Fast global strike in Russian performance


“... The building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Live.
The ceremony of awarding the fighters of the Ukrainian nationalist units was held with special pomp - the president, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, representatives of law enforcement agencies, the press and invited foreign guests. The President of Ukraine Zelensky, with a face in the style of "Harold hiding pain", fixed the highest state award of Ukraine on the chest of another neo-Nazi - what was happening did not give him much joy, since, according to available information, the recipient was guilty of raping minors, torturing and killing hundreds of civilians, organ trafficking, numerous confirmed robberies and theft. But what to do? Having sold his soul to the devil, or rather to his henchmen in the person of the CIA and MI-6, there is no turning back, he had to pull on the duty “political” smile and do what he was told, because he is a lackey, he is a lackey in independent Ukraine.

Stormy applause turning into ovations, joyful smiles on faces, flashes of cameras - all of a sudden, there was a terrible roar ...
The broadcast was interrupted for a second, but then resumed - the camera was lying on its side. Directly in front of the camera, the face of President Zelensky, distorted by pain and horror, froze, green snot stuck out of his nose, inhuman cries escaped from his mouth - he jerkily tried to crawl on the floor, but it didn’t work out well - it was clear that both his legs were torn off. In the background, there was some kind of mess of human bodies and building debris - dust, smoke, flames... There was a second, even stronger explosion, and the broadcast was interrupted completely...»

This is how the Russian special operation in Ukraine could begin, and possibly end, provided that at that moment weapon, capable of inflicting a quick, accurate and inevitable strike over thousands of kilometers, a weapon that our country is quite capable of creating. The idea of ​​creating such a weapon has long been sitting in the heads of the highest military officials of the leading countries of the world.

The unfulfilled story of American rapid global strike

The concept of a rapid global strike (BGU), developed by the United States in the late nineties and early XNUMXs, meant providing the US armed forces (AF) with the opportunity to strike anywhere on the planet within an hour. With the help of conventional weapons, this is unattainable, therefore, the arsenal of the BGU forces should have included:

- land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) ​​in non-nuclear equipment;

- hypersonic weapons;

- orbital impact platforms.

Each of the types of promising weapons had its own advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, it is easiest to convert ICBMs and SLBMs into carriers of non-nuclear warheads, but their use can cause triggering Russian missile attack warning systems or China and provoke a retaliatory strike. Hypersonic weapons are still at the initial stage of their development., even now its number is extremely limited, let alone what it was 20 years ago. BUT orbital impact platforms and currently do not exist in reality, although a revolution in the creation of heavy, fully reusable launch vehicles can fundamentally change the situation in the next decade.

It is possible that American unmanned orbital "shuttles" can be used not only for reconnaissance and technology development ...

Fast global strike in Russian performance

...and even if not, the United States may soon have a truly revolutionary ability to deliver cargo to near-Earth orbit.

Ultimately, the concept of a rapid global strike, apparently, was “shelved”, although some American officials say that already in 2010 the United States had the ability to inflict BGU - most likely, this is a lie, although who knows .. .

It's funny that Russia, which, in fact, did not develop the BSU concept, had the greatest chances to implement it first, because it was in Russia that the Avangard hypersonic glide warhead with a nuclear warhead was created. Potentially, this weapon could be created with a conventional warhead, and the scenario described at the beginning of the article could already be implemented, but the choice of the country's leadership leaned towards strategic nuclear forces.

The United States is catching up with Russia with its Hypersonic Weapons System (HWS) program, which is based on the Common Hypersonic Glide Body (C-HGB) guided maneuverable planning hypersonic warhead with a conventional warhead, that is, these weapons will be used, and, given the "habits" of the United States , leaders of countries unfriendly to America should think about enhanced camouflage measures or even moving to Russia.

Presentation of HWS and C-HGB

Previously, the issues of creating such weapons were considered in the article. "Planning hypersonic warheads: projects and prospects".

The Threatening Reality of a Sudden Disarming Strike

A sudden disarming strike - apart from high-level betrayal, this is the most dangerous thing that can threaten our country. Neither the United States nor NATO can defeat Russia with any other forces, because even the use of nuclear weapons in the format of delivering retaliatory strikes will not make the attacker a winner - it will be a pyrrhic victory.

Possible options for nuclear and non-nuclear conflicts were previously considered in the articles:

- “What can she be? Nuclear War Scenarios ",
- “What can she be? Scenarios of conventional war".

