"Live Goods": Ambassador of the LPR in Russia commented on the initiative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to mobilize 1 million people


The Ambassador of the Lugansk People's Republic in Russia commented on the statement of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine about plans to mobilize 1 million Ukrainians "to fight against Russia." Rodion Miroshnik shared his thoughts on this in his Telegram channel.

According to Rodion Miroshnik, the statement by Ukrainian Minister Reznikov is connected with the allocation of 40 billion dollars from the United States and with the plans of the G7 to allocate another 30 billion. part". The only option for Kyiv is to put “under arms” literally everyone in a row, since the so-called 4th wave of mobilization is already underway in the country, in which Ukrainians, as they say, are already on the front lines, whitened with gray hairs.

Rodion Miroshnik:

A deal called "war in Ukraine" was invested from several sides - the US & UK and co. they give weapons, ammunition and money for survival, and Ukraine invests in “living goods” - it will supply cannon fodder.

It is “cannon fodder” that the LPR ambassador in Moscow calls the one million Ukrainians whom the Kyiv regime intends to call. According to Rodion Miroshnik, for the Kyiv regime, not to mention its Western sponsors, neither the people nor the country itself counts.

Rodion Miroshnik:

None of them are going to live there anyway.

Recall that the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov said that Kyiv intends to "arm and provide 1 million people to participate in hostilities."

It can be added that Reznikov's words about the intention to call on 1 million people also confirm the fact that the Ukrainian troops are suffering heavy losses. As it was reported the day before, only in the daytime of hostilities on the eve of the “200s” the Ukrainian armed formations had about 550, and most of them were called up during the 3rd and 4th waves of mobilization.
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  1. +2
    14 May 2022 07: 30
    "Live Goods":

    Meet Europe!...
    1. +24
      14 May 2022 07: 44
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      "Live Goods":

      Meet Europe!...

      It's sad. And after all there probably and my former colleagues. With whom we maintained relations during the time of the union.
      1. +18
        14 May 2022 08: 24
        Quote: Zhan
        It's sad. And after all there probably and my former colleagues. With whom we maintained relations during the time of the union.

        Colleagues, what no ... but there is a choice .. they can go to Russia or Europe .. there is also the opportunity to surrender .. but if they choose war .. then this is already an enemy.
        Considering that, in addition to a million people, they will also be supplied with modern weapons, the speed of the operation, as it were, did not go in the opposite direction.
        1. +8
          14 May 2022 09: 12
          Not everyone will have so many dollars to go to Europe, and they are unlikely to be released to Russia. What should a simple Russian peasant do in Ukraine who does not want to shoot anyone?
          1. +4
            14 May 2022 09: 14
            Quote: Avarron
            Not everyone will have so many dollars to go to Europe, and they are unlikely to be released to Russia. What should a simple Russian peasant do in Ukraine who does not want to shoot anyone?

            Go to the border with Russia and ask for asylum .. so do many ..
          2. +1
            14 May 2022 10: 20
            Quote: Avarron
            Not everyone will have so many dollars to go to Europe, and they are unlikely to be released to Russia.

            A couple of weeks ago, still allowed. My friends from Kharkov left for Russia and further, through Estonia, Poland to Germany, and did not have to pay in dollars at the border.
            1. +6
              14 May 2022 10: 26
              Poland is no longer letting Ukrainians out of Belarus and Russia. But it is almost impossible to leave for Russia or Belarus from territories not controlled by the Russian Armed Forces. Therefore, they will gather everyone in a row. So there are still about 30 million people in the remnants of Ukraine, and if half of them are women, then out of 15 million men, it is possible to gather two million fit for war.
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +2
                14 May 2022 10: 59
                Quote: AwaZ
                Poland no longer allows Ukrainians from Belarus and Russia.

                Traveling through Estonia and Latvia is easy. Every day, going to work and passing the bus station, I see a full Tallinn-Warsaw bus.
              3. 0
                14 May 2022 20: 12
                Where did 30 million come from? According to various estimates, there were 27 million in their country (they didn't conduct a census) before the operation. 5 went to Europe, let's say 1 went to Russia and Belarus. Throw out Kherson, Khrypkov (you'll never collect them) Part of Zaporozhye, Nikolaev, Odessa. Let's say 20 million are left. So count: women, children, old people...
          3. 0
            14 May 2022 10: 47
            What should a simple Russian peasant do in Ukraine who does not want to shoot anyone?

            In fact, there are a lot of options. As an option, go to the territory of the Kherson region. which is under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,
          4. 0
            15 May 2022 05: 14
            Quote: Avarron
            What should a simple Russian peasant do in Ukraine who does not want to shoot anyone?

            Yes, what are many mobilized people doing lately - surrender !!!
        2. 0
          14 May 2022 09: 46
          Is it weak to start a fight in your own country against the Kyiv regime?! negative
          1. +12
            14 May 2022 10: 22
            Quote: keeper03
            Is it weak to start a fight in your own country against the Kyiv regime?!

            Their punitive machine is powerful, they will tear to pieces, and they will hand over their own to the Nazis for a hundred dollars.
        3. +8
          14 May 2022 10: 14
          Quote: Svarog
          Colleagues, what no ... but there is a choice .. they can go to Russia or Europe .. there is also the opportunity to surrender ..

          And colleagues are people, all over 50 years old. They have families, children and grandchildren who remain hostages of the Zelensky fascist regime, more cruel than the Nazi regime.
        4. +1
          14 May 2022 18: 25
          Colleagues, what no ... but there is a choice .. they can go to Russia or Europe .. there is also the opportunity to surrender .. but if they choose war .. then this is already an enemy.

          That's for sure. The friendship ends when the guns start talking.
          I continue to communicate with many only in order to then poke my face in ...
          So we agreed that everyone made their bets, and we will discuss the results later, unless of course we will be alive.
      2. 0
        14 May 2022 08: 27
        I sympathize, in 2014 I was also told not to call this Ukrainian number from Russia.
        1. +7
          14 May 2022 09: 42
          Our family is the same. Yes, and it has become scary for them since 2014, who could have already left, but there are those who did not want to leave their homeland. And so the export of grain and mobilization - They are clearly not going to feed the population, it’s just that it’s more convenient for them to kill those who occupy this land with the wrong hands. They are bad people, that's all. They are well aware that for the Defense Ministry, anyone with a weapon is a threat that will be destroyed and with such a preponderance of the trunks of the city they will stop clearing it, Mariupol will seem like a paradise and the most complete of the cities.
          1. +3
            14 May 2022 11: 01
            Quote from Mitos
            And so the export of grain and mobilization - They are clearly not going to feed the population, it’s just that it’s more convenient for them to kill those who occupy this land with the wrong hands.

            So they need Odessa for this, in order to bring out 20 million tons of bread.
          2. -3
            15 May 2022 06: 14
            Quote from Mitos
            Our family is the same. Yes, and it has become scary for them since 2014, who could have already left, but there are those who did not want to leave their homeland. And so the export of grain and mobilization - They are clearly not going to feed the population, it’s just that it’s more convenient for them to kill those who occupy this land with the wrong hands. They are bad people, that's all. They are well aware that for the Defense Ministry, anyone with a weapon is a threat that will be destroyed and with such a preponderance of the trunks of the city they will stop clearing it, Mariupol will seem like a paradise and the most complete of the cities.

            Yes, the problem will be that there will not only be an advantage in the trunks. Good tech is on the way. So there will also be "Abrams" and F-16s, atoms and answers "Tomahawks"
      3. +2
        14 May 2022 09: 35
        Nothing can be done, the war hardens people and makes many people unable to think clearly, because risking their lives for the pro-fascist puppet regime that is now in power in Kyiv is at least not at all reasonable!!!
        1. -6
          15 May 2022 06: 19
          Quote: sgrabik
          Nothing can be done, the war hardens people and makes many people unable to think clearly, because risking their lives for the pro-fascist puppet regime that is now in power in Kyiv is at least not at all reasonable!!!

