members. Incl. and maintain your property...
            2. +3
              19 October 2022 14: 32
              Well, then it was the LEGAL "response" of the Bolsheviks to the ACTIVE, incl. ARMED opposition of the LEADERSHIP of the Church (in all its existing confessional manifestations in Russia) to the policy of Soviet power. And for ACTIVE cooperation (and not only "spiritual") of the Church with the ARMED counter-revolution ...

              Just in case, a hundred and fifty years before that, during the so-called. "Great French" (not arranged by the "Bolsheviks" at all) with the local "churchmen" from abbots to monks, nuns, etc., the so-called. "free citizens" are bourgeois, they were treated somehow "harder" ...
              1. 0
                21 October 2022 18: 36
                Quote: ABC-schütze
                Well, then it was the LEGAL "response" of the Bolsheviks to the ACTIVE, incl. ARMED opposition of the LEADERSHIP of the Church (in all its existing confessional manifestations in Russia) to the policy of Soviet power. And for ACTIVE cooperation (and not only "spiritual") of the Church with the ARMED counter-revolution ...

                Just in case, a hundred and fifty years before that, during the so-called. "Great French" (not arranged by the "Bolsheviks" at all) with the local "churchmen" from abbots to monks, nuns, etc., the so-called. "free citizens" are bourgeois, they were treated somehow "harder" ...

                Another point that many people forget. The church was one of the largest landowners.
                It was a very significant part of their income.
                And the Bolsheviks deprived the church of this income by nationalizing church and landlord lands.
                What caused the hatred of the church elite and the resistance of the authorities.
                And what kind of power will it endure
              2. 0
                5 November 2022 11: 20
                France .... the Bolsheviks .... the spirit is one - godless, therefore, the deeds are the same .... only in France they quickly changed their minds, and the party (joke) again said that God exists .... but here this matter dragged on for more
      2. +4
        16 October 2022 09: 22
        Quote: Diana Ilyina
        All right. I didn't even read the article after the first sentence. It was the temporary workers who ruined the front, although it could not have done without the Bolsheviks.
        PS The author is another pseudo-historian "debunker of Soviet myths."

        Moreover, this pseudo-historian calls the "Brest peace" shameful, but if you look at it with an open mind? The "Brest Peace" was signed on behalf of the Soviet government on March 3, and already on November 13 it was annulled by the same government. Not a single article of this "world" has been completed. So what is his shame for the country if he went for the good of the country? Enough with the nonsense already. The same nonsense as with the "Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact"
      3. +4
        17 October 2022 11: 02
        Quote: Diana Ilyina
        PS The author is another pseudo-historian "debunker of Soviet myths."

        Worse. The author, in his exposure, considers the facts of the Bolshevik historical myths about party leadership in all the events of February-October 1917 smile
        When Winston was a schoolboy—in the late 50s—the party only claimed the invention of the helicopter; ten years later, when Julia went to school, the plane was already an invention of the party; another generation and she would invent the steam engine.

        The army and the country should be good, which was destroyed by 20 people, a third of whom were in exile.
        1. 0
          19 October 2022 14: 21
          Well, actually, just not in "all" ...

          Namely, in CONQUERING THE SUPPORT OF A DECISIVE majority in the "capitals". AND NOT ADMIT the possibility of a complete seizure of power in the country by "temporary" coups...

          Incl. and ACTIVE, SKILLED organizational and propaganda work with the working masses, in the "right" place and at the "right" time ...

          Those. The decisive importance of the Bolsheviks in the transition of the political situation to the state of the so-called. "dual power"...
      4. 0
        19 October 2022 12: 54
        "... however, after the collapse of the summer offensive and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, the army turned into an uncontrollable crowd in soldiers' overcoats."
        I completely understand the motives for which the author chose not to dwell on the objective reasons, mentioned by him, of the "collapse of the summer offensive" of the Russian army, obediently and hastily organized by "temporary" coup d'étatists. I will clarify, organized "in exchange" for American loans ...

        The Yankees appeared in Europe only in April 1917. And they were extremely interested in preserving the maximum number of their soldiers. The principle is - we give you (temporary) money, you - to us, "your offensive" ...

        By the way, the author did not notice the sad fact that the Bolsheviks "surrendered" in Brest, what ALREADY WAS REALLY "surrendered" by temporary coup d'etaters, precisely during the collapse of the summer offensive? ..

        By the way, note to the author...

        The position of the Bolsheviks at the negotiations in Brest (as before they began...) was ABSOLUTELY LOGICAL. And the conditions were quite mutually acceptable. Both for the Germans and for the Soviets...

        And only the "improvisations" of Trotsky personally at these negotiations were illogical. VIOLATED instructions given to him and acted AGAINST THE LOGICAL position of the Bolsheviks ...

        Which led, (also logically) to an EXTREME TIGHTERING (almost by an order of magnitude ...) of the German conditions and positions of Russia, in general ...
        1. -1
          21 October 2022 18: 45
          Quote: ABC-schütze
          "... however, after the collapse of the summer offensive and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, the army turned into an uncontrollable crowd in soldiers' overcoats."
          I completely understand the motives for which the author chose not to dwell on the objective reasons, mentioned by him, of the "collapse of the summer offensive" of the Russian army, obediently and hastily organized by "temporary" coup d'étatists. I will clarify, organized "in exchange" for American loans ...

          The Yankees appeared in Europe only in April 1917. And they were extremely interested in preserving the maximum number of their soldiers. The principle is - we give you (temporary) money, you - to us, "your offensive" ...

          By the way, the author did not notice the sad fact that the Bolsheviks "surrendered" in Brest, what ALREADY WAS REALLY "surrendered" by temporary coup d'etaters, precisely during the collapse of the summer offensive? ..

          By the way, note to the author...

          The position of the Bolsheviks at the negotiations in Brest (as before they began...) was ABSOLUTELY LOGICAL. And the conditions were quite mutually acceptable. Both for the Germans and for the Soviets...

          And only the "improvisations" of Trotsky personally at these negotiations were illogical. VIOLATED instructions given to him and acted AGAINST THE LOGICAL position of the Bolsheviks ...

          Which led, (also logically) to an EXTREME TIGHTERING (almost by an order of magnitude ...) of the German conditions and positions of Russia, in general ...

          There was another moment. The collapse did not begin in the 27th, but already in the 16th.
          Brusilov spoke about this
          After his brilliant breakthrough was stopped after the Germans transferred several corps, and the rest of Brusilov's fronts were not supported, the front stabilized.
          And already at the end of the 16th, fraternization and mass desertion began.
          Yes, such that Brusilov and Kornilov were forced to introduce detachments in their troops.
          Bolsheviks then and the army did not smell.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. +2
        15 October 2022 15: 02
        Maxim, you forgot more factories and factories - workers.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +5
            16 October 2022 10: 43
            It is strange that my father did not know that he was put up against the wall. Probably forgot to tell.
          2. +2
            16 October 2022 18: 16
            [quote = Pridnestrovian1 And when the workers began to demand Soviets without the Bolsheviks, they quickly began to put them up against the walls. [/ Quote]
            Did they really demand it? Tell us where, when, who, for what reasons? And they, for an hour, did not demand Soviets without the Mensheviks, Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries? Not? Why?
      2. +2
        16 October 2022 12: 27
        Quote: Pridnestrovian1
        How they then threw the peasants, everyone knows.

        That's it. Everyone knows how they "threw", except for you of course. Before making such statements, it is better to study the issue.
  2. +58
    15 October 2022 05: 51
    Again, distortion in all respects .. The famous order number 1 of the Petrosoviet played the main role in the decomposition of the army. Transferring command of the army in fact into the hands of the soldiers' committees. Naturally - everything immediately fell down, because by that time the war was already sitting across the throats of everyone .. But excuse me - what does the Bolsheviks have to do with it ?? They had a very indirect relationship to the then Petrosoviet. Which had a practically Socialist-Revolutionary-Menshevik composition.

    The disintegration of the army had obvious reasons. In addition to fatigue from it is not clear why the ongoing war - the bulk of the rank and file was, of course, peasant. So - in the fall of 1916, the village began to massively and spontaneously divide the landlords' land. And the tsarist government could not do anything about it, because the question of land was ripe 100 years ago. And in such conditions, when the houses shared the most important wealth of the country, it was no longer possible to keep the peasant at the front. Come on - where the hell is he sitting in a trench, and in his native village they are operating without him ?? Then he will come from the front - and did they cut a piece of the swamp for him? And how then to live? This is where it all fell apart..

    As for peace with the Germans, we now know what will happen next. But in general - at the beginning of 1918, the revolution in Europe seemed quite real to itself. For blazing almost everywhere. And by the way - in the same Germany, she could win. As we say in Hungary .. Who could have predicted that they would be crushed? Under such conditions, the signed peace really seemed like a solution for literally a few months. And there - the revolution will win and all this will turn out to be unimportant .. So ..

    And most importantly - yes, the Bolsheviks then made a mistake in their forecasts. But - wasn't that what made it possible to win the Civil War? Isn't that what made it possible to industrialize and then win the World War? During which we returned everything, and even took half of Europe under our control? And then - became one of the two superpowers on the planet? By the way, the Bolsheviks returned almost everything lost in the Brest Peace Treaty BEFORE the start of the Patriotic War .. Just 20 years later ..
    1. +31
      15 October 2022 06: 47
      Yeah .. The autocracy got the shitty people, judging by the words of Berdyaev. And what kind of ignoramuses exhausted the cadre army in just six months, turning it into an "army of ignoramuses"?
      1. +25
        15 October 2022 08: 00
        Well, people like Berdyaev always blame the people. The top did everything right, but the people screwed up! Even the February and October revolutions are different. More silent about February. and about October, a sea of ​​shit! That's just a question. If the leadership is so smart, why are its people so stupid? Why are Witte and Stolypin smart? Why are they smart and not Stalin? The Brest-Litovsk peace was called shameful even by Lenin. And the delegation was sent to pull the rubber. What about the Belavezha Accords then? And who signed them? Also Bolsheviks?
        As a result, on March 3, the Bolsheviks signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on even more humiliating terms. Russia has lost the Baltic States, Finland, Ukraine, part of Belarus. From the point of view of Russia's interests, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a disaster.
        And what does the withdrawal of a limited contingent of Soviet troops from Afghanistan look like in this light? What do the Belovezhskaya agreements look like? Did the Bolsheviks also break up?
        After the Bolsheviks came to power, it was the illusion of world revolution that determined the content of their political practice. The reference point for the Bolshevik party was the future and the whole world, and not the present and Russia.
        After the liberals came to power in the 90s, what happened? Globalization - the whole world!
        From the point of view of Russia's interests, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a disaster.
        What about the Minsk agreements? Russia has signed an agreement on the shelling of Lugansk and Donetsk?
        After the Bolsheviks came to power, it was the illusion of world revolution that determined the content of their political practice. The reference point for the Bolshevik party was the future and the whole world, and not the present and Russia. The fate of the homeland of the doctrinaires of communism was of little interest, because it was entirely determined by Western revolutions
        Our days! The idea of ​​globalism and integration into the world economy! Ukraine tse Europe! Who supports the outskirts today and the Russian authorities since Gorbachev? EBN whose agent? How much money was given to him?
        As a result, on March 3, the Bolsheviks signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on even more humiliating terms. Russia has lost the Baltic States, Finland, Ukraine, part of Belarus. From the point of view of Russia's interests, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a disaster.
        And what did the USSR lose under Gorbachev?
        They were ready to sacrifice the national interests of Russia to the idea of ​​a ghostly world revolution.
        So what have they sacrificed to the ideas of world integration since Gorbachev and until recently?
        1. +31
          15 October 2022 10: 02
          Quote: North Caucasus
          Well, people like Berdyaev
          An article with a scent. Were the Bolsheviks to blame for the fact that the tsar abdicated the throne, abdicated at the most crucial moment? Who even brought Russia to a crisis, first getting the shame of Tsushima and defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, followed by the 1905 revolution?

          Who, after the Anglo-Saxons spoiled Russia in every possible way, arming and inciting Japan, climbed into their alliance, into the Entente, in fact, to fight for the interests of Britain and the United States in the First World War? Who had a semi-literate country, completely dependent in technology and high-tech production from the West?

          The shameful peace of Brest... Yes, it is hard to find something more shameful and stupid than what they did before the Bolsheviks. If "war to a victorious end", fulfilling obligations to the Anglo-Saxon "partners", the key word would be "end". The end of Russia's independence, the end of its greatness and integrity.

          The Bolsheviks not only saved the country, they raised it out of poverty and backwardness. In a short time, having carried out industrialization, having built a mighty Soviet state.
          People like Mr. Biryukov, apparently, do not understand that the West would never allow Russia to become an independent, let alone a superpower. Without the Bolsheviks, without socialism, Yeltsins, Gaidars and Chubais would have come to power not in 1991, but already in 1917, and not on the Soviet margin of safety, space and nuclear superpower, but on a war-weary country, all in debt from Western loans.

          How not to understand that in the First World War it was decided who would be the leader of world capitalism, and that the Anglo-Saxons did not need a strong Russia, just as the other large competing empires in Europe, which had sunk into oblivion, were not needed - Austria-Hungary, the German and Ottoman empires. It remains only to rule the British. But, Russia did not fall apart, moreover, it became a new pole of power independent of the West as the USSR.
          The Anglo-Saxons, who have the talent to rake in the heat with the wrong hands and play off the peoples, had to make an anti-USSR out of defeated Germany.

          With British and American money, the Anglophile Hitler was brought to power, who miraculously won the election with his Nazi party. Further, they turned a blind eye to all violations of the restrictions of Versailles. Further, Hitler absorbs Austria, he is actually given Czechoslovakia, everything in order for the Third Reich to gain potential for a war with the USSR. Finally, the “strange war”, where Germany absorbs almost all of Europe, and the Britons, whom Hitler gave three days, take their feet from Dunkirk, leave rich trophies for their counterpart, which were very useful to the Germans to strengthen the Wehrmacht. The Americans did something similar not so long ago in Afghanistan for the Taliban.

          All assistance to the USSR after, this is according to Truman's famous saying, so that the Russians and Germans kill each other as much as possible. At the same time, fabulous profits. It was not possible to destroy the USSR; moreover, a new pole of power, the bloc of socialism, emerged. No wonder that World War II immediately turned into the Cold War, and so the "allies" ended, hoping to destroy the Soviet Union with German cannon fodder.

          What are the conclusions about the "partners" after the death of the Soviet Union? We were not defeated in 1991, we were deceived and betrayed. What the Junkers did not do, the Snickers did... Nevertheless, the West showed its wolf mask, now our pro-Western oligarchs are showing their true essence.

          Enough about the "shameful Brest peace", tsarism at the time of 1917 was completely rotten, and pro-Western liberals and democrats would have ruined Russia. For us, historically, there is no other way than people's power and a planned economy, this is important even now, this is being decided now in the war in Ukraine. Either we will win, or our corrupt oligarchs will hand over Russia to the West, for their selfish interests.
          1. +10
            15 October 2022 10: 42
            Article with a scent

            You wrote what was spinning on my tongue ... Respect!
        2. +9
          15 October 2022 15: 55
          And what does the withdrawal of a limited contingent of Soviet troops from Afghanistan look like in this light?
          Looks normal. They found their leader, Najibullah, and withdrew the troops. Long sought, but found. Another thing is that the obkom drunk EBN later handed him over.
        3. +1
          16 October 2022 18: 24
          Quote: North Caucasus
          The Brest-Litovsk peace was called shameful even by Lenin.

          Here is what Lenin said about the "Brest peace" -
          = So and only so the story went. History tells us that peace is a respite for war, war is a way to get at least some better peace. In Brest, the balance of power corresponded to the world of the vanquished, but not humiliating. =
    2. +16
      15 October 2022 07: 45
      Quote: paul3390
      Again, distortion in all respects ..

      Well, what did you want? You have to be in line with the trend. wink
      "We" now have Ivan Ilyin, the beacon of Russian fascism, at the forefront.
    3. +6
      15 October 2022 08: 07
      By the way, the same Petrosoviet created the Provisional Government itself, hoping that it would be controlled by the government.
    4. +13
      15 October 2022 09: 31
      Quote: paul3390
      But excuse me - what does the Bolsheviks have to do with it ??

      Decommunization / desovietization is now again very much in vogue ...
    5. +3
      16 October 2022 00: 05
      Yes, the article is frankly false, why the list of references to it is incomprehensible. In the article itself, either the Bolsheviks did not have support among the masses in March 1917, or they were to blame for everything by this moment. In fact, the Bolsheviks, even at the beginning of 1918, had little influence in the Soviets of People's Deputies. The main influence is the Social Revolutionaries and anarchists, which was reflected (negatively) in the initial stages of the civil war. And the Bolshevik Party itself in the summer of 1917 was replenished with just about anyone.
      And according to the Brest Peace, there was no one to fight like that. The army was no more. And the new Red Army, by the way, was created mainly by the officers of the imperial army.
    6. +1
      16 October 2022 08: 23
      And who said that they won the Civil War? You can't tell by reading the comments. It is still in the minds of our people. And how our experts on various political programs are cut ... And then, based on your comment, that Kornilov could not crush the rebellion in Petrograd? Could with ease! Determination was not enough, just as today Putin's liberal snot does not allow to deal with this bastard that crap behind his back. And the time will come when such couch historians will judge Putin as a weak, weak-willed ruler, like Nicholas II. The Civil War in Russia has not ended!
      1. +3
        16 October 2022 08: 32
        The Civil War in Russia has not ended!

        And in principle, it can only end with the final victory of socialism throughout the globe.. For without a fight, the bourgeois will give back the stolen shish. Like the working people, they will never put up with their exploitation in order to fatten the elite type ..

        And we have something, when the memories of the great USSR are still alive, and before our eyes the capitalist reality in all its glory ..
        1. -6
          16 October 2022 09: 11
          Socialism is an illusion, a utopia ... As in other things, all ... isms. Two German idiots, on the instructions of the Anglo-French bankers, developed a theory, a Russian idiot turned this theory upside down and got socialism, which he kneaded on the blood of his own people. Now we are still eating all this. And do not talk about the great USSR. He was different. I was born in 1946, and I saw it and lived in it in different guises. And when he was great and when he was insignificant. If he had been really Great, he would not have collapsed so that no one stood up to protect him. And we won the Patriotic War, because in our people there is something that is not in any other people. We rally in front of an external threat, forgetting for this time about our strife and contradictions. That is why we cannot be defeated.
          1. +4
            16 October 2022 18: 41
            Quote: Alexander Kuksin
            Socialism is an illusion, a utopia ... As in other things, all ... isms.

            Is capitalism also a utopia? laughing
            Quote: Alexander Kuksin

            Two German idiots, on the instructions of the Anglo-French bankers, developed a theory,

            The late Zadornov would have neighed greatly over this your "thought" wassat
            Quote: Alexander Kuksin
            ... the Russian idiot turned this theory upside down and got socialism, which he kneaded on the blood of his own people.

            V. Vysotsky would say - you read the wrong books as a child.
            You probably have portraits of Svanidze, Pozner, Volkogonov and other riffraff hanging on your wall.
      2. 0
        24 October 2022 18: 23
        Alexander Kuksin. Stalin, after the victory over Nazism, said - now the class struggle will begin in the country. Nobody understood what he was talking about. And Lenin said - our revolutionaries decided to replace those whom we expelled and become the nobles of the new order, so that the country would work for them. I remember when they announced on the radio that Stalin had died. My father told my mother - kaput will be the country. Mom told him why you say that, there are such communists and you don’t know them. Father answered - because I say that I know them well.
        1. 0
          25 October 2022 08: 42
          My father also said after the 22nd Congress - talkers will destroy the country ... And so it happened ... And today you are listening to our deputies, experts, what can be put in one sentence .. they chat, chat, but there is no business.
    7. 0
      16 October 2022 10: 11
      If the army had not been demoralized and disintegrated in advance, it could have suppressed the coups, so here all the liberals, democrats and revolutionaries tried.
      1. +5
        16 October 2022 10: 28
        It is impossible to decompose an army waging a just war with a just state system for things that are clear to every soldier ..
        1. 0
          24 October 2022 01: 00
          This is more like a slogan or agitation, the correctness of which needs to be convinced.
    8. +1
      17 October 2022 11: 10
      Quote: paul3390
      The main role in the disintegration of the army was played by the famous Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Soviet. Transferring command of the army in fact into the hands of the soldiers' committees. Naturally - everything immediately fell down, because by that time the war was already sitting across the throats of everyone .. But excuse me - what does the Bolsheviks have to do with it ?? They had a very indirect relationship to the then Petrosoviet. Which had a practically Socialist-Revolutionary-Menshevik composition.

      Moreover, the most active supporter of this order was the comrade of the chairman of the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet - a revolutionary lawyer, the son of the director of the Simbirsk male gymnasium. wink
      The one who, a couple of months later, called for the restoration of discipline in the army by any means, up to executions.
  3. +12
    15 October 2022 05: 57
    History likes to repeat itself for those who have not learned its lessons.
    One can only hope that the Russian people and the Russian army will avoid the fate of signing some
    N-Kyiv world...
    1. -1
      15 October 2022 07: 50
      Quote: yuriy55
      History loves to repeat itself

      "History repeats itself twice: the first time as a tragedy, the second as a farce" - Hegel.

      The provisional government of Kerensky (a puppet of an Englishwoman) actually ruined Russia. To save Russia, the Bolsheviks needed a respite (Trotsky was against it and in Brest he interfered with the signing of peace as best he could). History has shown that Lenin was right - Russia did not collapse and did not go into oblivion.

      Quote: yuriy55
      bypasses the fate of signing some N-Kyiv peace ...

      There will be no Khasavyurt 2.0 - today's Russia is not what it was then, and we have not Medvedev (a puppet of the United States) in power, ready to sell everything and everything for another iPhone ...

      Any war ends in peace. Our conditions: change of power, holding referendums throughout Ukraine - which region wants to be with whom. The rest of Ukraine should become part of a union state - Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. The three fraternal peoples must live together.

      Tribalts get ready. Every action has consequences. Ukraine cut off the water to the Crimea - we opened it. The Tribalts have blocked access to Kaliningrad - we will open it.
      1. +2
        15 October 2022 09: 49
        There will be no Khasavyurt 2.0 - today's Russia is not what it was then and Medvedev is not in power

        Khasavyurt, if you didn’t know, was signed by General of the Soviet Army Lebed and Colonel of the Soviet Army Kharlamov, and then Yeltsin was the President of Russia.
        1. +2
          15 October 2022 11: 47
          Quote: Lex_is
          Khasavyurt if you didn't know

          I know who signed it!

          A year after the signing, Chechnya, according to the agreement, had the right to secede from Russia, which gave rise to the collapse of Russia. In Tataria and Bashkiria, national gangs have already been formed ...

          The second Chechen war stopped the collapse of Russia... Swan, who imagines himself the ruler of Siberia: "There is no land for us beyond the Urals", flying in a helicopter, got tangled in high-voltage wires...
          "God is not Timoshka, he sees a little." It's a pity for the pilots, he is not.
        2. +4
          15 October 2022 15: 19
          Quote: Lex_is
          Khasavyurt, if you didn’t know, was signed by General of the Soviet Army Lebed and Colonel of the Soviet Army Kharlamov, and then Yeltsin was the President of Russia.

          No. These were the ranks of the Russian army. No need to lie.
          1. +1
            17 October 2022 11: 17
            Quote: victor50
            No. These were the ranks of the Russian army. No need to lie.

            Russian form. And the ranks are Soviet. General Lebed received back in the USSR, where he was commander of the 106th Airborne Division and deputy. commander of the Airborne Forces for combat training.
            1. +2
              17 October 2022 16: 47
              Quote: Alexey RA
              Russian form. And the ranks are Soviet. General Lebed received back in the USSR, where he was commander of the 106th Airborne Division and deputy. commander of the Airborne Forces for combat training.