Our enemies know this and are actively working on the possibility of delivering a sudden disarming strike, as well as creating the necessary means for this. Among the most dangerous means of the first strike of the enemy, one can name American nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) of the Ohio type with the Trident II SLBM, capable of striking along a flat trajectory with a short flight time.

In this case, there may not be enough time to make a decision on delivering a retaliatory strike, and then it will be too late - there will be nothing to answer with. The issues of the US destruction of the Russian nuclear shield and ways to counter this were previously considered in the material. Nuclear math: how many nuclear charges does the US need to destroy Russian strategic nuclear forces?

Potentially, the United States can strike with nuclear charges anywhere in our country in 5-7 minutes, while being outside the zone in which they can be detected by the Russian Navy

However, now we are primarily interested in the very possibility of launching ICBMs or SLBMs along a flat trajectory, which opens up significant prospects for their alternative use.

Limitless prospects

An inescapable weapon capable of destroying the enemy at a great distance in a matter of minutes. Such a weapon could be an ideal tool for destroying the leaders of hostile states..

Currently, Russia is one of the world leaders in the creation of hypersonic weapons, as an example, we can cite well-known complexes "Dagger" and Zircon. However, the mass of the warhead thrown by the "Dagger" or "Zircon" most likely does not exceed 500 kilograms. If the warhead is nuclear, this is more than enough, and if it is conventional, then it may not be enough to destroy large or buried objects. The flight range of the "Dagger" and "Zircon" is supposedly about 1 kilometers, without taking into account the range of the carrier. The cost of newly created hypersonic weapons can be quite high, and the quantity produced is limited by the capabilities of industry.

Hypersonic missile systems "Dagger" (above) and "Zirkon" (below)

At the same time, Russia has a significant fleet of ICBMs and SLBMs, the term of operation of which as part of the strategic nuclear forces (SNF) is coming to an end. Isn't it a pity to throw away such a luxurious weapon?

Of course, it can be used, for example, with the refinement of the third stage be used to launch civilian satellites into orbit. But life has shown that in the current reality we need weapons. Lots of weapons. Lots of modern, highly effective weapons.

On the one hand, Russia has an aeroballistic "Dagger" and a hypersonic "Zircon", capable of accurately hitting targets with a conventional warhead, on the other hand, the Russian strategic nuclear forces have the aforementioned "Vanguard".

Taken together, this allows us to suggest that the Russian industry can create on the basis of ICBMs and SLBMs with expiration dates operational-strategic conventional weapons capable of delivering powerful and inevitable strikes against stationary enemy targets.

First of all, the question arises - how to minimize the likelihood that launching ICBMs and SLBMs with a conventional warhead will be perceived by the enemy as the beginning of a nuclear attack, as we discussed earlier?

First of all, the enemy itself, the United States, “plays along” with us, since 60% of their strategic nuclear forces are in the maritime component, and the second largest land component is located in 450 protected silo launchers. At the moment, Russia is physically incapable of inflicting a sudden disarming strike on the United States. If we talk about a sudden decapitation strike - the destruction of the country's leadership, then here the United States has everything worked out - a presidential helicopter, a presidential plane, and in general, a decapitation strike is an unreliable thing.

Do not forget about the capabilities of the US missile defense system (ABM). The American missile defense system cannot repel a massive launch of Russian ICBMs and SLBMs, but single strikes are quite.

All of the above suggests that the United States can feel more confident and not take rash steps in the event of a suspected launch of Russian ICBMs and SLBMs. However, you should not rely only on the restraint of the US government, especially since Alzheimer's disease does not contribute to making informed decisions.

Taking into account the current geopolitical situation for Russia, the priority task can be considered the defeat of targets with conventional weapons at a range of about two to three thousand kilometers. The fact that this is possible is confirmed by launches of American Trident II SLBMs along a flat trajectory - the minimum range is 2 kilometers, or approximately 300 minutes of flying time.

The question remains of the warhead and its guidance. Hypersonic gliding warhead? Most likely, such weapons will be too expensive.

Perhaps the best solution would be to use a maneuvering warhead flying along a ballistic trajectory, the control system of which will be based on the solutions used in the Dagger, Zircon and Avangard. Probably, in order to obtain the necessary guidance accuracy in the final section, it will be necessary to slow down the rate of decline of the warhead in one way or another.

Thus, in the original version, we have an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering a warhead weighing one to one and a half tons to a range of about ten to twelve thousand kilometers. This range must be "exchanged" for a flight along an energetically unfavorable trajectory for a range of about two to three thousand kilometers and an increase in the mass of the warhead, which is necessary to accommodate guidance and control systems, as well as directly to the conventional warhead.