          They are not risking their lives for the regime, many have already been to Europe and want to live like there. And after Bucha, they somehow look at the Russian world differently. Couldn't they have sent normal people, like, say, in Kherson?
          1. 0
            15 May 2022 10: 47
            have already been to Europe, and want to live like there.
            And how do they want to achieve this? Maidan?
            1. -2
              20 May 2022 05: 51
              What? Enter the EU.
              1. -1
                20 May 2022 11: 23
                Enter the EU.
                The EU will not take an economy that is actually African in terms of indicators (several AFRICA countries have real GDP a nose higher than Ukrainian). The EU simply will not be able to sponsor Ukraine (the second largest donor, Britain, dumped from the party). The EU will not create modern industrial capacities for Ukraine; it is stupid to create competitors. Ukraine needs the EU, but why the EU?
      4. -1
        14 May 2022 10: 39
        Quote: Zhan
        Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
        "Live Goods":

        Meet Europe!...

        It's sad. And after all there probably and my former colleagues. With whom we maintained relations during the time of the union.

        There will be sane Ukrainians who did not want to fight and did not support the Nazis, there will also be "pro-Russian" who were waiting for liberation. All this was predictable.
      5. +4
        14 May 2022 12: 01
        I worked in Ukraine together with such "colleagues" and our "people from the Union" and I can say that they have not been ours for a long time. And all this began with the Yushchek revolution. I remember one colonel who was furiously rooting for the pumaranchevs. And there were such idiots on the outskirts with a hill.
      6. +2
        14 May 2022 12: 14
        Likewise. In 1987 he served in the DRA with guys from western Ukraine. Great people.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. -1
            14 May 2022 08: 19
            Quote: dmi.pris
            Where is the disgrace? In this reality?

            In your words, calling for a merciless attitude towards the civilian population.

            It is a pity that you do not understand their baseness.

            For Western propagandists, your comment could serve as an example of "Russian cruelty."
            1. +10
              14 May 2022 08: 31
              Yes!. For the sake of victory, difficult decisions must be made. And this is not cruelty, but necessity.
              1. -4
                14 May 2022 08: 52
                Quote: dmi.pris
                Yes!. For the sake of victory, you need to make difficult decisions.

                And you accepted it on your couch.
                Is the burden of your decision not too heavy for you?
                Or did they immediately shift this burden onto the shoulders of our warring guys?
                Your cynicism is over the top.
                1. +1
                  14 May 2022 19: 21
                  A soldier will not offend a child, will not raise a hand against an old, civilized man. There is a limit to everything, there is a limit to cynicism on the couch. We are Russians, and Russians are merciful, even to enemies. What is the civilizational essence of the Russians - this is self-sacrifice, and the West - this is only profit, which is the meaning of this eternal aggression of the West against the Slavs! I am ashamed when some "Russians" cover up their selfish interests with pseudo-patriotism.
              2. -4
                14 May 2022 10: 14
                and at the same time make a decision about carpet nuclear bombings (or pinpoint ones, depending on your "demanding" taste) at the decision-making centers. Otherwise, someone's Commander-in-Chief is fluctuating, and you "don't mind" taking his responsibility upon yourself. am
            2. +24
              14 May 2022 08: 39
              Here a counter question is brewing - will the Armed Forces of Ukraine spare our civilians, if God forbid it comes to that?
              1. +17
                14 May 2022 08: 47
                Well, of course. How do they protect their own? Cluster munitions
              2. +14
                14 May 2022 08: 50
                Of course it won’t, and it doesn’t spare. The Belgorod region will confirm
              3. +14
                14 May 2022 08: 50
                The Armed Forces of Ukraine and its civilians do not plan to spare ..
              4. -13
                14 May 2022 08: 54
                Quote: paul3390
                Here a counter question is brewing - will the Armed Forces of Ukraine spare our civilians, if God forbid it comes to that?

                And you know the answer to this question.
                And that's the difference between us.

                I would not have even thought that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation should be equal to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Bandera formations.
                You got very carried away.
                1. +18
                  14 May 2022 09: 02
                  That is, are you ready to sacrifice our fighters for the obligatory salvation of the civilians of the country, which ours is not going to spare even in words? Do you think your elfism will be appreciated at the front?
                  1. -11
                    14 May 2022 09: 09
                    Quote: paul3390
                    That is, are you ready to sacrifice our fighters for the obligatory salvation of the civilians of the country, which ours is not going to spare even in words?

                    Do you think the army command is sacrificing our soldiers?

                    I believe that unjustified civilian casualties should be avoided as far as possible.

                    And do not call for bloodshed, washing down a sandwich with tea.

                    Quote: paul3390
                    Do you think your elfism will be appreciated at the front?

                    I think you need to be on the front lines to find out.
                    1. -2
                      14 May 2022 09: 50
                      Something the bloodthirstiness of local users goes off scale and it scares. belay
                      We are not fascists and we NEED to destroy an openly hostile REGIME, and not raze everything to the ground.
                      1. -2
                        14 May 2022 10: 29
                        Quote: maksbazhin
                        Something the bloodthirstiness of local users goes off scale and it scares

                        Some of them are provocateurs from the other side.
                        The rest are fools and poor in spirit.
                    2. The comment was deleted.
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                  2. -1
                    15 May 2022 07: 19
                    It's a pity that your rude comment was removed.
                    I consider this a mistake in VO policy.
                    Khamov needs to be known by sight.
                  3. -1
                    15 May 2022 07: 42

                    sorry, forgot to write your nickname
                    correcting my mistake
                    so that no one doubts that my comment above applies specifically to you

                    boorish behavior should be rewarded according to merit
                    1. 0
                      15 May 2022 09: 47
                      Ahhh... Did you deign to snitch on an old habit? Oh well..
                      1. 0
                        15 May 2022 10: 10
                        Quote: paul3390
                        Ahhh... Did you deign to snitch on an old habit? Oh well..

                        Not only that ham.
                        So also a liar.

                        Honestly, the thought flashed through that you yourself cleaned up a bunch.
                        To not be embarrassed.
                        But I can't confirm this because I'm not sure.
                        Not used to speaking and writing lies, unlike you.

                        Maybe someone else felt ashamed of you.
                        Minuses decided to leave?
                        For the fact that you are poked into your own rudeness?
                      2. 0
                        15 May 2022 10: 36
                        Ahhh... Understood. We're still squirming. Which only confirms my opinion of you, my dear.
                      3. 0
                        15 May 2022 10: 40
                        Quote: paul3390
                        I understand. We're still squirming. Which only confirms my opinion of you, my dear.

                        I don't know what "sniffing" means in your social circle.

                        But I do not think that the boor and the liar had good words for me.

                        If you wish, you can easily check with the moderator on whose initiative a bunch was removed after you.
                        But you're more used to talking.
                2. +2
                  14 May 2022 10: 33
                  Dear! And here is everything you need to know about military honor and the United States. On the night of February 26-27, 1991, thousands of Iraqi soldiers and civilians retreated to Baghdad after the ceasefire was announced. But President George W. Bush ordered the destruction of the retreating Iraqi army.

                  Coalition fighter planes attacked an unarmed caravan and knocked out the vehicles in front and behind so that the rest could not get out. Then wave after wave of planes bombed the trapped cars for hours. After the massacre was over, about 2000 burned and mangled Iraqi vehicles, as well as the bodies of thousands of Iraqi soldiers, were scattered for miles in what was later called the Highway of Death.
                3. 0
                  14 May 2022 20: 31
                  Quote: Flood
                  And you know the answer to this question.
                  And that's the difference between us.

