T-62M tanks: how the armor of these vehicles works


Tanks T-62Ms have been used in the course of a special military operation for more than two months. During this time, the "sixty-two" has become, perhaps, one of the most discussed combat vehicles of recent years. However, in this article, we will not move on to discussions about tactics, the need for it in the current realities, but simply talk about how the T-62M armor works and why it was needed at all.

All information about the car is taken from open sources.

Source: yuripasholok.livejournal.com

Source: yuripasholok.livejournal.com

Modernization of T-62

On July 25, 1981, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a resolution on the modernization of the T-62 tanks (and the T-55 too, but about them in another material) bringing their combat capabilities to the level of the early T-64 and T-72 series. And, admittedly, this decision was expedient: there were really a lot of "sixty-two" - they were produced by more than 19 thousand units, although some of them were already in storage and left as assistance to the allied states.

In addition to improvements such as engine upgrades, new undercarriage elements, protection against napalm, radios, and more, the set of measures to improve the tank included a significant expansion of its fire capabilities and increased armor.

The T-62, which received the letter "M", was equipped with a new sighting system with a quantum rangefinder and a ballistic computer. Its ammunition complement included guided missiles missiles with a launch through a gun barrel, and new finned sub-caliber projectiles with a uranium core were developed. The tank's anti-personnel capabilities were eventually expanded by projectiles with ready-made arrow-shaped striking elements that went into production.

To implement this firepower, the vehicle had to have appropriate armor, which, in fact, is of interest to us today.

The protective modules on the turret and the upper frontal part of the T-62M hull are clearly visible. Source: dishmodels.ru

The protective modules on the turret and the upper frontal part of the T-62M hull are clearly visible. Source: dishmodels.ru

It is far from a secret that the main armor of the T-62 consists exclusively of solid steel. The thickness of the upper frontal part of the hull of this machine is 100 mm, and the forehead of the turret is 211 mm, although there are some discrepancies from source to source within small limits. Of course, such armor was already insufficient in the 70s, not to mention the 80s. Modern at that time cumulative and sub-caliber shells overcame it without much difficulty.

To enhance the protection of the tank in frontal projections, Soviet pundits developed a fairly simple, but quite effective (within the framework of the T-62 design) scheme. It consisted in installing an armored box on the upper front part of the hull. The box itself had an external steel cover 30 mm thick, behind which, one after another with a gap of 30 mm, there were 5 mm steel sheets. The space between them was filled with polyurethane.

Additional protection block on the upper frontal part of the T-62M hull in section. Source: btvt.narod.ru

Additional protection block on the upper frontal part of the T-62M hull in section. Source: btvt.narod.ru

The turret armor modules, located to the left and right of the cannon, and nicknamed "Ilyich's Eyebrows", as an analogy to Brezhnev's thick eyebrows, had a similar design: a steel outer casting and 5 mm sheets with polyurethane behind it.

How does this armor work?

Countering HEAT Munitions

It's no secret that HEAT weapons have a much greater penetrating power than sub-caliber projectiles. This is due to the fact that the cumulative jet, consisting of plastically deformed metal, the head of which moves at a speed of 9 km / s and above, makes the steel armor behave according to the laws of hydrodynamics - that is, as in some kind of liquid. But is the devil as terrible as he is painted?

Additional T-62M armor acts against it in several directions at once. But first of all, you need to consider the steel structure itself: the outer cover and the 5 mm thick sheets installed behind it.

It is worth recalling that the cumulative jet is a "triggered" element - reducing its length during armor penetration. Since it does not have its own strength, its head part is literally "smeared" on the edges of the hole in the course of penetration. It is on this that one of the actions of the T-62M armor is based.

At the moment of impact of the projectile on the steel cover of the hinged armor of the T-62M, the formed cumulative jet spends some part of its length on its "breaking" - penetration into the outer layers of the steel mass. In the future, the process more or less settles down, but the lid is not very thick in thickness. Having gone beyond its limits, the jet collides with thinner steel sheets and repeats the same process of "cracking" the outer layers of these sheets over and over again. Due to this, the cumulative jet cannot establish a stable process of penetration into the armor and wastes its length inefficiently.

The second factor in the impact of armor is as follows. Breaking through the barrier, the head elements of the cumulative jet, which are in direct contact with the armor, experience compressive effects. As soon as they break through the armor plate, a phenomenon occurs that can be very conditionally explained by the example of a spring, which was first strongly compressed and then abruptly released. In practice, it looks like this: having penetrated beyond the armor, the head parts of the jet release compression energy and scatter to the sides.

But there are a lot of steel sheets in the armor of the T-62M. Breaking through each of them, the cumulative jet over and over again loses part of its head elements, which scatter after overcoming the next obstacle.

Now let's talk about polyurethane. In fact, it is a quasi-liquid material, which under normal conditions is in a rather solid state. But at the moment of a high-speed impact of a cumulative jet, it begins to behave like a liquid.

In the version proposed by the designers of the T-62 additional armor, there is not much sense from it, but it is there. Firstly, due to its low density, the cumulative jet, having overcome the steel sheet, moves more freely in it, breaking due to the acceleration of the warheads and lagging behind the tails (the speed difference between them can be more than 7 km / s). Secondly, the alternation of densities "steel-polyurethane-steel-polyurethane" further destabilizes the regime of its penetration.

The state of the cumulative jet after overcoming the obstacle "steel sheet + polyurethane + steel sheet". Source: "Particular questions of final ballistics" V.A. Grigoryan, A.N. Beloborodko and others.

The state of the cumulative jet after overcoming the obstacle "steel sheet + polyurethane + steel sheet". Source: V. A. Grigoryan, A. N. Beloborodko et al. “Particular issues of final ballistics”

In addition, the destructive factors of the T-62M armor can be conditionally attributed to the fact that the cumulative jet does not move in a straight "needle", but in waves. Moreover, the amplitude of its oscillations in most cases is such that, penetrating deeper into the barrier, it increasingly touches the edges of the hole, losing penetration. But this merit is not specifically the protection of our tank - any armor with a large thickness will show similar results.

So what do we have as a result? Almost a twofold increase in resistance to cumulative artillery shells, missiles and grenades. If before the modernization the T-62 armor, taking into account the angles of its inclination, could not withstand the impact of ammunition of this type with a penetration of significantly more than 200 mm, then after the installation of additional protection the maximum equivalent of its resistance increased to 450 mm. And this almost corresponds to the armor of the T-64A and early T-64B tanks.

Protection against feathered armor-piercing projectiles

Speaking about the armor of obsolete vehicles, whether it be T-62M or T-72, you need to understand that their combined protection (polyurethane with steel sheets or fiberglass) works relatively well only against "ancient" sub-caliber projectiles with small hard alloy cores . Monoblock impactors made of ductile alloys based on tungsten or uranium overcome it easily. Hence the conclusion: we will talk about obsolete ammunition.

It should also be noted that the polyurethane in the T-62M armor has practically no effect on sub-caliber shells, so the steel covers of its blocks and the thin metal sheets located behind them come to the fore.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the angles of inclination of the armor: they are smaller at the turret, and larger at the forehead of the hull. Mounted protective blocks T-62M are also installed at an angle. Unlike a cumulative jet, which does not have its own strength, sub-caliber projectiles, when introduced into an inclined armor barrier, experience a powerful bending effect, amounting to thousands of megapascals. This happens due to the fact that the steel array set at an angle literally “pushes out” the drummer that penetrates into it and bends its trajectory, making it more parallel to the armor.

An example of the curvature of the trajectory of the core in inclined armor. Source: "Particular questions of final ballistics" V. A. Grigoryan, A. N. Beloborodko and others.

An example of the curvature of the trajectory of the core in inclined armor. Source: V. A. Grigoryan, A. N. Beloborodko et al. “Particular issues of final ballistics”

This effect leads to the fact that the solid core begins to break down already in the process of punching. Having overcome the cover of the T-62M additional protection unit, the drummer receives additional damage, since the stresses accumulated in it are released, as if releasing a spring compressed in the hands. Thinner steel sheets, the space between which is filled with polyurethane, break the core.