What will be its mass? It is difficult to answer, perhaps the same ton and a half will remain directly on the warhead, or maybe it will be two or three tons - after all, we are reducing the flight range by five to six times, even if we are flying along a non-optimal trajectory. The warhead of such a mass will be equivalent to the FAB-3000 aerial bomb, the destructive power of which will be supplemented by a falling speed higher than that of a conventional high-explosive aerial bomb.

The funnel, presumably from the FAB-3000 air bomb, should be the same everywhere where the military-political leadership of Ukraine may be located. Fighterbomber image

Such a conventional medium-range ICBM/SLBM would pose a limited threat to the US, although the Europeans would, of course, squeal. Of course, according to the current rules of the START-3 treaty, each such missile will be counted as one ICBM with nuclear warheads, but in the end, several dozen "converted" ICBMs or SLBMs will not affect nuclear deterrence in any way, but they can bring a lot of benefits. And it's time to say goodbye to the START-3 treaty - to classify the number, type and location of nuclear charges, leaving only the possibility of emergency communications to prevent the risks of an accidental unleashing of a nuclear war.

Media selection

What ICBMs and SLBMs can be used as carriers? There are quite a few candidates.

First of all, these are the Topol ICBMs, the Topol-M ICBMs and the Yars ICBMs of the earliest releases that have been removed or are planned to be removed from combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN).

Mobile ground missile systems (PGRK) "Topol" (left) and "Topol-M" (right)

Of particular interest are these complexes in the mobile version - their role as a deterrent weapon, taking into account revolutionary improvement of reconnaissance satellite constellations of the enemy, will quickly decline, but the ability to change location for the first strike will be very handy - move inland in order to hit targets closer, or vice versa, advance to the borders in order to hit the target at maximum distance.

We cannot exclude the possibility of using the UR-100N UTTKh (“Stiletto”) and R-36M2 (“Satan”) complexes - their throw weight is 4 and 350 kilograms, respectively. The adaptation of these ICBMs, if it is still feasible and possible, based on their design features and service life, will allow throwing a powerful conventional warhead weighing five to ten tons for two to three thousand kilometers, for which there will be practically no invulnerable targets.

UR-100N UTTH ("Stiletto") and R-36M2 ("Satan")

And finally, we have strategic missile submarines (SSBNs) of project 667BDRM Dolphin, carrying 16 highly advanced R-29RMU2 Sineva / R-29RMU2.1 Liner SLBMs, which are gradually being replaced by SSBNs project 955A with the Bulava SLBM. In addition to those SLBMs of the R-29RMU family that are in service with strategic nuclear forces, new ones can also be produced, in an improved version of the R-29RMU3 ("Sineva-2").

Their transformation into SLBMs with a high-precision conventional warhead will allow not only to keep several of the most modern representatives of the 667BDRM "Dolphin" in service after their withdrawal from the strategic nuclear forces, but also to create a headache for the enemies of our country throughout the planet, because they do not particularly have a nuclear strike they are afraid, but they will think about the possibility of an instant strike with conventional weapons - it’s hard to sleep peacefully when you know that within five to seven minutes a gift will fly to you in the form of two or three tons of explosives, and their American curators will not be able not only to interfere, but they don't even give a warning.

SSBN project 667BDRM "Karelia" and SLBM type R-29RMU

What types of conventional warheads can be mounted on ICBMs and SLBMs?

There can be several options:

- monoblock high-explosive fragmentation warhead with the possibility of detonation at a given height or upon impact;

- a protected penetrating high-explosive warhead for the destruction of buried objects;

- warhead with cluster submunitions;

- an inert monolithic warhead made of tungsten alloy, designed to destroy buried objects with a kinetic impact;

- a cluster inert warhead that covers a ground object with a shower of thousands of tungsten pins.


The conversion of obsolete ICBMs and SLBMs into non-nuclear first-strike weapons will not only extend the life cycle of expensive products of the Russian (or even Soviet) industry, but will also provide the armed forces of the Russian Federation with powerful, almost inevitable first-strike weapons. Unlike nuclear weapons, ICBMs and SLBMs with conventional precision warheads can and should be used in real conflicts.

Compared to existing and developing hypersonic systems, ICBMs and SLBMs with conventional high-precision warheads can potentially carry a much more massive non-nuclear warhead, which no object can withstand.