                  Fool or provocateur? Or both?
                  1. 0
                    14 May 2022 21: 18
                    Quote: albert
                    Fool or provocateur? Or both?

                    Explain yourself.
                    To whom are your words addressed?
              5. +13
                14 May 2022 08: 57
                Quote: paul3390
                Here a counter question is brewing - will the Armed Forces of Ukraine spare our civilians, if God forbid it comes to that?

                There is no question .. and Donbass is an example of this. Moreover, children will not be spared .. Odessa will not let you lie ..
              6. +2
                14 May 2022 11: 53
                Quote: paul3390
                Here a counter question is brewing - will the Armed Forces of Ukraine spare our civilians, if God forbid it comes to that?

                It will be total extermination, looking at how they treat their population
            3. +7
              14 May 2022 08: 41
              Dear, are you familiar with what the peacekeeper says? About cutting and stuff? Or is it different?
              1. -7
                14 May 2022 08: 58
                Quote from Torin
                Dear, are you familiar with what the peacekeeper says? About cutting and stuff? Or is it different?

                Introduce yourself before asking a provocative question from yesterday's account.
                Did you register for VO just for this question?
                1. +4
                  14 May 2022 10: 14
                  Introduced himself.
                  Quote: Flood
                  Did you register for VO just for this question?
                  No, why did you decide so?
                  1. -5
                    14 May 2022 10: 27
                    Quote from Torin
                    No, why did you decide so?

                    You are right.
                    Before that, you managed to write one more comment.
                    Well, if everything is so serious, explain to me "what the peacekeeper says about cutting and stuff"
                    1. 0
                      14 May 2022 10: 35
                      Let's not pretend to be a person who knows nothing, there is a lot of information on this topic in open sources.
                      1. -1
                        14 May 2022 10: 40
                        Quote from Torin
                        Let's not pretend to be a person who knows nothing, there is a lot of information on this topic in open sources.

                        Can you answer for your words or not?
                        I asked you to explain what you mean.
                        If there are plenty of examples, then it will not be difficult for you to bring them.

                        But you suggest that I look for confirmation of your hints myself.
                        Don't you find this not quite normal?
              2. +1
                14 May 2022 09: 09
                Quote from Torin
                Dear, are you familiar with what the peacekeeper says? About cutting and stuff?

                Yep, starting with three-year-olds.
                Everyone just says so.
                Garbage in the water, it is always in sight, it is always on top. Does this mean that all water is garbage?
                1. 0
                  14 May 2022 10: 15
                  It seems to me that you are exaggerating, let's take a slightly different age, for example, 13 years and older.
              3. -2
                14 May 2022 10: 42
                He can say whatever he wants. The question remains - will he seriously do this, even if given the opportunity, but at the same time leaving a non-illusory probability of attacking in response?
            4. +3
              14 May 2022 09: 01
              Quote: Flood
              It is a pity that you do not understand their baseness.

              He probably doesn't have any children or grandchildren. And he did not look into the eyes of his grandchildren, who, probably thanks only to God, managed to be taken out of Bucha. I looked...
            5. +3
              14 May 2022 15: 33
              If you were a commander, and you would have the opportunity to choose 50 of your fighters, or 50 civilians who can come under fire (and not yet clear ideological orientation). What would you choose? What would you fight if you chose the death of your fighters? What would you think if these 50 civilians would throw in your back "damned Muscovite, glory to Ukraine, your lads go there!"??????? Would you go to the mothers of your colleagues who were killed through your fault to tell how difficult it was for you to make a decision and you decided to exchange the lives of their sons in exchange for civilians???
              1. +1
                14 May 2022 16: 56
                Quote: Freelancer7
                If you were a commander and you had the choice of 50 of your soldiers, or 50 civilians who could get under fire

                If you were a commander and you had a choice between the lives of your soldiers and the lives of your loved ones, what would you choose?

                As you can see, it is not difficult to come up with such difficult questions.

                but their life experience, ingenuity and ability to make decisions and be responsible for them decide

                and you are engaged in the substitution of concepts
                because it's one thing to choose "either, or"
                and this is a completely different matter

                Quote: dmi.pris
                It is necessary to demolish everything there, without worrying about the civilians.

                If you feel the difference, then all is not lost.
          2. +3
            14 May 2022 08: 24
            Quote: dmi.pris
            The Red Army in 43-45 was not particularly worried about this

            And don't you dare defame the Red Army.
            Or do you prove the correctness of your words with figures and facts, how the Red Army destroyed everyone and everything, not caring about the civilian population.
            Or you'll be branded a liar.
            1. +5
              14 May 2022 08: 55
              I can give an example, Smolensk. Most of the destruction was during the "Suvorov". Yes, the Nazis were in the city and did not live in tents far from their homes. So they beat them. Was there another option? My parents survived the occupation there. So not on Rezun, Yakovlev and others like them I rely on.
              1. -9
                14 May 2022 09: 01
                Quote: dmi.pris
                I can give an example, Smolensk. Most of the destruction was during the "Suvorov"

                You have already tried to give this "example".
                That the Red Army allegedly caused more destruction during the offensive than before the Nazis.

                And then I explained to you that you have no invoice and evidence for such a statement.
                Voice chat.

                Stop looking for excuses for your low and cynical appeals.
                1. +2
                  14 May 2022 09: 24
                  Yes, I say what I know. Including from the races of my parents.
                  1. -7
                    14 May 2022 09: 27
                    Quote: dmi.pris
                    Yes, I say what I know. Including from the races of my parents.

                    that's how I wrote it

                    Quote: Flood
                    Voice chat.
              2. -1
                14 May 2022 10: 00
                Most of the destruction was during the "Suvorov"

                In general, a weak argument, this suggests that our troops had a different tactic, other opportunities during the retreat than during the retreat of the Germans. No more. Yes, in those days, the goals and values ​​were different, but we live in our time and we will continue to live, Donbass WILL be part of Russia. Why start everything if they will hate us for fascism?
          3. kin
            14 May 2022 09: 53
            My brothers and sisters live in Ukraine. Grandfather died in the Second World War, was an officer in the Red Army, all the relatives who fought, who were partisans, the rest were in occupation, they cannot leave Ukraine and many Russians have the same situation and you propose not to spare them, to demolish them? Are you out of your mind? Why should civilians pay for political games?
        2. nnm
          14 May 2022 08: 34
          Worse than the other - such actions will lead to the fact that the people who have lost their loved ones become hardened and will only strengthen the resistance of Ukraine.
          1. +6
            14 May 2022 08: 59
            Yes, it sucks. There are big cities in front of us. Zaporozhye, Nikolaev, Odessa.
          2. 0
            14 May 2022 09: 03
            Well, damn, already...! Plus, add the rhetoric of people like dmi.pris (Dmitry), and even the pro-Russian population, hearing THIS, will seek salvation in.... DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT!!!???
          3. 0
            14 May 2022 09: 04
            Quote: nnm
            Worse than the other - such actions will lead to the fact that the people who have lost their loved ones become hardened and will only strengthen the resistance of Ukraine.

            Absolutely true!
            During the offensive of the Red Army on Berlin, Goebbels' propaganda shouted at all corners about the cruelty of the Russians in order to strengthen the determination among the Germans to fight to the end.

