US increases constellation of GSSAP inspector satellites


Atlas V 511 rocket with GSSAP-5 and GSSAP-6 satellites on the launch pad

The US Space Force continues to strengthen its orbital constellation. On January 21, they launched two new spacecraft of the GSSAP series. They should complement the four already operating satellites of this type and expand the capabilities of such a "constellation". At the same time, the devices have a number of important features that make them a convenient observation tool and attract increased attention.

Two new satellites

Deployment of GSSAP (Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program) spacecraft in orbit began in 2014 with the launch of the first two products. In the fall of the following year, they took up duty. Two more satellites were launched in 2016 and put into operation in 2017. The third launch with the GSSAP-5 and GSSAP-6 vehicles was scheduled for 2020, but then it was postponed indefinitely. The reasons for the transfer were not named.

Rocket fairing

Apparently, there were serious difficulties, because of which the preparations for the launch were significantly delayed, and it was possible to complete it only in recent weeks. Northrop Grumman reportedly delivered both new satellites to the customer, and ULA provided the Atlas V 511 launch vehicle with the Centaur upper stage. The rocket was supposed to launch from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral. The launch was designated United States Space Force-8 (USSF-8).

The USSF-8 mission launched on January 21 at 22:00 local time. The rocket rose from the launch pad and went into space. After 13 minutes, the carrier reached low Earth orbit, after which the work of the upper stage began. With the help of several engine starts, the Centaurus with satellites entered the calculated trajectory.

After 6 hours, 35 minutes. and 45 sec. after the launch, the GSSAP-5 spacecraft separated from the upper stage. Almost 10 minutes later, the separation of the second satellite took place. Less than an hour later, ULA announced the successful entry of both products into their calculated geosynchronous orbits. The launch is declared a complete success.

USSF-8 mission components

In the coming months, the Space Force will conduct the necessary tests and other activities, as a result of which the two satellites will be ready for operation. It is possible that already this year they will take up combat duty and fully begin to solve the assigned tasks. However, such plans are not specified.

Special Features

According to official data, the GSSAP satellite constellation is designed to monitor the situation in geosynchronous orbits and track various space objects. Information from its devices enters the general control and data processing circuits of the Space Forces. Together with data from other means of observation, they are used to track orbiting objects, incl. potentially dangerous and other tasks.

Rocket launch

The design features and principles of operation of GSSAP satellites are unknown. The Space Force has released only one official image, making it impossible to establish an accurate picture. According to this drawing, the spacecraft is made in a cubic body, equipped with a pair of solar panels and does not have obvious external features that indicate the characteristics, capabilities and principles of operation. Space Force reports that the GSSAP system is being deployed in geosynchronous orbits with an altitude of approx. 22,3 thousand miles - almost 36 thousand km.

According to unofficial data, the satellites of the GSSAP system are equipped with optical-electronic equipment. They are able to literally observe a large number of space objects, form routes and transmit data to ground complexes for further processing.

GSSAPs are not "space telescopes" but inspector satellites. Space forces report that they are able to actively maneuver and change the trajectory of movement. If necessary, such an inspector can approach a given object and survey from a minimum distance. Perhaps there are other unknown functions.

Shortly before the launch of USSF-8, a spokesman for the Space Force said that the two new satellites would be a more effective means of collecting information. With their help, they will improve the safety of the space constellation in all orbits, up to geosynchronous and geostationary.

From these statements it follows that the GSSAP-5 and GSSAP-6 satellites were made by Northrop Grumman according to a modernized project. However, this information is neither confirmed nor denied. The nature of the renewal of the design and units of the devices is also unknown. Probably, the target equipment responsible for the search and detection of objects fell under the replacement.

Companions at work

The first spacecraft of the GSSAP system began operation in 2014, and since then the number of such equipment in orbit has gradually increased. Four “active” satellites are currently in operation, and two more will come into operation in the near future. Despite the general secrecy, some details of the work of the existing "constellation" have become known in the recent past. It is noteworthy that such data confirm the known capabilities of the satellites.

Visualization of separation of the first satellite

GSSAP satellites participate in the overall space tracking system, but precise data on their role and contribution, for obvious reasons, are not available. It is likely that they provide the bulk of the data on the situation in geosynchronous orbits.

In August 2016, the US Air Force, which at that time included the Space Force, publicly announced the GSSAP inspection mission for the first time. One of these devices changed its trajectory and approached another American satellite. Having carried out the necessary shooting, he again changed the orbit and moved away from his "target". Apparently, these were tests of one of the key functions of the satellite.

Later it became known that such events became regular, but were already held in "combat mode". According to foreign organizations monitoring outer space, in 2016-18. four available GSSAP satellites approached foreign vehicles eight times. These actions did not have negative consequences, but naturally drew attention to themselves.

GSSAP Products Officially Revealed

In the future, such satellite activity continued, and right now four GSSAP products are monitoring certain objects in orbit or are waiting for an order to perform a task. In the coming months, the grouping will increase by one and a half times. Whether the next construction and launch of new satellites is planned is unknown. Due to the secrecy of the program, news on this account may appear only in a few years, when the next devices will be ready for launch.

Secret Targets

The US Space Force is constantly updating and improving its orbital constellation. With the recent launch of USSF-8, they plan to improve and expand the capabilities of the satellite surveillance system. Moreover, the two new GSSAP satellites, like their predecessors, have special features, and secret capabilities may not be limited to the ability to maneuver and rendezvous.

Obviously, the main objects of observation for GSSAP, old and new, are the spacecraft of a potential adversary - Russia and China. Accordingly, the new American system may pose a danger to our satellite constellation, as well as to other components of the military forces that benefit from its support. Probably, these risks have already received the necessary assessment and were taken into account in planning.
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  1. -4
    27 January 2022 05: 29
    Star Wars Beginning...
    Darth Shoigu strikes back.
  2. -2
    27 January 2022 05: 44
    Here is the X-37V, yes, this is a dangerous device
    1. 0
      27 January 2022 06: 07
      Here is the X-37V, yes, this is a dangerous device

      And why is he dangerous? Just intrigued...
      Or will there be banal tales about nuclear weapons?
      1. -4
        27 January 2022 06: 10
        Percussion weapons, and the reb system
      2. -5
        27 January 2022 06: 13
        It changes its orbit, and if we have weapons on it, then dropping it at an angle of 90 degrees is a big problem for the radar
        1. 0
          27 January 2022 06: 26
          It changes its orbit, and if we have weapons on it, then dropping it at an angle of 90 degrees is a big problem for the radar

          To drop something at an angle of 90 degrees, you must first turn off the speed by about 8 km / s
          Would you like to calculate how many tons of fuel he will need? And where in orbit will he take a tanker with fuel?
          1. -6
            27 January 2022 06: 30
            And what will he drop, do you think he will not have rudders?
            1. +5
              27 January 2022 06: 43
              And what will he drop, do you think he will not have rudders?

              Rudders to control in space? Wow.
              Cool. Just really cool. Are you by chance Rogozin's deputy?
              1. -5
                27 January 2022 06: 49
                How is the shuttle docked then and how was the ISS assembled?
                1. +2
                  27 January 2022 06: 56
                  How is the shuttle docked then and how was the ISS assembled?

                  The Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) is a system of rocket engines of the Space Shuttle orbital vehicle used to enter a working orbit from a reference one or to change the parameters of a working orbit. It consists of two blocks placed in the tail section of the rocket plane, inside large influxes on both sides of the vertical stabilizer (keel). Each block contains one OME liquid propellant rocket engine powered by self-igniting fuel components (monomethylhydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide), developed on the basis of the propulsion system of the Apollo spacecraft service module. The engine develops a thrust of 27 kN, is designed for repeated use during 100 flights and is able to withstand up to 1000 launches and 15 hours of continuous operation.
          2. +3
            27 January 2022 11: 48
            Quote: SergKam
            To drop something at an angle of 90 degrees, you must first turn off the speed by about 8 km / s

            What for? The dropped object will automatically extinguish its speed against the atmosphere, and at a certain stage it will take a position of 90 degrees.
            1. -1
              27 January 2022 11: 52
              The dropped object will automatically extinguish its speed against the atmosphere, and at a certain stage it will take a position of 90 degrees.

