Operation "Hour of the Bull": we are approaching the culmination point

Operation "Hour of the Bull": we are approaching the culmination point

History is a process of raising the level of morality

As you know, "The Hour of the Bull" is the title of the main novel of our outstanding science fiction writer Ivan Efremov (written in 1968). Speaking about the novel, experts usually note that it raises questions about the future development of human society under communism and people's lives under oligarchic capitalism. Yes this is correct. But that's not all.

Efremov offers another line, which has so far remained somehow outside the brackets: the question of assistance to the inhabitants of planets that are at a relatively low level of development - from higher civilizations. In our case, this is help to earthlings from the curators of mankind, in particular, representatives of the Pleiades star system. They participated in their time in the creation of Homo sapiens on planet Earth and therefore consider themselves responsible for us today.

This help, of course, has its own strategic goal, which is determined by the intention of the Creator. This help unfolds as a kind of scenario of one or another duration, proposed for a certain country, during which this country first undergoes training, and then is brought to the frontier from which its universal mission begins.

Operation "Hour of the Bull" I conditionally call the scenario that was once launched against Russia.

However, first, what is the strategic goal pursued by our curators.

Here are its main parameters. All human story is the process of raising the level of morality in society. It has three entry levels.

First level. Man is essentially an animal. The psychological orientation "service to self" operates. Behavior is motivated mainly by innate instincts; man is focused on own interest.

Second level. The service-to-self orientation begins to blur. A person works more or less honestly, but - for the sake of satisfying needs its families, his business. It is at this level that what is called traditional values.

Third level. Instincts no longer dominate. The psychological orientation "service to others" is being formed. There is a willingness to act in the interests of their country, which, however, is accompanied by sincere respect for other peoples. Such a person cannot be bought. Strictly speaking, the individual becomes personality from the third level of morality.

However, ordinary people on their own can only achieve second level of morality. And a large-scale process of raising the inhabitants of a particular country to the third level is possible only if this country "enters into resonance" with the frequency of the radiating structure from the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers call this structure - "Sagittarius A*".

[In Christianity, it is called God the Son. In Hinduism, it is Vishnu. In European esotericism, it is the "Central Spiritual Sun of the Milky Way".]

Therefore, as part of the assistance from the curators 2000 years ago, the inhabitants of Western Europe received Christianity. It allowed the necessary adjustments to be made. However, problems gradually emerged.

In particular, it turned out that the third level of morality is formed only among those who deeply believe in Christian postulates, and that an ordinary person is not able to achieve such a degree of faith. However, they found a way out: to ensure his regular participation in church ceremonies. What was achieved by coercion (and even violence). So in the countries of Europe a totalitarian social structure was formed.

In addition, Christian ideas eventually formed a type of person who was not ready to take responsibility for himself and for others. After all, people were given such a basic meaning: only God has true value; a person depends on Him in everything, a person’s earthly life is nothing more than a preparation for the Supreme Court.

Gradually bringing new actors onto the stage - the curators initiated the emergence of an alternative complex - "culture of the Enlightenment". He gave a new basic meaning: everyone decides for himself whether to believe in God, since a person is free to choose his actions. What happened to the moral and psychological atmosphere?

It (compared to the previous era) has changed dramatically. People have lost the rigid external motivation of behavior (in particular, the fear of hellish torments after death). People got freedom of choice. Power in the eyes of people has lost its sacredness: now its representatives are just hired managers who receive a salary from taxes from the population.

However, the question arose: how to manage people in these conditions? The answer has been found. Around the XNUMXth century, market democracies began to take shape in Europe, based on a system of checks and balances. Plus, the invisible hand of the market (ideally) was designed to regulate production on the basis of fair competition of equal producers.

Over time, a moral and psychological type has developed in Europe "personality of the Enlightenment". This is a person who has received a good education, has a developed sense of self-worth, considers freedom of choice to be the highest value, is psychologically ready to make decisions and be responsible for them, knowing that everyone's personality is valuable in itself. In addition, mechanisms for effective control over the elected authorities by civil society have been formed. There was nothing else on Earth that could be called the Age of Enlightenment. Therefore, the results achieved within the framework of the Enlightenment culture complex are the property of all mankind. And everything must be done to ensure that the moral and psychological type of “a man of the Enlightenment” would not be lost.

However, today the Enlightenment project exhausted its creative potential: the rapid growth of consumer sentiment and various manifestations of immorality in the West show that a huge mass of people no longer form the third level of morality. Everything is decided by three (and often two!) lower chakras.

Why? Because by becoming postChristian, Western society has left the corridor of Christian postulates and thus gradually lost setting to the Sagittarius A* frequency. And this is the boundary: it is impossible to continue like this.

It is possible to radically change this situation only through value synthesis, about which the Russian thinker Vladimir Solovyov wrote at the end of the XNUMXth century. This is its essence: the people of the Age of Enlightenment must regain the Higher Guidance. [T. i.e., using our terminology, re-tune to the frequency of Sagittarius A*.]

What is fundamental here is that only non-religious attunement is needed. After all, any option, again based on religious postulates, would immediately come into confrontation with both Christianity and Islam. Or with the basic ideas of the Enlightenment.

This setup has been suggested. And even its practical development began - in October 1917. Russia became its center.

I will explain. The structure of Sagittarius A* contains the goal of human development. Here it is in general terms: to provide conditions for the endless reproduction of full-fledged humanity. Hence, in particular: the economy functions not for the sake of profit, but for the sake of creating conditions for the physical, intellectual, spiritual and moral development of each person.

As you can see, this is one of the components communist ideal. Therefore, the non-religious way of tuning to the Sagittarius A* frequency (= creating a synthesis), in essence, means practical work to realize this ideal.

So, the burden - for the first time in history, to begin working out the mechanism of such adjustment was assumed by Russia. Thus began Operation Hour of the Bull.

Formally, it began in October 1917. But in practice, the real beginning was the publication in the Pravda newspaper of Stalin's article “The Year of the Great Turning Point. To the XNUMXth Anniversary of October, in which he gave the go-ahead to start work on the construction of socialism and communism.

Quite quickly, conditions developed in Soviet society that promoted the formation of a third level of morality among people. Contemporary Russian political scientist Sergei Chernyakhovsky writes about it this way:

people were required to be constantly ready for a feat, that is, committing acts that serve something more than just their own biological existence. It was a World where a person, with each new victory over circumstances, rises to a new level of his tribal existence ... A society where knowledge is more important than consumption.

But - work on the Red project, as you know, ended in failure! And so, it is necessary to show that this collapse does not indicate the utopian nature of the communist idea!
This is a huge topic.

Therefore, only the main reason for the collapse. She is. According to the logic of the formation of a “society of synthesis” (= according to the logic of Vladimir Solovyov), the construction of communism should have begun in Europe and / or the USA, because only they went “through the Enlightenment” by the end of the XNUMXth century. But neither in Europe nor in the USA there were no objective prerequisites for this!

What happened?

The answer to this question was given in the works of E. Bernstein, M. Tugan-Baranovsky, K. Kautsky and some others. The main thing here is that Marxism, which arose in the middle of the XNUMXth century, quite accurately, from the point of view of the everyday experience of the proletariat, describes only wild, black-and-white capitalism - where class contradictions are extremely pronounced and extremely aggravated. And then a clear class psychology is formed among the workers - and only in this case can they be convinced of the historical inevitability of the collapse of capitalist relations and the triumph of the communist ideal in the future.

Meanwhile, by the end of the XNUMXth century, European capitalism had ceased to be wild and black and white. There, for example, the tendency to lower the wages of workers, to the growth of chronic unemployment, poverty and destitution - all that was characteristic of mid-century capitalism, disappeared. It is no coincidence that by the end of the XNUMXth century the revolutionary dominant in the European labor movement had practically died out.

In Russia, which entered the path of capitalist development much later than the leading countries of the West, on the contrary, by that time capitalism was still absolutely wild. And so the Russian reality of the late XIX - early XX centuries. could be quite convincingly described from the point of view of the "class approach". That is why Russia had to take on the entire burden of building a "society of synthesis"...

But at the same time, the fact that Russia essentially did not receive comprehensive "capitalist experience" (like Europe) - the collapse of the Red project was almost inevitable.

Let us now return to the words from the title of the article about the approach to the “climax point”. What do they mean?

They mean one thing:

a) today the curators have practically created the prerequisites for the start of the main part of the mission of Russia - to full-fledged work on building a society of synthesis;

b) the mechanism of this transition is launched.

I can only say one thing about this: in the Russian expert community, a certain doubt about the effectiveness of power way out of the "Ukrainian impasse". The main logic is this. Such a path requires the introduction of a whole system of “parallel measures”: mobilizing the economy, bringing the country’s governance system in line with new requirements (a modern version of the State Defense Committee with special powers is needed), and radical personnel decisions at all levels of government. Only in this case - in general, the success of the power (military) option is possible. If these measures are not taken, the military option will definitely end in disaster for Russia.

But these, experts say, are not all factors. There are others: sanctions are mounting, which have already cut off our extremely import-dependent economy (especially the military-industrial complex) from advanced foreign technologies; we already now have to confront the combined military and economic potential of the 50 most powerful countries in the world ...
Simple logic requires the preparation of a backup plan "B". The main thing in it: it should be non-military system of measures.

As I tried to show, such a system of measures can only be a transition to the creation of a society of synthesis. There are no alternatives.
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  1. +46
    5 October 2022 04: 50
    what the hell did I just read? I’d better re-read Efremov somehow ...
    1. +4
      5 October 2022 05: 03
      Normal crap ... if you look from the point of view of a philosopher.
      Our country has an advantage in relation to the West ... this is a large amount of natural resources, territory, people and the legacy left after the USSR ... power plants, railways, a network of airports and other infrastructure.
      It's up to the small ... to rebuild our society in relation to the environment.
      Figuratively speaking, Western predators in the face of the EU and the USA are trying to devour our country, and now we need to resist this by building up our fangs (nuclear weapons) and skin (Armed forces). smile
      There are all opportunities for this... I'm only waiting for decisive action by the GDP... without its kicks, our political and economic system will not move.
      1. +39
        5 October 2022 05: 42
        Well, yes, how familiar everything is - to create an alliance of a capitalist and a worker on the basis of nonsense about "unity" of the well-fed with the hungry, the main thing is that the "well-fed" be "our own", and not foreign, we will unite against the whole world, we will build a mobilization economy, we will fight, we will defeat the whole world that disagrees with us, and then we will live. Yeah. The whole world is building an integration civilization, and we will build something of our own, under the slogan - the whole world is enemies. Friends - Eritrea. In general, another, veiled agitation about a "special path", "mission" and a veiled call to rally with a very cautious hint that the "military path" is like that ... I will never believe that a capitalist will listen to something else , except for his wallet, and the governments lured by him will do something for the benefit of the people. And yes, there is no such "good" capitalism in the West, there is capitalism under the control of society, but this control has already been practically eliminated by the capitalists by selecting the right politicians for them, who are then thrust into power. As honest journalists correctly write, the middle class in the West appeared after the revolution in Russia and as a result of the competition between the two systems - socialist and capitalist, for which the capitalists in the West were forced to make concessions to the common people, having before them an example hanging on the bayonets of the revolutionary people of Russia nobles and capitalists. Now, with the collapse of the USSR, there is no need for a competition of systems, and the capitalists in the West began to gradually take away the rights of citizens, even serious magazines have already published articles about the catastrophic reduction of the "middle class". In general, Russian and Western capitalism are no different. Absolutely. And laboring for Vasyu the world-eater is the same as laboring for John the capitalist. And in general, I always knew that Lenin was absolutely right in stating that "only rifle butts can reach the gates of palaces."
        1. +18
          5 October 2022 05: 52
          . In particular, it turned out that the third level of morality is formed only those who deeply believe in Christian postulates

          The Soviet people had a third level without Christian postulates. The collective dominated the private at the state level. And now it's the other way around. And I am sure that no Christian postulates of this (Abramovich's) can be changed.
          1. -23
            5 October 2022 06: 56
            Quote: Stas157
            The collective dominated the private at the state level.