            And such comments calling for cruelty are either stupidity or deliberate provocation.
            1. +1
              14 May 2022 10: 03
              And the screenshots from here will be shown to the whole world - look at these bloody Russian am
          4. 0
            14 May 2022 10: 25
            The French tried to carry out the same mobilization during the Franco-Prussian War ... And they did not succeed. Why do you think that Ukraine will succeed?
        3. +8
          14 May 2022 09: 39
          Everything is correctly said, first of all, minimizing our losses and completely defeating the enemy, the civilian had time to dump
          1. -4
            14 May 2022 09: 44
            Quote: andrey_8
            Everything is correctly said, first of all, minimizing our losses and completely defeating the enemy

            to minimize our losses, it is necessary to create at the front (including the information front) all the conditions for demoralizing the enemy and his mass surrender.

            By hardening the enemy and strengthening his resolve to fight, our losses cannot be minimized.

            It is strange to explain common truths.
        4. -1
          14 May 2022 10: 53
          Cynical words from a cozy sofa.

          Are you against SVO?
      2. +3
        14 May 2022 09: 04
        I agree, and as it was said, whoever wanted to, he left. Offer once again to leave peacefully and then raze everything to the ground
        1. +1
          14 May 2022 09: 24
          Yeah, I wanted to and left, how simple it is. Nazis do not shoot civilians trying to leave? Cities are not blocked by roadblocks? And where to go to those who have no one in Russia or Europe, and who don’t have much money?
          1. 0
            15 May 2022 18: 43
            You don't tell me!!! I work with Ukrainians, and I repeat once again, whoever wanted to, he left and more, moved to permanent residence in the Russian Federation. And that was a few years ago, they decided not to take risks and made a serious decision
      3. 0
        14 May 2022 09: 18
        You are not a very smart person. Don't feel sorry for old people, women, or children? Why are you better than the Nazi from "Azov"?
        In addition, if you crush everyone indiscriminately in this way, the degree of hatred will jump instantly, and then the AFU will stop surrendering in the hundreds and thousands as it is now, there will be hundreds of thousands of volunteers and terrorist attacks in Russia will occur daily.
        As long as people have ways to salvation, they will look for these ways. If you lean against the wall, they will tear their throats with their teeth for their dead relatives and friends.
        And now Ukrainian mothers and wives are preparing to tear their military commissars for their children and husbands.
        Starting to crumble indiscriminately, you will start a war against the people, and not against their army and national battalions.
        It is necessary to think, and moreover, to think.
      4. +1
        14 May 2022 10: 29
        Quote: dmi.pris
        They are not released. Men. Or for a lot of money. I think that with generous funding they will be able to supply so much cannon fodder. The West has said that it will not allow our victory and will do everything for this.

        All those who died in Ukraine are saving the lives of the Anglo-Saxons.
      5. -1
        14 May 2022 10: 43
        Quote: dmi.pris
        They are not released. Men. Or for a lot of money. I think that with generous funding they will be able to supply so much cannon fodder. The West has said that it will not allow our victory and will do everything for this. a huge crowd, armed and embittered very hard. We must demolish everything there without worrying about the civilians. The Red Army in 43-45 did not really worry about it. The goal was to win or die.

        It is clear that everything always goes according to the worst bloody scenario, the Anglo-Saxons need more Slavic blood, they are ready to drown all of Ukraine in blood, if only there was an abyss between us. You will either have to retreat or demolish everything there, there are no other options, you should have thought about this at the planning stage, if at the very beginning they did not spare the military there, then in the end there would have been less blood.
      6. +1
        14 May 2022 10: 53
        I completely agree with this, especially since we already made a mistake once when we relied too much on the alleged consciousness and sober mind of the majority of Ukrainian citizens, now we need to be a little smarter and look at things more realistically.
    3. 0
      14 May 2022 10: 10
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      "Live Goods":

      Meet Europe!...

      Market prices are cheaper than in Africa.
  2. +1
    14 May 2022 07: 32
    The meat, not quite fresh, but the meat...
    1. nnm
      14 May 2022 08: 38
      I don’t think so at all, given the disproportion of forces and means in this case. Remember the story - they will simply gradually knock out our most trained units, while keeping theirs in the rear and training new ones, and then ... these 1-2 million people will be trained and they will go on the counteroffensive, pumped up with Western equipment and having combat experience .... against our grouping of 150-200 thousand, stretched along the foron for many hundreds of kilometers ... well, this is an axiom ... even Ukrainian leaders admit that they use our the same principle of the times of the Second World War - they change people for a while !!! And we let them do it.
      1. +3
        14 May 2022 10: 45
        Quote: nnm
        I don’t think so at all, given the disproportion of forces and means in this case. Remember the story - they will simply gradually knock out our most trained units, while keeping theirs in the rear and training new ones, and then ... these 1-2 million people will be trained and they will go on the counteroffensive, pumped up with Western equipment and having combat experience .... against our grouping of 150-200 thousand, stretched along the foron for many hundreds of kilometers ... well, this is an axiom ... even Ukrainian leaders admit that they use our the same principle of the times of the Second World War - they change people for a while !!! And we let them do it.

        Yes, it is clear that they are trying to exhaust our people, you are right. The combat-ready ones are being withdrawn for the time being, I am sending newcomers for training. Then they will break in in different directions across the border, then only we will bother to announce mobilization, but there will already be our unprepared against their trained ones.
        1. nnm
          14 May 2022 10: 47
          Absolutely correct prediction, colleague. After all, this seems to be obvious to everyone except ourselves.
          At the beginning of the operation, it was immediately noticeable that it was built on Gerasimov's plan for a network-centric operation.
          Since it was played out exactly with the concept voiced by him in a well-known article. But now, in a positional war, we step on the same rake over and over again. Well, after all, it is already obvious that either it is necessary to expose all the districts and use the maximum forces of the army, or to announce partial mobilization. The longer we apply the concept of limited network-centric participation, the more we will pay later. How can you not see it?
  3. +1
    14 May 2022 07: 33
    Kyiv is planning a lot! Let him find that million! He who wants a lot will get a little!
    1. -2
      14 May 2022 07: 39
      If he finds it, don’t worry and there will be enough weapons, Europe will help. It is not clear what our MO will do with this?
    2. +12
      14 May 2022 08: 33
      Quote: Egoza
      Let him find that million

      With a general mobilization, the size of the army can be 10% of the population. With total mobilization, up to 20%.
      Time is precious and the Donetsk group must be completed within a month. If there are few forces, it is necessary to replenish, if there is a problem with the commanders, to replace them.
      The further, the harder it will be.
    3. nnm
      14 May 2022 08: 41
      Dear colleague, they will find it, do not even hesitate! The exit borders are closed, people have no work, people are angry at Russia. And what choice do such conscripts have - against the wall in the nearest yard or under the gun. They will find a million or more. Always in planning you need to proceed from the worst-case scenario.
      1. +4
        14 May 2022 11: 53
        Quote: nnm
        Dear colleague, they will find it, do not even hesitate! The exit borders are closed, people have no work, people are angry at Russia. And what choice do such conscripts have - against the wall in the nearest yard or under the gun. They will find a million or more. Always in planning you need to proceed from the worst-case scenario.

        Exactly, when planning, it is necessary and necessary to proceed from the fact that the entire plan will go according to the worst-case scenario. But our General Staff clearly proceeded from the fact that everything will go according to plan. Considering the trends that the SVO is dragging on and the enemy will definitely not agree to a treaty on our terms, then perhaps by autumn, ours will have to hold the defense and forget about any offensive. These plans are already being developed in the enemy General Staff together with foreign strategists.
    4. +1
      14 May 2022 09: 11
      Words of a partner with whom we work, a Hutsul: yesterday in the village they handed out summonses to ALL the men. No one went to the mountains, they took everyone. In the 14th - ONLY two dozen from the entire district. Will find...
    5. 0
      14 May 2022 10: 33
      Quote: Egoza
      Let him find that million! He who wants a lot will get a little!