              Just before it takes 90 degrees, it will fly long and slowly in a parabola and will be seen perfectly.
              1. +1
                27 January 2022 11: 55
                Quote: SergKam
                it will fly long and slow

                Tungsten scrap will fly for a long time?
                The latest open documents of the U.S. Air Force are talking about tungsten rods 6,1 m long and 0,3 m in diameter, weighing 9 tons each. The simplest rudders and a miniature control system capable of providing a probable circular deviation of less than 30 m are placed at the rear end of such a rod. Hitting the target, such a projectile will move at a speed of 3,4 km / s, gaining kinetic energy of 5,8 million joules per kilogram of mass. For comparison: TNT releases less than 4,2 million J / kg in an explosion. Tungsten falling from heaven is more powerful than conventional explosives, and whole tungsten scrap will have a TNT equivalent of at least 11,5 tons.
                1. +1
                  27 January 2022 12: 19
                  Tungsten scrap will fly for a long time?

                  Any object will fly for a long time. To start falling, the body must be given an impulse, the impulse will gobble up the fuel.
                  And yes, the entire X-37 weighs 2 times less than one is tungsten scrap
                  1. +1
                    27 January 2022 12: 38
                    Quote: SergKam
                    Any object will fly for a long time.

                    Long is a relative term. The scrap speed near the ground, in the dense layers of the atmosphere - 3.4 km/s. - hypersound.
                    Quote: SergKam
                    To start falling, the body must be given an impulse, the impulse will gobble up the fuel.

                    That's why it's fuel to eat it.
                    Quote: SergKam
                    And yes, the entire X-37 weighs 2 times less than one is tungsten scrap

                    I did not claim that these crowbars are on the X-37. The conversation was about the trajectory. Theoretically, a couple of crowbars could be delivered to the X-37 by docking with it in space. Dimensions seem to allow.
                    1. +1
                      27 January 2022 13: 00
                      The conversation was about the trajectory. Theoretically, a couple of crowbars could be delivered to the X-37 by docking with it in space. Dimensions seem to allow.

                      Hmm, how I want to ask: did you teach physics at school? But I think I already know the answer...
                      Once again, from scratch.
                      So you put this crowbar into orbit, managed to fasten it to the X-37, and all this flies through LEO at a speed of about 8 km / s.
                      Vertical speed - zero.
                      In order for it to start falling vertically, it is necessary to extinguish this speed. Can you calculate how many tons of fuel you need? Where can you get this fuel?
                      You can give momentum vertically down, but it will fly in a parabola, a very smooth parabola. While it will smoothly slow down on the atmosphere.
                      The same MIR fell for 6 hours, despite the fact that it was slowed down by the Proton.
                      1. +2
                        27 January 2022 13: 26
                        Quote: SergKam
                        did you study physics at school?

                        It starts ...
                        Quote: SergKam
                        You can give momentum vertically down, but it will fly in a parabola, a very smooth parabola.

                        Not very smooth...
                        The advantages of such weapons: the ability to strike along the trajectory at a steep angle at great speed, making protection extremely difficult, as well as the uselessness of the warhead with explosives.

                        Kinetic bombardment has the advantage of being able to deliver projectiles from a very high angle at a very high speed, making them extremely difficult to defend against.

                        Well, it slows down "a little", dives. Fuel can be delivered along with rods. Are they delivered to the ISS?
                        Quote: SergKam
                        While it will smoothly slow down on the atmosphere.

                        To increase speed and reduce aerodynamic friction, the projectile is shaped like a rod.

                        Don't forget about the steering wheels and control system...
                      2. +1
                        27 January 2022 13: 47
                        Not very smooth...

                        Not very smooth - what is it?
                        Or are you drawing a conclusion from the picture without scale?
                        Once again, the WORLD fell 6!!! hours. And it is heavier than the rod, and it slows down better.
                        Can you multiply 6(hours)*60(minutes)*60(seconds)*8km/s to find how far it traveled before hitting the ground?
                        Do you own mathematics?

                        Fuel can be delivered along with rods. Are they delivered to the ISS?

                        The ISS has no plans to fall vertically.

                        Do you even calculate how much fuel you need, remember the impulse formula? p=mv
                      3. 0
                        27 January 2022 14: 26
                        Quote: SergKam
                        Not very smooth - what is it?

                        Steep angle: 56 - 90 degrees.
                        Quote: SergKam
                        Once again, the WORLD fell 6!!! hours.

