"Justice" geeks. Herods new world order

"Justice" geeks. Herods new world order

The term “juvenile justice” (translated from English as “juvenile justice”) is rooted in ancient orgiastic cults that practiced sacrifices. In ancient Rome, juveniles called ritualistic actions legalized by Nero in honor of the deities of youth (the emperor included not only the goddess Juvent, but himself), distinguished by utter licentiousness and the fact that during them "sexual restrictions were abolished."

On the occult-mystical level, juvenile justice is a modern reincarnation of fascist eugenics directed against the fifth commandment of God (“honor your father and your mother, may there be blessing on earth”) for the purpose of destroying a family. It is one of the hidden meanings of globalism, supported by structures like the World Bank. The origins are occult-Satanist organizations, identical to the fact that at one time the Nazis brought to power in Germany, like the Lucifer Trust (Lucis Trust), as well as the ideologues of the new world order, who set themselves the goal of destroying the "extra" part of humanity and acted as aggressive anti-christian force. Here are a few names: a Swiss psychiatrist, one of Hitler’s ideologues, an SS officer and architect of the Nazi racial hygiene program, co-author of sterilization laws, and director of the German eugenics research institute Ernst Rudin; the founder of the modern birth control movement and the International Planned Parenthood Federation, one of the first "sex enlighteners", the author of the bill designed to "stop the overproduction of children", who considered the Slavs to be inferior to reproduction, Margaret Sanger; the former head of the World Bank, the ideologist of the Vietnam War, who used to burn napalm Vietnamese villages with civilians when he was the US Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, the Satanist; another former head of the World Bank, preaching in his books the transformation of a person into a commodity, the elimination of the family and modern forms of cannibalism, Jacques Attali ...

In the “applied” plan, juvenile justice is a ruthless mechanism for changing the basic principles of interaction between the state and the family through the totalitarian suppression of individual freedom, the destruction of the autonomy of relations between children and parents. In many Western countries, the same persons and structures are engaged in promoting juvenile justice, which advocate a reduction in the birth rate, freedom of abortion, the distribution of contraceptives and syringes, drug legalization and retailing, “sexual education” and the promotion of early sexual relations, protection of the interests of homosexuals and lesbians , legalization of “adoption” of children, prevention of toughening of punishments for child pornography, pedophilia and promotion of sexual perversions ...

The result we see. Today in the countries of the West tens of millions of parents do not find anything terrible in the fact that teachers of their children can be homosexuals. That their children do not interfere with kosyachki clogging with marijuana in school toilets, at the same time forcing to create "circles of support for sexual minorities" even in kindergartens and play unnatural roles, dressed in clothes of the opposite sex. That the relevant state bodies, instead of fighting drug addiction and crime, create sophisticated mechanisms of persecution of families for having children. Moreover, they are aimed primarily at the prosecution and destruction of just normal families.

Juvenile justice in the West is not only a special court and a huge bureaucratic army with broad powers, whose officials recruit numerous commissions for minors, guardianship and custody. It is also a system of measures of extrajudicial and excessive intrusion into intra-family matters - up to the removal of the child from the family - under any often unnamed or contrived pretext. The introduction of juvenile justice in the future puts under the "external management" of virtually every family with children.

Any action or inaction of parents in relation to their child can be interpreted by the juvenile body as you please. In fact, it is a tool to control fertility and reduce demographic potential through a preventive invasion of the family under the pretext of protecting children from their parents. It works as follows.

On the one hand, parents and teachers are forbidden to use prohibitive means in raising children. This vigilantly watching so-called. ombudsmen or child rights ombudsmen who collect denunciations of children in their schools in America and Europe to their parents, teachers, and school authorities. In addition to them, special STOP police teams (STOP - State Police Special Tactical Operations team) are on duty in a number of US schools. They are necessary for restoring order in the classroom - so that “mischievous” students unintentionally do not cripple their teacher. The teacher himself, even if the "mischievous" have moved from insults to beating, has no right to apply any measures. The only allowed way to restore order is to call a police team into the classroom.

On the other hand, children are in fact forced to impose an early sexual life, drug use and senseless pastime. Sexualization is an integral part of juvenile technologies (in Sweden they are introduced from kindergarten). Ultimately, it boils down to preaching "freedom of sexual orientation," promoting contraception and childlessness. Anesthesia can be carried out with the help of free distributions of syringes and teaching children the technique of their “hygienic use”. Everyone remembers the August 2011 youth riot in London that caused human casualties. According to the report of the independent commission that conducted the investigation on the orders of the government, the pogroms, in which young people played a key role, were the result of the government’s lack of social policy, which led to poor education of adolescents and a low level of education in public schools, where, according to the report’s authors, 20% students at 11 can barely read and write.

In fact, today in the West, the process of socialization of children is under way in exchange for a high level of comfortable existence of their parents. The criterion for the effectiveness of the work of juvenile justice bodies is the number of children “fully protected” from their parents, that is, taken away from them. The more children the official took away, the more he earns and the faster his career goes up. Children are taken not only from incomplete and dysfunctional families, but also from normal, loving and working parents. The reason becomes anything. For example, any displeasure of a child, a word or even a reproach against parents attending services, can be interpreted by modern inquisitors as “infringement of legal rights and freedoms”. In Great Britain in recent years, the number of seizures of children according to statements by social workers motivating their actions by “emotional abuse” and “risk of emotional harm” has sharply increased, although the meaning of these phrases is unknown.

Protests against forced sexualisation can be interpreted as infringing the right to receive information. A recent example is the scandal in Bavaria, where a girl who did not want to part with her parents was taken away from her parents, who forbade her daughter to attend sexual “education” lessons. History It became public only because the little one, having made sure that the prayers to return her to her mom and dad were useless, attempted suicide.

Refusal of questionable vaccinations or methods of treatment can be interpreted as a lack of concern for the health of the child. An example is the fate of an 12-year-old Texas-born Katie Wernecke taken away from her parents for refusing to irradiate a child with cancer from a child. In the arsenal of Western juveniles there are many reasons, in comparison with which even the reluctance to give a child antibiotics for the treatment of acute respiratory infections or rent debts (an excuse by which hundreds of thousands of children are selected annually) are an “argument”.

According to Trevor Grant, head of the children's social services department of New York (Trevor Grant), “families are being destroyed for absolutely insignificant reasons. If the furniture is broken or in the house is dirty, employees of the social services take the child ... ” Parents are brought up under the article “action to the detriment of the interests of the child” for letting him go for a walk without an adult, for the lack of fruit in the fridge or for lack of pocket money, for having less toys than the neighbors’s children for buying "Unhealthy" kid schoolbag, and even simply because the officials something seemed.

The opinions of the children themselves, no one asks. Often it is impossible to do. As in the case of small Sabrina, daughter of Christopher Slater and Nancy Haigh from Arlington, who was stolen by social workers from parents' home without any investigation at 3's week (!) Age, on the basis that ... the newborn allegedly weighed three hundred grams less, what is needed. Unhappy parents have for several years been trying unsuccessfully to get their child back.

The number of children taken away from parents in Western countries, where juvenile justice is introduced, is staggering. Tens and even hundreds of thousands! Annually! At the core are databases in which a telephone call from an offended child is sufficient and according to the determined number, social workers leave, then letting the selected children walk along the hands of foster families and shelters. For example, in Germany, only in 2009, more than 70 thousands of children were taken from their parents. In France a year earlier, this figure exceeded the bar in 110 of thousands of girls and boys currently living with live mothers and fathers in children's homes and foster families. At the same time, no one is embarrassed that, according to British and American studies, children from foster families (as estimated by pediatricians) are 7-8 times more likely to be abused, and children with government support are 6 times more often than their peers on average on the population (Hobbs G., Hobbs C., Wynne J., Child Abuse Negl. 23.12.1999. pp. 39-52).

In 2000, the French government was presented with an extensive and shocking report by the Inspector General for Social Affairs Pierre Naves and the Inspector General for the Legal Department Bruno Catal on the situation in juvenile courts and social services. The report states: “A colossal number of children are taken away from their parents and placed in shelters and foster families. Judges and social workers constantly violate the law. There is a huge difference between the law and the practice of its application. In the same court, the practice of one judge is different from the practice of another. There is no quality control system for the protection of children and families. Juvenile justice does not show any respect for the family, no care for it. The prosecutor’s office cannot monitor all the cases, as there are too many of them. Social workers and judges have complete, unlimited power over the fate of the child. Social workers often took away children on anonymous phone calls ... the family was in danger. ”

According to statistics, as of the beginning of 2000, more than 60 of millions of children have already been withdrawn from the families of 2-million France. Seven years later, it was stated that 50% of these children were taken away illegally. A typical example is the fate of the actress Natalia Zakharova who emigrated to France in her time. In 1990, the juvenile court of the new homeland deprived it of its maternal rights. The pretext - “Madame Zakharova suffocates the daughter with her motherly love” and wants “to keep too close a relationship with her”! Since then, Masha Zakharova has been transferred from one foster family to another. Her mother went through all the courts, appealed for help to very influential people, including presidents and churches. Only with President N. Sarkozy did Zakharova have 18 personal meetings on the subject of her daughter's return. Prior to this, the question of the return of the girl was raised in the conversations of J. Chirac and V. Putin. A request for family reunion to the Cardinal of France was addressed by Patriarch Alexy II. Nevertheless, the problem has not been solved until now ...

Juvenile justice in the West is a state acting by its own laws, not subject to anyone in the state. The position of the authorities in this matter seems strange only at first glance. The ancient Romans in such cases said: "Look for someone to benefit." Question: why, instead of improving the lives of families, children are taken away from them? Answer: it is very profitable. After all, children are being taken away not only from poor drunkards and sadists.

In Europe, the victims are representatives of all social strata. Even millionaires, like the Italian couple, whose decision to earn extra money in this way from the eldest 20-year-old daughter from her mother's first marriage, took the youngest 7-year-old. Nobody listened to the girl who screamed that she loved her parents and wanted to see her mother. She was simply put in a shelter, and slandered parents were sent to prison.

In America, according to the US National Children's Commission, children are often removed from families “prematurely or unnecessarily” because the federal funding mechanism gives states a “serious financial motive” to select children and not help families to continue their life together (National Commission). New Years Age for Children and Families (Washington, DC: May, 1991. p. 290).

Monthly withdrawn thousands of children not only go to orphanages and shelters. There are many documentaries and videos on the Internet about how juvenile justice in Germany or the United States entrusts children to sadists, pedophiles and drug addicts, and leads children, and their mothers, and fathers to suicide.

A few examples.

At the end of January 2012, a 3-year-old girl died in Berlin. The family in which she was in was observed by the guardianship service. I watched - and did nothing. In the reports, officials recognized the family as “overloaded” with child care. That was until one morning the girl was found dead, with bruises all over her body, choking on vomiting. In 2008, in the West German town of Wuppertal, 5, the year-old girl, Taleia, was taken away from her mother, who sometimes drank her daughter, but loved her very much and was placed in a carefully selected foster family. In the new family they did not drink, but did not like. Talei was beaten. However, the guardianship service ignored messages from the kindergarten that the girl came with bruises, bite marks (dogs) and torn hair tufts. After some time, the adoptive mother drowned Taleyu in a bath of ice water. After a prolonged trial, the adoptive mother was found guilty of the death of the girl. The two guardians who sent the girl to her death were completely acquitted.

The fate of 11-year-old Chantal from Hamburg, who was under the patronage of the guardianship service, is known today to every German. She died at the beginning of 2012, from methadone poisoning, whose pills were found in the bedroom of adoptive parents. Five years earlier, the guardianship service considered the Chantal family to be dangerous for the child: the father took drugs, the mother drank. The girl was removed from the family and placed with adoptive parents, also addicts, but who were in the heroin substitution program with methadone. In the new family, which was supposed to provide a safe and comfortable existence for Chantal, the girl lived like this: 6 man and 3 dogs in the same apartment. She didn’t even have her own bed - but there was access to drugs.

Much about juvenalschikov crimes we still do not know. One of the scary topics is children who come to drug dealers (like Colombians, who have recently adopted Russian children) and black transplantologists who sell human organs. In the United States, over 200 of thousands of patients who are sick for years waiting for donor organs of children and are ready to pay thousands of dollars from 200 for each child “taken apart” are officially registered. In Italy, according to the official recognition of Interior Minister Roberto Maroni in 2011, 1260 "adoptive" kids from Russia only disappeared. The minister suggested that these children ended up in private organ transplant clinics.

In the West, juvenile justice is being introduced into schools and families under the pretext of protection from sadists and pedophiles. At the same time, lobbyists, who manipulate the statistics of children killed and maimed by freaks, stubbornly keep in mind that up to 70% of such crimes are committed by representatives of sexual minorities, whose rights are defended by juveniles. In the US, homosexuals commit more than 33% of all abuses of children. A typical example is the fate of two Russian babies, several years ago taken from an emigrant mother by Norwegian social security grants, who were transferred to local degenerates for “upbringing”. It ended with the rape of a 4-year-old child.

American studies that take into account only officially registered cases show that cases of proven sexual abuse of children in adoptive families occur 4 times more often than the average population. Evidenced by the executive director of the organization “Children's Rights” Marcia Lowry (a supporter of foster families): “I have been engaged in this work for a long time and represented the interests of thousands and thousands of adopted children ... and I practically did not meet either boys or girls who would stay for some time in foster homes and did not suffer any form of sexual abuse - from other children or someone else ”(Dana DiFilipoo Avalanche of Anguish // Philadelphia Daily News, 21.01.2010).

In orphanages in the United States, the level of physical abuse of children exceeds the average level of the population 10 times, sexual - 28 times (mainly due to the violence on each other). (Benedict M., Zuravin S. Factors & Associates; Family Health Care Providers) // Baltimore: Johns Hopkins School of Health Care, 30.06.1992, charts, pp.28,30; Spencer J., Kundsen D. Out of Home Maltreatment: An Analysis of Risk in Various Settings for Children (Vol. 14, 1992, pp. 485-492).

Today, juvenile justice is introduced in most Western countries, but this does not lead to the improvement of human relations, but to the multiplication of public evil. So, in one of the most “advanced” countries in terms of juvenile justice - Germany - today is the lowest birth rate in Europe and about half of all crimes are committed by young people who have not reached the age of majority. Other “developed” countries are not far behind - children from Russia disappear without a trace of thousands, the birth rate is decreasing every year, but crime among young children is increasing, the number of perverts withdrawn from families is increasing.
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  1. +23
    3 October 2012 07: 26
    The latest, wild case of the seizure of four children in Finland. It seems that even our government was "worried." But not a single TV channel, not a single comment even slipped that this is juvenile justice, which geeks of all stripes are trying to impose on us!
    1. 3581782
      3 October 2012 08: 00
      How much rubbish has inflicted from the west, and what good can not be found.
      So where is the light and where is the darkness?
      The conclusion suggests itself.
      1. Vanek
        3 October 2012 08: 31
        Quote: 3581782
        So where is the light and where is the darkness?

        Shine? Well, everything is clear with him. He is at the end of the tunnel. Here with darkness, then yes, the question. But we know what’s what.

        Darkness is when newborn children are taken away, when they are allowed to meet under supervision and breast-feeding is prohibited. When, VAAAAHH, dzhigits at a wedding shoot and they are fined two thousand rubles. In the United States, they would shoot his millet and be right (according to their laws). And someone continues to trindet that We (in Russia) have incomprehensible laws. Well, to them, there’s only one road - the West. Where the number of pi is four, where you can steal a three month old baby, etc. We are out of the way with them.
        1. +2
          3 October 2012 11: 21
          Quote: Vanek

          Shine? Well, everything is clear with him. He is at the end of the tunnel. Here with darkness, then yes, the question. But we know what’s what.

          And Darkness is the absence of Light. When will the Enlightenment finally arrive in the West? After all, they have arranged an informational iron curtain for their subjects and pour the dog-LIE on them, and they are very much afraid of the Truth-Mother. After all, a lie for them is the core of the existence of their "values"; otherwise, crash. But it will come anyway, this collapse. Oh, it would be more likely already.
          1. +1
            3 October 2012 17: 42
            And Darkness is the absence of Light. When will the Enlightenment finally arrive in the West? After all, they have arranged an informational iron curtain for their subjects and pour the dog-LIE on them, and they are very much afraid of the Truth-Mother. After all, a lie for them is the core of the existence of their "values"; otherwise, crash. But it will come anyway, this collapse. Oh, it would be more likely already.

            So you need to help them with this! And we must do it, Russians.
        2. s1н7т
          3 October 2012 20: 42
          Quote: Vanek
          We are out of the way with them.

          Gee! Do you go to the polls? No? The people are voting "for". Maybe it's not on the way with you?)))
          While representatives / owners of all kinds of Gazprom are at the helm, we will also bring Chilo Pi to four! laughing
      2. +2
        3 October 2012 17: 41
        In the 2007 year, psychologists in Britain examined local parliamentarians and 20% of them were recognized as mentally ill. Think it over! Every fifth legislator is crazy! What laws should be expected from such legislators? This is the face of the modern West with all the human vices exploited by the backstage.
        1. +1
          3 October 2012 17: 46
          I would like to add football fans. In Budustag passed the law on secrecy of registration of residence. At the time of the vote, 19 people were present. The rest watched the match Germany Italy. True, the law was canceled after 5 days.
        2. s1н7т
          3 October 2012 20: 44
          Haha And our edros, and Zhirik, are always referring to their laws always! laughing
          That's how we live, damn it.
      3. 0
        4 October 2012 01: 48
        What is described in the article was and is, however, in our torn country in the early 90s and now, legal bonzes are going to introduce juvenile justice. One of the elements is the deprivation of parental rights, even contrary to common sense. These excesses were during the Soviet era. In the overwhelming process of making correct court decisions, there were stupid ones based on the stupid conclusions of the decisions of juvenile commissions. It was impossible to look at the execution of these stupid and cruel decisions without tears.
      4. +1
        4 October 2012 02: 38
        There is only one way out - REVOLUTION !!!
    2. +11
      3 October 2012 08: 08
      Quote: baskoy
      The last, wild case of four children being seized in Finland.

      I do not know what the Russian women who live in Finland think about what is happening and can happen to their children. the double opinion on the case with the Finns is not the first time and the like will continue, and the introduction of such rules in Russia could blow up society.
      1. +5
        3 October 2012 09: 13
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        the introduction of such rules in Russia could blow up society.

        This is the only hope.
        1. +2
          3 October 2012 09: 45
          Hello, Julia. For a long time did not appear.

          Quote: Aventurinka
          This is the only hope.

          Large children are slowly starting to unite in social movements. somewhere more active somewhere not. the trouble is that in society there is no unequivocal opinion about the harmfulness of this system. Too great a juvenile lobby.
          1. +2
            3 October 2012 10: 11
            Good day. What to do if everything is said before me) put a plus sign and read on)))
            I carefully read the comments on this matter of future and young parents. Among the rightists, nationalists, etc. very often opinions are met - "If this happens to me, I will no longer care, and those who did it will not be very fun to live, if he still lives. One, the other, the third will already think whether it is worth it." meaning of the attitude of youth under 25.
            And judging by how they react to other troubles occurring with their comrades, I believe that everything will be much less rosy for Western performers.
            Large children are slowly starting to unite in social movements.

            So the GDP said that 100 thousand signatures and a group of citizens will be able to introduce legislative initiatives. The essence of the time collected 140 thousand signatures. Not electronic, live, blue paste.
            And lawmakers spit on that. And the words of GDP and the protest of living people.
          2. Kaa
            3 October 2012 15: 38
            Quote: vorobey
            Too great a juvenile lobby.

            Let's face it - the world. And how well it all resonates with the early ideas (1918 -1927) of the "Leninist Guard"! There you are both the theory of early sex education, and the notorious "glass" of water with a conscious Komsomol member who cannot refuse a conscious Komsomol member, and nudism, and the early removal of children from families with public education ... Now that the West has begun to build communism, or in 20s we were building something else until Stalin stopped this bacchanalia?
        2. +9
          3 October 2012 11: 27
          And the legislative block on juvenile justice in Russia is almost ready ... The next stage in the destruction of family values ​​and the transformation of the population into a controllable crowd, nurtured by "society" according to uniform templates ... This misanthropic insanity will be actively implemented in Russia ...
          Does this all remind you of stories from fantastic horror films?
          There is only one hope - if juvenile lawlessness begins in Russia, no "parliamentary" means can fight it off. I really hope that there are still people in Russia who are ready to break anyone's throats for their families and children.
          1. Bashkaus
            3 October 2012 13: 56
            Ready, do not hesitate. The Russian man has always stood to death for his house, his family. If earlier attacks on him were in the form of military intervention, now now they are in the form of such pseudo-values. Nothing who comes to us with what sword will perish. We are not used to it. We must unite, Mart (homeland and family) is in danger!
          2. s1н7т
            3 October 2012 20: 52
            Gee!) Russians in 91st, 93rd sold their homeland for a pinch of humanitarian aid. Next is the family. "The people are ready for debauchery" (C). They'll just come up with a lure and start vparivat. We vote for Putin and United Russia? And then we will agree. Like, well, if you need to ...
      2. +5
        3 October 2012 09: 21
        Quote: baskoy
        The last, wild case of four children being seized in Finland

        Not the last one. Two more were taken. educators thought that the children were beaten. No traces of beatings were found, evidence was not found, but the children were taken away by the court decision no earlier than six months later. Critters.
        1. Vanek
          3 October 2012 09: 27
          Quote: vorobey
          the court decision will be no earlier than six months later. Critters.

          No Alexander, not "creatures", just ...................... No, there is no mate, there is simply no word here. They have no name, they have no name.
          1. Fox 070
            3 October 2012 14: 00
            Quote: Vanek
            They don’t have a name, they don’t have a name.

            I think you are not entirely right. There is a name and names are very specific. If similar laws are introduced in our country, then we will get a well-run in the "civilized West" mechanism of subjugation and enslavement.
            Here's a curiosity ...

            Put the youth down - and you will defeat the nation! This is our motto. We deprive your society of youth, corrupting it with sex, rock, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, depriving your society of the future. We will hit the family, destroying it, reduce childbirth. Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly, openly. And I had to do an incredibly large job - to burn, shoot, bury millions and the like. He left bloody traces. We act more cunningly: we will have no traces. To reduce childbearing by at least half is to destroy 2–3 million Russians a year without any physical costs. No furnaces, cartridges, graves. And no trace. Not born. There are no guilty.


            1. s1н7т
              3 October 2012 21: 01
              Quote: Fox 070
              corrupting her with sex, rock, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs,

              Lying, dog! This is all that the people in a single impulse sought to help break up the USSR! These are democratic values! What in return? Again developed medicine, free sports, confidence in the future and songs about love ?! Passed already. 60 years. Tired of it. The people chose democracy. Oh, and money, of course, more.
          2. s1н7т
            3 October 2012 20: 55
            Quote: Vanek
            They don’t have a name, they don’t have a name.

            They have a name - democratic values. To which we also strive from the 91st. They have already joined the WTO, for example. Soon we will master it (
        2. Fox 070
          3 October 2012 13: 52
          Quote: vorobey
          No evidence of beatings, evidence not found,

          Does this remind you of anything? So Western politicians act at the interstate level. This is a policy of force, and unless another force is opposed to this bacchanalia, the situation will not change.
          1. s1н7т
            3 October 2012 21: 02
            Another power - what are you hinting at? The fact that God with a small letter is a matter of jurisdiction ?! laughing
            Other attempts are not yet visible. And this is not even funny.
      3. +1
        3 October 2012 09: 31
        “Juvenile justice” is a real hydra, and this is not only an attitude towards children and the family as such, but government policy.
        Here and buggers, and religion (its absence), and drugs, and pornography ... in general, all the dirt that can be collected. And all this is promoted to state. level!
        So we all need to not just sit back and watch how these little guys in "developed" countries destroy themselves, but fight for ourselves and our children so that all this does not come to us!
        But if you look around this abomination is already at our place, a little for now, but there is ...
        1. OSTAP BENDER
          3 October 2012 10: 44
          So nations are destroyed, and national identity! I wonder if they tried to pick up children from a Muslim family in Germany or in France? In the West, the world behind the scenes has already grown cattle and offspring, if we adopt these anti-people, we can say satanic, laws, then who are our legislators and the authorities working for?
          1. Hans grohman
            3 October 2012 13: 39
            Well, SJ has been working with us for quite some time.
            By the way, if my sclerosis does not change me, then the Family Code existed in the USSR, and therefore the procedure for depriving parents of their rights.
            I will say, as a person who has seen this case a little from the inside (a year of work in the KMDN - the criminal police for minors): this is a rather complex and ambiguous activity. I don’t remember any explicit abuse of the service (for family and youth affairs from the City Council). On the contrary, if there was an opportunity, then to the last they tried to reason with the parents (before writing angry comments, it would be worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the specific situation, and they are sometimes such that the POC), the child was taken away only if it was quite the edge (for example, when the child lives in a garbage landfills, with non-drying parents, etc.). And yes, in my memory there was not a single case of deprivation of the family. rights of "prosperous" parents. However, this is just my opinion (of one person), and I will not argue that it was / is everywhere. If someone is interested in my opinion, then the (municipal) service is needed, at least the benefits from it are much more than harm. Another question is how to protect people from the excesses of individual representatives of Yu. I think that for a start, you can exclude the "planning" method (I don't remember if the service had it, but we definitely had it), and control over the activities and legality should be exercised not only by the prosecutor's office, but also by unscheduled commissions (without prior notice, preferably from other area). And lastly, do not forget that people are working everywhere - in South Yugoslavia, and in the police, and in the prosecutor's office, and you won't even believe in the Government, ordinary mortals, as a rule, pretty much chewed by the professional deformation. It's just that everyone needs to remember more often that he is a person, and be guided by common sense and personal conscience before turning to the letter of the law, and not be lazy to look into the situation once again. IMHO.
            1. s1н7т
              3 October 2012 21: 20
              No need to powder the brain, policeman! In the Union there was not and could not be this sr. I remember both the children's room of the police and my inspector for minors - a wonderful woman! We still greet each other at a meeting! In the Union it was a struggle to preserve the family, and not vice versa! Didn’t you find those times? Divorcing - the problem was, however. You’ll destroy the family! Pros.rali real values, and now we are fighting with windmills negative
          2. s1н7т
            3 October 2012 21: 10
            Quote: OSTAP BENDER
            then who do our legislators and authorities work for?

            ))) We have a source of power - the people, and they work for it. We chose them ourselves laughing laughing laughing Or do not you go to the polls ?!
        2. s1н7т
          3 October 2012 21: 08
          Quote: Pharao7766
          and religion (its absence)

          Talk nonsense! Just in America, religion is all right! And your Orthodoxy is the same Christianity, only a side view. Believers are the same drug addicts, driven by a "pusher" - a "shepherd." People like you will bring the country to juvenile justice - out of stupidity.
      4. s1н7т
        3 October 2012 20: 46
        No, nothing will happen. The society will be explained that it has always striven for this itself, and it will silently agree. Examples of this are the sea, alas.
      5. 0
        4 October 2012 00: 47
        only in Finland, 49 children have already been taken from Russian women !!!
    3. +5
      3 October 2012 16: 33
      The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the ban on the promotion of homosexuality and pedophilia among minors as legal, Interfax reports on October 3. The law was challenged by advocates of the rights of sexual minorities, who believe that the concepts of "bisexuality" and "transgenderness" cannot be used in the text of the law, since they do not have legal definitions.
      Defenders of the rights of sexual minorities appealed to the Supreme Court after they were denied a complaint in a court in St. Petersburg, where a law was passed banning the promotion of homosexuality. Thus, the activists failed to challenge the adoption of the law in Russia.

      The law banning the promotion of homosexuality was adopted in St. Petersburg in November 2011 of the year and entered into force on April 2012 of the year. Violation of the law is punishable by a fine of five thousand rubles for a civilian to 500 thousand for legal.

      LGBT activists believe this law is homophobic and oppose it. One of the leaders of the LGBT community in Russia Nikolay Alekseev was fined under the new law in May 2012 and filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights.

      In addition to St. Petersburg, laws prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality also apply in the Ryazan, Arkhangelsk and Kostroma regions and in Samara.
      Homosexual and other trash did not pass and will not pass! Hurray, comrades, the court is on our side !!!!!!!
      1. Kaa
        3 October 2012 17: 59
        Quote: Baron Wrangel
        In addition to St. Petersburg, laws prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality also apply in the Ryazan, Arkhangelsk and Kostroma regions and in Samara.

        The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in first reading a law banning the promotion of homosexuality, equating it to the propaganda of pedophilia and pornography. I hope that after the October elections it will not be canceled ...
        1. s1н7т
          3 October 2012 21: 21
          Ay, maladians! Choose your brain, do not cancel!)))
    4. +1
      4 October 2012 01: 52
      It is necessary to answer the decision of the Finnish authorities by banning travel to Finland for marriage, to provide mixed families the opportunity to live in Russia, and have children here and give them citizenship
  2. +7
    3 October 2012 07: 53
    And we must give more children abroad! Open idiocy, complete lawlessness and power type does not know anything? Or does she give a damn? But at the unloading of orphanages, someone warms his hands well.
    1. dimanf
      3 October 2012 08: 02
      Quote: erased
      Open idiocy, complete lawlessness and power type does not know anything?

      And ask this question to those. who with foam at the mouth supports the tandem on this site.
      1. s1н7т
        3 October 2012 21: 25
        These homosexuals will not answer, most likely. In order not to betray your "orientation" laughing
  3. Fox
    3 October 2012 08: 13
    read ... I’ll go clean the machine and sharpen the knife ...
    1. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 21: 29
      The machine and knife are useless here. I recommend the ballot. Acts - shopper! If wisely applied, of course laughing
  4. +10
    3 October 2012 08: 25
    This says again, and that Russia and its manic tricks do not need Russia. We are different, we have a different culture! Our youth is actively instilled with Western ideals, which are generally unnatural for a normal person. They are trying to make our children degenerates.
    I really want to believe that the authorities will not go to the creation of such oligophrenic structures and will not go into the families of ordinary normal people.
    Personally, I would add on my own behalf if they tried to take my sons away under the pretext described in the article by God, I would break the commandment do not kill! Thank God the safe with the Vepr and three boxes of cartridges is at hand. I would shoot the carrion without hesitation.
    1. +2
      3 October 2012 11: 38
      Quote: Sakhalininets
      Personally, I would add on my own behalf if they tried to take my sons away under the pretext described in the article by God, I would break the commandment do not kill! Thank God the safe with the Vepr and three boxes of cartridges is at hand. I would shoot the carrion without hesitation.

      .. I already have little granddaughters ... However, I don’t sell a safe with "Saiga" ... And when I read about all this juvenile barbarism, I regularly go to the shooting range, train my hand and eye ...
    2. Raven
      3 October 2012 15: 36
      yes it’s better to create a new iron curtain than live like them
    3. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 21: 31
      Quote: Sakhalininets
      I want to believe that the government will not go to the creation of such oligophrenic structures

      dense people live on Sakhalin! (Ombudsmen for the rights of the child already exist. First swallows, so to speak. Why aren’t you shooting yet?
  5. -21
    3 October 2012 08: 32
    the author is a huge minus!
    By itself, juvenile justice, in the form in which it was conceived, is not a bad thing and even useful, but what now exists under the name "juvenile justice" has nothing to do with it!
    The author, not understanding or even not wanting to understand the problem, is simply trying to announce another "witch hunt"
    1. Vanek
      3 October 2012 08: 35
      Quote: AlexSS
      just trying to announce another witch hunt

      And you can clarify.

      This witch is the one who took the three-month-old person or the one who took it ???
      1. snek
        3 October 2012 08: 50
        In Sakhalin Oblast, a woman convicted of child abuse was sentenced. She beat her son, scratched his face and bit him for various parts of the body.
        At the trial it was established that the convicted person had withdrawn from fulfilling the duties of raising a child and showed obvious indifference to the consequences of this. She left a small child without maternal attention, and also repeatedly spoke out cynically at him. In addition, the mother beat the baby.

        Two residents of the Novosibirsk region were detained for having beaten their five-year-old son to death.
        The body of a 5-year-old boy with signs of violent death was discovered by a local policeman in an abandoned cellar in the infield of a residential building in the village of Kochenevo. The baby's body was wrapped in cloth and sprinkled with earth.

        SAINT PETERSBURG, October 2. The newborn Vika, beaten by her mother, is still in the hospital, but her condition is stable. Employees of the Okkervil Defense Ministry prepared documents for an exit with a claim to deprive her mother Irina of parental rights. Immediately after being discharged, the girl will be referred to the Children's Home.

        And there are hundreds, if not thousands, of such cases every year. Juvenile justice is needed, but you just need to clearly monitor its work so as not to go too far.
        1. +20
          3 October 2012 09: 19
          Quote: snek
          And there are hundreds, if not thousands, of such cases every year. Juvenile justice is needed, but you just need to clearly monitor its work so as not to go too far.

          Fuck you do not need juvenile justice !!! We need a Soviet IDN (Inspectorate for Infants), and not a modern parody. The more I live, the more I have the conviction that Soviet standards, rules and many structures (not all of course), urgently need to be revived and adapted to modern conditions.

          And I want to say - my Father’s right and the rights of the Family, given to me by Nature and by God himself, will remain unchanged, even if God forbid, I have to carry weapons! Juvenile do not tempt fate, do not anger Russian people !!!
          1. Vanek
            3 October 2012 09: 29
            Quote: saruman
            Juvenile do not tempt fate, do not anger Russian people !!!

            Quote: saruman
            even if God forbid you have to, with weapons in your hands!

            1. 0
              3 October 2012 11: 45
              good Join us!
          2. Hans grohman
            3 October 2012 13: 51
            Quote: saruman
            ! Juvenile do not tempt fate, do not anger Russian people !!!

            Well, if you have children, then do not systematically abuse alcohol, do not beat children, put on shoes, dress, feed and collect to school, and live your life happily - no one will touch you.
            You probably have never heard of South Ossetia before, but judge by this article alone (however, like most locals). Yes, and by the way, there were boarding schools in the USSR, too, there was a procedure for deprivation of gender. I’m right, only then, in addition to children, adults, did the state bring up, (remember - detoxification, the fight against parasitism?) and this decision (deprivation of the genus of rights) apparently had to be applied less often.
            And yes, since I supported Alksa SS and snake, then minus me too, so to speak, "Break me completely" (c).
            1. +5
              3 October 2012 16: 16
              Quote: Hans Grohman
              Well, if you have children, then do not abuse alcohol systematically, do not beat children, put shoes on, dress, feed and pack to school, and live happily for yourself - no one will touch you. You probably haven’t heard of YU before, but by Judge this article alone (however, like most locals). Yes, and by the way, in the USSR there were also boarding schools, there was also a procedure for deprivation of the clan. right, only then, in addition to children, the state raised adults, (remember - sobering-up centers, the fight against parasitism?), and this decision (deprivation of family rights) apparently had to be applied less often. And yes, since I supported Alksa SS and Snake, then minus me too, so to speak "Break me completely" (c).

              I have children, I don’t abuse alcohol, I don’t beat children, I put on shoes, feed and collect them in school. Only now I want to raise children myself, because the modern methods of education and training, as well as the mass culture imposed on children everywhere, are of great concern.
              Children often do not accept parental settings when around a different kind of installation. Conflicts of various kinds are inevitable. And that juvenile will intervene in this? What moral and ethical law? In the old days in Russia, even the church allowed itself to interfere little. In the USSR, the totalitarian regime did not give its officials such rights to intervene in the affairs of the family, as we will receive as a result of the introduction of juvenile justice.
              Therefore, read my previous post, we do not need juvenile justice, which has no positive experience. It is necessary to use the experience of the USSR, as the most capable. No problem can be solved simply, a set of measures is needed; it was worked out in the USSR. And juvenile justice in our country, like a lifesaver, once everything is fine. Will not work out! I just said about the Russian people who should not be provoked, and what happens if this juvenile snoops into the Caucasus, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Tuva and our other similar regions? Let them try to take away the children from the inhabitants of these republics for improper upbringing. What, war again? Or will juvenile justice be introduced only for Russians?
              1. +2
                3 October 2012 17: 10
                In Russia in the old days, the father of his son could leave the reins even when the beard grows out. But he did not dare to utter a word.
                1. s1н7т
                  3 October 2012 21: 57
                  And that was right. Family discipline. so to speak
              2. s1н7т
                3 October 2012 21: 55
                Quote: saruman
                I just said about the Russian people who should not be provoked, but what happens if this juvenile snoops into the Caucasus, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Tuva and our other similar regions?

                So they are only interested in Russian today. For the rest, they have experience with the Indians! laughing
              3. Hans grohman
                3 October 2012 23: 54
                Quote: saruman
                Conflicts of various kinds are inevitable. And that juvenile will intervene in this?

                If a child comes to school / kindergarten with bodily injuries, they must intervene. If not, they will not (at least they should not).
                Quote: saruman
                It is necessary to use the experience of the USSR, as the most capable.

                I agree with this, I would not only use my experience, but I would also recreate the Union, but ...
                Just do not forget that it is necessary to restore the COMPLEX of measures for the upbringing / re-education of society (with sobering-up people, forced drug dispensaries, the fight against parasitism, etc.).
                And why did you decide that UJ controls the correctness of education? That's bullshit! We are only talking about methods (I mean bodily harm, forced starvation, etc. in a similar vein), and what you teach / educate your children there is your own business, and interfering with this is a direct violation of your constitutional rights.
                Well, something like this.
            2. +2
              3 October 2012 16: 25
              Quote: Hans Grohman
              "Break me completely"(

              1. Kaa
                3 October 2012 21: 07
                Quote: vorobey

                And what, let me curiosity, do juvenileustitologists (pah, barely wrote, but how to pronounce?) And are engaged in masochism? feel
              2. Hans grohman
                3 October 2012 23: 56
                Quote: vorobey

                I am an athlete (s)
            3. s1н7т
              3 October 2012 21: 52
              The link to the Union is about nothing. There the motto was: the family is the unit of society. And then - why the heck is the family of the ases? And, by the way, they tried to keep the family in the USSR right up to marasmus, but that was the task. Boarding schools were not filled with children from families of "disenfranchised" at that time, there were enough others. I am categorically against this Yu. Only a family can raise and educate a person, Yu can only raise. And then - not a person, but a moral monster!
          3. s1н7т
            3 October 2012 21: 35
            Gee! I agree with Nature, but God also took part ?!))) fools inhabit the country!
        2. Vanek
          3 October 2012 09: 24
          Quote: snek
          Juvenile justice is needed, but you just need to clearly monitor its work so as not to go too far.

          I was asked in one of the topics if I have children. Here I want to ask you:

          - Do you have children?
          1. Bashkaus
            3 October 2012 14: 04
            Yes, I have a son, and God knows I will break the commandment "do not kill" if some nit comes to take my child.
        3. +12
          3 October 2012 09: 42
          Good afternoon snack. why don’t you give the opposite examples when children are selected in rather prosperous but poor families. excuse me if the child, although in an old but carefully darned, ironed shirt, his mother deserves more respect than she shows our so-called social organs. You can give real figures and facts of help to such single mothers with two three children in their arms. It is enough for one of the parents in our country to throw away the hooves and everything turns out the children need to be taken away because one of three with an average salary of 20000 does not feed us. a good example in numbers This year, with our free education system, my seniors come and bring notes from school
          for a year you need to pass 5200 for everyone there, and security and additional classes, contests are paid. trips to museums, holidays and more. Okay, I’ll surrender, and who can’t - a second-rate child? Parents do not provide education? deprive of rights.
        4. +8
          3 October 2012 10: 01
          Quote: snek
          And there are hundreds, if not thousands, of such cases every year. Juvenile justice is needed, but you just need to clearly monitor its work so as not to go too far.

          I disagree. The usual, if I may put it that way, justice and social services should work. Like it was in the USSR. Is it necessary to punish those who beat and kill children? Do you need any new approaches? at that time, children were taken away from careless parents, parasites, alcoholics, and deprived of parental rights, but not because the parents refused to buy a moped, toys, sneakers. Everything has already been worked out. But the options when the system invites children to knock on their parents for punishment , or even for not indulging whims, whims, is this juvenile justice? No, we do not need such "justice".
          1. +5
            3 October 2012 10: 10
            Quote: revnagan
            The usual, if I may put it that way, justice and social services should work. Like it was in the USSR. Is there any need for new approaches to punish those who beat and kill children? Remember, after all, even at that time they took children away from negligent parents, alcoholic parasites, deprived of parental rights. But not because the parents refused to buy a moped, toys, sneakers. Everything has already been worked out. But the options when the system offers children to knock on their parents for punishment, or even for not indulging whims, whims, is this juvenile justice? No, we do not need such "justice".

            I will subscribe to every word. Therefore, I clicked on a quote. Plus bold.
          2. +1
            3 October 2012 16: 25
            Quote: revnagan
            And there are hundreds, if not thousands, of such cases every year. Juvenile justice is needed, but you just need to clearly monitor its work so as not to go too far.

            And you read the materials that have already been collected about the activities of these "juveniles" in Russia ... And this is just the beginning!

            For example:


        5. +5
          3 October 2012 11: 43
          The cases you cited as an example can and should be effectively combated with the help of existing legislation, existing juvenile commissions, relevant police units, etc. All this worked successfully during the USSR!

          The juvenile system that is being introduced now has a completely different strategic purpose - the destruction of the traditional institution of the family and the reduction of the birth rate. And from here already as concomitant side effects - abuses for the purpose of profit on the sale of children! And in our conditions, extortion will also flourish on the part of juvenile workers.
      2. -1
        3 October 2012 12: 14
        Quote: Vanek
        This witch is the one who took the three-month-old person or the one who took it ???

        Vanek! Have you seen families where children are really unnecessary to their parents! ? Saw the bodies of hungry children? who do not see a piece of bread for days? And God forbid you to see it !! I saw, not only alive, but starved too, and children beaten by parents so that there is no living place when a year-old child has both hands broken, not to mention the other !! Including those who have not been saved! Alas!
        My opinion is that juvenile justice should be in a civilized country, BUT, it should not be perverted, it should really work for the benefit of children, and not perverted as in the west. We also take their children from their parents, but I do not remember a single case that these parents (if you can call them parents) were normal, or drunken utterly, or drug addicts, or both! And in orphanages, children are at least fed!
        A minus article, for the incompleteness of the disclosure of the topic!
        1. s1н7т
          3 October 2012 22: 03
          Indeed - Baron Wrangel! laughing Neither mind nor education. Supporter of Puting and EP, hey?
          1. 0
            4 October 2012 08: 41
            Quote: c1n7
            from 1n7t Yesterday, 22: 03 ↑ ↓ new

            Indeed - Baron Wrangel! Neither mind nor education. Supporter of Puting and EP, hey?

