US Special Forces Marine Corps

Paying great attention to the development of special operations forces, the US command came to the conclusion that it was necessary to form a command of special operations of the US Marine Corps. This is the youngest special operations command. It was created just four years ago. In our article we will tell about stories its creation, tasks, personnel training and staff changes that have occurred recently.

US Special Forces Marine Corps

The United States Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC) command is one of the components of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM).

The creation of the command was announced by US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on October 28 of the year 2005. MARSOC officially launched its 2 functions on February 2006, at a ceremony in Camp Legend, North Carolina.

The potential involvement of the US Marine Corps in the command of special operations has been the subject of controversy since the creation of this command line in 1986. At that time, the corps command believed that it would be better if the elite force corps of the marine corps would remain in the command structure of the air-ground target forces of the marines. It was believed that the separation of the elite units of the Marine Corps from the corps would harm the whole corps.

Since 11 September 2001, the situation has changed due to the global war on terrorism declared by Donald Rumsfeld. This decision forced the command of the Marine Corps to take steps towards integration with the command of special operations. The creation of the marine special operations command was preceded by the most notable step in this direction - the creation of the marine corps special operations command detachment one (Det 1). This was a pilot program whose goal was to identify the possibility of integrating parts of the marines into the command of special operations. This unit was part of the first squadron of a special war at sea. The detachment was commanded by Colonel Robert J. Coates, who was the commander of the force reconnaissance 1 company. The detachment consisted of four sections:
- sections of the intelligence number of 30 people;
- operational intelligence unit numbering 29 people, which, in turn, consisted of management (2 person), radio intelligence team (9 person), analytical intelligence team (6 person) and multi-functional team (12 person);
- fire section numbering 7 people;
- squad headquarters.
There were a total of 85 people in the unit.
The squadron existed from 19 on June 2003 until 2006, when it was disbanded, and its successor was the command of special operations of the marines.

The formation of the 1 squad was the beginning of a reorganization aimed at creating the command of the SOM. Initially, its goal was to balance the capabilities of the special operations forces of the Marine Corps, as well as to improve the balance between the operators and the units supporting the command of the special operations of the Marine Corps in solving problems of direct and indirect action. The reorganization showed that special operations could be carried out by special operations forces without the participation of the main corps forces. It was aimed at enhancing the capabilities of combat support services in the command of special operations of the marines. As a result of the reorganization, the staffing structure of the operational units of the special forces of the marines, which were called the marine special operations team (MSOT), was unified.

Restructuring should increase the ability of the command to perform the tasks assigned to it.
The command is intended to be carried out by the subordinate units by direct actions, by conducting special intelligence, by actions to organize the defense of foreign states, counter-terrorist operations, information operations, and non-traditional (guerrilla) war.


The total number of personnel of the units included in the command is approximately 2500 people. The command was led by Major General Denis Heilik, who is deputy commander of the first expeditionary forces of the marines. Command is stationed at Camp Legend.
The command structure organizationally includes the following units:
- The Marine Special Operations Advisor Group (MSOAG). The location is Camp Lezhyun, the number is about 400 people. The group is designed to train the personnel of foreign countries and should reduce the burden in solving the tasks assigned to the special forces units of the ground forces;
- Two marine special operations battalions (MSOBs). One is stationed at Camp Lehjun, and the second is at Camp Pendleton, California. Their task is to carry out expeditionary special operations that solve the tasks of direct action, special intelligence and the organization of defense of foreign states. Consideration is given to expanding the range of tasks solved by battalions, among which information operations, the fight against terrorism and the organization and conduct of non-traditional (partisan) war may appear. The battalion consists of a 4 – 5 mouth of special marines operations. The established category of company commander is a major. Special operations companies are still associated with the expeditionary units of the marines on the coast, acting independently, but not separately from them. The bulk of the battalion personnel was originally recruited from force reconnaissance marines units. The company consists of several special operations teams of the marines. Each team has 14 people. The staff category of the team commander is captain;
- The marine special operations support group (MSOSG). It is stationed at Camp Lejune. The group consists of control, reconnaissance and logistic units. The task of the group, in accordance with the name, is the implementation of support for command units during special operations. The group has about 400 people;
- The marine special operations school (MSOS). It is also located at Camp Lejan. Its tasks include the recruitment of recruits, their selection and training, evaluation, and the development of personnel for the command of special operations of the marines.

Restructuring of two divisions from MSOAG

11 May 2009, the Marston Pavilion at Camp Legeune was full of people. The ceremony was dedicated to an important event: companies "A" and "B" from the group of military advisors of the US Marine Special Forces Command (MSOAG) were renamed the 3 and 4 battalions of the US Marine Special Operations.
This transformation expanded the capabilities of the command of special operations and allowed to bring to a single structure all four battalions that are part of the command. Companies A and B were responsible for training and deploying teams to assist foreign armed forces in their training, as well as assisting military advisers to support the allies of the Americans in the fight against local extremists. Company A was formed in March 2006 of the year and is intended to operate in Africa and Europe, while Company B, formed in April of 2007, was aimed at areas in the Pacific and South America. In connection with the reorganization, the structure and name changed, but the purpose of the divisions remained the same.

