Unknown 37

Conversation with the doctor historical Sci. Yuri Nikolaevich Zhukov, a well-known expert on the "Stalin era"

Unknown 37

This year is painted with a mournful mark - 75 years ago, a huge number of our fellow citizens fell under the rink of "mass Stalinist repression." Hundreds of thousands of people in 1937 – 1938 were slain as “enemies of the people”. In print, on TV, on the Internet a lot of materials dedicated to this. Is it possible to forget? Not. You can not forgive arbitrariness. Many do not question that this happened only because the head of the USSR was dictator Joseph Stalin, who acted solely for the sake of strengthening personal power and reprisals against competitors.

Figures are cited, the fates of specific people are recalled, but often they do not take into account the circumstances in which the repressions took place, what preceded them, and what processes inside and outside the country influenced the course of events. Are all the dots above “i” placed? How objective, it seems, are indisputable conclusions?

To take into account various factors, to understand the background of the phenomenon in its entirety, does not mean to justify the unrighteous. But it’s never too late to try to come closer to the truth in order to clarify the estimates and draw the right conclusions. Such an approach is worthy of the history of our country, tragic, contradictory, but great. Do we realize its greatness or see mainly shameful sides? Are we good students? Famous historian Yuri Zhukov and literary newspaper columnist Vladimir Sukhomlinov talk about the events of that time.

- More than 30 years ago, I, a young journalist, talked with an old test pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, and talked about 37. He asked where he was then. Parubko, answered, was and lived in a village near Kiev. Songs returned to the village, famine left. "They drank much and enjoyed life." And you asked my question on the phone, how people perceived the second half of the thirties, said: “With joy!” Somehow it all does not fit ...

- This is normal! After all, we are still - a country in many ways mythologized history. Significant events sometimes fade into the background, catchy facts or politically beneficial to the authorities are exaggerated. A picture must be seen in all colors. Look here, what object of criticism today is the main one for any opposition, and also for people. Official. He is no longer a communist, not a Bolshevik. But everything, from the right to the left, including those who sit in the Kremlin, agree that the official is a disaster for the country. And so, when in 1937 – 1938 years, officials began to be arrested, and the blow fell primarily on them ...

- Almost 500 thousands of officials of all levels (especially party members) were removed from work and suffered punishment.

- Yes, yes ... And everyone was delighted. After all, they linked two things together. Hitting, in modern jargon, officials and the published Constitution of the year 1936, which is called Stalin's. I kept the archives in the hands of drafts, I saw: several articles, the most important ones, were written by Stalin personally. And so people got the Basic Law and the news that they remove and imprison those who stood above them and were tormented. And people sang.

The former Constitution (developed in 1923 year) included two parts. The preamble said: the world is divided into two hostile camps - socialism and imperialism. They will inevitably and soon meet in a fight, and it is clear who will win. The World Union of Soviet Socialist Republics will arise. The main part is also in the spirit of 17 – 18's. According to the law, a significant part of the population (it changed every year) was included in the lists of so-called deprived people, people deprived of voting rights. Firstly, by their social origin - children of landowners, gendarmes, aristocrats by blood. In addition - the Nepmen, fists ...

The new Constitution did not even hint at the division of the world into two warring camps. Secondly, the game was only mentioned in the 126 article. Chapter 10, which dealt with the rights and obligations of citizens. In particular, their right to create public organizations, the core of which or most of them may be the same social organization - the Communist Party. 126-I article. Remember the Brezhnev Constitution ...

- 6-I article.

- Yes. Further. Electoral system. Previously, some had, others did not have the right to elect and be elected. There was also inequality. The worker's voice was equal to the three voices of the peasants: the dictatorship of the proletariat was formally - purely formally implemented. This has been canceled. The elections themselves. According to the 1923 Constitution, they were three-staged (which made freedom of choice difficult) and unopposed.

What did the Constitution of 1936 propose and the electoral law passed in July of 1937?

The first. No disenfranchised. Except for those who are deprived of this right by the court. Universal suffrage. Direct voting. Each person votes for a specific candidate for the Supreme Soviet, which both Stalin and Molotov openly called parliament. Elections secret, alternative. By law, it was established that in one place - at least 2 – 3 of the candidate. And this is the provision of the law and led to what people then called Yezhovshchina, and today they incorrectly call mass repression.

- Why suddenly - wrong?

- The word "repression" means "punishment, punitive measure." It not only applies to political opponents, but also provides for the conviction of a person for murder, violence, banditry, robbery, bribery, theft. And now the term is used to bring under it all those arrested, including criminals, Vlasovites, those who served in SS units during the war, Bandera ... All in one pile. He killed, raped - you are also repressed, the victim of Stalin's terror. Very tricky move.

In the course of the figures that gave Solzhenitsyn, Acceleration, Antonov-Ovseenko. The last in the book “The Portrait of a Tyrant” reports that the number of repressed people made up only 1935 to 1940 a year almost 19 million people.

- As far as I know, the real numbers are different. Although they are huge. About 800 thousand people were sentenced to death.

- Yes, that much, but from 1921 to 1953 a year. Of these, 681 692 people - in 1937 – 1938.

- The big city of our fellow citizens shot. Including innocent.

- Solzhenitsyn called absolutely fantastic numbers. During the years of Soviet power, he believed, 110 had been repressed by millions of people. Western Sovietologists in the Cold War years used the number 50 – 60 million. When the restructuring began, they reduced it to 20 millions.
Viktor Nikolaevich Zemskov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, works at our institute. As part of a small group, he checked and rechecked in the archives for several years what the real numbers of repression were. In particular, on the 58 th article. We came to specific results. In the West, they immediately screamed. They were told: please, here are the archives! We arrived, checked, were forced to agree. Here is what.

1935 year - in total, 58 thousands were arrested and convicted under 267-th article, 1229 people were sentenced to capital punishment, 36-thousand and 274 people, respectively, were sentenced to death. And then a surge. In 1118, over 37 thousands were arrested and convicted under 58, over 790 thousands were shot, in 353 thousands over 38 thousands and more than 554 thousands were shot. Then - a decline. In 328, about 39 thousands were convicted and 64 people were sentenced to death, in 2552 thousands were sentenced to 40 thousands, and the highest measure was 72 people.

For the entire period from 1921 to 1953, 4 060 306 people were convicted, out of which 2 634 397 people entered camps and prisons. It remains to understand what, how, why? And why especially 1937 – 1938 years give such terrible things?

- Of course, it still worries.

- For starters: who is to blame? They say: Stalin. Yes, as the leader of the country, he bears the main responsibility. But how it all happened.

June 1937 of the year. There should be a congress of Soviets. Before him was a plenum of the Central Committee of the party, where they discussed the electoral law. In front of him, from the first secretaries of the regional committees, regional committees, the Central Committee of the Union republics, telegrams regularly came in asking for permission to arrest engineers and plant managers.

Every time Stalin replied shortly, categorically: I did not allow. And after the plenum began to agree. With what? With that, what our "democrats" diligently forget about today.

Immediately after the plenum, which supported the new electoral law with alternative candidates, encrypted telegrams came to Moscow. The secretaries of the regional committees, regional committees, the Central Committee of the national communist parties requested the so-called limits. The number of those whom they can be arrested and shot or sent to places not so remote. The “victim of the Stalinist regime” Eiche was most zealous in those days — the first secretary of the West Siberian regional committee of the party. He asked for the rights to shoot 10800 man. In second place is Khrushchev, who headed the Moscow Regional Committee: “only” 8500 people. In third place is the first secretary of the Azov-Black Sea Regional Committee (today it is the Don and the North Caucasus) Evdokimov: 6644 to shoot and almost 7 thousand to send to the camps. They sent bloodthirsty applications and other secretaries. But with smaller numbers. One and a half, two thousand ...

Six months later, when Khrushchev became the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, one of his first dispatches to Moscow was a request to let him shoot 20 000 people. But after all there already walked the first time.

- What are they motivated the requests?

- One: just the NKVD, they wrote, opened the armed underground organization, it is preparing an uprising. It means that in these conditions it is impossible to hold alternative elections. Until these allegedly conspiratorial organizations are liquidated.

It is also curious what happened at the plenum itself when discussing the electoral law. No one directly opposed, but for some reason, almost all of the most “bloodthirsty” one after another went on the eve of the plenum to Stalin in the office. One by one, two by three, three ... After these visits, Stalin capitulated.

Why? You can understand. By that time, he was aware that Yezhov, the Commissar of Internal Affairs, did not actually obey him.

- In this it is impossible to believe!

- Why? As the former first secretary of the regional committee, Yezhov was at one with the others. This meant: if Stalin refuses to support their demands, someone from the Central Committee will rise to the podium, say: “Dear comrades! All the recent acts of Stalin proved that he was a revisionist, an opportunist, changed the cause of October Revolution, the precepts of Lenin, betrayed our Revolution. " And they would bring not one, ten examples.

- So, Stalin or chickened out for fear of losing power, or just playing his game. What else to explain? But I interrupted you ...

- So here are the examples. 34 year, September. The USSR enters the League of Nations, which was previously characterized by our propaganda as an instrument of imperialism. In May, the 35 of the USSR signed agreements with France and Czechoslovakia on joint defense in the event of German aggression.

In January 1935, there are reports of a revision of the Constitution. And soon in the “group of comrades” they already knew what changes were coming.

In July, the Seventh, the last, Congress of the Comintern, its leader Georgy Dimitrov, is going to meet 1935, stating that henceforth the Communists, if they want to come to power, must achieve this not through revolutions, but in a democratic way. At the elections. He proposes to create popular fronts: the communists together with the socialists, the democrats. Such a turn in terms of hard stone Bolsheviks is a crime. Communists de go to a deal with the enemies of communism - the Social Democrats.

- The rigid scheme collapses: communism-imperialism.

- Well yes. Go ahead. 36 year Borodin’s comic opera Bogatyrs with the new libretto by Demian Poor is being removed from the stage of the Tairov Chamber Theater. The decision about the reasons is published. They explain, they say, Poor mockingly described the heroes of the epic Russian epic, blackened the positive phenomenon of our history - the Baptism of Russia. And then there is the competition for a history textbook, which was forgotten in 17, the restoration of historical faculties closed in 18. In 1934, the title Hero of the Soviet Union was introduced. This is in defiance of the ultra-left. A year later, the Cossack units are recreated ... And this is not all. Russia was returned to Russia ...