            Well, not even a nickname, so some kind of number! Zombie robot! Even arguing with so boring!
            By the way, not a supporter of Putin or EP, I keep neutrality!
        2. +1
          4 October 2012 08: 32
          A strange opinion.
          Currently there is a whole system of expertswho constantly monitor the child from birth to graduation.
          1. When you are discharged from the hospital, the child’s card goes to the children's clinic.
          2. From the moment of discharge to 1 month 3 times a child at home should be visited by a nurse and pediatrician.
          3. Up to 1 year, every month the child is obliged to visit the children's clinic, at 1 month, 6 months and 1 year to undergo a full examination by specialists.
          4. after a year, the child visits the pediatrician without fail in 1,5 years.
          5. forgot the doctor’s house calls for the disease.
          6. The child goes to kindergarten. There, in addition to the educator (and they know everything about families and more, because the children with great pleasure tell and show dad with beer, or mom, rolling a tantrum) there is honey. employee. Once a month, children are examined by a pediatrician assigned to each particular garden.
          7. 1 gas per year to the kindergarten comes a commission of several specialists and a medical card of the child is filled.
          8. Every year a speech therapist comes to children in the home care center and draws up a report with the obligatory informing of the educator, who is obliged to inform parents about speech impairment.
          9. In schools, class teachers in the 1st grade are required to compile a child’s social and psychological passports annually. Not counting the annual commission for medical examinations.
          10. The class teacher is required to visit each student at home once a year. Otherwise, he will not compile the above social passport.

          This is not all points of the system, which meticulously monitors the mental, social and medical condition of the child from birth. And they report to the appropriate authorities when establishing inappropriate child care. Report, be sure, t. To. our kindergarten or school is always to blame. Even when the child was traveling by car with his own parents and got into an accident, the class teacher will definitely get a reprimand.

          What can a handful of officials say that SPECIALISTS did not say about the family, parents and the social situation in this family ???

          Why produce another bureaucratic apparatus, of which we already have a rampart? And who does not have professional knowledge in the field of his authority ???
    2. chistii20
      3 October 2012 09: 27
      Quote: AlexSS

      the author is a huge minus!
      By itself, juvenile justice, in the form in which it was conceived, is not a bad thing and even useful, but what now exists under the name "juvenile justice" has nothing to do with it!
      The author, not understanding or even not wanting to understand the problem, is simply trying to announce another "witch hunt"

      This is a huge minus for you. And the article is the pure truth.
    3. Che
      3 October 2012 09: 39
      + The article was copied to show friends. The advanced west is striking in its cynicism. The life of children is higher than that of fagots.
      1. snek
        3 October 2012 10: 43
        Quote: vorobey
        Good afternoon snack. why don't you give reverse examples

        Because everyone else brings them, forgetting that there is another side to the coin. Below I wrote:
        Quote: snek
        On the one hand, there are cases when more or less normal parents take their children to an orphanage, on the other hand, cases when parents practically mock children or simply use them as a source of money for "booze", unfortunately, are also not uncommon in our society.

        Quote: revnagan
        I do not agree. The usual, so to speak, justice and social services should work.

        Yes, as you want, call them. The main thing is to make sure that children of alcoholics, addicts and sadists get an opportunity at least for a tolerable childhood (it’s impossible to talk about a happy one), and children from poor but normal families receive financial assistance.
        1. +6
          3 October 2012 10: 52
          Quote: snek
          Yes, as you want, call them. The main thing is to make sure that children of alcoholics, addicts and sadists get an opportunity at least for a tolerable childhood (it’s impossible to talk about a happy one), and children from poor but normal families receive financial assistance.

          snack grandmas rule. children from shelters are the same product. Why are foster families of healthy Russian children immediately taken away? and with patients more difficult, bad heredity?
          I once wrote about my heredity Daddy spent my two terms. the first for a youngster under Stalin for the theft, the second term for the fact that three of them broke hard in a fight, then drank too much. and nothing two higher education, a normal family. work, children. My mother grew up without any juvenile mother and my brother raised us, but it is worth noting that society itself raised it then.
    4. +2
      3 October 2012 11: 40
      Quote: AlexSS
      By itself, juvenile justice, in the form in which it was conceived, is not a bad thing and even useful, but what now exists under the name "juvenile justice" has nothing to do with it!

      So the better way does not exist at all than exists in the form in which it exists now!
      1. s1н7т
        3 October 2012 22: 06
        Definitely! A plus)
    5. Bashkaus
      3 October 2012 14: 02
      Do not impose your own rules on a Russian person! We do not love this, and it’s life-threatening! Teach history, can it really not reach you in 1000 years? Russia is TABU for you! Forget it, this is a wild forest in which a civilized person has nothing to do, in Russia your civilization does not visit, we have our own laws. You are madmen trying to change unshakable things.
      1. s1н7т
        3 October 2012 22: 11
        Um. This wild forest has already been sold to Finland in particular. Your thoughtless jingoism is annoying. Russian, according to the party and the Russian Orthodox Church, from time immemorial lived according to the concepts of the West - Ruriks-Varangians and other nonsense. Even a foreign religion is still cherished, patriots! laughing And many social dogmas were formed on it)))
  6. Brother Sarych
    3 October 2012 08: 35
    Juvenile justice is somewhat reminiscent of crazy dog ​​lovers in Moscow, for whom the rights of stray dogs are much more valuable than the rights of all other citizens! The main thing is that the dogs do not suffer, and that people bite, sometimes to death - these are all trifles ...
    1. Raven
      3 October 2012 15: 32
      Well, here the people themselves are to blame, they admitted that the dogs remained on the street and breed uncontrollably
    2. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 22: 14
      Do not take aside and do not touch the dogs!
  7. snek
    3 October 2012 08: 39
    The term “juvenile justice” (translated from English as “juvenile justice”) is rooted in ancient orgiastic cults practicing sacrifices.

    After this (first) sentence, I realized that there could be no question of any objectivity in the material. In general, the problem is very complex. On the one hand, there are cases when children from more or less normal parents are taken to an orphanage, on the other hand, cases when parents practically bully children or simply use them as a source of money for "booze", unfortunately, are also not uncommon in our society. It is necessary to look for a middle ground when the interests of both parents and children would be taken into account and at the same time one would not be opposed to others. And articles like this, bubbling with emotions, only heighten social tension without offering any way out.
    1. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 22: 26
      Quote: snek
      Need to find a middle ground

      You have nothing else to do, or are you writing about the salary here? Everything has been found long ago! Once again - everything was found long ago !!! There were laws, methods, experience. And children from Soviet boarding schools did not grow up as fagots / drug addicts themselves, and sometimes as models for society. You will find examples, there are many of them. By the way, one of the first laws of "free Russia" just canceled the persecution of these pid.orov. Your call to "seek" is reminiscent of the politics of that time - to seek something new. In the West. You don't need to look for anything - everything has been found long ago! We have. Our. And it is checked - it works.
  8. +2
    3 October 2012 09: 00
    we’ll roll into the abyss with similar laws, I’ve already said. soon mom and dad will not have words, there will be the word parent ... horror in one word ... about the West I’m silent and banned
  9. NICK
    3 October 2012 09: 08
    In 1941, one American Jew, Kaufman, proposed the sterilization of all Germans, and in 1942 the Germans (Eichmann, Heydrich) offered to finally resolve the issue with the Jews. By the way, when after the war some Jews hanged another Jew (Eichmann) his last words were - Hang up, hang up, there will be one more Jew less. I hope no one will deny the great influence of Jews in the governments of all countries where juvenile justice is becoming widespread. I remember the film "Highlander", there should be only one (God's chosen people).
    1. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 22: 36
      Hmm. And I read completely different "last words" of Eichmann. For this - a minus. For the Jews - I would have put one more, but nowhere). In general, there are three types of Jews:
      -Our, ordinary people (my Jewish classmate occupies a large position at nuclear power plants, for example);
      - Israelis (these are unfortunate puppets, which others take advantage of);
      -the world bankers who invented this whole "Jewish question" - the Rothschilds and so forth. Incidentally, they also financed Hitler))) with his vision of the Jewish question. So the people have nothing to do with it. By the way, they also created Israel with their own (!) Money - it was necessary to provide a basis for the theory!) It is necessary to watch films (not all, really), but it is also worth studying history carefully!)))
      1. +1
        4 October 2012 00: 08
        Quote: c1n7
        In general, there are three types of Jews:

        Here you are wrong - there are Jews and there are trainers
  10. +7
    3 October 2012 09: 37
    Friends! Have you ever talked with those who left for Germany, Finland, France and other countries? Remember with what rapture they talk about the delights of a foreign life. Therefore, their problems were born by themselves.
    Our main and universal task prevent the creeps of this crap to us in our country and in our homes.
    Following the example of the "Sakhalin" I will go and check the weapon safe!
    1. +5
      3 October 2012 09: 54
      Quote: omsbon
      Following the example of the "Sakhalin" I will go and check the weapon safe!

      In, and grind a shovel and grease.
    2. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 22: 40
      Duc already crawled. We also have this pido ... er commissioner for children's rights. In the country and in the regions too. Already admitted, however. That’s how the USSR was about shit, so it will be here. And the safe has nothing to do with it at all. Voted for EP? Leave the safe alone. He will not help you anymore. It is sad that you do not understand this (((
  11. Vanek
    3 October 2012 10: 31
    When I met my future wife. When I found out that her distant relatives live in Germany: - Mother went there to live. And now, well ...
  12. Alonso
    3 October 2012 10: 44
    Quiet horror ... Compared to the "developed" countries, we have the healthiest society. If only it remained so. And these sexless homosexuals will die out themselves.
    1. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 22: 44
      Not understood! But what about the party’s line and the guarantor’s policy ?! laughing We have not had a healthy society for a long time, and soon there will be no simple society. You just have to wait for the next laws "like theirs." The people voted for the United Russia party, which promotes all this at the behest of ... Well, the people, or what? laughing
  13. +1
    3 October 2012 11: 18
    Do people who work in such bodies really have no conscience? And if they don’t have, then there are no bans against them either.
  14. +6
    3 October 2012 11: 51
    Briefly and clearly.
  15. +5
    3 October 2012 12: 06
    Juvenile justice (mind me, mind you!) Is the collapse of our traditional values. Destruction of the institution of the family, which is already bursting at the seams. We already have enough problems with teenage alcoholism and drug addiction, smoking and substance abuse, early pregnancies and other "benefits" Western civilization .. If you follow the canons of this insanity, which is called such a respected word "justice", it turns out that a parent who shot his child caught around the corner with a cigarette or a bottle of beer, or worse, found drugs, or even just banned today to walk for the deuce received at school, will they be deprived of parental rights and children in general? And then they will also give them up for education pedgay people? Yes, never! I don’t have weapons in the house, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t resist. Of course, I hope for the prudence of the authorities, but God forbid !! For my family I’ll cut my throat to anyone as I cut her cattle without blinking an eye am . And the forests in our Novgorod region are dense, sometimes lost for weeks looking for lost tongue
    1. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 22: 47
      Quote: lewerlin53rus
      I hope for the prudence of the authorities

      The prudence of the authorities is determined by the voter. No other way. And they won’t even look for you - they will die out quietly themselves (((
  16. Bashkaus
    3 October 2012 13: 33
    We are given only ten commandments by God himself.
    The fifth of them reads: Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged on the earth, which the Lord your God gives you.

    The abomination of desolation is drawing near.

    I don’t know how to tell you, either as a father, or as a psychologist. But for all living things, the continuation of the genus is characteristic, this is the most important distinguishing feature from non-living. If we are talking about feasts ... incapable of procreation, then it is worth talking about them as dead alive. For some reason, in medicine, the concepts of clinical death, biological and coma are distinguished. For example, a person lies in a coma about 10 years old, the brain has died a long time ago, and the body is still on the device like a vegetable. So any undead promoting such laws and executing them as well as ... physically still live, breathe, even eat and communicate with other people, but in fact he is already living dead. did not fulfill their main duty in life, did not extend the clan. In my opinion, this is what the Bible means when it first talks about spiritual death, and after it, physical death.
    1. Bashkaus
      3 October 2012 13: 52
      And yet, they forget about the most important thing - the maternal instinct is the strongest. And those in whom he was still left will be bitten as lionesses by the representatives of juvenile justice if they try to take her kittens.
      As a father, I can definitely say for myself, I will die for my son - as you wish, so understand.
      1. -1
        3 October 2012 14: 02
        and you won’t take away the children!
    2. snek
      3 October 2012 14: 11
      Do you want me to convey the contents of your post in three words? Gays are zombies.
      True, according to your logic, zombies are also people suffering from infertility, and also due to other medical reasons, not able to have children.
      Quote: Bashkaus
      In my opinion, this is what the Bible means when it first talks about spiritual death, and after it, physical death.

      Where does the bible speak of spiritual death? I’m an atheist, but I’ve read the Bible. The bible soul is immortal. She may go to hell or paradise, but the soul cannot die.
      1. Bashkaus
        3 October 2012 16: 56
        That is precisely because you are an atheist, unfortunately and cannot understand these things - do not think that I blame you, this is just the case of the difference in the format of perception of the world
        Sorry, I can’t find the words.
        You try to turn for the sake of interest in God, tell him
        "God, if you exist, let me understand this" Try to ask this question sincerely as often as possible "If you do this without pride, at least for a minute, admitting that in fact God can exist, then believe me, amazing things will happen to you)) )
        And if in your own words, then life is the creation of something that would improve giving your strength and desire to contemplate. Death is destruction and the desire to change something to get.
        What skill a person will receive during his lifetime will remain after separation of body and soul.
        God created us and gives us all our blessings, all of them are in his hands (this is our humility). He either gives them to us for our loyalty, or a person turns away from him committing sins. His benefit is life, i.e. lack of sorrows. If a person turns away from him and goes against the laws of physics i.e. God, then he is already suffering. People suffer for their sins and they can either repent when they realize that they suffer much more painlessly than receive happiness and begin to fulfill the will of God, or they don’t care. But those who deliberately go against his will, at the same time suffer and instead of humble themselves, turn to God and repent continue to do evil and other people are already dead while still in bodies. Their souls are already dirty and stink. Here take the absurd feminists who planted or Kiev, sawing crosses. Well, woman, proudly went against God, she doesn’t like to see her place in life - to cook cabbage soup, to love her husband, she doesn’t love her, that’s why the peasant doesn’t need her, from the lack of attention of men she’s howling, in this story, or Lisbians with their own kind, or in the feminists. And to admit to herself that she wants her man to do it well ... to be afraid and suffering unbearably from that, displacing resentment against others, thereby even worse than sinning, and, like a snowball, rolling new great sorrows on himself, and this is during life !! ! when there is an opportunity to repent and overestimate their behavior. And after the death of the crosses she will no longer be able to saw, and lezbinyanichat too, and from the fact that she just can not take out her evil it will be even worse and this is forever)))) And the whole world backstage has long stood on the side of death, they are trying to destroy, here it turns out, but after the separation of the soul from the body, they can no longer do anything, only spray with saliva. Look at Hillary Clinton and Brzizika, how much they want to lower Russia, but it doesn’t work. Well, they will spoil us with a little juvenile justice or something else, but it still doesn’t work out, why aren't you HELL? )))
        1. snek
          4 October 2012 07: 13
          Comrade Baskaus, no offense, but if I practiced such a gesture as facepalm, then when I read your post I would have broken my face with blood.
          I will not disassemble everything, because it will take several sheets. Well here are a couple of examples:
          Quote: Bashkaus
          And after the death of the crosses, she will no longer be able to saw, and lezbinyanichat too, and from the fact that she just can not take out her evil, it will be even worse and this is forever))))

          The first one. Are heterosexual relationships in hell / paradise possible? If so, it turns out souls have primary sexual characteristics?
          Second. "this is all for eternity" - this is generally a mock moment in Christianity (and in other religions), the majority live their gray life: someone is a little better, someone is a little worse, and based on the results of this gray life, it is decided whether a person will be trillions of trillions of years is in hellish torment or in heavenly delights. Although, I think, the fundamental difference between the first and the second will be noticeable only for the first couple of million years further, the main torture will be boredom and the awareness of the infinity of the same existence, which cannot be stopped.
          The third "))))" - you put four emoticons after describing how others will undergo eternal torment. Yes, you are a lycimer and a sadist.
          Quote: Bashkaus
          Here take the absurd feminists who planted or Kiev, sawing crosses. Well, woman, proudly went against God, she doesn’t like to see her place in life - to cook cabbage soup, to love her husband, she doesn’t love her, that’s why the peasant doesn’t need her, from the lack of attention of men she’s howling, in this story, or Lisbians with their own kind, or in the feminists.

          Sawing crosses and dancing is a kindergarten. In the country where I was born, religion was fought somewhat more ... effectively.

          And it would seem that everything was built - a state in which common sense triumphed over religious prejudices ... but no ... By the way, here explain to me why there was prostitution in the Russian Orthodox Empire, it wasn’t in the godless USSR, and in modern Russia, which more and more forgets that she, in theory, a secular state, prostitution is also flourishing?
    3. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 22: 55
      Gee-gee!))) A fan of the Bible, you would first learn the Russian language textbook! laughing And then - we Russian, Russian, but in Russian you can’t write laughing By the way, this is typical for followers of religious cults! (
  17. +2
    3 October 2012 14: 32
    The processes taking place in Europe are more likely to indicate the decline of Western Civilization, there is a process of decomposition and degeneration of the consumer society created by it, when the institution of family and marriage is everywhere tackled, the real interests of children are ignored, and the main concern of this civilization that has played into the shit democracy is to ensure the interests of gays, lesbians, etc. sexually and drug-obsessed freaks, the promotion of base human instincts.
    It is strange at the same time to hear sometimes our figures, who seem to dream of the unification of Russia with Europe. This is with whom do we unite? With this rotting viper? Who needs this? A lesson needs to be learned from what is happening in Europe - what are the rampant crap brought to obscurity lead to all of these so-called shitty democratic values.
    And look from the side as a self-confident, impatient and loving to teach others Europe drowning in democratic shit. She herself chose this path, the road is there for her!
  18. Raven
    3 October 2012 15: 29
    Animals. Animals. I can’t find another word.
    And bastards of all sorts of homosexuals and so on. protect. Respect rights.
    The only thing I like about the 3rd Reich is that they isolated such "gays" from society, did not give them rights. And here Westerners are trying to do the same, give them rights, cattle
    1. +3
      3 October 2012 17: 15
      In Soviet times, there was an article in the Criminal Code for this. and calling a person "3,14 .. som" has always been considered the strongest insult.
    2. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 22: 57
      For the 3rd Reich - minus the specific.
  19. IPSC-2008
    3 October 2012 15: 54
    I am sitting with a German citizen, reading an article. He is shocked !!!! He says that having lived for so many years in this country, he has never encountered this problem, and in his circle of communication they have not heard of this. Apparently the social circle is not the same. His father, who lived in the USSR for 5 years, could not get permission to adopt children in Germany, everything is very strict there, as a result he came to Russia and adopted 2 babies, took them to Germany. These are the literal words of the German "You notice a chip in someone else's you don't see the log. " The article is controversial and not objective. Once again I am convinced that there is nothing better than Soviet education !!!!! And for my children I will tear off any head.
    1. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 22: 59
      These are all words. Millions of their native USSR vowed to protect, not sparing their belly. And where is he?
    2. +1
      8 November 2017 00: 01
      I'm sitting with a German citizen, reading an article. He is in shock !!!! He says that having lived so many years in this country, he has never encountered this problem and in his circle of communication they have not heard of this.

      17 year I live in Germany. 2 of my children studied in German schools. For many years, my wife has been leading a gymnasium, but for some reason none of us have heard such tales either.
  20. +3
    3 October 2012 15: 58
    Read. Article plus. What is stated in the article is just awful. The degeneration of nations and what is especially scary, not in a spontaneous manner, but according to clear guidelines and standards. The institution of the family is deliberately being destroyed.
    I also read the comments of Russian forum users. And about the saiga in the safe and about hungry children who do not need anyone and about the nostalgia for public institutions of the USSR. This is all the result of the commercialization of life, the race for the dough and complete irresponsibility and lack of accountability to local authorities. And he thanked the leadership of his homeland, in Belarus, what you recall with nostalgia is and is being strengthened.
    I hope this turmoil will pass in Russia too, and the people of power will stop stuffing their pockets and begin to think in the state and on the good of the Motherland. Because without normal Russia and Belarus kirdyk.
    All good.
    1. Raven
      3 October 2012 16: 03
      stop pockets stuffing, yeah right now, scatter and do. This will not happen for a long time
      1. s1н7т
        3 October 2012 23: 06
        Quote: Raiven
        This will not happen for a long time

        Sorry, you got a bug. It will be right - "It will never be." Do not entertain yourself with illusions (
    2. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 23: 05
      I envy. Plus)
      But it seems to me that the chances are small. This YU is only part of the program. One of the means for the collapse of the Russian Federation. And "people of power" are its people, they depend on it. They can go to the West. They expect to pay off all problems. Money stolen from us. What is their homeland? They all swore to the USSR - where is the USSR? The Russian Federation will also be there.
  21. +4
    3 October 2012 16: 14
    I wanted to describe one case. Grandfather walks from the store, sees a crowd of teenagers. passes mimi sees his granddaughter 13 years old. With a cigarette. He kicked her snot. So he was forbidden to come closer than 50 meters to her for three months. How I wanted at this moment to break this bastard. When I saw her, with this police. Itself looks like three days after typhoid. Dressed such a madcap, even the "hippie" did not see. And these creatures will tell me and other normal people how to grow dates.
    1. +2
      3 October 2012 17: 04
      Quote: Heinrich Ruppert
      And these creatures will tell me and other normal people how to grow dates.