X-ray of a bent core after overcoming a thin steel sheet. Source: "Particular questions of final ballistics" V.A. Grigoryan, A.N. Beloborodko and others.

X-ray of a bent core after overcoming a thin steel sheet. Source: V. A. Grigoryan, A. N. Beloborodko et al. “Particular issues of final ballistics”

The body of the projectile (the tube itself with plumage), of course, somewhat saves it from heavy damage, since it moves along with it, but the carbide core reaches the main armor - after the hinged block - rather broken down and with reduced penetration ability.

Also, due to a change in the trajectory of movement, which is affected by the slope of the armor cover of the T-62M hinged protection unit, the core enters the thin steel sheets behind it at an unfavorable angle. Hence its additional destruction and lower penetration.

Curved bodies of feathered sub-caliber projectiles after breaking through inclined steel sheets of small thickness. Source: "Particular questions of final ballistics" V.A. Grigoryan, A.N. Beloborodko and others.

Curved bodies of feathered sub-caliber projectiles after breaking through inclined steel sheets of small thickness. Source: V. A. Grigoryan, A. N. Beloborodko et al. “Particular issues of final ballistics”

Ultimately, such uncomplicated design blocks of hinged protection for the T-62M gave, although not very large, but a very tangible increase in resistance to sub-caliber projectiles, which amounted to more than 150 mm. Taking into account the main armor of the tank, the total equivalent of these ammunition turned out to be at the level 350–380 mm turret and hull.


In the course of modernization, the T-62, which received the “M” index, turned out to be a completely acceptable tank that could be used in non-priority areas, including in local conflicts. Mounted armor favorably distinguished the car from its "brothers", widespread in the early 80s: the American M60, the British "Chieftains" and the German "Leopards 1". For their guns, the T-62M became a tough nut to crack, which, combined with a new sighting system and increased firepower, extended the life of this tank in the ranks, even despite the mass production of new armored vehicles in the face of the T-64/72/80.
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  1. -47
    17 August 2022 16: 04
    Actually, another shame for us, incomprehensible junk goes to war. What, they didn’t know what the SVO would be? What? Couldn’t re-mothball the T72 and put them on alert? , do we have little t6? What was the problem with sending them from storage places? 62 months, 72!
    1. +22
      17 August 2022 16: 17
      There is a lot of incomprehensible and, at first glance, illogical in this special operation. Maybe this is due to the fact that our gsh gives little information? Personally, I have no explanation for this situation.
      1. -35
        17 August 2022 17: 31
        Normal consumption and disposal of old stuff. Sometimes with crews. They pay 10 million rubles.
        Apparently, Africa is not to be shoved already. China comes in with fresh ones? And Brazil and South Africa? What about others?
        1. +8
          18 August 2022 09: 17
          What does it mean sometimes with crews? Is it okay that these are living people who have been trained, trained, who have the relevant experience and knowledge, so that they can be scattered like this for the place of giving the appropriate machines on which they would fully realize their knowledge and experience?
          1. -10
            18 August 2022 09: 45
            I got a lot of cons in a week.
            I showed you and many of you defined “agree-disagree” as it shouldn’t be - to all those who downvoted: go and implement the right thoughts.
            Truth was born in the dispute.
            1. +7
              18 August 2022 09: 47
              What are you so worried about virtual tic-tac-toe?
      2. +12
        17 August 2022 18: 51
        Quote: Leshak
        There is a lot of incomprehensible and, at first glance, illogical in this special operation. Maybe this is due to the fact that our gsh gives little information? Personally, I have no explanation for this situation.

        In my opinion, almost always the incomprehensible, as a rule, has the simplest explanation. Here, to my extreme regret, there is only one conclusion for me, that we, just like Ukraine, sold our more or less normal tanks abroad. Money for the modernization and purchase of a new one was safely sawn, along the way covering this process with a not weak PR type of new equipment, which, in fact, is not very new. Here the SVO shows the technical level of our Armed Forces, which, again, they are trying to cover up by blurring problems, deliberately greatly overestimating the effectiveness of those means that we really have advanced.
      3. +7
        17 August 2022 21: 59
        Quote: Leshak
        There is a lot of incomprehensible and, at first glance, illogical in this special operation.

        And we never had another special operation.
        What is incomprehensible? At first they wanted to negotiate with the "partners". Yes, they want it now. Not all, of course (probably). In addition, some (not all) before the beginning "sworn by mother" that they had agreed, then others swore that they would agree. Hence the "logic". "Kremlin towers". What about GSH? "Stay there, come here!"
      4. +4
        18 August 2022 07: 04
        Quote: Leshak (Leshy)
        Maybe this is due to the fact that our gsh gives little information?

        The General Staff (In any country!) is needed for that, in order to carefully plan operations and, most importantly, top secret! Keywords - carefully planned and top secret.
        Tell me everything and show you!
        1. 0
          18 August 2022 09: 20
          "Plan Carefully"
          You said it yourself.
    2. +9
      17 August 2022 16: 28
      The whole point of using it is to replace BMP and armored personnel carriers. He brought the infantry, went to the rear. At least he has armor on. Not aluminum.
      1. +1
        17 August 2022 22: 18
        And if the T62 is buried in the ground up to the very tower and used as a field gun? If necessary, he will move himself to a new position, support the infantry and is not afraid of small caliber ...
        1. -6
          18 August 2022 07: 38
          A stationary tank is a UAV target
          1. +2
            18 August 2022 08: 30
            they don’t bury him)))) fired back from a tank trench and changed position
            1. -14
              18 August 2022 10: 13
              T-62 any NATO BP will penetrate from any distance what is called "in silhouette" Maybe it's enough to justify the dense stupidity and complete incompetence of the military-political leadership of Russia? produce new equipment and weapons. Hence this ludicrously justifying bleating about how cool and indestructible T-62 Communist Galoshes from the Soviet Union so hated by Putin.
              1. +4
                18 August 2022 11: 38
                just registered and started crying in all topics
                1. -12
                  18 August 2022 18: 50
                  And why cry? This is a fact. The T-62M will break through with any modern RPG and PSU.
                  1. -1
                    19 August 2022 07: 09
                    e90 is also easily destroyed
                    1. -3
                      19 August 2022 10: 34
                      The T-80 is not so easy to hit. Remember the first Chechnya, Grozny. They withstood 5-7 RPG hits. And they remained in service. The T-90M armor does not hold against the RPG-90, not to mention the modern anti-tank weapons of our enemies. Enough, perhaps already, to justify the shameful failure of the rearmament of the army with all sorts of "expediencies" and the use of the T-62 in "secondary" directions. As if there There are no ATGMs and RPGs.
                      1. +2
                        19 August 2022 10: 49
                        there is no failure, how much money the Ministry of Defense gave the government, then they bought so much, they would have given 1000 armats
                      2. -3
                        19 August 2022 15: 32
                        Would they give it if ... What are you, is this serious now ?? You don’t understand chtol that we have no one and nowhere to build new equipment in LARGE SERIES ?? Because we don’t have an industry that could do this. We have At least one Is the GPP still there? In terms of alloys, what do we have? Now we won’t even be able to produce the T-80 armored hull, the technology has been lost. And those factories are no longer there. Are you aware of this? -1000 will they build them right away?!? And which plant will you give from? And in what time frame will it build from ?? In 14 years? And where will they retrain or teach tankers on them? You think about it better. who is to blame.
                      3. 0
                        19 August 2022 15: 44
                        the last one was released in 1998, why make them? engage in modernization for another 20 years, and yes, all because of the money, they will rivet
                      4. -1
                        19 August 2022 15: 59
                        Why make them? Because they run out quickly, can you imagine? They burn, explode, drown ... And the war with the main forces of NATO still looms ahead ... Of course, we must deal with modernization, but we also need to produce new equipment. If we cannot T- 80, then what thousands of Armats are you dreaming of here ?? And there is a lot of money in the country, there is enough for palaces and yachts at the price of a missile cruiser ... Why don’t they give 1000 Armats ??
                      5. +1
                        19 August 2022 16: 03
                        that's it, they do not need to be produced. many thousands are waiting for modernization while standing on conservation, which they do in Omsk, read how many new T-90s were ordered the other day, read how many T-90s were produced for export when they paid money, if they give money, then they will fulfill any whim
                      6. -4
                        19 August 2022 20: 06
                        So? ... Where are your many thousands on modernization ?? Where is the serial modernization, or what do you call it ?? Now they don’t build anything there. And what does it have to do with “for export”? How will they help us AT THE FRONT ??? They won’t fulfill any whim. They won’t fulfill it for any money. didn't even think
                      7. +2
                        22 August 2022 09: 18
                        Mechanical engineering (tank building is a part of mechanical engineering) is a complex and highly skilled work that requires various technologies and methods of labor, provided with personnel who have been trained for years. Even with a lot of money, it is impossible to create a quickly complex and modern machine if the complex is broken. This complex is headed by the machine tool and tool industry, instrument making and the production of electronic components, and metallurgy. Of course frames. But already having this, we can actually talk about tank building and other productions of equipment. Including our favorite cars.
                      8. +1
                        22 August 2022 23: 38
                        I read the memoirs of tankmen who participated in the second Chechen war. They were very delighted with the T-62. We drove into position, fired back, quickly left the tank. The bandits fired at the tank with RPGs and other things, the tankers waited until the shooting calmed down and the tank cooled down, got into the tank again, fired back, left the tank. The bandits fired at him again. And so in a circle. In the end, yes, there were enough penetrations. But the tank never went out of order and continued to work on the positions of the bandits as long as there was a need for this. And the crew remained intact. Such is the story. Every technique has its pros and cons, it's all a matter of using it correctly. In the hands of a fool and a microscope is a hammer, and an uncomfortable one at that.
                      9. 0
                        23 August 2022 00: 45
                        So it is necessary to make BMPT out of it. 57 mm, panoramic sights, Relic and on the road...
                        There are plenty of cars to make. hi
              2. 0
                18 August 2022 19: 56
                Quote from: danil23518
                We must admit the complete failure of the rearmament of the Army, as well as the fact that in Russia it is no longer possible to produce large-scale production of new equipment and weapons.

                We admit... What do you propose to do next?
                Quote from: danil23518
                Hence this ludicrous exculpatory bleating about how cool and unkillable T-62s are

                What if there is nothing new?
                1. +2
                  19 August 2022 07: 10
                  he just wants to cry and scold the government
                  1. +1
                    19 August 2022 07: 19
                    I already noticed that)
                  2. -2
                    19 August 2022 10: 40
                    And you just have to agree with the government in everything. In general, in everything, including the fact that the government has done nothing in terms of preparing for war. You don’t understand that our soldiers are paying for the mistakes of Putin and the Moscow Region with their lives. Every day they pay with their lives and health for the mistakes of Putin and Shoigu. Yes, this FACT is not a reason for you to criticize the actions of the military-political elite.
                    1. +4
                      19 August 2022 10: 50
                      Did they pay for Yeltsin's mistakes before? before that Brezhnev? before this Stalin?
                      1. -1
                        19 August 2022 15: 25
                        Yeltsin’s mistakes and betrayal were paid for in Chechnya and are still being paid for. Before that, what Brezhnev’s mistakes did you pay for? And what Stalin’s mistakes did you pay for?? Russia would not exist.
                      2. +1
                        19 August 2022 15: 39
                        for mistakes that led to large losses of fighters in the Second World War. what is Afghanistan, what is under the king
                      3. 0
                        22 August 2022 22: 30
                        Are you true? for Yeltsin - 2 Chechnya, For Stalin the Great, Brezhnev was even more harmless than Khrushchev,
                2. -3
                  19 August 2022 10: 50
                  What to do? Immediate nationalization of industry (all) and transferring it to a war footing. Partial mobilization and the creation of a combat-ready reserve, trained and prepared. Immediate curtailment of "production" (which still does not exist and will not) of all these unparalleled t-14 \ 15 in the world, Boomerangov, Pak Da and FA, Su-57 (unfortunately) immediate large-scale production of T-90M, T-80BVM, BMP-3M with enhanced protection, Large-scale production of Su-30/35 and Su-34. And most importantly, the President must speak in front of the people and clearly and clearly say that a WAR has begun, and not an incomprehensible NWO, with unclear goals. This war will have its consequences for everyone and everyone, for all the inhabitants of Russia without exception. And therefore all of the above measures are being introduced. Well, it’s true, in short.
                  1. +2
                    19 August 2022 14: 04
                    Quote from: danil23518
                    Immediate nationalization of industry (all) and its transfer to war footing. Partial mobilization and the creation of a combat-ready reserve, trained and prepared. Immediate curtailment of "production" (which still does not exist and will not) of all these unparalleled in the world t-14 \ 15, Boomerangov, Pak Yes, and FA, Su-57 (unfortunately) immediate large-scale production of T-90M, T-80BVM, BMP-3M with enhanced protection, Large-scale production of Su-30/35 and Su-34. And most importantly, the President must speak to the people and clearly and clearly that a WAR has begun, and not an incomprehensible NWO, with unclear goals. This war will have its consequences for everyone and everyone, for all the inhabitants of Russia without exception.

                    Great plan. It feels like it's worked out in every way...

                    The most interesting thing is that when the soldiers start dying already in the T-90M, T-80BVM and other hardware, people like you will start saying that Putin and Shoigu are again to blame for not coming up with anything new, not starting to produce new models and types. .. But the enemy has long had weapons that allow you to destroy the T-90M, T-80EPRST, etc. ...

