Why Russia is not Europe

Why Russia is not Europe

Russia cannot live on an equal footing in the world market. A country cannot afford free trade. Only autarchy-autocracy. Nationalization of land, forests, bowels, strategic ...
Lived: to work - as a holiday!

Lived: to work - as a holiday!

One of the most dangerous consequences of a pandemic and quarantine is the destruction of the labor market, which could become irreversible ...
Kazan, 1942. Tanks under the gun of Soviet testers

Kazan, 1942. Tanks under the gun of Soviet testers

During the war, Kazan was one of the largest think tanks in the tank industry of the Soviet Union. In addition to the tank school and school, comparative trials of the trophy and ...
Non-French Zouaves

Non-French Zouaves

The feats of arms of the French Zouaves contributed to the appearance of such units in the armies of other countries ...