The dead loop of the Central Bank - a cheap dollar and an expensive loan


welcome to the dollar

The depreciation of foreign currencies, and much stronger for the euro than for the dollar, in the Russian Central Bank, of course, took credit for itself. And even though it was by no means this, more precisely, not only this, that became the basis for the reappointment of the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Ms. Nabiullina, the trend does not change.

Approximately as with Comrade Saakhov - the one who interfered with us for many years, now must help us. Again! And, excuse me, this is not even about unfreezing, and even more so, not about the return of Russian financial reserves. Now much more is at stake - the economic and, as a result, the political sovereignty of Russia.

The current generally modest position of Russia, as a raw materials appendage, and even with a powerful nuclear potential, clearly does not suit our opponents. And no one there is even trying to hide the desire to transfer our country to the position of a banana republic. However, about sovereignty and the notorious sovereign democracy, and about bananas - below.

But the dollar and the euro in Russia fell in price only because now they are not really needed. Especially in terms of internal turnover. At the same time, exporters can be calm - oil and gas go both to the West and to the East in volumes greater than in the best years.

Saving dollars has also become completely pointless for many, as access to foreign accounts is blocked. Not all of them, of course, but still. However, the liberalization of the currency regime in Russia is in full swing, although for some time it still had to be suspended. Somehow it is indecent in the conditions of a special operation.

Rate and resignation

The resignation of the head of the Central Bank of Russia did not take place, although the loss of 300 billion from reserves is more than enough reason for this. But meanwhile, the increase in the key rate of the Central Bank in February 2022 was presented to the public, primarily as a means to prevent currency speculation.

And at the same time, the mass panic buying of dollars and euros by the broad masses of the population. And do not be surprised that the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, who actually asked to resign, speaking in the State Duma before being reappointed to her high and independent post, looked very confident.

Behind her, you yourself know who, and the party members from the faction that has an absolute majority in the lower house of the Federal Assembly, there is no reason to go against him.

And why, one of the United Russia deputies said, they say, she missed “Madame with brooches” (Nabiullina has long been called by her writing colleagues) our 300 reserve billions, not rubles, but dollars with euros, so let them herself returns.

And the fact that, by definition, the hands of the broad masses will never reach these reserves, and having never had any currency in their hands, is not important for our state bankers. Yes, the panic that the Bank of Russia was so afraid of lasted only three or four days in February and among a very limited contingent, a significant part of which had already said goodbye to Russia and, it seems, forever.

But you still need to say thank you to the Central Bank, if only for the fact that you didn’t sit like a dog in the manger at a critical rate of 20% per annum. I have already dropped three percent twice, and at such a rate it is possible to reach a very acceptable level of the cost of a credit ruble by the end of the year.

Bet like a noose

By the way, it is interesting, at what percentage do those who came with them to the liberated lands of Ukraine receive credit rubles today? Really under 14%? It is not entirely clear how they will be refunded, although, most likely, in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, rubles are budgetary.

The rate of 14 percent in the current conditions is a level that is acceptable only for trade, and it is exclusively speculative, while for the rest it is prohibitive. Small business remains in the "dead zone", but it is no stranger to it, as before, they will borrow a little and not for long.

It is more difficult for large enterprises - working capital is needed now, otherwise it is necessary to stop. Or go to bow to the elect from among just bankers - those for whom the Central Bank rate is not the law. There are quite a few such exceptions in the country, although even there real rates are usually prohibitive.

Nevertheless, there is a possibility of prolongation, restructuring, and what else will accountants say? The main thing is to have “access to the body”, preferably a higher level. You understand what scope for corruption is. Although what is the point of stealing like that today.

Not only to steal from themselves, but also to spend the stolen in a good way, there is simply nowhere. Villas, yachts, football clubs. They will take it away for nothing, and all for a short time.

And a little about bananas

After that, it is quite possible to talk about Russia as a banana republic. But first, let's go back for a while to the dollars, which, thanks to the truly "incredible" efforts of the Russian Central Bank, are about to go down all over the world.

The dead loop of the Central Bank - a cheap dollar and an expensive loan

So, for this, our Central Bank and its “best in the world” chairman, which was recognized more than once before the pandemic and the CBO - Elvira Sakhipzadovna, will be thanked in the US Federal Reserve! They will not be announced in the media, but they will say, just by all means.

Because the United States, at the expense of a cheap dollar, will reduce the national debt, and will receive advantages in foreign trade. And they will once again have their hands untied for an unprecedented emission. But this is all in the event of our large-scale defeat, which, we believe, will not wait in Washington.