                    PS I hope you understand that mobilization is paid for by the non-mobilized population?
                    1. -3
                      19 August 2022 15: 06
                      Yes, I understand what is paid for and by whom. But do you see another way out of this dead end? won't you deny it? And yes, Putin and Shoigu didn't re-equip the army with new equipment, isn't that a fact? new ones, as you undoubtedly see. We are in a demographic pit. And we don’t have the capacity to quickly build a lot of T-1941/72 and other Su-80s. what else can we...
                      1. +3
                        19 August 2022 17: 14
                        Putting the economy on a war footing is not optimization. It is rather a forced measure, leading to even greater problems. This measure helps, if anything, to save the country from destruction. And the fighting is going on, as I heard, not on our territory. Correct me if I am wrong. hi
                        Okay, let's mobilize. We get a huge mass of people who are locked up and waiting for something ... they do not know how to fight or have already forgotten how.
                        Well, let's make a bunch of T-90s by some miracle. And how many do you need? To the detriment of what will we do them?
                        And the most important question: why has no one declared war on us yet? We have taken 30% of the territory from this someone by military means, but this someone is silent... Why??
                      2. -2
                        19 August 2022 19: 52
                        I didn't tell you anything about some kind of optimization. And I told you that partial mobilization is needed. Not full, 300 thousand reserves are needed. Trained and ready. No need to keep them locked up, but at least KMB should be completed in their specialties. Artillerymen, tankers, communications, etc. And yes, large-scale production of T-90M is needed. As you say, by some miracle we might be able to mass produce them. We won't be able to T-14\15. Unfortunately. Don't think that I'm some kind of liberal Navalny supporter. I'm worried and rooting for Russia and the Russian people. But there won't be any Armatas, you understand that yourself. And there won't be any Su-57s in reasonable quantities. How many were promised there? About 70 over how many years??? And why should we go to war? Ukrainians they didn't declare it, so that's the question. And what did Putin declare? Did he declare the SVO? And the war is going on. And it will soon be even worse. This is where everything is heading, don't you see?
                      3. +2
                        19 August 2022 20: 13
                        The last years have been going to the war of the West with Russia, not to lie, 400-500)) With varying degrees of success on both sides)
                        Liberal is the right word. It is a pity that we started insulting them... Having mobilized 300 thousand people, we will create huge problems in the economy, because it is necessary to feed these 300 thousand, they also need to be paid. And these people need to be replaced "in the national economy". By whom? It's a question...
                        There are also many questions about the large-scale production of tanks. First of all, we need to talk not about quantity, but about the quality and time of production ... Too complex production chains with the enormous complexity of the machine itself ...
                        And Putin announced the NWO, within which our Armed Forces are used. The declaration of war will lead to the launch of a number of processes in the economy, which the later they start, the better.
                      4. -3
                        19 August 2022 20: 52
                        Now another round has begun, the hot phase of this age-old confrontation. 300000 is not so much, driving them through real study (and not just for show), there will be at least some reserve of trained and trained people. They will have to be withdrawn for at least a year, no drill, parades , reviews, only the study of the VUS with mandatory practice. And nothing else. Who to replace? Yes, not by whom .. Who is to blame for this? A rhetorical question.
                        Quality and quantity, yes, this is a huge problem. We need quality, but we also urgently need quantity. It is large-scale. It is necessary to restore all these chains, right now .. Are we in the government thinking about this?? About the "reorientation of flows" of supplies raw materials abroad.
                      5. +2
                        20 August 2022 07: 29
                        I summarize. You propose to pull 300 thousand people out of production and make them absolute consumers, there is no one to replace these people in production ... And do this for several years.
                        Are you sure you don't want to bring down the Russian economy?
                      6. -2
                        20 August 2022 09: 49
                        From what production? From the production, which employs a small number of workers who can still do something, you don’t need to pull anyone out. Go to the shopping center, young boys are sitting at the checkout for 25 years. there is no work). The conductors on the trams are 30 years old. What, are these critically important workers chtol? not CVO, at least someone will be mobilized and immediately sent to the front. And it would not hurt to bring up all the migrants who want to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation. All under conscription, without talking, otherwise hell, not a passport. I don't want to bring down the Russian economy.
                      7. +1
                        21 August 2022 08: 07
                        We have a draft of about 130 thousand people ... You propose another 300 thousand ... For the same year ...
                        In order for people to "at least know how to do something" ...
                        Out of respect for you, I will regard your words as populism, and not a desire to harm.
                      8. -2
                        22 August 2022 08: 54
                        You say populism? In the USSR, many more people were called up for retraining every year and nothing. The national economy did not collapse. And production did not stop. I myself was retrained twice in my youth and my native DRSU did not collapse without me)). time. The war has begun. And we need to have a trained supply of reservists.
                      9. 0
                        22 August 2022 12: 47
                        There will be no conventional war with NATO. There will be an exchange of nuclear strikes.
                      10. +1
                        24 August 2022 08: 37
                        The nuclear potential of the Russian Federation is not enough to destroy all the necessary objects even in the USA, not to mention Europe.Americans achieved their goal. The war of attrition has begun, equipment and weapons in Russia are rapidly running out, there is no serial production of new equipment, and none is expected. In essence, we were forced to waste money on secondary forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Modern NATO equipment has not even been used yet. Soon nuclear weapons will become our last argument.
                      11. -1
                        26 August 2022 00: 00
                        Nonsense. Not all reserves were used.
                        And there are enough stocks of nuclear weapons to ensure that the United States is completely immersed at the bottom of the ocean, along with Europe.
                      12. -1
                        26 August 2022 05: 55
                        Not even enough for the USA. And they clearly lead us to spend nuclear weapons in Europe. Do not forget about China.
                      13. -1
                        26 August 2022 23: 03
                        Why did you decide it wasn't enough? Even the current stocks of tactical nuclear weapons and strategic nuclear weapons are more than enough to wipe both Europe and the United States off the face of the earth.
                      14. -1
                        27 August 2022 07: 48
                        The power and power of nuclear weapons is greatly exaggerated. It is true, it should be so. So that there is no temptation to use it. There will be no nuclear winter, there will be no mega tsunami and other horror films. mass propaganda among the population, public opinion is being prepared for the possibility of mass use of nuclear weapons. Read, here on VO there was an interesting informative article "Glazing will not work."
                      15. 0
                        29 August 2022 11: 43
                        It will turn out to inflict irreparable damage, after which there will be a complete collapse of the enemy's country, and, possibly, human civilization as a whole. This is more than enough.
                      16. 0
                        23 August 2022 22: 12
                        Talk about the possibility of creating a 300-strong reserve from scratch to an acceptable level of training within 1, yes even 2 years is populism)
                      17. -1
                        26 August 2022 05: 56
                        Of course, populism. Especially if you sit and do nothing in this direction and pretend that everything is great. There is no war, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping ... Coffins are coming ..
                      18. 0
                        22 August 2022 19: 04
                        Russia has long been a colony. True understanding of what is happening only in GCD. Be interested and a way out of the impasse will appear
                      19. 0
                        22 August 2022 23: 27
                        And who should we listen to? Fedorov? Or Starikov, who has fallen out with Fedorov? "- Who do you disagree with - Engels or Kautsky? - Both. They're jabbering and jabbering... Take everything and divide it up, that's all..."
                      20. -1
                        26 August 2022 05: 57
                        So Fedorov is United Russia. He is one of those who made Russia a colony.
    3. +26
      17 August 2022 17: 11
      I may surprise you, but not all T-72s are better than T-62Ms.

      If you meant the T-72A, then it does not differ much in armor from the T-62M. Of course, there is a difference, but for modern anti-tank weapons it does not play a role. At the same time, the T-62M has a much better sighting system. So talk about the need to drive the T-72 from storage is not always justified.

      If they meant the T-72B, then what should be done with the reserve for the production of the T-72B3, because it is from B that they are made.
      1. +5
        18 August 2022 04: 35
        In general, I don’t see anything extraordinary in using the T 62 M. There are a lot of them in warehouses, a lot of ammunition that no longer fits the T-72 (there are unitary ones), why not use it in secondary directions? We still have a lot of BMP 1s, although the GROM cannon is a very unpleasant thing for infantry. A serious batch with NATO will begin, I’m sure the IS, T-35-85 will be removed (if they still exist), everything will go into action. In any case, this is a gun and armor-protection, you can only acquire skills, especially mechanical waters. Driving a T-62 is, of course, tin, I went for levers.
        1. +1
          22 August 2022 12: 49
          Also, I don’t see any problems in using the T-62M. Moreover, they are not used in tank-hazardous areas. Their main habitat is now in the rear and at checkpoints. For this, their weapons and armor are enough. Much better than having an infantry fighting vehicle or armored personnel carrier in the same place.
    4. +6
      17 August 2022 20: 34
      In conditions when the Armed Forces of Ukraine are stupidly breaking and they have nothing to answer with - consider it to be self-propelled guns
      1. 0
        19 August 2022 20: 59
        They have something to answer. And very specifically, they have something. Unfortunately.
        1. 0
          22 August 2022 12: 50
          And what? How can they massively respond? Almost nothing.
    5. +11
      17 August 2022 21: 33
      It's a shame that you consider yourself to be very smart. The T62 is a mobile cannon, a great tank, no worse than the T72, there are a lot of shells in the warehouses. you need to be sent to the Donbass and not given protection by tanks, there is not enough for everyone.
      The power of using a tank in its tactics of use.
      1. -10
        18 August 2022 07: 41
        It is necessary to bring all such smart people into crews and put them in the T-62m and send them to storm Kharkov.
        1. +3
          18 August 2022 08: 31
          better to storm with a tank than without it
          1. -3
            18 August 2022 10: 06
            And then you will also justify the T-54, right? But we hold endless forums, with different supermachines that have no analogues in the world, which will never be in large-scale production and at the front. Festive fireworks, also having no analogues in the world ... And 40-70 killed boys every day .
            1. 0
              22 August 2022 23: 46
              There are thousands of T-62s in warehouses and millions of ammunition for them, which simply do not fit other guns and tanks. You propose to dispose of all this (not for free, of course), to make new T-90M and T-14 tanks and send these new tanks to fight in Ukraine. Great plan for recycling big money.
              Yes, I am also against the death of our fighters. But with massive shelling by modern means, the T-90’s defense will not cope, there is already an example. And the T-62M can be used situationally. His armor is still stronger than the armor of an armored personnel carrier or infantry fighting vehicle.
              1. -2
                26 August 2022 06: 01
                I didn’t propose to dispose of them. Big money?? Yes, billions have already been allocated and mastered. ALREADY. And Where is the T-14/15? T-14M and T-15BVM, BMP-90M
        2. +3
          22 August 2022 12: 50
          No one throws T-62s at the assault on cities, just as they don’t throw them at tank-dangerous directions. Stop spouting nonsense.
          1. -3
            26 August 2022 07: 07
            And where and how will they be used? Every third Ukrainian has an ATGM or RPG.
            1. +1
              26 August 2022 22: 55
              At roadblocks as support for the infantry. Anything is better than an infantry fighting vehicle or an armored personnel carrier.
      2. -4
        18 August 2022 09: 23
        "... and not to give protection by tanks, there is not enough for everyone ..."
        Ingeniously, they reformed, reformed, modernized, modernized, but here everything is just their own and it turns out that there is not enough for everyone.
      3. -7
        18 August 2022 10: 45
        We need to put you in a T-62 as a driver and send you to the front, storm Kharkov.
    6. +12
      17 August 2022 22: 11
      T-62M used 42 motor rifle divisions in Chechnya until 2008, and certainly not because there were not enough tanks.