At the very beginning of a special operation carried out by Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine, ICBMs and SLBMs with conventional high-precision warheads could decapitate the enemy, depriving him of the “power vertical”. And the American sycophants who replaced them would no longer behave so defiantly, they would rule the country either from a bunker or from abroad, which would not have the best effect on the fighting spirit of the armed forces of Ukraine (AFU). It is possible that the scenario described at the beginning of the article could well come true.
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61 comment
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  1. +22
    16 August 2022 04: 51
    The funnel, presumably from the FAB-3000 air bomb, should be the same everywhere where the military-political leadership of Ukraine may be located.

    Gold words!! good
    1. -3
      16 August 2022 05: 37
      Quote: Dude
      Gold words!!

      but the choice of the country's leadership leaned towards the strategic nuclear forces.
      I agree. The Lord God is better than strategic nuclear forces has not yet come up with anything. request
      1. +1
        16 August 2022 07: 06
        If everything had been done on time in 2014-2015, then no "super prodigy" would have been required. And so... negative
      2. +4
        16 August 2022 14: 35
        Quote: Mavrikiy
        I agree. The Lord God is better than strategic nuclear forces has not yet come up with anything.

        And a little about "Sarmat" ...
  2. -25
    16 August 2022 04: 54
    Here's How China's "Nuclear Math" Works

    Why do Russia and the US need 10 nuclear warheads? Based on the calculation that 000% of the warheads are destroyed by the enemy during a preemptive strike. The remaining 90% of the warheads are preemptively destroyed by the enemy. 90% of the remaining warheads are successfully intercepted by the enemy due to various reasons, for example, due to their own technical malfunction.

    The number of warheads actually delivered to an enemy city is very limited. Only a few hundred warheads, but enough.

    This brings us to the question of whether we should keep a few hundred warheads.

    1, use the money saved to improve the shipping method to improve its survivability and reliability
    2, use the money saved to build a reliable early warning system. It takes half an hour for a warhead to reach China, and within half an hour we have to make sure that all Chinese warheads are launched into the air in the direction of another city and are difficult to intercept.
    3, or make up for it with a large quantity?
    4, or we will make calculations, find a balance and find out exactly how many warheads we need to kill all the Jews and Anglo-Saxons and make New York, London glass.
    1. -10
      16 August 2022 05: 44
      Why is all this "-", because it's not scientific to calculate like that? Because this is a different way of thinking than the Slavs? Or is it due to Jewish disapproval?
      1. +8
        16 August 2022 06: 23
        Because there is no logic in this nonsense.
        1. -9
          16 August 2022 06: 47
          Logics? Well, that at least means you have a ground rule.

          Let's be frank.

          Can you tell us your real opinion? It doesn't matter, we're all couch experts, (keyboard warrior, Chinese)
          1. +3
            16 August 2022 07: 06
            IMHO it is foolish to assume that the Chinese are sleeping and see how to destroy all Jews and Anglo-Saxons and on this basis develop strategic nuclear forces.
            1. -5
              16 August 2022 09: 02
              True, the threat we now face is that a slight misunderstanding could lead to a shootout with the Anglo-Saxons, otherwise do you think our country, which has cut telephone lines with the US military, is spilling the beans? It was the cutting of a protective device. This means an increase in direct conflict between the two countries. Do you think it was warning 1000.002? Was he petty? No one is so stupid as to treat serious war as child's play. How difficult is Russia's position now, when it claims to have a local war with only 200 troops? We are making it clear to Americans that a minor accident between me and you is an all-out war between two countries. The game has come to this, don't even perform, who cares?
          2. +1
            16 August 2022 07: 11
            Quote: Liao
            Let's be honest

            Let's. IMHO you are stupid. Let's start with the fact that neither the States nor the Russian Federation have 10000 warheads request fellow

            Moscow. August 1. INTERFAX.RU - The nuclear arsenal of nine countries of the world, as of the beginning of 2022, totaled 12,7 thousand warheads. This is stated in a new study by the Federation of American Scientists.

            "Despite progress in reducing nuclear arsenals since the Cold War, the world's cumulative stockpile of nuclear warheads remains at a very high level. Nine countries have more than 12,7 warheads at the start of 2022," the report says.
            1. -4
              16 August 2022 07: 48
              Well, pardon the exaggeration and omission, I thought it was a parsimonious form of humor, but it turns out it wasn't.

              I do not know how many of them you have, I think about 6-7 thousand, and in the military reserve - a little more than a thousand.