And regarding Upper Volta, rockets or a banana republic – as is well known, in Russia, instead of bananas, there is oil and gas. At best, some other raw materials or, at the very least, grain and fertilizers. Readers here have the right to ask – what about the atom, space, unique technologies in the field of IT, aircraft and shipbuilding, medicine and much more.

Yes, all this, and even Russian sports, and Russian culture, of course, has a place to be, but ... Only under the direct control of the civilized West. We are quite unequivocally offered external control. Otherwise - sanctions, not bananas, but bans, and disconnection from SWIFT with the complete abolition of the visa regime.


It is clear that what we have today is not enough for puppeteers from the "golden billion". The Russian ruble simply does not have the right to be at least somewhere sufficient on its own. Ah, the ruble began to circulate freely in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions? This is unacceptable, it's worse than Bucha and the Azovstal dungeons!
101 comment
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  1. +20
    11 May 2022 11: 01
    the government seems to be ours, but it seems not ...
    1. +3
      11 May 2022 11: 09
      And why did you decide that Russia is controlled by the government? hi
      1. 0
        13 May 2022 11: 12
        Russia is governed by the Russian Federation. In order for Russia to begin to live, it is necessary to live in its own way, and not according to the Western scenario.
    2. +1
      11 May 2022 11: 13
      Like from a movie... Do you see a gopher? And he is.
    3. +11
      11 May 2022 11: 33
      Well, first of all, the so-called "low exchange rate" of the dollar is a hoax. You can't buy it - a dollar or euro, at this rate. Sell it, yes - take it and sell it, and it's mandatory. But buy it... By the way, the Central Bank has twisted everything interestingly here. Now all sellers who receive foreign currency proceeds are obliged to sell it 100 percent to the Central Bank at this crazy, low rate. And then, when the seller needs dollars to purchase new batches of goods, pay Western contractors, suppliers, logisticians, insurers, etc., he, the seller, must go and buy the necessary currency from the Central Bank and at a completely different rate, and even pay a commission for it! And then we wonder why, with such a low exchange rate, prices in stores have doubled and are still standing - they are standing that way because sellers are forced to bear huge expenses on this "tricks" of the Central Bank with double conversion, which thus compensates for what was wasted on foreign accounts. Sellers and other subjects of foreign trade activity unanimously howled at such lawlessness and the Central Bank graciously allowed some (precisely some, and far from all) to leave... up to 20% of foreign currency earnings - like take it and do not deny yourself anything! Well, the accounts of Russians in foreign currency remain blocked by the Central Bank and it is impossible to use them in the deposit currency. "Low exchange rate" - yeah.
      1. +3
        11 May 2022 11: 50
        Well, where does the dollar and price for pita bread???
        here is such crap in our nearest grocery store PEREKRSTOK
        Lavash 350 groni is baked right there in the tandoor, and here are the statistics for the price:
        mid-February - 36,9 rubles.
        first third of March - 41,9 rubles
        April - 45 rub.
        May - 49,9 rubles
        Well, where is the dollar component in this pita??? Why has the price tag increased by more than 30%???
        Flour, water, electricity, water... well, and the baker there is Dzhamshut and his salary is not in dollars.
        1. +13
          11 May 2022 11: 58
          Where is the currency component in the lavash? Do you really not understand anything or are you just fooling around? It is: in the Siemens turbines that generate electricity, in the Grundfos pumps and Danfoss automation that is installed at the Vodokanal, in the distributor of networks manufactured by AG, in gasoline additives and oils, in automobile automation and gas distribution by Bosh, in detergents from Krupps, with which Dzhamshut washes vats and his hands (if he washes), in network communications from Cisco and Siemens that switches Dzhamshut's smartphone so that he can call somewhere and use the Internet during smoke breaks, and yes, Dzhamshut used to take his salary to the bank and buy dollars with it and transfer them to his village, because nobody needs rubles there anyway.
          1. -1
            12 May 2022 16: 53
            You need to slow down and get down to political economy - Jamshut does not need dollars, but a store of value, and sometimes a means of exchange to receive goods.
      2. +7
        11 May 2022 14: 05
        Quote: Snail N9
        "Low rate" - yeah.

        well! I have dollars, I need a CNC machine, can I buy it? Not! they are under sanctions, hence it devalues ​​the foreign currency. Luxury items are irrelevant in Russia today
        1. +1
          11 May 2022 23: 07
          Quote: aybolyt678
          I have dollars, I need a CNC machine, can I buy it? Not! they are under sanctions, hence it devalues ​​the foreign currency.

          This is solvable. It will just cost more.
          1. -2
            11 May 2022 23: 42
            Quote: Krasnodar
            Quote: aybolyt678
            I have dollars, I need a CNC machine, can I buy it? Not! they are under sanctions, hence it devalues ​​the foreign currency.

