Air-to-air missiles: forced evolution

Air-to-air missiles: forced evolution

Technologies for promising air-to-air missiles as a result of the emergence of aviation laser self-defense systems and air-to-air interceptors ...
Khrushchev era: on the seas and on the rails

Khrushchev era: on the seas and on the rails

The new leadership of the USSR, which came to power after Stalin's death, in terms of naval development, canceled the most senseless, heavy burdens on the economy, measures to create an armada ...
Project 20386: "fun fun - hard hangover"

Project 20386: "fun fun - hard hangover"

The failure of the scam with the project allegedly "promising corvette and ship of the ocean zone" 20386 is obvious. Its accomplices are looking for how to evade responsibility (for undermining the combat capability of the Navy). This is not possible ...