U.S. Ambassador to Tokyo announces U.S. support for Japan's sovereignty over South Kuril Islands


The United States supports Japan's position on ownership of the southern part of the Kuril Islands, thereby recognizing Japanese sovereignty over them, said US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel.

In a statement in honor of Japan's February 7 "Northern Territories Day" celebration, the US ambassador reaffirmed Washington's support for Japan's sovereignty over the southern Kuril Islands. At the same time, he stressed that the US authorities made the first statement about the ownership of the southern Kuriles by Japan back in the 50s.

Speaking about Russia's unwillingness to give the islands to Japan, Emanuel said that the violation of the sovereignty of other countries for Moscow is not "something new" and cited the situation with Ukraine, where Russia "occupied" Crimea and part of the Donbass, as an example.

Meanwhile, Russia does not recognize any celebrations like "Day of Northern Territories" because the southern Kuriles are Russian territory and Russian sovereignty over them is non-negotiable. According to Russian Ambassador to Japan Mikhail Galuzin, the transfer of the Kuril Islands to the Soviet Union is clearly recorded in the Yalta Agreement of 1945, which includes the signatures of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin.

Apparently the American ambassador does not know about this, or the US does not intend to comply with any international treaties, which is most likely.

Earlier, Japan sent another note of protest to Russia, in which it called unacceptable the holding of military exercises near the island of Kunashir, which is part of the Japanese "Northern Territories". In response, the Kremlin said that the islands belong to Russia, and she conducts military exercises on her territory wherever she wants.
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  1. 23+
    7 February 2022 14: 42
    USA bandits and behave like bandits, according to the situation.
    1. +1
      7 February 2022 15: 30
      Quote: Timon2155
      USA bandits and behave like bandits, according to the situation.

      we’ll attack Ukraine, they see we’re not attacking, let’s go from the garden .... Kuriles like Yapov
      1. +7
        7 February 2022 16: 17
        What kind of dildo did the American give to the Japanese?
        1. +3
          7 February 2022 19: 57
          laughing This is a subtle hint about the islands ..
    2. 18+
      7 February 2022 16: 36
      in honor of the celebration of the "Northern Territories Day"

      Well, then we need to congratulate Japan and the USA on December 7th with "Pearl Harbor Bay Day", and then on August 6th and 9th with "Kid" Day and "Fat Man" Day. Yes
      1. +6
        7 February 2022 18: 35
        Quote: LIONnvrsk
        6th and 9th August with the Day of the "Kid" and the Day of the "Fat Man".

        Be sure to mistakenly congratulate them on the days of American-Japanese friendship, and then we say that the mistake is supposedly. Or maybe we won't say laughing
    3. +1
      7 February 2022 17: 44
      laughing decided to make an answer to Russia's statement on Taiwan laughing The circus left, but the clowns remained laughing
    4. +2
      7 February 2022 17: 47
      So the Americans are setting not only Ukraine, but also Japan against Russia. My opinion is that Japan could lose even more territory if it panders to the Americans.
    5. +1
      7 February 2022 19: 20
      Yes, they are generally dumbfounded. It's time to put it in its place.
    6. 0
      8 February 2022 12: 12
      I’m still surprised, they dropped atomic bombs on civilians and the norms ... before that, Tokyo was burned down, too, normally
  2. 25+
    7 February 2022 14: 43
    Yeah ... He "stated"? ..

    Well, then I declare support for Mexican sovereignty over Texas. And, moreover, "in pursuit" - about supporting Cuba's indisputable sovereignty over Guantanamo ...
    1. +3
      7 February 2022 16: 04
      Quote: ABC-schütze
      Well, then I declare support for Mexican sovereignty over Texas. And, moreover, "in pursuit" - about supporting Cuba's indisputable sovereignty over Guantanamo ...

      Mexico still owes California with all its Hollywoods.

      Well, remembering Alaska is not a sin. lol
      Sale-non-sale, rent-non-rent - the money was not seen anyway.
      In addition, separatist sentiments are seething too much there, leaders of the movement for the independence of Alaska from the United States die too often and ridiculously. And the referendum is a very funny story. Funnier than democracy in Saudi Arabia.
    2. +1
      7 February 2022 17: 49
      Speaking right! We must have a friend on the American continent! good
    3. +2
      9 February 2022 12: 49
      Speaking about Russia's unwillingness to give the islands to Japan, Emanuel said that the violation of the sovereignty of other countries for Moscow is not "something new" and cited the situation with Ukraine, where Russia "occupied" Crimea and part of the Donbass, as an example.
      So it is necessary to look at the question "wider". America has been occupying the Indian territories for the fourth hundred years. And they carry out the genocide of the indigenous population.
  3. 12+
    7 February 2022 14: 44
    It's time to designate both the Russian parliament and the Foreign Ministry the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki mattresses as an act of genocide))
    asymmetric response)
    1. +1
      7 February 2022 15: 51
      Duc, maybe. address this to your deputies?
      Oh, pysy, they gave me a major! With respect to me! hi
    2. +1
      7 February 2022 16: 06
      Quote: Anchorite
      It's time to designate both the Russian parliament and the Foreign Ministry the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki mattresses as an act of genocide))

      And to The Hague them, scoundrels, to The Hague! ... lol
      1. +6
        7 February 2022 23: 18
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        And to The Hague them, scoundrels, to The Hague! ...

        Why go to The Hague?
        To Chelyabinsk!!
        There is the most severe Court in the world. bully Yes
        1. 0
          7 February 2022 23: 25
          Quote: bayard
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          And to The Hague them, scoundrels, to The Hague! ...

          Why go to The Hague?
          To Chelyabinsk!!
          There is the most severe Court in the world. bully Yes

          Then somewhere near Norilsk. NorLag was already there - there was no need to guard, there was nowhere to run. And there is no need to poison in the cell, simulating a heart attack - they themselves will freeze from the frost.
  4. +6
    7 February 2022 14: 44
    I already wrote once, the executioner and the victim are an "alliance" under an American military boot. On the territory of Japan there are 156 US military facilities, of which 8 are full-fledged military bases with aircraft, ships and strategic missiles. Currently, about 50 US military personnel are serving in Japan. Approximately the same number of Americans serve in South Korea. (2018 data)
    1. -20
      7 February 2022 15: 04
      Quote: Gardener91
      I already wrote once, the executioner and the victim are an "alliance" under an American military boot. On the territory of Japan there are 156 US military facilities, of which 8 are full-fledged military bases with aircraft, ships and strategic missiles. Currently, about 50 US military personnel are serving in Japan. Approximately the same number of Americans serve in South Korea. (2018 data)

      Judging by the state of their economies, Japan and South Korea are suffering greatly from the oppression of the occupying American boot. recourse
      1. 10+
        7 February 2022 15: 23
        Quote: Hiroo Onoda
        Judging by the state of their economies, Japan and South Korea are suffering greatly from the oppression of the occupying American boot.

        But what about sovereignty, national pride? You don't, don't you? And if suddenly like with Afghanistan, and then what?
        1. -16
          7 February 2022 15: 25
          Quote: Gardener91
          Quote: Hiroo Onoda
          Judging by the state of their economies, Japan and South Korea are suffering greatly from the oppression of the occupying American boot.

          But what about sovereignty, national pride. You don't, don't you?

          I would love to talk with Koreans and Japanese about whether they feel infringed by the Americans in terms of national pride and sovereignty, but, unfortunately, I don’t have such an opportunity sad
          1. +3
            7 February 2022 15: 30
            Quote: Hiroo Onoda
            I would love to chat with Koreans and Japanese

            Probably not worth it. The ashes of those burned in Hiroshima "knock in their hearts" less and less, and the last hibakushi are living out their days, and with them the memory of the glorious imperial greatness. And the media leads the "obkom" information policy. So it's not worth it.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. 0
                7 February 2022 16: 21
                Quote: Hiroo Onoda
                These double standards remind me

                Well, there is no need to overdo it. WHITE is white, BLACK is black! You are in a position to evaluate what is WHAT.
              2. +3
                7 February 2022 16: 50
                Quote: Hiroo Onoda
                In war, any means are good.

                Uh-huh, "Squad 731" also belonged to such "means". This is how it happens: I thought in passing to throw a phrase worn to holes, but in fact I sat down in a fetid puddle. What, however, stupid and evil children grow up. am wassat
                1. -2
                  7 February 2022 18: 31
                  Quote: Paranoid50
                  Quote: Hiroo Onoda
                  In war, any means are good.

                  Uh-huh, "Squad 731" also belonged to such "means". This is how it happens: I thought in passing to throw a phrase worn to holes, but in fact I sat down in a fetid puddle. What, however, stupid and evil children grow up. am wassat

                  So those who sigh sadly about Hiroshima just the same sympathize with the creators of Detachment 731, Hitler's allies. Like, it was necessary to be softer with them, softer request
              3. +6
                7 February 2022 20: 26
                Quote: Hiroo Onoda

                Otherwise, you can soon reach sympathy for the victims of the Soviet bombing of Dresden in 1945.

                And all my life I thought that Dresden was ironed by shavers with amers. This is how, slowly distorting history, they forced young Japanese to believe that the USSR bombed them with atomic bombs.
              4. +2
                7 February 2022 22: 13
                Soviet bombing of Dresden in 1945.

                You just showed your level of knowledge. Dresden was destroyed by American and British bombardments. Did you write this on purpose or by accident? Or are you generally a mishandled Cossack?
              5. +1
                7 February 2022 22: 34
                I pay tribute to your zeal to look "objectively neutral", but, alas, this will not work for you ...

                Japan was forced to capitulate by the USSR, which entered the war, and not some kind of "nuclear" strike. He forced me with his quick and decisive (even beautiful ...) defeat of the Kwantung Army, its most powerful Japanese land group. Without this defeat, the Japanese would indeed have beaten (and killed) the Americans for a long time. Incl. and on their territory, which in this case, the Americans no longer subjected to any "nuclear bombing" ...

                Firstly, they didn’t have “so many bombs” then. Secondly, "nuclear bombing" of the territory on which you yourself are fighting is more expensive for yourself ...

                By blocking energy supplies from the southern part of Sakhalin occupied by Japan, the USSR also greatly contributed to the surrender of the sons of the goddess Amateratsu ...

                And I thought...

                Marine Le Pen is fine. She resolutely and consistently defends French sovereignty. Thus, the national security of their country. In contrast, from the Americans occupied so far, the Japanese and South Koreans.

                However, due to vision problems, I was somewhat alerted by the photo for this article ...

                This American "Emmanuel" gives the Japanese a "half-meter" vibrator? ..
              6. 0
                8 February 2022 00: 19
                Quote: Hiroo Onoda
                victims of the Soviet bombing of Dresden in 1945

                What are these Soviet bombings, huh ?! Can dad be more detailed, huh?! What textbook did you read it in, and who taught you??
                If it was a banter, then you ...... fucked up big!
          2. +3
            7 February 2022 15: 51
            Quote: Hiroo Onoda
            Quote: Gardener91
            Quote: Hiroo Onoda
            Judging by the state of their economies, Japan and South Korea are suffering greatly from the oppression of the occupying American boot.

            But what about sovereignty, national pride. You don't, don't you?

            I would love to talk with Koreans and Japanese about whether they feel infringed by the Americans in terms of national pride and sovereignty, but, unfortunately, I don’t have such an opportunity sad

            it's called a takeover.
            the standard of living is good - this is the price of loyalty.
            if the Americans leave the Yaps joyfully and together they will extinguish all their neighbors.
            1. +3
              7 February 2022 17: 24
              Quote: vl903
              if the Americans leave the Yaps joyfully and together they will extinguish all their neighbors.

              Of all the neighbors who want to "repay" - the Chinese, Russians and Koreans. True, even without the Americans, the Yapis are not easy prey.
              1. +1
                7 February 2022 17: 29
                Quote: Gritsa
                Quote: vl903
                if the Americans leave the Yaps joyfully and together they will extinguish all their neighbors.

                Of all the neighbors who want to "repay" - the Chinese, Russians and Koreans. True, even without the Americans, the Yapis are not easy prey.

                not easy, but nice!
                Vietnamese and Thai Indians love them?
                and does the Russian Federation want to extinguish the Yaps? first time I hear
          3. +1
            8 February 2022 13: 14
            I would love to talk with Koreans and Japanese about whether they feel infringed by the Americans in terms of national pride and sovereignty, but, unfortunately, I don’t have such an opportunity
            - so the INET will "HELP" you 8-))))
            1 Mar 2021
            Dissatisfaction with the US Marines has been building up among the population of Okinawa for decades.
            Last week, local police detained 24-year-old Marine Marvin Earl James for the second time for indecent behavior and disturbing the peace. Previously, he was accused of using force against a government official.
            in February, a Japanese court sentenced a soldier to a three-year suspended sentence for assaulting a taxi driver. Three months ago, 20-year-old Jamison Michael Bisset drank heavily in a bar and was returning to base. He called a taxi, and on the way he suddenly attacked the driver. Throwing him out of the car, got behind the wheel and drove around the city. The stolen car was badly damaged.
            And the matter is not limited to petty offenses and hooliganism - guests in uniform often commit serious crimes, including murder and rape.
            In 2016, Marine Justin Castellanos confessed to rape. According to him, he saw this Japanese woman in one of the hotels. “She was sleeping in the corridor. I shook her, she didn’t wake up,” the defendant said at the trial. He dragged the woman into a hotel room and abused her.
            It is noteworthy that the crime was revealed during the rallies of Okinawans against American bases after the murder of 20-year-old Rina Shimabukuro. The perpetrator turned out to be U.S. citizen Shinzato Kenneth Franklin, a former Marine who lived on the island with his wife and daughter.
            He tracked down an unfamiliar girl on the street, stunned her with a blow to the head, raped her in his car and strangled her. The body was hidden in the roadside thickets. The police determined the place where the last time they recorded the GPS signal from the deceased's mobile phone, and the recording of the outdoor surveillance video camera showed the make and number of the killer's car.
            The US command has introduced a curfew for military personnel. Everyone was ordered to return before midnight, they were forbidden to drink and buy alcohol outside the bases, and to organize entertainment events.
            The island of Okinawa, whose territory is less than 1% of all of Japan, occupied by the Americans at the end of World War II, is home to two-thirds of all US military bases in Japan (34 US military installations, some of them built in urban areas). The proximity of this island to the Korean Peninsula and China contributed to its transformation into one of the main outposts of the Pentagon in this region. It is here that more than half of all American soldiers in Japan are quartered (26 American soldiers, mostly Marines).
            Such a density of American military bases and military personnel on the island even gave rise to a sad joke among local residents that "not American military bases are on Okinawa, but Okinawa is located on US military bases."
            The behavior of American military personnel very often causes outrage among the local population, and the crimes they commit almost always give rise to demands for the withdrawal or, at least, a serious reduction in the American military presence.
            The residents of Okinawan are especially insistent on closing the Futenma base with an airfield located in a densely populated area of ​​the city of Ginowan, surrounded by schools and houses. The staff of the base is known for their love of revelry and fights, and rapes of local girls often occur in the vicinity of the city.
            Investigating the situation in Japan, the SNIS reports that, according to the Okinawa prefecture, only for the period from 1972 to 2010, 23 incidents involving the US military occurred every month, 13 of them were criminal.
            However, due to local tradition, these incidents do not reach the Japanese police. In the Land of the Rising Sun, there is nothing worse than shame from experienced humiliation, and because of this, many victims hide the fact of rape all their lives.
            Therefore, rare investigations are conducted by the US military police, which also refer the case to a military tribunal on the basis of the Agreement on the Status of the US Forces in Japan and on Crimes of American Soldiers on Discharge Outside Military Bases.
            In particular, this Agreement states that if a soldier returns to the base, then the American side takes him into custody. However, the American military judicial system turns out to be so humane that out of 45 incidents involving US soldiers that occurred in Japan, including 000 fatalities, not a single one ended in a real prison term!
            A similar situation with the growth of offenses by the US military is emerging in South Korea. According to official statistics from the South Korean authorities, the number of crimes committed by the US military since their occupation of South Korea in 1945 to the present day has exceeded one hundred thousand.
            These are murders, sexual violence and numerous traffic accidents. During the period of Lee Myung-bak alone, the number of crimes committed by the US military in South Korea increased by 22% compared to the number of crimes committed during the reign of his predecessor, and reached almost 2008 cases from 2012 to 2, while the perpetrators were detained only in one or two cases.
        2. +1
          7 February 2022 16: 09
          Quote: Gardener91
          But what about sovereignty, national pride? You don't, don't you?

          Everything is like. Even more. The samurai spirit is strong and firm as ever. Banzai!!!!!!!

          But somehow so modestly, for tourists.
        3. 0
          8 February 2022 12: 17
          National pride is shown in traditions, in caring for the elders and in sports. Japan is a country with a passport which allows you to freely visit almost all countries of the world, without visas.
          A country from which there is no emigration. - So they're not bad, huh?
          Russians have huge national pride! - How many of them went to the USA alone?!
          1. +1
            8 February 2022 13: 19
            "... National pride is shown in traditions, in caring for the elders and in sports.
            - and also in hushing up the crimes of the American soldiers.
            And including RAPES of local "proud" natives,
            "showing national pride ... in traditions, in caring for elders and in sports"
            - ma-lady! ...from the word "little".
            1. -1
              8 February 2022 14: 00
              it is not applicable to the Japanese - the natives. The natives are those with beads and naked wells ... and they walk.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. -1
        8 February 2022 13: 01
        Judging by the state of their economies, Japan and South Korea are suffering greatly from the oppression of the occupying American boot.
        - And this will become clear when the "hegemon" - FORGIVES the whole world
        your SPACE DEBT - 30 trillion bucks ...
        After all, it is quite obvious that the "hegemon" is ABSOLUTELY NOT GOING TO pay him ... And that means that he will certainly "forgive".
        - and Japan and Korea - they are the main FUCKERS who bought that debt ...
  5. +6
    7 February 2022 14: 46
    Apparently the American ambassador does not know about this, or the US does not intend to comply with any international treaties, which is most likely.

    If Jane Psaki does not know about the belonging of the Kuril Islands to Russia, then the ambassador does not even know.
  6. 0
    7 February 2022 14: 47
    Their words mean that we will continue to incite you about these islands. Don't calm down. They are waiting, well, at least somewhere it will work out. Not in Ukraine, but in Japan.
  7. +1
    7 February 2022 14: 48
    Something in my opinion is already time to remember about Alaska and part of California, and say that we do not recognize documents on their transfer signed by representatives of the Republic of Ingushetia. Although, what am I talking about, it's "other" :)
  8. +1
    7 February 2022 14: 48
    Maybe - and it's high time for us to recognize, say, the sovereignty of Mexico over all the southern states? what And then football with one goal is some kind of wrong football .. angry
  9. sen
    7 February 2022 14: 50
    U.S. Ambassador to Tokyo announces U.S. support for Japan's sovereignty over South Kuril Islands

    As Khadzha Nasreddin said: "No matter how much you say halva, halva - it will not become sweet in your mouth."
    1. 0
      7 February 2022 15: 01
      Quote: sen
      As Khadzha Nasreddin said: "No matter how much you say halva, halva - it will not become sweet in your mouth."

      Forgivable Nasreddin.
      In his time, they did not know about Pavlov's dogs.
    2. 0
      7 February 2022 15: 26
      Dear Nasreddin also used to say: Everything that the padishah says is not the truth at all. More like food for thought.
  10. -1
    7 February 2022 14: 58
    Clowns can please each other as they please - it only gets funnier.
  11. +1
    7 February 2022 14: 58
    Of course he doesn't. Japan is de facto occupied by the US. From its territory they threaten the Russian Federation and China. The transition of the Kuriles under Japanese jurisdiction means the deployment of American bases on the islands, next to the territory of the Russian Far East. But I hope that the Russian authorities will stop engaging in demagoguery and simply stop discussing this issue in any form.
  12. 0
    7 February 2022 15: 07
    How they fucked these "hasyu asrava" ass. Damn minusoids. Everywhere they climb with their claims on the territory.
  13. +4
    7 February 2022 15: 13
    U.S. Ambassador to Tokyo announces U.S. support for Japan's sovereignty over South Kuril Islands

    Justify, since you blurted out.
    1. -1
      7 February 2022 15: 58
      And that's exactly what the ambassador meant when he said it. Japan can claim Japanese sovereignty only over the South Kuril Islands. Japan cannot claim sovereignty over the rest of the territory of Japan. The rest of the territory is occupied by the United States, finally and irrevocably.
  14. 0
    7 February 2022 15: 15
    You can even support their pants for all of them, and the Kuriles and Crimea are ours forever. winked Rejoice that we are silent about Alaska for now. laughing
  15. -1
    7 February 2022 15: 20
    Provocateurs figs, Why didn’t he grant the Alabama and Oklahoma to the Japanese? The American Ambassador can only maintain Japanese sovereignty over American territories. I wonder if there is a punishment for such statements in international law??? And then it turns out just another bottom of American diplomacy
  16. +1
    7 February 2022 15: 23
    Give Texas back to Mexico! Texas is Mexican territory! Yankees get out of Texas!
  17. 0
    7 February 2022 15: 39
    Isn't it time for us to recognize US territory as occupied by crooks? Power is not legitimate, since it should belong to the indigenous people, who still live on reservations Against whom genocide is still being carried out
  18. +1
    7 February 2022 15: 42
    It is good that the results of the Yalta Conference were indicated here. And then about it, not only the Americans, but many of ours do not know.
    1. 0
      7 February 2022 16: 03
      Apparently the Japanese decided not to recognize the results of this conference anymore. However, how to refuse their own surrender. Why not. Teachers, by waiving any obligations they have noble ...
      It's time for the Japanese to put the question squarely. Either they accept surrender, with all the consequences. Either the war with imperialist Japan, with the use of nuclear weapons, continues until they are again ripe for final surrender.
  19. +2
    7 February 2022 15: 53
    Rossi needs to declare support for Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan!!!!
    1. +1
      7 February 2022 17: 07
      Read the results of the last meeting between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jin Ping. That's exactly what it says there.
    2. +8
      7 February 2022 17: 10
      "Russia, like the vast majority of other countries in the world, considers Taiwan to be part of the People's Republic of China."
      S. Lavrov. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 12.10.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX
  20. 0
    7 February 2022 16: 12
    The United States supports Japan's position on ownership of the southern part of the Kuril Islands, thereby recognizing Japanese sovereignty over them, said US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel.
    And we recognize the sovereignty of Syria, and other countries where there are US bases and their contingent, and nothing changes!
  21. -1
    7 February 2022 16: 57
    U.S. Ambassador to Tokyo announces U.S. support for Japan's sovereignty over South Kuril Islands

    I wonder who licked deeper, narrow-film Yankees or vice versa? A philosophical question, considering how many Yankees fought with the Japanese, they also threw a couple of vigorous loaves to them laughing
  22. +7
    7 February 2022 17: 05
    Quote: Hiroo Onoda
    Otherwise, you can soon reach sympathy for the victims of the Soviet bombing of Dresden in 1945.