After the ceremony, Lt. Col. Christian Naysvorner transferred command of the 3 Battalion to Lt. Col. Matthew Trollinger. Weisvorner commanded the military training unit of foreign groups from May 2005, which was later renamed MSOAG. A little later he headed the company "A". As the commander of Company A, he developed standard operational procedures for deploying special operational teams of marines around the world to wage a global war on terrorism.

Marines Base Camp Legeune

50 Marines after completing the course of individual training received the full right to be called the operators of the command of special operations of the Marine Corps.

Marines undergo an individual training course after the evaluation and selection stage. This course is designed to assist marines in conducting special operations during the global war on terror.

MARSOC began developing a course program shortly after the 24 in February of 2006, the United States Marine Corps joined the US special operations command. The course began to be developed following the directive of the Secretary of Defense, which contained general recommendations for the US Special Operations Command and the Marine Corps in November 2005 on the creation of the Special Operations Command of the Marine Corps as a structural component of the US special operations command.
The Secretary of Defense then said: “I would like the special operations command in the United States to be in all 4 types of the armed forces, and not just in three of them.”

“The result of passing the course depends not only on the experience of special operations, but also on the personal qualities of the candidate, the strength of his character and the spirit of the special forces,” said Joseph Marello, commander of the marines special operations school.

The course began on October 6 2008 of the year and lasted 7 months. While completing the course, all the skills and knowledge necessary for conducting special operations are developed. Candidates learn to carry out direct impact operations, conduct combat in direct contact with the enemy, conduct special reconnaissance, assist allies, carry out fire support, provide first aid to the wounded, wage guerrilla war, survive in difficult environmental conditions, must know the rules of behavior in captivity and escape from captivity and also be able to use weapon ground forces and apply infantry tactics.

The special training course for marines of special operations units consists of 140 physical training hours, 634 classroom hours, 1365 field and practical hours, during which students overcome 114 miles during the marches and as part of a patrol.
According to Marello, marines who have successfully completed an individual training course will be recruited as instructors and will begin to train new special forces and improve the existing training program.

Mountain training

In accordance with the further development of the curriculum, the name of which literally translates as “deployment for training” (deployment for training - DFT), the soldiers of the 2 battalion of special operations of the marines make a trip to the combat training center in the mountains, which is located in Bridgeport, California, for training the program of mountain training, patrolling in the mountainous terrain, exercises on orientation, as well as the use of pack animals in the mountains.

The first days of classes are held in the classroom. The instructors of the center conduct a large number of theoretical classes with the personnel of the company. Students learn the safety rules for actions in the mountains, medical training, weather and natural phenomena in the mountains, patrolling during the cold season, choosing and laying a route in the mountains, daily rules of behavior in the mountain camp, and the procedure for evacuating people in the mountains.
The camp staff conducts classes on the organization of communications and the use of communications in the mountains, as well as on the use of vehicles to support small groups. On the third day of training, the personnel of the company is divided into training groups, while the management of the company is a separate training group. The group commanders are seated in a classroom with maps and navigation devices and devices for plotting the route of movement of their team for the day. In this case, all teams must pass a certain number of routes of a given length and complexity. The most difficult routes to overcome teams special operations of the Marines. This is due to the need to increase the level of their training in orienteering in the mountains.

The groups leave the camp early in the morning and move around the area surrounded by mountains on all sides. Periodically they stop and for training purposes they determine the point of their standing at the moment on the map. Routes of special operations teams pass at a height greater than 3000 meters above sea level.

The next day, the personnel of the company in the classroom is trained in the use of pack animals in the mountains. Here, students receive basic knowledge of the health of mules, the rules of care and safety when handling animals, as well as the rules for preparing animals for the placement of cargo packs on them. “The mules used by us at the training center are much stronger and healthier than those found in Afghanistan. Our mules are almost perfectly adapted for transporting heavy loads in difficult mountain conditions, ”says Sergeant Chad Gilles, instructor at the training center. The instructor sets the students various training tasks for packing goods and preparing them for placement on the animal. At the same time for the preparation of each type of cargo has its own technique of packing and placing a pack on the back of the animal. Mules are stubborn, but they can climb mountains almost everywhere where a marine can pass, lifting a rather large load. Students also learn to care for animals both on a halt and during a long march in the mountains.

Upon completion of the training course, the company’s personnel gain a broader idea of ​​how to overcome steep climbs in the mountains, in harsh conditions and in cold weather. This should help them to solve complex problems in Afghanistan.

Parachute training

To improve their practical skills, the 2 th battalion of special operations of the marines 3 of April passed a parachute training program in Nevada, which included the usual parachute training program and a parachute jump program.

The first day of training in the Nevada command of the special operations of the marines is dedicated to honing the possibilities of withdrawing the group to the rear of the enemy by parachuting and delaying the opening of the parachute. Members of the team of military parachutists before parachuting early in the morning line up along the starting line to prepare their multifunctional parachute systems for the jump. Exercises include both making ordinary parachute jumps and making long parachute jumps with weapons and equipment. The main difference in these jumps is the height of leaving the aircraft or helicopter, the method of separation and the time of the parachute opening. When making ordinary jumps, the parachute opens forcibly and immediately after separation from the aircraft or helicopter. When making jumps with a delay of disclosure, the parachutist after separation freely falls to a predetermined height and only then opens the parachute.
The knowledge and skills gained in these classes are very important for the special forces of the marines in order to successfully complete tasks of varying degrees of complexity. To make parachute jumps, landing sites were specially chosen, which are largely similar to those in Afghanistan and where MARSOC units can be used in the near future.