            This is solvable. It will just cost more.

            Chel veterinarian. It's just interesting - what kind of CNC machine does he need, and why? laughing
            1. 0
              12 May 2022 01: 24
              To talk about it apparently request ))
              1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            12 May 2022 08: 55
            Quote: Krasnodar
            This is solvable. It will just cost more

            you're so used to thinking winked in fact, it’s either impossible or unacceptably more expensive, or you buy a fake, which requires Internet control of the device from the other side
            1. 0
              12 May 2022 11: 00
              There are specifics, write in a personal
      3. -3
        11 May 2022 17: 43
        Quote: Snail N9
        Do not buy it - dollar or euro, at this rate.

        Don't try. Open an investment wallet and buy on the exchange almost at the rate of the Central Bank. Open a currency card and buy the Central Bank rate + bank interest. Just to post some nonsense about how bad everything is. That's just bad all in your head
      4. +2
        12 May 2022 08: 58
        Quote: Snail N9
        Do not buy it - dollar or euro, at this rate.

        and you all can buy for this dollar what you need? Can you buy equipment for a car factory?
    4. +8
      11 May 2022 11: 36
      Quote: Aerodrome
      the government seems to be ours, but it seems not ...

      Yes, definitely not ours .. demography is a witness to this ..
    5. +17
      11 May 2022 11: 48
      Quote: Aerodrome
      the government seems to be ours, but it seems not ...

         The government, dear, lives on another planet! And to fly there - we don’t have a gravity cap! (with)...
    6. +2
      11 May 2022 13: 28
      Luckily, it's ours, not yours. wink Therefore, Western publications are fucking crazy because the most powerful sanctions in history cannot break this economy and financial system, which, according to economic publications from this site, are "enemies of the people" and "servants of the State Department."
      For some reason, the decaying West was able to break the mega-powerful and correct Soviet economy, but for some reason it cannot break the one built by "enemies of the people". belay What is he doing wrong? wink
      1. +5
        11 May 2022 14: 08
        Quote: g1v2
        For some reason the decaying West was able to destroy the mega-powerful and correct Soviet economy, but for some reason it cannot destroy the one built by the "enemies of the people". What is it doing wrong?

        The West in Perestroika broke the brains of the Soviet people with the AIDS INFO magazine and Hollywood, and only then the economy. Now Russians with brains are more or less normal
    7. Quote: Aerodrome
      the government seems to be ours, but it seems not ...

      The world government is a non-state entity.
    8. -3
      11 May 2022 14: 36
      Without any "like ours, but like and ...".
  2. +26
    11 May 2022 11: 05
    Russia does not suffer from sanctions or hostilities, Russia suffers from wrecking and incompetence of bureaucrats.
    1. +16
      11 May 2022 11: 13
      and incompetence of bureaucrats.

      they are very knowledgeable about their pocket...
    2. +2
      11 May 2022 11: 38
      Quote: Mikhail Alekseev_2
      Russia suffers from wrecking and incompetence of bureaucrats.

      I think they are competent, only they do not work for Russia .. and even more so not for the citizens of Russia.
    3. +16
      11 May 2022 14: 13
      Quote: Mikhail Alekseev_2
      Russia does not suffer from sanctions or hostilities, Russia suffers from wrecking and incompetence of bureaucrats.

      Russia suffers from the lack of a state position on these bureaucrats ... Excessive luxury should be shameful, a deputy should be ashamed to have a Maybach while there are low-income working citizens .. I repeat, this should be part of the state ideology
      1. -1
        11 May 2022 14: 19
        yes, let the deputy have a Maybach - if only this deputy worked for the good of Russia. And if he does not work for the good of Russia, then he cannot have the current Maybach, but also freedom - let the forest fall in Siberia
        1. +8
          11 May 2022 14: 43
          Quote: Mikhail Alekseev_2
          let the forest fell in Siberia

          I was talking about a systematic approach. And Maybachs are luxury items that strengthen the West and weaken Russia
          1. 0
            11 May 2022 15: 30
            I don’t see any problems if a person working for the good of the Motherland has a good income and I don’t care what he drives - Maybach or Zaporozhets)
            1. AUL
              11 May 2022 16: 21
              Quote: Mikhail Alekseev_2
              I don’t see any problems if a person working for the good of the Motherland has a good income and I don’t care what he drives - Maybach or Zaporozhets)

              I agree, provided that it brings benefits to people in an amount equivalent to the cost of that Maybach!
              1. +7
                11 May 2022 17: 47
                Quote from AUL
                I agree, provided that it brings benefits to people in an amount equivalent to the cost of that Maybach!

                Many times more, otherwise it is useless and works only for itself hi
              2. -2
                11 May 2022 23: 45
                Quote from AUL
                provided that it brings benefits to people in an amount equivalent to the cost of that Maybach

                To each Yes good laughing

      2. +4
        11 May 2022 15: 52
        A strange combination - a bashful deputy! And who, then, makes such laws?
    4. +4
      11 May 2022 14: 41
      I’m kind of like a bureaucrat, although I’m sooooo small and I try to work not out of fear, but in good conscience, but you know what laws our “mad printer” prints and signs “that one must not be named.”
      1. -4
        11 May 2022 15: 38
        well, yes, the cat abandoned the kittens, it's Putin's fault)))
  3. +13
    11 May 2022 11: 11
    At the posts of deputy ministers, governors and big bosses, heaps and crowds of HSE graduates and all sorts of Harvard Yale sit and quietly corrupt the scientific community and the economy. They crap quietly.
    Nobody cleans them up. What can I say, our economic ministers are not pro-Russian at all. They are pro-globalist, they even believe that everything will be the same as before.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  4. +4
    11 May 2022 11: 12
    I didn’t understand anything, I’m probably never a financier fool
  5. +4
    11 May 2022 11: 14
    But the dollar and the euro in Russia have risen in price only because now they are not really needed
    Rise in price because no one needs it? Maybe cheaper?
    Or go to bow to the elect from among just bankers - those for whom the Central Bank rate is not the law. There are quite a few such exceptions in the country, although even there
    And as always, without the slightest specifics and examples ... Sad and in doubt.
    So, for this, our Central Bank and its “best in the world” chairman, which was recognized more than once before the pandemic and the CBO - Elvira Sakhipzadovna, will be thanked in the US Federal Reserve! They will not be announced in the media, but they will say, just by all means.
    Because the United States, at the expense of a cheap dollar, will reduce the public debt, and will receive advantages in foreign trade.
    Here is such a "HPP" from Batsden ... But somehow unconvincing ...
  6. nnm
    11 May 2022 11: 16
    I’ll say even more - it’s very strange to read the opinion of many colleagues that, well, now everything will change, we will begin to raise the country, we will all together begin to create a new strong economy ...
    Colleagues, nothing will change. All the same, all the same ... - it is naive to believe that Nabiulina will start thinking tomorrow about the country, the economy. It is naive to believe that the oligarchs will decide to invest in the development of production, and not think about where they can now store their assets
    Yesterday minus five governors? Why? Because they need to shed the negativity they have accumulated before the elections and replace one face with another...
    Everything that is being done now is an attempt to restructure the supply of raw materials to Asia.
    Will it succeed? It is unlikely for many reasons - from the lack of other options for us to US pressure on Asian countries.
    Without cardinal changes in the approach to the development of science, production, new technologies, and the refusal to focus on the sale of raw materials, we will not be able to further develop our country.
    We are now in an unprecedented confrontation with a large part of the world, but we are still afraid to utter a word that describes the real state of things.
    We all play some kind of games, as if we do not understand our responsibility to those to whom we will leave our country after us. After all, there may no longer be any forces or means left to pull our country into the first row of the world's economies.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      12 May 2022 16: 07
      Without cardinal changes in the approach to the development of science, production, new technologies, and the refusal to focus on the sale of raw materials, we will not be able to further develop our country

      And not only that, systemic changes are generally needed, to cleanse the country of enemies, which are accurately described in the article here on VO "Why are there so many enemies of Russia in Russia", and in general, a lot needs to be reviewed, changed, corrected ..
      This leads to the following questions: who and how - will do it?
    3. 0
      17 May 2022 12: 27
      In the early days (uh...hmm...cough-cough) of the Special Military Operation, I also thought about it, I thought here it is a chance for the country. But then it became clear that nothing would be done. According to reviews of comrades from different, so to speak, industries.
      Yes, there is an attempt to move to Asia, logistics through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and so on. CSTO.
      And that's all. And then as in Kin-dza-dza :)
  7. +4
    11 May 2022 11: 16
    And a little about bananas
    This is understandable, but it's not clear whether to rejoice or collapse?
    Because the United States, at the expense of a cheap dollar, will reduce the public debt, and will receive advantages in foreign trade.
    . Advantage, well, like that, somewhere ... but sho, AmeriGa sells a lot of things outside, except for a dollar, of course, and this can save her from something?
    At the expense of debt ... but how will the debt decrease ??? In addition, they raised the key rate, and for any debts, this is by no means ice!
    So sho say that there is a wedge in us, and a pancake in them ... maybe you should not rush?
    Although, at the expense of our head of the Central Bank .... the option is not ice, this has long been clear to the majority! What is not clear, for whom does she work at all ???
  8. +3
    11 May 2022 11: 27
    to remove currency speculators from the Russian economy is only good
  9. +4
    11 May 2022 11: 29
    The currency is rising in price badly, the ruble is wooden, the currency is getting cheaper, also bad, HPP, again some kind of conspiracy, what needs to be done and what is good was not written in the article.
    1. -1
      11 May 2022 11: 44
      Quote: Pessimist22
      The currency is rising in price badly, the ruble is wooden, the currency is getting cheaper, also bad, HPP, again some kind of conspiracy, what needs to be done and what is good was not written in the article.