              In other words, the number of those who can be used, who can suddenly launch a counterattack, is actually a thousand or so. (approximate number, this is based on Earth's cities)

              1. -4
                16 August 2022 07: 53
                But do you know where the real secret lies? You can of course have an AK47 and you can also go to the game with your comrades. But if you drop your AK47 every time you get frustrated, you will be left without a partner. Everyone refers to you as "Allahu Akbar", this does not happen in the right game. You must know where the mystery is, so we need tanks, guns and other drones. And no boom boom!
                1. 0
                  16 August 2022 08: 00
                  Quote: Liao
                  But if you drop your AK47 every time you get frustrated, you will be left without a partner.

                  What are you saying?

                  Quote: Liao
                  we need tanks, guns and other drones. And no boom boom!

                  Understood nothing. Thank you bye.
    2. +6
      16 August 2022 11: 41
      Quote: Liao
      90% of the remaining warheads are successfully intercepted by the enemy for various reasons, for example, due to their own technical malfunction.
      It is not.
      Quote: Liao
      Warhead takes half an hour to reach China
      It is not.
      Quote: Liao
      3, or make up for it with a large quantity?
      Quote: Liao
      1, use the money saved to improve the shipping method to improve its survivability and reliability
      You need both at the same time, you can’t save here, otherwise all investments are generally useless.
      Quote: Liao
      4, or we will make calculations, find a balance and find out exactly how many warheads we need to kill all the Jews and Anglo-Saxons and make New York, London glass.
      You don’t think so: first, millionaire cities need to cover Air Force bases, Navy bases, ports and large airfields through which enemy forces can be transferred and supplied, military-industrial complex enterprises, large warehouses, etc. A nuclear strike is only the beginning of a war, nullifying the enemy's industrial and mobilization superiority.
      1. -5
        16 August 2022 13: 15
        On the day when you decide to use a nuclear bomb, you must imagine this end of the world according to the worst, most destructive scenario for you.

        Precisely because it's so serious, in a game where the emphasis is not on the fact that I have a weapon to die with you first, the point is that it is used last. In the game, decent people can't start out as strippers and go on stage in the least amount of clothing possible.
        1. 0
          17 August 2022 14: 50
          Either the difficulties of translating through Google translator, or you have problems with the formation of thoughts.

          First. Modern missile defense systems can intercept no more than a hundred warheads. Not rockets - warheads.
          Second. The consequences of a nuclear explosion are greatly exaggerated.
          The use of even a thousand of these 250 kilotons each will not give a long effect if it does not achieve a global panic.
          That is, attacks on million-plus cities always go in addition to the naval base and the Pentagon, airfields.

          Third. For a guarantee, you need to have 1000+ warheads.
          A war with the use of nuclear weapons is a war of all against all.
          There will be no winners, otherwise what's the point?
          Tap that the United States, and Russia, and China will shy away from each other with a margin, for a guarantee, and also in all countries around
      2. +2
        16 August 2022 14: 09
        Alas, a nuclear war is a blow to industrial agglomerations, cities of millions (destruction of the transport component going through them) and along the way creating panic due to the number of victims in our country is another blow to large power plants and only then you can bang naval ports .. and dump Satan at the barracks of the ground forces is a microscope on a nail
        1. -1
          16 August 2022 18: 30
          Especially when you live somewhere on Lenin Square, or on Zayeltsovskaya, yes .. hi
    3. +1
      17 August 2022 11: 44
      What a rare nonsense.
  3. +11
    16 August 2022 05: 09
    The beginning of the story is impressive, the bust is small, with green under the nose. It is worth describing that he is pathetic, not disgusting.
    Yes, and the dog with him!
    By sacrificing not the best hundred of Ukraine, we could save tens of thousands of lives, on both sides.
    1. -10
      16 August 2022 05: 26
      Yanukovych was threatened with sanctions so that he would not disperse the Maidan. He asked for support from Putin, he refused and dispersal by force did not happen. And we already know the result.
      Yes, we also know Minsk-1, Minsk-2 where our valiant diplomats and the president allowed themselves to be deceived (well, not the first time, "we believed, we were deceived")
      Generally something like that.
      1. +10
        16 August 2022 05: 47
        Quote from hell machine
        Yanukovych was threatened with sanctions so that he would not disperse the Maidan. He asked Putin for support, he refused and there was no dispersal by force