      The officers told us that they were more effective than the T-72 in this area, often withstanding several hits from RPGs. I think this is because the T-62 projectile is unitary with a metal sleeve and it is not prone to such a fire as the T-72/80/90, while its power is quite enough to support infantry and suppress enemy firing points.
    7. -2
      18 August 2022 18: 59
      "What, didn't you know that there would be a CBO?"
      Where from, until the very last moment even Putin and Lavrov were not in the know, they assured everyone that all Western partners were lying, they were not going to invade Ukraine. Masha from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs kept grinning, like, announce the schedule of invasions, she can’t go on vacation. It’s good that the exercises were held nearby, otherwise it would have been a real disaster.
    8. -3
      18 August 2022 23: 32
      Come on. This is the main point to rub the people. Armata at the parade for a ride, and that's enough. And the boys will go to war and junk. Their children are very far from the army.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    9. 0
      24 August 2022 19: 36
      There's also the issue of portability. T62 is slightly more passable than T72. He has rollers a little already.
  2. +1
    17 August 2022 16: 07

  3. +23
    17 August 2022 16: 17
    The only thing I don’t understand is why the installation of additional blocks and side screens on these tanks, from the same Relic, was not thought out in advance, in order to increase the armor resistance of unprotected places
    1. +4
      17 August 2022 16: 44
      Quote: svp67
      IN ADVANCE it was not thoughtfully installed additional blocks and side screens, from the same "Relic",

      Alas, then there was no "Relict" yet ... "Contact" was, and there were options for its installation (T-62M1), but they considered it apparently redundant (or maybe a shortage at that time). even "Drozd" was on some variants (that's a pity, it's a pity that they didn't survive)
      1. +7
        17 August 2022 18: 53
        Quote: mark1
        Alas, then the "Relic" was not yet ...

        But it is now and it is not at all difficult to install a bulwark and remote sensing on the stern of the tower ...
        Quote: mark1
        Contact "was, and there were options for installing it (T-62M1), but they considered it apparently redundant (or maybe a shortage at that time)

        Not any redundant ones, the T-62MV is precisely the most "extreme" modification of this tank
        1. +7
          17 August 2022 20: 27
          Quote: svp67
          No excess

          You are very radical in your judgments. The T-62M entered service in 83 and gained 5 tons in weight as a result of which the suspension was modified by re-hardening the torsion shafts and increasing their twist angle, the addition of an additional 2-2,5 tons when installing ERA (after 85, it was not accepted into service earlier) was apparently considered excessive (at least according to the cost/effectiveness criterion) since it required additional modification of the suspension and transmission. When using modifications with ERA, the turret armor was not reinforced with additional pads.
          1. 0
            18 August 2022 05: 06
            Quote: mark1
            You are very radical in your judgments

            If radicalism is about protecting people's lives, then yes...
            Quote: mark1
            addition of an additional 2-2,5 tons when installing also a remote sensing

            Nothing terrible will happen, on the contrary, the weight distribution of the tank will improve, it will no longer nod so quickly, but if it’s really good, then the “eyebrows” are off, and instead of them, “relic” plates, this will make the weight distribution even better and take off the weight
    2. +7
      17 August 2022 17: 51
      Probably, like many other things, it was considered EXPENSIVE.. The fact that the tank and crew are an order of magnitude more expensive, then it will be paid for by a completely different department.. But yes, a standard screen a la T-90M is simply necessary, as are factory kits for light armored vehicles.. Why they don’t buy and install, I don’t know, I repeat, they think it’s EXPENSIVE..
    3. -6
      17 August 2022 18: 36
      svp67 - Sergey, with its gun, dynamic protection is a luxury for this old man. There is no place for T62 of any modernization in this war! They should have been sold 10 years ago to any country in the world that could afford to buy them.
      1. +5
        18 August 2022 15: 50
        Quote: Thrifty
        with his gun, dynamic protection for this old man is a luxury.

        Taking into account the fact that the T-62 was removed from the units of the first line only 10 years ago (42nd Motor Rifle Division - division of constant readiness), DZ for him should not have been a luxury, but a means of survival. Especially considering where these tanks served.
        But they also saved money on the 42nd Motor Rifle Division, and in a big way - even T-62s without eyebrows, which appeared on 08.08.08, served in it.
  4. +1
    17 August 2022 16: 18
    Everything is painted beautifully and interestingly, many readers will find new information for themselves.
    Only this will not change the fact that even in the "M" variant, the sixty-two, in the conditions of the current conflict, does not hold any of the PTS in service with the enemy (if you forget about the M-72 to A4 and RPG-18).
    1. -3
      18 August 2022 10: 49
      But this is of no interest to anyone, everyone unanimously praises the shameful failure in terms of rearmament of the Army, and watches parades and biathlon with fireworks.
      1. +2
        18 August 2022 10: 53
        The rearmament of the army has nothing to do with the situation when it is necessary to remove weapons from storage. You can keep screaming about failures, embarrassment and the like if you set yourself such a goal. All the same, these cries will not be objective.
        1. -2
          18 August 2022 20: 36
          Why remove something from storage? If, according to Shoigu, the army is re-equipped by 80% with the latest equipment? Where is all this equipment? In the frames of the BTR-80 and BMP-2? -3B72 is there nothing? Yes, and more and more often the T-3B is in frames, not even the BZ ??
          1. +3
            19 August 2022 09: 06
            Then, during the fighting, the equipment is destroyed and fails. And it needs to be replaced. Here and now.
            1. -5
              19 August 2022 10: 27
              And why should it be replaced with ancient equipment? Maybe with a new one, or at least with the same one? Not? And the t-34-85 will follow your logic. So?
              1. +2
                19 August 2022 10: 50
                Because there is the real world, and there are youthful fantasies.
                New technology is not taken out of thin air.
                T-34-85 will not go anywhere, because they are not. And even if you want to remember the ceremonial specimens, then I will say that all the same, during the conflict in Ukraine, you will not see them, since munitions are not needed for ceremonial tanks, but they are needed for combat operations. And, for obvious reasons, they are long gone.
                1. 0
                  23 August 2022 18: 06
                  Stop feeding the troll. It's counterproductive and pointless.
  5. +6
    17 August 2022 16: 37
    I didn’t understand something, but we have run out of 72s or simply decided to finish off the 62s so that they don’t take up storage space. But they could have sold it to the Papuans.
    1. -4
      17 August 2022 17: 27
      The 72nd go to those units that are fighting on the 72nd ...
      1. +6
        18 August 2022 06: 10
        Following your logic, which is rather dubious, we have units fighting on the 62s. lol fool
        1. 0
          18 August 2022 08: 33
          transferred to the militia of Donbass and volunteer battalions
          1. -3
            18 August 2022 09: 27
            And why are they second-class and do they need equipment of the appropriate level?
            1. -2
              18 August 2022 11: 03
              The militias, apparently, are second-class people, just like the volunteers. Just like in 2014, the Russians in the Donbass turned out to be not Russian enough, compared to the Crimeans.
            2. 0
              18 August 2022 11: 35
              but don’t mosquito rifles bother you? only tanks?
              1. +3
                18 August 2022 12: 34
                By the way, Mosin rifles, if chosen correctly, in skilled hands, and with the appropriate sight, are a serious thing.
                1. +7
                  18 August 2022 12: 58
                  then this tank in capable hands can also show itself
                  1. -2
                    18 August 2022 13: 01
                    Purely female logic. There, many other moments and their derivatives come into play. hi
                    1. +2
                      18 August 2022 13: 19
                      okay, I agree))))
              2. -2
                26 August 2022 11: 41
                Mosquitoes are very embarrassing. And not only.
              3. -2
                26 August 2022 11: 44
                How about you? Is it normal for you that we have infantry with mosquitoes?
                1. 0
                  26 August 2022 11: 55
                  no, it’s not normal, I think that they didn’t give the LDNR normal weapons in advance so that they wouldn’t plunder, now everyone got machine guns
                  1. -2
                    26 August 2022 13: 23
                    Do you think they steal weapons there??
                    1. -1
                      26 August 2022 13: 30
                      before the war they could steal
        2. +1
          18 August 2022 14: 22
          The 72nd go to those units that are fighting on the 72nd ...