    And since when did the bombing of Dresden carried out by the Anglo-American Air Force become "Soviet"?
    Isn't it time to start handing out bans to users for posting false information?
  23. +1
    7 February 2022 17: 06
    Very unexpected !!! The USA is ready to support even the future claims of the population of the Moon against Russia for exceeding the speed by the Lunokhod -1 !!!
    We, too, would not be shy about publishing claims, "news" about their attack on something, "sensations" and other blizzards, so as not to make excuses forever, ...
  24. +2
    7 February 2022 17: 20
    Russia should declare that it does not recognize US jurisdiction over Alaska. and also considers Texas an independent territory
  25. -1
    7 February 2022 17: 28
    This is serious.
    We must go to China.
  26. DO
    7 February 2022 17: 31
    expected. For, firstly, the United States has long wanted to place its military bases in the Kuriles. And secondly, by today's attempt to shake up the Kuril issue, the United States most likely hopes to divert Russia's military resources from Ukraine.
    1. 0
      7 February 2022 18: 29
      Quote: DO
      The United States has long wanted to place its military bases in the Kuriles.

      And in the Crimea. Therefore, it bakes the poor fellows. request
  27. 0
    7 February 2022 18: 22
    Well.. support Mexican sovereignty over Texas, or whatever..
  28. -1
    7 February 2022 18: 27
    The US Ambassador confirmed that Washington supports Japan's sovereignty over the southern part of the Kuril Islands.

    And how does this "sovereignty" of Japan manifest itself?
  29. 0
    7 February 2022 19: 12
    And somewhere in the bowels of the National Bank of Japan lies our gold. And for some reason we do not demand to return it ....
  30. 0
    7 February 2022 21: 03
    It is time for Russia to declare that it does not recognize Alaska as part of the United States and the lands and waters transferred to the United States by the Georgian Shevardnadze during the time of Judas Gorbachev
  31. 0
    7 February 2022 21: 36
    I think there should be the toughest reaction of our Foreign Ministry. The Amerovsky ambassador is either a complete ignoramus and does not know history at all (although even taking into account the complete degradation of US diplomacy, this is hard to believe) or this is a gross provocation, and this is at least. And they need to be presented for an attempt on the territorial integrity of Russia.
  32. 0
    7 February 2022 21: 45
    The US may support the claims of the Japanese to the South Kuril Islands, but Russian sovereignty over the South Kuril Islands is recognized.
    The Yu. Kuriles were ceded to the USSR in agreement with US President Roosevelt, and these agreements were subsequently confirmed by President Truman.
    The commander of the American occupation forces in Japan and the head of the occupation administration, Douglas MacArthur, officially issued the transfer of Yu. Kuril to the USSR.
  33. -2
    7 February 2022 21: 59
    Emanuel said that the violation of the sovereignty of other countries for Moscow is not "something new"]

    It's called blatant hypocrisy. Whose cow would moo about "violation of sovereignty."
  34. -1
    8 February 2022 02: 56
    Quote: Simon
    So the Americans are setting not only Ukraine, but also Japan against Russia. My opinion is that Japan could lose even more territory if it panders to the Americans.

    Yes, the Japanese don’t even need to tune in, they have been singing this song for a long time. Which is typical in the 50s and 60s, the topic was not particularly advertised, now they sense strength and support and become impudent. It’s a pity Hokkaido didn’t become ours at one time, so you’re right It is possible, after all, to correct this omission.
  35. 0
    8 February 2022 12: 11
    The US and Japan do not recognize the existence of the Russian Federation. The rest of the partners are still skeptical.
  36. 0
    8 February 2022 12: 12
    Yalta agreements on the side.
  37. The comment was deleted.
  38. 0
    9 February 2022 10: 15
    Two days have passed, but I have not heard that the American ambassador in Moscow was summoned to the Foreign Ministry, handed him a note of protest, warned that the next time, if such statements come from his colleagues or leaders, he will not get off with a note of protest, but will go to his place home by ... train with the whole embassy in a reserved seat and on a cargo barge across the Bering Strait. What then is the devil to give this information, what did the American ambassador to Japan say, if the Moscow ambassador is so loved, cherished and cherished?