After parachuting in different weather conditions, from different heights, as well as at different times of the day, the parachute training program ends. The training course provides marines and seamen of the company with the sustained knowledge and skills necessary to perform airborne operations, understanding the influence of the terrain, weather and landing time on the success of the operation.

In the middle of the training course, the commanders of the special operations units of the 2nd battalion receive the necessary knowledge and skills in guiding aviation in battle or to defeat an object. Each team makes long transitions, taking with them instruments to determine the direction and strength of the wind.

Field exercises

The field exercises of marines and sailors are based on the fact that it is really necessary to be able to be a soldier in battle. The personnel of the teams must learn to act as part of the unit in the study, search and destruction of the object. On the way to the object, the fighters will have to overcome many obstacles: rugged terrain, enemy ambushes and mine-explosive obstacles. The exercise scenario is developed by the company command, and armed civilian professionals play the role of the enemy. This is necessary so that marines and sailors can fully immerse themselves in the created “combat” situation.

The exercises allow special operations teams of the marines to experience and improve standard actions for successfully overcoming unforeseen situations.

During field exercises, teams have the opportunity to work out targeting various aircraft from the aircraft carrier group, which also train in Nevada. Such joint exercises add realism and allow aircraft manufacturers who are part of teams to work out actions to evacuate the team and practically use special equipment. They also help the crew to work out and see for themselves the effectiveness of the air support. The terrain and natural conditions of the Nevada desert are similar to Afghanistan.

When the course of field training is completed, the staff of the teams writes a report on the work done. This allows teams to evaluate the quality of exercises and exercises and their actions in various situations. For fighters, it is important to analyze their own and group presentations before and after the course.

First application

The personnel of the special operations command of the marines are preparing the counter-terrorism unit of the Dominican Republic. In March, 2009, the American and Dominican anti-terror special forces took part in a joint exercise, which is conducted as part of the training program of the southern command of the special operations “Fused response”. The purpose of the exercise is to improve the interaction of the special divisions of these countries during special operations against terrorists and drug traffickers.

Before the start of the exercise, the US Marines from the command of the special operations spent several months in the Dominican Republic teaching various tactical methods to their wards, practicing a large number of scenarios for the development of the special operation. During training, various methods of penetrating the object where the terrorists are located, including landing from a helicopter directly to the roof of the building, were tested.
The American instructors make very high and strict requirements to their wards, constantly forcing them to perfect the elements of the object being captured.

In the classroom used various methods and devices for training. For example, imitation ammunition and ammunition, leaving a trail of color on uniforms when hit. The instructors achieve from the students sustainable skills in counter-terrorism operations at the level of muscle memory, repeating the same technique many times and bringing it to automatism.

16 March 2009, the leadership of the southern command and the regional command of special operations congratulated the participants of the exercise with its successful completion. However, the study did not end there. As one of the officers of the Dominican special forces said: “There are constant threats. Moreover, new ones appear daily. Therefore, we, as the best special unit in the country, must be prepared to combat these threats from terrorists and drug dealers. I am sure that these trainings will allow us to successfully cope with them. ”
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  1. ilf
    11 January 2013 08: 44
    They wanted to do something similar with us in order to unite various special forces
    1. webdog
      11 January 2013 10: 15
      met with representatives of the American special forces ...
      units of them are fighters ... the rest can only be shot in Hollywood (on the crowd). they don’t have a fighting spirit. Ponte a lot.
      in special forces the main thing is knowledge, ingenuity, physical training and fortitude. where the strength ends, the mental stability of the fighter begins to manifest.
      in spirit, only Afghans and Chechens are equal to us. but it’s only in spirit.
      we are the best in the complex of our skills. this is not bravado. it is a fact recognized in the world.
      any "special" from any army considers it an honor to be familiar with the Russian special forces.
      like so.
      1. +10
        11 January 2013 14: 53
        Quote: webdog
        we are the best in the complex of our skills. this is not bravado. it is a fact recognized in the world.
        any "special" from any army considers it an honor to be familiar with the Russian special forces.
        like so.

        According to Al-Arabia, Russia sent a unit of elite special forces (Special Forces) to Syria to conduct counter-terrorist operations against al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists, including against Libyans who, in violation of international law, were funded, armed, and secretly trained by the United States and NATO in order to infiltrate Syria and destabilize the regime.
        Special Forces are known as the most trained special forces in the world and are comparable to the Delta Force units in the US Army, but Russian training principles are probably much more complex and more specialized than Delta or Green Berets.

        Russian military advisers are already assisting the country in training Syrian forces to counter terrorism and conduct operations against rebels. How many troops of the Russian special forces are currently located in Syria is not known, according to intelligence agencies, from 50 to 200 people.
        "In Syria, it is now believed that highly qualified specialists from the Alpha and Vympel special forces are located, they are most likely supported by Russian intelligence operatives and their agents," said W. Spence, a military analyst working for a private corporation in Charlotte, North Carolina.