      Like oil .. oil is rising, prices are rising, oil is falling, prices are rising ..
    2. 0
      11 May 2022 12: 19
      And this is the main deceit of the comprador economy - where nothing of its own is produced and everything depends on the sale of resources. Let me explain: when the ruble gets cheaper, it is bad for the workers, because their wages are devalued and they are forced to spend more rubles on more expensive goods that are full of imported components. If the ruble gets more expensive, then first it is bad for the exporters-sellers, because they are forced to pay more to workers and their internal costs increase and, consequently, their profit decreases, that is, their goods become less competitive in terms of the profit brought in, which means that the owners are forced to reduce expenses, including wages for workers, or reduce personnel in order to maintain the profit rate - therefore, the workers again become worse.
      1. +2
        11 May 2022 12: 39
        Quote: Snail N9
        where nothing of its own is produced and everything depends on the sale of resources

        Which is bigger, 9 or 16? 16 is because "nothing is produced"?

        Nude nude Yes
        1. -1
          11 May 2022 15: 22
          Which is bigger, 9 or 16? 16 - is it because "nothing is produced"?

          Nu-nu yes

          You just showed an example of what happens when "a shoemaker bakes pies." The table you cited does not allow you to evaluate "everything depends on the sale of resources or not." If only because "non-oil and gas revenues" include VAT on the sale of imports within the country.
          In 2021, "oil and gas revenues" amounted to 8 trillion rubles, and "non-oil and gas revenues related to domestic production" amounted to 6,5 trillion rubles.

          You better look at the export-import structure. True, for this you will have to spend money so that OKVED is fully disclosed.
          1. -7
            11 May 2022 20: 03
            Quote: Nefarious skeptic
            The table you gave does not allow you to evaluate "everything depends on the sale of resources or not"

            You should cover your mouth and look at the numbers ..

            Quote: Nefarious skeptic
            You better look at the export-import structure. True, for this you will have to spend money so that OKVED is fully disclosed

            This is for you. And right now there will be Moonlight Sonata (c)
            1. +1
              12 May 2022 08: 48
              You should cover your mouth and look at the numbers ..

              Essentially, is there anything to say? Or, once you have been shown your delusion, is there nothing left but rudeness? expected. Rudeness is a frequent companion of stupidity.
              1. 0
                12 May 2022 17: 04
                Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                Rudeness is a frequent companion of stupidity

                My apologies.

                The figures I have quoted clearly show the inconsistency of the opponent's assertions. Not yours laughing

                I'm not interested in arguing with you, I'm a techie, not an economist.
                1. -1
                  12 May 2022 17: 16
                  The figures I have quoted clearly show the inconsistency of the opponent's assertions.

                  The fact of the matter is that ... they do not show.
                  I'm not interested in arguing with you, I'm a techie, not an economist.

                  So if you ... are not an economist, then why did you decide that the tablet you cited is an argument in your dispute with the Snail Man? ))
                  And by the way, you don't have to be an economist to understand this. Enough to be a technician lol
                  1. 0
                    12 May 2022 17: 40
                    Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                    The fact of the matter is that ... they don’t show

                    So laughing

                    Quote: Snail N9
                    And this is the main slyness of the comprador economy, where nothing of its own is produced and everything depends on the sale of resources

                    The picture does not prove that something is still being produced? Nu-nu laughing
                    1. -1
                      12 May 2022 17: 44
                      Do you always just take words literally without considering the context? Then you are certainly right in your judgments. Understood))
                      1. 0
                        12 May 2022 17: 51
                        Quote: Vile sksteptik
                        without considering the context?