      They will declare a total mobilization and put everyone under arms. For refusal - prison or penal battalion, and the especially zealous will be thrown up against the wall. In six months they will "drill" this million, stuff them with weapons, and then it will be "no laughing matter".
  4. +12
    14 May 2022 07: 34
    A bunch of Ukrainian Nazis are putting a million men under the axe of war who don't give a damn about this war... well, you can't be such sheep for the slaughter.
    1. +19
      14 May 2022 07: 41
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      A bunch of Ukrainian Nazis are putting a million men under the axe of war who don't give a damn about this war... well, you can't be such sheep for the slaughter.

      And because everything, set aside, is not so, EVERYTHING that has happened in Ukraine over the past 15 years has happened because of the position of the citizens of this very Ukraine, and Pastor Martin Niemoller expressed it best of all:
      “When they came for the communists, I was silent, because I am not a communist.
      When they came for the Catholics, I was silent, because I am not a Catholic.
      When they came for the Jews, I was silent, because I am not a Jew.
      When they came for me, there was no one to protect me. "
      So now they go to the slaughter
    2. +5
      14 May 2022 08: 33
      Well, as if nothing surprising, the enemy came to earth, everyone rose to defend their homeland, propaganda brainwashed, everything is predictable
    3. +4
      14 May 2022 09: 29
      When the SOYUZ collapsed, what did you personally do and could do to resist this? Why was a bunch of Gaidars-Chubais headed by three alcoholics able to ruin a huge country against the will of the people?
      What can dissenters do if there is no one to organize and arm them?
      The LDNR had Strelkov, the FSB officer, and who did the rest of Ukraine have? What happened in Odessa, remember?
      1. +2
        14 May 2022 10: 43
        You piled something up on the USSR, LPR, Odessa Strelkov ... you first look at YouTube what the shooters are saying now
    4. kin
      14 May 2022 10: 15
      In Russia, a handful makes decisions that are unpopular among the people, such as pension reform, and nothing, everyone keeps quiet.
  5. +10
    14 May 2022 07: 36
    statement by the Minister of Defense of Ukraine about plans to mobilize 1 million Ukrainians "to fight against Russia."

    I think a million will not be mobilized, but the number will clearly increase.
    Yes, and it would be time for Russia to somehow begin to act to increase the size of the armed forces.
    1. +4
      14 May 2022 08: 35
      I think more mobilize 1-1.5 million on average. And as practice with Mariupol shows, even 20 thousand soldiers in the defense of the city can delay the offensive for months
      1. +4
        14 May 2022 09: 03
        Do not compare the ideological dungeon workers trained and fought for a long time and those mobilized.
        1. +4
          14 May 2022 09: 17
          Any mobilized kettle in a month at the front becomes a dog of war, if he survives of course
          1. +2
            14 May 2022 14: 44
            Oh, these fairy tales... Without physical training, fire training, basic tactics, combat smoothing and much more, well, well...
            1. -1
              14 May 2022 14: 53
              Yeah, we won the Great Patriotic War so completely with special forces and marines, you don’t think on the scale of a total war.
      2. +1
        14 May 2022 10: 38
        These should be trained specialists, and not Gritsko from the doctor, who just yesterday milked a cow
        1. -1
          14 May 2022 10: 45
          Do you think we have more specialists? With an army of 800 thousand, along with bakers, the Strategic Forces and the Navy?
          1. +3
            14 May 2022 10: 48
            As we can see from the generally successful actions of the Armed Forces, much more
            1. 0
              14 May 2022 11: 02
              What is success? Is it because the second army of the world has not been moving forward for the 4th month and is waging local battles? Or is it because they retreated from Kyiv? Or is it that the flagship was squandered? You can, of course, shout until you’re blue in the face and demolish the calibers of the oil storage, but you don’t win wars like that
              1. 0
                15 May 2022 14: 25
                And how do they win them? With dashing cavalry charges "for the Motherland, for Putin", and let a hell of a lot of people die, the women will still give birth, but we will advance a hundred kilometers a day and Kyiv will be ours exactly on May 9, no sooner, no later. Is that it? We will smash everything to death (then we will restore it in ten years, spending a hundred or two hundred billion, but that will be later). What do we care about money, we will earn some more, well, big deal, we will sit on crackers and water until 2030. But Shoigu will ride triumphantly on a white horse along Khreshchatyk and all sorts of Smart Guys from the Internet will be happy.
                1. -3
                  15 May 2022 14: 55
                  No, of course not, let's sit for another six months and wait until then. Ukrainians 1.5 million soldiers will be mobilized when heavy weapons and volunteers start arriving from Europe in echelons! Then life will get better!
                  1. +1
                    15 May 2022 15: 00
                    And who is sitting there and waiting? I now see that the cauldron near Lisichansk is being formed, Avdiivka is being closed, along Yavoriv and the railway station in Lvov they again shied away with rockets. The counter-offensive of the Ukrainians near Kharkov failed, the Serpentine broke off, there was nowhere to take the wounded out near Gulyai-Polye. So no one sits, everyone works. Well, if the method of work of the Umnikovs does not suit them, then these are their personal problems, fortunately they are not allowed to command. Otherwise, they will do such things ...
                    1. -2
                      15 May 2022 20: 58
                      Time will tell who is right
    2. +5
      14 May 2022 09: 01
      - Dad, have you heard about the new wave of mobilization?
      - Yes, it's time to crush the Russian Colorados!
      - But I got a summons!
      - Hurry up! Tomorrow we are going to my grandmother in Ryazan.
  6. +5
    14 May 2022 07: 36
    I immediately recall a video with crazy aunts from the defense industry in coats and with wooden machine guns!
    So they need to be swept to the front!
    1. +6
      14 May 2022 07: 44
      Quote: Cat Alexandrovich
      I immediately recall a video with crazy aunts from the defense industry in coats and with wooden machine guns!
      So they need to be swept to the front!

      As soon as they are captured, they immediately become peaceful cooks and drivers... they won't hurt a fly.
      Truly, until you shine a flashlight into the eye, the Ukrainian psychopath cannot be cured.
      1. +3
        14 May 2022 09: 24
        What captivity!? lol ! Crazy aunts remain crazy aunts! In the rear. But also working furiously to reinforce the rear of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. From simply collecting food, to all sorts of weaving of camouflage nets, etc. Up to target designations
  7. +7
    14 May 2022 07: 37
    So what. The ambassador is right. If now they are voicing the number 3/7 - the ratio of contract soldiers / mobilized and they are already sabotaging and refusing to fight, then when it is 1/9, it will not be funny at all for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    Cannon fodder is.
    An example, by the way, of a very bestial attitude towards their people on the part of a non-state.
    1. +1
      14 May 2022 08: 36
      Zele does not care about his people for a long time, he lives in Poland
  8. +3
    14 May 2022 07: 42
    Elon Musk, spare the Pope of Rome for the end of the further growth of Ukronazis' requests for salvation :)
  9. +3
    14 May 2022 07: 44
    Meat will be thrown. The Armed Forces of Ukraine now and then trumpet their plans. Like, these forces are on Serpentine, those are on Belgorod ...)) The cries of our "experts" are surprising, that they are annoyed by the silence of our Headquarters. That's what they said, yeah.
  10. +19
    14 May 2022 08: 05
    Am I the only one who does not understand why the president, ministers, advisers, staff, senior officers and other howling retinue have not been destroyed? What kind of war is it in which bridges are intact, supplies from all sides come in echelons, and the command staff is inviolable? It would be like Hitler and his entourage not being touched. The Reich Chancellery would not have been destroyed and Berlin would not have been taken. And all the marshals and generals would have been declared valuable guests, and not hung out in public squares. What nonsense. Indeed, the war will go on until we or they run out of people. Or maybe that is the goal...
    1. nnm
      14 May 2022 08: 30
      Colleague, what are you writing??!!
      Quote: Signifer
      What the war a