        Vympel is deployed in Moscow, one of its units is attached to the SVR (Russian foreign intelligence), it also has several branches in almost all cities where there is a nuclear power plant, ”says Mr. Spence.

        “The combat uniform of the operatives of departments A and B is black”
        “They were nicknamed the Russian“ ninja ”for speed, secrecy and special skills. In Chechnya, they use various types of camouflage, such as the official forest camouflage - Flora; [in Syria] they are likely to use specialized fireproof desert camouflage. In order to “avoid identification,” GRU commandos usually wear the standard form of Russian airborne forces — light blue berets and stripes. But, nevertheless, they can also be of various shapes, for example, of those units that are located nearby, so as not to visually give out their belongings
        “To counter terrorism, they will use the most modern equipment and the most advanced electronic warfare tools. Most fighters are specially trained in hand-to-hand combat and are skilled in sniper fighting, ”says Andy Hill from Charlotte.

        1. webdog
          14 January 2013 13: 08
          information about our special forces from our enemies ...
          will their opinion convince anyone? this is not a boy with a counter strike)))
  2. +4
    11 January 2013 09: 22
    Blue tolerance will covertly sneak up to the "back gate" of the Marine Corps and will be interesting to look at from the side.
  3. +4
    11 January 2013 09: 45
    An interesting article, thanks to the author.
    The carefulness with which the Americans approach the problem of creating a new structure is noteworthy. Our learn.
    I don’t know where the photo for the article came from, but judging by it, the special forces almost completely switched to M4 carbines. In the US, they realized that the real battle is at distances of up to 500 meters. And even up to 300.
    But here they are still preparing to hit 800-1000 from the Kalash. However, this is a particular.
    1. webdog
      11 January 2013 10: 24
      erased, quote: "But we are still preparing to beat the" Kalash "at 800-1000."
      where did you get that? personal experience? serve? counter strike love? (joke)
      1. webdog
        11 January 2013 10: 58
        erased, do you admire the M4 carbine ???

        In the first years of operation, the M4 left a positive impression on itself. The command of special operations forces (US MTR) drew attention to the new weapon, intending to accept it as a single unit for all special forces. The leadership of the Ministry of Defense began to study the issue of the complete transfer to M4 of all types of armed forces - the price of a carbine was much lower than the price of an automatic rifle.

        Subsequently, the M4 was replaced by a modernized version of the carbine - M4A1, created on the basis of the M16A3 rifle. It differs from the previous version with a flat receiver with a Picatinny rail mounted on it, which allows you to mount a variety of devices from carrying handles of the M-16 type to sights and target indicators of various types.
        In the new century, the M4 passed the test of war - many US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan were equipped with a carbine. Real battles brought disappointment - a shortened barrel greatly reduced the effective fire range compared to the M-16 and Kalashnikov assault rifles. In addition, the barrel and forearm of the carbine very quickly overheated during intensive shooting. An increase in the rate of fire compared to the original rifle led to a decrease in the reliability of the weapon. As a result, the M4 was deemed unsuitable for the full transfer to it of all MTR units, not to mention the army.
        As a promising weapon, the U.S. Army is currently testing the XM8 rifle created by Heckler & Koch GmBH. The description of the XM8 and its adventures may take a separate article, but we are interested in this aspect: where will the US armed forces bring down the supply of M4 and M4A1 carbines that were not needed?

        The answer to this question will not be long in coming - any state of the "first rank" has satellite allies in the third world who will gratefully accept any weapon at a reasonable price (or even for nothing), especially if you promise them assistance in supplying ammunition and maintenance. Georgia is currently one such allies for the United States.
        The combat effectiveness of the Georgian soldier will decrease as a result of rearmament on the M4. The main reason for the decrease will be a decrease in the effective firing range from 400-500 to 200-250 meters. A small gain will be in the convenience of carrying and transporting weapons by reducing its length, but the weight of both samples does not differ so much that we should talk about this - 3,5 kilograms for a loaded AK and 3,1 for M4. It is also strange to hear statements by the Georgian military about difficulties in obtaining ammunition for the AK-74 - 5,45x39 cartridges are quite common, and they can be purchased outside of Russia. In addition, it should be noted that the maintenance of the M-16 and its derivatives requires a higher technical culture than the AK, which also does not contribute to increasing the combat effectiveness of third-world armies suffering from a lack of qualified personnel.

        erased, enlighten ...
        1. 0
          11 January 2013 11: 43
          It's not about the M4 itself, but that it is smaller than the M-16 (AR-15) and more convenient. The characteristics of the M-16 family rifles have long been known to all.
          It was also about the principle of using this weapon.

          webdog, sober up ...
        2. +2
          11 January 2013 19: 22
          XM8 long ago no one is experiencing.

          The M4s that the Georgians had were the Bushmaster companies. In fact, these rifles were made according to civilian templates.

          The reliability of the M4 is now enhanced further with new cartridges and magazines. And according to the operating experience, even in older versions of the M-ki, the main problems were precisely in them.