                        This is too hard for me. I am primitive, almost the simplest laughing
        2. +2
          11 May 2022 16: 08
          The plate is again with gas and oil. And where with electronics, with machine tools with KU, automotive industry (our own), aircraft manufacturing, with the construction of a civilian fleet, with fishing (for us, not the Japanese) and the rest. You can create a budget by converting currency in rubles and the weaker the ruble, the larger the budget. What Sakhipzadov has been doing lately. And 300 billion dollars is almost another budget. Well, trips to the United States for a report, supposedly to lectures, exchange of experience and other nonsense, every year and after that cries from behind the hillock about the best banker of all time? But if the enemy praises, then there is reason to think.
          1. -4
            11 May 2022 20: 07
            Quote: Taimen
            The plate is again with gas and oil. And where with electronics, with machine tools with CU, automotive industry (own), aircraft manufacturing


            Everything that is not oil revenues is there from what you are trying to list. It’s hard for you, I understand, and you don’t know all the words ... study, and you will be happy. May be )))

            Here you go ... Lavrov's words laughing
            1. -1
              11 May 2022 20: 52
              Here you go ... Lavrov's words
              So he, like you, is only capable of words ...
              1. -2
                11 May 2022 21: 11
                Quote: smaug78
                So he, like you, is only capable of words ...

                Have you learned the board yet? If not, go ahead laughing

                And what I am capable of - you are not given to know. Your happiness laughing
            2. -1
              11 May 2022 21: 36
              Boy, you are good for my grandchildren. How many classes did you finish? And what grade did you pass the economy for? It’s people like you, USE students who are three-year-olds who rule with us. Basically, chattering, not deeds. But it’s hard to understand, it’s from poor studies. I don’t drink to brotherhood as youngsters. Your age is too small.
              1. 0
                11 May 2022 21: 51
                Quote: Taimen
                Boy, you are good for my grandchildren

                Well, if you're somewhere in 1910, then oh laughing

                Quote: Taimen
                And what was the assessment of the economy?

                There are a lot of us. Economega was not included in my training program, I am a pure techie. Graduated from "Klassov" - 10 + 6 institute ... further army, further life ... interrupt laughing

                Quote: Taimen
                people like you, CSE students and rule with us

                If we ruled, you wouldn't be here. You would not exist at all, more precisely. EGE - this is for you laughing

                Quote: Taimen
                you will poke your future mother-in-law or mom and dad. I don’t drink brotherhood with young boys. Your age is too small

                The drain is protected. Will there be arguments in the case, or "everything"? wassat

                Seal, damn it.
                1. 0
                  12 May 2022 10: 01
                  Juvenile slug, damn it.
  10. +3
    11 May 2022 11: 33
    This article is designed to create hype.

    I do not see financial analysis, indicators for time intervals, formulas for calculating important indicators. Factors affecting important indicators. Pros and cons of the actions taken.
    The article indicates some disadvantages, the positive aspects are not considered at all, which means that this is the imposition of one's opinion on people, and not an article.
    1. +3
      11 May 2022 11: 43
      Quote: Divy Divych
      This article is designed to create hype.

      I do not see financial analysis, indicators for time intervals, formulas for calculating important indicators.

      Do demographics tell you anything? Here is an indicator of the economic, social, medical activities of the government.
      1. +6
        11 May 2022 11: 51
        In Africa, the financial situation is bad, and the birth rate is high. We have higher incomes than the population of Africa, but the birth rate is low. So not only income affects demographics. Previously, Russia also did not live very richly, and the birth rate was several times higher than now.
        1. +3
          11 May 2022 13: 16
          Quote: Div Divich
          In Africa, the financial situation is bad, and the birth rate is high. We have higher incomes than the population of Africa, but the birth rate is low. So not only income affects demographics. Previously, Russia also did not live very richly, and the birth rate was several times higher than now.

          Of course, this is not only income .. it is medicine, social policy, education .. and most importantly, confidence in the future .. so you are partially right .. not only income affects demographics, but in general the capitalist model .. which is alien to our people. .
          1. 0
            11 May 2022 13: 30
            Quote: Svarog
            Of course, this is not only income .. it is medicine, social policy, education .. and most importantly, confidence in the future ..

            In Africa, everything is worse than here. And the birth rate is higher. fail request

            Quote: Svarog
            capitalist model .. which is alien to our people ..

            Under the tsar, there was the same capitalist model. And the birth rate was higher for some reason...failed again.

            And yes. It seems that no one authorized you to speak on behalf of the "society". You are our ogre, and soul lover negative
            1. 0
              11 May 2022 15: 25
              Under the tsar, there was the same capitalist model. And the birth rate was higher for some reason...failed again.

              Manipulation to equate agrarian society and industrial
              1. -6
                11 May 2022 20: 04
                Quote: Nefarious skeptic

                Once again - you should cover your mouth and open your eyes ... but, like, it’s not for you negative
          2. 0
            1 July 2022 16: 56
            I figured out the main reason for the low birth rate in Russia - a large number of abortions.
        2. 0
          12 May 2022 00: 40
          Previously, in royal families there was a high birth rate .. as well as mortality
    2. +3
      11 May 2022 14: 18
      Quote: Divy Divych
      I do not see financial analysis, indicators for time intervals, formulas for calculating important indicators.

      absolutely right! if we compare the purchasing power of the ruble and the dollar in relation to energy resources within the country, then the ruble wins and there is no need to compare the inflating dollar with the secured gas ruble.
    3. +1
      11 May 2022 17: 54
      Quote: Div Divich
      This article is designed to create hype.