              Now the Armed Forces have a lot of weapons from the times of the USSR. Will the army also be considered Soviet?
        3. 0
          24 October 2022 18: 28
          An apple tree can only give birth to apples, and a frog can give birth to frogs.
  4. +7
    15 October 2022 06: 06
    What a relevant article. History repeats itself again.
    A patriotic upsurge, a rapid offensive, then a retreat, standing at the front, the death of the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the indecision of the government ...
    1. +8
      15 October 2022 08: 02
      The profit of private business in the war! Complete analogue!
      1. +2
        15 October 2022 15: 53
        I also remembered the lack of modern weapons, communications and equipment and their purchase abroad
    2. +5
      15 October 2022 09: 05
      Quote: RussianPatriot
      What a relevant article. History repeats itself again.
      A patriotic upsurge, a rapid offensive, then a retreat, standing at the front, the death of the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the indecision of the government ...
      everything is much faster
  5. The comment was deleted.
    1. +5
      15 October 2022 12: 10
      Max fat was stolen, go rehash it. You can't hide the ears sticking out.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +5
          15 October 2022 15: 15
          Maksim. If it were not for the Soviet regime, you would not have learned to write.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. -1
              16 October 2022 10: 45
              You remind one person who measured everything in billions, but constantly asked who would put me a drink.
              1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      16 October 2022 22: 50
      Quote: Pridnestrovian1
      A Bolshevik is, first of all, a Russophobe. And all the "creativity" of Trotsky clearly demonstrates this.

      Trotsky - a Bolshevik? fool Then who is a Trotskyist?
      1. +1
        17 October 2022 11: 20
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        Trotsky - a Bolshevik?

        146%. Reference.
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        Then who is a Trotskyist?

        A representative of the left, if not leftist, wing of Bolshevism. On the right wing were the Stalinists. And they are all Bolsheviks. smile
  6. +15
    15 October 2022 06: 27
    The bottom line is that no other outcome was supposed to be possible. Germany will not leave without its piece - this is a matter of survival - it is corny to EAT something. And there is no one to stop her, the army was covered long before the Bolsheviks, and it was not the Bolsheviks who overthrew the tsar. They sniffed at the Russian-Japanese - and again galloped along the same rake - no shells, no cartridges, no gas masks, and most importantly - why the heck - no one can even say anything. What the hell is the Russian corps in France feeding lice when the Germans are in Poland? - And nada! - Well, you nada, you jump!
    So a more or less shameful world is the only way out
    1. +13
      15 October 2022 08: 06
      I will add. Then Russia returned part of the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia! But the shameful Belovezhskaya agreement and the surrender of the conquests of Russia-USSR-RI by Gorbachev did not return anything, but split the country!
      1. 0
        24 October 2022 18: 32
        Gorbachev, he only hinted. And Lenin set up a mine, or a bomb under Russia. But the fuse, which would have exploded, was set on fire by Yeltsin. Let everyone grab as much as they can, the USSR is not needed. And the country became divided into princes and nobles of thieves.
  7. +9
    15 October 2022 06: 52
    If Nicholas II had not plunged Russia and the Russian people into the First World War for the sake of helping France and Serbia, if he had not surrendered to the Germans the territories inhabited by more than 20 million of his subjects, then no Brest peace would have been needed.
    And the enemies of the Bolsheviks themselves, who believe that they were obliged to continue the unnecessary participation of Russia and its people in the First World War, after they captured the USSR in their Perestroika, withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan, surrendered the USSR to its Cold War opponent West.
    1. +1
      24 October 2022 18: 35
      There is no void, and the Americans entered Afghanistan. It is surprising how the fools managed to seize power, to its very peak and ruin everything.
  8. +7
    15 October 2022 06: 56
    And the Cossack is sent. It was necessary to fight to the last Russian soldier? And how would we then meet the intervention with the whites who sold the country? Again, as always, the Bolsheviks are to blame for everything, and the army by that time was a solid monolith, successfully crushing the enemy on the way to Berlin. The Bolsheviks made the world revolution, and did not save Russia. Later, when the percentage of Jews and other foreigners in power became lower, Russian imperialism, like mercury, began to gather the country together.
  9. +24
    15 October 2022 06: 59
    Again, an attempt to understand the "misunderstood". Again the old hurdy-gurdy about the "eternal Russian statehood" and the "national interests" that the Bolsheviks "destroyed".
    Again, forgive me the author, an attempt to understand what most do not understand: in management and negotiation: I never led them, but I know exactly what mistakes the Bolsheviks made in Brest-Litovsky.
    In Russia in 1917 no eternal statehood was destroyed, the institute of management of the feudal period simply fell. The institution is obsolete, the monarchy. How he fell in Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria or Turkey. That's the whole "eternal statehood".
    Russia did not have any "national interests" in capturing the Straits or participating in the struggle for the division of colonies between the two blocs of the leading capitalist countries, it is possible at the top.
    She was simply fastened by French capital to participate in this story, although outwardly it looked like Nikolai himself decided to “throw show-off”.
    All this is bourgeois nonsense and the opinion of people infected with nationalism.
    The national interest of Russia at that time consisted in the division of land use and the transfer of land to the peasants.
    Massively flogged by the Cossacks in 1905-1906. they gave them weapons, and they disposed of them in their own way: they returned the land that they had taken away in the process of enslavement. The Bolsheviks saddled this process, after the military catastrophe they did everything possible by signing an "obscene" peace.
    Of course they were Western progressives. They should not be worshipers of shamanism, yoga, "as it is."
    They, as Toynbee noted, carried out the second, successful modernization in our country with Western technologies.
    If the whites had won, they would have tried to carry out the same Western, only half-hearted capitalist transformation, but only of a fascist persuasion, which would lead to defeat in World War II and the final disintegration of Russia into 2 “sisters” in the year 15, as happened during the Counter-Revolution of 1944 G.
    What the Bolsheviks had collected by 1920 and 1945, the "new white" bourgeois or proto-bourgeois leaders in 1991 broke up in an instant into 15 countries.
    History did not provide for other alternatives, and, by the way, does not provide for at this stage of development.
    1. +16
      15 October 2022 08: 12
      What the Bolsheviks had collected by 1920 and 1945
      And few people take this into account. They don’t even take into account the fact that Kolchak, having under control a vast territory, many times larger than the territory of the Soviet Republic at that time, could not create anything worthwhile on it. And which fell, no longer as a result of the actions of the Red Army, and as a result of uprisings of peasants in the countryside and workers in the cities.
      1. +7
        15 October 2022 08: 56
        Yes, and Lenin created Ukraine, if not for him, then the bourgeois-nationalist counter-revolution in 1991 would have sat quietly, hands folded and not tore the country along natural historical and geographical boundaries.
        1. -1
          15 October 2022 20: 39
          Tov. Vashchenko, - who did you get this nonsense from?
          1. +3
            16 October 2022 11: 18
            who did you get this crap from?

            Before asking questions, take the trouble to formulate them correctly: the question is about what?
            if you do not understand what sarcasm is, refer to the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  10. +8
    15 October 2022 07: 11
    By 1917, the majority of people in the Republic of Ingushetia, these were peasants and workers, it was clear that the war was not being waged in their interests, and the stated goals of establishing control over the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles were frankly predatory and were needed only by the bourgeoisie in order to make it easier to export bread from the country, and peasants knew firsthand what hunger was. If someone thinks that if RI got control over the straits, the life of ordinary people would become better, they can draw an analogy with the northern stream or the Turkish stream, which an ordinary person received from their laying under the current gentlemen.
    According to the conclusion of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, to understand the logic of Lenin, it is worth watching the film "Roll Call Voting" here is an excerpt from it.
    1. +1
      15 October 2022 20: 38
      One of the last three Soviet films about Lenin...
      1. 0
        16 October 2022 08: 17
        Honestly, until the cast did not look, I did not recognize Mikhail Ulyanov in the role of Lenin
  11. +7
    15 October 2022 07: 15
    No one did more to disorganize and disorganize the army than the authorities that were before February, that came in February
    Russia has lost the Baltic States, Finland, Ukraine, part of Belarus. From the point of view of Russia's interests, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a disaster.

