"The fall into the deepest abyss": the collapse of the Second Reich and the democratization of Germany under the supervision of the Entente countries

"The fall into the deepest abyss": the collapse of the Second Reich and the democratization of Germany under the supervision of the Entente countries

The First World War, which exacerbated social and economic contradictions in the countries participating in this conflict, led to the collapse and disintegration of four empires - Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman, which was accompanied by revolutions and the creation of new states.

Entry into the war caused a surge of enthusiasm in German society - a feeling of breathtaking change and confidence in an early victory were widespread. The Germans hoped for exceptionally favorable peace conditions for the country. The final defeat and harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles came as a shock to the Germans, many of whom were convinced that the war had been lost not by the German army, but by politicians who had stabbed the nation in the back.

Why did Germany lose the war? Why was there a widespread opinion among the Germans about the "stab in the back"? Why did the Germans, after the conclusion of the Treaty of Versailles, consider themselves deceived? What caused the growth of revanchist sentiment after the announcement of the results of the First World War? These are the questions we will try to answer in this article.

The question of responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War

Military parade in Berlin shortly before the First World War.
Military parade in Berlin shortly before the First World War.

Historian Oleg Yuryevich Plenkov in his fundamental work “The Catastrophe of 1933. german story and the rise of the Nazis to power” notes that with regard to the causes of the First World War, the judgment is especially true that historians sometimes cannot explain even a specific event with reliable accuracy [1]. The reason is that the available data are not so complete and unambiguous that their causal interpretation is beyond doubt.

For almost 100 years, the question of the role of the German Empire in unleashing the First World War has remained hotly debated. Historians from different countries expressed many opposing points of view. In Russia, the opinion about exclusively German wine usually dominates. This opinion is not connected with exact evidence and documentary evidence, but with moods and emotions, as well as with Germanophobia, which was widespread for most of the 1th century (especially after World War II) [XNUMX].

In 1961, the German historian Fritz Fischer's monograph "The Rush to World Domination" was published in Germany, which immediately became a world bestseller. It argued that Germany was solely to blame for the outbreak of the war. In the USSR, Fischer's works were immediately ranked among the most important works of the Western "academic trend" [2]. This is not surprising, because in the Soviet ideological context, his books were evaluated positively. Despite the fact that Fischer did a fairly serious job, his argument is not flawless, since he showed only one side of the coin - the development of Germany was, as it were, taken out of the European context. The Fischer school should be seen as part of the German national repentance that changed the country after 1945 [1].

The English historian Alan John Percival Taylor wrote in 1963:

"In 1914, no one had a conscious desire and determination to provoke a war."

The American historian Fritz Stern, in turn, noted that British selfishness and imperialism were the same as German ones, only less loud and boastful[1].

The well-known American political scientist Richard Ned Lebow defends the point of view that the First World War was an accident. If Archduke Franz Ferdinand had remained alive in Sarajevo on a June afternoon in 1914, or simply had not gone there as he was advised, the conflict could have been avoided. The extent to which this concept is true can be debated for a long time. However, it seems undoubted that the First World War was not inevitable, although at the same time it had a number of objective reasons [3].

One of these reasons, as the Russian historian Nikolai Anatolyevich Vlasov notes, was the foreign policy pursued by the German Empire in the early years of the 3th century. After the departure of Otto von Bismarck, the political system tailored by him to his own measure began to work much worse [1914]. The result of the personnel and foreign policy of Kaiser Wilhelm II was that by XNUMX the German Empire approached with the only reliable ally, which had been experiencing a continuous internal crisis for several decades, and a coalition of opponents consisting of the three great powers of Europe.

At the same time, nothing gave hope that this situation would change much in the foreseeable future. It is not surprising that many members of the German military-political elite on the eve of the war believed that a suffocating noose was slowly tightening around their country. The fact that they themselves were to a large extent responsible for the appearance of this loop was not taken into account [3].

Reasons for Germany's defeat in the war

No one expected that the First World War would have a completely different character than the wars of the 1914th century, which ended with the winner receiving territorial and financial compensation from the vanquished. In the summer of 1, the troops went to the front with the confidence that by Christmas they would be at home [1866]. Bearing in mind the short wars of 1870 and 1871-XNUMX, the Germans believed that the war would be short. However, the reality turned out to be different.

The German blitzkrieg plan against France failed almost immediately, in the autumn of 1914, and the war became protracted. The strategy of the Chief of the General Staff, Erich von Falkenhain, to wage war with limited forces with a decisive goal and “grind the enemy” on the Western Front also turned out to be a failure - 50 of the best German divisions were destroyed in a senseless meat grinder near Verdun.

With the appointment in 1916, under pressure from public opinion, of Paul von Hindenburg, Chief of the General Staff (who, in turn, appointed Erich Ludendorff as Quartermaster General), the situation on the fronts was stabilized - the Entente offensive on the Somme was stopped, and Romania was brought out of the war, inflicting defeat. Probably, Hindenburg and Ludendorff were the best military of their time, but the politicians among them were useless, which is worth only the decision to declare an unlimited submarine war, which entailed the entry of the United States into the war [1].

The military (having concentrated great power in their hands), starting unrestricted submarine warfare, considered it possible to end the war in Europe before American involvement took on significant proportions. However, this calculation was not justified. In addition, the German fleet was unable to break through the naval blockade due to the numerical superiority of the enemy. Problems with the supply of raw materials and food were growing. The spring offensive of 1918 did not bring the desired result, and it became clear to realistically thinking military men and politicians that Germany had no chance of winning the war.

On September 29, 1918, Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff informed the Kaiser that the war was lost and an immediate truce was needed. According to them, the Western Front can be broken through at any moment. The military command believed that by concluding a truce and then peace, it was possible to save the army, and the "14 points" of US President Woodrow Wilson seemed to them a gift of fate. Note that the German front, however, was not broken through either in September, or in October, or in November, there was no military catastrophe at the front [1].

The main command of the army (Oberste Heeresleitung, OHL) decided to lay the responsibility for losing the war on the shoulders of the political elite. Erich Ludendorff took the initiative to form a government of representatives of German political parties, which would be based on a majority in the Reichstag.

“It is necessary to call into the government those to whom we are mainly indebted for the current situation. Let these gentlemen head the ministries and sign the peace that will now have to be signed. Let them eat the soup that they prepared for us [3]”,

said the quartermaster general. We will talk about the consequences of the actions of the military command that gave rise to the legend of the “stab in the back”, we will talk later.

Speaking about the reasons for the defeat of Germany, it should be noted that the First and Second World Wars became not so much wars of military leadership, like the wars of the past, but battles of material and human resources, in which the counterbalance of the opponents of the Second Reich was quite obvious [1]. Germany miscalculated its forces and waged war practically against a coalition of the rest of the world. The Second Reich could not resist, because it was deprived of imports from overseas. The German war economy was nowhere near as efficient as the German war machine, which outperformed its opponents in both World War I and World War II [1].

Historian Oleg Plenkov notes that the Germans blundered in three areas of modern warfare - lagged behind in air combat (3 aircraft versus 670 for the Entente countries), car production (4 versus 500 for the Entente) and in production tanks, which the German Empire practically did not have (20 defective tanks against 800 for the Entente).

Paradoxically, the advanced, industrial power could not win the battle of material resources. In terms of combat morale and military discipline, the Germans, of course, surpassed their opponents [1]. However, this was not enough.

The November Revolution and the Legend of the "Stab in the Back"

Almost no one in Germany knew about Ludendorff's statement to Kaiser Wilhelm II on September 29, everyone was sure that the conclusion of the truce came from the parliamentary government. It is unlikely that the Germans in those days understood what was happening, no one knew about the peaceful intentions of Hindenburg and Luderndorf, no one knew about the difficult, hopeless situation at the front, because posters hung everywhere, foreshadowing a quick victory, and in the pubs they cheerfully discussed possible territorial acquisitions of Germany [one]. Moreover, the front-line units arrived in the Reich in full order of battle, solemnly marching under the triumphal arches.

The news of the revolution and military defeat coincided, and the feverish national consciousness itself arranged the sequence of events: revolution, and then defeat. Only the leadership of the General Staff definitely knew that the sequence was reversed, but they remained silent. Thus was born the legend of "stab in the back" or, in the Nazi formulation, "Jewish Marxism stabbed the fighting front in the back." The author of this legend was Hindenburg [1].

At the suggestion of Hindenburg and Ludendorff, the Kaiser allowed the formation of a government responsible to the Reichstag - the democratic transformation of power was successful - Germany became a parliamentary state on the initiative of two Prussian generals [4]. At the same time, the military expected that the democratic government would take responsibility for the defeat in the war. On October 3, Hindenburg handed over a letter to Wilhelm II, which read:

“The high command of the army insists on its proposal of September 29 to immediately send an offer of a truce to our enemy. Due to the collapse of the front in Macedonia, which will entail a significant weakening of our Western Front, already experiencing significant overload and increasing losses, especially in recent clashes, in all conceivable human dimensions there is no way to impose peace on the enemy by force anymore. The situation, however, escalates more and more every day, and the OHL feels compelled to make a difficult decision. In these circumstances, hostilities should be stopped in order to save the German people from needless victims. Every missed day is worth thousands of lives of our brave soldiers [5].”

There was not a word in the letter about "stab in the back" was not. Despite the noble motive expressed by Hindenburg to save more soldiers' lives, the leadership of the Navy came up with a fantastic plan to withdraw the German fleet and give a decisive battle to the Entente. Navy sailors practically did not take part in the hostilities, and a similar order from Admiral Reinhard Scheer was quite correctly assessed as suicide and mutiny was raised. At the front, where soldiers and officers in the trenches fed lice for years, fought and died, where the spirit of camaraderie was high, there could be no question of such a rebellion.

The uprising of sailors in Kiel, which broke out in the first days of November, quickly swept the whole country and reached the capital in a few days. On November 9, Emperor Wilhelm II fled to Holland, and Prince Max of Baden handed over the chancellorship to Friedrich Ebert, leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), without any resistance. One of the leaders of the SPD Philipp Scheidemann announced the fall of the monarchy and proclaimed Germany a republic. The Second Reich ceased to exist.

Unlike Hindenburg and Ludendorff, who had pinned their hopes on the "14 Points" of a possible post-war peace settlement by US President Woodrow Wilson, Kurt Rietzler, secretary of the Second Reich Chancellor, Bethmann-Hollweg, was much more pessimistic. On October 1, 1918, he wrote the following in his diary:

“We will practically have to accept dictatorship. Centenary slavery. The end of the dream of conquering the world. An end to all our arrogance. The Germans are scattered all over the world. The fate of the Jews [6]”.

The democratization of Germany under US supervision and the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles

The Big Three in Paris David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, Woodrow Wilson
The Big Three in Paris. David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, Woodrow Wilson

The shock of defeat in the First World War for most Germans was great, for the reason that the logic of Germany's defeat was not clear. The Germans understood that the German army was retreating, but it retreated in perfect order, was not defeated and was worthy of a better fate than the one that was prepared for it at Versailles.

A very significant circumstance connected with the Treaty of Versailles was superimposed on injustice. This circumstance lies in the fact that it did not meet the conditions of the Compiègne truce, on which the German command agreed to end the war - it turns out that the Germans were simply cheated, as an unlucky buyer, replacing the originally shown product with another, good for nothing [1].

The crux of the matter was that, after an exchange of notes with Germany, Woodrow Wilson proposed an armistice based on the aforementioned "14 points" limited to only two conditions: freedom of the seas and compensation for war damage - it was on these terms that Germany agreed to lay down weapon (in parallel with this, the US president insisted on the abdication of the Kaiser and the abolition of succession to the throne). Unknown to the Germans at the time, British and French leaders had voiced their objection to Wilson's plan. These objections were recorded by the American representative, Colonel House, in the form of a "Commentary" which was not shown to the Germans.

In essence, the Commentary anticipated all the features of the Versailles system. Even more significant was that the "Commentary" proceeded from Germany's guilt for the war, and also provided for "prizes" for the victors and punishment for the guilty, which the "14 Points" categorically ruled out. When the draft peace treaty was handed over to the German delegation at Versailles on May 7, the Germans were shocked.

The most terrible accusation was contained in Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, in this article the responsibility for the war was placed on the Reich, while the Germans were convinced that the war for Germany was defensive. Even among the German Social Democrats, the only ones who considered Germany guilty of starting the war were Kurt Eisner, Karl Kautsky and Eduard David [1].

The terms of the Versailles Peace Treaty exceeded the worst fears of the German side. Upon their return from Versailles, the German delegates, headed by W. von Brockdorf-Rantzau, declared that “the conditions of peace are unbearable, since Germany cannot accept them and continue to exist with dignity” [7]. US Secretary of State Robert Lansing wrote about the German delegation at the time of the peace signing.

“It looked like people were being called to sign their own death warrants. With pale faces and trembling hands, they quickly put their signatures and were then taken to their places.

Under the treaty, Germany lost an eighth of the territory (13,5% of its pre-war area) with a population of 7,3 million people (10% of the pre-war population), of which 3,5 million were Germans [7].

The Treaty of Versailles practically disarmed Germany. The ground army of Germany was reduced to 100 thousand people, with 4 thousand officers, and the fleet - to 16 thousand people. And this is while on its western borders there was a French army of 671 thousand people, and in the east - the Polish army of 266 thousand people. The General Staff and the Military Academy were disbanded. 835 German senior officers, led by the Kaiser himself, were declared criminals. [7]. The Germans also pledged to demilitarize the Rhineland.

Germany was obliged to pay a huge amount of reparations, and also, as under the terms of the Compiègne truce, to bear the so-called "occupation costs" for the maintenance of the Entente troops in their own occupation territories. Later, Winston Churchill would caustically remark that

"the economic clauses of the treaty were vicious and stupid to the point of becoming manifestly meaningless."

The West sought to portray the First World War as a struggle against villainous German imperialism. US President Wilson pointed out that the aim of the war was to democratize Germany. In essence, the entire peacekeeping pathos of Vilnosov rested on the exaltation of the democratic principles of the organization of post-war Europe. As you know, all the countries of the Entente were democratic, with the exception of Russia - it, both in the First and in the Second World War, “interfered” with the exemplary confrontation between democracy and authoritarianism. In Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria, a state reorganization took place under a certain pressure from the Entente countries.

"The fall from the shining peaks into the deepest abyss" (as a conclusion)

Historian Erich Marx called the era of Bismarck

"the most notable peak in the history of the ups and downs of Germany",

and the events of 1918

"falling down from shining peaks into the deepest abyss [8]".

The defeat in the war broke the faith of the Germans in the natural, progressive development, social progress and stability of the German Reich. The hour of national myths has come, which embraced the broad masses of the German population.

The absolute defeat in the war, which did not meet victorious expectations, with difficult peace conditions, as well as the putschist activity of the left-wing radicals supported from Moscow, contributed to the growth of nationalism in post-war Germany. The Germans fought throughout the war on foreign territory, in fact, not once during the entire war did the enemy threaten Germany's own territory, there was no military catastrophe. It can be said that the First World War ended not with the defeat of the army on the battlefield, but with the destruction of the former order.

Impersonal, devoid of elements of national identity, the Weimar Republic, which copied political rules and customs from the West, became for many Germans a symbol of Germany's defeat. It was the illogicality of the military defeat of the Second Reich that was the key reason for the Germans turning to national myths. It was this "illogicality" that caused the Second World War to be born in Adolf Hitler's head as a correction for the undeserved defeat of 1918.

Использованная литература:
[1] Plenkov O.Yu. Catastrophe of 1933. German History and the Rise of the Nazis to Power. – M.: Veche, 2021.
[2] Vinogradov, K. Bourgeois historiography of the First World War. Origins of war and international relations in 1914–1917 - Moscow, 1962.
[3] Nikolai Vlasov. Road to disaster. Foreign policy of the German Empire. 1871–1918 – M.: Eurasia, 2021.
[4] Plenkov O. Yu., Samylov O. V. Political paradoxes of the November revolution and counter-revolution in Germany Tambov: Diploma, 2020. Volume 13. Issue 3. C. 56–61.
[5] Krockow Chr. Count von. Die Deutschen in ihrem Jahrhundert 1890–1990. Reinbeck bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1992.
[6] Fritz Stern. The Failure of Illiberalism. Essays on the Political Culture of Modern Germany. London. 1972.
[7] Kosmach V. A. “Humiliation at Versailles”: the results of the First World War for Germany / V. A. Kosmach // Pskov Military Historical Bulletin. - 2015. - No. 1. - P. 155–167.
[8] Ringer F. Decline of German tangerines / transl. from English. P. Goldina and E. Kanishcheva - M .: New Literary Review, 2008.
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  1. +10
    4 October 2022 06: 07
    The strategy of the Chief of the General Staff, Erich von Falkenhayn, to wage war with limited forces with a decisive goal and “grind the enemy” on the Western Front also turned out to be a failure.
    Something reminiscent of today's events.
    1. +4
      4 October 2022 08: 35
      Reminds me of today's events

      God forbid, only a description of events))
      1. +3
        4 October 2022 21: 42
        While the situation is developing similarly .. I would very much like to see a similar result
    2. +3
      5 October 2022 11: 56
      "The First World War, which exacerbated social and economic contradictions in the countries participating in this conflict, led to the collapse and disintegration of four empires - Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman, ..."
      But I, with such, which have already become "stereotypical" conclusions, do not quite agree ...

      Really disintegrated and suffered a real collapse, only three of these empires - German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman.

      And the Russian, in the context of its geopolitical, imperial status, has survived, becoming only, socio-economically, "Red". Exclusively, by the way, thanks to the Bolsheviks ...

      And it fell apart and crashed, only the Russian monarchy. Not the Russian Empire...
    3. 0
      4 November 2022 19: 55
      Obviously, Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, i.e. BRICS countries are economically many times stronger than the West (at least if we talk about the real sector: industrial production and agriculture) ... So there is an analogy, but it is not in favor of the West ... And Ukraine with its human resources are many times less than Russia, especially now, when part of the "square" became part of Russia, and many millions of Ukrainians fled all over the world ...
  2. -1
    4 October 2022 08: 53
    as well as putschist activity of leftist radicals supported from Moscow
    The communists are to blame ... especially from Moscow .. They decomposed the German army located in Russia .. smile
    1. +6
      4 October 2022 11: 49
      You, apparently, do not know history well, since you make ironic comments of this kind. Firstly, there is no question of the "decomposition of the German army" - the reasons for the defeat of the Second Reich are indicated. Secondly, to deny that the Bolsheviks tried to carry out a coup in Germany is a hopeless occupation. Have you heard anything about the events of January 1919, the uprising of the "Spartacists" in Berlin, an attempt to proclaim a "socialist republic" in Bremen, about the intentions of the Russian Bolsheviks to see K. Liebknecht and R. Luxemburg at the head of "socialist Germany"? It was the danger of a left-wing coup that forced the former front-line soldiers to unite with right-wing and extreme right-wing forces. In general, the consolidation of the "right" occurred precisely because of the "red threat" (quite real), putschist activity of the "left". And, unfortunately for Germany, it was the extreme right who aspired to power more than others, who later became the core of the NSDAP.
      1. 0
        4 October 2022 12: 51
        There was also the Bavarian Soviet Republic. But the trouble with the labor movement in Germany was that it was not united, the revolutionary group Spartak was only gaining strength. The counter-revolutionary forces were more united. from the East were more revolutionary. "Red" front-line soldiers took shape in an organization only in 1924. The same Soviets that were formed in Germany during the revolution were not proletarian in essence. The German left was in a hurry to make a revolution like in Russia, not taking into account the sometimes existing political situation, extremely left-wing views sometimes prevailed among the leadership. They did not show tactical flexibility. There are a lot of reasons why Germany did not become Soviet.
        1. +3
          4 October 2022 18: 01
          Are you sure that Germany needed Bolshevism, "Sovietness" and the notorious "dictatorship of the proletariat"? The German middle class, in principle, was very skeptical of communism - given the attempts of the "left" putsch, it really seemed to them that communism threatened Germany with the "dominance of slaves", and the right-wing radicals just took advantage of this and gained popularity playing on this topic. The socio-economic demands of the Bolsheviks (and at the initial stage they built "war communism" in Russia) were, to put it mildly, not quite adequate in such an industrial country as Germany. The example of Russia, in which "war communism" gave rise to chaos, also loomed before everyone.
      2. -1
        5 October 2022 12: 12
        Dear author. Do you see...

        In the section on "responsibility for unleashing WWI", you mentioned various (German, British, Russian historians). But...

        After all, it was Engels who put a completely CLEAR and SCIENTIFICLY substantiated "point" on this issue. Moreover, pretty much before the start of the First World War. Even specifying exactly where and why it will "break" first. And, of course, you can "blame", at the same time, on his "permanent Russophobia". (He really hated the Russian monarchy.) But, in scientific and analytical terms, this will not be convincing ...

        I believe that writing on the topics of the WWI, while referring only to the "works of historians" (both "modern" and not very ...), while hushing up the "opinions" of the classics - Engels, especially - Lenin. It means to evade an objective approach to the topic ...
    2. +1
      4 October 2022 16: 02
      Decomposed the German army, located in Russia

      Before decomposing the German army, they decomposed their own - calling for sticking bayonets in the ground and going home ...
      1. 0
        5 October 2022 19: 40
        And do not tell me how many Bolsheviks were in the Provisional Government? And the text of their first decree?
        1. 0
          5 October 2022 20: 36
          And what does the Provisional Government have to do with it?
      2. +2
        6 October 2022 11: 31
        Can you tell me how the Bolsheviks, whose leaders were in exile or exile, "managed" to decompose, INITIALLY and CONTINUED the war, a victoriously fighting army? .. Besides, led by a talented, Supreme Commander-in-Chief? .. Besides , "nourished" by the Orthodox Church? .. Besides, perfectly equipped with everything necessary for the successful conduct of hostilities? ..

        In for me, this, to be honest, is such a big mystery ...

        They were probably "richer" than the entire Russian monarchy (the imperial family + all its monarchical state "institutions" - the police, the gendarmerie, "people's" education), the Orthodox Church? .. Merchants, and industrialists and the nobility? ..

        But the answer to it, if my memory serves me right, you can search (if you wish) from the gene. Danilov (not a Bolshevik at all, by the way...), - "On the way to collapse"...

        Or the gen. Kurlov, - "The death of imperial Russia" .... Or from the French ambassador to Russia - M. Paleolog. This is for starters...
        1. 0
          6 October 2022 12: 01
          Quote: ABC-schütze
          Can you tell me how the Bolsheviks, whose leaders were in exile or exile, "managed" to decompose, INITIALLY and in the CONTINUE OF the war, a victoriously fighting army?

          Can you tell me how many leaders were in exile and how many were in the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia?
          1. 0
            6 October 2022 12: 14
            I'll tell you...

            The leader of the Bolshevik Party was ONLY ONE - Ulyanov Lenin. And he learned about the coup d'état (not at all organized by the Bolsheviks) in the Republic of Ingushetia, DURING THE LEADING WAR, "from the newspapers" ...

            Stalin was in exile. All the rest are conscious and active members of the Bolshevik Party, not leaders. Unlike the "legitimate authorities" and the "revolutionaries", KNOWING the real needs of the masses, the real moods of the people, able to work with the people, how did it "turn out" even better than all the monarchical institutions and the Orthodox Church?

            So, let's "observe the order" ... First, you, clearly and reasonably, will try to answer my question, how did the Bolsheviks "manage" to decompose the army? ... And then, we will do "arithmetic" and begin to count "on the fingers" which of the leaders of the Bolsheviks and where "was" ...

            And at the same time, we will take into account (for objectivity) that the "leaders" of the monarchy, the Orthodox Church, the nobility, the bourgeoisie, etc. etc., "on the spot", that is, in the Republic of Ingushetia, there were MUCH MORE than the leaders of the Bolsheviks ... Duc, maybe it's not their "number"?

            And in quality?.. And in the ability to convince and organize the masses?..
            1. 0
              6 October 2022 14: 00
              First, you will clearly and reasonably try to answer my question, how did the Bolsheviks "manage" to decompose the army?

              Yes, very simple. A small example is Voroshilov, who was smuggling literature (you know which one) ... What did Sverdlov do? And Stalin (albeit in exile). And Molotov? Kaganovich? Etc.

              And the Esers? Do you drink beer? Or have people been corrupted?

              So, maybe it's not their "number"?
              And in quality?.. And in the ability to convince and organize the masses?..

              In fact, everyone who was in the Central Committee were leaders, although there was no clear definition in those days ...

              And the point here is both in quantity, and in quality, and in the ability to convince and organize the masses. Well, you can’t refuse the Bolsheviks’ assertiveness either ...
              1. 0
                6 October 2022 21: 47
                Unfortunately, your answer is unconvincing. Namely, in the context of the intelligibility of the argument ...

                Voroshilov was engaged in party work. That is, exactly what the Bolshevik was supposed to do. At the expense of "literature smuggling", in general, not serious. Let me remind you that the ALL Bolshevik Party was then "illegal". And their deputies from the Duma faction, in general, ALL were arrested and sent into exile. The MORE CONvincing and REGULAR in SUCH CONDITIONS is their victory.

                About the numbers ... By the time Lenin returned from emigration to St. Petersburg (after the coup d'etat arranged by "loyal subjects" from "duma members and generals"), the Bolshevik Party had 12 thousand members ...

                Yes, in the Russian Empire, THEN, only some Orthodox churches and temples were comparable. In addition, "from the treasury" there are also funds, LEGALLY, in addition to the donations of the parishioners who received it. Their "leaders" - rectors, archimandrites-patriarchs, etc. who effectively interfered with Bolshevik activity? ..

                And if we are ready to write down "all" active Bolsheviks in the "leaders". Then let's also let the abbots of the temples (and the confessors of the Mohammedan confessions, who did not suffer from a penchant for Bolshevism), also we will not refuse the honor of being called "leaders" ... And, "by any", there WAS MORE ... Duc, their ACTIVITY, based on CENTURY-OLD spiritual traditions, why did it turn out to be "across" the Bolshevik frailty? ..

                In addition, let's take into account the rather close "information interaction" of the Orthodox Church and such guardians of the foundations of the Empire as the police and the gendarmerie? ..

                Just let's not go into reasoning, such as the Church, the spiritual pillar of the Monarchy, it was "not up to it", it was "all" at that time, "charity" was engaged ...

                In April 1917, there were 12 thousand Bolsheviks. And in August, when their "temporaries" were driven underground again, almost 400 thousand ...

                How is it so? .. Exclusively by the "works" of Voroshilov, the "smuggler", and other "Kalinins-Sverdlovs-Stalins" ...

                Yes, at a large St. Petersburg plant, the number of workers was comparable to the total number of the Bolshevik Party ...

                So who, the Monarchies (family), the nobles, the Church, the bourgeoisie, + THE ALL state apparatus, with their LEGAL POSSIBILITIES - MONEY, POWER, "PRINT" (as it was then called), purely informational and agitational "fill up" illegal Bolsheviks (and Socialist-Revolutionaries, let it "to the heap") "fill up" in the EYES of the PEOPLE interfered? ..

                Let's take into account, moreover, Russia at that time was a peasant population (about 80%) and of them, more than 70%, were generally illiterate. Those. "Bolshevik newspapers" were not read ...

                And the "word" of the local shepherd or police officer, police officer, etc., was for them and their ears, much closer and more accessible than Lenin's "Pravda" and other "leaflets" ...

                Maybe, the power ITSELF, NOT ONE YEAR, "helped" the success of the Bolsheviks and their agitation with ITS POLICY? ...

                Starting with "Japanese" and "January 09th"?..
  3. +2
    4 October 2022 09: 04
    A frightening amount of allusions (accidental or intentional) in the article.
    1. +1
      4 October 2022 11: 20
      I can only answer this with a quote from Voltaire: “There are no accidents - everything in this world is either a test, or a punishment, or a reward, or a harbinger” (c).
      1. +1
        4 October 2022 20: 34
        Not in the topic of your comment, but in the topic of the article.
        Frank "throw". But not groundless hi
      2. 0
        6 October 2022 11: 59
        Voltaire was a "humanist". Behind this, he had a penchant for not always scientifically substantiated, "broad generalizations" ...

        Accidents, alas, do exist. Both in nature and in society...

        The same attempt of the Principle on Ferdinand, this is not an "accident", but a specific form of manifestation of the historical.

        Don’t “threat” (this is from Hasek ...) Gavrpilo ​​Ferdinand, so the further “development of the plot” (in the context of “who started it first” ...) would simply be transferred to the “upper floors” and the decision to “start” would be made "British cabinet", or Kaiser, or Franz Joseph, or Nicholas II, or Poincare, maybe Wilson or Mikado, etc. ... But one way or another, it would be a "specific" historical character who "pressed" with his decision , "trigger" of the conflict ...

        This means that there is no PRINCIPAL, SCIENTIFIC "difference" between a specific terrorist Gavrila from Sarajevo, and a specific "person" from the upper ruling strata, from the banks of the Thames, Spree, Neva, Seine, etc. simply no...

        the imperialist conflict was OBJECTIVELY inevitable due to the OBJECTIVE incompatibility of interests (contradictions) of the leading imperialist powers ...
    2. 0
      4 October 2022 12: 46
      And not only.
      For example, the myth about "a knife in the back of an undefeated army" is suspiciously similar to the myth of "a knife in the back of an army that would have won just about", well, just a little more - and would show the Japs where the crayfish hibernate, or would put up a shield Oleg at the gates of Constantinople (however, to the question of what to do with the predominantly Greek-Armenian population of the city, who for some reason consider it "their own" - in response to an indistinct lowing. As well as to the question of what specific and undeniable benefits the possession of the Straits gives).
  4. +1
    4 October 2022 11: 46
    Historian Oleg Plenkov notes that the Germans blundered in three areas of modern warfare - lagged behind in air combat (3 aircraft versus 670 for the Entente countries), car production (4 versus 500 for the Entente) and in the production of tanks, which the German Empire had there were practically none (30 defective tanks versus 100 for the Entente).

    In aviation, the Germans did not lag behind. On the contrary, they outnumbered the enemy qualitatively and slightly retreated in quantity.
    The backlog in cars had practically no meaning in a positional war, and even more so, several hundred primitive tanks, whose armor did not save from rifle bullets and hand grenades, had no meaning.
    the leadership of the Navy came up with a fantastic plan to withdraw the German fleet and give a decisive battle to the Entente. Navy sailors practically did not take part in the hostilities, and a similar order from Admiral Reinhard Scheer was quite correctly assessed as suicide and mutiny was raised.

    It was necessary to beat the formation of marine infantry divisions from the crew of ships and use the removal of guns from ships. And even better, he will replenish the ground forces with sailors.
    1. 0
      4 October 2022 18: 37
      It was necessary to beat the formation of marine infantry divisions from the crew of ships and use the removal of guns from ships.
      And where to put them, on what carriages? Or on armored trains, like we have in Civil? So it was a completely different war.
  5. +4
    4 October 2022 11: 56
    Quote: kor1vet1974
    as well as putschist activity of leftist radicals supported from Moscow
    The communists are to blame ... especially from Moscow .. They decomposed the German army located in Russia .. smile

    Defeat leads to revolution, not the other way around. Do not confuse cause and effect. The putschist activity of the leftist radicals could only save Germany, after the defeat, as it saved Russia. In the long term, the victory of the revolution in Germany (after the victory in Russia) meant that there would be no World War II (at least in the East). Mankind could free itself from capitalism 80-100 years ago and is already at a completely different level of development.
  6. 0
    4 October 2022 12: 54
    ВВ1 was a chain of events coming from the fact that only “bulls” gathered at the table and no one really wanted to slow down, everyone was sure that the enemy would retreat and there would be a triumph. From here, everyone adored these stupid ultimatums and window dressing at the time of the unfolding of the crisis. And then it started, as they say.
    Who was to blame? Ambitious politicum of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russian Empire. It is for "warming up" the initial situation. Further, other participants are already joining, but their role in "warming up" is much less, although it certainly exists, if we consider the construction of a pre-war diplomatic architecture in Europe.
  7. 0
    4 October 2022 15: 57
    Quote: Viktor Biryukov
    there is no talk of "decomposition of the German army" - the reasons for the defeat of the Second Reich are indicated

    By the second half of 1916, Germany was almost exhausted:

    1. There was no one to mobilize to the front - the entire male population had long been sitting in the trenches.
    2. There was not enough raw material for the production of the necessary weapons for the front, and all the ports of supply of raw materials were blocked by the British fleet.
    3. In Germany, hunger began to be felt, which became massive by 1918
    4. And finally, the famous "stab in the back." Factory strikes and sailors' riots. And behind everything
    this was the International...

    Here are all the reasons. I remember they talked about this at school in a history lesson. In addition, we must not forget that it was, rather, a war of economies than armies. The German economy was "deflated" faster. That's all...
    1. +1
      4 October 2022 18: 40
      And finally, the famous "stab in the back." Factory strikes and sailors' riots. And behind it all was the International...
      What exactly is the International? And why was it ineffective in 1914-17?
      1. 0
        4 October 2022 19: 12
        And why was it ineffective in 1914-17?

        What makes you think it was ineffective? He corrupted the state and the army from its very foundation. And in 1918 he achieved his goal ...
        1. 0
          6 October 2022 12: 31
          Once again, the question is natural to you ... WHY did "he" achieve "his"? ...

          The banal enumeration of "calendar dates", such as in 1918, is just an accounting statement, in no way an answer to the question ...

          That's WHY the Bolsheviks EFFECTIVELY managed to "decompose", but THE LEGAL power, EFFECTIVELY oppose "decomposition" is NOT? .. That there was not enough "money"? .. Or "orators"? ..
          1. -1
            6 October 2022 14: 05
            That's WHY the Bolsheviks EFFECTIVELY managed to "decompose", but THERE IS NO LEGAL power, EFFECTIVELY counteracting "decomposition"?

            Because this government has long been rotten. Who headed the first Provisional Government? Was he a peasant or a worker? Maybe a simple layman? And who were the ministers there? Workers? wink
    2. -1
      6 October 2022 12: 25
      Well, yes ... Another "fairy tale" ...

      But can you tell me, "at whose expense", during the same period, the same Great Britain waged war? ... Which "food" (that is, the banal "food" for the population, remained for "two weeks"? .. And which literally SCREAMING - "telegraph", appealing to Uncle Sam, about ALLOCATION OF CREDITS for the purchase of food and "everything else" necessary for waging war? ...

      The same "exhausted" Germans, it seems, stood in half of French territory at that time. And near Riga (this is "just in case" for you to think about). And they didn’t beg for “credits”, but “bread” from anyone ...

      By the way ... The States themselves, at that time, had not yet entered the war ...
      1. 0
        6 October 2022 14: 10
        Can you tell me, "at whose expense", during the same period, the same Great Britain waged war?

        I'll give you a hint. Britain seems to have had something like 700 million people living in colonies on half the globe ...

        The same "exhausted" Germans, it seems, stood in half of French territory at that time. And near Riga (this is "just in case" for you to think about). And they didn’t beg for “credits”, but “bread” from anyone ...

        Already in 1916, the Kaiser, turning to the heads of the Entente, started talking about peace. This is also something for you to think about...
        1. 0
          6 October 2022 21: 57
          No, I have "for reflection" at least Woodrow Wilson's Diplomacy (ed. International Relations). Ivanov.

          There, about the loud British diplomatic cries specifically to Uncle Sam, and not to the "colonies" of converts, with documentary quotations and links, everything is indicated ...

          Give me money and food... Otherwise, two weeks and, excuse me, "there will be nothing to eat." As well as there is nothing to "fight" ...

          So the Second Reich, against this background, looked somehow more prosperous ...

          From the same territories of the Baltic provinces of Russia occupied by 1916, the "weak" Germans were transported in echelons to the Vaterland and food and "wood" ...
  8. 0
    4 October 2022 16: 32
    Impersonal, devoid of elements of national identity, the Weimar Republic

    What exactly "elements of national identity" was the "Weimar Republic" deprived of (in fact, such a state did not exist at all - the German Empire officially existed. That was what Germany was called in 1918-1932)?
    Yes, Germany was deprived of chauvinistic pride and exorbitant great-power ambitions in those years. Plus - heavy post-war reparations, imposed primarily on the initiative of the then French government.
    Here, the truth must be understood that if Germany had won the First World War, the conditions of peace for its defeated rivals would also have been very difficult and humiliating. The Brest-Litovsk peace treaty of 1918 is a vivid example of this.
    1. 0
      6 October 2022 12: 45
      The Weimar Republic was COMPLETELY DESERVED, both in "form" and in "essence" of the "imperial components" you mentioned. Behind this "name" ("Empire") was, and "behind it" - geopolitical and national, VOID ...

      To which the author, quite rightly, pointed out ...
      1. -1
        6 October 2022 14: 13
        The Weimar Republic was COMPLETELY DESERVED, both in "form" and in "essence" of the "imperial components" you mentioned

        The Weimar Republic is a collection of traitors and capitulators. Like Yeltsin's Russia in the 90s...
    2. 0
      6 October 2022 14: 05
      Yes, but the "winners", all of the things you listed - chauvinistic pride and imperial ambitions, not only preserved. But, at the expense of Germany, they increased ...

      Despite the beautiful declarations of Wilson's "14 Points", the principles of which, the winners "on their own" by coincidence, which I cannot call "strange", did not begin to spread at all ...

      And all their colonies remained colonies. And "were released" only by the beginning of the 60s of the twentieth century ...
  9. -2
    4 October 2022 19: 56
    Quote: Viktor Biryukov
    Are you sure that Germany needed Bolshevism, "Sovietness" and the notorious "dictatorship of the proletariat"? ...... The example of Russia, in which "war communism" gave rise to chaos, also loomed before everyone.

    The self-confident impudent illiteracy of the modern writing fraternity is becoming habitual.

    The dictatorship of the proletariat essentially boils down to its democratic side: the enormous rights of an elected body of power, in comparison with the bourgeois parliament. Any reader, if he is even a little more curious, can compare the constitutional rights of the USSR Armed Forces and the modern State Duma without rights.

    Do workers need workers' power? Mr. Biryukov knows this better than the workers themselves.

    And about "war communism" - in Biryukov's head, everything is turned upside down. I guess that he considers the creation of white armies in the territories of Russia occupied by foreign states to be "law and order", and the policy of strict military distribution in the RSFSR in wartime is "chaos".
    1. +3
      4 October 2022 21: 20
      You demonstrate illiteracy, or rather ignorance of national history. The policy of war communism, based on the rejection of commodity-money relations, brought Russia to the brink of disaster and turned out to be a complete failure. Therefore, it was urgently canceled in 1921. Prodrazverstki - the forcible expropriation of bread and other food from the peasants - in fact, representing an outright robbery of the population, gave rise to mass peasant uprisings. Read about the Tambov uprising ("Antonovshchina"), for example, and its causes. And about how M. Tukhachevsky used chemical weapons against the peasants. In 1937, most of these "leaders" of war communism (including Tukhachevsky) were shot during the great Stalinist purges.
      1. -2
        4 October 2022 23: 51
        Quote: Viktor Biryukov
        And about how M. Tukhachevsky used chemical weapons against the peasants.

        How? And what exactly?
    2. -1
      6 October 2022 13: 56
      You are absolutely right here...

      And "Russia in the Dark" by HG Wells, the best and objective answer of an INDEPENDENT and EDUCATED EYEWITNESS to the author, on the subject of "denunciations" of war communism, as a mythical "source of chaos" ...

      Alas ... War communism, objectively "exhausted" only by the end of the Civil War. But by that time, the Bolsheviks, not being stupid dogmatists, began to understand this themselves. And episodic unrest on the ground (not at all all-Russian, by the way, unlike the same peasant uprisings of 1904, in the starving provinces, only accelerated the abolition of the "surplus appropriation" ...

      Which is what was done...
  10. +1
    4 October 2022 21: 12
    Very relevant. Do you understand why?
    By the way, it would be better not to write about the "democratization of Germany". To establish democracy, it is necessary to suffer a military defeat. We all know that democracy means national humiliation and plunder of national resources under the control of pro-Western collaborators, and we remember how it ended for everyone. Want to repeat?!
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. 0
    10 October 2022 14: 40
    Quote: ABC-schütze
    Can you tell me how the Bolsheviks, whose leaders were in exile or exile, "managed" to decompose, INITIALLY and CONTINUED the war, a victoriously fighting army? .. Besides, led by a talented, Supreme Commander-in-Chief? .. Besides , "nourished" by the Orthodox Church? .. Besides, perfectly equipped with everything necessary for the successful conduct of hostilities? ..

    There is no mystery here. There are only two possibilities:
    1. The Bolsheviks are supermen sent by God himself on earth. In other words, God himself beat the Bolshevik
    2. The army was not supplied for the successful conduct of hostilities, and thus it was decomposed by those ruling in Russia at that time.
  13. 0
    22 November 2022 10: 19
    Good in depth article.
    But for some reason the author does not consider the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the occupation of the most valuable vast Russian territories up to and including the Don. And in Ukraine, the pupen-hetman Skoropadsky is an obsequious lackey of the Germans.

    Skoropadsky drove food and raw materials to Germany, the Bolsheviks, according to the agreement, transferred a lot of gold (now they write that even church valuables were confiscated for this). Why did nothing help and was not taken into account when capitulating to the allies? Moreover, in fact, the allies did not reach the actual territories of Germany at the time of the armistice, they were still fighting at home - in France and Belgium ..

    I would like to read a detailed analysis of this situation. Could it still be a conspiracy?
  14. -1
    12 December 2022 20: 54
    Quote: ABC-schütze
    Unfortunately, your answer is unconvincing. Namely, in the context of the intelligibility of the argument ...

    Voroshilov was engaged in party work. That is, exactly what the Bolshevik was supposed to do. At the expense of "literature smuggling", in general, not serious. Let me remind you that the ALL Bolshevik Party was then "illegal". And their deputies from the Duma faction, in general, ALL were arrested and sent into exile. The MORE CONvincing and REGULAR in SUCH CONDITIONS is their victory.

    About the numbers ... By the time Lenin returned from emigration to St. Petersburg (after the coup d'etat arranged by "loyal subjects" from "duma members and generals"), the Bolshevik Party had 12 thousand members ...

    Yes, in the Russian Empire, THEN, only some Orthodox churches and temples were comparable. In addition, "from the treasury" there are also funds, LEGALLY, in addition to the donations of the parishioners who received it. Their "leaders" - rectors, archimandrites-patriarchs, etc. who effectively interfered with Bolshevik activity? ..

    And if we are ready to write down "all" active Bolsheviks in the "leaders". Then let's also let the abbots of the temples (and the confessors of the Mohammedan confessions, who did not suffer from a penchant for Bolshevism), also we will not refuse the honor of being called "leaders" ... And, "by any", there WAS MORE ... Duc, their ACTIVITY, based on CENTURY-OLD spiritual traditions, why did it turn out to be "across" the Bolshevik frailty? ..

    In addition, let's take into account the rather close "information interaction" of the Orthodox Church and such guardians of the foundations of the Empire as the police and the gendarmerie? ..

    Just let's not go into reasoning, such as the Church, the spiritual pillar of the Monarchy, it was "not up to it", it was "all" at that time, "charity" was engaged ...

    In April 1917, there were 12 thousand Bolsheviks. And in August, when their "temporaries" were driven underground again, almost 400 thousand ...

    How is it so? .. Exclusively by the "works" of Voroshilov, the "smuggler", and other "Kalinins-Sverdlovs-Stalins" ...

    Yes, at a large St. Petersburg plant, the number of workers was comparable to the total number of the Bolshevik Party ...

    So who, the Monarchies (family), the nobles, the Church, the bourgeoisie, + THE ALL state apparatus, with their LEGAL POSSIBILITIES - MONEY, POWER, "PRINT" (as it was then called), purely informational and agitational "fill up" illegal Bolsheviks (and Socialist-Revolutionaries, let it "to the heap") "fill up" in the EYES of the PEOPLE interfered? ..

    Let's take into account, moreover, Russia at that time was a peasant population (about 80%) and of them, more than 70%, were generally illiterate. Those. "Bolshevik newspapers" were not read ...

    And the "word" of the local shepherd or police officer, police officer, etc., was for them and their ears, much closer and more accessible than Lenin's "Pravda" and other "leaflets" ...

    Maybe, the power ITSELF, NOT ONE YEAR, "helped" the success of the Bolsheviks and their agitation with ITS POLICY? ...

    Starting with "Japanese" and "January 09th"?..

    I even registered on the VO website later than you wrote this comment.
    And I agree with the meaning, but by submitting a comment ... I do not agree. Don't text the person you're talking to.
  15. 0
    13 December 2022 06: 21
    "as well as the putschist activity of left-wing radicals supported from Moscow" - in general, if the revolution in Germany had been successful, then there would have been great chances for the emergence of a Russia-Germany confederation, which both the Bolsheviks and the German communists dreamed of.
    But the Communists' readiness for the uprising turned out to be much less than they described in messages to Moscow, and the support was less than expected.
    Although Soviet Russia was preparing to provide assistance - it was not needed, the uprising was crushed too quickly.