        And without Putin, what? Was it impossible to overclock? CAN! Berkut's guys were just waiting for the command. It's just that Yanukovych wanted to blame someone for the forceful dispersal.
      2. +2
        16 August 2022 05: 55
        don’t tell my slippers, what kind of support was needed there, to fit a couple of armored personnel carriers and to spray barrels from a heavy machine gun on this Nazi-Lumpen crowd, everything is profit,
        just pissed
        1. +2
          16 August 2022 06: 26
          With Ukraine, not everything is so simple. Even if Yanukovych was Lukashenka, the risk of starting a civil war is almost 100%, and Putin was not ready for this, Nuland outplayed him.
          1. fiv
            16 August 2022 07: 38
            This is how it turns out (as with Yanukovych, and not only with him), when you keep your hard-earned, honestly earned money behind the cordon, with "partners." You think that you just transferred money there (bought a house, and so on), but it turned out that you left your best, most beloved part there. And after that, the time of heavy reflections and slippery compromises begins. Which would not even have appeared if it weren’t for that foreign counter. And a house.
      3. +2
        16 August 2022 07: 04
        Yanukovych was threatened with sanctions so that he would not disperse the Maidan. He asked for support from Putin, he refused and dispersal by force did not happen. And we already know the result.

        Just like the coup in Ukraine, only Putin is to blame. Ssykovaty Yanukovych is not guilty, as well as the baker Nulad.
  4. -5
    16 August 2022 05: 59
    The beginning of the article was a pleasure to read.
  5. +14
    16 August 2022 06: 01
    Stormy applause turning into ovations, joyful smiles on faces, flashes of cameras - all of a sudden, there was a terrible roar ...

    In order to denazize Zelensky and his entourage according to the above scenario, the available Iskanders, Daggers, and Zircons will suffice. All that is missing is the political will for such an action.
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              1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          16 August 2022 08: 44
          Hey moderators! Che there in the rules of the site it says about kindling

          Yes, this is an E-shnik along the way, but not a Chinese.
    2. -2
      16 August 2022 11: 45
      Okay, you won. Jews successfully use these rules. I will also translate your decades of racial slurs against China for the Chinese Internet. Am I now emphasizing your Slavic origin or your belonging to the Jewish people?
  6. +5
    16 August 2022 06: 07
    Well, let's start with the fact that BSU is a well-defined concept. About which the author LIED, or MISTAKEN - and here the question is, what is worse for the portal - to provide a platform for speculation ... Hm, well, let's say to a dreamer ... Or however - you said something there ... Oh, sorry. Now we will live nonsense, well, something like CNN. By the way, what happened there? Lost 90% of the audience in a year, too many dreamers on the channel?
    Or not to check, why? The author has been published for a long time, everyone is like cherubs. And what about yellowness and ...
  7. +7
    16 August 2022 06: 15
    Inspired by the text of the above article, he imagined how the Bulava / Sineva, etc. rocket is launched from the side of the Borey missile defense missile system, sailing either under the ice of the Arctic Ocean, or in the thickness of the Pacific waters. with hypersonic block "Vanguard / Dagger, etc." in order to fly almost a whole revolution around the globe, to accurately hit the building on Bankova Street in Kyiv, he suddenly remembered G. Wells and his "War of the Worlds". Because the authors' fantasies are commensurable.
    1. fiv
      16 August 2022 07: 51
      What about ordinary chess?
      1. +1
        16 August 2022 09: 06
        Quote: fiv
        What about ordinary chess?

        Who play "Chapaev", right
        1. fiv
          16 August 2022 10: 17
          Everything is according to the situation, you can put a board on top of the top of your head. You can break a criminal's nose and iPhone if you defend yourself
  8. +8
    16 August 2022 06: 22
    What a naivete to believe that by destroying the political leadership of Ukraine, they would immediately win. It was much more important to eliminate communications in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and to drown out the mobile communication servers, as was done in the Crimea.
  9. +4
    16 August 2022 06: 23
    Donetsk and ZaAES are still being hammered.... And even more.
  10. +3
    16 August 2022 06: 35
    A quick global strike without ICBMs will not work. Global = comprehensive. Roughly speaking, a strike on all targets in the territory occupied by the enemy. Simultaneously. And this will lead (we are considering an attack on Ukraine, using non-nuclear warheads, right?) to an attack by the US strategic nuclear forces on our territory. No options. Because all ICBM launches are tracked by both us and the Americans. In the case of single launches, as in missile tests, a warning is mandatory. And the trajectory is closely monitored. If the launch is massive, no warnings will help, there the delay will mean that you may not have time to retaliate. Consequently, the use of ICBMs without nuclear weapons is fraught. But what if the OTR cannot hit the entire depth of the theater? The answer is simple. We will have to move the line of contact until the required range is reached. hi
  11. +17
    16 August 2022 06: 37
    Usually, I don’t criticize those who write for VO, but in this case I can state that the author not only does not understand what he is undertaking to write about, but also, in a patriotic frenzy, offers a weapon that is extremely dangerous for world security.
    In the past, the Americans seriously considered the option of equipping SLBMs and ICBMs with conventional warheads. But the minus of such a decision is that any launch of an early warning missile by the other side is considered as a potential threat, with all the consequences, which greatly increases the risk of nuclear war. Do we need it? No.
    1. +2
      16 August 2022 07: 02
      All single launches of ICBMs, not to mention group launches, are agreed by the parties in advance. Nobody wants to take risks.
      I would also like to note that the accuracy of these missiles leaves much to be desired. Submarine-launched ICBMs are generally regarded as retaliatory weapons and are designed exclusively to destroy cities.
      Of course, you can install a homing system on warheads, but this has already passed when they tried to use decommissioned missiles for commercial purposes. Didn't turn out very well
      1. +10
        16 August 2022 10: 21
        Quote: ism_ek
        All single launches of ICBMs, not to mention group launches, are agreed by the parties in advance.