      I do not see financial analysis, indicators for time intervals, formulas for calculating important indicators. Factors affecting important indicators. Pros and cons of the actions taken.
      The article indicates some disadvantages, the positive aspects are not considered at all, which means that this is the imposition of one's opinion on people, and not an article.

      Yes, the author is still an "expert". Water, puffy cheeks and an unshakable belief in one's rightness. Don't expect unbiased calculations and deep analytics
  11. +2
    11 May 2022 11: 36
    Why post this crap?
  12. sen
    11 May 2022 11: 45
    And why, one of the United Russia deputies said, they say, she missed “Madame with brooches” (Nabiullina has long been called by her writing colleagues) our 300 reserve billions, not rubles, but dollars with euros, so let them herself returns.

    All wrong. According to oil and gas supply agreements, we must keep foreign currency in foreign bank accounts. Here they were frozen and stolen from us. Claims against Gazprom and Co.
    1. -1
      11 May 2022 12: 22
      Gold reserves belong not to the SOE, but to the Central Bank. exclusively favored by our drivers
  13. +1
    11 May 2022 11: 53
    Read the article
    I didn’t understand anything - what is the point of the article ?? what is its essence ... and did not understand.
    what a set of words.
  14. +1
    11 May 2022 11: 53
    Looked. Yes, the difference in the sale / purchase rates is, as it were, not 15%
    Yes, as I already wrote, the "native state" nai ... deceived us in a particularly cynical way. However, the prices in stores speak clearly about this. However, are we getting used to it? As one poet said silver age:
    If you are kicked,
    Of course you will scream.
    Hit once, hit twice
    And then get used to it.
  15. 0
    11 May 2022 12: 03
    Depreciation of foreign currencies, and much stronger for the euro than for the dollar

    The Central Bank has nothing to do with it. The depreciation of the euro against the dollar does not depend on the ruble.
  16. -2
    11 May 2022 12: 28
    not mine
    The Russian economy and, accordingly, Russian society will face very difficult trials.
    A full-scale economic crisis will unfold this fall.
    Moreover, the problems of the Russian economy will be reduced not only to a painful reaction to what Elvira Nabiullina tactfully calls a “supply shock”, that is, to a break in production chains tied to imports. These problems, with an adequate response from the economic authorities, can be stopped in the short term and solved in the medium term.
    The problems of the Russian economy will intensify and exacerbate
    firstly, the pro-crisis monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation itself, which operates within the same inadequate economic paradigm as its counterpart in the West and East
    secondly, a fundamental misunderstanding by the current political leadership of the country of the real strength and real weakness of its economy. (Thus, it is not the Bank of Russia, which has the means to protect the economy from external attacks, that is entrusted with protecting the economy from an attack by the collective West, but the Government, which, by definition, does not have such means.)
  17. -3
    11 May 2022 12: 38
    Thank God the dollar has grown and I hope it will grow, well, we don’t need it cheap now, even if it cracks. I don’t understand why the Central Bank does not reduce the key rate to at least 9%? This would reduce the cost of loans and raise the dollar, perhaps.
  18. +1
    11 May 2022 12: 51
    We are quite unequivocally offered external control.
    Was this only proposed today? Or did we gain sovereignty with the adoption of the amendments to the Constitution? And before that, were we under external control?
    1. -4
      11 May 2022 20: 33
      Quote: parusnik
      Or with the adoption of amendments to the Constitution, it turns out that we have sovereignty? And before they were under external control?

      Trolls, they are such trolls ... Lyosha, who gave you the "title", is it really all like that .. crowds??

      PS: liberals are divorced here, it’s not easy to breathe laughing
  19. -4
    11 May 2022 13: 45
    In general, until the dollar has risen in price, write out everything from ALI ....