          Following your logic, which is rather dubious, we have units fighting on the 62s.

          The second statement does not follow at all from the first ...
          lol fool
  6. 0
    17 August 2022 16: 44
    The armament of the T-62M is of most interest, especially the capabilities of sub-caliber shells with a uranium core. Too bad there isn't much information.
    1. -1
      26 August 2022 11: 45
      Is there a 115mm with a uranium core?
      1. 0
        26 August 2022 13: 41
        Isn't that what the article is about?
  7. -2
    17 August 2022 16: 55
    T-64 is now nothing. So at least the Armat company would have been run in battles with the Bandera scum. Let reality show what and how the new tank holds.
    1. -9
      17 August 2022 17: 20
      And what will we show at the parades? Sorry, the armats will wait, let them fight on the T54 and 62
    2. +4
      18 August 2022 06: 08
      So already rolled, though not everyone was told about it. Flashed message.
  8. +1
    17 August 2022 17: 06
    I still don’t understand, okay, Ukraine, in its case they can use the T-62 from their warehouses, because there are no other models or very few.

    But do we seem to have a bunch of T-72s in storage? Why not use the already invented and implemented modernization packages to supply such equipment to the troops of the LDNR (and, as it is basically announced, the T-62 is for them). The T-64 is still too old a tank, and many elements of its layout will not allow even with modernization to make its protection acceptable to the modern level. The layout itself, design and mechanisms will not allow achieving the same result as the T-72 and T-80 during modernization.
    It would be better if these T-62s from warehouses were converted into heavy infantry fighting vehicles or self-propelled guns of the front line and sold to the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa. There would be more meaning and benefit. For example, having converted a large batch of T-62s into infantry fighting vehicles, it would be possible to profitably sell a huge batch to someone from the countries of Africa and the Middle East, since there are still many of the same T-62 tanks obtained back in Soviet times. In addition, as a tank, the T-62 has not been listed on the world arms market for a long time, but by turning it into an infantry fighting vehicle or armored personnel carrier, you can dramatically increase sales.

    And we can send the proceeds to accelerate the modernization of the T-80/90.
    1. +4
      17 August 2022 17: 24
      For example, having converted a large batch of T-62s under the BMP

      What country do you see in buyers? The BMP will turn out golden: redo the transmission, since the engine must be moved forward, completely redo the hull in order to get the troop compartment, there is no sense without DZ, hang the whole box, put the weapon module instead of the gun. You can’t sell it to countries with money, they have plenty to choose from, countries without money will not be able to afford it.
      1. +1
        17 August 2022 18: 40
        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
        The infantry fighting vehicle will turn out golden: redo the transmission, since the engine must be moved forward, completely redo the hull to get the troop compartment, there is no sense without remote sensing, hang the whole box, put the weapon module instead of the gun

        The Jews did it, and it turned out pretty good. And they know how to count money.
        1. +1
          17 August 2022 19: 07
          This is again, entering a new circle, for the same reason. Old Soviet tanks in the Middle East are being converted for completely different reasons, not at all because they are no good or BMPs are good. They are reworking because they cannot maintain their weapons complex or cannot manufacture new chassis on their own. They don't do that in Eastern Europe, they prefer to modernize, even the T-55.
        2. -1
          18 August 2022 09: 30
          How to save your soldiers.
        3. +2
          18 August 2022 09: 41
          And how many Ahzarites did they sell?
          The Israelis staged a dance with a tambourine for a number of objective factors (starting with the fact that they simply could not use the captured T-55s as tanks), in the case of which the cost of the final product fades into the background.
          1. +2
            18 August 2022 09: 46
            Quote: Nefarious skeptic
            And how many Ahzarites did they sell?

            So they didn't offer it for sale, they used it themselves. They don't sell Merkavas either, although the whole world admits that for the specific conditions in which they are used, the car is ideal.
            Do you think that really heavy tracked armored personnel carriers with a level of protection like that of MBT would not be useful in NWO?
            1. +2
              18 August 2022 09: 49
              Do you think that really heavy tracked armored personnel carriers with a level of protection like that of MBT would not be useful in NWO?

              I think ... it's better to carefully read the interlocutors in order to follow their thread of conversation
              Quote: Mustache Cock
              It would be better if these T-62s from warehouses were converted into heavy infantry fighting vehicles or self-propelled guns of the front line and would sell to the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa. There would be more meaning and benefit. For example, having converted a large batch of T-62s for infantry fighting vehicles, one could with a profit to sell a huge lot to someone from the countries of Africa and the Middle East
    2. +5
      17 August 2022 18: 02
      Quote: Mustachioed Kok
      But do we seem to have a bunch of T-72s in storage?

      The question is, where exactly are these warehouses?
      The opinion has already been expressed that the tanks were taken from the warehouses closest to the place of the NWO, so as not to be dragged across the country.
      Like it or not, God knows, but...
    3. -5
      17 August 2022 18: 03
      Leave the tanks in storage alone, they will come in handy just like tanks. It will be necessary to make heavy infantry fighting vehicles, they will be made on new chassis, comfortable and modern.
    4. 0
      18 August 2022 09: 29
      The thought creeps in that they are no longer a bunch in storage.
    5. -5
      18 August 2022 11: 07
      You don’t need to sell them, converted into infantry fighting vehicles ... And supply them to your army, our guys are fighting on plywood BMP-1 .. Kapets, there’s nothing newer ...
  9. -4
    17 August 2022 17: 47
    Quote: Eduard Perov
    I may surprise you, but not all T-72s are better than T-62Ms.

    If you meant the T-72A, then it does not differ much in armor from the T-62M. Of course, there is a difference, but for modern anti-tank weapons it does not play a role. At the same time, the T-62M has a much better sighting system. So talk about the need to drive the T-72 from storage is not always justified.

    If they meant the T-72B, then what should be done with the reserve for the production of the T-72B3, because it is from B that they are made.

    The person knows what he writes, he registered on August 9, but already an ensign! And it splatters with righteous poison, and it splatters!
  10. 0
    17 August 2022 18: 09
    Actually, KAZ would have been put on this tank, and quite a good machine would have turned out for a war with the enemy, who mainly has cumulative ammunition.
    1. +6
      17 August 2022 20: 07
      KAZ on T-62, are you serious? Maybe we'll start with the T-90M or T-72B3. What do we have, all new tanks are equipped with them.
      1. +5
        17 August 2022 20: 28
        Quote from: New-pechkin
        KAZ on T-62, are you serious?

        T-62 with KAZ existed back in 1983.

        Quote from: New-pechkin
        Maybe we'll start with the T-90M or T-72B3.

        Start with them, I don't mind. In general, I would equip all armored vehicles with KAZ.
        1. 0
          18 August 2022 12: 59
          T-62 with KAZ existed back in 1983.
          Let's look in museums for a working KAZ Drozd.
          Start with them, I don't mind. In general, I would equip all armored vehicles with KAZ.
          I agree here. But this is like for all the good, against all the bad.
          1. 0
            18 August 2022 14: 59
            Quote from: New-pechkin
            Let's look in museums for a working KAZ Drozd.