          Do not repeat other people's tales.
  4. +8
    11 January 2013 10: 22

    No, this one prettier and more accurately conveys the content:
    1. rolik
      11 January 2013 10: 35
      Quote: PSih2097

      Of particular interest is the image on the emblem of a stylized spear of fate. Somehow guys take on too much. Not yet mature enough to play the fate of the world.
      1. webdog
        11 January 2013 10: 45
        the emblem implies a minimal sketchy image. the fewer the elements, the cooler.
        and amers, as always, do not have an emblem, but a picture of Aivazovsky)))))))))))) they still need to shove two pages of text into the emblem.
      2. Dikremnij
        11 January 2013 20: 50
        As far as I know, the U.S. Special Operations Forces emblem has crossed arrows, therefore, it is not the tip of the spear, but arrows.
    2. in reserve
      11 January 2013 12: 18
      No, this one prettier and more accurately conveys the content:

      Compare horseradish with a finger they have different tasks.
      1. +1
        11 January 2013 14: 00
        in reserve. tell us about the difference in tasks if you all know lol
        1. in reserve
          11 January 2013 14: 58

          tell us about the difference in tasks if you all know

          Military Intelligence, a set of measures to obtain and process data about the current or probable enemy, his military resources, combat capabilities and vulnerability, as well as about the theater of operations.
          Analogue U.S. Department of Defense Intelligence

          Special Operations Forces are specially created, trained and equipped formations of the ground forces, air force, navy and marine corps, designed to solve specific problems in the interests of achieving military, political, economic and psychological goals in territories owned or captured by foreign states, as well as in geographical areas, of particular political interest to the United States.
          1. in reserve
            11 January 2013 15: 02
            U.S. Department of Defense Intelligence (RUMO, eng. Defense Intelligence Agency, DIA) is engaged in military-strategic intelligence, collecting and analyzing information for the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other departments of the Department of Defense, and coordinates the work of all intelligence organizations of the US Department of Defense.


            1. 0
              22 January 2013 14: 32
              in reserve. here are the tasks of the GRU
              I see a quote from the book "Sputnik Scout" (NVI). There the tasks are exhaustively described:

              Tasks of the organs of spetsnaz:
              1) Reconnaissance:
              - obtaining information about the most important enemy targets, revealing the nature of his actions and intentions, the operational situation, the terrain and weather conditions in the interests of ensuring combat operations and the use of weapons of destruction for his troops.
              2) Special:
              - Destruction (incapacitation) or seizure of important enemy targets, major military leaders, prominent government politicians, samples of secret weapons, equipment, documents;
              - disorganization of the work of the rear of the enemy, the destruction of his communications in order to disrupt the systematic transfer of troops and material resources;
              - Assistance in organizing a resistance movement (partisan movement) behind enemy lines.
              3) Specific:
              a) in the interests of the armed forces:
              - radio navigation support, guidance of aviation, designation and illumination of targets, correction of air strikes, artillery fire, confirmation of the effectiveness of their actions;
              - Search and destruction of enemy aircraft through the use of special means.
              b) in order to ensure the internal security of the state:
              - Prevention (suppression) of anti-state or other activities of rebel, rebel or illegal armed groups (IAF), aimed at changing the political, state structure of the Russian Federation, its territorial integrity.
              c) other tasks:
              -search and rescue (search, rescue or evacuation of military personnel or citizens who were captured, missing or found behind enemy lines for other reasons);
              - psychological (demoralization and disorientation of enemy personnel, inducing him to cooperate, end resistance, desertion or surrender);
              - participation in peacekeeping operations and the provision of humanitarian assistance to foreign countries;
              - ensuring the safety and security of major military leaders, prominent political and state figures.

              But in reality, the tasks of the special forces (especially in Russia) can be anything from the release of hostages to the fight against aliens. As the command orders, so it will be.
              tell me which of these tasks the green berets do not perform and what tasks our special forces that the green berets will not perform. with uv. Sergei
  5. webdog
    11 January 2013 10: 23
    erased, quote: "But we are still preparing to beat the" Kalash "at 800-1000."
    where did you get that? personal experience? serve? counter strike love? (joke)
  6. avt
    11 January 2013 10: 45
    Thanks to the author for the work! No, really, no catch! On the topic, I think so, Amers know how to PR, in general, with PR they have complete order! I wish we could listen to Our people, even with the KuOS, and if my memory serves me right wassat laughing And it’s not a spear, but peaks, let's go with a bubble! laughing
    1. rolik
      11 January 2013 10: 48
      Quote: avt
      And it’s not a spear but peaks

      Then it would be better to "baptize" themselves painted. what
      1. +1
        11 January 2013 12: 18
        Quote: rolik
        Then it would be better to "baptize" yourself

        Crest is intolerant, they can be unpleasant for people who do not profess Christianity, and therefore cards in the USA consist of three suits, and their worms are blue.
        1. rolik
          11 January 2013 14: 37
          Quote: Vladimirets
          To cross is intolerant

