Experts in the United States on the destruction of the Russian Armed Forces installations HIMARS: Previously, no one was able to do this in the framework of hostilities


American experts are skeptical about attempts by Ukrainian officials to refute Russian Defense Ministry reports on the destruction of HIMARS MLRS and a warehouse with anti-ship missiles rockets "Harpoon". Let us recall that one of the Ukrainian officials claimed that instead of a warehouse with "Harpoons", Russia hit a woodworking enterprise. In the US expert community, statements are being made regarding the fact that there may not be any contradictions if the Ukrainian Armed Forces command decided to place the Harpoon anti-ship missiles in a warehouse of a civilian industrial facility.

Discussing the situation with the destruction of Hymars and Harpoon missiles, the American expert J. Bakby writes that “this is a bad news for Ukraine and NATO. According to him, Russia has all the capabilities to destroy these high-precision weapons from long distances with high accuracy.


Undoubtedly, this is a positive result.

After the recently published footage of the destruction of the American HIMARS universal rocket launcher, American military experts noted that no one had previously been able to destroy these MLRS in the framework of direct combat operations.

Recall that in the near future Washington planned to supply four more Hymars installations to Ukraine. However, in the West, the further arming of Ukraine is increasingly skeptical, especially among military experts and ordinary citizens who are at least somehow interested in Ukrainian topics.
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  1. +41
    18 July 2022 06: 32
    For every scrap there is another scrap... I am confident in the ability of our Armed Forces to destroy any US military equipment supplied to Ukraine.
    The US is in for a lot of surprises.
    1. +9
      18 July 2022 06: 47
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      For every scrap there is another scrap...

      But they stood so beautifully at the exhibition! "Super duper prodigy!" It turns out that even a waffle is not left of her! )))
      1. +34
        18 July 2022 06: 49
        I don’t know how reliable the information is, but there is one objective evidence - the advance of troops and the liberation of cities.
        So far, the Ukrainian forces are only retreating bravely, even without the Hymars, even with the Hymars.
        1. +12
          18 July 2022 07: 25
          no one has previously been able to destroy these MLRS as part of direct hostilities

          So earlier these MLRS were not supplied to full-fledged "combat operations".
          What the United States and NATO have been conducting are "exercises close to combat."
          Their most "terrible" war was against Hussein, when they shot obsolete tanks from distances inaccessible to response. And the locals, having lost the battle, decided not to partisan.
          1. 0
            18 July 2022 21: 04
            Abrams burned like wood!
        2. GNM
          18 July 2022 10: 49
          Quote: Black
          I don’t know how reliable the information is, but there is one objective evidence - the advance of troops and the liberation of cities.
          So far, the Ukrainian forces are only retreating bravely, even without the Hymars, even with the Hymars.

          As they say, the score is on the scoreboard!
          1. 0
            19 July 2022 00: 07
            Yes, not the score on the scoreboard! And the facts are in the face of lovers of "Ukrainian" borscht! bully
        3. +4
          18 July 2022 16: 46
          Quote: Black
          I don't know how reliable the information is.

          Yes, I'm wondering what it is
          American expert J. Bakby

          American military experts noted

          Maybe it's weirdos, like the local Gonzalez...
        4. +3
          19 July 2022 02: 18
          That is the evidence, just don’t forget, we practically retreated to Moscow! Our NWO grouping, of course, needs to be capitally strengthened, this is already clear to everyone, not a NWO, but a full-fledged war.
      2. -6
        18 July 2022 07: 11
        Lord Americans! Bring more! And more!

        You yourself \ will have nothing left .... There will be nothing to protect the "city on the hill".
        1. +7
          18 July 2022 07: 47
          Quote: Ilya-spb
          Lord Americans! Bring more! ....

          Come on! laughing It will be cheaper and everyone will be calmer if we quickly do it ourselves. negative negative reset to zero
      3. +16
        18 July 2022 07: 48
        It turns out that even a waffle is not left of her! )))

        And how many troubles have these chimeras already brought to our Armed Forces and civilians of the LPR and DPR? And there were only 8 of them, and 4 more are on the way + missiles with a range of up to 300 km. And I don’t understand at all your joyful statements like yes we, yes them.
        1. -11
          18 July 2022 09: 11
          List, pliz, all the troubles that these hymers brought to our Armed Forces and civilians. Otherwise, you and the rest of the all-weavers with you constantly whine about these troubles, but none of you specifically says what, where, when. And put pressure on emotions.
          1. +10
            18 July 2022 09: 41
            all the troubles that these hymers brought to our armed forces and civilians.

            Well, if you really need to, look in the open spaces, and so the commander of the 20th division with headquarters and Kakhovka. Search.
            1. -11
              18 July 2022 13: 25
              The excuse does not roll! For the evidence is presented by the one who made the assertion. You have made an assertion, please be kind enough to provide evidence to back up your evidence.
          2. +3
            18 July 2022 16: 15
            Have you registered with Mikhan, according to your posts, as deputies? Don't overdo it.
        2. +2
          18 July 2022 10: 27
          Quote: private person
          It turns out that even a waffle is not left of her! )))

          And how many troubles have these chimeras already brought to our Armed Forces and civilians of the LPR and DPR? And there were only 8 of them, and 4 more are on the way + missiles with a range of up to 300 km. And I don’t understand at all your joyful statements like yes we, yes them.