            How about making new ones? Is prosperous capitalist Russia unable, with the current level of components available in any radio store, to reproduce the functionality of Soviet electronics of the early eighties?
            1. -2
              26 August 2022 11: 49
              As you can see, no. Modern Russia is no longer able to mass-produce anything and with high quality, as you can see
  11. KCA
    17 August 2022 18: 11
    And if polyurethane is replaced by high-molecular high-density polyethylene? Bulletproof vests are now being made from it, some even hold 12.7, for penetration, I, as it were, omit the dynamic strike
  12. +4
    17 August 2022 18: 29
    Good article, respect to the author. Only the rangefinder is not "quantum" but laser, or rather the name will be.
    1. +5
      17 August 2022 19: 05
      The rangefinder and quantum and laser are one and the same. wink
      1. +3
        17 August 2022 19: 12
        The rangefinder and quantum and laser are one and the same.
        Yes, I know, but the term is very outdated. You would also call it OKG (optical quantum generator), in the 60s of the last century, this is how lasers were called. And computers were then called ETsVM (digital), so as not to be confused with analog computers. And in books on hydrodynamics of the 30-40s, the kinetic energy of the flow is called "living force" (Kibel, Kochin, Rose, Theoretical Hydrodynamics). The terms are changing.
        1. +1
          17 August 2022 19: 22
          Quote: Aviator_
          Yes, I know, but the term is very outdated.

          If the passport of the device says "tank quantum rangefinder", then what is it called?
          1. +4
            17 August 2022 19: 35
            If the passport of the device says "tank quantum rangefinder", then what is it called?
            So the passport is from the early 60s. I dealt with the laser heads from these rangefinders, they were remade for different purposes.
            1. 0
              17 August 2022 20: 33
              Quote: Aviator_
              So the passport is from the early 60s.

              I specifically searched and found on the net a brochure "The VOLNA fire control system with a KDT-2 rangefinder of the T-55M tank. Technical description and operating instructions." Dated 1987. The range finder in it is called quantum.
              1. +2
                17 August 2022 21: 25
                Dated 1987. The range finder in it is called quantum.
                So the author did not bother with this issue, as it was in the years of his youth, and left it. It's just that by the mid-70s the term had fallen out of use.
                1. +1
                  17 August 2022 22: 25
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  So the author did not bother with this issue, as it was in the years of his youth, and left it.

                  The author there is the Combat Training Directorate of the Leningrad Military District.
                  1. +3
                    18 August 2022 08: 26
                    The author there is the Combat Training Directorate of the Leningrad Military District.
                    This was not done by the "management", but by a very specific executor who prepared and submitted the document for signature to the authorities, after which the document was approved.
                    1. 0
                      18 August 2022 08: 47
                      Quote: Aviator_
                      This was not done by the "management", but by a very specific executor who prepared and submitted the document for signature to the authorities, after which the document was approved.

                      And they all "just didn't bother with the question."
          2. 0
            17 August 2022 19: 50
            Quote: DenVB
            If the passport of the device says "tank quantum rangefinder", then what is it called?

  13. +4
    17 August 2022 18: 32
    It is absolutely pointless to discuss the reservation of the T-62 as part of your own, because this tank makes its way in any direction with all the anti-tank weapons available there.
    And the use of this tank says only one thing ... However, you can’t continue, otherwise you can run into discredit
    1. -4
      17 August 2022 19: 00
      If this T 62M is equipped with side and turret armored screens and dynamic protection is installed on them, install KAZ Arena 2 and a high armored visor on the turret equipped with side lattice screens and equip the tank with the same DJI drones, this tank will become what it needs in the fighting in Ukraine, all the more the T 62M has shrapnel shells and the Sheksna KUV with the Kastet missile penetrating 850 mm of armor at a distance of almost 6 kilometers, and the 115 mm high-explosive fragmentation shells are in no way inferior to the same 122 mm shells from Gvozdika self-propelled guns.
      1. 0
        17 August 2022 19: 10
        In addition, the armor penetration of a projectile with a uranium core is interesting, the length of which is not limited by the features of the automatic loader.
      2. 0
        23 August 2022 00: 10
        "Our plane has a swimming pool, a dance floor, a restaurant, cozy recreation areas, a winter garden on board ... Dear passengers, fasten your seat belts, now we will try to take off with all this garbage." The modernization you described requires at least a crew that knows how to service KAZ, competently use drones, etc. And how much such a modification will cost and, most importantly, it will take time (especially testing and coordination) is better not to mention at all.
  14. +4
    17 August 2022 18: 56
    Everyone is making noise about this tank!
    But if we replace the word "tank" with "highly armored self-propelled gun", then everything immediately falls into place. This is just a means of supporting the advancing infantry.
    For such a purpose, even the tanks of the Second World War can be used in full.
    In any case, it will not be worse than the BMP-3
    1. 0
      23 August 2022 00: 12
      Bravo. I completely agree. Unfortunately, I can't express my thoughts so concisely and clearly.
  15. +7
    17 August 2022 19: 05
    Quote: Vadim237
    If this T 62M is equipped with side and turret armored screens and dynamic protection is installed on them, install KAZ Arena 2 and a high armored visor high on the turret

    and if you take and saturate the troops with modern T-90 tanks with installed active defense systems, it will be much better. And a lot more live tankers
    1. 0
      18 August 2022 14: 59
      Maybe we shouldn't mix everything up - modernization of existing equipment and purchasing new ones, especially since they decided to leave the T 62M for mobilization. If we take care of the T 62M properly, we can make a good assault tank out of it in case of large-scale military actions, which are currently happening in Ukraine. And yes, the T 72, T 80 and T 90 have a significant drawback - their automatic loader with projectiles, which, when the armor is penetrated, causes a strong fire and explosion of the ammo - the T 62M is much more reliable in this regard.
  16. +7
    17 August 2022 19: 20
    Against the mass use of RPGs and other junk from geyropa by banderlogs, the T-62M is an excellent support vehicle compared to infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers.
    1. -3
      18 August 2022 09: 34
      Excuse me, of course, please, but don’t you want to ride on this beautiful (for its time) car, when RPG bandergols and other junk from geyropa will be used on it?
      1. -1
        18 August 2022 15: 10
        If the T 62M is additionally armored with DZ and KAZ Drozd 2, why not - you can make candy out of this tank now, it has a KUV, it has shrapnel ammunition, it needs modern sighting systems, the same copters for reconnaissance and gun guidance, and the above, and it will be a very strong and modern tank for conducting intensive combat operations in urban areas and not only all its available ammunition is enough to destroy the entire range of equipment that the enemy uses and suppress firing points.
      2. -1
        18 August 2022 20: 20
        No, they don’t want to, they’re all used to agreeing with all the decisions of the government and the Defense Ministry, without exception, despite their absurdity, and sometimes frankly sabotage (to say the least). They don’t recognize the fact of a complete failure in re-equipping the Russian Armed Forces, about which Shoigu told so cheerfully. It’s not for them to go into battle against the enemy’s saturated anti-tank systems, RPGs and artillery. It’s not for them to burn in tanks ..
  17. 0
    17 August 2022 20: 31
    Quote: air wolf
    Against the mass use of RPGs and other junk from geyropa by banderlogs, the T-62M is an excellent support vehicle compared to infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers.

    And what about BMP and BTR? Or did they disappear and were left alone with the T62?
    I'm just blown away how the same audience on the site has been reforged. Let's send t34. They are also better armored than BMPs.
    1. +5
      17 August 2022 20: 51
      Quote: certero
      Let's send t34. They are also better armored than BMPs.

      Indeed, it is precisely as a means of fire support for infantry that the T-34-85 will be better than the BMP-1. And if you also put the stabilizer of the gun and the FCS at least at the level of the T-62M, then it will turn out to be a combat machine.

      But it seems to me that we have much less T-34-85 than T-62, so there will be no practical sense in such upgrades.
    2. -2
      18 August 2022 20: 23
      That's right, why t-14 \ 15, Kurgans with all sorts of Boomerangs, there are a lot of BMP-1 \ 2, t-64, and probably the T-54 is still lying around somewhere, along with SOVIET galoshes, for walking on the sand
  18. +2
    17 August 2022 21: 31
    The strength of T62 is in tactics.
  19. -1
    17 August 2022 23: 58
    Quote: Victor Sergeev
    The strength of T62 is in tactics.