    And nod at the TV, of course ...
  20. -1
    11 May 2022 13: 55
    Is the Bank of Russia fighting against Russia?
    1. -1
      11 May 2022 15: 06
      And for a long time and quite successfully.
      1. +1
        12 May 2022 00: 37
        It is not the bank that is at war, but the leadership ... People who make decisions for the purpose, including.
  21. -1
    11 May 2022 14: 52
    You can blame everything. On the Central Bank, on the SBER, on the fifth, tenth, while forgetting what social formation you live in. All successful people are trying with all their might to separate from the people. And why does he need the people? He went where people never dreamed of. Only they hurried. In addition to the successful ones, there are super-successful ones.
  22. The comment was deleted.
    1. -1
      11 May 2022 18: 02
      Dear copy-paste, when you copy-paste, could you, for the sake of decency, indicate the source. For
      , apart from the fact that the forum rules expressly state that such comments are prohibited, I would like to get acquainted with the source of your copy-paste in more detail. hi
      1. 0
        11 May 2022 22: 58
        I mentioned this above that this is not mine, citizen snob. the source has already indicated in another topic without placing the text itself. so I don't accept your fi
        1. -2
          12 May 2022 07: 10
          Yes, I do not care where you are and what you pointed out. Read the site rules, dude.

          It is forbidden to add articles from third-party sites to the comments, as this is contrary to the purpose of the commenting function: comments on the site are intended solely for the readers to express their own opinions regarding the published articles. At the same time, reasonable quoting of materials from other sites is allowed within the framework of one comment with a mandatory link to the source. For inserting entire articles from third-party resources into comments (“continued comments”) - deleting all user comments and resetting the rating

          I practically tried to help you, but you are so stupid that even here you managed to pout your lips. You won’t get money from the curator, it’s all for nothing .... laughing
          1. 0
            12 May 2022 08: 48
            yes, my friend, you are not a snob, you are an ordinary troll. I posted 2 quotes, not the whole material. and about the rules and without snotty know. you can even scribble
    2. 0
      12 May 2022 00: 33
      It is not the country that will become the gravedigger, but those states that refuse the opportunity from outside to steal dollar assets from them.
  23. -2
    11 May 2022 20: 50
    But meanwhile, the increase in the key rate of the Central Bank in February 2022 was presented to the public, primarily as a means to prevent currency speculation.
    Here is an example of a lie from Podymov. Like the rest of the article...
  24. +1
    12 May 2022 00: 28
    The dollar is expensive. To do this, you need to look at its index. The ruble can now be easily regulated by emissions. Credits? For what? Buy and sell again? Marianne's crying is inappropriate!
  25. 0
    12 May 2022 01: 32
    The author threw the dust, muddied the water. Many epithets, nothing is clear. If it presses on emotions (banana republic, Washington will say thank you ...), then it’s immediately clear that it’s some kind of dregs. I do not believe. I would state clearly and in order, the price of bread because so and so, the price for that because so and so. And what are the stakes, bow to someone, and what does Washington have to do with it? This is some nonsense.
  26. 0
    12 May 2022 05: 44
    If we count our salaries and pensions in foreign currency, and we are forced to do this because there is no way to get imports, then we are not even a banana, but some kind of wild Papuan. Salaries of 25-35 thousand is 400 dollars a month for actively working people. Find a country with such salaries?
  27. +1
    12 May 2022 08: 48
    The government has been occupying since the 90s, and that’s all, respectively!
  28. The comment was deleted.
  29. +1
    12 May 2022 10: 49
    Quote: Alexander Rasmukhambetov
    In general, some kind of incomprehensible situation, we have everything and we have been sitting in the ass all our lives. We have so much to do in our country, but there are no cheap long money. Everyone understands but they don’t do shit, blah blah. .

    Cheap long money turns.... turns... turns into expensive short money! Or in the gold reserves, and - with the ends in the USA they are sailing away!
  30. -1
    12 May 2022 17: 14
    The problem is not in the course of the national currency ... no.
    It's just that before the EEC paid 50% of Russian raw materials for goods in counter-deliveries, and now it's 10%, that's all. And while fraternal or non-fraternal (as it seems to you) are chopping each other up at the front, the white gentlemen are lining their pockets. And why else do you need wars? To rob.
  31. 0
    17 May 2022 21: 28
    "It is more difficult for large enterprises - they need working capital now, otherwise they need to stop"
    Enterprises need to set a goal. Allocate funds. Which, as they say, are unprofitable. And the time frame in which you, as a director, are obliged to achieve this goal. If you couldn't provide it - GULAG. Which archipelago.
    No dollars/euro have the right to wander around the country. The currency in the country is the Ruble.
    Stakes / strangleholds...
    These are all stories in favor of the not poor. One of my relatives bragged about how many thousands of dollars he had saved up. With such a rate, it is clear that the guy did not guess right in this life.
    What to do?! These are the times now...
    Hence the conclusion. A simple worker in production doesn't give a damn about the rates of shmavka and other hemorrhoids with bananas, rates and other behind-the-scenes battles of accountants under the baseboard.
    At least pay the salary on time. And we'll do the rest. If we don't die hi .