            Correctly! And it was reflected in the postulate: You are the owner, not the guest, take away at least a nail!
            1. +13
              5 October 2022 07: 42
              A hungry man is not a comrade. This time. A demoralized society is not capable of a feat. This is two.
              1. +3
                5 October 2022 09: 37
                Quote: Civil
                A hungry man is not a comrade. This time. A demoralized society is not capable of a feat. This is two.

                Especially when liars, slanderers jump out of their skin, trying to suck up to the rich. And they spit on them!
            2. +12
              5 October 2022 09: 46
              Quote: kalibr
              Correctly! And it was reflected in the postulate: You are the owner, not the guest, take away at least a nail!

              But now, when reaction triumphs all over the world, you should be satisfied. After all, you are satisfied with the less and less illusory prospect of seeing how people dear to you die before your eyes in the third world? You also had a hand in this, fighting for the triumph of capitalism.
              1. -10
                5 October 2022 10: 17
                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                You also had a hand in this, fighting for the triumph of capitalism.

                But you didn’t put it, you were against it, but you still have to die. So what's the difference? The main thing is to live well now, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow. Only (words forbidden in VO) lives for the sake of delayed joy! Smart gets it here and now!
                1. +4
                  5 October 2022 22: 42
                  Quote: kalibr
                  Only (words forbidden in VO) lives for the sake of delayed joy! Smart gets it here and now!

                  Only (a word forbidden in VO) shouts about it in public, at every corner. Smart does everything quietly laughing
                  Although ... if only yesterday "from rags to riches", and before that I didn’t try anything sweeter than carrots ... then of course wink
                  1. -3
                    6 October 2022 07: 13
                    Quote from U_GOREC
                    Smart does everything quietly

                    Good philosophy. Straight classic "Who sins in silence, commits no sin!"
                2. +2
                  5 October 2022 23: 07
                  Quote: kalibr
                  But you didn’t put it, you were against it, but you still have to die.

                  Thanks, Cap. Today you are directly ultra-obvious.
                  Quote: kalibr
                  The main thing is to live well now, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

                  Hope dies last.
              2. -9
                5 October 2022 10: 20
                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                when reaction triumphs all over the world

                So she's stronger, right? And since she is stronger, then ... how did they say in Russia? Don't sue the rich, don't fight the strong. W-o-o! Our ancestors were smart!
                1. +5
                  5 October 2022 22: 47
                  Quote: kalibr
                  So she's stronger, right? And since she is stronger, then ... how did they say in Russia? Don't sue the rich, don't fight the strong. W-o-o! Our ancestors were smart!

                  Did your grandfather, by any chance, serve as a policeman for the Germans during the war? Just right for your outlook...
                  1. -8
                    6 October 2022 07: 22
                    Quote from U_GOREC
                    Just right for your outlook...

                    That is, you propose to fight those who are stronger than you and sue those who are richer?
                2. +2
                  5 October 2022 23: 12
                  Quote: kalibr
                  So she's stronger, right? And since she is stronger, then ... how did they say in Russia? Don't sue the rich, don't fight the strong. W-o-o! Our ancestors were smart!

                  So far yes. But the laws of the development of society can be circumvented in only one way. Destroying this very society. And our ancestors had other proverbs and sayings. No matter how much the rope twists, it will still end.
            3. +9
              5 October 2022 10: 41
              reflected in the postulate: You are the host, not the guest, take away at least a nail!

              This is where such postulates were promoted?
              In the thieves' community, commonly referred to as a "gang".
              But now we have a state policy to privatize and sell everything ownerless, or belonging to the weak.
            4. 0
              12 October 2022 20: 20
              Quote: kalibr
              Quote: Stas157
              The collective dominated the private at the state level.

              Correctly! And it was reflected in the postulate: You are the owner, not the guest, take away at least a nail!

              Is this how it is with you in the various party bodies in which you labored? Tell us about how they steal now in the present you love so much.
          2. +4
            5 October 2022 10: 38
            The Soviet people had a third level without Christian postulates.

            Christian postulates replaced the code of the builder of communism, identical in meaning to each other.
          3. 0
            6 October 2022 13: 52
            Quote: Stas157
            The Soviet people had a third level without Christian postulates.

            У of Soviet people. It seemed to the public that they were in the majority, but in the early 90s their ranks were thoroughly thinned out ... Do you know what I draw such conclusions on? Based on where the Soviet people of the third category went to "work", when they VERY, VERY wanted to eat ... True, it's one thing to talk about morality, it's another thing to try on this appearance for yourself ... Igor Talkov has "Metamorphosis" .. .
          4. +2
            8 October 2022 00: 05
            I dare add
            The Soviet person is not just a "third level", it is a level at which the number of previous levels turned into the quality of the next level, in a spiral.
            For a Soviet person, there was no opposition between the collective and the private with the awareness of the primacy of the collective, no - this level was passed by the early communists. Soviet people came to the realization that only in the collective grows individuality, only the collective creates the conditions for its emergence and development into a complete personality, and thus Soviet people "passed" the level of "struggle for collectivism", reaching the level of creating an individuality free from individualism - that is, the struggle for collectivism has become unnecessary just like the struggle for air for those animals that breathe it.
            Soviet man is a new quality, not the maximum quantity.
            1. -2
              11 October 2022 07: 01
              Quote: AYa_Mikhailov
              having reached the level of creating an individuality free from individualism - that is, the struggle for collectivism has become as unnecessary as the struggle for air for those animals that breathe it.
              Soviet man is a new quality, not the maximum quantity.

              "Come on, bays - how spaceships plow the oceans ..." (c) operation Y
        2. +13
          5 October 2022 06: 28
          Quote: Monster_Fat
          the gates of the palaces can only be reached with the butts of rifles.

          Careful. Here, for the mention of palaces, they minus and ban.
        3. +4
          5 October 2022 07: 02
          Quote: Monster_Fat
          In general, Russian and Western capitalism are no different.

          “In fact, the Russians created their own version of capitalism on the model of those pictures of Western life that were painted by Soviet propaganda. They were told that the West is rampant crime, rampant corruption, an undisguised desire for profit, a millions of disenfranchised class of starving people and a bunch of evil, greedy swindlers "Capitalists who defy the law. Of course, even in the most difficult times, the West did not remotely resemble such a picture, but the Russians built precisely this option." Ian Banks, writer.
          The quote is quite old, but even before the increase in the retirement age and zeroing.
          1. +2
            5 October 2022 09: 49
            Quote: composite
            The quote is quite old.

            And very deceitful.
          2. +1
            5 October 2022 22: 50
            Quote: composite
            The quote is quite old, but even before the increase in the retirement age and zeroing.

            And before the destruction of the middle class in the West smile
            And so yes - even in the most difficult times, the West was a shining city on a hill ... laughing
        4. +2
          5 October 2022 22: 36
          Quote: Monster_Fat
          And yes, there is no such "good" capitalism in the West, there is capitalism under the control of society,

          Can you give an example of such control? Well, what if society dictates something to Capital, and not Capital to society, for example, energy policy leading to higher tariffs?
        5. -1
          12 October 2022 15: 19
          The people who do not feed their own army will feed someone else's, therefore it is better to feed their Vasya the world-eater than John, now the question is to fight with Ukraine or under John with China, but otherwise I agree
      2. +4
        5 October 2022 05: 55
        Normal crap ... if you look from the point of view of a philosopher.
        Our country has an advantage in relation to the West ... this is a large amount of natural resources, territory, people and the legacy left after the USSR ... power plants, railways, a network of airports and other infrastructure.

        Philosophy is bullshit...
        Rђ RІRѕS,
        power plants, railway, airport network and other infrastructure.
        it is natural sciences + mathematics.
        The article itself is crap...
      3. +7
        5 October 2022 08: 13
        I am only waiting for decisive action by the GDP... without its kicks, our political and economic system will not move.
        Here, here kicks and the society will be reorganized. laughing Who will give kicks? Society? Or oligarchs? And they were "bred" for kicks? Will the oligarchs, after the kicks, begin to build a just society? What hasn't been built before? Not when was it? Did you do privatization? Did you open accounts abroad? Did you order yachts?
        1. +1
          5 October 2022 22: 54
          Quote: parusnik
          Who will give kicks? Society? Or oligarchs? And they were "bred" for kicks?

          This is someone else who bred ... The government is ALWAYS in the service and protection of the interests of the ruling class! How can a servant kick his master???
      4. +5
        5 October 2022 10: 08
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        It's up to the small ... to rebuild our society in relation to the environment.

        That is, we have not yet been fully rebuilt to the environment, which is very well described not only in the "Hour of the Bull" (the planet Tormans), but also in such works as:
        - "Dunno on the Moon" (Big Bradlam, landowner Dracula, Skuperfield, Miga and Julio, etc.);
        - in separate elements of brainwashing and total control of Orwell's "1984";
        - "Kin-Dza-Dza", where Patsaki (read the other way around - in Ukrainian slang русские) should be tsaks, wear bells on the nose and Ku in front of the "Chatlans" (these are those who have a lot of chatls (money)) to do, where the "Ecilop" (on the contrary - the policeman) can at any moment tranplyuk and drive into the etsih.
        And the Government lives on another planet. In order to fly to the government and the GDP, you need to have a gravitsappa ... native!
        1. 0
          5 October 2022 23: 01
          Quote: nils
          "Chatlans" (these are those who have a lot of chatls (money)) to do,

          Uh, daragoy, Chatlanin differs from Patsak not in the number of chats. Chatlanin can be a beggar. But the visualizer clearly shows who has a green dot, and who has an orange one ...
      5. 0
        5 October 2022 10: 14
        Do not wait, it is impossible. He is impotent. That's why they put it.
      6. +4
        5 October 2022 15: 35
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Normal shit...

        It would be normal if the author was inspired by the work, wrote briefly what exactly and what prompted him, and then the article itself. Right there, it seems to me, most of the text is a retelling of the work, and then the "Opinion" itself. And it is in such quantity that it could be left in the comments somewhere. And I can look at a retelling or a work on literary sites if I want to.
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Our country has an advantage in relation to the West ... this is a large amount of natural resources, territory, people

        The West has more of this. We have one Russia, and the West has Latin America and Africa at least. Yes, and the United States itself is rich in this regard, as well as neighboring Canada. The West has about a billion people, Russia now has about 150-155 million. There is no advantage in people and close. Territory. Let's add up the area of ​​the US and Canada. We will get that we are already bypassed by 2,5 million square kilometers. Only from two countries.
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        and the legacy left after the USSR ... power plants, railways, a network of airports and other infrastructure.

        Well, this is generally ... In the West there are no power plants, railways, a network of airports and other infrastructure?
      7. 0
        5 October 2022 22: 31
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Figuratively speaking, Western predators in the face of the EU and the USA are trying to devour our country, and now we need to resist this by building up our fangs (nuclear weapons) and skin (Armed forces).