      - Do you want a fine? We only have SVO!
      We are even afraid to admit the truth to ourselves!
      I will not write about mistakes with "Moscow", with a retreat from Kyiv due to a "goodwill gesture", about crossing the northern Donets two days ago, which we are generally silent about, a Ukrainian counterattack in the rear of the Izyum group, about many other things, including the fact that you rightly mentioned.
      I will say one thing - it is necessary to accept one single fact - that's it, relations between Russia and the West have been spoiled for decades, and the question of such a pumping of Ukraine is already in the form - either we, or they ... and the longer we hide our heads in the sand, the longer our butt is upturned.
      All games are over.
      1. +4
        14 May 2022 08: 56
        Relations between Russia and the West are what they were, and have remained so. The masks are just off. And they were not dropped by us ..
        1. nnm
          14 May 2022 09: 08
          No need for cliches, colleague! The essence of the relationship, yes, remained the same. But the form has changed a lot. And this form, in our dependence on the supply of raw materials, on Western technologies, supplies, investments, with a Western-oriented elite, influences us much more than the West. Because at one time we ourselves gave the West the right to determine this very form of relations, when we said "why do we need to produce something ourselves - we will buy it in the West." And the essence of relations with the West has changed from an attempt to win us over to their side against China to - everything is allowed against Russia.
      2. -1
        15 May 2022 22: 30
        Quote: nnm
        about the crossing of the northern Donets two days ago, about which we are generally silent,

        And there was nothing special. There are several analytical materials both on YouTube and in text form, everything is chewed up pretty well there. I won’t give links, they’ll delete them anyway, google for example “Chronicle of the battles near Belogorovka and the defeat of the column of the RF Armed Forces”.
    2. 0
      14 May 2022 09: 27
      Quote: Signifer
      And all the marshals and generals would be declared valuable guests, and not hung in the squares

      The name of at least one Wehrmacht or SS general hanged in the squares- call??
      And in secret to you - look for who commanded the NNA of the GDR after the war, yeah ....
      1. 0
        15 May 2022 22: 34
        Quote: your1970
        Quote: Signifer
        And all the marshals and generals would be declared valuable guests, and not hung in the squares

        The name of at least one Wehrmacht or SS general hanged in the squares- call??

        Of course, there are no squares, however
        Alfred Jodl, Colonel General - hanged by the verdict of the Nuremberg Court
        Wilhelm Keitel, Field Marshal - hanged by the verdict of the Nuremberg Court
        1. 0
          15 May 2022 23: 13
          Quote: mister-red
          Of course, there are no squares,

          Opponent carried
          Quote: Signifer
          This makes no sense.
          in the heat of denunciation of power

          Naturally I am aware that a certain number of senior Wehrmacht officers were executed.
  11. -5
    14 May 2022 08: 10
    This means that all prisoners should be sent to work related to the production of military products in Russia.
    Starting with shoes, body armor, and most importantly drones. Let them learn to solder, it won't take long.
    In Chirkizona, the Chinese assembled televisions, tea Ukrainians they won't be any stupider.
    1. +2
      14 May 2022 09: 34
      I do not think that anyone at the front would be happy to receive armor assembled by the hands of the dill.
  12. +6
    14 May 2022 08: 12
    Ukraine is investing in "living goods" - it will supply cannon fodder.
    But this "goods" is in a hurry to scatter until it is called. Someone goes to the cellar from farms, someone to the long-awaited Europe, which begins to guess that the definition of "refugee" does not quite fit those who fill their cities at the same time, yelling something hysterically, waving flags, crawling along the paving stones covered in paint and even pumping their rights.
  13. +3
    14 May 2022 08: 16
    It is “cannon fodder” that the LPR ambassador in Moscow calls the one million Ukrainians whom the Kyiv regime intends to call.

    So many have already fled to the West. Zelensky may ask NATO to conduct a forced mobilization among the refugees.
    1. +3
      14 May 2022 08: 35
      Quote: riwas
      Zelensky may ask NATO to conduct a forced mobilization among the refugees.

      then NATO will definitely come to an end! There the babonki will keep their peasants, the children will hang in clusters and everyone will push their feet together.
  14. +1
    14 May 2022 08: 31
    yeah .. full mobilization, but the war has not been officially declared .. all this is strange ..
    1. +3
      14 May 2022 09: 36
      Quote: Level 2 Advisor
      full mobilization, but the war has not been officially declared .. all this is strange ..

      Mmmm...if Zelya LEGALLY declare war on the Russian Federation - in half an hour they will bring him to Moscow and they will also apologize that they managed to beat him a little on the way ...
      War is Force Majeure prescribed in any contracts.
      After that, the Russian Federation will switch to gestures of goodwill in international trade - I can with you, but I can’t with you, oh the goods will go / oh it won’t, oh the tanker / someone’s plant .. was ... - now mine ...
      Well, the prices of everything will skyrocket at times ....
      So there is nothing strange in this situation, Zele has nowhere to go
  15. +4
    14 May 2022 08: 36
    Zelensky has adopted a new type of weapon - Ukrainian Armed Forces prisoners. With their quantity he wants to tie the hands of the Russian army, eat up all the food supplies from Russia's reserves, exhaust the stocks of barbed wire and medical bandages, and green paint for treating prisoners with wounds. Something needs to be done. I have already suggested destroying Zelensky's military registration and enlistment offices with their conscript card files.
    1. +2
      14 May 2022 08: 52
      Quote: Evgenijus
      Zelensky adopted a new type of weapon - prisoners of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. With their quantity he wants to tie the hands of the Russian army, to eat all the food supplies from the reserves of Russia, to exhaust the stocks of barbed wire and medical bandages, brilliant green for the treatment of prisoners with wounds. What must be done. I have previously proposed destroying Zelensky's military registration and enlistment offices with their files of recruits.

      laughing good Some individuals have already been in captivity several times .. They heal, they are fed, they are released home .. Freebies are in their blood.
      But now I think they are immediately allowed into consumption ..
  16. Two
    14 May 2022 08: 38
    They are getting rid of the male population of Ukraine. I think they will take more from the western regions of Ukraine so that later the Polish army will not have any opponents (minimal pockets of resistance when taking the western part of Ukraine). And the Nazis, territorial battalions, combat-ready units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be sent to Donbass for scrap by the hands of Russia. That is why the Poles are waiting until the Russian Armed Forces destroy the main forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Nazi battalions in Donbass. That is why the Poles, Hungarians, Romanians are all waiting for big losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the more there are, the better for these countries. Zelensky is working according to plan, the disposal of the male population of the western regions of Ukraine (the latest reports from the west of Ukraine are evidence of this).
  17. -2
    14 May 2022 08: 42
    We have gastronomes from Ukraine in Russia, somewhere around 5 million in most men of military age and their earnings are not bad .. And if Russia mobilizes them? They will simply trample Kyiv for money
  18. +5
    14 May 2022 08: 47
    Well, first of all, they didn't allocate 40 billion, someone blocked it... And secondly, it's clearly laid out there what they're going to spend this money on. There's no article on training military personnel, it's clear who's going to saw. And the Ukrainian Armed Forces aren't listed among the sawyers.
    PiSi: By the way, when Selyansky and Vyproshenko begged for the economy, they basically didn’t give it. But to cut it into a type of hostilities ... Question - why?
    1. 0
      15 May 2022 22: 37
      Quote: Cowbra
      Well, firstly, they didn’t allocate 40 billion, someone blocked it ..