        And this puts an end to the whole concept. Because it is very difficult to deal an unexpected blow to a proxy, coordinating it in advance with the owner of this proxy.
      2. +2
        16 August 2022 11: 35
        Quote: ism_ek
        All single launches of ICBMs, not to mention group launches, are agreed by the parties in advance. Nobody wants to take risks.

        And, when such a missile strikes, Putin will call Biden, the Chinese, Israelis, French, British, Koreans and tell them all that tomorrow we will hit Zelensky with a ballistic one, you citizens, don’t worry, it won’t fly at you, but like the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine . I wonder how many minutes the entire Supreme Rada will scatter?
  12. +7
    16 August 2022 07: 00
    Does the author not know that any product has a service life? And when it is extended, it is not always because everything is perfect, but, more often, because there is nothing to replace it. And to equip with new heads and refine the control system of the carrier, which will either take off or not, the idea is not the best.
    1. +1
      16 August 2022 08: 53
      Ground ICBMs are critically large and very visible vehicles from space, very vulnerable on the march (any random bullet or fragment pierces the plastic body of the rocket and disables it), if UAVs become more and more perfect, then with the protection of ground ICBMs, in principle, nothing is possible to do, perhaps, to roll them through the deserted expanses of the Arctic, but they don’t do that either, these cars drive past cities and towns on ordinary roads.
      1. +5
        16 August 2022 10: 29
        Quote: agond
        but they don’t do that either, these cars drive past cities and towns on ordinary roads.

        It is a crawl out ride almost on the M11. And then they have their own road network, inherited from the silos.
        And the rest of the divisions are thrust into every wilderness and have their own roads in the same way.
  13. -1
    16 August 2022 10: 54
    The logical idea of ​​​​starting CBO. Cover everyone in one place. We can do it, but we don't. Why? Whom to fear?
  14. +6
    16 August 2022 11: 34
    1. Non-nuclear ICBMs - militaristic masturbation.
    2. Missiles with expired reliability are so-so (otherwise they would have continued to be kept on duty): there is an ever-growing chance that not the enemy, but the missilemen, will die from them. Or (if you're lucky) the task will fail.
    3. When flying on a low trajectory, the accuracy drops sharply, and the use of the bus is difficult or impossible.
  15. +3
    16 August 2022 11: 43
    It will not be possible to use decommissioned missiles with new warheads. Simply because they have spent their resource and regular operation is not guaranteed. It will fly, or it won't. And the more time you keep it, the less likely it is to fly. Therefore, this idea will not work with either ICBMs or SLBMs. What's the point of holding a weapon that you don't know about, whether it will work at the right time or not.
    This is besides the fact that the launch of such a rocket will always strain our American friends and their little hands will reach for the buttons.
    Therefore, the concept of a fast global strike can only be realized with the help of submarines with hypersonic missiles deployed in advance in different parts of the world's oceans.
    It's just that this rotten concept itself implies a surprise attack. Accordingly, boats in peacetime are completely open and in accordance with international law can be located anywhere in the world's oceans.
  16. +5
    16 August 2022 11: 58
    The author must understand that a well-conducted BSU would open a Pandora's Box comparable to Hiroshima. After this, absolutely ALL authoritarian states of the world will work furiously with their paws in the direction of acquiring some hellish crap like a cobalt bomb or, at worst, just a nuclear weapon + "dead hand", bringing what we call "nuclear deterrence" to absurdity. Separate power personalities will begin to pull out bunkers hundreds of meters deep. there will definitely be an expansion of access rights to decision-making - after all, this will also help reduce the likelihood of using BSU. That is, access to decision-making on the use of nuclear weapons, bacteriological, chemical, massive conventional - will be in the hands of an even larger number of people than now. Will it contribute to safety?
    A number of states, in order to ensure their security, will invest in hidden terrorist cells on the territory of enemy countries. And accordingly, these cells will be armed with the most difficult-to-detect means - and this is chemosis, combat strains, this is a focus on the most sabotage-prone infrastructure such as military depots, hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants.
    Accordingly, a successfully conducted BGU will unambiguously lead to an increase in international tension, the radicalization of military doctrines, and an increase in the whole variety of means of preventive strikes or automated systems. Perhaps a "race to speed" will begin, in which at the first stage there will be a "covert militarization of space" through an increase in dual-use early warning systems and ground-based systems capable of incapacitating them. And at the second stage, they will again develop the direction of orbital interceptors - for missiles, for satellites. All this was already in fact - thank God then they stopped.