        Have you read any other article? In this Russian in white it is written:
        Simple logic requires the preparation of a backup plan "B". The main thing in it: it must be a non-military system of measures.
        How I tried to show such a system of measures can only be a transition to the creation of a society of synthesis. There are no alternatives.

        What fangs? What skin???
      8. -1
        6 October 2022 17: 17
        You gave a reasonable reasoning, but the author mixed horses, people and volleys of thousands of guns. The help of a higher civilization, communism, Christianity, neo-imperialism ... As an abstract reflection, food for the mind, has the right to exist, but take it seriously, beware.
    2. +5
      5 October 2022 06: 49
      Did you read the crap? And I read crap. But you did not work at the Department of Philosophy. And I worked. There, for 80% Ph.D. this is the norm ... Well, he left there in time ...
      1. AUL
        5 October 2022 07: 49
        When I read about the "structure Sagittarius A *", I realized what the hell.
        And in general, IMHO, Efremov is a big bore, albeit "ideologically correct." it's boring to read (with the exception of Blade). If you want social philosophy - read the brothers (Predatory things of the century, Inhabited island - do not watch movies, It's hard to be a god, City of updated, etc.).
      2. +5
        5 October 2022 09: 51
        Quote: kalibr
        Did you read the crap? And I read crap. But you did not work at the Department of Philosophy. And I worked. There, for 80% Ph.D. this is the norm ... Well, he left there in time ...

        Is that really philosophy? More like delirium under substances.
        1. 0
          5 October 2022 10: 04
          Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
          More like delirium under substances.

          Often there is no difference...
    3. +11
      5 October 2022 07: 57
      Author, we do not have the hour of the Ox, but the hour of the Fool. The smart ones will not spread rot on their people. And these will not stop in any way to knock out the maximum from the people in any way. This is not even capitalism, but some kind of slave-owning trend.
      1. -2
        11 October 2022 07: 17
        Quote: Taimen
        Author, we do not have the hour of the Ox, but the hour of the Fool. The smart ones will not spread rot on their people. And these will not stop in any way to knock out the maximum from the people in any way. This is not even capitalism, but some kind of slave-owning trend.

        When and where was it different?
        Did someone in the USSR ask the people if they wanted to go to Afghanistan? They decided that it was necessary and went ..
        Did someone ask the people - is it necessary to build the Dead Road?
        At first, it was necessary and they built, then - abruptly it was not necessary and they fled from there, leaving even locomotives and wagons ...
        The state decided to cut prices - did it ask the people? Yeah right now ... Novocherkassk happened ..
        A man wanted a position in the Politburo - and they slaughtered all the cattle in the Ryazan region? Did anyone ask the people about this, no, "it's for his good"
        They asked the people - are monetary reforms needed in 1947 and 1961? By all means...
        1. +1
          12 October 2022 20: 34
          Quote: your1970
          Quote: Taimen
          Author, we do not have the hour of the Ox, but the hour of the Fool. The smart ones will not spread rot on their people. And these will not stop in any way to knock out the maximum from the people in any way. This is not even capitalism, but some kind of slave-owning trend.

          When and where was it different?
          Did someone in the USSR ask the people if they wanted to go to Afghanistan? They decided that it was necessary and went ..
          Did someone ask the people - is it necessary to build the Dead Road?
          At first, it was necessary and they built, then - abruptly it was not necessary and they fled from there, leaving even locomotives and wagons ...
          The state decided to cut prices - did it ask the people? Yeah right now ... Novocherkassk happened ..
          A man wanted a position in the Politburo - and they slaughtered all the cattle in the Ryazan region? Did anyone ask the people about this, no, "it's for his good"
          They asked the people - are monetary reforms needed in 1947 and 1961? By all means...

          Are you only collecting dirty tricks from the past of the Soviet country? All collected? Compare with today: everything that was collected in the USSR during the five-year period is happening in the current country. Why do you hate the USSR so much? It seems that they did not have time to live consciously ..
          1. -1
            12 October 2022 21: 52
            Quote: victor50
            It seems that they did not have time to live consciously ..

            It was quite enough for me that, with free medicine, 4 burs allocated to our dentist for a week of admission, they drilled new teeth, by pull ... and the rest, disinfected ... but a week ...
            Tired of reading good things - oh, under the USSR ...
            And forget everything that happened then ...
            Hari saleswomen with their "and what are you barking? I have a receipt of goods!!"..
            The poverty of cleaners / nurses / postmen / nannies with their 60 ruble minimum ...
            Grandfather's dream Moskvich, father's Niva - became orange VAZ2102.
            A joyful cry "Oranges were thrown around the corner!!"

            Everyone thinks that if you forget all the bad things, then it will disappear by itself.
            Everything must be remembered...
            1. +1
              12 October 2022 22: 21
              Why don't you tell anything about the current "happiness"? About "there is no money, but you hold on", about "macaroni", about the rudeness of officials, about unemployment for your own people and work for emigrants? However, if a person has one misfortune to "devour", and if there are oranges, then happiness, then yes .... And even if many cannot buy them, and the VAZ is still the most massive car ...
              Quote: your1970
              Everyone thinks that if you forget all the bad things, then it will disappear by itself.
              You have to remember everything..

              Demagogy. The union is gone. His "bad" - too. Alas, along with a huge amount of good. Why keep quiet about electricity for 2 kopecks. per kWh.
              Quote: your1970
              The poverty of cleaners / nurses / postmen / nannies with their 60 ruble minimum ...

              Tell ka (better to them) how they prosper now! And also to pensioners, how well they began to live. There were bad things in the USSR, and not only the absence of oranges and Zhiguli, but there was a lot of good, which would be nice to drag into the present and future.

              Quote: your1970
              Hari saleswomen with their "and what are you barking? I have a receipt of goods!!"..

              Do not drown in your own malice. They are no longer there, there are others. But it is better to be angry about the past than to see the whole present, and not just oranges on the shelves.
              1. -1
                12 October 2022 23: 03
                Quote: victor50
                , about "pasta"

                "There is no money for meat pies - eat with liver" - this is apparently someone from Edra said .... oh no, this is a member of the CPSU, the plant director blurted out ..... in Novocherkassk ...
                Quote: victor50
                about unemployment for their own and work for emigrants?
                - I recognize Muskva ... only she forgot the word - "limit". This is when hard and dirty work is done NOT by Muscovites, who WHY THAT they don’t want to do it, neither under the USSR, nor now.
                Moreover, the most anecdote is that under the USSR they were the same Tajiks / Uzbeks / provincials - as now ...
                Quote: victor50
                let them buy many can not,
                Who are many? Who is not able to spend 120 rubles per kilo of oranges?
                Quote: victor50
                Tell ka (better to them) how they prosper now!
                - the equivalent of 60 rubles according to any principles of conversion is about 14.
                Quote: victor50
                There were bad things in the USSR, and not only the absence of oranges and Zhiguli, but there was a lot of good, which would be nice to drag into the present and future.

                I do not mind - the problem is to see what exactly to drag into the present?

                Quote: victor50
                Do not drown in your own malice. They are no longer there, there are others.
                - uh no, there are no such creatures in stores now ...
                My only drive to the police in the USSR, which I am proud of, was when I stood up for the old man Hero of the Soviet Soza in the store.
                I almost beat her with this ladle. Even a criminal case was already opened - but the Hero's star saved me.
                It's weird now, it was normal then. Ordinarily..
                The salesman who told my grandfather, a war invalid,
                Quote: your1970
                colors. "If you don't want it, don't take it. And wait for your veteran's turn for another 2 years."
                - I also didn’t see anything criminal in this. He was in his right to send any citizen of the USSR by his mother easily and unintentionally where he wanted and how he wanted ....

                Have you ever thought - why in the USSR - all the windows at the box office, information desks, administrators, commandants, watchmen and the like - were always made so that the questioner had to lean very low?
                1. +1
                  13 October 2022 09: 10
                  Quote: your1970
                  Have you ever thought - why in the USSR - all the windows at the box office, information desks, administrators, commandants, watchmen and the like - were always made so that the questioner had to lean very low?

                  And even at that time in the USA they asked the question: "Why are trees planted along the roads in the USSR?" - "To be beautiful."
                  Quote: your1970
                  - I recognize Muskva ... only she forgot the word - "limit". This is when the hard and dirty work is NOT done by Muscovites, who for some reason do not want to do it, neither under the USSR, nor now.

                  You will definitely choke. It's not about Moscow. I know towns where almost the entire female population is unemployed, and for lower minimum wages they agree to any job, but people like you assure that Russians do not want to work as cleaners and janitors. At what age did you stand up for the Hero? Everyone who hates the Union, for some reason, believes that it was all after 1985. Personally, you were not lucky, you grew up at the moment of its agony. But instead of understanding the system, you simply transfer your personal grievances to it. Save them, collect them, since this is your happiness. Cling to rose-colored glasses, otherwise, God forbid, you will see the "bright present" around you. Sorry, but your texts are even disgusting to read, there is so much dirt and anger in them at the world that no longer exists. hi
                  1. -1
                    13 October 2022 11: 53
                    Quote: victor50
                    At what age did you stand up for the Hero?

                    In 17.
                    The problem is not that she was - the problem is that the queue, the whole queue, was completely on her side - "Ish, delays, asks questions!"
                    Do not remember such queues and saleswomen?
                    Quote: victor50
                    But instead of understanding the system, you simply transfer your personal grievances to it.

                    In 1988, at the State Planning Commission in Moscow, before our very eyes, a cleaner overlaid an import delegation. From top to bottom, from bottom to top and diagonally ..
                    "Where are you going to wash it ???!" - the only censored
                    And when the escort tried to soften something, she kicked a bucket under his feet and went ....
                    Have you ever wondered why the cleaners in Soviet films are always shrews? There are rare exceptions but there are a couple of them.
                    Yes, because she always found this beggarly salary anywhere. There were no people who wanted to overstrain themselves ..
                  2. 0
                    13 October 2022 13: 49
                    And more
                    Quote: victor50

                    Today, 09: 10

                    Quote: your1970
                    Have you ever thought - why in the USSR - all the windows at the box office, information desks, administrators, commandants, watchmen and the like - were always made so that the questioner had to lean very low?

                    And even at that time in the USA they asked the question: "Why are trees planted along the roads in the USSR?" - "To be beautiful."

                    They just forgot to add that we all didn't care. For everything, including the USSR itself ....
                    There were not enough boards - to make a podium - so that the questioner would not get up with cancer?
                    Everyone was just feng shui...
    4. 0
      5 October 2022 21: 57
      what the hell did I just read?
      I am changing for the 4th year, a radical change occurred in this February. And yet, I would rather, RARER agree with the idea than reject it. MANAGEMENT is an informational process. Information comes from morality. Someone grows gradually (like me), someone has a "quantum leap". Today one wrote: "Do you think you are lying on the couch? And this is just a concentrated not even energy, but a thought!" Oh how! We'll all grow up.
    5. +1
      6 October 2022 13: 37
      Quote: Aerodrome
      what the hell did I just read?

      I doubt very much that you could master this article. And they wrote their post for the sake of rating. Today I happened to meet two people who have reached the "first level", but more on that later.
      Quote: Aerodrome
      I’d better re-read Efremov somehow ...

      "Hour of the Bull" you could not physically read, since in Soviet times this book was withdrawn from sales and libraries immediately after the release, and the Internet came to us in the mid-2000s.
      I managed to read "The Nebula of Andromeda", "Journey of Bourjed", "On the Edge of the Oikoumene", "Thais of Athens"...
      The last time I read books was in 1995...
      Today I went to the grocery store. A man of my age stood in front of the checkout line with a set of products from half a liter of Altai Something There vodka, ten buns and a couple of bagels with poppy seeds. I paid attention only to his "trodden look" and tufts of hair sticking out from under the cap. He simply shone with renunciation from the bustle of life, and when Galina Vasilievna (the cashier) asked him: “Do you want to count the package?”, I just wanted to continue: “And the glass?”
      Near the intersection, I still picked up an electric scooter that had been overturned by someone, surprised that its weight was large enough.
      The second representative of the male population of the city approached, when my friend and I were talking about food prices (a friend sells vegetables in the market). He was more interested in the fuss of different people around the location of the beer eatery. He exchanged a couple of remarks with us, drinking from a plastic bottle, which he took out of his pocket every time.
      I bought a couple of "beetroots" for vinaigrette and went home, because another celestial was driving to us, who needed "to Paris, on business, urgently", but there was not enough hundred. How did I know this? It's just that friend "A" told me that the frame has already honored him with a visit and goes on the second round ...
      This is me thinking about the levels ...
    6. 0
      13 October 2022 15: 39
      The main thing for the modern propagandist is the clearness of the mind with historical facts. So the author is crushed by a toad on the laurels of the traitor Vitya Rezun. He simply chokes in love for the world hegemon - the United States. His entire article boils down to a maxim:
      Thus, Mikhail Gorbachev completed the work of withdrawing Russia from the disastrous scenario for it, which opened in October 1917...

      Tell me what wild mind of the era of the USSR could imagine a war between Ukraine and Russia?! After all, this is what the author calls it Russia's exit from a disastrous scenario for her. The genocide of Russians in the Baltic countries and other outskirts of the former USSR is also a way out of the disastrous scenario for Russia?! I wonder only one thing - why the author is still not in the glorious ranks of the Aidar battalion.
      I will illustrate the clearness of the author with historical facts with one of his quotes:
      Preparing a revolution (or coup, it's not a matter of terms) in Russia, the Bolsheviks proceeded from the following absolutely correct logic:
      1) Russia as a country of peripheral capitalism is a tangle of incredibly sharp contradictions in all spheres of life;
      2) therefore, seizing power by playing on these contradictions is relatively easy, but it can be retained only with the immediate state support of the proletariat of several leading European countries, whose parties will come to power;
      3) if there is no support, the power of the Bolsheviks is doomed, because they will find themselves face to face with a huge hostile peasant mass, and the country will be in a hostile capitalist environment;
      4) it means that everything must be done to ensure that the coup in Russia becomes the first link in the chain of socialist revolutions.
      And naturally, after October 1917, a huge part of the funds began to be allocated for the direct support of the European Communist Parties (in particular, through the Comintern, which was created in 1919).

      I want to ask the author a hypothetical question - what are these mysterious Bolsheviks in his quote (the names of all the Bolsheviks in the studio) and in what works of these Bolsheviks can one read the Russophobic crap composed by the author. However, the only thing I can expect in return is that my post will be banned at the direction of the author. If we talk about real, and not mythical Bolsheviks, then these are Lenin and Stalin. Unlike the author, I can't read the minds of long dead people. I can only quote. Therefore, a quote from "The History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks): A Short Course" by I.V. Stalin:
      ... The Western European Social Democrats believed that in the socialist revolution the proletariat would be alone, against the entire bourgeoisie, without allies, against all non-proletarian classes and strata. They did not want to reckon with the fact that capital exploits not only the proletarians, but also millions of semi-proletarian sections of town and countryside, crushed by capitalism and able to be allies of the proletariat in the struggle for the liberation of society from capitalist oppression. Therefore, the Western European Social Democrats believed that the conditions for a socialist revolution in Europe were not yet ripe, that these conditions could be considered ripe only when the proletariat became the majority of the nation, the majority of society as a result of the further economic development of society.
      This rotten and anti-proletarian line of the Western European Social-Democrats was turned upside down by the Leninist theory of the socialist revolution.
      In Lenin's theory, there was still no direct conclusion about the possibility of the victory of socialism in one country taken separately. But it contained all or almost all the basic elements necessary to draw such a conclusion sooner or later.
      As you know, Lenin came to this conclusion in 1915, that is, 10 years later ...

      Give at least one quote from Lenin from his 55 volumes of the PSS, which would say that Russia after 1917, in any way, expected the World Revolution for its further movement and development. There are no such citations.
      Anti-Sovietism is the highest form of Russophobia. The author's idol is undoubtedly the unforgettable Adolf Aloizych. A quote from Time magazine's 1938 world bestseller of a man, the idea of ​​which is clearly visible throughout Kovalev's article:
      Russian Bolshevism is only a new attempt, characteristic of the XNUMXth century, of the Jews to achieve world domination.

      The fight against the World Revolution is not for you! Therefore, Adolf Aloizych honestly articulates the true goal of such a struggle, which has not changed from 1941 to the present day under the new US hegemon:
      When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, can have in mind, first of all, only Russia and those marginal states that are subordinate to it.

      I have no doubt that the author of the article strongly supports this idea.
      An alternative to the Leninist-Stalinist idea of ​​the victory of socialism in one single country is Trotskyism, about which the author, as a true son of the 1935th Congress of the CPSU, does not say a word. From Trotsky's letter to the French workers "Stalin's Treason and the International Revolution", written by him in exile in XNUMX:
      The betrayal of Stalin and the leadership of the Comintern is explained by the nature of the current ruling stratum in the USSR: it is a privileged and uncontrolled bureaucracy that rises above the people and oppresses the people. Marxism teaches: being determines consciousness. The Soviet bureaucracy is most afraid of criticism, movement, risk: it is conservative, it greedily guards its privileges. Having strangled the working class in the USSR, it has long since lost faith in the World Revolution. It promises to build "socialism in one country" if the working people will be silent, endure and obey...

      According to Trotsky, the USSR is the main obstacle on the way to the World Revolution, which had to be destroyed at any cost. There were two ways to do this: external intervention and Perestroika, which Trotsky modestly called the Permanent Revolution. According to Trotsky, in order to bring about a concerted Western intervention against the USSR, the country had to engage in any military adventures in the name of the World Revolution. One of these adventures was to be the operation of the Red Army to support the failed revolution in Germany. The most piquant thing in this operation should have been that in order to help the German proletariat, the USSR, not having a common border with Germany, had to first attack Poland and go through it. It goes without saying that this invasion guaranteed the USSR a war with England, France and all the other countries of the League of Nations. The result of this war is easily predictable. However, this adventure, prepared by the Trotskyists, was thwarted by Stalin and his associates. The disruption of the failed World War against the USSR gave Trotsky in exile a reason to foam hatred for Stalin for betraying the World Revolution. The author writes that:
      Who just was not in August-September 1923 in the building of the Soviet embassy! A group of emissaries of the Central Committee - Pyatakov, Rudzutak, Radek, Krestinsky - and the military went to Germany, including such famous "red generals" as Yakir and Uborevich; a group of specialists in covert operations was sent there.

      All the persons listed by him are Trotskyists who were quite rightly shot during the years of the Great Terror. It goes without saying that under Nikita they were all declared innocent victims of political repression and rehabilitated. I will give an excerpt from Wikipedia for only one of this gang:
      Nikolai Nikolaevich Krestinsky (October 13 [25], 1883, Mogilev, Russian Empire - March 15, 1938, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet politician and statesman, Bolshevik revolutionary, lawyer by education. On March 15, 1938 he was shot. In 1963 he was posthumously rehabilitated.
      The earth is glassy to him.
  2. +8
    5 October 2022 04: 53
    The socialist ideology would be translated into human language from Marxist-Leninist, corrected for modern realities, and a really working bond would be ready. Only judging by the failures of even the clergy in spiritual matters (Nicholas II gave birth to the project), today it is unlikely that anyone can do this in our country.
    1. -2
      5 October 2022 09: 53
      Quote from Sagetaus
      Socialist ideology would be translated into human language from Marxist-Leninist

      If you do not understand what Marx and Lenin wrote, this is sad. In other words, "Congratulations, Sharik, you are a dunce."
      1. +2
        5 October 2022 11: 44
        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2

        If you do not understand what Marx and Lenin wrote, this is sad. In other words, "Congratulations, Sharik, you are a dunce."

        Why don't I understand? The problem is in clericalism, the presentation of extremely simple things in the most confusing garbage language. This is repulsive, especially young people, who are primarily looking for everything spectacular. But if you put it in a living language, then tearing off the covers from a rotten system looks just the same effectively, the youth will catch up in the first place.
        1. 0
          5 October 2022 23: 23
          Quote from Sagetaus
          Why don't I understand? The problem is in clericalism, the presentation of extremely simple things in the most confusing garbage language. This is repulsive, especially young people, who are primarily looking for everything spectacular. But if you put it in a living language, then tearing off the covers from a rotten system looks just the same effectively, the youth will catch up in the first place.

          You understand what is the problem here. If externality is important to you, well, ok, rap about surplus value and the DTD formula. Only as a result you give people essentially an empty wrapper. They will hear what they want to hear at the moment, but they will not understand the essence. And as a result, we will get the same effect as from cramming all this Marxist-Leninist philosophy in the USSR. People memorized all this as spells without understanding the meaning of a penny.
  3. +11
    5 October 2022 05: 01
    Oh what a nice wrap. Open the overtone window, about the following "gestures of goodwill". There's just one thing I forgot. Only the strong can afford to be kind. And now they have stumbled upon us such bream that it is not the time to talk about the negotiation process, there are no trump cards.
    1. 0
      5 October 2022 05: 34
      Quote: Rol
      Only the strong can afford to be kind.

      You said it to the point ... until we work up the muscles on the body of the country, it will not be harmful to dream of a better future.
  4. +10
    5 October 2022 05: 51
    Nice solid theory. Quite original .... Only society, as it has lived at all times according to the laws and morals of the "Game of Thrones" - will continue to live. Attempts to adjust the "third level" is noticeable only in the minds of idealist philosophers. And on a personal level, and on the public "Either - you, or - you." Even the First is horrified by the decline of "traditional values". laughing
    Torture, slavery and murder are also practiced, as in ancient Rome. Only the all-powerful business removed them from the public space. "Milky Way" doesn't matter to that. Cowardly hipsters are uncomfortable in an alarmist society. Therefore, gladiators and auto-da-fe were sent away: to the cinema and the "Third World".
    Here millions of barbarians will break through the "limes" in the struggle for resources - "philosophical" and this will be "explained". bully
    1. +1
      5 October 2022 11: 01
      society, as it has lived at all times according to the laws and morals of the "Game of Thrones" - will continue to live. Attempts to adjust the "third level" is noticeable only in the minds of idealist philosophers.