          If we are to believe the official data, then three of the previous eight "chimeras" have already been destroyed or disabled. There are five left. Let them ram four more and eventually there will be nine. I don't think that nine installations will greatly affect the course of the military operation. They can complicate it at some stage, but they won't stop it. The same applies to the 4 howitzers, of which three dozen out of 9 delivered to Ukraine remain in operation, the rest have been destroyed or "crippled". As for the 9-kilometer missiles, there are doubts that the mattresses will agree to this, since in this case Russia can change its approach to the operation and the Kiev regime nurtured by the mattresses can end early, which is not very much in the interests of the US and the EU.
          1. +1
            18 July 2022 10: 33
            I do not think that 9 installations will greatly affect the course of the military operation. At some stage they can complicate, but stop

            Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, during an inspection of the Vostok group performing tasks in Ukraine, said that the priority is the destruction of long-range weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. All the same, it means that they greatly complicate it, since even Shoigu drew attention to this and designated it as a priority.
            1. +2
              18 July 2022 11: 12
              Quote: private person
              Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, during an inspection of the Vostok group performing tasks in Ukraine, said that the priority is the destruction of long-range weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. All the same, it means that they greatly complicate it, since even Shoigu drew attention to this and designated it as a priority.

              Long-range combat, as a goal, has always been and is a priority, regardless of which theater of operations it is present in, be it Ukraine or Iraq. Only in Ukraine, it creates more problems due to its use against the civilian population, civilian facilities and infrastructure, and not against the positions of the military, which also causes quite a headache to our leadership, since it acts as a guarantor of peaceful life in the liberated territories. Therefore, Shoigu focused on intensifying work to identify and destroy long-range systems Yes
              1. +2
                18 July 2022 23: 20
                Re-read what you wrote. Long-range, accurate, with the help of American intelligence, they cause more problems for the military than for civilians. All other howitzers and TDs are already hitting civilians.
            2. -2
              18 July 2022 16: 53
              Quote: private person
              I do not think that 9 installations will greatly affect the course of the military operation. At some stage they can complicate, but stop

              12 installations were delivered, not 9. Rockets firing at distances up to 300 km will reach Bryansk, Oryol and Belgorod. And from the Baltic States - to St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Smolensk and almost to Tver.

              Quote: private person
              Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, during an inspection of the Vostok group performing tasks in Ukraine, said that the priority is the destruction of long-range weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. All the same, it means that they greatly complicate it, since even Shoigu drew attention to this and designated it as a priority.

              It is unlikely that "Grave" realizes that, following the KHIMARS, they will have to crush the more massive "Port wines" (M-777 - "three axes"), which, in addition to the "ordinary" OFS, have PUAO and ARS with a firing range of up to 70 km. Did anyone tell this balabol that this requires the appropriate means of AIR?
        3. -2
          18 July 2022 11: 27
          And now I don’t understand your joyful statements like yes we, yes them.

          I also don’t understand your constant praise of the enemy.)))))
        4. +1
          18 July 2022 14: 04
          Here the titles of generalisimos are earned precisely by enthusiastic urapatriotic comments. So don't pay attention. The man himself does not think so. But it asserts itself in VO. And therefore he scribbles joyful nonsense. Experienced commanders prepare for a threat in advance and take measures to protect against it, track and destroy it before striking themselves. And we have not even dispersed warehouses and headquarters.
          1. +2
            18 July 2022 16: 18
            Quite right! When they joyfully "throw their hats", no evidence is required or it is required to accept messages from murky sources as such. At the same time, when they are given unpleasant information, they demand proof (as, for example, in the case of the user "private person"; videos confirming his comment are easily available on the Internet) ...
          2. +2
            18 July 2022 16: 20
            You are right, there is a group of rabid hoorays here. patriotov. Who strive to be the first to squeeze into the post a comment with a couple of slogans and a bunch of calls. And almost everything from the general and above. lol
        5. -5
          18 July 2022 15: 33
          Thank you for worrying about us. Keep the scan on your mobile. Show it immediately in captivity - it will be counted.
    2. -3
      18 July 2022 16: 16
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      For every scrap there is another scrap... I am confident in the ability of our Armed Forces to destroy any US military equipment supplied to Ukraine.
      The US is in for a lot of surprises.

      Is this an equivalent exchange - to use OTP instead of MLRS launchers?
      1. +3
        18 July 2022 16: 36
        Subtract from the OTP a few saved headquarters, warehouses and artillery positions and it turns out that the price is not very high.
        1. -6
          18 July 2022 17: 43
          Quote: puzoter
          Subtract from the OTP a few saved headquarters, warehouses and artillery positions and it turns out that the price is not very high.

          The missile itself is more expensive than MLRS launchers, do you understand that? For example, we were told that with the ratio of the price of an ATGM and MBT (BMP, BTR), it is much more profitable to lose the calculation of the ATGM than the tank, because. the price difference is significant.
          In general, the use of OTR for MLRS is nothing more than "shooting sparrows from a cannon", it's just that there are no other tools; just like in WWI, when it was considered the norm to exchange a full-blooded infantry company of the RIA for an hour of a calm withdrawal of the regiment during the retreat.
          1. +8
            18 July 2022 23: 58
            Not much wrong. Take for example a sniper-enemy. To stop him means to prevent irreparable damage - to save dozens of lives of your officers, signalmen, anti-tank gunners, etc. I remember a case when one well-trained bastard with optics took out a battalion commander, his deputy and two signalmen in half an hour, leaving hundreds of soldiers in a mess for 2 hours. When he was identified and downvoted, you could walk around the location at full height for almost a month. The same goes for such a cunning wonder weapon as this Hymars. It is wheeled, with a powerful engine, very quickly takes off and rushes along the highway at 90 km per hour. When the missiles are launched, they are hidden by electronic warfare systems, they can only be detected in the thermal range or visually. Its missiles are very accurate. The damage from them is serious. And having destroyed even one SPU, we again calculate the possible prevented damage - how many targets could it have hit in our rear, for example, in a couple of weeks? How many lives and equipment were saved? The cost of such a MLRS is very high. No one will supply them to Ukraine en masse. And therefore they must be destroyed as quickly as possible by all means.
            1. -1
              24 July 2022 08: 17
              Quote: TatarinSSSR
              Not much wrong. Here's an example of an enemy sniper. To stop him means to prevent irreparable damage - to save dozens of lives of your officers, signalmen, anti-tank gunners, etc. I remember a case when one well-trained bastard with optics took out a battalion commander, his deputy and two signalmen in half an hour, leaving hundreds of soldiers in a mess for 2 hours.

              Unfortunately for you, my experience of communicating with the command staff is extremely negative, I still remember the golden words of our castle platoon: "among the officers, 90% are jackals, only 10 percent are people" - note that these are not the words of some kind of "grandfather", and the conscript, who occupied the highest position in the soldier's environment, the closest to these very "Achfitzers". That's just from the "people" I saw only K-ra VUN and the major-medic. So a sniper in the ranks of the enemy, shooting only at the command staff, is definitely a positive person. But then he dared to bang the soldiers.

              Quote: TatarinSSSR
              When they figured it out and minus it, for almost a month it was possible to walk in full growth at the location.

              If this sniper were smart, he would have limited himself to identifying commanders' "survivals" - only soldiers run around, and the commanders have better-fitted clothes, and only they (according to my memory) had the right to piss next to the tents and not go to the toilet, and combat bearing; which means that he wouldn’t shoot at the soldiers, and it would be possible to walk along the LBS normally long before he was killed. And so he himself is a wooden Pinocchio, which, together with the achvitser, fired at the soldiers.

              Quote: TatarinSSSR
              So is such a cunning wunderwaffle like this Hymars. It is wheeled, with a powerful motor, very quickly removed from its place and rushing along the highway at 90 km per hour. When launching missiles, it is covered by electronic warfare systems, it can only be detected in the thermal range or visually. Her missiles are very accurate. Their damage is serious. And having destroyed even one SPU, we again consider the possible prevented damage - how many targets could it hit in our rear, for example, in a couple of weeks? How many lives and equipment have been saved? The cost of such MLRS is very high. No one will supply them to Ukraine en masse. And therefore it is necessary to destroy them as quickly as possible by all means.

              I agree here, the installation is expensive, like its rockets. But how to hit it in a "war of attrition" with cheaper means (and this is the norm for a war of attrition), if and when the targets will be an installation with MGM-140 ATACMS missiles with a range of up to 300 km or PrSM with a 500-kilometer radius?
    3. +5
      18 July 2022 16: 37
      Lech from Android. You are apparently a young man and do not remember the warning from the USSR. On this occasion, they wrote like this - It is easier to prevent a fire than to put it out. This means that it is necessary to do so that these deliveries would not exist at all.
    4. +3
      18 July 2022 18: 21
      The equipment is supplied to the local regime, but it does not solve anything globally ...
      And our troops have the opportunity to see the vaunted American systems in action, along with a host of other NATO weapons. Form an approach for their detection and destruction, disassemble "by the cogs" and study ...

      And a few more to empty the warehouses of the Western armies. What the Americans want to transfer their vassals to is fabulously expensive. Don't do much.
      And a big war will still be based on combined arms combat, which has just been proven once again! Well, or immediately go to the nuclear component ...

      So sorry for our fighters and civilians, but there is not much choice. We have to fight!
      And by the way, after the liberation of Donbass, most of the combat-ready Ukrainian army will be ground, it will be possible to move faster and more efficiently. And, unexpectedly for the "former partners", to take a significant part of their supplies whole in warehouses ...
  2. +18
    18 July 2022 06: 37
    It suddenly turned out that it was not to fight with the "barmaley".
    1. +1
      19 July 2022 19: 07
      Siberian54. So, casually, like a go-ahead, they praised themselves through the United States. Do they even know what they've done?
  3. +5
    18 July 2022 06: 38
    Well, duck it's not for you to carry democracy to the shepherds. The media effect is good. Like raids on cities and so on, the main thing is to give a picture. But so far there is no turning point at the front and there won't be. And they will crumble sharply and go underground to spoil in the same way, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot en masse.
    1. +1
      18 July 2022 16: 38
      The trick is that the Americans do not fight, they make money and employment.
  4. +1
    18 July 2022 06: 38
    "Down and Out trouble started". It's not for them to drive the Papuans. Let them send something else. Let's figure it out and destroy it. Practice is an invaluable experience.
    1. +22
      18 July 2022 06: 57
      Quote: Orso
      "Down and Out trouble started". It's not for them to drive the Papuans. Let them send something else. Let's figure it out and destroy it. Practice is an invaluable experience.

      Did the hat fly high?
      We are told: "Do not go on the rampage!"
      To complete the development of practical experience, we lack those very missiles, the range of which is declared at 300 km ...
      Behind each such operation can be the lives and health of Russian soldiers ... And not only.
      1. +2
        18 July 2022 11: 04
        And after 1991, when they cut off everything for themselves and froze off, there are no other options .. Say thanks to Khrushchev, Kosygin, Andropov, Gorbachev and Yeltsin ...... You have to pay for betrayal .. Honeker, Beria and Stalin and Lenin were betrayed, pay .. .k....yu..
  5. +7
    18 July 2022 06: 38
    It is symbolic that the wunderwafer of pans - hymars, was killed by "Iskander" - humiliating and stupid for mattresses.
    1. +10
      18 July 2022 14: 11
      I remember that there is such a thing - damage. How many missiles has this Hymarsa already fired at our warehouses, headquarters, bases, positions before its own destruction? Comparable damage? And how many more travel through dill and are ready to shoot at our rear? Stop hatting. All the Russian military who died in the NMD are the fault of just those who underestimated the enemy and the threat!
  6. +12
    18 July 2022 06: 39
    And who did these Heimers seriously fight with? This is the first serious weapons test since the Military District.
  7. +15
    18 July 2022 06: 39
    There is no invulnerable weapon. The question is how it is used and how the reconnaissance and strike forces of the opposing side operate. It's time to cover the sect of the holy Himars
    1. +2
      18 July 2022 16: 25
      Quote: dmi.pris
      There is no invulnerable weapon. The question is how it is used and how the reconnaissance and strike forces of the opposing side operate. It's time to cover the sect of the holy himars

      And they are used like this: first, heavy MLRS of the "Smercha" type devastate the current stocks of air defense systems in a certain sector, and then a KHIMARS missile is launched at the desired object. The results of smart application are immediately noticeable. At the same time, according to "from the other side", there is a battalion in the cover of the battery (they considered options for an air raid and even TakVD).
  8. +16
    18 July 2022 06: 42
    "Previously, no one was able to do this in the framework of hostilities ..."
    It only means that these weapons have never been used in Real combat!
  9. +1
    18 July 2022 06: 47
    To destroy them, you need shock and long-range UAVs
    Lying on the couch, I came to the following conclusion - we need search groups in helicopters of 12 people each, I would also organize 12 such groups, train them, and push them as close as possible to the areas of possible appearance of chameres ... you can capture the whole installation , there is nothing complicated here, you just need consistency and totality in searches and sabotage groups ...
    You can even connect satellites
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. 0
        18 July 2022 07: 01
        Also an option, but complicated, we need stable agents
    2. +8
      18 July 2022 07: 18
      Quote: Saboteur_Navy
      Lying on the couch, I came to this conclusion - we need search groups in helicopters of 12 people each

      Lying on the couch, I read about the Zoo counter-battery radar
      1. +2
        18 July 2022 07: 20
        It’s also an option, when you use a lot of real options in practice, then the chances of success increase ...
    3. -3
      18 July 2022 09: 14
      Apparently you don't live in the Russian Federation. Otherwise why would you count in dozens?
    4. +4
      18 July 2022 11: 07
      search groups in helicopters
      How much in vain put turntables and guys. There is no point in capturing a fairly new installation. Here we need good intelligence work to identify the bases and routes of movement of the wunderfel, and then work with aircraft or missiles in these areas. Well, and in the same way, identifying routes and means of transporting the missiles themselves and destroying them. Well, this is not "needles in a haystack", not barmaley with Stingers
    5. 0
      18 July 2022 16: 30
      Quote: Saboteur_Navy
      To destroy them, you need shock and long-range UAVs

      These are absent in the mass.

      Quote: Saboteur_Navy
      ... we need search groups in helicopters of 12 people each, I would also organize such groups of 12 pieces, train them, and put them forward as close as possible to the areas of possible appearance of hameres ...

      The option of using TakVD was considered and, apparently, was found to be inappropriate - most likely, at the stage of approach, the turntables would be shot down from MANPADS, and the remnants would be finished off by close guards (his battalion is there).

      Quote: Saboteur_Navy
      You can even connect satellites

      And they also work "picture from above".
      1. 0
        18 July 2022 16: 42
        About the combat guards in the battalion - complete nonsense, then this is not guarding but a burden
        In general, everything can be, that’s why he’s special forces to solve problems in difficult conditions, and the difficulty in evacuating the RSZO is only, and if you destroy it, it’s not such a difficult task, you only need coordinates, at a low altitude with opposition it’s not so easy to shoot down, if there is a fire support helicopter nearby
        1. 0
          18 July 2022 17: 47
          Quote: Saboteur_Navy
          About the combat guards in the battalion - complete nonsense, then this is not guarding but a burden
          In general, everything can be, that’s why he is special forces to solve problems in difficult conditions, and the difficulty in evacuating the RSZO is only, and if you destroy it, then it’s not such a difficult task, you only need coordinates, at low altitude with opposition it’s not so easy to shoot down, if there is a fire support helicopter nearby

          That is, in your opinion, the same Strategic Missile Forces and RBR with OTR should exclude all tanks and armored personnel carriers from their composition? Famously you, however. And who will shoot down aircraft and destroy the "illuminators" - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin?
          Or do you want the fate of "bravo 2.0" to our saboteurs?
          Meanwhile, the opponents themselves talk about the presence of such a powerful security group, and these observations confirm - I doubt purely logically that the NATO would have left the installations without cover - the instructors want to live.
          1. 0
            18 July 2022 19: 30
            When you write such nonsense, at least think
            1. The advancement of the Khameres to the position is covert and fast, since we have UAVs, and I suspect that they are all thrown specifically against artillery, then there are reconnaissance aircraft, then there are satellites again, then there are observation groups, then I admit there are probably agents, and the most important thing is a counter-battery radar! What kind of covert advance with a battalion? What speed with a battalion? Have you even served in the army? A battalion is at least 500 people, the length of a battalion column is 4 km and this is the minimum at different distances ... 100-150 meters, such a column can be seen not only by any commercial satellite, but also observation groups with radar easily at 40-60 km ... there is now a hunt for the AFU artillery, and a battalion column will only help us detect it. Yes, for the sake of a battalion on the march, ours will immediately raise a regiment of the air force without thinking, and even scratch all the artillery and Iskanders, a battalion on the march is a tasty morsel!
            Are you friends with your head? With their battalion, our reconnaissance and without UAVs will quickly detect and crush everyone to a nut quickly, they would have solved the problem long ago ... They covertly move quickly at night on the same Khameres and only shoot back and quickly turn off on the highway for 3 minutes ...
            ... They compared some kind of RSZO with the Strategic and missiles ...
            You don’t write this to me anymore, it’s hard to read such an osine on your part ... Wow, he fought in the outposts of one Hameres ... And he writes, the battalion in this conflict is the main tactical unit at the front, it is not very mobile. ..
            Maximum in combat security squad of soldiers, plus a quadcopter from a UAV
            1. -1
              24 July 2022 07: 58
              Quote: Saboteur_Navy
              When you write such nonsense, at least think
              1. the advancement of the hamers to the position is hidden, and fast, since we have UAVs, and I suspect they are all thrown precisely against artillery, then there are reconnaissance aircraft, then there are satellites again, then there are observation groups, then I admit there are apparently agents, Well, and most importantly, there is a counter-battery combat radar!

              But now imbue: everything you described is the ideal or the actions of the commander, who has already managed to "get in the snot."

              Quote: Saboteur_Navy
              What covert advance with a battalion? What speed with a battalion? Have you even served in the army? A battalion is at least 500 people, the length of a battalion column is 4 km and this is the minimum at different distances... 100-150 meters, such a column will be seen not only by any commercial satellite, but also by surveillance groups with radar easily at 40-60 km... there is a hunt for the AFU artillery there now, and a battalion column will only help us detect it. Yes, for the sake of a battalion on the march, ours will immediately raise an air force regiment without thinking, and even comb all the artillery with Iskanders, a battalion on the march is a tasty morsel!

              He served, long before all this "dandruff" in the form of a regular formation of reinforced battalions, fashionably called "battalion tactical groups"; although not in the PDB (and it is smaller in number than the SMEs, and even more so the "motorized" BTGr, but larger than the tank battalion), but in the anti-tank battery of the PDP. The march of the battalion - after all, it can be different: the "eleventh route" is the slowest, on trucks and on regular armored personnel carriers (IFVs). For example, I myself don’t know what kind of equipment and what are the means of strengthening the cover battalion for KHIMARS, it’s just that if 3 sources (of which only 1 are “khikhly”) talk about cover, then it means there is - do you think we need to look for more sources?

              Quote: Saboteur_Navy
              Are you friends with your head? With their battalion and without UAVs, our reconnaissance will quickly detect and crush everyone to a nut quickly, they would have solved the problem long ago ... They covertly move quickly at night on Hameres alone and only shoot back on the highway for 3 minutes and quickly turn off ...
              ... They compared some kind of RSZO with the Strategic and missiles ...

              Well, apparently, they spotted it using AWACS: a large column, but at a distance of about 30-50 km - this is a very large amount of metal on any radar (by the way, this is also why, in defense, equipment is dug in and the EPR is distorted ). After that, of course, all that remains is additional reconnaissance and control over the execution of weapons of destruction.

              Quote: Saboteur_Navy
              You don’t write this to me anymore, it’s hard to read such nonsense on your part ... Wow, he fought in the combat guard of one Hamers ... And he writes, the battalion in this conflict is the main tactical unit at the front, it is not very mobile. ..
              Maximum in combat security squad of soldiers, plus a quadcopter from a UAV

              Hello again! A battalion, if you don't know, is considered the largest of the mobile tactical units, which is why, by the way, nothing is heard about the old Chichi "regimental tactical groups". And even then, you are writing about the front, and I am - about a target in the depth of the defense. I recently looked for a picture (already deleted in our segment of the Internet), I think it will be useful for you to look:

              This is the radius of destruction with missiles with a maximum range of up to 140 km, and in general, at the time of writing by the author of the article, there was talk of purchasing MGM-140 ATACMS missiles with a range of up to 300 km, but about giving them PrSM missiles with a 500-kilometer radius until you hear a word. Now it is clear what threatens us with the deployment of, as you call, "hameres" in the Baltic states and near dates?
  10. +5
    18 July 2022 06: 52
    Experts in the United States on the destruction of the Russian Armed Forces installations HIMARS: Previously, no one was able to do this in the framework of hostilities

    Hrenology Experts! Who did you fight BEFORE? With countries that could be spread rot without visible damage to yourself as part of your caudle called the "coalition of NATO countries" ... bully
    If I were you, it’s time to analyze the situation described by the retired head of Roscosmos:
  11. +5
    18 July 2022 07: 03
    It turned out that the RF Armed Forces are slightly better armed than the Taliban?
  12. +3
    18 July 2022 07: 11
    How many of them are there in Ukraine and how many have been destroyed? How many of them are in NATO arsenals? They also destroy planes and tanks, but that doesn't mean they're ineffective. So there's nothing to talk about for now.
    The task is not only to make the supplies ineffective, but also to significantly deplete their arsenals so that their massive strike in the next year or several years would be impossible.

    Otherwise, all this will be just a rehearsal before NATO starts fighting "for real". And where are the guarantees that it won't? Heh... Heh... "the opinions of our experts" or what? If they have, as they write, "mountains of weapons", then the probability is not small.

    Apparently, many of us have not yet understood to what extent all of this is not just toys.
    1. 0
      18 July 2022 11: 34
      The Americans said they were elusive for Russia
  13. +1
    18 July 2022 07: 12
    Has Biden been informed or are they afraid that there will be enough condratics from such news? wassat wassat
    1. +8
      18 July 2022 07: 27
      Biden would live until spring ...
      And there's already a pine tuxedo. :-)
      1. +1
        19 July 2022 00: 18
        Pine for Biden is a luxury, a maximum of a plastic bag, exactly the same in which the victims of COVID 19 were buried in the USA and put an aspen stake in the kit. am
        1. +1
          19 July 2022 07: 33
          Good. Plastic wrapped in a star-striped rag, pierced through with an aspen stake.
          1. +1
            19 July 2022 09: 31
            as one of the options. feel
          2. +1
            19 July 2022 09: 33
            And in a personal file, indicate: he died a heroic death for the freedom and independence of American values ​​​​on an especially large scale. feel
  14. 0
    18 July 2022 07: 13
    From the skaklov, only bloomers remained ... wink
  15. +3
    18 July 2022 07: 27
    Experts in the United States on the destruction of the Russian Armed Forces installations HIMARS: Previously, no one was able to do this in the framework of hostilities
    Everything happens for the first time.
    No one is immortal, nothing is indestructible.
  16. +5
    18 July 2022 07: 29
    As soon as the "revolution" comes in the satellite constellation, all this will cease to be a sensation) To the grandfathers, whose satellite images are processed all day long, many thanks and low bow. But they, and their BSEM 6, still have time to rest.
    The satellite image should be replaced by satellite video, with real-time image processing. And then the "space power" will become a space power, and any enemy military facilities will be under control. Finally. After so many years. Crap...
    1. +3
      18 July 2022 14: 55
      Well, it seems like the talker was removed from Roskosmos, though it will take a lot of time to correct his "achievements"!
      1. +1
        18 July 2022 16: 30
        So put in its place is not the same? Maybe not a talker, but the same testicles, only in profile.
      2. 0
        19 July 2022 07: 21
        Chatterbox was a huge step forward after the total thieves who plundered Roskosmos at the speed of a jet stream. So it should be watered with care. Like Serdyukov, who caused a wave of wild hatred ... as it gradually became clear among the thieves, whom he powerfully pinched, bringing relative order to the troops and preparing the ground for Shoigu. He himself was not without sin, but he saved the country trillions.
        I think, Rogozin, this is something similar.
  17. +2
    18 July 2022 07: 52
    Straight up elusive wunderwaffle
    1. 0
      18 July 2022 08: 02
      Quote: Dizel200
      Straight up elusive wunderwaffle