          Then let the ass draw, painted in the colors of the rainbow. This is it. Homo ... ki, and this is their predominant class, they just howl from right now
  7. -2
    11 January 2013 11: 01
    Normal KMB, what's so special about the announced super-duper unit? Well, except that the search for a common language (love and tenderness)))) with a moody and stubborn mule ...
  8. +1
    11 January 2013 11: 52
    Only amers know how to slander homegrown specialists.
    1. 0
      11 January 2013 14: 03
      Yes, no one smears them, just a lot of examples when these "elite" lads screw up. I recommend that you read about the latest special forces competitions in the USA
      1. -1
        11 January 2013 15: 33
        where alpha opposed the local SWAT and then bragged about defeating him? I'm sorry, but that doesn’t mean anything ... the same thing if alpha turned out to be better than the Chelyabinsk riot police. It’s a pity it was not satisfied to compare with against the rangers or against the delta ...
        by the way, there they are unfair, anyway, condemned
        1. 0
          11 January 2013 17: 31
          At those competitions any representatives of the police special forces from any (with some exceptions) country could be declared. There, due to refereeing, it seems that the Bulgarian refused the second place and defiantly left the competition .. (in some discipline) Is he also an Alphovets?
          Americans are even dragging lawyers into the Olipi Games to dispute gold ...
          Alpha's emblem bears the inscription: "Antiterror". Which, as it were, hints.
      2. +1
        11 January 2013 17: 13
        Quote: kalbofos
        Yes, no one is sucking them,

        Read the comments above, amers threshing floor. Russia forward and in the same vein ... Not seriously
    2. Axel
      12 January 2013 18: 39
      The Americans even have a military uniform
  9. Ahmar
    11 January 2013 12: 32
    but what is the dispute about? Russia has a thousand-year and most victorious history in such wars and conflicts about which today's Americans have no idea despite all their "vaunted" (and by them) special forces. Hence the spirit and traditions of our troops, and the amers only know how to jackal at obviously weak opponents, their whole short history speaks of this. And I'm not talking about the level of training, everyone has some secrets and specific conditions, I'm talking about the use of trained troops.
    1. Hon
      11 January 2013 13: 35
      What a habit of everyone to consider knowingly stronger than yourself.
      Quote: Ahmar
      Russia has a thousand-year and most victorious history in such wars and conflicts about which today's Americans have no idea despite all their "vaunted" (and by them) special forces.

      As in the cartoon "Man is the king of nature! Only animals do not know about it, they are not literate."
      Remember the Soviet dogma THE ENEMY IS STRONG AND DANGEROUS. We must proceed from this, and not from the fact that they will be scared and run away, we don’t even have to get off the stove.
    2. -2
      11 January 2013 14: 04
      Ahmar you more accurately expressed my thought, plus you
    3. webdog
      11 January 2013 15: 32
      Ahmar, the Americans one on one with the real enemy fought only once - with the Japanese over the islands.
      the result is known to everyone: amers chopped like cabbage ...
      then the Soviet troops came and defeated the millionth Kwantung army in 3 weeks under the most difficult conditions (mountains, deserts, constant rains, mud). at the same time it did not even reach melee (here the Japanese were lucky wink )
      Americans are brought up on their movie characters. they are cool, they know from childhood how profitable to turn on the camera, which face to build ...
      but in the field - these are mostly cowardly, not hardy, without a strong spirit kids.
      no, I do not scold amers! it’s good to serve with them ... they have good canned goods in rations wink
      I did not notice other advantages.
      1. +5
        11 January 2013 17: 17
        Quote: webdog
        but in the field - these are mostly cowardly, not hardy, without a strong spirit kids.

        Where and when did you fight side by side with the Americans? Of course, I understand that the brainwashed completely, BUT you can not underestimate your potential enemy, and you do not underestimate him, you don’t even consider them a soldier, but it can
        1. Misantrop
          11 January 2013 20: 08
          Quote: Rumata
          Where and when did you fight side by side with the Americans?

          You do not know that there were a whole bunch of joint UN missions? For example, in the same Abkhazia. The brother there not only looked at the Americans, there were enough of everyone
      2. FIMUK
        11 January 2013 18: 13
        Ahmar, the Americans one on one with the real enemy fought only once - with the Japanese over the islands.
        the result is known to everyone: amers chopped like cabbage ...
        then Soviet troops came and defeated the millionth Kwantung army in 3 weeks under the most difficult conditions (mountains, deserts, constant rain, mud). at the same time it did not even reach melee (here the Japanese were lucky)
        .................................................. ..............................

      3. +2
        11 January 2013 19: 37
        Oh, nice man. What the hell are you talking about.
        Though history would normally be taught
  10. USNik
    11 January 2013 12: 49
    The emphasis on mountain training and parachute landing suggests that they are being prepared not only for Afghanistan, from which, moreover, they must leave, but also for neighboring "mountain" states, like Pakistan and Georgia ...
    1. webdog
      11 January 2013 16: 06
      Quote: USNik
      The emphasis on mountain training and parachute landing suggests that they are being prepared not only for Afghanistan, from which, moreover, they must leave, but also for neighboring "mountain" states, like Pakistan and Georgia ...

      it doesn’t mean anything at all.
      Do you think specialists are prepared for a specific country?
      specialists have universal training ... for that they are specialists smile

  11. 0
    11 January 2013 13: 01
    Hmm, again the American show-off ....... I was pleased that they have such a reverent attitude towards donkeys. Well, in general, Americans have always been very attentive to preparation, but the training ground is one thing, and real action is another. Even if there are many specialists who have passed the hot spots, you need to remember about their way of fighting and mentality!
    1. SIT
      11 January 2013 13: 44
      Quote: JonnyT
      I was pleased that they have such a reverent attitude towards donkeys.

      It would be nice for us to adopt such an attitude. In the SA there was such a 68th separate motorized rifle mountain brigade. It included a mountain pack company, where instead of these mules, which are pictured, were Przewalski’s horses, which are much more resilient than mules and better tolerate the frosts of the highlands. This horse with correctly fixed packs will pass in the same place as a fighter in mountain equipment. Just up the wall does not climb. they ate all these Kyrgyz horses after the collapse of the Union ... Well, these state marines ... Poked in Afghanistan and started from scratch. But our experience and experience were paid for in another 42m in the Caucasus! In this 68th even the paramedic hung on the ropes on the walls and walked along the ram's foreheads in a bundle. We blah why from scratch again create mountain rifle brigades !?
      1. +1
        11 January 2013 14: 07
        SIT I will please you, 34th mountain. experience is passed on. google soldier
        1. SIT
          11 January 2013 14: 16
          Quote: kalbofos
          SIT I will please you, 34th mountain. experience is passed on. google

          I know. Only it, as a separate military unit, was formed in 2007. After 16 years, when we ate the Kirghiz of the last horses ... Big break. There are already no other personnel, but those are farther ...
          1. 0
            22 January 2013 15: 01
            there are cadres, of course a lot of poher, but slowly God will give everything to work out, the experience of the two Chechens is also not unimportant and there are important people !!!
      2. Suvorov000
        11 January 2013 16: 09
        Everything has already been restored normally))))) and the mules were returned and the paramedic also trained on a par with everyone, only earlier had to be earlier
      3. FIMUK
        11 January 2013 19: 40
        Because, hollows, hollows, and dolbaeby - our everything.
      4. Dikremnij
        11 January 2013 22: 30
        Yes, I feel sorry for 68, but I think it’s more a pity for the Alma-Ata and Ordzhenekidze VOKU, where they trained motorized rifle officers for operations in the mountains, and the Tbilisi VAKU, where they trained artillery officers, including and mountain.
        1. Marek Rozny
          16 January 2013 20: 48
          Almaty WOKU still exists. It’s simply called, naturally, in a different way - the Military Institute of the Ground Forces (WISV).
          Provides training for officers on the program of higher military professional education in 12 specialties:
           Command tactical motorized rifle troops;
           Command tactical airborne troops and military intelligence;
           Command tactical tank troops;
           Command tactical artillery;
           Command tactical automobile troops;
           Command tactical food supply;
           Command tactical clothing support;
           Command tactical liquid fuel supply;
           Armored weapons and equipment;
           Command tactical engineering troops;
           Officers of educational structures;
           Command tactical missile and artillery support of the troops;
          - Military translation.
      5. Marek Rozny
        16 January 2013 20: 51
        Everything is in order for the Kyrgyz with horses in the army. There they are.
        In addition, horses are also used by Kazakh border guards for highlands.
    2. +6
      11 January 2013 14: 44
      Ponte ... But we don’t? How many times have we washed ourselves with blood for our hatred? We have a special spirit. You say that during the storming of the formidable at 95 (if you don’t get in the old days), our fighters with 1-2 months of service did not show any special spirit; when shooting, they shot at random, but I have no complaints against them, who survived became real fighters, it is all about experience and preparation. So it was with German pilots and tankers in comparison with us, training has a dominant role. But the hatred of us brought a lot of troubles. We are the most victorious starna you say, our spirit is the most spiritual, heh, and you remember in what wars we won our victories? Right in the defensive. And what was the result when we attacked someone? That's right, 50 to 50 (Polish campaign, Finnish, Turkish wars, campaigns against the king of the city, etc.), in general, like the other militant countries. In its territory, the spirit is really ours. Consider the American spirit, there are many examples of its great manifestation and heroism, if you take the Second World War you can give an example of the defense of the city of Boston, with the Japs on the islands they also did not disappoint. So if we have already determined for ourselves a potential enemy, let's respect him and prepare for a serious fight, this will help us avoid ridiculous losses.
      1. +2
        11 January 2013 15: 44
        you say everything correctly, all people are the same (+/-), you just have to watch sports and it becomes clear that guys with character, as we say, or with eggs, as the Americans say, are everywhere, therefore there are different countries! if somewhere there were only slobber, then there would be no countries, the neighbors would have conquered. But the users of the site are brought up in a military tradition, which includes constant shepherding "WE ARE THE BEST". It is easier to win this way, being sure that you are better, not to allow the thought of defeat, so there is so much bravado on the site)))
      2. Suvorov000
        11 January 2013 16: 15
        You are right, but not quite, basically all these problems are not due to the inability of the soldiers (the soldiers in the first battle quickly learn everything and everyone understands), the officers there were normal knowledgeable, all the problems from the command when it gives you offal for thirty pieces of silver or for an extraordinary medal on his chest
  12. avt
    11 January 2013 14: 57
    Quote: heruv1me