                        From what stage? From the first, when it was lowered into an orbit of 220 km? Yes, so at least for a month you can lower it, a teaspoon per hour. This is how the station fell faster: The third and last impulse of the Progress gave out at 8:08:30. According to the official statement, the unburned parts of the station sank at 5:59:24 GMT (8:59:24 Moscow time). Where did you, "owning mathematics" count 6 hours of falling? And do not compare the deorbit trajectory of the MIR (sloping) and the launched rod (at a steep angle). The WORLD was deliberately rattled against the atmosphere in order to collapse properly. And the rod, moreover, has aerodynamic resistance orders of magnitude lower.
                        Quote: SergKam
                        The ISS has no plans to fall vertically.

                        The carrier of crowbars does not need this either. A certain level of pitch in relation to the surface of the Earth - and that's it. Yes, you will have to spend fuel for this maneuver. But a little. For changing the angle of attack, not for full braking.
                      4. 0
                        30 January 2022 14: 15
                        Yes, you will have to spend fuel on this maneuver. But a little
                        ..yeah ... if the Chinese garbage truck doesn’t get ahead of which is already in orbit and which successfully pushed the rubbish satellite towards Mother Earth
                      5. 0
                        30 January 2022 14: 27
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        who successfully pushed the rubbish satellite towards Mother Earth

                        Not pushed to Earth, but towed into burial orbit.
                      6. 0
                        30 January 2022 14: 45
                        into the burial orbit.
               is not the same!!! let's go without a psaki ... the burial orbit is the damping of speed, after which we dive into the atmosphere kirdyk
                      7. 0
                        30 January 2022 15: 01
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        come on without the dog...

                        Come on.
                        The burial orbit, the orbit of existence is the orbit of artificial space objects, to which they are withdrawn after the end of active work. Also called a space object removal area or disposal area

                        Low orbit military reconnaissance satellites with a nuclear power plant use lower disposal orbits (about 650-1000 km). The active zone of a nuclear reactor is sent to these orbits after the end of its operation. The lifetime in these orbits is about 2 thousand years.
                      8. 0
                        30 January 2022 15: 05
                        after the end of active work. Also called a space object removal area or disposal area
                        .... orbital objects, not having the opportunity to correct the orbit, necessarily go to earth ... gravity and mother
                      9. 0
                        30 January 2022 15: 19
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        must go to the ground.

                        At low - after 2 thousand years. In the orbit where the Chinese dragged their old satellite (above geostationary), the period is even longer.
                        If 2000-5000 years is a "somersault to the Earth", then yes, they pushed it.
                      10. 0
                        30 January 2022 15: 25
                        At low - after 2 thousand years.
                        ... opandas .... you just thought before blurting out in black and white .... we read about the first satellite of the Earth "Start of flight - October 4, 1957 at 19:28:34 GMT.
                        The end of the flight is January 4, 1958.
                        made a total of 1440 turns
                        this means that without orbit correction, the path is only to mother Earth
                      11. 0
                        30 January 2022 15: 37
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        you now thought before blurting out in black and white ...

                        Read the tasks of the Sputnik first, "genius" ... And learn to distinguish between the launch of the spacecraft into the burial orbit and the descent to Earth.
                        verification of calculations and main technical solutions adopted for the launch; ionospheric studies of the passage of radio waves emitted by satellite transmitters; experimental determination of the density of the upper atmosphere by satellite deceleration; study of operating conditions of equipment

                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        without orbit correction, the only way to mother Earth

                        The path is 2000 years long. I think the third time will come. Though I doubt...
                        And don't confuse low orbits (with the possibility of braking through a rarefied atmosphere), and high ones, where there is practically no atmosphere.
                      12. 0
                        30 January 2022 15: 50
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        read about the first satellite of the Earth

                        And after, about the "Vanguard-1" 58 launch year:
                        Unlike the first Soviet satellites, which quickly burned up in the atmosphere, Avangard-1 continues to be in a high elliptical orbit: from 650 to 3800 km from the Earth. According to experts, the satellite will remain in orbit for many hundreds, if not thousands of years.
                      13. 0
                        30 January 2022 15: 58
                        Vanguard-1" continues
                        .... itio mother ..... well, one and a half kg flies there .... gravitational interaction should be taken into account ... here is a question for filling ... why the Moon is moving away from the Earth
                      14. 0
                        30 January 2022 16: 08
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        gravitational interaction should be taken into account.

                        Don't forget about inertial forces too. Do you think in vain that there is a problem of space debris in orbit, which has been flying for hundreds of years and interferes with research and space exploration?
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        here's a trick question...