      American after all, and there everything is stealth technology. They got used to fighting with unarmed Papuans, and therefore had no losses on them.
  18. +2
    18 July 2022 07: 59
    ... previously, no one managed to destroy these MLRS as part of direct hostilities.

    It's not like fighting rebels.
    1. +3
      18 July 2022 11: 33
      I once watched an interview with a mercenary who managed to escape from Ukraine back to the US, and he openly stated that they were told that the Russian army is at the level of the 70s
  19. +6
    18 July 2022 08: 00
    I hope that the imported servants of these RZSOs are also kaput.
  20. +2
    18 July 2022 08: 02
    American military experts noted that no one had previously managed to destroy these MLRS in the framework of direct combat operations.

    Nothing surprising, if we take into account with whom these "direct hostilities were conducted." request
  21. +3
    18 July 2022 08: 44
    In Russia, there is no banana army, just like Iraq and Yugoslavia cannot be dispensed with. Everyone will be cured.
  22. +2
    18 July 2022 08: 53
    And who will sit behind the wheel and be a gunner operator, knowing that the RF Armed Forces will destroy them anyway. Gotta be a killer...
  23. +2
    18 July 2022 08: 53
    In what armed conflicts was it used?
  24. +1
    18 July 2022 11: 12
    What kind of military action are they talking about? In Afghanistan, Iraq or somewhere else? Compared a vegetable with a finger
  25. +2
    18 July 2022 11: 13
    Previously, it was not possible to destroy for one simple reason - they did not fight with Russia. Now self-confidence will decrease.
  26. +3
    18 July 2022 11: 29
    Everything happens for the first time
  27. +4
    18 July 2022 11: 37
    This is not surprising if this technique was previously used against the Mujahideen with Kalash, who simply have nothing to compare against the MLRS. And here is a completely different "enemy", with a huge military potential, and the ability to destroy such equipment. So it was a matter of time. ideal, of course, to take her unscathed.
  28. +2
    18 July 2022 12: 29
    Satellites that monitor the earth's surface in various spectra - why not reflash them with an algorithm for recognizing volleys of MLRS?
    1. +2
      18 July 2022 17: 38
      Not an expert, but I think the problem is that we don’t have so many such satellites and it’s impossible to keep a permanently defined area under the control of the satellites, and unfortunately, by the time the information reaches the troops, the MLRS will already shoot back and go “into the sunset”, and their air defense will in any case, they will work to the maximum - since they are constantly on combat duty.
  29. +2
    18 July 2022 13: 25
    Any weapon supplied to Ukraine poses a threat and danger, especially modern one. There is no such weapon that could not be destroyed, it is strange that "experts", even ours, even Western ones, do not know this.
  30. +1
    18 July 2022 15: 14
    And this system somewhere took part in hostilities? Remind me who knows.
  31. +1
    18 July 2022 17: 52
    Interestingly, a nuclear aircraft carrier with an escort does not want to try it "for the first time" to be surprised.
    Still, then, for the second, third and fourth time, somehow there will be no such novelty, only blueness, as in a joke: "I don’t understand, are you a hunter or a p ...?"
    Or the first f-35 lost in battle, also cool ...
  32. 0
    18 July 2022 18: 09
    Well, what to do, everything happens for the first time, as the respected Ramzan Kadyrov said, "it's not to shoot a movie in Hollywood, and the echo in the mountains is mother-mother-mother ...". It's not verbatim but the meaning is the same am
  33. 0
    18 July 2022 18: 29
    Quote: mitrich
    Who strive to be the first to squeeze a comment into the post with a couple of slogans and urya appeals. And almost everything from General and above.

    Well, it's just like in real life. If you don't lick, you won't get a lychka.
  34. +1
    18 July 2022 19: 56
    destroyed - good. but why does all this technique reach positions, or is the field marshal again writing a geographical dictation ??
  35. 0
    18 July 2022 20: 42
    There is nothing to fill in ... There is no direct evidence. And even if they were, it doesn't matter much. Destroying one or two installations will not change the situation. Hymars is a serious weapon, and this should be treated with all due attention. As long as there is no antidote
  36. 0
    19 July 2022 00: 33
    It will not save in any way the supply of weapons at the declared level. Plus, this can and will create difficulties for the Russian army, but only temporary. Because there is no repair or maintenance base for heavy weapons. And they will begin to fail soon due to increased use and opposition from our side. So be patient guys.
  37. kig
    19 July 2022 03: 50
    Well, I don’t know ... I would like to believe, but so far it’s not working out very well. First, the video is an explicit compilation of two different events, but oh well. And here is a picture from a drone showing the alleged launcher ... I personally see a bunch of logs, a truck on which logs are already loaded, some kind of long platform to the left (and it seems to be without a cab), but between the truck and a bunch of logs what is a gray vehicle. Here it can be a launcher, although what is located behind the cockpit has a completely flat surface. If it is HIMARS, then the module with missiles is not installed on it. Then this "something" drives off, but in this place the picture is blurred to the point of impossibility. Then we see the launch of Caliber, but the moment of impact, one might say, is not shown at all.
  38. 0
    19 July 2022 04: 49
    And where and when did the Americans fight? In the period of WW2, and only. In other cases, with all their technological might, they fell upon either the unarmed or forcibly, through the UN, disarmed. And then, most often, they received on the cabbage soup and shamefully carried away their legs. So there is nothing to compare with.
  39. 0
    19 July 2022 08: 39
    Everything when it happens for the first time. I remember in Yugoslavia a shepherd from a shotgun knocking down an invisible plane. It was just that the invisible was invisible to those who built it, but for normal people it was an ordinary plane.
  40. 0
    19 July 2022 16: 48
    I did not see the moment of destruction.
    First, something creeps muddy there, then the launch of the CD, then some explosions.
    Guys, if you are already so loudly declaring, then let's not glue and this dregs.
    If they actually destroyed it, then it's very good.
    1. 0
      19 July 2022 23: 45
      There are videos on YouTube explaining that this is not HIMARS, the shape is different. Really ? I don't know... It doesn't seem to matter, people on both sides love fairy tales.
  41. 0
    19 July 2022 17: 39
    Well, these are interesting Americans. (Or stupid according to Zadorny). Doubt that Russia could destroy? This is not like fighting with the Papuans.
  42. -1
    19 July 2022 22: 34
    with an initiative, there will still be roofing felts ...
  43. 0
    20 July 2022 01: 54
    The Ukrainians realized that the next Heimars would be destroyed even faster, and therefore they would peddle the American contraption as soon as the Poles dragged this (uncensored) thing across the border. For residents of the outlying lands, this item is simply a huge freebie on wheels, and for the sincere Ukrainian Yes, I missed such a great opportunity..!
  44. 0
    20 July 2022 10: 24
    Why can't the gru spetsnaz find and destroy these himars? This is his main task: to search for and destroy mobile missile launchers behind enemy lines.
  45. 0
    20 July 2022 14: 47
    Quote: Nyrobsky
    since at such a time Russia may change its approach to the operation and the Kuev regime fostered by mattresses may end ahead of schedule,

    What can Russia change so that the Kyiv regime ends ahead of schedule? Now the Russian army is fighting using almost all available means with the exception of the nuclear button. There are no trump cards that can be pulled out of the sleeve in Russia now.
    the only change that can really radically change everything is the declaration of a real war, then all ships, planes and vehicles carrying military cargo for Ukraine become an official legal military target, even if they are on the territory of another country. But this is a direct path to the third world
  46. -1
    24 July 2022 20: 34
    Recall that in the near future Washington planned to supply four more Hymars installations to Ukraine. However, in the West, the further arming of Ukraine is increasingly skeptical, especially among military experts and ordinary citizens who are at least somehow interested in Ukrainian topics.
    We need to find out the delivery routes... and somewhere in the area of ​​the right bank of the Dnieper, capture them and fry them at the Ukronazis. Land a regiment of paratroopers on the route of these "Hymars". Capture them, fire off all the ammunition of the "Hymars" at the Ukronazis. and draw the forces of the Ukronazis towards ourselves in order to land more paratroopers in the exposed areas... and so on, a series of paratroopers until the first paratrooper reunites with the main forces. This will break the front line faster...
    1. 0
      1 August 2022 14: 48
      Quote: Sergey Kuzmin
      and somewhere in the region of the right bank of the Dnieper, seize and fry them for the Ukronazis. To land a landing regiment on the route of these "Hymars". Capture, shoot all the Hymars ammunition at the Ukronazis. and pull the forces of the Ukronatsiks onto themselves in order to land another landing on the exposed areas ... and so on a series of landings until the first landing is reunited with the main forces. So the front line will break faster ...
      In order to flog less nonsense, first ask about the number of BTA aircraft in the RA, and then listen about landing in masses "from the regiment and above" in the presence of active air defense. It is much easier to quietly buy out (even at exorbitant prices) from the Khikhls a couple of installations with all the documentation and types of missiles, after all, they sell part of the weapons and military equipment anyway.
  47. 0
    13 September 2022 19: 20
    No, well, if you fight with savages from third world countries, then of course .. not only to destroy, but they couldn’t spoil the paint from the installation .. I’m just fucking over them .. Do they really consider themselves exceptional? And if the Sarmat flies to them?