How the Bolsheviks created Ukraine

V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin - Soviet leaders who created Ukraine within the current borders
In "independent" Ukraine, it is customary to curse the Soviet past. However, thanks to the Bolsheviks, such a large "Ukraine" was created. If we refuse Soviet gifts, then only five regions will remain from Ukraine - Kyiv, Podolsk, Volyn, Poltava and Chernihiv.
It was this “Ukraine” that the Central Rada claimed after the 1917 Revolution. In fact, these are the former possessions of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, who rebelled against the Polish throne.
What is real decommunization for Ukraine
Therefore, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is absolutely right, who said about readiness to arrange a real decommunization for Ukraine.
Putin, in an address to Russians and compatriots in Ukraine, stated that
Kiev needs to be reminded that in its present form Ukraine was completely created by the Bolsheviks. Ukrainian nationalists and democrats have been cursing Lenin and Stalin for more than 30 years, but it was they who created the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Ukrainian SSR). The Russian regions were transferred to the Ukrainian SSR entirely with the Russian population. If we take historical “Ukraine” means five (!) regions.
Only thanks to the Bolsheviks, Ukraine became the largest state in Europe (if you do not take the Russian Federation). If the Ukrainian nationalists won the Civil War, which began in 1917, then “Ukraine” would have been left without Galicia and Volhynia (they were captured by the Poles), without Donbass, Crimea and the Black Sea provinces. And the Red Army and the Bolsheviks, having defeated both the White Guards and the Petliurists (nationalists) in Ukraine, did nothing but increase the possessions of Ukraine.
The failure of the "Great Russian chauvinist" Stalin
In 1922, the Bolsheviks were deciding what the Soviet statehood would be like. Lenin at that time was seriously ill, so the issue was resolved without him. Comrade Joseph Stalin, Comrade Commissar for Nationalities, played the main role in this matter. In his policy, Stalin already in this period was a staunch statesman, a supporter of a strong centralized state. As a Russian of Georgian origin, he perfectly understood what would happen if a lot of freedom and rights were given to the national outskirts, the Ukrainians. The Civil War had just ended, where all sorts of nationalist separatists fielded armies much larger in number than the Whites. When even the Russian Cossacks, like the Kuban and Donets, acted as separatists.
Therefore, Stalin proposed the Soviet federation as a basic model, where the rest will enter on the rights of autonomies. Stalin had many supporters. However, the Georgian party opposed it. It is worth remembering that the Georgian Social Democrats were active participants in the February Revolution, the collapse of the Russian Empire. Now they have “revolted” again, wanting to live in a full-fledged republic, with the right to secede from the Union. The Georgian Central Executive Committee accused Stalin of "Great Russian chauvinism" and resigned in protest. The Georgians were also supported by the Ukrainians. So, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, the People's Commissar of Justice and the Prosecutor General of the Ukrainian SSR Nikolai Skrypnik and Lenin's personal friend dashed off a complaint against Stalin to the leader of the peoples. He gave Lenin, through Krupskaya, a personal letter about Stalin's "great-power" plans.
Lenin was afraid that he was being seized control, and attacked Stalin with criticism. Stalin's reasonable plan was crossed out. The model was based on a confederation, with the right to withdraw the republics from the Union. This clause was included in the Soviet constitution of 1924. True, Stalin, when he was able to defeat the opposition, de facto established his own model of the Soviet state. As a zealous owner, he only increased the territory of the state, and did not squander it.
Gifts from the Soviet government
Ukraine entered the USSR with a huge gift - the lands of the abolished Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic (DKSR). It included the territories of the Kharkov and Yekaterinoslav provinces (in full), part of the Krivoy Rog region of the Kherson province, part of the counties of the Taurida province (up to the Crimean Isthmus) and the adjacent industrial (coal) regions of the Don Cossacks, the city of Shakhty and along the Rostov-Likhaya railway line. In fact, the entire Left Bank. Now these are the current Donetsk, Lugansk, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye regions, as well as partially Kharkov, Sumy, Kherson, Nikolaev and Russian Rostov regions. The capital of the DRSR was Kharkov, then Luhansk.
Naturally, they did not ask the consent of either the inhabitants of these Russian regions, or the party leadership of the republic, whether they want to become part of the “Ukraine”. The formal reason for the inclusion of the Russian Left Bank was the proletarian factor. They say that the Kiev region is entirely peasants, it is necessary to strengthen it with the working class, accelerate modernization and industrialization. Therefore, the capital of the Ukrainian SSR until 1934 was Kharkov.
Obviously, there is another major factor. The opponents of the Russian communists, the Bolshevik-Stalinists, were the Trotskyists, the internationalist revolutionaries, who placed the task of "world revolution" above the national interests of Soviet Russia. The internationalists tried with all their might to defeat the Russian "great-power chauvinists", to suppress Russian self-consciousness, changing it to an international, cosmopolitan one. Therefore, more than a third of the Russian people were turned into "Ukrainians" by directive, and purely Russian regions were transferred to the Ukrainian SSR, allowing them to be forcibly Ukrainized.