    Here is the truth already scribe.
    in all seriousness we are discussing that the use of the t-62 is correct and that it is only important to adjust the tactics of its use.
    How strikingly different it is from reasoning to a special operation.
    When they mainly talked about how our Aerospace Forces would bomb Ukrainians, and our artillery, controlled by the Red Army, will complete the rout.
    The use of the t-62 is the crap of our army and our state. Simply because the t-62 does not protect against any anti-tank weapons at all.
    1. +2
      18 August 2022 08: 39
      judging by all the videos, it is used in the steppe in an open area, try to get close to it for a shot
    2. 0
      18 August 2022 08: 59
      Quote: certero
      The use of the t-62 is the crap of our army and our state.

      In a broad sense, yes. But what can we do if we no longer have real opportunities for large-scale production of new armored vehicles and modern weapons in general. We stretch the legs along the clothes.

      Quote: certero
      we are seriously discussing that the use of the t-62 is right

      In the current situation, yes. Or would you prefer a Mosin rifle?

      Quote: certero
      Simply because the T-62 does not protect against any anti-tank weapons at all.

      Well, the Americans are now adopting a new light tank. Estimated performance characteristics: weight - 38 tons, gun - 105 mm. Doesn't it remind you of anything?
    3. +1
      18 August 2022 20: 28
      Only these "crap girls" will never be recognized by anyone, and they will justify the failure of rearmament by "secondary areas", by some bodies of some checkpoints or whatever else ... As if RPGs and all sorts of Javelins are not used at checkpoints. Wait, soon they will justify the T-54 just as accurately, telling what an awesome tank it is, where there is some kind of wed T-90M before it.
  20. -1
    18 August 2022 00: 00
    Was even one car lost? Ukrainians must dance around long and tediously.
  21. +4
    18 August 2022 09: 48
    The Russian Federation's combat units lack tanks with a fresh fire control system. Therefore, the transfer of T-62s with BHVTs to volunteer units and the Armed Forces of the republics is quite understandable. Another thing is unclear: why didn't they coat them with the same fifth contact and stick on grilles? Plus, the modernization of the optics (I wonder if a pine tree can be tied to a T-62 with blue electrical tape?). Even with the loss of mobility and reliability of the suspension, this had to be done. Russia is not planned for the English Channel yet. But it will add a lot of survivability.
    1. -1
      18 August 2022 15: 01
      To which combat units - all T 62Ms are transferred to DPR units and volunteers in the regular troops, there are none in Ukraine.
      1. 0
        18 August 2022 20: 29
        And who are the volunteers?
  22. +1
    18 August 2022 10: 46
    Quote: DenVB
    In the current situation, yes. Or would you prefer a Mosin rifle

    I wanted to ask what happened? Do you really think we've run out of other tanks? And if other tanks are over, then this is a complete scribe.
    1. 0
      18 August 2022 15: 04
      Quote: certero
      I wanted to ask what happened? Do you really think we've run out of other tanks? And if other tanks are over, then this is a complete scribe.

      It was discussed in the same thread.
  23. 0
    18 August 2022 10: 47
    Quote: DenVB
    Well, the Americans are now adopting a new light tank. Estimated performance characteristics: weight - 38 tons, gun - 105 mm. Reminds nothing

    Reminds that the American army is arranged quite differently. It has modern communications, a huge amount of guided weapons, powerful air support, and so on and so forth.
    1. +1
      18 August 2022 15: 05
      Quote: certero
      Reminds that the American army is arranged quite differently. It has modern communications, a huge amount of guided weapons, powerful air support, and so on and so forth.

      That is, they only need a light tank to go to the store for beer?
  24. 0
    18 August 2022 12: 17
    Now there is a sea of ​​videos with penetration simulations. It seems to me that they are much more informative than such articles.
  25. -1
    18 August 2022 18: 40
    Quote: DenVB
    That is, they only need a light tank to go to the store for beer?

    Let's not get too far off topic. T-62 breaks through all anti-tank weapons in any projection.
    1. 0
      19 August 2022 13: 01
      Due to the absence of an automatic loader, a uranium-core projectile of almost any length can be used in it. In the future, this may come in handy.
  26. 0
    18 August 2022 21: 30
    Quote: certero
    T-62 breaks through all anti-tank weapons in any projection.

    All our infantry fighting vehicles, from the first to the third, also make their way through anti-tank weapons in any projection. Your cap.
  27. 0
    18 August 2022 22: 45
    Lord, I already thought that these tin cans were melted down from storage bases a long time ago - but no! It turns out that their places were not filled with "Armata".
  28. +1
    19 August 2022 02: 18
    A tank cannot be obsolete, it may not be on the move and without ammunition. Against an enemy who does not have heavy or specialized anti-tank weapons and a ml-tb with a machine gun is already a tank. Everything that protects against bullets up to 20mm and shrapnel is already armor. And with skillful use, a very serious weapon.
    In a big war, cool nishtyaks and high technologies will end quickly, but the T-55,62,72 which were riveted for a hundred thousand is a very serious argument, which you still need to get into, and once you hit it.
    1. +1
      19 August 2022 13: 04
      Tank for stripping, everything that needs to be stripped. Even forest belts are more convenient to fire than with an automatic loader. You can release almost the entire ammunition load without reloading.
  29. -1
    19 August 2022 09: 58
    Here it is - the result of the rearmament of the army.
    Stop justifying sending old T-62 scrap metal to the war. It's a shame.
    Those responsible for this should be punished as soon as possible. To be a lesson to others.
  30. 0
    19 August 2022 14: 46
    Cool upgrade for its time.
    How to quickly increase the protection of the tank, especially from cumulative
  31. +1
    22 August 2022 15: 53
    It’s funny for me to read comments about the T-62, it’s a shame, you need to send a T-90 or Armata.
    The question is which is better? T-62 or 4 guys with AKs? In Novorossiya there was mobilization + volunteers. And for sure among them were men 40+ with VUS "special T-62". So what? Send them to the trenches? Or send T-62 tanks? If they didn’t paint the curbs, but how did our 160th Guards Tank Regiment conduct exercises with firing 2-3 times a week during the hot training period? It would be a sin to send them as infantry.
    Say, they say, well, then they would be sent to be retrained for more modern T-72 or T-80, T-90. There is such a thing as age and the ability to learn, to retrain. With age, a person perceives new information worse and it would take longer to retrain mature men. On the T-72 it is better to send younger guys who are already familiar with them.
    About armor. In 2001, our 160th tank was re-equipped from T-62 to T-72. Each model has its pluses and minuses, the only ones who were definitely happy were the T-62s loading :) Officers and experienced sergeants argued which tank was better. But I remember well what one officer said. “If you suddenly have to end up in a tank that an ATGM will definitely hit, then it’s better to end up in a T-62, the chances of surviving are much higher.
    Well, the best armor of any tank, even the T-62, even the T-90 or Abrams, is the competent interaction of all branches of the military, competent command and control of the troops. If the bosses are stupid, if the crews are poorly trained, then tanks of all types, with any protection, burn and explode.
  32. -2
    22 August 2022 18: 03
    2022 ... t-62 ... Is everything exactly according to plan?
  33. -1
    23 August 2022 11: 03
    On t-: "the center of gravity is shifted forward, which has an unsatisfactory effect on both running and combat qualities. Judging by the photo and article, the situation has only worsened and it cannot be used purely as a tank ... Like self-propelled guns, yes. By the way, it was originally its purpose it was to fight Leopard-1 tanks .... that is, a well-armored self-propelled guns ..
    1. 0
      25 August 2022 19: 58
      T62 was made when the T55 stopped taking the frontal projection of the M60
  34. kig
    21 October 2022 05: 56
    Hence the conclusion: we will talk about obsolete ammunition
    Actually, this can be the end.
  35. 0
    31 July 2024 20: 21
    I wonder what equivalent increase in protection will be given by installing the Kontakt-1 DZ on the frontal armor with metal-polyurethane filler, I saw a photo from the Northern Military District combat zone, where a T-62M tank has a DZ mounted on it.