      Heinrich, well, we are only parents, and they are teachers - this is above fatherly and motherly love.
      for creatures a separate plus.
      1. +2
        3 October 2012 17: 18
        Yes Sash the way it is. How many times have I seen in stores children fall into hysterics fall to the floor. And mom is standing nearby and all bitte, stop bitte. I would have long picked up by the scruff of the neck and shit. My races tried so throw on the floor. After this procedure, she talked like a grandmother. Bitte I didn’t say right away was just a wave of my hand. People who yellow said the right thing and younger did not say anything. But a ramming sheep will start up, which must be immediately shot up and begins to swing.
        1. +2
          3 October 2012 17: 33
          Quote: Heinrich Ruppert
          I would have long picked up by the scruff of the neck and shit.

          Similarly, and the wife is all, boils if I shake a little. she is already worried that someone will not understand it.
      2. Kaa
        3 October 2012 21: 17
        Quote: vorobey
        and they are teachers - it is above fatherly and motherly love.

        Since childhood, I do not intuitively love the word teacher. There is a Teacher, Sensei, but there is a scrub, a teacher, for some reason it looks like a pedophile, p ... derast (through which letter is correct?). And to these people? will we let us decide the fate of our families and children ?! am
    2. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 23: 12
      Shopipets! They called me to stay in Germany, now I am more and more convinced that I refused correctly. Soon from the terland, a globalized space will remain. Chur me! This will also befall us, probably, but later. But we still have a chance to fight. We'll see.
  22. Patriot
    3 October 2012 16: 18
    A funny article denouncing the "latest INNOVATIONS" (and, God forbid, that it was really the last) Putin's gangs WTO, Juvenile Justice, Cancellation of winter time, replacement of cops with show-off (police), reform-destruction of the ARMY AND EDUCATION!

      3 October 2012 17: 12
      Patriot! Yes, glory to the great PU, Mendelssohn and other Jewish-Zionist bastards!
    2. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 23: 15
      You forgot to add that under Putin the word "god" has become mandatory to write with a capital letter laughing laughing laughing Otherwise, you understand, "an insult to the feelings of believers." And you immediately - GOD!))) Tolerance, right? laughing laughing laughing
  23. +2
    3 October 2012 16: 40
    Quote: Aventurinka
    lawmakers spit on it all. And the words of GDP and the protest of living people

    Legislators have a specific face and belong to a particular party under the leadership of a particular leader. But the last word belongs to the Guarantor of the Constitution. Wait, sir
    I don't have a Saiga. But Winchester will not be worse?

    Quote: IPSC-2008
    You notice a chip in someone else's eye, you don't see a log in your own. ”The article is controversial and not objective.

    There are materials on the net about Margaret Sanger. The ideologist of the juvenile. Almost everything goes according to her scripts. "Logs" and we have enough, but what is happening "they" have never been. I hoped that Lakhova would never come up with her "sex education and family planning" again. Fuck there ...
  24. Patriot
    3 October 2012 17: 43
    Patriot! Yes, glory to the great PU, Mendelssohn and other Jewish-Zionist bastards!

    ] DEAR, UNSOMBINED (or discerning) comrade.
    You are ... Caution. Wait for us among us. They are very sensitive to anti-Semitic statements.
    THAT Z. Once again, one has to make sure that all THE WORLD WORTH EXAMPLE AND APPLY IN MY RUSSIA! AT THIS, the power-thieves gang of Putin understands all this perfectly

    And, if they were true patriots of Russia, such horror would never have been allowed in their country. As well as the collapse of the army with Serdyukov’s hands, entry into the WTO, etc.

    Putin's gang under the court!


    How do you like it? Dear, do not want to help?
      3 October 2012 18: 22
      Patriot! Yes, I agree, there are a lot of questions for Pu! This is the destruction of the GRU, fleet, MIR station, surrender of territories, the WTO, the destruction of the army, the stars of heroes to Chechen fighters, the list goes on and on! These personalities for me are also enemies, like the enemies of Yanukovych and the company, who bought up all of Ukraine, like an orange bastard fed by the State Department, like corrupt officials, courts, police and other scum! All of them are ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE!
    2. Raven
      3 October 2012 19: 14
      but I have a question, do we need to ruin the country again in order to do our own thing?
      1. s1н7т
        3 October 2012 23: 17
        An interesting question!))) But who will give?
  25. Patriot
    3 October 2012 18: 32

    BUT, THERE IS THE QUESTION WHEN THE TRUE PRESIDENT-PATRIOT WILL COME THAT WILL BE ABLE TO UNITE OUR FRIENDLY PEOPLES? A man who will not steal himself and will not cover his friends oligarchs who deflate my country?

    When will these pseudo-Russian ghouls disappear, and our brotherly countries will find true rulers?

    ps: But, what is most annoying, for the most part the Russian people do not see all the fatalities of the current situation. Putin's media and political strategists so competently washed their heads to citizens of RUSSIA that few can already sensibly assess the situation. Is it really the same in Ukraine?

    By the way, very interesting fiction about Judas - destroyers from a neighboring site.

      3 October 2012 18: 50
      In Ukraine, even worse, the Jews are in power even at the regional level! The second Khazaria, as they call Ukraine!
    2. Raven
      3 October 2012 19: 15
      Putin washed? Have you ever seen our television? Yes, and finally Chinese and Western
  26. -1
    3 October 2012 19: 21
    the author is a huge minus!
    By itself, juvenile justice, in the form in which it was conceived, is not a bad thing and even useful, but what now exists under the name "juvenile justice" has nothing to do with it!
    The author, not understanding or even not wanting to understand the problem, is simply trying to announce another "witch hunt"
    Remember, you brute. I don’t have an automatic machine like the "LIS" in my hands, but I’ll cut your throat with a knife — for your bitch, for my daughter, for all the children who are playing under my window. Don't you bastard, evaluate Russian children ... Scum
    1. s1н7т
      3 October 2012 23: 20
      Pancake! It is necessary to use "quotation" correctly! The beginning of the comment plunged me into sadness, put a minus. Then I read - our man! But you can't put the plus (
    2. 0
      4 October 2012 07: 27
      This is a very bad idea, to put it very softly. This is the case where it’s not like you don’t put a finger in your mouth, don’t even approach 100 meters. Family is sacred. You can’t get into any family !!!! If some freaks are about to kill their child, so what does the juvenile have to do with it ?! There is a regular criminal code!
  27. s1н7т
    3 October 2012 20: 39
    Respect to the author! The article has many advantages! It must be replicated and replicated! Until putinoids vperdol us this fucking "juvenile justice"! This will be a kick-ass to everything - first the family will collapse, then the society, then the country. There will remain a continuous "globalized" world - from edge to edge, everything under a single electronic control. And after all some bitch rules all this! And our moronic electorate still votes for Putin ...
    And if these juvenile ones ever come to me, I will not stand on ceremony. Family is sacred. The Motherland begins with it. If anyone thinks otherwise - he is a bugger, because what the fuck can their family be ?! And this Astakhov is for children, which, he, comes out, is the first swallow? Goat, it turns out! In short, there are no words, only emotions.
  28. bask
    3 October 2012 21: 35
    I completely agree with you. A, bl .... you think well.

    Ps With such ideas, what is so harnessed for gelman?
  29. Gorchakov
    3 October 2012 21: 44
    I know one thing and for sure ... If at least one person crosses the threshold of my apartment, introducing himself as a guardianship officer and trying to pick up my grandchildren, then maybe this will happen, but only after my death .... I have nothing to fear, God has sentenced me but while I am able to do what I knew how to do well all my life, namely to protect people and the country, I will do everything so that people who encroached on my future either go home or escort me to another world .... I lonely in this world and ask deputies to really weigh everything ....
    1. s1н7т
      4 October 2012 01: 08
      The deputies do not care about you, if that. They have other problems. And the tasks are different. They will accept what they say.
    2. 0
      4 October 2012 07: 25
      I also decided. And for some reason, my Christian conscience is completely calm. I will not kill the robber and the thief, and the juvenile bastard without hesitation
  30. 0
    3 October 2012 21: 48
    Damn them these Euro-pedo-haircuts!
    Let their Arabs rather finish off, it is better to Islam then.
    If they had taken the children from me, they would have shot these juvenile bureaucrats, but what's the point of continuing to live like this?
    1. 0
      4 October 2012 07: 23
      I wonder who did that make you so angry. I support with all my heart. Yuvenalka is not the case when you can even argue. Just finish these pidarasov.
  31. bask
    3 October 2012 21: 50
    Gee !! I didn’t understand. c1n7t don’t be nervous so. In the camp are not alone ,, fools ,, live and are smart. Did someone teach you how to read? Drink antidepressants helps, you see depresnyak.
  32. bask
    3 October 2012 22: 15
    s1n7t I didn’t answer why for the gelman’s gallery I harnessed. Love pederastic ,, art ,, Their casterish itself, and myself hidden, pede ..... I saw a lot of such pide .... I smell for a mile, repented ....
    1. s1н7т
      4 October 2012 01: 16
      baskets do not teach politeness? I'm already silent about the Russian language))) And at the expense of "hidden ..." - you ask yourself, my friend. Although it seems to me that you are not hidden, but an explicit homosexual. There were no such people in the Soviet army. Probably you served in the RF Armed Forces? I sympathize.
  33. +2
    4 October 2012 07: 22
    Quote: Alexander Petrovich
    There is only one way out - REVOLUTION !!!