                        To whom is the question? me from you? Do not make me laugh. And if this question is for you, then Google "Tidal acceleration". Get educated.
                      15. 0
                        31 January 2022 16: 34
                        And if this question is for you, then Google "Tidal acceleration".
                        ... oh well, fill it up .. googol-shmugol ...... the Moon has no speed for an orbital maneuver and reach escape speed due to it ... the speed of the Moon is 8 times less for a stable orbit .. therefore, the effect the Sun acts as an escape .... that's how it is - otherwise the googal-shmugol can lead you into the wilds, as it happened a long time ago with the Poles
                      16. 0
                        31 January 2022 16: 58
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        the speed of the moon is 8 times less for a stable orbit .. therefore

                        Therefore, tomorrow it will fall on your head.
                      17. 0
                        31 January 2022 17: 00
                        Therefore, tomorrow it will fall on your head.
                        ..please be rude...nunu..come on
        2. AUL
          27 January 2022 17: 59
          Quote: Alexander Galaktionov
          then reset at an angle of 90 degrees is a big problem for the radar

          Here, dropping at an angle of 90 degrees is a big problem for the satellite! And the radar, at the very least, will manage with God's help.
      3. 0
        27 January 2022 06: 43
        The fairly obvious purpose of such X-37V MANNED vehicles is reconnaissance and target designation (taking into account the ability to maneuver in orbit and change altitude over a wide range) - but for this you need to greatly increase the grouping in quantitative terms, offhand we can say that practical utility will be in the presence of dozens such manned ships, as for the placement of weapons, incl. nuclear, it is obvious that it will greatly lose to conventional ballistic missiles, if only because such a missile does not need a crew, and with the modern development of electronics, even komikazes are not needed (just kidding).
        1. +1
          27 January 2022 06: 46
          A fairly obvious purpose of such manned vehicles is reconnaissance and target designation

          I agree.
          But again - what is the greater danger of the X-37 compared to other reconnaissance and target designation satellites?
          1. -4
            27 January 2022 06: 51
            Satellites in orbit, and the X-37B can change orbit
          2. 0
            27 January 2022 06: 56
            I think that the presence of a crew and the ability to maneuver makes it possible to more quickly and in an extended range, for example, search for ships and vessels in the ocean, if an ordinary satellite is moving in its orbit and sees the situation in a very narrow spatial range (in low orbits), or doesn’t see anything useful at all - in high orbits, then the X-37 crew can actually conduct a search by changing the altitude of the orbit and the direction of flight (of course, taking into account the physical restrictions imposed on any space object, you should not confuse it with Star Wars fighters: )
            1. 0
              27 January 2022 06: 59
              I think that the presence of a crew and the ability to maneuver makes it possible to more quickly and in an extended range, for example, search for ships and vessels in the ocean

              Again, I agree.
              But you can launch a dozen conventional reconnaissance satellites for the same money.
              So the final effectiveness is a big question.
              1. -1
                27 January 2022 08: 17
                I don’t think it’s a dozen, less, probably, evaluating efficiency is always one of the most difficult tasks, and often real efficiency can only be assessed in practice, starting WW3 - a joke, of course :)
            2. 0
              27 January 2022 07: 11
              X-37V space drone, unlike the shuttle
              1. +1
                27 January 2022 08: 14
                Yes, but our "Buran" also flew the only time in unmanned mode (I had something to do with its tests). When testing new technology, people's lives are too important, I see no fundamental reasons why a pilot cannot be put there, the project is highly classified, we can only speculate about the ways of its development.
  3. -1
    27 January 2022 06: 15
    They recently launched a new telescope, the question is why do they need a Sofia plane with a telescope?)))
  4. +1
    27 January 2022 10: 51
    Can anyone explain why our RD-180 is used in the Pentagon military program?
    1. +2
      27 January 2022 22: 36
      RD-180 purchased by ULA. This is Boeing. And the Pentagon regularly throws up a Boeing
      contracts for the launch of heavy vehicles.
  5. -2
    28 January 2022 01: 22
    Russia also has similar inspectors. Yes, and China, I think, is not far behind.
  6. 0
    30 January 2022 14: 19
    The launch is declared a complete success.
    .... well, except for the loss of the Ukrainian satellite, yes ..... and who is Ukraine ... so .. trash
  7. 0
    8 March 2022 17: 24
    It seems to me that the steel shot put into geostationary orbit by these satellites can quite inexpensively solve the problem of American dominance in space.