Stalin annexed the current western part of Ukraine to the Ukrainian SSR. Historically, these were purely Russian lands, torn away by the Poles and Hungarians. They were returned to Russia during the Partition of the Commonwealth. The western "Ukraine" included the territories of eight regions - Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk, Volyn, Rivne, Chernivtsi, Khmelnitsky and Transcarpathian. After the collapse of the Russian Empire, these areas were captured by Poland. In 1939, during the Polish campaign of the Red Army, Western Russia was returned to Russia. It is worth noting that after World War II, a large-scale resettlement of Poles from Galicia to Poland was completed. And the Poles and Jews before that prevailed in the cities, in particular, in Lvov.
Also in 1940, Moscow took Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia from Romania. Bukovina and part of Bessarabia were merged into the Chernivtsi region of the Ukrainian SSR. The Izmail and Akkerman counties of Bessarabia were annexed to the Ukrainian SSR, forming the Akkerman and then the Izmail region. The Izmail region as part of the Ukrainian SSR existed until February 15, 1954, when it was merged with the Odessa region.
In 1945, Moscow returned Transcarpathian Rus (Rusyn-Russians lived there), which was captured by the Hungarians in the Middle Ages, and successively became part of Hungary, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Czechoslovakia and again Hungary. Budapest during the Second World War took the side of Nazi Germany. In 1944, the Red Army liberated Transcarpathia. In 1945, an agreement was signed on the entry of the former Transcarpathian Rus into the Ukrainian SSR. The Transcarpathian region became part of Soviet Ukraine.
In 1954, with the personal assistance of Nikita Khrushchev, Crimea was transferred from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR.
As a result, Moscow handed over to the Ukrainian SSR vast areas both in the east and in the west. In essence, an artificial state formation was created, which included several historical Russian regions at once. In theory, the current Ukrainian politicians and nationalists should erect monuments not to Bandera and Shukhevych, but to Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev. After all, it was the Soviet leaders who formed such a large “Ukraine”.
De-Russification of Russians in Ukraine
Until 1917, the population of Little Russia-Ukraine, Galicia, not to mention Novorossia and Donbass, almost completely identified themselves as Russians. However, the revolutionary authorities, starting with the Rada, the Hetmanate, the Directory, and ending with the Bolsheviks, diligently pursued a policy of Ukrainization. They crushed any resistance, introduced the language everywhere, banning the Russian language. They destroyed the higher urban Russian culture, pushed the rural-Ukrainian (parochial) culture. They fed, artificially supported the Ukrainian intelligentsia, the future stronghold of separatism and nationalism. In all waves of Ukrainization (revolutionary, 20s, Nazi occupation, Khrushchevism), the main blow was dealt to the Russian language.
The Soviet authorities abandoned the historical concept of the triune Russian people - Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians. "Russians, according to the difference in their dialects, are divided into Great Russians, Belarusians and Little Russians.”, - said, for example, in the “Textbook of the Geography of the Russian Empire”, published in St. Petersburg in 1873. They began to introduce a false concept of "three fraternal peoples." Although it is known that in Ancient Russia there were neither "Eastern Slavs", from whom the Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians allegedly "spun off", nor "Ukrainians". In any historical documents, sources, annals, it is said about "dews", "Rusich", "Rus", "Rus". The Russians did not go anywhere at a later time, during the Polish occupation. There was no total genocide, as well as large-scale migration of other peoples. Only groups of Jews and Poles appeared, mainly in the cities. Residents "Ukrainians" in the time of Bohdan Khmelnitsky considered themselves Russians. No "Ukrainians".
Under Catherine the Great, when almost all the lands of pre-Mongol Rus were united, all-Russian unity was completely restored. Polonisms from the South Russian dialect-adverb were supplanted by the more developed literary Russian language. All-Russian culture prevailed in the cities. So it was before the Revolution of 1917, when the project "Ukraine" was used by our external and internal enemies against Russia and the Russian people in order to dismember and destroy the Russian world-civilization.
Thus, if we abandon the Soviet legacy and finally “decommunize” the country, then the current Ukraine will have to be reduced to only five pre-revolutionary provinces - Kiev, Podolsk, Volyn, Poltava and Chernihiv. The founders of the "Ukraine" - Grushevsky and Petliura, did not even lay claim to Novorossia, whose lands the Russians recaptured from the Crimean Tatars and Turks. Indeed, the Russians who lived in Novorossiya during the Civil War fought for the Whites, the Reds, or Old Man Makhno, and fiercely hated the Petliurists (the forerunners of Bandera and modern neo-Bandera). The Central Rada did not lay claim to Galicia either. Lviv and Transcarpathia remained under the rule of Hungary and Poland.
All such historical processes are controlled. In order to eliminate the Ukraine-AntiRussia project, it is necessary to carry out lengthy, methodical work at different levels (especially informational), returning the Russianness of Novorossia, the Left Bank, the Kiev region, Galician and Carpathian Rus. All these are historically Russian lands inhabited by Russians, which for a century and especially 30 years of the new Ukraine have been confused, fooled, deceived and Ukrainized. The Russian-Ukrainians were turned into a "ram", created with the aim of the final destruction of Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos.