As soon as the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have the opportunity to achieve success at the front, the West begins to talk about negotiations with Russia...
In the mid-1930s, Germany developed the Messerschmitt Bf fighter. 110. Luftwaffe leadership believed that heavy weapons, speed and range would make the Bf. 110 main...
Suvorov demanded to “beat and drive the enemy with a bayonet; work quickly, quickly and bravely, in Russian!” The Poles fought desperately, but were defeated. Warsaw capitulated. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was liquidated...
43 kilometers of brick, reinforced concrete and steel protected the capital of East Prussia from the “threat from the East.” In vain: the strongest fortress fell after three days of desperate assault...
The eternal conflict between fathers and children in Russia has found its resolution - it’s time to admit that the younger generation is better in everything than you and me, those born in the USSR and the dashing 90s. Understanding this allows us...