    We do not have show-offs! We have worse! Experience and personnel since the time of Sudoplatov and Starinov heaps! They broke the Moscow hotel, so when they dug under the foundation, they found the OMSBON nov bookmark 1941 laughing Yes, they drive experts like deer in the tundra! They will disband now and again, so that amers are not fools of this, no one has said so far. Piarstasty is yes, they can submit themselves! laughing
  13. +3
    11 January 2013 15: 43
    I saw ours and riot policemen and contract soldiers, you know what words are cool and smug, everything is straightforward, but what, go find them, some conscripts remain. What am I doing all this, it’s just courage that we and they have enough, but there are normal people, we don’t need all to fit in one hand, politicians set us on purpose to distract us from local problems.
    1. avt
      11 January 2013 17: 20
      heruv1meOMSBON is not OMON amers, some kind of mess! An example of my words is the mountainous parts, then they proved the necessity of existence by bloody, no, we dispersed it, and now, we are again heroically reconstructing, even though the methods and mountaineering began as early as the 1941s! Sorry if I immediately formulated it indistinctly.
      1. Dikremnij
        11 January 2013 20: 58
        OMSBON is now ODON, but not Pennant.
        1. avt
          13 January 2013 11: 16
          Quote: Dikremnij
          OMSBON is now ODON, but not Pennant.
          Her, what Pavel Sudoplatov did was inherited at PSU, just before the heading on the documents was one of the NKVD, and it had foreign intelligence.
  14. Eric
    11 January 2013 16: 13
    I do not cease to be amazed at one thing. WHAT, MOTHER OF THEM, AT THEIR EQUIPMENT !!! STORY!!!
  15. 0
    11 January 2013 18: 36
    There is a wonderful, if fictional, film about the intelligence of the Marine Corps. More precisely, a mini-series - "Generation of Assassins" -
    Judging by it, they have a level of hollowing and fucking in the army at the level with our best traditions)))
    1. +2
      11 January 2013 19: 39
      It is in any army and always. The question is how quickly the army copes with such problems upon entering the battle and how quickly it adapts to them.
  16. 0
    11 January 2013 19: 02
    "... it became known that the marines were parachuting in the mountains ..."
  17. 0
    11 January 2013 19: 26
    Good evening everyone.

    Somehow interesting, the fighter in the photo was grouped.
    Is this due to something?
    1. Dikremnij
      11 January 2013 21: 16
      No, he is most likely either crap or separating incorrectly, judging by the video, in the American army, when performing forced jumps, they are grouped a little differently:
      [youtube] [/ youtube]

      [youtube = FeT854njwx4] Military US Army Airborne C130 jump [/ youtube]
  18. Dikremnij
    11 January 2013 21: 43
    Military US Army Airborne C130 jump:
  19. +1
    13 January 2013 02: 02
    Many have written correctly about the practice of "capsizing" Do not underestimate any enemy at all, but even that is not the point ... In general, the article talks about the creation and training of a unit. That is, Americans understand the essence of future military conflicts, where the primary role will play And we only hear about it - the GRU spetsnaz brigade was disbanded, reduced there, but it would be necessary, on the contrary, to create new ones and train and provide the latest weapons, equipment and technologies
    1. Misantrop
      13 January 2013 02: 05
      Quote: roninas
      .And we can only hear, there the GRU special forces brigade was disbanded, there were reduced

      This was done by Serdyukov, who believed that the GRU was generally unnecessary, all data can be downloaded from an Internet. What special forces are there ...
  20. vitaliy-boyko
    14 January 2013 22: 20
    No one can cope with the Russian army, because our soldiers are ready to stand to the end and give their lives for their homeland, relatives and friends !!!
  21. 0
    15 January 2013 01: 09
    Amers have as usual a lot of show-offs
  22. +6
    16 January 2013 04: 27
    while serving on a contract in December, he got into anti-terrorist exercises: TORGAU 2007. the exercises were held at an American base in Germany (mountainous terrain).
    the US infantry unit stood in front of us dead boys, in which ALL military personnel passed at least one hot spot (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.).
    1) biathlon 10 km (5km run - shooting from m16-5km) we took
    2) shooting competitions, we again (in the same place they earned their cross award for shooting, top right)
    3) training clashes with the LISP-LASER ARTIFICIAL DAMAGE SYSTEM system were behind us due to our cunning and Russian mentality (he helped us in the Second World War!).
    there was a case: after each training battle, amers gather in a large kshm (such as a truck sliding to the sides), there is a healthy screen where the WHOLE battle filmed from drones is painted, so they were amazed when they saw that my machine gunner was on the move and firing up to his height, he filled them with a "terrorist" who was stuck behind cover.
    4) M-16 shit is complete: snow, dew, sand, dust, dirt leads to the Misfire, and you’re a corpse in general in a fight!
    the same ovskie soldiers (from the pasted ones) said that in battle they dragged their shit behind their backs, and they always fired from captured AKs !!!!
    5) about the contentment: YES, without a "can of cola" they will not go into battle (they have only 30-35 types of dry rations)!
    6) in the mountains on marches, these fat penguins ran out of steam instantly!
    7) In the case of World War 3, we will tear NATO and their minions like puppies!
    PS according to the explanations of the American soldiers: the most stupid recruits are being recruited into the marine corps, the regular infantry is in second place, and the rangers are at the top. This is the ad for the marines! laughing

    badges for shooting
  23. +3
    16 January 2013 20: 06
    such a truth!
  24. -1
    16 January 2013 21: 40
    100 soldiers and officers rode out, the rest of the jackal headquarters

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