      Really did not give a hold on the fast. Messed up a bit. One in the field is not a warrior, they will vote
  19. +5
    14 May 2022 09: 21
    I have a few questions: what to feed such a pack? Where did the weapons, equipment, clothes come from? How will this crowd of semi-armed prisoners of war move? The Minister of Defense of Ukraine is a cool weirdo who does not understand anything either in logistics, or in war, or in the economy. I'm just wondering, how long will Ukraine last if all the men left in Ukraine are thrown into the trenches?
    As soon as he announces the mobilization of the crowd of Westerners, they will tear the border.
    1. +2
      14 May 2022 10: 30
      Today, no one knows the number of the remaining population of Ukraine. Of the 42 million people at the time of the creation of the state in the early nineties, in 2014 they counted, together with the population of the DPR and LPR, only 28 million. Over the past 8 years, Ukraine has lost another 6-8 million. Of the remaining 20, let's roughly count, 50% are women, 50% are children, 15% are "sick and lame". About one million are the current Armed Forces, self-defense units, civilian forces of rear and special-technical support of the Armed Forces. In the remainder there are about 2-3 million men from 17 to 90 years old, of which I want to call up one million. But someone must provide the Armed Forces, left without men, women, children, with water, electricity, food, repair roads, bridges, equipment, weapons, etc.
      1. -1
        14 May 2022 12: 37
        In 1991, at the time of the collapse of the Union, the population of Ukraine was almost 52 million people, now about 40 million, maybe less.
  20. 0
    14 May 2022 09: 24
    I'm afraid that a new round of special operations is beginning. If our guys don't screw up (as usual), then we need to quickly recruit reinforcements and start working like "grown-ups", leaving the sentiments and snot of well-wishers in the nearest ditch. As the old joke goes - if she's dead, then she's dead!
    1. -1
      14 May 2022 10: 31
      Is the sofa impatient to fight? Well, take a machine gun and go, who is holding it?
  21. 0
    14 May 2022 09: 27
    Drawn into a war of attrition.
    If the so-called West provokes a total war... so that ruins remain from the cities, then it is necessary to respond according to Western interests. Harshly and globally. Having pushed away from management all our 5th .. 6th columns... the great patriots of Urgantopeskovykh. Stop returning debts and loans to the bandit who squeezed out the gold and foreign currency reserves... fuel for nuclear power plants .. etc.
    We will have to move on to mobilization anyway, because, as "Prizrak Novorossiya" wrote: "Ours will not come... All ours are Us!"
  22. +2
    14 May 2022 09: 28
    Everyone is responsible for what they have done...
  23. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  24. 0
    14 May 2022 09: 35
    Mobilization of up to a million is understandable, but what will they be armed with? It is no secret that of the allocated 40 billion, 10-15 billion will "reach" Ukraine. The rest will settle in the pockets and accounts of Zelensky and his cronies, and they will have to share with the "daddy" from the USA. But Russia will have to carry out a tougher cleanup ahead of the advancing Russian Armed Forces; the time of "syu-syu and they are brothers" has passed.
  25. 0
    14 May 2022 09: 46
    I don’t understand how they will collect a million))) They cannot collect even 100 thousand - they all run in different directions. I recently read the news that the SBU set fire to the archives of military enlistment offices and military units - they began to burn too often) Many already now do not want to be identified from the lists and called up
  26. 0
    14 May 2022 09: 54
    "We have thought of everything: at the first stage, 50 will surrender. If the second stage also ends in defeat for us, another 100 will surrender and an ultimatum will be presented: "Surrender, or we will all surrender."
  27. -1
    14 May 2022 10: 27
    They have already collected 600 thousand snouts, while pushing all sorts of bastards into the troops: maniacs, vichy, hepatitis. I saw in the cart grandfathers of 60 years old, if not more. Who else wants to put under fire? "Zeleugend"? Quite the mind is enough to send children to the front. And then, maybe, "women's battalions" will be formed for the amusement of the whole world
  28. +1
    14 May 2022 11: 11
    Cleverly (no other way than the Englishwoman advised how to spoil): dispose of or hand over to the "heap" (let him feed and wash, and heal) "bio-garbage", and trained militants will get less from the Russians.
  29. +3
    14 May 2022 12: 46
    A cunning plan: to hand over a million freeloaders who need to be supported and fed somewhere ... what kind of expenses ... neither the UN, nor the Red Cross, nor UNESCO, nor the Ku Klux Klan will give this business and cent.
  30. 0
    14 May 2022 14: 19
    The war cannot be won sparing the peaceful, without having a multiple advantage in manpower and technological superiority. When, in fact, there is a global confrontation with the West, whatever one may say, you will have to choose either to feel sorry for the peaceful ones on the other side, or for your own soldiers. A shameful peace, if a special operation continues, and not a war with all the consequences, plus the possible use of nuclear weapons in the country will hit more than the collapse of the Union. The 90s will seem like heaven.
  31. 0
    14 May 2022 14: 29
    Sebastian Pereiro traders of "ebony" perked up. Sorry "white tree"
  32. -1
    14 May 2022 14: 52
    I don’t understand, the West promises weapons for 70 billion, Ukraine wants millions under arms, and our General Staff chews and chews all the snot. And judging by the fact that the US embassy has returned to Kyiv, this co-operation will backfire on us.
  33. 0
    14 May 2022 14: 56
    Now it is clear why statements were made about 10 years of war. With weapons, everything is clear. But how are they going to feed the fighters if the entire capable population is put under arms?
    Or will they be like in Russia in the 90s? When the training was designed, for example, for 100 fighters, and 200 were driven there during the draft. And feeding at the same time came in a hundred. We were then told that when the conscripts were sorted out in parts, the feeding would return to normal, but for now, be patient. And here, apparently, they will count on a "natural" decline.
  34. -1
    14 May 2022 16: 10
    Quote: 28st region
    Sebastian Pereiro traders of "ebony" perked up. Sorry "white tree"

    Probably a funny allusion.
  35. -4
    14 May 2022 18: 21
    Well, good gentlemen, they wanted to "repeat"? Flag in hand and the address of the nearest military registration and enlistment office ...
    The population of Ukraine is under 40 ml, about 5,5 left, including women and children.
    This is where some giggle that the United States is trying to scrape together Soviet weapons for the Armed Forces of Ukraine all over the world, but the merry fellows have not yet screwed up that they are looking for Soviet equipment to situationally fill in the gaps here and now, and in the deep rear under the umbrella of NATO, that very millionth army is now being formed, only it is being prepared thanks to Lend-Lease exclusively with American equipment and not for defense, but for offensive on all fronts.
    Maybe it’s enough already to carry the game about the call of gray-haired ukrov. There is a shitload of young people there, and 1-2 waves of mobilization were, in fact, only volunteers who themselves came to the military registration and enlistment office. Ukraine has not yet started mass mobilization for a second...
    1. +1
      14 May 2022 20: 49
      What kind of volunteers, what are we talking about, people are really CALLING, there is no question of any "good will", it did not come, a criminal, and so.
      1. -3
        14 May 2022 23: 23
        What kind of volunteers, what are we talking about, people are really CALLING, there is no question of any "good will", it did not come, a criminal, and so.

        Did Skabeevs sing to you? When was the last time you were in Ukraine to have an idea of ​​what is happening there? Only at my wife's department of 10 people, two of them went to the defense on the very first day (2 out of 3 men). Moreover, people are not poor for a second, the first salary is $ 1,5 thousand, the second boss.
        In the metro, too, a young man, the head of the station, organized the life of the bomb shelter for 3-5 days without getting out, left his deputy, gave my 2-year-old daughter his working winter sheepskin coat and left as a volunteer, and did not stay underground.
        So believe me, there are more than enough men with high motivation. Now they will calm down only in two cases: 1- they will return the Donbas and Crimea, 2- until they are all killed, so you actually also have two options: 1- go to the draft board voluntarily right now, or a little later, according to the agenda.
        I mean, I accidentally found myself in the thick of things and saw everything with my own eyes. Unfortunately, the war will be very long and bloody.
        1. +1
          15 May 2022 06: 44
          So believe me, there are more than enough men with high motivation.