    Also, the role of the Entente and the White movement in all these losses has not been disclosed ... And of course, February itself has gone somewhere
    1. -13
      15 October 2022 08: 55
      The article focused specifically on three things: the collapse of the army and the role of the Bolsheviks in the collapse of the army, negotiations in Brest-Litovsk (see title). The role of the Entente and the White movement are topics for other materials. The description of the events of February was also not included in the plans of this material.
      1. 0
        15 October 2022 15: 51
        What were the consequences of all this? Russia collapsed due to the fact that feudalism disappeared? So there is no need to worry about this, because feudalism has been restored, and at the same time it has lost a lot, except for the fact that the Soviet government left a thermonuclear umbrella for feudalism, without it there would be no feudalism. But at the same time, feudalism fell off its arms, legs and head. Everything is like a king. When there could be no other madness. What it is, Mikhail Zadornov explained well. The remaining 14 republics interfered with Russian feudalism. But there is a double-headed eagle and a flag.
      2. 0
        16 October 2022 18: 59
        Quote: Viktor Biryukov
        The article focused specifically on three things: the collapse of the army and the role of the Bolsheviks in the collapse of the army, negotiations in Brest-Litovsk (see title). The role of the Entente and the White movement are topics for other materials. The description of the events of February was also not included in the plans of this material.

        Should I tell you that everything in the world is interconnected? It is impossible to separately consider the role of the Bolsheviks, in any issue, without interconnection with all the participants in the events.
  12. VLR
    15 October 2022 07: 19
    On July 29, 1917, Denikin told Kerensky at a meeting at Headquarters: “Those who blame the collapse of the army on the Bolsheviks are lying! First of all, those who deepened the revolution are to blame. You, Mr. Kerensky! The Bolsheviks are only worms that have sprung up in the wound inflicted on the army by others.”
    The representative of the intelligence of the French General Staff, Captain de Maleisi, said (and no one has yet refuted these words):
    “The February revolution took place thanks to a conspiracy of the British and the liberal bourgeoisie. The inspirer was the (British) Ambassador Buchanan, the technical executor was Guchkov.
    "Februaryists" - liberals and Westernizers, have almost coped with the task of destroying Russia as a single state. It was the Bolsheviks who interfered, who reassembled the empire.
    By the way, Lenin guessed right with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, because soon the Second Reich ceased to exist, and the terms of the treaty were annulled. And then the Bolsheviks also organized and supported the revolution in Germany.
  13. +10
    15 October 2022 07: 56
    The author forgot, for example, that Milyukov’s speech, delivered by him at the autumn session of 1916 in the Duma, was even before the February Revolution, Stupidity or treason, was distributed at the front, in millions of copies. In his speech, he does not highlight problems, but incites dissatisfaction with the current mode. And he did it well. Reconciliation between the tsar and the Duma, after that, was already impossible in principle. And then the well-known February events followed. For the author, as for the guarantor, the Bolsheviks are to blame for everything.
    1. +5
      15 October 2022 08: 08
      V. M. Purishkevich, speaking from the rostrum of the State Duma in the same November 1916 as P. Milyukov, said:
      “It is necessary that from now on Rasputin’s recommendation will not be enough to appoint the most vile persons to the highest posts. Rasputin is now more dangerous than False Dmitry once was... Gentlemen ministers! If you are true patriots, go there, to the tsar's Headquarters, throw yourself at the feet of the tsar and ask to rid Russia of Rasputin and Rasputinists, great and small.
      1. +8
        15 October 2022 08: 14
        Here, here, you might think that Milyukov and Guchkov were Bolsheviks. laughing
      2. +5
        15 October 2022 09: 49
        Yeah, that's right, Rasputin is to blame for the lack of heavy artillery in the imperial army.
        1. +1
          15 October 2022 12: 19
          According to information about how Rasputin lobbied for the promotion of bribe-takers, I do not exclude his guilt in the lack of weapons and ammunition at the front, although the queen herself could well cope with this.
  14. +3
    15 October 2022 08: 07
    Bowing to the West, Trotsky fully connected the entire progressive development of Russia with Western influences, seeing in them not only the basis, but also the accelerator of the state organization in Russia.

    The agent of the Anglo-Saxons and the Zionist, the enemy of Russia, did everything for the collapse of the Empire and the newly born Soviet Russia.
  15. +12
    15 October 2022 08: 10
    And if for the author of the article Berdyaev has authority in describing historical events, then here's another one for him:
    ON THE. Berdyaev "The Origins and Meaning of Russian Communism"
    “For the people's consciousness, Bolshevism was a Russian people's revolution, a spill of violent, popular elements ... The masses of the people were disciplined and organized in the elements ... revolution through the communist idea, symbolism. This is the indisputable merit of communism before the Russian state. Russia was threatened with complete anarchy, anarchic disintegration, it was stopped by the communist dictatorship, which found slogans that the people agreed to obey. The decay of imperial Russia began long ago. By the time of the revolution, the old regime had completely disintegrated, exhausted, exhausted itself. The war completed the process of disintegration... Bolshevism, prepared by Lenin, turned out to be the only force that, on the one hand, could complete the disintegration of the old and, on the other hand, organize the new. Only Bolshevism was able to master the situation, only it corresponded to mass instincts and real correlations.
  16. +3
    15 October 2022 08: 33
    Afftor - announce the list of the composition of the delegation at the negotiations in Brest according to party affiliation (RSDLP (B and M), Socialist-Revolutionaries (right and left), Jewish Bund, Anarchists (right and left), so that it is clear: who is to blame and what to do .. ....
  17. +4
    15 October 2022 08: 54
    The Russian people did not need a war. Even if he won, he would not receive any benefits. He received from her only death, injury and disease. The Bolsheviks did everything right.
  18. +6
    15 October 2022 09: 46
    Again, there was a whiff of bakery anti-Soviet rotten meat.
    Nothing changes. Berdyaev and Ilyin, successfully replaced the Kholmogorovs and Okhlobystins. And again, the Bolsheviks are to blame for everything. Interestingly, neither one nor the other is in a hurry to the front now, and they were in no hurry then, offering others to die.
    1. -1
      15 October 2022 15: 55
      Lenin planted a bomb under the Russian empire, and Yeltsin blew it up.
  19. -1
    15 October 2022 09: 58
    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
    She was simply fastened by French capital to participate in this story, although outwardly it looked like Nikolai himself decided to “throw show-off”.

    This is not entirely true. There were real German plans to seize living space in the East. The struggle for resources pushed Germany into a clash with tsarism. Actually, this was clear to all future opponents in the war. Therefore, tsarism simply had no other choice but to follow in line with the English diplomacy. It was in London that the moderators of the process sat.
    1. +1
      15 October 2022 15: 57
      Moreover, against Russia, the British set not only Germany. All the wars against Russia were organized by the British and Nicholas number two supported them.
  20. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      15 October 2022 18: 39
      The UNR made peace with the Germans a month earlier than the RSFSR. It was they who let the Germans in![
      / b] Have you noticed that the bulkokhrusts, this fact, do not notice and do not want to notice. About Trotsky, he violated the instructions of Lenin, who demanded, as long as possible, to drag out negotiations, demands, peace, no matter what, such there was no question. This was later, there was simply nowhere to go, they went to conclude peace.
  21. -2
    15 October 2022 10: 13
    Speaking about the collapse of the army, the author did not mention the main reason: the officer corps.
    Somewhere I saw a figure that in 1917, 80% of the officers were from commoners, that is, they were not professional officers, the officer corps was not a caste.
    From what I read, the main source of officers is volunteers. A student, a petty official, out of patriotism, went to fight at the front. 3-6 months at the front, still alive - here's your first officer rank, second lieutenant, it seems.
    1. +12
      15 October 2022 11: 30
      Quote: Not the fighter
      Somewhere I saw a figure that in 1917, 80% of the officers were from commoners, that is, they were not professional officers, the officer corps was not a caste.

      Where was the caste supposed to come from in 1917, if it didn't exist before? Read Kuprin's "Duel", read Veresaev's "Japanese War". The officer corps of the Russian Empire is shown excellently.

      Quote: Not the fighter
      Speaking about the collapse of the army, the author did not mention the main reason: the officer corps.

      The main reason for the collapse of the army and defeat in the war is the senselessness of the war for Russia. Russia fought for the interests of England. Again - we read the famous Durnovo memorandum. Everything is laid out on the shelves, everything is explained so that even a fool can understand. But the then fool still did not understand anything. Like the current one, he does not want to understand anything.
      1. +4
        15 October 2022 18: 43
        Russia fought for the interests of England.
        By the way, when Nicholas II announced that the issue of Poland's independence would be decided after the war, Witte noted that we are now fighting for the freedom of Poland? smile
    2. +6
      15 October 2022 11: 54
      80% of the officers were from commoners, that is, they were not professional officers, the officer corps was not a caste.

      And if there were "caste professionals", the army would have decayed faster. As in 1991, "caste-professionals", with the oath of the USSR, quickly crossed the line and did not wince.
      1. +7
        15 October 2022 15: 04
        quickly perepryagnuli and did not wince.

        Well, why, they frowned, swallowing undiluted "Royal" without snacks. hi
        1. +2
          15 October 2022 18: 11
          Greetings Konstantin,
          Yes, under "Royal", this is not under "McCormick".
          There were times...
          1. +2
            15 October 2022 18: 23
            Good evening, Edward!

            "Royal", of course, consumed, but "McCormick" somehow slipped past. request

            There were times...

            Yes, there were ... Everything passes and the present will pass, if only I could live ... drinks
    3. +2
      15 October 2022 12: 31
      Roman, liquidation of unity of command and elected commanders, this was introduced by the interim government, junior officers from raznochintsy, did not command armies and fronts, after his famous breakthrough, General Brusilov was prevented from developing success, not raznochintsy, but completely caste generals and headquarters, but the defeat of Russian forces in East Prussia at the beginning of the war, also the ubiquitous commoners?
  22. +1
    15 October 2022 10: 57
    It really looks like an article with a smell ... Is it the author's fault?
  23. Eug
    15 October 2022 11: 14
    The main reason for the collapse of the SOCIETY (because the army is a mold or a cut of society) was a distrust of the imperial power. And this distrust arose from a number of inadequate actions (and inaction) of its representatives and power structures, primarily self-interest, incompetence and deceit, inability to effectively resist seemingly "partner" external influence .. and then - the people were ready to support ANY force capable of throw off the HATED and BORED government, especially if this force acts under fair slogans that are attractive to the majority ... and
    no analogy.
  24. +5
    15 October 2022 11: 45
    No Bolshevik agitation can be compared with the impact on the minds that was made by the fattening rear, profiting from military supplies.
    And no amount of agitation is valid if platoon and company commanders are in place.
    And what to demand from the same lieutenant who came from the front on a visit to Petrograd, and they don’t even let him into a decent tavern.
    And thanks to the Bolsheviks for being able to seize control of the country from the liberals.
  25. +6
    15 October 2022 13: 52
    Quote: nov_tech.vrn
    According to information about how Rasputin lobbied for the promotion of bribe-takers

    Until 1917, Izmail-class battlecruisers were built in the Republic of Ingushetia, originally intended for service in the Mediterranean Sea, based on Bizerte (built on French loans with English technical support.
    These resources could be redirected to the land front. This is exactly what the Bolsheviks did - creating a large number of railway installations using naval guns after the victory of the revolution. These same guns were actively used on the Leningrad front. Thus, the problem is not Rasputin, but the colonial status of Tsarist Russia - when the interests of Western capital were placed above the interests of Russian citizens. We see the same thing now, when Ukraine is supplied with fuel from Rosfed through Poland, and raw material exports to the United States are only growing.
  26. +1
    15 October 2022 14: 08
    Quote: Pridnestrovian1
    You and people like you are up to the elbows in Russian blood. The Russian people will never forgive this totalitarian genocide for the communism.

    Which one exactly? When, in 1937, the indigenists and others were put up against the wall?
  27. 0
    15 October 2022 14: 21
    Quote: Edward Vashchenko
    80% of the officers were from commoners, that is, they were not professional officers, the officer corps was not a caste.

    And if there were "caste professionals", the army would have decayed faster. As in 1991, "caste-professionals", with the oath of the USSR, quickly crossed the line and did not wince.

    Yes, what kind of "castes", even if in the banal official statistics of the times of the Republic of Ingushetia it is clear that everyone below the general was sitting with his ass bare (if he did not have his own business).
    This is if you close your eyes with your palms to the memoirs of contemporaries (Wrangel Sr., Denikin, Trubetskoy), where everything is very convex.
  28. +2
    15 October 2022 15: 00
    So after all, now those who replaced the Bolsheviks and called themselves communists, ruined the Russian army, plundered everything. But the Bolsheviks are to blame for this. The Bolsheviks then returned to themselves all the territories with a plus, and now nothing will return.
  29. +4
    15 October 2022 15: 41
    Quote: zenion
    So after all, now those who replaced the Bolsheviks and called themselves communists, ruined the Russian army, plundered everything. But the Bolsheviks are to blame for this. The Bolsheviks then returned to themselves all the territories with a plus, and now nothing will return.

    Uh-huh... Uh-huh.. The troubles are not from thieves and traitors, as in all normal countries, but from Karl Marx.... ..

    You are unique - my friend, in a way. Although in poor, long-suffering Russia there are a dime a dozen of such.... Perhaps that is why she is long-suffering. And not from the Bolsheviks.

    Yes .. with .... now generally hidden schizos, as they say, at least 30% of the population ....... The people have become mad over the past 30 years. Until now, they are at war with Trotsky, then with aliens, then with the Bolsheviks .......
  30. +1
    15 October 2022 16: 35
    Well, Lenin was right in insisting on accepting the German demands: the offensive of the German troops convincingly showed that there was nothing to fight Russia at that time ... If the German conditions had been accepted initially, as V.I. Lenin called for, then the peace conditions would be much less "obscene" .... Lenin, from the very beginning, called for the creation of the Red Army, which the "left communists" and Trotsky actively blocked ... As for the collapse of the Russian army, then, of course, they are to blame for this was, precisely, the liberals: they overthrew Nicholas II, they accepted the demands of the Petrograd Soviet and issued Order No. 1, which destroyed discipline in the army ... offensive, but the liberals could not go for it, because they were too connected with the Franco-English capital, which was interested in Russian cannon fodder, and in addition, they understood that immediately after peace there would be a question about land and about who owns factoriesand factories, etc. ... And therefore, precisely the position of the nobility and the bourgeoisie was treacherous, who, in the name of their selfish interests, drove their people to slaughter ... And it is hardly possible to blame the Russian people for the collapse of the Russian army, it is more than once proved that he could make huge sacrifices in the name of the Motherland, namely, the bourgeoisie started this whole story with the removal of Nicholas from power ... All these gentlemen craved power (which would give them, first of all, access to the treasury), the same Foreign Minister Nicholas II, S. Sazonov, directly writes that the beginning of the war was used by the liberals to push through the government "responsible to the Duma", for, in fact, to seize power ... It was for these gentlemen that the Russian people did not want to fight, well, and he did the right thing ... And the Bolsheviks, six months after the conclusion of peace, kicked out German troops from the territories they occupied, with practically no losses ... This shows the brilliant insight of Lenin, who used the contradictions among the Western powers and, perhaps, sa my bloody battles of the First World War took place without the participation of the Russian army ....
    1. 0
      16 October 2022 11: 33
      I look, here on all the comments where common sense is present - it is worth "-1". The author is indignant ...)))
  31. +1
    15 October 2022 16: 41
    Quote: zenion
    All wars against Russia were organized by the British

    The British never organized wars against anyone. They organized wars for their own interests and nothing more.
    1. 0
      16 October 2022 09: 28
      And their interests very often conflicted with the interests of others, which is typical. So we had to organize wars against others.
      Bolivar, perhaps, will take out two, but it is still more convenient to sit in the saddle alone.
  32. +4
    15 October 2022 20: 33
    Stop multiplying nonsense - this will not lead to anything good ... Recently, Mrs. Simonyan read a whole sermon to you - "Stop lying!" There are 14 thousand Bolsheviks throughout the country, for comparison - the Socialist-Revolutionaries who are for the war - 1,5 million. What agitation at the front! Shamefully lost the Japanese. The industry has completely collapsed. There were no helmets, although 25 percent of those who died from head wounds - Kolya 2 did not want to, he thought that soldiers in parades in helmets looked stupid. Brusilov's miserable "breakthrough" at the front with the Austrians, at the front with the Germans for all the time they didn't even take the forester's hut ... Correctly Lenin called it - "obscene Brest Peace", but the monarchical regime brought Russia to this obscenity ... "Brest Peace" and the "Pact" (agreement) of Ribbentrop-Molotov - two outstanding victories of Soviet diplomacy, two brilliant moves of the dialecticians Lenin and Stalin ... And you, the author, own Hegelian dialectics? Not?! - and very in vain, my friend, a very good thing ...
    1. +1
      16 October 2022 12: 13
      The mistake of the revolution is due to clever intellectuals, the false estate of bastards (children of aristocrats from ties with servants). Strangers to everyone, with an excellent education, but a crappy evil soul. Intelligent scientific and philosophical clever abomination corrupted the minds of the people and authorities, opening - like a "trojan" - Russian souls for the "Demons" virus, which Klassik very accurately noticed.

      PS: there has been a "trialectics" for a long time: Trinity logic with an honest answer "UNKNOWN" in addition to "true-false". On this ternary logic, they say, even something military functions perfectly.
  33. +1
    15 October 2022 21: 46
    but this is bullshit on a moonless night. I understand. that this is a Russian version for an imported edition. but why is it here - for the hype? Check out the links before you argue.
  34. +1
    16 October 2022 08: 40
    would have concluded the Brest-Litovsk peace or would not have concluded - the result would have been absolutely the same! because the imperial army actually ceased to exist
    in my opinion, the Brest peace brought more harm to Germany - because. into the occupying troops on the territory of the former ri, they became infected with the "red infection"
  35. +3
    16 October 2022 09: 26
    Quote: Alexander Kuksin
    . And then, based on your comment, that Kornilov could not crush the rebellion in Petrograd? Could with ease!

    No, he couldn't. Strength would not be enough. The Bolsheviks then actually united with the regiments loyal to the Provisional Government and the superiority in forces was not on the side of Kornilov. Kornilov understood this perfectly well, so he did not twitch. So our domestic "Duce" was out of business.
  36. 0
    16 October 2022 11: 27
    Almost did not read. The collapse of the front is the result of the entire tsarist reign and subsequent temporary workers. The role of the Bolsheviks is greatly exaggerated. Moreover, it was exaggerated after the revolution.
  37. 0
    16 October 2022 11: 31
    Fu, what an abomination breathed from this material. And this despite the fact that I have never been an "old Bolshevik", or there "for Leninist".
    A very one-sided and biased interpretation, easily changing cause and effect. All material is reduced to sucking on the topic (further quote):
    "All the initiatives of the revolutionary period led Russia to the collapse of the Russian army and statehood"
    I won’t be surprised if the author’s office pays a la Radio Liberty;)
  38. +1
    16 October 2022 11: 47
    The answer to the question "Berdyay" about the "loss of a sense of honor." The "living honor" of the Russian army is the Tsar. They removed the Tsar - honor, duty and the very meaning of service disappeared. Worldly - without being clever with science-philosophy - the meaning of a warrior is in the service of WHO (and not what) - His Majesty. Otherwise, in a living and personal sense, the majority will serve THEMSELVES - "service for the service" or "I fight because I fight" - which is what we see today, especially among people in the Big shoulder straps.

    Revolution = ERROR! Let's fix it. We returned God to Russia, we will return the Sovereign. With the return of the sovereign, the meaning of service will be revived among the classes of Rulers and Warriors. They will ask, what about the Second World War? And there everything is in order: "For Stalin!" - it was like "For the Tsar!"

    I will repeat my position. Of the 3 types of power: monarchy-republic-democracy - there is no "best". In a large multi-confessional and multinational power, ALL THREE are constantly needed at the same time. A tsar - even if with a cultural-traditional function - is more true for a sovereign life-existence than a "lifelong President" with the function of an acting tsar.

    PS: FOR THE KING! Explanation for atheists and anti-monarchists. I do not belong to fanatics, "mummers", etc. I believe that the class structure of a society of good people is correct, where the Tsar is the natural head of the class of Rulers. He is an important FUNCTIONAL, without which public administration is worse than with him.
    Tsarist power = "vertical" (the same one), and workers' management in today's times should be distributed-network. Combining 2 in one is fraught with disaster - different QUALITIES.
    1. +1
      16 October 2022 18: 54
      Well, what a pancake class?!? (hand face). It was in the Middle Ages with that undeveloped economy that it was necessary to give land with peasants for a knight, so that they would ensure his combat readiness with their labor. Because there was simply no better way.
      Are you personally ready to become a fortress?
      And then these estates naturally degenerated and were swept away by bourgeois revolutions. It's just too late for us.
      don't damn it, let's go back ... well, scribe
      1. 0
        17 October 2022 02: 52
        Here, probably, the majority are honest SERVANTS. And what, Estate - bad? Great-grandfather-grandfather-father-son - everyone has the profession "to defend the Motherland." In my opinion - nice and right!

        Merchants are also a fact. Masters of business - available. Already 3 self-evident "estates" - and no "medieval".

        But today the Servants rule, the Merchants serve, the Rulers trade. Here, and the whole short time of the Great Russian mess;) Smart, honest, responsible people, but ... many IN ANOTHER (!) Places in life.

        Equality of estates before the law is also a mistake! For example, a moratorium on the death penalty for civilians is debatable back and forth. For the military and civil servants (the estate of rulers) - the death penalty for treason, theft, sabotage should be without reasoning. The essence of Russian laws: to whom more is given (this is already inequality) - from those the demand is stricter. Justice is called. I see nothing wrong with the Officer Courts of Honor for the people of the Service and the Merchant Courts for internal showdowns of businessmen.

        PS: I will be from the "Magi", being a "serf" - I'm not afraid at all, since even an evil master will most likely send such a "serf" straight to the devil;)
  39. +3
    16 October 2022 13: 51
    Quote: Bayun
    Revolution = ERROR! Let's fix it. We returned God to Russia, we will return the Sovereign. With the return of the sovereign, the meaning of service will be revived among the classes of Rulers and Warriors. They will ask, what about the Second World War? And there everything is in order: "For Stalin!" - it was like "For the Tsar!"

    Which god was returned? Allah? Christ?
    "God is one, but religions - darkness!"
    Our nation is mostly secular. Perhaps many of us consider themselves "Orthodox". But to consider oneself and actually to be are not the same thing.
    Do many of the "Orthodox" go to church regularly, go to confession, observe all the rites (at least strictly observe Great Lent), know at least the Lord's Prayer by heart?
    Even according to the estimates of the Russian Orthodox Church itself, these are less than 15%.

    Well, about serving the king ... well, they are different kings. It was easier for the ancestors - they really served not the king, but the idealized idea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbthe "king-father". But in our age of information availability, creating an idealized image of a ruler, and even more so maintaining it in the mass consciousness, is an almost unrealistic task.
    No "cults of personality" are already practically impossible - only imitation and simulation.
    As for Stalin. Yes, he was well-deservedly popular. But he, unlike the former kings-emperors, acquired it not by birthright (almost any monarchy is hereditary), but by his deeds and merits.
    When Soviet soldiers went on the attack with "For Stalin!" - they did not go for a pockmarked Georgian in the Kremlin, but for what he personified - a new way of life in which the son of an Armenian shepherd was able to become a world-famous aircraft designer, creator of MiG fighters.

    And finally, leaving aside the ideology. Any political system with excessive centralization of power is extremely vulnerable to negative external influences, to the use of the so-called. "system weapon". Monarchy is precisely characterized by such excessive centralization. Hit the center, the system falls apart.
    It's time to learn from the sad experience of both the Russian Empire and the USSR.
    The future belongs to the network-centric organization of state administration.
    However, this also applies to the organization of the Armed Forces.
  40. 0
    16 October 2022 15: 07
    Let us turn the imperialist war into a civil war...
    Hatred for their government and their bourgeoisie is the feeling of all class-conscious workers who, on the one hand, understand that the war is a "continuation of the policy" of imperialism, and respond to it with a "continuation" of their hatred for their class enemy, and on the other hand, understand that "war against war" is a vulgar phrase without revolution against one's own government. One cannot stir up hatred towards one's own government and towards one's own bourgeoisie without wishing them defeat...

    V.I. Lenin "On the defeat of his government in the imperialist war", "Social-Democrat" No. 43, July 26, 1915
  41. -1
    16 October 2022 18: 46
    the nonsense of a baker. The Bolsheviks did not have access to the troops. Those Bolsheviks were at most 50000 thousand throughout the country. Their leaders have been in exile for a long time. But the Duma parties had all the resources. Go to the fronts, campaign, explain the patriotic agenda. But for some reason they couldn't.
    But the February Revolution (still a revolution, after all, there was a change in formation) was stirred up by gentlemen Guchkov-Milyukov with the support of the military and (oh God) the relatives of the tsar could still ...
    But somehow they forgot about the people, and the people turned out to have their own aspirations, very different from incomprehensible wars "to the bitter end" xs for what.
  42. 0
    17 October 2022 08: 27
    Quote: Bayun
    Here, probably, the majority are honest SERVANTS. And what, Estate - bad? Great-grandfather-grandfather-father-son - everyone has the profession "to defend the Motherland." In my opinion - nice and right!

    And in my opinion - no. Everyone should have the opportunity to engage in the business to which he is more inclined and for which he has more abilities.
    The son of a good officer is not necessarily able and willing to become a good officer. And what should he do in a class society? Pulling an unloved strap, perhaps burying your talent in another area?
    Are you proposing to completely block access to social elevators? Limit the freedom to choose a life path? It's not even totalitarianism, it's even worse.
    Class society in modern conditions will inevitably lag behind in development, irrationally using the potential of the human resource. It will lose in competition and be torn to pieces by more developed and stronger neighbors.
    Once again - we must learn from the mistakes of the past, and not arrange another great attack on the old rake.
  43. +1
    17 October 2022 08: 32
    Quote: ecolog
    baker's nonsense. The Bolsheviks did not have access to the troops.

    It wasn't at first. There was a special decree prohibiting the recruitment of "subversive elements" into military service. But already during the war, the tsarist government was forced to cancel this ban: educated, technically savvy personnel in the army were catastrophically lacking, and "hay-straw" against the developed German was already doing poorly.
    The most effective propaganda in the Russian army was carried out by the anarchists ... but the "liberal-Febralists", as usual, were terribly far from the people and could not find a common language in principle.
  44. +3
    17 October 2022 11: 47
    As a conclusion, it should be noted that it cannot be said that only the Bolsheviks destroyed the Russian army and led the country to disaster, it would be wrong, but the Bolsheviks played a significant role in this.

    1. He lived to see the resurrection of the theory of the Nazis and Hitler about "stabbing the German army of Jewish communists in the back" in the First World War, but in the Russian imperial version.
    How much is Hitler's theory the Germans understood in World War II, when they believed him and he brought the German Reich, this time, to unconditional surrender - something unprecedented in the world.
    The Russians were lucky that they believed the Bolsheviks then and they saved them from the fate of the Germans.
    If the Germans then made the right choice, then the world could have avoided World War II and ended capitalism in the last century.
    2. If several thousand Bolsheviks - who are abroad or in ssilki - were able to destroy the Russian army, the best in the world, who defeated Napoleon, then either they must have supernatural ability and God's help, or the Russian army collapsed before the Bolsheviks took power. In other words, it was not the Bolsheviks who destroyed the Russian army and led Russia to disaster, but the destruction of the Russian army and the catastrophe of Russia in the war brought the Bolsheviks to power. When the Bolsheviks took power, the collapse of the army and the catastrophe of the state had already occurred.
    This is directly opposite to 1991 and the destruction of the USSR from above, when the catastrophe was the result of the coming of anti-communists to power.
  45. AB
    17 October 2022 12: 44
    The article smacks of monarchical protection ...
  46. 0
    17 October 2022 13: 55
    It is significant that V.I. Lenin called this document "obscene peace of Brest-Litovsk". And, probably, it cannot be considered in isolation from a historical perspective. And the prospect is simple - the USSR. One can criticize the intermediate steps of the Bolsheviks, their mistakes. But the result is undeniable. From the moment when tsarist Russia was destroyed by "effective managers", the Bolsheviks built a superpower.
  47. 0
    17 October 2022 15: 45
    Quote from AB
    The article smacks of monarchical protection ...

    She reeks of stupidity.

    It is enough to know that -
    According to the mobilization deployment in 1914, the army had 55 officers, doctors and officials. During 668-1914. she suffered losses in this composition of 1915 people. In February 45, there were 115 officers, doctors and officials in the army.

    - no more stupid questions.
  48. +2
    20 October 2022 09: 37
    Crystal bakers, answer me, did the workers and peasants, both Russian and German, need this war?
    1. 0
      21 October 2022 15: 43
      They died in this war, and the capital was making money .. the Bolsheviks and the 2nd Reich destroyed the 3rd They demolished ... and the bakers fought for the 3rd ..
  49. -1
    21 October 2022 15: 39
    Another one trying to sow discord between whites and reds apparently works for the ukroreich .. yes, we have a lot of urapatriots with an altered mind ..
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  51. 0
    23 October 2022 22: 41
    Quote: Ulan.1812
    And the Bolsheviks deprived the church of this income by nationalizing church and landlord lands.
    What caused the hatred of the church elite and the resistance of the authorities.

    For the first time, partial secularization of church lands was carried out by Peter I. Well, although many clergy did not like him, they still did not show resistance to Peter the Great.
    The practical complete secularization of church lands and other church real estate was carried out by Catherine II. Perhaps the clergy were unhappy, but no one protested publicly. Not to mention the resistance to Catherine II.
    What did the Bolsheviks do in relation to the church that our kings (Peter I) and queens (Catherine II) had not done before???
  52. +1
    23 October 2022 23: 04
    Quote: Sergey Drozdov
    There are 14 thousand Bolsheviks throughout the country; for comparison, there are 1,5 million Socialist Revolutionaries who fought for the war. What agitation at the front! We lost the Japanese game shamefully. The industry was completely destroyed.

    14 thousand are party members. But there was also a category of “sympathizers”. Essentially the same Bolsheviks (in spirit), but without party cards. How many were there? 100 XNUMX ? Million? Five million ??
    Well, about the collapse of industry, you seem to have gone too far. For example, we have a ship in combat service built in 1913.

    This is the first Russian catamaran warship, as well as the first submarine rescuer. The ship has been plowing for Russia for all one hundred and ten years, participated in both WWI and WWII, even last year in the Caucasus-2016 exercises.
    And that's it, it doesn't rot!!!! The body is made of special Putilov steel, the secret of which was lost during the revolution. The secret has not yet been revealed.
  53. +1
    1 December 2022 13: 53
    The army was destroyed by the February bourgeois revolution. At that time, no one even knew about the Bolsheviks. The conclusion of the Brest Peace Treaty by the Bolsheviks and Lenin was the only correct decision at that time and had nothing to do with the world revolution. There was simply devastation in the country and a large number of counter-revolutionary elements.
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  55. The comment was deleted.
  56. 0
    20 December 2022 13: 43
    “En la era de la paz de Brest, el gobierno soviético colocó la dictadura mundial del proletariado y la revolución mundial por encima de todos los sacrificios nacionales, por duros que fueran”
    Pudo ser un delirio de Lenin. Pero la revolución alemana, la esperanza de Lenis, fue derrotada desde dentro por la socialdemocracia de la II Internacional. Sea como fuere, la Revolución Mundial ni está ni se la espera, pero la URSS tampoco existe ya, como Trotski había predicho, el socialismo desapareció, y veremos que pasa con nuestro Mundo.
    Por cierto, sobre Trotski y el pueblo ruso; Este se refiere a Lenin copmo prototipo del pueblo ruso supuestamente denostado. Eso no parece subestimar ni despreciar en absoluto a ese pueblo.
    Pero debo reconocer que sin lugar a dudas, vosotros lo habríais hecho mucho mejor en Brest Litovsk.