      A normal society is always trying to live better. Actions are always taken to improve, otherwise society begins to degrade.
      The United States completely copied the system of Ancient Rome and is trying to live according to it. In Israel, they are trying to build their own system based on class division, expressed in admitting to power only those who fought, that is, the military caste.
      The process is going on with varying degrees of success, but so far the merchants are winning.
  5. +11
    5 October 2022 05: 51
    Mdya .. It seems that Efremov was still writing a novel and did not think that he would feed more than one generation of "philosophers" with his ideas
    1. -1
      5 October 2022 06: 51
      Quote: Aleksey Alekseev_2
      It seems that Efremov was still writing a novel and did not think that he would feed more than one generation of "philosophers" with his ideas

  6. +3
    5 October 2022 06: 01
    As soon as the patterns of the real development of events are replaced by speculative fantastic constructions, wild crap begins, which does not give productive conclusions and forecasts.
    1. +9
      5 October 2022 06: 13
      I always thought and still think that my grandmother was the smartest philosopher, who always said to such rantings: "Oh, what can you think of - you just need to live by the rule: live and let someone else live and treat him as you would like to treat you the same way."
      1. -1
        6 October 2022 17: 34
        And don't kill, don't steal... Only, it seems that someone has already thought of this before.
  7. +1
    5 October 2022 06: 09
    I can't argue with the author. Yes, and there will be a futile argument. In the newspaper "Tomorrow" A. Prokhanov wrote - "The word" empire "acquired a new character, the character of a spiritual mystical empire." As soon as the USSR collapsed, politics ceased to exist. Only the protection of private property in their countries remained. This is where the mystic comes to the rescue, which the people let down. For those who are fighting in Ukraine, this mysticism does not exist. And if, God forbid, it touches us, then it will also disappear. Only a bitter residue will remain - what is all this for. I am not strong in religious matters, but I know for sure that all the works on religion were created on Earth.
    1. +6
      5 October 2022 07: 26
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      In the newspaper "Tomorrow" A. Prokhanov wrote

      The chief ordering Kremlin scribbler wrote a lot of things. About 3-4 years ago, he announced the release of another "epoch-making" work called "The Fifth Stalin". This was even devoted to a separate time in the program "Evening with the Chief Italo-Russian Patriot". In short, according to Prokhanov (so pancake is consonant with the word swindler, like Solzhenitsyn and lies!), The main "Organizers of the Russian Land" of all time were Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko, Ivan IV the Terrible, Peter I and, accordingly, comrade I.V. Stalin. However, after the "Crimean spring" and "incredible breakthroughs and victories" in both foreign and domestic policy, Prokhanov did not hesitate to place "you-know-whom" in this, without exaggeration, epoch-making series .... After that, this man ceased to exist for me. And not only and not so much as a philosopher, writer, just like a normal person! For, a swindler, an opportunist, a toady and a sycophant cannot be a Normal person and cannot carry "reasonable, kind, eternal"! request
      1. AUL
        5 October 2022 09: 08
        So no power can do without court praisers and interpreters of wise sayings. From the court poets of ancient Rome to the current Prokhanovs.
      2. +2
        5 October 2022 10: 00
        Quote: Vladislav 73
        After that, this person ceased to exist for me.

        And how do you like the fact that at one time he sculpted a new industrializer in the energy sector from Chubais, working on the implementation of GOELRO 2 plans? When I read this, I realized how corrupt this person is.
        1. 0
          5 October 2022 17: 52
          Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
          And how do you like the fact that at one time he sculpted a new industrializer in the energy sector from Chubais, working on the implementation of GOELRO 2 plans?

          I repent and execute myself ... About Chubais somehow passed by in due time, and then I paid more attention to all his "philosophical reasoning", there was something in them, something like that ... But sooner or later, the rotten inside is all the same will show itself. That's what his "main Russian patriot" loves to invite to his "Evening with ..."!
    2. +1
      5 October 2022 10: 57
      I firmly know that all works on religion were created on Earth. And these works should unite people, not divide them.

      They rally their own against others. For example, Shiites against Sunnis, true believers against infidels, etc. Which, in principle, does not prove that they were created on Earth.
      1. 0
        5 October 2022 15: 53
        Glory. Everything is much more complicated here. It is good that at least confessions have agreed that God is one for all.
        1. 0
          6 October 2022 09: 01
          I didn’t hear that denominations agreed on this. Someone has a Buddha, someone has Krishna, Allah, Christ. What makes you think it's the same person?
  8. +5
    5 October 2022 06: 27
    Hehe... I just sat down in a comfortable chair, threw a portion of popcorn into my mouth, got ready to find out who these mysterious curators of ours are and how we will start creating a synthesis society, and then... The article is over.
  9. +5
    5 October 2022 06: 39
    In our case, this is help to earthlings from the curators of mankind, in particular, representatives of the Pleiades star system. They participated in their time in the creation of Homo sapiens on planet Earth and therefore consider themselves responsible for us today.

    From it's like. Pleiades. Wangyu. Soon we will longingly remember the Great Tartaria. Although the battle "Pleiades vs Tartaria" can take a large number of brains into space.
    1. +2
      5 October 2022 06: 53
      Quote: sergo1914
      Soon we will longingly remember the Great Tartaria.

      What we have we do not store, having lost weeping. Here you can't prove anything. From the Pleiades, anhydride ihu peroxide, and that's it!
  10. +11
    5 October 2022 06: 44
    According to the meaning of the article, it is felt that it was the candidate of philosophical sciences who wrote it. After reading
    The answer to this question was given in the works of E. Bernstein, M. Tugan-Baranovsky, K. Kautsky
    Sharikov immediately surfaced in a conversation with Professor Preobrazhensky:
    "So what are you reading? This ... like her, correspondence of Engels with this ... Like his devil? ... with Kautsky!..."
    1. +4
      5 October 2022 07: 23
      So what are you reading? This ... like her, Engels' correspondence with this one ... What the hell is his? .. with Kautsky!..."

      “Yes, I don’t agree ... With whom? With Engels or Kautsky? With both,” answered Sharikov ... laughing
  11. -6
    5 October 2022 06: 48
    The author wrote everything well and intelligibly. Since we are now living, it is no longer possible to live. In the 90s, the country committed an act of involution, now this needs to be corrected. Some people don't like the article, that's fine. All people have different levels of spiritual development, which is why since ancient times Varnas, Castes or Estates have existed in human society. The task of the higher Varnas is to lead and enlighten the lower ones. They tried to cancel Varnas or Estates according to the principle "Everyone is equal as if uncle Chernomor was selected with them", nothing good came of it. We need to go back to our roots and use Sobornost to move forward towards a more just society than oligarchic-monopoly wild capitalism. The war only exacerbated the contradictions and highlighted all the shortcomings of our so-called "demo-liberal" society. The path of Russia is catholicity and democracy. Russia has always been a collectivist society. The reason for the conflict with Ukraine also lies in the fact that individualistic, farmer sentiments are very strong there. On the example of the same Donbass and Lugansk region, when the Vushniks with their farm mentality simply stupidly robbed the local population and this was their norm. An example of this psychology has been repeatedly shown on TV, including recently near Kharkov, when the farms of even supporters of Ukraine were robbed. The reason for this behavior lies in the proximity of Ukraine to Western Europe. The egregor of the Western World begins to strongly influence the psychology of the inhabitants of Ukraine, especially the western regions. This conflict was predetermined as "Ukraine tse Europe". At the initial stage, these contradictions will have to be resolved on the battlefield further, only by conducting enhanced propaganda and re-educating the new generation. People with "brains beaten off by Bandera" are unlikely to be corrected.
    1. +3
      5 October 2022 09: 34
      Quote: 2112vda
      The path of Russia is catholicity and democracy.

      do you think a class (caste) society is fairer than capitalism? and in what? + For some reason, it lost to capitalism everywhere with a rout ... Do you really believe in democracy? and when it was and worked, in ancient Russia?
      1. 0
        5 October 2022 10: 54
        class (caste) society is fairer than capitalism? and in what? + For some reason, it everywhere lost to capitalism with a rout.

        In a class society, belonging to a class is inherited. And the heir may not meet the requirements. Therefore, as soon as the need to achieve a position in society disappears, degradation occurs in the sosol society.
        In a capitalist society, in this regard, it is better, but there are also many jambs.
      2. 0
        7 October 2022 08: 45
        Why did the estate society lose to capitalism, you ask? Yes, very simple. I will give a figurative comparison. You can read about the crimes that the capitalist commits in the classics yourself. We met, for example, a smart and kind "nerd" and a local rude jock holding a "bump" in the district. Any dispute between them will end with the usual beating of the "nerd". Capitalism is the law of the strong in the absence of any conscience. Unfortunately, all this garbage has been going on for more than 5 thousand years, from the moment when the ancestors of modern Western Europeans entered the territory of modern Europe and began to genocide the local population. Our mistake is that when we come to them after their next invasion, we feel sorry for them. They understand only one thing, blood for blood.
        1. 0
          7 October 2022 10: 05
          Quote: 2112vda
          Capitalism is the law of the strong in the absence of any conscience. Unfortunately, all this garbage has been going on for more than 5 thousand years, from the moment when the ancestors of modern Western Europeans entered the territory of modern Europe and began to genocide the local population.

          1. well, i.e. this is a normal state since it is 5000 years old .. but what's the point of fighting the norm? even if you win, you will still return there ..
          2. Or maybe they are just the local population of Europe? not to mention the fact that capitalism, except for S. Korea and partly China, is now everywhere ..
          3. But we do not care, even if someone is genocide somewhere? in Africa so constantly somewhere someone is being genocide, and in many places around the world ..
          Quote: 2112vda
          Our mistake is that when we come to them after their next invasion, we feel sorry for them. They understand only one thing, blood for blood.

          4. That is, you, in turn, are now proposing to genocide them?
    2. -1
      5 October 2022 10: 07
      Quote: 2112vda
      to correct.

      We urgently telegraph to the Pleiades that, as we live, it is no longer possible to live. Come and fix it!
  12. -1
    5 October 2022 06: 52
    Quote from Kuziming
    wild shit

    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. +6
    5 October 2022 06: 58
    Uh-huh, the same pears only sideways. Let's create our own consumer society with our own national flavor. Their color doesn't suit us. smile And the mantras are the same. Mobilization of the economy, personnel .. For example, in my town, a garment factory has not existed for XNUMX years, warehouses, shops, in the kindergarten, which was behind the factory, the Bailiff Service was located. In the days of the union, in addition to civilian products, she produced underpants for the SA. By the way, jackets from our factory flash in one of the Soviet children's films, type, imported. Frames from whom? From relatives and good friends? Rearrange terms?
    1. +2
      5 October 2022 08: 07
      Let's create our own consumer society with our own national flavor. Their color doesn't suit us.

      When I re-read "The Hour of the Bull" for a couple of years, I read it for the first time 20-25 years ago, I was shocked:
      everything is like in our time, one to one, how could Efremov foresee this in 1968?
      Yes, because he painted the capitalism of his time, and we have it now, the Western model of the last century, in all its glory.
      1. +1
        5 October 2022 08: 19
        and we have it now, the Western model of the last century, in all its glory.
        Again, we are lagging behind in development. smile Until 1917 they lagged behind, after 1991 .. Somehow lately we’ve been running for the last carriage of the train, well, it’s impossible to jump into the carriage ..
        1. +3
          5 October 2022 08: 25
          We fled from 1917 to 1991, trying to catch up with a society that took the path of historical development 5-6 centuries earlier than ours, and which posed a threat to us.
          And for the last 30 years, in "chile, in relaxation", and it seems that the entire leadership of the country is still in deep "chill", they do not even try to portray "heavy activity", and the country is in hellish stress and depression ... because this is capitalism , peripheral capitalism ...
          1. +2
            5 October 2022 08: 41
            because it is capitalism, peripheral capitalism...
            And not even capitalism at the level of the regional center, but rather, an urban-type settlement smile
    2. -2
      5 October 2022 10: 10
      Quote: parusnik
      garment factory

      But in Penza, women's coats and women's bags are sewn all over the country, and sportswear of well-known brands is supplied even to Germany and the USA. And they sell bags from St. Petersburg to Chukotka!
      1. +1
        5 October 2022 13: 53
        But in Penza, they sew for the whole country
        In Penza, as in Greece, everything is there.
        1. -1
          5 October 2022 16: 27
          Quote: parusnik
          like in Greece, everything is there

          I myself am surprised. But find, for example, the firm "Olivi" on the Web. There's a lot about her. And what kind of bags does he sew and where does he send it ... And we have three such enterprises!
          1. +1
            5 October 2022 16: 34
            Vyacheslav Olegovich,
            We have excellent companies in many places, world-class, I'm not afraid of this word, and higher.
            I headed this...
            But these are crumbs in the international division of labor.
            And they, in the current situation, cannot change anything ...
            1. -1
              5 October 2022 17: 05
              Good evening Edward! Everything is so, but they feed someone and not bad. And not all of their owners even know about the international division - ha ha.
          2. +1
            5 October 2022 16: 37
            You have no idea how happy I am for Penza, for this island of civilized capitalism in the ocean of the provincial. Penza, our everything.
            1. -1
              5 October 2022 17: 02
              Quote: parusnik
              island of civilized capitalism

              He is as "civilized" as elsewhere, not without reason our former governor is on trial. But coats and sports uniforms are sewn, bags too ... and so - fools fight smart ones like everywhere else!
  14. 0
    5 October 2022 08: 15
    Quote from Sagetaus
    Socialist ideology would be translated into human language .... . Only judging by the failures of even the clergy in spiritual matters (Nicholas II gave birth to the project), today it is unlikely that anyone can do this in our country.

    Uh-huh ... uh-huh .. The Red Master would have to think about how to rule the slaves in the mind.

    Social ideology and Marxism - there is a theory that Marx and Engels created, observing PRACTICE
    revolutions of the 19th century in the West.
    And the workers of the West achieved a better standard of living by the end of the 19th century, for the most part not knowing either Marx or Engels at all.

    Unlike the Russians, who, on the contrary, knew Marx, but plundered their country. And now they complain that the Red Master badly explained them to them.

    Ideology must go from the people to the analysts, and not vice versa. And then something funny happens:
    Once upon a time there were thieves and scoundrels, but suddenly they become saints "from ideology"?
    1. +1
      5 October 2022 08: 27
      Unlike the Russians, who, on the contrary, knew Marx, but plundered their country. And now they complain that the Red Master badly explained them to them.

      And then something funny happens:
      Once upon a time there were thieves and scoundrels, but suddenly they become saints "from ideology"?

    2. -2
      5 October 2022 13: 49
      Once upon a time there were thieves and scoundrels, but suddenly they become saints "from ideology"?

      In general, it is, the mechanism is just such, if the ideology really aims at such transformations. If one does not follow these goals, then what is the point of looking for any ideologies, this contradicts the conditions of the very task that they are trying to solve now.
      In addition, I gave a quick example of "quite ready", but in the mind, of course, everything is much more complicated, you have to start with Balabanov's will, - with "truth" (if this is regardless of any theories and isms).
  15. 0
    5 October 2022 08: 20
    "Hour of the bull" from the position of the Concept of Public Security (CSS).

    On February 16, 2018, a meeting was held on the topic "Dream Energy" with a representative of the author's team of the VP of the USSR Zaznobin Vladimir Mikhailovich.

    Topic Timing:
    0 - Dream energy. We are not part of the west.
    3:30 - parties in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior: Pivovarov and Spitsyn under the leadership of Mamontov.
    7:30 - what are the ideals of the West and the East?
    10:48 - in 1957 I. Efremov's novel "The Nebula of Andromeda" began to be published in the journal "Technology of Youth", which became the spokesman and accumulator of the dream of a just society. On October 4, the first artificial satellite flew, then Gagarin's flight, as elements of the matrix of this dream.
    13:34 - The novel The Master and Margarita, which described ancient times in contrast to those described in the Andromeda Nebula, evoked the same feelings.
    14:18 - in 1972 I. Efremov released the novel "The Hour of the Bull", from which one could understand that civilization went the wrong way.
    15:00 - Meadows' report "The Limits to Growth" to the Club of Rome. At the anniversary of the creation of the club this year, the report "Come On!" written by the two presidents of the Club, Ernst Weizsacker and Anders Wijkmann, with the participation of thirty-four other members, in which capitalism is conserved,
    16:20 - American dream at 50% GDP: house, two cars, trimmed lawn in front of the house.
    17:40 - The coup in the USSR, launched in the USSR on June 26, 1953 by Khrushchev and company and completed in October 1993 (40 years long) with the participation of: liberals, Trotskyists and monarchists.
    21:30 - on the 10th was Pushkin's memorial day, but Vysotsky and Brodsky were promoted. The liberal party soldered Vysotsky.
    24:47 - about closed archives. About the Leningrad case. About Kuusinen, who “pulled” Anlropov out of this case.
    26:05 - what did the people defend in the Second World War?
    29:00 - why did the "elite" get pissed off?
    Russia is the richest country in the world.
    31:02 - about the Unified Civilization. Tyutchev's poem.
    35:00 - being born in the shell of Homo sapiens does not mean being human. The dream of those born in the 20s came true. Abolition of the death penalty.
    37:40 - delimitation of the West and Russia in Munich in 2007.
    39:39 - about the BSC in Beijing.
    42:00 - about the Russian language.
    44:17 — why should there be science in the XNUMXst century?
    47:44 - why are KOB materials hard to come by? People hear what they want to hear. About the comments under the previous video.
    46:00 - About the Olympic Games. About sport. About Lesgaft.
    49:30 — About the ways of information and extraterrestrial civilizations. On the difference between civilizations. About Russian diasporas in the West and their role in the dissemination of information.
    56:20 - each of the 65 books of the concept is devoted to a separate problem. Now the time is comparable to the time of Julian the Apostate. About the gods of Rome and Greece. About a group of figures who tracked low-frequency processes in society. About polytheism, about God and the image of God. About attention.
    1:02:57 - A thought experiment showing a model of the Universe.
    1:05:00 - about Christianity and priests.
    1:10:00 - Dream songs of the times of Soviet power are still being sung.
    1:15:00 - the digital economy is the development of a man-made scenario. The difference between fashion and dreams. Faith in youth. Who prepares the news grid?
    1:12:00 - about youth subcultures. About the sign of the appearance of the energy of dreams.
    1:16:53 - about the elections and Putin. How can he not become a Caesar?
  16. 0
    5 October 2022 08: 44
    well done author .. smelled the wind of change))
  17. +4
    5 October 2022 09: 18
    I haven't tried it myself, but experienced (and experimental ones) highly recommend a foil cap against extraterrestrial radiation. Just take ours, a real thick lumen, and not imported rubbish.
  18. +2
    5 October 2022 09: 22
    Blimey! I look forward to attempts to explain the current situation on the basis of the works of Zelazny and Sapkovsky's opuses, and the research of Kir Bulychev.
    1. 0
      5 October 2022 09: 45
      And Zelazny even when he described total digitalization!
      Jack in the land of shadows

      Although I didn’t read it much then .. but I got it
  19. 0
    5 October 2022 09: 33
    Naive and smart.
    In fact, a little abstrusely described the development of human relationships.
    Approximately Putin also likes to speak, and any official, and all sorts of foreign figures.
    "justice society"

    The problem is that it is necessary to judge by deeds, not words. And in business, after overcoming the non-payment crisis - failure after failure, lies after lies. What you don’t remember loudly - the Moon by 2015, the strategy of 2000, import substitution, housing for the military, Wi-Fi in transport, a superjet, the fight against a rise in prices, there will be no mobilization, names only in Russian - either a failure, or a failure in terms of time.

    Total: with the same people who failed everything, and now they teach everyone to live - there will be no "synthesis". Just an imitation in words.
    it will be the same as before: the development of Imperialism - all the signs are obvious: ZEK in PMCs, violation of promises, suppression of the last popular thinking, stupefaction, "remote" elections, pitting countries and peoples, etc.
  20. -5
    5 October 2022 09: 41
    "Remember that in the Distorted World all rules are false, including the rule that lists exceptions, including our definition that confirms the rule. But remember also that not every rule is necessarily false, that any rule can be true, including including this rule and the exception to it... There all dogmas are equally arbitrary, including the dogma about the arbitrariness of dogmas... Do not hope to outwit the Distorted World. It is bigger, smaller, longer and shorter than you. It is unprovable. It just is.. "Perhaps these remarks about the Warped World have nothing to do with the Warped World."

    Sheckley, R. "Mind Exchange"
    The author obviously bought his Ph.
    1. -3
      5 October 2022 10: 23
      Minus, I understand. set by the author and "curators".
  21. -1
    5 October 2022 10: 18
    The author of course veiled his thoughts, but I understood him. Respect to him. hi
  22. 0
    5 October 2022 10: 24
    Quote: Max1995
    Naive and smart.
    In fact, a little abstrusely described the development of human relationships.
    Approximately Putin also likes to speak, and any official, and all sorts of foreign figures.
    "justice society"

    The problem is that it is necessary to judge by deeds, not words. And in business, after overcoming the non-payment crisis - failure after failure, lies after lies. What you don’t remember loudly - the Moon by 2015, the strategy of 2000, import substitution, housing for the military, Wi-Fi in transport, a superjet, the fight against a rise in prices, there will be no mobilization, names only in Russian - either a failure, or a failure in terms of time.

    Total: with the same people who failed everything, and now they teach everyone to live - there will be no "synthesis". Just an imitation in words.
    it will be the same as before: the development of Imperialism - all the signs are obvious: ZEK in PMCs, violation of promises, suppression of the last popular thinking, stupefaction, "remote" elections, pitting countries and peoples, etc.

    The author just hints that a new society should be built not with those people who failed everything, but with others .... He's just very careful, unlike us. We directly say that the country is run by mediocrity, who have succeeded in only one thing - to saw our Motherland, they not only don’t know how, they don’t want it differently. The war highlighted this well .... sad
  23. +2
    5 October 2022 10: 52
    What kind of crap is written? Another philosophical and psychiatric exercise?
  24. +2
    5 October 2022 11: 20
    As I tried to show, such a system of measures can only be a transition to the creation of a society of synthesis. There are no alternatives.

    A bad tree cannot bear good fruit (c)
    There is an alternative. Two conditions for ending the conflict have been announced. Naturally, the choice will be made in the notorious "towers".
  25. +1
    5 October 2022 11: 43
    Yeah, well, now let's blame everything on Alpha Centauri.
  26. -1
    5 October 2022 12: 25
    Simple logic requires the preparation of a backup plan "B". The main thing in it: it should be a non-military system of measures.

    It was already tried. It is called "Brest Peace". It did not help, anyway, then I had to fight.
    Until the fight ends in your favor, you won’t build any fantasy world, you don’t need utopias. And if it ends not in your favor, then there will be nothing to talk about.
  27. +2
    5 October 2022 12: 30
    I recall an anecdote from the time of perestroika: Two options for overcoming the crisis, a realistic one and a fantastic one. Realistic: aliens will come and help us. Fantastic: we can handle it ourselves.
  28. 0
    5 October 2022 12: 35
    The heritage in the philosophy of the remains of the religious element is now more of a minus than a plus. Because it's an anachronism. Both "messianicity" and "dualism of the perception of events", and "the concept of an irreconcilable struggle of opposites", as well as the perception of the evolutionary culmination as "blurring of the I to the boundaries of the We", followed by a merger in some common socio-aesthetic ecstasy.
    All this is a heritage in the philosophy of elements inherited from Christian thinkers.
    It was modern before the development of the means of dissemination of information, the means of working with information, before the emergence of an array of modern means of control, direction and suppression of the individual, within authoritarian societies.

    And now the situation is as follows - an authoritarian society, armed with technologies for collecting and selecting information, has both significant power over the productive forces of society and over the minds in it. Power sufficient so that the further evolutionary development of the "society of individuals" does not have a competitive meaning - after all, "while you are reflecting, the enemy is swinging (c)".
    The ability of people to "self-organize" was significantly exaggerated by all utopians, while the abilities of third-party, competitive forces were largely underestimated. The "Society of Individuals" will divert incomparably more resources to the needs and development of each than authoritarian structures, receiving as a bonus greater creativity, and as a minus - less sharpness in priorities, greater political entropy at any given time. Such a society will be in an unstable balance with neighboring authoritarians, on the one hand, replenishing it with dissatisfied people (ions), on the other hand, taking away the products of its freedoms and intellectual labor, adjusting their propaganda to discuss its mistakes (and thereby influencing the political entropy within it) .
    Under such conditions, the evolution of a "society of individuals" is doubtful; rather, the evolution of authoritarian structures will occur that do not need a "free and creative person" and have established creation through the synthesis of machine processing and the division of impersonal tasks between specialists of smaller sizes. The AI ​​appendage will compensate for the inevitable degradation of the elites of such a society, through recommendations for the best planning (as opposed to subjective and imperfect views), and this approach will be much less energy-consuming than an array of "democratic procedures" in a "society of individuals".

    So I am very skeptical about the fact that the evolution of society will lead us to something bright and humane, that "good will overcome evil" and all people will merge in altruistic ecstasy.
    In order for such an alignment to arise, an ideologically stable population of technically armed people must be COMPLETELY isolated from competitive authoritarians for a long time. Then it's possible. But in a competitive struggle, freedom always loses to dictate for the same reasons that barbarism loses to civilization.
  29. 0
    5 October 2022 13: 14
    This is one of those articles that you need to read from the end. "the impossibility of a forceful way out of the Ukrainian impasse" - that's what it was written for. And not a word about the fact that this "dead end" was prepared and simply unreal money was hammered into it, not at all for you to switch to some kind of "synthesis society", but to ruin you, destroy you, get resources of 1/6 of the land, and eat from belly further. Not a military system of measures in the conditions of a war of annihilation unleashed against Russia ... They won the Patriotic War also because they put them up against the wall for this.
  30. +2
    5 October 2022 17: 35
    I would like to ask the editors - how did this article get here?
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. +1
    5 October 2022 21: 55
    Have you even read "The Hour of the Ox" and "The Andromeda Nebula"?
  33. -1
    5 October 2022 22: 56
    This article is not exactly in the format of this site.
  34. 0
    6 October 2022 09: 13
    Quote: Lech from Android.
    Figuratively speaking, Western predators in the face of the EU and the USA are trying to devour our country, and now we need to resist this by building up our fangs (nuclear weapons) and skin (Armed forces). smile
    There are all opportunities for this... I'm only waiting for decisive action by the GDP... without its kicks, our political and economic system will not move.

    Choyo Chagas strongly agrees with you.
    By the way, isn't it time to divide our society into "kzhi" and "ji"?
    The Pension Fund will definitely not object! laughing
  35. 0
    6 October 2022 09: 24
    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
    But in a competitive struggle, freedom always loses to dictate for the same reasons that barbarism loses to civilization.

    Juggling with abstract concepts and nothing more.
    Freedom, dictatorship... all this is nonsense. There is not and cannot be any real freedom in modern conditions, except perhaps on a desert island.
    There are just different kinds of lack of freedom and dictate, that's all. There are more rough and uncomfortable ones, there are less. There are opportunities to export unfreedom, then you can lower its level, but not critically, again, you need opportunities for export (they are also obtained by military means).
    Everything is determined by the level of technological development and the art of manipulating society by the ruling elite. In general, the situation is approximately the same everywhere, despite the difference in ideological clichés and slogans.
    In reality, since the cave times, humanity has known nothing else but totalitarianism. Only its varieties and ideological wrapping changed.

    P.S. The most easily controlled society is a society consisting of "free individuals". Physical model - liquid. Pour into a bottle - it will take the form of a bottle.
  36. +1
    6 October 2022 09: 54
    The content of the article (philosophical understanding of the evolution of society), in general, is correct. But the conclusion does not fit him at all.
    First, the "climax" is still very far away. After all, the "climax" should lead to a "catharsis", in the sense of "purification" or "clarification". These processes occur through "suffering". In the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions - it happened. However, this is a drop in the ocean of people. The rest of the population of Russia, Europe and the World remains in their ideas.
    Secondly, the author for some reason believes that the so-called. "curators" are united in their goals. And if not?! ... One way or another, representatives of the 2nd International, which is now in power in Europe (i.e., those very "enlighteners"), have been tied up in secret organizations of "world freemasonry" since the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, which constitutes the supranational administration (EU, EC, etc.). Meanwhile, in a number of publications there are references to the existence of certain non-Christian cults (for example, the "Bohemian Grove", etc.), professed by "the powerful of this world." This means that the CREATOR uses dialectical principles at the level of "curators". Those. "catharsis" should also affect this layer of the UNIVERSE.
    Thirdly, what is a "non-military system of measures"?... One can speculate that in the categories of the author, this is a system of awareness, comprehension, understanding by the individual "what is good and what is bad." But the author himself writes that the absolute majority of humanity has "undergrown" to a level above the "2 lower chakras" (the desire to realize only the basic psychological needs and instincts). This mechanism was used by the "enlighteners", but led to what we have.
    Fourthly, the author incorrectly indicates the sides of the "conflict": this is not Russia at all against the "50 most powerful countries in the world", in fact, this is a clash of cultures of the natural (i.e. created by the CREATOR), backbone EURO-ASIAN POWER and the destructive WESTERNITY, generated by CHAOS, headed by the Anglo-Saxons today. This process is inevitably objective. The collective WEST understands this and goes "for broke", because. the further development of scientific and technical progress and the global distribution of production allow previously "backward" countries to reach the appropriate level of technical progress (for example, "Iranian drones", etc.). That is, the process is of a global objective nature and will not be stopped under any circumstances.
    Fifth, the experience of Russian history shows that the creation, strengthening and development of sovereign statehood has always been accompanied by hardships and hardships. The CREATOR or "curators" formed the "Autocrat" who opposed the "Antichrist". These were: Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Today the Higher Powers are defining a new "Autocrat"...
    Take a story, read it, draw your own conclusions.
  37. -3
    6 October 2022 10: 31
    Efremov did not know that the current "authority" would pull the army away. Usually, such beautiful stories are offered to the layman, instead of meat at an hour x
  38. +1
    6 October 2022 11: 03
    Efremov offers to visit a psychiatric clinic for an urgent examination ?! Is it possible not to cling to the great writer and philosopher with your contact fantasies?!
  39. +1
    6 October 2022 18: 37
    Lord, Military Review, what do you print on your pages ?! Soon invite some sect in this way! am
  40. +1
    6 October 2022 18: 45
    Everything is as in the training manual for Ren-TV programs: we take Efremov, add a little Stalin and Karl Marx, a pinch of world religions, and thickly pour sauce from the astral plane and the instructions of older brothers in mind, flowing into the will of the Creator in the style of paintings by Salvador Dali ...
  41. +2
    6 October 2022 20: 13
    Let me clarify something.
    First of all: the operation "Hour of the Bull" is the "route" from which impossible curtail and which was supposed to bring Russia to the beginning of the task assigned to it. The essence of the task: to create a mechanism that would ensure the transition of both Russia itself and humanity as a whole to a NEW LEVEL OF MORALITY.

    After October 1917, Russia followed this "corridor".

    They will object to me: but it all ended in failure!
    The conclusion is fundamentally wrong!
    In the USSR, it was possible to test in practice a new (NON-religious!) mechanism for the formation of the “service to others” attitude in people. In fact, it started large-scale formation of the new man.
    This is exactly what the Curators planned!

    And today the time has come - to return to the work begun, but already "on a new turn of the spiral", that is, taking into account the accumulated experience.
    The current stage of the "special military operation" provides this opportunity. We must make a choice: between forceful and non-coercive solutions to the “Ukrainian crisis”.
    After all, generally speaking, he has no power solution. Does anyone really believe that the defeated will come to terms with their defeat, and people will not have a need for "revenge" ... And - again, all over again?

    Therefore: the support of the Curators will be with us ONLY if we choose a non-forceful path. And this creation in the space from Lisbon to Vladivostok of the "Continental Union". Then the people living here, still belonging to their (different!) nationalities, will at the same time receive a common OVER-ethnic identity. This will become one of the main factors in the gradual removal of all conflicts.
    And then EVERYONE wins.
    Otherwise, we will lose the support of the Curators, and this is doom for ALL.

    And there will be another "Atlantis", "out of control" ...
    1. 0
      7 October 2022 07: 57
      Quote from yukov
      Let me clarify something.
      First of all: Operation Hour of the Ox is a "route"

      Let me clarify something. Ivan Efremov is not a toy for you, and not a cover. Invent your own, do not meddle in someone else's, which has nothing to do with your ideas. Of course, I didn’t read anything, because you use a technique forbidden in polite society.
  42. +1
    7 October 2022 08: 30
    Quote: Level 2 Advisor
    and when it was and worked, in ancient Russia?

    Before the imposition of feudal relations in the central regions of the Russian state. It was the Romanovs, the proteges of the Vatican, who planted it. In the Cossack regions of the Russian Empire, many elements of democracy worked until 1917. You just need to know the history of your country, and many are bad at this.
  43. +1
    7 October 2022 12: 44
    Everything is written CORRECTLY, although of course it is too ornate.
    Well, okay, tell me that after floundering for three decades in the capitalist swamp, it's time to get out of it.
    Not a literal return to the past with its mistakes, but to quickly and decisively restore a society of social justice. And don't be afraid to tell the world about it. Then, Ukrainians who want to fight with us will decrease significantly and the Europeans will become thoughtful with sanctions.
  44. +1
    7 October 2022 12: 52
    Quote: Red Biker
    Well, okay, tell me that after floundering for three decades in the capitalist swamp, it's time to get out of it.
    Not a literal return to the past with its mistakes, but to quickly and decisively restore a society of social justice. And don't be afraid to tell the world about it. Then, Ukrainians who want to fight with us will decrease significantly and the Europeans will become thoughtful with sanctions.

    Red Biker, but you could fit in these seven LINES - heart what I have laid out in six PAGES!
    Respect! hi
  45. 0
    7 October 2022 18: 40
    All the author's reasoning boils down to a bayonet in the ground?
    1. 0
      7 October 2022 19: 17
      How do you imagine the struggle for NEW meanings with the help of weapons? What - "bring down" those who disagree?
      New meanings win when the number of their supporters grows. At first, through numerous discussions - first among experts.
      If this is what you call a "bayonet to the ground", well...
      1. +1
        7 October 2022 20: 20
        However, there is another way to "advance" new views - through the struggle with the old ones. Very efficient.
        Example: the baby does not believe his parents in any way that the iron is hot. Parents make a decision: let him (necessarily under our supervision!) Touch the iron...

        This logic was once put into practice at the very end of "Soviet history". M. Lyubimov, a former KGB intelligence colonel, first wrote about her. In 1995 he published a text entitled: Operation Golgotha. Secret Rebuild Plan. Here is his story.
        In 1980, at the First Main Directorate of the KGB (now the Foreign Intelligence Service), at the direction of Yuri Andropov, a computer analysis of 10 scenarios for the development of the USSR was carried out - they all ended in disaster for him.
        This, as well as all the information known to Andropov about real situation in the country - predetermined the ESSENCE OF HIS STRATEGIC DECISION:
        the system has died, and it is impossible to restore it, and it is not necessary, why do we need a “living corpse”. It is necessary to completely destroy it and build in its place "true socialism, which would be supported by the whole people"! Love for socialism will grow in people out of hatred for capitalism. Therefore, we must develop a plan for the introduction of capitalism in the USSR, and not a soft, Swedish type. We must plunge the country into wild capitalism, where the law of the jungle reigns. This will be an incredibly great test for our people, but there is no other way! Our pathetic propaganda will not be able to arouse hatred of capitalism! Only people's own practice!

        Hence the appearance Plan "Golgotha"consisting of 4 stages:
        1) the collapse of the existing political and economic structure of the country.
        2) the forced introduction of the "wild type" capitalist system.
        3) directed deepening of chaos and confusion as a means of mobilizing the masses under the slogans of social justice;
        4) and - the beginning of cardinal reforms in the interests of the majority of the population.

        Was the Calvary plan effective?
        Let's assess the situation from the point of view of whether or not the central task of the Plan has been solved: "Love for socialism will grow in people out of hatred for capitalism."
        Let us turn to the results of a survey conducted on August 19-26, 2021 by the Levada Center in 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (as a percentage of the total number of respondents).
        So, to the question “Which economic system seems more correct to you?” the following answers were received (comparative data on earlier surveys are given):

        - one that is based on state planning and distribution.
        in 1992 - 29%; in 2016 - 52%; in 2021 62%.

        - one based on private property and market relations.
        in 1992 - 48%; in 2016 - 26%; in 2021 14%.
        1. 0
          9 October 2022 00: 34
          Lyubimov's fiction, which may turn out to be true.
  46. -1
    7 October 2022 20: 42
    It is possible that we have already missed the moment when it was still possible to choose plan "b". Everything proceeds not at all according to our plan, but according to an alien plan imposed on us, which demonizes Russia and everything Russian, and this did not even begin yesterday. Patriarch Gundyaev openly called the Russians, the Slavs, barbarians, worse than animals who speak incomprehensible things. Everyone heard him. Can a Russian then feel confident and stable in Christianity? No. Many went to ancient origins, to search for the truth in the Vedas, others found themselves in Buddhism. And it is right. Worst of all are those who have lost faith in the spiritual life and have begun to live an animal life. Because the laws of spiritual life are undeniable and they really work. And that's why we have what we have. The time of Sade-Sati comes when Shani begins to punish people, rulers, people for non-observance of dharma. It's too late to shout "For what, Lord?" And the question arises, what is the dharma of the rulers? In caring for the welfare of the people over whom it is placed, its protection. And what about the Russian people? Bring light to the world, defend the truth in the world, punish the evil ones, protect women and children. Be true to your word, oath, oath to the motherland, and our ancestors and their king gave an oath of allegiance. In families, be faithful, and so on. Did we do everything or not? Much has not been done. And for this we get.
    Everyone knows the works of Efremov, they were brought up on them. The hour of the bull was read, and the razor's edge, and so on. If Efremov had survived to this day, it remains to be seen how he would have reacted to the collapse of his ideals.
    1. 0
      7 October 2022 20: 59
      You probably know that the most "psychologically uncomfortable" time
      happens - before dawn...
    2. 0
      9 October 2022 00: 33
      Quote: Just a visitor.
      Patriarch Gundyaev openly called Russians, Slavs barbarians, worse than animals,

      Lie! He said that the enemies considered us as such! It's not fair to tear out pieces of phrases from the source, it's not fair
  47. 0
    7 October 2022 21: 10
    Who came up with "Golgotha" was just delirious or crazy.
  48. ada
    8 October 2022 02: 35
    And Nizya, there, the phone number or address of which of these creators of the curators to find out? You can call or go to the worst, ask in a simple way - humanly, let them influence the curators so that they follow the transmitter and let them twist something there, otherwise the frequency has gone wrong, the population has a resonance in everything except the brain, thinking process is not stimulated. Let them screw it up, huh? wassat
  49. 0
    9 October 2022 00: 32
    A meaningless set of words and also different letters
    1. 0
      9 October 2022 21: 59
      Meanwhile, there are works by Nikla Levashov on this topic where he describes a lot of things, you can read and compare with Ivan Efremov
  50. 0
    10 October 2022 07: 07
    We do not need military equipment, changes in the structure of the leadership of the army and the administrative management of the country and regions separately, we do not need to develop our technologies and wait for others to share, but at the same time we need to somehow solve all the current problems in the world falling under the "radiation of the center of the universe." Am I right, comrades?
    1. 0
      10 October 2022 19: 53
      Timur, you mixed two different questions.
      Of course, we need to improve the system of managing the economy, country, regions, we need to develop our technologies.

      But it's not about that now. Now we need to choose one of two strategies for overcoming the "Ukrainian crisis": forceful (military) and non-coercive.
      I specifically emphasize both in the text and in my comments that the "Ukrainian crisis" (no matter how anyone imagines its scale: the clash of the Russian Federation with NATO, with the United States, with the "collective West", etc.) - DOES NOT HAVE A MILITARY SOLUTION.
      I repeat once again: does anyone really believe that the defeated will come to terms with their defeat, and people will not have a need for "revenge" ... And what - all over again?!

      The "Ukrainian crisis" can be resolved ONLY through the creation of a union of states ("Continental Union") in the space from Lisbon to Vladivostok. This alliance will become one of the main factors in the gradual removal of all conflicts (including territorial ones!) between Member States.
      And only with such a choice - we will be supported by the Curators. In particular, we will talk about the gradual transfer of alien technologies to us, which will literally “turn over” our lives, since people have not seen anything like this before ...
      If we continue to act on the basis of the POWER strategy, there will be no help. And I ask you to believe me: without her, everything will end in disaster pretty soon.
      1. +1
        11 October 2022 09: 22
        Do you yourself believe in what you write? What "Continental Union"?
        This is possible only in the far, far future, if the present does not throw the whole world back. Today, a real rallying of forces from two sides is a given: EAST - WEST. At the same time, the conflict is growing and escalating not at all from Russia, as a state. And not from Ukraine. And from the outside - from the Anglo-Saxons.
        Remember the story: their method is formulaic "rule from behind the scenes" and "rule". The Anglo-Saxons are the "intercontinental state". He has his own "Curators"! We have OWN!
        It is not even a fact that they are from "one basket". The factual side of curatorship can be read in the book byv. Lieutenant Colonel of the Special Services V. Zorev "KGB & UFO: A First Person Story. Notes of a State Security Officer"... At the current level, both Russia and Ukraine would like a "peaceful solution". But who will let them? Therefore, there is only one way - "to VICTORY". There is one more side: HIGHER FORCES. In your transcription, they want to demonstrate by example the real advantages of SOCIALISM. Yes, it's possible. However, do not forget that it was not at all "studies of the prospects of the Soviet state in the 1980s" that ruined the USSR, but the theory of "convergence" promoted by Freemasons (including domestic ones: starting with the Gvishiani-Kosygin-Primakov family group), who created the "Rimsky club", propaganda of "Swedish socialism", etc. Even today, look at European political circles - this is the 2nd International in power. Where is socialism? Sweden is still a Kingdom! "Moral" is a beautiful slogan. However, how to achieve it when only the "lower 2 chakras" are working?!...
        1. 0
          11 October 2022 21: 28
          ===Do you yourself believe in what you write?===

          Dear Oleg Borisov!
          I usually do not respond to those who try to me, I will say this, to be insolent.
          But I will answer you. Since the question you raised is very important.

          ===Today, a real rallying of forces from two sides is a given: EAST - WEST. At the same time, the conflict is growing and escalating not at all from Russia, as a state. And not from Ukraine. And from the outside - from the Anglo-Saxons. Remember the story: their method is formulaic "manage from behind the scenes" and "rule" ===

          Following the methodology of Anthony Sutton, an American researcher of the hidden mechanisms of world power, the initiator and "engine" of events in Ukraine is not the United States as a whole as a country, but a shadow structure, which Sutton called The Order (Of course, he did not mean Masons). The algorithm used by the Order is to create an international conflict, secretly help all its participants, thereby ensuring the victory of the "player" who did not take a visible part in the conflict. The Order is located in the United States, but uses this country only as its instrument.

          You are right that the Order and Russia are being led different strength. But the Curators of Russia are more powerful than the masters behind the Order. The reason is simple: the Curators of Russia are implementing the Intention of the Creator, so they will eventually win.

          The union of states "in the space from Lisbon to Vladivostok" (the Continental Union project) is not a utopia. This is a project based on the vision of history as a process of raising the level of "public morality". As I wrote in my main text, the mechanism of this process is the sequential activation of the chakras.
          И large-scale the transition to the third level of morality (which makes a person - a person) in a particular country is possible only if this country "resonates" with the frequency of the radiating structure "Sagittarius A*". What automatically occurs when the political leadership of the country declares a strategic goal - the construction of COMMUNISM.
          And if realistically thinking forces in these countries believe in the project and start fighting for it, the Curators will help. And such help that the Order does not have the strength to counteract. Although, of course, everyone will have to work!

          === The USSR was killed not at all by "studies of the prospects of the Soviet state in the 1980s", but by the theory of "convergence" pushed by the Freemasons (including domestic: starting with the Gvishiani-Kosygin-Primakov family group), who created the "Club of Rome" , propaganda of "Swedish socialism", etc. ===

          To put it bluntly, the Red Project died because in October 1917 in Russia there were practically no conditions for the transition to the construction of socialism, and then communism.
          But this is a separate colossal topic. If you want, about this - my report on the TG channel: https://t.me/kontinent_soyuz
          1. 0
            12 October 2022 21: 13
            Dear Yuri Alexandrovich!
            First: Didn't understand about "be daring". You and I are not in a system of any hierarchical relations. Please be correct.
            Second: I am not a fan of the Stanford professors associated with the CIA, The Order, the Committee of 300, etc. Including E. Sutton, whom you are actually quoting: “To be brief: Soviet technologies simply do not exist. Almost all of them - 90-95 percent - are received, directly or through intermediaries, from the United States and from its allies. In fact, the Soviet Union - with all its industrial and military potential - was built by the United States and NATO countries. This massive construction took 50 years, starting with the 1917 revolution. It was carried out through trade and the supply of factories, equipment and technical assistance.
            The fact that, starting from 1920, the Soviet Republic in the blockade of the Entente, was forced to move to the "shadow economy" I know from the documents.
            However, I believe that these actions have a different explanation than the instructions of "architects from abroad." They certainly are. But there is another thing: the struggle between structuring forces and chaos. You, as far as I know, are to some extent a religious scholar. Therefore, you probably know about the "autocrat", "holding back from the coming of the Antichrist." The "architects" (if you want the "Order") wanted to build everything for themselves, but higher powers created an autocrat - I.V. Stalin, who resolved all issues, that is, "built socialism";
            Third: the actual proclamation of the "construction of COMMUNISM" took place, as YOU certainly know, in 1961 at the 22nd Congress. However, nothing "automatically" happened. On the contrary, in 1986, at the 27th Congress, these items were excluded from the Party Program. And the country was transferred to the "Architects" (i.e. "Order").
            Fourth, a new "autocrat" is now being formed.
            Fifth: morality is formed through the "Overton window", and not through "resonance with the frequency of the radiating structure..." This has been proven by practice on the example of the transition of European society from a "moral" state to a society with LGBT philosophy. This is a purely technical action "Stanford" wise practitioners, acting on the basis of pure behaviorism.
            Is it worth continuing?
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