          Another thing is that these "initiative" are ready to defend only their own "home" - a city, a village, but alas, to go to the eastern front.
          1. +1
            15 May 2022 16: 17
            Roman, your interlocutor is a shkaus who lives in Slovakia. From there, victory is clearly visible Yes
            I was not easily brought to Slovakia. What can I say?
            His quote from two weeks ago laughing .
            1. 0
              17 May 2022 07: 34
              His quote is two weeks old.

              And why did you just shamelessly tore this phrase out of context and now you are distorting everything?
              Quote my comments in full then, for a second I said more than once over the past 2 weeks that for several weeks I had been under shelling at the front line in the Bucha and Irpen region and with my own eyes I saw the course of the "offensive Kyiv operation." He even described the reasons for the retreat, which are obviously very offensive for you and do not fit into the system of your worldview.
              Another thing is that these "initiative" are ready to defend only their own "home" - a city, a village, but alas, to go to the eastern front.

              Do you just have an idea about the structure of the ZSU and the territorial defense in its composition, how it all works, or is it just a saber, pah-keyboard to wave a lot?
              Firstly, the principle of terbats initially implies actions in a limited local, familiar to the smallest detail theater of the database. Terbats carry out an auxiliary service: roadblocks, guarding bridges, etc. thereby freeing up the resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and in the case of active databases, they reinforce the troops at the local level of their settlement (Israeli version).
              In addition, anyone who wants to can easily transfer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as it were, there are no problems with this.
              How effective such a system is can be judged by the successes of the Russian army.
              1. 0
                17 May 2022 10: 24
                it's obviously very offensive to you
                The behavior of the EU and Britain, where I live, is very unpleasant for me. And living here will no longer be so fat and fun, after a quarrel with the Russian Federation. Yes, and the billions thrown to support Ukraine are somehow a pity - being a taxpayer, I see them in a more worthy use. Something like this.
                1. -1
                  17 May 2022 15: 30
                  The behavior of the EU and Britain, where I live, is very unpleasant for me. And living here will no longer be so fat and fun, after a quarrel with the Russian Federation

                  I am ready to repeat the question once again: if you feel so bad in Britain, let me buy you and your family tickets to Russia.
                  I am ready to understand and forgive my friends in the Russian Federation, who wave a nuclear baton at the hated NATO, but at the same time honestly share all the hardships of sanctions while living in the Russian Federation. But I cannot understand you.
                  It seems to me a dishonest position when a person lives in the EU, getting all the best there and, at the same time, has a position that is clearly opposite to the European spirit.
                  Russia and only Russia!, she definitely needs you
                  1. -1
                    17 May 2022 17: 16
                    oppositeenposition to the European spirit.
                    the opposite tongue .The European spirit is not waving a yellow cloud. And I want to note that I am not the only one in Europe - your Ukraine has not rubbed anyone here except for the rulers and a few biased ladies who need to protect either the Palestinians or the gays of East Timor. To put it mildly, the average European is not interested in you. And by the way, in Europe everyone has the right to their own opinion, and not just Ukrainians Yes
                    person lives in the EU
                    I don't live in the EU.
                    honestly share all the hardships of sanctions
                    1.78 per liter of diesel, I also honestly share the burden of sanctions.
                    let me buy you and your family tickets to Russia.
                    Arrange Russian passports for my wife and I, teach her Russian - and completely. We won't get lost Yes .
                    if you feel so bad in Britain
                    I'm quite namana in Britain tongue It would be better even better, but that's okay. And in general, it is necessary to envy silently wassat .
                    I am ready to understand and forgive
                    I will live unforgiven sad How can I manage, though? Yes .
        2. +1
          15 May 2022 22: 41
          Quote: Bshkaus
          What kind of volunteers, what are we talking about, people are really CALLING, there is no question of any "good will", it did not come, a criminal, and so.

          Did Skabeevs sing to you? When was the last time you were in Ukraine to have an idea of ​​what is happening there? Only at my wife's department of 10 people, two of them went to the defense on the very first day (2 out of 3 men). Moreover, people are not poor for a second, the first salary is $ 1,5 thousand, the second boss.

          The city probably knows how many kilometers from hostilities, right? Such people went to the defense, hoping that they would not be called.
          Now they will calm down only in two cases: 1- they will return the Donbas and Crimea, 2- until they are all killed,

          In vain I didn’t add some third one, because the first one doesn’t shine in any way
          1. -1
            17 May 2022 15: 19
            The city probably knows how many kilometers from hostilities, right?

            And what do you think, if my car was smashed, hailstones flew over the house in both directions, the yard was mined, and howitzers stood on my undeveloped plot.
            I'm not going to prove anything to anyone
            1. 0
              17 May 2022 19: 53
              Quote: Bshkaus
              The city probably knows how many kilometers from hostilities, right?

              And what do you think, if my car was smashed, hailstones flew over the house in both directions, the yard was mined, and howitzers stood on my undeveloped plot.
              I'm not going to prove anything to anyone

              I am from Moldova, we have our own separatists. Ukrainians in 92 fought against my country. Your country did not accept our refugees, they wanted to sneeze on them
              But you know, we have 30 years of peace. Yes, there is PMR, not everyone likes it. Peacekeepers on the border. But you can freely go back and forth. Just recently, the World Cup of the country in football was won by Sheriff from Tiraspol.
              I ask everyone everywhere - why couldn't you do that? Why it was necessary to gouge and argue for 8 years who should fulfill the Minsk agreements and who Plotnitsky and Zakharchenko are. Maybe it was necessary to simply fulfill item 2 and there would be peace?
              Yes, it probably didn't depend on you personally. But show me a screenshot where you called for peace in Donbass and/or regarding May 2 in Odessa. Something tells me that you didn't care. And I don't care that you have problems.
        3. +1
          15 May 2022 23: 38
          bully He envied Skobeeva and decided to "weave" here? Well, whip, whip. Voluntarily terrorist defense is still yes. Of course, sit and wait until the lot of suckers is noticed in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Terram is better. It’s much calmer to walk along the streets of your village with a vintar. Only, even on the most cunning nut there is a cunning bolt. And that's it, the terrorist defense is on the way out - "shnel, shnel to the Eastern Front." So keep your tunes to yourself. First, learn from Skabeeva.
  36. 0
    15 May 2022 10: 17
    Quote: paul3390
    Ahhh... Did you deign to snitch on an old habit? Oh well..

    Not only that ham.
    So also a liar.

    Honestly, the thought flashed through that you yourself cleaned up a bunch.
    To not be embarrassed.
    But I can't confirm this because I'm not sure.
    Not used to speaking and writing lies, unlike you.

    Maybe someone else felt ashamed of you.
    Minuses decided to leave?
    For the fact that you are poked into your own rudeness?
  37. 0
    15 May 2022 23: 23
    This "goods" will be alive if we are lucky and they end up in our captivity or manage to escape to third countries. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the "goods" will "spoil".
  38. 0
    16 May 2022 01: 39
    According to the British wrestlers, and other European Gauleiters, they will fight to the last Ukrainian. In order to survive the Anglo-Saxons, they are ready to sacrifice even mere mortal Europeans. The question is whether mere mortal Ukrainians and Europeans understand this, who are being called for an undeclared war with the Russian Federation.