At the end of 1935, Stalin gave an interview to an American journalist, Howard. He said that soon there will be a new Constitution, a new electoral system and a fierce struggle between candidates, since they will be put forward not only by the party, but by any public organization, even a group of people.

Immediately there was talk among the members of the Central Committee: is that what the priests can put forward? They are answered: why not? And fists? Not fists - the people, they are cramming them. All this partocracy scared.

Most of the first secretaries understood that they had broken a lot of firewood. First, giant excesses during collectivization. Second: serious mistakes at the beginning of the first five-year plan.

Many party secretaries were semi-literate people. Well, if behind the shoulders of the parish school, who is Russian, and heders, if a Jew. How could such people control the construction of industry giants? They tried to lead, not really understanding. Therefore, there was growing discontent on the part of the peasants, workers, engineers, they all felt it on themselves.

- The engineering building was being formed, a lot was changing, it was difficult to conceal the awl in the bag.

- And local leaders were afraid that, if there were alternative elections, one or two more candidates would appear next to them. You can fail. Instead of passing to the deputies of the Supreme Council, it means that to wait in Moscow, in the Personnel Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), they will say: “Comrade, the people did not support you. Come on, sweetie, look for a job that is on the shoulder, or go learn. ” In those years, Stalin said more than once that for some reason a person, having fallen into a high position, believes that he knows everything, although in fact he knows nothing. It was a direct hint, partokraty alert.

And they rallied like any corporation, forcing Stalin to give up on alternative elections in 37, and, in fact, they discredited him.

The repressions tried to stop 1938 in February at the next plenum. Malenkov, then the head of the personnel department of the Central Committee, spoke out in open criticism of those who were especially zealous. I turned to Postyshev (I used to work in Ukraine, at that moment - the first secretary of the Kuybyshev regional committee) and asked: have you already transferred all Soviet, Komsomol, party apparatus to the region, how long can you? Postyshev replied: “I planted, planted and will plant. This is my duty. ” Malenkov addressed Bagirov, the first secretary of the Central Committee of Azerbaijan: how can you sign documents on arrests and executions, where there are not even names, but only figures to be arrested and shot? He was silent.

Stalin had to urgently remove Yezhov, whose hands carried out rampant repression.

- Then they said: hedgehogs. That, they say, what!

- They called from Tbilisi to Beria, who had just been elected secretary of the Transcaucasian Regional Committee of the Party, was appointed head of the Main State Security Directorate - the punitive component of the NKVD. But Beria could not cope with Yezhov. At the end of November, 1938, Ezhov, was invited to Stalin. Voroshilov and Molotov were present in the office. As far as can be judged, more than one hour Yezhov was forced to leave the post.

I managed to find options for his "renunciation". They are written on different paper. One is an ordinary white sheet, the other is in a ruler, the third is in a cell ... They were given what was at hand to fix. At first, Yezhov was ready to give up everything, except for the People's Commissariat. Did not work. Beria was appointed to the post of People's Commissar.

Soon more than a million people left the camps. Remember the story of Rokossovsky, there are many. In areas where there were the most odious repressions, they were arrested by enscadeers who falsified cases, tried them, and opened the courts. Messages - in the local press. This was not the case when rehabilitation was under Khrushchev. At the same time, Beria was purging the NKVD. You can take any reference book on personnel - they have been published a few. In the NKVD at the top and middle levels there were most semi-literate Jews. Almost all clean. And on the light, and in the camps. New ones are being recruited either with a higher education or with an incomplete one - from the third, fourth year, mostly Russians. Then began a sharp decline in arrests.

“Just a decline.” They were not stopped.

“At the same time, when we are talking about the 58 article, we should not forget one thing. Colleague Galina Ivanov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, managed to make an interesting discovery from the point of view of understanding of that time. Both before the war and after it, professional criminals, by their rules, should not have worked. And did not work. But every six months, a traveling court called in the camps, tried cases of violations by prisoners of the regime. And those who refused to work were tried for sabotage. And sabotage is the same 58 article. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that not only the political enemies of the "Stalin Group" or those attributed to it, but also the outlaw criminals passed through it. And, of course, real spies, saboteurs, and there were a lot of them.

It should be noted that in May 1937, the process of the so-called conspiracy of NGOs, this is the Commissariat of Defense.

There is a perception that almost the entire command staff of the army was repressed and fleet. Researcher O.F. Souvenir published a book with data (up to a single person) about soldiers arrested in 1935–1939: full name, date of birth, rank, position when arrested, sentence. Thick book. It turned out that 75 percent of repressed NGOs are commissars, military experts, military commissaries, military doctors, and military engineers. So this is a legend, as if they destroyed the entire command.

They say that it would be if Tukhachevsky, Yakir and so on would remain. Let us ask the question: “What kind of battles with foreign armies were won by our our marshals and generals?”

- Lost the Polish campaign.

- Everything! Nowhere else fought. As you know, any civil war is very different from wars between countries.

There is a curious detail in the “NGO case”. When Stalin was reporting on the Military-Political Conspiracy at the Military Council, he focused on the fact that the conspiracy in the NPO is the end of the case that received the name Tangle in 1935.

- I think not everyone knows what is behind this.

- At the end of 34, Stalin’s brother-in-law of his first wife, Svanidze, who worked in the financial sphere, wrote a note to Stalin, indicated that there was a conspiracy against his centrist group. Who entered it? Stalin himself, Molotov — the head of government, Ordzhonikidze — who led the creation of heavy industry, Voroshilov — the people's commissar of defense; Litvinov — the people's commissar for foreign affairs, who pursued an active policy of rapprochement with Western democracies; after the assassination of Kirov, who freed about 35 thousands of peasants who suffered because of the so-called three spikelets. The group also included Zhdanov, who replaced Kirov in Leningrad, and two very important people from the Central Committee: Stetsky, head of the Agitation and Propaganda Department, and Yakovlev (Epstein), the creator of the most popular publications, Peasant Newspaper and Poor Notes, talented journalist. He, like Stetsky, is a member

constitutional commission, and most importantly - the author of the electoral law.

After the aforementioned plenum of the 37 year, in which the parocrats only formally supported the electoral law, Stetsky and Yakovlev were arrested and executed. They are not remembered, and over Tukhachevsky, Uborevich, Yakir, others cry.

- It turns out that Stalin even had to sacrifice them.

- It turns out. There was a fierce struggle. Here is a hero for all Bukharin. And when he was invited to the Central Committee for a serious conversation, he began by providing a list of his own students, whom he gave to the slaughter. That is, as soon as he felt that he might be ill, he hurried to hand in others instead of himself.

- I heard the definition: the 37 year is a feast of vengeance against the Leninist guard, and 34-th and 35-th - preparation for it.

- So a poet who thinks in images can speak. And here it is easier. Even after the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev and many others did not seriously think that socialism would win in backward Russia. They looked hopefully at the industrialized United States, Germany, Britain, France. After all, tsarist Russia in terms of industrial development was after tiny Belgium. They forget about it. Like, ah-oh, what was Russia! But in World War I weapon we bought from the English, the French, the Japanese, the Americans.

The Bolshevik leadership hoped (what Zinoviev wrote most vividly in Pravda) only for the revolution in Germany. They say that when Russia unites with it, it will be able to build socialism.

Meanwhile, Stalin wrote Zinoviev in the summer of 1923 of the year: even if the German Communist Party power falls from the sky, it will not keep it. Stalin was the only person in the leadership who did not believe in the world revolution. Considered: our main concern is Soviet Russia.

What's next? The revolution did not take place in Germany. We take NEP. A few months later the country howled. Enterprises are closing, millions of unemployed, and those workers who have retained their jobs receive 10 – 20 percent of what they received before the revolution. Peasants replaced the surplus with a food tax, but it was such that the peasants could not pay it. Banditry is increasing: political, criminal. There is an unprecedented - economic: the poor, to pay taxes and feed their families, attack trains. Gangs arise even among students: to learn and not die of hunger, you need money. They are mined by robbing the Nepmen. That's what poured NEP. He corrupted the party, Soviet cadres. Bribery is everywhere. For any service, the chairman of the village council, the policeman take a bribe. Factory directors repair their own apartments at the expense of enterprises, buy luxury. And so with 1921 on 1928 year.

Trotsky and his right hand in the field of economics Preobrazhensky conceived to transfer the flames of revolution to Asia, and to train cadres in our eastern republics, urgently building factories there for the "breeding" of the local proletariat.

Stalin proposed another option: the construction of socialism in one single country. At the same time, he never said when socialism would be built. He said - building, and a few years later clarified: you need to create industry in 10 years. Heavy industry. Otherwise they will destroy us. This was pronounced in February 1931 of the year. Stalin did not make much of a mistake. Through the 10 years and 4 of the month Germany attacked the USSR.

The principal differences were the group of Stalin and the hard stone Bolsheviks. It does not matter, they are left, like Trotsky and Zinoviev, right, like Rykov and Bukharin. Everyone relied on the revolution in Europe ... So the essence is not in retribution, but in a bitter struggle to determine the course of development of the country.

- You want to say that the period, which in the eyes of many is presented as the time of the Stalinist repressions, - on the other hand, was not an attempt to build democracy for many reasons?

- New Constitution to this and had to lead. Stalin understood that for a man of that time, democracy is something unattainable. After all, it is impossible to demand knowledge of higher mathematics from a first-grader. The 1936 Constitution of the Year was for growth. Here is a village. The street committee, the residents of 10 – 20 houses, elect those responsible for the condition of the street. Themselves. No they decree. Behind this is the desire to learn to worry about what is behind your fence, what order there is. And then further, further ... People were gradually being drawn into self-government. That is why, under the Soviet regime, a rigid vertical of power was gradually eliminated.

Yes, a paradox, but we lost all of this as a result of the pseudo-democratic reforms of the beginning of 90's. It is necessary to realize: we have lost the foundations of democracy. Today they say: we are returning the election of heads of administrations, mayors, elections in the ruling party ... But this was, guys, we had it all.

Stalin, starting political reforms in 1935, expressed an important thought: "We must free the party from economic activity." But then I made a reservation, it will not be soon. Malenkov spoke about the same thing at the 18th party conference in February 1941. And then there was January 1944 of the year. Before the plenum of the Central Committee, the only one during the war years, the Politburo met. Considered the draft resolution, signed by Stalin, Molotov, Malenkov. In it, if the five-page text is briefly stated, it was said: the party committees of the region, region, district, city take to their work the most intelligent and talented, but there is no use for that. They give orders on all matters of life, and if something goes wrong, the Soviet authorities are responsible - the performers. Therefore, it was proposed in the project that it is necessary to limit the activities of the party committees only by agitation and propaganda, participation in the selection of personnel. Everything else is the work of the Soviet authorities. The Politburo rejected the proposal, although it was the meaning of reforming the party.

Earlier, in the 1937 year, when discussing the electoral law, Stalin threw the phrase: "Fortunately or unfortunately, we have only one party." Obviously, he returned to the idea for a long time that it was necessary to deduce state authorities from the party’s every minute control. And, if possible, create a competitor to the existing party. Stalin died without achieving it.

- By the way, in connection with his death, the focus is usually shifted to events such as the arrest and execution of Beria. Is this the most significant?

- After Stalin’s death, the head of the USSR government, Malenkov, one of his closest associates, abolished all privileges for the party nomenclature. For example, the monthly issuance of money ("envelopes"), the sum of which is two or three, or even five times higher than the salary and was not taken into account even when paying party fees, Lechsanupr, sanatoriums, personal machines, "turntables". And he raised the salaries of government employees in 2 – 3 times. Party workers on the generally accepted scale of values ​​(and in their own eyes) have become much lower than state employees.

The offensive on the rights of the party nomenclature hidden from prying eyes lasted three months. Party cadres united, began to complain about the infringement of "rights" to the Secretary of the Central Committee Khrushchev. We asked to leave at least something that others do not have.

He achieved the cancellation of the decision, all the "losses" to the nomenclature were more than returned. And Khrushchev at the September plenum of the Central Committee was unanimously elected first secretary. Although at the March plenum, it was decided to cancel this position, to switch to collective leadership.

Soon Malenkov was sent to work outside the Urals. It began - if we talk about the system of internal power structure - a bloodless, compromise period, when the party nomenclature (moving in zigzags from Soviet to party organs and back) became more and more self-reliant. And lost the ability to feel the time, no longer develop the country. The consequence is stagnation, degradation of power, which led to the events of 1991 and 1993.

- So, the mentioned decisions of Malenkov are unrealized aspirations of Stalin?

- There are many reasons to think so.

- In response - the actual revenge of the then party nomenclature.

- Of course. Assessing those years, it can be argued that Stalin sought to create an economy - a powerful one, and achieved this. We became one of the two superpowers, even after his death, but he laid the foundations.

He sought to limit the power of officials, tried to start teaching democracy to the people, so that even through generations, it would enter into its blood and flesh. All this was rejected by Khrushchev. And then Brezhnev, judging even by the article of the Constitution that the party is mentioned. As a result, the party and state apparatus merged with the morals of the partytocracy: to lead, but not to answer for anything. Remember, in the film “Volga-Volga”, Byvalov says to the water carrier: “I will scream and you will answer.” It was this system that collapsed, as if, in fact, it was not just preserved, but strengthened a hundred times. Before there were levers of control. Say, if something is wrong where you live, and this is on the conscience of state bodies, you could complain to the district committee, they reacted there. There were the Soviet Control Committee, the People’s Control Committee. This was a means of controlling officials.

As a result of the counter-revolution of 1991 – 1993, the officials took off all kinds of possible controls, unleashed. Now we have a system that had matured since ancient times: we recall the works of Pushkin and Gogol, Sukhovo-Kobylin and Saltykov-Shchedrin ... They tried to break the system, but it survived, flourished with a double color.

- When you say “tried to break,” do you mean 34 and 35 years or 37?

- The 37 and 38 years is the resistance of the partycracy. Succeeded. Fight against her by the State Defense Committee in 41. It was possible at the time of the war. 44-th - complete failure, repeated in 53-m. Yeltsin, as it seemed to everyone, succeeded ...

- Not understood! Is Yeltsin plus for us, for the country or minus?

- Under the guise of breaking the bureaucratic system, he destroyed all methods of control over the officials. They became completely out of control. And a vivid expression is our system of power, in which officials, albeit by one vote, but have an advantage in parliaments and carry out any laws only in their own favor.

Well, if we return to the 37 year, I would like to remind the readers: then for every arrested person there were at least two denunciations. That's it.

- To inform, not to inform - a personal choice. And to pass a sentence is completely different ...

Yury Nikolaevich Zhukov (born 22, January 1938) - Soviet Russian historian, doctor of historical sciences, chief researcher at the Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences. After graduating from the Historical Archives Institute, he worked as a journalist in the press agency "News". In 1976, he defended his Ph.D. thesis, in 1992, he completed his doctoral thesis, supervised the creation of the encyclopedias “Moscow”, “Civil War and foreign intervention in the USSR”. He is the author of six monographs, hundreds of scientific articles on the history of the USSR of the 1917 – 1954 period. Known scientific and scientific works of Stalin and the "Stalin era."
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  1. bask
    15 October 2012 07: 24
    In every century, there should be a 37 year. Now it is simply necessary, but exclusively for officials and the top bourgeoisie (aligarchs)) _) Already a lot of su .... have welded. It's time to pay!
    1. +9
      15 October 2012 08: 07
      No wonder the planes are constantly at the ready, a point not iron. Nothing changes.
      1. +3
        15 October 2012 09: 57
        Quote: sergey32
        No wonder the planes are always on standby

        A no-fly zone is needed!
    2. mongoose
      15 October 2012 11: 16
      and it’s worth starting with the Basque! am
      1. 0
        15 October 2012 16: 22
        Quote: mongoose
        and it’s worth starting with the Basque!

        Dima, you are in your repertoire. Do you have a race for skulls?
      2. bask
        15 October 2012 20: 59
        Mongoose. The Basque, the bucks are mute. And the goal, I'm like that gopher that you have on the profile picture !!!
    3. +2
      15 October 2012 11: 54

      The party nomenclature, which had real power in the USSR, was simply repainted in the 90s.
      According to some sources, even in the Siberian exile, Stalin underwent sacred training, and therefore was as if sent to the communist milieu. No wonder the tsarist police kept documents on him.
    4. +23
      25 November 2020 22: 26
      And maybe it will come. The people will not forgive the oligarchy for the destruction of the country.
  2. +4
    15 October 2012 08: 05
    - "Under the guise of breaking the bureaucratic system, he destroyed all methods of control over bureaucrats."
    It may be added that, by his first decree, Putin supported this irresponsibility of those in power.
    1. +2
      15 October 2012 08: 52
      Quote: smel
      It may be added that, by his first decree, Putin supported this irresponsibility of those in power.

      If possible, remind Putin's first decree and that he really was the first? And not in words, pliz, but with a specific link, colleague. Here is such a "Big Human Request" for you.
      1. Fox 070
        15 October 2012 09: 46
        Good day, Valery! Have not met on the site for a long time! How are you feeling? drinks
        1. 0
          15 October 2012 09: 56
          Quote: Fox 070
          Good day, Valery!

          Felix, good day, buddy! hi
          Quote: Fox 070
          Have not met on the site for a long time!

          Yes, there were a lot of reasons - now things, then all sorts of different unforeseen. Now more or less settled down recourse .
          Quote: Fox 070
          How are you feeling?

          Everyone, buddy. But more positive. The country is moving in many directions, and from this a sense of perspective has appeared. People began to relate more calmly and responsibly to work. He wheeled - saw, talked, cheered up drinks
          1. Fox 070
            15 October 2012 11: 01
            quote = esaul] Wooed - saw, talked, cheered up [/ quote]
            Nice to hear! And on the site, the mood is noticeably changing in a positive, in my opinion, direction. More and more people are beginning to look at "civilized common people" precisely from the point of view that they deserve, not accepting the false ideas that they have been actively pushing since the beginning of "perestroika". I also believe that slowly everything has moved off the ground and we are rolling further and further from the edge of the abyss into which the liberals were dragging us. Will live!!! drinks
      2. Fox 070
        15 October 2012 09: 56
        Quote: esaul
        If possible, recall Putin’s first decree and what really was the first?

        In early January 2000, Vladimir Putin issued a decree on the immunity of the first president of Russia and his family from any legal or administrative prosecution.

        1. Witch
          15 October 2012 12: 01
          According to the consultant's reference system, in January 2000 there were no decrees on the status of Yeltsin.
          1. Fox 070
            15 October 2012 12: 29
            Quote: Witch
            According to the consultant reference system,

            Do not believe it.
            1. Witch
              15 October 2012 13: 37
              Well, why. Unlike the Code and the Guarantor, there is the most complete data bank. That Decree, about which you spoke, has the following details - Decree No. 31 of December 1999, 1763. This Decree was killed in connection with the entry into force of the Federal Law of February 12, 2001. No. 12-FZ.
              Thus, the Consultant can be trusted ....)))
      3. dimanf
        15 October 2012 11: 20
        Quote: esaul
        If possible, recall Putin’s first decree and what really was the first?

        Putin's first decree was to provide the first President and his family members with lifetime guarantees of immunity.

      4. 0
        16 October 2012 14: 01
        If not laziness - then on your own, on your own ... Date - 31.12 1999-go. Or at that time still in primary school studied?

        The otvet got to somewhere. There he asked to rummage on his own. But since then he found it himself .. Decree 1763 of December 31.12, 1999, paragraph 1, subparagraph "e". Read it. It may be interesting. Although everyone who did not study at that time in primary school knows what it is about
    2. +3
      15 October 2012 09: 17
      And under the guise of criticism of the authorities, the marsh try to arrange a coup and ruin the country. Knowing at the same time that any power, whatever it may be, is always in confrontation with a certain part of the people. So these actions are wading with white bandages called meanness and venality.
      It is necessary to bring our laws under the laws of the United States and all actions of this white-tape seam will become illegal - this will be American democracy.
      1. +1
        15 October 2012 09: 30
        Quote: alexneg
        It is necessary to bring our laws under the laws of the United States and all actions of this white-tape seam will become illegal - this will be American democracy.

        Greetings, Alexander. I am afraid this is a fallacy, like many utopian theories. As long as there is an order (and he will be, as long as there are concepts of "mine" and "someone else's, which I really want to have"), there will be rats who want to earn money on betrayal and meanness. Vaughn and Udaltsov and Gudkov did not hesitate to declare that "Money should be taken from at least someone if it goes to a good cause." What words are used ... About the good ... Only their good goals cannot spread beyond their own power. In general, with democratic approaches to their quirks, there is an overkill. It is time to press these "daredevils" to the nail without looking back at The Hague and other civilizing attributes that have long had nothing to do with civilization.
    3. GG2012
      15 October 2012 09: 35
      Quote: smel
      Putin’s first decree

      Did you hold a candle? Did you bring paper? Will you post it?
      1. +4
        15 October 2012 09: 39
        Well, you must admit that Putin nevertheless betrayed some kind of indulgence to a certain circle of people, it doesn’t matter that to maintain power, but such an event takes place ... This is me about the current time ...
        But on the question asked ...
        The decree “On guarantees to the president of the Russian Federation, who terminated the exercise of his powers, and to members of his family” was the first decree signed by the acting acting chairman on December 31 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The decree determined the retirement of the former president in the amount of 1999% of the presidential salary, the guards and apparatus of assistants paid from the budget, and also provided one of the state dachas for life use. The former president and members of his family were guaranteed free medical care in special clinics and free use of government communications. But the main thing - the decree established that "the president of the Russian Federation, who ceased to exercise his powers, cannot be held criminally or administratively liable, detained, arrested, searched, interrogated or searched in person." The decree was in force until February 75, when the State Duma adopted the federal law "On guarantees to the president of the Russian Federation, who ceased to exercise his powers, and to members of his family," establishing the immunity of the former president "for acts committed by him during the exercise of the powers of the president of the Russian Federation." The former president can only be held accountable if he commits a serious crime. Moreover, the representation of the prosecutor general about the deprivation of the former president’s immunity in connection with the criminal case instituted against him should be approved by the State Duma and the Federation Council.

        In order to provide legal, social and other guarantees to the President of the Russian Federation, who has ceased to exercise his powers, and to members of his family, before the adoption of the relevant federal law, I decide:
        1. To establish that the President of the Russian Federation, who has ceased to exercise his powers due to the expiration of his term of office or ahead of schedule in the event of his resignation or persistent inability for health reasons to exercise his powers (hereinafter referred to as the President of the Russian Federation, ceased to perform his powers), and its members
        But the context is somewhat different, this is not Yeltsin’s personal integrity, although it is clear to whom it was written ... And most importantly, without this law, Putin would not have been in power ... Well, there may be different thoughts ...

        Nashol the law in 3 minutes, and here the poor thing was bombarded.
        PS I will not say that this is the first law, but one of the first signed by Putin, and in chronology he is exactly the first ...
        1. +1
          15 October 2012 10: 09
          Quote: klimpopov
          But the context is somewhat different, this is not the personal integrity of Yeltsin, although it is clear to whom it was written ..

          Klim welcome. In general, the decree concerned EXACTLY the person of EBN and was intended precisely for its protection. Seeing subtexts in contexts is a favorite pastime of opposition technologists. If desired, the text of any law or decree can be pulled over the ears by the unreadable. And without specifics, all fabrications are idle talk.
          Quote: klimpopov
          And most importantly, without this law, Putin would not have been in power ...

          I absolutely agree with this and, in due time, answered this question to a forum member under the nickname 916-th
          In this situation, I think it is necessary to welcome such a move by Putin with his aim to lead and stop the country from falling into the abyss. It would not be superfluous to recall that by that time the gold reserves of Russia were at the level of 20 (!) Billion with an external debt of more than 300 billion! You need to look at "Shirsha", colleague, but see the problem for "Glybja". hi wink
          1. +3
            15 October 2012 10: 19
            I can say that over time it will not matter how he came to power. They will judge him according to his deeds ... He only wanted to emphasize this ..
            Putin with his goal to lead and stop the country from falling into the abyss

            I don’t mind, I also really want to believe that Putin is the one who needs to, but he should be judged by his affairs, and this will probably be done more or less objectively through 30 for years ...

            He wrote his first post only because they didn’t rightly infect the subject. Smel ...
            And so in general I try to write comments less often now ...
            Well, "below" there an old acquaintance appeared and could not pass by ...
            1. +3
              15 October 2012 11: 04
              Quote: klimpopov
              but it should be judged by his affairs, and this can be done more or less objectively through 30 for years ...

              Accepted, Klim. But, for me, the fact that the country did not plunge into a civil war and retained its integrity thanks to his efforts means a lot. But this was what the Berezovskiy-Khodorkovskiy and their sponsors were pushing from across the sea-okiyana, organizing all sorts of "Amnesty" and "memorials" with Soros funds, directing the grandmother to drink all the weapons.
              1. +3
                15 October 2012 11: 14
                It has not collapsed, but the questions have not been closed yet ... Yes, and the situation cannot be called stable, therefore 30 years ....
                And, importantly, I said that 30 years after Putin’s reign ... Who will come for him, another curer? ... Who will create watered capital on criticism of his predecessor ...
                1. +1
                  15 October 2012 11: 37
                  Quote: klimpopov
                  Who will come for him, another healer? ...

                  This is the shitty thing in the mentality of many of his predecessors - each newcomer who has come in every way, denounced the mistakes of his predecessors and formed his own cult in every possible way. GDP does not shrug off the mistakes made by its predecessors, but says (most recently in a TV interview) that this has been promised to our people and our leaders, people are waiting for the fulfillment of promises and have the right to demand their fulfillment. Therefore, now all social programs, in fact, are the fulfillment of the promises of the previous rulers, which, during their reign, turned into chatter. When another bog, beating with his wing, yells that "Why! We were pleased to provide the unfortunate granny with housing, for the first time in 50 years! Horror! Bastards!", He omits the fact that this granny or veteran had already lived in their huts until 2000 For 30 or more years, believing in the endless promises given to them, not at all by Putin.
                  Confirmation of Putin’s words about fidelity to the fulfillment of these promises, I uploaded the video.
                2. +1
                  15 October 2012 21: 10
                  Quote: klimpopov
                  Which will create watered capital on criticism of the predecessor ...

                  Wise by some life experience, dear Klim, I can guess who creates his dubious political capital in this way - only a uniform m-duck ... Not seeing further momentary political benefits.
                  1. 0
                    15 October 2012 21: 40
                    Yes, but this trend is very stable, it’s also easier, but really no one can offer anything.
            2. 0
              17 October 2012 06: 21
              Dear Klim, I am not a poor fellow, and the minuses of not quite literate people, even those who are among the moderators, do not insult me, they do not hurt or spoil my mood. It’s nice, of course, that there are thoughtful and knowledgeable people who know the information on this issue, stick to my point of view. For my part, such an attitude is not a nonsense. It is a position, a position which is based on sufficient education (from my point of view), on life experience, on the achieved level in military service.
              As for the inexplicable joy that Putin came to power thanks to this document, this is incredible .... I will not give a better definition. You can do the analogies yourself ... For example, in the captivity (in the war) our Red Army soldiers shot their fellow soldiers in order to stay alive, and later move to their own. This, of course, is a very tough example, but from the same opera. Yes, and the period under consideration of the 37 year is replete with denunciations. Did they all write from altruistic motives? ??Of course not!!! And they climbed into great posts, drowning the predecessor ...
              For the universal joy of the board of a leader, not necessarily the state level, you can create a law on the responsibility of officials. The meaning of the law is very simple and fits well with democratic principles. But here I just don’t want to state it, not in the topic of the article .. Interesting - in PM.
    4. dimanf
      15 October 2012 11: 08
      Quote: smel
      Almost 500 thousand officials of all levels (primarily party members) were removed from work and were punished.

      Sounds good ! That would be so now!
    5. Witch
      15 October 2012 11: 52
      The very first Decree (No. 1 of January 3, 2000) was on the dismissal of Shevchenko from his post.
  3. +3
    15 October 2012 08: 50
    According to V. Kozhinov, in 37 the revolution destroyed its children, those who created the system itself. Rehabilitating Bukharin, Pyatakov and others, it would not hurt to recall their calls to destroy the opponents of Soviet power. "I'm terribly glad that the dogs were shot ..." Bukharin wrote. The number of those repressed for so long and persistently, with splashing saliva and rolling their eyes, was overstated that "half of the country in dungeons" has become an elusive stereotype, remember Akhmatova and her Requiem.
    She didn’t know that Vyshinsky freed, not planted; that Malenkov did not renounce Stalin after his death, like all his other associates, claiming power. I will seek information: trust, but verify.
    1. Fox 070
      15 October 2012 10: 07
      Quote: koni
      She didn’t know that Vyshinsky freed, not planted; that Malenkov did not renounce Stalin after his death, like all the rest of his associates

      This is the meaning of this and similar articles - to open information about Stalin and his companions in its entirety, from different sides, and not one-sided and clumsily, as has been done from the time of Khrushchev to the present day, to make people not blindly believe in the proposed nonsense, but think about that historical period, which we call "Stalin's time". Good luck in your search. love
  4. Kaa
    15 October 2012 08: 55
    In short, first of all, those who wanted to "destroy, to the core" were repressed. Destroy what? First of all, Russia, in order to use its resources and mobilize its population as "cannon fodder", to throw it into the "furnace of the world revolution", that is, to establish a "new world order". A group of revolutionaries, let's conditionally call them "statists", led by Stalin, won as a result of a 15-year (from 1922 to 1937) struggle with the supporters of the "new world order" - Trotsky, Bukharin, Rykov, Zinoviev and others like them, not letting Russia be burned in the "world fire". Further, as soon as they could, they prepared for the fight against the "new world order" under the auspices of National Socialism. Next, the "new world order" is back on the agenda. And the author of the article has not yet mentioned that most of the repressed were directly related to their internationalist leaders, they were mobilized, educated, and placed in leading positions. The dictatorship of Stalin - it begins somewhere in 1938-1939, before that - the struggle of authoritative groups of various kinds for power. Now in Russia there are "statists" and "internationalists" again. The former are trying to do something for the country, the latter are striving for "universal human values," read, for a "new world order," again the dominance of officials, a new nomenclature. Who with whom and what to do is everyone's choice ...
    1. Fox 070
      15 October 2012 10: 12
      Quote: Kaa
      Who with whom and what to do is everyone’s choice ...

      And nobody can sit out in the shade. Kaa rights - EACH must make this choice. "+" drinks
  5. +5
    15 October 2012 09: 08
    Where are the screamers?
    Where are those who blame Stalin?
    It turns out that Stalin was a "rag", for several hours he could not figure it out with Yezhov. Moreover, together with Voroshilov and Molotov.
    In general, a very clear and precise answer is why repression.
    Because POWER - "..it's sweeter than a woman ..". As in some movie it sounded.
    Alternative choices ?????
    Alternative candidates? Engineering building?
    Nothing of the kind - to jail everyone, to jail.
    4,5 million repressed over 20 years.
    Million executed.
    The numbers are not small.
    So now ... sits annually ... half less .. from 4,5 million. That in the States, that we have, that in China.
    And the whole story.
    1. Kaa
      15 October 2012 09: 24
      Quote: Igarr
      In general, a very clear and precise answer is why repression.
      Because POWER - "..it's sweeter than a woman ..".

      And why does the marsh and other demonstrations come up with a question?
      1. +4
        15 October 2012 09: 30
        And this ". Swamp and other demonstrations" themselves want power.
        Moreover, they are subsidized - mom, do not worry.
        Let the natives of Vanuatu unfasten me .... a certain amount ... of banknotes - I will also trample into power. (Or at least I will pretend. And then, I will lamentably explain - there was little money, the natives of Tong unfastened theirs more).
        1. +1
          15 October 2012 21: 22
          Quote: Igarr
          Let the natives of Vanuatu unfasten me .... a certain amount ... of banknotes - I will also trample into power. (Or at least I will pretend. And then, I will lamentably explain - there was little money, the natives of Tong unfastened theirs more).

          However, you are a cynic, dear Igarr ...
  6. +5
    15 October 2012 09: 23
    Very entertaining article! hi I read it with great interest!
    The story is like clothing on a person; it is only wrong to fasten one button on the coat wrong, and the whole outfit is crooked!
    So it is with our story. Each king tries to fasten under himself.
    But in the end, how many years we walk like clowns.
    Maybe it’s time to seriously beat the face of the blackeners I.V. Stalin ?!
    1. Fox 070
      15 October 2012 10: 22
      Quote: sergo0000
      Maybe it’s time to seriously beat the face of the blackeners I.V. Stalin ?!

      Until a political decision is taken by our president to revise the historical events of that period and eradicate the falsification of historical documents, any of our actions in the mainstream of "hitting the face" will be regarded as pogroms. Although, to be honest, sometimes you want to score on political correctness and clean up the mug of the nearest anti-Stalinist, just so that it would not stink. drinks
    2. Ilyukha
      15 October 2012 11: 25
      Your ghoul is Stalin. In understanding this question, the article has not changed anything. Mental masochists are always looking for someone who will hurt them.
      1. Fox 070
        15 October 2012 11: 34
        Quote: Ilyukha
        Your ghoul Stalin

        For people like you, he will always be a "ghoul", a "bloodthirsty villain" and something else terrible, because he fought with "double-barreled guns" like you and pulled up the country, not your Judeo-liberal Caudla. Fear and hate HIM - this is the last thing that remains for you ...
        1. +1
          15 October 2012 14: 40
          Greetings Felix! And what else should they stay !? wink drinks
        2. Konrad
          15 October 2012 19: 33
          Quote: Fox 070
          For people like you, he will always be a "ghoul", a "bloodthirsty villain"

          And for people like you - the OWNER

          The Stalinist's Cry
          (imitation of Nekrasov)

          Not the wind walks over the forest
          Streams didn’t run from the mountains -
          That pours the Stalinist inconsolable
          Flammable tears of their own.

          “Well, where are you, well, where are you, Master,
          I can’t live without you anymore
          When finally they let me
          Hold your cheek against your boot?

          When your strong arms
          They lift me out of the mud
          And wise speeches will tell
          What to expect from the coming day?

          When the party activist gives the task -
          Praise you on every corner
          Without glory to the Father of all nations
          I can’t sleep at night!

          I want, as in previous years,
          To live your life without a hitch ...
          To spit no one would dare
          Without a friend, Soviet children!

          Without your formidable look
          I don’t get a piece in my throat,
          And I only dream about one thing -
          Become the dust of your boots! ”
  7. GG2012
    15 October 2012 09: 33
    "... Killed, raped - you are also repressed, a victim of Stalin's terror. A very clever move ..."

    But it is.
    We in Ukraine are now honoring Bandera as heroes who are unjustly repressed.
    Like sitting on bunkers, they wrote leaflets ... cool.
    And the fact that they burned a young teacher with children from a hut, or they hung a Russian-speaking rural doctor ... then they are silent about this.

    Article +++
    1. +3
      15 October 2012 09: 46
      Quote: GG2012
      We in Ukraine are now honoring Bandera as heroes who are unjustly repressed

      Greetings, colleague. But not only in Ukraine. Look at the Baltic states that Natsik do.
      What is symptomatic - as soon as there were some shifts in the normalization of Russian - Ukrainian relations, nationalists in Ukraine became sharply active. And they found a new woman, they will soon stick her braid. And she will temporarily replace "blameless" Yulia, while she walks around the cell on a walker.
      1. GG2012
        15 October 2012 10: 25
        Quote: esaul
        Greetings, colleague.

        Hello hello !!! hi
        I welcome you too.
        Today's election situation in Ukraine is clear to the primitive.
        Donetsk money rules everywhere.
        The new woman (so far without a braid) - Royal - is an artificial visual substitute for "now and ever and forever ..." Timoshonka, sitting in captivity.
        Active nationalists "Svoboda" is a political project, created with the money of "Donetsk" people, to protect sovereignty from absorption by Russia. It is Russia. For Russian capital already controls about 50% of the banking system of Ukraine. This share is steadily growing. Plus, the competent duty policy of the Russian Federation, strongly hits local "types of producers" (a parody of the auto industry, cheese and dairy products).
        At the same time, Russian banks are actively lending idiotic global projects to local bureaucrats naturally under state guarantees. As a result, money is wasted, projects have not been implemented, debts are rising tremblingly, tariffs and taxes are rising, the country is being stupidly prepared for butchering like a carcass of a hog.

        It was for the active phase of the conflict that they raised (I draw your attention, raised) the Freedom Party. When the "Donetsk" people decide to throw creditors (Russia in the first place), "Svobodovtsev" will be allowed to power. Perhaps there will be a civil war, Perhaps the eastern part of Ukraine and the Crimea will break away from the central and western parts of Ukraine.
        ... In short, "fun" from understanding what is happening.
    2. Fox 070
      15 October 2012 10: 33
      Quote: GG2012
      Type sat on bunkers, wrote leaflets, ...

      Exactly, they sat in the bunkers like cowardly rats, afraid to show their nose while the army was looking for them, and as the soldiers left, they climbed out with women and kids to fight ... S ... ki.
      Well, that they were recognized as victims of Stalin's repressions is so true, and Hitler, and Goebels, and many others fell under this skating rink ... In the world, thanks to the efforts of "common people", they will soon start erecting monuments to them as victims of the struggle against communism and " Stalin's leprosy ". Quite already, creatures, have gone crazy ... "+"
    3. Konrad
      16 October 2012 06: 38
      Quote: GG2012

      "... Killed, raped - you are also repressed, a victim of Stalinist terror

      Under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the lumpen proletariat was naturally considered socially close - declassed elements, thieves, prostitutes and other criminal elements. Everyone who owned the means of production turned out to be socially distant: land, workshops, just a tool — peasants, artisans. What is a means of production for engineering workers? Besides the knowledge itself? Directories, technical literature - a library, an apartment under it .... Doctors and teachers, people of creative professions ... Almost all people who achieved work were socially distant ...
  8. 8 company
    15 October 2012 09: 48
    A historian with titles, of course, but his attempts to justify Stalin once again fit into a stupidly primitive scheme: good Stalin is a bad people. This scheme is very popular among the Stalinists. The people, in the opinion of the Stalinists, were not adapted to a market economy, democracy and self-government, they liked to inform their neighbors. Stalin was especially unlucky with the peasants, because for some reason they did not want to give the state grain for free and go to collective farms. In short, Stalin was not lucky with the people. But the people with Stalin were awesome "lucky".
    The article is full of monstrous absurdities and nonsense, For example, the historian writes:
    Even earlier, in 1937, when discussing the electoral law, Stalin threw out the phrase: “Fortunately or unfortunately, we have only one party.” Obviously, for a long time he returned to the idea that it was necessary to remove state power bodies from the party’s every minute control. And, if possible, create a competitor to the existing party.

    This is utter nonsense. Any normal person, not even a historian, knows that Stalin’s whole life was devoted to the destruction of any, even the slightest opposition, of his own unlimited power.
    1. +3
      15 October 2012 10: 02
      This is utter nonsense. Any normal person, not even a historian, knows that Stalin’s whole life was devoted to the destruction of any, even the slightest opposition, of his own unlimited power.

      I don’t know what the life of Stalin was dedicated to, and you also don’t know this ... Or somehow expand your answer or something ...

      Historian with ranks of course

      These are his attempts to at least somehow look at the time of Stalin's rule, but you think in cliches circulated in the 90 (well, maybe earlier). At the same time, it is not said that it’s good to shoot people (my family, like many others, suffered, but not from Stalin, but when the Cossacks were destroyed as a class), the author gives reason to just look at things from all sides. And how do you feel about Solzhenitsyn's work?

      Remember the anecdote about the student of history faculty "A student comes out of the library with a huge bundle of books, they ask him - what are all the books that need to be read? He - no, it's a list of references." I mean that by Solzhenitsyn alone (who is not even considered a historian) to judge that period is at least strange ...

      The author is a historian with what ranks, I remember his monographs at the institute ...
      1. 8 company
        15 October 2012 13: 38
        Quote: klimpopov
        And how do you feel about Solzhenitsyn's work?

        I think it's time for you to know that Solzhenitsin's work is only referred to by Dzhugashvili fans, to whom I am not. They really like to repeat like incantations Solzhenitsyn's passages about "tens of millions of tortured", so they try to fully justify Stalin's crimes.
        1. +1
          15 October 2012 14: 49
          Ok'ey, whose work are you referring to?
          1. 8 company
            15 October 2012 15: 38
            Quote: klimpopov
            Ok'ey, whose work are you referring to?

            Basically, to the primary sources: materials of plenums of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, orders of the NKVD, archival documents mentioned in historical works of various researchers, as well as memoirs of participants in the events. Including the statements of Stalin himself. So convincingly refute the lie of the Stalinists, as the leader himself does, no one can.
            Here, for example, is the text of Stalin’s telegram:
            "National Central Committee, regional committees, regional committees. In connection with the ongoing trial of spies and wreckers Tukhachevsky, Yakir, Uborevich and others, the Central Committee invites you to organize meetings of workers, and, where possible, peasants, as well as meetings of Red Army units and pass a resolution on the need capital punishment. The trial must be completed tonight. The verdict will be published tomorrow, that is, June 12th. "
            June 11, 1937 Secretary of the Central Committee Stalin.
            1. +3
              15 October 2012 16: 08
              And I would read Tukhachevsky’s case with pleasure, but it’s clear that it was not from scratch that he was put to the wall. I will subscribe to every word telegram!
              Again, what does this telegram prove? And absolutely nothing, but they wanted to quickly remove it, so Tukhachevsky was not a boy from the gateway either, he had some support. That is, the telegram is a consequence of certain operational measures, but the case file is another matter ...
              It is incomprehensible to me how this telegram describes Stalin’s personality as a villain ... Oh well ... I, too, am not a Stalinist .. I am for looking at his rule from different angles, but repression, but, a lot, but, you don’t think ?

              About the rallies. So this is generally normal practice ...
              1. 8 company
                15 October 2012 16: 17
                Quote: klimpopov
                It is not clear to me how this telegram describes the personality of Stalin as a villain ...

                This is not surprising: if you constantly defend Stalin from "unjust attacks", then how do you understand the meaning of this telegram? It is interesting, by the way, that Tukhachevsky was shot on the night from 11 to 12, so the masses of workers at the meetings organized according to Stalin's telegram were branded, indignant and called for reprisals against the already dead Marshal. And Blucher even had to be tried in absentia, because he was killed during interrogation, but he must be tried. Condemned, but of course.
                1. +1
                  15 October 2012 16: 44
                  Where did I defend Stalin from "unjust attacks"? Poke your nose !!!
                  11 at 12, so the masses of workers at rallies organized according to Stalin’s telegram were stigmatized,

                  In my opinion, I wrote why everything is so fleeting ... I repeat, without the work of Tukhachevsky and his accomplices, saying something is not possible, more precisely it is possible, but it makes no sense ...

                  Well, for Blucher in more detail, recall why he was shot ...
                  Or should I remind?
                  Well, let me remind you.

                  'Lieutenant Makhalin called me urgently by phone. ... 'A large detachment of Japanese violated the border and began to attack the location of the border detachment, we will fight to the death, avenge us!' The connection was interrupted. I asked for permission from the divisional commissar Bogdanov to hold Makhalin's group with heavy machine gun fire. I was denied this with the motivation that it would cause the Japanese to retaliate in the area of ​​the Zaozernaya height. '.

                  This is only one sentence from the testimony ...
                  “It got to the point that on August 1 of this year, during a conversation over a direct wire, Comrades. Stalin, Molotov and Voroshilov with Comrade Blucher, Comrade. Stalin had to ask him a question: “Tell me, Comrade Blucher, honestly, do you have a desire to really fight the Japanese? If you do not have such a desire, tell me bluntly, as befits a communist, and if there is a desire, I would think that you should leave immediately. '

                  Then I already dragged Stalin.
                  Well, now, of course, you will say that this is all a lie and a lie, and indeed it was necessary to hand over everything to the Japanese, and to surrender to everyone, now they would live in a developed country and so on, I also talked with anti-Stalinist "normal people", they have only one reason , and they usually give out the consequence of any action and not the reason ...

                  Only after the order to Comrade Blucher to leave for the scene of events does Comrade Blucher take up operational leadership. But with this more than strange leadership, he does not set clear tasks for the troops to destroy the enemy, interferes with the combat work of commanders subordinate to him, in particular, the command of the 1st Army is actually removed from the leadership of its troops without any reason; disorganizes the work of the front-line command and slows down the defeat of the Japanese troops stationed on our territory. ... Comrade Blucher, having left for the place of events, in every possible way avoids establishing continuous communication with Moscow, despite his endless calls by the People's Commissar of Defense on a direct wire. For three whole days, with a normally working telegraph connection, it was impossible to get a conversation with Comrade Blucher. All this operational 'activity' of Marshal Blucher was completed by giving them ... a conscription order ... 12 ages. This illegal act was all the more incomprehensible because the Main Military Council in May of this year, with the participation of Comrade Blucher and at his own suggestion, decided to call only 6 ages in wartime in the Far East. This order from Comrade Blucher provoked the Japanese to announce their mobilization and could drag us into a big war with Japan. The order was immediately canceled by the People's Commissar. '

                  And Blucher was military and was obliged to obey orders, whether there was a provocation or not ...
                  1. 8 company
                    15 October 2012 16: 49
                    Quote: klimpopov
                    Where did I defend Stalin from "unjust attacks"? Poke your nose !!!

                    "And I would read Tukhachevsky's case with pleasure, but it is clear that they did not put him against the wall from scratch. I will subscribe to every word of the telegram! "

                    If you approve of Stalin's telegram and think that Tukhachevsky was rightly condemned, so you start to wag back and forth? By the way, Comrade Stalin did not like such "winding" comrades.
                    1. 0
                      15 October 2012 17: 03
                      Well, consider that poked ... Case where?
                      By blucher decided to keep silent?
                      1. 8 company
                        15 October 2012 17: 21
                        Quote: klimpopov
                        Well, consider that they poked ... The thing is where? By blucher decided to remain silent?

                        What will these things give you? I can say without a hint that something like the following is written in the cases: both Tukhachevsky and Blucher were spies of several intelligence agencies of the bourgeois states, Trotskyists, were engaged in sabotage and wanted to make a coup d'etat. I don’t think that I’m fundamentally wrong. You are happy?
                      2. +1
                        15 October 2012 17: 26
                        What you said about absolutely nothing, what kind of work with documents can you talk about if you reject the primary sources? In principle, I expected something like this from you, absolutely all anti-Stalinists, without exception, answer exactly like this - "everything is not true, everything is fabricated, everyone is innocently shot and tortured by Beria personally at the behest of Stalin" and then what is the truth? I gave you excerpts, you didn't really give me anything back ... It seems to me that tr ... You ...
                      3. 8 company
                        15 October 2012 17: 37
                        Quote: klimpopov
                        "everything is not true, everything is fabricated,

                        Personally, I would have preferred that the coup d'etat was not fabricated, otherwise it would turn out that hundreds of military leaders went under the knife like a herd of rams. Well, what about the primary sources ... Do you need to decide which primary sources your soul lies with: those that are contained in the cases prepared by Yezhov investigators, or those according to which Tukhachevsky and the others were rehabilitated in 1954-1957?
                      4. +1
                        15 October 2012 18: 15
                        You can pull out from there and from there. The more of them the better (sources). Once again, there were affairs of the post-Lezhov period. Yes, Yezhov’s roof was torn from blood and power, at some point he began to believe that he was ruled by his personal army and the department subordinate to him, for which he paid arrogantly. But there was a conspiracy and a struggle. Or do you think that it was necessary for the authorities to leave the Trotskyist group, which would continue the course of Lenin? These cases were precisely the consequence of the elimination thereof ...
                        But the current situation reminds a lot of things from that time (figuratively put it).
                        In general, "the forest is cut - the chips are flying" ...
                      5. Stary oper
                        15 October 2012 22: 57
                        In general, "the forest is cut - the chips are flying" ...

                        Until we realize that the law should prevail in society, we will remain those "chips" that fly.
                      6. +24
                        25 November 2020 22: 34
                        Quote: 8 company
                        the coup d'état fad was not fabricated

                        This charge was not fabricated. The fact that they were acquitted under Khrushchev does not mean anything.
                2. Stary oper
                  15 October 2012 21: 52
                  Here is another document.
                  On the day that Kirov was killed, the government of the USSR reacted with an official report on the killing of Kirov. It spoke of the need for "the final eradication of all the enemies of the working class."
                  Resolution of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On Amending the Current Criminal Procedure Codes of the Union Republics":
                  Introduce the following amendments to the existing criminal procedure codes of the Union republics for the investigation and consideration of cases of terrorist organizations and terrorist acts against workers of the Soviet government:
                  The investigation of these cases shall be completed within a period not exceeding ten days;
                  Hand the indictment to the accused one day before the trial in court;
                  Cases to listen without parties;
                  Cassation appeal of sentences, as well as the filing of applications for clemency, shall not be allowed;
                  Execute a sentence of capital punishment immediately upon sentencing.
                  - Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR SSR M. Kalinin.
                  Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR A. Yenukidze.
                  Moscow Kremlin.
                  1 декабря 1934 года

                  Do you want to lead the country to this?
            2. Stary oper
              15 October 2012 21: 45
              8 company.
              I will continue your undertaking.
              On June 7, the plenipotentiary of the USSR in Poland, P. L. Voikov, was killed. Stalin decides to take advantage of the situation for the final destruction of the monarchist and generally white forces and the rout of the inner-party opposition. That same evening, Stalin, who was on vacation in Sochi, sent a cryptogram to Moscow in which he demanded: “We must now shoot five or ten monarchists. It is necessary to give the OGPU a directive on the complete elimination (of monarchists and whiteguards) by all measures. The murder of Voikov gives reason ... " By the evening of June 8, the whole mechanism of mass repressions was launched. And already on the night of June 9 to 10 in Moscow they were without a trial, as hostages (but the hostages who were taken "hostage" after the murder of Voikov), 20 representatives of the nobility of the former Russian Empire were shot. The OGPU operations were not limited to the execution of twenty hostages; during the “June operation”, up to 20 thousand searches were carried out and 9 thousand people were arrested.
    2. Fox 070
      15 October 2012 11: 41
      Quote: Company 8
      Any normal person, not even a historian, knows that Stalin's whole life was devoted to the destruction of any, even the slightest opposition, of his own unlimited power.

      Judging by this poll of "normal" in our country, ONLY 11% ... It's time for you to create a reservation so that you do not die out.
    3. jimm RAINOR
      15 October 2012 16: 37
      Countryman ..... you are a rare "" person with low natural development "" .... Any normal person, not a historian ... looks at the whole problem deeper and wider than it is presented in official sources ... Therefore, for NORMAL people it is better DON'T SPEAK ... For you don't belong to them ... About the fact that Stalin destroyed any opposition ... sorry ... and strove for unlimited power ... You seem to be confusing Stalin and Pinochet ... here is the last just aspired ... and the country under him did not grow anywhere ...
      And the author is a fine fellow ... exhibited the ins and outs of events .. but did not shout "ANY NORMAL PERSON ......." So brother-Belarus .... come on to our opposition ... she also hums pointlessly and whines that everyone does not give her ... but in fact the windbag ... just like you ...
    4. +24
      25 November 2020 22: 36
      Quote: 8 company
      trying to fully justify Stalin's crimes

      There is nothing to justify them, tk. they were not!
  9. +5
    15 October 2012 10: 01
    I’ll add that these repressions took place under Yezhov, not Beria, as many people also think that it was really a purge of ranks, perhaps merciless, but necessary, in our time I would have carried out such purges, otherwise the officials Tsars, they’re just boring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. +23
      25 November 2020 22: 33
      I completely agree with your opinion. It was necessary to cleanse the country of traitors, supporters of the White Guards and Trotskyists. Many of the repressed were opportunists, of whom appeared later, during the time of Gorbachev and today, countless.
  10. 8 company
    15 October 2012 10: 09
    Facts against speculation:

    February-March plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) 1937 almost entirely devoted to the justification of the upcoming mass repressions. In his speech, in order to justify and justify the mass repressions, Stalin developed the thesis put forward by him back in 1933 that, as the construction of socialism was completed, the class struggle should be more and more intensified. “It is necessary,” said Stalin, “to break up and cast aside the rotten theory that with every advance we make, the class struggle should fade more and more, that as our successes the class enemy becomes more and more by hand. This is not only a rotten theory, but also a dangerous theory, because it puts our people to sleep, leads them into a trap, and gives the class enemy the opportunity to recover to fight the Soviet regime. On the contrary, the more we move forward, the more success we have, the more the remnants of the defeated exploiting classes will become embittered, the sooner they will go to more acute forms of struggle, the more they will harm the Soviet state, the more they will clutch at the most desperate means of struggle as the last means of the doomed. "
    In addition to Stalin, Yezhov, Kaganovich, Molotov spoke, they spoke about the same thing: they say that there are enemies all around and it is time to deal with them.
    1. +5
      15 October 2012 10: 31
      But byak - Stalin, Yezhov, Kaganovich, Molotov ... - they saw some enemies.
      Whether it’s the case now - all around are some fluffy bunnies. And Mother Teresa.
      All polls strive to wipe the snot, to fight for your rights.
      To deal with problems, give money in 5 minutes for two documents (though then you will remain without pants).
      And wherever you stick - only the bum lives, does not blow into the mustache.
      In the life of "theorists" I do not understand.
    2. Fox 070
      15 October 2012 11: 23
      8 company,
      What, the fuse is already ending ?! Come on, come on, more active ...
  11. Lech e-mine
    15 October 2012 10: 26
    The terror unleashed by the Bolsheviks in the 18th year hit them on their own in the 37th year, all this is a carbon copy reminiscent of the story of the Yakobintsev in the Revolutionary France. HA-REVOLUTION gobbled up their children.
    1. +26
      25 November 2020 22: 32
      The Red Terror was a response to the White Terror unleashed by them back in 1917 with the execution of 300 Red Guards by the cadets.
      And 1937 has nothing to do with the Red Terror.
  12. +4
    15 October 2012 10: 34
    Become a plus. The author is well done, open-minded, with coverage of the difficult post-revolutionary years, he debunks the holiness of the elites of those times.
  13. +6
    15 October 2012 10: 35
    In general, the whole story with Stalin and the repressions very much reminds me of the story of Ivan the Terrible with the oprichnina ... ... it seems that Stalin was denigrated directly by analogy with Ivan Vasilyevich, BUT what is interesting is that the truth is slowly beginning to emerge, and as in the case of Ivan the Terrible, and as in the case of Stalin, it turns out that there were not so many "innocent" murdered, and they were not so "innocent."

    The Wheel of History was spinning ..... remember ..... Ivan the Terrible ..... a strong kingdom of Moscow ... won wars ... annexation of Siberia..etc. after which the Time of Troubles .... the fall of everything and everything ... of the occupation ... and essentially a loss, after which the coming to power of the Romanovs (albeit very controversial) and Peter the Great who built the Empire ...
    Now Stalin .... the most powerful industrial state, won the Great War .... in fact, the annexation of territories (Eastern Europe) ..... then the recession ..... stagnation ..... calming down ..... Troubles 90s ...., well, then HE ..... PUTIN .....

    Of course, I do not compare him with Peter, but Russia again reached up ....

    By the way, the attitude to Peter the Great is also far from an unequivocal attitude, BUT HE CREATED A GREAT RUSSIAN EMPIRE, ..... so ..... God himself ordered ..... to close the circle ......
    1. +1
      15 October 2012 11: 58
      The more the Anglo-Saxons denigrate our affairs, the more useful they are for our state.
  14. Brother Sarych
    15 October 2012 11: 38
    The article is quite old, I kind of read it the first time from a year ago - I liked it, calmly and judiciously, but what a hell did it rise in the comments then! Yeah...
    I didn’t find a person to find fault with, but many suffered and carried ...
  15. +2
    15 October 2012 11: 48
    The article is correct.
  16. wax
    15 October 2012 12: 01
    Who is not blinded, try to read the book of Marshal Golovanov, he fought in the direct subordination of Stalin, bypassing all kinds of Zhukovs, Vasilevsky, and other great commanders. In the book, Stalin's style is fully disclosed. An interesting incident with Grizodubova, considered by Stalin. By the way, it shows how even respected and non-cowardly people could write fictitious denunciations, and it was very believable. And could Stalin spend so much time on every denunciation to figure it out for himself.
  17. +2
    15 October 2012 12: 52
    That's right, grandfather Stalin was a nightmare for the system - so it did not stagnate and work, you won’t work on the way out. And now, in one place, the official failed, please, to another and with a raise.
    1. +23
      25 November 2020 22: 31
      Then the officials worked not so much for fear as for conscience. Stalin managed to create a bureaucratic apparatus that was engaged in real affairs to improve people's lives.
  18. 8 company
    15 October 2012 12: 53
    Facts against speculation:

    The February-March plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.). The Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Molotov made a report on the subject "On the lessons of sabotage, sabotage and espionage of Japanese-German-Trotsky agents" at the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry of the USSR at the plenum (G.K.Ordzhonikidze was scheduled to be the speaker, but he committed suicide 5 days before the plenum suicide). Molotov accused the party and economic leaders of political myopia, deception, philistine negligence and argued that pests exist in all sectors of the economy, in all state organizations.
    At the same time, Molotov ignored the materials at his disposal about the actual state of affairs in heavy industry collected by Ordzhonikidze. The latter differently assessed the situation in heavy industry. He did not believe in the wide scope of wrecking and allowed the possibility of committing wrecking acts only on the part of individuals. On the eve of the plenum, Ordzhonikidze held a series of meetings with senior business executives; to verify the data of the NKVD, he sent commissions to Uralvagonstroy, Kemerovkombinatstroy, and the enterprises of the coking industry of Donbass. Based on the collected materials, the People's Commissar of Heavy Industry prepared a draft resolution on his report. The project did not talk about the wide scope of wrecking in heavy industry, the main emphasis was on the need to eliminate the shortcomings in the work of the NKTP. However, this draft resolution was criticized by Stalin, who made a lot of caustic remarks on it, which led to the need for a radical revision of the project indicating industries that were allegedly affected by wrecking activity, “facts” of wrecking activity, “reasons for yawning,” etc.
    The work of the commissions created by Ordzhonikidze was sharply criticized by Molotov. He accused the members of the commissions of political shortsightedness, lack of political vigilance, inability to distinguish wrecking from ordinary shortcomings in work. Soon after the plenary session, most of the leaders and members of the commissions were arrested and executed on falsified materials.
    1. Stary oper
      15 October 2012 22: 09
      And here are a couple of facts from that wonderful time.
      On March 9, 1936, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Bolsheviks) issued a decree "On measures protecting the USSR from the penetration of espionage, terrorist and sabotage elements." In accordance with it, entry into the country of political emigrants was complicated and a commission was created to "clean" international organizations in the USSR.
      On July 25, 1937, Yezhov signed and enacted Order No. 00439, which ordered the local NKVD authorities to arrest all German citizens, including political emigrants working or previously working in military factories and defense workshops, within 5 days. as well as in railway transport, and during the investigation of their cases, “seek an exhaustive autopsy of the agents of German intelligence that have not yet been exposed.” In these cases, 30 608 people were convicted, including 24 858 people were sentenced to death.
      On August 11, 1937, Yezhov signed order No. 00485, which ordered him to begin a broad operation on August 20, aimed at the complete liquidation of the local organizations of the Polish Army Organization and finish it within 3 months. In these cases 103 people were convicted, including 489 people were sentenced to death.
      August 17, 1937 - an order to conduct a “Romanian operation” against emigrants and defectors from Romania to Moldova and Ukraine. 8292 people were convicted, including 5439 people were sentenced to death.
      November 30, 1937 - the NKVD directive on conducting operations against defectors from Latvia, activists of Latvian clubs and societies. 21 people were convicted, of which 300 people. shot.
      December 11, 1937 - NKVD directive on operations against the Greeks. 12 557 people were convicted, of which 10 545 people. sentenced to death.
      December 14, 1937 - the NKVD directive on the spread of repression on the "Latvian line" on Estonians, Lithuanians, Finns, as well as Bulgarians. 9 people were convicted under the “Estonian line”, including 735 people were sentenced to death, 7998 people were sentenced to the “Finnish line”, 11 people were sentenced to death;
      January 29, 1938 - the NKVD directive on the "Iranian operation." 13 people were convicted, of which 297 were sentenced to death.
      February 1, 1938 - the NKVD directive on the "national operation" in relation to the Bulgarians and Macedonians.
      February 16, 1938 - the NKVD directive on arrests on the "Afghan line". 1 people were convicted, of which 557 were sentenced to death.
      March 23, 1938 - Decision of the Politburo on the purification of the defense industry from persons belonging to nationalities against whom repression is carried out.
      June 24, 1938 - Directive of the People’s Commissariat of Defense on the dismissal of soldiers of nationalities not represented on the territory of the USSR from the Red Army.
      1. +23
        25 November 2020 22: 30
        Quote: Stary oper
        here are a couple more facts from that wonderful time

        These facts are about nothing. Half of them are bloody fake.
  19. MAB
    15 October 2012 13: 30
    Concerning Stalin, there were many diverse articles, but not a single one compared the actions of the leaders of his level in those conditions. As the Prime Minister of Great Britain would do in that situation. And how many of the first persons in Europe did before the Second World War, everyone knows. So to assess Stalin as the leader of the country from one point of view as minimally primitive. You need to see the minuses and pluses of specific actions, and then judge for each minus and plus. I think that there are downsides that ultimately brought only pluses.
    1. Stary oper
      15 October 2012 22: 14
      Really. That is exactly what they would have done. Without doubt.
      The famous phrase “the son is not responsible for the father” was uttered by Stalin in December 1935. At a meeting in Moscow of advanced combine harvesters with party leadership, one of them, the Bashkir collective farmer Gilba, said: “Although I am the son of a kulak, I will honestly fight for the cause workers and peasants, and for building socialism, ”to which Stalin said,“ The son does not answer for his father. ”
      Decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) No. P51 / 144 of July 5, 1937
      144. - Question of the NKVD.
      1. Accept the proposal of the People’s Commissariat for the imprisonment of all wives of convicted traitors to the homeland of members of the right-Trotsky spy and sabotage organization, according to the list.
      2. Offer the People’s Commissariat for Business to organize special camps for this in the Narym Territory and the Turgai District of Kazakhstan.
      3. To establish from now on the procedure by which all the wives of exposed traitors to the home of the right-Trotskyite spies are subject to imprisonment for at least 5-8 years.
      4. All remaining after conviction of orphans up to 15 years of age to take on state support, as for children older than 15 years of age, to decide on them individually.
      5. Offer the People’s Commissariat for the Deployment of Children to place children in the existing network of orphanages and closed boarding schools for drug traffickers of the republics.
      All children are subject to placement in cities outside Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Tiflis, Minsk, coastal cities, and border cities.
      1. 0
        17 October 2012 20: 07
        And to the quote you quoted above, I can say, read the books of G. Klimov, everything is very well written about children, wives and other relatives.
    2. +23
      25 November 2020 22: 29
      Stalin has more pluses in his activities than minuses. What are his disadvantages? Repression? So there were no those repressions about which we are now broadcasting. It was the enemies of the people, the fifth column, that were repressed.
  20. serge
    15 October 2012 13: 59
    Revolutions subsequently destroy their children. Well, when, when will the heroes of the Gorbachev-Yeltsin revolution go under the knife!
    1. +26
      25 November 2020 22: 29
      Probably no one will ever answer for the counter-revolution ...
  21. +1
    15 October 2012 17: 19
    Quote: bask

    bask (2)

    Quote: bask
    In every century, there should be a 37 year. Now it is simply necessary, but exclusively for officials and the top bourgeoisie (aligarchs)) _) Already a lot of su .... have welded. It's time to pay!

    Totally agree Yes
    1. Stary oper
      15 October 2012 22: 38
      Really. I propose the slogan: "Forward to 1937!"
      I just want to remind you of something from that time.
      In the course of the repressions, torture, personally sanctioned by Stalin, was used to obtain confession on a large scale. During the Khrushchev thaw, the Soviet prosecutor's office checked a number of political processes and group court cases. In all cases, the audit revealed gross falsification when “confessions” were obtained under torture. A special commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU under the leadership of the Secretary of the Central Committee P.N. Pospelov stated that "there were" facts of unlawful repression, falsification of investigative cases, torture and torture of prisoners. " For example, during interrogations of a candidate for membership in the Politburo R. Eiche, his spine was broken and Marshal V. Blucher died in Lefortovo prison from the consequences of systematic beatings.
      According to the note of the commission of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU to the presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the results of the investigation into the causes of repressions (commission of N. M. Shvernik), those arrested who tried to prove their innocence and did not give the required evidence, were usually tortured and tortured.
      The so-called “racks”, “conveyor interrogations”, imprisonment in a punishment cell, detention in specially equipped damp, cold or very hot rooms, deprivation of sleep, food, water, beatings and various kinds of torture were applied to them. The note, among other things, contains an excerpt from a letter from the deputy commander of the Trans-Baikal Military District, Commander Lisovsky: “... They beat me cruelly, with anger. Ten days did not give a minute of sleep, without stopping torture. After that they sent me to the punishment cell ... For 7-8 hours I was kept on my knees with my hands up or bent my head under the table and in this position I also stood for 7-8 hours. The skin on my knees all peeled off, and I stood on live meat. These tortures were accompanied by blows to the head and back. ”
      In a note to the Shvernik commission, documents were cited indicating that the torture and torture of political prisoners was used with the sanction of the top leadership of the USSR and personally of I.V. Stalin. On January 10, 1939, some time after the end of the Great Terror, a telegram was sent to the places on behalf of the Central Committee, explaining, "that the use of physical influence in the practice of the NKVD was allowed from 1937 with the permission of the Central Committee of the CPSU," and despite that “subsequently in practice, the method of physical impact was polluted by the bastards Zakovsky, Litvin, Uspensky and others”, “the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union believes that the method of physical influence must necessarily be applied in the future ... against obvious and unarmed enemies of the people, as a consistent and appropriate method. ”
  22. +3
    15 October 2012 17: 40
    The article is a big plus! (Or three pluses, not yet figured out on your system)

    No, not that Stalin was sinful,
    That the enemies of the people hung.
    He is sinful in the eyes of men
    That LITTLE hung them.
  23. +2
    15 October 2012 17: 59
    By the way, who remembers the trial of the son of Yakir and Co., which took place in the 70s? They were convicted of anti-Sovietism and working for foreign intelligence. Even on the radio this process was broadcast. To the question "How did you get in touch with the agents ..." There was an answer: "I got connections from my father," and after that everyone was quickly kicked out of the hall, the broadcast was interrupted. Still would! After all, before that, just everyone had been rehabilitated, including Yakir. So go and figure it out, were the victims so innocent?
  24. bobik05
    15 October 2012 19: 25

    BROTHERS AND SISTERS! Fighters of our army and navy!


    F U F E R V O D K I

    I met with Stalin's personal security officer - Captain Borisov. A guy from a remote village - and was assigned to guard the cottage of the Supreme Commander! Winter 1941 The leader drives up to the gate by car, and it is evident that he is in frustrated feelings. And Lieutenant Borisov froze and salutes him in the flesh of the war!
    “Comrade Stalin noticed this. And I was no longer involved in this task, ”the NKVD veteran simply explained the situation to us. Where he was during the war - only the FSB archives know. Borisov did not begin to tell about it. And he was immediately transferred to May 1945, at the famous reception in the Kremlin.
    “Comrade Stalin treated each Marshal separately with vodka or cognac. Apparently he was informed about the tastes of the military leaders, and he and the waiter slowly walked around the hall, shining with gold epaulettes and Golden stars of Heroes of the Soviet Union. He treated Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, Pokryshkin, Kozhedub and many others. I stand at the column ... And suddenly he brings a full crystal glass of vodka - to me!
    I report:
    - Senior Lieutenant Borisov! Comrade Stalin, I am in the service ...
    And behind Beria shows a fist and hints, clicking on his Adam's apple: “Drink!”
    I quickly assessed the situation and, in the blink of an eye, drained my glass!
    - Well done, captain! - Comrade Stalin promoted me. “Did the mittens come in handy in the war ?!” He asks.
    I blink without answering:
    - Guilty, comrade Stalin. Not useful. With the bare hands of the Germans crushed!
    Of course, I immediately handed over the post to another officer of the personal guard of Comrade Stalin. ”
    This episode was not included in my story about Stalin - on the TV channel “Culture” they said:
    - Remove this lackey!
    A typical case in the practice of any director ... And yet!
  25. Stary oper
    15 October 2012 22: 07
    The article states:
    By that time, he was aware that Yezhov, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, did not actually obey him.

    But O.V. Khlevnyuk claims that "there is a large amount of documentary evidence that Yezhov's activities in 1936-1938 were carefully controlled and directed by Stalin."

  26. 0
    17 October 2012 20: 03
    Quote: Stary oper
    The so-called “racks”, “conveyor interrogations”, imprisonment in a punishment cell, detention in specially equipped damp, cold or very hot rooms, deprivation of sleep, food, water, beatings and various kinds of torture were applied to them.

    This means if we are "politicians", then this is torture, and when the "lesson" is "pricked" for murder, then it is normal, so the fuyushki brothers and "urks" and "politicians" are tantamount to breaking the law of the country, no matter what article of the Criminal Code, it is important that you violated it, and therefore get it accordingly, and do not like it, do not break the law and no one will touch you.