    To counter BSU, a number of states will adhere to greater secrecy of actions - which will undoubtedly lead to a fall (although much lower ..) in the authority of international institutions such as the UN, IAEA, OPCW. Governments with funds will try to drown, hide and disperse important industrial facilities - respectively. the number of potentially absolutely secret enterprises will increase, where they will deal with various infernal crap and from which all this can then seep out.

    In short, the development of such topics is clearly the approach of the world to the end of the world. Tactical victory for strategic loss.
  17. 0
    16 August 2022 14: 37
    This scenario exists, but all European neighbors of the Russian Federation will acquire nuclear weapons with the help of the United States or US bases. And on the border of the Russian Federation and Europe there will be a wall, as between two Koreas. Complete isolation and degradation.
  18. +4
    16 August 2022 18: 07
    All these aging missiles, however, still need to be kept in good condition, which costs quite a lot of money - and this is a factor that theorists of Voyevoda strikes against barmaley or what non-nuclear limitrophes can afford not to take into account.
    From their point of view, "these missiles are already there," but they still ask for more and more. Every day. A lot of.
    But, when the potential of such a carrier is the destruction of Great Britain or Japan, the game is worth the candle, and it even has a deterrent effect.
    And when the potential is the destruction of some Zelensky, even with the 95th quarter together, it is simply unprofitable. And the money could be spent on dozens of Calibers or MiG-31k with Daggers.
  19. -2
    17 August 2022 00: 06
    The author also forgot to mention 8 SSBNs of Great Britain and France, of which half are on patrol in the waters of the Mediterranean / North / Norwegian Seas.
    They hold the entire European part of Russia at gunpoint with their SLBMs.

    Well, American SSBNs, having taken up advanced positions near the Aleutian Islands, will hit Kamchatka, Primorye, and Strategic Missile Forces bases in Eastern Siberia.
  20. +1
    17 August 2022 01: 28
    The author, alas, naively believes that the matter is in the absence of the necessary weapons. A weapon capable of destroying the leadership of the enemy in Russia is quite enough. There is no political will to do so.
  21. +2
    17 August 2022 07: 54
    Military science is clearly not the author’s strong point, I haven’t read such funny nonsense for a long time
  22. +1
    17 August 2022 13: 48
    we don’t have weapons, but we don’t have the determination to complete what we started from the top political leadership. so things don't go according to plan
  23. kig
    23 August 2022 15: 56
    You are amazed when you see how many seemingly normal people applaud crazy ideas.
  24. 0
    23 August 2022 16: 41
    At the very beginning of a special operation carried out by Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine, ICBMs and SLBMs with conventional high-precision warheads could decapitate the enemy, depriving him of the “power vertical”.

    Absolutely true! And there were opportunities but not done winked
  25. 0
    23 August 2022 19: 30
    Global impact and betrayal are no longer as scary as frying pans.
  26. -1
    23 August 2022 21: 50
    This may be interesting precisely because of the "revolutionary improvement of enemy reconnaissance satellites."
    If they are able to detect the launch of any conventional missile or aircraft in a timely manner and determine the direction, to warn their allies about the strike, then it is much more difficult to do this when launching a ballistic missile of this class.
  27. 0
    25 March 2023 11: 17
    Personally, I agree with the author 100%!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"