    This is the only time I will support this revolution. Thank you for the article. It is a pity that not enough vivid facts from our life are given. The fact is that with a quiet glanders juvenile acts in Russia as a pilot project.
    1) In the Vologda Oblast, officials took away the children after their father asked the administration to improve housing. A day later, custodial suki came and took two girls, because father did not provide them with nominal conditions.
    2) In Tatarstan, six children from the large Yakovlev family were taken away, because although the parents had a big house, they did not have a residence permit and official work. Family humiliation continues to this day. Parents promise to return back to Ulyanovsk and say that his father is just a coven at a construction site. Scum from custody even showed a refrigerator clogged with food. The judge remained adamant.
    Since when instead of help we now have families punish parents for that according to bureaucrats, they "financially disadvantaged"? Who brought this satanic theory to my country?
    I have no words, only emotions.
    I read in the internet that pidarasy from Edra has already pushed through the law on Juvenile fascism in the first reading. Naturally, everything is for "our good". Of course - after all, some scumbags (about 2-3 chelas in the whole country) torture their children, and if so, then we must now bite our stinking snout into every Russian family. And it’s up to you whether you have the right to raise your child and have one in general if your house is poorly renovated.
    You have to start fighting now. For starters, at the entrances where workers of guardianship authorities live, you need to stick flyers with their faces. Paste the same leaflets at schools where their children study (if they have children).
    The same suki, who will make at least a finger to pick up a child from the family, should suffer harder. Do they want to spread fear in our country? Well, not just fear, but animal panic, they will receive themselves. No compromises. Any bureaucrat from guardianship is the enemy of everything human. Even a guardian cleaner should start worrying about her fate.
    Otherwise, these nonhumans will not reach.
    Anyone who dissolves snot about certain scumbags torturing their children, I must say right away - they have the Criminal Code. Juvenile has nothing to do with it !!!
    I add - the Orthodox Church categorically against, considering this phenomenon pure Satanism, as well as pederasty. As an Orthodox, I must abide by the laws and listen to the Ruler of the country, BUT if this Ruler does not oppose God. Adopting a juvenile is an outrageous violation of God's law. If they need blood, they will have blood.
    1. 0
      April 24 2017 10: 08
      Think with your brain, not your feelings. They have a juvenile consisting of lesbians, feminists and other perverts. And our "pilot" project consists of those who used to take children from the Alconaut families before the USSR !!!!!!!!!! Further, forget about the "revolution", for the simple reason that then everything will collapse, including you and millions of Russian families. Just read my comment about the "revolution" and scratch your brain and turn off your feelings.
      "The funny thing is that the BENEFITORS" who so want to "help" ordinary people of Russia like "don’t understand" that if "unrest" or even worse "revolution" begins, then all these "benefactors" will see what I’ll write now. NATO will immediately move "their" peacekeeping "army to the rescue of the" democratic "forces of Russia. And it doesn’t matter who stirs it up, are the liberals, the 5th column, the communists, the Liberal Democratic Party and other parties" from the people. " They need destabilization in Russia. Further, everyone will SEE the killings of millions of people in Russia, “gifts” from VVS NATO, neighbors, friends and other ordinary people. Everything will be destroyed again, the pensions of the elderly and disabled and the salaries of millions of people throughout Russia, accumulation in the banks of Russia, all this will turn into 0. Next disgraced billionaires from the UK will come and tear the skin from everyone who lives, for the "lost" superprofits while they "lived" over the hill. Yes, this is not a “dashing 90”, it will be a nightmare of 2017 and subsequent years. And all the “benefactors” who helped them will democratically “relocate” to the cemetery and at the same time blame the “rebels”. If I now record a video with these words, then believe me, for those who are so eager to “help”, it will be easier for ordinary people to escape over the hill or surrender to the police)) That’s how it will be, and those “benefactors' assistants” will sit back and see with horror what they have done. We continue further, and this is how it will end. The result of the Russian Army will not be, NATO will "take care" of this, and the "democratic" forces in Russia will destroy everything. The "loud appeals" to the people and the "demands" of justice will grow into a monstrous outrage, This is how Ukraine began, and then those who are in the zone will be released. And it will be a disaster for everyone !!!!!! Then the fierce grief of all will slurp. From the "benefactors" and those who "supported" them in Russia to the elderly. And if anyone doubts that NATO will be able to do this, then I will dispel these doubts. The golden billion of the world does not care how many soldiers die, they are all mercenaries and they (the gold ones) need a local conflict.
      “revolution”, “popular unrest” will begin and NATO will immediately react. And they do not care about our children, the elderly and women)) then Russia will be between two fires; "revolution" and "liberation" of the NATO army. "ALL CLEAR?
    2. 0
      April 24 2017 11: 13
      If you are truly an Orthodox Christian, then why do not you see the difference between the juvenile EU, USA and RUSSIA ???? Didn’t you know that such an organization was also under the USSR when children depriving their parents of their rights from families of dysfunctional (drinking “parents”) ????? Further, the difference between the EU juvenile and the USA is this is their juvenile “consisting of lesbians, feminists and other perverts. ".... a juvenile in Russia from those who worked in the USSR with the same profile)) Further, about the cries of your" interlocutors "about the" revolution ", read what I have written to another person and ask God, take away the feelings and think with your head before you write this “This is the only time I will support this revolution.” Read and think below my words about “revolution” and “human blood”
      "The funny thing is that the BENEFITORS" who so want to "help" ordinary people of Russia like "don’t understand" that if "unrest" begins or worse "revolution" then all these "benefactors" will see what I’ll write now. NATO will immediately move "their" peacekeeping "army to the rescue of the" democratic "forces of Russia. And it doesn’t matter who stirs it up, are the liberals, the 5th column, the communists, the Liberal Democratic Party and other parties" from the people. " They need destabilization in Russia. Further, everyone will SEE the killings of millions of people in Russia, “gifts” from VVS NATO, neighbors, friends and other ordinary people. Everything will be destroyed again, the pensions of the elderly and disabled and the salaries of millions of people all of Russia, the accumulation in the banks of Russia, all this will turn into 0. Next disgraced billionaires from the UK will come and tear the skin from everyone who lives, for the "lost" extra profits while they "lived" over the hill))) Yes, it's not "dashing 90 "it will be a nightmare of 2017 and subsequent years. And all the" benefactors "who helped them will democratically" relocate "to the cemetery and at the same time blame the" rebels "))) If I now record a video with these words, then believe me, those who do eager to “help” for ordinary people it will be easier to run away over a hill or surrender to the police)) That’s how it will be, and those “helpers of benefactors” will sit back and see with horror what they’ve done. We continue further, and this is how it will end. The result of the Russian Army will not be, NATO will "take care" of this, and the "democratic" forces in Russia will destroy everything here))) The "loud appeals" to the people and the "demands" of justice will grow into a monstrous rival ) in Ukraine, it all started, and then those who are sitting in the zone will be released)) And it will be a disaster for everyone !!!!!! Then the fierce grief of everyone will slurp. From the "benefactors" and those who "supported" them in Russia to the elderly. And if anyone doubts that NATO will be able to do this, then I will dispel these doubts. The golden billion of the world does not care how many soldiers die, they are all mercenaries and they (the gold ones) need a local conflict. Especially (read carefully) I have a strong suspicion that all these "Russians" do not live in Russia)) Otherwise, they would have seen everything with their own eyes)) The fact that pensions are raised is not much (Russia has more pensioners than any other country in the world). Further, Sberbank has been owned by investors since the 90s that they have bought a 60% stake in Sberbank and they see how much ordinary people in Russia have money in their accounts. Hence the “consumer” loans with an overpriced interest rate. But the question is how do they (the holders of these shares) ) "delicately" reset the accounts of everyone who lives in Russia, including the "tribe of Judah"))) Everything is simple and logical))) The "standing" of the "peacekeeping" NATO army crawls out into a huge "penny" for all participants in NATO countries )) WHERE TO TAKE THEM ?????????)))) MEAN NEEDS RIOT IN RUSSIA AND THE ACCOUNTS WILL BE DAMAGEDLY FROZEN AND MONEY CONSIDERED)))
      ALL CLEAR?"
      Further your words "I, as an Orthodox, must abide by the laws and listen to the Ruler of the country, BUT if this Ruler does not oppose God."
      And now what is written not by me but by the priest of the Russian Orthodox Church (READ CAREFULLY)
      "About President Putin, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) said:

      “In 1917, almost a thousand-year continuity of the country's rulers who were Orthodox Christians was interrupted in Russia. And in this sense, now the connection of times has been restored to the personality of the current president. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is truly an Orthodox Christian, and not only a nominal one, but a person who confesses, takes communion and recognizes his responsibility before God for the high service entrusted to him and for his immortal soul. The burden of tasks, the severity of the problems, the measure of responsibility that this person took upon himself are truly enormous. Anyone who truly loves Russia and wishes her good can only pray for Vladimir Vladimirovich, the Providence of God placed at the head of Russia. "
      And if you are truly an Orthodox Christian, then you will understand everything, but if not, then God will judge us both.))) With God)
  34. Patriot
    4 October 2012 09: 42
    Quote: Raiven
    Raven (1)
    Putin washed? Have you ever seen our television? Yes, and finally Chinese and Western

    YOUR IS IT BELARUSIAN? What is wrong with him?
  35. Patriot
    4 October 2012 09: 58
    Quote: Alexander Petrovich
    Alexander Petrovich (1) Today, 02:38 ↑ new 1 
    There is only one way out - REVOLUTION !!!

    Lord. What are you. What is your revolution? 63,7% of stupid Russians voted for this enemy of the people of Putin?
    Do you think they will make a revolution?
    1. 0
      April 24 2017 10: 14
      Shut up "petriot". Read my answer above and if you scum you will ignore it. And yet, such as you "patriots" are a shame of your own kind. If that starts, your nickname will not save you. Remember, only a frankly stupid person can humiliate the people in which he was born and lives (which I strongly doubt) or the scumbag of a foreign country and a foreign subculture.
  36. 0
    April 24 2017 09: 50
    Quote: Ross
    In the 2007 year, psychologists in Britain examined local parliamentarians and 20% of them were recognized as mentally ill. Think it over! Every fifth legislator is crazy! What laws should be expected from such legislators? This is the face of the modern West with all the human vices exploited by the backstage.

  37. The comment was deleted.
  38. 0
    April 24 2017 10: 46
    [quote = Alexander Petrovich] One way out - REVOLUTION !!! [/ q

    What did the "communist" want for human blood?))) By all means and as usual, through the loud "slogans" on the heads of people in the Supreme Power we want to crawl))) Well, this is as usual, isn't it?))))) After all, it’s not enough for you two devastations of the Russian people, the Great October Revolution and the "Perestroika" of the USSR when you let everyone in the world. Billions during the Revolution and billions of people during the "Perestroika"))) It is necessary to use Russia for the third time around the world as a dashing 90))) It’s you sold the USSR wholesale and retail to both people and industry and the military-industrial complex)) Forgot how?))) I will remind you how the "omnipotent" CC.KPSS of the USSR and its "members" brought down everything under the guise to please foreign owners)) And now when the Russian Army is fully restored and terrifies for predators of this world and hope for ordinary people of the world, you stir up the water again))) With your "supporters" what is written on the forum here))) There is a strong suspicion that you do not live in Russia, otherwise I wouldn’t write such crazy nonsense that shows that you all absolutely do not know the situation in Ro ssii.A know only what they write to you, your stinks from the Judah tribe (liberals, 5 column and others) whom you bought with the help of worthless "greens"))) So sir, shut up for God's sake))) But I know perfectly that you and your sixes will now conquer and pour mud over me)) And they’ll call me with different “titles”, but that doesn’t characterize me but characterizes them))) After all, “whoever is obsessed with it insults me”)) Such a sign) )

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"